Electricity: Name: Class: Date Given: Date Due in
Electricity: Name: Class: Date Given: Date Due in
Electricity: Name: Class: Date Given: Date Due in
1. Draw the correct symbol to represent each of the circuit components listed below. [4]
2b. What is the name of the electrical component used to measure the current in a circuit? [1]
2c. Tick one answer to describe the bulb brightness (assuming both bulbs are identical). [1]
A. equal brightness
B. bulb 1 brightest
C. bulb 2 brightest
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4a. In each circuit shown below, the ammeter reading is zero; there is no current flowing.
4b. Draw a circuit diagram containing the components from the circuits shown above, and include
and ammeter to show the current will flow. [3]
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Electricity Answers
1. Draw the correct symbol to represent each of the circuit components listed below. [4]
2a. Describe the current at the points X, Y and Z on the circuit. [1]
The current is equal / the same at these points Y
2b. What is the name of the electrical component used to measure the current in a circuit? [1]
2c. Tick one answer to describe the bulb brightness (assuming both bulbs are identical). [1]
A. equal brightness
B. bulb 1 brightest
C. bulb 2 brightest
4a. In each circuit shown below, the ammeter reading is zero; there is no current flowing.
4b. Draw a circuit diagram containing the components from the circuits shown above, and include
and ammeter to show the current will flow. [3]