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FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar (2e)

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FRQ1 raodcue for*, cnanacten leoeis


Ha anted Halls
of Eaeningstan.
G d


A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
8. DuNMaN's office aNO stRONqROOM; h e a v y OOOR is boublE-lockEb.

ONC SQuaRG = iofeel 9. SCUllCRy; fOOt) G CUtlERy StORaCE.

10. KitchEN; NotE boubie-sibeb f iRepiaeo, snaREO with # I I .
11. V.I.P. louNqE aNb biNiNQ aREa.
QROUNb FIOOR 12. Back ROOM: stoRacE o r UQUOR aNb specialty iteius. staiRs at
1. FRONt PoRCh with oveRhaNqiNq Roof: pillaRS Not shown. s o u t h ENb leaO t o CEllaRs (NO! SHOWN).
2. CapROOM/biNiNq ROOM with tables, booths (ON east wall aNb M. MEN'S toilet.
southeRN CORNERS), pillaRS, aNb fiReplacE (south of #3). 14. WOMEN'S toilEt.
3. BaR, bEhiNb which DuNMaN is usually fouNb.
4. Wioe staiRway to UPPER f loons. SECONb FIOOR
5. Pnivate oiNiNQ/MceiiNq ROOM, available fOR RENI. 15. Wioe staiRway leaOiNq rnoM QROUNO f IOOR.
6. RobiNq ROOM, whERE visitORs caN cleaN up aNb stone 16. StaiRway to inO f IOOR.
outenwean. I 7. Walk-iN sloRaqe aREas fOR HNENS, chaMbCRpots. watER casks,
caNblES, laMps, aNb s o ON.
I s. Quest ROOMS. All have a beb. sionaqe chest, sioeDoano with chain
aNb EWER of watER. wash bowl, clothEs Rack, laMp, aNb chaMbERpot.
19. LuxuRy ROOMS. lOeNtical to lie except fOR fiReplace.
30. ROOMS WDERE PCS aNb othER NPCs May loocc.

rhino FIOOR
Not showN. Layout Matches iNb f IOOR, except that thE ceNteR
stonaqe closet has a hatch IN its cciliNQ ailowiNg access to me ROOT.

C»E INN has NO stablE, but RENts stalls IN the stable a< theROab
to thE wEst fOR the CONVENIENCE of quests.

Che cellaRS ane olb. baMp (the RWER is NeaR). aNb Ihxeb wtth stoNE.
rhEy aRE fillEb with casks Of wiNC aNb bEER, SOME laRGER thaN a
M&N. \MX>bEN biNS Of potatOES aNb ONIONS haNG fROM thE RaftERS
(so that if f loobiNG OCCURS, they will be buoyeO up by thE wateR). Che
DM is fREE to abb tniNQs of iNtenest. but as faR as DuNMaN KNOWS,
the cellaR holbs iust this PROVENOER, olb bROkeN f URNituRE aNb the
like, a lauNbRy aREa, aNb slop-buckets (He takes the qanbaqe out
weekly aNb bunies it iN thE qonqe Nean #32 ON thE Villaqe Map).
ChE cellaR also coNtaiNS scvERal olb, SMasheo aRMOines. IN thEM,
DuNMaN kEeps the aeaR of abveNtuRERS who NEVER caME back: olb
swoRbs. OaqqeRS. coils of ROPE. blaNkets. sabblcbaqs aNb EVEN

QROUND SecoNb FIOOR teNts. boots, belts, shieios. helMs, aNb aRMOR. PCs caN have these

'Cessauil's "Cowen Hi! 21

ONC SQuaue = i o feet 20

4. KitcheN FlOOR

5. PaNtRy J19S
6. QnaNO StaiR (to 2NO f IOOR)
7. StaiRs DOWN to CellaR (cellan Not ShowN) 16

8. WashROOM 12
9. Cloak Closet
11. LabbER (to 2NO-fiooR closet)
12. QRaNb StaiR (fROM 1 st fIOOR)
I 3. LabOER (fROM #11)
14. U P P E R LaNbiNQ (sittiNQ aREa. sculptURC qalleRy)
17. Quest BEbROOM (two PimplE DRaoONS s t e e p heRe W I K N N O visttORS aRC 22
stayiNq !N the house)
A IIII28 Cupola
19. LiNEN Closets
20. BOWCR (sittiNG aREa with plaNts: t w o PURPIC DRaooNs sleep heRe wheN
FlOOR (Foimtl?
VisitORS aRC pRCSENt) 23 = 30 FIOOR)
21. U P P E R StaiRs (to jRb f IOOR)
. t 24
22. Lofty LaNbiNQ (two PuRple DRaqONS aRe coNsiaNtly O N buty DCRC whEN
23. Spell ChaMbER (fOR spellcastiNq)
24. LabbER fROM * 13 (ENbs hERE: OuMMy labbCR coNtiNues t o ceiliNq, wtth f a l s e Cupola (FouRth FIOOR)
tRapbooR above: wciqht ON uppeR RUNqs Releases iets of sleep qas) 28. Stains DOWN to IRO FIOOR
2;. Stains to Cupola (4th flooR) 29. waRbRobc Closet
26. LockEbCloset Fitteb With AlaRM GONQ(coNtaiNS Most of Ces6anils 30. tessaRils ChaMben (coNtaiNS a Roof hatch neacheO by cliMbiNq ONE Of the
CORMyREaN OOCUMENtS) fouR ceiliNq chaiNS that CcssaRil's beb haNqs fROM)
27. MiNOR Maqic Stonaqe Closet (potiONS, SCROIIS. MateRlal coMpoNCNts) 11. Maqic Stonaqe Closet (leaO-liNeO. Maqically quanOeO)

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Official Game Adventure


An Introductory Module for Characters of Levels 1-5

T&ble of Contents
Introduction 2 Chapter 4: The Haunted Halls 15
Chapter 1: Eveningstar 3 Suggested Campaign Plots & Adventures . . . . 29
Lord lessaril Winter 7 Magical Items of Eveningstar 30
Tessaril's Spells 9 Monsters of Eveningstar 31
Chapter 2: The Countryside 10 Dungeon Dressing Table Inside Cover
Chapter 3: The Long Arm Of The Law 12

Design: Ed Greenwood Cartography: Diesel
Editing: Anne Brown Typography: Tracey Zamagne
Cover Art: Erik Olson Production: Erin Wilk
Interior Art: Valerie Valusek

Dedication: Tb The Knights of Myth Drannor, whose glory-ground this first

was: Andrew, Anita, Ian, Jim, Jenny, John, and Victor. A lot's missing here—not
only rooms and passages and monsters that wouldn't fit, but the delight and
camaraderie you brought to its exploration. Know that in memory it yet burns

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ADVANCED DUNGEONS &, DRAGONS, AD&D, DUNGEON and FORGOTTEN REALMS are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
The TSR logo is a trademark owned by TSR, Inc.
Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc.
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ISBN 1-56076-325-6 1992 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Every great adventurer begins a W. A priest is designated by a P. A change
somewhere—often somewhere small and in a character's level from earlier pub-
outwardly peaceful. Tb swing a sword in lished material is given as X(now) Z, in
such surroundings, one must always re- which X is the class and Z the new level.
member it is no less heroic than besieging Character race and sex are shown in
tall cities, or wielding an arsenal of magic lower-case letters. For example, hm refers
in going against a dragon. to a human male and hef is a half-elven fe-
Astergullph Daeryn, Sage of Dhedluk male. A g listing is a gnome, not a goblin.
Aster's Journal I Creatures for whom ability scores are
not listed can be assumed to have average
This module introduces the pastoral scores in all respects.
beauty of Eveningstar, a farming village Throughout this module, rather than re-
on the northern border of the kingdom of peatedly saying "for details of this place,
Cormyr, in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® person, or thing, please refer to FR4: The
campaign setting. It is a lovely place, Magister, an asterisk and abbreviation is
green and growing, and hides dangers used: the reference just quoted would be
that have tested many heroes just begin- *FR4. The original FORGOTTEN REALMS®
ning their careers of adventure, including boxed campaign set is referred to as FRO
the now-famous Knights of Myth Drannor. and the FORGOTTEN REALMS Adven-
Many Canadian players first walked the tures sourcebook is FRA. In like manner,
Realms in Eveningstar; since 1979, it has DMG means the Dungeon Master's Guide
served as my "usual" introductory setting and PH means the Player's Handbook.
for mini-campaigns (AD&.D® game pro- Here's a sample entry using the abbrevi-
grams offered by local public libraries) set ations: "Elminster (CG hm W26, S: magic,
in the Realms. A proven launching- monsters, history and genealogy; *FR7, al-
ground for long term AD&D campaigns, it so FRO, FREll'
can serve DMs just beginning play in the No random encounter tables are provid-
Realms as well as established campaign- ed in this adventure; the best encounters
ers. It is a detailed setting that can be use creatures and situations deliberately
scaled up to challenge powerful charac- chosen by the DM. If desired, random
ters, or it can be used to give low-level monsters can be found using the tables at
characters (especially those joining a mid- the end of Volume 1 of the Monstrous
level party) some battle experience. Compendium.
DMs who use this module in other cam-
paign worlds will need to alter some of the
history and politics to match their chosen
setting. The believability and success of
Eveningstar depends on it existing at the
edge of "civilized" territory, in a wooded
and temperate region, with human agri-
cultural settlements and overland trade
roads nearby.
Tb save space, this book uses abbrevia-
tions developed for the FORGOTTEN
REALMS® Adventures sourcebook. W(I)4,
for instance, is a 4th-level wizard (illusion-
ist), and JVE is the alignment Neutral Evil.
A non-specialist mage is designated by Tbe PaRple Dnagon
of Conmyn

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Chapter 1:

For the DM: Please read this section care- "highnose-words," and evokes snorts of
fully and review the maps of Eveningstar ridicule.
before beginning play. Build a mental pic- The many woodlands and hedgeruns
ture of the area and plan side-adventures (i.e., dividing lines between farms, left as
and additions to make your version of brush) of the countryside provide homes
Eveningstar seem alive and real during for various game—pheasant, rabbits, and
play. deer. Boar were hunted locally, but are sel-
dom seen south of the Stonecliff these
Tbe Land days.
The nearby woods are mainly chestnut,
The small, quiet, beautiful village of elm, and oak, with a few shadowtops—
Eveningstar stands where the High Horn giant trees with feathery, vivid green
trade road (known as "The King's High leaves with coppery undersides. Their fi-
Road" or "the High") is joined by the road brous wood is useless for carving, but is
from Dhedluk (to locals, "the Suzail Road" valued in rope-making and for cooking, as
or "the Southrun"). Eveningstar is a pros- it burns hot and with little smoke. Once
perous farmers' market and travelers' plentiful, the shadowtops have almost all
way-stop, lying at the mouth of a rocky been cut down, but the vast wood south
gorge that carries the River Starwater of Eveningstar (in which brigands, stirges,
down from the Stonelands (and provides and worse are said to lurk) is named for
an easy route up to its perilous rocky them. Tb most folk in Cormyr, the central
heights). wood is "the King's Forest," but to an
Starwater Gorge is the only major break Evenor (the old formal term for a native of
in the Stonecliff, a craggy limestone es- Eveningstar), it is, and always will be, "the
carpment that rises like a wall along the Shadowood."
High Horn trade road from Tyrluk to near
Arabel. It prevents any easy expansion of
Cormyr northward. There are many Local Lone
tracks and "scrambles" up and down the Harsh winters are known as "wolf
Stonecliff, but no other routes exist by winters," named for the wolves that come
which mounted men or livestock less ag- down the gorge from the Stonelands to
ile than goats and sheep can travel be- hunt in Cormyr. All year long, their far-off,
tween Cormyr and the high moorland of haunting howls can be heard by night.
the Stonelands. The gorge is thickly Of old, when men were fewer and the
grown with thickets of scrub trees. rule of kings not so heavy of hand and
The village of Eveningstar is full of trees long of reach, many mages dwelt near
and gardens. It rises out of the surround- Eveningstar, in its woods or in small, now-
ing farms "like an orchard with buildings ruined towers or caves on the edge of the
in it" (as Elminster says), dominated by the Stonelands. The spells and magics of these
Stonecliff and the prosperous farm of the wizards are still sought by many hopeful
spired temple of Lathander in the mouth adventurers, and at least one adventuring
of the gorge. It is one of the beauty spots band arrives each summer to try its luck
of Cormyr, known for soft, glorious sun- at gleaning treasures from the legendary
sets and sunrises, and gentle, starlit sum- "Haunted Halls." (Notably fewer stalwarts
mer skies. arrive to explore the Halls in winter.)
Tb bards and sages, the area is known as Partway up the western side of the
"The Evening Lands," but to the locals, Eveningstar gorge is the entrance to the
that term is just so many fanciful Halls. The Halls are actually a subterra-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

