Shevyakov - Mining of Mineral Deposits
Shevyakov - Mining of Mineral Deposits
Shevyakov - Mining of Mineral Deposits
L. S H E V Y A K O V
p a r t T \v O
C O A L I) 13 P O S I T S
Cyclic S lo p in g
6. Development W o r k .......................................................329
7. Longwalls in Steeply Pitching B e d s .................................... 332
8. Continuous Sublevel Mining in SteepS e a m s .......................... 333
9. Stand-By Coal Face F r o n t ......................................... 335
Contents 7
Inclin ed S licin g
M in in g In/ D ia g o n a l Slices
Chapter AT///. Methods of Mining Rock and Potash S a i l s ...............43.7
1. Shapes of Rock and Potasli Salt D e p o s i l s .............................43.7
2. Methods Employed for Mining Hock S a l t ........................... 430
3. Mining of Potasli S a l t s ................................................ 443
4. Estimating the Size of Support P i l l a r s .............................. 402
5. A Few Remarks on the Production of Rock Salt hy Dissolution . 40ti
(i. Mining of Building Stones by Underground M eth od s............ 400
4 Lode M in in g ..............................................................487
,7. StulLSel Method of M in in g.............................................488
0. Mining with Reinforced S u p p o r t ................................... 4(.)u
7. Filling Methods of M in in g ................ ...........................41)1
8. Shrinkage-Sloping.........................................................404
!). Shrinkage-Sloping hy S l i c e s .............................................4U0
10. Mining with Shrinkage-Sloping of Waste F i l l ...................... ,700
11. Sublevel Back S l o p i n g ................................................. 502
12. Basic Notions of Underhand S l o p i n g ................................ 504
in Contents
same holds Imp for Iho ores of rare earths and now gaseous minerals,
such as helium, recovered through boreholes together with other
gases. There are many other examples we could cite.
Achievements in research sometimes lead to the reappraisal of
the importance of minerals. Thus, a very important role in modern
technology is played by aluminium which is obtained chiefly from
bauxites. Before the development of the aluminium industry bauxites
were sometimes considered poor iron ores.
Ilv their industrial importance, and following in the main the
pattern laid down by A. Fersman, minerals may now be classified
as follows:
A. Metal ores and meluls proper (iron, manganese, vanadium, chro
mium. gold, platinum, silver, lead, zinc, aluminium, tin, copper,
nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt, titanium, beryllium, niobi
um, antimony, bismuth, mercury, etc.).
It. Fuels (coal, combustible shales, crude oil, natural gases, etc.).
It is noteworthy that in modern industry the minerals of this group
are used to an ever-increasing extent not only as fuel but as raw ma
terials for the production of a huge variety of chemicals.
C. Nonmetallic minerals:
a) salts (table salt, potassium and magnesium salts, saltpeter,
natural sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate, etc.);
h) abrasives—grinding and honing materials for the processing of
smfaces: emery, corundum, pumice, honing and polishing stones,
flint; others that may be included in this group are diamonds and
garnets, listed below as precious stones;
c) ceramics, glass and insulation materials (asbestos, dolomite,
acid-resistant and refractory clays, quartz and quartzite, feldspar,
mica, talc and many others);
d) building materials (asphalt, gypsum, anhydrite, slate, limestone,
clays, sand, gravel, marble, stone building materials, various ce
ment materials, etc.);
e) miscellaneous industrial materials (barite, graphite, pyrites,
mineral paints, lithographic stone, magnesite, chalk, mineral wax,
sulphur, tripoli, diatomite, etc.);
f) mineral fertilisers (apatite, phosphorite, potassium salts, etc.);
g) precious, coloured and decorative or ornamental stones (diamonds,
aquamarine, tourmaline, garnet, opal, turquoise, varieties of quartz,
amber, malachite, jaspers, etc.);
h) technical stones (Iceland spar, agate, rock crystal, piezoquartz,
i) natural gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other rare gases,
helium, methane, etc.);
l) radioactive and rare elements and their compounds — radium,
uranium, lithium, rubidium, etc.
Assured Economic Value of Mineral Deposits 17
Ihc valuable mineral and the conditions governing its working. This
is necessary in order finally to establish the assured or commercial
value of the properly and to plan its layout and mining operations.
The purpose of exploration work is to ascertain the type and shape
of the mineral occurrence, the quantity and quality (grade) of min
eral reserves, specific property of enclosing or country rocks and
Iheir water- and gas-bearing capacity. It should also furnish the data
requisite for deciding on the concentration of the mineral.
It is not necessary and not always possible to explore the property
in detail all at once. But this is absolutely indispensable, at least
lo the extent permitting substantiation of the estimates of mineral
reserves in designing and building primary shafts. The better a min
ing property is explored, the easier it is to prepare a well-grounded
complex (that is, coordinated) plan for its mining through shafts of
the first and subsequent stages of operation.
Detailed exploration work is costly but unavoidable. If, to min
imise expenditure and save time, shafts are sunk at insufficiently
explored properties, the information on the quantity and quality
of the mineral obtained through preliminary prospecting may find
no confirmation and the capital outlays prove futile. Conversely,
if exploration efforts are crowned with success, the sum spent on
them would be insignificant compared with the value of the product
Hence, elaboration of plans for the operation of a mining enter
prise requires a definite degree of exploration of its mineral reserves.
4. Mineral Reserves
Mineral resources belong to one of the so-called categories of re
serves designated A, B and C, according to the degree of exploration.
A detailed definition of these concepts is given in textbooks on ap
plied geology and prospecting. Briefly, it may be said that Category
A includes all warranted reserves, whose availability is proved by ex
ploration and whose features have been studied in detail. Category
B covers reserves whose existence is considered probable after certain
prospecting work and geological observation. Finally, there is Cat
egory C which includes possible reserves, whose occurrence in the
earth’ s crust may be presumed on the basis of geological considera
tions, substantiated in part by geophysical investigations and in
dividual artificial or natural outcrops. Categories A and C are di
vided into subcategories A x, A z and C, and Ct, according to the de
gree of exploration.
The estimated reserves of mineral deposits are subject to approv
al by the State Commission for Mineral Reserves of the Council of
Ministers of the U.S.S.R. (S.C.R.). The approved reserves are called
Workable Reserves 21
6. Mines
Mines are industrial enterprises whose designation is to exploit
or explore mineral deposits.
In the U.S.S.R. mines are in the charge of economic councils.
The operational mining unit is a mine, when minerals are obtained
by the underground method, and quarry (open pit) in the case of
open-cut mining.
The mines and open pits are managed directly by trusts, each being
in charge of several mines or open pits. The activities of several
trusts are guided by combines which are directly responsible to the
regional economic councils. In some cases Ihe managerial patterns
of mining enterprises are somewhat different.
intersect the beds. From llir crosscuts one can drive vertical openings
o upwards or 4 downwards or else inclined openings 5 upwards and 6
2) in Ihe case where the surface is mountainous, instead of extend
ing a vertical shaft and crosscuts it is possible to drive adit 7 from
the valley to mine the upper portion of the deposit;
Horizontal Workings
Generally speaking, these workings are not strictly horizontal.
They have a slight slope (of a few millesimals) to facilitate the runoff
of water and haulage.
Adit is a horizontal underground passage directly communicating
with the surface and intended for servicing a mine. Likeshafts, adits
may he classified as: main, auxiliary, haulage, drainage, ventilating,
etc. A small adit used for exploration purposes is called prospecting
Tunnel is a horizontal underground passage open to the atmos
phere at both ends. In mining the use of tunnels is rather re
Crosscut is a horizontal opening that has no communication with
the surface and is driven in country rocks at a certain angle to the
course or the strike of the rocks. More often than not it is driven
across the strike, that is, at a right angle to it.
Drift is a horizontal opening that has no communication with
the surface and is driven along the strike of a deposit; in horizontal
ly occurring deposits—in any direction. At coal mines drifts are
usually called entries.
Drifts or entries can be driven both in the mineral body and in
country rocks. In the latter case they are called lateral drifts. Drifts
play a major part in mining mineral deposits and serve a variety of
purposes. Accordingly, different drifts are given special names:
haulage or tramming drift, ventilation drift, etc. These, however,
20 Basic Concepts and Terminology
( 2)
Z = AT. ( 3)
Ihe meridian and the line of strike. The lines of dip and strike are
normal to each other.
The thickness, angle of dip and the strike of a bed are referred to
as elements oj occurrence. Beds in areas where the elements of occur
rence are characterised hy constant values are called regular or
uniform; in other words, undisturbed.
Because of irregular sedimentation at the time of bed formation,
i. e., due to genetic causes, and also because of subsequent tectonic dis
rupt ions, the shapes and elements of occurrence peculiar to stratified
deposits may assume variable and ofLen very complex form.
The planning of mining operations requires graphic representation
of shapes and elements specific to the occurrence of any given min
eral deposit. The method used for this purpose is that of isolines. Its
chief features may he summarised as follows.
The relief of the earth’ s surface is usually represented by contours,
or i saltyp some trie lines, that is, lines of equal elevation. These can
be obtained by cutting the ground surface with imaginary equidis
tant horizontal planes (for example, every 10, 1, 0.5 m). Each one
of these contour lines has its own elevation (bench) mark. A contoured
topographic map or plan gives a clear-cut idea of all the features
peculiar to the ground surface relief and is indispensable for planning
and designing ways of communication, water works and other in
Quite similarly to this, isolines (that is, lines of equal properties)
may be employed to depict features specific to the occurrence of a
mineral deposit.
The isolines of a bed bottom are similar to contours on topographic
maps, but they follow the bottom of a seam to demonstrate its geo
metric characteristics. In the same manner one can construct iso
lines of the roof of a deposit, etc.
Variations in the thickness of a bed may be illustrated quite clearly
by isolines of equal thickness, connecting points of identical thickness
in a stratum and drawn at regular intervals (for example, every 0.2 m).
Isolines may be used to represent not only geometrical but other
characteristics and features of a mineral deposit as well. They
may, for instance, depict the percentage of ash or volatile matter in
coals, etc.
While stations needed to plot contours on topographic maps are
secured by levelling, those required to construct isolines character
ising the specific properties of a mineral deposit are furnished by
boreholes in the course of prospecting and by underground workings
in the course of mining. The richer the initial data supplied in the
form of stations, the more reliable the plotting of isolines and the
more detailed is the picture they present of the mineral occurrence
as a whole.
M ine Field 33
3. Mine Field
In Chapter I mine field was defined as a whole deposit or the por
tion of it allotted to be worked by a mine. The plans below show ils
projection on the ground surface.
The form or oulline of a mine field depends in the main upon the
features characterising the occurrence of a deposit.
Section in the plane o f the b e d Side eleva tion
The upper mine field boundary is also called up-dip limit, th? low
er one—down-dip limit and the lateral boundaries—strike limits.
In underground mine plans and maps mine fields with their work
ings are usually shown in horizontal projections (II).
In steeply dipping deposits these are supplemented by side ele-
valions (III). In plans and side elevations the dimensions of the
lines drawn along the strike alone remain undistorted. Therefore, in
preparing layouts, the drawings of the mine field (or part thereof)
are sometimes made in the plane of the seam (I), where all the dimen
sions of the field retain their Irue values. The schemes of the mine
field given above show vertical cross-sections representing the typi
cal areas of the deposit.
strike ranges from a few hundred metres for small mines lo several
kilometres for larger ones. The basic points of the analytical method
used for determining an economically expedient size of a mine field
are discussed in Section 14 of this chapter.
The reserves of a mine field ordinarily are worked out for several
decades, most often for 10-40 years (see Section 15). The portion
of a mine field where the mineral has been extracted is called mined-
A = IhLpc. (1)
With the aid of fonimbi (1) we may determine the slope distance
between levels as
h 2Lpc' (2)
Tims, the higher the annual output of the mine, the greater the
slope distance between levels becomes; and it becomes the smaller, the
greater the annual advance of working stopes, productivity of the
seam and the coefficient of coal recovery.
Numerical values of the entities forming equations (1) and (2) need
some explanation.
The annual advance of sloping operations is closely related to the
method used in mining a seam. This will be discussed in detail lat
er on. It is imporlant, however, to stress the fact that, in making
use of the formulas (1) and (2), one should take factually attainable
average annual advance of sloping operations in a wing, that is, to
reckon with possible stoppages at some faces and the need to have
spare stopes. Consequently, in estimating the level interval, one should
already have a clear idea of what mining method to employ in working
the deposit.
In the case of the regularly occurring measures in the mines of the
Donets basin, the annual advance of sloping with a flat pitch conies
to .‘
100-400 metres; with a heavy pitch— lo 400-500 metres.
Actual fulfilment and overfulfilment of the planned annual ad
vance of a mining operation is of a paramount importance. From
formula (1) it follows that should the planned advance L be not
achieved, the extracted tonnage A will fall short of the planned fig
ures and, consequently, the annual production schedule of the mine
will be upset.
The following are the reasons which make it necessary to provide
for spare faces in determining the annual advance of mining opera
tions L.
The summary line of all mine faces (working and development)
is called total stope footage. This includes the footage of both active
and spare faces.
Consequently, the total advance of stoping operations is determined
not only by the progress of active faces, but also by the availa
bility of spare ones, and the average advance of mining operations
must be established with due consideration of this fact.
The stope footage is often referred to as breast front. Fulfilment
of a mine’ s annual production programme requires a breast front of
adequate extent. Its reduction would mean a corresponding drop in
mined tonnage, if the rate of advance of active faces remains the same.
Hence the immensely harmful effect of the total and active stope
footage reduction to a level below the plan figures.
Division of a Mine Field into Levels
On the other hand, an excessive breast front, that is, one surpass
ing the requirements of the production programme, is likewise un
profitable, for this would mean driving and maintaining unneces
sarily large footages of mine workings.
Failure to drive development openings in due time will inevitably
result in the reduction of the necessary breast front.
Theoutput per lsq m of seam p (t)depends directly upon its thickness
and structure, that is, on the availability or absence of gangue bands
or intercalations, and on the unit weight of coal. The latter is deter
mined during the exploration of the deposit. In preliminary esti
mates made in planning mine operation, the volume weight per 1 cu m
of coal in place (its density) may be assumed to be 1.5 metric tons
for anthracite, 1.3-1.4 tons for mineral coal and 1.2 tons for lignite.
For instance, if a seam is 1.2 metres thick and is devoid of gangin'
hands, the yield of coal per 1 sq m, with its unit weight equalling
1.3 tons, will be p —1.2 ■'1.3= 1.50 tons. In seams intersected by
bands of barren rock, the minahlc thickness of a seam is computed
by subtracting the height of bands from its aggregate thickness and
the resultant figure is used in calculating the out pul per 1 sq m of the
Operation or exploitation losses of coal usually range between 10
and 15 per cent, but in working regularly occurring thin seams they
drop to 3-5 percent. However, with inadequately conducted mining
operations, particularly in working thick seams by caving methods,
these losses may increase considerably.
A detailed explanation of the harmful effects caused by the un
duly high wastage of useful minerals during their winning will be
given later. Meanwhile, we shall only emphasise the following point.
The greater the losses are, the lower the coefficient of recovery of
coal reserves c. Equation (1) shows that with the same level interval
h, equal coal yields p and annual advance of mining operations L,
but with percentage losses higher than envisaged by the plan, the
annual production capacity of mine A will drop. Conversely, with all
other conditions being equal, a seam worked with losses below those
planned opens up good possibilities for the overfulfilment of the
mine's production programme.
Equation (1) reveals that the annual mine output is directly pro
portional to the level interval. With a bed occurring at a gentle or
low dip, the level interval may reach hundreds of metres; a steeper
dip, on the other hand, narrows the range of this interval.
Formulas (1) and (2) are drawn up for the desirable occasion when
the mine production programme can be assured by the exploitation
of one single level at a time. To increase mine output stoping is
sometimes effected on two and more levels. That, however, compli
cates the underground haulage layout and mine ventilation, increases
•'id Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
level strike entries are pushed forward over the entire length of the
mine field prior lo sto|» i 1 1 . The first sloping faces are started near
Ihe outer boundaries of the field and the general direction of stoping
is from Ihe boundaries of the field to the hoisting shaft. Advance and
retreat mining is compared in detail below (Section 13).
-J 3
On A B
The contaminated rclurn air is cast through the pits over which no
fans need then be installed.
Thus, the opening up of a mine field through inclined shafts re
quires driving two parallel shafts—hoisting and ventilating. In
higger mines a third shaft is sometimes sunk to meet auxiliary needs.
To protect shafts from rock pressure solid blocks of coal—shaft p il
lars—arc left near them (see Chapter XXIII). To facilitate venti
lation during the shaft-sinking operations, through-cuts are driven
in the pillars, which arc subsequently equipped with a bulkhead to
separate the intake and return air currents.
In the early development of a mine field it is the uppermost level
that is the first to he mined, followed by the ones below it, in the
sequence of 1,2, this being referred to as descending order of lev
el mining. The opening and development of each subsequent level
must be started well in advance. The time-schedule for these opera
tions should he so compiled as to provide for a considerable time mar
gin over that envisaged by planned estimates.
In inclined shafts coal may be hoisted by different vehicles—mine
cars, skips and conveyers. Hoisting by mine car is done by using
endless or tail-rope systems. With a high dip mine cars can be put on
special flat carriages (Fig. 9«). One of the greatest shortcomings of
hoisting by mine car is, however, the need to employ a large staff
for servicing the hoisting plant and its low efficiency. Skip and con
veyer methods of hoisting are much more effective (Figs, % and 10).
Their operation can be automated to a very considerable extent.
Hoisting plants with belt conveyers, however, can be used only
when the inclination of a shaft does not exceed 18-20°. Fig. 10 il
lustrates a conveyer hoisting plant at the S. M. Kirov Mine
in the Cheremkhovo coal fields (Eastern Siberia). Underground, coal
is dropped from mine cars 1 into a small pocket with a feeder,
from which it is fed regularly to belt conveyer 2; on the surface,
it can be unloaded directly into charging hoppers 3 or discharged
at dump 4.
Air shafts or slope manways, driven parallel to the hoisting shaft,
usually serve as exits from the underground workings of a mine field
opened through inclined shafts. If two inclined shafts are utilised
as exit openings, one of them must bo equipped with mechanised
plant for man-hoisting. To provide for safe exit in case the mechani
cal hoisting plant breaks down, a shaft with a track gradient of
7-15° should be provided with railings; if its gradient ranges between
15 and 30°, with railings and gangboard; if the slope is between 30 and
45°, with staircases and railings; if the slope of the opening exceeds
45° there must be a special staircase with resting places.
In openings with a slope of up to 30° transportation of men is
permitted only in special mine cars provided with overhead cover.
Opening by Inclined Shafts 45
If the track gradient exceeds 30°, the men are also carried in special
mine cars or cages.
Opening a deposit through inclined shafts has its advantages and
The former include:
Opening by Inclined Shafts 47
five levels — two in the up-dip field and llu-ec in the down-dip one
(Fig. 13).
In its relation Lo the main hoisting shaft the vcntilal ing shaft may
he sited in a variety of ways. The most common location is
central, when the two shafts are sunk side by side (Fig. Id). In this for example, during the mining of the first level (see arrows in
Fig. Id) the fresh-air current enters the mine through the hoisting
shaft, rises to the active level via an uphill opening (permanent slope
or its manway), branches out to both level flanks along the level strike
entries, then sweeps sloping faces as it ascends, passes along the ven
tilating entries or airways and, uniting into a single common cur
rent, goes down the incline and, finally, returns lo the ground surface
through the upcasl shafl.
An analogous scheme for vent ilal ing Ihe workings of one of the lev-
ids, for instance, the fourth in the down-dip field, is depicted in the
same drawing hy dash arrows.
At the sites of air-current
intersections (points A in Fig.
Id) air-bridges are arranged. The
scheme of their arrangement is
illustrated in Fig. 14. If the air
way is provided with transport
equipment (conveyer, mine
tracks), it must he straight at the
site of the air-current intersec
tion and a bent entry runs under
iL (/). In the opposite casb, the
strike entry runs straight and the
bent airway lies above it (//).
If the ventilating shaft is sunk Fig. 11. Diagram showing the arrange-
near Ike upper boundary of ment of air bridges
.50 Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
the uphill opening, where it splils into two separate currents. These
move towards the flanking shafts, sweeping the working faces on their
way. Consequently, in this instance, there is only a uniflow or straight
way movement of the air currents, without their moving in the di
rection opposite to the initial one, as is the case when the shafts are
located in the centre or when the ventilating shaft is sited near the
upper boundary of the mine field. To make diagonal or unidirection
al ventilation of the levels in the down-dip field possible, it is nec
essary to drive and maintain extensive inclined openings for return
air currents at the lateral boundaries of the mine field (see dash
line in Fig. 16).
Let us compare the advantages and shortcomings of the three
above-cited modes of locating hoisting and ventilating shafts.
At big mines, a ventilating shaft is utilised for a score of needs
apart from mine aeration. It is used to accommodate an auxiliary
hoisting plant, is equipped with a ladder way, is utilised for laying
drainage pipelines, electric cables and compressed air pipes, etc.
Because of this, to achieve maximum concentration of the equipment,
it is best to sink the ventilating shaft alongside the hoisting one, that
Opening up Through Vertical Shafts 51
i /
U -
II _
Although the length of the ventilating shaft sunk near the upper
boundary of the mine field is minimal, central shaft location in this
case offers no advantages. That is why ventilating shafts are so locat
ed only in small mines.
From the standpoint of ventilation, the diagonal scheme (see
Fig 1(3) has great advantages: 1) the fans operate uniformly inasmuch
as the length of air currents passing along the strike entries is con
stant; 2) when the fan fails in one wing of the field, underground work
ings are kept aerated to a certain degree by the other.
On the other hand, adopLion of the diagonal ventilation scheme
necessitates sinking and equipping two ventilating shafLs and requires
the preliminary driving of extremely extensive through-cuts con
necting the hoisting and ventilating shafts. Therefore, this scheme is
not planned for the initial stage of mining. But if, as it will be shown
below, there are other, formerly worked-out, fields lying over the one
in question, old shafts and other mine workings may be used for the
realisation of this scheme.
As we see, to open up a deposit through vertical shafts, the mine
field is divided into an up-dip portion, in which the levels are opened
52 Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
through permanent mine slopes, and a down-dip one, where they are
developed through mine inclines.
The following considerations should he borne in mind when decid
ing Ihe relative size of up-dip and down-dip fields:
1. The depth of vertical shafts increases along with the expansion
of the up-dip field.
2. From the viewpoint of the cost of haulage, both variants may be
considered approximately equivalent—while the movement of coal
down the mine slopes is facilitated by gravity, its subsequent hoist
ing through the vertical shaft requires a corresponding amount of
mechanical power. Besides, in large modern mines, mechanical equip
ment is used both in transporting the coal up the inclines and in
lowering it through the mine slopes, with a substantial part of haul
age cost charged against labour, and this is almost equal in both
insl anres.
2. The mining of down-dip fields requires installing supple
mentary drainage pumps, which are not needed in an up-dip
4. In a down-dip field the ventilating current enters by descending.
Its flow is counteracted by the natural draught of the heated air
which lends to ascend. Ventilation of “ downhill”openings presents
more difficulties than that of up-dip ones. In mines exposed to fire
damp hazards the down-dip field should be supplied with separate
air currents in each of its flanks. Therefore, to develop the levels,
three openings are driven alongside each other—a mine incline and
two adjoining manways.
5. There must be at least, two passages for men to the shaft level
from the down-dip field, but communication with working places in
downhill openings is more difficult. In a down-dip field, there should
be means for the mechanical transportation of men patterned along
those of inclined shafts (Section 6). There can be an exception to this
rule only when the vertical distance between the ultimate elevation
marks of the mine incline is hot in excess of 25 metres.
G. Viewed from a purely economic angle, when the up- ffnd down-
dip portions of the mine field are equal in size, the production cost
of coal in the first instance is slightly lower. This difference in cost,
however, is often disregarded, and in practice, as mining operations
progress, down-dip fields become bigger than the up-dip ones. This
is done to eliminate the costly and labour-consuming process of deep
ening vertical shafts in a working mine or of building new mines
to exploit deeper lying levels down the dip. However, the economic
expediency of long mine inclines is, generally speaking, rather du
bious. This applies particularly to “ stage”inclines, that is, to inclines
equipped with separate hoisting installations capable of trans
ferring the mineral from one installation to another.
Opening Through Vertical Shafts and Crosscuts V!
level of the mine field and to reduce the number of shaft stations,
one should do as follows. The first, uppermost level is developed with
out driving any crosscut, and the coal mined is passed along per
manent mine slope cd down to crosscut be, running from shaft a
to the haulage entry at the second level. Similarly, to develop levels
in the down-dip field, it may prove advantageous to drive crosscuts
fg and eh to open up the fourth and fifth levels, hut to avoid running
a long crosscut for the development of the 6lh level, this may be
opened through permanent incline hi.
Opening up of Coni and Other Stratified Deposits
main level entries, that is, to start development and then stoping
work in the first level. The direction of ventilating air currents will
then be as follows.
The intake current of fresh air will enter the mine through the hoist
ing shaft and pass to the haulage entries in both wings of the mine
field via the lower crosscut of the first level. Ascending, it will circu
late along stope faces, flow to the ventilation crosscut and will then
return to the surface through the ventilating shaft. This movement
of the air is kept up by the operation of an exhaust fan set up over
the mouth of the upcast shaft. In Section 6 of this chapter it was point
ed out that the driving of the ventilating shaft and crosscut is
sometimes dispensed with altogether in mining the first level, and that
the return airways are connected every few hundred metres with the
ground surface through pits serving as communication openings for
the passage of men, lowering of supplies and ventilation. In this case
ventilation is effected either by exhaust fans set up over every consecu
tive pit or else by making the main hoisting shaft serve as the pas
sage for the downcast air current fed by a pressure fan.
Opening of a Horizontal Bed 57
While it is enough to sink the air shaft down to the upper entry of
the given level to assure adequate ventilation, to facilitate communi
cation between the haulage level and the ground surface and to make
better use of the ventilating shaft as an auxiliary opening its depth
should preferably be equal to that of the main hoisting shaft
(Fig. 20b).
For purposes of raising the hoisting shaft, it is desirable to drive
the ventilating shaft in advance by one level (Fig. 20c). When
mining high-dipping seams, the periodic deepening of shafts for the
development of new levels hampers the routine operation of shaft
stations in one way or another. On the other hand, preliminary sink
ing of the ventilating shaft to a new level and subsequent raising
of the hoisting shaft reduce to the minimum the time needed for switch
ing over the operation of the main hoisting plant to a new level.
Efforts required for opening and developing new levels in steeply
dipping deposits consume a great deal of labour and lime. By analogy
to what has been said above with reference to the development of
new levels in opening up a mine field through inclined shafts (Sec
tion 0) this work should be started well ahead of lime.
or beds are 1-3 metres thick, but quite frequently their thickness
tends to vary over short distances, sometimes reaching 4-6 metres.
Jn the outline and nature of their occurrence, the mine field
areas of coal deposits in the Moscow basin are usually irregular. Or
dinarily they are opened by centrally located twin shafts which, be
cause of the “ undulating”bed bottom, are whenever possible sunk
in low-lying ground to ensure an adequate runoff of mine water
to the main water collectors or sumps in the vicinity of the shaft
station. Quite often, however, auxiliary pump stations have to be
set up. Because of the shallowness of coal beds, proper servicing of
individual sections of the mine field not infrequently requires the
arrangement of air pits with ladder ways for the passage of men, in
addition to the main shafts.
Because of the irregular contours of the mine fields and nonuniform
run of the bed bottom the main entries are driven in different direc
tions, breaking the mine field into separate portions which are mined
individually by systems described below (Chapter XIII, Section 5),
or else are preliminarily divided into panels.
Flat bedding of coal seams is also common to Cheremkhovo coal
fields and some other areas. Combustible shale deposits in the Baltic
area and the Middle Volga are characterised by their nearly flat pitch.
Nearly all the coal deposits in theU.S.A.are practically flat. Quite
apart in this respect is the Pennsylvanian anthracite district, whose
geological structure roughly resembles that of the Prokopycvsk-Ivi-
selvovsk district of Ihe Kuznetsk coal fields, though the properties
of their coals are different.
Fig. 22. Division of a mine liold inlo panels. Variant I
GO Opening up of Coni and Other Stratified Deposits
-o >A
^ c/i
.c: 1
e a*
Qj o
■vj a
Qj G
-5 ©
5 s
'Cl -H
c: O
Qj >
ca 3
It was Prof. B. Bokiy who
first compared the opening
and development of a mine
field by using levels and
panels (in a work named
Mining by Fields of Big
Height). His conclusions fa
voured the level method of
mining. At present, how
ever, this problem should be
investigated again since,
though it has not yet been
foot1 proved by calculation, the
F ig . 24. O p e n i n g u p o f a m in e field d o w n new mechanised transport
the d i p through several permanent facilities may broaden the
in c l i n e s scope of the panel develop
ment application.
To form a proper judgement on comparative advantages and disad
vantages of the level and panel methods of opening and developing
a mine field it is essential that this comparison be complex, that is,
it should include both the technical and economical aspects of the
driving of mine workings, their maintenance, transportation of coal,
barren rocks and supplies, passage of men, ventilation, power supply,
and for down-dip fields—mine water disposal as well. The answer to
this question to a first approximation may be found through esti
mating the number of men required and their work in both these meth
It should be noted that the level method of development is simpler
and may be employed within a wider range of geological conditions.
There have been instances of down-dip fields being worked through
individual inclines. This occurs when it is impossible to drive the
lower entry across the entire mine field on account of the oblique out
line of the lower mine field boundary caused by the geological distur
bances of bedding (Fig. 24).
depending largely upon the angle'of pitch of the seams, may be locat
ed in many different ways (Fig. 26).
When two seams p, and p t (Fig. 26a) are flat or nearly so, the
length of the vertical connecting opening is minimal. This may be a
blind shaft intended for hoisting (continuous arrow in the drawing)
or lowering loads (dash arrow). To simplify transportation and facili
tate the movement of men, the connecting opening (dash line in
No J No2Not
P3 P2 Pt
F ig . 25. O p e n i n g u p o f c o a l - m e a s u r e s tr a ta t h r o u g h s e p a r a t e
s h a f ts
Fig. 26a) may be driven as an incline in the country rock (for hoisting
loads), or as a slope or winze in the country rock (for lowering loads).
When the seams occur vertically (Fig. 2Gb) they are connected by
a crosscut.
Seams with an angle of dip a other than 0°and 90° (Fig. 26c) may
be connected by horizontal crosscuts, vertical blind shafts, slopes
or, finally, by inclines and slopes excavated in the country rock.
The smaller the pilch of the seams, the greater the relative length
of the crosscut and the more it costs to drive a crosscut than to exca
vate shorter vertical or inclined openings. But being horizontal
workings, crosscuts, in terms of operational convenience, possess
such vast advantages that in combined mining it is generally pre-
ferrable to use them to connect individual seams. Although the excava
tion of crosscuts requires greater outlays, they help to reduce opera
tional expenses. Transportation—electric haulage, for example—in
entries and crosscuts proceeds
in this instance uninterrupted a) a-0° b) a-90°
ly, whereas connection of zzzz P2
seams by a vertical or inclined l
opening disrupts the continui \x'V \ \
ty of this process and requires f s s s s s j j s i m s s M s s s , Pf
additional transport facilities
in'these workings, and that
entails an increase in opera
tional costs.
Bearing all that in mind, let
us examine the characteristic
layouts used in the develop F ig . 26. P o s s i b l e m e t h o d s o f c o n n e c t i n g
ment of coal-measure strata. s e a m s by m i n e o p e n i n g s
Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
In conditions favouring
the sinking of inclined
shafts (Section 6 ), two or
several seamsp,, p 2... may
be developed by this meth
od (Fig. 27). To reduce
coal wastage in protective
( '.ombilled opening up seam s
through inclined shafts pillars, the inclined shafts
are driven in the lowest
scam of Ihe measure. The scams are connected with each other by
level crossculs. Underground workings may be aerated with the aid
of the draught produced by one main or two individual fans.
Opening of two flat or gently pitching beds located at a consider
able distance from each other through one common main vertical
shaft (Fig. 28) may involve driving separate bottom stations a and b
at the intersection of these beds by the shaft, with the further open
ing, developing and stoping of the beds carried out quite independ
ently. In this case hoisting plant in vertical shafts should be ar
ranged so as to allow simultaneous operation on two levels. However,
since it is extremely inconvenient (though not impossible) permanent
ly to operate the hoisting plant now on one and now on another
level, it is preferable to use two independent hoisting plants in such
condit ions.
When the distance between flat beds p, and p 2 is smaller, they may
be connected by a vertical blind shaft. The hoisting then is done from
one level only. If the coal extracted from bed p, is h o i s t e d up the
blind shaft (continuous arrow in Fig. 29), the coal coming from
both beds is brought up to the ground surface from shaft station a
by the main hoisting plant. This obviates the necessity of sinking
the main shaft down to bed p,. But if coal from bed p 2 is passed down,
the coal mined in both beds is to be hoisted mainly from shaft sta
tion b, driven in bed p,. The vertical opening connecting these beds
V /7 7 7 7 7 7 //"'""'
#C2 p _______ n a
2 i
v p,^±
rf j uf b
n --------
F ig . 31. O p e n i n g u p o f a s e a m s e r ie s t h r o u g h a v er tic a l
shaft and crosscu ts
F ig . 32. C o m b i n e d m e t h o d o f d e v e l o p i n g a s e r ie s o f c o a l s e a m s
long crosscut and to develop the levels in this seam through a perma
nent mine slope or incline.
Fig. 33 depicts a typical layout for opening up a steeply dipping
coal measure. Here continuous lines show the sections of shafts and
crossculs which must be excavated within the area of the first level
to secure the progress of stoping (it is assumed that the hoisting and
air shafts are sunk to the same depth). The position of shafts and
crosscuts for the development of subsequent levels is shown by dash
lines. The circulation of ventilation currents is marked by arrows.
If only the first level is aerated, no ventilation crosscut is needed
when pressure fans are used. In this case, the return air from the work-
tt.s. .v.s.
P5 Pk P3 pe Pl
A = 2Lhkllpc, (3)
tf.jS / V.S.
— - Direction o f mining
- Direction o f ventilating
a ir currents
F ig . 37. M in i n g o f a l e v e l b y the a d v a n c e an d retreat
m e t h o d s w i th a r e t r o g r a d e v e n t i l a t i o n s c h e m e
Direction of mining
Direction of ventilating Q
F ig . 38. M in i n g o f a l e v e l b y th e a d v a n c e a n d r etrea t m e t h
o d s w ith a boun dary ven tila tio n schem e
The sinking of discharge air shafts on the flanks of the mine field
(Fig. 38) nullifies many advantages of retreat mining. Comparison
of the left (advance mining) and right (retreat mining) sides in Fig. 38
reveals that in the case of boundary (diagonal) ventilation, the advan
tages of retreat mining described above apply to the haulage entry.
But the ventilating entry would remain in the same unfavourable
position as it is in the case of advance mining using a retrograde
system of ventilation.
If it proves difficult or even impossible to maintain a ventilating
entry driven in the minable seam, it may, as said before, be replaced
by a lateral entry. To this end, lateral entries a, and may be made
in the country rocks of the foot wall parallel to the main entries a
and b (Fig. 39). The entries driven in the seam and country rocks are
connected with each other (ordinarily every few hundred metres)
by intermediate crosscuts aat and bbx. The lateral entries are largely
Advance and Retreat Working of a Mine Field 75
and b of the lower seam of the series. Such an entry is, therefore,
called group or gathering entry. Should it prove difficult to maintain
the entries made in the lower seam (especially the ventilating one),
the group entry may be driven in the country rock too (a,, /;,). In all
these instances the level may also be worked out by the advance meth
od. The question of combined development and stoping in a series
of seams is discussed in detail in Chapter XXII.
7Ci Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
Lot us sum ii]) oil wo have said before about the relative advantages
and drawbacks of advance and retreat mining of levels.
Advance mining allows a quick progress of stoping operations,
1ml il lias its shortcomings: 1 ) difficulties in maintaining level entries,
The more difficult the maintenance of level entries near the worked-
out areas, the more advantageous the employment of retreat mining.
Since unstable wall rocks and the growing thickness and pitch of the
seams tend to increase these difficulties, if is preferable to use the re
treat method in mining thin seams with moderate and high dip, with
readily breakable coal and unstable wall rocks.
We have earlier mentioned the merits incident to the retreat min
ing of seams containing spontaneously combustible coal.
When there are apparent geological disturbances in the deposit,
the information collected about them in driving development openings
in the retreat mining of a level adds to the advantages of the
Because of the reasons cited above retreat mining was hitherto
rarely practised, only in cases of real necessity.
But now, with the introduction of the method of high-speed driv
ing of mine workings, this attitude should be revised. In many in
stances the reduction of the period of level development through high
speed driving may allow the use of the advantages inherent in the re
treat working of mine fields.
The issue discussed above should not be confused with the question
of mining coal blocks. It will be seen later, in Chapter XXII, that
the extraction of blocks by the retreat method is practised quite
In mining the first level of a mine field, the nearest to the ground
surface, it is the advance method Lhat is always used, since there is
no need to maintain the ventilating entry connected with the surface
through air-pits over its entire length. If retreat mining is the domi
nant method in the mine, the operations may be organised in the fol
lowing manner: to work the first level towards the boundaries of the
mine field so as to start sloping as early as possible, and meanwhile
develop the next level for its working by the retreat method.
To begin with, lot us note that expenditure per ton of coal tends
to diminish in one case, go up in another, remain unchanged in yet
another—all that depending on the size of the mine field. One example
of expenses in the first group is depreciation of capital outlays for
the const ruction of surface structures of the mine: the larger the
reserves of the mine, the smaller the part of the cost per one ton of
coal extracted. The expenses in the second group are exemplified
by (he cost of haulage along the tramming entries, their maintenance,
ventilation, hoisting of coal up the shafts. The bigger the mine
field, the greater these expenses per one ton of the coal output. One
example of expenses in the third group is the cost of stoping: the na
ture of operations performed at the active working faces remains
essentially the same regardless of their location in the mine field.
To estimate the size of a mine field entailing minimal expenses per
ton of coal charged against the variable costs of the first and second
groups, let us first put down these expenses one by one for the entire
mine field, add them up and divide the result by the total reserve
tonnage of the mine field. This will give us the per-ton cost of coal
output. In mathematical sense, this expression represents a function
of the mine field size. Let us now find the size of a mine field which
would correspond to the minimal per-ton cost of coal output, and
that will furnish the answer to the problem.
Before proceeding with actual calculations, we should note that
in this instance the inclined height of the level interval is determined
according to formula (2 )
Let us denote the size of the mine field on the strike by S and the
number of levels sought by n.
Workable coal reserves in one level are denoted by z and then the
total reserves of the mine field will amount to
Z = nz.
If by I we denote the number of years required to mine one level,
the estimated service-life of the mine will be
T =nt.
Conformably to the above-mentioned designations, we will now
put down the costs for the entire mine field according to items stand
ing in direct relation to the size of the mine field.
1. Shaft sinking. Let us divide the overall length of the shafts into
two separate sections: the upper portion, from the ground surface
down to the upper boundary of the mine field, and the remaining,
principal one, the extent of which is equal to the size of the mine field
Basic Principles of Estimating the Size of a Mine Field 79
down its dip, that is, nh. If the cost of the upper section (which, ob
viously, also includes the expenses incurred by special melhods of
timbering the shaft mouths) is designated by the sum total Ks and
the aggregate cost of one metre of inclined shafts and their manways
by ks, the overall cost of the shafts will be
Ks = nhks. (5)
2. Maintenance of shafts. We shall disregard the cost of maintain
ing the upper portion of the shafts, since its length is insignificant,
while actual maintenance in view of concrete or metal lining and
support of shaft mouths requires but little attention. Denoting by rs
the total maintenance cost per one metre of shafts and their manways,
we find that the overall cost of maintaining the shafts for a period
covering the mining of the first level, that is, during t years and for
the length of h, comes to r jil (rubles). Similarly, we can estimate the
cost of maintaining the shafts over the length 2 h for the lime inter
val t required to work out the reserves of the second level. This
cost may be put down at 2 r j i l .
For the last, n-lh level, we arrive, accordingly, at the outlay nrJit.
The overall cost of maintaining shafts in the mine field will be
keS n + l) , (9)
where ke is the cost of driving one metre of a level strike entry.
(i. The cost of maintaining level strike entries. If any mine working
has a permanent length of I and must be maintained over t years,
the overall cost of its maintenance, with r representing maintenance
cost per one metre of its length, will equal
But the level strike entries must be maintained in varying condi
tions, since their length either gradually increases (with the advance
mining of the level) or decreases (in retreat mining).
80 Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
zh ( r + *• )+ z2h ( 2
t + ?.) + ■••+ znh { h +■*») = z ?> +
Zg, + zliqt 2 -. (M
C l‘
5’+ J + C », i + ^ + l ^ + c «' (I)
A + 4
c ^ ^ i k j i + oy. (17)
h ( rs i s , sm \
C* ~ A ’
(2 0 )
Let us find the values of the mine field size on the strike and the
number of levels favouring minimal expenditure per ton of output.
This means establishing values S and n under which function (1)
reaches its minimum.
