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Seminar1 Lesson 1 Oral

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Wrong Right Verb tense


What class you take? What classes are Present progressive Action now, this
How you like you taking? simple present school term opinion/
classes? How do you like preference
your classes?

What time begin What time does Simple present Scheduled time
class? class begin?

When finish this When does this Simple present Scheduled time ( &
term? term finish? future event)

For when this When is the Simple present Future event

assignment? assignment due?

Please repeat again Could you say that Past auxiliary Request for repetition
about Greece again about Greece?
Or What did you say Simple past
about Greece?

Please, give me Could I have a Past auxiliary Request for a

handout handout? Would you handout
please give me a Simple present
handout? Or Do you
have another

Number of Stressed
Pronunciation Pattern
syllables syllable

Shepherd ʃep.əd 2 1 [2- 1]

Responsible rɪˈspɑn·sə·bəl 4 3 [4 - 3]

Philosophical fɪl.əˈsɒf.ɪ.kəl 3 2 [ 3- 2]
Individual ˌɪn.dɪˈvɪdʒ.u.əl 5 4 [5-4]

Illustrate ɪl.ə.streɪt 3 2 [ 3- 2]

Example: Excuse me, you can help me?
Can you

1. What time the library closes?

What time does close the library?

2. Do you please help me find some information?

Could you find some information help me? please

3. Where to find this call number?
Where do you find to this call number?
4. How much costs the copy machine?
How much does it cost the copy machine?

5. You have change for the copy machine?

Do you have change the for the copy machine?

6. Sorry. What you said?
Sorry. What did you say?
7. How I check out this book?
How do I check out this book?
8. When this book due?
When does due this book?

Number of Stressed
Word Pronunciation Pattern
syllables syllable

Lecture Lek’cher 2 1 [ 2-1]

Dictation Dik ta’ shen 3 2 [ 3 -2]

Fable Fa ‘bel 2 1 [2-1]

Synonym Sin’ e nim’ 3 2 [ 3 - 2]

universal Yoo ‘ne vur

4 3 [ 4-3]

ACTIVITY 5 Expanding your vocabulary

Match the words from the list with their definitions. Then check your answers by listening
to your instructor. Look at #1 as an example.

1. Myth An imaginary story, person, or thing.

2. ________An abbreviation of before Christ (in a specified year before the birth of Jesus in
the Christian calendar).

3. Slave A person who is owned by and forced to work for sbdy.else. [sbdy.=

4. century A period of 100 years.

5. unique Being the only one of its kind.

6. ___________ A feature or quality that distinguishes a person or thing.

7. Fairy tale A story about fairies, magical creatures, or legendary deeds, usually intended
for children.

8. ___________ 1. Free from errors or mistakes; correct.

2. Exact; precise.
9. Settle To end or resolve: settle a dispute/argument/disagreement.

10. ___________ Good judgment gained from everyday experience.

11. Audience The readers, listeners, or viewers of a book, radio broadcast, or television


12. Advise Opinion about how to solve a problem; guidance.

13. character A person in a work of art, such as a novel, play, or movie.

14. BC A short saying that is used frequently and expresses a basic truth.

15. shepherd A person who herds, guards, and takes care of sheep.

16. common sense To make (sthg.) lively, full of life or energy. [sthg. = something ]

17. terrified Full of terror; frightened; scared.

18. fool A person who has no judgment or good sense.

19. A
Listen to your instructor and fill in the blanks with the missing content words from the beginning of
the lecture. (The stressed syllables of the other content words are in bold print.)

Hearing sentence stress

What we know as Western civilization originates, or ___________
from, ancient __ One of the most famous ___________
though we're not even sure if he _________________ lived or if he was a myth,
was Aesop. We think that __ lived around ______________________ BC.
He was a slave, and he is famous for his _____________ , which, like most

stories, were told orally. Aesop's were not written down until the century after he _______.
ACTIVITY3 Listening for definitions
Listen to the following excerpts from the lecture, and write the synonym, or definition, that
the lecturer gives for the following words.
You hear: The topic of today's lecture is from the humanities, or subjects such as art,
literature, and philosophy.

You write: the humanities: subjects such as art, literature, and philosophy

1. originates. _______________________________________
2. pass on: _________________________________________
3. moral: __________________________________________
4. cried. ___________________________________________
5. illustrates: _____________________________________

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