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Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies: January 2013

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Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies

Article · January 2013

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0134-6_2


181 12,083

4 authors, including:

K. Young Le Yi Wang
BASF Wayne State University


K. Strunz
Technische Universität Berlin


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Chapter 2
Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies

Kwo Young, Caisheng Wang, Le Yi Wang, and Kai Strunz

2.1 Introduction

As discussed in the previous chapter, electrification is the most viable way to

achieve clean and efficient transportation that is crucial to the sustainable develop-
ment of the whole world. In the near future, electric vehicles (EVs) including hybrid
electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and pure
battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will dominate the clean vehicle market [1, 2].
By 2020, it is expected that more than half of new vehicle sales will likely be EV
models.1 The key and the enabling technology to this revolutionary change is
The importance of batteries to EVs has been verified in the history. The first EV
was seen on the road shortly after the invention of rechargeable lead–acid batteries
and electric motors in the late 1800s [4]. In the early years of 1900s, there was a
golden period of EVs. At that time, the number of EVs was almost double that of
gasoline power cars. However, EVs almost disappeared and gave the whole market to

Though fuel cell vehicle (FCV) is one of the technologies under consideration of electric-drive
vehicles, the durability, high cost, and production and distribution of hydrogen have hindered its
development. The US Department of Energy (DOE) dropped its research support for FCV in its
budget of fiscal year of 2010 [3].
K. Young
Ovonic Battery Company, Rochester Hills, MI, USA
e-mail: kyoung@ovonic.com
C. Wang (*) • L.Y. Wang
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
e-mail: cwang@wayne.edu; lywang@wayne.edu
K. Strunz
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
e-mail: kai.strunz@tu-berlin.de

R. Garcia-Valle and J.A. Peças Lopes (eds.), Electric Vehicle Integration 15

into Modern Power Networks, Power Electronics and Power Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0134-6_2, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
16 K. Young et al.

Table 2.1 Batteries used in electric vehicles of selected car manufacturers.

Company Country Vehicle model Battery technology
GM USA Chevy-Volt Li-ion
Saturn Vue Hybrid NiMH
Ford USA Escape, Fusion, MKZ HEV NiMH
Escape PHEV Li-ion
Toyota Japan Prius, Lexus NiMH
Honda Japan Civic, Insight NiMH
Hyundai South Korea Sonata Lithium polymer
Chrysler USA Chrysler 200C EV Li-ion
BMW Germany X6 NiMH
Mini E (2012) Li-ion
BYD China E6 Li-ion
Daimler Benz Germany ML450, S400 NiMH
Smart EV (2010) Li-ion
Mitsubishi Japan iMiEV (2010) Li-ion
Nissan Japan Altima NiMH
Leaf EV (2010) Li-ion
Tesla USA Roadster (2009) Li-ion
Think Norway Think EV Li-ion, Sodium/Metal Chloride

internal combustion engine (ICE) cars by 1920 due to the limitations of heavy weight,
short trip range, long charging time, and poor durability of batteries at that time.
EV batteries are quite different from those used in consumer electronic devices
such as laptops and cell phones. They are required to handle high power (up to a
hundred kW) and high energy capacity (up to tens of kWh) within a limited space
and weight and at an affordable price. Extensive research efforts and investments
have been given to the advanced battery technologies that are suitable for EVs all
over the world. The U.S. government has been strongly supporting its R&D
activities in advanced batteries through the Department of Energy (DOE): about
$2 billion grants to accelerate the manufacturing and development of the next
generation of U.S. batteries and EVs [1]. European Commission and governmental
organizations in Europe and Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
(METI) have also been continuously supporting the R&D activities in advanced
batteries. BYD, Lishen, and Chunlan have obtained strong subsidy supports from
the Chinese government for its research and manufacturing of advanced batteries
and electric vehicles.
As shown in Table 2.1 [4], the current two major battery technologies used in
EVs are nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium ion (Li-ion). Nearly all HEVs
available in the market today use NiMH batteries because of its mature technology.
Due to the potential of obtaining higher specific energy and energy density, the
adoption of Li-ion batteries is expected to grow fast in EVs, particularly in PHEVs
and BEVs. It should be noted that there are several types of Li-ion batteries based
on similar but certainly different chemistry.
EVs can be integrated into the power grid in future. They can be aggregated
together for grid supports such as renewable accommodation, frequency regulation,
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 17

voltage profile regulation, and system optimization. They can also be operated in a
distributed way and work with local loads to achieve demand side management. As
to the EV grid integration issues discussed in the book, the battery inside the EVs is
the key component. In this chapter, the fundamentals of EV battery technologies
will be addressed. The focus will be given to the two most common EV battery
technologies: NiMH and Li-ion. It is particularly important for power engineers to
understand the basic chemistry of the different batteries, and specific EV battery
requirements of energy density, specific energy, power density, cost, durability, etc.
The EV battery modeling will be introduced in the way that it is suitable for power
engineers to appreciate and use it for power electronic interfacing converter design,
battery management, and system level studies. The performance of a battery
changes as its operating conditions (temperature, charging or discharging current,
state of charge (SOC), etc.) and its service time vary. This chapter will also cover
the topic on battery characterization including battery model parameter estimation,
SOC and state of health (SOH) estimation. The battery power management and the
re-use of second-hand EV batteries for stationary power grid applications will be
discussed at the end of this chapter.

2.2 Power and Energy of Electric Propulsion

Depending on the actual configuration of an EV, part or all of its propulsion power
and energy is supplied by the battery inside the vehicle. Without loss of generality,
the discussion in this subsection is for a pure battery EV. Similar to those in regular
vehicles, the powertrain in an EV needs to provide power for the vehicle under all
kinds of road conditions and driving modes. In addition, an EV also needs to handle
regenerative braking so that the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle can be
captured and stored in battery for future use.
The acceleration of a vehicle is determined by all the forces applied on it, which
is given by Newton’s second law as [5]
fm Ma ¼ Ft  Fr ; (2.1)

where M is the overall mass of the vehicle, a is the vehicle acceleration, fm is the
mass factor that converts the rotational inertias of rotating components intoP equiva-
lent translational mass, Ft is the total traction force to the vehicle, and Fr is the
total resistive force. The resistive forces are normally the rolling resistance between
tires and road surface, aerodynamic drag, and uphill grading resistance. The total
resistance can be estimated as [5]

X 1
Fr ¼ MgCrr cos y þ rACd ðV  Vw Þ2 þ Mg sin y; (2.2)
18 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.1 Forces applied on a vehicle

where g is the acceleration of gravity, Crr is coefficient of rolling resistance between

tires and road surface, r is the density of the ambient air, A is the vehicle frontal
area, Cd is the aerodynamic drag coefficient, V is the vehicle speed, Vw is the wind
speed in the vehicle moving direction, and y is the slope angle. For a downhill slope,
y will have a negative value (Fig. 2.1).
The total propulsion force can then be expressed as

Ft ¼ fm Ma þ MgCrr cos y þ rACd ðV  Vw Þ2 þ Mg sin y: (2.3)

The power to drive the vehicle at speed V is then

P ¼ Ft V ¼ fm MaV þ MgCrr V cos y þ rACd VðV  Vw Þ2 þ MgV sin y: (2.4)

For a vehicle on a flat road (y ¼ 0), at the early stage of acceleration, the
propulsion power is mainly used to accelerate the vehicle and to overcome
the rolling resistance. When the speed is reached, the power is used to keep the
speed by overcoming the rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag force. For an
electric vehicle, the battery power capability needs to be sufficient to meet acceler-
ation requirements. For accelerating a vehicle with the parameters listed in
Table 2.2, according to (2.4), it needs about 61 kW on average to accelerate the
vehicle to 96.6 km/h (or 60 mph) in 10 s.
In the procedure of regenerative braking, the electric propulsion motor in an EV
works as a generator to convert the kinetic energy of vehicle motion into electrical
energy and charge battery. The braking power can be expressed as

Pb ¼ Fb V ¼ fm MmV  MgCrr V cos y  rACd VðV  Vw Þ2  MgV sin y; (2.5)

where Pb is the braking power, Fb is the braking force, and m is the deceleration of
the vehicle.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 19

Table 2.2 Propulsion power Mass 1,360 kg

of a typical vehicle.
Mass factor, fm 1.05
Acceleration, 0 to 96.6 km/h in 10 s 2.68 m2/s
Coefficient of rolling resistance 0.02
Air density 1.225 kg/m3
Vehicle frontal area 2 m2
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.5
Wind speed 0 m/s
Road slope angle 0
Average power during the acceleration 60.8 kW