N o t e s : 1. I3y its p h y s ic a l n a tu r e th e v a r i a b l e n is integra l, b u t c o n t e n t
will) (he a p p r o x i m a t e s o l u t i o n o f th e p r o b l e m w e face, w i th the a c c u r a c y
k n ow n in a d v a n c e to b e s u f f i c i e n t to a l l o w p r o p e r p l a n n in g , w e s h a l l r ega rd v a l u e
n as c o n s t a n t l y v a ria b le .
2. T h e s i n g l e - v a l u e d (un am big uous) e x i s t e n c e o f th e / {S, n) m i n i m u m is m a d e
c l e a r b y the p h y s ic a l n a tu r e o f the p r o b l e m , a n d th ere is n o need to r es o r t to
m a t h e m a t i c a l i n v e s t ig a t i o n to p r o v e it fo r m a l ly .
S I*
or represented in detail:
Annual Output and Service-Life of Coal Mines 83
a n d then, b y a s s u m i n g c o n s e c u t i v e v a l u e s n = t ; n = 2; n = 3 l e t us p l o t c o r
r e s p o n d i n g curves. T h e i r i n t e r s e c t io n p o i n t w i l l g i v e the o p t i m a l v a l u e s for tho
s i z e o f th e m in e f ield a n d th e n u m b e r o f l e v e l s w e seek. I n a s m u c h as the n u m b e r
o f l e v e l s f o u n d b y th is p r o c e d u r e w i ll , g e n e r a l l y spea k in g, rep resen t a fraction,
w e w i l l u l t i m a t e l y h a v e to a c c e p t the c l o s e s t integral n u m b e r fo r o u r m in e
l a y o u t.
In th e p resent case, w e find 5 = 6 ,3 0 0 metres; n = 3.7. U l t i m a t e l y , in ro u n d
n um bers, w e a d o p t S o=6,000 metres; «0= 4.
Hence, th e w o r k a b l e reserves o f th e m in e field w i ll be Z = S n h p c = 8 . d m i l l i o n
to n s a n d the s e r v i c e - li f e o f the m in e
T = — = 3 0 years.
F i g . 41. F o l d e d d e p o s i t w i t h s e c t i o n s a l l o t t e d fo r i n d i v i d u a l m in es
is carried out steadily during this period. Inasmuch as with the pro
gress of mining operations to deeper levels the abundance of gas in
the mine, as a rule, Lends to increase, it becomes necessary to sink
addilional air shafts and make other mine openings. One ex
ample is the deep mines of the main anticline in the Donets coal
It thus follows that the annual output and service-life of coal
mines vary substantially.
At present the principal types of coal mines are those with daily
output of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 and 5,000 tons. Since the
number of workdays in planning mine operations issetat300 per an
num, the foregoing daily production figures correspond to annual
output of 0.3,0.45, 0.6, 0.9,1.2 and 1.5 million tons. Still bigger mines
can be planned for working deposits with greater geological reserves
and beLLcr conditions of occurrence. On the other hand, for sections
with limited geological reserves and faulted seams, it is better to
design mines with a daily estimated output of less than 1 , 0 0 0 tons.
The service-life of mines is directly related to their production
capacity. When the daily output comes to 1,000 or 1,500 tons, the
service-life of a mine should not be lees than 30 years; when output is
2.000 Ions —not less than 40 years; when production comes to 3,000
or 4.000 tons—not less than 50 years. In the case of mines with
a daily capacity exceeding 4,000 tons the service-life should not be
less than 60 years.
It is the author’ s opinion that rich deposits with “ illimiLed"
reserves, dipping at low angles, should be worked by big mines with
an approximate annual capacity of up to 1.5 million tons and service-
life of about 30-40 years. Longer service-life is possible in the case of
mines working heavy pitched deposits, provided they are rebuilt
during the period of their service. The duration of service-life for
mines with an annual capacity ranging from 300,000 to 600,000 tons
is from 20 to 30 years.
For mines operating in sections with “ limited”reserves the periods
of service-life are still shorter; at mines with annual output of 400,000-
500.000 tons, it may be set at 10-15 years. For sections with “ limit
ed”reserves the annual production capacity of mine A , its estimated
service-life T and the workable reserves of the mine field Z should
be coordinated so as to comply with correlation
Z = AT.
Productive-exploration mines, set up with the view to a detailed
study of conditions attending the working of a deposit and properties
specific to the mineral, exist only a few years and their annual ca
pacity is insignificant.
88 Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
F ig . 43. L o c a t i o n o f m in e fi e l d s d o w n th e d ip
When mining individual gently pitching beds, the shafts are sunk
along the line running down the dip in the order of Nos. 1, 2, 3
(Fig. 43), that is, with the shallower shafts coming first.
Firstly, this sequence allows quicker stoping in the deposit. Sec
ondly, operation of the shallower shafts of the first round makes it
possible to investigate the deposit in all its details, particularly
with respect to the location of geological irregularities, this creating
a basis for confidently deciding on problems of early development
and for making a proper choice of mining methods in planning and
building subsequent, deeper shafts.
Shallower shafts may have mine fields of smaller size, both on the
line down the dip (Fig. 43) and along the strike (Fig. 44).
The latter drawing is schematic in that it illustrates only the ex
rn,777i>ff>>>>>>>>> >>>*>>>>>'>>>>>■tension of mine field areas
downward, without defining
their relative size.
Note should be taken of
the fact that in thoroughly
prospected and well-explored
deposits it is a frequent prac
tice at once to put down big
shafts to work beds right from
their show beneath the over
In the mining of coal meas
ures, mine fields should be well
F ig . 44. A diagram showing the position connected not only on their
of adjacent mine fields dip and strike, but across the
Sequence of Mine Fields 89
F ig . 40. A l t e r n a t i v e m e t h o d s o f o p e n i n g a m ine
this extract the available coal reserves of the third level (Fig. 46, /).
To the surface coal will be hoisted up from shaft station a;
2 ) to deepen the shaft vertically down to the third level over dis
tance ab (Fig. 46, II), to drive and equip shaft staLion b and then
make crosscut be. Coal will be brought to the surface from shaft
bottom b.
To form a judgment of the economic expediency of the 1 and II
alternatives, it is obviously necessary to determine the technical
differences distinguishing them, and then to compare the costs, which
will be unequal in the two versions.
Alternative I provides for:
a) driving and equipping a permanent incline with a parallel
manway with hoisting plants for men and loads;
92 Opening up of Coal and Other Stratified Deposits
Table 1
T a b u l a t e d C o m p a r i s o n o f the A l te r n a ti v e s
P e r m a n en t i n c l i n e c h a m b e r s .................. 12 —
Maintenance of workings
P e r m a n en t i n c l i n e s ................................. 20 _
C r o s s c u t s ................................................ — 4.3
Mine hoisting
L a b o u r c o s t at the s h a l l s t a t i o n ............ same
L a bo ur c o s t at the p e r m a n e n t i n c l i n e . . . 210 —
Mine drainage
L a b o u r c o s t .......................................... 35 —
E l e c t r i c p o w e r ....................................... same
T r a n s p o r t of m e n .................................... 50 -
V e n t i l a t i o n ............................................. d is r e g a r d e d
------------------- 550------------------------ -
* £^ Xi
j Panel drifts
" .>
Xi * s 1^ S top es^ l i
5: ft I ■\l
rttnstlnq 1—T 40c 15
shaft 15
> T Ventilating
___j shaft
F ig 50. O p e n i n g up o f a g e n t l y d i p p i n g copper o r e d e p o s i t in
D zhezkazgan
100 Opening up of Ore Deposits
F ig . 52. O p e n i n g u p o f a p l a c e r th r o u g h i n c l i n e d sh a f ts w i th s k i p h o is ts
ing along the valley thalweg. The trench is reinforced with timber
ing which is covered with moss and loose earth to protect the
trench from precipitation.
Of especial importance in opening placer deposits is proper
drainage of mine fields (see Chapter XX).
Opening of Inclined Ore Deposits 101
a) b) c)
54. O p e n i n g u p o f i n d iv id u a l o re b o d ie s
a—through an Inclined shaft In ore; l—through an Inclined shaft In the country
rock of the foot wall; c—through a vertical shaft with crosscuts
dip of the vein, and it may prove unsuitable for the early development
of a small lode deposit. Opening such deposits through an inclined
shaft driven in country rocks and with high angles of dip (see Fig.
546) may prove economically justifiable and technically feasible,
provided the shaft is equipped with a skip hoist.
When necessary in the early development of an ore body Lhrough
inclined or vertical shafts, fringe drifts can be made, starting from
crosscuts (2 in Fig. 54 c).
This method, however,
may prove economically
expedient only if the min
eral reserves available
in the level are not
too small.
For reasons given
above (Chapter II, Sec
tion 8 ), in mining se
ries of ore bodies verti
cal and inclined shafts
should be sunk on their
foot walls.
In the opening of ore
deposits, particularly
those of small size, ven
tilating shafts are often
located on Lhe flanks of
the mine field (and not
next to the main hoisting
shaft). This flanking lo-
' . ,-i .• F i g o5. D i a g r a m illustrati n'; ea r l y development
cation of ventilating 0f j ron orc deposits at Krivoi R o g
shafts is convenient be
cause it allows Lhe use of the boundary ventilation scheme with
unidirectional flow of the main air currents. This is a much desir
able feature facilitating the removal of noxious gases following
blasting operations, which are widely conducted in ore mining
because of the strong ores and hard enclosing rocks usually en
countered there.
Series of pitching lodes and other orc bodies are opened via verti
cal shafts and crosscuts. This pattern, for instance, is followed in
the Krivoi Rog iron ore deposits (Fig. 55). The upper portions ol
thick deposits can be mined by the open-pit method.
When several ore bodies lie close to each other their combined
development may be effected through fringe-level drifts (Fig. 56).
Blind ore bodies, which sometimes become apparent during the
exploitation of a mine, are opened by various methods, depending
104 Opening up of Ore Deposits
F ig . SO. C o m b i n e d o p e n i n g u p o f s ev er a l o r e b o d i e s (plan)
F ig . 57. An e x a m p l e o f o p e n i n g u p a b l i n d o re b o d y
F ig . 58. O p e n i n g up o f an e x t e n s i v e o re b o d y
country rocks, outside the ore body, in order to avoid their being
damaged by lateral shifts of the ground. Level crosscuts are extended
from the shafts. On each level fringe drifts are made around the ore
body. From these drifts development workings are driven within the
levels themselves and the nature of these workings depends on
mining methods (see Chapter XXI),
1or, Opening up of Ore Deposits
lie around 15-17 metres, while in the case of very thick ore bodies
it reaches 10-12 metres and in that of thin deposits 25-30 metres.
At all events, the annual production capacity of a mine engaged
in working ore deposits should be computed on the basis of time re
quired for the extraction of the ore in one level and the reserves
available in all the levels on the one hand, and of the time interval
needed for the development of a new level, including time margin
factor, on the other.
In the instance of ore deposits with strong wall rocks, the question
of developing new levels is a crucial one, since the duration of devel
opment work should not exceed the time limit set for the extraction
of ore reserves in the level, which, in turn, is closely bound with the
amount of these reserves and the annual production capacity of.
the mine.
Let us assume that loads </,, qt, q,...qm are concentrated along a
certain route (Fig. 61), at points 7, 2, 3...m, situated at distances
/j, and that they should be hauled to one central point
located on the same route. Let us find the optimal position 0 for
this central point of load concentration to minimise the summary
performance of the transport facilities (in terms of ton kilometres) in
hauling all the loads to point 0. The sum total of all the loads is
denoted as Q.
Generally speaking, optimal point 0 may, depending on the ab
solute values and relative distribution of loads, be located:
1 ) at one of the terminals, that is, at points 1 or m\
2 ) at one of the intermediate points of load concentration (that is,
points 2, 3...m—1);
3) somewhere in the sections between points 7, 2, 3,..m. Let us
examine these three possible cases.
1. If the load concentration point lies at one of the terminals,
for example m, loads can be hauled to it only from one side or direc
tion (continuous arrows in Fig. 61). This point 0 may prove optimal
for the concentration of loads only if the sum total of all loads deliv
ered to it (that is, all the loads except the terminal one) is smaller
Conditions Underlying the Opening up of a Mine Field 113
7h "I”—9rlghl\
( 1)
Z<fr Kr„ <(f» + Zqult f
Zqlcn< Q - ^ q lell,
1(l u n < \
case <? = 2+1 +3-1-4=^ 10, ^ = 5 , the sum total of loads delivered to
point 3 from left equals 2-pl = 3<5, and from right the load is 4<5,
that is, the position of point 3 complies in every respect with the
previously established analytical characteristics.
Worthy of note is the following: the position of optimal points
is not affected by haulage distances, but depends only on relative
tonnage and its distribution along the route.
If the opening is effected not by one but by several crosscuts, the
selection of shaft location ensuring minimal haulage operations in
all the crosscuts is done in the following manner (Fig. 62). In the
detailed drawing of the opening up of the deposit we trace line AB
parallel to the crosscuts, and plot on it the load concentration spots
along the crosscuts. The actual values of tonnages to be hauled are
marked at these points and after that the optimal point for the con
centration of all tonnages is found on line AB by following the gener
al rule.
The selection of the site for shafts offering the greatest advantages
in opening is complicated by the irregular shape of the mine
field or nonuniform distribution of its mineral reserves.
As an example let us consider a mine field in which the dip of the
seam ranges from 15 to 58°, the field itself being limited by a fault
lying at an oblique angle to the strike (Fig. 63). In a mine field like
this, the reserves of the mineral per unit of length of the strike
obviously will be greater in the flank with flat dip than in that with
high dip. The sinking in this instance of the main shaft on line xy
which divides into equal parts the average area of the mine field
Conditions Underlying the Opening up of a Mine Field \ 15
Q of the useful mineral are distributed over the mine fi< lb continuous
ly but not uniformly. Let us break these tonnages into elemental
portions A7 , which we will regard as concentrated loads to be hauled
in the entries. The smaller each element A7 is. the closer the summary
transport operations required to bring them loathe shaft will be to
the haulage performance of tramming the factual continuously dis
tributed reserves of the field towards the shaft. By applying criterion
(1 ) to the aggregate of such elemental loads, we find that within
the limit inequations (1 ) become equation (2 ):
4. S u b s i d e n c e a n d M o v e m e n t o f R o c k s
F ig . 65. S h i f t i n g s h a ft l o c a t i o n t o a v o i d t r a v er s in g a b a n
don ed , m in ed - o u t areas
Subsidence and Movement of Rocks 119
through shaft No. 1 over an area depicted by a dash line. Had per
manent working shaft No. 2, sunk to mine seam p, at a lower level,
been placed at point I, it would have crossed the old mined-out
areas of seam Pj.There then might have been many difficulties creat
ed by possible accumulations of water, carbon dioxide or disturbed
continuity of rock formations. What is more important, however,
is that with the subsidence of the ground overlying mined-out areas
still incomplete, the pieces of shaft lining would sustain considerable
damage on account of the continued sinking of overhead rock forma
tions. This could even lead to the deformation of the shaft axis,
especially in steeply dipping deposits. Therefore, it is belter to sink
the shaft at point //, where
it will traverse the intact por I ff
tion of seam pt.
However, if the ground over
the excavated area of seam p 2
has already subsided, the
shaft may be sunk at point I.
There have been cases of yield F i g . 06. Select inn of shall silos in I he
shaft limbering being used at opening up of bed series occurring in a
the intersection of mined-out syncline
areas. Even the concrete lin
ing of a round shaft may be made to yield, if it is done, for ins
tance, on the same principle which underlies the design of the expan
sion pieces in mine-drainage pipelines.
To protect the shafts and surface structures of the mine from the
damaging effects of ground movements (see Chapter XXIII) safety
pillars with useful mineral are left near the former and under the
la I ter. The choice of a suitable shaft location may either fully obvi
ate the need of safely pillars or at least reduce their size Lo the
minimum, and thus appreciably decrease the unwarranted losses of
the mineral. Fig. 19, for example, illustrates that protective pillars
in a thick bed may be avoided completely by shifting the location
of the main shaft lo the fool wall. Another typical example is given
in Fig. GO, demonstrating the development of a deposit occurring in
the shape of a syncline. Position / of the permanent working shaft
reduces the cost of underground haulage, ventilation and aggregate
crosscut driving to the minimum. But in these conditions, such a
position of the shaft would necessitate leaving large mineral reserves
in the safety pillars (shaded part in Fig. 6 6 ), a thing that could be
dispensed with if the shaft were sunk at point II outside the bed
120 Choice of Site for Shafts
5. Surface Topography
In Ihe case of minerals extracted in large amounts (mineral coal,
rock and potassium salts, iron ore, some ores of nonferrous metals,
etc.) it is highly desirable to have a full-gauge railway siding leading
directly to the mine. This is not only important for facilitating large
shipments of coal or ores to the consumer, but also for the delivery
of various kinds of supplies—timber, metal, machinery and other
equipment—to the mine. It is of no less importance during the con
struction of the mine. Therefore, no effort should be spared to choose
the site for the shaft and its surface plants which will make them
accessible to a full-gauge railway side line.
The surface structures of a big modern mine are very large (see
Chapter V). The site on which they are built should be sufficiently
extensive. The location of the site in relation to the topography of
the surrounding country should be such as to reduce to the minimum
the volume of grading and earthwork. Inasmuch as the buildings and
structures (headframes, trestles) of big mines are of considerable
dimensions and weight, the selection of the construction site should
be preceded by the study of the ground to decide the size and design
of substructures.
There are instances when, because of the local topographic condi
tions, it is impossible to build a full-gauge railway side line to the
mine. In that case, narrow-gauge railway tracks, aerial tramways
or conveyer lines must be arranged. At small mines, highways
should he built for trucks. In this instance, of course, the loca
tion of the shaft with the adopted type of surface transportation
should he so selected as to minimise both the first and the opera
tional costs.
In mining deposits by filling the worked-out areas, one should
take into account the convenience of delivering filling materials
to the mine.
To forestall the flooding of underground workings by surface wa
ter, the mouths of the shafts should be so placed in relation to bodies
of running water (streams, creeks, rivers), or stagnant water (lakes,
ponds, swamps) as to preclude their inundation when the water rises
and overflows the banks. In this connection, due account should
be taken of possible inrushes of water not only from permanent
water bodies, but also from temporary streams caused periodically
by thaw or by downpours in usually dry gulches, ravines and
In wooded areas the construction site should be cleared of trees to
prevent fire hazards.
In mountainous country the surface structures of a mine should be
built where there is no danger of rock bursts, landslides and snowdrifts.
Opening Through Adits 121
7. O p e n i n g T h r o u g h Adits
Fig. 67. O p e n i n g u p o f a d e p o s it th ro u gh an a d i t
122 Choice of Site for Shafts
F ig. 68. T r a n s p o r t i n g
the mineral from the m ou th of
an a d i t to the l o a d i n g p o i n t by a c o n v e y e r l i n e
1. S u r f a c e S t r u c t u r e s a t a M i n e
2. A r r a n g e m e n t o f M i n e S u r f a c e S t r u c t u r e s
Arrangement of Shaft Houses 131
3. A r r a n g e m e n t o f S h a f t H o u s e s
is set up under bin 5 that feeds the mineral to the loading shaft hiu
by conveyer 10. All these devices are so arranged that the mineral
and waste can be fed and transferred automatically.
When the mineral or waste is hoisted in ordinary cages, the ar
rangement of the shaft house becomes more complex. In this instance
there arc three basic patterns used for the transportation or move
ment of loads in the shaft house: closed-circuit, stub or spur, and
the one with the so-called cross, or
transverse bogies.
In the case of the circular scheme
(Fig. 75), the cars containing the min
eral or waste hoisted from the mine
move by the force of their own grav
ity along the sloping track towards
coal tipper 3 or waste Upper 4, where
they are dumped. Before the tip
pers are catches 2. Then, also
by their own gravity, the
mine cars move back to the
shaft, thus completing their
circular trip.Tocompensale for
Fig. 75. Shaft house with closed circular mine car traffic
the elevation lost during their movement by gravity, the cars are lifted
by incline hoist 5, provided with an endless rope with catch cams
gripping the car (elevation compensator). The cars with timber and
other supplies are lifted to the shaft house by hoist 6. A storage track
for spare mine cars is depicted by 1. The numbers in the drawing
show the position of railway track switches.
To change the direction of haulage traffic stub gravity yards may
be used instead of curves (Fig. 76). Cars are switched from gravity
track 1 to gravity track 2 by connecting automatic switch 3, behind
which the tail track 4 is somewhat raised. The sequence of movement
of cars is indicated by figures I, II, III. It is but natural that even
when there are stub gravity yards the lost elevation has to be re
gained by means of incline chain hoists.
Arrangement oj Shaft Houses 135
Shaft houses with circular or spur schemes of mine car traffic are
rather cumbersome. Moreover, because of varying track resistance
to the movement of individual cars, the latter, running along ex
tensive gravity tracks, are either unduly accelerated or slowed down.
In view of this, the circular or spur traffic schemes are of laj.e
being replaced by cross or transverse bogies (platforms) (Fig. 77).
When the cage lands upon the chairs, its catches become automati
cally disengaged and the loaded car runs by gravity until it reaches
catch 1, which holds it as long as is necessary for bogie A to arrive.
After that the catch automatically disengages, the car rolls along
track 2 directly onto bogie A, and the latter is pulled up by hoist 4
along sloping track 5. Thanks to this, the elevation lost during the
movement by gravity is regained. Further on, the car rolls down
into the tipper for unloading, whence, following track 7, it mounts
bogie D and then, by the uphill track moves up again to reach the
cage via track 10 and go down into the mine. Car movements are
controlled by catches <3, 6, 8, 9 and 11 regulated by a topman with
the aid of lever 12.
Bringing mine waste to the surface in skips greatly simplifies
the arrangement of the shaft house, while the flow of waste to the
dumps is very easy to automatise. In view of this the plans for new big
mines contain provisions for separate skip hoist plants for mine waste.
1. S h a f t S ta tio n Schem es
£ W77777777777Z 777777777777777$ W////////M////A
V, £
W /w sw w fT7777-
times aided by trip-spotting rope hoists. If the mine field lias two
flanks or a bilateral (in relation to the station) crosscuL, the general
pattern of train movements at the shaft station is as shown in Fig. 79;
2) station workings are made with a slope sufficient to enable
automatic movement of mine cars by gravity, controlled by braking
devices. The height loss is
compensated for by inclined
chain hoists, set up on the
empties side of the station
(1-2 in Fig. 79) or by stump
gravity yards.
In view of the predomi
nance of electric haulage
in the underground handl
ing of minerals, preference
is now given to the first
scheme of car movements at >——empty
the station, that is, to the Fig. 79. Mine car traffic at a shaft station
use of electric locomotives
and trip-spotting hoists and mechanical pushers in loading and
unloading cages.
Standard layouts of shaft stations are shown in Fig. 80. These
shaft stations are serviced by electric haulage with verLical shafts.
In Fig 80 the shaft is designated by a circle and the site for unloading
mine cars with a skip hoist by a rectangle. The arrows indicate the
1.18 Shaft Stations
-A____ ^ A
1 2 J
7 8
Fig. 80. Standard layouts of shaft stations
The extent of the loaded and empties track branches of the stations
with main cage hoisting may be designed to accommodate one com
plete train each, while when main hoisting is done in skips the estimat
ed length of tracks on either side of the shaft can hold 1-1.5 trains.
The layouts given in Fig. 80, although of standard type, do not
cover all the possible cases that may arise in mining practice.
Of particularly simple arrangement are the stations of inclined
shafts in which main hoisting is done by belt conveyers.
If some particular shaft is used for supplying Tilling material to
the mine, the layout of its station should be designed so as to pro
vide for the haulage of this material, etc.
Mine Car Switching Operations at Shaft Stations 139
2. M i n e C a r S w i t c h i n g O p e r a t i o n s a t S h a f t S t a t i o n s
of Ihe station, the locomotive gathers them first on one and then
the other track.
The unloading of trains in tipper 3 is done without uncoupling
the cars. Unloaded trains proceed along the empties way, where
they are coupled to electric locomotives, and return to their sections.
The length of a shaft station (h in Fig. 81) with a 900-millimetre
track gauge is about 150 metres.
A shaft station of this type, with one train arriving on the average
every six minutes, is capable of handling 360 tons an hour.
A more detailed layout of a shaft station at a big modern mine
is given in Fig. 82, which shows not only mine tracks but also the
location of service stations and the rooms with underground machin
ery and equipment.
An analogous layout of a station in an inclined shaft equipped
with a skip hoist plant is shown in Fig. 83.
Service and Engine Rooms al Shalt Stations
<— pu m p
/— sto rage room; 2 — l o c o m o t i v e shed; 3 — first-aid room; 4— rest-and-waiting ro om ; >— a u x il i a r y shaft; 0— air shaft; r — rontra!
3. S e rv ice an d E n g in e R o om s
a t Sh aft S ta tio n s
room; 13— s u m p
through the bars. Under the griz
zly, in the lower part of the fun
in the pocket depends on the size of the rock and its hardness and
humidity. With small-sized moist ore this angle comes to 76-75°
and with large-sized dry ore to 55-60°.
The lower section of each compartment in the pocket tapers down
somewhat and is furnished with an arc gate operated through air
, cylinder 4 hinged to a
TITIT beam.
The inclined pocket direct
ly abuts a measuring bin
with a measuring device of
rigid construction. The lat
ter comprises measuring
boxes or funnels that accu
rately measure out the vol
ume of the mineral neces
sary to fill a skip. Hence
the capacity of the measur
ing device is equal to that
of the skip. The device is
made" of sheet steel 8 - 1 2 mm
thick. On the inside it is fa
ced with easily interchange
able metal. Thanks to the measuring
device, ore from any pocket com
partment can be loaded into different
skips, this being accomplished by de
flecting gate 5. At the bottom of the
measuring device is a cut-off or flat
gate which opens in either direction
for loading skips. To facilitate pas
sage of men from the main station level
to the measuring bin there is a special
working with a ladder way. All the
operations involving the opening
and closing of pocket and measuring
gales and throwing over of the deflect
ing gate are accomplished by com
pressed air cylinders.
The layout of main shaft stations
is particularly extensive and com
Fig. 86. B ottom station in a rock plicated in cases when, apart from
sa lt mine with sk ip h oisting large pockets, there is crushing equip
and underground coarse breaking
/—Dat grizzly; z—pocket; a—crush
ment underground to break the mineral,
er; 4— feeder; a—secondary breaker; say, potassium or rock salts (Fig. 8 6 ).
bottom pocket gate; 7— measur
ing blD; a—gate; 9—skip A vast shaft station with powerful
Service and Engine Rooms at Shaft Stations 145
Vertical, section hi
: B]
U -ns oo bB
Fig. 91. Underground converter room
1— high-voltage distribution box; 2—transformer; 3— d.c. boards; l ~ motor-generator
set; S —starting rheostat
ir.o Shaft Stations
order to give them (lie same protection from flooding as in the case
of pumping equipment.
0. Storage room for fire-fighting materials and equipment (Fig. 92)
contains t he necessary tools (shovels,picks, crowbars, sledgehammers,
.axes), lire-lighting equipment (fire extinguishers, water sprayers,
pumps, hoses, barrels for water, pails), tarpauline, ventilation tubes
and materials for rapid construction of bulkheads and seals (clay,
bricks, hoards, cement, sand). Some of these materials are kept
in mine cars.
7. Central control room (Fig. 93) is the underground office of the
dispatcher whose duty is to regulate underground haulage and the
work at the stopes. In this he is assisted by a telephone operator.
8 . At mines employing more than 700 men underground there is a
waiting or rest room for miners waiting for cages to take them up or
electric trains to bring them to the working faces. This room has
wooden benches with backs and is connected with the workings of
the shaft station by two passageways.
9. Underground medical station extends first aid to miners sustain
ing injuries while at work and provides ambulatory treatment of
minor injuries or ailments for which miners are not granted sick
leave. It has two rooms— one is the reception and also waiting room,
the other a dressing room with appropriate equipment. In the cold
season the temperature is kept up by electric heaters. A first-aid
station is a must for all mines with no fewer than 1 , 0 0 0 underground
workers on the payroll.
10. When a shaft is to be deepened to a new working level and
there is no adequate space around the shaft station for setting up a
stage hoist, a special room for it must be excavated.
11. Of particular importance are the underground powder rooms.
They may be of alveolar (Fig. 94n) or chamber (Fig. 946) type. In the
former, explosives and blasting supplies are stored in small individ
ual niches (cells) arranged in staggered rows on both sides of the
room. In the latter case, explosive and blasting supplies are stored
in separate chambers. The purpose of individual premises and ar
rangement of the rooms is explained by the caption to Fig. 94.
The unshaded space in the rooms in Fig. 94 should be provided
with fireproof timbering. The arrangement of underground powder
magazines and their location in relation to other underground work
ings must conform to the Safety Rules.
There are a great many ways of arranging the above-cited rooms
within the area of the shaft station. In general, the decisive role in
the planning of shaft stations is played by the conditions determin
ing the operation of haulage and hoisting facilities, and the prin
cipal layout patterns should be elaborated to suit them. There are
no essential difficulties in planning the location of other under-
Service and Engine Rooms at Shaft Stations 151
1. Definition of Concept “
Method of Mining Deposits”
As shown above, the work done in connection with direct extrac
tion of the bulk of the mineral from a deposit is called stoping oper
ation. Mine workings where sloping operations are conducted are
called rooms or stoping workings, while the faces at which they are
performed are called stopes or working faces. Excavating the valuable
mineral at the stopes is usually referred to as stoping.
But before stoping operations can he begun in any part of the mine
field, a more or less complex network of mine openings has to be creat
ed in order to open access to the stoping areas from the permanent
mine workings made earlier in opening up a deposit. Subsequently,
these openings will serve as communication ways for men, haulage,
ventilation, etc. Mine openings of this type are called development
workings, their faces—development faces, and the operations connect
ed with the making of development openings or excavations—
development work.
The latter has to follow a definite sequence in time and space and
should, moreover, definitely precede the stoping operations and be
properly coordinated with them.
This definite sequence or order of driving development and stoping
workings, coordinated in space and time, is termed method or system
of mining a mineral deposit (or part thereof).
A proper or adequate mining method is the one that maximally
and simultaneously ensures three basic requirements: safety of oper
ations, economic efficiency and minimal losses of the useful mineral.
In conditions prevailing in the Soviet socialist economy require
ments calling for industrial safety and occupational hygiene are
Economic efficiency of a mining method is evaluated by the mini
mal consumption of labour, mechanical energy and materials re
quired for the extraction of the mineral from a deposit. As a whole,
mining is a labour-consuming process and, therefore, in planning
and applying any mining method particular emphasis should be laid
upon the highest possible efficiency of labour. This major prerequisite
ir,i; Basic Concepts and Terminology
r J i-A —
1 ^ZZJ
\ rence, the displacement zone
reaches the ground surface,
the latter may, to a certain
l / .n r i ^ extent, sink or sag. On the
W /
other hand, when the ground
movement comes almost to a
Fig. 90. Schematic representation of cut-
and-fill mining
standstill at a certain depth,
the surface lying over the
mined-out and filled areas remains practically intact.
The problems of stowing mined-out spaces present considerable
complications and are, therefore, discussed in Chapter VIII.
M. In mining with caving, that is, when the ground capping the
mined-out area is not held in place either by pillars or by mine-fill,
of the mined-out space, after which the cavings will cease by them
selves. But since the weight of the overlying strata will compress
the caved ground, and these overlying rocks will tend to subside,
there will be a zone of depressions (formerly known as a zone of
settlement) forming above that of caving, and in this zone the
ground will sag and develop fractures. The depression zone ends at a
certain elevation above the mined-out space and the ground occur
ring above will not experience any shifts. If, however, the mined-
out area is sufficiently extensive, the ground lying over the above-
cited depression zone, intersected with crevices, may sag somewhat
too, but gradually and without developing any fractures. The vol
ume of the ground involved in this process is usually designated as
a zone of smooth sagging.
In mining involving caving systems, there are three typical condi
tions the ground surface may find itself in:
1. The caving zone extends to the surface. In this case, the move
ment of ground, particularly when the thickness of the deposit is
considerable, may be extremely marked —the ground surface is
broken up by fractures and there appear holes and pits, sometimes
of enormous size.
2. The ground surface is reached by the depression zone only. This
is manifested by its subsidence and sagging.
3. The ground surface lies above the zones of caving and depres
sion and is not subject to displacement (deformations) of any prac
tical importance (though some very slight movements may sometimes
be registered by instruments).
The three basic principles of mining, viz: with support pillars,
mine-filling (cut-and-lill system) and caving, are employed now in
their pure form, now in combination with each other.
Very often pillars of useful mineral, supporting wall rocks, are
left for a time and not permanently, and after their recovery the wall
rocks begin to cave in.
Mined-out space may be filled with gob partially, in some sections,
the rock between which may cave in.
Sometimes the mined-out areas are provisionally filled with
broken mineral, which is later taken out of the mine. This temporary
abandonment of the mineral is called shrinkage stuping.
In mining involving caving, the stopes are protected by different
types of timbering. In most cases, the timbering of stopes or working
faces is also necessary in mining involving filling worked-out areas.
It is only in mining with abandoned support pillars that no timbering
is employed in the stopes.
The purpose of the timbering, filling, support and other
pillars is to protect mine workings from the impact of rock pres
1fiO Basic Concepts and Terminology
The main factor behind rock pressure is the weight of the rock
mass, but in individual instances it may also be the compressive
force developed by water and gases in the rocks and the force engen
dered by changes in the components of rocks (for example, the force
developed by swelling argillaceous rocks following absorption of
water, etc.).
Hock pressure manifests itself by the subsidence, sagging, caving
and other movements of ground, development of fractures, cracks,
etc. These phenomena may be attended by deformations of mine
workings, and it is to avert them that it becomes necessary to
install timbering, resort to filling or gobbing, or leave support pil
lars with useful mineral.
Thus, rock pressure is the compressive force developed in and by the
wall rocks surrounding mine workings, and its presence requires
installation of timbering (or other supports) to prevent deformations
in these workings.
Implementation of various measures, such as timbering, filling,
abandonment of pillars, controlled roof caving (see Chapter X),
etc., directed at eliminating the harmful effect produced by rock
pressure or at changing its character, is known as pressure control.
From this standpoint, rock pressure is regarded as a natural force
that must be managed, or controlled, with the aid of technical devices.
However, there may arise a question of utilising the forces of
rock pressure for industrial purposes. In fact, below we shall come
across instances when this pressure, for example, is helpful in
squeezing coal, thus facilitating its extraction, and learn of mining
systems providing for undercutting the ore body so as to utilise the
force of gravity in breaking, transferring and drawing the ore.
The mined-out area may he filled after the extraction of the useful
mineral. The materials for mine-fill are waste or, in rare instances,
smelter slags or concentration mill tailings.
The operation of placing or arranging mine-fill is usually desig
nated as filing, stowing or gobbing up of the goaf.
Mining of mineral deposits with subsequent filling or gobbing
has a number of major advantages. One is the drastic reduction of
the intensity of shifting taking place in the rock strata overlying
worked-out and filled areas (in high-dipping deposits this also ap
plies to wall rocks). The chances of caving in of the rocks in the stopes
which endanger men’ s lives and impair operations are reduced
substantially. Filling tends to decrease the pressure produced by
country rocks on the mine workings and cuts down consumption of
timber and mineral losses in pillars. Since leaving self-igniting
minerals (most types of coal, pyrites) underground entails fire hazards
the cut-and-fill method of mining also has the advantage in that it,
eliminates or, at least, tends to reduce the danger of mine fires. With
mining methods involving filling of goafs, it is appreciably easier
to arrange proper ventilation, since there is no air leakage through
crevices in rocks, which is the case with the caving system and which
it is difficult to do away with. They also ensure better maintenance
of surface mine structures.
This brief enumeration of the basic advantages of the cut-and-fill
methods of mining is illustrated in greater detail below.
The application of the methods under discussion, however, requires
setting up of special and complex installations for filling opera
tions. While in a mine employing no fill all the operations are in the
final analysis directed at ensuring the production of mineral in stopes
or at working faces, its haulage underground and surface transport
ation to the ultimate points of shipping or processing, the cut-and-
fill method provides for another series of analogous processes de
manding special arrangements,
For example, in wo; King coal deposits with mine-fill, the quantity
of produced coal n, I the amount of the stow required are approxi
mately the sanm in weight. When large volumes of the stow are
required, it is obtained on the ground surface.
This implies: I) opening up a quarry for the winning of mine-fill,
equipped with installations for its crushing, sizing and mixing;
2 ) transportation of these materials from the quarry to the site where
they are lowered into the mine; 3 ) the lowering of the mine-fill into
the mine; 4) its haulage underground to the faces or stopes; 5) filling
in or stowing of mined-out spaces.
This chain of operations requires installing special equipment and
manpower. To reduce the amount of labour required for these oper
ations, they should be thoroughly mechanised.
Hence, the economic aspect of the issue is of extreme importance
when deciding whether any given deposit is to be worked with or
without mine-fill. This complex question should be discussed in
all its details. To form an appropriate judgement on the economic
results of the method in question, it is necessary to compare, in each
individual instance, both the technical and the economic advantages
and shortcomings of working the deposit with and without mine-
fill, and take into account all the operations involved in filling, the
methods of mining used, mineral losses, etc.
As will be seen below, the filling is of the greatest importance in
mining thick, steeply dipping deposits, particularly of self-igniting
coal and pyrites.
2. Types of Filling
If the mine-fill is placed throughout the entire worked-out area,
it is called whole or complete fill; if not—partial or incomplete.
It is common to classify filling according to the methods employed
for its arrangement. Correspondingly, filling is subdivided into
hand-stowing and filling by flushing, mechanical filling, pneumatic
and hydraulic or float fills.
Hand-stowing is now employed only in the arrangement of rib-
fills in mining thin, flat-dipping seams for roof control or protection
of workings from rock pressure. These operations are described in
Section 4 of Chapter XI.
With the hydraulic method the mine-fill is delivered to the gob
area via pipelines by a jet of water. All types of filling other than
hydraulic are termed dry.
Sources and Properties of Mine-Fills 103
C o e f f i c i e n t of
Typos o( rock v o lu m e tric
e x pa n s ion
Table 2
Reduction in (lie Vo l ume of Mined-Out Space with Different Methods
of Filling
Ratio between
mined-out space
and the thickness
Types of fill of a bed after
shrinkage of the
mine-fill, in per
4. Filling by Flushing
G. Mechanical Filling
Two operative principles have been suggested for filling or slowing
machines. Those operating on the basis of the first throw the mine-
fill (throwing machines), while the ones built on the basis of Ihe
second stow the fill with the aid of special inclined conveyers which
bring it to the roof of the slope and simultaneously compact or ram
it (compacting stowing machines). The latter type of filling machines
has found no practical use.
The operating mechanism of the slowing machines that throw the
fill is a blade wheel or an endless belt.
A diagram illustrating the action of filling machines of bell-con
veyer type is shown in Fig. 98. The fill is usually fed by a conveyer
to a hopper, whence it slides down onto a high-speed endless belt
which imparts to it the velocity required for throwing. This velocity
is communicated to the material through its friction with the belt.
To increase this friction the belt is made curved and to assume Ibis
shape it passes round a drum provided with flanges. The cenlrifugal
force appearing thereupon lends to enhance the adhesion of the fill
to the belt and hence the fric
tion force.
This machine, designed by
the Kuznetsk branch of the Stale
Institute for Designing Coal
Equipment, is shown in Fig.
99. Its operating characteristics
are: capacity—GO m 3(hr, width
of the belt—500 mm, speed of
the belt—15 m/sec, angle of slope
—from 18 to 30°, throwing dis Fig. 98. Operating principle of a bell-
tance (at the slope angle of type mine-fill throwing machine
7. Pneumatic Fill
Slowing units operating with compressed air may be subdivided
into two categories:
those in which the fill is transported by compressed air through
pipes running along development openings and working stopes and
is then thrown into the mined-out space;
those where compressed air is employed only for throwing the fill
into worked-out space (stowing machines of the ejector type). In
purpose, the units of the latter group are similar to the throwing
machines described in Section 6 of this chapter, but instead of a
bladed wheel or belt the fill is thrown out by a compressed air cur
rent. These machines, however, have failed to find practical use.
With the aid of compressed air the mine-fill can be delivered via
pipes to various distances, which in the most favourable conditions
may be as much as 800-1,000 metres.
The phenomena characterising the movement of the fill in pipes
entrained by a current of compressed air are very complex indeed.
With a sufficient velocity of the air the finer particles can be caught
up by the air current and transported in suspended state (floating).
Larger particles can roll near the inside walls of the pipes and, being
Pneumatic Fill Hi!)
From the upper chamber the fill pours down into the lower one at
the time when air pressure in both chambers is the same. At tho
bottom of the lower chamber is a deflecting disk provided with verti
cal radial partition plates enclosing individual cells. The deflecting
disk is mounted on a vertical shaft revolved by a motor with the aid
of a set of transmission gears. When one of the cells is brought by the
revolving disk to the pipe supplying compressed air, the fill is blown
out from the cell and thrown by the air blast into the pipeline deliv
ering the fill to its place of destination. The unit is provided ei
ther with electric or air drive.
