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Hique Hisol Hiresol: Opaque Polymer HASE Thickener HEUR Thickener

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Opaque polymer HIQUE

HASE thickener HISOL

HEUR thickener HIRESOL

for water base decorative coatings

Why does snow appear white, although the composition consist of
two colorless components AIR and WATER. Snow is formed by
precipitation of small columnar ice crystals from water at Sub-
zero temperatures in the upper atmosphere.
During formation, air is trapped inside the Crystal Latices, and
because the refractive indices of Air and water/ ice are
different(ICE ni=1.3, AIR na=1.0).
Light is effectively scattered back within the Matrix. Thus, when
sunlight impinges on the snow structure, the majority of the light is
scattered back or reflected out snow its VERY CHARACTERISTIC
white appearance.
HIQUE "mimics"this natural snow structure, The microstructure of
HIQUE consists of a very small polymer bead with a hollow void,
filled with air. Refractive index of the polymer is np=1.5 and Air is
na=1.0. Thus when light hits the polymer, it appears BRILLIANT
Opaque polymer HIQUE - as white as the driven snow, enhancing
our beautiful world!


Since its establishment in 1989, Hankuck Latices Co., Ltd. has been
developing, producing, and selling many kinds of synthetic resin
emulsions through 24,000 tons of production facilities.

In particular, we developed Opaque Polymer (or Hollow Sphere for the

paper industry) to provide concealment and other functions in paint and
paper industries and have been supplying the product to both domestic
and overseas famous paint manufacturers.

We recently are developing and manufacturing a product free of

Alkylphenyl polyoxyethylene ether (APEO) derivative surfactant, which
has been used in manufacturing Opaque Polymer.

As a kind of mimic oestrogen, APEO surfactant is the substance on

which Europe has already put restrictions.

Moreover, we developed Hollow Sphere, which is similar to Opaque

Polymer for the paint industry and is appropriate for the paper industry.
We obtained approval of FDA for the product, which is also free of APEO
surfactant or toxic biocide, and are widening its application to include
packing materials for foods.

One of the principal products of Hankuck Latices Co., Ltd. is Thickener;

Alkali Swellable Associative Thickener, which has been on sale since its
development in 1995, is now being used by both domestic and overseas
famous paint manufacturers. We are also trying to open up a new
market for Polyurethane Thickener which was developed in 2003.

While conventional materials of the cellulose derivative thickener

which has principally been used for paint, ink, and other aqueous
coating materials are high-priced natural pulp as natural cellulose,
Cellulose derivative Alkali Swellable Associative Thickener (HASE) and
Polyurethane Thickener (HEUR), both of which were developed and
have been supplied by this company, are environment-friendly
products because they can make a great thickening effect in a small
quantity and don't easily infected by bacteria, thereby reducing the
amount of toxic biocide in paint and coating materials.

With acquisition of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, Hankuck Latices Co., Ltd.
has been implementing integrated management ranging from product
manufacturing to marketing and environment management, and is in
close cooperation with the Molecular & Interface Engineering Lab in
the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to
develop new products.

02 / 03
Opaque Polymer _ HIQUE
Main Advantages are Gloss paint, Medium PVC and HIGH PVC paint
Semi gloss paint, sheen paint

Ԡ If some parts of titanium dioxide in Ԡ If some parts of titanium dioxide
paint are replaced, it is possible to are replaced, it is possible to obtain
obtain similar gloss and sheen. the paint film with better hiding.

Ԡ When some parts of titanium Ԡ If calcined clay is replaced, it is

dioxide are replaced for a HIQUE possible to reduce the prime cost
product, it is possible to reduce dirt and obtain the paint film with
pick-up by improving tackiness in better hiding.
the surface of dry paint film.
 he replacement of calcined clay
Ԡ If some parts of titanium dioxide may lead to the improvement in
are replaced, it is possible to scrap resistance.
reduce the prime cost.
 or High PVC paint, it is also
Ԡ If some parts of titanium dioxide possible to reduce dirt pick-up with
are replaced, it is possible to obtain the smaller amount of porosity in
the paint film with better hiding. paint film.