•j-tr— /

nean stronghold built by dwarves long caught in its traps, grimly attest to the fit-
ago for the human bandit lord Rivior, but ting nature of this name.
since have become home to kobolds and
worse. Rivior died some two hundred
winters ago when Enchara, Warrior-
Queen of the fledgling realm of Esparin Eveningstar is rooted in a tradition of
(since absorbed by Cormyr), knowing Ri- farming. The lands around it are all or-
vior's band to be short of food, tricked chards and cultivated fields, and the do-
them out into the winter snows with a ings of Evenor folk are determined by the
false food caravan and slew the bandits to demands of weather, seasons, and crops.
the last man. They produce wool, wine, milk, cheese,
The deserted hold soon became home eggs, poultry, mutton, carrots, beans,
to monsters (lured in to discourage in- parsnips, and parchment.
truders, some say, by evil mages who took The orchards of Eveningstar are limited
abode in the Halls), and was often visited to apple trees (clingapple and redsides;
by adventurers. The undead remains of winters are too cold for other fruit trees to
some of these intrepid souls gave the do well). Evenor produce is a staple of Cor-
former bandit hold its present name. myrean diets, from the fanciest nobles'
One of the most famous tales of the Halls banquet to a farmer's bread, cheese, and
is the titanic battle between the young, un- beer lunch.
proven Knights of Myth Drannor (explor- Evenor farmers grow food crops for
ing the Halls was their first foray) and the trade, keep dairy cattle, and raise the
evil mage Whisper. Another tale is the ex- shaggy-furred, long-horned "sharrada'
plosive encounter in front of the Halls be- (small, hardy beef cattle that can survive
tween The Company of the Unicorn and a colder winters than men). Evenors ride
circle of nine levitating, firebaW-hurling, ponies and mules, but few are bred local-
black-robed mages. ly. (Cormyr's best horse farms are to the
Despite continuing patrols, the Haunted west, around Espar). Evenors also keep
Halls remain home to many dangerous sheep in the commonly-held, stonewalled
beasts. Folks whisper that fell Zhentarim "High Pasture" on the edge of the Stone-
wizards dwell there, and it is their magic lands.
that lures or attracts (and heals, and Evenors gather every six days for a mar-
trains) the monsters. There are also ongo- ket, bringing produce that is often
ing local problems with trolls, particularly snapped up by passing caravans.
to the east, in the caves known as "The Ca- The village is a favorite stopover for
verns of the Claws " overland caravans, most of which are led
Farther up the gorge from the subterra- by men who are good friends of Dunman
nean Halls is a now-ruined keep that was Kiriag, who keeps one of the best inns
Rivior's first home. Most visitors miss the found anywhere. On many soft, summer
true Halls entirely, thinking this ruin to be evenings, dozens of caravan masters can
the Haunted Halls instead. Rivior wanted be seen fishing from the Starwater bridge
them to think so, too. After abandoning and enjoying a pipe or two. Their men
this cold, drafty castle, he had the dwar- usually bathe in one of the Starwater's
ven stonebuilders incorporate many nas- swimming holes to drive off the dust and
ty traps into its rooms and passages; most sweat of the road, put on their best, and
still await the unwary. Locals call this "the slip out to The Low Lantern for some late-
Killing Keep," and the wind-torn bones of night fun.
many would-be-rich treasure seekers,

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Social Life In content with life as it is. They enjoy the
news that caravans bring, but don't con-
Eveningstar is a favorite spot of King sider themselves "lesser citizens" than those
Azoun, who likes to come here to relax. of Suzail, Sembia, or Waterdeep just be-
He usually arrives cloaked in magical dis- cause Eveningstar is small. They do enjoy a
guise provided by Vangerdahast (who ac- good scandal; gossip is the chief village
companies him), and enjoys a stroll, a sport.
tankard or two at The Lonesome Tankard, Adventurers provide the chief local
and a evening of dancing at The Low Lan- source of entertainment—not just by pro-
tern. More than once, he has been moved viding villagers with newcomers to bet on
to shed his disguise there, usually upon or speculate about, but by telling and re-
finding Tessaril dancing as well. telling their exploits, from the destruction
The locals regard Azoun as one of their of Hlauntar the lich to the death of Whis-
own and treat him with respect and affec- per of the Zhentarim at the hands of the
tion. Zhentarim agents carrying poisoned now-famous Knights of Myth Drannor.
blades once came for Azoun in The Lan- Stirring tales dominate many evenings at
tern, and were attacked barehanded by the Tankard, but Evenors take delight
everyone in the place, who rushed to most when such deeds intersect their
form a human shield ring around the King own—such as the unmasking and slaying
until t h e Purple Dragons (alerted by of Whisper's spy, t h e evil apothecary
youths up past their bedtimes) came with Maglor, w h o lived, know ye, right in
Tessaril to rout the assassins. Eveningstar!
Few Cormyrean nobles share their
King's taste for the simple pleasures of
Eveningstar, but many come here to qui- Local COIOR
etly enjoy its beauty while healing battle- Aside from its pastoral beauty (shared
wounds or sickness. by Espar and Dhedluk), Eveningstar is un-
Visitors accustomed to the late or all-night remarkable among prosperous farming
hours kept in many cities are often disap- settlements in t h e Heartlands of t h e
pointed to find that except for the inns, The Realms; many a dale to the east looks
Low Lantern, and the temple, Eveningstar much the same.
completely closes down early at night. Farm A typical Evenor home is constructed of
folk here eat heavily and go to bed early, to fieldstone with a thatched or slate roof and
rise with or before the dawn and get out in- a dirt cellar. An upper floor, if any (there is
to the fields again. Many nap at highsun rarely more than one), is built of timber,
(noon), making the early afternoon another covered with stucco against the weather.
quiet time in the village. Farmhouses rarely have upper floors.
Instead, they are dug into the earth to es-
The People cape the worst of the winter winds. These
living spaces sprawl over a larger area,
Evenor folk are friendly, easy-going, and with rooms tunnelled into the earth like a
peace-loving, with little desire to adven- giant rabbit warren.
ture or roam. They fear the evil said to An Evenor shop is constructed like a
lurk in the Stonelands, and openly hate house, except that its lower floor has large
the Zhentarim and others of violence, windows with wooden shutters, and the
such as brigands and outlaws. upper floor is divided into smaller, rented
Evenor folk are proud of the realm to rooms, which share a wooden balcony
which they belong, and are by and large (and outside stairs, roofed against winter

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

snows) to the rear. conceals her magic skills from locals and
Eveningstar is known for its small visitors alike.
winged cats, known as tressym. Lord Tes- Dunman Kiriag (NG hm F5, ST 17) car-
saril Winter keeps one as a familiar. ries a dagger +4 in his sleeve and is the
owner and proprietor of the Tankard. He
Tbe Sigbts is a jovial, kind man who is a friend to
many in Cormyr and the Dales and is se-
Eveningstar is home to perhaps 400 folk cretly a Harper.
(including temple denizens, but not outly- Maethlin, son of Maglor (NE hm T5, de-
ing farmers), and has only one temple: ceased) the apothecary, secretly makes
The House of The Morning, dedicated to poisons. Like his father, Maethlin is a
Lathander. Patriarch Charisbonde Zhentarim agent.
"Trueservant" Belon (NG hm Pll) guides Arbold Tethyr (LN hm F2) is a fat and
28 priests and 170 followers in worship of greedy master harnessmaker. He owns a
the Morninglord. shop for wagonmaking and repairing, a
Lord Tessaril allows temporary shrines rooming house, and a hardware store.
to other deities to be erected in the Market Syndair Thorn (CG hf W5) is Evening-
for as many as three days (dawn of the star's only known mage other than Lord
first day to sunset of the last). Tessaril. She is a weaver and dressmaker
Eveningstar also has a stable, a smithy, who uses her magic to entertain and tutor
and a wagonmaker. The village has only would-be wizards.
two inns (aside from the temple, which ac-
cepts guests of most good and neutral
faiths for a nightly fee of 5 sp per person). Tbe Hoase op tbe Monning
A third inn, The Welcoming Hand, is a Much of Eveningstar's prosperity and
burnt-out ruin, although there are plans peace is due to the quiet, diligent work of
to rebuild. Lathander's clergy who loan needy
The available lodgings are The Lone- farmers and enterprising citizens funds,
some Tankard Inn and Tavern—warm, fa- following the creed of the Morninglord.
mous, welcoming, and the locals' nightly PCs may find hire at the temple as "strong
meeting-place (Excellent/Cheap); and The arms" to guard valuables or important visi-
Golden Unicorn Inn, a cozy, quiet back- tors, or to strike at brigands, monsters, and
street place (Good/Cheap). If these are full, Zhentarim. The temple is always ready to
visitors are welcome to camp on the north heal or raise those who can pay. The russet-
side of the High Road, or (with an offering) robed acolytes always summon rosy-robed
on the temple grounds. Myrkyr (NG hm P8) to deal with adventur-
Please refer to the Eveningstar map for ers. If a situation becomes difficult, Myrkyr
specific locations. Although constraints of calls on Jelde Asturien (NG hm P(now)9 of
space prevent detailing each building, DMs Lathander, the temple seneschal), a wary,
will find the following highlights useful in sarcastic, retired Knight of Myth Drannor,
making Eveningstar a realistic play setting. who is never without a ring of spell storing
that is known to hold three raise dead spells
IrapoRtaot CbaRacteRS and two flame strike spells. Jelde began his
adventuring career in the Halls and knows
Maea "Iron Eyes" Dulgussir (CN hf them well. Any tales PCs tell of their exploits
W4) owns and operates The Low Lan- will come to his ears; the truth of these tales
tern tavern, dance hall, and theater. She will be apparent by his reaction.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)


p. i I

LOR6 TessaRil WioteR garde's claw*, missile mastery*; hold

monster, major creation, Presper's moon-
Eveningstar is gently and attentively bow*, telekinesis, teleport, wall of force;
ruled by Lord Tessaril Winter. In her one- anti-magic shell, chain lightning, recon-
time male disguise, "Tessar the Mage," she struction*. Spells marked with an asterisk
gained local fame as an adventurer. She is are detailed in this adventure. Spells
perceptive, considerate, and utterly loyal marked with a dot are from *FRA.
to King Azoun. Before Azoun's marriage, Tessaril has a familiar—a "tressym" or
he and Tessaril were quite close, though winged cat (detailed in this adventure),
now their relationship is happily platonic. and is rarely found without it riding on
One of Azoun's local lords, Tessaril is a her shoulder or purring around her feet.
hf F10 (dual class: she was first a W12). At It insists on tasting everything the Lord
all times, she wears an amulet of proof drinks and eats, and has saved her from
against detection and location and a ring being poisoned on at least six occasions.
of regeneration, and carries a wand of Tessaril is soft-spoken, quick to find
magic missiles, two iron bands of Bilarro amusement in life, and easy-going. When
spheres, and a long sword +2. She also she gets angry, she is apt to turn white-
owns a magestar, several lantern rings faced and quiet. She gave up her adven-
(both detailed in this module), a necklace turing career to serve the man and the
of missiles, and at least eight potions of village she loved, and put away thoughts
extra-healing. of becoming a powerful wizard, but she
Tessaril is six feet in height, with ash- still enjoys acquiring new spells and using
blond hair and a slim build. She has a flu- those she knows to keep the peace and
id, agile, silent walk, and prefers to wear seek out evil intrigue.
simple dark robes or a leather jacket and Tessaril enjoys her work; she is proud
riding-breeches. She owns a suit of chain of Eveningstar's peace and beauty, as
mail and a large metal Purple Dragon well as her friendships with Dunman
shield adorned with the silver star of her and other locals. The people love her,
lordship. She is AC 7 (1 in chain and and she knows it. When not using her
shield); MV 12; hp 114; THACO 16; #AT 3/2; spells or wits to keep watch over the vil-
Dmg by spell (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1) or weapon lage, Tessaril enjoys using spells to help
(long sword is ld8+2, three daggers at or entertain children. She also enjoys
Id4 each); S 17, D 17, C 12, I 18, W 14, Ch dancing in the evenings, with the men of
16; ML 17; AL CG. the village, many of whom are helplessly
Tessaril typically memorizes the follow- in love with her (and will fight to the
ing spells: dancing lights, detect magic, death for her).
dreamspeak *, magic missile; Agannazor's Tessaril is fond of fried snake, venison,
scorcher*, ESP, flying fist', invisibility; and the amber "firewine" of Aglarond, but
clairaudience, fly, hold person, lightning is quite content with more ordinary fare:
bolt; charm monster, minor creation, roast beef or pork, and beer or the semi-
speak with dead*, wizard eye; avoidance, sweet white wine of Sembia.
hold monster, ironguard*, shroud of Lord Winter has a soft spot for adven-
flame*; repulsion. turers, fondly remembering her own ca-
Tessaril also has access to many more reer, and is apt to give them the benefit of
spells. When she expects trouble, she the doubt. She keeps a close watch on all
might memorize spider climb; ray of On- such types who enter her territory, know-
dovir*, vocalize*; protection from normal ing adventurers can be a source of rapid
missiles, ward against undead*; Cali- and ever-growing trouble.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Tessaril owns a powerful magical item plaque in the shape of a wooden shield; it
of healing: the Iron Helm of Heroes. It is bears Tessaril's name and title.
not detailed here; DMs should invent any
powers desired. It can be used on PCs who Tbe Laco
have died or been affected by poison, dis-
ease, or green slime, or even to perform a Tessaril maintains Azoun's rule with the
resurrection. Tessaril will heal or cure a help of Tzin Tzummer, the local herald
party only once, possibly twice; PCs can- (NG hm B7); Auldo Morim, the town clerk
not keep running back to Tessaril every and purser (NG hm F3); and the local Pur-
time they need a quick cure. ple Dragon contingent.
Tessaril dwells in a large stone house There are nine fully-trained Purple
(see its accompanying map) that has a Dragon soldiers (F3s and F4s, with a LG F5
porch running along its entire front. It in- captain named Flaergan Hondh), six train-
cludes several cozy rooms to house im- ee recruits (Fls), and four hostlers (who
portant visitors, and a cupola (her favorite maintain the stable and jail, and are
vantage-point). Tzin Tzummer lives with middle-aged, retired Dragons—F6s, but
her, as well as four of the Purple Dragons: each is missing an eye or hand, or sports a
two are always on duty. One guards the limp). The local militia (which takes at
house, and the other serves as a body- least a day to fully muster) comprises 45
guard if she wishes. well-trained Fls and four F2s, all poorly
armed and armored.
Near the front door of the house is a