A slowing machine of this type, designed by the Kuznetsk branch
of Ihe State Institute for Designing Coal Equipment (model I13M-1)
and manufactured by the Kiselyovsk (Kuznetsk Basin) Engineering
Works has the following operating characteristics: air pressure—
3-4 atm; output—35 m 3 hr; maximal size of individual fill lumps—
up to 80 mm; distance of the mine-fill delivery—up to 400-000 and
even 800 metres; air-motor capacity —around 1 0 hp: overall weight
of the unit —about 3 tons; bores of pipes: air-pipe—100 mm, stowing
pipe —150 mm; air consumption: for the operation of Ihe motor—
4.5-5.5 m’ /'min, per 1 cu m of the mine-fill —100-100 cu m; overall
dimensions of the machine: height—2.15 metres, width —1 metre,
length—2.5 metres.
A diagram of another air-blast stowing machine—with a measur
ing drum or cylinder—is depicted by Fig. 102. A drum with radial
ly placed partition walls turns inside a horizontal cylinder. The mine-
fill is poured into the unit through a charging hopper from above and
leaves it via a spout, whence it is
caught up and driven into the pipeline
by a jet of compressed air. To secure
the operation of this machine a mini
mum clearance (of not more than
0.5 mm) is needed between the cylin
der and the partition walls of the drum.
A machine of this type, designed
by the Kuznetsk branch office of the
Institute for Designing Coal Equipment
(M3I1M-1—small air-blast stowing
machine), is characterised by the fol
lowing operating data: output—
38 m3 hr; distance of the mine-fill
delivery—up to 400 metres; air con
sumption per 1 cu m of the fill—
80-lG0cu m; air-motor capacity—lOhp;
air pressure required: in the pipeline Fig. 102. Stowing machine with
of the motor — 4.5-5 atm; in the a measuring drum
172 Filling
On I-I
meeting set standards as lo its size and content of fines, clay admix
tures and moisture level.
The use of air-blast stowing with different methods of mining is
described in Chapter XV.
8. H y d r a u l i c F ill
As stated before, the term hydraulic fill implies the use of some
loose or fragmentised rocks, or artificial materials mixed with water
and delivered through pipes to a mined-out area to be filled. The
mine-fill proper remains in the worked-out space, while the water
runs into special collectors and is then pumped out to the ground
surface. After it has contracted, the hydraulic fill decreases in
volume by only 5-15 per cent and therein lies its main advan
Among the disadvantages of hydraulic fill are its high initial cost,
difficulties in combining stoping operations with stowing, increased
humidity in the mine, the necessity of pumping slime water back
to the surface, soiling of underground workings with the silt washed
away from the spaces being filled, and the complicated nature of
stowing operations in winter time.
The best material for hydraulic fill is quartz sand because it readi
ly mixes with water, is easily driven along the pipes and rapidly
emits water, which in this case is relatively pure. The resultant fill
is very dense. The drawback of the sand used as a mine-fill is that it
causes the pipes to wear out rather rapidly.
Clay causes almost no wear, but it can clog the pipes and, besides,
does not readily emit water it contains.
In favourable local conditions the following are the materials
that can be employed for hydraulic fill: waste rocks from the concen
tration mills of coal mines (these require much water, and because
of their high pyrite content make this water erosive and thus damage
pipes); granulated slag (it is cheap, moves easily along the pipes but
wears them out considerably and does not make the fill sufficiently
compact); boiler cinder (an occasional source).
At the site of their occurrence, loose rocks are excavated by power
shovels and delivered to the mine by locomotives or by any other
mechanical means in cars provided with adequate facilities for quick
automatic unloading. In exceptional cases, when large occurrences
of loose rocks are available in the immediate vicinity of a mine (or
a borehole) with pipes for the delivery of the fill into underground
workings, they can be worked by the hydraulic method. To accom
plish this, the loose rock is washed away by powerful jets of water from
nozzles or hydraulic giants under a pressure which is 6-7 atm for
sand and 15-20 atm for denser clay grounds. In exceptional cases,
Hydraulic Fill 177
this is done under still higher pressure. The resultant liquid mix
ture (pulp) goes directy into the mine.
When there are no deposits or piles of loose rocks in the neighbour
hood of the mine, crushed hard rocks may be utilised for hydraulic
fill, though naturally those which do not require too much mechani
cal energy to break them. The maximum permissible size of the par
ticles is 60-70 mm. Crushers and sorting screens are used to obtain
Ihe fill of proper size.
Good results may frequently be achieved by mixing materials of
two different groups. Special tests have proved that quartz sand con
tracts 5.1 per cent, shales with grain size of 10-25 mm 27.5 per cent
and a mixture of 40 per cent of shale and 60 per cent of sand no more
than 6-9 per cent. In other words this cheaper mixture is almost
equivalent to pure sand by its contraction coefficient. There are also
other mixtures that do away with the above-cited disadvantages.
Because of the subsidence of wall rock prior to filling, the abandon
ment of unstowed workings amidst filled areas, the timbering, etc.,
only 75-80 per cent of the mined-out area is subject to stowing in
hydraulic fill. Since one ton of hard coal with specific weight of
1.25-1.3 in place has a volume of 0.8-0.77 cu m that of the fill need
ed per ton of coal mined will be around 0.58-0.64 cu m.
One of the main issues to be solved in putting up a unit for hydrau
lic filling is to determine the maximum distance over which the fill
can actually be transported along horizontal workings.
This problem is of vital importance for mining in the U.S.S.R.
The horizontal travel distance is, first of all, dependent on the head
that is built up in the vertical portion of the stowing pipeline under
ground. The deeper the level of underground mining the higher the
head and, consequently, the greater the distance over which the fill
can be transported by water along crosscuts and entries. In the
U.S.S.R., hydraulic fill can be useful only in mining thick seams.
But deposits with thick seams are found exclusively in newly develop
ing areas where, with but few exceptions, the levels mined do not
lie deep and the pressure head, therefore, is low. For that reason,
in hydraulic stowing, we have to pay particular attention to the max
imum possible horizontal travel distance of mine-fill.
Let us discuss this issue in more detail. The pressure under which
the mixture of water and fill moves along the pipes is equal to the
product of the head, that is, of the vertical distance between the point
at which the mixture is discharged on the surface and the given un
derground level, and the average density of the mixture.
The speed with which the pulp travels in the pipe should not drop
below a certain limit if the solid particles are to be driven by water,
for otherwise the pipes will immediately become clogged.This crit
ical velocity is conditional upon the size of the material; larger-sized
7 - 3625
178 Filling
particles require higher speed for their transport by water than the
smaller ones.
The critical velocity tends to rise when the pipe runs upgrade, and
this, therefore, should be avoided whenever possible. When the fill
includes clay shales with medium-sized particles, the critical veloc
ity of the pulp should not be allowed to drop below 3m/sec. To pre
vent pipes from choking, the actual velocity of the pulp stream in
any given section of the pipeline should be greater than the above-
mentioned minimum. It is contingent upon the pressure head pre
vailing at the point where the level portion of the pipeline starts
and the friction losses within the part which lies between the starting
point and the cross-section under consideration. This loss is propor
tional to the length of the stream travel and the square of its veloci
ty. Let us assume that the friction losses per unit of length of the
pipeline are approximately equal in both its vertical and horizontal
Let us designate by:
H —depth of the shaft accommodating the stowing pipeline or,
to be more precise, the vertical pressure head in metres;
L—total length of the level portion of this pipeline in metres;
6—average density of the mixture;
k—coefficient of resistance to the movement of the mixture in pipes;
v—critical velocity of the mixture, m/sec;
w—actual velocity of the mixture, m/sec.
Then, in conformity with the statement above, there should be a
b H ^ zk ( L + H ) v \ (1 )
(4 )
not be ruled out. These disadvantages are felt all the more as
the mine deepens.
Mixing units are mainly of two types: funnels (Fig. 109) or spouts
(troughs) (Fig. 110) communicating with mine-fill storage space.
Mixing funnel 1 has grating 2 at the bottom. Over the grating the
funnel is surrounded with circular tank 3 into which water is fed
through pipes 4 and 5. The wall of the funnel has many perforations
through which the supplied fill can be intensively sprayed with wa
ter. The wetted fill passes
through the grating and is once
more watered in inferior slop
ing portion of the funnel 6 by
streams escaping from perfor
ations in the pipe 7 and,
finally, by a jet from the end
of the pipe. At a certain height
over the grating, inside the
funnel, several angle bars 8 are fixed, their ribs directed upwards so as
to permit breaking up oversized lumps that may get into funnel with
the fill. The funnel itself is supported by solid beams. The entire
installation is set up below the ground level and is connected with
pipes running in the shaft through inclined opening 9. To ensure
adequate stowing, the fill should be supplied intensively and uni
formly, and that is difficult to realise by using mine cars to deliver
it to the funnel. For this conveyer feeding is more suitable.
Stowing operations are even better ensured when the mixing unit
communicates directly with the fill storage room (Fig. 110). Because
of their higher efficiency, installations of this type are used quite
Hydraulic Fill 181
The fill storage room is located below the ground surface, this
simplifying transport and unloading facilities. The fill is mixed with
water not in the funnel, but in the trough. Bin B has a capacity of
220 cu m (generally, this capacity may reach as much as 500 cu m).
The fill is washed out by jets of water emitted under a pressure of
4 atm by two hydraulic giants 1, then mixes with water and flows
down along an inclined plate towards grating 2. The fines fall through
the grating, while oversize lumps of hard rock are removed and
sent to a crusher. The chunks of clay are broken up by two addi
tional streams 3 and 4, thrown out by special pump 5 under a pressure
of 12 atm. This pump gets its water supply from branching 6 of gen
eral pressure pipeline 7. To safeguard it from the destructive cllect
of water streams emerging from pressure nozzles the floor of the bin
is covered with thick plates or hard-burnt bricks. The fill mixture
is delivered to the mine via two pipelines 8.
The amount of water required to obtain a sufficiently fluid mixture
is determined in the fill storage room automatically, all by itself.
In the case of pure sand, the mixture runs down the inclined floor
when the ratio is 1:1. Larger-sized crushed material, on the other
hand, is harder to be driven by water and to make such mixture fluid
the volume of water must be increased to a ratio of 2:1, or 2.5 : 1
and sometimes even more. To prevent clogging, pure water is let into
the stowing pipes for 2-3 minutes before the mine-fill is fed. There
after the water stream is directed at the piles of sand (or crushed ma
terial), but in a manner preventing the amount of the material en
trained being too great. Following this, the density of the mixture is
brought to the level indicated above.
All the production sections of the mine are linked with the fill
storage room by telephone and call bells. Operations in the storage
room are thus started and ended on instructions received from below.
The signalling system is being automated.
Shortly before the operation of delivering mine-fill is completed,
the pipes are flushed with pure water for 2-3 minutes.
Fig. I l l depicts the arrangement used for the preparation of stow
ing pulp at one of the mines in the Kuznetsk coal fields. From the
bin the mine-fill (crushed rock) is fed to mixing platform 2 and then
to trough 3. The water is supplied from pressure nozzle 1. The mixing
platform and the trough are hinged together and suspended by rod
5 so as to make it possible to change the angle of their inclination
with the view to controlling pulp density. Inside main receiving
hopper 4 there is an additional hopper—6. When work proceeds nor
mally, the pulp is fed into the mine stowing pipeline through hopper
6. When it becomes clogged, the pulp overflows its edges into the an
nular space between the two hoppers, thus ensuring continuous sup
ply of the mine-fill.
182 Filling
Fig. 111. Mixing plant at one of the mines in the Kuznetsk coal fields
Fig. 114. A pipe with in- Fig. 115. Flap valve at a pipe-
side ribs at the bending line branching
9. C o m p a r i s o n o f D i f f e r e n t M in e - F i ll T y p e s
and th e S p h e r e s o f T h e ir A p p lic a tio n
Despite all its simplicity, hand packing has one major disadvan
tage—it is a highly labour-consuming operation. Therefore, its use
is restricted to exceptional cases in which work is done on a small
scale; for example, in packing diagonal workings, strip packing of
mined-out spaces in thin gently sloping beds, etc. But even these
operations should be mechanised, for instance, with the aid of con
veyers and slushers.
The advantages of the fill by gravity are: 1) ease of operation; 2)
possibility of using mine-fill of variable size—with lumps up to 120mrn
and over; 3) high efficiency of slowing operations. On the other hand,
this type of fill has also considerable shortcomings, such as: 1) neces
sity of providing special transport facilities for bringing the mine-
fill to the sloping area, since il is moved by gravity only within the
slopes proper; 2) difficulties in delivering moist or clayish ground
by conveyers or in mine cars to the spot on the surface whence it
is brought down into the mine; 3) need of supplementary mechanical
facilities to secure light slowing in the upper porlions of slopes. Slow
ing hy gravity can be employed in slopes with a moderate or high dip.
The positive aspects of mechanical stowing include: 1) simplicity
of equipment; 2) sufficient compactness of Lhe fill; 3) low power con
sumption; 4) ease of stowing the upper porlions of workings. On the
other hand, among the drawbacks of mechanical filling are: 1) Lhe
fact that it is only the stowing of mine-fill proper that is actually
mechanised, while the material itself must be delivered to a stowing
machine with the aid of other transport facilities; 2) difficulty of
manipulating stowing machines in the slopes; 3) heavy wear and
tear of bells; 4) excessive dust formation requiring special measures
to combat it. Therefore, it is advisable to use these machines prin
cipally as ancillary equipment for slowing the fill in the space im
mediately under the roofs of workings.
Among Lhe advantages of pneumatic fill should be listed: 1) extreme
compactness of the mine-fill block; 2) simplicity of slowing oper
ations in slopes; 3) ease of fill transportation through pipes within
the range of the mining field. The shortcomings of this method in
clude: 1) necessity of maintaining heavy-duty air and power equip
ment; 2) high cost of machinery; 3) high power consumption rate;
4) increased wear and tear of machines and pipes; 5) need of special
ly made mine workings to accommodate air-operated machines;
0) possible “ cloggings" of pipelines; 7) dust formation in stopes and,
hence, the necessity of supplying water to reduce it.
Considering the technical features specific to air-blast stowing
equipment, the field covered by pneumatic fill is manifold indeed,
180 Filling
but it is predominantly used with mining methods for the level ar
rangement of working stopes.
Hydraulic or float fill has the following major advantages: 1) high
degree of compactness; 2 ) automatic transportation of the fill by wa
ter jets from the ground surface right to the face of the stope; 3) pos
sibility of achieving a high degree of stowing efficiency; 4) simplicity
of slowing operations. The disadvantages of the method include: 1)
introduction of water into stopes and other mine workings; 2 ) impos
sibility of utilising any materials other than sand and small-sized
crushed rock; 3) difficulty of arranging seals or bulkheads; 4) heavy
consumption of water, its clearing and back pumping; 5) necessity
of clearing workings of slime; 6 ) difficulties arising from the organi
sation of proper water supply for stowing operations in winter.
The principal spheres for the application of hydraulic stowing are
thick beds with sand deposits occurring nearby. If there are none,
crushed rock may be used. In stopes with moderate and high dip the
stowing of hydraulic fill tends to produce excessive pressure against
The use of various types of fill is now of particular importance in
mining steeply dipping coal beds in the Kuznetsk fields.
1. S h a p e o f D e p o s i t s
Mineral coals occur in the earth's crust in the shape of beds (scams)
or sheetlike deposits.
In its ideal form a bed looks like a tabular body of uniform thick
ness. which is insignificant compared to its two other dimensions.
In nature beds of such ideal form are nonexistent—due to genetic
and tectonic causes, the thickness of a bed is subject to variations
(bulgings, attenuations, peterings out), its continuity may be
U6 00m deep Borehole No 6
Fig. 116. Typical occurrence of coal scams in the Moscow coal fields
/—chernozem; 2—clay; 3— sandy clay; i — sand; 5—aquiferous sand; 6— coal; 7—blossomi
t —limestone
188 Choice of Mining Methods and Modes o f Extraction
2. Thickness of Seams
The thickness of beds is a factor of paramount
importance in the selection of a mining method, for
it determines the mode of extraction, the nature of
wall-rock cavings over mined-out spaces, the neces
sity of using back fill or the possibility of doing
without it. In thicker beds, the worked-out rooms
are higher and the displacement of rocks overlying
them progresses with greater intensity.
If full-seam extraction were practised in the work
ing stope of a thick bed, the excessive height of
production faces and the large area of coal exposed
during extraction would make stoping operations
both inconvenient and unsafe. Therefore, in work
ing beds of considerable thickness the frequent
practice is to employ so-called slicing methods, that
is, work a thick bed by extracting individual slices
2-3 metres thick.
In thick beds, particularly those with a steep
pitch, filling of mined-out areas quite often proves
By their thickness coal seams are subdivided
into four groups: 1) very thin—up to 0.5 metres;
2) thin— from 0.5 to 1.3 metres; 3) of medium thick-
190 Choice of Mining Methods and Modes of Extraction
F i g . 119. G r o u p in g o f s e a m s a c c o r d i n g t o th ic k n e s s
In the Kizel coal Helds of the Urals there are thin beds and beds
about 4-6 metres thick. Brown coal deposits occurring on the east
ern slope of the Ural Mountains (Bogoslovsk and Korkino are the
principal ones) include beds of immense thickness, reaching scores
of metres (the maximum thickness of the lignite deposit at Korkino
comes to as much as 160 metres. This is the thickest known coal de
posit in the world).
The coal-bearing formations of the Karaganda basin include thin
seams, beds of moderate thickness and thick ones—to 7-9 metres (the
Verkhnaya Marianna seam).
Very rich in coal beds is the Kuznetsk basin. The thickest beds
are in the southwestern part of the basin—in the Prokopyevsk-Kise-
lyovsk area, where along with numerous thin and moderately thick
seams one comes across beds as much as 15-16 meLres thick (the
Moshchny seam) and in some places even thicker.
In the Cheremkhovo area (west of Irkutsk) coal is won from the
Glavny seam, which is about 7-9 metres Lhick.
Thick beds are also met with in many other basins and areas of
the U.S.S.R. (Tkvarcheli and Tkvibuli occurrences in Georgia; Ang-
ren, Sulyukta, Shurab, Kizil-Kiya and others in Central Asia; lig
nite deposits on the right bank of the Dnieper River in the Ukraine;
deposits in Bashkiria and Kazakhstan; in the Far East and in other
To certain depths from the ground surface thick beds are mined
by the open-cut method.
3. Angle of Dip
As said above, coal seams are classified by their angle of dip
into gently sloping (0-25°), inclined (25-45°) and steeply pitching
The pitch of a coal scam is one of the major factors taken into ac
count in selecting a mining method.
While in a gently sloping bed coal lumps broken in the stope, or
fallen rock blocks, remain on the spot, in steeply pitching beds they
roll down the dip. To protect workers and face timbering from being
hit by falling objects, the mining method used must have correspond
ing structural features. In steeply pitching seams, in contrast to
gently sloping ones, it is not only the roof of the bed that can col
lapse; its bottom may start creeping too. While in gently sloping beds
extracted coal is transported mechanically (chiefly by conveyer),
in the faces of high dipping seams it moves by gravity.
Abrupt changes in the dip of seams seriously complicate their
192 Choice of Mining Methods and Modes of Extraction
4. S t r u c t u r e o f S e a m s
tn le r la u e r __________
°<- ZZ////// C
B o tto m
F ig . 121. I n te r c a la te d
sea m
T a b le 3
C o m p o s i t i o n o f O r g a n ic M a tte r in D o n e t s C o a l
C o m m e r c ia l b ra n d s of co a l
nw nc
Elements r Steam - K S te a m T A
Long- G as fat C ok in g b a k in g Lean A nth ra
flam e coa l co a l coa l coa l coa l c it e
Coal ash is the unburnt mineral residue remaining after the combus
tion of coal.
Three types of coal ash are distinguished in analytical work: ash
content of run-of-mine coal {Ar), ash content of an analytical (labo
ratory) test sample (Aa) and ash content of an absolutely dry coal
mass (Ad).
In the laboratory, ash content in an analytical test sample is de
termined by burning a coal batch in a small open melting pot,
placed in a muffle heated to 800° (±25°) with access of air.
Ash content in effective fuel and the air-dry coal mass is found by
calculation according to the following formulas:
t o o — Wj .
Ar = Aa
too—w° '
Ad = Aa
100— IK0 '
Since mineral substances forming ash play no part in the combustion
of coal, ash is a worthless and harmful ballast, like moisture. For
this reason seams should be worked in a manner of minimising the
chances of coal at the face becoming diluted with waste from the
roof and floor of the bed. To reduce its ash content, mined coal under
goes benefication or concentration. Low ash content is of particular
importance for preparation of metallurgical coke.
In the burning of coal in boiler furnaces or in coke producers a
significant role is played by the fusibility of its ash. This may be a
source of considerable inconvenience and difficulties. The fusing
point of ash depends mainly on its chemical composition.
Table 4
Marking of Donets Coal
a n>K nc
Commercial Long- r Steam- K Steam T
marking of coal flame 13as fat Coking baking Lean
coal coal cool coal coal coal
Table 5
M a rk in g o f K C o a l
K)K KO ny riT
TM Adju Adju
Coal r Gas, low JK Coking, K Coking,
Gas Fat fat Coking meagre vant vant
brand9 fusible Tat lean
coal coal coal coal coal coal coal coal
matter 4 3 -3 7 3 5 -28 37-24 34-25 2 5 -18 22-10 28-22 17-13
In per
T a b le 6
C a l o r i f ic V a lu e o f S o m e T y p e s o f C o a l, in c a l
IDK nm n>K nc
Plastom etric r Steam- Steam- Steam- K Steam-
Indices Gas fat. fat, fat. Coking coking,.
contract string weak baking
T h ic k n e s s o f p la s
t ic la y er y in
mm 10-14 15-25 o v e r 27 22-27 16-22 5-15
S h rin k a ge x in
mm 25-40 15-35 n ot o v e r le ss than n ot over —
15 12 20
Table S
P la s t o m e t r ic I n d ic e s o f C o a ls fr o m E a stern R e g io n s
Gns of low
A djuvant
U) tL
m eag re
C o k in g
P lasto m etric
Indices Vi _£ a l
n - "O u
O u* v Z o « G UkC ti
ing into synthetic liquid fuels (benzene, ligroine, etc.). The semi-
coke, which is the final product in this instance, is but of a secondary
importance, though by its weight it predominates in the process.
Here of major significance are the yield and quality of primary pitch.
Semicoking proceeds at a temperature not exceeding 550° and, un
like high-temperature coking, the size of coal processed is of partic
ularly great importance from the standpoint of the gas permeability
of the stock in the semicoke oven.
In mining coal deposits, due account should be taken of the qual
ity of coal to be extracted.
Of particular importance for the national economy is the coal
utilised for the production of metallurgical coke, that is, that capa
ble of coking independently or in mixtures with coal of other brands.
New deep mines in the Donets basin are sunk chiefly to work beds
containing coals suitable for coking.
If a mine has beds or seams with coal of varying grades, the order
and sequence of mining should be so planned as not to delay the
extraction of coking coal beds by the exploitation of other seams. On
the other hand, it would be wrong to leave unmined beds in already
developed levels for lengthy periods of lime just because their coal
is not suitable for coking.
In mining coal measures, it is also necessary to consider the quali
tative composition of coal when it is extracted separately from dif
ferent seams. If this be the case, the order of mining should be ar
ranged and the choice of suitable transport facilities made well
in advance.
Spontaneous combustion of coal (Section 13) has also much to do
with the qualitative pattern of coal. Anthracite, for example, is not
self-igniting and its mining, therefore, does not require measures
against underground fires, a thing that is mandatory when working
beds containing spontaneously igniting coal.
Some coal (coking coals, coal used for power plants and burnt in
powdered state) is ground prior to being used for industrial purposes
and, therefore, can at least partially be obtained as fines, while other
types of coal—for instance, gaseous, used in gas producers—should
be drawn in large-sized lumps.
6. Hardness of Coal
Hardness of coal, that is, its resistance to mechanical agents, is of
paramount importance for undercutting by coal-cutters or undercut
ting and slotting by combines, for work with mechanical picks, blast
ing, etc. The degree of hardness also determines the capacity of
coal to break into pieces of different sizes and either to remain lumpy
or disintegrate during trasportation and storage.
202 Choice of Mining Methods and Modes of Extraction
7. Cleavage of Coal
Cleavage is a property of rocks, particularly useful minerals, by
virtue of which they detach or break more readily from the solid
mass in one or several directions or planes than in all others. Cleav
age is closely related to the jointing of rocks caused by intense tec
tonic processes. Donets miners have aptly dubbed cleavage “ stream s” .
The cleavage phenomenon is related to the origin and geological
history of rocks and its planes and their orientation are therefore gov
erned by regularities incident to the geological structure of a given
district. The direction of cleavage is usually uniform over large areas,
especially if the strike and dip of the bed are constant. The position
of cleavage planes in space may be characterised by the relation be
tween azimuth and meridian and the angle of pitch to the horizontal
plane. But it is usually only the angle between cleavage orientation
and the strike of the bed that comes under consideration. Hence the
expressions cleavage with the bedding, cleavage with the dip and trans-
Size of Coal 203-
S la b s + 100 Bn An rn A ll
R u n-of-m in e -100 BP AP rp AP
L a rge- sized n uts 100-25 EK An rn AK
S u a ll- s iz e d n uts 25-13 EM AM m AM
F la x seed 13-6 EC AC re AC
F la x seed w ith coa l d u st 13-0 BCUI A cm rem ACUI
C oa l d u st 6-0 B ill A in rrn A lii
■204 Choice of Mining Methods and Modes of Extraction
outrushes or instantaneous outbursts of coal and gas, that is, gas dis
charges accompanied by ejection of finely broken coal.
Mines, in which firedamp is formed, are called gassy or fiery. The
mines are classified in accordance with the abundance of gas they con
tain, this depending on the volume of gas evolved (see Table 10).
Table 10
C a t e g o r ie s o f M in e s A c c o r d in g t o A b u n d a n c e o f G a s
I II ill S u p er-ca te g o ry
M in im u m v o lu m e o f a ir 1.25 1.5 S e e n o te
per ton of average
d a ily o u tp u t, in
m’ /min
N o t e : F or s u p e r - c a te g o r y m in e s th e p r o p o r t io n o f m e th a n e in th e total
retu rn cu rre n t s h o u ld n ot e x c e e d 0.75 p e r cen t, n o r b e le ss than 1.5 m ’ /min
p e r ton o f a v e r a g e d a ily o u tp u t.
R e l a t i v e a b u n d a n c e of
D e p t h of m ine, in m etres m e t h a n e p er to n of coal
o u t p u t , In cu m
U p to 150 1.2
150-250 5.7
250-350 9.5
350-450 11.3
450-550 16.3
550-800 2 0 .0
The figures above are averages for the basin as a whole; the propor
tion of methane in some mines deviates considerably from these
Gas-Bearing Capacity of a Deposit m
neous outbursts are very rare in the upper third of the level inter
vals. The reason is degassing of coal and wall rocks, with the gas
escaping into an upper entry, which first serves as a haulage working
and then as an airway.
Sudden outrushes usually (but by far not always) occur at geolog
ically disturbed sites, where coal, it may be presumed, was subject
ed to high stresses during tectonic processes and subsequently to
crushing and breaking.
In Soviet coal mines sudden outbursts occur in the Donets coal
fields, especially at the deep levels of mines working high-pitching
coal measures in the area of the Main Anticline, in the Urals (Yegor-
shin anthracite district), in the Kuznetsk coal fields (Severnaya and
Tsentralnaya mines near Kemerovo) and in the mines of Suchan (Far
In mines with seams susceptible to sudden outbursts of gas and
coal, in addition to the safety measures generally taken in mines
against methane hazards, the special precautions given below are
obligatory, their purpose being to prevent sudden gas and coal out
rushes and ignition of released gas, facilitate the rescue of men
and eliminate the damage:
1 ) adoption of mining methods requiring minimum development
not extinguished and the inflow of fresh air again sets it ablaze. Fire
fighting measures are thus a costly item of expenditure, hamper nor
mal activity in the mines, divert the attention of the supervising
technical staff from other production problems, require a consid
erable labour force and yet do not always bring the desired results.
Large coal reserves, developed for extraction, become irretrievably
lost in fire-stricken areas.
Underground fires are especially dangerous in high-dipping depos
its. Let us assume that a fire has broken out in one of the levels
which is then sealed off by bulkheads. The working of the underly
ing level may "undermine" the fire-stricken section, that is, cause
fhe pillars surrounding it and even the bulkheads to develop fissures
enabling air to circulate. The influx of oxygen will not only set the
smouldering fire ablaze again but also cause it to spread to the work
ings of the underlying level. Underground fires are known to have
a tendency to spread in a direction opposite to the movement of fresh
air currents. With the appearance of the above-mentioned fissures
and the increase of temperature, the air currents in the fire-stricken
area will, generally speaking, move upward.
Men engaged in putting out and sealing off underground fires very
often have to wear respirators. The access to the site of fire for fire
fighting teams in such masks is facilitated by the numerous break
throughs usually available in the mining of the first levels of high-
pitching or sloping deposits. But with sloping proceeding at deeper
levels the number of openings communicating directly with the sur
face becomes progressively smaller, and this greatly complicates
fighting underground fires in deeper mines.
Hence, the hazard of spontaneous coal combustion should be re
garded as a major factor in selecting mining methods. Self-igniting
seams have to be worked with minimum losses, and in thick high-
dipping beds this can be achieved only by a complete fill. This, in
turn, exerts a decisive influence on the nature of mining itself. Self-
igniting seams should be worked with maximum speed and by sec
tions, which can be isolated rapidly from each other, a fact which
also distinguishes the mining method to be chosen.
become weaker and more liable to caving. In wet stopes the law pro
vides for, or allows establishing, in certain conditions, a reduced
workday and, depending on the amount and nature of water inflow,
lower production rates.
For this reason measures should be taken to divert mine water
from active faces.
When the bottom is rough and the occurrence of a bed is nearly
level, its extraction in highly acquiferous deposits should be ar
ranged so as to make the drain ditch now run above coal in the sink
holes of the bed, now become rather deep.
Acquiferous friable rocks require deep drain ditches capable of hold
ing large volumes of water.
In mining highly acquiferous deposits, particularly those in which
sand and particles of other rocks are entrained by water, one should
take special steps in production faces in the form of definite meas
ures for roof control and the setting up of bulkheads. But it is still
better systematically to dewater such deposits prior to starting stop-
ing operations in the section. To protect underground workings
from inrushes of water from the underground or surface reservoirs—
which, for some reason, can not be drained—safety pillars arc to be
left under these reservoirs. There have been instances of deposits
being mined even under the sea bottom.
Below we shall meet with the description of technical methods
used in mining acquiferous deposits.
F ig . 126. C o n tin u o u s b r e a st s t o p i n g
Fundam entals o f Breast-Stuping Methods o f M in in g 219
/ n m
Fig. 127. Pillar method of mining
ed in the incline does not interfere with the passage of men, there
may be no need for a special manway, but a manway leading to the
ventilating entry must then be provided in the upper sublevel.
Like main strike entries, inclines, manways and intermediate
entries, made and maintained in mined-out space, are protected by
coal pillars or mine-fill.
As working faces move away from the incline, the intermediate
on tries grow progressively longer, and this increases expenditure for
their upkeep and transport costs. Since intermediate entries pass
through mined-out areas, their maintenance represents a substantial
item of expenditure. To reduce it, new inclines are arranged in worked-
0111 areas as the face advances, while the old ones are abandoned,
as to leave coal pillars be
tween worked-out areas, which
are later recovered. A at
Thus, with these methods, a\
extraction of coal in the first
stage does not involve any
/ / / / / / / / / ///////////ZA W y E
development work. In this
stage it is done by following F i g . 128. Room-and-pillar method
the principle of breasl-stoping, of mining
while the second stage—pillar
recovery —is typical of Lhe pillar methods of mining. These methods,
therefore, are termed combined.
A typical example of thisgroup of mining methods is that of
pillar-and-stall mining, which has by now almostcompletely
lost its significance (its brief description is given in Chapter
The combined group also includes the room-and-pillar method
(Fig. 128). Ils principal feature is that at first sloping operations pro
ceed at the room faces (a) of a production block, usually about 4-7
metres wide. Rib pillars of coal are left in-between and are then
recovered in a retreating order, that is, in the general direction oppo
site to that in which sloping was carried on in Lhe rooms. As will
be seen later, the rooms are made insignificantly wide with Lhe view
to reducing roof pressure. Because of that, the room-and-pillar
method requires narrow or short production faces, as distinct
from the other methods cited above, which require wide or long
If rib pillars were not recovered after the rooms had been worked,
the method would be called room-mining. However, the method of
room-mining is no longer employed in working coal beds.
222 General Survey of Coal Seam Mining Methods
I I I 1 I
timbering, has caved in and that break line 2 runs near the organ tim
bering. Consequently, hanging over the production face are the still un
caved rocks of the immediate roof in the shape of back slab 4, the cross-
section of which equals the thickness of rocks constituting the immedi
ate roof and the length is equal to that of the working face. This back
slab is held in place, firstly, by the face timbering and, secondly, by
the forces of cohesion acting along vertical plane xy and involving the
rocks that continue to rest directly upon the coal seam (to the right
of plane xy). Thirdly, there may be some degree of cohesion between
the back slab and overlying rocks 5 along the bedding plane. The
strength of timbering, the physico-mechanical properties of rocks
and the size of the back slab make the relative value of the forces
holding this slab over the stoping area vary substantially. At any
rale, the wider the back slab, that is, the distance between the rock
break line and the coal face, the weaker the holding effect of cohesive
forces acting along plane xy (as in the instance of a cantilevel beam
where, all other conditions being equal, the deflection of its end por
tion is proportional to the length to the beam itself). Therefore,
the greater the distance between the production face and the rock
break line and the special timbering, the larger, generally speaking,
is the rock pressure exercised upon the timbering installed in the
active stope face area. To reduce this pressure the roof should be al
lowed to fall or, in other words, to cave in. The idea behind this method
is as follows (Fig. 133). When the coal face is moved away from the
roof break line and special timbering 1 to a distance where it becomes
necessary to proceed with fresh caving of the roof, a new row of spe
cial limbering 2 is set up (by the transfer or, at least, partial removal
of posts from old row 1). Between rows 1 and 2 the timbering is pulled
out (see Section 5, below) and then the roof rocks over this area are
allowed to cave in, with the break line running near the new line
of the special timbering (dash line in Fig. 133). After the caving,
(he width of the back slab is reduced and its pressure on the face
limbering is weakened.
In this case, roof control is thus effected by artificial caving. A more
detailed description of this operation is given below, in Section 5.
Rock Pressure in a Continuous Face 227
To avoid the hazards of rock bursts, coal pillars should not be left
in worked-out areas, and rib fills or pack walls should be built in
stead (see Section 4. below). Strike entries running ahead of the face
should be supported by reinforced timbering over a distance of up
to 50 metres. Roof control requires partial fill.
Sometimes, when large rock masses subside suddenly, the second
ary caving may be so violent that considerable volumes of air are
instantaneously pushed from the goaf into the adjacent mine work
ings, causing air blasts that knock men off their feet or expose them
to injuries by flying objects.
Such phenomena are usually preceded by warning signals in the
form of rumblings or bumps coming from worked-out spaces. When
these signals come, the men should be immediately removed to a
safe place.
When a seam is topped by unfirm rocks with more or less same prop
erl ies, secondary cavings usually do not occur.
Prior to falling, roof rocks as a rule sag or deflect. Therefore, if
the seam is low, the roof may come down to the bottom before it
actually starts to cave in (Fig. 134). The convergence of the roof and
bottom may also be facilitated by the heaving of the latter. In such
conditions it may be superfluous to induce the caving of the roof.
Rock Pressure in a Continuous Face 229
standing at, the coal face may break if the distance between it and the
face increases.
We have already seen how rock pressure may be reduced by the
timely artificial caving of roof rocks. We have also explained why the
first artificial caving of the roof is usually more difficult than the
subsequent, etc. Therefore, a clear and adequate idea of rock pressure
may be gained only if we take due account of the dynamic changes
attending these phenomena.
The phenomena of rock pressure appear to have a dynamic nature
even if the face remains stationary. Experience shows that in a sta
tionary stope the rocks, as a rule, become settled. This means that
roof rocks continue slowly to sag, exfoliate and fracture, and fall
down in small lumps. In the end, rocks in a stationary stope may be
come so loose that they will start to cave in. Stoppage of a face is
particularly undesirable when the roof is made up of argillaceous
rocks, all the more so if there is water. Restarting operations in pro
duction stopes that have been inactive for a long time may lead to
serious difficulties. Therefore, faces kept in reserve for a long time
in conformity with the operational plans of the mine or stopped tem
porarily for some reason should be periodically refreshed, that is,
advanced over a short distance so as to eliminate the hazards of rock
settling. Hence the rapid advance of working faces, very advanta
geous in general, is also favoured in the case under discussion. What
we have said above also makes It clear that, all other conditions
being equal, the higher the rate of face advance the greater the adopt
ed space interval or run of induced roof caving.
Let us now pass to the systematic description of mining operations
in a continuous production wall.
2. Extraction of Coal
At present coal extraction in continuous faces of thin and medium
seams can be fully mechanised by the use of coal cutters, com
bines, coal ploughs, air hammers, and by blasting.
Normally, cutting machines are used to make a lower or toe cut
in the seam (Fig. 136) to facilitate the breaking of coal. The depth
of the cut ordinarily ranges between 1.5
and 2.4 metres, the height between 12 and
14 centimetres. In individual instances,
when the kerf is made in a soft coal bench
or a rock interlayer, the first cut is
made in the centre. But this is less effect
ive, for it makes the subsequent break
ing of the ground coal band more diffi
Fig. 13G. Toe cut cult.
Extraction of Coal 2.31
F ig. 140. C u t s m a d e b y th e D o u b a s c o a l c o m b i n e
contour bar is used, as proposed by the staff of the Kirov Mine in the
Kuznetsk coal basin (Fig. 143). The height of Ihe bar in the operating
posilion ranges from 1.3 up to 1.65 metres, depending upon the size
of the interchangeable insert in ils vertical arm, with the grab
(cut) l.G metres wide. The trim chain speed rale in all the bars is
2.14 m /sec.
A circular scraper loader, its chain driven by an independent 13-kw
molor, is mounted at some distance from the bar and the cutler
breaking rod.
In Karaganda, slice mining at the “ Verkhnaya Marianna”seam is
successfully done by twin (coupled) Donbas combines, which extract
slices 2.5-3.0 metres thick. The loaders of the twin combine are
powered by a 35-kw motor.
The main electric motor of the combine, which drives the operat
ing mechanism and the feeding arrangement, has a capacity of
65 kw. The feeding rate varies stepwise, depending upon the hardness
of coal, within the range of 0.27-0.54-0.81-1.08 m/min.; the idle
travel speed of the combine is constant—14.5 m/min. The overall
dimensions of the Donbas-1 combine are: length in the operating
position—4.6 metres; width—0.72 metre and in the position of idle
travel—0 . 8 6 metre.
To prevent the formation of gum and dust, the combine is fur
nished with a spraying device consisting of five to seven pulverisers
located in places where dust accumulates most. Water is supplied
under a head of 4-5 atm to the pulverising nozzles by a pump with a
Extraction of Coal 237
F i g . 144. G o r n y a k c o a l c o m b i n e
238 Sloping in a Continuous Face
and may also be used for hard coal seams, provided the coal contained
therein is subject to delamination. The design of the machine is some
what simpler. Its overall dimensions: length in the operating posi
tion—4.9 metres; width—750 mm; height—400 mm; weight—about
7 tons.
The Shakhtyor coal combine is also similar to the Donbas, but it
can operate in low (0.5-0.75 metre) seams. It makes but one loop
like cut. Crushed coal and gum are carried out of the opening slot
by the lower branch of the trim chain. Loosened coal is either disin
tegrated during the operation of the trim chains or broken into small
pieces by the scrapers of the gum loader. Broken coal and coal dust
are loaded onto a conveyer by the trim chain and gumstower. The
overall length of the Shakhtyor coal combine is 3.8 metres, its width—
0.76 metre, gross weight—3.5 tons, motor capacity with continuous
rating—47 kw, output—up to 45 tons per hour.
In 1951 a State Prize was awarded to a group of designers headed
by A. Gridin for inventing and introducing theyKT-1 coal-mining
combine (for thin seams), in production faces of low, slightly sloping
coal beds 0.45-0.7 metre thick (Fig. 145).
The operating mechanism of the YKT combine consists of four
bits 1 with blades 2 and jumpers. The blades separate coal from the
face surface without making any starting slots, thus reducing power
consumed in loosening and breaking it. Behind the bits, in the oper
ating mechanism guides, runs trim and gathering chain 3 provided
with teeth and blades attached to individual cams which, when the
chain moves, grab coal and load it onto a face conveyer.
The chain is driven by a sprocket fixed to the spindle of the last
bit, and its lower branch moves from the face towards the conveyer,
thus ensuring the loading of loosened coal by the bit blades, while
some of it is brought onto the conveyer by the bits themselves.
lion opposite lo Ilint of the I rim chain in ordinary coal cutters, and
loads them onlo a face conveyer.
When Ihe range is 1.45-1.65 metres deep, the feeding rates in a
running machine vary from 0 . 2 to 0 . 8 m/min and the continuous
(per hour) rating of the electric motor equals 35 kw, the output of
Ihe combine is from 10 to 54 tons/hour, depending on the thickness
of the seam.
The overall dimensions of the machine in the operating position:
length—3.3 metres, width—0.72 metre, height—0.31 metre, weight
—3.3 tons. The combine may be operated in a small unsupported
area and is employed in seams of
irregular thickness, from 0.38 me
tre up.
