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EPRCS Admin Guide

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Oracle® Cloud

Administering Narrative Reporting

Oracle Cloud Administering Narrative Reporting,


Copyright © 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: EPM Information Development Team

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Documentation Accessibility

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1 Overview of Narrative Reporting

Icons 1-1
Settings and Actions Menu 1-3
User Assistance 1-5
Accessibility Settings 1-7
Welcome Panel 1-8
Conventions Used 1-10
Roles and Permission-Based Access 1-11
Which Tasks Should I Do First? 1-11
How Do I Get Additional Help 1-12
Configuring SPF Record for Oracle Cloud Email Verification 1-12
Using Translations 1-13
Uploading a Disclosure Management Report 1-13

2 Overview of Report Packages

Learning About Report Packages 2-1
Why Use a Report Package? 2-1
What is a Report Package? 2-2
Report Package Components 2-3
Author Phase 2-5
Review Phase 2-7
Sign Off Phase 2-8

3 Overview of an Application
Learning About an Narrative Reporting Application 3-1

What is an Narrative Reporting Application? 3-2
Working with Data 3-2
Reasons to Create an Application 3-4
Using the Sample or Custom Application 3-4
Creating Your Custom Application 3-4
Artifact Locking 3-5
Dimension Basics 3-6
Security 3-6

4 Overview of Smart View

Learning About Smart View 4-1

5 Overview of the Library

Learning About the Library 5-1
How to use the Library 5-2
Learning About the Navigation and Content Panes 5-4
Using Locator Links 5-5
Using the Action Menus 5-6
Making a copy of an existing Report Package 5-6
Moving a Report Package 5-7
Using the Create Menus 5-7
Accessing other Users Libraries 5-8
Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and Artifacts 5-9
Using Audits 5-9
Searching the Library 5-10
Creating Artifacts in the Library 5-10
Organizing and Maintaining the Library 5-11
Taking Actions for Report Packages, Reports, and Applications 5-12
Migrating Folders and Artifacts 5-13
Inspecting Folders and Artifacts 5-14

6 Managing User Preferences

Preferences Dialog Tabs 6-1
Using the General Tab 6-2
Using the Notification Tab 6-4
Using the Formatting Tab 6-5
Using the Library Tab 6-6
Using the Appearance Tab 6-7
Resetting Preferences 6-8

Previewing a Report POV 6-9

7 Uploading Additional Fonts

8 Installing Samples

9 Working with the Sample Report Package

Sample Report Package Content 9-1
Sample Word Report Package 9-1
Sample PowerPoint Report Package 9-3
Sample PDF Report Package 9-4
Opening the Report Package 9-6
Working with the Report Center 9-7
Editing Report Packages 9-8
Working with the Style Sample Document 9-13
Working with Development Phases 9-18

10 Working with the Sample Management Reports

11 Working with the Sample Application

Generating the Sample Application 11-1
Experimenting with a Complete Application 11-2
Learning How the Dimension Hierarchy Works 11-4
Viewing the Proper Format of Dimension Load and Data Load Files 11-5
Viewing Application History 11-6
Granting Access to the Application 11-6
Learning How to Set Up Data Grants 11-7
Refreshing Data in a Doclet 11-8

12 Learning About Security

Levels of Security 12-1
System Level Security 12-2
Artifact Level Security 12-2
Data Level Security 12-4

13 Granting Access
Granting Access to Report Packages 13-4
Granting Access to Folders and Third-party Documents 13-7
Granting Access to an Application 13-9
Granting Access to Dimensions 13-13

14 Setting Up Data Grants

Understanding How Data Grants Work 14-1
Selecting Member Functions 14-3
Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules 14-4
Creating Data Grants 14-5
Sample Data Grant 14-10
Setting Up Data Grants 14-13

15 Performing an Audit
Creating a System Audit 15-1
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit 15-5

16 Migrating Artifacts
Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another Environment 16-1
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library 16-2
Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the Library 16-2
Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility 16-3
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment 16-6

17 Using the File Transfer Utility

Running the File Transfer Utility 17-2
Using the File Transfer Utility Commands and Parameters 17-3
Listing of Commands 17-4

18 Performing Backup and Restore (System Clone)

Saving Backup Snapshots 18-2
Restore Using the Most Recent Daily Backup Snapshot 18-3
Restore Using a Saved Backup Snapshot 18-4
Cancelling a Scheduled Restore 18-4

Cloning Environments 18-5

Documentation Accessibility

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/
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if you are hearing impaired.

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To provide feedback on this documentation, send email to epmdoc_ww@oracle.com.

Overview of Narrative Reporting
Related Topics
• Icons
Icons are used to define areas on the Home Page.
• Settings and Actions Menu
This menu has options to select from, based on you role.
• User Assistance
This menu is used for help on Narrative Reporting, a place to connect with other
members, the support site, and to provide feedback.
• Accessibility Settings
Use this for accessibility.
• Welcome Panel
Quickly displays your status, create, open, or take a tour.
• Conventions Used
These are the most popular icons used in Narrative Reporting.
• Roles and Permission-Based Access
Based on your roles provisioned, you have access to certain roles.
• Which Tasks Should I Do First?
Explains, to an administrator, what tasks to do.
• How Do I Get Additional Help
This explains how to obtain user assistance.
• Configuring SPF Record for Oracle Cloud Email Verification
Oracle publishes Sender Protection Framework (SPF) policy that identifies the
Oracle server IP addresses and subnets that are permitted to send cloud services
• Using Translations
This tells you the languages translated for Narrative Reporting.
• Uploading a Disclosure Management Report
You can create a Disclosure Management report or upload one to a library folder
that you have or to a folder that you have created.

Icons are used to define areas on the Home Page.
There are up to thirteen main icons accessible from the Home Page for a System

Chapter 1

Displays tasks to perform such as reviewing a doclet or signing off on report

Displays notifications about actions you need to take or others took; for example,
confirmation that an export file was created.

Report Packages
Displays the list of report packages that you can access.

Displays the list of books that you can access.

Opens Management Reporting.

Opens the Note Manager.

Disclosure Management
Opens the Disclosure Management user interface. From here, you can upload a
locally saved Disclosure Management to the Narrative Reporting library.

Chapter 1
Settings and Actions Menu

The central repository for report packages, folders, and artifacts such as audit files as
well as an application.

Used to create a sample or custom application that stores data in the Oracle Cloud for
Narrative Reporting.

Daily Maintenance
Used by administrators to set the daily maintenance time and perform backup and
restore actions.

Used by administrators to set default display options for all users. For example, a
company logo and background logo for the Home page.

Access Control
Used by administrators to can create and manage group, where as in Narrative
Reporting, an Application Administrator can create and maintain all artifacts, such as
applications, models, dimensions, and data grants.

Displays links to videos and to the Cloud Help Center on using Narrative Reporting.

Navigating the Icons

After you leave the Home Page, a springboard is displayed with icons at the top of
your page. An indicator points to your location on the springboard. In the example
below, the Library icon is being selected and pointed to.

Select another icon to move to it.

Navigating to the Home Page

Use the Home icon in the upper right area of the Home page to return to the
Home Page.

Settings and Actions Menu

This menu has options to select from, based on you role.
The actions from the Settings and Actions menu are:

Chapter 1
Settings and Actions Menu

Select the caret beside your user name to display the Settings and Actions menu.

Upload a photo, set your language and time zone, set notification email addresses,
and customize other display items. See Managing User Preferences.

Depending on your assigned roles, allows you to install the following client software:
• Sample Content – Selecting the Get Sample Content displays an information
message that upload samples has completed and the Samples folder has been
created at the Library root folder. See Install Samples.
• File Transfer Utility – Downloads a ZIP file containing a command-line utility so
you can migrate and export artifacts and perform backup and restore actions. See
Using the File Transfer Utility.
• Oracle Smart View for Office – Download the latest version of Smart View from
the Oracle Smart View for Office software download page. See Setting Up
Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
• Smart View Extension for Narrative Reporting. Allows users to perform assigned
tasks and analyze model data from within the Microsoft Office suite.
• Smart View Extension for Disclosure Management. Allows users to perform
Disclosure Management activities, including tagging, validation and instance
generation from within Microsoft Word.
• Smart View Extension for Disclosure Management Auto Tagging. Provides the
ability to perform high volume XBRL for auto tagging as part of Disclosure
Management from within Microsoft Excel.

Access videos and other task-related topics in the Oracle Cloud Help Center.

Help on this topic

Access specific help for a topic.

Chapter 1
User Assistance

Cloud Customer Connect

Cloud Customer Connect is an exclusive community for members to connect with
other members and discuss issues or share ideas. Select this option for a direct link to
Cloud Customer Connect to access:
• Discussion forums to pose questions, explore ideas, and discuss Oracle
• News about upcoming events that showcase new release functionality, industry
best practices, and more.
• Documentation and videos to help you prepare for a successful transition to the
latest release.
• Idea Labs to share your ideas on product enhancements, vote, and comment on
your favorites.
After you sign in, you can select Enterprise Performance Management to navigate
directly to your Cloud product, to view release information, tips and tricks, and other

Provide Feedback
A diagnostic utility called Provide Feedback is available within your Enterprise
Performance Management cloud service. If you encounter an issue while using the
service, use the Provide Feedback utility to describe the issue and the steps to
reproduce it. See Helping Oracle Collect Diagnostic Information Using the Provide
Feedback Utility.

Oracle Support
My Oracle Support site.

Contains Narrative Reporting notices and version information.

Sign Out
Exits Narrative Reporting.

User Assistance
This menu is used for help on Narrative Reporting, a place to connect with other
members, the support site, and to provide feedback.

A User Assistance icon is available on certain screens. Click the icon to display
the available options.

Chapter 1
User Assistance

This option displays help for Narrative Reporting.

Help on this Topic

This option displays online help for the current topic, if available.

Cloud Customer Connect

Cloud Customer Connect is an exclusive community for members to connect with
other members and discuss issues or share ideas. Select this option for a direct link to
Cloud Customer Connect to access:
• Discussion forums to pose questions, explore ideas, and discuss Oracle
• News about upcoming events that showcase new release functionality, industry
best practices, and more.
• Documentation and videos to help you prepare for a successful transition to the
latest release.
• Idea Labs to share your ideas on product enhancements, vote, and comment on
your favorites.
After you sign in, you can select Enterprise Performance Management to navigate
directly to your Cloud product, to view release information, tips and tricks, and other

Oracle Support
Select this option to navigate directly to the My Oracle Support site to search for
solutions, download patches and updates and create a service request.

Provide Feedback

Only in User Assistance Menu.

If you encounter an issue while using the service, use the Provide Feedback option to
describe the issue and the steps to reproduce it. To expedite the resolution of issues
that you find in the service, Oracle recommends that you add multiple screenshots to
your feedback submissions. Adding a succession of screenshots that show your
progress through a task enables you to create a storyboard that shows Oracle how to
recreate your issue.
Each time a user submits feedback to Oracle, a feedback notification, a subset of the
information that a user submits using the Provide Feedback function, is sent to Service
Administrators and to the user who submits the feedback. These notifications enable
Service Administrators to review submitted issues and suggest corrective actions.
Feedback notification is enabled by default. Each Service Administrator can turn off
the notification by clicking the Unsubscribe link embedded in the email. See Disabling
Feedback Notification. Regardless of the subscription status, a notification is always

Chapter 1
Accessibility Settings

sent to the user who submits the feedback. Before providing feedback, ensure that you
are at the stage in the process when the problem was observed.

Using this option to provide feedback sends your submission to Oracle but
does not create a service request. If a Service Administrator cannot resolve
the issue, then you can create a service request using the information that
you submit.
1. From any page, select Send Diagnostics To Oracle.
2. In Feedback, describe the issue that you encountered.
3. Optional: Select an option to highlight or darken areas of the screen in
the next two steps:
a. Select Highlight, and then click and drag on the screen to highlight
portions of the screen, for example, to highlight errors or issues.
b. Select Darken, and then click and drag on the screen to hide
portions of the screen. Use this option to hide sensitive data in the

4. Click to capture the screenshot.

5. Navigate to another page and select to capture another screen.

The Captured Image is incremented for each screenshot.
6. Repeat steps above for additional captures.
7. When you have added all the screen captures, click Submit.
8. Review the browser, environment, and plug-in information. Click the
right-pointing arrow to review screenshots.
9. Click Submit.
10. Click Close.

Accessibility Settings
Use this for accessibility.

To access accessibility settings, click the Accessibility icon at the upper right of
the Home page.

Chapter 1
Welcome Panel

• Screen Reader Mode – Enables a screen reader to read the text on the screen.
• High contrast – Sharpens screen contrast.
Note: To increase the font size, use your browser settings.

Welcome Panel
Quickly displays your status, create, open, or take a tour.
The Welcome Panel gives you access to key areas while you use Narrative Reporting
and helps you see your pending workload at a glance. Click the arrow to access each

Chapter 1
Welcome Panel

Select the picture to upload a photo of yourself.

Incomplete Tasks
Shows the number of assigned tasks that have not been completed yet.

New Messages
Displays the number of unread messages.

Flagged Messages
Displays the number of flagged messages.

Active Report Package

The number of your current report packages.

Depending on your permissions, lets you create a report, book, report package or
system audit file.

Opens the recently used list.

Takes you to the Oracle Cloud Help Center to access videos and documentation.

When you select Messages from either the Welcome Panel or the Messages icon, you
will see items such as confirmation of an action or a notification that you’re assigned a
task. Click the blue text to perform the action that you need to take.

Chapter 1
Conventions Used

You can access your incomplete tasks from the Welcome Panel or all of your tasks
(current, future, completed) from the Tasks icon. Click either the icon or the blue text
link to access additional task details.

Conventions Used
These are the most popular icons used in Narrative Reporting.
Conventions used in Narrative Reporting:

• An asterisk indicates a required entry.

• A plus sign indicates that you can create or add comment.

• An X indicates that you can remove or delete content.

• A curled arrow indicates that you can refresh your screen.

• A triangle caret indicates a drop-down menu with possible actions.

• A gear indicates actions or an actions menu.

In addition, a person indicates that you can get help from either the Oracle Cloud
Help Center, Oracle Support site, or Provide Feedback. You can also access Oracle
Customer Cloud Connect, a community gathering place for members to interact and
collaborate on common goals and objectives, from this icon.

Chapter 1
Roles and Permission-Based Access

All Narrative Reporting icons have tooltips. Hover your cursor over tooltips for
information about icons.

Roles and Permission-Based Access

Based on your roles provisioned, you have access to certain roles.
Secured access to Narrative Reporting is established by the roles that you have been
provisioned within Oracle Cloud User Management Console, and access permissions
that have been granted to you from within the service. Because the functionality is
restricted to only the users who can perform a task, security is enforced. For example,
look at the Home Page. A service administrator has access to all the functionality
available within the service, but a reviewer only sees some of these tasks. If your roles
and access grants are more restrictive, then you will only see a subset of the

Which Tasks Should I Do First?

Explains, to an administrator, what tasks to do.
When starting to use Narrative Reporting, perform these tasks after reading this topic.

All Users
• Learn about Narrative Reporting in Learn about Narrative Reporting.
• See which tasks you should start with in Which Tasks Should I Do First?
• Find out about browser requirements as well as other requirements in
• Find out how to access an instance of Narrative Reporting in Accessing EPM
• Upload your photo, check the language and time zone, and set any other
preferences listed in Managing User Preferences.

• Get familiar with Narrative Reporting by watching videos: Overview: Report

Package Part 1 in Oracle Narrative Reporting and Overview: Report Package Part

Chapter 1
How Do I Get Additional Help

2 in Oracle Narrative Reporting, Learn about Smart View, and reading this topic,
Using the Library.

• Learn about Narrative Reporting in Learn about Narrative Reporting.
• See which tasks you should start with in Which Tasks Should I Do First?

• Get familiar with these additional features by watching these videos: Learn
about working with applications, models, and dimensions and Learn about
• For information to help you configure Oracle’s Sender Protection Framework
(SPF) see Configuring SPF Record for Oracle Cloud Email Verification
• Set the daily maintenance time in Settings. See Setting Service Maintenance
• Create users and assign roles. See Creating Users and Assigning Roles.
• Review Known Issues on My Oracle Support where you can see if any known
issues or helpful work arounds exist for this release.
• Review Readiness Information for Narrative Reporting, where you can review
information about what’s new in each release.
• Join Customer Connect, where you can join discussions, ask questions, and share

How Do I Get Additional Help

This explains how to obtain user assistance.
User assistance in Narrative Reporting is tailored to get you the right information
based on your roles and permissions. See the Oracle Cloud Help Center for available
information. Also watch overview videos and tutorial videos to increase your

Depending on your browser, the screenshots and procedures shown may
look slightly different from what you see on screen. For example, a browse
button may be presented as "choose file" in Chrome.

Configuring SPF Record for Oracle Cloud Email Verification

Oracle publishes Sender Protection Framework (SPF) policy that identifies the Oracle
server IP addresses and subnets that are permitted to send cloud services emails.
You can use this information to assess the validity of the messages to determine
whether or not to accept them. Additionally, you can use the information as a part of
the message protection services.
Add the following in your SPF record to take advantage of this protection:

Chapter 1
Using Translations

"v=spf1 include:spf_c.oracle.com -all"

Using Translations
This tells you the languages translated for Narrative Reporting.
The following items are translated for Narrative Reporting:
• The User Interface (UI) is translated into Arabic, Danish, German, Spanish,
Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese
(Brazilian), Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,
and Canadian French.
• Disclosure Management is translated into Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish,
French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese
(Brazilian), Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,
and Canadian French.
• The overview video closed captions are translated into French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and
Simplified Chinese.

Tutorial video closed captions are not translated.

The online Help and guides are translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified
Chinese. Additionally, theOracle Smart View for Office User's online Help and
guide is translated to Dutch. See the Oracle Cloud Help Center Translated Books
tab at Oracle Cloud Help Center.

The Sample Application and the contents are in English only.
The translated documentation covers all features up to August 28, 2017,
except for Working with Smart View for Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud which covers features up to August 7, 2017.

Uploading a Disclosure Management Report

You can create a Disclosure Management report or upload one to a library folder that
you have or to a folder that you have created.
You can upload a Disclosure Management report to the Narrative Reporting library so
you can open it in Oracle Smart View for Office. For example, use a Microsoft Word
file as a starting point for your Disclosure Management report. For more information on
Disclosure Management, see About Disclosure Management in the Oracle® Cloud
Working with Disclosure Management for Oracle Narrative Reporting guide.

Chapter 1
Uploading a Disclosure Management Report

For Colombian clients, there is no integration with Narrative Reporting. You
open the regulator’s Microsoft Office Excel workbook directly in Smart View
and enter through the High Volume XBRL tab on the ribbon.

To upload a Disclosure Management report to the Narrative Reporting library for use in
Smart View:
1. From the Narrative Reporting Home page, select the Disclosure Management area

2. Select
3. From the Upload File dialog, select a Disclosure Management report to upload to a
folder in the library.
4. Go to the Smart View library and open the Disclosure Management report you
uploaded to the Narrative Reporting library.

Overview of Report Packages
Related Topics
• Learning About Report Packages
Report packages provide a secure, collaborative, and process driven approach for
defining, authoring, reviewing and publishing financial and management reports.
• Why Use a Report Package?
Report packages enables you manage the lifecycle of your deliverable, such as:
Gathering information, reviewing it for accuracy, and Presenting it are key to
business. Reports can be assigned to multiple authors, who each contribute
individual pieces of the report.
• What is a Report Package?
With report packages, you can structure the content of your report, assign
responsibilities to content creators and reviewers, and manage their collaboration
and workflow to produce a unified document.
• Report Package Components
A report package is made up of several components:

Learning About Report Packages

Report packages provide a secure, collaborative, and process driven approach for
defining, authoring, reviewing and publishing financial and management reports.
But what is a report package? Why would you use one? And how do they work? The
following topics provide answers to these questions:
• Why Use a Report Package?
• What is a Report Package?
• Report Package Components
– Author Phase
– Review Phase
– Sign Off Phase

See these videos also Overview: Report Package Part 1 in Narrative Reporting
Overview: Report Package Part 2 in Narrative Reporting.