A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

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TessaRiJ's Spells then fades away. The caster must make a

successful attack roll at THACO 9 or the
DRearaspeak [Necnomancg) ray misses and dissipates. The creature
lst-Level Wizard Spell struck by the ray is stunned into silent im-
mobility for one round, and must save at
Range: Touch — 3 or suffer full effects.
Components: V, S, M A fully affected victim spends the next
Duration: 1 round +1 round/level round duplicating the actions of the
Casting Time: 2 round prior to the ray's touch, even if
Area of Effect: One creature such actions takes him into obstacles or
Saving Throw: Neg. over cliffs. Spellcasting repeated in this
This spell, also known as Detho's delir- manner consists of empty gestures unless
ium, causes a creature to speak. The crea- a victim has a second spell memorized
ture to be affected must be asleep, drunk, and adequate spell components.
or unconscious (not feigning), and is al- Opponents can avoid the victim's at-
lowed a saving throw at —2 to avoid the tacks, and can attack the victim easily (vic-
effect. tims have - 4 penalties to THACO and AC).
Affected victims babble randomly in all
languages they know. They cannot hear Speak coith Dead [Necnomancy)
queries or be forced to speak about cer- 4th-Level Wizard Spell
tain topics. Magical attempts to guide
speech are 90% likely to break the spell. Range: Touch
A victim talks ceaselessly; jokes, dreams, Components: V, S, M
opinions, tales, and facts all pour out to- Duration: 1 round/level of caster (10
gether. There is a 22% chance per round rounds maximum)
(not cumulative) that a name, password, Casting Time: 1 turn
direction, magical item command word, Area of Effect: One creature
or other useful utterance will be made. Saving Throw: Special
Victims rarely identify such words— This spell enables a wizard to ask ques-
listeners must pay attention and guess. tions of a dead creature at a rate of one
The material component is a small silver question per round, to a maximum of ten
or brass bell, which is rung as the target is questions. A portion of the creature's re-
touched (the bell then fades away). mains must be touched by the caster and
questions must be posed in a language
Rag of OodooiR known to the dead creature.
[Enchantment/Chaum) Brief, truthful, but cryptic replies are
given. Alignment and time since death are
2nd-Level Wizard Spell not factors, but the creature gets a saving
Range: 30 yards throw vs. spell at each question; if success-
Components: V, S ful, the reply is detailed and clear, but the
Duration: 1 round spell is broken. The spell won't work
Casting Time: 2 again on the same corpse until 1 day
Area of Effect: One creature passes per answer given.
Saving Throw: Neg. The material components are a drop of
the caster's blood, sprigs of mint and pars-
This spell causes a glowing ray to leap ley, and a powdered red or black gem of at
from the caster and strike at a single tar- least 100 gp value.
get. The ray hangs unmoving for a round,

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Chapter 2: The Countfigside

The local roads are well policed by Pur- The ZheotaRira

ple Dragon troops based in Arabel, High
Horn, and Waymoot. These patrols (de- Lesser Zhentarim wizards (roll ld4 + 3
tailed in Chapter 3: The Long Arm Of The to find level) often ride various sorts of
Law) are necessary to keep the Royal winged monsters over the Stonelands and
Roads safe. The dangers of brigands and even over Eveningstar by night. They usu-
monsters are ever-present because both ally wear cowls to hide their features, and
the King's Forest ("scoured" annually by they wield wands as well as spells from
hired rangers, war wizards, and Purple aloft. They attack adventurers who pene-
Dragons) and the Stonelands are near. trate too far into the Stonelands or they
spy on intruders in order to send servant
ore and bugbear bands to intercept un-
The StoneJaods welcome visitors.
The Stonelands are high, rocky, broken DMs can get details of the evil Zhen-
lands, with many cliffs, hidden ravines, tarim from the Darkhold booklet in the
and small rivulets that come to the surface Castles boxed game accessory, from *FRO,
and then disappear again. Storms are and from *FRA. If you lack these refer-
common, but mists prevail whenever ences, don't worry; simply invent the local
storm winds aren't tearing them apart. agents of this mysterious, sinister organi-
This is impossible country for mounted zation.
soldiers to fight in or patrol. It offers ideal
cover for many monsters—as it always StoiRGDateR GoRge
has, even before the Zhentarim moved in-
to it and infested it with monsters. The Three features of Starwater Gorge are of
Zhentarim train, pay, or otherwise plant special interest to inquisitive PCs: Rivior's
monsters here to endanger Cormyrean Keep, sometimes called "The Killing
caravans and provide a screen against in- Keep"; the ruined Thaddath farm (now
terference with Zhentish caravans creep- used as the village dump); and Old Meg's
ing along the edge of Anauroch, through Hut (another overgrown ruin).
the northern Stonelands. The Keep (which most outsiders mistak-
The Stonelands can harbor just about enly think is the Haunted Halls) is the most
anything (short of a powerful, good- famous of these sites. It lies almost five
aligned dragon): DMs are free to use any miles north of the village, where the gorge
favorite beasties. The Campaign Plots & narrows to a head. The Keep is a partially-
Adventures section in this module sug- ruined castle dug into the western side of
gests some Stonelands adventures. the gorge. Little is left of it except for the
Villagers know enough wild tales of the Keep and two gatehouses, which are little
Stonelands to keep PCs listening for sev- more than arches in the concentric cur-
eral days straight. Most will warn PCs tain walls (refer to the map for the layout
away from its depths, telling them instead of this place).
to try to find the "lost treasure" in The Ca- DMs should feel free to infest the Keep
verns of the Claws, just east along the with lock lurkers (detailed at the end of
Stonecliff—dark caves that "ye can see this module), "weird" undead of the DM's
from the Arabel road." The treasure is creation, and traps galore—pit-traps,
mythical, but the locals would dearly love spring-spears, trip-steps, darts that fire as
to have someone butcher the trolls who doors are opened, doors that collapse atop
return to infest the caves year after year. the person opening them, and so on. The
bones of the unwary, caught in traps al-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
ready sprung, are plentiful. Remember burned down (perhaps in an arson fire) a
that just because a door already has a skel- dozen years ago. Little remains but ashes,
eton festooned on it, it doesn't mean the fallen timbers, and the blackened flag-
door is safe—opening it could cause a de- stones of its floor.
capitating blade to slice across the door- A great treasure awaits PCs who pry up
way at throat level, or a pit trap might be some of these stones: under one is a hole
waiting beyond. that holds a purse (1 pp, 3 gp, 4 sp, 12 cp)
The Thaddath farm has been vacant and a crumbling-with-rust iron coffer. In
since the family died out some fifty years the coffer is a canvas bag that safely holds
ago. All that remains is a half-burned, sag- Old Meg's most prized possession: her
ging barn that sometimes shelters tramps spellbook (she was a sorceress).
and wayfarers (and is always home to The book contains any spells the DM
bats), and a small, roofless, round stone wants to make available to PC wizards.
house at the base of the cliff. Once a popu- The tome may be used to introduce little-
lar trysting place, it now stands in the used or unique spells into the campaign,
midst of the odiferous village garbage- including spells too powerful for PCs to
midden, and may contain whatever trea- use yet. Zhentarim agents will try to seize
sure, useful trash, and/or monsters the the book if any PC is foolish enough to re-
DM desires. veal that he has it.
Old Meg's Hut was the home of a local
"hag" until her death twenty winters ago.
Avoided by the fearful as an "evil" place, it

A. CADENA (Order #32761989) ii

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CbapteR 3: Tbe Long

o f tbe Laco
These are the pages to which the DM Officerzs of the CROC-DO
turns and sighs when Player Characters
get into (inevitable) brushes with the law. If the local lord is absent, dead, or inca-
Cormyr is known as a tolerant, pleasant pacitated, only war wizards or senior no-
realm. This is due to the vigilance and pro- bles (of the rank of Raron or higher) can
fessionalism of its soldiery, the reasonable preside over trials. The local herald or
nature of the current monarch and his lo- Purple Dragon can settle only minor dis-
cal lords, and the law-abiding nature of its putes. All decisions made by such an act-
people, who generally know how to be- ing official can be appealed to a "proper"
have and aren't much interested in break- official, when available (though an acting
ing the law. official who judges wrongly cannot be
A complete tome of laws would fill a punished for bad decisions).
book twelve times the size of this adven- In practice, most heralds and local Pur-
ture. Fortunately, Cormyr is the kingdom ple Dragon captains speak with authority
in the Realms that most resembles the av- on matters of law, and will be backed by
erage player's image of Robin Hood's the local lord. The Purple Dragons have
England or King Arthur's Rritain; the the authority to jail and hold any citizen
king's will (in local practice, the judg- except the king, until trial or sentencing,
ments of Lord Tessaril) is law. or until six nights pass (or earlier, if release
is acceptable; the local lord can overrule
in such matters). The Crown will reim-
Cm'raes burse citizens who lose goods, but not op-
What most farmers would consider to portunities for business, through such
be a decent way of living is the way folk imprisonment; but imprisoning officers
are expected to behave. The bearing and are immune from punishment.
use of weapons is permitted for the sake A drunken patron at an inn who was or-
of protecting oneself; if one is a soldier or dered to leave by a Purple Dragon could
in the militia; if one is a visitor who tra- expect to be imprisoned if he refused.
verses lawless areas (i.e., every traveling Other patrons would help the officer
merchant); or if one is an adventurer with against the patron, not vice versa.
a royal charter. Roth armed and unarmed Officers who are found to be corrupt or
citizens are liable for property they dam- of faulty judgment—and traveling war
age and harm they inflict on others. wizards often use magic to surreptitiously
Murder, theft, unprovoked assault, and check—are quietly dismissed or sen-
wanton destruction are serious crimes. tenced in Suzail, never called down in
The local lord has the authority to pass public. The king, in moments of rage, has
sentences and to order individuals how to been known to set aside this rule, but no
behave (such as forbidding them from en- one else in the Forest Kingdom will dare
tering or approaching an area, or order- to do so.
ing them to make restitution to those they
have harmed). Disobeying the lord, except WdR WizciRds
in rare circumstances of special rights
granted by the king to clergy, nobles, or When sentencing criminals, Tessaril can
others (such as an agent following written call on war wizards. They are used only
royal orders), is itself a crime. when she needs help to preserve the
safety of the village or keep the peace (i.e.,
to avoid a riot or angry villagers taking the
law into their own hands). She can magi-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
cally summon a war wizard and see to his theft, or for wounding citizens or animals.
arrival within Id6 +1 turns. Usually, she There is no penalty for murder if the
summons a hm W12, W13, or W14, armed killing is judged to be justified—i.e., self-
with spells and bringing a low-level wiz- defense, defense of another under one's
ard apprentice plus two to four F5s. All protection, and so on. War wizards use
members of the troupe will have at least magic to determine insanity and the truth
one magical weapon. The war wizard will of evidence.
have at least one wand and one or more Fines are levied for replacement of lost,
magical rings, amulets, or other items. stolen, or damaged-beyond-repair property.
Two male war wizards, Rouizel and Repairs, attempted only if they can make
Tammarth, most often answer Tessaril's the property better than before the damage
call. If Azoun is near, Vangerdahast him- occurred, are paid for by the guilty.
self has been known to appear. In cases of injury, healing magic is per-
If contacted by normal means (messen- formed by the local priests and a fine is ex-
gers on horseback), war wizards will ar- acted to pay the costs. The guilty party
rive at the end of the next day. might also be required to pay for lost work,
including losses incurred from injury to ani-
PcinistaraeiQts mals (a farmer whose oxen are injured
would be paid for both the cost of caring for
Sentences generally involve fines. An in- the animals and any work lost while they re-
dividual without coins forfeits property, covered). If a death occurs, replacement
and if he has nothing of value, he is sen- costs are paid for animals or 1,000 gp are
tenced to labor for the Crown—mining or paid per person (doubled for skilled arti-
roadwork, under guard—at a standard- sans) to the family of the deceased.
ized rate until the debt is paid. Another
option is transportation (enforced remov-
al from an area; permanent exile is used Pamols
against only those guilty of treason or Local Purple Dragon road patrols ride out
many-times-repeated offenses). from Arabel, High Horn, and Waymoot. Pa-
If a crime is severe enough (wanton trols typically pass any spot every four
murder, arson, or casting of spells in a de- hours, and consist of 12 + Idl2 mounted
liberate attempt to kill, or knowing that a soldiers armed with lances, long swords,
death would be likely), an accused can be daggers (three each), and crossbows (each
put to death. A trial must first be held, and soldier has two 21-bolt quivers).
war wizards are always summoned from The soldiers are NG or LG F2s or F3s (hp
Suzail to determine guilt magically. 14 or 20); AC5 (chain mail—AC4 when dis-
The wizard will suggest sentencing and mounted and using shields). They are led
has the added options of forcing the guilty by a patrol captain, a LG F4 or F5 (average
party into "suicide service" with the mili- hp 37 or 44); AC2 (field plate); wields a
tary, or using magic to transform the crim- horseman's mace, a dagger, a wand ofpar-
inal into a beast of burden to serve for a alyzation, and a long sword).
number of years. There is a 40% chance that any patrol
will include a priest (of Helm, lempus,
PC S e n t e o c i o g s Tyr, or Tymora; for level, roll Id4 +1), Id6
trainee Purple Dragons (Fls averaging 6
Adventurers who find themselves in trou-
hp, equipped as the other soldiers), or a
ble with the law are most likely to face wizard (for level, roll Id4 +1; such a mage
charges for murder, property damage, usually carries protective scrolls and po-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
tions and may wear a ring of spell storing Tankard, and even on her own front
or spell turning, or wield a wand of magic porch) whenever necessary. She asks folk
missiles). with complaints or concerns to speak
Follow-up patrols, summoned by a pair plainly, not let grievances fester in grim si-
of riders from the first patrol when there lence.
is trouble, will have Id3 mid-level clerics, Tessaril interrogates all murder victims
Id8 additional Purple Dragons, and either via speak with dead and has been known
Id4 lesser wizards or a war wizard (6th to question suspicious guests in the Tan-
level or greater) plus 1-2 apprentices. kard (with Dunman's aid) using dream-
These forces bring whatever magic they speak spells. She may try to influence
can. them (toward confessing a crime, leaving
Eveningstar, or refraining from seeking
Tessaml's justice revenge or attempting a theft or other
crime) with suggestion spells.
Tessaril Winter is known as one of the
kinder local lords. She is also one of the
most attentive, keeping peace by constant
surveillance with ESP spells. She holds
court in Eveningstar Hall (but has been
known to dispense justice in the Market
Square, in the taproom of The Lonesome

