40 Things The Word of God Does For You
40 Things The Word of God Does For You
40 Things The Word of God Does For You
Scriptures marked (AMPC) are taken from the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition.
Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.
Scriptures marked (NIV) are taken from the New International Version. Holy Bible,
New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version. Public domain.
Scripture marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright
© 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scriptures marked (NLT) are taken from the New Living Translation. Holy Bible,
New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House
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Scriptures marked (ESV) are taken from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version.
ESV© Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry
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except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
ISBN 978-1-942854-56-2
I think many times people are looking for me to give them some
deep, elaborate answer they’ve never heard before. However,
it’s really very simple. If we want to have a great life—a life of
freedom that we truly enjoy—it all begins with reading and
studying God’s Word.
The truth is, taking the time to read and study God’s Word is
one of the greatest investments we’ll ever make. The Bible is
our handbook for living—it has all of the answers to living a
peaceful, successful and enjoyable life. God uses His Word to
teach us, correct us, change us...and help us fulfill our destiny
here on earth.
Now, it’s not what we do right once or twice that changes our
lives, but it’s what we do consistently. God’s Word isn’t just
something we “try”—it’s a commitment we make, knowing it
will produce life-changing results if we stick with it.
For instance, if you plant a peach seed, then take time to water
and nurture it properly, it will produce a tree that yields an
abundant harvest of peaches. In the same way, when we allow
God to plant His Word in our hearts, there is the potential
for a huge harvest. But it’s up to us to nurture that seed by
continuing to study and meditate on His Word. As we do, every-
thing in our lives will continue to get better and better!
I’m so excited to share this book with you. It began as a list that
I posted online at joycemeyer.org for everyone to reference.
But I believe these promises about God’s Word are so life-
changing that I wanted to take this opportunity to elaborate on
each one of them.
As you begin, I challenge you to take your time and allow these
40 separate promises about God’s Word to really sink in. Look up
scriptures that speak to your heart and even do some research
on your own. As you do, I think you’ll be surprised at what you’ll
find...at just how far-reaching and all-encompassing His Word
really is.
As you read, I pray the Lord will give you a new excitement for
His Word and help you to understand in greater ways than ever
before the life and power it contains to transform every single
part of your life. God bless you!
- NO. 1-
God’s Word renews our minds.
You see, it all begins with our thoughts. We can only truly change
and become more like Christ as we renew our minds with God’s
Word. Our thoughts are the forerunners for our words, our atti-
tudes and our decisions—they even affect our relationships and
how we see ourselves and other people.
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its super-
ficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively
changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind
[focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may
prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good
and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
God has a good, acceptable and perfect plan for you and me, and
the way we can experience it is not to think like the world thinks,
but to be changed entirely by learning to renew our mind and
think the way God thinks.
Hebrews 4:12 says that God’s Word is living and active and full of
power. The Bible isn’t just another “good book”—it contains the
power of God to change the way we think, the way we act, and
how we live our lives.
Today, I can honestly say that I’m a very positive person. And
it all began with reading and meditating on God’s Word...with
replacing my thoughts with His thoughts.
Then take it one step further. Throughout the day, when you
notice yourself thinking the same old negative things, choose to
replace those thoughts with truth from God’s Word. When the
enemy tries to convince you that you’re unlovable, remind him
of what God says about you.
Wherever you are today—regardless of how negative you may be
or how far you have to go—I have great news for you: God’s Word
can change you. It won’t happen overnight, but as you take time
to read, study, meditate and even speak His Word, it will slowly
but surely get deep down inside of you...and begin to transform
every single area of your life.
- NO. 2-
God’s Word comforts and consoles us.
PSALM 119:50
No one can comfort us like God can. In fact, the Bible says He
is “the God of all comfort” (see 2 Corinthians 1:3). This means
when we’re discouraged, disappointed, grieving, or dealing
with a painful situation of any kind, we can run to His Word for
strength, healing and support.
Yes, the Lord will often use others to comfort us. But even those
people who are extremely close to us cannot give us everything
we need all the time. On so many occasions—more times than
I can count—I’ve run to God’s Word for help and comfort when
things seemed to be falling apart around me.
...For He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you
nor give you up nor leave you without support…[Assuredly not!]
(Hebrews 13:5 AMPC).
‘For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you,’ says the
Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give
you a future and a hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11).
