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Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic Computer Department (NBA Accredited and ISO 9001:200 8 Certified Department) Academic Year: 2021-2022

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

Revisio Date :
Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic n / /
Computer Department : 00
(NBA Accredited and ISO
Page : 01/01
9001:200 8
Certified Department)
Academic Year: 2021-2022

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

PART - A and PART – B
Name of Diploma in Computer Engineering
Semester: 3rd

Name of Digital techniques (22320)

Course and
Title of the Prepare a detailed report on Demultiplexer

09. Nikita Lahu Rasal(2000560303)

22. Arya Amit Vyawhare (2000560316)
65. Shrihari Shirish Kukade (2000560360)
113. Pushpak Mahendra Bhangale(2000560409)
115. Gopal Chinchole (2000560411)
Name of

Name and Mrs.Ashwini Patil

Sign of the

Department Of Computer Engineering, PC Polytechnic

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Maharashtra State
(Autonomous) (ISO -9001 -2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

This is to certify that : -

09. Nikita Lahu Rasal (2000560303)

22. Arya Amit Vyawhare (2000560316)

65 Shrihari Shirish Kukade (2000560360)

113.Pushpak Bhangale (2000560409)

115. Gopal Chinchole (200560411)

Students of Diploma In Computer Engineering of Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic

(code:0056/1646) has completed Micro projects of the course Digital Techniques
(code:22320) as prescribed in the curriculum for the academic year 2021 to 2022. Place:
Nigadi, Pune -44 Date:16/12/2021

Course Incharge Head of Department

Mrs. Ashwini Patil Prof. M. S. Malkar
Seal of institute

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Digital Techniques(DTE)
Topic: Prepare a detailed report on Demultiplexer

1.0 Aim Of The Microproject:

1. To implement relevant realization and implementation by using different types
of demultiplexers

2.0 Intended Course Outcome:

The Course Outcomes Addressed Are:
a. Implement Basic Operations Demultiplexers.

3.0 Proposed Methodology:

1. To Make The Microproject The List Of Tasks Were To Be Done.

2. Then The Reference Was Collected From Various Resources.
3. Then The Data Was Analyzed And The Useful Information Was Taken.
4. The Generated Information Was Implemented And the Draft Was Created.
5. The Roles Were Distributed Accordingly To The Team mates.
6. The Final Report Was Generated As Per The Plan.

4.0 Action Plan:-

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Digital Techniques(DTE)
Semester: 3rd

Course Title: Digital Techniques(DTE)

Code: 22320

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare a detailed report on Demultiplexer

Name of subject Teacher: Mrs. Ashwini Patil

Sr no. Details of activity. Sta finish Name of responsible team

rt date. members
Topic given by Subject 04/10/21 07/10/21 Arya Vyavhare
1 Teacher and discussed on
. given topic with all
Collection of information 11/10/21 14/10/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
related to the
18/10/21 21/10/21 Pushpak Bhangale
3 Planning of Project.
Analyze the collected 25/10/21 28/10/21 Nikita Rasal
data and finalize
structure of Project.

Week 4: Submission
of Proposal
Distribution of task and 08/11/21 18/11/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
5 discussion of roles and
. responsibilities of each
15/11/21 25/11/21 Gopal Chinchole
6 Design of Project.
22/11/21 02/12/21 Arya Vyavhare
7 Report Part A and Part B
29/11/21 09/12/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
8 Implementation
Week 8: Review and Suggestions



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Digital Techniques(DTE)

5.0 Resources Required:

1. Browser Google
2. Book Dte textbook
3. Link https://www.electrical4u.com/

6.0 Name of Team Members with Roll no.


9. Nikita Rasal 2000560303

22. Arya Vyavhare 2000560316

65. Shrihari Shirish Kukade 2000560360

113. Pushpak Bhangale 2000560409

115. Gopal Chinchole 200560411

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1.0 Rationale:
A demultiplexer (or demux) is a device that takes a single
input line and routes it to one of several digital output lines. A
demultiplexer of 2 outputs has n select lines, which are used to select which
output line to send the input. A demultiplexer is also called a data distributor.
Demultiplexers can be used to implement general purpose
logic. By setting the input to true, the demux behaves as a
The reverse of the digital demultiplexer is the digital multiplexer

2.0 Aim Of The Microproject:

To implement relevant realization and implementation by using different

types of demultiplexers

3.0 Intended Course Outcome:

The Course Outcomes Addressed Are:

a. Implement Basic Operations Demultiplexers.

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

4.0 Action Plan:-

Semester: 3rd

Course Title: Digital Techniques(DTE)

Code: 22320

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare a detailed report on Demultiplexer

Name of subject Teacher: Mrs. Ashwini Patil

Sr no. Details of activity. Star finish date. Name of responsible

t team members
Topic given by Subject Teacher 04/10/21 07/10/21 Arya Vyavhare
1. and discussed on given topic with
Collection of information related 11/10/21 14/10/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
to the topic.
18/10/21 21/10/21 Pushpak Bhangale
3. Planning of Project.

