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Serious Games As A Tool To Model Attack and Defense Scenarios For Cyber-Security Exercises

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computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

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Serious games as a tool to model attack and

defense scenarios for cyber-security exercises

Muhammad Mudassar Yamin∗, Basel Katt, Mariusz Nowostawski

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik 2815, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Technology is evolving rapidly; this poses a problem for security specialists and average cit-
Received 30 March 2020 izens as their technological skill sets are quickly made obsolete. This makes the knowledge
Revised 8 May 2021 and understanding of cyber-security in a technologically evolving world difficult. Global IT
Accepted 16 August 2021 infrastructure and individuals’ privacy are constantly under threat. One way to tackle this
Available online 20 August 2021 problem is by providing continuous training and self-learning platforms. Cyber-security ex-
ercises can provide a necessary platform for training people’s cyber-security skills. However,
Keywords: conducting cyber-security exercises with new and unique scenarios requires comprehen-
Cyber range sive planning and commitment to the preparation time and resources. In this work, we pro-
Cyber-security pose a serious game for the development of cyber-security exercise scenarios. The game pro-
Exercises vides a platform to model simulated cyber-security exercise scenarios, transforming them
Scenarios into an emulated cyber-security exercise environment using domain-specific language (DSL)
Attack and infrastructure orchestration. In this game, players can play as cyber attackers or defend-
Defense ers in a multiplayer environment to make operational cyber-security decisions in real-time.
The decisions are evaluated for the development of operational cyber-attack and defense

© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

consuming (Yamin and Katt, 2018). Therefore, in the current

1. Introduction research, we investigate an efficient way to conduct cyber-
security exercises that can help exercise the participants’ skill
During the European cyber-security challenge (ecs, 2019), we
found that the teams involved were facing problems in strate-
Through a review of the literature (Amorim et al., 2013;
gizing their approach for solving cyber-security exercise sce-
Hendrix et al., 2016; Schreuders and Butterfield, 2016), we
narios. The team members had a sufficient level of techni-
identified that serious games are actively used in cyber-
cal skills to tackle the technical problems present in the chal-
security skill development. However, one problem with such
lenge, but their decision-making skills in prioritizing the best
games is related to the static level design, which makes the in-
moves were lagging. One way to overcome this issue would be
tegration of new and unique scenarios difficult. Another prob-
by conducting many operational cyber-security exercises with
lem is that many are turned-based games as opposed to real-
unique scenarios, such that the exercise participants could
time strategy games. Real-time strategy games enhance play-
get the right level of experience in decision making. However,
ers’ cognitive flexibility (Glass et al., 2013) and help in training
conducting such exercises is resource intensive and time-
for the dynamic nature of cyber-security scenarios. To address

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: muhammad.m.yamin@ntnu.no (M.M. Yamin), basel.katt@ntnu.no (B. Katt), mariusz.nowostawski@ntnu.no (M.
0167-4048/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

these issues and challenges, we ask the following research and then revised it in 2007 and 2012 (cyb, 2012). A follow-up
questions: report was also published, emphasizing responsibility for se-
curing digital assets. The present strategy is Norway’s fourth
1. How can serious games be used to model dynamic cyber- cyber-security strategy, and its purpose is to address the chal-
security exercise scenarios in a realistic manner? lenges of digitalization faced by Norwegian society (Nat, 2020).
2. How can modeled cyber-security exercises be used in de- While designing strategies, stakeholders from the public and
vising cyber attack and defense strategies in a realistic private sectors are taken into account.
manner? More than 300 delegates took part in the formulation of
3. Is it efficient to conduct cyber-security exercises in a simu- Norway’s present strategy. The introduction deals with the
lated modeled environment for exercise participants’ skill challenges, strategy, vision, and strategic goals. In the intro-
improvement? duction, it is noted that Norwegian society has become im-
4. Is it efficient to transform simulated cyber-security exer- mensely digitalized to benefit private individuals, companies,
cise scenarios in a game to an emulated infrastructure, and and authorities. Here, the challenge of digitalization is cyber
how usable, flexible, and complete is it? threats and the thorough dependency of society on digital-
ization. Digital infrastructures and systems are growing more
To answer the research questions, we developed (1) a complex, global, and integrated. All kinds of devices are be-
real-time cyber-security strategy game that enhances play- ing connected to the Internet. The fast speed of digitaliza-
ers’ cognitive flexibility and (2) a cyber-security exercise sce- tion makes it challenging to forecast the resulting threats.
nario domain-specific language (DSL) to model the scenario Some threats include ransomware, industrial espionage, sab-
and generate the emulated infrastructure. The game is thor- otage, blackmail, cyber-bullying, and identity theft (Nat, 2020).
oughly assessed using surveys given to a large group of The strategy aims to address cyber-security issues, but to
participants during the Norwegian cyber-security challenge do this, the appropriate authorities must give access to a
2019 (sta, 2019); the findings of this survey are presented in broad range of tools, along with the development of regula-
this article. tions and knowledge of supervisory activities. A follow-up re-
The rest of the current article is organized as follows: port (lis, 2021) was released, highlighting the 50 steps taken
First, we share the research background and key concepts by the government to implement the national cyber-security
of cyber-security exercises. Then, we proceed with sharing a strategy. Step 27, 41, and 42 are as follows:
brief related work on serious games in cyber-security. Con-
tinuing this, we will state our research methodology, present
• Development of the Norwegian Cyber Range (NCR), which
our cyber-security strategy game with the developed DSL, and
will be the first national test arena for cyber-security.
their assessment and evaluation. Finally, we conclude the ar-
• Conducting National cyber-security exercise.
ticle with a discussion and conclusion.
• Participation in international exercises such as NATO coali-
tion, Locked Shields, Cyber Europe, and NATOs CMX.

2. Research background
2.1. Cyber-security training and exercises
The importance of cyber warfare training is critical when con-
sidered in light of contemporary examples, such as the cyber- There is a constant need for training and self-learning plat-
attacks on Estonia and the crippling of Georgia’s government forms to achieve the stated objectives for cyber-security ed-
websites using advanced hacking methods. Cyber-warfare ucation. Cyber-security threats are on the rise, so the field of
was first deployed during Operation Desert Storm against Iraq. cyber-security education is emerging to train the next gener-
The communication networks of the Iraqi forces were crip- ation of cyber-security professionals (Ford et al., 2017). How-
pled, so they were forced to use less-secure microwave com- ever, the cyber-security field faces a skills gap problem be-
munication, which was easily intercepted and led to their cause of the nature of the rapidly changing cyber-security en-
eventual defeat. The Bosnia–Herzegovina war saw the use of vironment (Endicott-Popovsky and Popovsky, 2014). This sit-
cyber warfare to cripple governmental infrastructure to such uation makes it difficult to train and educate the next gen-
an extent that the paramilitary force was turned against the eration of cyber-security professionals. There are two main
actual military. In the 1990s, the U.S. (United States) govern- types of cyber-security exercises. The first is table-top discus-
ment realized that they were vulnerable to cyber-attacks; they sions, and the second is practical hands-on operation-based
had been using offensive cyber capabilities to achieve their exercises (Gurnani et al., 2014). Table-top exercises are discus-
tactical and strategic objectives, which resulted in a similar sion based and conducted in the form of seminars, workshops,
response from other state actors. and idea exchanges mostly related to policy-oriented issues.
Norway is one of the leading digital nations in the world. In comparison, most operation-based cyber-security educa-
The government encourages public and private sectors to take tion and training programs employ hands-on activities aim-
part in digital innovations for the country’s progress. Digital ing to improve the exercise participants’ technical skills and
infrastructure is challenged by many factors, including the ex- abilities. These cyber-security exercises are executed in sim-
istence of complex vulnerabilities that can be exploited by ad- ulated, emulated, physical, or hybrid practice environments.
vanced cyber-security attacks, along with the need to secure Recent studies have identified that the required practice en-
the provision of successful digitalization solutions. Norway vironments are being developed via manual setup and config-
was the first country to make a cyber-security strategy in 2003 uration, a methodology that is ineffective, tedious, and error
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 3