I love Psalm 3:3 (ESV), which says, But you, O Lord, are a shield
about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
- NO. 3-
God’s Word divides soul and spirit.
Hebrews 4:12 says, The word of God is living and active and
full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective].
It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far
as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a
person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of
our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and inten-
tions of the heart.
Did you know each one of us is a tri-part being? We each have
a body, a soul and a spirit. Our soul is made up of our mind,
our will and our emotions—it tells us what we think, how we feel,
and what we want.
God’s Word has the ability to “divide soul and spirit.” It helps us
understand the difference between what is us (our own thoughts,
feelings and desires) and what is God.
- NO. 4-
God’s Word brings direction
and shows us what to do.
PSALM 119:133
I often tell people that if they want to hear God’s voice, they
need to commit to being a student of God’s Word. Why?
Because God uses His Word as the primary way to speak to us.
It is filled with His wisdom, instruction and commands—it is full
of information about His will for our lives.
The truth is, there are a lot of “voices” we can listen to in life.
And while it’s great to receive counsel and good advice from
other people, we ultimately need to know what God has to say.
I can’t tell you how many times the Lord has used His Word to
give me direction about my life or even simply speak a word of
encouragement at just the right time.
As you do, I can promise you one thing for certain: You will
begin to hear from God in a greater way than ever before.
Because His Word is life, and it contains the answers to every
situation you will ever face.
- NO. 5-
Jesus is the Word.
JOHN 1:1; JOHN 1:14; REVELATION 19:13
The world has a lot of different opinions about the Bible. Some
think it’s simply a collection of historical stories. Others find
it inspiring and recommend it as “good reading.” But it’s so
much more.
The Bible is the most precious book in the world, and we should
value it more highly than anything else we own. Because every
single thing we need is found in God’s Word, and it’s truly the
one thing we can’t live without.
I want you to try something: For the next week or so, when you sit
down to read God’s Word, first take a few moments to think about
the scriptures above...that Jesus is “the Word made flesh.” Remind
yourself that the Bible isn’t just a book, but it is God Himself.
- NO. 6-
God’s Word strengthens us.
PSALM 119:28
Just like we go to a filling station when our car runs out of gas,
I often view my time in God’s Word like stopping at a “Holy
Ghost filling station.” When life has worn me down and sapped
my strength, I can go to His Word to get “filled up” again.
You see, God’s Word renews our minds and brings us peace
(see Romans 12:2). When we reflect on His promises and the
good plans He has for us, it literally revives our spirit and fills
us with hope and expectation.
God’s Word also strengthens us to keep going, not give up, and
not give in to temptation. The truth is, we need God’s strength
just to do what’s right. I wake up some days and don’t really feel
like being very nice. But after spending time in the Word, the
Lord gives me the strength and desire to walk in love and treat
people properly.
You were never meant to do it alone. When you’re tired, weary
or worn-out, take some time to refresh and recharge yourself
with God’s Word. As you do, He will meet you where you are...
and give you the strength you need to handle anything that
comes your way.
- NO. 7-
God’s Word melts hardness in our hearts.
PSALM 147:18
You see, when life’s experiences leave us bitter, cold and hard-
hearted, Psalm 147:18 says, He sends out His word and melts
the ice....
tional love. I eventually began to see other people the way God
sees them...with love, mercy and compassion.
- NO. 8-
God’s Word abiding in our hearts makes
us victorious over the wicked one.
1 JOHN 2:14
The Bible says that our enemy, Satan, is “a liar and the father
of lies” (see John 8:44). He attempts to bombard our minds with
negative thoughts of suspicion, doubt and fear, trying to get
us to believe things that aren’t true. However, when we fill our
hearts and minds with God’s Word, it helps us differentiate the
truth from the lies.
However, when I began to learn what God’s Word had to say,
it slowly began to change my self-image. So, when Satan told
me things like, “You’re worthless—God doesn’t love you,” I was
able to recognize his lies. The Bible says I am special to God,
He approves of me, and nothing can ever separate me from
His love (see Romans 8:39; Jeremiah 1:5; Zechariah 2:8).
- NO. 9-
The Word heals and delivers us.
PSALM 107:20
Psalm 107:20 (AMPC) says, He sends forth His word and heals
them and rescues them from the pit and destruction.
However, God’s Word can lift us out of the pits of life and set our
feet on solid ground! His Word heals us and delivers us. Anytime
we hear, read, study or meditate on God’s Word, it can only
benefit us and do good.