For the same vehicle listed in Table 2.2, the peak braking power for bringing the
vehicle moving at 96.6 km/h to stop in 5 s can be as high as 186 kW. It can be seen
that the power rating requirement is higher for braking since the de-acceleration
may have to happen in a shorter period of time. The battery in the electric
powertrain is required to meet the demands from both supplying and absorbing
the high power.
A more challenging issue to EV is the energy capability of battery. According to
the U.S. urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) and the highway fuel
economy driving schedule (HWFEDS) also called the highway fuel economy test
(HWFET), typical energy consumption of a mid-size vehicle for urban driving is
165 Wh/km and 137 Wh/kg for highway. There are more aggressive driving
schedules such as US 06 with an energy consumption close to 249 Wh/km [4].
Using the weighting factors of 45% urban, 45% highway, and 10% US 06, we can
then get an average energy consumption rate of 160 Wh/kg (45%  137 Wh/km
+ 45%  165 Wh/km + 10%  249 Wh/kg). Though the energy consumption
during driving depends on many factors such as vehicle size, weight, body shape,
and the driving habit of the driver, the key factor is the capacity of the energy
storage device. The high value of specific energy of gasoline gives a conventional
ICE powered vehicle a range of 300–400 miles with a full tank of gasoline.
Gasoline has a theoretical specific energy of 13,000 Wh/kg, which is over 100
times higher than the specific energy of 120 Wh/kg of typical Li-ion batteries. It
would be too big and heavy to have a battery pack with the same amount of energy
as a full tank (e.g., 16 gallons) of gasoline. However, since the electric propulsion is
much more efficient than an ICE, less energy is needed to propel an EV. Consider-
ing the efficiency of 80% for EV propulsion and 20% for ICE, the total amount of
energy stored for EV can be a quarter of what a regular ICE powered vehicle needs
for the same mileage. Based on the current battery technology, it is not practical to
consider a pure BEV with a mile range of 300–400 miles since it would require a
battery pack larger than 100 kWh that can weigh over 900 kg. Nevertheless, it is
realistic to have a battery pack around 30 kWh to achieve 100 mile range even
based on current battery technologies.
20 K. Young et al.

2.3 Basic Terms of Battery Performance and Characterization

Various terms have been defined for batteries to characterize their performance.
Commonly used terms are summarized in the following as a quick reference.
Cell, Module, and Pack. A single cell is a complete battery with two current leads
and separate compartment holding electrodes, separator, and electrolyte. A module
is composed of a few cells either by physical attachment or by welding in between
cells. A pack of batteries is composed of modules and placed in a single containing
for thermal management. An EV may have more than one pack of battery situated in
a different location in the car.
Ampere-hour Capacity. Ampere-hour (Ah) capacity is the total charge that can be
discharged from a fully charged battery under specified conditions. The Rated Ah
capacity is the nominal capacity of a fully charged new battery under the conditions
predefined by the manufacturer. A nominal condition, for example, can be defined
as 20 C and discharging at 1/20 C-rate. People also use Wh (or kWh) capacity to
represent a battery capacity. The rated Wh capacity is defined as

Rated Wh Capacity ¼ Rated Ah Capacity  Rated Battery Voltage: (2.6)

C-rate. C (nominal C-rate) is used to represent a charge or discharge rate equal to

the capacity of a battery in one hour. For a 1.6 Ah battery, C is equal to charge or
discharge the battery at 1.6 A. Correspondingly, 0.1C is equivalent to 0.16 A, and
2C for charging or discharging the battery at 3.2 A.
Specific Energy. Specific energy, also called gravimetric energy density, is used to
define how much energy a battery can store per unit mass. It is expressed in Watt-
hours per kilogram (Wh/kg) as

Specific Energy ¼ Rated Wh Capacity=Battery Mass in kg: (2.7)

Specific energy of a battery is the key parameter for determining the total battery
weight for a given mile range of EV.
Specific Power. Specific power, also called gravimetric power density of a battery,
is the peak power per unit mass. It is expressed in W/kg as

Specific Power ¼ Rated Peak Power=Battery Mass in kg: (2.8)

Energy Density. Energy density, also referred as the volumetric energy density, is
the nominal battery energy per unit volume (Wh/l).
Power Density. Power density is the peak power per unit volume of a battery (W/l).
Internal Resistance. Internal resistance is the overall equivalent resistance within
the battery. It is different for charging and discharging and may vary as the
operating condition changes.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 21

Peak Power. According to the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC)’s

definition, the peak power is defined as [6]

P¼ ; (2.9)

where Voc is the open-circuit voltage and R is the internal resistance of battery. The
peak power is actually defined at the condition when the terminal voltage is 2/3 of
the open-circuit voltage.
Cut-off Voltage. Cut-off voltage is the minimum allowable voltage defined by the
manufacturer. It can be interpreted as the “empty” state of the battery.
State of Charge (SOC). SOC is defined as the remaining capacity of a battery and it
is affected by its operating conditions such as load current and temperature.

Remaining Capacity
SOC ¼ : (2.10)
Rated Capacity

If the Ah capacity is used, the change of SOC can be expressed as

DSOC ¼ SOCðtÞ  SOCðt0 Þ ¼ iðtÞdt: (2.11)
Ah Capacity t0

SOC is a critical condition parameter for battery management. Accurate gauging

of SOC is very challenging, but the key to the healthy and safe operation of
Depth of Discharge (DOD). DOD is used to indicate the percentage of the total
battery capacity that has been discharged. For deep-cycle batteries, they can be
discharged to 80% or higher of DOD.

DOD ¼ 1  SOC: (2.12)

State of Health (SOH). SOH can be defined as the ratio of the maximum charge
capacity of an aged battery to the maximum charge capacity when the battery was
new [7]. SOH is an important parameter for indicating the degree of performance
degradation of a battery and for estimating the battery remaining lifetime.

Aged Energy Capacity

SOH ¼ : (2.13)
Rated Energy Capacity

Cycle Life (number of cycles). Cycle life is the number of discharge–charge cycles
the battery can handle at a specific DOD (normally 80%) before it fails to meet
specific performance criteria. The actual operating life of the battery is affected by
the charging and discharging rates, DOD, and other conditions such as temperature.
22 K. Young et al.

The higher the DOD, the shorter the cycle life. To achieve a higher cycle life, a
larger battery can be used for a lower DOD during normal operations.
Calendar Life. Calendar life is the expected life span of the battery under storage or
periodic cycling conditions. It can be strongly related to the temperature and SOC
during storage.
Battery Reversal. Battery reversal happens when the battery is forced to operate
under the negative voltage (voltage of positive electrode is lower than that in the
negative electrode). It can happen on a relatively weak cell in a serially connected
battery string. As the usable capacity of that particular weak cell runs out, the rest of
batteries in the same string will still continue to supply the current and force the
weak cell to reverse its voltage. The consequence of battery reversal is either a
shortening cycle life or a complete failure.
Battery Management System (BMS). BMS is a combination of sensors, controller,
communication, and computation hardware with software algorithms designed to
decide the maximum charge/discharge current and duration from the estimation of
SOC and SOH of the battery pack.
Thermal Management System (TMS). TMS is designed to protect the battery pack
from overheating and to extend its calendar life. Simple forced-air cooling TMS is
adopted for the NiMH battery, while more sophisticated and powerful liquid-
cooling is required by most of the Li-ion batteries in EV applications.

2.4 Battery Charging Methods and EV Charging Schemes

The safety, durability, and performance of batteries are highly dependent on how
they are charged or discharged. Abuse of a battery can significantly reduce its life
and can be dangerous. A current BMS includes both charging and discharging
control on-board. In the future, it will be integrated into the grid energy distribution
system. Hence, the focus here is given to the discussion on battery charging and
charging infrastructure of EVs.

2.4.1 Charging Methods

For EV batteries, there are the following common charging methods [8]:
1. Constant Voltage. Constant voltage method charges battery at a constant volt-
age. This method is suitable for all kinds of batteries and probably the simplest
charging scheme. The battery charging current varies along the charging pro-
cess. The charging current can be large at the initial stage and gradually
decreases to zero when the battery is fully charged. The drawback in this method
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 23

4.1 V or 4.2 V
Battery Voltage

Charge Current
VPRE 2.5 V – 3 V


VLPT 1 V – 1.5 V

Pre-charge Constant Constant Charge Charge

at 0.1 C current charge voltage charge complete complete
ICHG: Charge current. VT: Battery terminal voltage.
0.5C-1C can be considered as fast charge. VRECHG : Threshold voltage to start recharge.
IPRE: Pre-charge current, e.g. 0.1 C. VPRE: Voltage when pre-charge finished.
IEND: Ending charge current, e.g. 0.02 C. VLPT : Low protection threshold voltage.

Fig. 2.2 Typical Li-ion cell charge profile

is the requirement of very high power in the early stage of charging, which is not
available for most residential and parking structures.
2. Constant Current. In this charging scheme, the charging voltage applied to the
battery is controlled to maintain a constant current to the battery. The SOC will
increase linearly versus time for a constant current method. The challenge of this
method is how to determine the completeness of a charge with SOC ¼ 100%.
The cut-off can be determined by the combination of temperature raise, temper-
ature gradient raise, voltage increase, minus voltage change, and charging time.
3. The combination of constant voltage and constant current methods. During the
charging process of a battery, normally both the methods will be used. Figure 2.2
shows a charging profile of a Li-ion cell. At the initial stage, the battery can be
pre-charged at a low, constant current if the cell is not pre-charged before. Then, it
is switched to charge the battery with constant current at a higher value. When the
battery voltage (or SOC) reaches a certain threshold point, the charging is
changed to constant voltage charge. Constant voltage charge can be used to
maintain the battery voltage afterward if the DC charging supply is still available.
For EVs, it is important for batteries to be able to handle random charging due to
regenerative braking. As discussed in the previous section, the braking power of
regenerative braking can be at the level of hundred kilowatts. Safety limitation has to
be applied to guarantee the safe operation of batteries. Mechanical braking is usually
used to aid regenerative braking in EVs as a supplementary and safe measure.
24 K. Young et al.