Improve the Dirt Pick Up property

of your coatings with HIQUE

Physical Properties of Opaque Polymer HIQUE

Solid content Viscosity Sp./Gr. Partical APEO Ammonia
Products pH
(wt.%) (cps at 25í) (at 25í) size( ϲ ) Free Free
HIQUE 821 37 - 38 100max 9 - 10.5 1.024 0.4 Y N
HIQUE 168 29 - 31 150max 9 - 10.5 1.020 0.5 N N
HIQUE 280S 29 - 31 150max 9 - 10.5 1.020 0.4 N N
HIQUE 332 30 - 32 150max 9 - 10.5 1.020 0.4 Y N
HIQUE 332L 30 - 32 150max 8-9 1.020 0.4 Y N
HIQUE 387 30 - 32 150max 9 - 10 1.020 0.4 Y N
HIQUE 388 30 - 32 150max 8-9 1.023 0.4 Y Y
Y Yes N No

Hankuck Latices
Introduction to HLC R&D Center
HLC R&D Center has developed water paint additives such as Opaque Polymer HIQUE,
HASE Thickener HISOL, and HEUR Thickener HIRESOL;
and, in particular, it has developed and researched appropriate products attuned to the
needs of customers through conversations and cooperation with customers.
Furthermore, HLC R&D Center has a wide array of devices for product quality management
and development, and it has researched competitive products that provide consistent
answers in this global area through collaboration with local colleges and Molecular
Laboratory of KAIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology).

The vision of HLC R&D Center is to

create the customer's satisfaction
through the quality innovation.

04 / 05
HASE Thickener _ HISOL
New thickeners HISOL 301,305, Ԡ Paints thickened with HISOL 303, HEC and other HASE thickeners.
303, 307, 308 and 700 are 305, 307 and 308 thickeners show
HASE(hydrophobically modified excellent syneresis and settling Ԡ Paints thickened with new HISOL
alkali swellable emulsion) resistance in long term storage, thickeners exhibit no remarkable
thickeners for water base paints, and less color floating problem viscosity change in long term
inks and putties. Compared to the during drying. storage. Also it is stable under
former HISOL D HASE tropical and freeze-thaw
thickeners, New HISOL Ԡ Paints thickened with new HISOL conditions.
thickeners have excellent thickeners are highly resistant to
pigment wetting properties and attack by microbes and their Ԡ Because low dosages of new
show less syneresis of paints enzymes, thereby eliminating HISOL thickeners are enough to
based on new HISOL thickeners viscosity loss. Therefore, it can be achieve the required paint
in long term storage. possible to design more viscosity, it is possible to improve
The Main advantages of New biologically stable paints. water sensitivity of the paints.
HISOL thickener emulsions are
the following. Ԡ Paints thickened with new HISOL Ԡ New HISOL thickeners do not
thickeners are less costly to contain any APEO surfactants and
achieve the same viscosity additives.
compared to that thickened with

Rheological Properties

High 700 D201

D180 305 D203 307
303 D108
Stomer 301 D206
Viscosity D105
Low D50

Low High Shear Viscosity(P) High

Thixotropic flow Flow & Levelling

Lower sagging Less roll spatter
High in can viscosity High film build

Physical Properties
Solid Contents Sp/Gr
Appearance Viscosity pH Ionic charge Surfactant
(%) (25í/4í)
milky white 50cps max at
29 - 31 2.5 - 4.5 1.052 Anionic APEO Free
liquid emulsion 25í

Hankuck Latices
Comparison of HISOL HASE thickeners
Grade HISOL D New HISOL Main Application
HISOL 700 Putties & Texture paints
Low Shear HISOL D180
HISOL 305 High in can viscosity paints