prone (Beuran et al., 2018). These practice environments are ments for cyber-security exercises. For this, serious games
known as cyber-ranges. could help (Hendrix et al., 2016)to overcome the inefficiencies in
According to Pham et al. (2016), cyber-ranges are well- cyber-security exercises. The gamification of cyber-security ex-
defined controlled (virtual) exercise environments that are ercises is a recent trend in which participants are divided into
used in cyber-security training to efficiently help trainees teams for achieving a specific objective like finding flags. The
gain practical knowledge through hands-on activities. Cre- participants’ strategies to solve the problems like Capture The
ating these exercise environments that contain the neces- Flag (CTF) in a cyber-security exercise scenario are very dif-
sary features such as network topology, virtual machines, and ficult to model because of the real-time decision-making of
security-related content is not an easy task (Beuran et al., exercise participants. This makes the decision tree that is in-
2018; Yamin and Katt, 2018). Many cyber-ranges try to auto- volved in such problem solving very complex. To address this,
mate the creation of these exercise environments, such as we propose a real-time cyber-security strategy game. Players
with Cytrone (Beuran et al., 2018), CyberVAN (Chadha et al., will have the ability to play as an attacker or defender in a
2016), Cyris (Pham et al., 2016), Telelab (Casini et al., 2003), and real-time multiplayer environment. Resources are assigned to
Secgen (Schreuders et al., 2017). Like the natural environment attackers and defenders based on the scenario requirement,
in which animals and plants interact with the environment to and their actions are recorded and observed by an observer. A
utilize its resources, these exercise environments need to be detailed scenario creator is developed in which experts model
interacted with to utilize the resources in them. These inter- the scenario in the game that can be transformed into an em-
actions can be done in the form of cyber-security exercises, an ulated environment. This results in a dynamic generation of
assessment of new technologies, a vulnerability assessment, attack and defense trees generated during the real-time cyber-
malicious activity profiling, security data generation, and so security strategy game.
forth. Individuals and teams on a cyber-range perform these
interactions. In terms of operation-based cyber-security exer-
cises, these teams include the following: 3. Related work

1. White team: A team that creates or generates a cyber- In the related work section, we provide a brief overview of se-
security exercise environment. rious games developed and used for cyber-security exercises
2. Red team: A team that attacks the cyber-security exercise and the methods for cyber-security scenario modeling.
3. Blue team: A team that defends the cyber-security exercise 3.1. Games for cyber-security exercises
In 2016, Hendrix et al. (2016) conducted a detailed survey of
Multiple additional teams are also part of cyber-security serious games for cyber-security education. They identified
exercises and can include Green, Orange, Yellow, and Pur- 15 games from industry and 14 games from academia that
ple teams, which we have explained in our previous are actively being used for this purpose. Next, they catego-
work (Yamin et al., 2019). Their involvement solely depends rized the games by their types like 2D point and clicked turn-
on the scale and objectives of an exercise. However, in the cur- based scenarios, 3D virtual world (sims style), and enterprise
rent work, we are only focusing on the White, Red, and Blue contingency planning. The games’ target audiences comprises
teams. These teams are primarily involved in three main types science curriculum students, children, and teenagers. The re-
of cyber-security exercises: searchers stated that these games are used for training and
education for short-term purposes only. For long-term train-
1. Cyber-attack exercise: theses exercises are conducted to ing and education, scenario-based games are required. These
train, assess, and evaluate the performance of red teams. scenario-based games represent unique case studies that can
An environment is created by a white team in which red help in case-based learning.
teams need to achieve specific objectives to compromise In 2016, Alotaibi et al. (2016) conducted a review of serious
the exercise environment in a particular time period. games for cyber-security awareness. They identified 12 aca-
2. Cyber-defense exercise: these exercises are conducted to demic research articles and nine serious games being used
train, assess, and evaluate the blue team’s performance. for cyber-security education and awareness. These games had
A white team creates an exercise environment. A blue shown positive results in the evaluation of their effective-
team needs to investigate and prevent cyber-attacks by red ness in cyber-security education and awareness. However, a
teams and to prevent these attacks within a particular time large population set is needed in future research to better un-
period. derstand their impact. Moreover, the games currently being
3. Cyber-attack/defense exercise: these exercises are con- used deal with general cyber issues; there is a need to develop
ducted to assess and evaluate red and blue teams’ perfor- games that can be used in training specific scenarios.
mance at the same time. A white team creates an exercise In 2016, Schreuders and Butterfield (2016) conducted a two-
environment in which active engagement between red and year study on gamification for teaching and learning com-
blue teams occurs to simultaneously attack and defend an puter security in higher education. The study aimed to im-
exercise environment. prove student engagement, increase student experience, and
the content coverage of education material. They used freely
Based on our research findings (Yamin et al., 2018), we available security educational games with in-house devel-
have identified that automation can reduce the time require- oped solutions for measuring students’ progress with semi-
4 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