It is also critical to know when to stop charging a battery. It would be ideal if the
battery SOC can be accurately gauged so that we can stop charging a battery when
SOC reaches a preset value (e.g., 100%). As discussed later in the chapter, it has
been a very challenging task to accurately estimate SOC. Even if the SOC of a
battery can be exactly identified, it is also needed to have some other backup
methods to stop charging. The following are some typical methods currently used
to stop a charging process.
1. Timer. It is the most typical stopping method, which can be used for any types of
battery. When a preset timer expires, the charging process is stopped.
2. Temperature Cut Off (TCO) . The charging will be stopped if the absolute
temperature of battery rises to a threshold value.
3. Delta Temperature Cut Off (DTCO). When the delta change in battery tempera-
ture exceeds the safety value, the charging will be terminated.
4. Temperature change rate dT/dt. If the temperature change rate is over the safety
threshold value, the charging process will be terminated.
5. Minimum Current (Imin). When the charging current reaches the lowest limit
Imin, the charging process stops. This method is normally incorporated with a
constant voltage charging scheme.
6. Voltage Limit. When the battery voltage reaches a threshold value, the charging
process will be terminated. This method normally goes together with a constant
current charging method.
7. Voltage Change Rate, dV/dt. The charging process stops if the battery voltage
does not change versus time, or even if it starts to drop (a negative value of
8. Voltage Drop (DV). In NiMH battery, upon completion of the charge process
(SOC ¼ 100%), the temperature of the cell starts to increase due to the recom-
bination of hydrogen and hydroxide ions and causes the cell voltage to drop. The
charging will be terminated if a preset value of the voltage drop is reached.

2.4.2 EV Charging Schemes

The success of EVs will be highly dependent on whether charging stations can be
built for easy access. This is also critical for the potential grid supports that EVs can
provide. The first place considered for charging stations should be homes and
workplaces. Other potential locations with high populations include gas stations,
shopping centers, restaurants, entertaining places, highway rest areas, municipal
facilities, and schools.
There have been various standards regarding the energy transfer, connection
interface and communication for EV charging [8, 9]. Table 2.3 summarizes some of
the standards, as also shown in Fig. 2.3. Since it is a very dynamic area, these
standards may be either updated with new revisions or replaced by new standards in
the near future.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 25

Table 2.3 Standards related to electric vehicle charging

Standard Title/description
National Electric Code Electric Vehicle Charging System
Article 625
SAE J2293 Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles
SAE J2836 Recommended Practice for Communication between Plug-in
Vehicles and Utility Grid
SAE J1772 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler
SAE J1773 Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled Charging
IEC 62196 Plugs, socket outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets—
Conductive charging of electric vehicles
IEEE 1547.3 Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

EVSE: Electric Vehicle

Electric Utility Supply Equipment
Power System
Electric Vehicle
Service Drop Energy Transfer System
Power Electronics and
Service EVSE DC Charge Motor Controller
Meter AC Charge Port Electric Drive
Port Motor
Branch Circuit
IEEE Connector

IEC Battery Charge Battery Pack with Battery

SAE Interface Management System
AC Electrical Energy DC Electrical Energy

Fig. 2.3 Electric vehicle energy transfer system applicable standards. Modified from [9]

Table 2.4 EV charging power level

Charging level Typical charging power
Level I 1.5–3 kW
Level II 10–20 kW
Level III 40 kW and up

In addition to the requirement of power quality (voltage, frequency, and

harmonics) for EVs, the utility companies are most concerned about the charging
power levels of EV. According to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Standard J1772, there are three charging levels, as shown in Table 2.4.
Level I and Level II are suitable for home. If, for example, one considers 2 kW as
the average power demand of a typical home in North America, then the charging
load of Level I is about 70–100% of the average home power consumption. The
charging power of Level II can be over 5 times higher than that of Level II.
26 K. Young et al.

Table 2.5 EV charging Features V0G V1G V2G V2B

schemes [10]
Real-time communication √ √ √
Communication with grid √ √
Timed charging √ √ √
Backup source √ √
Controllable load √ √ √
Bidirectional grid ancillary service √
Load shifting for renewables √ √

Therefore, it may be necessary to limit the charge rate to accommodate the rating of
the on-board devices. For example, Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf limit their charging
rate to 3.3 kW [2].
Level III is for fast charging, which can give an EV 300 km range in one hour
charging. The charger has to be off-board since the charging power can exceed
100 kW, which is significantly higher than Level I and Level II. It is obvious that
Level III is not suitable for home use. However, it may be a better scheme for a
company with a fleet of EVs. The total power and time that it takes to charge
a group of EVs charged together at a low level can be the same as the fast charging
of each vehicle in sequence. However, it is much more advantageous for an EV in
the fleet can be charged quickly in less than 10 min.
Table 2.5 summarizes some of the various charging schemes of EV [10]. V0G is
the most conventional one: plug in the vehicle and get it charged like any other
regular load. V1G, also called smart charging, can charge the vehicle when grid
allows or needs it to. There are communications between the grid and the vehicle.
The smart grid concept with advanced metering infrastructure fits in this application
well. Vehicles can communicate with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
devices at home through home automation network (HAN); the AMI devices then
communicate with the control center at the grid. V2G (vehicle to grid) is the most
complicated scheme. In addition to the functions of V1G, it also allows the energy
stored in the EV batteries to be delivered back to the grid for grid supports. V2B
(vehicle to building) is similar to V2G. The difference is that in V2B, the vehicle
does not communicate with the grid, but the building. The energy delivered back
from the vehicle will be limited to the building.

2.5 Battery Chemistry

Various battery chemistries have been proposed as the energy source to power
electrical vehicles since the 1990 California Zero Emission Vehicle was mandated,
which required 2 and 10% of the automobiles sold to be zero emission in 1998 and
2003, respectively. These battery chemistries included improved lead–acid,
nickel–cadmium, nickel–zinc, NiMH, zinc–bromine, zinc–chlorine, zinc–air,
sodium–sulfur, sodium–metal chloride, and, later, Li-ion batteries, with each of
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 27

these chemistries having its own advantages and disadvantages. Towards the end of
the last century, the competition between battery chemistries was resolved with
General Motor’s choice of NiMH for its EV-1 pure electrical vehicles. In the
following decade, the technology of the HEV developed by Toyota and Honda
matured and gained popularity through its combination of fuel economy, acceptable
pricing, and clean safety record. Up to this date of 2011, the leading battery
chemistry in these HEVs remains NiMH. As the concerns over greenhouse gas
emissions and fossil energy shortages grow in the recent years, the development
target has shifted from HEV to PHEV, with the eventual target being a purely
battery-powered EV. The requirement of a higher energy density in PHEVs and
EVs reopens the discussion for automobile battery technologies, giving Li-ion
battery chemistry another chance at entering the electric car battery market. In
this section, the underlying principles, the current market status, and the future
developmental trends of NiMH and Li-ion batteries are discussed.

2.5.1 Basic Operation of a Rechargeable Battery

A battery is composed of a positive electrode (holding a higher potential) and a

negative electrode (holding a lower potential) with an ion-conductive but electri-
cally insulating electrolyte in between. During charging, the positive electrode is
the anode with the reduction reaction, and the negative electrode is the cathode
with the oxidation reaction. During discharge, the reaction is reversed, and so the
positive and negative electrodes become cathode and anode electrodes, respec-
tively. As a side-note, the positive and negative electrode active materials are
also conventionally referred to as cathode and anode material, respectively. In a
sealed cell, the liquid electrolyte is held in a separator to prevent the direct short
between the two electrodes. The separator also serves as a reservoir for extra
electrolyte, a space saver allowing for electrode expansion, an ammonia trap
(in NiMH battery), and a safety device for preventing shortage due to Li-dendrite
formation (in Li-ion battery).
A schematic of the NiMH rechargeable battery is shown in Fig. 2.4. The active
material in the negative electrode is metal hydride (MH), a special type of inter-
metallic alloy that is capable of chemically absorbing and desorbing hydrogen. The
most widely used MH in NiMH today is the AB5 alloy with a CaCu5 crystal
structure, where A is a mixture of La, Ce, Pr, and Nd, and B is composed of Ni,
Co, Mn, and Al. The active material in the positive electrode is Ni(OH)2, which is
the same chemical used in the Ni–Fe and Ni–Cd rechargeable batteries patented by
Thomas Edison more than a hundred years ago. The intrinsic Ni(OH)2 has a poor
conductivity; to make up for this shortcoming, coprecipitation of other atoms,
formation of conductive network outside the particle, or multilayer coating struc-
ture is implemented in the commercial product. The separator is typically made
from grafted polyethylene (PE)/polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric. The com-
monly used electrolyte is a 30 wt.% KOH aqueous solution with a pH value of about
28 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.4 Schematic of the e– pushing by the charging unit

charging operation of a NiMH
e– e-
Negative Positive

Ni current collector
Ni current collector




H++e–+M → MH Ni(OH)2 → H++e –+NiOOH

14.3. In some special designs for particular applications, certain amounts of NaOH
and LiOH are also added into the electrolyte.
During charge, water is split into protons (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH) by the
voltage supplied from the charging unit. The proton enters the negative electrode,
neutralizes with the electron supplied by the charging unit through the current
collector, and hops between adjacent storage sites by the quantum mechanics
tunneling. The voltage is equivalent to the applied hydrogen pressure in a gas
phase reaction and will remain at a near-constant value before protons occupy all
of the available sites. OH generated by charging will add to the OH already
present in the KOH electrolyte. On the surface of the positive electrode, some OH
will recombine with protons coming from the Ni(OH)2 and form water molecules.
The complete reaction for charging is as follows:

