5-Eigenvalue Buckling Prediction
5-Eigenvalue Buckling Prediction
5-Eigenvalue Buckling Prediction
is the stiffness matrix corresponding to the base state, which includes the
effects of the preloads, P
(if any);
is the differential initial stress and load stiffness matrix due to the
incremental loading pattern, Q ;
If the subspace iteration technique is requested, you can also specify the
maximum eigenvalue of interest; Abaqus/Standard
will extract eigenvalues until either the requested number of
eigenvalues has
been extracted or the last eigenvalue extracted exceeds the maximum eigenvalue
of interest.
If the Lanczos eigensolver is requested, you can also specify the minimum
and/or maximum eigenvalues of interest; Abaqus/Standard
will extract eigenvalues until either the requested
number of eigenvalues has
been extracted in the given range or all the eigenvalues in the given range
have been extracted.
Input File Usage:
Use the following option to perform an eigenvalue buckling
analysis using the subspace iteration method:
Use the following option to perform an eigenvalue buckling
analysis using the Lanczos method:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Buckle: Eigensolver: Lanczos or Subspace
Limitations associated with applying the Lanczos eigensolver to a
buckling analysis
The Lanczos eigensolver cannot be used for buckling analyses in which the
stiffness matrix is indefinite, as in the following cases:
A model containing hybrid elements or connector elements.
A model containing distributing coupling constraints, defined either
directly (Coupling constraints,
Shell-to-solid coupling,
or Mesh-independent fasteners)
or by the distributing
coupling elements (DCOUP2D and DCOUP3D).
A model containing contact pairs or contact elements.
A model that has been preloaded above the bifurcation (buckling) load.
A model that has rigid body modes.
In the eigenvalue extraction portion of the buckling step, the stiffness
matrix K
corresponding to the base state geometry is formed. Initial stress and the load
stiffness terms due to
the preload, P
are always included regardless of whether or not geometric nonlinearity is
included and are calculated based on the geometry of the base state.
When forming the stiffness matrices K
and K
all contact conditions are fixed in the base state.
Initial conditions
The initial values of quantities such as stress, temperature, field
variables, and solution-dependent variables can be specified for an eigenvalue
buckling analysis. If the buckling step is the
first step in the analysis,
these initial conditions form the base state of the structure. Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit
describes all of the available initial
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions can be applied to any of the displacement or rotation
degrees of freedom (1–6) or to warping degree of freedom 7 in open-section beam
elements (Boundary
conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit).
A nonzero prescribed boundary condition in a general analysis step preceding
the eigenvalue buckling analysis can be used to preload
the structure. Nonzero
boundary conditions prescribed in an eigenvalue buckling step will contribute
to the incremental stress Δσ
and, thus, will contribute to the differential initial stress
stiffness. When
prescribing nonzero boundary conditions, you must interpret the resulting
eigenproblem carefully. Nonzero prescribed boundary conditions will be treated
as constraints
(i.e., as if they were fixed) during the eigenvalue extraction.
Therefore, unless the prescribed boundary conditions are removed for the
eigenvalue extraction by specifying buckling mode
boundary conditions (see the
discussion below), the mode shapes may be altered by these boundary conditions.
Amplitude definitions (Amplitude Curves)
cannot be used to vary the magnitudes of prescribed boundary conditions during
an eigenvalue buckling analysis.
You can define perturbation load and buckling mode boundary conditions in an
eigenvalue buckling prediction step.
Input File Usage:
Use either of the following two options to define perturbation
load boundary conditions:
Base state Eigenvalue buckling prediction step Linear perturbation Eigenvalue extraction
B 0 B B
0 1 1 1
0 2 2 2
B 1 1 1
B 2 B 2
0 1, 2 1 2
B 1, 2 1 2
B =
base-state boundary conditions; 0 = no boundary conditions specified
1 =
perturbation load boundary conditions
2 =
buckling mode boundary conditions
The following types of loading can be prescribed in an eigenvalue buckling
Concentrated nodal forces can be applied to the displacement degrees of
freedom (1–6); see Concentrated loads.
Distributed pressure forces or body forces can be applied; see Distributed loads.
The distributed load types available with particular elements are described in Abaqus Elements
The load stiffness can have a significant effect on the critical buckling
load; therefore, Abaqus/Standard
will take the load stiffness due to preloads into account when solving the
eigenvalue buckling problem. It is important that the structure not be
preloaded above the critical buckling load.
Any load applied during the eigenvalue buckling analysis is called a “live”
load. This incremental load, Q
describes the load pattern for which buckling sensitivity is being
its magnitude is not important. This incremental loading
definition represents linear perturbation loads, as described in About loads.
Follower forces (such as concentrated loads assumed to rotate with the nodal
rotation or pressure loads) lead to an unsymmetric load stiffness. Since
eigenvalue extraction in
can be performed only on symmetric matrices, eigenvalue analysis with follower
loads may not yield correct results.
Amplitude definitions cannot be used during an eigenvalue buckling analysis.
About loads
describes all of the available loads.
Prescribed boundary conditions can also be used to load the structure in an
eigenvalue buckling analysis, as discussed earlier.
Predefined fields
In an eigenvalue buckling prediction step, nodal temperatures can be
specified (see Predefined Fields).
The specified temperatures will cause thermal strain during the static
analysis if a thermal expansion coefficient is given for the
material (Thermal expansion),
and incremental stresses Δσ
will be generated. Hence, Abaqus/Standard
can analyze buckling
due to thermal stress. The specified temperature will not
affect temperature-dependent material properties during the eigenvalue buckling
prediction step; the material properties are
based on the temperature in the
base state. Amplitude definitions cannot be used to vary the magnitudes of
prescribed temperatures during an eigenvalue buckling analysis.
Material options
During an eigenvalue buckling analysis, the model's response is defined by
its linear elastic stiffness in the base state. All nonlinear and/or inelastic
material properties, as well as effects
involving time or strain rate, are
ignored during an eigenvalue buckling analysis. In classical eigenvalue
buckling the response in the base state is also linear.
If temperature-dependent elastic properties are used, the eigenvalue
buckling analysis will not account for changes in the stiffness matrix due to
temperature changes. The material
properties of the base state will be used.
Acoustic properties, thermal properties (except for thermal expansion), mass
diffusion properties, electrical properties, and pore fluid flow properties are
not active during an eigenvalue
buckling analysis.
Any of the stress/displacement elements in Abaqus/Standard
(including those with temperature or pressure degrees of freedom) can be used
in an eigenvalue buckling analysis, with the
exception that hybrid and contact
elements cannot be used with the Lanczos eigensolver (as discussed earlier).
See Choosing the appropriate element for an analysis type.
The values of the eigenvalues, λi ,
will be listed in the printed output file. If output of stresses, strains,
reaction forces, etc. is requested, this information will be printed for each
eigenvalue; these quantities are perturbation values and represent mode shapes,
not absolute values. All of the output variable identifiers are outlined in Abaqus/Standard output variable
Buckling mode shapes can be plotted in the Visualization module
of Abaqus/CAE.
Data lines to specify zero-valued boundary conditions contributing to the base state
The load stiffness terms will be included in the eigenvalue buckling steps
Data lines to specify all antisymmetric boundary conditions for eigenvalue extraction