Psalm 107:20 has always been one of the key scriptures for
Joyce Meyer Ministries. I can still remember over 25 years ago
hanging an enormous banner across one of our main office walls
with this scripture on it.
- NO. 10 -
The Word protects us.
PSALM 18:30
We also have a spiritual enemy, Satan, who will do everything in his
power to prevent us from walking in God’s good plan for our lives.
- NO. 11 -
God’s Word has the power to create.
Now, I think it’s relatively easy for people to believe that God’s
Word is powerful. However, I want you to consider this: We
are God’s representatives here on earth, and we can speak His
Word just the same as He would—boldly, with authority, and
believing it has power to change our lives and circumstances.
Romans 4:17 tells us that God gives life to the dead and calls
into being that which does not exist. God is The Creator, and
His Word has the power to create something from nothing and
even bring dead things back to life. Isaiah 55:11 says that His
Word never fails but always accomplishes its purpose.
What would you like to see come to pass in your life? Are there
some “dead” things—issues that seem hopeless and beyond
help—that need to be revived? If so, I encourage you to begin
declaring God’s Word over your life.
- NO. 12 -
The Word brings stability,
fruitfulness and fulfillment.
Psalm 1:3 provides some pretty amazing promises for the person
who delights in God’s Word and chooses to meditate on it
regularly. It says:
With God, we can go through our tough times with peace and
joy and actually come out stronger on the other side!
His Word is also the key to bearing good fruit in our lives. When
we continue to study and do what His Word says, it causes
everything to blossom—our work, our gifts and talents, our rela-
tionships, our walk with God...everything.
- NO. 13 -
God’s Word destroys mental strongholds
(lies) and teaches us the truth.
For years, I believed so many things that weren’t true, and they
created a mess in my life. I didn’t know I had an enemy, Satan,
who wants to bring all kinds of negative thoughts to my mind.
I didn’t know I have a choice to reject wrong thinking! The truth
is, so many of God’s children are also struggling because they are
believing lies.
The good news is that the Word of God is the most powerful
thing on earth, and it will literally transform us from the inside
out and help us to destroy these strongholds in our thinking.
I dealt with this for years, and it helped me to read and meditate
on what the Bible has to say, then even speak it out of my mouth.
To this day, I continue to say things like:
I’ll say this many times in this book, but it’s worth repeating:
God’s Word helps us recognize the truth and expose the lies of
the enemy. And the more we know the Word—the more we read
it, study it and speak it—the greater freedom we will enjoy in
every single area of our lives.
- NO. 14 -
Meditating on the Word brings wisdom,
prosperity and success.
In Joshua 1:8, the Lord says, “This Book of the Law shall not
depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on]
it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything]
in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make
your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.”
the time to ponder it and give it our full attention. We pause
to reflect on a specific verse, phrase or passage of Scripture.
One thing’s for sure: The more time you spend thinking and
meditating on God’s Word, the more you’ll get out of it and
truly understand what it means...and the easier it will become
to put these principles into practice. Then you will make
your way prosperous and have success in all that you do
(see Joshua 1:8).
- NO. 15 -
God’s Word upholds, guides, maintains
and propels the universe.
The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our
awesome] God...upholding and maintaining and propelling all
things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful
word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal]....
Wow, I love this! God upholds and maintains and propels all
things. Just think: What keeps the sun and the stars in the sky?
What keeps the earth rotating on its axis? What keeps the
ocean from going further than the sand? It’s Almighty God, and
we can trust Him to hold us up!
If you have a problem right now, and you feel like you’re about
to cave in, begin saying, “God, I trust You to hold me up.” Then
remind yourself that you don’t have to make it on your own...
you have the God of the universe to support you.
The great thing about the Word is that we can also speak it over
our lives—we can be a mouthpiece for God and say what He says.
For instance, when I wake up in the morning, I begin declaring
good things from His Word over my day. I say things like:
The next time you have the opportunity, take a few moments
to walk outside and look up at the evening sky. Stare at the
stars and just imagine what kind of power and ability it takes
to keep everything in our massive, almost inexhaustible
universe working perfectly.
Then ponder this: If God, through His Word, can do all of this,
He can also hold you up and orchestrate and direct every single
detail of your life.