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
Chapter 4: Tbe Haanted Halls

The DM should carefully read these causing 2-16 per round after initial round
dungeon descriptions before play; space claw damage, until it dies or victim is
constraints prohibit listing what the PCs slain; ML 12; AL N; THACO 15; MCI.
see before describing what happens. If PCs search through the bones and
Unless noted, rooms and passages in the muck underfoot for at least 3 rounds, they
Halls are carved from solid rock. Walls, find a half-buried canvas sack, blackened
floors, and ceilings are smooth-finished. with mud but still useful, holding 71 gp.
Halls measure 10 feet wide and 9 feet
high. Every room and passage has an 2. Entry Doors: A short, rough-walled,
empty, soot-blackened stone torch holder square passage (clearly worked and not
projecting from the wall next to each natural, but lichen-encrusted and obvi-
door. (These are ideal hiding places for ously unused) leads to two closed doors
coins, keys, gems, and other small things.) made of stout oak.
Most doors are of smooth, close-fitting These doors are latched but not locked,
stone, pivoting smoothly on socket and open outward by means of two large
hinges. Most have pull-rings and locks, iron pull-rings. They are dark with age,
but aren't locked, and lack bar brackets or but look (and are) solid, and radiate faint
bars. magic. Upon close examination, intricate
twisting runes can be found carved on
The AppRoacta their panels. These now-forgotten runes
protect against rot and reflect all disinte-
The western side of Starwater Gorge is a grate and fiery attacks back at the source.
weathered rockface with many cracks,
washouts, and overgrown rockfalls. 3. Forechamber: This chamber holds a
Shrubs cloak the cliff base, shielding it shallow puddle of water in the northeast
from view for all but close observers. Two corner. A pile of weapons and a shield lie
of the fissures lead into true caves (1 and at the center of the chamber. A passage
2). The northernmost of these (2) is the opens in the middle of the west wall, lead-
correct route into the dungeon. Tracks are ing westward, but the way is barred by a
impossible to detect due to bare rock in pair of gates made of metal bars. Beyond
front of both entrances. them is a wooden tripod and loaded cross-
bow, pointing into this room!
LeoeJ The pile of weapons includes two long
swords, three short swords, a broad-
Dungeon Keg sword, a dagger, a large, bare metal shield,
1. Owlbear Lair: These dark passages two belt buckles, and three arrowheads.
have a musty, rank reek. Their uneven None are magical and all show signs of use
dirt floors are choked with gnawed and but are intact.
split bones, loose stones, and other rub- If they are touched, a magic mouth ap-
ble. In the southern crevice lurks an alert pears on the shield, and a flat, deep male
owlbear. Unless discovered first, it will voice says in Common: "Beware! These
crouch silently until intruders go north to were carried in by those who will never
search the larger cavern, then attack from carry them out again!" Once triggered,
behind. this magic will not act again until a new
The owlbear fights to the death. item is added to the pile by an intruder
Owlbear: AC 5; MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 38; discarding something or by the magic that
#AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6 (claws), 2-12 (beak); SA created the pile teleporting an item here
hugs on a claw attack roll of 18 or better, from #31.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
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p. i. 1.

The barred gates have rusted solid and coma (starting in Id4 +1 rounds and last-
cannot be opened. They must be bent or ing Id4 days); ML 8; AL N; THACO 19; MCI.
torn from their hinges (normal Lift Gates
attempt) for PCs to proceed. 6. Guardquarters: This room appears
The tripod beyond the gate is rotten. Its empty. The doors in its north and west
crossbow perished long ago; the trigger, walls are closed. Its 14-foot-high ceiling is
bowstring, and quarrel have crumbled to entirely covered by green slime, which
dust. A rusty quarrel-head is all that can will drip down when it is touched or sens-
be salvaged from the wreckage. es the vibrations of intruders below.
Green slime: AC 9; MV 0; HD 2; hp 14;
4. Guardquarters: Smashed, triple-tiered THACO 19; #AT 0; Dmg attaches to live
wooden bunks line the walls. A table and flesh, turns victim into green slime in Id4
six stools occupy the center of this room. rounds (no resurrection possible), to
Wooden strongchests can be seen under avoid, affected areas must be frozen,
some of the bunks. In the center of the burned, cut away, or scraped off in 1
south wall is a door, which is ajar and round, or slime must be killed with cure
opens into darkness (#5). Something odd disease spell; ML 10; AL N; MCI.
and grey is huddled on the floor in front
of the door: the shattered, petrified re- 7. Privy: This passage leads to an evil-
mains of a goblin clutching a broken short smelling hole, with a one-holer wooden
sword. seat wedged over it on rock ledges. There
There are four strongchests, all with is no treasure here, nor any monsters, but
their locks smashed. They are empty, but the seat is cracked: the weight of anything
are strong enough to transport items. larger than a halfling will break it, spilling
Most of the wood in the Halls is damp and anyone on it into the pit below!
rotten; it won't easily burn and crumbles On the wall above the seat (reachable by
under stress. standing on the seat) is what looks like a
cobweb the size of a hand. Examination
5. Privy: This passage leads to an evil- shows this to be finely woven black mesh
smelling hole, with a stout one-holer cloth, coated with grey dust and stretched
wooden seat wedged above it on two in an irregular shape over tiny pins to look
carved rock ledges. Just past this, the pas- like a spiderweb of some sort. It hides a
sage ends in a rough, unfinished cavity, small, square panel of stone that sports a
where loose rocks, ranging in size from finger-hole.
pebbles to chunks as large as two fists, lie A lock lurker inside the hole will attack
heaped waist-high. A sword (in a plain anything entering (such as a finger). If its
leather scabbard, wrapped in a rotting, stinger strikes metal, there will be a sharp
green cloak) lies hidden under the rocks; scraping sound. If the intrusive object is
it is a long sword +1, +4 vs. reptiles. worn or held closely (e.g., the finger of a
The privy cavern extends below the seat gauntlet, a lockpick, or a dagger tip), a
into a dung-pit (which may hide treasure), gentle poke is felt. The lurker looks like a
and also extends upward, into the home smooth-sided copper coin.
of a spider (huge). It will drop down to at- Lock Lurker: AC 3; MV 8; HD 1 +3; hp 5;
tack intruders. #AT 1; Dmg 1 (bite) or 6-9 (ld4 + 5, for
Huge spider: AC 6; MV 18; HD 2 +2; hp sting); SA sting venom paralyzes for 1-6
16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA type A poison (vic- hours; ML 13; AL N; THACO 17 (sting), 19
tim gains +1 on saves after each bite; ven- (bite); described in this module.
om causes Id4 + 15 hp damage and a Beyond the lurker is a one-foot-deep,

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
three-inch-square storage niche in which bolts will leap toward the other statue).
lie four dust-covered glass vials. They are The bolts meet, crackle spectacularly,
unmarked, look identical, and hold color- and vanish. Anyone touched by the
less liquids. Three are potions of healing bolts suffers 2d4 damage. A Dexterity
(each restores 2d4 + 2 lost hp); the fourth Check is required of anyone within 4
is an elixir of health (it cures infection, in- feet of the bolt's path to avoid damage.
cluding green slime effects, disease, poi- "Chain lightning" arcs can occur from
soning, and so on). one creature to another; if one creature
is hit, any others within 4 feet must also
8. Welcoming Trap: The center of this make a check.
room's west wall contains a pair of closed Only one twin-bolt strike happens per
bronze double doors, flanked by two round. Spontaneous discharges occur af-
bronze statues. ter the statues have been activated, leap-
The statues stand on stone pedestals ing in random directions (with snapping
and represent humans in archaic, fluted noises and blue sparks). Boll Id6 each
plate armor. One is male and one is fe- round; on a 1 or 6, a discharge occurs.
male. Both are posed with one hand on The bronze doors are not locked. When
sword-hilt and the other outstretched to opened, they swing inward into room #8,
indicate the doors between them. There is and into the path of any bolts (unless the
a faint metallic smell in the room, and the statues have been moved). A bolt striking
doors and statues radiate strong magic. a door is conducted with full force to any-
Something is written on the floor in front one touching the door, and will arc away
of the statue on the right. in a random direction out into the room,
The writing can't be read from more travelling 10 + ld6 feet. Victims (Dex
than ten feet away. Ashes have been checks to avoid) suffer full damage.
scratched into the Thorass letters "BEW."
Beneath these is a triangle, a zigzag line 9. Red Chamber: This room's walls are
descending from its center. (What does it covered with wine-colored silk draperies,
mean? The PCs will think of something.) once splendid but now moth-eaten and
Multiple, strong enchantments protect mold stained. They must be pushed aside
the statues and doors from rust, shatter- at the entrance of the room after the door
ing, or being toppled (even if shoved, they is opened. Inside is a contoured wooden
remain upright; if the doors are torn from couch covered in old, shabby red plush.
their hinges, they will hang upright in On it lies a beautiful human female, clad
mid-air). The statues also gather strong in a fine gown. Golden chains run from
electrical energies and discharge them as manacles at her wrists and ankles to rings
follows: at the corners of the couch, and the hilt of
• When a statue is touched, it conducts a dagger protrudes from her open mouth.
2dl2 damage of energy to anything The maiden has been killed recently, ob-
touching it (if an object is itself a con- viously for purposes of evil sorcery. The
ductor, the damage is suffered by any body has not yet begun to decay; if not for
creature holding the object). the chains and dagger, she would appear
• When the floor between the statues is to be asleep.
walked on (it sinks slightly, activating a If PCs can communicate with or raise
trigger), or the doors are touched, two the dead, the corpse is that of Estrel (AC 6;
bolts leap from the outstretched hands MV 12; W4; hp 12; S 13, D 18, C 14, I 17, W
of the statues (regardless of which way 11, Ch 17; AL CG; ML 15; THACO 19). If re-
the statues may have been turned, the turned to life, she will seek revenge on her

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
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slayer: a man, probably a thief, called floor, against the west wall. Illusory magic
"Ruathgrym" (actually Nieilor, a local conceals these from view; they must be
Zhentarim agent, now somewhere in the felt directly or the edges of the stone must
Stonelands). be shifted slightly underfoot (unlikely to
Estrel has no treasure. The dagger is a occur by chance, as it's right in a corner).
good-quality, nonmagical weapon. Its dis- The stone is a thin slab with two
tinctive, black wooden hilt is carved in a fingerholes. It can be lifted to reveal a hid-
likeness of a snarling panther. The chains ing place as wide and deep as a man's
are fine-quality steel, painted with golden hand, and about two handlengths long.
pigment of no value; their links must be This niche holds a small cloth bag. A skele-
pulled open to free them from the locked tal human hand rests atop it.
manacles (Nieilor has the key), or from the The bag holds a necklace of black,
couch's rings. glassy teardrops, linked by fine wire.
These are 16 pieces of cut and polished
10. Treasury: The corridor floor in front obsidian, each worth 10 gp. The hand is
of this room's door is marked with a faint an animated guardian—a crawling claw,
dark stain—a bloodstain—or rather, sev- which can leap up to 15 feet to attack.
eral bloodstains of varying ages. Crawling claw: AC 7; MV 9; HD Va; hp 4;
If the door is touched, a loud click is #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (punch, against armored
heard. If the (unlocked) door is then foes) or 1-6 (crushing grip, against leather-
opened, the opener and anyone standing armored or unarmored targets); ML 20;
directly behind the opener must make AL N; THACO 20; MC3. It cannot be turned
Dexterity checks at - 3 to avoid being and is immune to charm, sleep, and hold
struck in the back by a spring-driven spells. The claw attacks anyone disturbing
spear leaping from behind a sliding stone the necklace (it will pursue foes through
panel in the corridor wall, across from the the Halls, crawling along on its fingertips).
door. The spear causes Id6 damage (reroll
all "1" results), but this trap fires only 12. Throne Room: The fallen, splintered
once. (Unfortunately, something keeps re- remnants of once-grand, gilded double
setting it!) doors lie underfoot at this room's en-
The room beyond holds only dust and trance, leaving an open archway. The
cobwebs. Someone else got here first. wooden doors are carved with scenes of
sword-wielding, armored men riding
11. Guest Bedchamber: This room is leaping horses and hewing down men,
empty except for a half-collapsed canopy ores, and fantastic monsters. However,
bed carved of some dark, now-rotten some of the carvings have been hacked or
wood. Two of its legs are broken, so that trampled into ruin. Under the wreckage
its foot slopes sharply downward. This ex- lies a gold key (worth 1 gp).
poses a faded area on the south wall, be- Just to the right inside the entry arch
hind the bed, where a small niche can be (along the east wall) lies a black table, cant-
seen. It holds three crumbling, leather- ed to one side due to broken legs. The
bound books (worm-eaten, water- dust-covered tabletop was once glossy,
damaged, illegible diaries, of no value), bearing a magical rune. The rune has
and two stoppered, sealed vials, lightly been defaced with heavy sword- or axe-
covered with dust. One is a potion of blows, but still glows faintly in darkness.
climbing and the other holds holy water. (The shape of the rune, its effects, and
A careful search of the room will reveal whether any of its power survives are left
seams in the northwest corner of the to the DM.)