Original in design is the oper
ating mechanism of the BOM-2
mine combine (cutter-breaker, mod
el 2) built by State Institute
for Designing Coal Equipment
(Fig. 147). The position of the
BOM combine in the wall is seen in
Fig. 148. It makes vertical cutting
slots of up to 2 . 8 metres in height
and 130-140 mm in width. Coal
Fig. 147. Cut ntado by the BOM bands 0.3 metre thick, formed be
cutter-breaker tween the cuts, are loosened up and
the coal lumps are loaded onto a
face conveyer by a mouldboard or a circular flight loader (in the
latest model of the BOM-2m combine). The machine cuts coal in
strips 0.9 metre wide and is used in soft and semihard coal seams
not less than 1.5 metres thick, chiefly in the Moscow coal fields.
Mine combines may also be employed in sloping seams, but their
employment in such cases is distinguished by a number of specific
features (Fig. 149). To prevent it from falling when pull rope 5 is
ruptured, the combine is tied by safety rope 4 to drum 6 of special
hoist 7. Broken coal slides down immediately and for that reason the
machine has no loader and there is no conveyer in the face. The func
tions of the other parts of the unit are explained in Fig. 149.
On the suggestion of the State Institute for Designing Coal Equip
ment, a new method of mechanised coal drawing with the aid of
coal ploughs was tried in continuous walls after the Great Patriotic
War. Moving along the face, the coal plough cuts coal 0.6-0.7 metre
high and 20-25 cm thick.
The set of mechanical equipment in a coal-plough-worked wall
(Fig. 150) includes: coal plough 1—a heavy-duty (weighing about
3 tons) steel casting in the shape of a share with cutters of special
V 1-lK. lIu .M ".ll cil l l l l j i no
F i g . 149. C o m b i n e o p e r a t i n g in a s l o p i n g s e a m wall
l —coupline device; 2—control desk: 3—movable corner post: /—safety ropei 5—load
llnei 6—safety rope drum; 7— hoist; S —load line drum; 9—support for securing tde
bolsti 10 —magnetic starter; 11 —spraying pump; 12—face tray (left)
Fig. 150. Production face worked by a coal plough
2\\ Sloping in a Continuous Face
e 2
0) 3
-Q U
e a.
248 Stoping in a Continuous Face
be used only in the case of very rigid rocks, which make it possible
to set up widely spaced timberings and regularly shift and reset
the props.
In Section 1 of this chapter we learned that caving methods in
mining involve setting up special limbering in addition to that put
up directly at the coal face. Here we shall dwell on some details.
A timber crib consists of sticks arranged as shown in Fig. 156.
As a rule, cribs are made by laying props similar to those used in
supporting working faces, though sometimes other types of timber
'/A r‘ *’ft
1 >
1 ii; i; l
l*1------------ IUJ--IU
I-- ---
a 1
1 7 "!! n— r t
1 it S
1 . it — r:--------- n
St op e fa c t
— r----------
1 ’
“ t t •
1 JU
F ig . 155. Face-timber allowing a conveyer to be shifted
are also employed (very often partly broken timber obtained when
repairing development openings). Ordinarily, a crib is laid near the
earlier installed props of the face timbering. To make it stable, the
crib is wedged, but the wedges should be driven between the posts
and nol between the crib and the roof, since in the latter case the con
tact surface between the crib and the roof would be smaller, and this
would weaken the roof support. As will be seen later, in most cases
cribs have to be shifted from place to place, and to facilitate their
dismantling they are underlaid with pieces of rock. To make the cribs
fall apart, these rocks are broken.
Cribs are arranged in single or double rows along the working face,
usually at intervals of about 1-2 metres and more (up to 7 metres),
depending upon the pressure and stability of the roof and the thick
ness of the seam.
Where induced caving is practised, the space between crib runs is
determined by the caving interval or rate. When no caving is induced
250 Sloping in a Continuous Face
combines, coal cut tors and especially conveyers, but also for obtaining
an adequale break line in the roof when it caves in.
Wall rocks in the coal seams in the Moscow basin are distinguished
by their low mechanical strength, and because of that the working
faces are subject Lo high rock pressure and require strong support.
The timbering in the area near the face is made of a row of frame
sets with caps running perpendicular to the coal face.
Fig. 157 depicts a typical example of a timbering method employed
for supporting the area near the working face in the Moscow coal
fields. It shows six successive positions in an interval between two
roof cavings: 1) position after caving; 2) at the time the first cut is
made; 3) after drawing coal from the first cut; 4) at the time of the
second cut; 5) after drawing coal from the second cut; 6) after shift
ing the conveyer. Timbering may be reinforced by angle braces, as
required by the nature of rock pressure, while coal at the face breast
is held in place by vertical boards and stulls. The figure reveals that
the roof is caved after every two successive cuts.
Fig. 158 is illustrative of a method used to protect a wall entry by
additional organ timbering in the mined-out area.
The use of wood for supporting working faces consumes scores of
cubic metres of timber per 1 , 0 0 0 tons of coal produced, and that, con
sidering the huge amounts of coal mined annually, has become an
economic problem of national importance and led to attempts at
employing metal mine supports. These naturally have to be trans
ferable or movable to allow their multiple utilisation.
Soviet inventors have now designed and tested quite a number of
types of metal support in the mines.
The design of metal posts should make it easy to shift them from
one place to another. Many constructional types of such posts have
been proposed.
Working Face Timbering 253
Widely used in recent years were the CTK posts (mine posts of
the wedge type), designed by the Slate Institute for Designing Coal
Equipment. In 1955, however, model M metal posts were put in
serial production, and they are lighter and easier to manufacture
(Table 11).
Table 11
Metal Post M
Types nnd sizes
M, M, M1 M,
Height, m m
m i n i m u m .............................. 003 708 845 1,033
m a x i m u m .............................. 1,000 1,210 1,470 1,845
E x t e n s i o n range, m m ..................... 397 502 625 812
T h i c k n e s s of seam, m e t r e s ............ 0.8-0.95 0.9-1.15 1-1.4 1.2-1.8
S e r v i c e load, t o n s ........................ 35 35 35 35
Y i e l d rate, m m ........................... 75 75 75 75
W e ig h t, k g .................................... 29.5 32.6 38.4 48.5
Fig. 159. Extension ^m etal post w edge Fig. 160. H ouyni m eta l
2.Vi Sloping in a Continuous Face
Metal props are more economical than the timber, providing they
are shifted from place to place not less than 40-50 limes.
By the nature of their action the above-mentioned wedge-type posts
should be included in the group of “ rising resistance”designs. There
may also be, however, posts of “ constant resistance" type, with a
high initial supporting capacity which changes but little after further
extensions of the telescopic portion, and this is of great significance
in roofs undergoing considerable subsidence.
In modern coal mines metal props are used very widely. In the
Donets coal fields, for instance, their number at the close of 1954
exceeded 336,000, while in West-German mines there were about
1,300,000 such posts in use.
Timber caps of the sets at working faces can also be replaced by
metal. To reduce the weight of their individual elements and to fa
cilitate their transfer and installation they are made of a split-swivel
type (Fig. 161). The weight of metal caps is 20-30 kg. This can be
cut down considerably by making Lhein of light alloys, with alumi
nium as a base element.
Working Face Timbering 255
Use may also be made of sectional metal cribs (Fig. 102). Such
cribs have two wedge beams with chamfered ends at which the
wedges are held in place by catches.The wedge key is released by
striking this catch with a hammer, the crib is freed from pressure
and can subsequently be
We have seen before that
closely set rows of posts or
“breaker props” are used to
effect roof-caving control in
walls with timber support.
For the same purpose the State
Institute for Designing Coal
Equipment has suggested
metal structures in the form of
solid expanding props. At
first, because of the purpose
they served, these structures
were called “metal prop walls” ;
now they are called simply
breaker props. One of the most
upto-date designs of this type-
mechanised organ support
MOK (Fig. 163)—includes a
base and superstructure whose
surfaces contact each other
along an inclined plane. The
superstructure is furnished
with a screw extension device
and a slab held against the
roof. The base has a mecha
nism enabling to keep both
parts of the prop in a definite
position or to disengage them.
The last operation, that is, removal of pressure from the prop, is
effected by pulling a rope line from a special prop shifter. By means
of the same rope line Lhe free prop is set in a new position, closer to
the face.
Breaker props of this kind are manufactured in two types and sizes
for seams from 1 to 1.8 metres thick. They are designed to bear a
maximum load of 350 tons. The weight of the prop itself is 0.4 ton.
The prop shifter (Fig. 164) has a drum for pulling rope driven by an
electric motor employed in coal-cutting machines. During the oper
ation the shifter is reliably secured by its hydraulic anchor
25G Sloping in a Continuous Face
after the extraction of the entire coal bench, with the aid of
ropes and winches placed in the entries.
Three winches are needed to move a shield 50 metres.
Inventors have created several designs of such a shield. Fig. 166
shows model IH-52. Each of its sections consists of bed 1, body 2
and two sliding deflectors or visors 3, supported by posts 4. Uprights
5 support the body of the shield. The bed accommodates flight con
veyer 6 and hoist 7 moving the deflectors.
Coal is mined by blasting and about 40 per cent of it is loaded onto
the conveyer automatically. When coal from the face has been drawn,
the visors are slid into a position indicated in Fig. 166 with the aid
of rope lines and the hoist. The shield is then moved into its new posi
tion. During this operation the front ends of the visors remain stable,
while articulated sections 3 are let down and slide along the body of
the shield. The pace or space interval of the shield transfer is one
metre. One major advantage of the shield method of support is that
it completely eliminates timber consumption in coal walls.
Elaboration of the final construction details of the above-mentioned
shield and the methods of its field operation are still going through
a stage of improvement. Thus, for example, there are tests of
devices providing for the extension of visors not with the aid of ropes
pulled from a hoist but with that of a hydraulic mechanism.
Working Face Timbering 259
The main idea underlying the design of this shield is not to make
it support the roof but merely protect the active stope area from roof
rocks caving in behind the shield (protective timbering). But there
have also been suggestions for building a movable mechanised
support capable of bearing pressure coming from the roof at Lhe coal
face (supporting timbering).
This type of support includes Lhe one known as MI1K (mechanised
movable support), proposed by Abroskin, Bondarev and Dashevsky
for operation in coal walls of gently sloping seams from 1 to 1.7 me
tres thick when they are worked by combines.
The principal features of the MI1K support are as follows (Fig. 167).
The support comprises separate disconnected sections 3. Each is
made of a tubular steel column with a solid cantiliver head piece
2.3 metres long and 0.45 metre wide welded to the upper end. The
head piece overhangs the coal face. The upper and lower parts of the
column are connected by a female screw thread. To alter the height of
the column, it suffices to turn the lower part, which is shaped like
a spherical shoe. The actual turning is effected with the aid of a small
crowbar inserted into the holes provided in the shoe. In addition to
this the column is furnished with a wedge key to provide for an out
ward thrust. The sections are moved to a new position at the breast
of the coal face by special hoist (“
shifter”) 4, for each of them weighs
about 0.5 ton. The sections are moved forward parallel to the progress
of the coal combine, approximately 15-20 metres behind it. The
transfer of one section takes about three minutes. A stand-by shifter
5, is available in the wall.
Coal is brought out from the face by “ winding”conveyer 2 of KC-1
type, which can be moved to the face with the aid of the above-cited
shifter without its being dismantled (see Fig. 167). The roof over
the mined-out area is subject to caving immediately after the sup
port, whose bearing capacity per metre of the wall reaches 330 tons,
has been moved to a new position. The active stope area behind the
mine combine is temporarily supported by light extensible posts.
The use of the MflK support eliminates consumption of mine timber
almost completely.
in the same category is the mechanised movable support invented
by V. Vorobyov, T. Gorbachov, I. Patrushev and F. Kufarev, which
has lately been put to the test in the mines of the Kuznetsk basin.
Inasmuch as in this design the movable powered support is combined
with mechanised extraction of coal with the aid of a coal plough,
the inventors gave the whole arrangement the name of Kuzbas Coal
This combine is made of the following assembly units (Fig. 168);
coal plough 1, driven by hoists 2, self-propelling mine support 3,
conveyer 4, control board 6 and hydraulic pump plant 7. All these
s &
£ T
P 1
® a
© si
fe s
sfc s
O o
0. «
ts.* o
<o x
Working Face Timbering 261
w m y y i 7cUv 6'(
5 installed along a strike entry. When a coal strip has been cut from
the breast of the face, the combine moves forward, simulta
neously shearing the coal left in the roof after the passage of the
202 Sloping in a Continuous Face
The roof of the face is held in place by the sections of the support.
Thus, as proposed by its inventors, the combine is meant to extract,
load and transport coal from the face, and support and control the
roof in one process based on the principle of a continuous operation.
r /
n Prop to
On A-B
and holes in coal and in gangue interlayer 2 are drilled. Broken coal
is loaded onto a conveyer, when mining proceeds up the dip. Along
with the extraction of coal charges are shot in holes drilled in the
gangue interlayer, and loosened rocks are thrown over the conveyer
and stowed in the worked-out area. Then the bottom coal bench 3
is blasted without any preliminary undercutting. The mode of face
support is seen clearly in the drawing. Because of the considerable
thickness of the intercalation the volume of waste obtained during
the breakage is sufficient to secure a full packing capable of support
ing the back of the seam.
motor capacity of 20.5 kw. The breaking force for the cable used is
23-28 tons, its diameter—20-22 mm, it is of cross lay, made of thin
wires (1-1.4 mm) with tensile strength of 140-160 kg/mm1.
Artificial caving operations, that is, fixing and handling of the
cable, putting up idle rollers, tugger control, etc., are performed by a
team of three or four men. Artificial roof caving proper in a coal
wall 100 metres long lasts 20-25 minutes. The size of the caved area
on strike should conform to the space interval of caving determined
by experience—usually three or four cuts, that is, 5-7 metres.
The advantages of mechanical artificial caving are considerable.
They are:
1 ) greater safety of operation;
2 ) complete demolition of timbering, ensuring full and rapid settl
ing of the ground, and this, in turn, favourably affects the condition
of the roof over the active stope area;
3) caving takes very little time.
This mechanised method of artificial caving, however, causes com
plete loss of mine timber. But practice shows that it is often possible
to “ thin”timbering by knocking down some of the posts (25-35 per
cent) by hand before proceeding with mechanised roof caving.
7. C o n v e y i n g C o a l in P r o d u c t i o n F aces
----------------------------------------- ISO----------------------------------------
F ig . 177. Loading of coal from a face conveyer
rock pressure in the hack. For these reasons no scrapers are employed
at present in long coal walls. When conveyers are used for coal trans
portation at working faces, it is extremely important for timber sets
to he arranged in straight lines.
27'i Sloping in a Continuous Face
two flame (benzene) safety lamps (Fig. 182), with which the methane
level can be determined at any given moment. In electrically lighted
working places these safety lamps are also needed to provide emergen
cy lighting in case of current supply failures.
Luminescent lamps have lately been used widely for illuminating
mine workings. They are used in haulageways, engine rooms, dis
patcher and shaft stations, etc.
Fig. 183 shows a luminescent explosion-proof lamp.
traction of coal in walls, its delivery to the surface, and the driving
and maintenance of development openings.
Proper organisation of work is of prime importance for normal oper
ation of coal faces and development stopes. This can be achieved
only on the basis of cyclic operations.
Individual operations in production faces recur periodically and
in a definite sequence: after the undercutting, breaking and drawing
of coal comes a new cut, then loosening and extraction of the miner
al, etc. All other concomitant work in the wall, that is, timbering,
roof control, shifting or transfer of equipment and machines utilised
in extracting coal and its transportation from the coal face also recur
in a definitely set order.
In other words, all these operations in a production face can be
grouped in categories of successively recurring operations, that is,
Hence, a cycle in the production face of a coal mine can generally be
characterised as a complete course oj processes and operations, per
formed in a definite sequence and necessary to mine coal over the entire
coal face, the distance of its advance being provided for by the planned
technical schedule.
This general conception of cycle needs a more precise definition
for the following typical cases:
For coal walls worked by mine combines or coal-cutting machines
the cycle is an aggregate of operations elTected between two consecu
tive undercuttings, or the cutting and loading of coal by a combine.
When coal is broken by pneumatic hammers, the cycle is better de
fined as the sum total of operations performed at the face during its
advance over a distance of two face timbering set shifts.
The cyclic schedule means mining operations performed strictly
and systematically in accordance with work cycles.
Cyclic organisation of mining is simplest and most convenient
when the sequence of operations in the cycle conforms to work shifts
and the whole cycle is accomplished within 24 hours (the so-called
24-hour operative cycle). In the case of the 24-hour cycle schedule each
miner, at least for a certain period of time, works every day in the same
shift, which is very important for keeping up regular and rhythmic
When coal is extracted from a wall in two shifts and the third is
devoted to repairs and preparatory work, the introduction of the
one-cycle schedule in the face is conducive to adequate exploitation
of equipment and proper maintenance of mine workings and haulage
In coal walls where, for geological, technical and other reasons,
it is possible to extract the planned daily tonnage of coal in one
shift, the remaining two are taken up by repairs and preparatory
10 *
276 Sloping in a Continuous Face
Accidents are most frequent when there are no order and regularity
in work. In the case of cyclic organisation, mining operations recur
uniformly and safety measures, therefore, become traditional and
stable. This is the best guarantee against accidents.
in a month (planned); coal output per man in one shift and in a month,
in tons; consumption of mine support materials—timber in cubic
metres and metal in kilogrammes per 1 , 0 0 0 tons of coal extracted;
consumption of explosives in grammes per ton of coal; prime cost
of one ton of coal in the wall.
These indices are also necessary for compiling analogous indices
for the whole of a mine section, which may include not one but two
and even several coal walls and stopes in development workings.
The cost of deliveries to the haulageway is likewise taken into account
in this table.
Planned work diagrams and labour distribution charts are usually
supplemented by a table of technical and economic indices which,
for Ihe sake of brevity, does not contain all of the above-cited indices
but only the most important (Figs 185-187).
8 . A feature characteristic of a mine face is its mobility. Hence,
conditions prevailing in a coal wall change with the passage of time.
For instance, when the angle of pitch in a slightly inclined seam
decreases by a few degrees, the wall becomes appreciably longer.
Consequently, all the earlier compiled work schedules and graphs
may prove unsuitable and should be revised in good Lime. Such revi
sion of work schedules should be done at the beginning of the month.
Planned work diagrams and labour distribution charts are compiled
in advance by the mine section superintendent for each individual
coal wall in conformity with the general mine schedule and are
approved by the chief engineer of the mine not later than five days
before the end of each month. After their approval the schedules and
graphs are made known to mine foremen, shift bosses and facemen .
" 3
£ v
k V.
Urns in
% L
■ ^s s
CM ?
CM ' d
Operation chart
j/ w
f c s ,1
CM i sW
* { ’ l
um i
X \
X \ SV
«o 1
tN 2 t &
o o p <5 c3 C CM
O S o p ca o
5 oo *o ^ t SI CM -> CM <o c s «o <o
-3- t» Ss
K iS S S 3 5?
*- SOJldUJ - *- CM i
5 to i fs. £
. &> l o t s. t o
1 .3 0
g ' f c sj- SI CM 1 1 to S- i CM
> Cl s = to 2 1
s : N rs. to Si 8 $ *• cm 3
CM 1 cQ CM «o 1 to CSi « Mto
Total I
| *£
•w •C.
1 Shift electricians and service men
1 ♦
Ac 1
6 <i f
-*o L- c
1 Qj
Dally coal production program, t
I (
Qj Cj 1 +
Technical and economic
| Blasters and their helpers
I g «>
Cutting machine operators
o «5 a>
■& i s O £
Conveyer transfer men
»» £ 13
6 2 e b <A.
e 5 ? £
c *3
1 Timber supply men
Oj Q,
=f e 1 3 3
& C u
1 Drillers In stone
■ Is O 3 4> g ! 1
c. a S ’ ?
qj > u & o' j C
i i ^ * i s b 1 Oi
§ f «■
\ i ? £; S ; <> ^ •Q t3 £
1 Motormen
3 %» c
t 3* w * ■» O e (S 3 <u 3 6
3 *c o t> O 'i Cl t,
3 ? &
5 <*» 5
C 1( *- it
u «
1 Q> Qj
$ ! a g c * 5 «{ Qjw •Q
g § n §5 CJ 5 S 3 .6
3 5 i i I S
5 l i 3$ <3 s * S j : 5 |S Q- t o £ g
Fig. J80. Work schedule diagram for one cycle in 24 hours with (he extraction of coal by the Donbas combine
Operation ch art
Technical and econ om ic
so n
in d ice s Face
£ >5“
CDM ifoun e
E x te n t o f lo n q w a ll \
O S>
CD ‘
T h ick n ess o f se a m s \
A n gie o f p itc h o f s e a m s \
C u ttin g d epth \
R eco v e ry r a te p e r 1m 1
o f se a m area
[Coal ou tpu t p e r operation cycle \
9 ft '°N S3DJ ______
Number o f c y c le s p e r d a g \
WD (f>
|Daily co a l p rod u ction program \
|R oof co n tro l \Gradual s e ttlin g down \
Output p e r m an-shift
3.9 3.6
(according to chart)
| Total num ber o f m in ers
<0 s
|M onthly ou tp u t p e r s to p e r
9ft'ON 33DJ
h ou rs
l wo coa l
t: *- g
B la stin g in rock
—x — x—
v\ 1 $ a
t i
t tt
I i t
oo OOQ
*O 0 IOQ
v 0T0 y
V) to
jS ^
*< _p
o o e o o o e o e o o
K °rfj “ 90 0
g * b o*~ o +dr -
o l f & OO o
290 Sloping in a Continuous Face
fill that is adopted, the packing should not fall behind the advancing
face more than stipulated by the specifications for mine support.
When roof control is effected by artificial caving, one should keep lo
the space interval or run of caving confirmed by practice.
3. The face should be limbered in accordance with the accepted spe
cifications, and the supporting sets should be put up in good time.
Metal or timber props should be arranged along the coal face in
straight rows. The condition of the roof should be constantly looked
after and all the sections exciting apprehension should be immediately
reinforced. A reversible-type chain conveyer can also deliver the mine
timber to the coal wall via a lower-lying entry. The question of mine
support stocks is discussed below.
4. The coal wall should be equipped with machinery—mine
combines, coal cutters and loaders, air hammers and conveyers with
rated capacities sufficient to achieve the goals set by planned work
The length of the cutter bar should accord with the properties of
the seam, and the cutting machine itself should be operated properly.
The coal culler’ s teeth should be changed in good lime. For harder
grades of coal Lhey should be faced with hard alloys. The track for the
coal cutter or mine combine should be kept free of coal or rock debris
and the coal face should be smooth and have no benches or overhang
ings which might hinder the machine’ s motion.
The holes drilled in coal should not be shallower than the cuts, and
they should be properly spaced. The loaders should break off the
undercut coal over the entire area of the breast, leaving the face in the
shape of a vertical surface from Lop lo bottom. Moreover, if the
machine, because of the seam structure, cuts somewhat above the
bottom of the bed, the workers should break off all the coal lying be
low the cuL (bottom coal).
Maintenance of face machinery and other electrical and mechanical
equipment is discussed below.
f>. The coal wall should be well ventilated, in accordance with the
regulations. An effective air current is also essential for reducing
the time needed for blowing out the noxious gases created by the ex
plosion of charges in holes drilled in coal and dummy roadways. The
best lime for blasting is between two shifts. Since coal cutters and
loaders are apt to produce much coal dust, the wall should be
equipped with spraying devices.
0. Proper lighting at the face is not only necessary to ensure safety;
it also helps increase labour efficiency. All the loading stations near
the walls should have electric lighting.
7. The coal wall should be connected by telephone to the mine
despatcher’ s office. For convenience’ s sake, the telephone should be
installed at the loading station of the wall.
292 Sloping in a Continuous Face
allow not only free passage of the air current, but also to provide for
convenient delivery of mine limber to production faces.
7. Implementation of the cyclic work schedule is supervised
not only by team leaders and mine foremen but also by mine-section
superintendents and their assistants. If they are not present in a coal
wall at any given moment, they should keep in touch with it by tele
phone and come over when required to check on the implementation
of the cyclic work schedule and, if necessary, take measures to ensure
uninterrupted mining operations.
8 . Control over the actual fulfilment of planned cyclic operations
and registration of their results require working face records.
A working face record (Fig. 188) includes the following operative
data for every workday:
a) actual state of mining operation in the wall at the end of each
shift. There, conventional signs show the amount of coal undercut,
blasted and extracted along the length of the wall and the position
of mining machines (cutting, loading and mine combines) and convey
ers. Authenticity of the information is testified to by the signatures
of the shift manager on duty and the mine foreman;
b) statement on factual labour distribution according to shifts
and classes of work;
c) condition of the roof all along the coal wall, according to shifts;
d) entry in the face record of all possible instances of noncompliance
with the cyclic schedule of work, periods of idle time and the causes
underlying them;
e) finally, entry in the face record of assignments and accomplished
work per shifts and day—actual coal output, undercutting, drilling,
timbering, conveyer shifting, etc.
The forms of the working-face records are filled out by the mine-
seclion superintendent or his assistant on the basis of information
contained in the shift manager’ s report at the end of each working
shift (Fig. 188), or in the mine despatcher’ s report (Fig. 189).
9. The working-face records also serve for registering the results
of cyclic operations performed in a day, week or ten days, or month.
The data they contain are checked and compared every ten days and
every month with the results of the surveyor’ s measurements of the
face advances and with current information on the amount of coal
actually extracted.
Section Date
~WaiT Ishift
Wall Workers accord
length I I s h if t M shift length ing to shifts
190 190 ]_ n_ perdag
Combine operators
170 170
150 150 Operator helpers
130 130
Conveyer motormen
110 110 Conveyer transfer men
SO 90 Drillers
70 70
Prop-pulling men
50 50
F illers
30 30 Timbermen
10 10 Timber supply men
on duty j
Mine Total f o r the wall n
foremar, Total en gaged in
S ection operation rep ort development work
Total en gaged in
a j Wall operation b) Operation o f developmentfa ce s other o p era tion s
S h ifts |<;g/-| ~ Shifls o f the s e c tio n
I | E I M \day\ g '
u* / in \m
\ Grand t o t a l f o r
the se c tio n
Mined, t Driven, m Causes o f noncom pliance with
opera tion schedule and Idle time
Undercut, m Mined, t
Repairs, m
drilled, m
Footage Mined, t
Conveyer Repairs, m
shifted, m
Footage Driven, m
fille d , m
Organ Legend n Cutting
timbering Mined, m
□ Undercut “ machine
. Undercut
^ and blasted 0=3 combine
Repairs, m
Timber Cut coal Conveyer
supplied cleaned up position
rrrtinn rn
Operation rle started
cycle \ t.
(date) (shifty
Operation cycle completed: £_.......
Output per section (date) (shift)
Mine ch ie f engineer
Section ch ief
I F illin g
o r ca v in g
2. D rillin g
In sto n e Total la b o u r
3. Blasting, a t th e f a c e
in rock Total la b ou r in
k Timbering developm ent work
Total labor engaged
in oth er o p era tion s
8 10 12 Ik 16 18 20 22 2k 2 k 6 8
o f th e s e c t io n
Actual Total f o r th e section
^h.Otherstopesof Task
the section Actual Sketched actual f a c e p o s itio n atthe
a Grandtotedfor Task
d o s e o f the sh ift
a Actual Wdll
I s h ift U shift IE shift
Section operation report length
a) Wall operation b) Operation o f development fa c e s 150
I S h ifts (per S h ifts per
am naaaa
. 3.k
a 1 day z
7 I T A r AT A
Mine.t Driven, m
Undercut,m Mined,t 90
Footagedrilled,m Repairs.m 70
Footageblastedjn Driven,m
Footagetimbered/n 50’
Mined, t
Cameyershfted.m Repairs.m 30
FaotagefUled.m Driven,m 10
Organtimbering Mined,t
transferred,m Repairs.m Operation cy cle sta r te d .......
(date) (shift)
• Operation cy cle com pleted. ........
TUnbersuppUed (date) (shift)
Name o f the mine foreman Mine c h ie f en g in e e r
Dispatcher’s signature S ection c h i e f
F ig . 189. D i s p a t c h e r ’
s w o r k i n g fa c e c y c l i c o p e r a t i o n s r e c o r d
Peculiarities o f Rock Pressure and S u p port of W orking Faces 297
dip. It is only in the case of extremely firm wall rocks that posts
are set up directly in hitches cut in the floor and blocked against the
roof. Ordinarily, slabs a are first arranged on the hanging and foot
walls (Fig. 192) and the posts are then driven in between them.
To prevent timbering from sliding the slabs should meet e n d - t o - e n d
(and not overlap each other as is the case in gently sloping beds).
The posts should be placed at the ends of each slab and, in addition
to that, one, two or three supplementary posts should be put up be
tween the end props, this depending upon the properties of wall rocks
and the length of slabs.
Spacing between the rows of props varies, usually from 0.7 to
1 metre, depending on the stability of hanging and foot-wall rocks.
In the instance of weaker wall rocks prop and slab support is insuf
ficient, inasmuch as individual blocks of rock can fall from between
the rows of timber sets. In such cases short slabs (laggings) (b in
Fig. 192), are driven under the main slabs. The number of laggings
depends on the properties of rocks.
Since the overlap of each bench lies directly above the men work
ing in the bench below, it should be secured and lagged with slabs.
Cribbing is often employed in the stoping area. The cribs are
built on the sticks of usual sets (Fig. 193a), or else two additional
props are set up at the bottom of the crib (Fig. 1936).
In steeply inclined beds the delivery of mine timber to the produc
tion faces is a difficult job. For the top benches the props and slabs
are brought up in mine cars through the airway; for lower ones through
the lower haulageway. To deliver mine timber to benches of low
height, the facemcn take their places in every bench and relay the
F ig . M 2. B e n c h t i m b e r i n g F ig . 193 C r i b b i n g in steeply
pitch in g beds
300 Sloping in a Continuous Face
props, slabs and laggings in numbers required for work during the
shift. These materials are piled on support posts in front of each bench.
In benches of considerable height it is possible to lower mine timber
in a special box with runners or skids with the aid of a hand-operated
or mechanised winch set up in the upper entry.
As said above, in steeply inclined beds both roof fall and bottom
slide are possible, and falling blocks of coal or rock roll down unhin
dered. This makes adequate support of the production face and wall-
rock control especially important. We have already seen that with
the caving methods of mining in gently sloping seams it is of particu
lar importance for systematic roof control to knock down the posts
of the face timbering regularly and move special support sets at preset
intervals. But in the case of a heavy pitch all this is actually ruled
out, for here it would be rather unsafe to knock down the props. Here
cribs are moved only occasionally. That is why, in the case of mining
steeply inclined beds with partial or complete caving, protection of
working areas from rock falls provides for careful arrangement of
mine supports and systematic building of cribs, whose number and in
terspacing are determined on the basis of previous experience. As a
rule, the cribs are abandoned in the worked-out area. In other words,
when mining steep seams with partial or complete caving, wall-rock
control is efTected by retreat from rock collapses or goafs. Besides,
in order to secure the stability of wall rocks it is sometimes necessary
to leave small pillars (stumps) of coal three to five metres wide and
high in worked-out areas. The abandonment of stumps increases coal
losses and tends to complicate the delivery of coal in the stope area.
The slumps are left somewhat below the centre line of the worked-
out area.
In conditions under discussion the most reliable method of lend
ing stability to wall rocks is by filling the mined-out space.
Packing materials needed in the mining of thin and medium-thick
steep seams can be obtained both underground and on the surface.
In the case of the former, they include interlayers or rocks of the
false bottom or roof in the working seam itself and rocks obtained
from newly driven or retimbered mine workings; in the latter case,
from quarries, concentration plants (tailings) and old rock dumps.
Heavier partings or intercalations met with during the extraction
of coal in benches are cut out separately and thrown over the floor
boarding into the goaf to pack it.
To let down the rocks of partings and thin bands contained in the
false bottom or roof, the usual practice is to tear of! one or two lower
boards of the flooring before cutting out the rock. The lumps of rock
then fall through the flooring into the goaf. The volume of rock ob
tained from intercalations and the false roof or bottom (if they are thin
enough to descend by themselves when coal is broken off) is nearly
Peculiarities of Rock Pressure and Support of Working Faces 301
the strike, which is a horizontal line, will be the angle of repose of the
fill, that is, 38°-42°. If the angle of pitch is below 90°, the angle be
tween the slope of the fill and the strike will be greater. It will also
tend to increase because the fill is prevented from rolling freely by
timbering in the worked-out
area and by its friction with
wall rocks. Furthermore, the
initial height of the mined-
out space, which equals the
thickness of the seam, may,
by the time packing is pro
f j f ceeded with, be somewhat
F ig . 194. C a l c u l a t i o n o f a f i l l - s l o p e a n g l e reduced by the subsidence
of the roof and the bulging
of the bottom, especially in the central section of the level, and
that will also delay and even stop the stowing operations. These
phenomena become all the more pronounced as the coal seam grows
thinner. The job of levelling the fill is assigned to special workers.
Let us assume that line c in Fig. 194 represents the position of the
fill slope. If this line runs in space at y angle, which is somewhat great
er than that of the fill repose, angle p, formed by the actual fill
slope and strike, can be found by applying the following formula
and the lead or advance of the lower end of the fill slope in accordance
with the formula
a cot P
f = b cot p sin a
F ig . 198. A f a c e a t th e M a z u r k a s e a m
a —p rio r to a d o p t i n g a d if fe r e n tia te d m eth o d of w o rk ; b — af ter a d o p t i n g it
Viewin the* \\
direction o f arrow B
along the dip of a seam, and draws coal in a diagonal bench, separating
a band 2-2.2 metres wide. The combine’ s bed frame 2 (Fig. 201)
accommodates reciprocating breaking-down or ripping machine 1.
It consists of three-point rip bit 5, compressed air motor 6 with a
rated capacity of 32 hp and a reduction gear. The bit rotates at a
rate of 50-60 rpm. The ripping machine moves along rack 7 and
the bed frame over a distance of 2 . 2 metres at a speed of
17 m/min.
Side frame 4, hinged to bed frame 2, and safety platform or cover
8 constitute the main body of the combine, which also has suspension
device 3 that can be attached to the rope of the hoist set up in the
upper entry.
As the bit, performing simultaneously rotating and reciprocating
movements along the bed frame, separates coal in strips 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 mm
thick' and it slides down the sloping bench, the machine is fed down
hill at the rate of 0.4-0.5 m/min. The hoist is started and stopped by
remote control, the operator being all this time on the combine un
der the protection of steel cover 8.
To prevent the combine from leaving the contours of the face,
there is lateral slide 9 pressed against the first row of face timbering.
Coal in the seam is broken, depending on its hardness, by the bit ro
tating in one or both directions. In the latter case the machine’ s
output may be brought to 50 tons per hour (in a bed 1-1.3 metres
The space freed by the extraction of coal bands has to be supported
by timber sets, with 0.9-metre intervals between rows. The back of
the seam should be lagged with slabs. The only unsupported thing is
a strip about a metre wide near the breast of the face, along which
the combine is brought to the upper portion of the coal wall after
the mining operations are over. When a combine moves ahead at a
rate of 0.4-0. 5 m/min, two or three timbermen do not always manage
to put up the supporting sets in the area near the face, and this causes
interruption in its operation. To remedy this, the designing organ
isations are now busy elaborating a mechanised or powered metal
support which would permit continuous operation of the combine
in absolute safety.
When the KKn coal combine was first introduced at the Surtaikha
Mine, inventor Babarykin suggested lowering a special suspended
metal stage or platform right after the combine to facilitate and ac
celerate face timbering. The platform accommodates a timberman
and a stock of mine timber. It is lowered and hoisted (folded because
its parts are hinged) by a rope from a hoist set up in the upper
entry, and is operated by a timberman with the aid of push
After the extraction of a coal strip, the combine stops on the
bottom 6 -metre bench, the lateral slide is taken off, along with the
bit holders, and the frames are folded prior to its hoisting to the up
per portion of the wall by rope. The lifting power of the hoist is 4 tons,
the drum diameter—600 mm, and it accommodates 240 metres of 21-
mm rope. The combine is hoisted at the flitting or tramming speed
of 4-5.7 m/min. All operations connected with the dismantling, trans
fer and preparation of the machine for the next cycle are performed
during the back shift.
The combine and the hoist
may bo powered both by elec
tric (17 and 11 kw) and com
pressed-air (30 and lGhp) motors.
The overall dimensions of the
combine in the operating po
sition are: length (on the dip)
—3 metres, width—2.9 metres;
height, depending upon the thick
ness of the bed—0.70-1.04 me
tres; weight—3 tons.
In the average conditions of
steeply pitching seams in the
Donets coal lie Ids KKI1 combines
are capable of producing be
tween 9,000 and 11.000 tons of
coal per wall per month.
The Gorlovka works has put
out a pilot lot of y K U l- 1 com
bines (screw conveyer combine,
Model 1), designed by N. Ignatov
for working steep seams 0 .7-1.1
metres thick in coal walls 70-150
metres long with soft and medi
um-hard coal and firm and med
ium-stable wall rocks. The oper
ating mechanisms cutting coal
arc the chain bars and screws
with cutting bits and shearing
plates. Screw conveyers also re Fig. 202. K-32 coal combine
move gum from the face. The
combine is serviced at the face by six men (machine runner, his
helper, electrician, hoistman and two timbermen).
During the tests in a coal wall 82 metres long the machine complet
ed one cycle in eight hours.
Field tests of the K-32 type coal combine (Fig. 202), also designed
for mining of steeply inclined seams, are at present under way. The
operating mechanisms in this machine are the screw conveyers fitted
with bits (teeth) and ripping wedges. The rated capacity of the
electric motor actuating the combine is 30 hp, the weight of the ma
chine—3.7 tons and its range—1.05 metres.
4. Mining in sleep seams can also be done by coal planers. Techni
cally, this method of mining in the conditions prevailing in steeply
inclined beds includes a number of features differing from those of
slightly sloping seams: the conveyer is absent; broken coal descends
Technical and economic indices
*m e
s»m 2 )
1 Wall length \
1 Seam thickness 1
1 Pitch angle of the seam j
c*> -5“
I Advance per round I
1 Output per 1m2of seam area \
I Operation cycles per day \
% »>
I Daily production program I
Hoof Partial filling 1
control and roof subsidena
B l Osi
J S p l,
« ||||
o S o o o p o g a j o
s s >: s
1 Labour actually engaged per day 1
1 "Vt
<0 N
S3 2?
1 Total number of mine workers 1
Planned monthly output
per man In the wall 150
*C ■5
fe i
?® w
Ea 1
Cq <*>
puojg <0
race men \
Air-line service men \
v - CM a
| umber supply and crib men \
\Loading chute transfer men |
1 N a
1 o>
1 <*>
Work in a Sleep Face 311
by gravity; when running idle the planer can move downhill by its
own weight.
Field trials with a coal plough in mining Pugachovka coal seam of
the Donets basin, 0.8 metre thick and dipping at 60°, were carried
out in 1949. The tested planer was the one designed by Y. Nekrasov-
sky. It was made of a solid metal frame placed on skids and fitted with
cutting teeth. Its weight was 1.7 tons. The face was straight, but
slightly inclined, so that its top corner was somewhat in advance of
the bottom one. The coal plough cut coal as it was pulled along the
face by a rope. When it ran loaded uphill, the rope wound around the
drum of a hoist set up in a cross heading parallel to the haulageway.
Adjustable idler pulleys were provided at the corners of the face
to guide the rope. The rope was also passed over special rollers on the
coal plough in order to press it against the breast of the face. The lat
ter was supported by props and cribs. Timbering was put up after
the face had been advanced by about 0.8-1 metre. When the plough
moved downhill by its own weight, the electric motor of the hoist
was shut off, and the speed of the descent was regulated by the brakes
of the hoist. There were no men present at the face during the opera
tion of the plough.
The field tests of the coal plough proved successful. Labour effi
ciency and coal tonnages increases were greater than those in the case
of air hammers. It is quite possible that the employment of coal
plough in steeply pitching beds will make it possible to work very
low seams.
17. Work in a Steep Face
Work in coal walls of steeply inclined seams should be organised
on the basis of a cyclic operation schedule. The main provisions relat
ing to the cyclic organisation of stoping operations, formulated before,
fully apply to the conditions prevailing in steep beds.
Fig. 203 is illustrative of a cyclic operation schedule drawn up for
one 24-hour cycle for the overhand stope of a steep seam worked by
air hammers.
1. Development Work
In Chapter II we have seen that the levels of gently sloping seams
are opened up through permanent inclines and slopes or directly
through inclined shafts, from which level drifts or entries are driven.
Fig. 204, for example, shows main hoisting shaft A with workings
adjacent lo it, air shaft B and break-through 1-2 between them.
The break-through is made mostly in the shape of two parallel open
ings connected by cross headings. This facilitates ventilation during
the drivage of the break-through. The completion of the break
through connecting the main hoisting and air shafts makes available
two independent exits to the ground surface, and this allows normal
ventilation of underground workings. One of the shafts is for the
downcast current of fresh air and the other for the upcast return cur
rent. No underground stoping is permitted before the two shafts
are properly connected and normal ventilation is ensured.
If there is more than one level in the up-dip portion of the mine
field, that is, in the section lying above the shaft station (in Fig. 204
there are two such levels), the break-through is used for arranging
permanent slope 1-3 to allow conveying the coal drawn in the upper
level to the shaft.