- NO. 16 -
How blessed and favored by God are
those whose way is blameless [those
with personal integrity, the upright, the
guileless], Who walk in the law [and who
are guided by the precepts and revealed
will] of the Lord.
PSALM 119:1
Let me ask you: Are you ordering your conduct and conversa-
tion...or are you allowing your emotions to order what you say
and do?
I can tell you from experience that we can save ourselves a lot
of trouble by not living out of our emotions—by finding out what
God says to do, then receiving His grace to do it.
If I felt like getting angry, I got angry. Or if I felt like feeling sorry
for myself, I could spend an entire day moping around the house,
giving Dave the silent treatment.
Do you want to have a great life? Would you like to improve the
quality of your relationships, have more peace and stability, and
truly enjoy every single day? If so, God’s Word has your answers.
And when you do what it says to do, your life will be truly blessed.
- NO. 17 -
The entrance of God’s Word brings
light and dispels darkness.
PSALM 119:130
I know a lot of people look at the Bible and get a little over-
whelmed. They think, I’m not smart enough to understand all
of this. But we don’t have to be “smart enough.” If we are dili-
gent to read and study the Word, we can trust the Holy Spirit
to give us “light”...to teach and direct us through God’s Word.
I’ve found that spending time in God’s Word can do more to
teach, strengthen and inspire me than any person could ever
do in a lifetime. That’s because it has the power to get deep
down inside of us and change us from the inside out. It has
the ability to shine God’s light and dispel the darkness.
- NO. 18 -
We are born again (regenerated) by the
ever living and lasting Word of God.
1 PETER 1:23
One thing’s for sure—you’re not alone. We’ve all made mistakes
in the past that have left us feeling unworthy of God’s love and
affection. But the truth is, God loves you so much...no matter
what yesterday looks like. God sent His Son to set you free
from every sin in your past, present and future. All you have
to do is believe in Him and receive His unending love.
When you give your life to Christ, you not only receive the
gift of eternal life (see Romans 6:23), all your past mistakes are
washed away (see 2 Corinthians 5:21) and you become a joint
heir with Jesus—God’s one and only Son (see Romans 8:17).
By faith, everything Jesus is suddenly applies to you!
- NO. 19 -
God’s Word causes us to delight even
in the midst of trouble and anguish.
PSALM 94:19
people for all of their comfort. Others may seek entertainment
or other ways to “check out” mentally. Some people even end
up abusing things like alcohol and drugs, stemming from a desire
to make life go away.
While the Lord will most definitely use other people to comfort
us, first and foremost He wants to be our comfort. Psalm 16:11 says,
...In Your presence is fullness of joy.... When we spend time with
God in His Word or through prayer, we enter a powerful place. It’s
a place where He takes away our anxiety, fears and heaviness and
exchanges them with His supernatural peace and joy.
Try this: The next time you feel the heaviness of life creeping
into your thoughts and emotions, take a few minutes to open
God’s Word and allow Him to comfort you. Thank Him for His
goodness and ask Him to refresh you and fill you with His joy.
- NO. 20 -
The Word reduces the capacity to sin.
It strengthens us against temptation.
PSALM 119:11
Did you know God’s Word will help you to want to do the right
thing? Before we know the Word, we can sin and really not feel
too bad about it. But once we begin studying the Word, doing
the wrong thing makes us very uncomfortable! The Word begins
changing us on the inside, helping us to want to do what’s right.
I encourage you to take a few moments right now. Can you think
of a weak area right now that’s a temptation for you? If so, take
a minute to pray and ask the Lord to strengthen you in that area.
- NO. 21 -
God’s words are life, healing and
health to all who find them.
PROVERBS 4:20-22
God never intended for us to limp through life and “just get
by.” These verses tell us that God’s Word brings life, health
and healing to every single area of our lives. He wants to heal
us physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially and in
every other way.
For instance, maybe you can use some help in your marriage or
relationships. Or maybe you struggle with your self-image and
can use more confidence. Whatever the need, there’s an answer
in God’s Word for every single problem you have.
But it doesn’t stop there. Next it says, ...consent and submit to
my sayings.... (AMPC). In other words, we shouldn’t just know
God’s Word, but we should also do what it says to do.
I am walking proof that God’s Word can heal you in every way
possible. In fact, I often tell people that I feel younger and
healthier today than I did when I was in my thirties! It’s because
His Word breathes life into every part of who we are.