autonomous evaluations. The authors identified that games exercise into three tracks: description and objectives, games-
could be useful for initial motivation and student engage- pace, and scenario. Description and objectives define the scope
ment; however, with time, students’ motivation and engage- of the exercise and what learning outcome is expected to
ment levels tend to decrease. In terms of increasing pos- be achieved. Gamespace defines the exercise environment and
itive student experiences and content coverage, the study networking topology on which the exercises are planned to
yielded positive results. The authors stated that gamification be executed. In comparison, the scenario defines the set of
approaches work well when no extensive task-based assess- events expected to happen to achieve an objective. The re-
ment is involved in the education and training process. searchers argued that there might be multiple objectives and
In 2013, Amorim et al. (2013) proposed gamification as sub-objectives in a cyber-security exercise, so there would be
a new cyber-security education and training approach. They multiple scenarios to achieve those objectives. The authors
stated that the new approach should be a model-driven ap- proposed an event-based pyramid model for the representa-
proach for the agile development of cyber-security exercises. tion of exercise objective and the corresponding scenarios.
The authors further stated that in terms of simulation and Shiva et al. (2010) applied game theory concepts to dy-
emulation, exercise execution depends on the training needs. namic cyber-security scenarios and considered the interac-
The effectiveness of training exercises can be assessed with tion between attackers and defenders in the cyber-security
performance support systems. Their research was concluded scenario as a game. The researchers suggested a model with
by stating that cyber-security training requirements change rewards and punishments for the adversaries’ actions. The
with the technology. Therefore, new content and material model works by considering the Nash equilibrium as a key
for training exercises are continuously required, and model- defining point for defender strategies. The defenders try to
driven agile development techniques can achieve this. reach the Nash equilibrium to win against the attacker, while
Adam Shostack (Ada, 2020) maintained an online list of the attacker tries to avoid the zero-sum state in the game. The
table-top cyber-security games used for educational purposes. attacker receives a payoff if they can avoid a zero-sum state,
These games were mostly board and card games played be- and the whole game continues.
tween multiple players to learn different cyber-security con- Russo et al. (2018) presented scenario design and validation for
cepts in a fun and engaging manner. As of June 2020, the list next generation cyber ranges, in which they proposed a model
contained 28 games for security educational purposes, one to design, validate, automatically generate, and test cyber-
game for teaching privacy principles, three non-game decks, security scenarios. The researchers introduced scenario de-
and table-top games with some additional resources. These scription language SDL, which is used to model the scenarios.
games did not require any software to play. The SDL has 10 elements: system, firewall, policy, software, user,
principal, vulnerability, file, invariant, and goal. In the scenario,
3.2. Methods for cyber-security scenario modeling principals represent the subjects operating in the system while
a goal is the objective of the principals. The researchers exe-
Cheung et al. (2003) presented CAML (correlated attack modeling cuted the SDL on a cloud orchestration platform for scenario
language), which uses a module of small attack steps to create deployment and validation.
a cyber-security attack scenario. The modules were designed
to be very generic so that they could be used to model dif-
ferent cyber-attack scenarios. The researchers divided an at- 4. Research methodology
tack model scenario into four parts: vulnerability, exploit, attack
step, and composite attack. Vulnerability is the condition in the Numerous different research methods were employed in the
system or procedure that enables an adversary to perform ac- current work, including serious game development method-
tions that violate the security of the system and procedure, ology, ontology development methods, and model-driven en-
while exploitation is the process of exploiting a single vulnera- gineering methodology. The last one includes the devel-
bility. Attack steps are the actions of the adversary for achiev- opment of the DSL and its compiler. Furthermore, vari-
ing specific goals, while composite attack combines multiple ous quantitative and qualitative assessment methods for
attack steps. The researchers’ attack modeling methodology evaluation were used. First, for the development of serious
considered the attacker’s goal and sub-goals, developing a re- games, we used the framework in cyber-security proposed
lationship between attacker goals and the coresponding sys- by Le Compte et al. (2015). The framework provides a precise
tem events that can be observed to detect an attack. methodology for conducting research related to serious games
Liu et al. (2005) presented AIOS incentive-based modeling and in cyber-security. The framework has six steps for the de-
inference of attacker intent, objectives, and strategies. They inte- velopment life cycle and evaluation of serious cyber-security
grated attacker intent regarding the cost of action to model the games: (1) Preliminary analysis in which the available re-
attackers’ objectives. They also developed a game-theoretic sources for game development are evaluated, pedagogical ob-
AIOS formalization to capture the inter-dependencies be- jectives are defined, the target audience is identified, and the
tween attacker intent, objective, strategies, and defender ob- game mechanics are defined based on the pedagogical objec-
jective, along with the strategies to deduce AIOS automati- tives. (2) The design phase is responsible for the game’s con-
cally. They applied the developed AIOS on a real-world DDoS ceptual modeling, ensuring that the game objectives are well
scenario to validate AIOS effectiveness in modeling attack and conveyed to the players. (3) The development phase aims at
defense scenarios. developing the game based on the resources and objectives
Marshall (2009) presented CyberSMART i.e.( cyber scenario identified before. (4) Game assessment evaluates the game, in
modeling and reporting tool). They divided the cyber-security which a test group of a target audience can be used in the
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 5

game assessment process, and the feedback will then be used the roles of the Red and Blue Teams. The game provides
to improve the game mechanics. (5) The deployment phase is an opportunity for the scenario designer to develop and
the one responsible for deploying the game for real-world as- test hundreds of cyber-security scenarios before deploying
sessment and training. The final phase is the (6) the player as- them in a realistic, emulated environment.
sessment phase, in which the game’s effectiveness in achiev- 2. Domain specific language
ing its pedagogic objectives is measured. This can be achieved The DSL is used to represent the low-level technical de-
through tests, surveys, and questionnaires given to game play- tails present in the cyber-security exercise scenario. The
ers. cyber security strategy game saves an exercise scenario as
Second, to model the various concepts present in the an instance of the DSL in the form of a YAML Ben-
cyber-security exercise scenarios, we carefully analyzed the Kiki et al. (2005) file. The DSL is designed to accommodate
cyber-security exercise domain and developed an ontol- 11 key concepts related to cyber-security exercises. It can
ogy (Maines et al., 2015). This ontology highlighted various ab- be used to implement three types of cyber-security exer-
stract concepts related to cyber-security exercises that must cises, which are presented in Section 7.
be incorporated in the DSL; these are presented in Fig. 10. For 3. Infrastructure orchestration module
the development of the DSL, we employed model-driven en- The infrastructure orchestration module is a compiler that
gineering (Schmidt, 2006) techniques. These techniques are takes the DSL and performs syntax validation. If the code
used to develop the scenario language and its syntax and then has no errors, then it generates the infrastructure, as de-
to develop a compiler for the language that will process an in- scribed in the DSL. The infrastructures generated in the
stance of the scenario language and generate various usable form of HEAT (hea, 2019) and Puppet (Pup, 2020) stack and
artifacts, such as HEAT (hea, 2019) and Puppet (Pup, 2020) tem- deploy them on the open stack cloud environment. The
plates, which can be used to generate the exercise infrastruc- technical details of the infrastructure orchestration module are
ture. presented in the corresponding section.
For the verification and assessment of our developed arti-
facts, we employed both quantitative and qualitative evalua- A schematic representation of the proposed system and its
tion methods. We created a cyber-security exercise scenario layers of abstraction are presented in Fig. 1:
based on a real penetration testing activity, along with using
pre- and post-exercise survey methods (Yamin et al., 2018) to
quantify and measure the skill improvement of the exercise 6. Cyber-security strategy game
participants. For the qualitative evaluation, we used expert
feedback against a set of four predefined evaluation matrices: As discussed in Section 2, we identified the inefficiencies in
efficiency, usability, completeness, and flexibility that we identi- cyber-security exercise development (Yamin and Katt, 2018).
fied from the literature (Yamin et al., 2019). We also identified that automation could help in reducing
these inefficiencies (Yamin et al., 2018). As a first step toward
this automation, we hypothesized that serious gamification
5. Proposed system would help (Yamin and Katt, 2019b) in removing the identi-
fied inefficiencies. To validate our hypothesis, we conducted
As we have argued, the current way of conducting cyber- a survey during NCSC (Norwegian Cyber-Security Challenge)
security exercises is not efficient; therefore, we are proposing a 2019 (sta, 2019). The test subjects consisted of 25 participants
system that addresses one of the most time-consuming parts who qualified for the initial CTF round at the NCSC, in which
of the cyber-security exercise life cycle (Yamin and Katt, 2018): around 150 people participated. In the survey, we asked ques-
the preparation of an exercise scenario. Furthermore, a dry run tions about serious games for cyber-security education, evalu-
is partially covered as well. In the preparation of a scenario, a ated our developed game, and assessed players’ skill sets, the
White Team creates the environment in which the Red Team details of which are given in subsequent sections.
and the Blue Team practice their attack and defense skills. We
identified the major cyber-security scenario definition tech- 6.1. Preliminary analysis
niques (Yamin et al., 2019) in which a scenario definition lan-
guage is used for the orchestration of the cyber-security exer- The game was developed as a proof of concept by three bach-
cises infrastructure. Our proposed system utilizes the concept elor students during their final year project at NTNU (Nor-
of SDL; however, we are proposing a fundamentally new way wegian University of Science and Technology) (git, 2020). The
of creating and deploying a scenario. Our proposed system has game pedagogic objectives are to achieve the following:
three primary parts:
1. Increase player awareness of how cyber-attacks and de-
1. Cyber security strategy game fenses are conducted.
The game is used to model the network topology for a 2. Provide an understating for strategizing cyber-attacks and
cyber-security exercise scenario. The games provide an defenses.
interface for presenting high-level scenario requirements 3. Provide an understating for decision making at the opera-
and transforming them into low-level technical require- tional cyber-security level.
ments. The game is basically designed to facilitate the
process of cyber-security exercise scenario modeling and This was achieved by incorporating the concepts of pene-
validation in a simulated environment by incorporating tration testing methodology (Allen et al., 2014) and the cyber
6 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Fig. 1 – Proposed system parts and corresponding layers of abstraction.