Lower haulageway 3-4 and upper ventilation entry 2-5 are run
starting from the break-through level drifts. The distance between
these two openings is equal to inclined level interval h. The entries
on the other side of the level are pushed forward in analogous fashion.
Entries running from the permanent incline in the mine held along
the dip are driven in the same manner.
The entries are timbered by supporting sets of different materials
and design as conditions require it.
The materials that can be used include timber, metal, concrete
and reinforced concrete. The sets themselves may be made of straight
or bent members, complete or incomplete, rigid or yielding.
Development Work 313
‘Ttr777)Jf>J 7S7JJJJJVJ/y w r w D ii - I I
F ig . 206. E n t r y t i m b e r s u p p o r t w i t h r a fter r e i n
forcem ent
F i g . 207. R e i n f o r c e d c o n c r e t e s u p p o r t p o s t s in an e n t r y
Fig. 208. Trapezoid metal support
2. L o n g w a l l M i n i n g
If there is just one continuous straight dip face (wall) in the levell
this modification of continuous mining is designated as longwal,
workings. For example, Fig. 211 is illustrative of the longwall min
ing with a coal combine of a low slightly inclined seam. Roof control
involves complete caving. The lower and top entries are protected
by pack walls. The flight conveyer at the face loads coal directly
into the mine cars of a train driven by an electric locomotive.
In this system of mining, production faces are generally distin
guished by Lheir considerable extent. Long continuous faces possess
a number of major advantages:
1. They yield more coal.
2. They allow the maximum use of coal combines, cutting ma
chines and conveyers. When necessary, longwalls can be serviced not
by one, but by two combines or coal cutters. A face extending for
100 metres can be serviced by one conveyer. In walls of greater length
two or three conveyers can be put up in tandem.
3. In longwalls, all other conditions being equal, the production
programme can be fulfilled with a minimum number of active walls.
This reduces the number of development openings and, consequent
ly, the cost of their maintenance, and simplifies the transportation
4. Supervision of mining operations is much simpler.
On the other hand, longwall mining may cause a series of incon
1. Inasmuch as a coal wall of appreciable extent is a major pro
duction unit at the mine, any delays in its operation may seriously
affect the output of the mine as a whole. Hence the need lo keep
active longwalls in perfect order and, besides, to make provisions
for stand-by or reserve faces (Section 9).
318 Continuous Methods of Mining
this makes driving of slopes and manways in goafs a costly and slow
When working faces move away to a certain distance from the
existing slope, a new one is arranged. To distinguish it from a per
manent slope, it is called intermediary. The part of a level mined
through any such intermediary slope is called mine block. Ordinarily
slopes are numbered in the order of their establishment and denoted
by cardinal points (for example, Western I, Eastern III, etc.). A por
tion of the mine block lying between two neighbouring entries and
slopes (for instance, 2'-2-5-5') is sometimes called working section.
This term should not be confused with mine section, which is a part
of the mine field in charge of an engineer (or technician) —the mine
section superintendent.
The higher Lhe cost of making and equipping a slope the greater
the distance between intermediary slopes; and the smaller iL is, the
higher the maintenance and haulage cost for each one of them. The
distance is usually 150-200 metres for the one-way slopes so far dis
Basic knowledge of the way the distance between intermediary
slopes is calculated is presented below (ChapLer XIII).
Coal in intermediary slopes is transported by conveyers (bclt-
Arrangement of slopes in mined-out areas has a number of major
1. As already stated, their driving in goafs is a costly and a rela
tively slow operation.
2. Openings run all the way amid caving zones and their upkeep
is therefore a costly affair—at least as long as the rocks of the back
do not come down to the bottom and caving and subsidence near
the openings do not cease altogether, a thing which generally occurs
after a considerable lapse of lime.
3. Slopes in goafs can be slarled only when working face 8-9 of
the bottom sublevel (Fig. 214) has advanced at least scores of metres
from initial slope-site 2-1 and the manway, so that their sinking
will not interfere with the operations going on in entry 6-8. Since
the working faces continue to move forward during the sinking of a
slope and manway, when slope 1-2 becomes operative throughout
its length, intermediary entries 2-7 and 5-9 will have advanced a
considerable distance. For this reason engineer A. Belinsky suggest
ed driving a long slope simultaneously by headings started from
several dummy roadways. This was done in 1937, at Shchcglovka
Mine No. 1 in the Donets coal fields. The slope was run along the
face of a 180-metre coal wall in a seam 1.3 metres thick, involving
the slashing of wall rocks. Its size was: width at the bottom—4 me
tres, at the top—2.85 metres, height—2.5 metres. Mining in the coal
324 Continuous Methods of Mining
wall was slopped for the lime. The slope was driven in a direction
determined in advance by the mine surveyor simultaneously through
seventeen raise slopes, each starting from a separate dummy
roadway. The waste from slabbing was stowed away in dummy
roadways. The job was done by 142 men divided into 17 teams.
In spile of its large section the 180-metre slope was completed in
two days.
Because of Lhe disadvantages of this arrangement of slopes in
goafs, continuous mining according to this modification has been
practised but very rarely in the past fifteen years. Today, however,
with the tendency towards greater level intervals, it is likely to be
employed more.
Use can be made of yet another method, the one of driving inter
mediary entries in an intact solid mass of coal. To accomplish this,
the entries—haulage and ventilation—are pushed forward far ahead
of lhe production faces (Fig. 216).
This system implies driving a series of development openings
in front of the working faces and the method can no longer be referred
to as one of continuous mining, but as a transitory one from
continuous to pillar systems. Its basic merits are: 1) slopes and
manways do not run in goafs, but in intact solid masses of coal,
which serve as safety pillars; 2 ) seam occurrences are thoroughly
explored through development openings run ahead of production
The system also has its shortcomings: 1 ) openings driven in' a
solid coal mass require a more complex ventilation system, especially
in gassy mines; 2 ) driving these openings ahead of time demands
considerable outlays. Nonetheless, Lhe method is used quite fre
In continuous mining, ventilation of development headings and
working faces is distinguished by simplicity. The pattern of air
movement is simplest in the case of the longwall variety of Lhe system.
With sublevels a simple ventilation scheme is achieved when the
same air current consecutively sweeps all the coal walls of the level.
But in this instance the upper walls may be swept by an air current
containing methane. For this reason any possible use of successive
(through) ventilation of coal walls with a single air current is subject
to the following conditions laid down in the Safety Rules:
" E a c h w o r k i n g fa c e a n d th e h e a d i n g s o f t h e a d j a c e n t d e v e l o p m e n t o p e n i n g s
s h o u ld , as a rule, b e v e n t i l a t e d b y a s e p a r a t e c u r r e n t o f fresh air.
“C o n s e c u t i v e v e n t i l a t i o n o f s e v e r a l s i m u l t a n e o u s l y o p e r a t e d c o a l w a l l s
( p r o d u c ti o n faces) is p e r m i s s i b l e in m in e s w o r k i n g s e a m s will) n o h a z a r d s o f
s u d d e n o u t r u s h e s a n d b l o w e r s a n d o n l y in f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t io n s :
“a) th e s p a c i n g o n s t r i k e b e t w e e n th e a d j a c e n t c o a l w a l l s m u s t n o t e x c e e d
20 m e t r e s in t h e c a s e o f m i n i n g l o w s e a m s a n d 40 m e tr e s in m e d i u m - th ic k n e s s
326 Continuous Methods of Mining
a n d h ig h seams. In th is i n s t a n c e s u c c e s s i v e v e n t i l a t i o n o f c o a l w a l l s c o n n e c t e d
u p th e d i p b y a v e n t i l a t i n g br ea k - th r ou gh is i n a d m i s s i b l e .
“In n o n g a s s y b e d s a n d in s e a m s o f g a s c a t e g o r y I, p r e s e n t in g n o d u s t hazards,
th e d is t a n c e o n s t r i k e b e t w e e n c o n s e c u t i v e l y v e n t i l a t e d c o a l w a l l s c a n b e as
m uch as 200 metres. In th is instance, h ow e v er , the n u m b e r o f s u c c e s s i v e l y v e n
t i l a t e d w a l l s s h o u l d n o t e x c e e d three;
“b) in g a s s y mines, th e air e n t e r i n g ea ch w a l l m u s t n o t c o n t a i n m o r e than
0.5 per c e n t o f m ethane:
“c) ea ch s u c c e s s i v e l y v e n t i l a t e d c o a l w a l l is t o b e s u p p l i e d w i th a s u p p l e
m e n ta r y c u r r e n t o f fresn a ir fr o m th e a d j a c e n t h a u l a g e w a y ( in t e r m e d ia r y entry);
“d) w h en b l a s t i n g is c a r r ie d o u t in th e b o t t o m c o a l w a l l , th e m in e r s e n g a g e d
in the c o n s e c u t i v e l y v e n t i l a t e d w a l l s l y i n g a b o v e s h o u l d b e ta ken o u t to w here
th ere are m ain o r s u p p l e m e n t a r y fresh a ir currents;
"e) all c o n s e c u t i v e l y v e n t i l a t e d c o a l w a l l s w ith a to ta l l e n g t h o f o v e r 120
m etr es s h o u l d be i n c l u d e d in the g e n e r a l o r intern a l t e l e p h o n e n etw o r k .”
tom coal wall; the other moves down the slope, then along the inter
mediary entry and finally circulates along the area near the face
of the fop coal wall. To split the air currents, coal pillars 2 are left
between the walls. The currents are directed by seals or stoppings
3-3 with double ventilating doors. Where air currents cross each other
(point A), air bridges have to be constructed. Coal pillar 2 may be
replaced by a pack wall built with clay mortar.
In the mining of beds evolving firedamp, the continuous method
has a number of major advantages and disadvantages. One advan
tage is the almost complete absence of dead faces and openings driv
en in advance of sloping, for it is in such dead headings that mine
Continuous Systems in Mining o[ Slightly Inclined and Sloping Seams 327
Fig. 218. Continuous mining with Fig. 219. Continuous mining with raise
oblique coal faces faces
6 . Development Work
When the pitch is heavy, continuous mining acquires specific
A general aspect of continuous mining with longwalls without
sublevels is shown in Figs 190 and 22G, and with division into two
sublevels in Fig. 227.
When cap and floor coal pillars are provided over and under the
entries, the openings are made in (he shape of monkey entries with
limber sets (Fig. 220), or else have composite Limber and metal
supports (Fig. 221), or only metal supports (Fig. 222).
The support shown in Fig. 221 is called
joint-shaped arch. Under the impact of rock
pressure it is capable of slightly changing
its form. In a larger measure this properly
is inherent in the so-called arch compres
sible support (Fig. 222). The latter con
sists of three steel members with a special
channel section. The butt end of one is in
serted into the other and the juncture is
tightly braced by two clamps, this causing
high friction between the two members.
It is for this reason that the support can
withstand considerable loads before it be
comes pliable.
To avoid any disturbances of roof rock
continuity, slashing is done at the bottom
of the seam. In the case of ordinary timber sets (Fig. 220), one post
is set up obliquely along the back of the seam, while the head
piece rests not only on the posts but has one of its ends inserted
into a hiLch cut out in the rock of the foot wall.
Abandonment of cap pillars over the entry causes losses of coal
and this, in mining scams containing spontaneously igniting coal,
may lead to underground fires. In the latter case, pillars of barren
rock obtained from driving the entry are erected over the opening
instead of coal pillars (Figs 223 and 224). To protect the posts from
the pressure of the waste pillar, an overlap support is set up at the
height of about a metre above the entry. This consists of twin props,
some of them in normal position with regard to the bedding and oth
ers serving as struts for the former (Fig. 224). The props have a
stage with a slab flooring to hold broken barren rock. The waste
pillars between which interstices are left to let the coal down from
the production face are held in place on their sides by a sheathing
Fig. 221. E n t r y in a s t e e p s e a m w i t h a c o m p o
site joint-shaped arch s u p p o r t
On A~A
--- 8 N
~ 7 00-\~ -7 00 -\ |*
Assembly K 5
N «
i\ \
f '*I1
______ L
__ 1
___ i i n
m — 4
F ig. 222. C o m p r e s s i b l e a r c h s u p p o r t in a n e n t r y
1— to p s e c tio n ; s ^ b o t t o m section*; 3—longitudinal frame brace; 4—key
Development Work 331
3 /2z/ zzz^za
of slabs nailed to the props. The waste pillars are usually about 3
metres high.
When there is heavy side pressure, a lateral strut is put under the
bead piece or cap of the timber set (Fig. 224).
If no floor pillars are left under the airway, the props of the tim~
bering along the hanging wall are set on struts Loo (Fig. 225), since
the waste pack then would not be a sufficiently reliable founda~
332 Continuous Methods of Mining
7. I . o n g w a l l s in S te e p ly P i t c h i n g B e d s
cut out separately in bench mining, while the thinner ones fall onto
the ground chutes together with coal, and the latter, moreover, is
contaminated with lumps of wall rocks, Lhe ash content in coal
won in steeply pitching seams is, all other conditions being equal,
higher than in the case of gently sloping beds.
Sliding down the ground chutes, coal breaks up (the size of lumps
depending on its hardness). To reduce Lhe rolling speed in steeply
set ground chutes, cross planks are nailed to them every three metres.
The special measures applied in the mining of coal seams which
are subject to spontaneous outbursts of coal and gas (Chapter IX,
Section 12) are governed by the Safety Rules. In reference to steeply
pitching seams they are essentially as follows.
A coal measure which includes seams that are hazardous by their
sudden outbursts should not be mined before a protective seam is
drawn. The protective category includes beds occurring at a distance
not exceeding 35 metres perpendicularly from dangerous seams.
Sloping in protective beds should precede the advance of faces in
the dangerous seam by at least double the distance between Lhe
seams in question.
Before approaching a bed liable to sudden outburst, a number of
exploring boreholes not less than 5 metres long should be drilled
from the heading of an opening (for example, a crosscut). Direct
crossing of a seam by an opening is effected by blasting a solid mass
of rock not less than 1 metre thick. The blaster should be at least
2 0 0 metres from the breast of the face, in the way of an intake air
Sudden rock falls during the driving of development workings
can be forestalled by setting up advance timbering, drilling explor
ing boreholes and, in firm rocks, by shock blasting. The heading of
a haulageway should be at least 50 metres ahead of the production
face. The driving of uphill openings should be preceded by the drill
ing of large-diameter holes with a heavy boring machine. The breast
of the face should be constantly supported and tightly lagged.
In steep beds the bench should be as high as possible and the ad
vance kept down to the minimum. The bench overlap is to be lagged
all the way by slabs and boards, and supplementary posts and in
clined struts should be set up in addition to usual face timbering.
8. C o n t i n u o u s S u b l e v e l M i n i n g in S l e e p S e a m s
50-100 metres, are utilised for the dumping of coal, delivery of tim
ber and equipment, passage of men and ventilation. Coal delivered
to the intermediary entry from the upper sublevel is transported
lo the slope in mine cars or by conveyers. There is less breakage and
dust production here than in ground chutes. The slopes can be used
for supplying fresh air to the sublevels lying above. The slopes con
sist of dumping and manway compartments. The manway compart
ment is separated from the coal-dumping chute by a strong, solid
partition with windows with bolts to allow jammed coal through.
The windows should be 0.2 x 0.2 metre, with 3- to 5-metre intervals
between them.
Mining with slopes is safer than without them, for in the event
of a collapse of the roof or wall rocks in the production face the work
ers can find shelter in an intermediary enLry, whence they can es
cape along the slope to the lower haulageway.
Stand-By Coal Face Front 335
The use of slopes has its negative aspects too. It requires a greater
amount of development work, and mining in coal faces, when they
cross slopes, presents considerable technical difficulties. At these
points coal is usually undermined on three sides and this may lead
to its caving and to the downfall of “ settled”rocks near the slope.
In view of the availability of slopes, the method above can be
regarded as a combined one—a crosscut between continuous (long-
wall) and pillar systems of mining.
9. S t a n d - B y C o a l F a c e F r o n t
1. M a i n P o i n t s o f P i l l a r M i n i n g
3) pillar-and-bord method.
The pillar methods can be applied in mining seams dipping at
diverse angles.
A. G E N T L Y P I T C H I N G A N D M E D I U M - S T E E P S E A M S
2. L o n g P i l l a r M i n i n g o n S t r i k e
The top pillars are mined first for the following reasons:
1. Mining of the upper sublevels is started and, consequently,
completed first, and the intermediary slopes are thus surrounded
by intact pillars all through their service-life. This facilitates their
maintenance. When the top pillar AAx-2-l is mined, the length of
the slope should equal 1-B.
When the robbing of this pillar nears completion, section 1-3
of the slope may be abandoned, for it is only its portion 3-B that
is needed for dumping coal drawn from the pillar.
2. When water appears in working places, and the faces of the
upper sublevels are run in advance, it flows to appropriate interme
diary entries and through them to the manway or slope, both of
which have drain ditches leading to the level haulageway.
The advance rate difference for these subentries is usually 10-20
As mentioned above, coal from production faces can be delivered
either to the back or the front slope. In the first instance (Fig. 228),
development openings in each panel are driven outwardly and stop-
ing is done inwardly. There are ordinarily two active slopes on each
side of the level: AB, which serves as a haulageway for coal extract
ed from the working faces of panel 1, and AXBX, which services
development work in neighbouring panel II.
When coal is brought to the front slope, each side of the level may
be serviced by only one active slope (Fig. 229). For this, coal derived
from work places is transported to slope AXBX. The latter is driven
so as to be ready to operate by the time entry 1-2 has been driven
and, consequently, the development of top pillar AAx-2-l is near
ing completion. It is at this moment that one can start recovering
this pillar and then mine all the other lying below as the faces
progress at the individually accepted rate of advance. The coaL
340 Pillar Methods of Mining
firedamp leaves the stopes and ascends to the airway. Another merit
of this method is that, proceeding from an air entry, the panel can
be developed irrespective of whether the lower entry has already
been driven over the entire distance of B lBt (Fig. 230), the only
thing necessary is to time its completion to that of incline AtBt.
Opening A2B2serves as an incline only in the process of its arrange
ment, while during stoping operations it is used as a slope, that
is, for the delivery of coal to the lotver haulageway.
Pillars in continuous faces are stoped by methods described in
Chapter XI.
The most efficient method of coal transportation through inter
mediary entries and slopes involves the use of conveyers. Since coal
walls are also serviced by conveyers, this will help to achieve com
plete equipment of the m ine’ s working sections with conveyers.
Conveyers may be operated by remote control.
In pillar mining, ventilation of coal faces and development open
ings is much more complicated than in continuous, faces (longwalls).
Let us now study the pattern of ventilation applied in mining
with bilateral slopes (Fig. 230). The ventilating current enters an
opening in the given level wing through the lower haulageway.
It branches out at many points. At point I, for example, part of it
goes along the crosscut to the work places on the left side of the
panel, covered by slope A ,5,. Usually this air current is not deemed
sufficient to sweep all the faces, and it is supplemented at one or
several points by currents supplied via intermediary entries. At
point 2 part of fresh air is diverted from the main current, flows
along the manway over distance 2-3 and then along intermediary
entry 3-4, where it again merges with the main air current. The
two merged currents sweep production faces of the upper sublevels
and then escape into the ventilating entry. The other side of working
section or panel I, where stoping operations are in progress, is ven
tilated in similar fashion. A permanent stopping usually shuts out
the passage of air from the bottom portion of the slope.
In discussing the adoption of the scheme of unilateral ventilation
(successive aeration of working places), due account should be taken
of safety regulations, cited above in Section 3, Chapter XII.
The remaining part of the main air current is diverted to the main
haulageway to ventilate development openings. Secondary cur
rents are split from the main one at points 5 and 6 and directed into
manways at slope AtBt to ventilate advance headings in the inter
mediary entries. Air passes into the headings proper via special
parallel longitudinal through-cuts, or is directed by air partitions
or through ventilating tubes at the expense of the total mine de
pression or, finally, through individual ventilation facilities in ac
cordance with the separate aeration principle.
Spatial Correlation of Coal and Development Faces 343
The last portion of air enters heading 7 of the main entry, returns
along the through-cut, sweeps the heading of slope Bs and its man
ways, again descends to the through-cut, flows along it and through
one of the manways running parallel to slope AtBt, and escapes
into the ventilating entry.
If there is a considerable number of intermediary entries, the air
currents entering the headings must cover extremely long distances,
and this makes adequate organisation of mine ventilation difficult.
To reduce these distances, the pillars may be traversed by coal head
ings which, when necessary, can be arranged every few scores of me
When the air current circulating along the working places passes
from one sublevel to another, to divert it in the desired direction
when there are intermediary entries with pockets in the coal, pas
sageways in the fill of these pockets are made every few metres.
In the case of long pillar mining on strike, separate ventilation
of coal walls may be effected by measures analogous to those cited
above (see Fig. 217).
From what we have said above it follows that in working with
long pillars on strike the problem o/ ventilation is rather complex.
It requires a large number of ventilating facilities (air doors, par
titions, stoppings, ventilating tubes, etc.). Especially difficult is
ventilation of stub headings or dead faces in gassy mines.
On the other hand, it is desirable to split the main current (uni
directional ventilation) because polluted or methane-saturated air
then does not enter other workings. Besides, the depression required
for the movement of the air current is appreciably smaller than
in the case of a common, unsplit current.
The network of development openings pushed ahead of stoping
operations is a factor which contributes to the preliminary evolu
tion of large volumes of methane from the seam and its wall rocks
and thus reduces its amount in the production faces.
The basic parameters of the method are given in the drawing. The extent
of working sections or panels on strike, as it often happens in practice, is not
exactly the same for all.
Let us assume that the slopes (with manways) are raised from the bottom, the
intermediary entry is driven from the front slope and the through-cuts from a cor
responding sublevel. The face advance rates are as follows (in metres per month):
coal wall—40, level entry—88, sublevel entry—120, slope—60, longitudinal coal
heading—88. The time margin for secondary openings (intermediary entry and
coal headings) is two months and three months for the haulageway and slope.
346 P illa r Methods of M in in g
Let us find the normal position of the development headings at the time
when production faces are brought to the points indicated in Fig. 231, that is,
when the coal wall of the top sublevel is 150 metres from the safety pillar near
slope No. 1.
If we start from this moment, the top pillar will be recovered in =3.7
months. Since the adopted time margin is two months, a new wall in the upper
pillar of the next panel must be prepared for mining in 1.7 months.
Driving a coal heading (through-cut) 100 metres long will take ^^= 1.1 5
months. Considering the time necessary to prepare the new coal wall for stoping,
we increase it to 1.4 months.
Thus, the time left for driving the intermediary entry will be 1.7— 1.4=0.3
month. With the monthly advance of 120 metres, this heading can be pushed
forward 120 X 0.3=36 metres during this time interval. In other words, at
the moment under consideration the heading of the subentry should be 280—
—36=244 metres away from front slope No. 2.
Let us now determine the normal position at this same moment of the head
ing of the level haulageway. Inasmuch as the intermediary entry is driven from
the slope, the entry level must by this time be pushed forward to a point not near
er than slope No. 2. But since extraction of coal in the upper sublevel, covered
by slope No. 1, will take 3.7 months to complete (barring the time margin for
the time being), and complete recovery of the top pillar of No. 2 panel another
^q- =7 months, the top coal wall of panel No. 3 must be prepared for stoping
in 3.7 -(-7=10.7 months.
Development and blocking-out operations in panel No. 3 will last (calculated,
as we have already said, in the order reverse to their factual execution):
Through-cut coal heading and preparation of coal wall 1.4 months
intermediary entry—240 : 120 ........................ 2.0
slope— 120 : 60 ............................................ 2.0
K + TL + r£ + Z -2 ^
f( x ) = c tx + J-, (1 )
Estimating the Size of a Working Section or Panel 349
'.-(r+£)£ +*:
C* hpc
Let us now find the size of a working section on strike x0 under
which the expenditure incurred per ton of output according to the
cost items enumerated above will be minimum. To do this, we have
to find the value for x which reduces function (1 ) to the minimum,
that is, equate its first derivative to zero:
x =
And in detail
X, =
+ hpcqt’
size to that of x0. In other words, the size of the section determined
by the formula above should be considered only as an approximation,
as a guiding value in determining the optimal interval between two
slopes. This inference is all the more true because all the values of
the parameters included in the calculation, as well as the functional
relations between them, are not exact but approximate.
The above-mentioned method of estimating the size of a working
section or panel may also be applied in mining by other variants
of the long pillar method, for instance, that involving bilateral
working sections; in establishing spacings between slopes in steep
beds, and with other methods of mining.
■S \ 1 s
, \ A W W W >W W W W W w S 1
A W '\ i A \ \\\ ^ \ \ \ \ K \ \ W N
s jU U j- t c m r *
7 5 — 1--------- 1 '
v W W l W W V
v^V\\v A \ \ V \ \ \ \ X f A \ W \
M r 1 $
a K \ \ \ \ \ W \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V i \ \ \ V w \ K \ A W W W W V
1 N
^ 1 1
x K w W W W W W W W H W V O v\K \\ w w x w w v
m A V A I I A A A ' A M I M k V A l l l I V V V k M L M l V l VVSI L A J
• fic r v & v - -w ^ t z -x x j W V | | ^ v ^ v>V A tV ‘
Panel airway
F i g . 234. E x t r a c t i o n o f l o n g p i l l a r s b y tw in o r d o u b l e w a l l s
The system of long pillar mining with twin walls (Fig. 234) is a
modification of working a panel with two long pillars blocked out
by three butt entries and extracted in reverse order. The central,
mother entry is used for the haulage of coal coming from both walls.
The outside entries serve for the supply of mine timber. The walls
are worked alternatively.
The same modification as above but with independent organisa
tion of stoping operations, that is, simultaneous drawing of coal
from both walls is known as long pillar mining with double walls.
Experience and technical and economic estimates give ample
ground to assert that the best operative results in the Moscow basin
352 Pillar Methods of Mining
spaced 8-10 metres from one another. From these cross headings
coal was drawn bilaterally by shortwalls. Stumps of coal had to be
abandoned near the goaf. The disadvantages of the shortwall method
are the necessity of driving many openings with narrow faces and
high coal losses. For this reason this method is now hardly used at
6. Long Pillar Mining of Combustible Shale Deposits
The principal sources of combustible shales in the U.S.S.R. are
the Baltic (Estonia and Leningrad Region) and Volga basins.
Output of combustible shales and their utilisation in the nation
al economy grow year by year. They are used as fuel, especially in
powder form, for making gas, artificial liquid fuel and diverse chem
icals. The large amount of ash which remains when shales are
burnt may be employed for making bricks, slag-blocks and cemenL
for construction jobs.
Despite their different geological ages, Silurian for the Baltic
basin and Jurassic for the Volga basin, the conditions attending
mining of shale beds in these two basins are practically identical.
The beds are of complex structure and consist of a few benches of
shale separated by intercalations of limestone (Baltic) and compact
clay (Volga). The beds are about 2 metres thick. Both in the Baltic
basin and in the important Kashpirsk district of the Volga basin
i c
F i g . 237. L o n g p i l l a r m i n i n g o f a c o m b u s t i b l e s h a l e b e d
354 Pillar Methods of Mining
the beds occur almost horizontally. The roof and bottom country
rocks are either firm or of medium stability.
These natural conditions favour long pillar mining with recovery
of pillars by continuous mechanised walls (Fig. 237). Approxim
ately every 300 metres panel entries—haulage 2,2 and ventilating
3—are driven from the main entries. Their purpose is to block out
the panels which are worked by twin walls 4,4. The length of each
wall is 80-100 metres. Shale drawn from production places is trans
ported by conveyers to mother entry 5. In the drawing the course
of ventilating currents is indicated by arrows.
m m m
B n n 2
§ tt n
;= ) n
a 2
Fig. 238. B r e a k i n g a s e a m F i g . 239. P r o d u c t i o n fa ce in m in
o f c o m p le x structure in g c o m b u s t ib le shale
7. L o n g P i l l a r M i n i n g o n S t r i k e i n S t e e p B e d s
9. L o n g P i l l a r M i n i n g t o t h e R i s e a n d
P illa r- a n d - B ord M ethod
/////////////////>/>>"/\ Y //77,
/ 'Mr 4 ■
that each sublevel is divided into pillars to the rise by special raises.
Recovery of each pillar is started from the top by driving butt en
tries. From production faces coal is conveyed via the rise headings
358 P illa r Methods o f M in in g
This, and the fact that coal is drawn by shortwalls, explains why
it is possible to use this system when wall rocks are poor. The pillars
are blocked out gradually, as the need arises.
This method has many disadvantages: 1) it requires many openings
to be driven with narrow faces; 2 ) production places are rather short,
this making the use of mine machines difficult; 3) ventilation is an
extremely complex affair; 4) the system is inadmissible in gassy
mines in view of the danger of methane accumulating in rise headings;
5) scattered working places; 6 ) high coal losses.
The main principles underlying the pillar-and-bord method are
illustrated by Fig. 242. As may be seen, this method is distinguished
from the previous by the availability of through-cuts between coal
headings and by the shape of pillars. The order of pillar recovery
(usually by stub entries) is indicated in Fig. 242 by numbers. This
system ’s shortcomings are similar to those of long pillar mining
to the rise.
1. B a s i c C o n c e p t o f C o m b i n e d M e t h o d s o f M i n i n g
(Fig. 243a) and partly by the pillaring in the direction from the
block boundary towards the slope (Fig. 243b). Working faces are
opened via sublevels with intermediary entries following in their
wake. Waste blasted in driving the entries is stowed into the open
goaf over the lower and under the upper entries. Both entries are
thus run simultaneously right after the common working face.
Hence the name of the method—“ twin entries” .
a) b)
3. R o o m - a n d - P i l l a r M e t h o d o f M i n i n g
1. P r e l i m i n a r y O b s e r v a t i o n s
We have already seen that seams more than 3.5 metres thick are
called high.
Generally speaking, the methods employed in working high
seams are much more complex compared to those applied in mining
low and medium-thick seams.
The methods of mining high seams can be classified into two dis
tinct groups: a) those without slicing, and b) slicing systems.
The nonslicing methods are extremely variable, but by nature
of development work they can be classified according to features
analogous to those adopted in working low and medium-thick
seams. True, in mining high seams the sequence of driving develop
ment openings is by far not sufficient to characterise the method,
for the great thickness of the bed itself leaves its imprint on the
modes of stoping that present the greatest variety.
Since full-seam or full-breast mining of thick beds is fraught
with numerous difficulties, the slicing methods are very widely
used. The underlying basic principle is that a high seam is not
worked out at once over the whole of its thickness but gradually, by
slices, so that the extraction of each such slice can be likened to min
ing a medium-thick seam. In space the slices may be horizontal
or inclined (see below).
In view of the difficulties attending stoping, the level interval
in the exploitation of high seams is generally smaller than in the
mining of low and medium-thickness seams.
A. N O N S L I C I N G M E T H O D S O F M I N I N G T H I C K S E A M S
M I N I N G BY " S T R I P S ”
2. G e n e r a l C o n c e p t s
4. S trip M in in g to the R i s e
Fig. 248. Mining by diagonal Fig. 249. Iron sheet troughs lower
strips coal and fill at the face of a diagon
al strip
the strike line sufficient to make coal and fill roll along the face,
is worked at a time. Coal and filling materials are lowered along
bent iron sheets (Fig. 249) or troughs. Coal is broken in one (upper
half of Fig. 248), or two (lower half of Fig. 248) benches. Backfill
in the strip is held vertically by a special boarding. The chief short-
368 Mining of Thick Seams
coming of this method is low total stope footage. Mining with dia
gonal strips is applicable to medium-thick and high seams, but nob
more than 3.5 metres thick, in medium and heavy pitches, with
weak wall rocks and self-igniting coal.
6. L o n g P illa r M in in g o n S trik e w it h C a v in g
in S lig h t ly In c lin e d B e d s
Fig. 250. Mining of a thick, slightly Fig. 251. Face support with the
inclined bed by the Silesian method Silesian method of mining (plan)
F i g . 253. L o n g p i l l a r m i n i n g w i t h c a v i n g in s t e e p seam s
An effort to reduce coal losses was made in the mines of the Pro
kopyevsk district in 1935 with a system of mining similar to the one
described above, but with a complete fill. During the war the work
was stopped, but today, following the switch-over to the mining
of high steep seams in the Kuznetsk coal fields, the method is being
applied again in its improved modifications.
1. The delivery of the fill along the subentries tends to create cer
tain inconveniences: coal from the faces of the overlying level and
the fill for the underlying level have to be delivered in opposite
directions. To eliminate this shortcoming, the following method
has been used in recent years (Fig. 254). The subentries are used only
for the delivery of the filling material. Coal coming from the produc
tion face of the overlying sublevel, the mining of which lags behind
the underlying one, is not delivered to the dumping chute on the
boundary of a given block, but is passed down along special coal
dumping metal or wooden tubes, laid in the mined-out spice of the
subjacent sublevel and then buried under the fill. From the wall
to the next coal-dumping tube coal is delivered by a short llight
conveyer. With the gravity fill, this is also supplied along the in
termediary entry by chain-and-flight conveyers.
2. The method fairly widely used in mining ore bodies (Chapter
XX and XXI) is that of working by “ subdrifts”, or sublevel mining.
On 2-2
On 1-1
~~ ' :f -'f ■
Fig. 254. Mining of a steep seam with coal passed down the tubes laid in
a solid mass of fill
::7/. Mining oj Thick Seams
of very hard country rocks, and the overall stability of the rocks in
the hanging and foot walls is secured by protective chain pillars
left near the workings, which causes large coal losses. In the instances
where the sublevel mining method is applicable, it presents one
major advantage: there is no need to support the stoped-out space,
and that is especially important in working highly dipping depos
its of considerable thickness.
There have been proposals to apply this method in working steeply
dipping coal beds. But since this system entails high losses of coal
and the wall rocks in coal seams have proved to be insufficiently
firm, nothing has come out of it.
In recent years Engineer P. Kokorin has made tests (so far unsuc
cessful) of sublevel mining with the aid of a special wi re net (Fig.255).
This arrangement represents flexible wire net a tightly spread
on steel frame b. As the working face advances, the whole structure,
according to the inventor’ s suggeslion, should be pulled by rope
lines wound around drums of the hoists set up in the entries. First
trials were carried out in mining with caving, but at present a
similar device is being designed, for uses involving the filling of
the mined-out areas.
The use of such a wire net is effective if the seams are moderately
thick (apparently not over 5-6 metres) and the pitch is very high.
On C-C On A-A
Shield Mining Method in Highly Pitching Seams 377
its position all the lime being normal to the bottom and back of
the bed. The forward movement of the shield is regulated by the
sequence of coal breaking—now near the back and now close to the
bottom of the seam.
The shield, therefore, is a controlled movable structure capable
of protecting the active stope space and pushing forward with the
advance of a working face. It should be lowered to the very bottom
portion of the level, where it is dismantled and transferred to a new
working section. However, experience shows that some elements
of the shield are gradually disarrayed in descent and when the struc
ture covered by a layer of caved rocks is finally lowered, it is no
longer considered worth while dismantling it.
The total length of the shield should be somewhat less than the
size of the section on strike and, therefore, as the faces advance down
the dip, coal pillars form on their side—between the active and
worked-out sections or between the active section and the rise heading.
As shown by Fig. 257, in the case of shield method of mining,
production faces have two exits—via the two rise headings delim
iting the working section. The ventilating current follows the same
The shield in question is distinguished by the fact that the width
of its sections is equal to the thickness of a seam. A shield of this
design is usually called single-type. Single shields are employed in
beds up to 6-7 metres in thickness, and those of reinforced type in
beds 8-10 metres thick. For working thicker beds, it has been
suggested to use double- and even triple-type shields, whose sections
along the thickness of the bed are made up of two or three separate
parts. But control of the descent of double and triple shields has
proved an extremely difficult affair.
Latterly steps have been made to introduce a newly designed type
of shield, the so-called flexible nonsectionalised shield. It has but
one row of timbers (dead or counter floor), each of which is sawn on
Shield Mining Method in Highly Pitching Seams .17')
both opposite sides and all joined together by channel iron and
holts. The timbers are arranged perpendicularly to the bollom and
the roof of the seam. The top face of the shield is covered with a met
al net. This flexible shield is not divided into sections. As field
experience shows, a flexible shield is a supple structure, and that
makes it easier to control and handle. The metal wire netting pre
vents rock pieces from falling through the interstices between the
limbers. Unlike the ordinary shield, the flexible one greatly reduces
timber consumption.
The shield method of mining presents many important advantages:
efficient and safe work in production faces and coal is delivered to
the lower entry by gravity, requiring no lateral haulage.
On the other hand, the method has a number of important draw
backs. It causes considerable losses of coal. These are due to the aban
donment of coal pillars referred to above and to the waste of coal
over the entire thickness of seams. The fact is that the working thick
ness of a bed (that is, the height of the mincd-out space) is pre
determined by the design of the shield and the increase in the
thickness of the bed is liable to result in “
crusts”of coal being left near
the bottom and the back of the bed. Moreover, it frequently happens
that the shield comes into disarray before it reaches the lower por
tion of the level (“ danger section” ) and the affected part must be ex
tracted by the room-mining method (Section 11), which involves
extremely high losses of coal. Since the shields cannot be dismantled,
consumption of timber is as much as 20-30 cu m per 1,000 tons of
coal produced. On top of all that, some 1.5 kg of metal is lost per each
ton of coal mined. The extraction of coal and the descent of the
shield are followed by the dislocation and caving of wall rocks in the
stoped-out areas, among which there may be some abandoned coal,
and this can lead to the outbreak of underground fires.
The coal seams most suitable for the effective use of the shield
method of mining are those 4-7 metres thick, dipping at an angle of
not less than 55-00°, with regular occurrence and hard coal. In cer
tain instances, however, this system may also be employed in work
ing thicker and thinner seams starting with three metres.
In recent years the shield method of mining has accounted for
about 40 per cent of the coal produced by the Prokopyevsk-Kise-
lyovsk district of the Kuznetsk coal fields. Each shield section yields
around 6,000-8,000 tons of coal per month, and considerably more
in some cases. Output per man per shift in the section is as high as
0-7 tons.
One major disadvantage of the shield method of mining is the appre
ciable losses of coal. This is aggravated by the fact that the use of
the system involves the caving of the overlying rocks, which is
fraught with the danger of underground fires caused by the spontaneous
;:so Mining of Thick Seams
On 8-8 On i-t On SB
On 0-0
possible via ihe rise headings. These also serve as routes for venti
lating air currents.
Coal thus stored is ultimately drawn olT when the room has been
worked to the level of the upper entry. Fig. 2(50 depicts three rooms:
the one on the left is in the drawing-oil stage, the central—coal has
been broken and its shrinkage completed, the one on the right is in
the breaking and shrinkage phase.
When this method is used, interchamber or rib pillars of about
3 metres in width are lost completely and irretrievably. In the
process of drawing oil stored coal, the wall rocks and those overlying
the back of the room, as well as the ones adjacent to the pillar sides,
cave in and begin sliding down. Sometimes these phenomena become
violent before the drawing-off operations have been completed
(“spontaneous collapse of the room ” ).
Room mining practised in this way yields high coal output per man
per shift (6 - 8 and more tons), but it also has some major disadvantages.
excessive waste of coal —about 40 per cent in beds up to 5 metres
thick, and not less than 40-50 per cent in thicker seams;
consequently, increased danger of underground fires on account of
the spontaneous ignition of coal;
382 M in in g o f Thick Seams
Inclined slices into which a thick bed is divided for mining pur
poses may be in the form of individual benches, if they have a per
manent structure, suitable thickness (2-4 metres) and are split by
interlayers of barren rock, or else a seam of a homogeneous structure is
artificially separated into several inclined or rill slices.
The thickness of slices depends on the following considerations.
To provide sufficient free room for men to stand in the face this thick
ness should not be below 2 metres. In inclined slices a man can stand
freely even if the slice is somewhat thinner. But this can be allowed
only when contiguous slices are confined to the separate benches of
a complex seam, split by partings of gangue.
The thicker the slice the smaller the number of slices into which
a given bed is divided, and this presents a sizable advantage in terms
of reduced volume of development work. On the other hand, a slice
of considerable thickness entails many inconveniences:
a) in high faces breaking of coal in the upper portion of the slice
becomes rather difficult;
b) the greater the thickness of a slice the more difficult it is to keep
a constant watch over the condition of the roof and the upper portion
of the face to ensure proper safety of mining;
m M in in g o f Thick Seam s
c) high faces demand the use of long, that is, heavy and hard-to-
handle timber or metal posts;
d) in the modifications of the method involving caving, roof con
trol becomes a complicated matter;
e) in working with filling it is also difficult to bring the pack up
under the roof of a given slice. This was a decisive factor in restrict
ing the thickness of the slice when filling was done by hand, but
its importance has diminished greatly with the advent of power stow
The sum total of the factors enumerated above prompts to restrict
the thickness of slices to 2-3 metres, the upper limit of 4 metres being
hitherto sometimes allowed only in instances of hydraulic filling.
The utilisation of stowing machines or pneumatic fill also tends
somewhat to increase the thickness of slices.
The above-mentioned considerations not only apply to the selec
tion of the thickness of inclined slices, but are also valid for the
comparison of conditions in which seams of different thickness are
extracted. They explain the fact, paradoxical as it might seem at
first, that the maximum output per faceman per shift is generally
achieved not in thick beds, but in those of medium thickness (around
1 .8 - 2 metres).