Analyze the collected data 25/10/21 28/10/21 Nikita Rasal

and finalize structure of

Week 4: Submission of
Distribution of task and 08/11/21 18/11/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
5. discussion of roles and
responsibilities of each
15/11/21 25/11/21 Gopal Chinchole
6. Design of Project.
22/11/21 02/12/21 Arya Vyavhare
7. Report Part A and Part B
29/11/21 09/12/21 Shrihari Shirish Kukade
8. Implementation
Week 8: Review and Suggestions



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Digital Techniques(DTE)

5.0 Proposed Methodology:

1.To Make The Microproject The List Of Tasks Were To Be Done. Report
2.Then The Reference Was Collected From Various Resources. Was
3.Then The Data Was Analysed And The Useful Information Was Taken.
4.The Generated Information Was Implemented And the Draft Was Created.
5.The Roles Were Distributed Accordingly To The Team mates.
Generated As Per The Plan



1 Preparation Of Part A Shrihari Kukade

2 Information collection Arya Vyawhare

3 Information analysis Nikita Rasal

4 Design Of Project Pushpak Bhangale

5 Implementation Shrihair Kukade

6 Report Preparation Gopal Chinchole

5.0 Resources Required:

1. Browser Google
2. Book Dte textbook
3. Link https://www.electrical4u.com/

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Digital Techniques(DTE)
Demultiplexer (Demux)
The action or operation of a demultiplexer is opposite to that of the
multiplexer. As inverse to the MUX, demux is a one-to-many circuit. With the
use of a demultiplexer, the binary data can be bypassed to one of its many
output data lines. Demultiplexers are mainly used in Boolean function
generators and decoder circuits. Different input/output configuration
demultiplexers are available in the form of single integrated circuits (ICs).
Also, the facility of cascading two or more IC circuits helps to generate multiple
output demultiplexers. Let us get a brief idea of demultiplexers and its types.
What is Demultiplexer?
The process of getting information from one input and transmitting the same
over one of many outputs is called demultiplexing. A demultiplexer is a
combinational logic circuit that receives the information on a single input and
transmits the same information over one of 2n possible output lines. The bit
combinations of the select lines control the selection of specific output line to
be connected to the input at given instant. The below figure illustrates the basic
idea of demultiplexer, in which the switching of the input to any one of the four
outputs is possible at a given instant.

Demultiplexers are also called as data distributors, since they transmit the same
data which is received at the input to different destinations.

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Thus, a demultiplexer is a 1-to-N device where as the multiplexer is an N-to-1

device. The figure below shows the block diagram of a demultiplexer or simply a

It consists of 1 input line; n output lines and m select lines. In this, m

selection lines are required to produce 2m possible output lines
(consider 2m = n). For example, a 1-to-4 demultiplexer requires 2 (22)
select lines to control the 4 output lines.
There are several types of demultiplexers based on the output
configurations such as 1:4, 1:8 and 1:16. These are available in different
IC packages and some of the most commonly used demultiplexer ICs
includes 74139 (dual 1:4 DEMUX), 73136 (1:8 DEMUX), 74154 (1:16
DEMUX), 74159 (1:16 DEMUX open collector type), etc.

1-to-2 Demultiplexer
A 1-to-2 demultiplexer consists of one input line, two output lines and
one select line. The signal on the select line helps to switch the input to
one of the two outputs. The figure below shows the block diagram of a
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1-to-2 demultiplexer with additional enable input. In the figure, there
are only two possible ways to connect the input to output lines, thus
only one select signal is enough to do the demultiplexing operation.
When the select input is low, then the input will be passed to Y0 and if
the select input is high then the input will be passed to Y1

Therefore, the output Y1 = SF and similarly the output Y0 is equal to S F̅

From the above truth table, the logic diagram of this demultiplexer can
be designed by using two AND gates and one NOT gate as shown in
below figure. When the select lines S=0, AND gate A1 is enabled while
A2 is disabled. Then, the data from the input flows to the output line
Y1. Similarly, when S=1, AND gate A2 is enabled and AND gate A1 is

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disabled, thus data is passed to the Y0 output

1-to-4 Demultiplexer
A 1-to-4 demultiplexer has a single input (D), two selection lines (S1
and S0) and four outputs (Y0 to Y3). The input data goes to any one of
the four outputs at a given time for a particular combination of select
lines. This demultiplexer is also called as a 2-to-4 demultiplexer which
means that two select lines and 4 output lines. The block diagram of
1:4 DEMUX is shown below.

The truth table of this type of demultiplexer is given below. From the
truth table it is clear that, when S1=0 and S0= 0, the data input is
connected to output Y0 and when S1= 0 and s0=1, then the data input
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is connected to output Y1. Similarly, other outputs are connected to
the input for other two combinations of select lines

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From the table, the output logic can be expressed as min terms and are
given below

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Where D is the input data, Y0 to Y3 are output lines and S0 & S1 are
select lines. From the above Boolean expressions, a 1-to-4
demultiplexer can be implemented by using four 3-input AND gates
and two NOT gates as shown in figure below. The two selection lines
enable the particular gate at a time. So depends on the combination of
select inputs, input data is passed through the selected gate to the
associated output.