A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

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The room is dominated by a high- ing that time, it will explode, causing 3d4
backed stone throne atop a triangular, damage to all within 20 feet (5d4 to those
three-stepped dais. The domed ceiling within 10 feet), and forcing all items with-
reaches a height of 30 feet. A border of in- in 20 feet to make saving throws against
laid black stone runs along the top edge of magical fire (magical items get their usual
the walls where they begin to curve up- bonuses, but must save vs. disintegration
ward. The pattern of the border repre- instead).
sents life-size long swords, parallel and
pointing downward, each surmounted by The throne sits against the back (west)
a black star. wall of the room, the shattered remnants
In the center of the south wall is a black- of a tiny chest under its legs. The throne
framed painting, as wide as a man is tall has obviously been vandalized: gems or
and half that in height. It shows men in precious metal inlays once studded its
varied armor fighting elves who wear ar- arms and edges, but have been torn away.
mor swept into strange and fanciful fluted The chest contains nothing but danger:
points and spurs. The elves wield flaming most of its shattered pieces are parts of a
swords and black spears. The scene small, intelligent mimic. It will send pseu-
moves constantly, in a silent, unending dopods to attack anyone disturbing it.
battle! Mimic: AC 7; MV 3; HD 7; hp 41; #AT 1;
Myth Drannan Painting: This magical Dmg 3-12 (smash); SA glue sticks to crea-
painting is a wonder; since the days of tures or items on contact (Open Doors roll
Myth Drannor, few mages of the Realms to get free, only one try allowed, or alco-
have known enchantments powerful hol may be used to weaken it in 3 rounds;
enough to fashion such a scene. The paint- mimic's death causes release 5 rounds lat-
ing is priceless (it will attract every thief er); SD camouflage, immune to acid,
and brigand, and, if properly sold, will green slime, etc.; ML 15; AL N; THACO 13;
buy as much as a small keep or four resur- MC2. It can speak Common, and has been
rection spells). Of course, there's the small here a long time (if PCs talk to it, it can re-
matter of first getting it to a buyer. veal background lore of the Halls, as de-
The painting is set into the wall; PCs will sired).
have to chip away stone to get it out. The If the mimic is slain, it peels away from
picture can be destroyed by dealing it 9 hp the inside back of the throne and falls off,
of damage, but this can be dealt only by a revealing the real back of the throne.
magical weapon of + 2 or better enchant- Faint lines there, clearly visible to anyone
ment; anything less is warded harmlessly examining the throne, reveal a not-so-
away from the picture. secret door!
The picture also turns away spells (as a
ring of spell turning) and can be used as a 13. Audience Chamber: The walls, floor,
shield against magic by desperate PCs. It and ceiling of this 3O'X3O' room are all
weighs as much as two heavy metal kite blackened, as if a great fire (a fireball, per-
shields and is about as thick as a man's haps) occurred here. Piles of ash lie in the
hand. The only spell short of a limited corners of the room; a ring of shocking
wish that seems to affect the painting is grasp lies concealed in one corner.
dispel magic: the first application of this A pile of blackened human bones, tan-
spell causes blood (real human and elven gled about a stone warhammer, graces the
gore) to run and drip from the painting's center of the room.
surface. This ends after Id4 turns, but if a
second dispel is cast on the painting dur- 14. Crypt: Room #13's south wall holds a

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secret panel in the lower half of the wall's up into the Halls if "full," and will pursue a
center. It opens onto a steep flight of de- meal as far as its wings can take it.
scending stairs. The steps are wet and The door at the bottom of the stairs is
slimy. Anyone descending must make a locked (it must be picked; the key is lost)
Dexterity check to avoid falling. If a fall oc- and barred on the stair-side: barred to
curs, all fragile items worn or carried prevent something from getting out. . .
must make saving throws vs. fall, and the The water seeping onto the stairs drains
victim must make a Constitution check or away at the bottom; the 30' X 20' room be-
suffer 1 hp of damage. A further Dexterity yond the door is dry and very dusty.
check is required to avoid dropping held This room contains three large, stone cof-
items. fins, their domed lids lacking inscriptions or
Partway down the stairs is a single adornments. Two are closed, but the lid of
raised or "trip" step. Make an Intelligence the easternmost one has been thrust aside.
check for each PC descending the stairs if Its former occupant, a skeleton, stands in
they are in any sort of hurry or if the light the room's northeast corner and will attack
is poor (unless the PC has been warned anyone entering the room. If not destroyed,
about the step). If this fails, the PC trips it will pursue PCs through the dungeon.
and a fall is automatic. (Something in the ancient spells that created
In case of a PC fall, the player should roll it makes this otherwise-normal skeleton im-
Idl2. Any score of 9 or higher indicates mune to turning, dispelling, or any type of
that the character tumbles right to the control.)
bottom, and another Dexterity check Skeleton: AC 7; MV 12; HD 1; hp 8; #AT
must be made. If it fails, the character is 1; Dmg 1-6; ML 20; AL N; THACO 12; MCI. It
impaled on one or more of the seven rusty is worth double the normal XP value. Only
sword blades protruding from the door while it is in this crypt, its shattered bones
there. Roll Id4 to determine how many can slither together and reassemble
blades strike the PC; roll Id4 + 1 damage themselves—in effect, regenerating 3 hp
for each blade. each round. If it is "killed" (reduced to ze-
If a PC falls and another PC is farther ro hit points), this uncanny effect ceases
down the stairs, the lower PC must make a and the skeleton crumbles to dust, for-
Dexterity Check with a — 4 penalty. Failure ever destroyed.
indicates that both fall, with the lower PC The skeleton's coffin is empty. The cen-
suffering the damage from the sword ter coffin holds an intact, nonmonstrous
blades. human skeleton, wrapped in a shroud. Its
If the trip step or the next step below it is hands are clasped on its breast, around a
stepped on, they sink slightly, pulling black, hide-covered book. The tome is a
down hidden wires that rupture a bladder manual of stealthy pilfering (consult the
of "stasis gas" in a ceiling niche. Out flies DMG for its effects immediately!).
an awakened, hungry stirge to the attack! If the westernmost coffin's lid is dis-
Stirge: AC 8; MV 3, Fl 18 (C); HD 1 +1; hp turbed, its occupant will thrust the lid
9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA blood drain (1-4 dmg aside and rise to the attack! This undead
per round after strike until 12 hp are attacker is a mummy. It wears a necklace
drained or stirge is killed); ML 8; AL N; of rubies (14 in all, unusually large; each is
THACO 17; MC2. The stirge's grip is broken worth 6,000 gp if sold shrewdly in a large
only by death or its satiation. If an attack market such as Suzail, a Sembian city, or
against it misses while it is attached, roll a Waterdeep).
second attack against its victim's AC to see Mummy: AC 3; MV 6; HD 6+3; hp 39;
if the victim is hit. The stirge will try to fly #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; SA blows infect victims

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

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with mummy rot disease, sight of mum- now rotten shreds. The 30' x 30' room has
my forces save vs. spell or fear-paralysis one plain wooden door, across from its en-
governs victim for 1-4 rounds; ML 15; AL try arch, in the center of the south wall.
LE; THACO 13; MCI. This door is closed and locked, and leads
to #17.
15. The Undercrypt: A secret door (two A circular table, a chair, and its
sliding stones) in the northern corner of occupant—a man in leather armor—lie
the east wall of room #14 leads into a wet half-crushed beneath a great bookshelf
crawl tunnel (only 3 feet high). that toppled forward from the east wall. It
PCs in the tunnel are unable to use any must be shifted to examine the objects un-
weapon larger than a wand or dagger. Af- derneath.
ter traversing 10 feet or so, they will see a The mummified, near-skeletal body is
human skull floating in mid-air, facing to- not undead. It is equipped with a small
ward them. metal mirror, a set of" thieves' picks, a
The skull is real, but merely a ruse crowbar, a brass hooded lantern
placed to scare away thieves. It is affixed (crushed), a club, and a dagger. Its armor,
to a thin, dark metal rod wedged between boots, and belt are crumbling from rot,
floor and ceiling. Beyond it, the tunnel but if they are examined closely, a coin
ends in a short ramp upward, leading into can be found slipped into a slit on the
a dry 20' x 20' room whose ceiling is only 4 belt's inside surface, beside the buckle.
feet high. The buckle is gold-plated iron with a cir-
This undercrypt contains a large chest cular sheath to cover the once razor-sharp
with a scabbarded sword leaning against edge sharpened along about a third of it
it. In the southwest corner lies a long, thin, (suitable for slicing rope or cloth or even
dark mass. It is an oiled blanket; inside is sawing through wire).
rolled a long bow +1 (but no arrows) and The corpse's right boot has a hollow
a glass vial (a potion of diminution). heel, found by lifting out the insole. Inside
The scabbard is finely crafted and is a silver piece, 3 gp, and a tiny wooden
adorned with polished gems (ornamental box holding a sapphire (worth 1,000 gp).
and semi-precious stones of many types, Strewn around the body are 16 tomes
total value 800 gp). It holds a long and seven bone scroll tubes with leather
sword + 1, luck blade (it has only one wish caps. Ten of the books are account ledg-
in it; don't let PCs know this until they've ers, recording barters of swords, blan-
used it). kets, lamp oil, and rope in exchange for
The chest holds 509 gp (loose). Two can- casks of wine and uncut gems. Three
vas sacks lie atop the coins. One contains more are lurid chapbooks, of the sort read
312 sp and the other contains three pearls by lonely merchants around campfires.
of pink lustre (each worth 360 gp), with Two books are diaries of someone named
the fragments of a fourth, crushed pearl. Pelentharr, who evidently worked magic
and traveled often between Netheril and
16. Rivior's Study: This once-fine cham- Myth Drannor. Pelentharr's ink has faded,
ber is now a scene of decay. Its walls are of and mold has attacked the pages of his
dark panelling made from the wood of cheap travel-tomes; the diaries are very
shadowtop trees, now covered with hard to read (but may, at the DM's option,
(harmless) fungus and mold growths. provide clues or directions leading to trea-
Each corner of the room is cloaked by a sures and adventures—perhaps in the
tapestry, but these once-fine hangings Stonelands).
(scenes of knights hunting dragons) are The last book is a rare treasure: a libram

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
of silver magic. AC 2. Her gem-studded "bikini" garments
The scroll tubes all contain scrolls. Five are set with many ornamental stones, the
scrolls hold a single wizard spell each, as top being worth 460 gp in total, and the
follows: flame arrow, gust of wind, locate bottom, 220 gp.
object, massmorph, remove curse. The She has memorized the spells charm
sixth scroll is protection from magic, and person and shocking grasp, but time has
the seventh is a trapped scroll; its cryptic robbed her of spellbooks, dagger, her
runes are so much ornate gibberish, over lord, and the world she knew. If the PCs
which explosive runes have been written. release her (the chains break easily, break-
ing her stasis as well), she will be subdued
17. Lord's Bedchamber: This 3O'X2O' and bewildered, but she is very intelligent
room is panelled to match the previous and observant and reacts to danger like a
one (#16), and provides a home to similar seasoned adventurer.
fungi and molds. It boasts a huge cano-
pied bed against the east wall, a table and 18. Armory: This 2O'X2O' room once
a stool, and a row of ten ornate wooden held a small arsenal of weapons, but all
closets built in along the south wall. are gone now. Its walls sport rows of
On the table, under thick dust, are a wooden pegs, on one of which hangs an
scabbarded sword (a broadsword + 2 that empty, rotten, leather sword-scabbard. A
glows with a strong lavender-hued radi- pile of dust and rotting cloth lies in the
ance when drawn), a bottle of wine (long northeast corner, and in it lies hidden a
since turned to vinegar), and a handker- plain brass ring (non-magical, worth
chief. about one-fortieth of a copper piece) and
The bed reeks of mildew and will col- (in a pouch) a many-spined, silvery metal
lapse in ruin if any weight is put on it. The globe (a magestar, described in the Magi-
closets have no locks and hold clothes, cal Items section of this adventure).
boots, belts, and blankets on pegs and In the center of this room is a heavy
rods. All are so decayed that they crumble wooden table, hacked and battered
when touched. around its edges (many blades were driv-
In the westernmost closet stands a hu- en into it, like a chopping block, over the
man female with long black hair, large years). It radiates faint magic due to now-
purple eyes, and angry-looking, beautiful failing preservative spells. An upside-
features. She wears an open green silk down wooden stool lies under the table,
robe, copper bracers, a gem-studded bras- and a headless, warped spearshaft leans
siere and girdle, and high, soft boots. She against the north wall.
has been chained to the closet-rods with
fine copper wrist manacles. She is unmov- 19. Feast Hall: This large hall is still im-
ing, unbreathing, and unaware of her sur- pressive; it once must have been grand.
roundings. Marks in the dust show where long tables,
This is Miior (AC 7; MV 12; W2; hp 12; S benches, and chairs once stood, but they
14, D 17, C 16, I 17, W 10, Ch 16; AL CG; are all gone.
THACO 20; ML 15), once the consort of Ri- The room's 80-foot high ceiling is lost in
vior the bandit lord. She is in temporal sta- a welter of crossbeams and tattered tapes-
sis and has been here, undisturbed, for a tries (many of which hang forlornly about
long, long time. Knowing no dating sys- the chamber). This area is home to a hun-
tem, she doesn't know how long she has gry stirge that will swoop noiselessly to
been here or who put her here. She wears the attack. It is cunning, and will strike at
boots of elvenkind and bracers of defense a weak or lone target, but will sneak after