If, in mining with caving, the inclined slices are extracted succes
sively downward (Fig. 202d), the working of the uppermost slice
does not present any special difficulty, since the back of the seam
will be its roof and the coal of the subjacent slice its floor. But when
this slice has been extracted and its roof caved, the conditions for
mining the second slice from the top will be quite different. Its floor
will include coal from the next slice, but the roof will contain caved
rocks belonging to the back of the seam (Fig. 262e). The extraction
of a slice under such a roof is usually difficult. However, the degree
to which these difficulties make themselves fell depends, in a great
measure, on the properties of the rocks in the roof of the seam, on
the availability, properties and thickness of gangue intercalations
between the slices, the angle of dip of the seam, the percentage of
coal recovery in the superimposing bed and the time interval be
tween the actual mining of the subjacent and overlying slices. The
ually and their continuity remains intact. This gradual subsidence is facilitat
ed by the physical properties of the rocks and the availability in the goaf of
pliable cribs built of tnin sticks.
386 M in in g o f Thick S eam s
by the settling rocks compresses this clay and thus helps hold the
fill in the roof over the active stope area.
In recent years there has been a growing tendency to use metal
wire netting instead of flooring, or together with it.
In view of the difficulties encountered in mining slices whose
roofs contain caved rocks, it is the practice sometimes to leave an
interilice stratum of coal about 0 .2 -0 .5 metre and more thick, even
when working undiluted seams. This facilitates stoping operations
and makes it possible to begin them earlier, without waiting for the
caved rocks of the upper slice to compress and compact. But this
practice is absolutely inadmissible from the viewpoint of coal losses
and fire hazards.
18. D e v e l o p m e n t O r d e r
--- -—2.66—^
408-1.0 a
"ii ~ 1 TI cfl| nllll
_i b- -rl—
2 melres wide, from top down. Coal was first blasted loose and then
broken with pneumatic hammers. One faceman was engaged in each
In view of the very sleep (70-80°) position of the slice, the tilling
material in its roof and weak coal, it was necessary Lo provide a very
strong support in the production places (Fig. 272).
A protective canopy was arranged over the breast of the face
(bench). Parallel with timbering, a lagging-off for the subsequent
filling was made along the central row of posts in the strip under
extraction. The erection of the lagging-off and the extraction oT the
coal strip were completed simulta
neously. Timber for the support and On 1-2
lagging-olf was supplied from the
surface with the aid of rope lines.
.n ', ' -0 O
'o ■y • \fc>' W '
O ' .% V o . c • \0
. Ok
iV •
. •
;o ■
-J 2
F ig 272. Details of a
(lip. Bui this presupposes more or less regular occurrence and uniform
si met ure of Ihe seam. The workable beds may be separated by gangue
partings of considerable thickness.
If Ihe dip is slightly inclined and sloping each slice has to be worked
by continuous mechanised (with coal-cutting machines or mine
combines and conveyers) faces by the longwall or long pillar on strike
methods of mining. In the latter case, the properties of the back in
Ihe subjacent slices extracted in the descending order appear to be so
favourable that the inclined slicing-and-caving method may be em
ployed even in mining self-igniting coal. That is why this system has
been widely used in the Chelyabinsk, Kuznetsk (Leninsk-Kuznetsk
and Tom-Csinsk districts), Kizel (Gubakha), Karaganda and
other Soviet coal fields in the past few decades.
Generally speaking, the successful mining of thick, slightly in
clined seams by the method of slicing-and-caving with mechanised
walls may be regarded as a major achievement of Soviet coal in
dustry. One past drawback of this system was the abandonment of
interslice coal strata.
In mining steep seams, the situation is quite different.Experience
and theoretical considerations show that sleep beds can be worked
by (he inclined slicing-anil-filling method only. Ascending slicing
here is admissible only with seams that have to be divided into not
more than three slices, that is, of 8-9 metres in thickness, with the
dip not exceeding GO'1, firm coal that is not subject to quick self-
combustion, stable wall rocks and insignificant contraction of the
filling. The last slice can be mined with subsequent caving if this is
not rendered impossible by the unavoidable dislocation of wall rocks
(and Ihe solid mass of filling).
In the case of descending slicing, and provided the properties of
Ihe fill are adequate to ensure proper stability of the fill in the roof
of the slices, the thickness of workable seams may be quite appre
ciable (Section 21). But the total working place footage in the slices
is so low that one should make a proper choice between inclined and
horizontal slicing.
F ig . 273. D i a g o n a l s l i c i n g
are different from those of the structure of the seam (that is, its bed
ding and cleavage) the back of each slice has to be levelled out as coal
is broken, and that is a labour-consuming operation indeed.
To provide communications between the entries and bring the coal
broken in a new slice down, a special “ clearance”is left during the
mining process. The slice to be filled is not packed completely:
free space (“ clearance”) is left near the roof whose height normally to
the plane of the diagonal slice is 0.5-0.7 metre. To this, a board floor
ing is arranged at a corresponding distance from the back of the
slice to limit the height of the fill in the upper section of the slice to
be stowed. This same flooring is utilised for dumping coal and serves
as a base for the support during the extraction of the next slice.
With this method, the top ends of the props of the preceding slice
usually stick out from the flooring. Attempts have been made to
take advantage of this in order to pull them out with the aid of a
lever device and use them again.
Coal is broken with pneumatic hammers after having been blasted
loose. Actual breaking is effected by strips 1.5-1. 8 metres wide. The
broken coal slides down the flooring and iron troughs to the lower
entry of a given sublevel, where it is loaded onto a conveyer. The
filling material is supplied to the production place from a conveyer
set up in the upper entry. Mined-out space cannot be gobbed up above
the level of the entry floor with the filling material delivered by
gravity alone. Since it is discharged from the conveyer in all direc
tions at the angle of repose, there remain voids near the foot and,
especially, near the hanging wall of the seam. The thicker the seam
the greater the voids. Therefore, the top portion of each diagonal
slice has to be stowed additionally right up to the roof. And this
requires special stowing machines (Fig. 274).
Generally speaking, the top portion of a diagonal slice, and espe
cially its connection with the upper entry, is regarded as a critical
section. Here it is essential to have a special support consisting of
long props and stulls. Sometimes another method is employed instead
of the one described above for the support of the interconnection
between the diagonal slice and the entry (Fig. 274): sectional or
split solid beams made up of squared timbers tightly held together
with iron clamps are laid horizontally over the top of the diagonal
slice near the entry walls. One end of the beams rests on the
floor of the entry and the other on the fill in place. These beams
serve as carrier pieces for the support props set up over the diagon
al slice.
It cannot be overemphasised that complete and timely supple
mentary stowing of this area is a paramount prerequisite for the
stability of the interconnection between the diagonal slice and the
upper entry.
Diagonal Slicing 403
The field tests of diagonal slicing carried out at the mines in the
Kuznetsk coal fields in 1936-40 revealed that this system of mining
had a number of major drawbacks. Despite complete filling, the total
coal losses reached 36-38 per cent, and that is inadmissibly much.
Timber consumption was also high: 40-50 cu in per 1,000 tons of coal
produced. The constructional elements of the method were complex,
while the front of the production faces was small.
Among the advantages of the method are the gravity flow of coal
and filling materials in the production faces and the relatively low
volume of main and subsidiary development work. A particular stress
should be laid on the fact that any modification of this system cannot
be successfully applied unless one indispensable condition is met —
early and complete filling of the worked-out space. Any, however
partial and temporary, lag in filling operations and especially late or
incomplete supplementary stowing of the sublevel lop portion in
evitably cause interruption of work in diagonal slices and possibly
a breakdown. Considerable coal losses and the consequent fire
404 Mining of Thick Seams
/•',g. 270. Mine-fill compression under the weight of the subsiding hanging
wall rocks
duction places are connected with the lower entry by inclined open
ing b and with the upper entry by opening c. Hence, distance cb
characterises the size of the working section or block on strike, but
in the first case this distance is small (for instance, 10 metres) and
in the second it is considerable—for example, 50-100 metres. In
i n
slices in the sublevel than does pattern II. Thus, the set of factors
capable of influencing the number of horizontal slices in a sublevel
with ascending slicing is distinguished by its extreme complexity.
This explains the big choice of number of slices that can be worked
in practical conditions (see below). The greater the number of slices
in a sublevel, the smaller is the number of sublevels and the simpler
and less costly their development.
When a level is divided into sublevels, the latter are worked from
top down. Sometimes, when the sublevel interval is small, it is pos
sible simultaneously to mine two and more sublevels, but the min
ing phases in the upper ones still have to precede those in the lower
In the case of downward horizontal slicing, both the caving of the
roof and the filling of the mined-out areas are feasible. It is quite
common in mining ore bodies to work thick deposits by horizontal
slices in a descending order with subsequent caving. But this is prac
tised rarely and only in isolated cases in exploiting coal seams (see
Section 31).
Downward horizontal slicing-and-filling has the following disad
vantages: 1) the roof of each slice contains a mass of fill which
requires particularly strong support; 2) the slices are not undercut,
and this complicates the breaking of coal.
On the other hand, this order of slicing also has considerable
advantages: 1) it completely eliminates the fracturing and subsid
ence of coal, as noted above in dealing with the ascending order, and
this broadens the margin of safety and is the best guarantee against
fires caused by the spontaneous combustion of coal; 2) it does
away with the hazards attending the undercutting of a large coal
area, and in this respect there are no obstacles towards increasing
the size of a working section or block on strike, which makes it
possible to widen the front of active production faces. Moreover, pre
liminary timbering opens up the possibility of working unhindered
under the mass of fill.
The result is that in recent years the method of mining thick beds
by horizontal downward slicing with preliminary timbering has been
constantly gaining ground, with the slices being worked by contin
uous faces. Metal wire netting can be used (Section 26) as prelimi
nary timbering too.
The cross-sectional shape of a horizontal slice depends on the pitch
of a seam. The smaller it is the sharper the corners of the slice at
the floor and the roof of the bed, and this complicates the drawing of
coal and face timbering. For this reason horizontal slicing is more
effective in working of steep beds. But in the case of medium dip
the following approach is also possible (Fig. 278): when extracting
any of the slices—for example, I I —coal prism 1 is left in it near
Upward or Ascending Horizontal Slicing 407
the roof of the seam and, conversely, prism 2 is drawn at the bottom
of the next slice subsequently packed with waste during the filling
of slice I I . Analogously, in mining slice I I I prism 3 is left and prism
4 extracted, and prisms 1 and 2 are packed, etc., during the filling
of this slice. This approach
The slices were 2.2 metres thick. The mining method involved the
use of square sets (their description is given in Chapter XXI, Section 5)
and complete filling.
In the example under discussion coal was broken by explosives.
When the drawing of coal in the two first slices from the bottom
of the zone was nearing its completion, work began on filling the first
slice. When the first slice was filled, work was started on extracting
the third, and the second was filled, etc. Actually, however, filling
operations were often allowed to lag and this tended to hamper the
regular delivery of planned tonnages.
Coal and filling materials were transported within the boundaries
of slices in wheel-barrows and mine cars, but these can very well be
replaced by conveyers and stowing machines. Coal was hauled to a
dumping chute in the section bordering on the one under extraction.
As the drawing of slices progressed, this dumping chute was gradually
extended. The filling material was supplied through another chute
on the other side of the worked section, which during the extraction
of the preceding one served as a dump for coal.
Mine timber was delivered to the slice working places by chutes
downwards or upwards, depending on what slices were mined at the
moment. The chutes were provided with ladder compartments.
The advantages of the method are: 1) its possible application in
a variety of conditions; 2) high degree of safety; 3) convenient con
ditions for facemen to work in; 4) relatively small area of undercut
coal, a factor favourable for the overlying mass of coal in place
(see Fig. 271).
The principal disadvantages are: 1) simultaneous use of complete
filling and square sets, which is very costly; 2) complexity of support,
which requires much labour force and timber (50-55 cu m per 1,000
tons of coal); 3) haulage of coal and filling materials along level work
ings in each slice; 4) low working face footage, both in the slices
and in the block as a whole.
In view of these drawbacks, it is held at present that the “ zonal”
system has failed to stand the test of field experience, but in the au
thor’ s opinion, it is not yet entirely ruled out that the question of its
applicability in conditions of complete and adequate mechanisation
will not come up again.
Figs 280 and 281 are illustrative of the horizontal slicing with
hydraulic or float fill of the Reden Seam in the Dabrowa coal fields
(Poland). Being 10-20 metres thick it dips at 18-20°. Coal is extracted
by blocks extending over 400 metres on strike (Fig. 280). The inclined
height of the level interval is 200 metres. The horizontal slice is 4
metres thick.The level has about 15 slices and is not divided into
sublevels. A slope with a manway is arranged in the centre of the
block. The slices are mined in ascending order. A capping of coal
410 Mining of Thick Seams
of limber caps one can see that the crosscut is first worked at a widlh
of 5 metres, Lowards the hanging and the foot walls, and then Ihe
remaining 3 metres are extracted by driving the faces along the strike
in (he direction of the formerly mined and already filled adjacent
crosscut. In approaching the latter, the amount of coal that has to
he abandoned is not large, and that in spile of hydraulic filling;
there is only a wedge of coal that is left in the end portion of the cross
cut. The same drawing shows knee-braces employed to strengthen
the roof of the seam. The flushing pipes are laid along entry b, sit
uated on the level of the crosscut roof, this making it possible to
bring the pipes right to the top of the working. Timber is abandoned
in the fill or removed but partially. The crosscut is filled from the
back of the seam.
In order to distribute the filling material uniformly over the entire
area of the crosscut, the end of the flushing pipe is turned now to the
right now to the left. As more fill is delivered to the place, the pipes
are shortened. The pipes are handled from special platforms arranged
on the timber pieces of the crosscut. In entry a, near the crosscut to
F i g . 283. H o r i z o n t a l s l i c i n g w i t h a l o n g w a l l a d v a n c i n g o h s t r ik e
the length of the wall and its output per cycle tend to increase. On
the other hand, the timbering of the interconnection between the
wall and the slice entries is made more difficult.
Downward horizontal slicing-and-filling is distinguished by the
fact that there is coal at the bottom of each slice, while the roof is
2 3 i s
» -----------------------------------------c i r *
> o flo e ■
HI * * V
HI * * v
HI * * ff
; o o
. ' o '
* 1• • B
f- • •
1 0 c \» * * * H
* * * H
l* a 0
: • a • U ) ■ ■ ■"............ 1..........................
Fig. 284. P r o d u c t i o n f a c e in a h o r i z o n t a l s l i c e w i t h
m echanised s to w in g
of posts 1 spaced 1.45 metres. The interval between posts in the row
is 1 metre. At the phase of the work set forth in Fig. 285, space inter
val I I accommodates a conveyer; space interval I I I is being filled;
and interval IV and those coming after it are already filled.
To install preliminary timbering, ditches are cut out at one-
metre intervals in the bottom of working slice n to accommodate
3.3-metre-long sills (round or sawn timbers) 2. The top surface of these
sills is flush with the bottom of the slice, making' the flooring lie
directly on coal. The flooring is made of boards 3 which, to speed
up their laying underground, are preliminarily joined on the surface
into panels 4, 2.5 metres long and 0.65 metre wide. Interstices are
left between these board panels, along the runs of posts, and they
are closed by short plates 5, placed on boards 6 to prevent the fill
from falling through.
410 Mining of Thick Seams
Horizontal Descending Slicing 417
F i g . 288. E x t r a c t i o n o f c o a l in d o w n w a r d
o r d e r b y t r a n s v e r s e ly i n c l i n e d s l i c e s
F i g . 289. U p w a r d m i n i n g b y t r a n s v e r s e l y i n c l i n e d s l i c e s
row. A 150-mm stowing pipeline runs along the upper entry. Despite
the use of hydraulic fill, consumption of mine timber with this meth
od of mining is as much as 60 cu m per 1 , 0 0 0 tons of coal produced.
Ascending slicing with hydraulic fill is possible only in beds
containing strong coal. In the case of weaker coal it is the downward
order of slice extraction with filling by flushing or pneumatic fill
that is preferred.
Alongside the advantages noted above, such as gravity flow of
coal and filling material in the production face and minimal volume
of subsidiary development work (blocking-out), the discussed method
also presents a number of major drawbacks. Other conditions being
equal, the total front of working places is shorter than in horizontal
slicing. Setting up of timber in an inclined slice is more difficult
than in a horizontal one. Despite the filling, mine timber consumption
is exceptionally high. Injuries caused by sliding objects must be
reckoned with. All this makes it highly improbable that this method
will be widely used.
the face or its back. Coal should be broken and holes drilled from
special scaffoldings or ladders. Another difficult job is to shift and
set up long and heavy timber pieces at the faces.
The above cited disadvantages are fully or in a considerable meas
ure eliminated by the slicing methods, and for this reason, they ought
to be given preference in exploiting coal deposits of thick beds.
One exception is gently inclined beds of nonuniform thickness
(not over 4-5 metres) and irregular attitude and structure, that is,
with a varying disposition and thickness of gangue partings that
could be worked by pillar mining with stub entries, since in the con
ditions described above their division into two inclined slices would
create considerable difficulties. In the case of high dip, breast min
ing may be resorted to in extracting beds which, because of their
thickness and attitude, can be worked by long pillars on strike or
by the shield method of mining.
the underground gas producer are replaced by holes bored down from
the surface. Some of them serve as openings for the delivery of the
air blast and others for the withdrawal of the gas obtained.
To form an initial channel for the gasification process in an un
derground gas producer prepared by this method, it is necessary to
connect the inlet blast and outlet gas holes through the coal bed.
The formation of such a channel or, as this process is usually called,
the connection of boreholes through the coal bed, may be effected
in different ways. The most widely used is so-called fire infiltration
If an air blast is forced under a head into a coal bed via one of the
two holes bored from the surface, a certain portion of this blast will
escape through the second hole. The blasted air will then penetrate
through the pores and cracks in the coal bed or, as it is said, infiltrate
through the latter.
The velocity of such gas movement depends on the gas permeabili
ty of a coal bed. As is known, different coal beds possess a varying
degree of gas permeability.
Experience has borne out the feasibility of such an infiltration
fire break-through and at present the Moscow suburban station of
underground gasification operates exclusively by this method without
employing any men underground.
The composition of the gas obtained in an underground gas pro
ducer depends on the quantity and quality of the air blast and also
on the direction of the air blast and gas currents in the underground
generator. With an ordinary air blast, the caloric value of the gas
received reaches 1,100 cal/m*. A higher caloric value may be achieved
by increasing the proportion of oxygen in the blast, adding steam
to it, changing the rates of blast and appropriately orienting the di
rection of the blast and gas in the underground gas producer.
In general, an underground coal gasification station has the follow
ing basic installations: 1 ) mine openings or boreholes; 2 ) an air
blast unit (compressor blower or an oxygen plant); 3) boiler plant;
4) surface pipelines (steam, air, oxygen and gas); 5) water plant and
The degree to which this or that section of the station is developed
depends on the method and system of gasification, the output of
the station and the local consumers. If gas consumers are far from
the station, the latter is equipped with an additional gas blowing
plant. The Lisichansk station, for example, has special gas blowers
to supply remote consumers.
The theory of underground gasification of coal is being further
elaborated. Although the types of stations have not yet been fully
decided upon, the problem, as a whole, is nearing solution.
3. G e n e r a l F l o w s h e e t for U n d e r g r o u n d H y d r a u l ic k in g
434 Hydraulic Mining of Coal
1. S h a p e s o f R o c k a n d P o t a s h S a i l D ep osits
Natural sail deposits are of sedimentary origin, and for this reason
in geologically undisturbed or slightly dislocated regions they occur
in beds of diverse thickness dipping at a low angle. One example is
the Artyomovsk district of the Donets coal fields where rock-salt
beds of up to 40 metres in thickness extend regularly and almost
horizontally over very large areas. The famous Solikamsk deposit of
potash and magnesia salts in the North Urals is also generally flat
and spreads over a huge area, although in places it has folds, compli
cated by displacements with rock ruptures. Valuable minerals here
are represented by sylvinite (a mixture of potassium chloride KC1,
sylvite, with rock salt) and carnallite (KCl-MgClj-OHjO).
Carnallite also serves as a source of magnesium and its com
As compared to many other rocks, rock and potash salts are distin
guished for their high degree of plasticity, and for this reason many
deposits occur in the shape of salt domes or plugs (Fig. 293). These
original forms of salt occurrence have in all probability appeared as
the result of their extrusion, facilitated by the plasticity of salts
under the pressure of surrounding rocks. Usually, though not always,
salt domes are of an oval shape in plan, their long axis extending over
1.5-3 km, steeply dipping down into the earth crust. During the for
mation of domes the circumjacent rocks, one may assume, were
depressed and somewhat uplifted. In the U.S.S.R. a typical salt dome
is the one at Sol-Iletsk (Southern Urals). Its geological structure
conforms to the pattern shown in Fig. 293. The extent of the dome
along its long axis is about 2 km, and around 1 km along the short.
Continuous occurrence of rock salt in this dome has been confirmed
directly by exploratory borings made down to a depth of 500 metres
from the surface. Judging from data obtained through geophysical
4.16 Methods of Mining Rock and Potash Salts
7 On IP-IP
X On fl-E
r --|h-- a 1
'1 X
----- 1v- -------- *-
i n
On I-I
M. X ‘
% tit
tit X
w w wriiwfmwwt*
Fig. 295. Mining of rock sail with rectangular support pillars
438 Methods of Mining Rock and Potash Salts
but are liable to lead to the formation of fractures through which
water from the overlying aquifers can penetrate into the mine. In
certain conditions these fractures and cracks may even reach the sur
face and create openings through which surface water can get into
mine workings, as is the case, for example, in nearly all coal mines
and pits. Because of the ready solubility of rock (and potash) salt
the appearance of water in the mine is fraught with grave danger.
The size of the pillar and the width of the room (chamber) should
be properly selected to prevent cavings. The pillars should be suf
ficiently big to bear the weight of all the superimposing rocks.
There have been instances abroad of pillars of inadequate size leading
to serious catastrophes. At the same time, to preclude unnecessary
losses of the mineral, they should not be excessively strong or big.
Computation of the size of the pillars based, on the one hand, on the
estimated stresses they are exposed to and, on the other, on their
sLrength, is discussed below (Section 4).
The maximal permissible width or span of rooms (chambers) is
determined purely by experience since there is so far no reliable theo
retic approach to this problem. Now that power undercutting (see
below) has been introduced in development headings, better utilisation
of the explosive power of charges requires a width of 17-25 metres,
whereas formerly, when the operation was done by hand, it was
12-15 metres.
Depending on the disposition of rooms, pillars have the form either
of protecting walls (interchamber pillars), separating neighbouring
rooms (Fig. 294), or of rectangular support columns (Fig. 295).
There are practically no square pillars in the Artyomovsk district.
To connect adjacent rooms, the pillars arc intersected every 30-60
metres by break-throughs 2-5 metres wide and 2-3 metres high, with
vaulted or arched roofs.
The rooms are excavated in the rock salt only. In other words,
it is necessary to leave a protective ceiling of salt (usually 1-3 metres
thick) and a salt layer in the floor of approximately the same thick
ness. Quite often, to preserve the level nature of the floor in rooms
extending along the dip or diagonally to the strike larger layers of
salt, 10 and even 15 metres thick, unfortunately, have to be left in
the bottom. The abandonment of salt masses in the bottom and roof
is desirable because rock salt, from the standpoint of mining, is a
very firm and compact rock. But if there is anhydrite (and not clay)
above a salt bed, the roof of a room, particularly in a bed that is
not too thick, is sometimes raised until it reaches anhydrite. It is
made arched, and often quite low.
If beds dip insignificantly rooms are made to extend on strike
and to the dip, or in oblique fashion.
Methods Employed for Mining Rock Salt 4.'19
In rooms lying on strike the floor is horizontal* (see Figs 294 and
295, section ///-///), with the thickness of protective ceiling and
bottom layers of salt as well as the height of the rooms themselves
remaining uniform. The disadvantage of such a layout lies in the
fact that break-throughs x, running across protecting walls and con
necting the rooms, slope markedly, and that makes haulage of mine
cars somewhat difficult. If the rooms were extended down the dip
and the salt strata left in the roof and floor were to remain uniformly
thick, they would have to he made to slope at the same angle as
the dip, and this would make the rail transport inconvenient too.
For this reason the floor of rooms in the whole of the mine field, or
at least in most of it, is made horizontal, and that is why, with the
thickness of the protective ceiling remaining stable, the height of
the rooms and the thickness of the bottom layer gradually alter (see
Fig. 295, sections /-/ and //-//). Since the existing methods of
mining do not provide for the recovery of salt left in the floor of the
rooms, the above-described way of levelling out the bottom of rooms
is regarded inefficient in spite of all its merits.
In view of this, and notwithstanding the handicaps referred to
above, the arrangement of rooms along the strike is more advanta
geous. The diagonal position of rooms possesses features half-way
between those of the two methods described earlier. When the rooms
extend on strike, mining operations in the mine field progress schema
tically as follows (Fig. 296). Openings AB and AC are made along
the dip, away from hoisting shaft A. The type of haulage for the
transportation of salt in opening AB depends on its gradient. Open
ing AC runs sloping from the shaft. In order to reduce the track grad
ient and thus facilitate transportation, two diagonal haulageways
ABi and AB 2 may be driven instead of one opening AB, whose
angle of slope to the horizontal plane would be smaller. Ventilat
ing shaft D is usually near hoisting shaft A. A ventilation scheme
with pillars in the shape of protective walls intersected by low break
throughs is shown in Fig. 296. Mining proceeds in all directions from
the shafts of the mine more or less uniformly.
Let us now see how development work and stoping are done in the
case of the Bryantsevsky bed, which, it may be recalled, is 40 metres
deep and occurs with a slightly inclined dip at 150 metres
from the surface. The system used in working this bed is shown in
Fig. 297.
The width of rooms 1 is 17 metres, while the thickness of inter
chamber pillars 2 is 8 metres. The pillars are cut by break
throughs 3 every 30 metres, that is, their size at the bottom is 8x30
* Barring the slight slope given to the floor of the room to facilitate rail
Fig. 296. Layout of workings in a salt mine field
metres. The rooms are 25-27 melres high, since they have protective
ceiling 5 and bottom 6 salt layers.
Before proceeding to stoping, development openings are made id
each room.
Methods Employed [or Mining Rock Salt M,t
Fig. 298. Ventilation scheme at the Iletsk salt mine
From 1889 on rock salt was mined only in the so-called “ old” room.
In 1925 stoping operations there were suspended because there was
a serious danger of the ceiling of the room caving in, caused by water
leaking through cracks and dissolving salt. This abandoned room
deserves mention because of its extraordinary size: it was 106 me
tres high, 14.5 metres wide at the top and 25 metres wide at the bot
tom, and 245 metres long. Inasmuch as salt was extracted by un
derhand stopes, the height (or rather the depth) of the room increased
year in year out. The salt was hoisted up through a vertical “ shaft”,
cut out in the wall of the room in the form of a vertical recess, which
was deepened correspondingly. The room had no support, except
for rafter timbering forming a canopy just under its ceiling.
When rock salt deposits are mined with support pillars of ade
quate size, the rooms, though of considerable dimensions, have no
Mining of Potash Salts 443
S y lv in ite beds
AB lite
K rasn y II
(Fig. 300). The holes are made with electric augers with hard alloy
Development openings are driven fasLer and at a lower cost by the
11JBM tunnel-boring machine (Fig. 301), with the aid of which a
circular horizontal opening with a diameter of 3 metres is driven at
a rale of 400-500 metres a month. The direction in which the machine
The rooms arc mined in the ascending order. When the stored salt
has been removed from the rooms, they are filled. The filling mate
rial is brought down along the slope, first to the superjacent room,
thence through a special rise heading in the pillar down to the one
requiring filling.
The fill is put in place as compactly as possible and for that rea
son special stowing machines are sometimes used to bring it up
under the roof. Fig. 303 shows room 1 already filled, room 2 in the
stage of being filled, room 3—broken salt is being hauled away,
room 4 is in the stage of shrinkage-stoping.
Room mining in a steep bed is illustrated by Fig. 304. From
shaft 1, sunk in the foot wall of the deposit level, crosscuts 2 are run
towards the bed. The vertical level interval varies from 30 to 75 me
tres. The levels are divided into sublevels /, II, III..., with vertical
intervals of 6-10 metres. The sublevels are developed by short cross
cuts 5, 6, 7..., driven consecutively from blind shafts 4, raised to
the entire height of the level with certain intervals on strike. The
sublevels are worked in the ascending order. The operations pro
gress in the following sequence. Level drifts is run from main haul
age crosscut 2 in the rock salt of Lhe fooL wall of the deposit, from
which short crosscuts 5 are driven to the site of future rooms in the
lower sublevel. When a crosscut like that is cut right into the midst
of the deposit, a development opening about 2 metres high is first
Mining of Potash Salts T19
driven in sail over the entire length of future room 10, extending all
the way through the lateral thickness of the deposit (except for the
protective ceiling of potash salt 1-4 metres thick sometimes lefl in
the roof). Salt drawn from this opening is cleaned up, followed by
the breaking and shrinkage-sLoping of salt (as described above). The
ultimate height of the room corresponds to the sublevel interval,
that, is, 7-9 metres.
Insofar as the other dimensions of the rooms are concerned, they
depend on the thickness of the working deposit, Lhe strength of salt
and the firmness of wall rocks. Normally, the overall area of a room
should not exceed 600-1,000 sq m with the more cavable and less
viscid salts, but in more favourable conditions it can be increased
to 1,500 sq m.
Support pillars 8, measuring 12-15 metres, are left between rooms
though more often G- 8 metres on strike. Cross headings(break-lhroughs)
.9 are cut near the foot wall of a deposit to connect neighbour
ing rooms. Interchamber pillars in individual sublevels are imme
diately one over the other throughout the whole of the level inter
val. Sometimes reinforced (oversize) pillars up to 25 metres in length
on strike are left every few rooms, which are separated by ordinary
ones of the size indicated above.
When salt stored in shrinkage stopes has been withdrawn, the
rooms are stowed with filling material. The latter, brought down
from the surface or obtained un
derground, is delivered to the
top level of a given room. Thus, in , ..
for room 10 the fill is supplied . Ijnjj || ||||| ||n|||
via intermediary crosscut 6‘ . I1 l l'l .......
ing broken salt to the main level and to cut down the miml er of
development openings by an oblique layout of rooms and inter
chamber pillars.
In this case a level with a vertical interval of 40 to 60 metres is
not divided into sublevels. Crosscuts 2 are driven from main strike
drift 1 in the foot wall of the deposit, and then merge into cross
drifts, from which strike drift 3 is made in the centre of the deposit.
From the drift inclined raises 4, 5, 6 are put up every 12-15 metres.
The first, after being carried 3-5 metres away from the strike drift,
is extended over the entire thickness of the working bed, that is,
across the full width of future room 7. This inclined raise plays the
role of a development opening, for it serves to undermine salt by
firing explosive charges in its back. Its height should be sufficient
to ensure efficient execution of this task. The raise must have a slope
corresponding to the angle of repose proper of broken salt and fill
ing material.
The inclined development opening is raised to the top level drift,
but its last 5-8 metres are driven with a narrow face to provide for
protective pillars under the drift. When this development opening
is completed, inclined working 10 is cut out across the entire width
and height of the future room at the bottom of the first, near the foot
of its broader section. The undermining of salt in the room is then
proceeded with. Salt is shrinkage-stoped in the room to the extent
necessary to continue undermining the back from a pile of broken
salt, and surplus salt is discharged periodically as the need arises
down to the lower drift through an inclined slope. In this way the
room is gradually worked out to its full height of 8-12 metres. The
rooms are usually 60-100 metres long, depending on the level inter
val and their inclination. When salt in a given room has been extract
ed, the mineral is removed from it and the room is stowed with
filling material supplied to it through the upper drift. Owing to the
inclined position of the is distributed throughout it by grav
ity. In this instance too the room is not filled to its roof. Sufficient
free space is left between its inclined back and the top surface of the
fill to permit initial undermining of salt within the bounds of the
next room. Overlying neighbouring rooms 8 and 9 are worked in
the same way as the first room, but the floor is made of mine-fill
and not potash salt in situ.
To preclude massive subsidence of ground, inclined protective
pillars 11 are left unrecovered every three-four rooms, their size
depending on local conditions.
4r>L' Methods of Mining Rock and Potash Salts
Fig. 306. Diagram for estimating the size Fig- 307. Calculation of wall
of a support pillar shaped support pillars
Taking into account all that has been said before, we find that
the conditions for the computation of the adequate size of a support
pillar will be as follows:
SH q+shq^ — . (1 )
~ B hq, (3)
nHq Hq
2. Square pillars:
s (A+x)*
s x1 ’
and accordingly.
x= (4)
hH\ ■
V —
nHq Hq
3. Pillars have a length of L (Fig.
■? (A+ x)(A + L)
s xL
t + a
X = (5)
nHq Hq L
4. Pillars with the proportion of
Fig. 308. C a lc u la t io n o f c o n —= c = const; since here
s ta n t- le n g th s u p p o r t p illa r s
(A + x) + ^
2/lc /p\
X= (7)
R hq, B
nHq H7~L
In the formulas (3)-(7) it may be assumed that h = 0, if the height
of pillars is insignificant compared to the depth of mining.
In the above-mentioned formulas the width of rooms is taken to
be predetermined. So far there are no reliable methods of determin
ing the width of rooms and this is established in a purely empiri-
Estimating the Size of Support Pillars •135
cal way, most often within the range of 10-17 and less frequently
23-25 metres (Sol-Iletsk mine).
Let us make some remarks on the significance of the values of
the above formulas. Compression strength R of the material con
tained in the support pillar is estab
lished by the laboratory tests of rock
specimens under a special press.
It should be noted that compression
strength (in kg,cm1) depends on the ab
solute size and shape of the tesLed speci
mens. For instance, if it is cubes with
edges 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm long that are
tested under a press, it becomes evident
that the value of R for the same material
is apt to rise. Therefore, it is better to
take cubes whose edges are not less than
15-20 cm long.
Still more conspicuous is the effect Fig. 309. Diagram for estimat
of the shape of specimens. For prismatic ing the size lars
of support pil
5. A F ew R e m a r k s o n th e P r o d u c tio n of R ock
S a lt b y D is s o lu t io n
6. M i n i n g o f B u ild in g S to n e s by U n d e r g r o u n d M eth od s
Besides rock and potash salts, the method of room mining with
abandoned pillars of the mineral is used for working limestone, gyp
sum, roofing slate and other building material deposits.
Mining of Building Stones by Underground Methods
1. Preliminary R em arks
2. T h i c k n e s s o f O r e O c c u r r e n c e s
else denote its average or mean thickness. In the latter case, mini
mum and maximum thickness should also be indicated.
From the standpoint of mining, it is customary to classify ore
deposits into the following groups:
I—very thin (less than 0.7-0.8 metre);
II—thin (from 0.7-0.8 to 2 metres);
III— medium-thick (from 2 to 5 metres);
IV— thick (from 5 to 15-20 metres);
V—very thick (over 15-20 metres).
Also very deep-seated are most of the lode deposits. The prospecting
data available at present and geological considerations suggest that
the gold strike reefs of the Berezovsky deposit (in the Urals) occur
at considerable depths.
It should be borne in mind that if some veins or ore bodies in gen
eral in a deposit do pinch out at a greater depth there may be other,
blind ore bodies, which do not reach the surface.
of melal waste during the mining and transportation of the ore, since
the finest ore fractions, the ones most likely to be lost, as a rule con
tain the highest percentage of the metal. Equally undesirable are the
unnecessarily large ore pieces, for they cause serious difficulties in
mining and impair labour efficiency during the extraction of the ore
and its subsequent processing at the concentration mills. In modern
underground mines the size of the marketable piece varies widely—
from 200 to 900 mm and even one metre. In most of the mines the
size ranges from 250 to 400 mm. Lumps of considerable size are en
countered in large mines employing mass-production methods. The
trend in recent decades has been towards augmenting the size of the
marketable piece, for this permits eliminating labour-consuming
block-holing operations. The drawing of ore of larger size, however,
requires the installation of especially strong and well-equipped ore
chutes, powerful haulage facilities, large-size crushers, and that is
justified economically only in large-scale mining.
The capacity of the ore to break into pieces of different size fol
lowing its detachment from the solid mass should be taken into
account in selecting mining methods. It has been observed, for exam
ple, that in the process of chuting the smaller pieces filter
through the larger ones and come out faster through the discharge
opening. Therefore, if the overlying ground breaks into smaller
Pi eces than the ore during the spontaneous breakage, it is not
advisable to apply the spontaneous-caving methods. In this
instance, it is necessary artificially to break the ore to obtain
sufficiently small pieces.
The main and most efficient means of obtaining the desired size
grading of the ore is proper adjustment and control of the parameters
accepted for drilling and blasting operations in stoping. The basic
factors influencing the size grading of the ore or barren rock
obtained by blasting are:
1 ) physical and mechanical properties and, above all, jointing
smaller is the size of broken ore, provided the amount of each indi
vidual charge is sufficient to ensure normal detonation;
5) brisance of explosives, sequence of their firing (instantaneous
or consecutive) and proper conduct of blasting operations.
468 Choice of Methods for Mining Ore Deposits
As in coal mining (see Chapter IX, Section 15), the choice of the
mining method and mode of stoping for working ore bodies requires
that particular attention be given to the selection of machines and
equipment necessary to ensure the all-round mechanisation of ex
traction operations.
The considerable hardness of ores and enclosing rocks frequently
encountered in working ore deposits makes drilling of holes and
blast-holes particularly important. Today holes are everywhere drilled
with the aid of pneumatic jacks or air-legs, which facilitate the
work of drillers and enhance the efficiency of air-hammers. The holes
are flushed with water (wet drilling). Conditions in the stopes permit
ting, the drilling machines are set up on jumboes. The jumboes used
in the United States are railless, and have automobile wheels or
To raise the efficiency of air-drilling, it is important to increase
the pressure of compressed air (up to 7 atm in the stope), this demand
ing its increase at the compressor plant and reduction to the mini
mum of pressure losses in the supply lines leading to the stopes.
This gave birth to a tendency to set up compressors underground and
to arrange special “ hydropneumo-storage batteries”to maintain uni
form air pressure. At one of the mines in the Urals there is an instal
lation like that with a capacity of about 500 cu m, while the Roedsand
iron ore mine in Norway has a hydropneumo-storage battery with
a capacity of 2,000 cu m. For underground drilling of long holes
with a diameter of 60-130 mm Soviet industry manufactures special
rotary drilling machines.
Ore is hauled from the stopes largely by scrapers or slushers provid
ed with hoists powered by electric or air motors; low-power
motors (about 1 0 kw) are in many instances replaced by ones of
20, 45 and more kw.Thus, in the West-German iron ore industry there
are scraper hoists driven by 180-kw motors. For stopes with low out
put and short haulage distances small scrapers driven by motors of
4-5 kw are quite satisfactory. Special “ tugger”or service hoists are
used for hauling mine timber.
Low-capacity mine cars are still widely used in the ore industry.
In the Krivoi Rog mines, rocker-type self-tipping mine cars with a
capacity of 1 cu m and carrying power of 2.5 tons are used almost
universally. With the size of the mines growing and the introduction
of highly effective systems of mining, there is a tendency to adopt
large-capacity doorless or self-dumping cars, with a capacity of 2
and 4 cu m and carrying power of 5 and 10 tons.
In the United Stales there are mine cars with a load-carrying capac-
Concomitant Exploration During the Exploitation of Ore Deposits 409
Section a-a
P l a n b-b
Room frame
for complete filling, and this best solves the roof control problem.
The phosphorite plate is much harder than the floor rocks and (o
facilitate breaking the phosphorite a bottom draw cut is made
under the latter.
It should be noted that most of the major phosphorite deposits are
shallow-sealed, this permitting them to be worked by the open-cut
3. Placer Mining
Placer Mining Ml
V alley s l o p e
F ig . 318. D e v e l o p m e n t o f a m in e fi e l d in w o r k i n g a p l a c e r b y l o n g p i l l a r s
1, z —‘
waste packs') 3—main drift; /—extraction drifts .
drift has strong timbering (Fig. 319); in unstable rocks even limber
sheet piling is used (Fig. 320).
Extraction (cross) drifts are run every 10-20 metres from the main
drift to the boundaries (edges) of a placer. To protect the main drift
from rock pressure and reduce the losses of metal, waste pillars are
built on the sides of this opening, with spacers (interlayers) of timber
and brushwood (Fig. 321).
Pillars are recovered (Fig. 322) by slab entries or slabbing cuts
(strips) 1, 2, 3, etc., each 3.3 metres wide. As a rule, in one pillar un
der simultaneous mining there are three slabbing cuts: in one—
gold-bearing sands are extracted, the second is in the stage of being
“cleaned up” , and the third is either being prepared for caving or is
being caved.
The clean-up of the placer bottom is a specific job in the mining of
gold-bearing sands. Due to the geological structure of placers, gold
particles quite frequently accumulate in large amounts in the bed
rocks underlying the placer and penetrate into hollows and cracks in
the bottom. The clean-up is done with picks, shovels and metal
brushes. In favourable conditions, the number of slabbing cuts
extracted at one time is higher than usual and pillaring is sometimes
done on two sides, from the neighbouring extraction drifts.
The sands in the stope of a slabbing cut are either drawn by hand or
blasted out. The sequence of extraction in weak ground is illustrated
by Fig. 323. More efficient extraction from bottom up (Fig. 324) is
possible with a good back of the bed and proper drainage, and provid
ed there are no large boulders in the placer. The slabbing cuts are
480 Mining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
Volleu H o p ?