Why Use a Report Package?

Report packages enables you manage the lifecycle of your deliverable, such as:
Gathering information, reviewing it for accuracy, and Presenting it are key to business.

Chapter 2
What is a Report Package?

Reports can be assigned to multiple authors, who each contribute individual pieces of
the report.
Financial reporting is a critical function in most companies. Reports can be internal, for
board packages, management updates, or quarterly updates. Or they can be external,
such as statutory, regulatory, filing, or annual reports. For any report, gathering
information, reviewing it for accuracy, and presenting it are key to businesses.
Creating reports is easy with one author and no review, but having multiple authors
working on a report can be more complicated. Do all of the authors have the current
version? How do you merge changes from multiple authors into a single document?
As you add content creators, keeping everyone organized becomes more challenging.
The situation becomes even more difficult with several authors, multiple reviewers—
each of whom might be responsible for different sections, and multiple signers who
provides final sign off on the whole report. How do you keep all of your authors,
approvers, reviewers, and signers organized? How do you handle versioning and
manage workflow? Coordinating stakeholders by email can be daunting.
A better way to organize and produce a collaborative report is by using a report

What is a Report Package?

With report packages, you can structure the content of your report, assign
responsibilities to content creators and reviewers, and manage their collaboration and
workflow to produce a unified document.
Use report packages to create, for example, internal management reports that may
require some level of collaboration to develop, but may not undergo a highly intensive
review. Or, you can create external reports that require a high level of scrutiny,
multiple reviews, and significant process management.

Report packages help you manage the lifecycle of your deliverables. With them, you

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

• Assign content to multiple authors, who each contribute individual pieces of the
• Gather comments from multiple reviewers
• Provide an electronic sign off on the completed report
• Manage the report lifecycle by providing notifications to users, managing the
workflow, and coordinating the processes
• Combine data points with textual narrative
• Secure and control access to the report content, enabling users to see only the
content that they are permitted to see at the time that they are permitted to see it
Next, let’s look at some key components of a report package.

Report Package Components

A report package is made up of several components:
• Doclets are individual pieces of a report that can be assigned out to authors to
provide the content.
• Optional: Supplemental doclets are managed exactly the same way as a doclet,
with respect to workflow and content management, except that the content of the
files is not merged into the report package.
• Reference Doclets are managed exactly the same way as a doclet, with respect to
workflow and content management, except that the content of the files is not
merged into the report package.
• Sections help group and organize doclets in a report package.
• Development phases enable you to select which of three phases you require for
your development: an author, review, and sign off phase.

A core feature of report packages is the ability to break down a report into
subcomponents called doclets. What makes up a doclet varies, depending on the type
of report that you are creating. For example, a sales report might have separate
doclets for each geographical region, and a financial disclosure might have doclets for
each of the various financial statements, tax statements, and notes.
Alternatively, if one person is responsible for all of the income statement information in
a report, for example, those income statement documents can be all classified as a
single doclet. How you define a doclet is completely up to you. See "Identifying
Doclets" in Report Package Design Considerations.

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

After you identify the doclets in a report, you assign them to authors, who provide
content. For example, in a report that breaks down revenue by categories, you can
have doclets for services, hardware, and software licenses. Then, you could assign
each doclet to the management team in charge of that category.

Supplemental Doclets
Supplemental documents such as procedures, instructions, reference material, and so
on, can be uploaded into a report package as a supplemental doclet. Supplemental
documents can be any type of document file (for example, PDF, Excel, Word, and so
on). As the content for supplemental doclets is not included within the merged report,
these doclets are excluded from the review and sign off processes. The supplemental
doclet contents cannot be viewed online, but users can download and use native
programs to open the supplemental doclet in the same way that you can work with
third party artifacts in the library.

See this video also Managing Supplemental Doclets in Narrative Reporting.

Reference Doclets
A Reference doclet can be used as a container to store contents such as named
ranges from an Excel file or charts and graphs created from Management Reporting,
see Adding a Management Report to a Reference Doclet and consumed by one or
more regular doclets (non-supplemental).
The file content for Reference doclets is not directly included in any report package
outputs, such as preview, publish, review instances or signoff instances. However,
embedded content within a consuming doclet is displayed as part of the report
package outputs - even though the actual reference doclet is not directly merged in the
outputs. Reference doclets can participate in the author phase, but not in the review or
signoff phases.

Sections enable you to group doclets for organization, or to keep doclets together that
have a common format or are intended for a common viewership. For example, you

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

can group all financial statements in a financial disclosure report into one section.
Doing so provides a filtered view of only those doclets to the reviewers assigned to
that section.

Development Phases
Report package development occurs in three phases:

• Author phase—Compile the various report content and supporting details together
into a cohesive report package.
• Review phase—Gather commentary on multiple draft versions and revise the
report content accordingly.
• Sign Off phase—Gather electronic signatures from key constituents and secure
report contents to prevent modifications.
You decide which development phases your report requires. If the report content is
going to be provided primarily by one or two people, then you may not need an author
phase. If your report is being developed for a small group of internal stakeholders and
not a public audience, then you may not need a review phase. You can tailor the
development phases to the type of report that you need. See "Determining
Development Phases" in Report Package Design Considerations.
Lets’s look at these development phases in a little more detail.

Author Phase

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

In the author phase, authors and approvers work with doclets to add content to a
report package. Authors provide content, and approvers review and edit the content.
Benefits of the author phase include:

Content Management
Content management allows users to check doclets in and out of a central repository,
ensuring that only one user at a time is updating a doclet. It also provides for version
control. When a user checks in an updated version of a doclet, the previous version is
automatically stored. Previous versions can be easily accessed for comparison. Users
can store versions that they're still working on and can check versions in when they're
ready for others to access them.

Flexible Workflow
Workflow enables doclet content to be developed collaboratively. An author can
update the doclet, and an approver can review and edit the content. You can set up
multiple levels of approvals, and the number of approval levels can vary per doclet.
For example, a doclet containing an introductory statement may not require an
approval, and a doclet containing revenue information may require multiple approval
Using workflow, users scheduled for later in the review process can take control of a
doclet sooner. For example, if a doclet is assigned to an author, an approver or the
owner of the report package can take action on the doclet without waiting for the doclet
author. This flexibility eliminates bottlenecks and speeds up content development.

Process Reporting
Process reporting enables you to view the author phase status on two levels:
• Summary level—Provides statuses for the entire author phase, such as the
overall completion percentage of the author phase, a summary of the status of all
the doclets, and the due date and time remaining for the author phase.
• Doclet level—Provides the status for each individual doclet, the current
responsibility, and whether the doclet is checked in or out. You can also tell at a
glance the workflow level of the doclets, including the user assignments and the
due dates by user.

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

Review Phase

In the review phase, reviewers provide feedback, ask questions, and recommend
Benefits of the review phase include:

Multiple Review Cycles

In the review phase, multiple reviewers can review different versions of the report. For
example, managers could review the first draft of the report, executives can review the
second draft, and top management can review the third.
You can vary the review assignments by area. A user can be assigned to review the
entire report, a section of the report, or a doclet.

Threaded Commentary
Reviewers provide feedback by commenting on different areas of the report. These
comments are threaded so other reviewers can participate in the discussion.
Reviewers can provide attachments or links to their comments to provide supporting
details. Reviewers can close comments after the outstanding issue is addressed.

Comments persist across review cycles in context, so that reviewers can see
how comments are addressed in subsequent drafts.

Multiple Platforms
You can comment on reports in these ways:
• Desktop or mobile web browser
• Microsoft Office, through Oracle Smart View for Office

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

Process Reporting
Process reporting enables the report package owner to view the review phase status
on two levels:
• Summary level—Provides statuses for the entire review phase, such as the
overall completion percentage of the review phase, the number and percentage of
reviews completed, the number of open comments, and the due date and time
remaining for the review phase.
• Doclet level—Provides review status for each doclet, such as the reviews
completed per doclet and the number of open and closed comments raised for
each doclet.

Sign Off Phase

The Sign Off phase enables you to finalize your report content and get sign off from
your key stakeholders.
Benefits of the sign off phase include:

Locked Content
In the sign off phase, you lock your report to prevent changes. The report signers
review the final report and either sign off or reject the report content. If the report is
rejected, the report package owner can unlock and correct the report content. If the
report is signed off, the process is complete, and the report is ready for publication.

Multiple Platforms
You can provide sign off in these ways:
• Desktop or mobile web browser
• Microsoft Office, through Oracle Smart View for Office

Chapter 2
Report Package Components

Process Reporting
Report package owners can view a summary of the sign off phase. The summary can
include completion percentage, number of sign offs and rejections, due date, and days
remaining, as well as who signed off and any sign off notes.

Overview of an Application
Related Topics
• Learning About an Narrative Reporting Application
An application is a storage container for data.
• What is an Narrative Reporting Application?
An application is a storage container for data that you want to centrally store in the
• Working with Data
To work with data in the Cloud, you need to set up an application, model, and
dimensions and then load your data.
• Reasons to Create an Application
There are two main reasons to create an application.
• Using the Sample or Custom Application
You can have only one application per environment (for example, one in Test and
one in Production) and have a choice between creating a sample or custom
• Creating Your Custom Application
Before you begin to create your custom application, determine what type of
application you need to create by knowing what data you need to work with, where
that data resides now, what dimensions you need to include, and the formatting
necessary for load.
• Artifact Locking
To prevent concurrent editing of application and model artifacts, simultaneous
operations on the same artifact are not permitted.
• Dimension Basics
Here’s some basic information about dimensions and dimension types:
• Security
There are different levels of security in an application. At the application level, you
grant users access to the application. At the dimension level, you can grant access
to the dimensions. Security on the data level is achieved through data grants that
provide access to individual or the combinations/intersections of dimensions.

Learning About an Narrative Reporting Application

An application is a storage container for data.
This topic covers:
• What is a Narrative Reporting application?
• Reasons to create an application to bring data into the Cloud
• Understand how to use the sample application
• High level steps to create a custom application

Chapter 3
What is an Narrative Reporting Application?

• Broad concepts about working with dimensions & models

• Application, dimension, and data access security

See this video also Application Overview in Narrative Reporting

What is an Narrative Reporting Application?

An application is a storage container for data that you want to centrally store in the
It contains one or more models which are made up of a set of related dimensional
definitions and corresponding data. An application can have up to five models.

Working with Data

To work with data in the Cloud, you need to set up an application, model, and
dimensions and then load your data.
Once that is done, you can access the application data using Oracle Smart View for
Office’s Narrative Reporting data source.

Chapter 3
Working with Data

You can also work with Smart View to access data in an existing on-premise
Enterprise Performance Management or Business Intelligence product such as
Planning, or Essbase as well as other Cloud services that Smart View supports such
as Planning. This method does not require an Narrative Reporting application to be set

Both methods of working with data allow you to perform interactive analysis and easily
refresh updated data into a report package. See Learn About Smart View and
Example: Work with Narrative Reporting data in Smart View.

Chapter 3
Reasons to Create an Application

Reasons to Create an Application

There are two main reasons to create an application.
The first is if you don’t have an existing system that contains all the data you need to
work with. By creating an application, you can centralize the data required for one or
more report packages. This provides additional analytic capabilities against the data
used in a report package including ad hoc analysis.
The second reason is that you may have all your data in an existing system but need a
subset (or slimmer) model. For example, you might want to work with a subset of data
in a Payroll system that’s currently in a very large and complex human resources
system. In both cases, an application allows you to work with exactly the data you
want in the Cloud.

Using the Sample or Custom Application

You can have only one application per environment (for example, one in Test and one
in Production) and have a choice between creating a sample or custom application.

When you first get started, you can use the sample application to see a finished
application with its dimensional hierarchies in a model, and use Smart View to interact
with data in a doclet in a sample report package. Once you are familiar with the
sample application functionality, you can create your custom application. See Working
with the Sample Application and Creating a Custom Application.

Creating Your Custom Application

Before you begin to create your custom application, determine what type of application
you need to create by knowing what data you need to work with, where that data
resides now, what dimensions you need to include, and the formatting necessary for
Using Narrative Reporting:
• Name the application
• Create dimensions and either add to a new model or include in an existing model
• Create or load members

Chapter 3
Artifact Locking

• Deploy dimensions to the model

• Load data into the model
• Validate application works as expected through Smart View
• Apply security to the application, dimensions and data in the model
See Create a Custom Application for more information.

Artifact Locking
To prevent concurrent editing of application and model artifacts, simultaneous
operations on the same artifact are not permitted.
This locking feature ensures the integrity of data and the model. The lock is applied
during either a bulk operation or a dimension edit, and it is unlocked upon completion.
If another user attempts to access an artifact that has already been locked, an error
message is displayed. For example, you cannot delete a model while another user is
deploying that model.

Application Locking and Unlocking

Application locking is applied during bulk type operations, such as the load or extract
of either data or metadata, deployment of a model, or deletion of an application. Bulk
operations lock the application and all associated dimensions or artifacts.
If a Service Administrator needs to perform a bulk operation, such as deploying a
model, and other users have locked one or more dimensions, the Service
Administrator can override other users’ locks by using the Release All Locks option.
To release all locks on an application, on the Overview tab, select Actions, and then
Release All Locks. All locks are removed.

Dimension Locking and Unlocking

Dimension locking is applied in the following situations:
• When a dimension is selected for editing.
• When a dimension is being edited during the member/dimension selections for
data grants. These locks are obtained at the dimension level and are based on
which dimensions are in use at that moment.
• When a bulk operation is performed on a application, associated dimensions are
When a lock is applied, you see a lock icon next to the dimension name on the
Dimensions and Models tab or in the dimension title on the Overview tab. When you
close the edit dialog box, the lock is automatically removed.
You may need to unlock a dimension if a process fails before a dimension edit is
To unlock the dimension, select Unlock from the drop-down menu next to the name of
the dimension that is locked. The lock is removed.

Chapter 3
Dimension Basics

Dimension Basics
Here’s some basic information about dimensions and dimension types:

There are seven standard dimension types:

• Account* (required)
• Time* (required)
• Currency
• Entity
• Scenario
• Year
• Generic
You can enable up to 20 dimensions per model.
• Each model must have one Account and one Time dimension
• For Currency, Entity, Scenario, and Year, you can have either zero or one
• You are allowed up to 18 Generic dimensions.
When you create dimensions using the standard dimension types, you can create
them by using either predefined properties for that type or load dimension properties of
your own.
See "Creating Dimensions" in Create a Custom Application for more details.

There are different levels of security in an application. At the application level, you
grant users access to the application. At the dimension level, you can grant access to

Chapter 3

the dimensions. Security on the data level is achieved through data grants that provide
access to individual or the combinations/intersections of dimensions.

For more information, see Learn About Security, Grant Access, and Set Up Data
Grants. See the following video as well on security Understanding Security.

Overview of Smart View
Related Topics
• Learning About Smart View
You can learn how to work with Oracle Smart View for Office and then try to
interact with Narrative Reporting data and report packages.

Learning About Smart View

You can learn how to work with Oracle Smart View for Office and then try to interact
with Narrative Reporting data and report packages.

What is Smart View?

Smart View uses a Microsoft Office interface designed for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System, Oracle Business Intelligence, and Oracle Fusion
Financials products. When working with report packages in Smart View, you can:
• Author doclets using familiar Microsoft Office tools to access and work with data
without having to download and work on them locally.
• Complete review and sign off tasks for report packages.
• Perform complex analyses on your data.

Working with Smart View in Excel

In Excel, Smart View allows you to perform ad hoc queries on Narrative Reporting
data and other EPM and BI data sources. You can easily embed data points from ad
hoc queries into your report narratives in Narrative Reporting. The data points in your
narratives are refreshable, meaning the data will always be the latest.

Working with Smart View Word or PowerPoint

Chapter 4
Learning About Smart View

When you work with doclets in Word or PowerPoint, you can use Smart View to
include data from Narrative Reporting data sources and other EPM System data
sources, including on-premises and cloud data sources. For example, you can
incorporate data from a profit and loss statement in Oracle Essbase Studio and an
income statement from a Planning source. The data points for the areas that you copy
remain in Word or PowerPoint, and you can refresh the doclet to see the latest data
For more information about working with Smart View in Narrative Reporting, see this

video Using Smart View in Narrative Reporting and these topics:

• Setting Up Narrative Reporting in Smart View
• Authoring Doclets in Smart View
• Using Narrative Reporting Home
• Approving Doclets in Smart View
• Performing Reviews in Smart View
• Performing Sign Offs in Smart View
• Working with Distributions
• Example: Working with Narrative Reporting Data in Smart View
• Create New Report Package Structures in Smart View
• Assign Authors When Adding Doclets to Report Package Structures
• Validate Fonts in Excel Reference Doclets

Overview of the Library
Related Topics
• Learning About the Library
The library is the Narrative Reporting artifact repository.

Learning About the Library

The library is the Narrative Reporting artifact repository.
Use it to organize and manage content in a familiar, intuitive interface, which borrows
from well-known applications. Its interface and functionality borrows from existing
desktop and web-based file and document management systems. For example, use
library folders to organize and store artifacts such as report packages, applications,
audit log files, graphic files, Microsoft documents, and so on. You can also create
shortcuts to artifacts, and use system-generated personal folders such as Recent,
Favorites, and My Library to organize content. You can also create your own folders.
After creating the folders, you can grant other users access to them. Learn more about

the library from this video Learning About the Narrative Reporting Library.
Users with the library administrator role can:
• Create folders and see all child folders and folder contents however, they cannot
open and view the contents of folders unless they have the appropriate
• Create shortcuts in any folder where they have write permissions.

Figure 5-1 Example of the Library

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

A user with the service administrator role has the complete ability to perform any of the
actions or tasks to any artifact or folder in the library. The service administrator can
see each users My Library folder and has unrestricted access to the service. However,
they cannot see other users Favorites or Recent folders since these only contain
The library provides these benefits:

You can migrate folders, report packages, Word documents, graphic files, and
applications between environments and within them. You can migrate artifacts using
the export, download, and import functionality in the library or by using the File
Transfer Utility. See Migrate Artifacts and Use File Transfer Utility.

An administrator of an artifact can run audit reports for their artifact. The service
administrator can run additional audit reports for the entire system. Additional
information on audits:
• Actions in the system are captured in a running system audit.
• You can extract audit entries for folders or artifacts to which you have
administrator permissions.
• An extract file is created from the running system audit that falls within the time
frame that you entered in Create Audit File and is saved in the Audit Logs folder in
the library.
For more information on audits, see Using Audits.

Built-In Intelligence
The library is role-based, and a user is either shown content that they have been given
explicit access to, or content that has been made available to them from the report
package workflow. For example, a doclet author cannot see a report package in the
library until the author phase has started. See Creating Artifacts in the Library.

Customizing and Inspecting

A user can customize their view of the library by Setting Default Views for Content
Pane Folders and Artifacts. For example, set a default view preference for a folder or
all folders and sort the contents of a folder. You can inspect or review a folder’s
properties. For example, as a service administrator, from the properties tab of the
Inspect dialog you can edit the artifact name, view the artifact type, the location of the
artifact in the library or path, the description, and so on. You can assign access for an
artifact so only a limited audience can see or open it. You can also review the history
and actions taken on an artifact. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts.

How to use the Library

There are different ways to open the library.
Select one of the following to open the library:
• From the Welcome Panel on the Home page, select Open:

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

• On the Home page, select .

The library opens to the Recent folder by default. Example of the library UI:

Figure 5-2 Sample Library

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

Learning About the Navigation and Content Panes

The library's navigation pane contains a list of default, system-generated, and personal
The content pane contains the contents of the folders in the navigation pane. Click and
drag the vertical separator to adjust the windows.
The navigation pane’s user-created folders and system-generated personal folders
help you stay organized.
• User-created folders; for example John Smith Report Packages.
• System-generated personal folders; Recent, Favorites, and My Library:

The menus and actions available for the following are role based.