This type of demultiplexer is available in IC form and a typical IC 74139

is most commonly used dual 1-to-4 demultiplexer. It has two
independent demultiplexers and each DEMUX accepts two binary
inputs as select lines and four mutually exclusive active-low outputs.
Both demultiplexers share a common set of selection lines so they are
selected in parallel. Also, each demultiplexer consists of enable pin or
data input, for one demultiplexer it is active high data input and for
other it is active low data input.

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

8. Demultiplexer
The below figure shows the block diagram of a 1-to-8 demultiplexer
that consists of single input D, three select inputs S2, S1 and S0 and
eight outputs from Y0 to Y7. It is also called as 3-to-8 demultiplexer due
to three select input lines. It distributes one input line to one of 8

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output lines depending on the combination of select inputs.

The truth table for this type of demultiplexer is shown below. The input
D is connected with one of the eight outputs from Y0 to Y7 based on
the select lines S2, S1 and S0. For example, if S2S1S0=000, then the
input D is connected to the output Y0 and so on.

From this truth table, the Boolean expressions for all the outputs can
be written as follows.

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these obtained equations, the logic diagram of this demultiplexer can
be implemented by using eight AND gates and three NOT gates as
shown in below figure. The different combinations of the select lines,
select one AND gate at given time , such that data input will appear at

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a particular output

A typical IC74237 is a 1-to-8 demultiplexer that consists of latches at

three select inputs. The pin out of this IC is given below. The pins A0 to
A2 are data inputs, Y0 to Y7 are demultiplexer outputs, E1&E2 are
active-low data enable and active-high data enable pins respectively, LE
is the latch enable input, Vcc and GND terminals are positive supply
voltage and ground terminals. With a 3-bit storage latch, this IC
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combines the 3-to-8 decoder function

1-to-8 DEMUX using Two 1-to- 4 Demultiplexers

When the application requires a large demultiplexer with more number of
output pins, then we cannot implement by a single integrated circuit. In case if
more than 16 output pins are needed, then two or more demultiplexer ICs are
cascaded to fulfill the requirement. For example, if the application needs 32
output lines from a DEMUX, then we cascade two 1:16 demultiplexers or three
1:8 demultiplexers. Therefore, by cascading the two or more demultiplexers, a
large demultiplexer can be implemented. Consider the case that a 1-to-8
demultiplexer can be implemented by using two 1-to-4 demultiplexers with a
proper cascading.

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

In the
above figure, the highest significant bit A of the selection inputs are connected
to the enable inputs such that it is complemented before connecting to one
DEMUX and to the other it is directly connected. By this configuration, when A is
set to zero, one of the output lines from Y0 to Y3 is selected based on the
combination of select lines B and C. Similarly, when A is set to one, based on the
select lines one of the output lines from Y4 to Y7 will be selected.

Implementation of Full Subtractor Using 1-to-8

As similar to the multiplexers, demultiplexers are also used for Boolean function
implementation as well as combinational circuit design. We can design the
demultiplexer to produce any truth table output by correspondingly controlling
the select lines
Consider the case for implementing a demultiplexer circuit in order to produce
the full subtractor output. The truth table below shows the output of a full

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From the above table, the full subtractor output D can be written as D =
f (A, B, C) = ∑m (1, 2, 4, 7)
And the borrow output can be expressed as
Bout = F (A, B, C) = ∑m (1, 2, 3, 7)
From these Boolean functions, a demultiplexer for producing full
subtractor output can be built by properly configuring the 1-to-8
DEMUX such that with input D=1 it gives the minterms at the output.
And by logically ORing these minterms, the outputs of difference and
borrow can be obtained as shown in figure

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Applications of Demultiplexer

Since the demultiplexers are used to select or enable the one signal out
of many, these are extensively used in microprocessor or computer
control systems such as
• Selecting different IO devices for data transfer
• Choosing different banks of memory
• Depends on the address, enabling different rows of memory chips
• Enabling different functional units. Other than these, demultiplexers
can be found in a wide variety of application such as
• Synchronous data transmission systems • Boolean function
implementation (as we discussed full subtractor function above)
• Data acquisition systems • Combinational circuit design
• Automatic test equipment systems
• Security monitoring systems (for selecting a particular surveillance
camera at a time), etc.

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

7.0 Skills Developed:-

1. Information Collection √
2. Information Analysis √
3. Design of Project √
4. Programming Skills √
5. Leadership √
6. Team Management √
7. Planning √
8. Critical Thinking √
9. Task management √
10. Creativity √
11. Develop Project in deadline driven √
12. Familiar With Subject Knowledge √
13. Any other √

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Digital Techniques(DTE)

Learning Outcome:
1. Build the attitude of enquiry.
2. Learned to find the main cause of the problem and try to find
possible solutions on the problems.
3. Learnt to prepare proposals before starting the project.
4. Built the skill to derive different possible solutions creatively.
5. Made us capable to give a confident answer.
6. Lastly, it built the skill of group discussions and working together in a

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