M þ NiðOH Þ2 ! MH þ NiOOH (2.14)

Neither water nor OH is consumed; thus, no change to pH value occurs during
charge/discharge. The oxidation state of Ni in Ni(OH)2 is 2+. As protons are
consumed at the surface of the positive electrode, more protons are driven out of
the bulk from both the voltage and the concentration gradients. Losing one proton
increases the oxidation state of Ni to 3+ in NiOOH. Electrons are collected by
Ni-form or perforated Ni-plate and moved back to the charging unit to complete the
The whole process is reversed during discharge. In the negative electrode,
protons are sent to the electrolyte and recombine with the OH as electrons are
pushed to the outside load. The electrons reenter the positive electrode side of the
battery through the outside load and neutralize the protons generated from the water
split on the surface of the positive electrode.
A similar schematic with two half-cell reactions for the Li-ion battery in
charging mode is shown in Fig. 2.5. The complete reaction is
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 29

Fig. 2.5 Schematic of the e- pushing by the charging unit

charging operation of a Li-ion
e- e-
Negative Positive

Al current collector
Cu current collector



Li++e-+C6 → LiC6 LiMO2 → Li++e-+MO2

C6 þLiMO2 ! LiC6 þMO2 (2.15)

The most commonly used active material in the negative electrode is graphite.
During charging, Li ions, driven by the potential difference supplied by the
charging unit, intercalate into the interlayer region of graphite. The arrangement
of Li+ in graphite is coordinated by the surface–electrolyte–interface (SEI) layer,
which is formed during the initial activation process. The active material in the
positive electrode is a Li-containing metal oxide, which is similar to Ni(OH)2 in the
NiMH battery but replaces the hydrogen with lithium. During charging, the Li+
(similar to the H+ in NiMH) hops onto the surface, moves through the electrolyte,
and finally arrives at the negative electrode. The oxidation state of the host metal
will increase and return electrons to the outside circuitry. During discharge, the
process is reversed. Li ions now move from the intercalation sites in the negative
electrode to the electrolyte and then to the original site in the LiMO2 crystal.
The commonly used electrolyte is a mixture of organic carbonates such as ethylene
carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, and diethyl carbonate containing hexafluoro-
phosphate (LiPF6). The separator is a multilayer structure from PP, which provides
oxidation resistance, and PE, which provides a high-speed shutdown in the case
of a short.

2.5.2 USABC Goals

USABC, composed of the Big Three (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) and a few National
Laboratories belonging to the DOE, was established to develop the energy storage
technologies for fuel cell, hybrid, and electrical vehicles. In the early 1990s, a set of
performance targets was created and later modified. A few key qualitative goals
set by the USABC for both the mid and long terms are listed in Table 2.6. One
factor, specific energy, is important for the range a car can travel in one charge. The
30 K. Young et al.

Table 2.6 USABC battery performance goal

mid-term goal long-term goal Impact on vehicle performance
Specific energy (Wh/kg) 150 200 Range and weight
Energy density (Wh/l) 230 300 Range and size
Specific discharge 300 400 Acceleration and weight
power (W/kg)
Discharge power 460 600 Acceleration and size
density (W/l)
Specific regenerative 150 200 Energy saving and weight
power (W/kg)
Regenerative power (W/l) 230 300 Energy saving and size
Life (years) 10 10 Life-cycle cost
Life cycles 1,000 1,000 Life-cycle cost
Operation temperature ( C) 40 to þ50 40 to 85 Life of battery
Selling price ($/kWh) 150 100 Acquisition and replacement costs

typical energy required for a car to drive a mile ranges from 0.25 kWh (GM’s EV-1)
to 0.30 (GM’s Volt) and 0.33 kWh (Tesla’s Roadstar). As an example calculation,
a 200-l (50 gallons) battery pack with an energy density of 230 Wh/l can store
46 kWh of energy and travel 200 miles between charges. Another factor, power
density, is important for acceleration and for the collection of regenerative energy
from braking. The battery pack mentioned above, assuming a discharge power
density of 460 W/l, can generate 92 kW (123 hp), which is acceptable for a typical
passenger car.
With the exception of specific energy and selling price, all of the USABC
mid-term goals were reached by the first-generation of Ovonic Battery Company’s
NiMH battery, which was installed on the EV-1. The specific energy of NiMH battery
then was about 80 Wh/kg at the cell level, with the estimated cost at high volume
production at $800/kWh. The near-term specific energy of 150 Wh/kg is still consid-
ered a formidable challenge for even today’s top Li-ion battery used for propulsion
purpose. The near-term cost target of $150/kWh remains unachievable but is becom-
ing more attainable with improvements in today’s technology.
The long-term goal of the USABC was set to replace conventional internal
combustion engine cars with EVs; this attitude is reflected in the long-term goals
set for battery specifications. For the same performance as the previously calculated
example (46 kWh capacity battery and 123 hp electric motor), the weight of the
battery can be reduced from 306 kg (when made with USABC’s mid-term goal
battery specifications) to 230 kg (when made with USABC’s long-term goal battery
specifications). Reductions in both the battery pack volume (200 to 152 l) and the
selling price ($6,750 to $4,600) are also listed as long-term goals. These long-term
goals are still challenging with today’s technology.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 31

Table 2.7 Comparison of HEV batteries from volume production

NiMH NiMH Li-ion Comment
Manufacturer PEVE PEVE Hitachi
Shape Prismatic Prismatic Cylindrical
Case material Plastic Metal Metal Metal case in NiMH
improves 40%
cooling performance
Cathode Ni(OH)2 Ni(OH)2 LiMn2O4
Anode Rare earth Rare earth Amorphous
AB5 AB5 carbon
Cell capacity (Ah) 6.5 6.5 4.4
Cell voltage (V) 1.2 1.2 3.3 Plastic-cased NiMH
is a 6-cell module
and the metal-cased
NiMH is a 8-cell model
Specific energy (Wh/kg) 46 41 56
Specific output 1,300 1,200 3,000
power (W/kg)
Operation temperature 20 to þ50 20 to þ50 30 to þ50
( C)
Market Toyota- Toyota- GM-HEV
HEV HEV (2012)

2.5.3 Performance Comparison Between NiMH

and Li-Ion Batteries in PHEV

While many exciting results are being presented on the performance of emerging
battery technologies, the majority of them come from laboratory reports based on
small-scale test runs. In order to fairly compare the performances of NiMH and
Li-on, the batteries currently in mass production by two reputable manufacturers
were selected. Key performance statistics from the NiMH battery by Primearth EV
Energy Co. [11] and the Li-ion battery by Hitachi Vehicle Energy Ltd. [12] are
listed in Table 2.7. Two types of NiMH batteries, plastic and metal-cased, are shown
here. The latter was introduced to trade 10% of the energy and power densities for a
40% improvement in cooling efficiency. A quick glance through the data reveals
that the advantages of Li-ion are obvious: higher specific energy and output power.
However, with a closer look at the comparison of specific energies, the superi-
ority of Li-ion is limited at the current development stage. At the cell level, the
specific energy of Li-ion is about 20% higher than that of NiMH. However, after
taking the two batteries’ cooling mechanisms into consideration, the air-cooled
NiMH may have a higher specific energy at the system level since, in order to
optimize its service life, the Li-ion battery requires a powerful liquid-cooling
structure that adds the weights of the coolant, compressor, evaporator, and control-
ler to the system weight. Moreover, the battery management system for NiMH is on
the system level, making it simpler and lighter than Li-ion’s management system,
which demands precise control at the cell level. An additional concern is that Li-ion
32 K. Young et al.

needs to be overdesigned to overcome its short calendar life issue (as seen in the
GM Volt where only 50–70% of its energy is “usable” to ensure it has an acceptable
calendar life), while NiMH does not. From the more practical perspective of
looking on the car level, the current Li-ion (battery pack) does not necessarily
provide a higher specific energy. This observation explains the difference in driving
range between the recently developed Li-ion battery powered Nissan Leaf EV
(80–100 miles) and the fifteen-year-old NiMH battery powered EV-1 (180 miles).
Another point that needs to be addressed is the comparison in power perfor-
mance. The data shown in the table compare the two batteries’ output power, which
assists the engine in PHEV during acceleration. As for input power, both NiMH and
Li-ion batteries have the same impedance during charge and discharge, as opposed
to the lead–acid battery, which has a charging impedance three times higher than its
discharge impedance. Theoretically, a Li-ion battery should be able to take in
3,000 W/kg power during braking. However, in the modern Li-ion battery manage-
ment systems, a safety factor of 3 is normally applied in order to reduce the risk of
Li-dendrite formation and excessive heating of the battery. Therefore, in real cases,
the maximum input power for Li-ion is limited to 1,000 W/kg at the cell level, with
that number being further decreased after considering the added weight from the
cooling system and controller.
From the published data, there seems to be little difference between NiMH and
Li-ion batteries in power and energy performance. However, other factors such as
calendar life, cycle life under realistic conditions, and, most importantly, abuse
tolerance in aged battery packs (which may show the dangerousness of a degraded
SEI layer in the Li-ion battery) are not available. Fair comparisons of these
additional factors may be made only after the Li-ion battery technology has been
used for many years, which may not be until the year 2022 when the GM PHEV
celebrates its ten-year anniversary.