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

a strong party, awaiting a chance to attack A. An impassive-looking human male war-

when they are facing another foe. rior in splint mail, holding a large, plain
Stirge: AC 8; MV 3, Fl 18 (C); HD 1 +1; hp shield and wearing a helm with a tall
9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA blood drain (1-4 dmg plume.
per round after strike until 12 hp are B. A lizard man crouching and snarling, a
drained or stirge is killed; ML 8; AL N; naked scimitar in each hand.
THACO 17; MC2. The stirge's grip is broken C. A 9-foot-tall, plate-armored warrior, vi-
only by death or its satiation. If an attack sor down, holding a spear across his chest
against it misses while it is attached, roll a in a "guard" position.
second attack against its victim's AC to see D. A sleek, sneering female human war-
if the victim is hit instead. rior in leather armor, a saber raised men-
In the center of the northwest wall, acingly in one hand, a dagger held ready
about 20 feet above the floor, hang two in the other.
normal crossed spears covered by a large E. A snarling gnoll chieftan in a breast-
metal shield (a shield +1) painted with a plate and shield, club raised menacingly.
russet-colored, flame-breathing, rearing F. A mailed man with a mace held high
dragon. overhead to smash a downward blow, a
Cormyrean sages, heralds, courtiers, short sword in his other hand and a great
and nobles will all recognize this heraldic helm hiding his face entirely. Statue F is
display as the personal arms of Salember actually a doppleganger assuming a per-
"The Rebel Prince," who was regent dur- fect likeness of Statue J (see below). It is
ing the youth of his nephew Rhigaerd, waiting here for prey and will try to strike
and in the end, refused to relinquish the PCs from behind after they have passed,
throne. Salember and the nobles who sup- returning to this likeness and pose before
ported him were finally slain in a bloody being discovered.
civil war. How his arms came to be here is Doppelganger: AC 5; MV 9; HD 4; hp 29;
a mystery. Any PC who uses the shield as it #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; ML 13; AL N; THACO 15;
currently appears while in Cormyr will at- MC2.
tract some unfriendly attention; the term G. A long-haired, long-bearded man in
"red dragon," applied to a person, still leathers, brandishing a 6-foot-long,
means traitor in Cormyr. double-bladed war axe.
The spears and shield are wired to H. An empty, rubble-strewn pedestal.
hooks embedded in the wall. Both hooks I. A catlike, crouching elf with a buckler in
and wires have become more rust than one hand and a fantastically-long, whip-
metal, and will crumble away under any bladed sword in the other.
weight. If they fall on a PC, a Dexterity J. A mailed man with a mace held high
Check allows avoidance; anyone hit takes overhead ready to smash a downward
Id4 +1 damage. blow, a short sword in his other hand and
a great helm hiding his face entirely (iden-
20. Hall of Statues: This passage is lined tical to F, above).
with granite statues on 2-foot-high pedes- K. A kneeling archer, composite bow
tals. The statues are very heavy—about drawn to her ear, a barbed (double-
350 lbs. each—but are useful for ram- headed, one behind the other) war-arrow
ming, setting off traps, or propping doors on the string.
open. L. A magnificently-muscled man clad only
The statues are described from south to in a loincloth and knee-high boots, carry-
north, beginning with the west wall (refer ing a fistful of javelins and holding one
to the map). raised, ready to throw.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

M. A bristle-bearded dwarf in a helm, flop- attacking en masse. Each kobold has a

ping boots, and a mail-shirt, launching hand crossbow like those used by drow,
himself into a charge, warhammer first. firing once per round with ranges S2/M4/
N. A slim man with teased, curled hair, a L6. The crossbows fire a dart that causes
frilled cape, and a rapier raised menac- 1-3 hp damage and is coated with drow
ingly, balancing a dagger on one finger of sleep poison (save vs. poison at —4 to
his other hand. avoid effects; onset is Id6 +1 rounds, and
O. A half-round pillar, set against the wall. the effects last 2d4 hours—only a neutral-
It appears to be fashioned of stone blocks ize poison spell or similar aid can awaken
(unlike the walls, floor, and ceiling, its sur- victims earlier).
face displays regular seams). On the west The kobolds have 60' infravision and
side of the pillar, about 5 feet above the will wait in the dark, firing at opponents
floor, one of these blocks has been etched when they can get good shots. Each ko-
with a rune like an "S." The tail of the S bold has 12 bolts and has practiced for
curves down to meet a small circle. An in- long hours firing through these ports at
verted "Y" descends from the bottom of small targets outside. Their initial shots
the circle. On the south side of the pillar, will be made at +4 to hit, and all darts
about 2 feet above the floor, is a stone that fired thereafter will be at +3. When these
can be swung out like a door to reveal a kobolds are outside the guardroom and
storage niche. The niche is a cylinder, 1 the familiar target areas it overlooks, their
foot in diameter and 4 feet high. It con- accuracy drops to + 2 in darkness and +1
tains a cheap-looking necklace (actually a in light.
necklace of mystic eidolons, detailed in
the Magical Items section). 22. Ready Room: This former armory
and bunkroom for duty guards is used as
21. Kobold Guardroom: Firing ports a midden by the kobolds. It reeks of decay,
(marked with dark circles on the map; and no wonder: a rickety table leaning
they are ovals measuring 3 inches long against the wall holds a leather skin of
and 2 inches high) allow this room to com- wine, a roughly-hacked, rotting, half-
mand views of nearby areas (including eaten sheep, and a plundered purse (slit
#19 and #20). The room contains low belt-ends still attached) containing 3 cp, 2
wooden benches on the west and south sp, and 5 gp. The rest of the room is
walls, numerous weapons, and kobolds choked with torn clothing and scraps of
who keep watch here (and will fire with- armor, gnawed bones, a broken dagger,
out warning at any intruders). There is an four splintered spearshafts, and heaps of
alarm gong that the kobolds will strike af- kobold dung.
ter engaging an enemy; by means of a
wire that travels up to #23, it warns other 23. Kobold Shaft: This square-walled
kobolds in the level above. shaft rises 112 feet (from the floor here to
Kobolds (8): AC 7 (metal shields, leather the floor of the upper level) to the citadel
armor); MV 6; HD Vz; hp 4 each; #AT 1; of the kobolds. A ladder of rusting but
Dmg 1-6 (short sword) or 1-4 (dagger); ML solid, massive grabirons climbs the east
10; AL LE; THACO 20; MCI. These guards wall. An older series of handholds hol-
have high morale because they are per- lowed out of the stone climbs the north
sonally formidable (for kobolds), know wall.
the dungeon well, and are trained at de-
feating foes far more powerful than them- 24. Ambush Elbow: This diagonal section
selves by using the dungeon's traps and by of corridor provides an ideal spot for at-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
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tacking intruders coming from the east, walls to propel along the passage to avoid
and the kobolds have set up a trip-bow the slime).
here consisting of a multiple heavy cross- Green slime: AC 9; MV 0; HD 2; hp 11;
bow on a tripod. #AT 0; Dmg attaches to live flesh, turns the
The crossbow, assembled from several target creature into green slime in Id4
captured weapons, is too heavy and un- rounds (no resurrection possible; to
wieldy to be used by hand. It fires three avoid, freeze, burn, cut away, or scrape it
bolts on parallel courses, operated by trip- off in 1 round or kill with a cure disease
wires stretched across the secret door spell; ML 10; AL N; THACO 19; MCI.
(which opens southward into this corri- This natural crack widens in two areas
dor) and across the corridor just east of (marked A and B on the map). At A, the
the diagonal section. These wires are con- passage becomes a damp, sand-floored ca-
cealed by gathered cobwebs. vern large enough for six man-sized crea-
The bolts cause Id4 +1 damage each tures to sleep in comfortably. It is empty,
and strike at THACO 9 against targets sur- except for a cracked, rusty helm lying on
prised by them (i.e., those who do not the floor.
carefully creep around this bend of the At B, a hollow in the floor is filled with a
corridor). Their force will drive them via powdery brown pile directly below a 2-
ricochets right around to strike the west- foot-diameter, irregular hole in the ceil-
ern door to #6, but they strike at THACO 15 ing. The pile is very old dung, from the
against targets around the bend. This trap latrine 132 feet above in the Upper Level.
fires only once unless the kobolds have an Man-sized PCs wearing flexible armor
opportunity to reload and reset it. (chainmail or less) or smaller folk can
climb up the irregular natural walls of this
25. Chamber of the Chain: This 20' x 40' shaft, but the damp stone is slippery. Dex-
room holds only cobwebs, dust, and an 8- terity checks must be made every third
foot-long bronze chain hanging from a round of climbing. Seven rounds should
large, circular bronze boss set into the 15- be the minimum time required to climb
foot-high ceiling. The bottom link of the the shaft for a skilled climber. Check more
chain has been twisted open, and what- often for those who are injured, heavily
ever was on the end of it is gone. encumbered, or not skilled at climbing.
Missiles, including fellow PCs falling from
26. Plungefall: The floor in this area has overhead, cannot be avoided in the shaft.
become very weak, eroded from below,
and will collapse if any weight of more 27. Bathing Chamber: This 30'x 20'
than 150 lbs. is placed on it. If a PC steps room contains a small oval pool within
on the floor, a Dexterity check must be four massive pillars. A concentric ring of
made at —4, or the character plunges steps leads down into its black, opaque,
down 20 feet (2d6 damage, fragile items stagnant water.
must save vs. fall) into a narrow, natural PCs who take a dip in the chillingly-cold
crack—the path of a now-vanished water can grope around blindly to recov-
stream. er 66 gp (scattered loose) and a horse-
The place where a falling creature will man's mace + 1.
land after breaking through the floor is After the pool's waters are disturbed,
home to a small colony of green slime, doors in two of the pillars will open to re-
which coats the floor and cannot be avoid- veal man-size niches. Out of these will step
ed unless falling creatures can fly (or two ju-ju zombies.
feather fall and push against the rock Ju-ju zombies: AC 6; MV 9; HD 3 + 12;

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
' JO ~

hp 29, 24; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA climb walls 30. Battle Chamber: This room reeks of
(92%); SD hit only by +1 or better weap- death. A large scorched area covers the
ons, many immunities; ML 20; AL N(E); east wall. A dead ore wearing silk robes
THACO 15; MCI. PCs who lack magical and a leather belt adorned with gems (six
weapons may simply have to flee them. bluish-white, faintly-glowing moonstones,
Both zombies wear the shreds and each worth 75 gp) lies face-down on the
scraps of once-fine clothing; one has a floor. An axe is buried in the back of his
gold belt buckle shaped like a snarling head: an axe +2, throwing.
face with opal eyes (worth 800 gp each). The ore's body is infested with grey
grubs. If the body is disturbed, ld6+20
28. Room of the Fallen Giant: This cham- grey-hued, maggot-like worms will leap
ber is weirdly lit by patches of phospho- and wriggle with lightning speed from it
rescent mold growing on the walls, toward intruders. The grey grubs behave
ceiling, and upon a cracked stone table as rot grubs (see MC2). The DM should
whose halves fill the center of the room. consult the rot grub entry for the behav-
Sprawled atop it is the skeleton of some ior of these rare dungeon predators. Un-
sort of giant, the spear that killed it still like their feared relatives, however, grey
wedged in its ribs. This spear glows and is grubs merely swarm up a victim until
magical (it causes normal spear damage, they find bare, hairless skin (e.g., the face
but is otherwise identical to a sword + 2, or neck, not the arms), bestow a cold,
giant slayer). Its name, "Shimmering," is clammy kiss, then drop off, scaring the
carved upon it. PCs—have they just been given some hor-
Much stone rubble is heaped around rid disease?—but doing little else. (The DM
the edges of the room—evidently, there can elect to have fun with this, having hair
was once a lot more stone furniture here of the touched PCs begin to grow grey and
that has since been destroyed. Carvings bulbous, and so on.)
that appear to be fragments of runes can The burned area contains only ashes.
be seen on some pieces. Projecting from them is a skeletal human
Searching this rubble will take a long hand clutching a three-foot-long, black
time; much heavy stone must be moved, metal rod with barbed ends. It is a rod of
creating a lot of noise. The DM should flailing, which becomes a flail when the
check for wandering monsters once every word aerael is spoken, and returns to rod-
third round. Those who search the rubble form when the word thund is uttered. Its
should immediately find 2dl2 gp, but it Armor Class bonus is activated by silent
will take at least 4 more rounds of search- will as the rod is grasped.
ing before they uncover bits of rag, then
skeletal human feet still inside a pair of 31. Many-Pillared Hall: This large room
boots of the north. is littered with stony rubble that has fallen
from the ceiling (PCs looking up will see
29. Forgotten Gear: This room contains a cracks and cavities, but nothing will fall
12-foot-long wooden pole, one end black- unless fireballs or similar explosions oc-
ened by fire. It lies atop a leather backpack. cur). In this case, there will be a thunder-
The pack holds a tinder box, two candles, ous roar and a large fall of stone. A rusty
five days worth of rations (cheese, sausage, scimitar and dagger lie among the stones.
dry biscuits, and date-paste, all still edible), Five closed stone doors are visible in the
two skins of wine (each holding a gallon), a walls. The lone door on the diagonal
blanket, and a pair of high boots. There is northwest wall is false (at the DM's option,
no sign of an owner. it can lead to future expansion); touching

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
( \X— / 1

it causes a magic mouth to appear on a standing in front of the door. Any metal
nearby pillar and say, "The way is blocked. touched by the block vanishes instantly,
You cannot pass." without harm to those wearing or holding
The three visible doors on the southeast it (it is teleported to room #3, forming the
wall operate as follows (from northern- pile on the floor there).
most to southernmost). Touching the first The southernmost door is false. Touch-
door causes a 10' x 10' floor area directly ing it causes the ghostly image of a human
in front of the door to Wink away for 20 female face to appear on it and whisper
seconds, spilling all PCs here into a 40-foot (whatever the DM desires, to intrigue and
pit (4d6 falling damage). The pit is littered lead PCs to other adventures; this strange
with bones and its northwestern wall is "spirit," Ruuthreene, knows a lot about the
composed of rubble; digging here may history of the Halls and the Stonelands).
open up a lower dungeon level. The
floor's return will trap victims in the pit 32. Cellar: A pair of waist-high, arched
and may harm others reaching in to res- doors are placed in the passage wall here.
cue them. They swing outward to reveal a low, arch-
The center door opens to reveal an emp- ceilinged stone cellar sloping downward.
ty corridor. A 15' X 15' stone block (6d6 On the floor are scattered bones (human),
damage from direct hit, 2d6 from a rolling and a locked, brass-bound wooden chest.
blow) falls from the ceiling onto anyone If the chest is opened, it emits an acrid,