- NO. 22 -
The Word transforms (changes)
us into God’s image.
Growth and change are a big part of life. In fact, without change
we’ll never truly enjoy our lives and become everything God has
created us to be.
What types of changes would you like to see in your life? Changes
in your thoughts, words or attitudes? Would you like to be a
better spouse, parent or friend—more loving...more like Jesus?
One thing’s for sure: You can’t change yourself—willpower will
only go so far! But God’s Word can. And as you continue to
spend time reading, studying and living His Word, He will
transform you, little by little, into who you need to be.
- NO. 23 -
The Word cleanses and purifies us.
PSALM 119:9; JOHN 15:3; JOHN 17:17; EPHESIANS 5:26
Psalm 119:9 (AMPC) says, How shall a young man cleanse his
way? By taking heed and keeping watch [on himself] according
to Your word [conforming his life to it].
I really love this. David, the psalmist, gives young people some
great advice as they begin their lives and start making important
decisions. He says, “Conform your life to God’s Word!”
And this is a lesson for all of us. God’s Word is a guide—it leads
us, directs us, and keeps us from getting into trouble. Now, it
doesn’t mean we‘ll never encounter any difficulties in life. Jesus
said, “In this world, you will have tribulation.” But He also said,
“Cheer up! For I have overcome the world” (see John 16:33).
Psalm 119:9 also promises that God’s Word will “cleanse” us.
I’ll be honest, when I first started studying the Word, I had a
lot to cleanse! I was negative, judgmental, critical, rebellious
and hard to get along with. I had patterns of behavior that, at
the time, seemed impossible to change. But gradually, God’s
Word transformed me. Today, I am by no means perfect, but
I’ve come a long way!
You may think, Joyce, I don’t think I can straighten out this area
of my life. I’ve tried to change before and nothing ever works.
If that’s the case, then I urge you to try one more thing: God’s
Word. Don’t just read it once or twice to see if you’ll get results.
Make an investment of your time and decide to continue in His
Word and never give up. Because no matter who you are or how
much you need to change, there’s no mess that God can’t clean up.
- NO. 24 -
God’s Word gives us hope.
PSALM 119:114
He is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings
(see Romans 15:13).
The fastest way to fill your heart with hope is to open God’s
Word and begin reading about His promises, His love, and His
great plan for your future. As you read, ask the Lord to fill your
heart with expectancy and anticipation of the good things He
can do in your life.
So, are you stuck in a rut and can’t see a way out? Have you lost
your positive vision for the future? Would you like to rediscover
joy in your everyday life? Then take some time to refresh your-
self with the Word...and allow the “God of hope” to help you see
your future with a whole new perspective.
- NO. 25 -
God’s Word gives us wisdom,
good judgment, right discernment
and knowledge.
PSALM 119:66
Let me ask you: Have you ever made a really bad decision and
had to live with the consequences for a long time? I sure have!
And while the Lord will use these situations to help us learn and
grow, He ultimately desires to give us His wisdom and discern-
ment so we can make great decisions for our lives and avoid
negative consequences.
In other cases, the Bible may not have a specific, direct answer
to our question—for instance, “Should I buy this car?”—but it
provides wise guidelines to help us make quality decisions in
everything we do.
There have been many times over the years when I didn’t feel
right inside about doing a particular thing and I just couldn’t put
my finger on what it was, but I knew that I needed to follow my
heart. Sometimes, I would find out down the road why God was
preventing me from doing it, and other times I never found out.
But it’s always important to trust God and follow His leading
because He knows more than we do!
I know there are a lot of great books and other tools to help us
with almost every area of life. But there’s only one Book that
has the ability to provide us with God’s wisdom, good judgment,
discernment and knowledge.
- NO. 26 -
The Word of God is truth, and when
we follow it, we are made free.
JOHN 8:32
Jesus says in John 8:31-32, ...If you abide in My word [hold fast
to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are
truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth
will set you free (AMPC).
I think an important part of this scripture is the word abide,
which means “to continue.” In this day and age, we are good
at “trying” things for a couple days or a couple weeks to see
if it makes a difference. But God’s Word isn’t something we
“try”—it’s a commitment we make, knowing it will produce life-
changing results if we stick with it.
Jesus says in Mark 4:24: ...The measure [of thought and study]
you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue
and knowledge] that comes back to you...(AMPC).
you... I really love
this because it’s so practical. Here, Jesus is saying, “You will
get out of it what you put into it!”