Contains shortcuts to recently accessed content. The number of recent shortcuts
retained is set in preferences, see the Library tab in Managing User Preferences. You
can inspect shortcuts, which are read only, to view artifact properties. Refresh to
update the contents. See Inspect. See the Using the Action Menus for more
information on how to access the action menus to select these options. Additional
rules for this folder are:
• Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.
• The user cannot copy, move, or rename the shortcuts in this folder.
• The user can delete shortcuts in this folder.
• If the name of the artifact to which the Recent shortcut points to is changed, the
name of the shortcut is also changed.
• If the source artifact is deleted, the recent shortcut is deleted.
• The ability of the given user to access the artifact that the Recent shortcut points
to is governed by the user’s permissions on the base artifact, not the shortcut.
• The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a recent artifact are from
the source artifact.

Contains shortcuts to artifacts marked as favorites. Includes the same options
available as the Recent folder. Additional rules for this folder are:
• Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.
• The user can rename and delete shortcuts in this folder, and add or change a
• The user can move a sub-folder or shortcut contained in this folder only within the
Favorites folder or its children.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

• The user cannot copy or move artifacts to or from outside the Favorites folder, this
includes the copy and move of shortcuts.
• The name of the favorite shortcut does not need to match the source artifact, and
if the source artifacts name changes, the name of the shortcut contained in the
Favorites does not change.
• If the source artifact is deleted, the favorite artifact is deleted.
• The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a Favorites artifact (shortcut
or folder) are from the favorites artifact.

My Library
Personal artifacts such as Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, shortcuts, and
folders. Includes the same options as the Recent and Favorites folders, plus adds
auditing. You cannot give another user access to the content in My Library. The audit
type artifact file is created in the Audit Logs folder and audit is added to the artifact
name, for example Audit — reportpackageRP1. Additional rules for this folder
• Only the service administrator or given user can see the artifacts in this folder.
• You can't create report packages in the My Library folder, or move or copy report
packages to it. However, you can use shortcuts to report packages in the My
Library folder.
• Other artifacts can be copied or moved into or out-of this folder.

System-generated folders; Audit Logs, Report Packages, Application, Fonts, Data

Sources, and Reports:
• Audit Logs—Contain system and artifact type audit files created from the system
level or artifact.
• Report Package—Contain report packages that reside elsewhere in the folders of
the library, where they are created.
• Application—Contain application that has been created.
• Fonts—Contain fonts that can be used for artifacts.
Data Sources—Contain the data source connections created for Management
Reporting reports.
Reports—Contain reports that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where
they are created.
• Disclosure Management—Contain Disclosure Management reports that reside
elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are created.
• Books
— Contain Books that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are

Using Locator Links

Use the locator link at the top of the content area to keep track of folder and artifact
locations in the library.
Locator links especially helps when you are deep in a directory. Use the link to click
back to previous directory levels. Use the link to click back to a previous level in the
library structure.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

Figure 5-3 Locator Links in Content Pane

Using the Action Menus

Use the Actions menu to act on library artifacts:

• Use the Actions menu at the top of the navigation pane

to take action on the folders in the navigation pane. The actions that you can take
vary according to folder to your access permissions. Viewers, for example, cannot
run Audits. For example, you can Inspect, Audit, and Refresh system-generated
folders. You can take any action on folders that you have created.

• Use the Actions menu at the top of the content area to

act on one or more artifacts in the content area. For example, you can use the
Actions menu to edit the properties of a report package or select several folders to
move or copy to another location.

Making a copy of an existing Report Package

You can make a copy of an existing report package and use that as the basis for the
next reporting cycle. The copy function makes a complete copy of the report package
definition. This includes all of the report package properties, all of the doclets, all of the
user assignments, and all of the variables. The doclets contain the last checked in
version of the doclet file(s). The copy does not include any of the details related to the
development of the source report package. The copy will not include any of the history,
prior versions, review instances, or sign off instances from the source report package.
All that is required is to update the dates and check the assignments.
To make a copy of the report package:
1. From the folder in the Library where the original report package is located, select
the report package you want to copy but do not open it.

2. Select next to the report package to be copied and then Copy.

3. Select an existing folder or create a new one using the for where you would
like to place the copied report package.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

If copying to an existing folder, you must have write-access to the folder
where you are placing the copied report package.

4. Select OK from dialog displayed.

This topic also applies to other artifacts in the library you have access to,
for example reports.

Moving a Report Package

You can relocate a report package to another location.
To move a report package:
1. From the folder in the Library where the original report package is located, select
the report package you want to move but do not open it.

2. Select next to the report package to be moved and then Move.

3. Select an existing folder or create a new one using the for where you would
like to move the report package.

When moving to an existing folder, you must have write-access to the
folder where the report package is being moved to.

4. Select OK from dialog displayed.

This topic also applies to other artifacts in the library you have access to,
for example reports.

Using the Create Menus

The Create menus allow users with the appropriate roles to create the following:

• Use the Create icon at the top of the navigation pane

to create a folder to store artifacts.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

• Use the Create icon at the top of the content pane to

create artifacts. For example, create folders and report packages and upload files
and system audit files.

When selecting the option to create report packages, the Create Report
Package wizard is displayed. See Create Report Packages.

Accessing other Users Libraries

System and library administrators can search for and retrieve the contents of another
user’s system-generated personal folders or user-generated folder, for example a My
Library folder. These permissions enable service administrators to view and retrieve a
file from another user who isn’t available. For example, if someone is on vacation, the
report package production workflow can continue.
The service administrators can search a user’s library by selecting the select user icon
from the User Libraries area of the navigation pane and entering John Smith’s name in
the search field for John Smith’s library and to retrieve the missing file required to
complete the report package in John Smith’s personal My Library folder.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

For information on granting access to library artifacts, see this video Granting
Access to Library Artifacts.

Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and Artifacts

To set a default view for a folder or all folders and artifacts listed in the content area of
the library select and clear available column names by selecting the Actions menu
and then the View menu. See Setting Default Views for Content Pane Folders and
Artifacts. For example, in the figure below Favorite, Type, and Modified On are
checked from the View menu, and the respective columns are displayed in the Content
area of the library.

The list of column names that are displayed for the View menu are
determined by artifact, folder type, and a user’s privilege.

Figure 5-4 View Menu

Sorting the Contents of a Folder

You can sort the contents of a folder from the header titles in tables by hovering your

cursor in the header title areas and selecting sort ascending or descending

Using Audits
Audits are stored in the system-generated Audit Logs folder. It contains system-
generated audits for the entire system and audit reports that were run on specific
artifacts. Audit-type extracts that can be run on library artifacts and folders by a service
administrator. An audit extract allows you to view who made changes to an artifact or
folder, when it was changed, and what was changed.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

Considerations and actions for audits:

• Actions in the system are captured in a running system audit.
• Users can extract audit entries for folders or artifacts to which they have
administrator permissions.
• Only audit log type artifacts are allowed in this folder.
• All users can view this folder, but are only allowed to view audit log artifacts that
they created.
• Users with the Service Administrator role can view any audit log artifact.
• Users can’t copy or move any artifacts into or out of this folder.
• Users can download an audit log artifact and delete an audit log artifact.
For more information, see Perform an Audit.

Searching the Library

To search for a folder or artifact in the library enter search text in the Search Text box
at the top of the content pane and select the search icon, see Searching the
Library. Search results are displayed in the content area. By default, the search is
performed in the current folder. Select Search Library to expand your search to
include the entire library.

Figure 5-5 Search Result Options

Creating Artifacts in the Library

The library is adaptive and dynamically enforces specific folder rules and actions
available on types of artifacts. The actions that are available in the library are location-
specific. That is, the actions available to you depend on where in the library you are.
For example, you can create a personal folder to organize artifacts in the library. Click
in the navigation pane or content pane. If you create a folder in the navigation

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

area, the folder is added after the system generated folders but not within. In the
content area, you can create a personal folder within any of the following folders that
have been selected in the navigation pane to help with organization:
• Favorites
• My Library
• Application
• Any personal folder that you created or can access
Depending on the folder type selected in the navigation pane, you might have more
options. For example, if the My Library folder is selected, you can inspect and audit.

For localized versions of Narrative Reporting, you should not create custom
folders spelled the same as a translated system folder. This is due to certain
implications when opening the same localized version of Narrative Reporting
in English.

Organizing and Maintaining the Library

From the navigation pane, here are some of the actions available to organize and

maintain the library using the Action icon to organize or

maintain the library.

Some of the following actions might not apply to system-generated personal
folders or system personal folders.

• Inspect—Review and change properties, access, view history. See Inspecting

Folders and Artifacts for more information.
• Move—Relocate a folder and the contents to a new location.
• Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.
• Refresh—Update a folder to view the latest changes to the contents.
• Export—Makes a zip file of a folder and it’s contents and adds it to a location of
your choosing.
From the content pane, depending on the folder type or artifact selected and security
applied to the location (folder) or artifact, here are some of the actions available to

organize and maintain the library using one of the Action or

• Download—Move or copy a folder or artifact to a different location.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

• Inspect—Review or change; properties and access, and view history for a artifact
or folder. See Inspecting Folders and Artifacts .
• Delete Favorites Shortcut—Removes shortcut from Favorites folder.
• Audit—Extract results that can be used to investigate a folder.
• Add to Favorites—Allows an artifact to be displayed in the system-generated
Favorites folder.
• Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
• Import—Imports a file from library or locally.

When an artifact is selected from the content pane of the library, it
automatically opens the artifact in its native environment. For example, when
you select a report package it opens in the report center. You are prompted
to open or save third-party documents, such as XLSX files.

Taking Actions for Report Packages, Reports, and Applications

Actions that you can take on report packages and applications vary.

Report Package
When you select a report package from the Report Packages folder of the library, it
opens in the report center. The actions that you can take depends on your role and the
status of the report package. See Create Report Packages. Available actions for report
packages from the content pane:
• Edit—Edit report package in the report center.
• Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
• Audit—Extract audit entries for a report package. See Perform an Audit.
• Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose. See Migrate Artifacts.
• View in Library Folder —See the report package in its library location.

Available only when Report Packages folder is selected.

When you select a report from the Reports folder of the library, it opens the report in
Management Reporting. The actions that you can take depends on your role and the
status of the report. Some of the available actions for reports from the content pane:
• Open—Open report in Management Reporting.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

• Edit—Edit report in Management Reporting.

• Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view the history.
• Copy—Make a copy of a report.
• Move—Move a report to a different folder you have access to.
• Audit—Extract audit entries for a report . See Perform an Audit.
• Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose. See Migrate Artifacts.
• View in Library Folder —See the report in its library folder location.

Available only when Reports folder is selected.

• Change Data Source—Select a different source of data for a report.

When you select the application from the Application folder of the library, it opens in
the application center. The actions that you can take on the application depend on
your role and permissions. Some actions that you can take from the content pane:
• Inspect—View and change; properties and view access, and view history from the
Inspect dialog.
• Audit—Extract audit entries for a report package. See Perform an Audit.
• Export—Makes a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and saves it where you
choose, see Migrate Artifacts. .
Rules for this folder are as follows:
• Only the application artifact resides in this folder. Other child folders and artifacts
are also allowed.
• All system users can see the folder and have read access. Additional access to its
content is through access security.
• Service administrators, application administrator, and library administrator
(specifically for creating child folders) have write access to this folder.
For more information on applications and tasks, see Learn About an Narrative
Reporting Application.

Migrating Folders and Artifacts

From the navigation or content pane, depending on the folder type or artifact selected
and security applied to the location (folder) or artifact, you can do the following using
one of the Action or icons:
• Export—Creates a ZIP file of a folder and its contents and you are prompted to
select where to export the ZIP file, see Migrating Folders and Artifacts after the
export is complete.
– Select a folder to export, a Select Folder for Export File is displayed.

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

– Select a folder for export. You will receive a notification when the export is
– A ZIP file is created in the folder you selected for export and the filename is
prefixed with Export —.

To perform a successful folder export, the user must have administer
access to all artifacts in the folder.

• Import—used as part of the migration process to import a file either from the library
or locally, see Migrating Folders and Artifacts for more information on how to
complete this task from the library.

Inspecting Folders and Artifacts

The inspect dialog box has Properties, Access, and History tabs:
• Properties— Maintain properties as well as view other details for folders and
• Access—Administer security, enable permissions from a parent folder, search for
users and groups to assign to this folder or artifact and provide administrative,
write, and view access. You can also remove user access to folders and artifacts.
• History—Review the history of artifacts and folders.

Figure 5-6 Sample Inspect Dialog Box

You can access Inspect from the navigation and content panes for folders and
artifacts. From the navigation pane, you can review and inspect the properties tab for
the following:
• System-generated personal folders:
– Recent
– Favorites

Chapter 5
Learning About the Library

– My Library
• System-generated folders:
– Audit Logs
– Report Packages
– Application

For the Application folder, you can also review the Access and
History tabs.

In Properties ,you can edit names and descriptions of personal folders and
folders that you created. You can also view properties related to a folder or artifact.
To assign or view access permissions for a folder or artifact and manage security for a

folder or artifact, use the Access tab . The Access tab is available only for folders
and artifacts that you have been given permission. For more information on the
Access tab, see Granting Access.

In History , you can view the history for a folder or an artifact. If you selected
inspect for a folder from either the navigation or content panes, the history tab displays
the results for the folder. Only administrators see history for all of the artifacts in a

Managing User Preferences
Manage your user badge photo, notifications, and other display items by modifying
your personal preferences.
As a user, most of the standard preferences are inherited from the browser or your
operating system and set automatically. The following optional items on the General
tab should be confirmed when you first start to use the service:
• My Photo—Photograph of user
• Locale—Language and Time Zone
• Show Confirmation Messages—Turn on or off system messages to the user
To modify settings, select Preferences from the menu beside your user name from
the Home screen. Select one of the Preferences tabs, located on the left side, to view
and modify settings. If you decide not to keep the changes, see Resetting Preferences

Preferences Dialog Tabs

The following tabs are available from the Preferences dialog box:

Chapter 6
Using the General Tab

• Using the General Tab

• Using the Notification Tab
• Using the Formatting Tab
• Using the Library Tab
• Using the Appearance Tab

Using the General Tab

Use the General tab to manage the main preferences such as the photo you want to
associate with a user, the language you want to use, and whether or not to display
system conformation messages:
• Under My Photo, select an image file to upload as a photo.
Select the Choose File button as shown in the figure below to select and upload a

An example of how this photo is used is to display beside a workflow task in a

report package.

Use the Zoom control slide to size the image. Then, drag the highlighted square
area to crop the image for best display or use the

Chapter 6
Using the General Tab

buttons. The supported formats for

photos are: jpg, .png, and .gif.

• Under Locale, the default language for your browser is selected. Text, buttons,
and messages are displayed in the selected language. You can select another
language, if desired. If you do so, you must sign out and sign in again for the
language setting to take effect. Select a time zone that you want to use for
displaying time. The current date and time are displayed.

Chapter 6
Using the Notification Tab

If you do not set your language in the Preferences - General tab, then
the language displayed for the user interface is derived from your
Browser settings. For email notifications, the default language is English.
If you would like to receive notifications in a language other than English,
select the specific language from the Language drop down menu (not
Default - "Language") from the Preferences - General tab. For example,
if you want Spanish to be your default language, select Spanish from the
Language drop down menu.
The time zone you select can be different than the time zone you are in.

• Under Show Confirmation Messages, if you have turned off the feature to
display system confirmation messages, you can turn system confirmation
messages on again by selecting Show Messages.

Using the Notification Tab

After the author phase of the report package is started, notifications are sent to advise
users that are impacted of any tasks to which you have been assigned, such as
creating a doclet, reviewing sections, signing off on a sign off instance, or approving a
report package. You can also participate in email discussions related to the report
package with other users.

Although you have set the Date and Time format in the Preferences –
Formatting tab, notifications that you receive may have a different format due
to internal architectural constraints.

An email notification channel is automatically assigned to the email address

associated with your user profile set by your Identity Domain Administrator. You can
add three additional email addresses. You can manage which email addresses receive
notifications by selecting or deselecting the Email check box under Message Types.

Chapter 6
Using the Formatting Tab

Using the Formatting Tab

You can define the display formats of numbers, dates, and times for your report
packages with the settings on this tab as well as the unit of measurement for
management reports for page size, margins, and indents.

Chapter 6
Using the Library Tab

Use the Format Locale menu to select default values for numbers, dates, and times for
your location. For example, the "English (United States)" locale formats the thousands
separator with a comma, the decimal separator with a period, and the date with the
three-letter abbreviation for month, followed by the day and year.
You can either change these settings manually, or you can use the Format Locale
menu to select the default values for a different locale. For example, the "Spanish
(Spain)" locale formats the thousands separator with a period, the decimal with a
comma, and the date with the day, month, and year.
The following commonly used formats are available for thousands and decimals
• Default is the value provided from your operating system.
• Comma (for example, 100,000 or 95,91).
• Period (for example, 100.000 or 95.91).
• Space (for example, 100 000 or 95 91).
• Apostrophe (for example, 100'000 or 95'91).
Similarly, for Date and Time, select the format that you want to use for display

You can customize your time formats, using the Customize option which
presents a text box to enter a custom sequence for your unique requirements
using standard time formats.

Date formats:
• M—Month
• d—Day
• y—Year
• E—Day of the Week
Time formats:
• a—AM/PM
• h—Hour
• m—Minute
• s—Second
• z—Timezone

Using the Library Tab

You can set the maximum number of artifacts that you want to display on your Recent
folder in the library. For example, if you select ten as in the figure below, the last ten
artifacts you accessed are listed in the Recent folder.

Chapter 6
Using the Appearance Tab

Using the Appearance Tab

If the Service Administrator has allowed users to override the background and logo
images as explained in Setting Appearance, then users can further customize their
Default values are displayed in each user’s Appearance tab, however each user may
overwrite the default values with their own preferences if so allowed by the Service
Enter URLs for logo and background as shown in the example below. See Setting
Appearance for an example of how and where this is displayed.

Chapter 6
Resetting Preferences

Select a theme from drop-down menu.

Both the Oracle logo and background image can be customized. Any logo
image smaller than 125px wide and 25px high can fit without scaling. For
large image logos, Oracle recommends you maintain a 5:1 ratio so the image
is scaled without distortion.
The default size for the background image is 1024x768. You can use a larger
background image, however the image is scaled to fit the resolution setting
of your display and the image is centered horizontally.

Resetting Preferences
To restore your preferences to the default values, select and use one of
the following options:
• Reset name of tab, in this example Reset General to undo any modifications that
were applied and restore default values on the Preferences tab.
• Reset All Tabs to Default option from any Preferences tab to reset every
preference value on all tabs of the Preference dialog box to the original default
values from initial use.

Chapter 6
Previewing a Report POV

All changes, whether applied or not, are removed.

Previewing a Report POV

Once a Management Reporting report user sets the Preview POV from the Reporting
preferences, theManagement Reporting reports enables a Management Reporting
user to preview the POV of a Management Reporting report. It also requires you to
manually execute the report by selecting the Run Report button. A Management
Reporting report user can also switch the Management Reporting report output type
prior to selecting the run report button.

The default option for the Preview POV preference is disabled

Chapter 6
Previewing a Report POV

Uploading Additional Fonts
Oracle recommends that as an initial startup task, the service administrator uploads
the TrueType fonts that your company uses to produce reports. This will ensure the
most accurate rendering of the documents when viewing on the web.
Without these uploaded fonts, Narrative Reporting uses a font mapping utility that
attempts to properly render the report on the web. However, this mapping may
introduce variances in the report layout when displayed on the web. Therefore, we
highly recommend that you upload your TrueType fonts when you set up the service.

The system is not redefining or changing the fonts leveraged in the report,
the font mapping only applies to the document rendered on the web.

