DSP-5-Unit-Multirate SP Notes
DSP-5-Unit-Multirate SP Notes
DSP-5-Unit-Multirate SP Notes
Increasing sampling rate of a signal by an integer factor I is known as Interpolation or
up-sampling. An increase in the sampling rate by an integer factor I may be done by
interpolating (I-1) new samples between successive values of the signals.
• Interpolation
– Increase the sampling rate of a discrete-time signal.
– Higher sampling rate preserves fidelity
Sampling Rate Conversion
Having discussed the special cases of decimation (down sampling by a factor D) and
interpolation (upsampling by a factor I), we now consider the general case of sampling
rate conversion by a rational factor I/D. Basically, we can achieve this sampling rate
conversion by first performing interpolation by the factor I and then decimating the
output of the interpolator by the factor D. In other words, a sampling rate conversion by
the rational factor I/D is accomplished by cascading an interpolator with a decimator.
We emphasize that the importance of performing the interpolation first and the
decimation second is to preserve the desired spectral characteristics of x(n).
Sample-rate conversion is the process of changing the sampling rate of a discrete signal
to obtain a new discrete representation of the underlying continuous signal. Application
areas include image scaling and audio/visual systems, where different sampling rates
may be used for engineering, economic, or historical reasons.
An example of the multistage approach for decimation is shown in Figure 9.8. The multistage
approach allows a significant relaxation of the anti-alias and anti-imaging filters, with a
consequent reduction in the filter complexity. The optimum number of stages is one that
leads to the least computational effort in terms of either the multiplications per second
(MPS), or the total storage requirement (TSR).
Sub-band coding:
The speech signal is applied to an analysis filter bank consisting of a set of Q band pass
filters. This digital filtration divides the speech signal into a non overlapping frequency
bands. These filter banks are contiguous in frequency. Hence, by additive
recombination of the set of sub band signals, one can approximately generate the
original speech signal.
Decimation By A Factor D:
Interpolation By A Factor I:
Sampling Rate Conversion By A Rational Factor I/D:
Sampling rate conversion of band pass signals:
Advantages of BP Sampling:
Previous Papers Questions
1. Discuss in detail the errors resulting from roundingand truncation?
2. (i)Explain the limit cycleoscillations dueto product round offand overflow errors? (ii)
Explain how reduction ofproduct round-off erroris achieved in digital filters?
3. (i)Explain the effects ofco-efficient quantization in FIRfilters? (ii) Distinguish
betweenfixed pointand floatingpointarithmetic
4. With respectto finiteword length effectsin digitalfilters, withexamplesdiscussabout
(i) Over flow limit cycle oscillation
(ii) Signal scaling
5. What is called quantization noise?Derivethe expression for quantization noisepower.
6. (i)Comparethetruncationandroundingerrorsusingfixedpointandfloatingpoint representation.
(ii)Representthefollowingnumbersinfloatingpointformatwithfivebitsformantisa and threebits
7. Determinethedeadbandofthesystemy(n)=0.2y(n–1)+0.5y(n–2)+x(n) Assume 8 bits
8. (a) i)Explain the characteristics of limitcycleoscillation with respect to thesystem described
bythe differenceequation :y(n)=0.95y(n-1) +x(n); x(n)=0 andy(n-1)= 13.
Determinethe dead rangeof thesystem.
ii)Explain the effects of coefficient quantization in FIR filters.
9.i) Derivethe signal to quantization noise ratio of A/D converter.
representation. ‘