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
Ttr— /

> 1

p, i 1

colorless gas that spreads rapidly. All PCs gets a second Dex check; if it succeeds, he
must save vs. breath weapon or fall asleep manages to catch hold of the rope lower
instantly for 2-12 turns (normal wander- down and hang on, taking only 2d8 batter-
ing monster rolls apply and affected PCs ing damage.
can't be awakened early). Persistent PC attacks will force the ko-
Inside the chest is a wooden coffer hold- bolds to escape by any of the three routes
ing four gold rings, each set with three ti- and return for revenge later.
ny emeralds (each ring is worth 4,000 gp),
and two large canvas sacks of 225 gp each. Expansion AReas
One of the blocks in the stone ceiling
midway down the cellar is marked with a The Haunted Halls have lower levels not
scratched circle. It swings down to reveal revealed here, where PCs can enjoy years
a shaft leading up into darkness. The end of danger. To reach them, they can dig up
of a rope hangs in the shaft. This old, stones in front of or behind certain doors
thick, black-tarred rope is rotten (27% in #31 or under the floor of #14. PCs may
chance of breakage; check for every 30 have to dig away a lot of rubble (with
feet climbed, increasing the chance by 8% picks, crowbars, shovels, carts, mules,
per additional climber). The shaft rises ropes and pulleys—the whole apparatus
112 feet to the Upper Level; if the rope of a mine) to proceed, but the DM will
breaks, falling damage applies. have to provide suitable bait (such as local
lore or Miior's memories of "deep treasure
crypts"). As PCs disturb more of the Halls
UppeR LeoeJ (especially if they occupy part of it as a
home or hideout), monsters will react,
Areas #23, #26, and #32 all lead up to Ri- coming up from the depths to attack, per-
vior's "fall-back" stronghold, now a ko- haps working together to destroy PCs.
bold citadel. The DM should adjust the
number of kobolds (there should be at Whatever befalls, may delvings in the
least 45) to reflect the strength of attack- Halls be delightful. As an old adventurer
ing PCs. The kobolds don't know that the once said: "There! That didn't hurt much,
privy (#26) is connected to the lower level did it? Did it?" (Or, as an old ore saying
of the Halls, but both other entrances goes, "Sixteen times burned, once shy.")
come up in well-like entrances under
heavy guard.
Ascending PCs must make Dexterity
checks for each round of climbing to
avoid making a noise that alerts the ko-
bolds (if they shout, cast spells, or deliber-
ately make noise, detection is assured).
The kobolds have spears and oil flasks in
plenty, but will save these for PCs they can
see nearby. Climbing PCs will first face
hurled rocks and dropped bags of gath-
ered lock lurkers (detailed in this module).
A PC who is hit suffers damage and must
make both a successful Dexterity check
and a successful Strength check or fall
down the shaft, taking falling damage. If
only one check succeeds, the PC falls but Wanning Raoe: "Magic nerie"

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
Saggested Campaign Plots
The lifeblood of a campaign is the color more powerful menace, too? Or is the
and interest a DM continually builds into whole thing a Zhentarim trap, with
it by introducing mystery and long-term cursed magical items as "treasure"?
goals via subplots, a "supporting" cast of Ironguard: DMs who have issue #18 of
NPCs, and by giving PCs ways to get infor- DUNGEON® Adventures magazine can use
mation. In Eveningstar, this means using this tiny wizard's lair as is; others can
passing caravans; the temple library, usa- readily devise their own magical-trap-
ble at a 1 gp per person per day browsing filled underground home. Ironguard fea-
fee; and locals who talk of their own ad- tures magically-animated, guardian flying
ventures, or, in Tfessaril's case, speak of the daggers. A strong PC party might face
crown's local intentions and concerns. more powerful enchanted and created
Encourage players early and often to guardians. If the resident wizard is away,
role-play PC walks about the village. escapes, or has prepared for undeath, PC
They'll soon be thinking up the adven- intrusions may begin an escalating series
tures they want to have! Role-playing is of hostilities.
critical to bringing the bare map of The Warriors' Crypt: Many wizard
Eveningstar to life, thereby peopling it lairs, some still home to mages, lie hidden
with "real" beings. The Long Arm of the in the Stonelands close to Eveningstar, in-
Law and Tessaril sections show how au- cluding the infamous Warriors' Crypt. Its
thorities and the "respectable" majority of mound is a battle-grave; the great war-
villagers respond to adventuring PCs. riors who fell there are now undead crea-
The "current clack" of news and rumors tures of unusual fighting prowess who
going around the village can suggest serve a sorcerous lord. Some whisper this
many adventures. The best place to hear dread lord is a fiend from another plane!
gossip is the taproom of the Tankard, a (It could be a nabassu—see "Tanar'ri,
gathering-place for locals and travelers Greater" in Volume 8 of the Monstrous
alike (note: caravans also bring Zhentarim Compendium—or something else, as the
agents and independent thieves, both DM desires.)
looking to prey on PCs). Mellomir's Mystery: Recent news
Here are some adventure ideas: (*FRO) told of the famous Arabellan sage's
The Caverns of the Claws: This net- discovery of great magic in the depths of
work of caves, a notorious troll-hold, lies the Haunted Halls. It explained the many
east of the village. Exploring PCs may find monsters encountered there and the sud-
out why the creatures keep returning. If den and total disappearance of dwarves
the DM has access to the Dwarves Deep from the Stonelands a century ago. Mel-
(FR11) sourcebook, perhaps the reason is lomir has since vanished. A false rumor
a Deepspawn—a monster that creates says he found "The Ring of Winter"—but
many other monsters. These fell things in- its function and meaning are mysteries
fest the Stonelands and may even lair for PCs to solve.
deep in the Haunted Halls. Perhaps, led by
powerful Spawn, they view the area as
their own realm; perhaps the Zhentarim
are behind this infestation. Either way,
PCs could end up in a long, bloody war
against an organized Spawn network.
The Crypt of Shadows: Nearby, in the
Stonelands, a distinctive barrow-tomb is
infested with shadows. Does it hide a

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Magical Iteras of: EoeningstaR

In the descriptions that follow, XP Value scious), the device moves to touch him
refers to experience points gained by a and passes absorbed hit points to him as
creature who makes (enchants) an item, healing energy. If not "charged" with
not by a creature who possesses it. GP Val- spells, it gives only Id4 hp.
ue is the sale price that can be expected If any creature able to cast spells or pos-
when the seller is careful and not desper- sessing spell-like natural powers touches
ate for cash. Keep these facts a secret from a magestar, "ownership" of the device
players; PCs won't know market rates for passes to that creature. Only creatures
magical items. with such powers can use a magestar.
Ownership can change once per round if
LaoteRQ Ri a magestar is touched repeatedly. A crea-
ture can "own" only one magestar at a
XP Value: 5O GP Value: 2OO time.
This plain, brass ring emits a single
Magestars have energy limits which
globe of light similar to a dancing lights
vary unpredictably from one to another. A
spell. The globe moves and changes inten-
starved one shrinks, grows dim, then van-
sity in response to the wearer's silent will.
ishes; an overloaded one explodes (4d6
If willed to become a beacon, the ring cre-
blast damage to all within 20 feet; save for
ates a brilliant shaft of white light (equal to
half damage).
full, bright noonday sunlight) extending
vertically from the ring-hand up into the
sky. The light lasts 2 hours (less Id4 turns Necklace op Mystic Eidolons
per dispel magic cast on it), but will not XP Value: 4,000 GP Value: 15,000
function indoors or underground. These necklaces vary in appearance,
In Eveningstar, these rings are worn by but to the wearer, they always appear as
Lord lessaril and all Purple Dragons. Tes- plain metal chains adorned with ld8 + l
saril will give them to PCs who render pyramid-shaped, points-down rock pen-
Eveningstar important aid. The local dants. If one pendant is twisted off and
priests of Lathander also sell them at dou- touched with a drop of the user's blood, a
ble list price. projected image of the user is created, and
he permanently loses 1 hp instantly.
MagestaR The user can see through the eyes of
this image and move it at will. It moves in
XP Value: 4,000 GP Value: 20,000
the same manner and rate as the user (if a
These devices appear as many-spined,
user can't fly, neither can his image).
silvery metal globes. When touched, they
A mage can cast one spell through his
glow and levitate, floating beside the crea-
image (the image becomes the spell's
ture touching them, looking very much
source). The image then vanishes as it
like will-o'-wisps. Spells cast at a magestar
takes effect. The link between user and
are absorbed and give the device 1 hp per
image penetrates all known physical and
spell level (a fireball sucked into a mage-
magical barriers (e.g., an imprisoned
star gives it 3 hp and negates the effect of
mage can attack or charm a jailor on the
the fireball). All known spells cast at a
other side of a barrier).
magestar (including area effect spells) are
absorbed, but active magics are not can- If no blood touches a detached pendant
celled if a magestar enters the area. within one turn, it dwindles away and is
lost. Pendants vanish when used. The
At the owner's mental bidding (or auto-
necklace can never be recharged.
matically if he collapses or falls uncon-

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
Lock Lurker FRQl


DIET. Carnivore
THACO: 17 (sting), 19 (bite)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 (bite) or 6-9 (Id4 +5 for sting)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Paralyzing venom
SIZE: T (1" diameter, tail to 1' long)

The tiny lock lurker is the bane of thieves, and is often placed as
a guard against such infiltrators. Lock lurkers look like coins—
cold, hard, coppery or bronze discs (25% are silver or golden in only if materialized there. On the Ethereal plane, all parts of a
hue). A lock lurker has two rows of tiny, retractable legs on its lurker can be attacked unless it pulls itself fully into the Prime
underside surrounding a razor-sharp iris of teeth that resembles Material plane. This requires an entire round, allowing an ethe-
the mouth of an octopus. It has a lightning-fast stinger that can real attacker one "free" attack at it.
be up to a foot long, but it is usually on the Ethereal plane, invisi- A lurker can transfer body material between the two planes
ble to observers on the Prime Material. despite any physical or magical restraints placed on it, but can
A human handling a lurker often thinks he has picked up a never fully withdraw into the Ethereal plane. Lurker attacks and
smooth, heavy coin. A sting usually advises him otherwise. Lurk- venom have the same effects on both planes, and lurkers have
ers have been known to be carried with other coins until reach- 6O'-range normal and infravision on both planes.
ing a place where easy targets will come near. Unless metal is Lurkers can slowly regenerate lost or damaged body parts.
struck, the lurker's bite and sting are both silent.*
Habitat/Society: Lock lurkers are so named because they are
Combat: A lurker's teeth can bite through hide, hair, skin, or often placed as guards on chests and doors to strike unwary in-
leather armor, but not metal. Its bite causes 1 point of damage. terlopers through keyholes. Assassins have placed them under
A lurker's stinger strikes as if the creature were a much more inkwells and pillows, in boots, and in other places convenient to
powerful monster. The stinger can attack creatures in the Ethe- a strike (so that the paralyzed target can be slain easily with no
real plane, and materializes on the Prime Material plane only alarm being raised).
when the lurker launches an attack. The strike is powerful In the wild, lurkers are solitary hunters, wandering slowly
enough to pierce any armor and to stun opponents of less than from one feeding location to the next. They can tolerate ex-
man-size for 1-2 rounds. It causes Id4 +5 hp damage and injects tremes of heat and cold, including the conditions found in
a venom into the victim's bloodstream. smokehouses, ovens, and icehouses. Lurkers are hermaphrodit-
The venom reacts with blood to slow a victim (effects as per ic; whenever two adults meet, they mate and go their separate
the wizard spell) on the round following the sting-strike. During ways. One to four months later, each lurker lays an egg sack of
that round, the victim's body reacts to the poison; a saving throw I d l 2 x 10 tiny eggs, 60% of which are fertile. Untended, these
must be made. If successful, the victim is slowed for a second hatch in Id6 weeks, typically producing 3d6 offspring. These eat
round, then recovers fully. the unhatched eggs (and sometimes each other) until they are
If the saving throw fails, the victim is immediately paralyzed fully mobile, then wander off in search of food. They never fight
for 1-6 hours, passes into a 1-2 round slowed state, then recov- other lurkers and mature within 2 years.
ers. This paralysis is a rigid muscle-lock affecting all limbs and
extremities. It is not a floppy loss of motive power (a victim can- Ecology: Lurker venom is valued as an ingredient in inks, po-
not be posed or easily dressed or undressed, and can easily be tions, and processes concerned with slow effects.
hurt if moved). Their bodies are a preferred ingredient in oil of etherealness; a
The venom reacts unpredictably. A successful save against one largely intact body is worth 2 gp (6 gp if the stinger is intact).
strike does not give immunity to the next strike (nor does paraly- Lock lurker venom (a clear, gummy fluid that smells like sea-
sis from one strike guarantee paralysis from another). weed) brings about 10 gp per flask (from the few alchemists who
A lurker can sting 40 + 2d4 times per day without exhausting recognize it). Lurker egg sacks bring about 25 gp on the open
its poison. Venom and any food ingested by a lurker are both market.
held in expandable body sacks on the Ethereal Plane, transferred
to and from the Prime Material portion of the lurker in a way not
fully understood.
A lurker's stinger can be attacked on the Prime Material plane e
1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Tressym FRQl

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any temperate land

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 16 (A)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-4
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to all poisons, detection
SIZE: T (up to 2' long, including tail, up to
3' wingspan)
MORALE: Elite (14)