People ask me all the time for my advice and how they can
succeed in life. If I have to give just one answer, this is it:
Continue in God’s Word and never give up on your relationship
with Him. Because if you don’t quit, you will be free, and it will
be greater than you ever imagined.
- NO. 27 -
God’s Word is better than thousands
of gold and silver pieces.
PSALM 119:72
Psalm 119:72 says, The law from Your mouth is better to me than
thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Many people spend their lives pursuing money, only to find out
that it can never keep them happy. However, God will give you
joy and happiness free of charge if you allow Him.
When we accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live
on the inside of us. As a result, we can enjoy “Kingdom bene-
fits”—joy and fulfillment that the world can never give us. As
we read and digest God’s Word, it works deep down inside
of us, renewing our minds, transforming our spirits, and grad-
ually helping us enjoy a life of true freedom (see Roman 12:2;
John 8:32).
When we put God first, we will not only experience His righ-
teousness, peace and joy, but we’ll find that a lot of the “things”
also come along with it (see Matthew 6:33).
- NO. 28 -
The Word often brings persecution.
MARK 4:17
I can tell you from experience that the rewards of knowing God
will far outweigh any pushback you may receive from the world.
But I think it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone is
always going to be happy about your decision to follow Jesus
or the direction it may take your life.
Sometimes when you first begin studying the Word, the enemy
will launch an attack to see if you really mean business. This is
what Jesus talks about in the “parable of the sower” (see Mark
chapter 4). He compares God’s Word to “seed” being sown into
various types of soil.
The last thing the enemy wants is for you to make progress
with God. As a result, he’ll often bring criticism and judgment
through other people to try and stop you...to get you to
“stumble and fall away.”
However, I thank God that He helped me to move forward in
His plan for my life. I shudder to think of where I’d be today if
I would have allowed what a few people said to stop me from
obeying God!
Don’t give up when things get tough or you run into someone
who isn’t as excited as you are about what God is doing in
your life. Not everyone will agree with you all of the time...
and that’s okay.
- NO. 29 -
The Word of God, when planted and
rooted in our hearts, has the power
to save our souls.
JAMES 1:21
I think many people receive salvation through Jesus Christ but
then get frustrated and even feel guilty because their behavior
doesn’t change overnight. It’s important to know that when we
begin our relationship with God, the Holy Spirit comes to live
inside of us and we become spiritually clean. However, our soul—
our mind, our will and our emotions—can still give us problems!
Over time, as we continue to fill our hearts and minds with His
Word, we begin to want what God wants (His will) more than
what we want (our will).
Look at it this way: If I put sugar in cake batter, it has the power
and ability to make it sweet. In the same way, if I put the Word
of God into my life, it has the power to change my soul. If I do
my part, God will do His part!
I think it’s easy for people to give up too easily on God’s Word.
They try for a while and don’t feel like anything’s changing and
begin to get discouraged. But remember, every single time you
plant God’s Word in your heart, it is accomplishing something.
Even when you don’t see anything happening, God is working
on the inside, and it’s only a matter of time before it “shows up.”
- NO. 30 -
The Word revives and stimulates us.
PSALM 119:25; PSALM 119:50
Sometimes, just the regular events of life can bring us down. For
instance, I have a special news app on my phone, and it allows
me to quickly see the highlights throughout the day. It’s good to
be informed; however, the majority of the news is negative—it’s
about crime, devastation, lying, cheating and everything that’s
wrong in the world.
But when I open God’s Word, it’s just the opposite. It revives
and refreshes me, and I can actually feel enthusiasm entering
my soul. I get excited!
So, does something have you ready to push the panic button?
Before you do, see what God has to say. Allow Him some time
to revive and refresh your mind and spirit. As you do, you’ll grow
stronger from within...and see life with a whole new perspective.
- NO. 31 -
The Word helps us see the error of our
ways and turn in God’s direction.
PSALM 119:59
Hebrews 4:12 says, The Word of God is living and active and full
of power...penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit....
This may sound funny, but as I teach the Word, I believe the
Holy Spirit is performing a kind of spiritual surgery in people’s
hearts. There are times when I come with a message that is
going to cause people to think about their behavior or take a
deeper look at their motives. Somehow, God makes it all “go
down smoothly,” and they can receive the message with an
open heart.
