EIC Accelerator-October 6 Cut Off - 0
EIC Accelerator-October 6 Cut Off - 0
EIC Accelerator-October 6 Cut Off - 0
Please note that this is a list of companies that have been selected for funding. Having succeeded the evaluation does not constitute a formal commitment for funding. The final decision on the projects will only be taken upon finalisation of the grant preparation.
Company Name Proposal Acronym Short Description Website Country
Financing Type
AgroBiogel GmbH Agrobiogel AgroBiogel International Scale-up Blended finance www.agrobiogel.com Austria
Making information understandable for everyone
capito Grant only https://www.capito.eu/en/ Austria
iFLUX nv iFLUX Real-time flow and flux measurements for combating groundwater supply and pollution. Grant first https://ifluxsampling.com/en Belgium
FOIL'ON - developing and producing biodegradable and suitable for compost laminating film called LAM'ON
LAM'ON FOIL'ON Grant only lam-on.com Bulgaria
and packaging foil PACK'ON, lowering plastic pollution
AGRIVI DOO ZA AI Adviser for Agronomy and Food Safety
PROIZVODNJU, TRGOVINU I ROBI Grant only www.agrivi.com Croatia
MIWA Technologies, a.s. MIWA - SMART REUSABLE PACKAGING Blended finance www.miwa.eu Czechia
Breakthrough Water Vapor Driven Turbo-Compression System for Sustainable, Thermal, Advanced Cooling
STAC Technology DEOS Blended finance https://stactechnology.com/ Denmark
EEG-based DIagnosis Support solutiON•(EDISON) to help close the epilepsy diagnosis gap in Low- and Middle-
BrainCapture EDISON Grant first https://braincapture.dk/ Denmark
Income Countries (LMICs) by combining low CAPEX and AI-guided capture with telemedicine
Lotus Microsystems ApS Lotus MicroPower The World’s Smallest Power Converters Blended finance www.lotus-microsystems.com Denmark
Webarx OÜ PROWEB Protecting modern open-source web applications Grant first www.patchstack.com Estonia
COMPTEK SOLUTIONS OY ENLIGHT Novel passivation technique for compound semiconductor devices Blended finance www.comptek-solutions.com Finland
Fimuskraft Biogas Plant (FKBP): a revolutionary and cost-effective biotechnological method to treat and
FIMUSKRAFT FKBP Blended finance http://www.fimuskraft.fi/ Finland
valorise biowaste
ASKEL HEALTHCARE OY RePace Rebuilding Joint Surface to Prevent Pain and Immobility Grant first https://askelhealthcare.com/ Finland
LEKATECH OY RHINO Electric bReaker Hammer transforming the mIning aNd cOnstruction industries to zero-emission. Blended finance www.lekatech.fi Finland
broadbit batteries oy SodiScale Cheaper, better batteries from common, safe and available raw materials Grant first http://www.broadbit.com/ Finland
Super Dryer – Breakthrough clean fibrer dryer to cut emissions in paper production, urban sludge and
TM System Finland Oy SuperDryer Blended finance https://www.tmsystems.com Finland
clothes recycling
Share My Space CASSIOPEE Collision Avoidance and Space Surveillance Innovations for Orbital Protection in Earth Environment Blended finance www.sharemyspace.space France
SCINTIL Photonics DOLPHIN Disruptive OpticaL Engines with PHotonic fully INtegrated Circuits for Optical Communications Blended finance www.scintil-photonics.com France
THRUSTME EMBRACE II Ramping up production capacity of groundbreaking space propulsion systems Blended finance https://www.thrustme.fr/ France
ENERSENS EN.MOTION ENERSENS Motion to Thin Insulation Blended finance https://enersens.eu/ France
Valorisation of food production side-streams as multifunctional ingredients by an innovative fermentation
Green Spot Technologies Fl'Our Planet Blended finance https://greenspot-tech.com/en/ France
First miniaturized universal gas analyzer for all renewable gases in all their extensive and complex composition
APIX ANALYTICS S.A GREENPIX Blended finance www.apixanalytics.com France
at all production and consumption phases including Hydrogen purity for fuel cells
SIPEARL HELIOS Highly Efficient and Lightweight Input/output Open Silicon Blended finance https://sipearl.com/ France
NETRIS PHARMA SAS ImmunoNet Inhibiting resistance to immunotherapy in Oncology by targeting Netrin-1 Blended finance http://www.netrispharma.com/ France