F i g . 322. S e q u e n c e o f s t o p i n g o p e r a t i o n s in p l a c e r m i n i n g
a—'waste packs'| b—service drifts; c—main haulage drift) i —conveyeri
e—extraction drift) /—service shaft
Placer Mining 481
a ©JCff*
Removing sand from top area Setting up of an anchor stay
of vrorRinq face
T p T V r z f ' \ - - - u ■
Sequence in the order
of prop setting
sands from side-space ana
centre of working face
Fig. 323. Sequence of sand extraction in the slab enlry (cut) of a
placer in weak ground
7 7 /7 /7 7 Z V7/7/ / / / / 9 V / 7 / / / "
On A-B
F ig . 325. S l a b e n t r i e s s u p p o r t
line for the caving roof. When the crossings are caved, timber is
removed by blasting, for these sites are very much squeezed together.
In the Lena gold fields 60-80 per cent of mine timber is recovered,
with 30-60 per cent of it suitable to be used again. Total timber con
sumption per 1,000cu m of sands is in the region of 100-140 cu m.
If the back of the placer has not been drained sufficiently, caving of
slab entries is not allowed because there is then a danger of silt-ground
inrushes. Pillaring with partial filling of the goaf, involving the
building of waste pack walls and cribs, may be employed in this case.
If, not so long ago, underground mining of placers was done almost
exclusively by the method of long pillars (and before that by the pil-
lar-and-stall method), in the past few years it is the system of contin
uous faces (longwalls) up to 40 metres in length (Fig. 326) that is
being increasingly applied in extracting long pillars. Mechanised
stuping makes it possible greatly to raise the productivity of labour
in long-face mining.
Conditions favouring long-face mining are: thickness of cover
rocks up to the surface of not less than 1 0 metres; permafrost ground;
dry, stable roof with thawed ground; even bottom and insignificant
proportion of boulders in the placer.
The mine field is worked in retreating order. The position of the
development openings is shown in Fig) 326. Sloping proceeds in four
long faces simultaneously.
Placer Mining 48.1
The metals and ores in the placer are usually so distributed that
they make breast or continuous mining possible. If, in exceptional
cases, the thickness of a placer exceeds 3-4 metres, it can be extracted
by slices, starting with the bottom where the placer is usually richer
in valuable components. When the bottom slice has been extracted
and fully filled, one proceeds with development and sloping in the
overlying slice.
In permafrost conditions, the sands are blasted or thawed. The most
popular method is by blasting with subsequent thawing of sands on
the surface. This method of working frozen sands is simpler and more
The holes should not be less than 1.6 metres long. The height of
an active slope or face equals the thickness of the minable portion of a
placer, but should not be less than 1.4 metres.
The cycle or round of stoping operations includes drilling, blasting,
drawing (mucking) and transportation of sands, timbering and roof
control. Stoping is done on the basis of one cycle per 24 hours.
Thawing of sands is effected with steam by means of steam-points
or pipes. The old methods of thawing by open fire have been almost
completely ousted by more perfect and effective ones. One of the
modes of sand thawing with good prospects is that of underground
A steam-point is a hollow round steel piece with a diameter of
about 25 mm. It is tapered to make it easier to. ram into the ground.
The steam-points used in stoping are 2-2.5 m long and 3 m long in de
velopment work.
F ig . 326. P i l l a r r e c o v e r y b y c o n t i n u o u s f a c e s ( l o n g w a l l s ) in a p l a c e r
/—shaft! 2—main haulageway; 3—air pit; /— fringe drifts; .5—extraction drlfti
«—wall face; 7— caving; *—conveyer; #—cribs; JO—breaker timbering
484 M ining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
F ig . 327. T h a w i n g o f fr o z e n s a n d b y s t e a m p o i n t s
J—steam point; 2—stcain pipeline; .3—carriage; i —boundary
line of thawing
made 1.7-1.25 metres deep into which a piece of gas pipe 2-4 melres
long with an inside diameter of 18-50 mm is inserted. The two ends
of the pipe are closed tightly; the surface facing the slope has 2-3 mm
holes perforated in it. The pipes arc laid along the face at intervals
of 0.3-0.5 metre and then covered by a “ pile”of sand. To secure the
uniformity of thawing, steam is supplied to the centre of each pipe
through tubes and rubber hoses. The laying of pipes takes 3-4 hours.
“Steaming" takes G-7 hours and “ sweating”8-9 hours.
The duration of the whole cycle is 17-20 hours. The advance rate
of the face per cycle is 0.4-1.2 metres. Output per man per shift is
4 cu in and over.
F ig . 330. L o a d i n g m a c h i n e in a F ig . 331. P r o v i s i o n a l p i l l a r s in
lon gw all in p l a c e r m i n i n g permafrost placerin g
I —loaden 2—props; 3—crlbsi < -
face conveyeri 6—conveyor
Lode Mining 487
To maintain the haulageway, similar pillars are left every five me
tres. No pillars are left in narrow placers below 30 metres. As the
stopes move forward, the provisional pillars are robbed with the sub
sequent caving of the roof.
In the thawing of sand by steam, the worked-out space is supported
by cribs and temporary face limbering. When the back is sufficient
ly strong, the timbering includes rows of cribs spaced at 2-3 metres,
while runs of props with pads are set up along the face. The roof is
broken by removing every third row of cribs and sometimes by
preliminarily setting breaker props along the future rib line.
Extraction by longwallsin nonfrozen ground (taliks) is not applied
widely so far but has fairly good prospects.
Recovery of pillars by the long-face method has a number of advant
ages: it creates favourable conditions for mechanised sloping; the
volume of development work is low—16-18 per cent; the stopes are
well ventilated; the cost of mining is low compared to working by slab
cuts; consumption of mine timber is reasonable—20-40 cu m per
1 ,0 0 0 cu m of sand; output per faceinan is fairly high.
4. I.ode Mining'
Extraction of highly dipping low and medium-thick veins is gener
ally effected in overhead stopes, horizontal and inclined slicing and
underhand stoping being practised much more seldom.
Preparation for stoping provides for cutting the level by raises
into working sections, which are termed “ blocks”in the mining of
ore bodies. Fig. 335, for example, shows a working section extending
over 60 metres on strike and 50 metres to the rise, in this instance con
forming to the level interval.
Since most of the ore deposits occurring at a steep angle are distin
guished by strong ores and firm gangue, the drilling of holes is of ex
ceptional importance in working veins and shoots. Depending on the
structure of the ore body, the types of the drilling machines employed
and the outline of stopes, the holes may be either horizontal (as
in Fig. 337), vertical (Fig. 339) or inclined (Fig. 338). It is more
convenient to drill vertical or up-holes with stopers, horizontal
and inclined ones with drilling machines mounted on vertical columns.
The systems used in mining steeply dipping lodes differ, this depend
ing largely on the mode of supporting enclosing rocks: the worked-
out area may be supported by ordinary or reinforced mine timber, it
may be filled with waste, or mining may be done by shrinkage-stoping.
The modes of conveying the ore from the stopes to the lower haul
ageway depend on the method accepted for supporting country rocks,
488 Mining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
On 1-1
F ig . 332. R a i s e s w i t h l a d d e r a n d o r e p a s s a g e c o m p a r t m e n t s
F ig . 335. O v e r h a n d s t o p i n g in a v e i n fr o m o p p o s i t e d i r e c t i o n s
dip of about 50° to 80°, the miners stand with their drilling machines
on laggings temporarily laid down the posts of the sets. The broken
ore slides down into the worked-out area where it is loaded into mine
cars through ore chutes. Since the rock is strong and the ore valuable,
no floor pillars are left over the haulageway.
The output per faceman per shift is 1.25 cu m, explosive consumption
per 1 cu m of ore—1.34 kg, and mine timber consumption per 1,000
cu m of ore — 1 1 0 cu m.
When ore is strong and wall rocks are firm, the overhand stopes
can be carried in the opposite direction so as to enlarge the face front
line (Fig. 335).
The stull-set method of mining has substantial disadvantages: the
necessity of performing work from a temporary flooring laid over the
mined-out. area requires a great deal of attention and circumspection
on the part of the men engaged in the stopes; setting of timber and
its delivery to the stopes are rather difficult; blasting often knocks
down old timbering; sticks falling down the level may hamper the
drawing of ore from the chutes.
I- I 25-----------
ore chutes left between the pack walls. These chutes are put up every 10
metres. The ore is extracted in individual benches, each served by
its own ore chute. The use of filling appreciably cuts down mine tim
ber consumption and at the same time ensures a low proportion of ore
losses (up to 5 per cent).
If the vein is more than 1.5-2 metres thick and the ore body has no
gangue inclusions, the use of filling makes it necessary to bring it to
the stoping area from outside. An example of this system is shown in
Fig. 338, which depicts the mining of a sulphide ore deposit about 2
metres thick, dipping at an angle of 45-80°. On strike the block extends
over 60 metres and is 30 metres high, the floor 60 metres high being
divided into two sublevels. Work with filling has been adopted in
this case because of unfirm wall rocks. A sloping fill pass is driven
in the centre of the block to deliver the filling material from the up
per drift. The stope is made inclined to facilitate passage of ore by
gravity to ore chutes set up near the boundaries of the extraction
block, as well as the distribution of the fill in the mined-out area.
Consequently, in this case the ore is extracted by inclined or rill
slices. To the haulageway the ore is likewise lowered through ore
chutes arranged in the fill itself. The distance between the surface
of the mine-fill and the ore stope is such as to leave sufficient space
for work in the area near the active stope.
494 Mining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
8. S h r i n k a g e - S t o p i n g
barren rocks must be firm, as is the case in the example under dis
cussion. After the ore has been drawn off, the mined-out space re
mains without any [ill at all. For this reason, to prevent any mass
movemen t of the ground, which might also involve the adjacent extrac-
lion blocks in the stage of stoping, the raises delimiting each block
on strike are put up with protective pillars on their flanks. The size
of the extraction block on strike should be such as to eliminate any
possibility of wall rocks caving in within its bounds, at least until
the ore has been drawn oil completely.
An interesting example of shrinkage-stoping is illustrated by Fig.
3/i0. In this case the size of the extraction block on strike (40 metres)
is limited by the natural structure of the deposit. The passageways
serving for communication with the stopes are therefore driven with
a certain slope along the contacts of the vein with enclosing country
rocks. In view of the small size of the block, the central raise serves as
a connection with the upper drift.
The ordinary method of ore breaking in a stepped face of the shrink
age-slope becomes hazardous and therefore inapplicable if the ore is
liable to cave in because of its physical and mechanical properties.
In instances like this, the ore can be broken from preliminarily driv
en raises. An example of this method is shown in Fig. 341. Here the
vein is 1-3 metres wide and dips at an angle of 70°. The ore is weak
and liable to cave in spontaneously. Although the enclosing rocks of
medium stability do not exclude the application of shrinkage-stop
ing, the tendency of the ore to cave in makes it necessary to break
it from raises put up every 5 metres, as shown in Fig. 339. The driv
ing of raises increases expenditure, but then the drillers are safe.
The block is 50 metres long and 42 metres high. The output per
faceman per shift reaches 2 cu m; because of the need to support the
raises, timber consumption is somewhat high—up to 0.3 cu m per
1 cu m of ore.
9. S h r i n k a g e - S t o p i n g by S lic e s
498 Mining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
Shrinkage-Sloping by Slices 499
500 Mining of Thin and Medium-Thick Ore Deposits
drifts may be lowered to the section of the open goaf no longer used
for the dumping of the ore.
This method enhances the efficiency of facemen. widens the working
front and keeps the consumption of mine timber down. On the other
hand, the application of the system causes greater ore dilution thaD
in ordinary selective mining.
F ig 347. An e x a m p l e o f u n d er h a n d s l o p i n g
Basic Notions of Underhand Sloping 505
O n l- I O nM -m
Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
On l-l
Fig. 350. L o n g h o l e b r e a k in g o f o r e in r o o m s
the name under which it sometimes goes, for it does not provide for
the robbing of pillars. Hence, the method may be termed mining
with natural support pillars.
In the working of thick ore deposits with flat-dipping occurrence
involving the abandonment of support pillars, the mined-out areas
are distinguished by their extensive size and absence of artificial
support. In the U.S.A., in these conditions, use is made of highly
M in in g with Natural Support Pillars 511
3. Sublevel Stoping
The basic points underlying the method are explained by Fig. 352.
The latter refers to the working of a steeply dipping pyrite lense ex
tending over 70 metres on strike and about 40 metres down the dip,
and of a thickness of 19 metres. Along the boundary of the ore body
raises or “pull-holes”are carried up from the lower haulageway from
which subdrifts are driven in the centre of the ore body every 1 0
metres (in plan) over the entire length of the lense on strike. The most
outstanding feature of the method is the mode of ore breaking. This
is done from the ends of the drifts adjacent to the room (on the left in
Fig. 352). No men are engaged in the room itself. Cross headings are
driven from the end of each subdrift to make possible the breaking of
the ore up the entire thickness of the ore body. Only one side of these
cross headings, however, opens into the room, and that is why they
are commonly designated as “ slabs”or “ open-end cuts” . They accom
modate drillers and drilling equipment. To prevent them from fall
ing, the men here are provided with safety belts. The holes are
drilled both from these slabs and directly from the ends of drifts up
wards and downwards. The blasted ore drops into a chamber whose
bottom is shaped like a funnel like opening with discharge chutes be
The lag of the stoping operations in the upper sublevel behind
those in the underlying ones, shown in Fig. 352, that is, the presence of
unbroken ore hanging over the room, is permissible only in the case
of very strong, firm and jointless ores.
The example of sublevel stoping shown in Fig. 352 deals with an
exceptional case, where the size and the shape of the ore body allow
its mining with a single room or chamber, the ore being broken from
sublevel drifts. If, on the other hand, the deposit is more extensive, it
has to be preliminarily divided by development openings into separate
extraction blocks. One example of this is the modification of the sys
tem illustrated in Fig. 353 where, to widen the front of working
faces, the block is extracted in two directions from the central raise.
Let us consider more closely this latter modification of the
Sublevel Sloping r,i3
Fig. 351!. Mining of a single pyrile lense with the breaking of ore from sublevel
The lateral width of the ore deposit comes to 12-20 metres, its angle
of dip is 50°. The vertical level interval is 56 metres. Two rooms 1,
1 are mined in the block, each being 30 metres long. Rib or intercham
ber pillar 3 is 8 metres wide. Uphill opening (raise) 4 is driven along
pillar 3 axis, near the foot wall, to connect the haulage and airway
levels and to ensure the progress of development work.
From lower haulage drift i, cut in ore, ore passes 2 are arranged ev
ery 6 metres all the way to the scraper or secondary breaking level.
The bottom of the room is widened to form funnel-shaped openings
to receive the broken ore.
From working 4 cross drifts (crosscuts) are driven and from these
sublevel drifts 5, at vertical intervalsof 9-11 metres.
The general direction of ore extraction is from the block bound
aries towards its cenLre. The ore is broken from side-cuts 6.
Upon the extraction of the ore inside the rooms (the so-called room
slocks or reserves) the rib pillar is destroyed by explosives filling
holes 7 in it (see section CC in Fig. 353). Lastly to knock down the floor
pillar or “ceilin g” , deep horizontal blast-holes 8 are first drilled above
514 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
Sublevel Sloping 515
the rooms. These are made from special drill chambers 9 in Ihe ceil
ing over the rib pillar.
If any sill pillars had been left above the drift on the air horizon
above the ceiling, they are shot down together with the ceiling.
Since it is in the room that the mining is most productive, the size
of the room, as well as that of the rib pillars, ceiling and sill pillars
should be so chosen that they contain the biggest possible ore slocks in
the room. But this depends on the degree of the stability of ore and
enclosing rocks.
Figs 352 and 353 refer to an instance when the general direction of
mining is on strike. But if the ore body is of lateral width in excess
of approximately 2 0 metres, the axes of the rooms mined from sub-
level drifts—in this case crosscuts—run across the strike (Fig. 353).
Depending on local conditions, the ore can be excavated by the va
rious methods indicated in Fig. 354:
1) holes 2-2.5 metres long are drilled up and down when the gen
eral line of working faces extends vertically. The vertical subleve-
distance in this instance should not exceed 5-8 metres;
2 ) the type of holes are the same, but the faces are established in an
unfilled room is the high loss of ore and its dilution during Ihe
drawing process.
Sublevel stoping has a number of important advantages, such as:
1 ) safety of work, for the men are engaged not in rooms, but in work
ings of a small section and are supplied with safety bells lied to a
rope; 2) high efficiency of ore breaking; 3) wide general front of work
ing faces; 4) high tonnages yielded by one production block; 5) no
timbering in the rooms; 6 ) delivery of ore to pull-holes by
On the other hand, the system has some serious shortcomings:
1 ) driving of a large number of development and subsidiary openings;
Fig. 355. Shooting down rib and floor pillars by long holing
518 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
U— 30.0 —
Fig. 356. B r e a k in g o f o r e b y d e e p h o r iz o n t a l b la s t - h o le s
Breaking of Ore by Blast-Holes and Coyote or Tunnel Blasting 519
of rib pillars. At a height of 7-9 metres above the haulage level drift
4 of the secondary or grizzly horizon is run and it is connected with
ore-pass raises which open into the haulage drift and are put up every
8 - 1 0 metres.
From the grizzly level twin inclined dump chutes are driven at an
interval of 8-10 metres to the height of 7-9 metres, their top por
tions extended. Cut-out raise 5 is put up the full level interval from
the grizzly level drift (usually along the axis of the room).
From the raises in pillars and along the axis of the room powder
drifts 6 are run in the plans of each sublevel. The sublevel interval
(the line of least resistance ) is generally 8-10 metres. The section of
powder drifts is kept as small as possible, usually 1.5 x 1.5 or 1.5 x
x 1 . 8 metres.
When these openings are driven, only 50 per cent of the ore is
cleaned up, the rest being left in the workings to be used for stemming
tunnel charges. The layout of powder drifts and crosscuts should
520 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
round sticks or bars. The elements (Fig. 358) of such a lattice are 12
units placed along the edges of a parallelepiped. Two vertical (pi.sls)
and four horizontal members meet in each joint of the lattice, with the
two horizontal running parallel to the stope usually called caps and the
two perpendicular braces. The size of the square-set members depends
on the expected rock pressure and varies widely, while the height of
the posts in the clear of the set usually comes to 1 .8 -2 .5 metres, the
length of caps to 1.5-1. 8 metres and that of braces to 1 .2 -1 . 8 metres.
It is very important for the members of a square set to fit together
The units of square sets can obviously be used to fill a space of any
shape and size (Fig. 359). To make the square set stable, its upper
members, lying for the time being near the surface of an unblasled
solid mass of the mineral or wall rocks, are reinforced by knee braces,
wedges, temporary posts and stulls. The horizontal members or girts
of the square sets are covered with provisional flooring for the work
ers to stand on, and to transport mineral, filling materials, etc.
The broken ore is lowered to the haulageway along the dumping
slopes arranged in square sets.
The mined-out space supported by square sets may remain un
filled or be stowed with waste. Experience shows, however, that al
though the adjacent members of square sets should hold each other
in the definite position they are made to assume when they are set
up, a square set as a whole is a very “ delicate”structure, which is
easily disarranged by heavy rock pressure and consequently loses its
capacity of withstanding the weight of the ground. Square sets with no
522 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
through dumping chutes (or ore chutes) to the horizon below. Rich
ore is excavated separately (selectively) and passed down ore chutes
which are built of large lumps in the midst of the mine-fill and are
gradually extended.
Broken ore is conveyed by dumping chutes to the lower level
(Fig. 361). The filling material is supplied to the slope from the upper
drift and spread out with the aid of shovels or scrapers. The drawing
depicts a stepped slope with the holes
made in solid ore hy a column-mounted
drilling machine.
/ Level
: i : n s
in te v e i
Fig. 360. Mining of a high Fig. 361. Cut-and-fill sloping
complex shoot with vein-rock i — la d d e r c o m p a rtm e n t; 2— w a s t e - f il l c h u t e ;
filling 3— b r o k e n o re ; 4— m i n e - f i l l ; <5— o r e - d is c h a r g e
c t iu t e
Here are two more examples of cut-and-fill stoping of large ore de
posits. Fig. 362 illustrates mining a highly dipping sulphide ore de
posit about 6 metres thick. The ore is jointed and susceptible to ex
foliation and formation of loose slabs. The level interval is 45 me
tres and the length of the block on strike comes to 25 metres. Since
the filling material is supplied from the upper drift through the
fill compartment of one of development openings bordering on the
extraction block, the surface of the mine-fill is made inclined to fa
cilitate its distribution in mined-out space. The flooring is also used
for the passage to the chutes of the ore broken in the inclined
The raises delimiting the extraction block and serving as a passage
way for the fill are put up in the hanging wall of the deposit, and the
chutes are cut in its foot wall. Filling eliminates the need for sill pil
lars over the haulageway and protective pillars near the raises. This
cuts ore losses to 2-3 per cent.
Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
7. S h r i n k a g e - S t o p i n g
// A 11V /X B C //M S / / tm 'A 11? / /
o m - i
77. v////~
-.25.0: OnMS
the ore has been drawn off, the mined-out area is stowed with fill
supplied from the upper drift. The use of filling minimises ore losses
(3-5 per cent) and ensures low consumption of mine timber. The
efficiency of facemen is quite satisfactory.
The layout of raises flanking the extraction block, as shown in
Fig. 364, is admissible only in an ore body of moderate thickness and
good-quality fill.
In more complex conditions, the raises are made in rib pillars, as
depicted in Fig. 365, which illustrates shrinkage-stoping of an exten
sive ore body shaped like a dike made of igneous rocks with impreg
nation ores. The dike dips almost vertically and its thickness ranges
between 9 and 30 metres. The ore-bearing and country rocks are very
The vertical level interval, which is not divided into subfloors, is
50 metres. The shrinkage-sloped rooms are very extensive, exceeding
40 metres in height, the span (along the strike of the ore body) is 20
metres and the length equals the thickness of the deposit. The pillars
between shrinkage-slopes are 6 metres thick. In these pillars rise
headings are carried up, and from the headings crosscuts are driven
every 6 metres along the height and are connected with shrinkage-
rooms by short break-throughs. These openings are used for the pas-
Shrin kage-S top ing 527
528 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
sage of men, air supply and the delivery of drilling equipment from
the lower drift.
As usual, the distance between the face of the shrinkage-stope and
the surface of the waste Dll is maintained by drawing off the ore to
leave sufficient working space for handling stopers. In other words,
il should be somewhat higher than the man. Because of the exten
siveness of shrinkage-rooms and hardness of ore, breakage may yield
large blocks. For this reason a grizzly level is provided under the bot
tom of shrinkage-stopes (the bottom is in the shape of a series of fun
nel-like holes) and above the haulage horizon, where large lumps of
ore drawn through hoppers (discharge holes) may be broken up into
smaller pieces before being dumped into loading chutes (see Section
10 below). Since in this instance the long axis of shrinkage-rooms
runs across the line of strike (on account of the thickness of the ore
body), the loading chutes are not arranged directly in the haulage
drift but open into crosscuts connected with it.
When an overlying level is approached, a floor pillar of ore 3
metres thick is left in the shrinkage-stopes.
Shrinkagc-stoping makes it possible to recover floor pillars and pil
lars left near the haulageways and grizzly level of the overlying hori
zon. Just before the extraction of ore in the shrinkage-stope has been
completed (see the right half of the vertical section on strike in Fig.
365) its face is carried up right through the floor pillar to the former
upper haulageway.Numerous holes are drilled in the face of the shrink
age-stope in the Lop workings driven in the pillar adjacent to it, and
their simultaneous shooting breaks the ore and adds it to that already
stored in the stopes.
Ore tonnages yielded by this system of mining are rather consid
erable: output per man per shift is as high as 6 cu m; con
sumption of explosives is moderate although the ore is hard and comes
to 0.75 kg/m3, while that of mine timber is insignificant. The losses of
ore are low (5 per cent), but its dilution is high (up to 15 per cent).
Shrinkage-stoping of large ore bodies is warranted only in the case
of strong ore and firm country rocks. With these modibcations of the
method, when ore is drawn only at the bottom of shrinkage-stopes,
selective extraction of ore according to its grades is impossible and
ore should not have any sizable inclusions of gangue.
8. C a v i n g M e t h o d s o f M i n i n g
18 -J02i>
530 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
From a haulage drift made in the ore body inclined rise headings
are carried up at 25-metre intervals on strike.
The ore body is extracted in descending order by horizontal slices
2.5 metres thick. To accomplish this, a slice drift is run from the
rise heading along the strike of the lense intended for maintaining
communications with thestopesand for the passage of ore via appro
priate compartments. The ore in the slice is extracted on both sides
of this drift by narrow slabs, generally running in a direction oppo
site to that of the corresponding ore chutes. Each slab cut should have
very strong support, for the caving rocks exert appreciable pressure.
When a regular slab cut has been extracted, timbering in the preceding
slab is knocked down (shot down) and the ground is allowed to cave
in over the entire area of the slab.
Ore in horizontal top slicing is usually hauled to discharge chutes
by scrapers, although conveyers can be used too.
The use of scrapers to pull ore along the bottom of the slice presents
some inconveniences and their movement is hampered by timber
sets. To remedy this situation, special scraper or storage trenches,
that is, trench-like recesses, are cut out in the floor of the slice to serve
as a receptacle for broken ore. This scraper trench is used to slush
ore to discharge chutes. Another method is to arrange storage or
scram drifts 1, driven every two or three slices (Fig. 367). They are
connected with the working slices by small pull-holes2 for the draw
ing of the ore, which is also hauled to the main discharge chute
along the scram drift. Fig. 363 is illustrative of mining several
horizontal slices instead of one.
To avoid contaminating the ore with waste, a timber mat is laid
on the bottom of the topmost slice. As the slices are worked out, this
mat gradually sinks and in each slice is covered by the pieces of tim
ber which remain in the goaf after the timbering has been knocked
down in the process of slice caving, and by new layers of the mat.
This mat, separating ore from cover rocks, is called flexible mat.
It not only prevents smaller pieces of ore in the back of the slice from
falling through, but also helps even out the pressure bearing down
on the face timbering. The system is characterised by the immense
expenditure of mine timber—up to 100-150 cu m per 1,000 cu m of the
ore mined. Other disadvantages are low output per man per shift
and high consumption of explosives—usually 1.5-2 kg per 1 cu m of
ore. The latter is attributed to the fact that the weight of ore proper
does not help the explosive force. This method complicates ventila
tion of slopes. The storage or scram drifts described above also
improve ventilation conditions in the stopes.
In order to enhance the efficiency of facemen, A. Gmbin and
N. Yenikeyev have proposed extracting slices not by slab cuts but
by .long faces (walls) with the use of conveyers.
Caving Methods of Mining 5.H1
Blind drift
5.52 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
Sublevel Caving 5!3
Among the positive aspects of the top-slicing method are the possi
bility of applying it for weak cover rocks and the insignificant ore
losses (not more than 3-4 per cent when operations are properly con
ducted). The presence of firm country rocks and a strong ore makes this
system unsuitable, since in this case the ground fails to cave imme
diately after extraction, while later there is a danger of spontaneous
mass breakings. Horizontal lop slicing may be employed in working
extensive thick ore bodies of irregular shape, provided the layout of
the raises and ore chutes conforms to the contours of the ore body.
The application of the system may also prove necessary if the prop
erties of the ground and ore correspond to those mentioned above,
and in mining valuable ores where losses are to be kept down to the
9. Sublevel Caving
A general idea of this mining method may be gleaned from
Fig. 369. A thick steeply dipping ore body is mined from Lop down
by sublevels at an interval of 7-20 metres. The working sublevels are
connected with the main haulageway by inclined rise headings (see
Fig. 369). Inasmuch as foot wall rocks cave in completely at a given site
of each sublevel after extraction, lateral raises have to be gradually
carried up to secure connection with the air horizon, and from these
raises short crosscuts must be driven to the ore body itself. In the
ore body these crosscuts merge into cross drifts. The actual stuping
of ore is done by a set of rather complex methods (described below).
Fig. 370. “
Open-room" mining
Sublevel Caving 535
77 Section
breaks down the ore, which is then allowed to run into the cross
drift. The ore is slushed to the ore pass. No mats are used in these
Breaking of ore by deep blast-holes is being used more and more.
One of the varieties of the method is depicted in Fig. 373. A block
(locally “panel”) 30 metres long, 17 metres wide and 18 metres high
is mined at a time. The ore is drawn into two sublevel openings (drifts
and crosscuts). The bottom portion of the block is worked by a meth
od resembling the “ closed fan” , while the top is broken by horizon
tal or slightly inclined holes, which are also bored in fan-shaped
rounds to facilitate the installation of drilling machines.
538 Methods o f M i n in g Thick Ore Deposits
nr Section A -i'
Ptan B~B
Manway anil ventilating
in the country rocks of the foot wall, short crosscuts are driven every
12 metres vertically opposite the centre of the rib pillar, and from
these crosscuts cross drifts are run in the ore to the hanging wall.
Ore is broken in the way depicted by Fig. 376. Blasted ore is pulled
to discharge chutes by scrapers.
This mode of pillar robbing reduces labour efficiency, increases
consumption of mine timber and makes ventilation of the stoping
area difficult. Nevertheless, it makes it possible to cope with the
difficult task of recovering ore from pillars left between the rooms
worked-out earlier.
F i g . 377. D i a g r a m s h o w i n g i n d u c e d
(block) caving of ore
a — ore-b reak in g stage;
6— ore-dra w in g s t a g e
Methods of Mining with Induced Caving of Ore 541
Fig. 382. Model testing of ore drawing through several discharge chutes
Methods o j Mining with Induced Caving o j Ore
MS Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
! Undercut levee
j Scraper Level
\C/2 7 ^
1 \ i ^ raises
_______ Vfl--------- ^ - =
P l a n H l'M
Pian D-D
Ore mass 3, seven metres thick and lying between the haulage and
scraper levels, is called scraper sublevel. Lying over it is draw
hole sublevel 5, which is 8 metres high. Ore discharged through draw
holes (finger raises) is slushed to ore passes or transfer raises along
the scraper level and is then chuted down to the haulage level to be
loaded into mine cars.
The drifts and crosscuts in the scraper horizon are timbered with
three-piece frame sets and the points of their interconnection are
reinforced by metal square sets. To facilitate scraper travel, rails
are laid on the floor of the scraper level drifts and the set posts are
sheathed by an iron sheet at the bottom. The use of drag or plate
conveyers in lieu of scrapers would reduce the section of haulage
openings and that would increase their stability.
To weaken cohesion between the block to be caved and the solid
mass of ore surrounding it, the block is preliminarily cut off by
shrink drifts and crosscuts 8. These openings are run every 8-10 me
tres from cut-out raise 7.
Before it is caved, the block of ore is undercut. For that rounds of
deep horizontal blast-holes are drilled over the draw-off raises in
the undercutting level. To make possible their drilling and facilitate
the breaking and fracturing of ore, a series of drifts and crosscuts are
run in the undercutting level.
These are spaced so as to facilitate the complete destruction of
ore pillars between the undercutting openings after the blast-holes
have been fired.
As the blasted ore is drawn from the raises, the undercut block of
ore spontaneously subsides and caves in under its own weight and
that of the cover rocks (see Fig. 386). This is facilitated by the above-
mentioned shrink or boundary drifts and crosscuts fringing the
block. As it caves in and settles down, the ore fractures into finer
pieces and flows by gravity via draw-off raises to the scraper level
drifts, where scrapers haul it to transfer ore raises and pass it through
chutes into the haulage level.
By registering the amount of ore drawn from each chute, it becomes
possible to form a rough idea of the movement of ore occurring in
the block when it caves in and settles down. Fig. 387, referring to
the mining of the large Bolshevik iron ore deposit in the Krivoi Rog
district, demonstrates the progress of caving and the position of the
subsiding ore surface month by month in 1950. The first signs of ore
dilution appeared after 2/3 of the ore reserves undercut for spontane
ous caving had been drawn.
To prevent ore from being diluted by waste, it is drawn in accord
ance with an earlier compiled chart (planogram).
There are other variations of this method with no slushing opera
tions, with ore being passed down to the haulage level through
554 Methods of Mining Thick Ore Deposits
These examples are a good illustration of the fact that the choice
of a proper system of mining does not necessarily imply adopting
just one single method of country-rock control, for the combination
of two and even several different methods may, depending on the
conditions prevailing, prove quite justifiable.
When beds, veins and ore bodies in general are close to each other,
the excavation of one may sometimes unfavourably affect the extrac
tion of the adjacent bed or ore body. This adverse effect on the con
ditions governing the mining of one bed, caused by the preliminary
excavation of another, is termed undermining the first from below
or from above.
Undermining has particularly dangerous consequences in the min
ing of coal deposits when, as is generally the case, a coal measure
includes several and sometimes numerous working seams, whose
extraction extends over large areas. Consequently, we shall devote
our main attention to the possibilities of undermining and the meas
ures to prevent this harmful practice and discuss in detail the prob
lems pertaining to the mining of coal deposits, and shall confine
ourselves but to occasional remarks concerning other minerals.
Working seams in a coal measure may lie at different distances
from each other (normally to the bedding planes). If these distances
are considerable, each seam can be worked by itself. If they are small,
the working of one may badly afTect the subsequent extraction of the
adjacent seams. This may undermine the seams lying over the one
to be extracted, and in certain conditions the movement of ground
may also affect the underlying seams, and in this case it is usual
to speak of excavating or “ undermining" the seam from above.
Let us assume that over seam a at a distance c, there is seam b
(Fig. 392, 7). If underlying seam a is extracted first, the ground
overlying it may be split by fissures. If the distance between the seams
is insignificant, the fissures will reach the superjacent seam
(Fig. 392, 11) and make it difficult, if not totally impossible, to
work it. In other words, seam b will be undermined from below.
If seam a is mined with complete filling, the caving and jointing
of the ground over the worked-out area will manifest themselves
insignificantly, and it will then be possible to excavate seam b.
In this case there are good chances that, with complete filling, the
Undermining of Adjacent Beds 501
When the drawing of coal was begun in the lower seam, it turned
out that it could be mined by continuous faces (walls) up to 100me
tres and more in length, with coal cutters and transportation of coal
by low (since in some places the thickness of the seam dropped to
0.4 metre) flight-and-chain conveyers. It was also found that the
longwalls could be supported by ordinary face timbering, involving
the setting up of three-piece “frame”sets along with special support.
Partial filling was built up of waste obtained by ripping the bottom
of stone entries.
It is worthy of note that the heaviest pressure on both the develop
ment and production workings in the lower seam was recorded at
the sites which lay under the coal pillars earlier left in the top seam,
whereas in openings situated under the abandoned workings of the
upper seam, where coal was recovered by longwalls. no particularly
high pressure could be observed.
It goes without saying that, in conditions described above, the
practice of drawing the lower seam many years after the extraction
of the upper one by driving independent development openings in
each one of the seams is wrong, since the main development openings in
this case could be made common for both seams and the period be
tween the mining of the upper and lower seams reduced to a few months.
2. In the Kuznetsk coal fields, two contiguous seams, one 1.4 and
the other 2.2 metres thick, were worked at the Pioneer Mine. The
seams were separated by an interbedding several metres thick and had
both a flat and a heavy pitch.
In flat sections, each seam was worked by continuous faces (long-
wall variation). The production face in the top seam was carried on
with an advance of 50-60 metres over that of the lower one. Both
faces had ordinary timbering with double row of breaker posts for
support. The main entries were maintained in the lower seam, while
communication with the upper one was kept up via short slopes in
the interbedding.
3. In conditions of steep dip (Fig. 396) the same seams were
worked by the long-pillar method on strike with overhand stoping.
The floor was divided into two sublevels, the working face in the
upper seam being run 50-60 metres ahead. The extraction of the low
er seam lagged about 100-200 metres behind the top seam. The
main entries were maintained in the lower seam and communicated
with the corresponding openings in the top seam through inclined
break-throughs in the interbedding. Cribbing was employed to rein
force face timbering.
The above-cited examples show that mining of two or several con
tiguous seams must proceed according to plan with due account
jof the layout of mine workings in all of the seams and the sequence
of their driving.
56(i M in in g of C on tigu ou s Beds
Combined Development of Contiguous Seam Series 567
•—*- Air
Fig. 397. D r iv in g o f a “
gr o u p " (mother) entry in on e o f tw o w o r k in g s ea m s
Fig. 398. G r o u p l a t e r a l d r i f t w i t h i r r e g u l a r o c c u r r e n c e o f s e a m s
seam, may not only require extensive repairs, but even become to
tally impassable. Accordingly, there may be instances when entries
are maintained in working seams in the lower level of a given floor,
while in the air level lateral drifts have to be run in country rocks.
The spacing between auxiliary crosscuts depends on the difference
between the cost of their driving and that of maintaining haulage
entries and transporting the mineral along them. Analytical deter
mination of these distances may be effected by the method described
in Section 4, Chapter XIII for estimating the length of working
sections. These distances are usually of the order of several hundred
been established, but the properties of coal do not exclude it, mine
sections isolated by fire seals are silted as a precaution.
Group entries are widely used in the Prokopyevsk-Kiselyovsk dis
trict of the Kuznetsk coal fields where, as stated above, rich heavily
pitching coal measures with self-igniting coal are mined. The develop
ment of a series of contiguous seams in this district is depicted in
Fig. 399. The thickness of seams Internal IV, III, II and I, starting
with the top, and the distances separating them are given in the
drawing. The Internal IV seam is worked by the shield mining
method; the others by pillar mining on strike. From the main cross
cut a group entry is driven in the bottom Internal I seam. From
this auxiliary crosscuts are run every 250-350 metres and from
them entries to all the working seams. The panels in the mine field
are worked from the shaft to the mine field boundary. The seams in
a panel are mined simultaneously, but with the faces of the over-
lying ones carried on somewhat ahead. These seams are usually extract
ed by (he retreat system.
00 00
- -0-6 B-fl
rrjjTTTTTTTTTrrrTn 777777777777777777
Fig. 402. Surface structures in the subsidence zone
□0_ 0_0
00 00 77777777777
the faster and more uniform is the movement of the ground, the
sooner it ends and the more uniform is the subsidence of the surface.
The uniformity of surface movement is also due to the more rapid
advance of production faces. Generally speaking, all the manifesta
tions of ground movement, occurring parallel with the advancing
extraction of the deposit, should be regarded from a dynamic angle
as a complex picture changing in space and time.
A structure in a zone affected by sagging (Fig. 402) may find
itself on its edge (7) or nearer the centre (2). An analogous situation
is encountered when the surface is within the caving zone (Fig. 403).
The more dangerous is obviously situation 1, where the structure
lies at the edge of the subsidence or caving draw affected by depres
sions (saggings) or violent subsidence of the ground along the
fracture lines. In this connection it should be noted that the edges
of depressions and caving draws are liable to shift when the mined-
out area beneath the draw expands with the advance of working
faces. In such cases, sites 1, which are dangerous for surface struc
tures, are apt to shift and may eventually appear under various build
ings and plants and destroy them.
The ground movement may cause vertical and lateral dislocations,
and sometimes even uplifts or rises.
Lateral movements of the surface occur during the sagging and
rupture of the ground and the formation of fractures, as well as follow
ing the compression and crushing of solid ground edges which are
thus displaced towards cauldrons and caving draws. Paradoxical as
it may seem at first glance, the phenomenon of surface rises following
Safety Pillars 575
2. Safety Pillars
To avoid the destruction of underground mine workings or surface
structures in the zones of subsidence (sagging) and caving, special
safety pillars, that is, intact solid masses of useful mineral, may be
left behind.
Among the underground openings of particular importance is
the protection of hoisting shafts from movements of the ground for
even their slight distortion creates considerable inconveniences, may
prove dangerous for the operation of the hoisting plant and usually
damages the shaft support. In addition to this, it is at the mouths of
the hoist shafts that large surface structures and buildings—shaft
houses, head frames, hoist engine and change-and-o(Tice houses, storage
57 fi Effects of Underground Excavations on the Ground Surface
lower boundaries extending along the strike of the seam (Fig. 404).
The plane delimiting the dislodged ground from the lower side of
the pillar, that is, on the side marking the rise of mined-out space,
is determined by angley; and from the upper side, that is, on the side
marking its dip, by angle p. If a vertical plane is to be drawn through
the centre of the pillar in the direction of the strike, the position of
planes delimiting the masses of shifted rocks on the side of the
strike is determined by angles 6 .
The numerical values of angles p , y and 6 are determined by the
properties of rocks and the angle of dip of the seam. In a mantle
rock or drift ground angles P = y = 6 = G 0 ° . When constructing safety
pillars in Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks these angles, in view of
their horizontal attitude in the geological conditions prevailing in
the Donets coal fields, are p = Y = 6 = 7 0 ° .
For carboniferous rocks the above angles are listed in Table 13.
We have seen that the working seam may occur at a depth where
the movement of the ground over the mined-out area does not reach
the surface and, consequently, there is no need to leave safety pillars.