In John 16:8, Jesus says the Holy Spirit will convict the world about
[the guilt of] sin [and the need for a Savior], and about righteous-
ness.... The Holy Spirit works in accordance with God’s Word to
convict and convince us of what’s right and wrong. God has the
power to help us see things we would never see on our own.
You see, God loves us too much to let us stay where we are;
He wants to help us grow and change. And when He shows us
something about ourselves, He never brings guilt and condem-
nation, but only loving conviction. He points out what needs
to change, then says, “Let Me help you change it.”
- NO. 32 -
The Word contains self-fulfilling power.
ISAIAH 61:11
Isaiah 61:11 says, For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as
a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so the Lord God
will [most certainly] cause righteousness and justice and praise to
spring up before all the nations [through the power of His word].
Wow! God is saying, “Just like you can surely expect a harvest
when you plant vegetables in your garden, you can also count
on My Word to yield a harvest of good things.”
I love the way Isaiah 55:11 puts it: So will My word be which goes
out of My mouth; it will not return to Me void (useless, without
result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without
succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Just think about this for a moment. God’s Word never fails.
That means every time you read and study God’s Word, medi-
tate on the Word, or even listen to a good teaching that is full
of the Word, it is accomplishing something in your life.
“God’s Word does not return void.”
Let it remind you that every single minute you spend in His
Word is valuable...and it is accomplishing something.
- NO. 33 -
God’s Word makes me wiser
than my enemies.
PSALM 119:98
The next time life gets difficult and you feel like the enemy is
throwing everything he has at you, take a moment to remember
Who is on your side. It’s Almighty God, the One Who is omni-
scient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnipresent
(everywhere at once).
And the Bible says that ...He Who lives in you is greater
(mightier) than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4 AMPC).
- NO. 34 -
The Word of God endures forever,
and it is good news.
1 PETER 1:25; MARK 13:31
Over the years, I’ve occasionally heard people say things like,
“The Bible is so outdated. God doesn’t expect us to do that—
things are different now, and you have to change with the times.”
Whatever your situation—regardless of who you are, where you
live or even your past experiences—God’s eternal Word has
the answers for your every need. It is good news, and it has
the power to save your soul (see James 1:21).
- NO. 35 -
The Word is a lamp to our feet
and a light to our path.
PSALM 119:105
God’s Word is the primary way He speaks to us. And like a lamp,
He uses His Word to help “illuminate” the path in front of us,
showing us the next step to take. Then, as we move forward in
faith, He shines His light a little further and gives us another step.
If you’re looking for direction, take some time to read and study
God’s Word and allow Him to “shine a light” on the road in front
of you. Then begin to move forward in faith, knowing He will
lead you step by step into His good plan for your life.
- NO. 36 -
God’s Word is filled with promises
to give us mercy and grace.
PSALM 119:58
Now, God not only desires for us to receive His mercy, He also
wants us to give mercy to other people. And here’s the thing: If we
wait for somebody to “deserve” our mercy before we give it them,
it’s not mercy! Mercy is giving somebody something they don’t
deserve. It’s about our character and not about what they do.
Bible and say, “I just don’t think I can do that. I don’t think I can
forgive that person—they hurt me so badly.”
That’s right, we can’t. But God can give us the strength and
enable us to do it.
That’s what the Word of God will do—it’s like an ointment that
will calm your soul and, at the same time, enable you to do what
God says to do.
- NO. 37 -
God’s Word is a weapon against the devil
and armor that protects us in warfare.
First, the words “put on” are very important. I have never walked
into my closet and had my clothes or shoes jump on my body. I
have always had to put them on. So we must “put on” the armor
of God—it’s a choice.
I think many times we can think of studying the Bible like it’s an
obligation instead of a privilege. For instance, there was a time
when I felt like God wouldn’t love me as much if I didn’t spend a
certain amount of time reading His Word. Then one day the Lord
spoke to my heart and said, “Joyce, stop acting like you’re doing
Me a favor when you study—I already know the book.”
What if you were sick and went to the doctor, and he said, “Here,
take these pills and you’ll get better”? Would you go home and
put the pills on a shelf and never take them? Of course not! And
it’s the same with the Bible.
God has given you all the weapons you need to fight the enemy.
And when you choose to take action and wield the sword of the
Spirit—when you speak out the Word of God—you are releasing
His power into every area of your life.