Lassie: The first-ever painless breath analyser for people with diabetes, a breakthrough in blood glucose
BOYDSENSE Lassie Grant first www.boydsense.com France
Disruptive AI project management solution to drastically reduce the costs & risks of European large-scale
Lili.ai Lili.AI Blended finance https://lili.ai/ France
construction projects
LATTICE MEDICAL MATTISSE Breast self-reconstruction: The Promise of Breast Reconstruction with patients’ own tissue Blended finance https://www.lattice-medical.com/ France
Epigene Labs SAS mCUBE Multi-omic data driven drug discovery and indication prioritisation platform in oncology Blended finance https://www.epigenelabs.com/ France
Op2Lysis OP2DRAIN To deliver the first medical treatment dedicated to patients with haemorrhagic stroke Blended finance France
Harnessing the therapeutic Potential of Innate Lymphoid Cells to prevent and treat KidneY-related diseases
LiMM Therapeutics SA PILCKY Blended finance https://www.limmtx.com/ France
Unique Entertainment POWDER: the camera of Turnkey solution for content creation, editing and sharing thanks to an AI/ML technology that automatically
Blended finance https://powder.gg/ France
Experience SAS the metaverse generates highlights from any gaming source
SPARTHA MEDICAL SAS SPARTHACUS Innovative multifunctional and smart coatings to prevent medical device related infections Blended finance https://sparthamedical.eu/ France
A zero waste process for producing all natural, biodegradable replacement additives for synthetic polymers
BIOWEG Bioweg Blended finance https://bioweg.com/ Germany
and microspheres
Fully digital Blockchain-based Laboratory Operations Control System for real-time and audit-proof Good
Arxum GmbH B-LOCS Grant first www.arxum.com Germany
Manufacturing Practice conformity
Unlocking the value of a blue economy with a revolutionary Underwater Satellite to promote the sustainable
PlanBlue GmbH BLUESURVEY Blended finance www.planblue.com Germany
use of our ocean’s resources
ADIVO GMBH CAESAR IBD Project The CAESAR IBD Project: Developing Therapeutic Antibodies for Pets Blended finance https://adivo.vet/ Germany
Metal Additive Manufacturing with sinter-based Cold Metal Fusion Technology for mass production of metal
Headmade Materials CMF Blended finance https://www.headmade-materials.de/en/ Germany
Novel business model enabled by a patented fermentation technology to produce 100% biodegradable
CO2BioClean GmbH CO2TEXTILE Blended finance https://co2bioclean.com/ Germany
textile fibres from CO2-emissions
SciMo - Elektrische The Next Generation of Automotive Electric Motor
Hochleistungsantriebe eMONIC Grant first https://sci-mo.de Germany
eNote GmbH Enote Bringing sheet music into the Digital Era via Artificial Intelligence Blended finance https://enote.com/ Germany
A disruptive drug discovery and preclinical platform to accelerate the development of novel cardioprotective
GENOME BIOLOGICS UG GenBio Blended finance https://genomebiologics.com/ Germany
Development of an efficient and robust wireless inductive charging system for material handling electric
MAGMENT GmbH MagCharge Grant first https://www.magment.de/ Germany
MagnoTherm Solutions MCD Highly efficient and sustainable refrigeration based on solid state Magnetic Cooling Device Grant first https://www.magnotherm.com/ Germany
PYDRO GMBH PYDRO - Water to Data Sensing as a Service Blended finance https://www.pydro.com/ Germany
BLUEDROP MEDICAL Next gen remote management of patients suffering from diabetic foot syndrome
NextSTEP Blended finance www.bluedropmedical.com Ireland
Equal 1 Laboratories Ireland Quantum-enhanced Machine Learning
QUENML Blended finance https://www.equal1.com/ Ireland
Sightec (Israel) Ltd. AUTOFLY GPS-free, beyond the visual line of sight navigation for logistics drones in urban environments Blended finance https://www.sightec.com/ Israel
FILTERLEX MEDICAL LTD CAPTIS An innovative Embolic Protection Device for stroke prevention during heart valve replacement Blended finance https://filterlex.com/ Israel
Temporary intraluminal bypass device designed to reduce the rate of diverting stoma and its related
COLOSPAN LTD CG-100 Blended finance https://colospan.com/ Israel
