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Question and Answers For The SWPM Exam

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Question and Answers for the SWPM Exam

Q1. What is SDLC and what is it used for?


SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is the process of design and development of a product or
service to be delivered to the customer that is being followed for the software or systems projects in
the Information Technology or Hardware Organizations. SDLC framework is useful in delivering the
products or customers which ensures high quality and efficient.

Q2. What are the different types of SDLC methodologies?


This is the basic SDLC Interview Questions asked in an interview. The different models of SDLC are –

Q3. What are the different phases of the Waterfall model?


The different phases or steps involved in the waterfall model are Requirements, Design, Execution,
Testing, and Release. This model is of sequential form and moves downward without any deviations.
Every phase will start only after the completion of the previous one. This process was being followed
for a long time and a traditional approach and has been the best one since agile is adopted recently.
This type of model does not involve any kind of frequent requirement changes and needs follows
clear documentation from the beginning to the end. The phases and activities are well planned.

Q4. What is CMM Maturity Level and what is its importance?


The CMM (Capability Maturity Model) is a standard or benchmark which is used in the process of the
development model in an organization to study or know the maturity of the processes being
followed in an organization. The CMMI level is used to determine the quality or maturity of a
software development process in an organization i.e. either software or hardware. It will be used to
assess the organization on a scale of five different levels and the processes being followed in the
organization. The five different levels are Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Capable (Managed) and
Efficient (Optimizing).
Q5. What are the drawbacks of Waterfall model?


The drawbacks of the waterfall model are – It will not be ideal for larger and complex projects when
the requirements are not clearly documented and not clear. It is not easier and also not possible to
go back to any stage or phase during the Software Development Process. No software product or
service will be delivered until the last stages or phases of the Software Development Life Cycle which
will be a form of risk. The process of testing can also be completed only after the completion of the
Development phase and also cannot be carried out in parallel.

Q6. Who are the different team members involved in the different phases of the Waterfall model?


The different team members or key members involved in Waterfall model development process are
Technical Manager, Developers, Senior Developers, Business analyst, Technical Lead or System
Architect or Solutions Architect or Technical Architect in the Design Phase and the Developers,
Senior Developers in the Coding phase. Testers or Analysts in the Testing Phase. Project Manager,
Program Manager, and Maintenance Team will be in the Maintenance phase of the Software
Development Life Cycle process. The team members involved in the different project phases also
depends on the structure of the organization and the roles and responsibilities being followed or
maintained by the particular organization.

Q7. What are LLDs or HLDs in SDLC?


The LLD (Low-Level Design) and HLD (High-level Design) are used to analyze and understand the
project in a high level and low-level overview to different types of team members to the customers
depending on the technical or business knowledge of the person. The Low-level Design is a detailed
design implementation which will be helpful in the development process for the Developers whereas
the High-Level Design will be given by Architects to proceed with the development process initially.
This will be easier to know or look at a glance to understand about the project easily.

Q8. What are the different phases in the Agile model?


The different phases involved in the Agile model are Planning, Requirements, Analysis, Design,
Coding, Unit Testing, System Integration Testing, Non-Functional Testing, and Acceptance Testing.
The Agile model will be followed using any Agile boards such as Scrum or Kanban. There will be a
number of Sprints to be followed and all the deliverables will be done in the form of Story Points.
Q9. What are the advantages of the agile model?


The different advantages of following the Agile model in a Software Development Life Cycle process
are as below:

 It is easier and simple to understand and to use and implement.

 It has simple and easier deliverables which are planned frequently based on Sprints which
ensures frequent and high-quality deliverables.
 It is very good for smaller and also larger or complex projects and ends up with high-quality
project deliverables.
1. What is Software Engineering?


Software Engineering is a process of developing a software product in a well-defined systematic

approach. In other words, developing a software by using scientific principles, methods, and

2. What is the need to learn Software Engineering Concepts?


Imagine a person, who is good at building a wall may not be good at constructing a house. In a
similar way, a person who can write programs does not have the knowledge to develop and
implement the software in a well-defined systematic approach. Hence, there is a need for
programmers to adhere to software engineering concepts such as requirements gathering, planning,
development, testing, and documentation.

3. What is SDLC OR Software Development Life Cycle?


SDLC defines a set of guidelines to develop a software product. SDLC has different phases namely:
Gathering Requirements, Analysis, Planning, Development, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance,
and Documentation. The order of the phases mentioned in SDLC may vary depending upon the
model chosen to implement.

4. What are the different types of models available in SDLC?


Many models have been proposed, to carry out the software implementation efficiently. Some of
them include the Waterfall Model, Agile Model, Spiral Model, Iterative Model, V-Model etc.