- NO. 38 -
When we are afflicted, God’s Word
quickens us and gives us life.
PSALM 119:107
I’ll give you an example. Years ago, when I found out I had
breast cancer, fear immediately tried to grip me. I was hit
with the “what ifs.” What if this doesn’t get better? What if
it spreads to another area of my body? However, the Lord put
it on my heart to fill my mind with the following things, then
meditate on them and speak them out loud as often as I could.
I would think and say:
“God, I know that You love me. I believe that all things work
out for good for those who love You and are called according
to Your purpose. I put my trust in You, and I will not fear”
(see Romans 8:28, 35-39; Joshua 1:9; Proverbs 3:5).
- NO. 39 -
God’s Word enables us to walk
at liberty and at ease.
PSALM 119:45
David says in Psalm 119, Behold, I long for Your precepts; in Your
righteousness give me renewed life.… I will keep Your law contin-
ually, forever and ever [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying
it]. And I will walk at liberty and at ease, for I have sought and
inquired for [and desperately required] Your precepts (vv. 40,
44-45 AMPC).
I love this passage. It’s saying if you truly love the Word of God—if
you hear it, receive it, love it and obey it—you will have freedom
and live “at ease.” In other words, life will not be hard, frustrating
or difficult. You will have joy when you believe God’s promises for
your life and obey His commands.
You see, the only way we will ever be free from struggling is to
believe the Word and obey whatever Jesus puts in our hearts
to do. Believing God’s Word delivers us from struggling so that
we rest in the promises of God. Hebrews 4:3 says, For we who
believe [that is, we who personally trust and confidently rely on
God] enter that rest....
TRY THIS: The next time you feel frustrated or begin to lose your
peace and joy, ask yourself, “Am I believing God’s Word and doing
what it says?”
When your thoughts are negative and full of doubt, it’s time to
refocus yourself on God’s Word. As you do—as you start “hearing,
receiving, loving and obeying it”—your joy will return and you will
be “at ease” again.
- NO. 40 -
The Word gives us great peace.
PSALM 119:165
There was a time in my life when I truly didn’t know what peace
felt like. My mind, my relationships, and every other part of my
life were constantly in turmoil. It seemed like the slightest thing
could rattle me and ruin my day.
Look what Jesus says in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you;
My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do
I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be
afraid....” Then, in Matthew 11:28 (AMPC), He says, Come to
Me...and I will cause you to rest....
When you spend time with Jesus, He fills your soul with His
peace and rest. The Bible says it’s a supernatural peace that
“transcends all understanding” (see Philippians 4:7).
This means when the problems and cares of this world are
swirling around you—things that normally make you anxious
and upset—you can still enjoy a perfect calm on the inside.
Psalm 119:165 says, Those who love Your law have great peace;
nothing makes them stumble.
Have all your materials available. Along with your Bible, bring
any study tools you may want to use, such as a concordance or a
dictionary. Be prepared with a notepad or computer in case you
want to record scriptures or other notes.
Prepare your heart. Begin with prayer and ask the Holy Spirit
to teach you as you read and study. Make a decision that, with
God’s help, you will do what the Word says to do.
Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and
one of the world’s leading Bible teachers. Through Joyce
Meyer Ministries, she teaches practically and candidly,
openly sharing her experiences and helping millions of
people to apply biblical principles to their situations and
ultimately find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ.
Her book Battlefield of the Mind has been a perennial
bestseller, teaching people how to win the war in their
minds and “think about what they think about.” Joyce
holds conferences across the United States and around
the world, and her Enjoying Everyday Life program is
broadcast on TV, radio and online to millions in over 100
languages. She has also authored over 135 books, which
have been translated into 160 combined languages.
Sharing Christ—Loving People
Joyce Meyer Ministries is called to share the Gospel,
disciple nations and extend the love of Christ.
Tap into Your Source for
Lasting Change
Taking the time to read and study God’s Word is one of the greatest
investments we can ever make. The Bible is our handbook for living,
and it has all of the answers we need. We can run to it for strength,
healing, comfort, wisdom, direction...and the list goes on.
Are you ready for lasting change? Have you tried everything else but
still haven’t found the joy and fulfillment you’re looking for? Then it’s
time to try this. Plant the seed of God’s Word deep in your heart. As
you do—as you continue to read it, study it, live it and love it—your life
will begin to flourish in the most amazing ways!
ISBN 978-1-942854-56-2
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