Tressym are beautiful, fluffy, winged cats, closely related to the Ecology: These cute, mischievous little terrors are semiwild
small, feral cats native to the woodlands of the Heartlands of the and thought to be the result of some long-past wizardly experi-
Realms—the cats domesticated by many in the Dales, Sembia, mentation. They are known to live twenty years or more if they
Cormyr, the Moonsea cities, and the Sword Coast. Tressym vary do not meet with misadventure, and are free to take shelter
in the hues and fur-lengths of their coats as much as normal from, or fly away from, the worst winter weather. Tressym mate
(wingless) cats do. Most resemble a shorthaired grey, tabby, or as often as normal cats and do not mate for life. They sometimes
black cat, with two batlike wings at their well-muscled shoul- mate with normal cats, with whom they are fertile, but only 10%
ders. of such young will be tressym; the rest will be wingless.
Tressym wings have feathers. The leathery membranous Tressym are quite intelligent and have been known to form
wings are divided into arc-segments by hollow bones, rather like strong friendships (and hatreds) with creatures of other races,
the elongated fingers of a bat divide up its wings. such as human's and elves. Tressym have even been known to
sacrifice themselves for those they love.
Combat: Tressym stalk and pounce on prey, scratching and bit- A few mages have sought these creatures as familiars. At least
ing much as normal cats do, but with the added ability of flight, two Evenor wizards (Lord Tessaril and Maea Dulgussir, who still
which makes them far more deadly to birds (and insects) of all conceals her magical skills from locals and visitors alike) have
sorts. They do not, however, seem to attack nestlings or despoil done so successfully. As familiars, tressym combine the sensory
eggs. In battle, they are cunning—scratching at the eyes of oppo- advantages of a cat and an owl (refer to the find familiar spell in
nents, for example, and learning danger quickly, so that a tres- the Player's Handbook), and have additional benefits: they are
sym that sees a wand fired by a wizard knows about the danger intelligent enough to carry and manipulate complex and delicate
of sticks of wood held by humans for the rest of its life. items; they can observe and report events diligently; they can
In addition to their 120' infravision, tressym can detect invisi- concentrate on a task at hand even when hormones or instincts
ble objects and creatures up to 90' away. Tressym can also detect provide strong distractions (i.e., they can overcome things that
poison; through scent, taste, or touch, they recognize substances would make a lesser familiar lose all attention to tasks or surveil-
that are deadly to the intelligent races of the Realms (humans, lance), and they can communicate to their masters the identifica-
elves, half-elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, ores, goblinkin, and tions of poisons—even harmful gases not intended as an attack.
rarer peoples). Tressym themselves seem to be immune to all Tressym cannot confer or transmit any immunities against poison
known forms of poison. to another creature. They are not strong enough to fly with even a
halfling aloft. They can fly hard enough to slow a halfling's fall to a
Habitat/Society: Tressym are found on occasion in Evening- 2d4-damage affair, in descents of 90' or more, but can't lessen the
star's streets and trees. Northern Cormyr is the only place where damage suffered by any larger or heavier creature.
they seem to breed and gather, although individual tressym, both Tressym tend to get along with others of their kind when they
wild and domesticated, may be found all over the temperate meet, but they rarely lair or hunt together. They also peacefully
Realms. ignore bats, griffons, and the like, but are the deadly foes of
Villagers in Eveningstar feed tressym and try to prevent the stirges and manticores (against whom they will gather with oth-
worst of their vandalism and aerial catfights. At the same time, er tressym to fight), and enjoy teasing dogs.
they try to prevent any large-scale or magically-assisted trapping
and capturing of them. Evenor folk value tressym for their owl-
like rodent control in the fields. Most of the flying cats lair in
nearby Starwater Gorge and hunt the farm fields night and day,
avoiding local cats and dogs rather than fighting or tormenting
them. ®1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
House of
DuNoeoN DitessiNQ table MORN IN q
Use this table to abb spot iNtenest featuties to Che HauNteO Halls,
especially wh€N PCs ane tRavERsiNQ aReas pReviously explOReb.
Roll 1D20
ONC SQuaue = i o feet
01: A huiuaN skull aNb SOME scatteReD boNes aRe stRewN ON the
02: A black aRROwbeab (bably taRNisbeb silveR woRtb i sp) with a
few fRaqMCNts of woobeN shaft.
o j : Che bustcoveReb class fnaqMeNts of ashatteReb vial (of the
soRt useb to caRRy potioNsl, still with its coRk stoppeR. Its spilleb
coNteNts left a faiNt yellowishqReeN staiN ON the f IOOR, iN which
caN be seeN a footpRiNt: the outliNe of a baRe, left huMaN foot.
O4: A baRk. MOtiONless swiRl. It's a cloak of fiNe wool, NOW MN-
beweb aNb woRthless.
05: A heap of tuMbleb, bROkeN stONes. SOMe pieces have cuRveb.
sculpteb suRfaces. (Chey caN be Rouqhly asseMbleb iNto a statue:
the life-size iMaqe of a MSN bRaNbishiNq a SWORD aNb a speaR. He
has a lONq, sNakelike tail as well as leqs.)
06: A loose stoNe uNbeRf oot. It caN be lifteb out to Reveal a stoR-
aqe Niche, which May coNtaiN a waNb. coiNs. a bag of qeMs, OR the
like. peRhaps with a skeletal spibeR OR MUMMifieb SNake atop
07: A Dust-shROubeb, cobweb-coveReb IUMP. It is eitheR the IONQ-
Deab, f ist-sizeb husk of a spibeR, leqs cuRlcb aRouNb it. OR a stONe
OR huMaN skull.
OS: RottiNq, qNaweb qobliN conpses (ib6 IN NUMbeR). Chey have
beeN stRippeb of clothiNq aNb valuables aNb lie spnawlcD ON the
09: ChRee cRUMbliNq toRch-CNDs, buRNt low aNb bRoppeb lONq
aqo. On: Cwo oak logs, 6 feet IONQ aNb about 1 iNch thick. IRON QROUNO FlOOR
hoops aRe haMMeReb iNto theiR eNbs, with a few liNks Of chaiN
10: A MUMMifieb. loNQ-beab bat.
11: A face-bowN. heabless huMaN Male coRpse. It has wttheReb to Che RCMaiNt>CR o f the tcMple is left to the D M f on bevclopMCNt as
CRUMbliNq skiN oveR boNes. Its clothiNq has peRisheb, spilliNq out the caMpaiQN Dictates.
2 cp, 3 sp, aNb 1 gp. It has a bably-Rusteo shoRt swoRb (106 DaM
age, 1 IN 6 chaNce of bReakiNQ peR ROUNb of coMbat use) aNb a
bisiNteqRatiNq black cloak beaRiNq a shiNy, New silveR piN (a
Imoocl) of sWe/o/wq). Vany the conpse's geaR each tiMe this is Riviou's Keep
12: WateR seepiNg out of a wall to fORM a pubble. Che wateR is O N € SQuaue = 10 feet
safe to bRiNk.
11-. A leatheR-aRMOReb qobliN boby lyiNq face DOWN, half-CRusneb
UNbeR a Massive stONe block that fell fROM the ceiliNq. Che stONe
Must be shifteb to qet at the coRpse's tReasuRe: a CRUsheb shielb, a
shatteReb iRON baqqeR, aNb punse holbiNq 2 cp.
M: Clmee scuffeb, opeN chests; they May coNtaiN aNytniNq (OR
NothiNq) the DM besiRes.
15: Music fills the aiR, aleRtiNq PCs to the pReseNce of six floatiNg
iNStnuMCNtS: a flute, a shawM. a lyRC, a haRp, a naND-DRUM. aNb a
kRUMMhORN. Che iNstRUMENts glow with aN eeRie, flickeRiNg,
blue-white RabiaNce aNb float IN MibaiR, playiNq by theMselves.
Chey play the saMe shORt tuNe oveR aNb oveR (the DM shoulb
choose soMethiNq he caN whistle OR I?UM).
if toucheb by aNy liviNq CReatuRe, the iNStRUMeNts stop play- JRO FlOOR
iNq, the qlow fabes, aNb they slowly settle to the qRouNb. Chey
have beeN eNchaNteb by a Qlyost pipes spell (*FRA> aNb aRe Not
Chis featuRe caN be useb seveRal tiMes (who is waNbeRiNq
aROUNb this buNgeoN castiNg Qfjost pipes spells, aNyway?). but
wheN it has gROWN faMiliaR, Replace this Die-Roll Result with a
coNtiNual liQtjt glowiNg fUNgi, OR otheR RabiaNce.
16: A pit tRap. A 10' x 10' sectioN of the stoNe flooR DROPS away
like a flap. RevealiNg a 30-foot bRop (3b6 DaMage). It theN sNaps
back up iNto positioN, sealiNg iN aNy CReatuRes falleN iNto the
tRap. Co fRee theM, the tRap Must be spRUNg fROM above aNb a
shielb OR soMethiNq siMilaR Must be webgeb iNto it to holb it
opeN, OR the flooR sectioN Must be shatteReb. ON ONE wall of the
pit, soMeoNe has useb chaRcoal to scRawl iN elvish. "BewaRe the
hORNeb ONe!" At the DM's optiON, the pit coulb coNtaiN a tRappeb,
hUNqRy MONSten.
17: A busty, secuRely-stoppeReb vial. It coNtaiNS Musky, spicy peR-
18: A beNteb, RustiNq iRON cup.
19: A stout WOODEN chaiR will; ONC leg MissiNQ. falleN ON its sibe.
Its uNbeRsibe is a siNqle oak DoaRD. if this is pRieb away f ROM the
pabbiNg. 50 gp will be DiscoveReb stuck to the boaRo with pitch
On: A stONe table. At the DM's optiON. theRe coulb be soMethiNq
UNseeN UNbeR it. such as a peRMaNeNtly iNvisible (except as it
hits) waR/WMMt-R +;.
20: SoMeoNe OR soMethiNq has buq a nouqh hole heRe about aN
aRMlCNgth beep iNto the wall. Rubble (;b4 Rocks, RaNgiNq fROM
fiNgeRNail-sizeb to fist-sizeb) lies ON the flooR below.

A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

Village of

1. t h e LONCSOMC CaNkaRb INN (see accoMpaNyiNg Map); pROpRietoR 17. High PastuRe (COMMON qRaziNQ laNb)
DuNMaN Kiniaq (F5. NQ) 1 s. Ztje IRON HaNb (sMithy); Masten ARMORER DhuRthal lRONhaNb ;
2. EveNiNqstaR Hall (MectiNC house, quanO banRacks, jail) 19. ChE QolbeN UNJCORN INN; pRopRiemess Selba iwyaRa
3. Stables(hoRses bought, solb, ReNteb); pRopnietoR LabiaN Rulbo (see 20. Shop of BaskaR LeNbo: sage, pRiNt shop, paRChMENt aNb iNk Maki
also I 30). DUNM3N KiRiag of the LONESOME CaNkaRb R€Nts space IN the 21. MothER Tethos; coRbials, heRbs, geNtle CURES (a boctoR aNb Mi&wii
stable FOR the use of his guests. but Not a CIERIC)
4. MaRket SQuane 22. rhc Low LaNteRN (taveRN, baNce hall, theateR); pRopRietRess Mai
5. AshNaiRN's FiNC ClothiNg Shop "IRON Eyes" DulgussiR
6. EbbaRb HighsoNg, ButcheR 23. CEthyR HaRbwaRe (chaiNs, Rope, oil, caNbles, etc.); owNEb by ARbc.
7. The Olb Boot (wacoNMakeR aNb haRNess shop); pnopnieton ARbolb CEthyn aNb RUN by his thREE fat baughtERS
CethyR 24. CetbyR's CouRt (ROOMiNg house); OWNED by ARbolb tethyR. R™^
s. ResibENCE of Aulbo MORJM (towN cleRk aNb PURSER) aNb baitnacks his wife aNb Eight live-iN Maibs ~^
fOR local Punple DnacoN detachMENt (9 MEN) 2;. Shop aNb hoME of uibaR the PottER
9. ResibeNce of LoRb CessaRil WiNteR (Fio, C<3. aN ex-Mage who pos- 26. Che SIIVER BRaNch (jewelRy, fiNC silks, glasswoRk, aRt, Etc.)
sesses a Necklace of Missiles aNb a waNO of Made Missiles) 27. CaRpENtER's shop aNb ROOMiNg house owNCb aNb RUN by Ro
10. Shop aNb hOMe (upstaiRs) of VilNait ORsboRg, baRbeR/peRfUMER/ Olff
tattoo aRtist 28. EvENiNgstaR BakeRy; pRopRietRess URba Malo aNb I?CR bau"
11. t h e House of the MORNINQ, teMple to LathaNbeR; patRiaRch ChaRis- 29. Che WelcoMiNg HaNb INN (a buRNEb-out RUJN at pReseNt)
bONbe CRueseRvaNt (PRI I , NQ) 30. Stables; pRopRiEtOR LabiaN Ruloo (SEE #3)
12. CEMPIE QRaNaRics 31. ApplE oRchaRb aNb f anM bEloNgiNg to CabuRg ShEN
19. CEMPIC f ielbs (wheat aNb vegetables CROWN by aNb fOR cleRgy) 32. ChE olb Chabbatl? faRM (RuiNEb baRN aNb stoNE towER house,ji
14. PillaR Rock (ENtRaNce to olb toMb cave IN base) as the village buMp aNb MibbCN)
i5.RebhaNbPooi 3 3. Olb Meg's hut
16. DEltaR'S Mill; pROPRIEtOR DeltaR CUMMaRliN 34. Path leaOiNQ to the HauNteb Halls
A. CADENA (Order #32761989)
Haanted Halls
op EaeiQiogsta
Welcome to the picturesque village of Eveningstar, nestled at
the foot of the Stonelands where the River Starwater winds
down a gorge and snakes into the King's Forest.
Here, the Knights of Myth Drannor began their famous adven-
tures. Here, the Ladies of the Brazen Blade, The Company of the
Singing Sword, The Steel Shield Band, and many others came,
clutching royal charters from King Azoun with the ink scarcely
dry on the parchment. Some fell, some went on to greatness—
but they all came here first: here, to the Haunted Halls.
Despite numerous infiltrations, the Halls have not yet yielded
all their secrets or treasures. Many dangers lurk as deadly as
ever in dark chambers herein, awaiting new companies of
eager-eyed adventurers.
Is it your turn to dare The Haunted Halls? Many come, but few
survive to again see Eveningstar's beauty.
Welcome, then. Enter in, and find in these pages:
A challenging introductory- • Suggested campaign plots
level dungeon. and adventures.
A detailed countryside set- • New spells,
ting, including important lo- • New magical items,
cal personages, local color, • New monsters,
and guidelines for play.
A splendid campaign can begin here. Adventurers in an ongo-
ing campaign can stop by for a memorable visit. Those looking
for an underground stronghold may even find a home in the
Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.


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A. CADENA (Order #32761989)

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