kill chain (Hutchins et al., 2011; Yadav and Rao, 2015). These
concepts included a total of 16 skills developed after an analy-
sis of a common curriculum being taught at US-DODapproved
certification programs (Yamin and Katt, 2019a). The skill set
concepts included in the game are as follows:

• Network and system security

• Information security and management
• Cyber-security incidents and response
• Risk analysis and management
• Forensics and cryptography Fig. 2 – Percentage of the participants who thought
• Windows and Cisco device security computer games could help in cyber-security education.
• Application and web security
• Security concepts and controls

To apply the cyber-security skill set in a realistic environ- ing was carefully chosen based on the background of the
ment, a methodological approach of the cyber kill chain was participant (highly technical). Finally, the survey was admin-
used, incorporating both the attackers’ and defenders’ ac- istered, and the participants responded to the questions in
tions; the details are specifically given in Section 6.2.1. Cur- a relaxed environment to avoid any biases. Below are the
rently, the game integrates most of the stated skill set; how- findings of our survey about serious games in cyber-security
ever, a very specific skill set related to Windows and Cisco exercises.
device security still requires additional work. We planned to
use the game for cyber-security education; therefore, we set 1. Do you think computer games can help in cyber-security
the target audience age group between 16 and 25 years old. A education?
sample of 25 top-ranking individuals selected out of 150 par- The first question was a general question about the role of
ticipants of NCSC 2019 qualifiers participated in the survey; computer games in cyber-security exercises. Here, 84% of
this target audience group was selected based on the target participants considered that they could play an important
audience of the European cyber-security challenge (ecs, 2019). role, 12% were not sure about the role of computer games
We considered the sample group as a reliable indicator for in cyber-security exercises, and only 4% did not consider
such research in the Norwegian context. The survey ques- them useful. The survey findings are presented in Fig. 2.
tions were straightforward, neutral, and easy to understand. 2. Do you think practicing attack strategies in games is useful
Besides Yes and No answers, the participants were given the before launching a real attack?
option Maybe if they were not sure. One of the questions The second question was related to cyber-attack strategies.
related to computer games in general, and the other two The purpose was to identify whether it is a good approach
tackled attack and defense scenarios separately. The word- to practice a simulated attack strategy before launching a
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 7

Regarding the game mechanics, multiple cyber-security

strategy games already exist (Hendrix et al., 2016); they
are mostly turn-based strategy games. However, because of
the dynamic and complex nature of cyber-security exer-
cises, a turn-based strategy is not beneficial for develop-
ing cognitive flexibility. Therefore, we decided to develop
a real-time strategy game (Glass et al., 2013) to accom-
modate cyber-security concepts such as penetration test-
ing methodology and cyber kill chain in a multiplayer
Fig. 3 – Percentage of the participants who thought
practicing attack strategies in games is useful before 6.2. Design
launching a real attack.
6.2.1. Integrating cyber-security in a serious game
• Cyber-security exercise scenario modeling
Cyber-security exercise scenarios are quite dy-
namic, and modeling the scenarios based on specific
events (Marshall, 2009) is not useful in a multiplayer
environment. Adversary player actions can change
planned scenario events. Therefore, we opted for a no-win
condition in the cyber-security strategy game model.
The game players are given the objective to attack or
defend a system within a specific time interval. The
penetration level assesses players’ performance during
the attack or the number of attacks stopped during the
defense. For the attack and defense steps, we used Lock-
Fig. 4 – Percentage of the participants who thought heed Martin’s course of action matrix (Hutchins et al.,
practicing defense strategies in games is useful before 2011), which is widely accepted in the academic and
defending against a real attack. industrial communities; this matrix is presented in
Fig. 5.
• Penetration testing methodology
We incorporated concepts from penetration testing exe-
real attack on actual infrastructure. Here, 64% of the survey cution standards in the game design (PTE, 2020) for the
participants considered this a useful approach, 32% were attackers. These concepts deal with reconnaissance and
not sure, and 4% did not find this approach useful. The sur- information gathering about systems by using active and
vey findings are shown in Fig. 3. passive measures. Then, the gathered information is used
3. Do you think practicing defense strategies in games is use- for the identification and discovery of vulnerabilities. Af-
ful before defending against a real attack? ter this, the discovered vulnerabilities are used for the ex-
The third question was related to cyber defense strategies. ploitation and post-exploitation of the systems. Addition-
The purpose was to identify whether it is a good approach ally, performing an analysis of the exploited vulnerabilities
to practice a simulated defense strategy before defending and sharing the findings in a report is also incorporated.
against a real attack on actual infrastructure. Here, 68% of • Cyber kill chain
the survey participants considered this a useful approach, For the defenders, we incorporated the concepts from the
24% were not sure, and 8% did not find this approach use- cyber kill chain (Yadav and Rao, 2015). Cyber kill chain con-
ful. The survey findings are shown in Fig. 4. cepts are used to stop the attacker during different phases
of attacks, such as during discovery, weaponization, ex-
In Question 1, 84% of the survey participants stated that the ploitation, and so forth. The defenders have to prioritize
game could help in cyber-security education, while in Ques- the security of the assets at risk and assets protected by
tion 2 and Question 3, 64% and 68% stated that it could help in other security controls like firewalls, IPS (intrusion preven-
devising attack and defense strategies, respectively. Here, we tion systems), and so forth.
observed a slight deviation of the survey participants’ feed-
back. We believe that the majority of the survey participants 6.2.2. Actors and functionalities
considered that such games are good for cyber-security edu- • White Team
cation in general. However, the survey participants had their For White Team members, a scenario modeling interface
own experiences and skill sets regarding operational strate- is proposed in which a White Team member can cre-
gies, which we believe caused the deviation. For instance, most ate a complete network topology. The network topology
of the survey participants were good at devising attack strate- can contain interconnected components such as APIs, web
gies; therefore, they believed the game would help improve servers, computers, firewalls, IPS, and so forth. These com-
their competence in devising defense strategies and rated it a ponents have a security level that can be defined as affect-
bit higher. ing the attack and defense cost within the game. New se-
8 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Fig. 5 – Cyber kill chain course of action matrix for attackers and defenders (Hutchins et al., 2011).

