The Storyteller: Texas Assessment Practice
The Storyteller: Texas Assessment Practice
The Storyteller: Texas Assessment Practice
DIRECTIONS Read the two selections and the viewing and representing piece.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Taking this practice test
The Storyteller by Saki
will help you assess your
knowledge of these skills 1 It was a hot afternoon, and the railway carriage was correspondingly sultry,
and determine your and the next stop was at Templecombe, nearly an hour ahead. The occupants
readiness for the Unit Test. of the carriage were a small girl, and a smaller girl, and a small boy. An aunt
review belonging to the children occupied one corner seat, and the further corner
After you take the practice seat on the opposite side was occupied by a bachelor who was a stranger to
test, your teacher can help their party, but the small girls and the small boy emphatically occupied the
you identify any standards
compartment. Both the aunt and the children were conversational in a limited,
you need to review.
persistent way, reminding one of the attentions of a housefly that refuses to
be discouraged. Most of the aunt’s remarks seemed to begin with “Don’t,”
and nearly all of the children’s remarks began with “Why?” The bachelor said
nothing out loud.
2 “Don’t, Cyril, don’t,” exclaimed the aunt, as the small boy began smacking
READING 1A Determine the
meaning of grade-level academic
the cushions of the seat, producing a cloud of dust at each blow.
English words derived from 3 “Come and look out of the window,” she added.
Latin. 2 Analyze, make inferences,
and draw conclusions about 4 The child moved reluctantly to the window. “Why are those sheep being
theme. 5A Analyze isolated driven out of that field?” he asked.
scenes and their contribution
to the success of the plot as 5 “I expect they are being driven to another field where there is more grass,”
a whole. 5C Evaluate the said the aunt weakly.
connection between forms of
narration and tone. 8 Draw 6 “But there is lots of grass in that field,” protested the boy; “there’s nothing
conclusions about the author’s
purpose. 9B Distinguish among
else but grass there. Aunt, there’s lots of grass in that field.”
different kinds of evidence used 7 “Perhaps the grass in the other field is better,” suggested the aunt fatuously.1
to support conclusions and
arguments. WRITING 13C–D
8 “Why is it better?” came the swift, inevitable question.
Revise drafts to improve style, 9 “Oh, look at those cows!” exclaimed the aunt. Nearly every field along the
word choice, sentence variety; edit
drafts for grammar, mechanics, line had contained cows or bullocks, but she spoke as though she were drawing
and spelling. ORAL AND WRITTEN attention to a rarity.
variety of correctly structured 10 The frown on the bachelor’s face was deepening to a scowl. He was a hard,
sentences. 18B Use correct unsympathetic man, the aunt decided in her mind. She was utterly unable to
punctuation marks.
For more practice, see
come to any satisfactory decision about the grass in the other field.
Texas Assessment Practice 11 The smaller girl created a diversion by beginning to recite “On the Road to
Workbook. Mandalay.”2 She only knew the first line, but she put her limited knowledge to
the fullest possible use. She repeated the line over and over again in a dreamy
3. communication cord: on a train, a cord that can be pulled to call the conductor.
Texas Assessment Practice
46 “Bertha was rather sorry to find that there were no flowers in the park. She
had promised her aunts, with tears in her eyes, that she would not pick any of
the kind Prince’s flowers, and she had meant to keep her promise, so of course
it made her feel silly to find that there were no flowers to pick.”
47 “Why weren’t there any flowers?”
48 “Because the pigs had eaten them all,” said the bachelor promptly. “The
gardeners had told the Prince that you couldn’t have pigs and flowers, so he
decided to have pigs and no flowers.”
49 There was a murmur of approval at the excellence of the Prince’s decision; so
many people would have decided the other way.
50 “There were lots of other delightful things in the park. There were ponds
with gold and blue and green fish in them, and trees with beautiful parrots
that said clever things at a moment’s notice, and hummingbirds that hummed
all the popular tunes of the day. Bertha walked up and down and enjoyed
herself immensely, and thought to herself: ‘If I were not so extraordinarily
good I should not have been allowed to come into this beautiful park and
enjoy all that there is to be seen in it,’ and her three medals clinked against
one another as she walked and helped to remind her how very good she really
was. Just then an enormous wolf came prowling into the park to see if it could
catch a fat little pig for its supper.”
51 “What color was it?” asked the children, amid an immediate quickening of
52 “Mud-color all over, with a black tongue and pale grey eyes that gleamed
with unspeakable ferocity. The first thing that it saw in the park was Bertha;
her pinafore4 was so spotlessly white and clean that it could be seen from a
great distance. Bertha saw the wolf and saw that it was stealing toward her,
and she began to wish that she had never been allowed to come into the park.
