Virtual Work
Virtual Work
Virtual Work
The principle of virtual work had always
been used in some form since antiquity
in the study of statics. It was used by the
Greeks, medieval Arabs and Latins, and
Renaissance Italians as "the law of
lever".[3] The idea of virtual work was
invoked by many notable physicists of
the 17th century, such as Galileo,
Descartes, Torricelli, Wallis, and Huygens,
in varying degrees of generality, when
solving problems in statics.[3] Working
with Leibnizian concepts, Johann
Bernoulli systematized the virtual work
principle and made explicit the concept
of infinitesimal displacement. He was
able to solve problems for both rigid
bodies as well as fluids. Bernoulli's
version of virtual work law appeared in
his letter to Pierre Varignon in 1715,
which was later published in Varignon's
second volume of Nouvelle mécanique ou
Statique in 1725. This formulation of the
principle is today known as the principle
of virtual velocities and is commonly
considered as the prototype of the
contemporary virtual work principles.[3] In
1743 D'Alembert published his Traité de
Dynamique where he applied the principle
of virtual work, based on Bernoulli's work,
to solve various problems in dynamics.
His idea was to convert a dynamical
problem into static problem by
introducing inertial force.[4] In 1768,
Lagrange presented the virtual work
principle in a more efficient form by
introducing generalized coordinates and
presented it as an alternative principle of
mechanics by which all problems of
equilibrium could be solved. A
systematic exposition of Lagrange's
program of applying this approach to all
of mechanics, both static and dynamic,
essentially D'Alembert's principle, was
given in his Mécanique Analytique of
1788.[3] Although Lagrange had
presented his version of least action
principle prior to this work, he recognized
the virtual work principle to be more
fundamental mainly because it could be
assumed alone as the foundation for all
mechanics, unlike the modern
understanding that least action does not
account for non-conservative forces.[3]
If a force acts on a particle as it moves
from point A to point B, then, for each
possible trajectory that the particle may
take, it is possible to compute the total
work done by the force along the path.
The principle of virtual work, which is the
form of the principle of least action
applied to these systems, states that the
path actually followed by the particle is
the one for which the difference between
the work along this path and other
nearby paths is zero (to first order). The
formal procedure for computing the
difference of functions evaluated on
nearby paths is a generalization of the
derivative known from differential
calculus, and is termed the calculus of
Consider a particle P that moves from a
point A to a point B along a trajectory r(t),
while a force F(r(t)) is applied to it. The
work done by the force F is given by the
Static equilibrium
Static equilibrium is a state in which the
net force and net torque acted upon the
system is zero. In other words, both
linear momentum and angular
momentum of the system are conserved.
The principle of virtual work states that
the virtual work of the applied forces is
zero for all virtual movements of the
system from static equilibrium. This
principle can be generalised such that
three dimensional rotations are included:
the virtual work of the applied forces and
applied moments is zero for all virtual
movements of the system from static
equilibrium. That is
where Fi , i = 1, 2, ..., m and Mj , j = 1, 2, ...,
n are the applied forces and applied
moments, respectively, and δri , i = 1, 2, ...,
m and δφj , j = 1, 2, ..., n are the virtual
displacements and virtual rotations,
Constraint forces
Gear train
A gear train is formed by mounting gears
on a frame so that the teeth of the gears
engage. Gear teeth are designed to
ensure the pitch circles of engaging
gears roll on each other without slipping,
this provides a smooth transmission of
rotation from one gear to the next. For
this analysis, we consider a gear train
that has one degree-of-freedom, which
means the angular rotation of all the
gears in the gear train are defined by the
angle of the input gear.
forces f.
. Then
Principle of virtual
Here, we specify:
Alternative forms
A specialization of the principle of virtual
forces is the unit dummy force method,
which is very useful for computing
displacements in structural systems.
According to D'Alembert's principle,
inclusion of inertial forces as additional
body forces will give the virtual work
equation applicable to dynamical
systems. More generalized principles can
be derived by:
See also
Flexibility method
Unit dummy force method
Finite element method in structural
Calculus of variations
Lagrangian mechanics
Müller-Breslau's principle
External links
Examples applications of the virtual
work principle
1. C. Lánczos, The Variational Principles
of Mechanics, 4th Ed., General Publishing
Co., Canada, 1970
2. Dym, C. L. and I. H. Shames, Solid
Mechanics: A Variational Approach,
McGraw-Hill, 1973.
3. Capecchi, Danilo (2012). History of
Virtual Work Laws. Milano: Springer
Milan. doi:10.1007/978-88-470-2056-6 .
ISBN 978-88-470-2055-9.
4. René Dugas, A History of Mechanics,
Courier Corporation, 2012
5. T. R. Kane and D. A. Levinson,
Dynamics: theory and applications,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985
6. Usher, A. P. (1929). A History of
Mechanical Inventions . Harvard
University Press (reprinted by Dover
Publications 1988). p. 94. ISBN 978-0-
486-14359-0. OCLC 514178 . Retrieved
7 April 2013.
7. T. R. Kane and D. A. Levinson,
Dynamics, Theory and Applications ,
McGraw-Hill, NY, 2005.
Bathe, K.J. "Finite Element
Procedures", Prentice Hall, 1996.
ISBN 0-13-301458-4
Charlton, T.M. Energy Principles in
Theory of Structures, Oxford University
Press, 1973. ISBN 0-19-714102-1
Dym, C. L. and I. H. Shames, Solid
Mechanics: A Variational Approach,
McGraw-Hill, 1973.
Greenwood, Donald T. Classical
Dynamics, Dover Publications Inc.,
1977, ISBN 0-486-69690-1
Hu, H. Variational Principles of Theory
of Elasticity With Applications, Taylor &
Francis, 1984. ISBN 0-677-31330-6
Langhaar, H. L. Energy Methods in
Applied Mechanics, Krieger, 1989.
Reddy, J.N. Energy Principles and
Variational Methods in Applied
Mechanics, John Wiley, 2002. ISBN 0-
Shames, I. H. and Dym, C. L. Energy
and Finite Element Methods in
Structural Mechanics, Taylor & Francis,
1995, ISBN 0-89116-942-3
Tauchert, T.R. Energy Principles in
Structural Mechanics, McGraw-Hill,
1974. ISBN 0-07-062925-0
Washizu, K. Variational Methods in
Elasticity and Plasticity, Pergamon Pr,
1982. ISBN 0-08-026723-8
Wunderlich, W. Mechanics of
Structures: Variational and
Computational Methods, CRC, 2002.
ISBN 0-8493-0700-7
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