curity vulnerabilities (owa, 2020) can be injected in these over, time plays an important role during the gameplay be-
components according to the need of the scenario. White cause the game is intended to be completed in a specific
Team members can also introduce cyber asymmetry by amount of time, so the game players must make quick de-
setting system vulnerabilities and exploitation levels from cisions.
low to high, depending on the exercise objectives. For ob-
serving the game, an interface for White Team members is 6.3. Development
also proposed to observe the Red and Blue Teams’ game-
play and progress in real time. The game took nearly five months from its initial planning to
• Red Team complete development. The game was developed using Unity
For Red Team members, an interface is proposed to access 3D (Unity Technologies, 2020), a standard game development
different penetration testing methods, such as discovery, engine. The game is called Red vs Blue, Cyber-security Simu-
probing, and exploitation. They also have a list of known lator. We made the game open source so that anybody can
exploits that can be used if they found a vulnerable sys- make changes to the in-game functionality per their require-
tem. However, all the systems are not vulnerable to known ments; the game source code is available at GitLab (git, 2020).
exploits, so they have a panel for researching new exploits The game’s most important component is a dynamic cyber-
related to those systems. security exercise scenario creator, which provides drag-and-
• Blue Team drop functionality of different IT infrastructure objects to cre-
For Blue Team members, an interface is proposed to have ate a network topology. The developed topology is saved in a
full visibility of the network topology in the scenario. They YAML file in the form of a scenario model. We used the devel-
have to identify whether the systems are up to date with no oped models to deploy an emulated cyber-security exercise in-
vulnerabilities; if they find a vulnerability, they can patch frastructure. The developed real-time cyber-security strategy
it. The defenders have the option to place security controls game is presented in Fig. 6. The technical details of the game
like firewalls and IPS within the topology to secure the sys- functionality are discussed next.
tems further.
• Green Team
6.3.1. Program flow
For Green Team members, an interface is proposed to
The game has two main parts: first is a scenario creator,
have full visibility of the network topology in the scenario
which was developed to help White Team members in design-
where there are live-action representations of Red and Blue
ing cyber-security exercise scenarios. A new scenario can be
Teams at the same time. This interface provides the capa-
created, or old scenarios can be edited from a YAML file in
bility to monitor the team’s performance and engage spec-
the scenario creator. The second part involves the gameplay in
tators in the game.
which Red and White Team members play the developed sce-
• Game economy
nario. The Red Team members can attack, exploit, probe, and
Every action in the game has a cost; the cost is determined
analyze the system’s components present within the scenario
by the White Team members who planned the scenario.
environment, while Blue Team members can probe, analyze,
Red and Blue Team members have to make operational
and defend the system components. There is a third part of
cyber-security strategy decisions to achieve their objec-
the game in which the whole gameplay of Red and Blue Team
tives while keeping the cost of their actions in mind. More-
members can be monitored; this is for the Green Team mem-
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 9

Fig. 6 – Developed real-time cyber-security strategy game.

Fig. 7 – Game program flow.

bers. The game program flow with its major components, is ever, the network topology can change the way the attack-
presented in Fig. 7. ers and defenders play the scenario.
• Component menus
Component menus allow the White Team members to con-
6.3.2. Scenario creator figure the component with vulnerabilities and defenses.
The scenario creators provide the White Team members with Then, they can configure the component level of exploita-
three functionalities: tion by adding high-risk vulnerabilities in it, or they can
set the component with no vulnerabilities at all. It all de-
pends on the scenario requirement and complexity. Fig. 8
• System components
represents the component menu, as seen by White Team
System components comprise computers, router, switches,
APIs, and other infrastructure-related components that
can be dragged and dropped on a 2D plane. The compo-
nents are configurable in such a way that the vulnerabili- 6.3.3. Attack and defense game play
ties or defenses associated with them can be defined. The game offers simulated attack and defense gameplay in
• Component connections which attackers can discover, exploit, probe, and analyze dif-
The component connection allows the White Team mem- ferent system components, while defenders can probe, ana-
bers to define the inter-connectivity between the different lyze, and defend different system components. Attackers and
system components. This inter-connectivity helps design defenders have realistic options available at their disposal to
wide ranges of cyber-security scenarios because system make choices like scanning a network for an attacker or patch-
components can be the same for multiple scenarios. How- ing the system and placing a firewall in front of a vulnerable
10 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Fig. 8 – Component configuration menu.

component for a defender. These attack and defense choices

have a cost that is pre-assigned by the White Team members.
There is a reward system for successful exploitation and de-
fenses, which opens other options to attackers and defenders,
like scanning for 0day vulnerabilities for the attacker and set-
ting up SIEM (security information and event management)
solutions for defenders during the gameplay. For a specific ex-
ample, consider a machine present in a network that has an
RCE (remote code execution vulnerability). If the attacker can
identify the vulnerability, then the attacker can exploit the
vulnerability with a cost of 5. The defender has two options
here: (1) patch the vulnerability, which may have a cost of 2 or
(2) to place a firewall in front of the vulnerable machine, which
may have a cost of 10. There may be multiple machines with Fig. 9 – Event logs collected during a cyber-security exercise.
the same vulnerabilities to make things complex, and patch-
ing all those machines might not be the ideal solution. So the
defender has to identify the network paths from where an at-
tacker can exploit such vulnerabilities and place the appropri-
7. Domain-specific language
ate defenses.

In connection with the strategic game, we developed a DSL

for specifying and generating cyber-security scenarios as a
6.3.4. Networking and logging part of Norwegian Cyber Range research activities; this was
The game is implemented as a client-server architecture,
done with the collaboration of one of our master’s students,
in which one instance can host a game, while multiple in-
Dunfjeld (2019). The scenario language, together with its in-
stances of attackers and defenders can join the game. When
terpreter, are publicly available on Github (Git, 2020). DSLs are
a game is hosted at an instance, it acts as a server and
programming languages used to solve problems in a very spe-
starts to listen for a TCP connection. When a client wants
cific domain compared with general purpose programming lan-
to join the server, it needs to send a request to a server,
guages, which are used to address problems in a wide area
and the server assigns the client a game lobby in which the
of domains. A DSL provides a layer of abstraction to the user
game is hosted. When a client joins the lobby, it obtains ac-
that closely matches the domain-specific problem description
cess to a messaging server in which different team mem-
and removes the unnecessary overheads of setting up frame-
bers can communicate in a textual format. The actions per-
works and writing application-specific technical code. In our
formed by the attackers and defenders and their communi-
proposed DSL, we have identified 11 key concepts required
cations are logged for a post-exercise evaluation about what
to model a cyber-security exercise scenario, which are pre-
can be done or what went wrong for a team. The logs are vis-
sented in the DSL ontology in Fig. 10. A scenario has objec-
ible to cyber-security exercise observers and are presented in
tives, such as capture or defend a flag. To achieve the objec-
Fig. 9.
tives, a scenario includes teams, challenges and phases, all of
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 11

Fig. 10 – An ontology of the main concepts of a cyber-security exercise scenario.

which have rules. Teams can be attackers or defenders trying • Start date: A date value that indicates the scenario start
to pass the challenges presented in the scenario. Challenges date in the format of dd.mm.yyyy.
includes attacking a vulnerable system or patching a vulner- • End date: A date value that indicates the scenario end
ability. These actions are performed during different phases date in the format of dd.mm.yyyy.
of the exercise, such as the start or middle phase. The chal- • Start time: A time value that indicates the start time of
lenges are presented on the node, which has vulnerabilities, the scenario in the 24 h format of hh:mm.
services and agents. The nodes are connected to the router, • End time: A time value that indicates the end time of the
which is connected to the internet for providing access to scenario in the 24 h format of hh:mm.
the exercise platform. For the language, we defined both the • Docker hosts: An integer value that indicates the number
abstract syntax and concrete syntax. Additionally, the lan- of docker hosts that are going to run virtual machines
guage compiler/interpreter has been defined and developed in the scenario.
(Voelter et al., 2013). The details are presented below. • Objectives: A list of all objectives of the scenario, which
will be explained later in more detail.
• Agents: A list of all agents that are active during the sce-
7.1. Abstract syntax
nario, which will be explained later in more detail.
• Rules: A list of all rules that need to be followed in the
The abstract syntax of the DSL is used to represent the differ-
scenario, which will be explained later in more detail.
ent concepts present within the domain; the identified con-
• Teams: A list of all teams participating in the scenario,
cepts are as follows:
which will be explained later in more detail.
Scenario properties that have list values like objectives,
1. Scenario properties
agents, rules, and teams do not contain the definition of the
There are multiple types of cyber-security exercises sce-
concepts; they just refer to the objects that have the con-
narios; the scenario concept in the DSL is used to define
cept definition.
the main properties of a scenario, which are as follows:
2. Node
• Name: A string value that is used to define the name of
The concept of a node is used to define a virtual machine
the competition or the event within which the scenario
that is present in the scenario. It has the following proper-
will be executed, such as Defcon CTF.
ties and sub-properties:
• Type: A string value used to define scenario types, such
as jeopardy and attack-defense.
12 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