complication by at least 70%
An innovative filtration system to improve the coagulation properties of plasma units to treat patients with
PLAS-FREE LTD ClearPlasma Blended finance https://www.plas-free.com/ Israel
massive bleeding
Easy to use, contactless Dual-Mode Ultrasound Technology for high accuracy treatment of Atrial Fibrillation,
Healium Medical DMUT Blended finance www.healiumedical.com Israel
improving outcomes
BELKIN LASER LTD EyeAccess Direct Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (DSLT): Accessible glaucoma care in seconds Blended finance https://belkin-laser.com Israel
Compira Labs Ltd. FAST-STREAM Solving the ‘last-mile delivery challenge’ for quality Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming content Grant first https://www.compiralabs.com/ Israel
Revivable insect preservation technologies pausing the life cycle of insects at egg or neonate larvae stages for
FREEZEM CRYOGENICS LTD FreezeM Blended finance https://www.freeze-em.com/ Israel
empowering the insect farming industry
GrayMatters Health LTD GrayMatters for PTSD - GfP Blended finance graymatters.health Israel
Vascular Biogenics LTD OVAL The OVAL study for VB-111 treatment of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer Blended finance https://www.vblrx.com/ Israel
Cardiac Success Ltd. V-sling Transcatheter Ventricular Repair Device for treatment of Heart Failure Patients Blended finance https://www.cardiacsuccess.com/ Israel
A pioneer clinical trial management system to automatically collect, review and analyse prospective clinical
YonaLink Ltd YL System Blended finance https://yonalink.com/ Israel
trial data to prompt faster development of novel therapies.
AGADE(Anti-Gravity Active An Anti-Gravity Active Device for Exoskeletons to Reduce the Impact of Work-Related Musculoskeletal
AGADE srl Blended finance https://agade-exoskeletons.com/ Italy
Device for Exoskeletons) Disorders in the Logistics, Retailing and Manufacturing Sectors.
GreenBone Ortho srl GreenBone The Holy Grail in Bone regeneration Grant first https://www.greenbone.it/it/home/ Italy
Circular Materials STOP WASTIN’ ME Supercritical Treatment of Process Wastewaters from Surface Treatment Industry MEtals Grant only http://www.circularmaterials.it/ Italy
AI-driven cardiac AI-driven cardiac ultrasound analysis
Ligence UAB Blended finance https://www.ligence.io/ Lithuania
ultrasound analysis
AQUABATTERY BV AquaBattery A 100% sustainable and infinitely scalable electrical energy storage system Grant first Netherlands
DENS BV DENS X4 Hydrozine Generator for Zero-emission Power on Demand Blended finance https://dens.one/ Netherlands
DAWN AEROSPACE Detox SatDrive Propulsion
DETOX Grant first www.dawnaerospace.com Netherlands
Fast and versatile real-time balancing of electricity demand flexibility: shaping a clean and levelled power grid
Sympower B.V. Flex4Scale Grant first sympower.net Netherlands
in Europe
GATT Technologies BV GATT-OPSA Upscaling GATT-Patch production: One-Patch-Stops-All (OPSA) surgical bleeding and organ leakages Blended finance https://www.gatt-tech.com/ Netherlands
XELTIS BV HeartRestore Next-generation heart bypass grafts to naturally restore cardiovascular function. Blended finance www.xeltis.com Netherlands
QphoX QModem Developing the world’s first quantum modem Blended finance https://qphox.eu/ Netherlands
A unique commercially viable recombinant manufacturing platform for human fibrinogen (rhFib) & thrombin
Fibriant B.V RECOFIB Blended finance Netherlands
SAFE-FOOD Grant first https://www.ng-sensors.com/ Netherlands
Allero Therapeutics BV SOMIT-CD Novel First-in-Class Specific Oromucosal Immunotherapy (SOMIT) to treat Celiac Disease (CD) Grant first https://www.allerotherapeutics.com/ Netherlands
CELERWAY Celerway GO mini, your office network in your pocket
Celerway GO mini Grant only https://www.celerway.com/ Norway
DigiFarm CropCloud Detecting the world's most accurate field boundaries Blended finance www.digifarm.io Norway
Ocean Oasis AS ReWater Offshore renewable and clean desalination of sea water Grant first www.oceanoasis.co Norway
Breakthrough cold generation technology for efficient & environmentally-friendly cooling.