2.5.4 Current Status of Battery in Automobile Applications

NiMH batteries, mainly made by Sanyo and Primearth EV Energy Co. (PEVE),
dominate the mass production lines of today’s HEVs. While batteries from PEVE
are prismatic (rectangular shaped), those made by Sanyo are cylindrical (standard
D-size). Other NiMH manufacturers are entering the HEV market now, including
Gold Peak, Corun, and TMK; however, both endurance and product consistency
have yet to be proven for the batteries of these newcomers.
In PHEVs, a relatively new application for batteries, both Gold Peak (NiMH)
and A123 (LiFePO4) supply batteries for third parties to produce range extenders
for the Prius. GM introduced the first commercial purpose-built PHEV built at the
end of 2010 with batteries from LG Chemical (LiMn2O4). More prototype PHEVs
made by various car manufacturers and OEMs use either Li-ion or NiMH to provide
part of the power source.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 33

Table 2.8 Li-ion battery cathode and anode material comparison

capacity, Voltage vs.
Material mAh/g L+/Li, V Characteristics
LiCoO2 160 3.7 Most commonly used in consumer product, good capacity
and cycle life, but expensive and unsafe upon fast-charge
LiMn2O4 130 4.0 Most commonly used in automobile, low cost, acceptable
rate capability, poor cycle and
calendar life
LiFePO4 140 3.3 Low cost, improved abuse tolerance, good cycle life and
power capability, but low capacity and calendar life
NMC 180 4.2 Lowest cost, high capacity, life is less than NCA
NCA 185 4.2 Highest capacity, low cost, but safety concerns
Graphite 372 0.0–0.1 Most commonly used in all applications, low cost
LTO 168 1.0–2.0 Highest cycle and calendar life, but costly and low
in energy density
Silicon 3,700 0.5–1.0 Still in research stage, high energy, but large volume
expansion during charging needed to be solved

Besides the obsolete EV-1, there are currently two pure EVs available on the
market. One is the luxury Roadster (retailing for $109,000 in the USA) introduced
by Tesla Motors; it is equipped with 6,831 small cylindrical Li-ion (LiMn2O4)
batteries (size 18650) in 2008. The other is the Nissan Leaf (retailing for $32,780 in
the USA), which has 192 prismatic Li-ion (LiMn2O4) cells from AESC.
While the chemistry of NiMH batteries was finalized fifteen years ago, this is not
so for the Li-ion batteries for propulsion applications: the debate over which
cathode or anode materials are better is still continuing. The issue is that none of
the candidates are perfect; moreover, there are patent issues for a few key
chemistries. Table 2.8 lists a few major candidates for cathode and anode materials.
Among the cathode materials, LiCoO2 is the most popular one used in today’s
notebook computer, but it is notorious for catching on fire. LiMn2O4, widely used in
cell phones, is low in specific energy and poor in both cycle life and calendar life.
LiFePO4, with improvements in both abuse tolerance and power capability, also
suffers from low energy (both capacity and voltage) and short calendar life. Both Li
(Ni, Mn, Co)O2 (NMC) and Li(Ni, Co, Al)O2 (NCA) are new additions to the list,
but still have concerns in calendar life and abuse tolerance.
Among the anode materials, graphite is the most common. Although graphite
has a relatively high specific energy and a low cost, it has an unstable SEI layer
[13], especially at higher SOCs and elevated temperatures (>40 C), which causes
severe performance degradation, especially in the output power. Li4Ti5O12 (LTO)
or the similar Li–Ti oxides provide solutions to both the cycle life and calendar life
issues of graphite; however, the specific capacity of LTO is only half of that of
graphite, and its half-cell potential is at least 1.0 V higher than graphite.
The specific energy is determined by both the specific capacity in Ah and the
voltage of the cell. The voltage of a cell is the difference in potentials between
34 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.6 Half-cell potentials 5.0

of active material in Li-ion 4.5

Half-cell Potential vs. Li+/Li

battery NMC, NCA
4.0 LiMn2O4
3.5 LiCoO2
1.5 Li4Ti5O12
0.0 Graphite

cathode and anodes. The potentials of the materials listed in Table 2.8 are plotted
in Fig. 2.6 to address the issue of cell voltage. The combination optimized for the
greatest abuse tolerance (LiFePO4 + LTO) gives a cell voltage of 1.9 V, which is
less than half of 4.0 V, the voltage obtained from other combinations. Safer Li-ion
batteries come at the cost of having significantly lower specific energy than unsafe
ones do. Today, the balance between performance and safety remains a major
challenge to the implementation of Li-ion technology in the propulsion

2.5.5 Development Trend of Battery Used in EV

The Regone plot (specific energy vs. specific power) shown in Fig. 2.7 summarizes
the current status and the future outlook of batteries in propulsion application.
While the advantages of Li-ion over NiMH and lead–acid in both specific energy
and power are obvious, the potential of super-capacitors in very high power
applications cannot be overlooked. One developmental effort will be to combine
the superior specific energy offered by the battery with the superior specific power
offered by the super-capacitor. The super-capacitor so offers a cache energy for fast
access and shields the battery from very fast fluctuation [14].
The USABC requirements for HEV, PHEV, and BEV [15] are described in
Fig. 2.7. While both the HEV and PHEV goals are either already reached or are
close to being accomplished by both Li-ion and NiMH batteries, the goals for BEV
are far beyond today’s technology. The following paragraph is a review of the
developmental trend of BEV battery in three different systems: NiMH, Li-ion, and
metal–air batteries.
The current research on NiMH for EV application is focused on the following
areas: MH alloy, g-phase NiOOH, nonaqueous electrolyte, and bipolar structure.
While the first two areas aim at reaching higher specific energies, the other two
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 35

MH-air target Li-air target

Specific Energy (Wh/kg)

100 h 10 h 1h 0.1 h
BEV goal
NiMH PHEV goal
Lead-acid 36 s

HEV goal

3.6 s

1 10 100 1000 10000
Acceleration Specific Power (W/kg)

Fig. 2.7 Regone plot of a few electrochemical energy storage devices used in the propulsion

target higher power densities. The currently used AB5 MH alloy has a hydrogen
storage capability of 1.2 wt.%, which is equivalent to an electrochemical storage of
322 mAh/g. The potential replacements for AB5 are A2B7 (1.5 wt.%), AB2
(2.0 wt.%), Ti–V–Cr solid solution (3.0 wt.%) and MgNi-based alloy (3.6 wt.%).
A half-cell capacity of over 790 mAh/g was demonstrated from the combination of
melt-spin and mechanical alloying for MgNi [15]. In the positive active material,
the current b-Ni(OH)2-NiOOH transition can supply one hydrogen per Ni, while g-
NiOOH can supply up to 1.7 hydrogen per Ni. The conventional g-NiOOH is
obtained by inserting water molecules together with some anions between the
NiO2 planes, which causes a large lattice expansion and deteriorates the cycle
life. New g-phase can be formed without expanding the lattice by doping the host
Ni(OH)2 matrix with other elements [16]. In the electrolyte, the operation voltage of
current NiMH batteries is limited by the electrolysis of H2O. Replacing water-based
electrolyte with proton-conducting liquid gel or solid membrane enables the use of
positive and negative active materials with much higher voltages. Recent reports on
some oxide films capable of storing hydrogen are promising [17–19]. The last
research area for NiMH is the bipolar structure. Although the theoretical charge/
discharge rate of NiMH is very high, it is limited by the heat transfer in the cell. By
adopting a bipolar structure with cooling water running through the connection
plate, Kawasaki is able to increase the power capability of NiMH substantially [20].
G4 Synergetic is also working on a special design of bipolar NiMH battery [21].
Current research endeavors in Li-ion battery for EV application are similar to
those of NiMH: new high capacity metal oxide cathode, high capacity anode, and
new electrolyte with high oxidation potential. In the cathode material, only about
50% of the Li is currently pulled out during each charge operation. With high
charging voltage, more Li can be transferred to the anode, and the capacity can be
increased. In the anode area, Si has a very high theoretical capacity (about ten times
36 K. Young et al.

that of graphite); however, the lattice expansion after a full charge can be as high as
270%. Alloying Si with an inert ingredient or depositing Si onto some types of
supporting structures may be feasible solutions for realizing the ultrahigh capacity
of Si. The third area of interest is the electrolyte: similar to the case of NiMH, the
cell voltage of Li-ion battery is limited to 4.2 V at which the solvent starts to be
oxidized. The adoption of a new electrolyte with a higher oxidation potential will
enable the use of high-voltage cathodes, such as LiCoPO4 [22] and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4
[23], which can increase the specific energy.
The last approach is about the metal–air batteries. Replacing the positive elec-
trode with an air electrode from the fuel cell can substantially reduce the weight of
the battery and increase both specific power and energy. This is a feasible approach
to achieve the USABC EV goal. Both the potential goals of Li–air and MH–air
batteries are indicated in Fig. 2.7. In this arena, Ovonic Battery Company has
shown a prototype of MH–air battery capable of delivering 200 Wh/kg [24], and
MIT has demonstrated a Li–air battery with a specific energy as high as
2,500 Wh/kg [25].