5. Explain the role of a Software Project Manager?


This is the common Interview Questions asked in an interview. The project Manager is responsible
for driving the software project in a systematic approach. Some of the key roles & responsibilities of
a software project manager include project planning, tracking the progress of the project, risk
management, resource management, execution of development activities, delivering the project
under cost, time and quality constraints.
6. What is a Software Project Scope?


A scope is utilized to outline the activities performed to design, develop and deliver a software
product. In other words, scope contains information on what project is intended to deliver and what
it does not intend to. The scope also outlines information on what software product developed
contains and what it does not contain.

7. What is Software Project Estimation?


Project Estimation is a process utilized to calculate the development costs such as effort, time, and
resources required to deliver a project. Project Estimations are derived through past project
experiences or with the help of consulting experts or with the help of standard predefined business

8. Explain Functional Points?


Functional points are used to measure the size of the software product. In some businesses,
scenarios play a key role in tracking and estimating project delivery.

9. What is a Baseline?


Baselines are put forth by the project managers to track the overall project delivery. Baselines are
usually placed to track the overall tasks listed under a phase or stage. Baselines help project
managers to track and monitor the overall execution of a project.

10. What is Software Configuration Management?


Software Configuration Management helps users to track the overall changes made in software
product delivery. Updates or changes made to the software are tracked in terms of development
and requirements gathering.

11. What is Change Control?


Change control tracks the changes made in software to ensure consistency and updates are
incorporated as per the enterprise standards.
12. Mention few project management tools?


Many project management tools are utilized as per the enterprise standards some of them include:
Gantt Charts, PERT Charts, MS project, Status reports, etc.

13. What is a Software requirement?


Requirements play a key role in providing a detailed description of the software product being
developed. Software requirements help the developers and other support teams associated with
project delivery, to understand the proposed target system and their expectations on it.

14. Explain the Feasibility Study?


Feasibility Study is performed to assess the beneficial and practical attributes of a software
development Thorough analysis is performed by an organization with the help of feasibility study to
understand the economic, operational and technical aspects involved in a software project delivery.

Economic: Economic study involves costs related to resource management, training costs, tools
utilized, and project estimation costs

Technical: Technical study helps the business to analyze the technical aspects involved in software
delivery such as machines, operating systems, knowledge, and skills of resource allocated, tools
utilized, and training.

Operational: Operational study help business to study the change management and issues involved
depending on the project needs.

15. What are functional and non-functional requirements?


Functional requirements are utilized to specify the functional features as per the business
requirements. For Example, adding a payment option to buy content from a website. Whereas non-
functional requirements provide insights into security, performance, user interface, interoperability
costs, etc.
16. What are Software Metrics?


Metrics are utilized to guide the software product delivery as per the business standards. Metrics
can also be used to measure few features of software product delivery. Metrics are divided into
requirement metrics, product metrics, performance metrics, and process metrics.

17. What is Modularization?


Modularization divides the software system tasks in multiple modules. These modules are
independent to other modules and tasks invoked in each module are executed independently.

18. Explain Concurrency and how is it achieved during the software product delivery?


This is the advanced software Engineering Interview Questions asked in an interview. Concurrency is
a process of executing multiple events or tasks simultaneously. Concurrency can be achieved with
the help of modules, events, and tasks associated with the software project delivery.

19. Mention a few software analysis & Design tools?


Some of the key software analysis & design tools are Data flow Diagrams (DFD), Structured Charts,
Data Dictionary, UML (Unified Modeling Languages) diagrams, ER (Entity Relationship) Diagrams etc.

20. What is DFD Level 0?


DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) Level 0 depict the entire data flow along with all abstract details within a
software information system. This type of DFD is also known as Context level DFD.

21. What is Data Dictionary?


A data dictionary is also known as metadata. Data Dictionary is utilized to capture the information
related to naming conventions of objects and files utilized in the software project.
22. What is black box testing and white box testing?


Black Box Testing: Black box testing is performed to validate the outputs along with valid inputs
given. But, it does not test the implementation part of the program.

White Box Testing: White Box testing is performed to validate the inputs, outputs and program
implementation involved in its execution.

25. What are the various types of software maintenance?


Maintenance types are corrective, adaptive, perfective and preventive.

 Corrective: This type of maintenance is used to remove the errors spotted by business users.
 Adaptive: This maintenance activity is performed to check the changes made in the
hardware and software environment.
 Perfective: This type of maintenance is used to implement changes in existing or new user
 Preventive: This maintenance activity is performed to avoid any issues in future

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