What Are Plural Nouns?
What Are Plural Nouns?
What Are Plural Nouns?
Another category of nouns is plural nouns. In the English language, most plural
nouns are formed by adding -s or -es to the singular form. However, there are
many exceptions, as we will see below.
Here are some examples where the suffix -s or -es can be used to form the plural
of a noun.
• dog ➡ dogs
• car ➡ cars
• plate ➡ plates
• house ➡ houses
• box ➡ boxes
• glass ➡ glasses
A compound noun is made up of more than one word. Before understanding how
to form the plural, it is important to first see the variety of ways that compound
nouns can be created in the English language.
Structure Example
noun + noun bus stop
noun + adjective mouthful
adjective + noun blueberry
verb (ing) + noun swimming pool
noun + verb (ing) haircut
verb + preposition check-out
noun + preposition passer-by
preposition + noun underwater
noun + preposition + noun mother-in-law
You may notice that compound nouns can be spelled with one word only
(mouthful), while others use two words (swimming pool) or employ hyphens (e.g.
Forming the plural of compound nouns is generally done by adding an 's' (or -es)
to the principal word. Thus, you must first locate the most significant word in the
compound noun (this principal word is also called the head noun).
This head noun, or most significant word, gives us the information about what
the compound refers to.
Here are some examples of how plural compound nouns can be created once you
identify the head:
Compound noun head plural
There is a different situation when the compound nouns end with '-ful' (e.g.
mouthful, truckful, or handful). In this case, the noun may have two possible
plurals and the -s can be added to either the head noun or to -ful, as long as one is
consistent in use.
• passer-by — passers-by
Finally, there are some cases where none of the elements is a noun, as in “grown-
ups” or “check-outs.” In these cases, the plural is formed by adding 's' to the last
word. For example, the compound noun “check-outs” is made up of the noun
“check” and the preposition 'out'. The plural of “check-outs” is formed by adding
's' to 'out'.
• grown-up — grown-ups
• check-in — check-outs