Leopold'S Maneuvers: How Common Is It in Our Daily Practice?
Leopold'S Maneuvers: How Common Is It in Our Daily Practice?
Leopold'S Maneuvers: How Common Is It in Our Daily Practice?
Gynaecol Perinatol 2007;16(2):79–82
Hisham M. Mirghani (MRCOG),* Howaida Khair (MRCOG),**
Badreldeen Ahmed (MRCOG)***
Professional paper
Key words: Leopold’s maneuvers, ultrasound, fetal orientation
SUMMARY. Objective. To determine how frequent obstetricians use Leopold’s maneuvers in their practice. Subjects and
Methods. A questionnaire with numerical scale was distributed among practicing obstetricians. They examined how
frequent the symphyseal fundal height (SFH) measurement, Leopold’s maneuvers and ultrasound examination for fetal
orientation were performed. Results. A total of 165 obstetricians completed the questionnaire. Only 56 (33.9%) respon-
dents indicated that they use SFH. The first and third Leopold’s maneuver were the most frequent abdominal grips
performed. Only 36 (21.8%) respondents regularly perform all four maneuvers. Seventy seven (46.7%) respondents use
ultrasound to determine fetal orientation. The use of ultrasound was significantly higher (p=0.02) in those practicing for
less than 10 years (62.6%) compared to those practicing for 10 years or more (43.3%). Conclusion. Leopold’s maneuvers
are still common in daily obstetrics practice. Abdominal palpation remains a common method to estimate the uterine size.
The first and third Leopold’s maneuver were the most frequent abdominal grips performed. Ultrasound examination is
commonly used to determine fetal orientation.
Stru~ni ~lanak
Klju~ne rije~i: Leopoldovi hvatovi, ultrazvuk, fetalni polo`aj i stav
SA@ETAK. Cilj rada je ustanoviti koliko ~esto opstetri~ari u svojoj praksi rabe Leopold-Pavlikove hvatove. Materijal i
metode. Upitnik s broj~anim podatcima je podijeljen opstetri~arima iz prakse. Oni su pokazali koliko ~esto izvode
mjerenje udaljenosti fundus simfiza, Leoplodove hvatove i pregled ultrazvukom za prosudbu fetalnog polo`aja i stava.
Rezultati. Ukupno je 165 opstetri~ara ispunilo upitnik. Samo 56 (33,9%) njih mjere udaljenost fundus simfiza. Prvi i tre}i
Leopoldov hvat su naj~e{}e rabljeni hvatovi. Samo 36 (21,8%) ispitanika redovito izvode sva ~etiri hvata. Sedamdeset
sedam (47,7%) rabe ultrazvu~ni pregled da odrede polo`aj i stav djeteta. Uporaba ultrazvuka je bila signifikantno ~e{}a
(p=0,02) u onih koji rade manje od 10 godina (62,6%) od onih koji rade dulje od 10 godina (43,3%). Zaklju~ak. Leopol-
dovi hvatovi su jo{ uvijek uobi~ajeni u svakodnevnoj opstetri~noj praksi. Palpacija trbuha trudnice je uobi~ajena metoda
za prosudbu veli~ine maternice. Prvi i tre}i Leopoldov hvat su naj~e{}e rabljeni hvatovi. Pregled ultrazvukom se obi~no
rabi za prosudbu polo`aja i stava fetusa.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2007;16(2):79–82 Mirghani H. M. et al. Leopold’s maneuvers: How common is it in our daily practice?
A total of 165 obstetricians properly completed the Figure 1. Percentage of respondents performing Leopold’s first maneuver
questionnaire. Respondents were from 15 different na- Slika 1. Postotak ispitanika koji rade 1. Leopoldov hvat
tionalities (Table 1). Eighty eight (53.3%) respondents Explanation – tuma~enje. Y axis: per cent, x axis: frequency of usage of Leopold’s
were practicing general obstetrics and gynecology, maneuver – u~estalost kori{tenja Leopoldovih hvatova: A. never – nikad; B. rare –
rijetko (25%); C. occasionally – povremeno (50%); D. often – ~esto (75%); E.
whereas 45 (27.3%) were of maternal fetal medicine in- always – uvijek (100%)
terest (Table 2). The mean years in obstetrics practice
was 13.3 years (95% CI, 12.0-14.6).