2.6 Battery Modeling

Battery modeling forms the basis of and stands as an effective tool for battery
design, manufacturing, and control. It is particularly important for battery charac-
terization (such as SOC and SOH estimation) and battery management since the
model development is logically the first step in developing any system identifica-
tion and state estimation algorithms.
Extensive research has been carried out on battery modeling and a variety of
models have been developed from different aspects and for different purposes
[26–47, 55]. The most common models can be generally classified into two groups:
electrochemical models and equivalent circuit models. Detailed electrochemical
models are normally targeted for the fundamental, physical aspects of batteries and
most of them are static models. Some of these models are developed using finite
element analysis to investigate the complexity of the electrochemical processes
inside a battery. They are suitable for battery design, but not appropriate for
dynamic simulation studies over a long time. On the other hand, electric circuit
models are normally lumped-parameter models and developed for long-time simu-
lation studies. Electrical engineers favor electric circuit models since the models are
more intuitive and can be incorporated with other circuit devices for circuit design
and simulation studies.
For the studies of EV system integration, control, optimization, and the inter-
connection of EVs to grid, lumped-parameter models are well-received. In those
studies, the battery terminal and overall characteristics and dynamics including
voltage, current, temperature, and SOC are more of interest than the detailed
electrochemical reactions inside the battery. In this subsection, the focus is given
to lumped-parameter circuit models of battery. Equivalent circuit models,
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 37


Cb R1c v

Cb = battery capacitance, Rp = self-discharge resistance, or insulation resistance,

R2c = internal resistance for charge, R2d = internal resistance for discharge,
R1c = overvoltage resistance for charge, R1d = overvoltage resistance for discharge,
C1 = overvoltage capacitance.

Fig. 2.8 Equivalent circuit model of battery reported in [36]. Cb ¼ battery capacitance,
Rp ¼ self-discharge resistance, or insulation resistance, R2c ¼ internal resistance for charge,
R2d ¼ internal resistance for discharge, R1c ¼ overvoltage resistance for charge, R1d ¼ overvolt-
age resistance for discharge, C1 ¼ overvoltage capacitance

consisting of electrical circuit components such as capacitors, resistors, diodes, and

voltage sources, can be readily developed using electric circuit simulation software
such as PSpice. Other types of models, given in algebraic or differential equations,
may be more suitable for a generic simulation environment such as Matlab/
Simulink. Matlab also released a generic battery model in its SimPowersystems
toolbox [46, 68]. Nevertheless, an equivalent circuit model can be easily converted
into other model formats. The choice of model representation will be determined by
the matter of convenience and the simulation tools available.

2.6.1 Equivalent Circuit Models of Battery

Ideally, a battery can be represented as an ideal voltage source, which we have seen
in various “electric circuit” textbooks. A more practical way but still ideal is to
model battery using a resistive Thevenin equivalent circuit: a voltage in series with
a resistor. These two are the simplest types of models and have been widely used in
electric circuit analysis and design. However, they are oversimplified and cannot
give any detailed and accurate information about the battery operation and perfor-
mance such as the battery SOC, thermodynamics, etc. More advanced circuit
models have been proposed for batteries.
A validated electrical circuit battery model, shown in Fig. 2.8, was reported in
[36]. The diodes in the model are all ideal and just used to select different resistances
for charging and discharging states. The values of model parameters (capacitances
and resistances) defined in Fig. 2.8 are functions of actual electrochemical reactions
38 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.9 NREL battery model [47]

and temperature dependent [36]. A least square algorithm and a temperature com-
pensation formula were used to accommodate the variations [36].

BE ¼ k1 exp ½k2 ðVm  Voc Þk3 ; (2.16)

where BE represents the battery elements modeled in Fig. 2.8; Vm is the mean
voltage level; Voc is the open circuit voltage; and k1, k2, and k3 are the factors
determined by the least square algorithm. For instance, the battery capacitance can
be represented as Cb ¼ k1;cb exp½k2;cb ðVm  14:0Þk3;cb  when the Voc is 14 V.
Quantities k1,cb, k2,cb, and k3,cb are the empirical factors determined by the actual
data via the least square curve fitting [36].
The temperature effect on resistors was compensated using
 TrefT T
R ref
TC ¼ ; (2.17)

where TC is the temperature compensation factor, R is the resistance at temperature

T, and Rref is the resistance value at the reference temperature Tref.
The model given in Fig. 2.8 was developed for lead acid batteries, but it can be
extended to model other types of battery. However, the model does not provide a
way to estimate the SOC of battery. Though the parameters can be adjusted for
different operating conditions, the correction given in (2.14) and (2.15) may not be
accurate, which may limit the applications of the model.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) also developed an electric
circuit model for batteries, as a part of its ADVISOR tool package [47]. The
model, shown in Fig. 2.9, is basically a RC network. The model contains two
capacitors (Cb and Cc) and three resistors (Rb, Rc, and R). The capacitor Cb models
the main storage capacity of the battery. The capacitor Cc captures the fast
charge–discharge aspect of the battery and is much smaller than Cb.
The electric circuit model can be converted into other model formats for the
convenience of simulation. For example, the circuit model in Fig. 2.9 can be
expressed using a state space model. The electric circuit and thermodynamic
variables in the circuit model are defined in Table 2.9.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 39

Table 2.9 Variables used Symbols Description

in the NREL circuit model
of battery v Terminal voltage (V)
i Terminal current (A)
vb Voltage of the capacitor Cb (V)
ib Current through the capacitor Cb (A)
vc Voltage of the capacitor Cc (V)
ic Current through the capacitor Cc (A)
Ta Air temperature ( C)
T Cell temperature ( C)
qc Conducting heat transfer rate (W)
qb Heat transfer rate generated by the battery cell (W)
qac Air conditioning forced heat transfer rate (W)
RT Equivalent thermal resistance ( C/W)
CT Equivalent heat capacitance (J/ C)
 ¼1, charge
¼0, discharge

The following basic circuit equations can be obtained for the circuit:
> Cb v_ b ¼ ib
< Cc v_ c ¼ ic
vb  ib Rb ¼ vc  ic Rc : (2.18)
> i ¼ ib þ ic
v ¼ vc  ic Rc  iR

The battery thermal model is represented by a lumped first-order equation with

linear dynamics:
< T  Ta
qc ¼
RT : (2.19)
: _
CT T ¼ qb  qc  qac

The parameters of the components are functions of the SOC and battery temper-
ature (T). In addition, the resistance also depends on whether the battery is in
“charge” or “discharge” mode. The overall SOC is a weighted combination of the
states of charge on Cb and Cc:

S ¼ ab Sb þ ac Sc ; (2.20)

where ab + ac ¼ 1. In the NREL model, ab ¼ 20/21 and ac ¼ 1/21 [47]. Sb and Sc

are functions of vb and vc, i.e., Sb ¼ gb(vb) and Sc ¼ gc(vc), respectively. The circuit
parameters can be expressed in general as
40 K. Young et al.

Rb ¼ fRb ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ; Rc ¼ fRc ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ; R ¼ fR ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ;

: (2.21)
Cb ¼ fCb ðvb ; vc ; T Þ; Cc ¼ fCc ðvb ; vc ; T Þ

These condition-dependent parameters can be experimentally established or

identified through system identification methods as discussed later in this chapter.
Choose vb, vc, and T as the state variables; inputs are i (battery current), Ta (air
temperature), qb (battery cell generated heat flow rate), and qac (convective heat
flow rate due to cooling air); and outputs are v (terminal voltage), S (the overall
SOC), and the battery temperature (T). The state space representation of the model
can be obtained as
> vb  vc Rc
> v_b ¼ þ i
> ðR þ R ÞC ðR þ Rc ÞCb
b c b b
> ¼ f1 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ þ g1 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ
> vc  vb Rb
> v_ c ¼ þ i
> ðRb þ Rc ÞCc ðRb þ Rc ÞCc
< ¼ f2 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ þ g2 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ
1 1 1 1 : (2.22)
> T_ ¼ qb  Tþ Ta  qac
> Rb vc þ Rc vb Rb R c
> v¼  þR i
> Rb þ R c Rb þ R c
> ¼ h1 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ þ m1 ðvb ; vc ; T; Þ
> S ¼ ab Sb þ ac Sc
T ¼ ½0 0 1½vb vc T0

Denote the state vector by x ¼ ½vb ; vc ; T0 , input vector u ¼ ½i; Ta ; qb ; qac 0 ; and
output vector y ¼ ½v; S; T0 . The state space model can be rewritten in general as
x_ ¼ f ðx; Þ þ gðx; Þu
: (2.23)
y ¼ hðx; Þ þ mðx; Þu

The system given in (2.23) is a nonlinear system in an affine form. It is also a

hybrid system since  is a discrete value for “charge” or “discharge” mode opera-
tion of a battery.