• Type: A string value that is used to define the type of the • Gateway IP: A string that indicates the gateway IP ad-
node. dress of the subnet.
• Flavor: Flavor is used to allocate the amount of RAM, • Routes: A list of strings that contains the information
CPU, and storage in the cloud. It is a string value, and of routes between different subnets.
if it is not implemented, the default settings are used. 4. Service: Services are used to define the applications that are
• OS: A string value that is used to specify the operating running on the nodes and that are not vulnerable and are
system for a virtual machine. used to make the scenario more realistic.
• Public IP: A Boolean value that is used to assign a public • Type: A string value used to define a service that con-
IP address to the VM. By default, a VM is not publicly tains the information about the service that is needed
accessible, so this property is used to assign a floating to be connected to a node.
IP address to the VM. 5. Vulnerability
• Networks: A list value that is used to represent the con- A vulnerability is a component of a node, for example, an
nection of nodes in a network topology. It should at least application or a service installed in a node, that is inten-
have two of the following sub-proprieties: tionally vulnerable or contains an implementation bug or
• Router: It is the name of the router with which nodes design flaw.
are connected. • Type: A string value used to define the vulnerability type
• Subnet: A string value is used to indicate the subnets such as DoS, RCE, XSS, and so forth.
in which nodes are connected. 6. Challenge
• Port security: One or many TCP or UDP property val- A challenge concept is used to represent an exercise or a
ues used to represent the open ports on the virtual task that needs to be completed to earn points in a cyber-
machine and respective services. By default, only security exercise. It has the following properties:
SSH and ICMP ports and services are open for man- • Type: A string value used to define the type of a chal-
agement and diagnostic purposes. lenge.
• Vulnerabilities: A list value that indicates the vulnerable • Points: An integer value that represents the maximum
application and services that need to be installed on a number of points awarded after completing a challenge.
node. The detailed properties and sub-concepts of the • Port: An integer value that indicates the port number
vulnerabilities will be explained later. through which the challenge is accessed.
• Services: A list value that indicates the services that • Prerequisites: A list of strings indicates some other chal-
needs to be installed on a node. lenges that need to be completed before accessing the
• User accounts A list value that contains the user account current challenge.
details that are present on a node. It has the following 7. Team
sub-properties: The team concept is used to identify the participants’ role
• Username: A string value that indicates the user- in a cyber-security exercise. It is also used for point alloca-
name of the user. tion. There can be multiple Red or Blue Teams present in a
• Name: A string value that indicates the user’s full cyber-security exercise.
name. • Type: A string value used to define the team type, that
• Password: A string value that indicates the user pass- is, Red Team or Blue Team.
word in a hash form. • Members: A list value that contains the contact informa-
• Uid: A string value that indicates the user’s identifier. tion of each member of the team.
• Gid: A string value that indicates the user’s primary 8. Agent
group ID. Agents are used for performing specific tasks in a cyber-
• Group: A string value that can be used to override the security exercise in an automatic manner. They can be
user’s primary group value. used to generate traffic or launch autonomous attacks.
• Groups: A list value that contains the groups’ names • Type: A string value that is used to define the type of the
in which the user is present. agent like Traffic generator, Attacker, and so forth.
• Home: A string value that indicates the user’s home • Sub type: A property is used to define the sub-category of
folder. an agent. The agents can be used for traffic generation,
• ssh key: A list value that contains the ssh key, which user behavior simulation, and so forth.
is used to access the user’s account. 9. Phase
• Shell: A string value that indicates the user shell’s ad- A scenario can be broken down into multiple phases,
dress. for example, vulnerability discovery, vulnerability exploita-
3. Router tion, and so forth. Transitioning from one phase to another
A router is used to provide the necessary networking func- results in a possible change of objectives and rules defined
tionality to different nodes. It has the following properties: in this concept.
• Type: A string value used to define the type of the router. • Type: A string value used to define the type of a phase
• Network: The network property contains the informa- like start, middle, and final.
tion of all the subnets connected to the router. The sub- • Objectives: A list value that contains scenario objectives
nets have their own properties, which are as follows: in textual format with respect to a particular phase.
• CIDR: A string that indicates the IP range of the sub- • Rules: A list value that contains scenario rules in textual
net. format with respect to a particular phase.
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 13

Fig. 11 – Jeopardy-style CTF generation sample code.

• Agent:: A list of agents that are phase specific

10. Objectives
A description of scenario objectives that must be com-
pleted to successfully complete a scenario. A scenario may
have single or multiple objectives depending on the com-
plexity of the scenario.
The concepts are identified by the object identifier. The ob-
• Text: A string value that indicates scenario objectives in
ject identifier is used as a reference to that object. Each ob-
textual format.
ject needs to have a mandatory property type, which is used
11. Rules
to specify the object type. Each object has its properties as-
Rules contain information for teams in the scenario, such
signed by a property identifier. Fig. 11 presents a sample of
as ”DOS on the nodes is not allowed”.
the concrete syntax used to generate a simple jeopardy-style
• Type: A string value used to define the type of a rule
cyber-security exercise containing three docker hosts and two
like allowed or not allowed.
vulnerabilities. Here, not all elements need to be present in the
• Text: A list value that contains scenario rules in textual
scenario. For those elements that are not mentioned, default
values will be assigned, for example, routers and networks.

7.3. Compiler/Interpreter
7.2. Concrete syntax
Five steps are involved in the compilation of a DSL scenario
The concrete syntax is used to create a scenario instance. instance:
It can be generated by the real-time cyber-security strategy
game and presented in the previous sections, or a user can 1. Loading
write it directly with the help of an interactive interface. YAML The scenario file is loaded into the compiler using the
specification is used for the specification of the concrete syn- python library oyaml. oyaml preserves the dictionary order-
tax of our scenario language. It provides the necessary inden- ing of the file when loading the scenario YAML file.
tation, helping in creating hierarchical structures and repre- 2. Syntax validation
sentation of the data in lists, keys, or a combination thereof. Syntax validation is performed, and whether the loaded
All concepts of our language are defined in the form of ob- files contain the scenario information according to YAML
jects, and the structure for representing any concept in object specification or not is checked. If the file does not follow
format is identical. Below is an example of how a concept is the YAML specification, the syntax validation process fails,
represented in an object form in YAML. and compilations stop.
14 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Fig. 12 – Compilation process of DSL.

Fig. 13 – Infrastructure orchestration process from a simulated game to an emulated environment.