Besides, it may so happen that the subsidence and sagging of the
surface are so slight that they do not represent any danger to surface
structures. Accordingly, the depth of a seam (or for that matter any
578 Effects of Underground Excavations on the Ground Surface
Categories of
Table 12
P ro te cted O b j e c t s
of protection
Table 13
Angles of Rock Shifts
Angles of shift, in degrees
Angle or scam
dip i In degrees
3 T 0
0-5 85 85 85
(i-44 90— a 90 85
45-65 90— a 85 85
6G and a b o v e 100— a 85 85
b u t n o t les s
than 25
I ii III 1 IV
Angle of
dip, In Rocks with prevalence
degrees or presence of thick
For any combination of rocks
shales sandstones
“Since the point of intersection ofline c,c, and the first seam lies above the
safe depth elevation for this seam, the lower boundary of the pillar in it w ill
ru D through this point of intersection.
“In the second seam the lower boundary of the p illa r w ill go through the point
of its intersection with the safe depth elevation ( i/ f =350 metres) because line
CjC, intersects the seam below this elevation mark.
"Further on, a section on strike is cut on the same scale as that made across.
From the outlines of the protected zone lines 66, and aat are drawn in drifts at
an angle of 60°. From resultant points 6, and at inclined lines are run in carboni-
Safety Pillars 58.3
Chapter XXI, Section 14), when the mineral is extracted by the open
cast method and loaded into transport vehicles and subsequently
hauled in underground workings.
Special methods include those in which actual mining is character
ised by changes in the native (aggregate) state of the extracted min
eral. They include underground coal gasification, ore-mining by
underground leaching, extraction of sulphur through boreholes by
evaporation, etc.
As we have seen, the systems used in mining solid minerals by
the underground method vary widely and are frequently complex. For
a more or less full characterisation, one should refer to many of the
features enumerated above (Section 1).
However, the classification of mining methods cannot be founded
on all the above-cited, extremely numerous features. Their classifi
cation should be based only on Lhe especially important and typical
features, according to which it is advisable to divide and single
out the systems of mining.
Most of Lhe hitherto proposed classifications of mining methods
were based on methods of controlling enclosing rocks and on the
arrangement of development openings.
It is noteworthy in this connection that the division of mining
methods into groups according to the arrangement of development
openings is generally adopted both for drawing up classifications
and for working coal and other sheet deposits, whereas the classifi
cations for the systems applied in mining ore deposits are founded on
the second principle—that involving the method of enclosing-rock
control. This difference in Lhe approach to the characteristic features,
on which the classification is based, is by no means accidental or
one chosen arbitrarily by the compilers of the classifications, but is
explained by the fact that for the sheetlike deposits the arrangement
of development openings is very typical and at the same time
simple and convenient because of their regular shape. That cannot be
said, however, of ore deposits whose shapes are on the whole irreg
ular, both generally and in particular cases. Because of this, the
location of development openings in each concrete case is less system
atic and, at any rate, more complex than in coal deposits. At Lhe
same time the problems of rock-pressure control here can be solved
much more easily and in a greater variety of ways. It is these reasons
that prompt the classification of the mining methods employed in
working coal and other sheet deposits in accordance with the spatial
arrangement of development openings, and those used in extracting
ore bodies by the method of enclosing-rock control.
The author favours the following classification of mining methods
in working solid useful minerals:
Classification of Mining Methods 587
I. U n d e r g r o u n d Mi ni ng
A. Sheet Deposits
a) Methods of mining without division into slices (nonslicing
systems of mining):
1. Continuous (longwalls): on strike; to the rise.
2. Pillar mining: long-pillar method; * pillar-and-stall method;
long-pillar method up raise; shield-mining method.
3. *Room mining.
4. Combined methods: room-and-pillar system; twin-entry
b) Slicing methods of mining: horizontal slicing; inclined slicing;
* transversely inclined slicing; * diagonal slicing.
B. Nonbedded Deposits
Systems of mining with enclosing-rock control:
a) Methods involving abandonment of natural support pillars:
continuous breast stoping; pillar mining; room-and-pillar method:
sublevel method.
b) Artificial support: stull-set method of mining; square-set
method of stoping.
c) Filling method.
d) Shrinkage-stoping.
e) Caving of capping: horizontal top slicing; * inclined top slicing.
f) Caving of ore: sublevel caving; induced block or bulk caving;
spontaneous (uncontrolled) block or bulk caving.
g) Systems of mining with combined methods of enclosing-rock
II. S u r f a c e Mi ni ng
III. C o m b i n e d U n d e r g r o u n d a n d S u r f a c e
Me t h o d of Mi n i n g
* Glory-hole mining (milling).
08S Classification and Choice of M ining Methods
3, C h o i c e o f M i n i n g M eth od
The method selected must meet the basic demands of the condi
tions in which it is called to operate (see Chapter VII).
In a very general outline the method of the choice itself boils down
to comparing the features of each one of the mining systems which
may possibly be employed in actual geological, mining and economic
conditions. To make such comparison sufficiently systematic and
preclude any possible faulty judgement, K. Charkviani has suggested
a method, of elimination. Essentially, this method implies consecutive
elimination, after a pertinent analysis, of all systems of mining
whose application in given conditions falls short of the necessary
To facilitate this procedure of elimination, Charkviani has drawn
up special tables for working nonferrous metal ore deposits. The
elimination procedure usually reduces the number of mining systems
to one, sometimes two and rarely three, which can be employed in
given conditions. If there is only one system, the choice is final;
if there are two or three methods capable of competing with each
other, the ultimate decision is taken after a thorough technical and
economic comparison.
Part Three
1. C o n d i t i o n s W a r r a n t i n g O p e n - C u t W o r k
a-\-bx. (1 )
a-\-bx<c (2 )
T a b le 15
E s t i m a t i o n o f th e M a x i m u m D e p t h o f th e Pit
M in in g Cost p r r 1 cu m charged
Volumes, cu m S tripping cost per a g a in s t 1 cu m of the
r atio s cu bic m etre m in eral mined
P it sections
betw een levels
I1n b. W1
Bedro ck
M in e ra l
3 -C o 3 - O 3 -C
o U O
£ =■ u
T o ta l
■o t®
~ E ■el E •C I c c *3 5- c
JZ -o
63 6-a
zi > > P3 c
§ — a m
‘ » 1 1 • •
I 0 1 2 3 n Levels
Fig. 411. Graphic determination of the maximal pit
Determining the Depth of Open-Cut Work 599
4. Bench Mining
Both the stripping of the overburden and the extraction of
the mineral in open pits is generally effected in benches or banks
(Fig. 412) to ensure easier and safer work at the faces. A bank includes
j the following elements: slope a, bottom or lower
berm b. Lop or upper berm c, the height of bank h
and slope angle p. Line d , marking the inter
section of the slope and the berm of the bank is
called edge of the bank.
V* b The height of a bank va
V77777777777777777777, ries greatly. Up to a certain
point a considerable height
of banks has major advan
F i g . 412. Bank in open-cut mining tages: 1 ) it facilitates the
Bench Mining 603
work of transport, since there are fewer banks and berms (benches) with
railway tracks in this case; 2 ) it minimises the amount of inefficient
ripping and levelling out of the bank bed, which is of special impor
tance in working hard rocks. If the bank’ s height is below that coin-
forming to working dimensions of the power shovel, the latter's ef
ficiency is impaired.
On the other hand, a progressive increase of the bank’ s height
is fraught with the following disadvantages: 1 ) grealer probability of
blocks and lumps of the mineral and rocks rolling down the slopes of
the banks because of jointings, slabbing and slides; 2 ) in falling from a
bank, a piece of rock, even a small one, gathers momentum and
may cause a serious injury; 3) examination of a bank slope for over
hanging slabs becomes difficult, particularly at night; 4) blasting
strong rocks with large explosive charges put into deep holes may,
if the banks are high, yield excessively large blocks of rock (oversize),
which cannot be loaded into transport vehicles and have to undergo
expensive and difficult secondary breaking; 5) if the geological struc
ture of the deposit requires selective (separate) mining, the com
plexity of the operation increases with the height of the bank.
These relative advantages and drawbacks of high banks manifest
themselves in different ways, depending on the hardness of rock.
In determining a bank’ s height, one should bear in mind the type
and size of power shovels to be employed. With shovel-excavating
ground requiring no preliminary blasting, the banks are from 4 to
10 metres high and rarely any higher. The weaker and the more fria
ble the rock, the smaller the bank’ s height. When stronger rock is
mined, one requiring preliminary blasting, the shovel is used almost
exclusively for loading blasted ground into railway cars or other trans
port vehicles. In such instances the banks are 10-15 metres high, and
occasionally even slightly higher.
With chain-and-bucket excavators the height of the banks depends
on Lhe size of machines and the method of work adopted.
The height of the banks cut in the useful mineral occurring at
a gentle dip often depends on the thickness of the deposit. For example,
in the open-cut mining of coal in the Urals rock banks are usually
10-15 metres high, whereas the height of the banks cut in coal
ranges, depending on the thickness and attitude of the seam, between
5 and 25 metres. The height of the banks at the open-cut iron ore
pits in the Urals is 10-12 metres at the Magnitogorsk mine, 16 me
tres at the Gora Blagodat mine, 16-28 metres at the Bakal mine.
Limestone at the Big Yelenovka quarry (Donets basin) is mined
in banks 1 2 metres high.
The slope of the bank must be somewhat inclined in relation to
the berm. In other words, the angle oj slope should be less than 90°.
The weaker the rock the flatter the slope. In the case of friable and
f»04 Basic Definitions and Terminology
soft rocks, the angle of slope should not exceed that of the angle of
repose of the rock to be excavated.
To a large degree, the stability of the slope depends, in addition
to the petrographic composition of the rock, on the jointing and bed
ding planes of the rock and the extent to which it is saturated with wa-
p it’
s edge, determined by the
angle formed by the horizon
tal plane and the straight line,
drawn normally to the bottom
outline of the pit and to the
top contour intersecting it,
depends not only on the bank
slopes but also on the presence
of protective berms. In pits of
considerable depth, the gener
al slope of the edges should
be gradually flattened out
(Fig. 417; pertinent figures
are given in Table 19).
5. V o lu m e W e i g h t s (D en sity), C o e ffic ie n ts o f
E x p a n sio n a n d A n g le s of R e p o s e o f S o m e R ocks.
A n g le s of Bank Edges
W e t s a n d ................... 1.95
D r y s a n d ................... 1.6
W e t g r a v e l ................ 2.0
D r y g r a v e l ................... 1.8
R i v e r s i l t (slu dge) . . . 1.8
S o d (overburden) . . . . 0.8
C la y sod (overburden) . 1.2
S em id ry, loose clay . . 1.2
W e t (s oaked) c l a y . . . 1.9
D ense, v i s c i d cla y . . . 2,1
Volume Weights, Coefficients of Expansion and Angles of Repose G07
S a n d s to n e s ( d e p en d in g on d e n s i t y ) ........................... 1.8-2.5
Q u a r t z i t e s .............................................................. 2.5-2.8
S h a l e s .................................................................... 2.3-2.6
L im e s t o n e s ( d e p e n d in g on d e n s i t y ) ........................... 1.5-2.7
M a r b l e .................................................................... 2.7-2.8
M a r l ....................................................................... 2.3-2.5
D olom ite .............................................................. 2.3-2.9
G y p s u m ................................................................. 1.9-2.6
Hock S a l t .............................................................. 2.2-2.4
H a rd c o a l .............................................................. 1.2-1.4
A n t h r a c i t e .............................................................. 1.3-1.5
B row n coal (lignite, d e p e n d in g on ash co n ten t) . . . . 1.15-1.3
C r y s t a l l in e r o c k s ..................................................... 2.6-2.9
Table 17
Coefficients of Rock Expansion in a Lignite Deposit
Coefficients of expansion
Unit weight
per 1 cu m In the bucket
Types of rock In place, In railway
of the exca car In dump
tons vator
Table 18
Angles of Repose for Rocks
Angles of repose.
T y p e s o f rock In degrees
P u r e l o o s e s a n d ..................... 32-34
L o o s e s a n d w i t h c l a y ............ 37
W e t s a n d ............................... 22
P u r e l o o s e g r a v e l .................. 37
L o o s e gravel w ith c la y . . . . 37
D r y l o o s e c l a y ...................... 37
S o l i d c l a y in p l a c e ............... 40-45
M o i s t c l a y ............................ 20-25
W e t c l a y ............................... It;
L u m p y s t o n e r o c k s (average) . 38
C o a l ..................................... 34-40
V a r i o u s o r e s ......................... 38-42
Table 19
Angles of Steady Bank Slopes for Open Pits
Slope, In
Types of rock d egrees
S o f t c l a y g r o u n d ................................................................ 25-35
H e a v y ( c o m p a c t) c l a y g r o u n d ........................................... 30-40
H a r d c l a y shale, s a n d s t o n e and l i m e s t o n e ........................... 40-45
H a r d s a n d s t o n e , hard lim e s to n e , d o l o m i t e s , i g n e o u s r o c k s
e x p o s e d t o w e a t h e r i n g .................................................... 40-50
V e r y h a r d s a n d s to n e , lim e s t o n e , d o l o m i t e s , m e t a r a o r p h i c and
i g n e o u s r o c k s ................................................................ 50-60
Q u a r t z i te s , v e r y hard i g n e o u s and m e l a m o r p h i c r o c k s . • • • 60-70
1. B a s i c T y p e s o f O p e n - W o r k M e c h a n i s a t i o n
F ig . 418. B a s i c l a y o u t p a t t e r n s o f m e c h a n i s e d o p e n p i t s w o r k e d b y p o w e r
Basic Types of Open-Work Mechanisation fill
T ra ctor d ra w n p l a n e r
M o to r is e a c a r r y - a tl
s Cc r' aU pt / eL /rJ n .
______/ Ripper
Height of han k H,
ih metres Burden IV, In metres
Explosive consump
Rock characteristics tion in kg per cu m
The explosives now used most widely in open-pit work are the
Holes and blast-holes in open pits and quarries may be drilled
by the rotary or percussion method.
Vertical blast-holes in strong rocks are made by special churn-
drill equipment, for instance, the EY-2 drills (Fig. 421). This drill
outfit comprises the following principal parts: frame 1, platform 2,
mast 3. main drive shaft 4, spudding sheave with crankarm 5, tool
string hoist or winch 6, bailer hoist 7, underframe with caterpillar
I read 8, drilling tool dismantling mechanism 9, drill controls 10, pow
er plant 11. The drill is designed for boring blast-holes up to 300
metres deep and 300 mm in diameter. To make it easier to move it
around, the drill is fitted with a caterpillar tread. The operating
weight of the tool string ranges from 0.5 to 1.4 Ions. The drilling
speed depends largely on the hardness of rocks. The performance
efficiency of the churn drill per shift in the coal quarries of the
Urals is about 10-20 metres, at the Magnitogorsk pit— from 12 to 15
metres and at the Ural asbestos pit—around 12 metres.
Blast-holes in softer ground are bored by the rotary drilling method
with machines capable of drilling both vertical and horizontal
holes. Rotary drilling outfits (Fig. 422) are being used on an ever-in-
creasing scale in open pits.
Fig. 422 depicts a fIBC-110 walking type machine, manufac
tured by the Karpinsk Machine-Building Plant. It is intended for the
rotary drilling in coal and soft ground of vertical blast-holes with
a diameter of 110-125 mm and a depth of 25 metres. The outfit is
furnished with electric motor 1 and a reduction gear, mounted to
gether with hoist 2 on platform 3. It is set up on skids or runners 4
and that makes it possible to move from place to place on the basis
of the “ walking”principle. Boring section 6 may be raised or lowered
by rope 5 passing over sheave 7. The per shift efficiency of the unit
is up to 40-50 metres when operating in rocks and up to 140 metres
in coal.
The drilling of holes a few metres deep and with a diameter
usually of 30-60 mm (“ shallow-hole method” ) is subsidiary in na
ture. Small and shallow holes are quite common in small open
Depending on the hardness of ground, the holes are drilled main
ly by pneumatic hammers of the plug or piston type, by tripod or
wagon-mounted drills, or electric augers. When it is necessary to
increase the explosive charge, the hole is sprung or chambered.
That means its bottom portion is preliminarily enlarged by the ex
plosion of a small charge. The small-hole method of shooting is more
labour-consuming than that of big blast-holes and is therefore sel
dom practised.
Drilling and Blasting in Open Pits fil5
Glfi Equipment and Layouts of Open Pits
0-10003 CO-3 orJl-15
Fig. 424. General view of the big 3TJI-15 power shovel alongside small and
medium-capacity shovels
620 Equipment and Layouts of Open Pits
21 -dB25
4. The principal part of a multi-bucket excavator (bucket-chain
machine) (Fig. 430) is endless chain 2, supported by frame 1, with
buckets 3 fixed to it. When they rise, the buckets cut and lake the
ground and unload it as they overturn passing over upper driving
sheave or tumbler 4. Ilence, unlike the cyclic process of single
dipper power shovels, the process of digging here is a continuous
I he driving gear and power plants (electric motors and more rare
ly steam engines) ol the bucket-chain machine arc set up on a spe
cial platform which can move, on wheels or caterpillars, along the
face. Jhis platform may be located on the upper berm of the bank
being dug down-face (with a down-boom excavator, Fig. 430), or on
the lower berm in the case of up-face digging (up-boom excavator).
Some types of bucket-chain machines can be adjusted for both tip-
arid down-face digging. Working normally, the bucket chain moves
slowly (at a rale of 0 .0 -1 . 2 m/sec), while the machine itself also
travels slowly along the face (at a rate of 4-12 nrscc), continuously
scraping the ground or the mineral off the surface of the face. With
such a principle of operation, chain-bucket excavators are suitable
for working loose friable or relatively soft sandy and clay ground
without any inclusions of large slabs, stumps, etc. Up-face digging
is somewhat less efficient than the down-face. That is why it is
Mining by Excavators fi 27
practised more seldom, and chiefly when the top surface of the
bank is rugged.
The bucket jib hinged to the body of the machine and suspended
from cables 5 or chains can be raised and lowered, and that changes
the slope of the bank. To counterbalance the heavy bucket-chain
jib or boom, a massive counterweight 6. is provided on the other
side of the machine. The chain bucket excavators under which
loaded trains 7 can pass are called portal excavators. To make the
body sufficiently stable, a special post or column resting on bogie
or carriage 8, rolling on a special rail, is put up to support it.
Since digging is continuous, the output of chain-bucket exca
vators is relatively high, although it naturally depends on the size of
the machine. The capacity of the buckets ranges from 0.2 to 1.5cu m
and the estimated rated output of bucket-chain machines varies
from 250 to 2,250 cu m per hour. In winter, multi-bucket chain ex
cavators, especially the small, are less suitable than power shovels.
In building up internal spoil banks of overburden, these units
can be used in combination with overburden bridges and overburden
dumping machines (Section 7).
A bucket-wheel excavator or land dredger also digs continuously.
Its buckets, however, are not fixed to an endless chain, but to a
wheel, that is, a rotary movement is imparted to them during the
operation (Fig. 431).
The body of the bucket-wheel excavator rests on underframe 1,
fitted with crawler bogies or caterpillar wheels. The body of the
machine is made to turn around its vertical axis by swinging mecha
nisms 2. Operating wheel 3 of the excavator has eight or six curved
blades (buckets) 4. The wheel itself is set up at the end of frame (jib) 5,
shaped like a girder truss or beam. The jib carries belt conveyer 6,
which transfers mined ground to the loading, tail part of the machine,
made in the shape of a swinging cantilever or arm 10. This cantilever
is furnished with belt conveyer 9. Rocks are dumped into a railway
(128 Equipment and Layouts of Open Pits
car or a truck through chute 11. The jib can be raised and lowered
logot!hor with the bucket wheel by cables 7, suspended from boom 8.
The excavators of this type can work only in dry loose ground.
They are used mainly for selective layerwise excavation of barren
locks and minerals.
used for assisting them in loading. Fig. 433 is illustrative of the pat
tern followed in operating a trailer scraper unit in open-pit work.
Rapid progress has been achieved in the manufacture of scrapers.
There are already models with capacities of up to 25-30 cu m. The
Chelyabinsk Tractor Works puts out wheel scraper units with capac
ities of C.5 (overall weight 7.2 tons), 10 and 15 cu m (weighing 14
tons). A 6.5 cu m scraper is pulled by 80 hp tractor, a 15 cu m unit
requires a 140 hp tractor and a pusher-tractor.
Somewhat larger models with capacities of up to 17.5 cu m are
manufactured in the U.S.A. The output of a 6 cu m unit with hauls
within the range of 2 0 0 metres comes to several hundred cubic me
tres per shift, depending on working conditions.
Wheel scrapers are very convenient for earth moving and digging,
for they move and turn easily on sinuous roadways and negotiate
gradients of up to 20-25°. But they can be operated only in loose and
soft ground.
As independent earth-digging and moving units, wheel scrapers
can be employed for small-scale open-cut work, while in large pits
G30 Equipm ent and Layouts of Open Pits
The vehicles used most for the transportation of the mineral and
barren rock in modern mechanised open-pits are large-capacity dump
cars, hauled by electric or steam locomotives, self-discharging trucks
and licit conveyers.
1. l.<tr"e-caparity dump cars should be made convenient for rapid
loading by power shovels and automatic discharge. That is why they
are made open. There are various ways of automatically discharg
ing [hem. The most popular design is a car whose body tilts in (he
dumping process, turning round the long axis, and its side board
rises simultaneously (Fig. 437). The body is tilted at an angle of
40-45" by air cylinders set up on the underframe of the car (Fig. 437),
The body of a small-capacity dump car is tilled by hand with the aid
of special levers. This, however, consumes much time. Large-capacity
dump cars are mounted on two double-axle wheel bogies. The 50 cu m
capacity dump car widely used in open-pit mining has the
following basic characteristics: track gauge—1,524 mm (standard),
capacity—22.0 cu m, dead weight—31.5 tons, width—3.15 metres,
height—2.9 metres, length between couplings—12.8 metres, number
of air cylinders—4.
As said above, large-capacity dump cars are used most for trans
portation purposes in big open pits. For small-scale open-cut work
narrow-gauge mine cars of the rocker type are used (Fig. 438). They
are built for a track gauge of 750 mm, in capacities of 0.75, 1 and
1.5 cu m and with load-carrying capacities of 1.5, 2 and 2.7 tons
iy-Kn-i 113-150 I3-F.-1 -
Table 23
Dump-Body Trucks
M od els
311JI-585 M A 3-205 t I A d - 2 1U - E M A 3-525
Motor trucks and I rai Ii t s can easily Ik' moved from place lo place.
A (lump truck can lie positioned most advantageously wliile it is
loaded 1>y a [lower shovel, and that considerably raises (lie latter’ s
efliciency. More, if one motor truck breaks down, that does not slop
tie oilier machines.
(In the other hand, heavy dump trucks and trailers need good
roads. Hein fall and severe frost sharply reduce their efliciency.
Automobiles consume' valuable and sometimes scarce liquid fuel.
Consequently, in open-cut mining automobiles are used to the
best advantage in small pits with a short service-life and low
reserves of the valuable mineral, and especially in deposits with
irregular contours occurring in mountainous country. In large'
pits and quarries automobile transport is advantageous when
they are worked at a considerable depth; in this case it is possible
to avoid the immense volume of work essential to provide exits for
lornmulive-elruwn trains. Automotive transport may successfully
he employed in the initial stage1of open-pit construction, when there
is not enough working space for (he basic equipment to operate* in.
Motor transport in open-cut mining is economical when the hauls
are relatively short—.'!-,') km.
4. Trolley (lump trucks have been used at the Boguraevsk limestone
quarry (Fig. 441) since 1952. Used for this purpose are the chassis
Waste Dumps and Equipment n:n
uqi —
is flat and the bed is very thick.
The first Soviet overburden
bridge was commissioned at the
Baidakov open-cut coal pit (Ukraine)
in 1052.
3. For all their merits, inside
waste dumps or spoil banks require
definite conditions to warrant their
use, and it is by Far not in all open
pits that they can be built. Much
more frequently one has to arrange
outside waste dumps.
Topography of the land permit
ting. waste dumps should be sited
in lowlands or on valley slopes
(see Fig. 407).
Quite often, however, flat land
Jf is allocated for waste dumps. In
E order to obtain the initial specified
height of the dump in this case,
± an inclined fill is built up by a pow-
= or shovel, or else a limber trestle
7 of required length,
i The dump may be made loom- or
fan-shaped. In the first instance
§ (Fig. 447), the spoil-loaded and
^ empty trains are not delayed by
£ oncoming traffic, and the dumping
front is very extensive. Fig. 447
shows the initial fill (or trestle) from
which dumps are built up on both
sides, first in fanlike fashion, until it
is possible to link the ends of the
track lines and form a loop.
The fan-shaped pattern of waste
dumps is given in Fig. 448. lurnmp
point A is the point from which the
tracks radiate. The dump has two
independent tracks —/ and 2—to
provide two discharge sectors.
The loop pattern involves longer
train trips than the fan-shaped, but
the loaded and empty trains have
to meet with no oncoming traffic
and the discharge front line is
Waste Dumps and Equipment 643
Subsequent position
o f r.r. tracH
- k .o
Table ‘
W a s t e D u m p C h a r a c t e r is tic s
Permissible AV e n ic e
Mode of dump height of Slope angles, o u t p u t per
stacking and Classes of ground dump, degrees m a n pe r shift,
spreadIng m cu m
The first, group includes the machine illustrated in Figs 455 and
450, manufactured by the Karpinsk and Magnitogorsk machine-
building plants in the Urals. The track shifter has a heavy wheel-
mounted platform standing on rails to be shifted. An internal com
bustion engine of cither 32 or 73 hp, designed to drive all its mecha
nisms, is installed on the platform. Under the platform are special
tonglike catches a which grip the head of the rail. In addition to
this, the platform carries a gear wheel engaged with rack b. The
bottom end of the rack is hinged to shoe or saddle c. The operation
starts with the rails being gripped by the catches (/). Then, with
the lack standing almost vertically, the gear wheel is made to rotate
so that the machine, together with the engaged rail track, is raised
into position //, developing a lifting force of 25 tons. Ultimately,
the machine is moved laterally, swinging in an arc around saddle c,
as a fulcrum (position III). A track shifter of this type weighs
around 5 tons. Depending on the condition of the tracks and the
properties of the ground, the tracks are shifted 0.4-0. 8 metre in one
operation or “ step”
. Following this, the machine moves 10-20 metres
ahead and the shifting operation is repealed.
The main parts of a continuous track-shifting machine are the
heavy rollers with shaped surface. Drawn apart, they can be lowered
onto the rail and then, after being squeezed together, tightly grip
the head of the rail on each side of the web.
The spreader plough described above (see Fig. 451) can also serve as a
track shifter. The left side of the picture clearly shows the gripping
Waste Dumps and Equipment 640
Fig. 4tj(). Layout of a pit with outgoing (ramp) roads running
along its edges
To concentration plant
tleaa frame
Bin to receive mineral from
ships and discharge it into
r.r. cars
Measuring bin
for ships 4/W ~ P
„ Pit edge
Hoisting machine
From slope
Fig. 463. Inclined hoist layout
r.r.G Equipment and Layouts of Open Pits
or dressing mill, run below the working faces (for example, Figs 407
and 409). In this event both the spoil and the mineral have to be
casl or dropped over the side to the bench below. And then too,
depentling on topography, ramp roads—common, switchback or
spiral—may be used.
5. The deeper the pit and the smaller the area of the deposit in
plan covered by it, the more inconvenient extensive outgoing (exit)
trenches, switchbacks and spiral roads become. In such cases re
course is made to inclined hoists equipped with cable (Fig. 463) or
conveyor plants. To deepen the pit to the height of a fresh bench a
dug hole is bored at the bottom, near the hoist plant, and is fitted
with a hoist. After that one proceeds with the work of extending
the hoisting operation to a new level.
9. Driving of Trenches
In open-cut mining it is necessary to make permanent trenches
(ingoing or entrance and outgoing or exit) to connect the pit with
the ground surface, and also working trenches to develop the banks
for mining and other purposes. These trenches may be horizontal
or inclined, with the gradient suiting the transportation system
Driving of Treaches 1)57
I row n row
Hydraulicking in Surface Mining 059
10. H y d r a u l i c k i n g i n S u r f a c e M i n i n g
It, is best when washed ground, mixed with water (pulp), is carried
away from the working place by gravity (Fig. 469, A). However, if
local topography makes that impossible, the pulp has to be brought
up (Fig. 469, B) by a hydraulic elevator or a pump dredge.
The hydraulic giant (monitor) (Fig. 470) is so designed that the
water jet issuing from its
nozzle may be pointed in
various directions and
raised and lowered in the
vertical plane, this being
made possible by a verti
cal fulcrum (axis of eo
lation) and a sliding
ball-bearing joint. The
balance of the giant is
ensured by a counter
weight. Water consump
F i g . 400 Hydraulic mining layouts
A — w i t h (i ii 1 11 c a r r i e d h^r g r a v i t y ; B — w i t h p u l p l i f t e d
tion by the giant can be
b y a h y d r a u l i c e l e v a t o r ; / — w a s t e d u m p ; '■ !—s l u i c e * ; regulated by nozzle' of
j l - p l a f c r ; / — in c lin e d d itc h a t th e b o t to m o f th e
p l a c e r ; .5— h y d r a u l i c e l e v a t o r different diameters. So
viet plants manufacture
hydraulic monitors with inlets measuring from 150 to 350 mm,
provided with sets of nozzles from 50 to 125 mm in diameter. The
effective range of the jet depends on the head, as follows:
Head, metres__ 20 40 GO 80 100 120 130
t'.rfective range
of the jet, metres__ 10 21 31 41 32 G2 78
As we see, at a given head and with the distance between the nozzle
and the working place increasing, the efficiency of the monitor de
clines quickly, while water consumption per unit of material washed
increases sharply. For this reason, the monitor should be set as close
to the working face as possible, but the distance must not be inferior
to the height of the bank. At the toe of the bank a bottom cut is
first made by the m onitor’ s jet and this is followed by the caving
and breaking of the ground mass overhanging the cut.
In the hydraulic mining of gold placers, barren cover rocks over-
lying the productive part of the placer are first carried by the water
stream to waste dumps. This is followed by the washing of auriferous
sands and other rocks directed to gold-recovering units.
To move fine material, it is enough to have a slope of 0.02, while
to move that containing particles of average size the grade should be
0.025-0.05 and more.
The relationship between stream velocity in the watercourse and
the size of the material entrained is as follows:
Output hv Head, Motor size of rock WViplit,
Types water volume, m Rpm ratin';, pieces carried, k»
in3hr kw min
C l a y ........................................................... 0.15
Fine sand .................................................... 0.35
Coarse sand, l o e s s .......................................... 0.80
Loam and sandy l o a m ..................................... 0.55-0.95
Gravel and small pebble, up to 25 mm in diameter . . 1.25
Gravelly ground and c o b b le ................................ 1.5
Heavy clay ................................................. 1.8
Rocky g r o u n d ............................................... 2.5
Hard rocks ................................................. 3.5-4.5
Table 28
Gratlos with Hydraulic Transport by Gravity
Or idi-s
Type of ground
for flumes Tor earth ditches
Fig. 475 depicts hydraulic mining in an open coal pit. On the strip
ping bank ground is loosened by a hydraulic giant and conveyed by
gravity lo a dredge pump, from which it is carried to a dump by a
pulp pipeline. Coal is excavated by a power shovel, but its piles
are washed by a monitor and coal itself is carried down to a dredge
pump, from which a stream of water transports it through a pipeline
Lo a coal-storage settling site. In the case of hydraulic transport of
coal in open troughs, wood flumes should be made to incline 0.05-0.06
and metal ones 0.04.
In the coal-mining industry daily output by a dredge pumping
plant reaches 2,000-2,500 cu m and on some days even 6,000 cu m,
with labour productivity per man per shift being as high as 30-
35 cu m and more (as againsL 15-18 cu m per shifL wilh stripping by
D redging of Placers f.r.7
dredge. While digging, the dredge slowly swings around the point
where the head line is fixed, this serving as a pivot, winding in one
how line and paying out the other. Another method of holding the
dredge in place during its operation is the use of spuds, long piles
pointed on the lower end (Fig. 478), two of which are set at the stern
of the dredge. With the aid of the spuds the dredge moves as follows.
One of the spuds (for example, K in Fig. 478) serves as a pivot during
the digging process, while another (A on the same drawing) serves
n r\
for (he forward movement. Two lines suffice to swing or turn the
dredge operating with spuds, but large dredges are furnished with
several winches and lines to enhance their manoeuvrability.
Fig. 476 gives the outlines of a large dregde manufactured by the
Irkutsk Plant. The arrangement of digging, concentrating, stacking
and other equipment is explained by the drawing. The waste from the
screens of the washing plant is discharged onto the belt conveyer of
a long stacker which piles it at a sufficient distance back of the
dredge. The waste dumps may he built up on the bank of a pond or in
the pond itself, over the worked-out portion of the placer. Thus,
Fig.470 shows that the coarse oversize is transported by the belt con
veyer stacker to a high dump, while concentration-plant tailings are
discharged from the stern of the dredge at the water level.
The dredges arc available in different sizes and capacities. The
size of the dredge is usually denoted by the volume of the bucket.
The one in Fig. 476 has a bucket of 210 litres.
Table 29 lists the basic characteristics of dredges manufactured
by Soviet plants.
There are plans to manufacture dredges of a still larger size (pow
er-driven) with a bucket capacity of 500 litres, designed for very
deep digging (down to 50 metres below the water level).
Dredging of Placers 659
Table 29
D red ges
Manufacturing plant
Characteristics Takhtaniy-
dlnsk Irkutsk Perm
one* nil. over the entire thickness of the placer. As required by the
depth, tin* digging ladder is lowered or raised by steel cables which
pass over sheaves on the front or how gantry. Extraction by hori
zontal slices makes it possible selectively to mine the barren rock and
tin' productive part of the placer. The valuable components of the
placer are usually concentrated at the very bottom, on the bedrock.
I'hirers whose bedrock consists of hard fissured ground are not very
suit aide for dredging, for much metal may be lost in crevices and de
pressions. Large dredges with heavy buckets are better suited for a
thorough “clean-up" of the placer floor than the small ones.
In regions with rigorous climate one serious obstacle to dredging
is p m n a / r o s l , which necessitates preliminary thawing of the ground.
Th is is done first hv removing the vegetative cover and the upper
sin I layer over the area destined for working by the hydraulicking
method or with the aid of earth-digging machines, after which the
pcrmnlrost laid hare is exposed in summer to solar radiation. To
speed up the thawing process, steam, hot, or even unheated water are
passed through numerous steel points nailed into the frozen ground.
Dredging is feasible in the following conditions:
1. The placin' must have sufficient reserves of “sand” with the aver
age value of metal per unit of volume warranting its working for not
less than It) years and, in the instance of 50-1 it re bucket dredges, for
at least 5 years.
2. The valley slope should not. he too sleep, not more than 0.02-
O.O.'L to make if easier and cheaper to build artificial ponds.
3. The amount of water available in the working pond must be suf
ficient for the dredge to operate in.
4. The placer floor must not he loo hard, uneven or fissured.
5. The placer should not contain many large boulders.
(i. Frozen placers can he dredged only after they have first been
The advantages of working with dredges are:
1. Immense outpul by large dredges—up to 12,000 cu m a day and
4,000.000 cu m a year. Small-size dredges handle annually up to
40.000 cu m of ground.
2. High efficiency of labour—up to 50 cu m per man per shift
with 210-litre bucket dredges and up to 90 cu m with those of 380
3. Dredges can be employed in mining poor placers, which it is
unprofitable to work by any other method. Large dredges can success
fully and economically exploit gold placers with a metal content of
but few hundredths of a gramme per cubic metre of ground.
There are numerous cases on record of dredging, which is cheap,
being employed in reworking abandoned old dumps of placers, for
merly mined by hand labour. In placers previously worked by the
Dewatering Open Pits 071
the valley of a river flowing into a bigger one. To divert the small
river a drain ditch is cut. At the site of the diversion the former river
bed is dammed. The drain ditch is also used to intercept water origi
nating from springs and temporary streams flowing down the slopes
of the valley. When the valley slopes are not even, the ditch—which
should be located as low as possible—is run along the gentler slope.
On the other, steeper slope, a hillside or berm ditch is arranged to in
tercept and divert spring and meteoric water from the adjacent
A permanent ditch, whose depth is to exceed that planned for the
pit, is made along the former river bed. To facilitate the dewatering
of the working section, provisional ditches (shown by dash lines)
are dug when necessary. The cross-section of the outfall ditch is de
termined by the actual water flow in the river, while hillside ditches
are 0.7-1 metre deep and 0.7-1. 8 metres wide at the bottom and 1-2.5
metres at the top. The permanent ditch should be deep but narrow
and have heavy timbering reinforced by braces. When the driving of
ditches involves large amounts of earthwork, trench diggers should
be used.
Measures for underground water control are explained below.
Fig. 481 illustrates the working of a strongly aquiferous lignite
bed, covered by sand strata and containing abundant water. Depres
sion surface ab is formed near the edge of the pit. Wedge-like sector
of drained coal e lies over the strata of water-saturated coal, and this
creates the danger of slides. An analogous situation is seen
in the country rock face (wedge /). To dewater the working faces, drain
openings ac may be run. They will collect water within area cd. Such
openings are made at intervals of a few scores of metres.
In the event the ground is very soft and it is difficult to drive drain
openings, absorbing or suction filters can be made use of. They are in
the form of boreholes fitted with filter screens and equipped with
pumps. Fig. 482 gives an idea of draining a thick layer of aquiferous
sand capping a brown coal bed. It Lakes four benches with several
Cut, Equipment and Layouts of Open Pits
50 metres and on the fourth —25 metres. The bed is exposed over a
distance of 2 km. The water inflow per one filler is as much as sev
eral cubic metres per minute.
Deep-well pumps have latterly been used for the preliminary drain
age of Lhe deposits which are Lo be mined by the open-cut method
and which arc badly Hooded by underground waters. These are elec
trically driven centrifugal pumps of a special design, suitable for
lowering into boreholes. They have filter screens that let water through
but hold back sand particles.
A Bench 192
Bench mark 578
Active slope area 223 Benefication 106
Advance heading 74 Berm 603
Advance rate 339 Blanket formation 96
Aeration pattern Blastability 613
central 74 Blasthole 507, 612
retrograde 74 Blasting
Aerial tramway 120 bulk 542, 544
Air blast 228 concussion 211
Air bridge 43 coyote 466, 518
Air-leg 468 gopher hole 616
Air plug 164 heavy 466
Airtight seal 72 long-hole 538
Airway 36, 49, 294 pin-point method of 612
Analysis tunnel 518
elementary 193 Blind ore body 461
proximate 193 Block
screening 200 extraction 493, 544
Angle mine 323
of dip 31 production 220
of repose 607 slide 624
of slope 579 supporting 256
of steady bank slope 608 BlocK-holing 465, 520
pitch 54 Blocking out 71
Arc gate 144 Bogie
Average annual advance in depth 107 cross 135
Average grading 106 transverse 135
wheel 632
B Boom 618
Borehole 612
BacK fill 188 Borrow pit 163
Back slab 226 Bow gantry 670
Bail 620 Brace 369
Banquette 581 diagonal 522
Bank knee 521
coal-benching 651 Breaking
overburden 652 primary 520
permanent spoil 651 secondary 520
production 652 Breast front 38
Bar grizzly 141 Breasting 421
Bed Bridge
contiguous 206 conveyer 612
coquina 457 mobile 612
pay 190 Bucket 620
regular 96 Bulging 187
Bedding plane 560 Bulkhead 44
('.78 Subject Index
E n t r y — r mil. f i l l —cont.
mother 351 partial 162
)>;i nt'l 354 pneumatic 162, 185
rise 332 rib 41, 166
slali 482 whole 162
stone 505 filler 167
sublevel .",1!) fillin g
I win 300 by flush ini; 162
Ki| 11 i }> i i i i ’ll! complete 162
(InnmliiII 614 incomplete 102
wnl ei-disposing 071 mechanical 162
Escape i>|>t'iiiiiir 05 fill pass 493
17x tii \at nr fille r screen 674
l.iiclipt-w lippl 027 fire-break 462
r h n in - a n d - b u r k e l 00 2 ) Eire bulkhead 569
(low n - Ii o o i i i chili n - a m l- line k - fire infiltration break-through 429
d. 1.20 fire seal 370
multi-bucket 00!), 010, 020 fissure 67
port a I 027 flexible floorimr 431
single-bucket (power shovel) flexible nonscctionaliscd shield 378
010 fligh t loader 240
sliickliiip cableway 012 flooring 393
lower 012 flowsheet 433
up-boom 020 flum e 064
lixhatisi. fiin 50 fold 09
Exit track 052 friability 205
Expansion post 253 front, skimmer attachment 624
External moisture 194 fumarole 207
Extract ion fusibility 195
hulk 500
full-seam 188
lace Gamine band 192
hank 012 Gangue inclusion 494
dead 320 Gangue parting 354
development 155 Gangway 322
fire 428 Gasification panel 428
high 421 Gas rush 210
long 321 Gas-lapping passageway 428
narrow 353 Gateway 321
short production 221 Geothermal gradient 207
stepped 305 G i rt. 521
Pace advance 23 Gobbing up of goaf 161
factor Gradual roof settling 229
of exploitation 107 Grate 164
of utilisation 107 Gravity incline 571
false roof 103, 205 Ground
l-an-shaped round 541 argillaceous 619
fault 09 catchment 071
feed rope 300 drift 579
fill ledge 604
complete 162 permafrost 482
float 102 Ground extrusion 575
iiicomplcl e 102 Ground movement 119
mobi le 100 Gum 234
Subject Index 681