Medium Shear HISOL D108 HISOL 307 Medium flow paints

High Shear HISOL D206 HISOL 308 Good flow paints

Among the low shear grades, the main medium shear paints, and HISOL 308 is thickened with combination of HEC and
application of HISOL 700 is for putties for Good flow paints. In case of high new HISOL thickeners, they have good
and texture paints, and HISOL 305 is for PVC paints, the paints based on viscosity stability and less syneresis in
high in can viscosity paints. Styrene-Acrylic copolymer emulsion long term storage.
HISOL 301 and HISOL 303, 307 are for and Polyvinylacetate-Acrylate emulsion

Selection Guide
High in-can Reduce color Reduce Reduce Water
Product Name APEO free Paint flow stability
Viscosity floating Syneresis spatter resistance
HISOL D105 Ā н Ā н

HISOL D203 н н н н Ā
HISOL 303 Ā Ā Ā н н Ā Ā
HISOL D108 н н н н Ā
HISOL D85 Ā н Ā Ā н н

HISOL D206 н Ā Ā н н

HISOL 307 Ā н Ā Ā н Ā Ā Ā
HISOL 308 Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā н

ĀHighly recommended нRecommended St* Styrene-Acrylic emulsion paint

Manufacturing of the paints

When new HISOL thickener emulsions After adding the HISOL thickeners, order to raise the viscosity during the
meet any base, HISOL thickener appropriate amount(CA 10% based on grinding but also to the let-down stage
emulsions make a gel. To save the thickener weight) of base(ammonia or in order to get the final viscosity. But
dispersing time of HISOL thickener AMP95) should be added to get the when addition in the grinding stage, it is
emulsions, it is preferable to pre-dilute pH(Up to 8). preferable to add the AMP 95 rather
the HISOL thickeners with water before If pH is low, paint shows abnormal than ammonia to maintain the
adding to the paint and to add slowly rheology and worse viscosity stability. viscosity, because of high temperature
with agitation in the tank. HISOL thickener emulsions can be of grinding media, evaporation of
added not only to the grinding stage in neutralizer reduces the viscosity.

06 / 07
HEUR Thickener _ HIRESOL
HIRESOL grades(80, 85, 500, 550, 370,180, 1800, 200, Advantages
2000)are Nonionic Urethane associative
thickeners(HEUR) designed for thickening of water Ԡ Excellent paint flow and Ԡ Provides anti-settling
base coatings. Levelling. properties and reduces
HIRESOL 80, 550, 1800 and 2000 free of solvent are syneresis (Case of
suitable to manufacturing of low VOC water base Ԡ High gloss development. medium to high shear
paints and other coatings and they provide the grade).
most versatile means of formulating to desired Ԡ Because of solvent free,
film build, flow and high shear viscosity to prevent designed for low VOC Ԡ High film build and better
the roll spatter in water base paint. Thickening paints(HIRESOL 80, applied hiding.
mechanism of HIRESOL HEUR Thickeners is due
550,1800, 2000).
to an interaction of the thickener with other
Ԡ Excellent Spatter resistance.
hydrophobic surfaces. Thus, the more hydrophobic
Ԡ Low Odor
and fine particle latex polymers, the more efficient
Ԡ Resistance to Microbe and
the thickener will be. Therefore, HIRESOL 1800 and
Ԡ Low formation of bubbles it's Enzyme.
2000 are most efficient thickening with fine particle
when manufacturing.
Acrylic binder and Styrene-Acrylic copolymer
Ԡ Because of low viscosity,
binder paints. The main thickening mechanism of
Ԡ Excellent viscosity stability easy handling.
HIRESOL HEUR Thickeners is the association
between thickener and binder/pigment colloid for long term storage.
particles. Thus, associative network minimized
volume restricted flocculation that is a typical
phenomenon of non-associative thickener system.
Reducing of volume restricted flocculation imparts
the gloss development and the film integrity to the
emulsion paints.
The Main Advantages of HIRESOL HEUR
Thickeners are the following:

Physical Properties
Solid Volatile Specific Gravity Viscosity(cPs)
Products Name Appearance pH Ionic
contents(%) component at 25í at 25í