2.6.2 Future Development Needs of Circuit Model for Batteries

It would be desirable to have a comprehensive, unified electrical model that is

developed based on physical properties of battery cells. The model should have the
capability to estimate SOC and SOH accurately. A conceptual, unified model with
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 41

Main Circuit


SOC Sub-model RTR1_D RTR2_D

RS Ibatt
VSOC (0) CCapacity


Ibatt CTR1_D CTR2_D

VOC = f (VSOC, T, VSOH, sgn(Ibatt))

SOH Sub-model VSOH Sub-model RT/2 RT/2
VSOH (0) CCapacity




RT = Thermal Resistance
Ch = Heat Capacity

Fig. 2.10 A conceptual unified electrical circuit model of battery

the above desired features, shown in Fig. 2.10, consists of four parts: Main circuit,
thermodynamic, SOC, and SOH sub-models.
In the main circuit sub-model, the charging and discharging processes will have
different transient paths selected by the two diodes. The two RC circuits in either
path are used to model the dynamic responses to load transients. For example, in the
discharging path (denoted with subscript “D” in the figure), RTR_1_D and CTR_1_D
are for a slow transient response, while RTR_2_D and CTR_2_D are for a faster one.
The open circuit voltage VOC is a function of SOC, SOH, and the battery tempera-
ture. VOC will be obtained based on physical electrochemical properties of batteries.
The circuit component values (R values and C values) are all functions of SOC,
SOH, and temperature in general. The circuit values can be estimated through the
state estimation method discussed later in the chapter.
The SOC and SOH sub-models will be used to indicate the SOC of a battery and
to predict its SOH. VSOC ¼ 1 V corresponds to 100% of SOC and 0 V to 0%. The
SOC will decrease as the battery is being discharged or self-discharges.
The capacity capacitance (CCapacity) is one of the most important parameters
in the circuit model and its value is a function of SOC, SOH, and battery tempera-
ture. CCapacity and other important parameters including the initial values of VSOC
and VSOH, self-discharging resistance (RSelf-Discharging), and lifetime deterioration
equivalent resistance RSOH will also be experimentally determined or estimated by
the state estimation method and can be loaded externally before the simulation.
42 K. Young et al.

The analogies between the thermodynamic and electrical quantities [48] are
employed to develop the thermodynamic sub-model. The input current source
represents the battery loss, which can be simply estimated as PLoss ¼ jVOC  Vbatt j
Ibatt . The thermal resistance (RT) due to air convection is split into half in the
circuit and Ch is the lumped heat capacity of the battery. In Fig. 2.10, the constant
voltage source ET represents the environmental temperature, and the voltage across
the capacitance (Ch) is the overall temperature of the battery.
It is a very challenging task to develop a model that is capable of predicting SOH
and gauging SOC. At the same time, for investigating EVs as part of the grid,
modularity of the model is also very important. A battery model needs either to be
modular or upgradable so that a large battery system model can be readily devel-
oped based on the module model without fundamental changes. Future research
efforts are required to address these needs in battery modeling.

2.7 Run-Time Battery Characterization and Management

Battery management systems (BMS) make decisions on charge/discharge rates on

the basis of load demands, cell voltage, current, and temperature measurements,
and estimated battery SOC, capacity, impedance, etc. Within these variables, the
SOC is the most critical indicator. This is especially important for Li-ion batteries
since their overcharge can accelerate battery degradation, catch fire, or, in a worst-
case scenario, even cause explosion. On the other hand, over-discharge can result in
loss of capacity and shortening of cell life. In EV applications, frequent charge/
discharge cycles are common. To maintain the capability of absorbing returning
energy from regenerative braking and large torque delivery in fast vehicle acceler-
ation or cold-start, the SOC must be sustained in a middle range such as 40–75%.

2.7.1 SOC Estimation [69]

At present, most BMS rely on cell voltage regulation as a means of controlling

SOC. This becomes more difficult for Li-ion batteries since their cell voltages vary
only slightly in the middle range (before the “knee section” of the voltage-capacity
curve). Consequently, many modified methods have been introduced and explored
to improve SOC estimation. Typical methods include inverse mapping using the
SOC-to-voltage characterization curves, computation of amp-hours by using load
current integration, impedance measurements, and more advanced extended
Kalman filtering (EKF) [49–53].
Here, an adaptive SOC observer that uses gain-scheduled pole placement
design is described [69]. A special case of the general model representation given
in (2.23) is a battery model that can be described by a state space model with
a linear state equation and a nonlinear output equation, given below in (2.24).
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 43

Fig. 2.11 Nonadaptive observer design under a constant discharge current [69]

An example model of (2.24) is the battery model in the SimPowerSystems Toolbox

in Matlab/Simulink [47, 68].

x_ ¼ Ax þ BiðtÞ;
v ¼ f ðx; iÞ;

where the input is the current load i, the output is the cell voltage v, and the state
variable x contains SOC as one of its component. As a result, SOC estimation is
now a state observation problem. The adaptive state observer has the structure

x~_ ¼ A~
x þ BiðtÞ  Lð~
v  vÞ;
v~ ¼ f ð~
x; iÞ:

Here, the observer feedback gain matrix L is adjusted according to the estimated
state. This is called a gain-scheduled feedback which is a special scheme of
adaptation. Consequently, this observer is adaptive. The gain matrix L is designed,
for each estimated state, such that the state estimation error e ¼ x~  x has a stable
dynamics, namely, it approaches zero asymptotically. One possible design is to
place the poles of the closed-loop system for the error dynamics at selected stable
locations (in the left half of the complex plane). This is called pole placement
design [54]. Together, this becomes a gain-scheduled SOC estimator.
To illustrate its utility, the demonstration Li-ion model in the
SimPowerSystems Toolbox in Matlab/Simulink for such battery models [47, 68]
is used. Figure 2.11 provides the evidence why nonadaptive observers with a
constant matrix L are not adequate for SOC estimation. Figure 2.12 demonstrates
44 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.12 Adaptive SOC observer design under a constant discharge current [69]

Fig. 2.13 Nonadaptive observer design under a cyclic charge/discharge current [69]

the accuracy of an adaptive SOC estimator. Similar comparison can be made

between nonadaptive observer design in Fig. 2.13 and adaptive design in Fig. 2.14
for tracking the SOC in a cyclic charge–discharge operation. Further details of this
methodology can be found in [54].
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 45

Fig. 2.14 Adaptive observer design under a cyclic charge/discharge current [69]

2.7.2 Run-Time and Cell-Level Individualized Battery


An EV battery system consists of many battery cells, which always have different
characteristics. When manufacturers package battery cells into packs, efforts are
often made to group cells of similar capacity and characteristics (often from
the same batch) so that cell-to-cell variations are minimized for new battery
packs. However, battery cells change with time and operating conditions due to a
variety of factors such as aging, operational conditions, and chemical property
variations. Consequently, during operating cycles over an extended time, SOC,
battery health, remaining life, charge and discharge resistance, and capacitance
demonstrate nonlinear and time-varying dynamics [49, 51, 55–57]. Consequently,
for enhanced battery management, reliable system diagnosis, and improved power
efficiency, it is desirable to capture individualized characteristics of each battery
cell and produce updated models in real time. This is a problem of system identifi-
cation [58, 59].
To facilitate model updating during run time, we first represent a linearized
battery model in its input/output form, namely, a transfer function [60]. Since most
battery models are either first-order or second-order and involve an integration of
the input current, the typical form is

VðsÞ d1 s2 þ d2 s þ 1
¼ : (2.26)
IðsÞ c1 s2 þ c2 s
46 K. Young et al.

This can be conveniently modified to

IðsÞ=s c1 s þ c2
HðsÞ ¼ ¼ : (2.27)
VðsÞ d1 s þ d 2 s þ 1

This step relates the total charge or discharge to the voltage and makes the
transfer function strictly proper, which is more suitable for system identification.
H(s) is then discretized for a given sampling interval, which is usually the actual
sampling interval of the data acquisition system for the battery system, although
other choices can be accommodated. This leads to a discrete-time system of
transformed input–output variables u and y:

YðzÞ b1 z þ b2
¼ ; (2.28)
UðzÞ z2 þ a1 z þ a2

which can be equivalently written in a regression form:

yk ¼ a1 yk1  a2 yk2 þ b1 uk1 þ b2 uk2 ¼ fTk y: (2.29)

Here, fTk ¼ ½yk1 ; yk2 ; uk1 ; uk2  is called the regressor which is updated by
the measurement data at each sampling time and yT ¼ ½a1 ; a2 ; b1 ; b2  is the model
parameter vector that is to be updated. This regression form allows us to apply
many standard identification algorithms and analyze their accuracy, convergence,
and convergence speed, which are essential properties to ensure that updated
models are authentic and accurate. For example, one may choose to use the
Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimation algorithm, as reported in [58].
To illustrate, the RLS estimation was applied to update the model parameters for
the battery system in [47]. The model parameters are identified and the model
output is compared to the true system. Convergence of parameter estimates are
shown in Fig. 2.15.