The service administrator can upload individual font files or zipped files containing
multiple TrueType fonts to the Fonts folder in the library. You can also organize your
font files by creating sub-folders in the Fonts directory.
The font file must be a TrueType font and cannot already exist in the font folder
structure. If you do upload a duplicate font, you will receive an error message
indicating the duplicate (or invalid) font file. If you uploaded multiple fonts in a zip file,
all other valid files will be loaded.

You can migrate font files like any other artifact from one environment to
another or within the same environment. You can migrate using the export,
download, and import functionality in the library. See Migrate Artifacts.

To upload additional font files:

When uploading additional fonts to EPRCS, you are responsible for the
proper licensing of the fonts from the font vendor. For example, if you upload
the Microsoft font "Times New Roman," you must obtain the licensing from
Microsoft to do so. Uploading a Microsoft font sourced from a Windows
machine is not typically covered by the legal use agreement from Microsoft.

1. Locate your additional TrueType fonts. If more than one is to be uploaded, create
a zip file.

Chapter 7

2. From the Home Page, select Library.

3. Select the Fonts folder.

4. From Create next to the Search icon, select Upload File.

5. Click Choose File to navigate to the TrueType fonts that you want to upload, and
then click OK.

Be aware that it may take some time to perform the upload depending on
the size of the font file.

Chapter 7

The zip file is unzipped, and all the uploaded fonts are automatically extracted to
the Fonts folder. These fonts are now available when displaying your documents.
Any custom fonts uploaded also appear in the font list for management reports.
See the Designing With Management Reporting for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud and Working with Management Reporting for
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Guides.

For PowerPoint report package types, custom fonts take effect after the
next scheduled daily maintenance. See Setting Service Maintenance

Installing Samples
Narrative Reporting provides samples to help you learn how to use report packages,
applications, and management reports. The samples let you view and experiment with,
report packages, management reports, a Disclosure Management report and an
application that includes a model, seven dimensions and data. You can use:
• Sample report packages , with MS Word, PowerPoint and PDF report package
types, can help users become familiar with the report package functionality and
content such as the report center, doclets, phases, embedded content and
variables, where applicable. For all three sample report packages types, phases
and user assignments have not been enabled and defined, however after
importing the sample files, a report administrator can enable phases, define dates
and assign users. To learn more how to use the sample report package, see
Working with the Sample Report Package and watch the following video: Getting
Started with Narrative Reporting Sample Report Packages.
• Sample management reports can help users become familiar with the
functionality of Management Reporting. For the snapshot reports included with the
samples, you don’t need to use an application in order to view the sample
management report, but for the non-snapshot reports, you need the Narrative
Reporting sample application deployed to edit the report and refresh data.
• Sample Books can help users become familiar with the book functionality. The
Narrative Reporting sample application will need to be deployed to edit and view

The Sample Management Reporting reports and Books should be
deployed under the Samples folder. The Sample Books point to reports
in the Samples folder.

• Sample Disclosure Management report and taxonomy provide an abbreviated

US SEC 10Q report with existing XBRL mappings to help users become familiar
with the Disclosure Management functionality. The corresponding sample
taxonomy needs to be loaded to the server using the Disclosure Management
taxonomy manager.
• A sample application can be generated and is populated with one model, seven
dimensions, and corresponding data. The sample application lets you examine the
sample dimension hierarchies and use an application before deleting it and setting
up your custom application. The sample application can be queried in
Management Reporting andOracle Smart View for Office. See Working with the
Sample Application for more information.
• Sample dimension load files show you the correct layout of a dimension load file
and lets you experiment with loading dimensions to a model. These seven files
contain the same dimension members as the sample application. See Working

Chapter 8

with the Sample Application and Load and Extract Dimension Members for more
• A sample data load file contains the data that is loaded to the sample application
and model and lets you see a layout of a data load file. See Working with the
Sample Application and Load, Extract, and Clear Data for more information.

The sample report packages, management reports, books, and Disclosure
Management report need to be imported by a user with a report administrator

To work with sample files, a service administrator must install the samples from the
User Menu:
To install samples:
From the User menu on the Home Page, select Downloads, and then select Get
Sample Content.
A Samples folder is created in the library containing the following ZIP files:
• Sample Management Reports.zip used for importing sample management reports,
books, and management report snapshots.
• Sample Report Package- MS Word.zip used for importing to create the sample
report package using the MS Word Report file format.
• Sample Report Package- PPT.zip used for importing to create the sample report
package using the PowerPoint Report file format.
• Sample Report Package - PDF.zip used for importing to create the sample report
package using the PDF Report file format.
• Sample DM 10Q Report.zip used for importing to create a sample Disclosure
Management report
• Sample DM 10Q Taxonomy.zip is a sample taxonomy file used in conjunction with
the sample Disclosure Management report
• Sample application data file.zip can be downloaded and unzipped on your
local machine.
• Sample application dim load files.zip can be downloaded and unzipped on
your local machine.

The Sample Application is generated directly from the Application icon and is
not part of the sample files shown here.

Chapter 8

Accessing the Sample Report Package

To access the sample report package:

1. Click to create a library folder in which to store the sample report package:
For example, SampleRP:

2. In the new folder, under Actions, select Import.

Chapter 8

3. In Import, click Browse to select the appropriate .zip file in the Samples folder in
the library (Sample Report Package- MS Word.zip, Sample Report Package-
PDF.zip, or Sample Report Package- PPT.zip), and then choose Current Folder
to put the Sample Report Package in the folder that you created.

4. A message is displayed saying that an import is running in the background. To

verify a successful import, go to Messages or refresh the SampleRP folder in the
library and locate the Sample Report Package.

Chapter 8

5. Use the Inspect option in the library to assign access to the sample report
package to the users who need to learn to create and work with report packages.

Before you can assign access to the sample report package, the Identity
Domain Administrator must create users and assign roles.

See Work with the Sample Report Package. for more information.

Accessing the Sample Management Reports

To access the sample management reports:

1. Click the to create a library folder in which to store the sample management
For example, SampleMP:
2. In the new folder, under Actions, select Import.
3. In Import, click Browse to select the appropriate .zip file in the Samples folder in
the library (Sample Management Reports.zip), and then choose Current Folder to
put the Sample Management Reports in the folder that you created.
4. A message is displayed saying that an import is running in the background. To
verify a successful import, go to Messages or refresh the SampleMP folder in the
library and locate the Sample Management Report files.
5. Use the Inspect option in the library to assign access to the sample management
reports to the users who need to learn to create and work with management

Before you can assign access to the sample management reports, the
Identity Domain Administrator must create users and assign roles.

See the Designing With Management Reporting and Working with Management
Reporting for more information.

Chapter 8

Access the Sample Disclosure Management Files

This topic provides instructions for deploying the Narrative Reporting Disclosure
Management (DM) Sample 10Q report and corresponding taxonomy. Two sample files
are included:
• Sample DM 10Q Report.zip – Export file containing the DM Sample 10Q report,
which needs to be imported.
• Sample DM 10Q Taxonomy..zip – XBRL taxonomy ZIP file, which needs to be
loaded in the DM Taxonomy Manager.
To access the sample DM files:
1. In the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud web, navigate to the
Library, select the Disclosure Management folder and in the Actions gear menu,
select Import.

2. In the Import dialog, select Local and browse to your file system location of the
"Vision 10Q Sample.zip" file. Click OK to begin the import.

Chapter 8

3. After receiving the Information dialog, click OK.

4. Perform a Refresh in the left panel to see the Samples folder appear. The Vision
10Q report will appear in the Samples and Disclosure Management folders.

Chapter 8

Open the DM Report in Word and Load the Taxonomy

1. Ensure that the EPRCS and EPRCS DM Smart View extensions are installed, for
more information, see Installing Disclosure Management:
2. In MS Office Word, via Smart View, log into your EPRCS instance.
3. In the Library, navigate to the Vision 10Q Sample and double click to open it.

4. In the DM Explorer, double click on the Vision 10Q Sample.docx top node to
open the report.

Chapter 8

5. Open the Taxonomy Manager, click on the + sign to add a taxonomy:

6. Browse to your file system location of the Sample DM 10Q Taxonomy.zip file and
select it.
7. Manually enter the following:
• Entry Point: visi-20190630.xsd
• Folder Name: Vision
• Taxonomy Name: visi-20190630

Chapter 8

Click Save, then close the Taxonomy Manager.

Accessing the Sample Dimension Load Files

To access the sample dimension load files:
1. Select Sample application dim load files.zip in the library. Then
under Actions, select Download, and then save the ZIP file to your local drive. Or,
you can open the zip file and then unzip to your local file system.

2. Unzip sample application dim load files.zip and save the files to your
local drive. These seven dimension load files populate the sample application. You
can either use these to see the correct format since the format varies by
dimension type or experiment by adding a dimension.

Chapter 8

3. To use these files as dimension load files, access the Dimension and Models tab
in the Application icon. See Load and Extract Dimension Members for more
4. If you want other users to have access to these files, you can import them into the
library and assign access to the sample application to the users who need to learn
more about working with an application by using the Access option in the
Application icon. See Grant Access for more information.

Before you can grant access to the dimension load files, the Identity
Domain Administrator must create users and assign roles.

Working with the Sample Application Data File

To work with the sample application data file:
1. Select Sample application data file.zip in the library, and then under
Actions, select Download . Save the ZIP to your local drive. Or, you can open the
zip file and then unzip to your local file system:

2. If you have already generated a sample application, then this data is reflected as
part of that application.
From the Application icon, use the Load Data option on the Dimension and
Model tab to see how to format a data load file or to experiment with the
data_export.txt. See Load, Extract, and Clear Data for more information.
3. If you want other users to access these files, you can import the files into the
library and use the Access option from the Application icon to assign access to
the sample application. See Grant Access for more information.

Chapter 8

The Identity Domain Administrator must create users and assign roles
before you can grant access to the sample application.

Working with the Sample Report Package
Use report packages to create reports quickly and easily. Narrative Reporting includes
three sample report packages (a Word-based sample report package, a PowerPoint-
based sample report package and a PDF-based sample report package) to help you
learn to use the product. Use the sample report packages to get familiar with report
package functionality by performing these tasks:
• Navigate to the report center to learn about doclets and sections.
• Edit the report package to enable development phases, set timelines, and assign
• Assign authors to doclets.
• Edit the style sample file to see how it affects the look and feel of the report.
• Work the report package through the three phases of development, from starting
the author phase to signing off on the report package.

An administrator must extract the sample report package and assign access
to you before you can view it. See Installing Samples.

This topic covers:

• Opening the Report Package
• Working with the Report Center
• Editing Report Packages
• Working with the Style Sample Document
• Working with Development Phases

Sample Report Package Content

Describes contents of sample report packages.
This describes the doclets, variables, embedded content and reports in all three
sample report packages. All Oracle Smart View for Office ad-hoc queries and
Management Reporting reports utilize the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and
Model as a data source.

Sample Word Report Package

This sample Word report package contains seven doclets, one supplemental doclet,
and two reference doclets.

Chapter 9
Sample Report Package Content

Other than the cover page and table of contents, the remaining doclets are grouped
under three sections: Finance, Metrics and References (for reference doclets)
• There are two static variables: "PeriodEnded" for a date label and "CurrentMonth",
which drives the POV in all Management Reporting reports and Oracle Smart View
for Office reference doclet queries.
• The reference variables are sourced in an Excel reference doclet, "Vision
Statements" in the Rules worksheet.
Reference Doclets and Embedded Content
There are two reference doclets in the "References" section:
Vision Statements (Excel) - the first four worksheets have Smart View ad-hoc queries
to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model.
• Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc query, which drives some of the
reference variable sources in the Rules sheet.
• Rev & Gross Profit Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc query, chart is inserted as
embedded content in the "3. Finance - Revenue report" doclet.
Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is inserted as embedded content
in the "4. Finance - Consol Balancesheet" doclet.
• Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is inserted as embedded content in the "6.
Metrics – Units" doclet.
• Rules - contains the inserted variable "CurrentMonth" which is referenced, via cell
formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the Fiscal Calendar (time period
dimension) selection (default of "Jun"). It also contains cell formula references to
the "Summary Income Statement" sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate
variance results and directional words – all of which source the seven reference

If the static variable value for "CurrentMonth" is changed, for example to
"Jul", the Vision Statement doclets needs to be downloaded, checked
out and queries refreshed, then checked back in, for the reference
variable values to be updated in the system.

Vision Management Reports ( Management Reporting report) - contains one grid and
one chart. The report POV for the "Fiscal Calendar" dimension is driven by the
"CurrentMonth" variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets
where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.
• Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as embedded content in the "3.
Finance - Revenue report" doclet.
• Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is inserted as embedded content in the "6.
Metrics – Units" doclet.
Other than the two reference doclets, there are seven doclets and one Supplemental

Chapter 9
Sample Report Package Content

1. Cover Page – contains date label, which is driven by the "PeriodEnded" variable
2. TOC – Word-based table of contents, which is generated by EPRCS when the
report package output is generated (for example, Preview, Review Sign-off,
Publish, Download, and Distribution)
3. Finance - Revenue report – contains embedded content ("Summary Income
Statement" Management Reporting grid, "Rev & Gross Profit Analysis" Excel chart
from Vision Statement reference doclet) and variables inserted with the narrative
text ("PeriodEnded" date label and all reference variable values)
4. Finance - Consol Balancesheet – has an Excel reference file attached (Inventory
Trend.xlsx); contains embedded content ("Consol_BalSht" from Vision Statement
reference doclet and "Inventory" from Inventory Trend.xlsx reference file).
5. Finance – Notes – narrative text only, no embedded content or variables.
6. Profit by Segment template – Supplemental doclet that contains Smart View ad-
hoc query against the Narrative Reporting Sample Application/Model
7. Metrics – Units - contains embedded content ("Revenues by Segment Chart"
Management Reporting chart, "Metrics" Excel grid from Vision Statement
reference doclet), no variables
8. Metrics - Backlog and delivery - narrative text only, no embedded content or

Sample PowerPoint Report Package

Contains six doclets, one supplemental doclet and two reference doclets.
Other than the cover page and table of contents, the remaining doclets are grouped
under two sections: Financial Statements and References (for reference doclets)
• There are two static variables: "PeriodEnded" for a date label and "CurrentMonth",
which drives the POV in all Management Reporting and Oracle Smart View for
Office reference doclet queries.
• The reference variables are sourced in an Excel reference doclet, "Vision
Statements" in the Rules worksheet.
Reference Doclets and Embedded Content
Vision Statements (Excel) - the first four worksheets have Smart View ad-hoc queries
to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model.
• Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc query, which drives some the
reference variable sources in the Rules sheet.
• Rev & Gross Profit Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc query, chart is inserted as
embedded content in the "2. Income Analysis" doclet.
• Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is inserted as embedded content
in the "3. Balance sheet" doclet.
• Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, not used in any doclets
• Rules - contains the inserted variable "CurrentMonth" which is referenced, through
cell formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the Fiscal Calendar (time period
dimension) selection (default of "Jun"). It also contains cell formula references to
the "Summary Income Statement" sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate

Chapter 9
Sample Report Package Content

variance results and directional words – all of which source the seven reference

If the static variable value for "CurrentMonth" is changed, for example to
"Jul", the Vision Statement doclets needs to be downloaded, checked out
and queries refreshed, then checked back in, for the reference variable
values to be updated in the system.

(Vision Management Reports Management Reporting report) - contains one grid and
one chart. The report POV for the "Fiscal Calendar" dimension is driven by the
"CurrentMonth" variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets
where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.
• Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as embedded content in the "2.
Income-Analysis" doclet.
• Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is inserted as embedded content in the "5.
Metrics " doclet.
Other than the two reference doclets, there are six doclets and one Supplemental
1. Cover and TOC – contains date label, which is driven by the "PeriodEnded"
variable. Has an agenda-type list of bullets
2. Income Analysis – contains embedded content ("Summary Income Statement"
Management Reporting grid, "Rev & Gross Profit Analysis" Excel chart from Vision
Statement reference doclet) and variables inserted with the narrative text
("PeriodEnded" date label and all reference variable values)
3. Balance Sheet – contains embedded content ("Consol_BalSht" from Vision
Statement reference doclet)
4. Profit by Segment template – Supplemental doclet that contains a Smart View ad-
hoc query against the Narrative Reporting Sample Application/Model
5. Notes – narrative text only, no embedded content or variables.
6. Metrics - contains embedded content ("Revenues by Segment Chart"
Management Reporting chart), no variables
7. Backlog - narrative text only, no embedded content or variables.

Sample PDF Report Package

Contains ten doclets, including four Management Reporting report doclets and one
Excel doclet, along with two reference doclets.
Other than the cover page and table of contents, the remaining doclets are grouped
under three sections: Financials, Financial Appendix and Financial References (for
reference doclets). The Financials section also has a nested section for Management
Reporting reports.

Chapter 9
Sample Report Package Content

• There are two static variables: "PeriodEnded" for a date label and "CurrentMonth",
which drives the POV in all Management Reporting reports, Excel, and Oracle
Smart View for Office reference doclet queries, as well as the Management
Reporting report doclets.
• The reference variables are sourced in an Excel reference doclet, "Vision
Statements" in the Rules worksheet.
Reference Doclets and Embedded Content
There are two reference doclets in the "Financial References" section:
Vision Statements (Excel Reference) - the first four worksheets have Smart View ad-
hoc queries to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and Model.
• Summary Income Statement - Smart View ad-hoc query, which drives some of the
reference variable sources in the Rules sheet.
• Rev & Gross Profit Analysis - Smart View ad-hoc query, chart is inserted as
embedded content in the "Finance Revenue report (MS Word)" doclet.
• Balance Sheet - Smart View ad-hoc query, grid is inserted as embedded content
in the "Finance - Consol Balancesheet (MS Word)" doclet.
• Metrics - Smart View ad-hoc query, not used in any doclets
• Rules - contains the inserted variable "CurrentMonth" which is referenced, through
cell formulas, by all four query sheets to drive the Fiscal Calendar (time period
dimension) selection (default of "Jun"). It also contains cell formula references to
the "Summary Income Statement" sheet values and Excel formulas to calculate
variance results and directional words – all of which source the seven reference

If the static variable value for "CurrentMonth" is changed, for example to
"Jul", the Vision Statement doclets needs to be downloaded, checked
out and queries refreshed, then checked back in, for the reference
variable values to be updated in the system.

(Vision Management Reports Management Reporting report) - contains one grid and
one chart. The report POV for the "Fiscal Calendar" dimension is driven by the
"CurrentMonth" variable. Changes in the variable refreshes the report, and doclets
where its embedded content is inserted, automatically.
• Summary Income Statement - grid is inserted as embedded content in the
3.Finance Revenue report doclet.
• Revenues by Segment Chart – chart is inserted as embedded content in the
6.Metrics units doclet.
Other than the two reference doclets, there are seven doclets and one Supplemental
1. Cover Page – contains date label, which is driven by the "PeriodEnded" variable.

Chapter 9
Opening the Report Package

2. TOC – Word-based table of contents, which is generated by Narrative Reporting

when the report package output is generated (for example, Preview, Review Sign-
off, Publish, Download, and Distribution)
3. Finance - Revenue report – contains embedded content ("Summary Income
Statement" Management Reporting grid, "Rev & Gross Profit Analysis" Excel chart
from Vision Statement reference doclet) and variables inserted with the narrative
text ("PeriodEnded" date label and all reference variable values)
4. Finance - Consol Balancesheet – has an Excel reference file attached (Inventory
Trend.xlsx); contains embedded content (‘Consol_BalSht’ from Vision Statement
reference doclet and ‘Inventory’ from Inventory Trend.xlsx reference file).
5. Finance – Notes – narrative text only, no embedded content or variables.
6. Management Reports Management Reporting report doclets, three of which have
the report POV for the "Fiscal Calendar" dimension driven by the "CurrentMonth"
variable. Changes in the variable refresh the reports automatically.
• Income Statement – this is the Management Reporting Sample Report 1 with
printable pages set in the POV for the Segments dimension, to print four
pages of the report, one for each selected Segment member. The report
contains a grid with income statement accounts in the rows and Scenarios in
the columns, with two formula columns to display the "% of Net Sales" for
each account in the row.
• Income Statement Trend – this is the Management Reporting Sample Report
4, which contains a grid with income statement accounts in the rows,
Scenarios and Fiscal Calendar dimensions in the columns. The grid displays a
rolling report for the months in Actual and Plan, depending on the POV set for
the Fiscal Calendar dimension.
• Sales Summary – this is theManagement Reporting Sample Report 2, which
contains three charts (pie, bar, and line charts) that are each driven by grids
that are part of each chart definition. This report is not driven by the
"CurrentMonth" variable.
• Sales by Territory – this is theManagement Reporting Sample Report 3, which
contains a grid and a chart, where the grid has Entities in the rows and
Scenarios in the columns. The chart is driven by the displayed grid.
7. Regional Balance Sheets - Excel – is an Excel doclet with four worksheets with
Smart View ad-hoc queries to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application and
Model. Each worksheet is a Balance Sheet report for different Entity dimension
members. The first worksheet, Rules, has the static variable "CurrentMonth" being
inserted. The four worksheets with Smart View ad-hoc queries contain a formula
link to pull the "CurrentMonth" variable into the POV on each worksheet. Updating
the variable value will update all POV’s within the workbook.