She ran as hard as she could, and the wolf came after her with huge leaps
and bounds. She managed to reach a shrubbery of myrtle bushes and she hid
herself in one of the thickest of the bushes. The wolf came sniffing among
the branches, its black tongue lolling out of its mouth and its pale grey eyes
glaring with rage. Bertha was terribly frightened, and thought to herself: ‘If I
had not been so extraordinarily good I should have been safe in the town at
this moment.’ However, the scent of the myrtle was so strong that the wolf
could not sniff out where Bertha was hiding, and the bushes were so thick that
he might have hunted about in them for a long time without catching sight of
her, so he thought he might as well go off and catch a little pig instead. Bertha
was trembling very much at having the wolf prowling and sniffing so near her,
and as she trembled the medal for obedience clinked against the medals for
good conduct and punctuality. The wolf was just moving away when he heard
4. pinafore (pGnPE fôr): apronlike garment that young girls used to wear over their dresses.
the sound of the medals clinking and stopped to listen; they clinked again in
a bush quite near him. He dashed into the bush, his pale grey eyes gleaming
with ferocity and triumph, and dragged Bertha out and devoured her to the
last morsel. All that was left of her were her shoes, bits of clothing, and the
three medals for goodness.”
53 “Were any of the little pigs killed?”
54 “No, they all escaped.”
55 “The story began badly,” said the smaller of the small girls, “but it had a
beautiful ending.”
56 “It is the most beautiful story that I ever heard,” said the bigger of the small
girls, with immense decision.
57 “It is the only beautiful story I have ever heard,” said Cyril.
58 A dissentient5 opinion came from the aunt.
59 “A most improper story to tell to young children! You have undermined the
effect of years of careful teaching.”
60 “At any rate,” said the bachelor, collecting his belongings preparatory to
leaving the carriage, “I kept them quiet for ten minutes, which was more than
you were able to do.”
61 “Unhappy woman!” he observed to himself as he walked down the platform
of Templecombe station; “for the next six months or so those children will
assail her in public with demands for an improper story!”
Texas Assessment Practice
1 Say what you want, but in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the latest version
of the wildly popular Mortal Kombat video game, the character Taven’s
signature move is known as the “Ring of Hatred.” That’s when he pounds the
ground with his fist, creating a shockwave of fire. If he executes it just right,
he will obliterate his opponent, leaving small bits of flesh, blood and internal
organs splattered across the screen.
2 And Taven is one of the good guys.
3 You can see from this example that in the world of violent video games,
players can channel their aggressions and take on virtual foes, with instant
and typically graphic results. Die-hard video game addicts will tell you it is all
harmless fun—at worst, a way to let off steam. But don’t be so sure.
4 In 1996, M. E. Ballard and J. R. Weist reported in the Journal of Applied
Social Psychology that playing these kinds of games actually increased blood
pressure in some players. Studies by P. J. Lynch in 1994 found that in
aggressive children these games increased the flow of adrenaline. These two
studies prove that video games cause aggression.
5 Can it be true, as profit-hungry game manufacturers claim, that virtual
fights act as a substitute for actual fights? Are they a way to give a player
his or her “adrenaline fix” harmlessly? Not necessarily. Researchers Craig A.
Anderson, PhD, of Iowa State University, and Karen E. Dill, PhD, of Lenoir-
Rhyne College, gathered 210 college students and had them play either
a violent or a non-violent video game. Afterward, they had each student
“punish” an opponent with loud blast of noise. The students who played the
violent video game blasted the noise for a longer period of time than those
who played the non-violent one. In addition, Anderson and Dill examined the
video game habits of another 227 college students who had exhibited actual
aggressiveness. Anderson and Dill concluded, in the American Psychological
Association’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, that violent video
games prime the brain for aggressive thoughts. In the longer term, they found,
violent video games get players used to using violent means to solve their
6 “The player learns and practices new aggression-related scripts that can
become more and more accessible for use when real-life conflict situations
arise,” said Anderson.
7 Who is most exposed to and damaged by these terrifying scripts? Children
are. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found 83 percent of children
between ages 8 and 18 have a video game console in their homes, and 40
percent had a console in their bedroom. And while the government began
in 2000 to crack down on the marketing of violent video games to children,
results are not so great. A 2007 investigation by the Federal Trade Commission
found that out of 20 games with a rating of “M” (for Mature), 16 were
advertised on Web sites popular among children. This must mean that young
children are playing and learning from these hideous games without adult
8 Most grown-ups and young adults can distinguish between real violence
and the virtual kind. They know where to draw the line. But what about those
who don’t? Children are still learning the boundaries of good behavior, and the
do’s and don’ts of problem solving. They are the real-life victims of video game
9 I’m not saying that violent video games are the root of all aggression in the
world. But I don’t see any evidence that the blood-soaked citizens of the screen
world are doing anything to make the real world a better place.
