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Gosuslugi - 7.26.2021 ENG

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E-Government Architecture

IT landscape of the registry system

Unified portal of
Federal register 3
public services
FRGU of public services Information about
authorities and state
and functions (municipal) services
and functions Quality
1 monitoring

Pre-trial appeal
Information about Information about
Information about Regional portals
service centers “My
federal government authorities and state 5
documents” (MFC)
bodies and public (municipal) services of public services
services and functions and functions
3 Information
system of MFC

information Statistics
systems of MFC
Regional registers 6 8
Information RRGU of public services
system of MFC and functions
Unified register
1 of government

Unified payment
Digital administrative procedures
Federal register of public services
and functions

Cloud constructor Unified portal

of digital administrative procedures of public services

regulatory information
Regional portals
of public services

supporting information procedures

Agency Applicant

drawing up receiving
regulations services
Architectural Tiers of E-Government
Authorization and Identification

Unified Front-End System

Application Services

Integration Services

Data Tier

E-Government Elements
Authorization and Identification

Unified Front-End System

Application Services

Integration Services

Data Tier


Application platform for solving

any tasks concerning arrangement
of mass service and inter-agency
data exchange
E-Government Technologies
Authorization and Identification

Unified Front-end System

Application Services

Integration Services

Data Tier


Microservice architecture on the

stack of modern scalable open-
source technologies capable of
high load
E-Government Statistics

Load Picks
130 million

3 million 330 thousands

78 million 234.5 million services per day
(May 2020)
applications per hour
( December 2020)

services were
confirmed accounts provided during

43.7 billion 83.9 million 3.8 thousands 28.6 million

transactions conducted via payments made via authorizations sessions per day
System of Inter-Agency per second (May 2020)
Gosuslugi during 2020
Electronic Cooperation (May 2021)
(SMEV) during 2020
Authorization and Identification

Unified Authorization and Identification System


Unified Biometric Platform

Tarantool PostgreSQL

Our approach to create high-load Unified Authorization and
Identification System (ESIA)

All users of the system are divided by segments (each maximum 1
million records)

Database segment and authorization services are situated locally
within one virtual machine (container)

Copies of containers could be created online according to the

current load (while one of them is responsible for master data storage)

Routing of users authorization is made by load balancers

Containers could be located in geographically distributed data centers

Result: 99.99% authorization service availability + unlimited scalability

Unified Front-End System

Goskey Gosdocs

Digital assistant Unified front- Super APP

(Robot Max) end (web) (mobile platform)

Front-end processes constructor

Elasticsearch Redis PostgreSQL OpenTracing Kafka Angular

Application Services

Cloud platform of
state services Payment gate Cloud signing platform

Cloud register Applications and Cloud approval

constructor drafts processing platform

Cloud AI platform Database of Cloud authority

for application applications and
processing drafts platform

Kafka Redis PostgreSQL

Our approach to create high-load system of application processing on
Static form of portal page is located on separate nodes
data data
Copies of necessary portal guides and database to record the mart
Exporter Service
incoming applications are located on the same node +
OrderStore FS/S3

Nodes could also have their own replicas in the master-slave

DaData help
mode or in the data partitioning mode



Rarely used or lightly loaded services could be gathered in node DaData
clusters in the master-slave mode normalizing

Highly loaded services could have their own node clusters Kafka
in the partitioning mode
Log and monitoring Statistic subsystem
Transfer from one mode into another could be made completely subsystem
dynamically depending on the load

Among other things, online reallocation of nodes from lightly Agency data Agency data
loaded services to highly loaded services is possible Elasyic Cickhouse
mart 1 mart 2

Result: Unlimited scale for processing any amount of applications

Integration Services

Cloud constructor of CRM

digital regulations Digital Profile
and registry of

Analytical cluster

Digital twins
of documents
State Electronic
Postal System

Spark OpenTracing Hadoop Elasticsearch Cassandra

Hive Hbase Redis Clickhouse

Data Tier

Agency data mart bus Data exchange bus (SMEV 3)

(SMEV 4)

Tarantool OpenTracing Hadoop Kafka Cassandra

Pentaho Pulsar Greenplum Clickhouse


E-Government Infrastructure

State Unified
Cloud Platform

Jenkins OpenTracing Prometeus Grafana

Helm Istio Kubernetes

Unified state data model on the basis of agencies data marts
(SMEV 4.0)
SMEV 4.0
Unified state data model describes the data structure in all Unified state data model

Data access platform

Data access platform implements a mechanism of distributed
requests fulfilment
Reading Reading Reading
coordinator coordinator coordinator

Data marts in all agencies provide access to master data Data mart Data mart Data mart
contained in the agencies’ DBMS
coordinator … Recording