Opening the Report Package

To open the sample report package:
1. From the Home page, perform an action:

• Click and navigate to the folder in which the administrator extracted

the report package.

Chapter 9
Working with the Report Center

• Click to view the report packages that you have access to.
2. Click the name of one of the sample report packages. By default, they are Sample
Report Package — MS Word ,Sample Report Package PPT and Sample
Report Package — PDF.
For more information, see Welcome to Oracle Narrative Reporting.

Working with the Report Center

When you click the name of the report package, the report opens in the report center.
The report center enables report package owners to manage the report package
through all the phases of development.
Let’s look at some of the areas in the report center:


Report packages are divided into subcomponents called doclets. The sample Word
report package contains seven doclets, one supplemental doclet, and two reference
doclets for you to work with:
• Cover page
• Table of contents
• Finance — Revenue report
• Finance — Consol Balancesheet
• Finance — Notes
• Profit by Segment Template (supplemental doclet)
• Metrics — Units
• Metrics — Backlog and delivery
• Vision Statements (Excel reference doclet)
• Vision Management Reports (Management Reporting reference doclet)

Chapter 9
Editing Report Packages


Sections group and organize doclets. The sample Word report package contains two
sections for you to work with:
• Finance
• Metrics


The toolbar provides these functions:

• Click to access the help center

• Click to act on the entire report package or a selected group of

doclets or sections.

• Click to close the report center and return to the home screen.

Add Doclets and Sections


and to add additional doclets and sections. See "Adding and

Organizing Report Package Content" in Create Report Packages

See "Navigating the Report Center" in Manage Report Packages.

Editing Report Packages

When you first access the sample report package, no development phases are
enabled and no users are assigned. Edit the report package by clicking

, and then selecting Edit Report Package Properties to open the

edit wizard. The edit wizard contains panels that enable you to edit the report package
properties, enable development phases, and assign access. Let’s look at each panel:

Editing Report Package Properties

Chapter 9
Editing Report Packages

In Enter Properties, you can edit the name of the sample report package and change
its location in the library. You can also upload a new style sample document. See
Working with the Style Sample Document.

When you have finished editing the properties, click to continue.

Enabling Development Phases

Narrative Reporting provides three phases for developing report packages:

Collaborate to develop the report content and supporting details.

Gather comments on multiple draft versions and to revise the report content.

Sign Off
Lock report content and gather sign offs from key constituents.

To enable a phase, click the check mark in the corner of the phase:

. When you enable a phase, the

phase tile changes color and the screen updates with the phase timeline.

Chapter 9
Editing Report Packages

Click to select the start and end dates for the phases. You can also include doclet
approvals in the author phase and additional review cycles in the review phase. See
"Creating the Report Package Structure" in Create Report Packages.

After you enable each phase and set the timelines, click to continue.

You do not need to assign authors to all doclets (for example, the report
package owner can author doclet content). If you enable the Author phase
on the report package level, you can specify individual doclets that do not
participate in the author phase by selecting next to the doclet, then Edit
Doclet Properties, and then selecting Exclude from Author Phase.

Assigning Users

Use the Assign Users screen to grant permissions to report package owners,
reviewers, signers, and viewers.
To grant permission to a user:

Chapter 9
Editing Report Packages

1. Select the responsibility that you want to grant to a user:

• Owners can modify the report package structure and properties, execute the
phase processes, and assign users.
• Reviewers can review all or part of the report package and provide feedback
on potential modifications to the content.
• Signers can provide the final sign off for the report package so that it can be
• Viewers can view all or part of the report package but cannot make

If you enabled the sign off phase, you must select at least one signer
before you can close the edit wizard.

2. Click to open the Select User dialog box.

3. Perform these actions:
a. In the Search Text field, enter all or part of the name of the user or group that

you want to assign access to, and then click .

b. Select the name in the search result, and then click to close the
Select User dialog box.

After you finish assigning users, click to save your changes, close the
wizard, and return to the report center.

When you return to the report center, an error message says that there are
doclets that do not have authors assigned to them. See Editing Report

Assigning Authors and Approvers to Doclets

You use the Edit Report Package wizard to assign users (owners, reviewers, signers,
and viewers) at the report package level. However, doclet authors and approvers are
optionally assigned at the doclet level. Therefore, you assign authors and approvers
directly from the report center.
To assign authors and approvers to doclets:

1. Select next to the doclet that you want to assign an author to, and then select
Edit Doclet Properties.

Chapter 9
Editing Report Packages

2. In Doclet Properties, edit the name and description if desired, and then select the
permission that you want to grant.

If the Approvers permission is not displayed, you didn’t enable doclet
approval for the report package. Close the Doclet Properties screen and
edit the report package properties to enable doclet approval. See
"Adding Doclets" in Create Report Packages.

3. Click to open Select User.

4. Perform these actions:
a. In the Search text by, enter all or part of the name of the user or group that

you want to assign access to, and then click .

b. Select the name in the search result, and then click to close Select
5. When you have finished assigning authors and approvers to the doclet, click

to save the doclet edits and return to the report center.

6. Repeat steps 1–5 to continue assigning authors to any additional desired doclets.
After you finish assigning authors to your doclets, the error messages are no longer

Chapter 9
Working with the Style Sample Document

Working with the Style Sample Document

The report package style sample document contains the page attributes (for Word-
based report packages) or slide masters and layouts (for PowerPoint-based report
packages) for the report. When individual doclets are uploaded to the report package,
the style sample is applied to each of them so that the final report is uniform and
consistent. We will work with the Word-based style sample document in this topic.

To get an idea of the style sample functionality, click the Preview tab on the left
side of the report center to preview the entire report. You can also preview an
individual doclet and section. Scroll through the report to look at a few sample pages
or click :Show Thumbnail to display thumbnails for the report or doclet.

Chapter 9
Working with the Style Sample Document

Chapter 9
Working with the Style Sample Document

Click to return to the report center.


Do not click from the preview pane or the report package,

doclet, or section will close and you will be returned to the home screen.

Next, download the style sample file.

To download the style sample file:

1. Click next to the name of the report package.

2. Select Download Style Sample File.

Chapter 9
Working with the Style Sample Document

3. Perform an action:
• Select Save File, download the style sample file to your local drive, and then
open the file in Microsoft Word.
• Select Open With, and leave the default selection of Microsoft Word.
The style sample file 0.Style Sheet.docx is displayed in Word.

Next, let’s add a DRAFT watermark.

To add a watermark:
1. From Microsoft Word, select the Page Layout tab.
2. Select Watermark.
3. Select DRAFT 1.
4. Click Save.
Next, upload the new style sample document.
To upload the style sample document:

1. In report center, click , and then select Edit Report Package

Properties to open the edit wizard.
2. In Style Sample, click Browse.
3. Navigate to where you saved the modified style sample sheet, and then click

Chapter 9
Working with the Style Sample Document

The system displays a warning message that the new style sample will
be applied to all of the doclets, and asks if you want to continue. Click

4. Click to save your changes, close the wizard, and return to the report

5. Click Preview again to preview the changes.

Notice that the DRAFT watermark is now displayed on all of the doclets. You can edit
the style sample document to make further changes to the report package. You can
also override the style sample document at the doclet level if you do not want the style
sample applied to that doclet.

Chapter 9
Working with Development Phases

Working with Development Phases

With your users, phases, style, doclets, and sections in place, it is time to start the
report package development process to see how it all works! As a report package
owner, you can perform the same tasks as a doclet author and approver. However, if
you also want to act as a reviewer or signer, you must assign yourself those
permissions by editing the report package properties. See Editing Report Packages.

Author Phase
The author phase allows doclet authors to add content to doclets and doclet approvers
to review and approve that content. You must start the author phase before authors
and approvers can add content to doclets. To start the author phase, select

, and then select Start Author Phase.

Next, perform these actions to learn about the author phase:
• Check out, download, edit, upload, and check in a doclet.
• Submit a doclet for approval.
• Approve a doclet
• Undo the checkout of a doclet to discard changes
• Restart the workflow on a doclet
• Mark the author phase complete
See Managing the Author Phase.

Review Phase
In the review phase, users review content and add comments to the document. You
start a review cycle by creating a review instance and then starting the cycle.
To start a review cycle:

1. Select , and then select Create Review Instance.

2. Select to start the review cycle. Click Start Review Cycle x. X

represents the number of the next review cycle; for example, Start Review Cycle
After you have started the review cycle, perform these actions to learn about the
review phase:
• Post a comment to a doclet.
• Mark a comment closed.
• Reopen a comment.
• Mark a review cycle complete.
• Create another review instance and start another review cycle. Notice that review
comments are carried forward in context from previous review cycles.

Chapter 9
Working with Development Phases

See "Managing the Review Phase" in Manage Report Packages.

Example 9-1 Sign Off Phase
The sign off phase locks down the report package content and submits it to the signers
for final approval. After a sign off instance is created, no changes to the report

package are allowed. To create a sign off instance, select , and then
select Create Sign Off Instance.
After you have created the sign off instance, perform these actions to learn about the
sign off phase:
• Request sign off on the report package.
• Cancel the sign off and unlock the report package for additional edits.
• Reject the sign off (you must have the Signer permission).
• Sign off on the report package (you must have the Signer permission).
See "Managing the Sign Off Phase" in Manage Report Packages.
After you guide the report package through each development phase, you are ready to
create your own report package. Remember that you can always return to the sample
report package to experiment and become familiar with different report package
functionality. For more detailed information about the tasks and responsibilities of a
report package owner, see these topics:
• Learn About Report Packages
• Report Package Design Considerations
• Create Report Packages
• Understand Style Samples
• Manage Report Packages

Working with the Sample Management
After a service administrator installs the sample files and you import the sample
management reports (see Installing Samples), the following sample management
reports are available to work with:
• Sample Report 1 - contains a grid with income statement accounts in the rows
and Scenarios in the columns, with two formula columns to display the "% of Net
Sales" for each account in the row.
• Sample Report 1 Snapshot
• Sample Report 2 - contains three charts (pie, bar, and line charts) that are each
driven by grids that are part of each chart definition.
• Sample Report 2 Snapshot
• Sample Report 3 - contains a grid and a chart, where the grid has Entities in the
rows and Scenarios in the columns. The chart is driven by the displayed grid.
• Sample Report 3 Snapshot
• Sample Report 4 - contains a grid with income statement accounts in the rows,
Scenarios and Fiscal Calendar dimensions in the columns. The grid displays a
rolling report with:
– January to the currently selected month in the POV (June by default) for
Actual data.
– The Current POV + 1 (July by default) to December for Plan data.
– You can change the POV to select a different month. The columns use a
combination of the Current POV, Range and Relative Member selection
• Sample Report 4 Snapshot
• Sample Report 5 (Prompts) - contains a grid with prompts for:
– One or more Segments in the rows
– Children of the select Quarter in the columns
– One or more Entities in the POV with Printable Pages enabled.
• Sample Report 6 (Cond. Format & Suppression) – contains a grid with Entities
in the rows and Scenarios in the columns with the following applied:
– Conditional formatting on the "Act vs. Plan Var" column that colors the cell
background red, green or yellow, depending on the cell value.
– Conditional suppression on the Entity row to suppress all rows where the
value is less than 1,000,000.
• Sample Report 7 (Zoom and Drill) – contains a grid with Accounts in the rows
and Scenarios in the columns with the following Zoom and Drill definitions:

Chapter 10

– Zoom to Children for "Gross Profit" and "Net Income"

– Drill to URL for the "Gross Profit" and "Net Income" row headers with links to
corresponding Wikipedia pages
– Drill to "Sample Report 3" for the "Gross Profit" and "Net Income" data cells in
the "Actual" column. The POV for the Account is passed to the target report.

The drill definitions to "Sample Report 3" require that this report
exists in the "Samples" folder. If the sample management reports are
deployed to a different folder, the drill definitions must be updated to
the new location, in order for the drill links to function properly.

• Snapshot Reports – for all the sample management reports, except "Sample
Report 5 (Prompts)". Snapshot reports contain data within the report and do not
require connectivity to the Narrative Reporting Sample Application. They are
available for preview only, as the definition of snapshot reports cannot be edited.

All the sample management reports contain:
– An image object in the header with a company logo
– Images in the header and footer with a gradient striped thick border
– A text box with text functions in the header which returns the report
description and some point of view information and report run date
– A text box with a function in the footer to return the page number

Working with the Sample Application
We provide a sample application with Narrative Reporting as a learning tool. Use the
sample application to:
• See what an application looks like after it is created. The sample application
– One sample model
– Seven dimensions with their members loaded
– Data loaded into the sample model
• Learn how the dimension hierarchy works
• View the proper format of dimension load files and proper format of a data load file
• View application history
• Learn how to grant access to the application to users and groups
• Learn how data grants work by creating a data grant within the sample model
• Experiment with refreshing data (from an application) in a doclet within a report
package by using Smart View
This topic shows you how to generate the sample application and guides you to topics
that help you learn about an Narrative Reporting application.

Generating the Sample Application

Only one application can be active at a time in one environment, so use the sample
application to learn about and experiment with a completed application. Afterward, you
can delete the sample and create your custom application.
To generate a sample application:
1. From the Application icon, under Sample Application, select Create.

This User Interface (UI) that is displayed below is only displayed when
you have not already created an application.

Chapter 11
Experimenting with a Complete Application

The Sample Application is generated.

2. Click Sample Application to open it.

Experimenting with a Complete Application

1. Open the Sample Application. It contains one model called Sample Model and
these dimensions with the members loaded:
• Accounts—Categorize revenue, expense, asset, equity, liability, and
statistical entries in the system.
• Fiscal Calendar—Displays the fiscal calendar year and period, such as Q1,
Jan Feb, Mar; as well as time period aggregations such as YTD and QTD.
• Years—Displays the fiscal or actual year for example, FY 2015 or 2015.

Chapter 11
Experimenting with a Complete Application

• Scenarios—Provides versions of data, such as Budget, Actual, Forecast. You

can compare scenarios to determine the variance.
• Entities—Describes the structure of your organization.
• Currency—List of reporting currencies for the model.
• Generic—A user-defined dimension.
You can see when the application was created, when it was last updated, and how
many users have access to this sample application.

2. Click the Dimensions and Models tab to see the dimensions and which models
contain each dimension. Here, only one model is pre-populated.

Chapter 11
Learning How the Dimension Hierarchy Works

You can use the sample application to experiment with adding, editing and viewing
dimensions. You can create and modify models and assign dimensions to them.
See Create a Custom Application.

Learning How the Dimension Hierarchy Works

To view the dimension hierarchy and member properties for the Accounts dimension:
1. Select Edit from the drop-down menu: The table view is displayed.
2. Expand the Accounts dimension.

3. To see the detailed view, select Detailed View.

Chapter 11
Viewing the Proper Format of Dimension Load and Data Load Files

See Manage Dimensions Using the Hierarchy Editor for information on how to set
various dimension properties in the Dimension Hierarchy Editor.

Viewing the Proper Format of Dimension Load and Data

Load Files
Dimensions and data are already loaded into the sample application. To see an
example of formatting, view the load files provided by your administrator.

To learn how to create dimension load files, see Load and Extract Dimension
Members and see Load, Extract, and Clear Data to learn how to create data load files.

Dimension Load Files

For example, if you open the SampleApp.Accounts.txt file, this formatting is

See Load and Extract Dimension Members to learn more about loading dimensions
and members.

Chapter 11
Viewing Application History

Data Load File

The sample application is prepopulated with data in the model. To view the correct
format of a data load file, open data.export.txt which your administrator can
Here is data.export.txt:

See Load, Extract, and Clear Data to learn more about loading data.

Viewing Application History

To see the history of actions, click the History icon. In this example, you can see the
actions that were taken to prepopulate the sample application:

Granting Access to the Application

You can use the sample application to try granting access to users or groups.

Chapter 11
Learning How to Set Up Data Grants

Before you can grant access, the Identity Domain Administrator must have
already created users and assigned roles.

To grant access to users:

1. Access the Grant Access tab from the sample application.
2. See Grant Access to learn how to grant access to the application to users and

Learning How to Set Up Data Grants

You can use the sample application to practice setting up data grants. Learn how to
layer the rows in a data grant to create the effective permissions you want for data in
your model.
To learn to work with data grants:
1. Access the Data Grants tab from the sample application.

Chapter 11
Refreshing Data in a Doclet

2. See Set Up Data Grants for further information.

Refreshing Data in a Doclet

You can use the sample application to refresh data in a doclet in which the data
resides in the sample application. To become familiar with this feature of Narrative
Reporting, see Example: Working with Narrative Reporting data in Oracle Smart View
for Office and Work with the Sample Report Package.

Learning About Security
In this topic, you will gain a high-level understanding of the layers of security that you
can implement in Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service to ensure that each user
has the appropriate access to information and system administration. The three layers
of security:
• System Level Security
• Artifact Level Security
• Data Level Security

Levels of Security
Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service security is achieved through a combination
of system level roles, corresponding artifact level permissions, and data security:

• System Level security – Restricts Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service to

users that are created by the Identity Domain Administrator in Oracle Cloud, My
Services and assigned at least one role.
• Artifact Level security – Restricts access to report packages, third-party
documents, folders, and the application by granting permissions to users and
• Data Level security – Identifies the users and groups that have specified access to

Chapter 12
Levels of Security

System Level Security

The first level of security is created at the Oracle Cloud, My Services Users level when
the Identity Domain Administrator for your company creates users and assigns roles
as outlined in: Learning About Security.

Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service includes five predefined roles:

Service Administrators
Create and maintain all aspects of the system, except for user management

Reports Administrators
Create report packages, management reporting definitions and Disclosure
Management documents

Application Administrators
Create and maintain all application artifacts, such as applications, models,
dimensions, and data grants

Library Administrators
Create folders, including root-level folders

The minimum role required to log in to and use the service, and to view artifacts to
which the user has access

Artifact Level Security

The second level of security is the artifact level, in which access permissions are
granted to users, groups, or users and groups for:
• Report packages
• External Third-Party Content such as PDFs, images and Microsoft Office

Chapter 12
Levels of Security

• Folders in the library

• An application
• Management Reports

When you see the keys in Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service, you can grant
access to users, groups, or users and groups.
When you create an artifact (report package, folder, application), you automatically
have permission to edit, delete, and maintain that artifact. In addition, you can give
other users, groups, or users and groups the ability to maintain or view that artifact by
granting access to those users. Users who do not have access cannot see or access
that artifact.
The permissions you can grant on an artifact depend on the artifact. For example, you
can grant "Administer" or "View" permissions to Third-Party artifacts in a folder,
whereas you can grant "Administer", "Write", or "View" permissions on a folder in a
library. For an application, you can grant “ADMINISTER” or “USE” permissions. See
Learning About Security for details on all the permissions.