3. Intermediate transformation 5. Transformation

The YAML file data are transformed into a Python dictio- After semantic validation, the data structures are trans-
narytype data structure. This helps access data and apply formed into three artifacts that are usable for low-level
compilation logic in Python. One reason to choose YAML as platform-specific technology. In our case, we use Open-
a scenario specification language is its ability to be easily Stack as the cloud platform technology, which will host
transformed into a Python data structure. the final exercise infrastructure. Thus, the end result of
4. Semantic validation the transformation is a set of HEAT templates that can be
Although syntax validation can ensure that the scenario used to deploy the network and the virtual machines on
syntax is correct, semantic errors can still exist. To avoid our OpenStack-based private cloud. The details of the three
semantic errors, multiple semantic validation types were artifacts are as follows:
applied, as follows: • Infrastructure artifacts
• Verification of the input flow structure. These are artifacts that are used to build a network-
• Verification of objects that are associated with a partic- ing component and the virtual machines present in a
ular scenario type. cyber-security exercise scenario; they are HEAT tem-
• Verification of mandatory properties in objects and plates that are used to deploy the exercise infrastruc-
their values according to the required data formats. ture on OpenStack.
• Verification of optional properties in objects and their • Software artifacts
values according to required data formats. These are artifacts that are used for the installation and
• Verification of assigned OS/services/vulnerabilities in configuration of operating systems and services. They
the objects present in the compiler database. are transformed into Ansible (Ope, 2019) templates. Vir-
• Verification of assigned IP addresses and that they are tual machines have their separate configuration tem-
in the correct subnet. plates that define their settings according to the sce-
nario definition.
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 15

• External artifacts
The artifacts that are not related to software and infras-
tructure artifacts are presented as external artifacts.
They contain rules and objectives of the scenario, which
are merely textual information related to the cyber-
security exercise participants’ scenarios.

The compilation process of our DSL is presented in Fig. 12.

8. Infrastructure orchestration module

After a successful compilation of the scenario, the com-

piler also performs the provisioning process for deploying
the cyber-security exercise infrastructure. Because of this,
compilation and provisioning become a one-click process.
Fig. 13 shows how different components of the proposed sys-
tems interact with each other for the full orchestration of the
deployment of the cyber-security exercise infrastructure. This
is a multi-step process in which, first, a White Team member Fig. 14 – Emulated environment produced using the
creates the scenario topology within the cyber-security strat- developed toolset.
egy game. According to the DSL specification, the scenario is
saved in a YAML file, which is then validated and compiled
by the compiler. If the compilation process is successful, the environments can be configured to be vulnerable using Anis-
aforementioned artifacts, including the HEAT templates, are ble. These environments can support a variety of exercises
generated, and a request is generated to the OpenStack or- such as jeopardy-style CTF, attack/defense, Red/Blue teaming,
chestration API to create a stack based on the generated HEAT and so forth. A generated exercise environment using the de-
templates. For the configuration of VMs, the Cloud-init option veloped toolset is presented in Fig. 14.
of OpenStack is used, which initiates basic bootstrapping of
the VMs, such as installing Ansible and transferring SSH keys.
When nodes are created that do not have an IP address,
9. Game and players assessment
DHCP is used to allocate the IP addresses to the nodes. The
compiler makes a query to OpenStack and requests the IP ad-
To evaluate the whole toolset developed in this research work,
dresses of the nodes that were created. A waiting period is
we conducted a case study in the context of the NCSC in
added into the compiler to ensure all the nodes are set up and
2019; a summary of the results of the study are presented in
have acquired an IP address. The compiler then updates the
Section 9.5. The NCSC is used for selecting, evaluating, and
list of IP addresses and uses SSH to transfer the required con-
training the Norwegian team that will participate in the Euro-
figuration of the nodes, that is, the compiler-generated Ansible
pean Cyber-Security Challenge (ECSC). Our research team was
part of this process, and the field study was conducted in this
Ansible is a push-based configuration setup utility, mean-
context. The goal was to evaluate both the developed game
ings that for configuring a VM of the cyber-security exercise
and the scenario language toolset during one of the two qual-
scenario, an additional VM is needed to push the scenario con-
ification rounds of NCSC 2019.
figuration from within the scenario network. A manager node
is created, which receives the configuration from the compiler.
After the Ansible files are received from the compiler, a man- 9.1. Number of participants and demographic data
ager node starts pushing the configuration of all the network-
related functions and VM-related services and vulnerabilities The test subjects consisted of 25 participants, 20 male and five
based on the scenario requirements specified by the scenario’s females, who qualified for the initial CTF round at NCSC 2019,
DSL instance. in which more than 150 people participated from all over Nor-
way. All the survey participants were ethnic Norwegians be-
8.1. Nature of emulation tween the ages of 16 and 25.

The toolset produces emulation for a cloud native environ- 9.2. Task performed by the participants
ment, which is currently OpenStack based. The emulation
supports network, transport, session, presentation, and applica- The participants were given a brief tutorial about the game
tion layer protocols. However, the datalink and physical layer and how it works. The participants were seasoned CTF play-
protocols were not supported because of the inherent limi- ers and had expertise in offense techniques. Therefore, a Red
tations of cloud-native software networking (Ope, 2021). The Team game was chosen. Each participant was tasked to play
toolset can create and deploy small and large exercise envi- the game individually as an attacker for 20 min in an isolated
ronments based on the scenario requirements. These exercise environment without any external interference. They were
16 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Fig. 15 – Game scenario realism rating.

asked to critically analyze the game because they were ex- 9.5. Summary of the results
pected to provide feedback after the game session. The partic-
ipants attacked a network with no active opposition but with 9.5.1. Game assessment:
limited resources. Their decision-making process for attack- In our field study, we developed a scenario related to an or-
ing the network was evaluated. ganization’s internal network exploitation. The scenario was
based on real cyber-security incidents that involved a private
9.3. Data collection organization. The organization had an internet-facing website
that was connected to multiple APIs. The website itself was
The data for the study were collected in three ways: not vulnerable, but one of the deployed APIs was vulnerable to
RCE (remote code execution vulnerability). The attacker could
• Post-game session survey exploit the vulnerability and ingress into an internal network
A survey was conducted after the game session in which with multiple subnets. After that, the attacker had to identify
the participants were asked six questions, of which four important subnet and resources based on the retrieved infor-
questions were related to game realism and usability and mation from the network interfaces before penetrating into
two to the players’ assessment of the improvement of their the important subnet to achieve full network exploitation. On
skills, which are reported in the summary of results. the defender side, the defenders had to patch the vulnerable
• Game recordings systems and make strategies to secure the important network
The game can act as an observer, so the gameplay can be subnets with limited resources. We developed questions re-
remotely observed. This functionality was used to record lated to scenario realism in the game and the overall game
the participant gameplay for participant evaluation in usability, asking the participants to rate the game from 1 to
making real-time strategy decisions. 10, where 1 was the lowest and 10 the highest value. To ensure
• Post-game session interview correct and sound answers by all participants, they received a
An expert from CYFOR (Norwegian Cyber Force) (Cyb, 2020) short training session on the questionnaires included in the
conducted post-game session interviews with the partici- study and the meaning of the scales used before the study.
pants. The interviews were used for the psychometric anal- The findings of the survey are as follows:
ysis of the participants to assess their cognitive abilities.
1. How realistic is the current game in representing cyber-
9.4. Data analysis security exercise scenarios?
Most of the survey participants considered that the repre-
Data from the surveys were analyzed using a simple statisti- sentation of cyber-security exercise scenarios was realistic
cal method of trend line (Tre, 2020), which is a line that can be in the game. Here, 15 out of the 25 participants rated the
drawn on a scatter diagram to represent a trend in the data. game realism as more than 5, out of which two rated it 8,
In our study, the trend line is presented in histogram charts in nine rated it 7, and four rated it 4, as shown in Fig. 15.
the summary of the results. The game recordings and inter- 2. How realistic is the current game in devising cyber attack
views were used for the evaluation of individual player perfor- strategies?
mance during NCSC 2019. In the interviews, the participants The majority of the survey participants considered that
were asked to self-reflect on their experience. The details of the game was realistically devising cyber-attack strategies.
the individual participants’ cognitive performance evaluation Here, 14 out of the 25 participants rated the game realism
processes are out of the scope of this work and will be pre- at more than 5, out of which one rated it 9, two rated it 8,
sented in a study dedicated to this topic. The cyber defense six rated it 7, and five rated it 6, as shown in Fig. 16.
retrospective timeline analysis (Knox et al., 2019) was used for 3. How realistic is the current game in devising cyber defense
the qualitative evaluation of the individual participants. strategies?
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 17

Fig. 16 – Cyber attack strategies realism.