Operations of mass data comparison (bulk-requests) are possible,

Agencies’ DBMS Agencies’ DBMS Agencies’ DBMS
as a result of them data incidents are generated. They should be
eliminated in the agencies’ DBMS for data marts alignment and
cleaning Agency 1 Agency 2 Agency N
Data marts management system distributed under the open source license

Cluster Manager
Management of DBMS resources and topology (ADG, ADQM, ADB, ADS), connection point, load balancing,
resource allocation depending on external load, backup management

OpenAPI adapter Management of logical data model OpenAPI adapter

Recording to the data mart using standard API of data mart Publication of API data access

Balancing requests from data consumers

SQL adapter
ETL adapter

Координатор Чтения
Координатор Записи
Recording to the data mart using
Tarantool engine in terms of the unified logical model
Processing of key requests
Recording SMEV 3 adapter Reading data
Data layout through
data to the Clickhouse engine from the
types of information SMEV 3
data mart CDC adapter Processing of analytical requests data mart
Interception of changes from other
SMEV 4 adapter
databases using Debezium Greenplun engine
Data layout according to the rules of
Processing of requests to strongly normalized
National data management system/data
access subsystem
MPP adapter HDFS MPP adapter
High performance data recording using High-performance data upload to
Storage of BLOB, logs,
Kafka/HDFS Kafka/HDFS
requests, backup, etc..

Scalable input/output monobus (Kafka)

Containerizing: Kubernates/Docker

Certified virtualization RosPlatform

Certified operating system ALT SP 8

Cloud LOWCODE Platform of E-Government
Lowcode platform for creating typical information systems
Authorization and Identification

Unified Front-End System

Application Services

Integration Services

Data Tier

Lowcode elements are used to create
services of
Federal and Regional authorities
The cloud platform of agencies’
information systems services allows
creating 90% of federal and regional
User scenarios constructor executive authorities systems in the

lowcode format
Creating user scenarios in the form of
interactive quizzes for receiving applications

API data mart and


Interagency exchange Creating digital processing schemes –

processor interagency exchange
from interagency to interactive forms
regulations Automated completion of interagency requests
constructor according to the scheme with integration with
System of decision making and SMEV 3 and SMEV 4
payment calculation processes Registry of personal files
execution and applications Interactive forms player for organizing application
processing and automated decision making

Data mart (register) of

Registry System for maintaining applicants’ personal files
digital results constructor

System for maintaining digital results registries (for

example, licenses)
LOWCODE Platform Statistics

new systems created during less than 8 months

20 3
Federal agencies
regions Ministry for Digital Development,
Communications and Mass Media, Ministry of
Emergency Situations, Ministry of Labour

456 2 600
processes were automated users
Example of launching complex process: Benefits for children aged 3-7 years (9 days)
Access to cloud platform of state
services Launch on Gosuslugi
Interactive form on Setting up network connectivity on the side of the Russian
Press release on April, 1
Gosuslugi Federation subjects through a secure channel. Adding users to
access groups in the ESIA

02 05

March,15 March, 19 March,23 March,29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

01 03 04 06

Draft Regulation SMEV Complete readiness of Education

Type of information internal engineering Approbation and training of
the employees of Social
The task is approved Registration of the exchange
protocol and connection to cloud
systems Protection Divisions in a
closed loop
platform of state services Setup of process, adaptors, calculators
Ministry of Emergency Situations, Internal Engineering Systems,
Payments to victims (8 days)
Access to cloud platform of
Interactive form on state services Launch of Gosuslugi
Setting up network connectivity on the side of the Press release
Gosuslugi Russian Federation subjects through a secure channel
Adding users to ESIA access groups

02 05

April, 1 April 5, April, 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

01 03 04 06

Task is set SMEV Complete readiness of All-Russian education of

Type of information internal engineering Ministry of Emergency
Registration of exchange protocol
and connection to platform of state
systems Situations
services Setup of process, adaptors and decision Approbation and training of the employees
making criteria of the pilot subject — Jewish Autonomous
Region in closed loop
Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media,
Internal engineering systems
Mass media accreditation (3 days)
Access to cloud platform of
Interactive form on state services Education
Approbation and training of
Gosuslugi Setting up network connectivity on the side of
the Russian Federation subjects through a
the employees in closed loop Launch on Gosuslugi
secure channel Adding users to ESIA access Receipt of applications
02 05 06

April, 8 April,10 April,13

1 2 3 4 5 6

01 03 04 07

Express testing SMEV Complete readiness of Ministry order is

Type of information internal engineering released
Analysis of submission process,
printed application forms and
Registration of exchange protocol and
connection to cloud platform of state
development of the task services Start of training and working
of the agencies’ employees
Advantages of the Platform

Cloud Infrastructure Lowcode Platform

dynamically extendable to create application agency-level information
according to the load systems

Platform of distributed data marts

Modern stack of scalable solutions to level up the inter-agency and
capable of high load interdepartmental data exchange

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