Chapter 12
Levels of Security

You can grant permissions to artifacts in the library using the concept of “inherited
permissions.” This gives you the ability to easily grant the same permissions that you
set at a parent folder to the child folder(s) and artifacts underneath it. By default,
folders are created with the Inherit Permissions box checked by default, but you can
clear it if you wish. And, you may also individually override the inherited permissions
for certain users and/or groups by directly assigning or revoking a permission. Note
that the inherited permission check box is not the default for a report package, since
granting access allows other users to view it immediately. A report package owner
usually waits until a more appropriate time in the report package lifecycle rather than
granting access at creation time.
See Granting Access for more details.

Management Reporting Permissions

1. In order to run a management report, the user must have at least the "View"
permission on the artifact.
2. In order to save a management report as a snapshot the user must have "View"
permission on the artifact. Saved management reports can only be written to
folders to which a viewer has "Write" access.
3. When a management report snapshot is created, the system grants that user with
the Report Administrator permission on the snapshot.
4. When a management report snapshot is created from the definition, the snapshot
does not get the permissions applied to the management report definition.

Data Level Security

The third level of security is the data level, in which data access permissions can be
granted to users. Data level security can be set in the following ways:
• You can take a broad approach and grant access on a dimension by dimension
basis, either by setting the Default access on a dimension to READ from the
default of NONE, or by granting access to a particular dimension to users, groups,
or users and groups.

Chapter 12
Levels of Security

• On a granular level, you can create data grants to grant access to portions of data
in a model. This grant can be individual or combinations/intersections of

Access on a Dimension by Dimension Basis

You can grant access to users on a dimension by dimension basis. When you create
the dimension, you can change the default access of NONE to READ to enable all
users to see that dimension.
The challenge with dimension by dimension data access is that most often you want to
restrict access on a more granular level. For example, if someone in your company is
responsible for the Human Resources budget, that person needs access to all the
expense accounts: salary, benefits, office supplies, travel and entertainment, etc.
across the company. That same HR person is also responsible for the benefits
account in every cost center. On a dimension by dimension basis, you would have to
give them access to all cost centers. And that’s not what you really want. Ideally, users
would have access only to their own cost centers rather than all cost centers and
access to the one they need such as “Benefits”. A data grant addresses this need by
granting access at dimensional intersections.

Creating Data Grants

A data grant allows you to specify the portions of data within the model that can be
accessed by users, groups or users and groups. When you see the data grants icon,
you can create and manage data grants. To create a data grant, select a model and
specify, for each dimension, the access that users and groups have for specific
members. You “layer” each row so what you add for row 1 is the base layer, and each
subsequent row refines the access you grant.

Chapter 12
Levels of Security

The rows within a data grant determine the security outcome (effective permissions).
The top row (base layer) is evaluated first. Some best practice ideas:
• Apply broad rules for the majority of cases, and then create exceptions. You can
either grant the greatest access in the base layer, or start with a restrictive base
layer and then grant greater access.
• Try to create security in the data grant in the fewest steps to simplify maintenance.
The key to creating data grants is to understand how the order of the rows affects the
effective permissions and steering clear of creating conflicting rules between rows. In
cases of conflict, the least restrictive access rules takes precedence. See Setting Up
Data Grants for more details on the rules and logic applied to creating data grants in
Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Service, The chapter includes sample data grants to
increase your understanding of them.

Granting Access
To control which users can access content within Narrative Reporting, you must grant
access to users for the following artifacts:
• Report Packages
• Folders
• Management Reporting reports
• Third-party Artifacts, such as MS Office documents, PDFs, and images
• Dimensions
• An Application (includes the application artifact, dimensions, and data grants)


Access to models and data is granted through Data Grants . See Set
Up Data Grants. For System audit logs, no access can be granted to other
users. Only the Service Administrator and the creator of the System audit log
can view them.

The access to artifacts is managed by a combination of the role assigned to the user
and the associated permission that is assigned to a user for the artifact. As a general
rule, access is managed as follows:
• The Role (such as Service Administrator, Reports Administrator, Application
Administrator, Library Administrator, and User) enables an administrative user to
create an artifact. For example, the report package owner creates the report
package, or the Library administrator creates a root level folder. See Learn About
Security for more information on security roles.
• Permission is granted to a selected user or group to maintain the specified artifact,
based on the assigned permission, such as edit, view, administer, or remove.
You assign permission to access artifacts to individual users or groups. Generally, until
access is assigned to an artifact, it is invisible to the user, with the following
• The Administrator who created the artifact can always see it, as long as the
administrator’s permission has not been removed.
• Depending on the artifact, some Administrator roles can see it as part of their role.
• The Service Administrator can always see everything.
As a best practice, to minimize maintenance, you can group users who have the same
access level. Permission is then assigned to the group rather than each individual

Chapter 13

Types of Permission
The following types of permission may be granted on different artifact types:

Table 13-1 Types of Permission

Permission Type Permission Artifact Type

Administer Users can create and manage the • Report Packages
artifact. The Administrator has • Folders
unrestricted access to the artifact. • Management Reporting reports
• Third-party Content (such as MS
Office documents, PDFs and
• Dimensions
Write For folders only, enables users to Folders
add content to the folder.
View Users can view the artifact. • Report Packages
• Folders
• Management Reporting reports
• Third-party Content (MS Office
documents, PDFs and images)
Use Users can see the Application in the Application
library. The scope of the access to
the application is governed by any
additional restrictions or permissions
for that user, such as:
• View permissions applied to any
• Write permissions applied to a
folder artifact
• Additional permissions applied
to the model, data, and

Direct and Inherited Permissions

For report packages, folders, and third-party content, you can assign permissions
directly or by inheritance from the parent folder:
• Direct permissions are used to assign access for a single artifact to specified

users and groups. Click the check box on the Access tab of the associated
Inspect dialog box to add or remove that permission for the selected user or group.
When you hover over the selected permission, it is identified as “Direct

Chapter 13

• Inherited permissions are used to assign the permissions granted to a parent

level artifact to all its children to avoid having to set individual user permissions for
each artifact. The permissions applied to the parent flow down to all child artifacts
for that parent. You can adjust the inherited permissions by revoking permission
for a particular user or group, for example, if you have confidential data that you do
not want everyone to see.

You can assign both Administer and View permissions at the folder level and the
objects in the folder will inherit those permissions if Inherit permissions from parent
folder is turned on.
By default, inheritance is turned on for folders and third-party artifacts. Inheritance is
turned off by default for report packages and reports so users are granted appropriate
access to the report package and reports during the development of the report.

The inheritance icon is displayed beside users with inherited permissions.

Hovering over a permission displays the path to the location of the permission.
If you add or remove an inherited default permission on the Access tab, a new icon

is displayed beside the modified permission to indicate the change. Click again to
revert to the original inherited permission, if required.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Report Packages

Granting Access to Report Packages

Report package owners are automatically granted the Administer permission for the
report package that they create. If you assign the Administer permission to other users
on a report package, then they are also displayed as report package owners.

As a best practice, Report Package Owners and Viewers should be assigned
in the Report Package rather than the Library.

The report package owner can assign access to the report package, using one of the
following methods:
• When creating the report package, select and assign users, as described in
Create Report Packages.
• Through the Library, using the Inspect dialog box, as described in this document.

Available Permissions
Only Administer and View (report package viewer) permissions can be assigned
through the Library. Report package authors, approvers, and reviewers must be
assigned from the report package itself. See Create Report Packages for additional
The following permissions are available for the Report Package:
• Administer—Enables the user or group to edit, delete, and import or export the
artifact to which the permission has been applied for that user or group. The
Administrator user in the Report Package is displayed in the Library and the
Access tab with direct Administer permission. If you assign other users the
Administer permission on a report package, then they are also displayed as report
package owners.
• View—Enables the user or group to see the report package. The View user in the
Report Package is displayed in the Library, and from Inspect on the Access tabs of
the report package as having direct View permissions.
To grant access to report packages:
1. From the Home page, select an option to access the report package:
• Report Packages on the Home Page
• Library, and then Report Packages
• Library, and then Folder

As a best practice, Report Package Owners and Viewers should be
assigned in the Report Package rather than the Library.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Report Packages

2. Highlight the report package to which you want to assign access.

3. Under Actions, select Inspect.

4. Select the Access tab .

5. Click and select the users to which you want to assign

access, as follows:
a. Select the user type:

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Report Packages

• Users
• Groups
• Users and Groups
b. On the Select User dialog box, enter the first few letters for the user name in
the text box, and then click Search to populate the list of names. To
display all users and groups, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard in the Search
c. Select the users and groups to which you want to assign access, and then
click OK.

6. From Access , assign direct or inherited permission to the report package:

a. Optional: To assign direct permission for each user or group, click the check
box under the appropriate columns, or by selecting Grant Permission from
User or Group Actions :
• Select Administer to enable the user or group to edit, delete, and import
or export all artifacts.
• Select View to enable the user or group to see all or part of the report
package. The user cannot modify the report package.
• Select Remove to delete the selected user or group from the list. Highlight
the name, and then click X to remove the name and any associated
permissions immediately.

To remove the original administrator, you must assign the
administrator permission to another user, who can then remove the
original Administrator.

b. Optional: To apply inherited permissions, select Inherit permissions from

parent folder to apply the parent-level permissions to artifacts.
Inheritance is turned off by default for report packages so users are granted
appropriate access to the report package during the development of the
The inherited permissions provide the following access:
• If View is inherited, users can view the Report Package in its current state,
including Not Started. In addition, these users are displayed in the Report
Package as Report Package Viewers.
• If Administer is inherited, users can view, manage, and edit the Report
Package in its current state, including Not Started. In addition, these users are
displayed in the Report Package as Report Package Owners.

The icon indicates inherited permission. When you hover over the inherited
permission, the complete path to the original artifact is displayed.
7. Click Close.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Folders and Third-party Documents

Granting Access to Folders and Third-party Documents

Third-party documents or external content include artifacts that were generated
outside of Narrative Reporting, such as MS Office documents, images, and PDFs.
These artifacts are stored in created folders.
You assign access to folders and third-party content from the Inspect dialog box from
the Library.
By default, inheritance is turned on for folders and third-party content. You can remove
a user or group from inheritance, and assign direct permission to the artifact.

See the following video also Granting Access to Library Artifacts.

Available Permissions
The following permissions are available for the folders and third-party content:
• Administer – Enable the user or group to read, edit and delete artifacts.
• Write – For folders only, enable the user to import third-party content or other
artifacts as a new file into the parent container or folder.
• View — Enables the user or group to see all authorized folder artifacts within the
application. The View permission may be applied directly to the artifact or inherited
from a parent folder hierarchy.
• Remove – Allows the user to delete a selected user or group from the list.
Highlight the name, and then click X to remove the name and any associated
To grant access to folders and third-party content:
1. From the Home page, select Library.
2. In the Library, select the folder or artifact for which you want to assign access.
3. Under Actions, select Inspect, and then Access.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Folders and Third-party Documents

Users or groups who are inheriting permissions from the parent folder are
indicated by the inheritance icon .

4. Click and select the users to which you want to assign

access, as follows:
a. Select the user type:
• Users
• Groups
• Users and Groups
b. On the Select User dialog box, enter the first few letters for the user name in
the text box, and then click Search to populate the list of names. To
display all users and groups, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard in the Search
c. Select the users and groups to which you want to assign access, and then
click OK.

5. From Access , assign direct or inherited permission to the report package

using one of the following methods:
a. Optional: To assign direct permissions for each user or group, click the check
box under the appropriate columns, or select Grant Permission from User or
Group Actions .
• Select Administer to enable the user or group to read, write and delete,
and import or export artifacts.
• Select Write for folders only to enable the user to import third-party
content or other artifact as a new file into the parent container or folder.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to an Application

• Select View to enable the user or group to see all authorized folder
artifacts within the application. The View permission may be applied
directly to the artifact, or inherited from a parent folder hierarchy.
• Select Remove to delete a user or group from the list. Highlight the name,
and then click X to remove the name and any associated permissions
b. Optional: To inherit the same permissions that have been assigned to a
parent artifact, click Inherit permissions from parent folder. Inherited
permission is indicated by the icon . When you hover over the inherited
permission, the complete path to the original artifact is displayed
6. Click Close.

Granting Access to an Application

After an application is created by the Application Administrator, you must assign
access to that application. You can grant permission directly from the Application icon
on the Home Page, or from the Library Inspect dialog box.
• To grant access to an application from the Home Page
• To grant access to an application from the Library
Only direct permissions are available for an application.

If you apply access to the Application system folder listed under the left
column of the Library using the Inspect option without opening the
application, the associated permission is applied to the system folder and not
to the application itself.

Available Permissions
The following permissions are available for the application:
• Administer—Allows the user or group to perform the following tasks within the
application, to enable the ongoing management of all application artifacts:
– See and manage all models in the application
– Edit and delete any artifact in the application
– Import and export all application artifacts (models, dimensions, and data
– Add, edit, and remove users and groups
• Use—Allows a user to see the Application in the Library. The level of access
which the user is allowed is also governed by any additional permissions
restricting the user, such as:
– View permissions applied to any artifact
– Write permissions applied to a folder artifact
– Additional permissions applied to the model, data and metadata

Chapter 13
Granting Access to an Application

Granting Access to an Application from the Home Page

To grant access to an application from the Home Page:
1. From the Home page, select Application, and then click the application name.

2. From the Overview screen in Application, select Access .

The creator of the application is displayed as the Administrator.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to an Application

3. Click and select the users to which you want to assign

access, as follows:
a. Select the user type:
• Users
• Groups
• Users and Groups
b. On the Select User dialog box, enter the first few letters for the user name in
the text box, and then click Search to populate the list of names. To
display all users and groups, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard in the Search
c. Select the users and groups to which you want to assign access, and then
click OK.

4. From Access , click the check box under the appropriate columns, or select
Grant Permission from User or Group Actions to assign the level of access
for each user or group:
• Select Administer to enable the user or group to perform ongoing
management of all application artifacts.
• Select Use to allow a user to see the Application in the Library. The level of
access which the user is allowed is also governed by any additional
permissions restricting the user.
5. Optional: Select Remove to delete the selected user or group from the list.
Highlight the name, and then click X to remove the name and any associated
6. Click Close.

Granting Access to an Application from the Library

To grant access to an application from the Library:
1. On the Home Page, select Library, and then, in the left pane, select the
Application system generated folder.
2. Select the application in the Content pane, then Actions arrow next to
application , and then select Inspect.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to an Application

3. From Properties on the Inspect dialog box, select Access .

The creator of the application is displayed as the Administrator.

4. Click and select the users to which you want to assign

access, as follows:
a. Select the user type:
• Users
• Groups
• Users and Groups
b. On the Select User dialog box, enter the first few letters for the user name in
the text box, and then click Search to populate the list of names. To
display all users and groups, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard in the Search
c. Select the users and groups to which you want to assign access, and then
click OK.

5. From the Access tab , assign the level of access for each user or group by
clicking the check box under the appropriate columns, or select Grant Permission
from User or Group Actions :
• Select Administer to enable the user or group to perform ongoing
management of application artifacts.
• Select Use to allow a user to see the Application in the Library. The level of
access which the user is allowed is also governed by any additional
permissions restricting the user.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Dimensions

6. Optional: Select Remove to delete the selected user or group from the list.
Highlight the name, and then click X to remove the name and any associated
7. Click Close.

Granting Access to Dimensions

Before you can assign access to dimensions, the user must be assigned access to the
application and the dimensions must be created.
The Application Administrator can assign direct permission to users or groups to edit
or delete dimensions. The permissions are applied through the application, rather than
the Inspect dialog box.

In addition to applying access to specific dimensions through the application
as described in this document, you can also control access using data

• Create data grants that restrict which portions of a model can be accessed.
• Set Default Access when you create or modify a dimension to READ from the
Default NONE to enable all users to view but not modify the dimension.
For more information on data grants, see Set Up Data Grants.
To grant access to dimensions:
1. On the Home page, select Application, and then click the application name to
display the Application Overview.
2. From the application Overview screen, select Dimensions and Models.

Chapter 13
Granting Access to Dimensions

3. Click the name of the dimension for which you want to grant access.
4. From the Dimension Overview screen, select Access. The name of the selected
dimension is displayed at the top of the screen.

5. Click and select the users to which you want to assign

access, as follows:
a. Select the user type:
• Users
• Groups
• Users and Groups
b. On the Select User dialog box, enter the first few letters for the user name in
the text box, and then click Search to populate the list of names. To
display all users and groups, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard in the Search
c. Select the users and groups to which you want to assign access, and then
click OK.

6. From the Access tab , select Administer to enable the user or group to view,
modify, or delete the dimension.
7. Optional: Select Remove to delete the selected user or group from the list.
Highlight the name, and then click X to remove the name and any associated
8. Click Close.

Setting Up Data Grants
Data grants enable you to apply a level of security to the data stored in a model and to
control who can access sensitive or confidential information. You can create data
grants for dimension intersections that identify users or groups who are allowed to
access that data. At least one model must exist before you can apply a data grant.
Usually, you create data grants only for dimensions to which you need to allow or
restrict access; otherwise, you can use the Default Access to set the access for the
entire dimension. For example, in the Sample Application, you can set the Default
Access to Read for the dimensions that do not need access restriction, and then set
your specific data grants on the remaining dimensions, where Default Access is None,
to grant access as required.
Carefully constructed data grants can ease security maintenance by adapting
automatically to changes in your application, such as members being added or
See these sections for more information:
• Understanding How Data Grants Work
• Selecting Member Functions
• Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules
• Creating Data Grants
• Sample Data Grant

Understanding How Data Grants Work

Data grants are assigned to members or groups of members to manage who can
access that information.
Data grants are created in layers or rows, with each successive layer refining the
access to data by users and groups. Each row of a data grant defines an intersection
of data to which a selected user will have READ or NONE access. When creating the
data grants, you select member functions to define the set of members to be included.
See Selecting Member Functions.
Key to creating data grants is understanding the rules that affect how rows are
processed and how conflicts between data grants are resolved. Row order determines
the effective permission of the grant. The rows within a data grant are evaluated in
sequence, starting with the first or base layer, and then refining the permissions with
each additional row, until the final effective permission is established.
Let’s look at the following simple example. The following assumptions apply:
• Default Access for the Scenario dimension has been set to None, so we are
setting individual permissions from that baseline.
• The Accounting Manager is also part of the Accounting Group.

Chapter 14
Understanding How Data Grants Work

The rows are read in sequence, from the top down, and the results for each row
culminate in the effective permission for the selected data. For more information on
processing data grants, see Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules.

The result of the calculations returns the following effective permissions:

• The Accounting Group has access to Actual and Plan
• Accounting Manager has access to Actual, Plan and Forecast.

In the first row of the data grant, Actual and Plan are used in a single row
because they have the same criteria. Alternatively, you can create two rows
instead; however, combining members minimizes the number of rows in the
data grant.

After the data grant is created, it is recommended that you validate the data grant. The
Validate operation checks the data grants to determine whether member names used
in the data grant are still valid. For example, if a member that was selected for a data
grant is removed from a dimension, that data grant becomes invalid. If the data grant
is not valid, an alert icon is displayed for the data grant and the data intersection row
inside the data grant. Open the data grant to see the affected model, and correct the

The Validate operation does not automatically change any data grants.

After validating the data grant, review the assigned permissions on the Data Grants
Access screen. Select each individual user or group, and verify that the data grants
reflect the restrictions that you require. If you created multiple data grants, then
conflicting rows likely exist. The background resolution of multiple competing or
conflicting data grants may not create the final result that you expect, so you might
need to refine your data grants to ensure the proper access.
Best practice suggestions:
• Grant the broadest rules that apply to the most people in your base layer for first
row of the data grant, and then add exception rows to reduce access.
• Try to create your security model in the fewest possible steps, to ease

Chapter 14
Selecting Member Functions

For more details on the rules and logic applied to creating data grants in Narrative
Reporting, see Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules.