2.7.3 Cell Balancing

Cell balancing is an essential function of BMS, especially for Li-ion batteries

[61–64]. To supply required voltages, battery cells must be connected in series.
During charge and discharge, each cell in the string will be subject to the same
current, but will have different SOCs due to several factors. First, cells have
different capacities. Even if the manufacturer makes the best effort to match
capacities for new cells, nonuniform operating conditions impose different thermal
and electrical stress on cells, causing changes in capacities. Although Li-ion cells
have small self-discharge, small differences can accumulate over time, causing
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 47

Fig. 2.15 Comparison of the model parameter estimates and the true model parameters
(a simulated battery system with parameters established from lab experiments by NREL)

different SOCs even for cells with nearly identical capacities. Furthermore,
variations in internal impedance and material aging inevitably lead to nonuniform
cell characteristics. To protect the cells from overheat, overcharge, and
overdischarge, the operation of the string is fundamentally limited by the weakest
cell, the one reaches SOC upper and lower boundaries first. Such an imbalance
prevents cells to supply their capacities fully, and consequently limits the battery
run time, SOH, and life cycles.
Cell balancing aims to reduce SOC imbalances within a string by controlling the
SOCs of the cells so that they become approximately equal. This can be achieved by
dissipating energy from the cells of higher SOCs to shunt resistor (Fig. 2.16), or
shuffling energy from the highest SOC cell to the lowest SOC cell (Fig. 2.17), or by
incremental cell balancing through paired cells in stages [61–64].
The shunt resistor circuit in Fig. 2.16 is the simplest structure for cell balancing.
When a cell’s SOC is evaluated to be higher than others, its bypass circuit is turned
on and the cell is discharged to reduce its SOC. The energy is lost as heat through
the shunt resistor during the balancing. As a result, this cell balancing structure
reduces battery efficiency. In contrast, the energy shuffling circuit in Fig. 2.17 will
connect the cell with the highest SOC in the string to its balancing capacitor and
charge the capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor is then shuffled to the next
48 K. Young et al.

Balancing Circuit

Cell 1 R1


Cell 2
R2 Battery

S2 Management


Cell n


Fig. 2.16 Cell balancing through bypass resistors

Balancing Circuit Balancing Circuit

Cell 1

Cell 2 S12 Battery

C2 Management

S22 System
Cell 3

Fig. 2.17 Cell balancing through energy shuffling via capacitors

cell. This operation is repeated through the string to distribute gradually the energy
from the cell with the highest SOC to other cells in the string. This balancing
strategy increases battery efficiency, but incurs higher costs and longer time to
finish the balancing process.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 49

There are some principal design considerations and tradeoffs when cell balancing
circuits are configured.
1. Speed of Balancing: It is always desirable to complete cell balancing as fast as
possible. The downside of fast balancing is that the power rating of the balancing
circuits will increase, causing higher loss and heat generation which in turn
demands additional and costly thermal management. This also will make pack-
aging more complicated.
2. Energy Efficiency: Dissipating energy to shunt resistors is a total energy loss, as
shown in Fig. 2.16. As a result, it is only a viable choice for balancing of cells
when the voltage deviations among cells are relatively small. However, such
balancing circuits are very simple and sometimes the switching circuits and
control can be integrated in ICs (integrated circuits). In contrast, energy shuffling
can reduce significantly the energy loss, but requires additional energy storage
components such as capacitors (or inductors) together with their power electron-
ics and control functions, shown in Fig. 2.17. These increase costs and sizes with
more sophisticated management systems.
3. Voltage Balancing: Although the intention of cell balancing is justifiably to
equalize SOCs, for run-time implementation accurate SOC estimation and
capacity determination are difficult. Consequently, many existing cell balancing
systems are actually cell voltage balancing circuits. In other words, by compar-
ing cell voltages, the balancing circuits try to equalize cell terminal voltages.
This technology has fundamental drawbacks. Since terminal voltages are
affected by cell impedances which are partially the reason for cell imbalance,
equalizing terminal voltages will leave open-circuit voltages uneven when the
cells are being charged or discharged at the same time. Since the open-circuit
voltage is a better indicator of SOCs, terminal voltage balancing is always
subject to imbalance on SOCs. In addition, the characteristic curves (terminal
voltage vs. depth of charge/discharge) vary from cell to cell. When a cell ages,
the cell voltage will be a poor indicator of its SOC. This is an acute problem for
Li-ion batteries since their characteristic curves are quite flat in the normal
operating ranges. This remains an active R&D area for manufacturers and
research communities.

2.8 Battery Aggregation

The limited power capability of individual EVs prevents the direct participation of
individual EVs in electricity markets. The integration of DER units using aggrega-
tion under the Virtual Power Plant (VPP) concept enables their visibility to the
System Operator (SO) and so supports their market participation [65, 66]. In what
follows, a classification of different VPP realizations is given and three VPP control
architectures are introduced [67].
50 K. Young et al.

resource type
Direct resource
control aggregation
resource type

resource type
VPP Hierarchical resource
subcategories control aggregation
resource type

resource type
Distributed resource
control aggregation
resource type

Fig. 2.18 Classification of different VPP realizations

2.8.1 Virtual Power Plant Realizations and Control

VPPs can be classified into several subcategories depending on the implemented

control scheme and the aggregation type as presented in Fig. 2.18. The control
approach used in VPPs may be direct, hierarchical, or distributed. The direct
approach is based on a centralized control and decision-making concept. In the
distributed control, on the other hand, the decisions for control of the VPP are made
in a fully decentralized way. The hierarchical approach is the intermediate between
direct and distributed control with some level of decision-making capability
distributed in the VPP. In each VPP control approach, two subcategories of VPPs
can be identified depending on the portfolio of the constituting resources. Contrary
to single-resource-type VPPs, mixed-resource-type VPPs incorporate of a variety
of resources. One approach to implementing these VPPs is to use a single module to
handle all different resource categories. Alternatively, separate management
modules for coordination of various types of resources may be considered.
For example, an EV Management Module can be considered to specifically handle
EV resources.
2 Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies 51

VPPs have so-called VPP Control Centers which are responsible for the optimal
coordination of their resources and representing them as single entities to the
market, DSOs, and TSOs. This unit needs updated information about the operation
of VPP resources as well as the market status as inputs to its optimization functions.
The use of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions allows the
VPP Control Center to monitor and control the VPP resources in near real-time.
Within each VPP, it is possible that some entities are in charge of operating a
number of individual resources. For example, so-called charging point managers
(CPMs) may emerge as entities responsible for operating a number of EV charging
points (CPs). In these cases, CPMs will represent their EVs to the VPP Control
The CPs can be classified into three different categories based on their location.
The CP location may be either in public areas with public access, private areas with
private access, or private areas with public access. In each of these areas, the VPP
Control Center may communicate with EVs in different ways. For example, the
communication with EVs in private areas with private access may be realized
through home energy management system (HEMS). An HEMS is an application
that enables energy consumption management in a house taking into account the
user preferences and allows interaction with the utility.
For the market participation, the VPP Control Center prepares bids and offers for
the day-ahead and intraday markets based on the forecast about generation and
demand of VPP resources. In real-time, using the measurement data from Smart
Meters (SMs) and the updated input from market and the SO, the VPP Control
Center decides and sends out adjustment requests to VPP resources. Direct Control

In the direct control approach, the VPP Control Center is responsible for deciding
and directly communicating the control requests with the individual VPP units or
entities representing them. Within their limitations and based on preferences set by
their owners, the resources will respond to the control requests received from the
VPP Control Center.
Figure 2.19 summarizes the information flow paths in a direct VPP with a focus
on EV integration. In this control approach, the VPP control center centrally takes
care about the optimization of the operation of all individual VPP resources. The
exceptions are cases where an entity such as a CPM is responsible for aggregating
and representing a number of resources. Direct communication of the VPP Control
Center with the VPP resources and the central decision-making process make this
approach simple to implement. Hierarchical Control

In a hierarchical control approach, intermediate aggregation functions are

introduced for the VPP and aggregation takes place in different hierarchical layers.
52 K. Young et al.

Fig. 2.19 Interaction between the VPP control center and the VPP resources, DSO, TSO, and
market in the direct control approach

The EV Management Module (EVMM) is the module of the VPP which is

responsible for the management of EVs under the VPP domain.
The EVMM prepares the EV market strategies as an input for the VPP Control
Center, with the goal of minimizing EV battery charging cost and maximizing EV
revenues. An EVMM comprises residential and commercial aggregation functions.
This distinction enables the improvement of load predictions and identification of
services to be offered from each group. Figure 2.20 shows the different levels
of hierarchy. Distributed Control

In a distributed control approach, a VPP Control Center does not have direct access
to the DERs’ operation but it can affect their behavior through price incentives.
The VPP Control Center may follow different pricing strategies for consumption
and generation. The core of the distributed concept is based on the ability of
individual VPP entities to decide their optimal operational state. This requires
that VPP entities have the adequate computational intelligence to obtain their
private goals.
The information flow in the distributed VPP control is summarized is Fig. 2.21.
In order to reduce the amount of information exchanged, an intermediate level of
aggregation is implemented, referred to as VPP Local Aggregation (LA) functions,
which is responsible for the coordinating of smaller geographical areas.
GENCOs Market Real-time Control
Information Flow
CP Charging Point Manager
TSO VPP Control CE Cluster of EVs
Center SM Smart Meter
EV Management

Residential Ag- EV Commercial Ag-
gregation Function gregation Function

Private Public Private




Fig. 2.20 Interaction between the VPP control center and the VPP resources, DSO, TSO, and the
market in a hierarchical approach

Fig. 2.21 Interaction between the VPP control center and the VPP resources, DSO, TSO, and the
market in a distributed control approach
54 K. Young et al.


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