Only 56 (33.9%) respondents indicated that they al-
ways assess the uterine size by measuring the sym-
physial fundal height, compared to 81 (48.5%) respon-
dents who palpate the abdomen to determine uterine
size. The first and third Leopold’s maneuver were the
most frequent performed grips, 93.3% and 92.7%, re-
spectively. The first Leopold’s maneuver was the most
regular (always) performed grip (72.7%). The second
pelvic grip was the least frequent (39.4%) maneuver
performed (Figures 1–4). Only 36 (21.8%) respondents
indicated that they regularly perform all four Leopold’s
maneuvers. Seventy seven (46.7%) respondents use ul-
trasound to determine fetal lie, position or presentation.
Thirty two (19.3%) respondent use ultrasound with ev-
ery pregnant woman they examine (Figure 5). Three
Figure 2. Percentage of respondents performing Leopold’s second
(1.8%) respondents determine fetal orientation exclu- maneuver
sively by ultrasound. Slika 2. Postotak ispitanika koji rade 2. Leopoldov hvat
The use of ultrasound was related to years of practice. Explanation like in Figure 1. – Tuma~enje kao u slici 1.
The number of respondents who never used ultrasound
Gynaecol Perinatol 2007;16(2):79–82 Mirghani H. M. et al. Leopold’s maneuvers: How common is it in our daily practice?
Leopold’s maneuvers remain a popular method for
assessing fetal attitude, lie, position and presentation. Its
accuracy depends mainly on the experience of the exam-
ining physician.4 This is particularly true in identifying
Figure 4. Percentage of respondents performing Leopold’s fourth maneuver the upper most border of the uterine fundus.5 Its sensitiv-
Slika 4. Postotak ispitanika koji rade ~etvrti Leopoldov hvat ity is not related to maternal height, maternal body mass
Explanation like in Figure 1. – Tuma~enje kao u slici 1. index, parity, gestational age, placental position or fetal
Although the impact of symphysial-fundal height
(SFH) measurements on prenatal outcome remains con-
troversial, it has replaced, in many settings, abdominal
palpation.7 The symphyseal fundal measurement is more
accurate than abdominal palpation in estimating the ges-
tational age.8 And yet, only 33.9% of the respondents in-
dicated that they regularly measure the SFH. The poor
sensitivity of abdominal palpation is due to three main
factors. First, finger breadth is inaccurate in measuring a
distance between two landmarks. Second, the anatomi-
cal position of the umbilicus varies among mothers.
Finally, the gestational age at which the uterine fundus
reaches the umbilicus varies among pregnant women.
Figure 5. Percentage of respondents performing ultrasound for fetal The first and third maneuvers were the most regularly
Slika 5. Postotak ispitanika koji rabe ultrazvuk za dijagnozu polo`aja i
performed grips. The reason for this might be that they
stava fetusa provide most of the required information, particularly
Explanation like in Figure 1. – Tuma~enje kao u slici 1. fetal lie, presentation, and engagement. In contrast, the
forth maneuver was the least performed grip among the
for fetal orientation was significantly lower (p=0.02) in respondents. This might be due to uncomfortableness of
those practicing for less than 10 years (43.3%) com- the method, or because it does not provided any signifi-
pared to those practicing for 10 years or more (62.6%). cant additional information to the obstetrician.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2007;16(2):79–82 Mirghani H. M. et al. Leopold’s maneuvers: How common is it in our daily practice?
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Paper received: August, 17, 2006; Accepted: March, 20, 2007. Address for correspondence: Dr. Hisham M Mirghani, Depart-
ment Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sci-
ences, United Arab Emirates University, PO Box 17666, Al-Ain,
United Arab Emirates. E-mail: hmirghaniºuaeu.ac.ae