HIRESOL 85 24-26 1.032-1.036 2000-5500 6-8
HIRESOL 370 18-19 1.030-1.034 1000-3000 4-6
HIRESOL 80 20-21 Water 1.040-1.045 2000-5000 5-8
HIRESOL 580B(T) 49-51 1.060-1.070 3000-6000 6-8
Slightly =75/25
HIRESOL 500 hazy 18-20 Water 1.040-1.045 2000-4000 5-8 Nonionic
HIRESOL 550 liquid 18-20 Water 1.040-1.045 6000-8000 5-8

HIRESOL 180 24-26 Water 1.040-1.044 2500-6000 6-8

HIRESOL 200 24-26 Water 1.040-1.044 1500-4000 6-8

HIRESOL 1800 19-21 Water 1.040-1.045 1000-4000 6-8

HIRESOL 2000 19-21 Water 1.040-1.045 1000-4000 6-8

Hankuck Latices
Rheological Properties

Stomer HIRESOL 550
Viscosity Low shear grade High shear grade
Medium shear grade

Low High shear Viscosity High

High Thickening Good flow & Levelling

Thixotropic flow High gloss & sheen
Syneresis No syneresis

Formulation Guide Ԡ As mentioned, when HIRESOL EG and PG used as wet edge agent
HEUR Thickeners are applied to in emulsion paints have the least
hydrophobic latex(Ex. Acrylic effect, while Butyl Carbitol have the
emulsions, Styrene-Acrylic greatest effect to the viscosity of the
copolymer emulsion) based paint, paints.
it's more effective for thickening of
the paints. And with fine particle size Ԡ The emulsion paint thickened with
latex(higher hydrophobic surface) HIRESOL 1800 and 2000 associative
HIRESOL 1800 and 2000 are more thickener show excellent paint flow
effective. and higher high-shear viscosity. To
design the rheology balance of the
Ԡ Higher volume solids of the paint emulsion paints(In-can viscosity,
thickening with HIRESOL HEUR Resistance to the sagging),
Thickeners provides the more combination with low shear of
effective thickening because of the HIRESOL thickener(HIRESOL 85,
more sites for association. 80,370) or with HISOL 308 is
Ԡ Generally, adding of the surfactant
reduce the thickening effect. Ԡ Instead combination with the high
Especially the higher the HLB of the shear HIRESOL
surfactant used, the more reduction thickeners(HIRESOL 1800, 2000)
in viscosity of the paint. and the low shear HIRESOL
thickeners(HIRESOL 85, 80, 370),
Ԡ Coalescing agent of Texanol has Medium shear thickener HIRESOL
little or no effect on KU viscosity of 550 is recommended to minimize
an associative thickener paints. the syneresis of paints.

08 / 09
HISOL Binder Emulsion
Solid Viscosity Polymer Tg
Products Name Products No. pH Application
(%) cPs at 25í (í)

HISOL AC115 45-51 1000 max 7 9-10.5 Gloss and sheen paints

HISOL AC385 54-55 300 max -5 9-10 Good adhesion paints

HISOL AC501 45-46 300 max 17 9-10 Outdoor clear coating

HISOL AC770 49-51 200-500 max 30 9-10.5 Anti-dust gloss paints

Acrylic HISOL CB805 46-47 100 max 5 9-10 Concreat binder

HISOL CB830 46-47 100 max -5 9-10 Floor mortar

HISOL RC217 49-51 300 max 28 9-10.5 Roof, Marking coating

HISOL RM201 49-51 100 max 20 9-11

HISOL RM205 49-51 150 max 15 9-11 Road marking paints

HISOL RM301 49-51 100 max 15 9-11

ASE thickener HISOL B108 29-31 70 max 2-3.4 Thixotropic thickener

HISOL AC53 48-50 100-300 max 8 8-10 Wall paints

copolymer HISOL LH121 40-42 2000 max 2 9-10.5 Gloss paints
HISOL LH170 39-40 100 max 12 9-10 Heavy duty paints