Selecting Member Functions

You can use member functions to select a set of members to include in a data grant.
This selection method promotes flexibility and control, easing maintenance of data

The function icon in the Select Members dialog box is available for every member
level in the hierarchy, and offers the following member functions to select the members
to be included in a data grant:
• Member —Assign the data grant to the selected member only.
• Children—Assign the data grant to the children of the member only. The member
is not included.
• IChildren (Inclusive Children) —Assign the data grant to the target member and
its children.
• Descendants —Assign the data grant to the entire tree under the selected
member. The member is not included.
• IDescendants (Inclusive Descendants) —Assign the data grant to the target
member and the entire tree under the selected member.
• Bottom —Under the target member, include all members that have no children
(the lowest hierarchy members).

Chapter 14
Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules

The following example shows the results for each assigned function based on the
Fiscal Year dimension in the Sample Application:

Table 14-1 Member Functions Examples

Member Function Affected Members Results

Fiscal Calendar Member Only the member Fiscal Calendar
Fiscal Calendar Children Only the children but not Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
the member
Fiscal Calendar IChildren Fiscal Calendar and its Fiscal Calendar, Q1, Q2,
Children Q3, Q4
Fiscal Calendar Descendants The tree under Fiscal • Q1, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Calendar but not the • Q2, Apr, May, Jun,
member • Q3, Jul, Aug, Sep,
• Q4, Oct, Nov, Dec
Fiscal Calendar IDescandants Fiscal Calendar plus the • Fiscal Calendar
entire tree • Q1, Jan, Feb, Mar,
• Q2, Apr, May, Jun,
• Q3, Jul, Aug, Sep,
• Q4, Oct, Nov, Dec
Fiscal Calendar Bottom All members under Fiscal Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Calendar that have no Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
children. Nov, Dec

As an example of automatic updating, if you set up dimension members as “Children”

or “Bottom”, when any dimension members are added or removed, the function
performs its task as designed and selects current members of the function for the data
grant. The changes are captured automatically based on their location in the hierarchy,
rather than having to monitor individual members.
For example, if a Manager has access to the calendars for all the members of a
Project team and the data grants are set to Bottom for the member Project, whenever
a team member joins or leaves the team, the data grant will always correctly reflect the
current Project team members and their associated calendars. You do not need to
keep track of team members, and no changes are required until the process itself
changes. Security is maintained because the Manager only sees the calendars for
current members of the Project team.

Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules

The following rules govern how data grants are processed and how row conflicts are
• Default access for the dimension must be set to Read or None for all members to
set a baseline for the data grants.
• If you have two rows in the same data grant, the second (last) row takes
• If a parent/child relationship assignment within a Data Grant presents a conflict, it
is resolved by row order.
• If you alter the sequence of rows within a data grant, you also change the effective
permissions of that data grant.

Chapter 14
Creating Data Grants

• When processing a data grant, it does not matter whether the designated user is
an individual or a group.
• If you have two different data grants for the same dimension, the least restrictive
data grant takes precedence. In cases where there are conflicting rules between
rows, the last row prevails.

Creating Data Grants

Before you begin, at least one model must have been created.
To create a data grant:
1. From the Home page, select Application, and then click the application name.

2. From the Overview screen in Application, select Dimensions and Models , and
then click the name of the dimension to which you want to assign the data grant.

3. On the Dimension Overview for the selected dimension, under Default

Access, check the default access setting for the baseline access for this
dimension for all users because it may affect how you set the data grant:
• If the default dimension access is set to None, you might need to allow
permissions to Read in your data grant, or
• If the default dimension access is set to Read, you may need to restrict access
to members in the dimension by setting the permissions to None.
Determining the default access ensures a common starting point for all users,
easing construction of the data grant. If your company prefers a most restrictive
environment, create no more than one data grant per dimension and ensure all
None rows are at the bottom or lower rows of the data grant.

4. From the dimension Overview tab, select Data Grants .

Chapter 14
Creating Data Grants

5. Click to open a new data grant.

6. Enter a name for the new data grant, and then click Access to set the
permissions for the new data grant.

7. Under Models, select at least one model that contains the dimension for which
you want to set the data grant. The screen is activated when the model is

Chapter 14
Creating Data Grants

8. Click to select the dimension, and then click OK. The

dimension name is displayed on the Permissions table.

9. Under the dimension name (for example, Fiscal Calendar), click Select Members
to display the Select Members dialog box.
10. Under All Members, click the member name to expand the list of members to the
required level.

Chapter 14
Creating Data Grants

11. Click the function icon beside the required level of member to select the
functions for the members to be included in the data grant. The selections are
automatically moved to the Selections column. For a list of member functions, see
Selecting Member Functions.
To redisplay any members, click the previous level in the navigation.

12. Optional: On the Select Members dialog box, click Actions to select one or
more display options for the dimension and its members:
• Show Alias Instead of Name
• Show Member Counts
• Sort Alphabetically
13. Click Close.

14. Under Users, click Add to select the users and groups that you want to include in
the data grant on the Select User dialog box.
15. Optional: Under Users, click the number of users to view all selected users in a
list, or add another user.

Chapter 14
Creating Data Grants

16. Under Permission, click Select Permission to display the Permissions dialog
box, and then select the appropriate permission for the selected users:
• None – The selected user cannot view or modify the specified member for the
• Read – The selected user can view, but not modify the specified member for
the dimension.
• Delete Permission – Click to remove the entire permission from the
Permissions table.

17. Optional: From the drop-down arrow beside each row in the data grant, select
from the available options to perform other actions for permissions for the row:
• Add Another Permission–Enables you to add another permission for the
selected row, without re-entering the member details.
• Move Up or Move Down–Moves the selected row up or down in the table
rows. Because rows are evaluated from top to bottom to determine the data
available to users and groups, you should be aware that any moves to the
rows will affect the effective permissions.
• Add Row–Use to add another row to the data grant.
• Duplicate-Use to add another row with the same criteria to the data grant.
• Delete-Use to delete the row for the data grant.

Chapter 14
Sample Data Grant

18. After all rows for the selected data grant are added, click Save, and then Close.

19. On the Data Grants tab , click .

The Validate operation checks the data grants to determine whether the member
names used in the data grant are still valid. For example, if a member that was
selected for a data grant is removed from a dimension, that data grant becomes
invalid. If the data grant is not valid, an alert icon is displayed for the data grant
and the data intersection row inside the data grant. Open the data grant to see the
affected model, and correct the situation.

The Validate operation does not automatically change any data grants.

20. From the list of users on the Data Grants Access tab , select the user or
group that is assigned to this data grant, and verify that the assigned permissions
are correct.
Although the data grant may be valid, it might not accurately represent the access
that you intended to assign. Review all data grants for the selected user or group
to refine the access and ensure only the authorized user or group can access the
required data.

Sample Data Grant

The following sample data grant shows a simple example of how you can create a
data grant for your application.
1. Because the access restrictions will be set across only three dimensions, from the
Overview for each dimension, set the Default Access for Entities, Scenarios, and
Fiscal Calendar dimensions to None.

Chapter 14
Sample Data Grant

2. Set the Default Access for the remaining dimensions (Accounts, Years, Currencies,
and Segments) to Read.
3. Set the access permissions for each user and dimension to Read, as follows:

Table 14-2 Sample Access Permissions

Dimension Rodney P. Ray Ocean E. OBrien

Entities IDescendants (E01_101_300) IDescendants (Total Entities)
Scenarios Actual Plan
Fiscal Calendar IDescendants (Q1) IDescendants (Fiscal

4. Create one Data Grant for each dimension.

Because each user has differing member access permissions, each Data Grant will
have two rows, one for each user, defining their member selection access in the

Figure 14-1 Data Grant: Entities

Figure 14-2 Data Grant: Scenarios

Chapter 14
Sample Data Grant

Figure 14-3 Data Grant: Fiscal Calendar

When logged in as Rodney, notice how the data grant is applied in an ad-hoc query in
Smart View.

When logged in as Oceana, notice how the data grant is applied in an ad-hoc query in
Smart View.

Chapter 14
Setting Up Data Grants

Setting Up Data Grants

Data grants enable you to apply a level of security to the data stored in a model and to
control who can access sensitive or confidential information. You can create data
grants for dimension intersections that identify users or groups who are allowed to
access that data. At least one model must exist before you can apply a data grant.
Usually, you create data grants only for dimensions to which you need to allow or
restrict access; otherwise, you can use the Default Access to set the access for the
entire dimension. For example, in the Sample Application, you can set the Default
Access to Read for the dimensions that do not need access restriction, and then set
your specific data grants on the remaining dimensions, where Default Access is None,
to grant access as required.
Carefully constructed data grants can ease security maintenance by adapting
automatically to changes in your application, such as members being added or
See these sections for more information:
• Understanding How Data Grants Work
• Selecting Member Functions
• Data Grants Processing and Conflict Resolution Rules
• Creating Data Grants
• Sample Data Grant

Performing an Audit
All actions performed in the system or on artifacts and folders are tracked in a running
system audit that details who modified an artifact or folder, when it was changed, and
what was changed.
Any changes are automatically tagged with a timestamp that reflects the date and time
that the action occurred.
Two types of files can be generated for audits based on your role or permission:
• System Audit File—Only the Service Administrator can generate a System Audit
File to capture all entries between the default first timestamp (date and time) for
the system log and a selected end timestamp. The starting timestamp of the
records cannot be edited.
• Artifact or Folder Audit File—Can be generated for selected artifacts or folders by
the user who has Administer permission for the artifact or folder, or the Service
Administrator. This audit file provides an extract of the transactions, based on a
selected date range. An audit file can be created for the following system
generated and system personal folders and user created folders:
– My Library
– Report Packages
– Application
– Folders

You cannot create an audit log for the system generated Recent or Favorites

The audit logs are stored in the system-generated Audit Logs folder in the library. All
users can view the Audit Logs folder, but they can view only the audit files that they
created. Users cannot copy or move artifacts into or out of this folder. You cannot
grant access to audit logs to another user. Only the Service Administrator and the
creator of an audit log can view them.
After you create the audit files, you can download them to your local file system for

Creating a System Audit

The system audit file includes all records in the audit log between the timestamps
defined by the Service Administrator. By default, From displays the earliest timestamp
in the audit log and cannot be changed. The Service Administrator can select the To
timestamp to control the range for the system audit.

Chapter 15
Creating a System Audit

When creating the system audit file, you can choose an option to remove all
entries for the selected system audit file from the audit logs after they have
been extracted. Because the entries have been removed, the new From
timestamp for all entries changes to the first timestamp after the removed
entries. For example, if you remove all entries up to Mar 16th, the new From
timestamp becomes March 17.

To create a System Audit log:

1. On the Home Page, use one of these options:

• On the Welcome Panel, select Create , and then select System Audit

• From the Library, select Audit Logs in the left pane, and click Create in
the right pane, and then select System Audit.

Chapter 15
Creating a System Audit

2. From the Create System Audit File dialog box, use the calendar icon to
select the To timestamp for the end of the range for the audit file.

By default, From displays the earliest timestamp in the audit log and
cannot be changed.

3. Enter the name for the audit file that will be automatically stored in the Audit Logs
folder in the Library.
4. Optional: Select Remove extracted entries from the active system audit log to
clear the entries in the audit log after the audit file has been created.

Chapter 15
Creating a System Audit

If you remove extracted entries, the From entry in the System Audit file
changes to reflect the next timestamp. For example, if the range for the
audit extract that was removed covered the period from March 15th to
March 31st, then the new From timestamp will be April 1st.

5. Click OK to create the audit file.

6. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message. The audit file is created in the
background, and a notification is sent when the audit log is complete.
7. Optional: On the Home page, select Messages to verify that the audit is

8. From the Library, select Audit Logs.

9. Select the audit log that you want to view, then click Actions, and then Download
to save the audit file to your local File System.
You may need to scroll over to the far right on the screen to see the Actions menu.
Make a note of the location to which you are saving the audit file.
10. Navigate to the audit file on your local File System to review the results.

The System Audit Log contains details for each transaction, including the
• Timestamp
• User and IP Address

Chapter 15
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit

In most instances, the IP address displayed may not be the user’s
actual IP address.

• Event Category, Type, and Status

• Artifact ID, Name, and Location
• Actions and Changed Values

11. Optional: Click Actions to perform these additional tasks:

• Select Inspect to review the audit log Properties and the History for the file.
• Select Delete to remove the system audit file. A confirmation dialog box
confirms the deletion.
• Click Rename to enter a new name for the audit log file.

Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit

Any user who has Administer permission on an artifact or folder can create an audit
file for it. That audit file can be viewed only by the user who created it and by the
Service Administrator.
The audit file includes all records in the Audit Log between the timestamps defined by
the user. By default, From displays the earliest timestamp in the audit log, and To
reflects the latest timestamp.
An audit file can be created for the following system-generated and personal folders
and user-created folders:
• My Library
• Report Packages
• Application
• Folders

Chapter 15
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit

• Third-party content, such as PDFs

You cannot create an audit log for the system-generated Recent or Favorites

To create an Audit file:

1. On the Home Page, select Library, and then, in the left pane, select the artifact for
which you want to create an audit log.
2. For the chosen artifact, select Actions, and then select Audit.

3. From the Create Audit File dialog box, use the calendar icon to select the
From and To timestamp range for the audit file.

Chapter 15
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit

4. Enter the name for the audit file that will be automatically stored in the Audit Logs
folder in the Library, and then click OK.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message. The audit file is created in the
background, and a notification is posted when the audit log is complete.
7. Optional: On the Home page, select Messages to verify that the audit is

8. From the Library, select Audit Logs.

9. Select the audit log that you want to view, then click Actions, and then Download
to save the audit file to your local File System.
You may need to scroll over to the far right on the screen to see the Actions menu.
Make a note of the location to which you are saving the audit file.
10. Navigate to the audit file on your local File System to review the results.

Chapter 15
Creating an Artifact or Folder Audit

The System Audit Log contains details for each transaction, including the
• Timestamp
• User and IP Address

In most instances, the IP address displayed may not be the user’s
actual IP address.

• Event Category, Type, and Status

• Artifact ID, Name, and Location
• Actions and Changed Values

11. Optional: Click Actions to perform these additional tasks:

• Select Inspect to review the audit log Properties and the History for the file.
• Select Delete to remove the system audit file. A confirmation dialog is
displayed to confirm the deletion.
• Click Rename to enter a new name for the audit log file.

Migrating Artifacts
In Narrative Reporting, you can migrate folders, other artifacts such as report
packages, and an application from one environment to another, or within the same
environment. You can migrate artifacts using the export, download, and import
functionality in the library or by using the File Transfer Utility.
• Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment
• Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility
• Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another Environment
• Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the Library
• Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library

Migrating Artifacts from One Environment to Another

Moving artifacts from one environment to another involves exporting the artifact,
downloading the export file to your local file , and then importing into the new
environment. Migrating from one environment to another consists of these high level

Importing an application in the library replaces the exiting application in the

• Export the artifact from the current environment and download the export file to
your local file
• Log into the new environment where you already have activated your service
• Import the downloaded export file from your local file into the new environment
• Optionally, move data from your application by extracting from the current
environment and loading into the new environment or just reload data from the

Comments and statuses in a report package are not migrated with the report

Chapter 16
Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library

Exporting and Downloading Artifacts Using the Library

To export an artifact (report package, folder, or an application) from your current
environment and download to your local file system using the Library:

Oracle recommends that you use the File Transfer Utility for export if the size
of your artifacts (including folders) is larger than 256 MB.

To export and download artifacts using the library:

1. From the Home page, select Library.
2. Do one of the following, depending on the artifact:

a. For a root level folder, in the navigation pane, select the folder, then click ,
then click Export
b. For other artifacts (folder, report package, or application), in the right pane,

select the artifact to export, then click then select Export.

3. Choose a folder to put the export file in, then click OK. The export process runs in
the background. Check Messages to view the notification once the export is
4. Validate that the export was successful by checking the folder you exported the
artifact to and that the name of the export zip file is prefixed with Export. For
example, Export - MyReportPackage.zip.
5. Download the export file to your local file system by clicking Download next to the
export file name and save the export zip file to your local file system.
6. Optionally: If you want to move data in an application from your current
environment, use the Extract Data procedure. See Load, Extract, and Clear Data.
7. Log out of the current environment.

Importing Artifacts into the New Environment Using the

To import artifacts in a new environment using the Library:
1. In your new environment, make sure Narrative Reporting is activated and log in to
the service.

Chapter 16
Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility

Some browsers have restrictions on the size of files that can be
uploaded. If the zip file size of the export file is beyond the capacity of
your browser, use the upload_file command in the File Transfer Utility.
See Using the File Transfer Utility.
Oracle recommends that you use the File Transfer Utility for import if the
size of your artifacts (including folders) is larger than 256 MB.

2. Select Library from the Home Page.

3. To import the artifact to a different location than the export file, navigate to that
folder location. Otherwise, skip this step.

4. Select the menu in the upper right corner of the Library and then Import.
5. Select Local and browse to the export zip file you want to import.
6. Select Overwrite Existing Objects to replace any existing artifact with the new
imported artifact.
7. Select Include Access Permissions to include the already defined access
permissions on the imported artifact to the existing one.
8. Select OK. The import process runs in the background.
9. Check Messages to view the notification once the import is complete.
10. Check in the library folder you specified to verify that the file has been imported.

11. Optionally: If you extracted data from an application in your current environment,
you can now load the data into your new environment.

Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility

To export, download and import artifacts using the File Transfer Utility:
1. In your Windows workstation, open a command prompt window and navigate to
the directory where you unzipped the File Transfer Utility.
2. Enter the export command as one of the following:
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> artifact_path=<exportpathofartifact>
artifact_type=<type> filename=<remotefolder>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd artifact_path=Library/myfolder1

Chapter 16
Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility

artifact_type=FolderResourceType filename=myexportfile
3. Wait for the system to return a success indicator and a Job ID. The system
performs the export in the background.
4. Optional: Enter the get_stat command with the Job ID to confirm the export is
running in the background or if it has completed. Repeat until you receive a
message showing that the background job completed executing. Enter the
get_stat command as one of the following:
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd jodid=myjobid
5. Optional: Enter the get_detailed_stat command as one of the following with the
Job ID to get all the details on what occurred in processing.
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl
operation=get_detailed_stat server=myserveraddress
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
6. From the Home page, select Library and navigate to the path that contains the
exported .zip file and confirm that the exported .zip file is there.
7. If you are migrating artifacts to a new environment, use the download_export
command to transfer the export zip file to your local file system. If you are not
moving artifacts to a new environment, you can skip this step. Enter the
download_export command as one of the following:
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd

Chapter 16
Migrating Artifacts Using the File Transfer Utility

c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export

fileFullPath=<location of file in library to download>
localfolder=<local download location> server=<EPM server
URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl
operation=download_export fileFullPath=Library/myfolder/
myfile localfolder=c:\myfolder server=myserveraddress
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
8. Enter the import command as one of the following:
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> importfile=<filename>
remotefolder=<libfolder> overwrite=<true or false>
includeAccesspermission=<true or false>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd importfile=c:\myexportedfile.zip
remotefolder=Library/mylibrayfolder overwrite=true
9. Wait for the system to return a success indicator and a Job ID. The system
performs the import in the background.
10. Enter the get_stat command as one of the following:

a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat

tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd jodid=myjobid
11. Optional: Enter the get_detailed_stat command as one of the following with the
Job ID to get all the details on what occurred in processing.
a. Using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>

Chapter 16
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment

b. Example using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat

tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd
c. Without using an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
d. Example without using an XML file: eprcsctl
operation=get_detailed_stat server=myserveraddress
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd

Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment

Migrating artifacts within the same environment involves exporting the artifact, and
then importing the export zip file. Migrating from one environment to another consists
of these high level steps:
• Export the artifact from the current environment.
• Import the downloaded export file from your local file system into the new

Exporting and Importing Artifacts Using the Library

Export an artifact (report package, folder, or an application) within your current
environment using the Library.
To export and import artifacts using the library:
1. Select Library from the Home Page.
2. Do one of the following, depending on the artifact:

a. For a root level folder, in the navigation pane, select the folder, then click ,
then click Export.
b. For other artifacts (folder, report package, or application), in the right pane,

select the artifact to export, then click then select Export.