DAC Sp.z.o.o. DAC (Dynamic Air Cooling) Grant first www.airenergy.inf.ua Poland
OrganicDisposables Ltd FibriTech Technology for 3D fibrous eco materials Blended finance fibri.tech Poland
.lumen – Glasses for the .lumen - Empowering the blind
SC DOTLUMEN SRL Blended finance https://www.dotlumen.com/ Romania
SIMPLICITY WORKS EUROPE New industrial process for footwear manufacturing using 3D Bonding
3D Bonding Blended finance http://www.simplicity.works/ Spain
AORTYX SL AORTYX Revolutionary vascular repair patch to treat aortic dissections Grant first https://aortyx.com/ Spain
ADVANCED MARKER Early detection of colorectal cancer in blood based on latest generation biomarkers and Artificial Intelligence
ColoDix Grant first www.amadix.com Spain
SEQUENTIA BIOTECH SL MICK Translational Microbiome Platform Blended finance https://www.sequentiabiotech.com/ Spain
Novameat Tech, S.L. NewMEAT New Micro-extrusion Advanced Technology for plant-based whole-cut meat substitutes Grant only https://www.novameat.com/ Spain
An AI-Powered Visual Assistive Design IoT Pathway Platform to implement fast and optimal automated
MYSPHERA SL PATHMAKER Blended finance https://www.mysphera.com/ Spain
patient pathways and healthcare demand planning projects
Development of the first oral disease-modifying treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
PALOBIOFARMA, S.L RESPIRE Blended finance https://www.palobiofarma.com/ Spain
Multiverse Computing SL SINGULARITY SINGULARITY: The first quantum software toolbox for finance Blended finance https://www.multiversecomputing.com/ Spain
WOOPTIX S.L. WARM Wide Angle and Resolution Metrology Blended finance www.wooptix.com Spain
WILLEM: AI to Reduce WILLEM: AI to Reduce Cardiovascular Diseases
IDOVEN 1903 SL Blended finance idoven.ai Spain
Cardiovascular Diseases
The first Total Artificial Heart (TAH) that truly mimics the human heart and has the potential to revolutionise
Scandinavian Real Heart AB ArtOfHeart Grant first https://realheart.se/ Sweden
the market
Edvince AB EDVance EDV2209 – a Paradigm shift in the treatment of stroke. Grant first http://www.edvince.com/en/ Sweden
Innovative, minimally invasive device to support the natural movement of the heart in heart failure patients
Syntach AB Heart Function Support Blended finance http://www.syntach.com Sweden
AlignD Systems AB NanoWi Novel highly sensitive NanoWire sensors for disease biomarker analysis Blended finance https://alignedbio.com/ Sweden
SensAI: The digital transformation of the mining industry that will enable access to critical metals and minerals
Minalyze AB SensAI Mining Blended finance www.minalyze.com Sweden
needed for the green transformation
An innovative Plug&Play hydrogen-based green energy storage system for zero-emission, safe and reliable
H2GO Power Ltd. H2Genx Grant only https://www.h2gopower.com/ United Kingdom
power supply
Magdrive Ltd Magdrive-Nano Next generation electric plasma propulsion for the new space age Grant only https://www.magdrivespace.com/ United Kingdom
OutThink Ltd OUTTHINK The first Cybersecurity Human Risk Management (CHRM) platform Grant only https://outthink.io/ United Kingdom
Recycleye Ltd RESOURCE REcovery of target materialS frOm mUnicipal solid waste stReams using artifiCial intelligencE Grant only https://recycleye.com United Kingdom
NOVA INNOVATION LTD UpTEMPO Upscaling Tidal Energy Manufacturing & Production Output Grant only www.novainnovation.com United Kingdom