Dispersing Agent HIDIS

Products Solid Contents Viscosity Solubility Neutralized
Appearance pH Sp/Gr (at 25í)
Name (%) cPs at 25í in water type

HIDIS 40 Amber color 39 - 41 100 - 300cps 7.0-9.0 1.25 - 1.35 soluble Sodium salt
HIDIS 45N Amber color 44 - 46 200 - 500cps 7.0-8.0 1.3 - 1.35 soluble Sodium salt
HIDIS 40A Amber color 39 - 41 50 - 200cps 6.0-8.0 1.15 - 1.25 soluble ammonium salt
HIDIS 40K Amber color 39 - 41 100 - 300cps 7.0-9.0 1.25 - 1.35 soluble Potassium salt
HIDIS 45 Amber color 44 - 46 100 - 300cps 6.0-8.0 1.15 - 1.25 soluble ammonium salt

Hankuck Latices
Hollow Sphere Pigment _ Water retention Agent _
HIQUE 2030, 2050, 2070 HIRET B60 & B70
Hollow Sphere Pigment HIQUE 2030, 2050 and 2070 are HIRET B60 and B70 are Alkali Soluble Emulsion
a product developed as a paper coating additive. (ASE) type water retention agent in paper coating
As a product free of APEO surfactant, in particular, industries. HIRET B70 shows the higher thickening
HIQUE 2030, 2050 and 2070 are supplied as emulsion of efficiency in coating color than HIRET B60, but HIRET
about 1Գ in particle size, and can be easily mixed with B60 in coating color shows slightly different
paper coating materials. Those coating materials rheology and water retention properties. Main
mixed with Hollow Sphere Pigment HIQUE 2030, 2050 advantages of coating color based on HIRET B60 and
and 2070 have the following advantages: B70 are as following.

Advantages ԠS
 table viscosity over the wide pH ranges.

Ԡ It provides coated paper with paper and print gloss. ԠG

 ood water retention property with good thickening effect
at low and high shear rates.
Ԡ It gives greater smoothness to the surface of coated
paper. ԠR
 esistant to attack by microbes and their enzyme.

Ԡ It improves printing fidelity and snap.

Ԡ It provides greater bulk to paper in the same weight, and Physical Properties
enables manufacturing of light weight and Ultra light
weight coated paper. Properties HIRET B60 HIRET B70

Ԡ It gives coated paper greater lightness and opacity. Solid content (wt. %) 28-30 24-26

Viscosity cPs at 25í 70max 70max

Ԡ It improves wet pick of coated paper.
pH 2-3.5 2-3.5
ԠIt enables manufacturing high-gloss paper even in low
temperature and pressure of calender during the Density (at 25í) CA 1.05 CA 1.05
calenderling process. lonic charge Anionic Anionic

Ԡ As polystyrene is the main ingredient of HIQUE 2030, 2050

and 2070, it is inert during the recycling process.

Physical Properties

Properties HIQUE 2030 HIQUE 2050 HIQUE 2070

Appearance Milky white liquid Milky white liquid Milky white liquid

Solid content 26-27% 26-27% 22-23%

Solid Volume CA. 50% CA. 50% CA. 50%

Specific Gravity 1.01-1.03 (at 25í) 1.01-1.03 (at 25í) 1.01-1.03 (at 25í)

pH 9-10.5 9-10.5 9-10.5

Average particle size 1.1-1.2Գ 0.9-1.0Գ 1.3-1.5Գ

Ionic charge Anionic Anionic Anionic

10 / 11
TEL 82-54-465-2805, 2804 FAX 82-54-465-2802
TEL 82-54-465-2806 FAX 82-54-465-5056

2015. HLC. Ltd.

Note: The statements made herein are based on our research and the research of others, and believed to be accurate. No guarantee of their accuracy is made.
However, and the products discussed are sold without warranty, express or implied, including warranty of merchantability and fitness for use of this material,
and upon condition that purchasers shall make own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their particular purposes. The user assumes all risk
of use or handling, whether or not in accordance with any action arising of the material being supplied shall be limited to replacement of material.

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