3. Choose a folder to put the export file in, then click OK. The export process runs in
the background.
4. Validate that the export was successful by checking the folder you exported the
artifact to and that the name of the export zip file is prefixed with "Export". For
example, Export - MyReportPackage.zip.
5. Check Messages to view the notification once the export is complete.
6. To import the artifact to a different location than the export file, navigate to that
folder location. Otherwise, skip this step.

7. Select the menu in the upper right corner of the Library and then select
8. Select Library and browse to the export zip file you want to import.
9. Select Overwrite Existing Objects to replace any existing artifact with the new
imported artifact.

Chapter 16
Migrating Artifacts within the Same Environment

10. Select Include Access Permissions to include the already defined access
permissions on the imported artifact to the existing one. Then select OK.
11. The import process runs in the background.

12. Check Messages to view the notification once the import is complete.
13. Check in the library folder you specified to verify that the file has been imported.

Using the File Transfer Utility
The File Transfer Utility provides an alternate way of performing the following tasks:
migrating artifacts, performing backup and restore, data load and data extract,
uploading and downloading files.
For a list of commands you can use for the command driven File Transfer Utility, see
Using the File Transfer Utility Commands and Parameters or enter eprcsctl in a
command prompt window.

In Windows, the File Transfer Utility runs using Java and JRE is packaged
along with the utility. In Linux and UNIX, set a JAVA_HOME environment to
point to the latest 1.8 version of the JRE.

The File Transfer Utility does not work with corporate SSO (identity provider)
credentials. Because users cannot sign in using corporate credentials, the
user accounts for accessing the utility must be maintained in the service. If
you configured your subscription for SSO, you must also enable users to
sign-in with their identity domain credentials. See Enabling Sign In With
Identity Domain Credentials in Administering Oracle Cloud Identity

Installing the File Transfer Utility

To install the File Transfer Utility:
1. Access Narrative Reporting.
2. From the Home page, select Settings and Actions from the user menu, then
Download the File Transfer Utility.
3. Click Save File to save the eprcsctl.zip and then extract eprcsctl.zip locally.

Using XML Files

There are two ways of executing commands in the File Transfer Utility:
• Use an editable XML file that contains the command and parameters
• Type out the whole command with parameters, see Using the File Transfer Utility
Commands and Parameters for list of commands with usage and example.
The editable XML files provided are the following:

Chapter 17
Running the File Transfer Utility

• data_extract_template
• data_load_template
• download_dbsnapshot_template
• download_export_template
• download_file_template
• download_joboutput_template
• export_template
• get_detailed_stat_template
• get_stat_template
• import_template
• import_library_template
• upload_dbsnapshot_template
• upload_file_template
To use the File Transfer Utility with an XML file:
1. First download the .XML file by entering this command: eprcsctl
<XML_template_filename>=<path><filename>, where:

If you would just like to see the contents of a template file, you can enter
eprcsctl <XML_template_filename>. If you would like to use the
templates, Oracle recommends that you download them.

• XML_template_filename = the name of the XML template for the command

you want to execute
• path = the location you want to save the file to
• filename = the name of the local XML file
For example, eprcsctl download_dbsnapshot_template=C:
2. Edit the XML file to insert your specific parameter information. The template has
instructions built in and shows you what to enter.
3. Save the XML file.

Running the File Transfer Utility

You can execute the utility by entering all parameters and values at once as shown in
this procedure.
To execute the File Transfer Utility:
1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory where you
unzipped the File Transfer Utility. See "Installing the File Transfer Utility" in Using
the File Transfer Utility.

Chapter 17
Using the File Transfer Utility Commands and Parameters

2. Run the executable, eprcsctl.exe. In Linux and UNIX, run the executable using
the following command: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java –jar ./eprcsctl.exe
3. Enter a command similar to the following to specify all required parameters to
transfer file:
eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot file=restoreSnapshot.xml, where:
file=restoreSnapshot.xml = the edited XML file used to execute the command

Using the File Transfer Utility Commands and Parameters

Using commands and parameters, you can complete tasks in the File Transfer Utility.

File Transfer Utility Common Parameters

You can execute the File Transfer Utility by entering values for these parameters that
apply to all commands:
• operation: specifies the operation to carry out
• server: EPM server URL protocol://server:port
• tenantId: identity domain
• user: user name
• password: user password
• file: (optional) If operation specific additional parameters are specified in XML
file, then the file parameter value should be the full path to the XML file.
• proxy: If the client networks requires all the internet traffic to go through a proxy,
specify the proxy server information as a value of this parameter server:port
For example, this is what a common command with parameters should look like:
eprcsctl operation=upload_file server=myserveraddress
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd

This does not include parameters file and proxy listed above.

Additional Notes
General guidelines for the commands are:
• The Service Administrator can perform all functionality.
• For import and export, the entire application is considered a unit. Users cannot
import and export any child artifacts of an application. Models, data grants and
dimensions are examples of child artifacts that cannot be imported or exported.
However, you can load and extract dimensions from the Applications area, under
Dimensions and Models.
• Application import and export does not include model data. Model data is
separately managed using data_load and data_extract commands.

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

Using Special Characters

When using the delimiter and quoteChar parameters with commands, you must
enclose the character with double quotes. For example, delimiter="\\t" and
quoteChar="\"" where \\t is for the tab character and \" is for the double quote and
both are enclosed with the double quotes. Colon and slash characters do not need
quotes if they are in a path parameter. All other special characters, for example "@"
and "^" characters, used in other parameters must be surrounded by quotes.
List of quote characters that the UI allows:
• Double Quotation Marks (“)
• Single Quotation Marks (‘)
In addition, if you have a parameter value with an open space, you must enclose the
value with double quotes. For example, appName="Sample Application". The
following example encompasses both from above: operation=data_extract
user=Administrator password=example.com tenantid=7777 secret=thisissecret
server=http://slc09eor.us.oracle.com:9100 remoteFolder=Folder_1
fileName=SApp.zip delimiter="\\t" quoteChar="\"" appName="Sample
Application" resourceType="ApplicationResourceType" modelName="Sample

Listing of Commands
The following is a list of commands that can be used with the File Transfer Utility.
• data_extract
• data_load
• download_dbsnapshot
• download_export
• download_file
• download_joboutput
• export
• get_detailed_stat
• get_stat
• import
• import_library
• upload_dbsnapshot
• upload_file

data_extract command is used to create a copy of the data within a model. It is used
in conjunction with the download_file and data_load commands.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_extract

server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> delimiter=<delimiter used in the data file>

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

remotefolder=<location in library where data is to be extracted>

filename=<data extract file name> quoteChar=<the character used for
quotes in the data file> appName=<name of the application to extract
the data> modelName=<name of the model to extract the data>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_extract
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd delimiter=, remotefolder=Library/myfolder filename=mydata
quoteChar=' appName=myapp model=mymodel
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_extract
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_load
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– fileName: name of the file that will have extracted data
– remoteFolder: library location in which data should be extracted
– delimiter: delimiter used in the data file
– quoteChar: the character used for quotes in the data file
Addtional Parameters: (cont)
• appName: :name of the Application
• modelName: name of the model to upload the data to

data_load command is used to fill a model with data. It is used in conjunction with the
data_extract command.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_load

server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> delimiter=<delimiter used in the data file>
fileFullPath=<full path of the file in library> quoteChar=<the
character used for quotes in the data file> appName=<name of the
application to upload the data to> modelName=<name of the model to
upload the data to>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_load
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd delimiter=, fileFullPath=Library/myfolder/mydata
quoteChar=' appName=myapp model=mymodel
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_load
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=data_load
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

– delimiter: delimiter used in the data file

– fileFullPath: full path of the file in library
– quoteChar: the character used for quotes in the data file
– appName: name of the application to upload the data to
– modelName: name of the model to upload the data to

The download_dbsnapshot command is used to transfer the backup image that occurs
nightly at the Settings — Daily Maintenance screen. It can be saved on local file
system for restoration at a later date. download_dbsnapshot is used in conjunction with
upload_dbsnapshot, which returns the snapshot at the next Settings — Daily
Maintenance screen.
• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_dbsnapshot
localfolder=<localmachinefolder> server=<EPM server URL>
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password> secret=<passphrase
used for encryption>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl
operation=download_dbsnapshot localfolder=c:\myfolder
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd secret=mypassphrase
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_dbsnapshot
localfolder=<localmachinefolder> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> secret=<passphrase used for encryption>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_dbsnapshot
localfolder=c:\myfolder tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd secret=mypassphrase file=c:\download_dbsnapshot.xml
• Additional Parameters:
Where secret: text that will be used as an encryption key which can be any text.

download_export is used to move previously exported content from the service to the
local file system. Both download_file and download_export can be used
• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export
fileFullPath=<location of file in library to download>
localfolder=<local download location> server=<EPM server URL>
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export
fileFullPath=Library/myfolder/myfile localfolder=c:\myfolder
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_export

tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– localfolder: location on local machine where the file needs to be
– fileFullPath: full path of the file in library

download_file is used to move general third party content from the service to the local
file system. Both download_file and download_export can be used interchangeably.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_file

fileFullPath=<location of file in library to download>
localfolder=<local download location> server=<EPM server URL>
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_file
fileFullPath=Library/myfolder/myfile localfolder=c:\myfolder
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_file
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_file
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– localfolder: location on local machine where the file needs to be
– fileFullPath: full path of the file in library

download_joboutput is used in conjunction with commands that generate output and
run in the background; namely data_extract and export.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_joboutput

jobId=<jobid> localfolder=<location to downloadjob output> server=<EPM
server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl
operation=download_joboutput jobId=id143 localfolder=c:\myfolder
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_joboutput
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=download_joboutput

tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– localfolder: location on local machine where the file needs to be
downloaded to
– delete: delete the job output from server
– jobid: job id number

The export command is used to move Narrative Reporting artifacts between
environments. It is used in conjunction with the import command. Only Narrative
Reporting artifacts can be exported. Third party artifacts, such as Office documents,
cannot, although third party content is included as part of the export of their parent
containers. Specifically, if a library folder is exported, all of its children are exported as
well, including third-party artifacts. Applications are exported in their entirety. Child
artifacts of Applications (Dimensions, Data Grants, Models) cannot be exported as
standalone exports.
• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export secret=<EPM
server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
remoteFolder=<libfolder> fileName=<remotefolder> fileFullPath=<export
File Full Path> resourceType=<artifact_type>
Where resourceType: Type of the artifact such as, Folder –
FolderResourceType , Application – ApplicationResourceType, Report
Package - ReportPackageResourceType.
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd fileFullPath=Library/myfolder1
resourceType=FolderResourceType filename=myexportfile
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=export
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– export: Full path to the file on local machine which needs to be imported.
– remotefolder: Library folder to which file should be imported.
– fileFullPath: Full path of the File to export.
– resourceType: The type of artifact.

get_detailed_stat provides a log of the detailed information in the user console.
Same information which is available in the status file generated in the My Library

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat

server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd jodid=myjobid
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_detailed_stat
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameter: jobid: id of job

The get_stat command is used to retrieve the existing job status of any background
process. This can include import, export, and import_library. get_stat always returns
a completed, and in process status or failed status.
• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=get_stat
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> jobid=<id of job>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=getstat
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd jodid=myjobid
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=getstat
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=getstat
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameter: jobid: id of job

The import command is used to import content from a local file system. It is used in
conjunction with the export command to migrate files between environments.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import server=<EPM

server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
importfile=<filename> remotefolder=<libfolder> overwrite=<true or
false> includeAccesspermission=<true or false>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd importfile=c:\myexportedfile.zip remotefolder=Library/
mylibrayfolder overwrite=true includeAccesspermission=true
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import

tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– importfile: Full path to the file on local machine which needs to be imported.
– remotefolder: Library folder to which file should be imported.
– file: full path location on local file system of the XML file
– overwrite: If set to true, it will overwrite if the file exists on the server. If it is
false, then import will not happen if the file already exists on the server.
– includeAccesspermission: If set to true then permissions are imported. If set
to false, then permissions are not imported.

The import_library command is used to import a previously uploaded file in the
library. It is used in conjunction with the export command to migrate files between

For import and export purposes, the entire application is considered a unit.
Users cannot import or export any child artifacts of an application. Models,
Data Grants and Dimensions are examples of child artifacts that cannot be
imported or exported. Application import and export does not include model
data. Model data is separately managed using data_load and data_extract
commands. You can specify the name of the .zip or .csv file from which
data is to be imported.

• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import_library

server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> importfile=<filename> remotefolder=<libfolder>
overwrite=<true or false> includeAccesspermission=<true or false>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import_library
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd importfile=myexportedfile.zip remotefolder=Library/
mylibrayfolder overwrite=true includeAccesspermission=true
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import_library
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=import_library
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:
– importfile: Full path to the file on local machine which needs to be imported.
– remotefolder: Library folder to which file should be imported.

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

– overwrite: If set to true, it will overwrite if the file exists on the server. If it is
false, then import will not happen if the file already exists on the server.
– includeAccesspermission: If set to true then permissions are imported. If set
to false, then permissions are not imported.

upload_dbsnapshot uploads a previously saved maintenance snapshot. Once
uploaded, the service is returned to the state defined in that snapshot at the next
scheduled maintenance.
• Command usage without an XML file:
eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot uploadFile=<localfile>
secret=<same secret code that was used to encrypt the file at the time
of downloading> server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid>
user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example without an XML file:
eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot uploadFile=c:\backup.tar.gz
secret=<same secret code that was used to encrypt the file at the time
of downloading> server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot
secret=<same secret code that was used to encrypt the file at the time
of downloading> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot
secret=<same secret code that was used to encrypt the file at the time
of downloading> tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd

The upload_file command is used to bring files into Narrative Reporting. The files are
typically third-party content, but they can also be exported Narrative Reporting artifacts
to move to the library.
• Command usage without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_file
server=<EPM server URL> tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user>
password=<password> uploadfile=<filepath> remotefolder=<libfolder>
• Command example without an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_file
server=myserveraddress tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe
password=pwd uploadfile=c:\myfile.gif remotefolder=Library/
• Command usage with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_file
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• Command example with an XML file: eprcsctl operation=upload_file
tenantid=myidentitydomain user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:
• Additional Parameters:

Chapter 17
Listing of Commands

– uploadfile: Full path to the file on local machine which needs to be uploaded.
– remotefolder: Library folder to which file should be uploaded.

Performing Backup and Restore (System
Every day, during the operational maintenance of the service, Oracle backs up the
content of your service instance to create a complete backup snapshot of existing
artifacts and data. Backup snapshots are created for use in the event that you ever
want to restore your service to a prior known state.

Before attempting to restore your service from a backup snapshot, make
sure the destination service is the same release or newer. You cannot
restore a backup snapshot into a service that has an older release. You can
confirm release numbers by selecting the User menu from the Home page,
About, and then selecting Version.

Oracle recommends that you download the backup snapshots regularly to a local file
system, using the File Transfer Utility, so you have them available in case you wish to
restore your service to a saved, prior snapshot. See Saving Backup Snapshots.

During Daily Maintenance, the service automatically creates a backup
snapshot of data and artifacts. When Daily Maintenance executes, it
replaces the prior backup snapshot with a new backup snapshot. You should
schedule the execution File Transfer Utility on a daily basis to download the
backup snapshot to a local computer.

A saved snapshot is used to provide a specific restore point. For example,

• The state of the system immediately when going live, or immediately after a critical
point, like the finalization of a quarterly reporting period. In this case, the snapshot
would be restored if you ever want to further review or investigate prior activities.
• A saved snapshot could also be used if you discover that something went wrong
prior to the most recent snapshot. You can select one of the snapshots from your
local file system that you saved in order to restore the service to a known state.

Restore can be done either through the Settings on the Home Page or by using the
File Transfer Utility. When you restore a backup snapshot, your system will return to
that prior state. Any changes that may have occurred subsequent to the time of the

Chapter 18
Saving Backup Snapshots

backup, will not be reflected in the restored system. You can perform the following
• Restore using the most recent daily backup snapshot Restore Using the Most
Recent Daily Backup Snapshot.
• Restore using a saved backup snapshot from your local file system Restore Using
a Saved Backup Snapshot.

This can be only be done from the library after first uploading a snapshot
using the upload_dbsnapshot command from the File Transfer Utility.

Saving Backup Snapshots

Oracle recommends that you periodically save backup snapshots to your local file
system. You can save these backup snapshots by using the download_dbsnapshot
command in the File Transfer Utility.
To download the backup snapshot using the File Transfer Utility:
1. In your Windows workstation. open a command prompt window and navigate to
the directory where you unzipped the File Transfer Utility. See Using the File
Transfer Utility.
2. Enter eprcsctl operation=download_dbsnapshot secret=<secret>
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• secret = any phrase that is used to encrypt the backup
• tenantid = identity domain
• user = user name
• password = user password
• file = full path location on local file system of the XML file
For example, eprcsctl operation=download_dbsnapshot
secret=myencryptionphrase tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:\dbdownload.xml This downloads
the latest backup snapshot to your local file system, created at the last daily
maintenance time.

The backup snapshots should be managed on the Service Administrator’s
local file system as part of the regular backup plan.

Chapter 18
Restore Using the Most Recent Daily Backup Snapshot

Restore Using the Most Recent Daily Backup Snapshot

You can perform a restore using the most recent daily backup snapshot.
To restore the service from the most recent daily backup snapshot:
1. Select Settings from the Home Page.

You must be a Service Administrator to access this.

2. Select Using the most recent daily backup option.

The most recent snapshot from the last maintenance window is always

3. Validate the daily maintenance time or reset the time.

4. Optionally: Notify the user community if the daily maintenance time is different
than the usual set time since the service is unavailable during that time. For
example, if the users usually expect the daily maintenance time to be 2:00 am, but

Chapter 18
Restore Using a Saved Backup Snapshot

the administrator decides this is an emergency and is taking it offline at 11:00 am,
then the administrator should inform the user community.

Restore Using a Saved Backup Snapshot

You can restore using a saved backup snapshot.
To restore using a saved backup snapshot from your local file system:
1. In your Windows workstation open a command prompt window and navigate to the
directory where you unzipped the File Transfer Utility. See Using the File Transfer
2. Enter eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot secret=<secret>
tenantid=<tenantid> user=<user> password=<password>
• secret = any phrase that is used to encrypt the backup
• tenantid = identity domain
• user = user name
• password = user password
• file = full path location on local file system of the XML file
For example, eprcsctl operation=upload_dbsnapshot
secret=myencryptionphrase tenantid=myidentitydomain
user=johndoe password=pwd file=c:\dbupload.xml
3. Optionally: Notify the user community if the daily maintenance time is different
than the usual set time since the service is unavailable during that time. For
example, if the users usually expect the daily maintenance time to be 2:00 am, but
the administrator decides this is an emergency and is taking it offline at 11:00 am,
then the administrator should inform the user community.

A message indicates that the snapshot will be restored at the next daily
maintenance time. If you need to cancel the scheduled restore, see Cancel a
Scheduled Restore.

Cancelling a Scheduled Restore

You may cancel a scheduled restore.
To cancel a restore that is currently scheduled to take place:
1. Select Settings from the Home Page.

Chapter 18
Cloning Environments

You must be a Service Administrator to access this.

2. Select Cancel Restore to cancel the scheduled restore option.

3. Select OK in response to the warning prompt to continue with the cancellation of
the restore.

Cloning Environments
The backup and restore procedures in this topic also serve as a way to clone from one
service instance to another.
To clone environments:
1. On the source instance, download the backup snapshot as outlined in Saving
Backup Snapshots.
2. On the target instance, restore the backup snapshot that you downloaded to your
local file system. See Restore Using the Most Recent Daily Backup Snapshot or
Restore Using a Saved Backup Snapshot.
3. Verify and adjust the daily maintenance time on the target instance, if necessary.


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