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Emd Steps For Varrious Tasks: 1. Creation of Employee

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EMD stands for Employee Master Detail. In this module we have to perform
administrative task such as:-

Employee creation
Post delegation
Transfer of Employee
Joining of employee

To perform this task employee should have mail id on any government domain,
private domain mail id such as Gmail, yahoo etc will not work on e-Office platform.

All these tasks can be executed through local admin id only. Steps to perform these
tasks are explained below:-

1. Creation of employee:-
This task is performed when newly recruited employee joins in department
or he had not worked on e-Office platform earlier. There are 3 steps to make
employee id working in e-office platform which are:-
(1) Employee creation
(2) Post assignment
(3) Role assignment

To perform above tasks there are some Prerequisites:-

 Open browser (Mozilla, Chrome, IE etc)

 Enter URL (eofficepbstate.punjab.gov.in/eofficepmb.punjab.gov.in etc)
 Enter login id and password then click on login
 Click on Employee Master Details in e-Office service.
 Click on organization folder
 Click on Designation
 Swap designations from left side to right according to EMD of respective
 Click on Post
 Swap Post from left side to right according to EMD of respective

In case any designations or posts are missing please contact NIC team for addition
of particular post or designation.

 Employee Creation
 Click on employee module
 Click on employee -> new employee
 Click on complete information
 Fill data as per the form opened; fields with red asterisk mark are
mandatory fields those are:-
a. Name
b. Employee code
c. Date of Birth
d. Appellation
e. Gender
f. Mails id (login id will be filled automatically)
g. Mobile number
h. Designation(select from drop down, that you have swapped in
organization folder)
i. Date of joining service
 Click on submit

NOTE:- Above mentioned fields are mentioned in EMD sheet.

 Post Assignment
 Click on Post Assignment
 Search employee
 Fill details as following
a. Post name :- select from drop down(that you have swapped in
organization folder)
b. Marking abbr :- This is to be typed as per the set rule as
(designation(name initials)-Office/Branch name - dept name)
for Sr Asst :- SR ASST(SS)-ADO-GAD
for Superintendent :- SUPDT(HS)-CASH-GAD
for Additional secretary :- ADDL SECY(TK)-O/o
for Secretary:- SECY(AS)-O/o SECRETARY-HOME
c. Select organization i.e. branch or office of concerned official
from drop down
d. From date (date of joining organization )
e. Primary check box :- click on it (this is for first posting of
employee, for additional charge it should be left unchecked)
f. OU Head check box :- click on it in case whether he is
organization unit head (superintendent and above officers)
g. Click on save

Hierarchy Page will appear:-

 Select branch or office of reporting officer

 Select marking abbreviation
 Select name of reporting officer
 Click on submit

This is provided when an employee handle work of two or more offices/branches
at same time. First is primary charge then all other works falls in additional charge
category. To provide this below mentioned steps needs to be followed:-
 Click on post assignment
 Search employee
 Click on plus (+) mark, same bar will appear
 Enter post name, marking abbreviation, organization, from date
 Now do not click on primary check box
 click on it in case whether he is organization unit head
(superintendent and above officers)
 Click on save and fill hierarchy of employee

 Role assignment
These are provided to every single user who is working on e-Office according to
nature of their work. Steps to give roles are as follow:-

 Come to home page

 Click on name near to logout button
 In drop down admin section button will appear click on it
 New tab will open
 Click on application management role
 Click on application post role
 Click on add new data
 Select 'efile' in first tab
 Select department name in second tab
 Select post for which role is to be assigned
 Select name of employee
 Select role as per work of employee

Every user works as per the allocation of work to him/her. As per the nature of
work roles are segregated as follows:-

Sno Work Roles

1 Diary and dispatch only Role CRU

2 File work below Superintendent Role officer

Role closing
3 Superintendent and above officers Role officer
Role closing
Role approver
Role draft approver
4 Top plus second top authority Role officer
Role closing
Role approver
Role draft approver
Role instance sender
Role instance receiver
Role external sender
Role external receiver
Role MIS all report

 Click on submit button.

This option is used in case officer wants to delegate power so that his/her
staff can view files from their personal accounts or an officer delegate power
of one account to another user for time being under office working
circumstances. Steps for delegating power are as follows:-

 Click on post delegation

 Choose organization name/post name /employee name of the employee
from whom delegation is to be given
 Select delegation level, there are three types of delegation as:-


1 ASSISTANT Can only view, read and type noting but cannot
send the file
2 AUTHORITY Can read, write and send file but name on noting
will appear of employee holding the delegation
3 SIGNATORY Can read, write and send file. Name of employee
holding the delegation power will come first and
below that sign of employee which has given
authority will appear
 Choose organization name/post name /employee name of the employee to
whom delegation is to be given
 Click on submit

Note:- Files of delegated account could be seen in inbox, click on my files in inbox
right corner and select the name of other employee.


This module is used in case of transfer of employee and promotion of employee

too. There are three steps to perform for transfer of employee which are:-

a) Initiate transfer
b) Relieving of employee
c) Joining of employee

For this module you are required with transfer or promotion orders of the
concerned employee as order date, order number and orders in pdf format are
needed to be uploaded.

 Initiate Transfer
 Click on transfer folder
 Click on initiate transfer link
 Search employee by name
 Click on initiate
 Enter order date, order number and upload order in pdf format
 Choose location to which employee got transferred (either within
the department or outside to other department)
 Click on initiate (transfer initiation successful appears)

 Relieving of employee
 Click on inbox in same module
 Click on action (pencil mark in front of name)
 Enter the relieving date of employee
 Click on finalize and relieve.
 Joining of employee
 Click on transferred joining inbox in same module
 Click on action (pencil mark in front of name)
 Enter designation and type of appointment
 Enter joining date
 Click joining/confirm


1) If employee got transferred within department then Joining task is to be

performed otherwise till relieving only
2) If employee got transferred outside the department then joining task is to be
performed by other department
3) After joining of employee post assignment is to done and role must be given
for proper functioning of employee id.

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