Texas Assessment Practice
Reading Comprehension
Use “The Storyteller” (pp. 754–758) to 6 The aunt tells the children a story because she
answer questions 1–11. wants to —
F stop them from bothering the bachelor
1 This story is told through —
G answer their questions
A first-person point of view
H show that she is a wonderful storyteller
B third-person omniscient point of view
J amuse herself
C third-person limited point of view
D a flashback 7 The word deplorably in paragraph 14 comes
from the Latin root deplorare, meaning “to
2 The author’s message is that — weep bitterly.” Deplorably means —
F good behavior is always rewarded A terribly
G good behavior can cause problems B praiseworthy
H travel is boring C excellent
J people do not like lectures on behavior D magnificent
3 “The Storyteller” is a satire, or a story that 8 The bachelor’s purpose for telling the story
makes fun of something to persuade people to about Bertha is to —
change. The author is making fun of — F keep the children occupied and annoy the
A self-righteous people, like the aunt aunt
B irritating people, like the children G give the children more accurate answers to
C bystanders, like the reader their questions
D easily annoyed people, like the bachelor H point out the benefits of good behavior
J pass the time productively
4 In paragraph 1, the word bachelor, meaning an
unmarried man without children, is ironic 9 The children become interested in the
because — bachelor’s story when —
F the character is actually married A he introduces the wolf
G he is traveling by himself B the pigs eat the flowers
H he understands the children better than the C he says “horribly good”
aunt D he talks about Bertha’s medals
J he has children of his own
10 The aunt smiles during the bachelor’s story
5 The word persistent in paragraph 1 means — because she —
A pleasant F enjoys the bachelor’s retelling of her story
B polite G expects that the bachelor will have the
C silly same trouble she did
D stubborn H thinks the boy’s question is interesting
J is waiting for a question from one of the
Texas Assessment Practice
11 The bachelor thinks that in the future the 16 The reader can conclude that —
children will — F video games help children learn the
A make up new stories about Bertha to tell boundaries of good behavior
each other G the author thinks video games have limited
B learn more about wolves benefits for society
C take more train rides H fewer children are playing violent games
D ask the aunt to tell improper stories without adult supervision
J the author has proven that video games
Use “Harmless Fun?” (pp. 759–760) to cause an increase in blood pressure
answer questions 12–16.
Use “The Storyteller” and “Harmless Fun?”
12 The author’s purpose in writing this essay to answer questions 17–18.
is to —
F convince readers that video games are 17 “The Storyteller” and “Harmless Fun?” both
harmless fun address the topic of —
G teach readers how to play video games A entertaining children with whatever is
H show readers that video games are not
harmless B letting children behave inappropriately
J point out that video games teach C guiding children toward good behavior
important life skills D watching children carefully all the time
Texas Assessment Practice
(1) One company found two willing candidates. (2) The candidates wanted to fly
to the International Space Station. (3) Each was ready to pay $20 million. (4) In the
future, the company will offer more-affordable trips. (5) People will be able to take
suborbital flights for just $100,000. (6) Civilian spaceships need to be built first.
(7) Some people might want the experience without going there. (8) To meet this
need, the company will offer a training-only session. (9) Others, might be interested
in a short flight. (10) They’ll have the option to fly just 15 miles high. (11) Space
tourism is a lucrative business.
1 What is the most effective way to improve the 3 How could sentences 4, 5, and 6 be rewritten
organization of the paragraph? as one compound-complex sentence?
A Move sentence 1 before sentence 6 A In the future, the company will offer more
B Move sentence 4 before sentence 8 affordable trips to people who will be able
to take suborbital flights for just $100,000
C Move sentence 9 before sentence 3
when civilian spaceships are built.
D Move sentence 11 before sentence 1
B In the future, when civilian spaceships are
2 What is the best way to rewrite sentences 1, 2, built, the company will offer more
and 3 as one compound-complex sentence? affordable trips to people who will be able
to take suborbital flights for just $100,000.
F One company found two willing
candidates wanting to fly to the C In the future, when civilian spaceships are
International Space Station, and each was built, the company will offer more
ready to pay $20 million. affordable trips; people will be able to
take suborbital flights for just $100,000.
G One company found two willing
candidates who wanted to fly to the D In the future, civilian spaceships will be
International Space Station, and each was built, and the company will offer flights
ready to pay $20 million. for just $100,000.
H When one company found two willing 4 What transitional word or phrase should be
candidates wanting to fly to the used in sentence 7?
International Space Station, each being F However, H Then,
ready to pay $20 million.
G If J Until then,
J One company found two willing
candidates wanting to fly to the 5 Which change, if any, should be made to
International Space Station, with each sentence 9?
ready to pay $20 million. A Delete the comma
B Add only after in
C Change flight to journey
D Make no change