Fig. 17 – Cyber defense strategies realism.

Most of the survey participants considered that the cur-

rent game was not suitable for realistically devising cyber
defense strategies. Here, 19 out of the 25 participants rated
the game realism as less than 6, out of which four rated it
1, two rated it 2, two rated it 3, eight rated it 4, and three
rated it 5, as shown in Fig. 17.
4. Do you think that the current game can be useful for cyber-
security education?
Here, 44% of the survey participants considered that the
game could be useful for cyber-security education. In ad-
dition, 36% of the participants were not sure about the
Fig. 18 – Percentage of the participants who thought the
game’s usability, while 20% of the participants did not
developed game is useful for cyber-security education.
consider the game useful in cyber-security education, as
shown in Fig. 18.

9.5.2. Player assessment: 1. Do you think playing/practicing the cyber-security exercise

The game was successfully deployed during the NCSC scenario in a simulated/modeled game is an efficient way
2019 (sta, 2019), in which it was used for players’ assessment. to conduct cyber-security exercises?
We asked the participants to self-assess the way in which the Here, 64% of the survey participant considered that play-
cyber-security exercise was conducted and if their skills had ing and practicing cyber-security exercises in a simu-
improved. The findings of the survey are as follows: lated/modeled environment is an efficient way of conduct-
18 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

participants’ prior experiences could have yielded more accu-

rate results, which will be taken into account in future exper-
iments. Additionally, the post-survey questionnaire was only
tested by the research team, which caused threats to its valid-
ity. This is because similar instruments were not identified in
the literature. In this exploratory study, we wanted to test the
survey, and we plan to validate our instrument in future work.

10. Scenario language evaluation

Fig. 19 – Percentage of the participants who thought it is
To evaluate the developed scenario language and its related
efficient to conduct cyber-security exercises scenarios in a
toolset, including the compilation, deployment, and orches-
simulated modeled environment.
tration, two field studies were conducted in the context of the
NCSC 2019. Below, we discuss the conducted studies and their

10.1. Number of participants and demographic data

Two technical experts were used for the assessment of the

developed system. One expert from the Netherlands was ac-
tively involved in creating and deploying cyber-security exer-
cise scenarios for NCSC 2019. The other expert from Norway
has expertise in infrastructure orchestration on OpenStack us-
ing HEAT and Puppet templates.

Fig. 20 – Percentage of operational strategy decision-making

10.2. Task performed by the participants
skill improvement in cyber-security exercises.
To evaluate the developed DSL and compiler’s performance
in terms of the cyber-security exercise scenario infrastruc-
ing the cyber-security exercise. In comparison, 36% of the ture and its provision, we conducted two case studies. These
participants were not sure about it, as indicated in Fig. 19. case studies involved replicating two infrastructures used in
2. Do you think that your cyber-security exercise operational NCSC 2019. Two independent experts conducted the replica-
strategy decision-making skills have improved after play- tion. For the first time, they did not use our language toolset,
ing this game? and the second time, they used our language toolset. The ex-
Here, 20% of the survey participants considered that the perts were tasked with generating the two scenario infrastruc-
game helped them in developing their operational cyber- tures: (1) a jeopardy-style CTF and (2) an attack/defense style
security strategy skills, while 40% stated they do not see cyber-security exercise. The exact examples of both the CTF
any skill improvement and 40% were not sure, as shown in and attack/defense scenarios can be found and accessed in
Fig. 20. the Github project of the language toolset (Dunfjeld, 2019) in
the examples folder.
During the interview, one observation was that when the
expert from CYFOR asked two participants ”Why did you choose 10.3. Data collection
the selected strategy?”. The first replied that she randomly se-
lected the strategy, while the second participant replied that After replicating the infrastructure, the experts were inter-
she critically evaluated all possible strategies and then se- viewed about their experience using the developed artifacts.
lected the optimum strategy. The decision making helped the Interviews were conducted in a semi-structured form to col-
second participant secure a place on the national team. lect their qualitative feedback. The interviews contained ques-
tions about a set of four metrics used to evaluate the perfor-
9.6. Threats to validity mance of the DSL toolset qualitatively. The four metrics are as
We tried to quantify the findings of the field study by us-
ing statistical methods on a small data set of 25 partici- • Efficiency: In this metric, we measured the time required
pants. Although the data set is comparable to similar stud- by manual labor compared with the proposed system to
ies (Abbott et al., 2015), a larger data set would have provided deploy and generate the same infrastructure. Time is one
us with more insights. Moreover, we did not take notes of the observation data point; however, the experts’ opinion was
participants’ prior experiences in cyber-security exercises and also used for making the assessment.
only tested one scenario during the evaluation process. This • Usability: In this metric, we tried to identify how useful the
is because of the limited time available for the exercise par- proposed system was in generating cyber-security exercise
ticipants. Conducting the experiment with different scenarios infrastructure. Expert observation and feedback were used
and adapting (Pusey et al., 2016), the scenario according to the to assess this metric.
computers & security 110 (2021) 102450 19

Table 1 – Result of case studies.

Case study Efficiency Usability Completeness Flexibility

Replicating jeopardy 5 min with the developed tool Bare-bones structure of Limited to container-based Not flexible after
NCSC compare to 20+ minutes by 2 scenario only challenges deployment
experts without the developed
Attack and Defense 5 min with the developed tool Bare-bones structure of Limited to container-based Not flexible after
Exercises compare to 60+ minutes by 2 scenario only challenges deployment
experts without the developed

• Completeness: In this metric, we measured the capability the proposed system was only tested in NTNU’s highly cus-
of the proposed system of fulfilling the infrastructure re- tomized cloud infrastructure. There may be operational and
quirements for a given cyber-security exercise scenario. technical difficulties in other deployment environments. We
The data source for this measurement was the observa- made the proposed DSL toolset open source and hopefully will
tion made during the replication of the given infrastruc- receive feedback from other researchers about the operational
tures and experts’ feedback. and technical issues and testing to further enhance its perfor-
• Flexibility: In this metric, we tried to identify the post- mance and functionality.
deployment modification capability of a cyber-security ex-
ercise scenario generated by the proposed system.
11. Discussion and conclusion
The list of questions asked during the interviews is pre-
sented in Appendix A. In the present study, we developed a multi-layer system
(toolset) to support the planning and execution of cybersecu-
10.4. Data analysis rity exercises. The developed system bridges the gap between
two different perspectives: a strategic simulation-based seri-
The expert feedback was analyzed using a comparative analy- ous game and a low-level technical cybersecurity exercise in-
sis (Berg-Schlosser et al., 2009). Their feedback was compared frastructure. The glue that connects both of these perspectives
to establish a common understanding of the performance of is a DSL and its corresponding ontology. The language was
the system. The common understating was then used to eval- used to (1) define the input needed to configure the simulation
uate the overall system using the pre-defined qualitative met- game, (2) transform the game specification into an interme-
rics. diate scenario format, and (3) use the concrete intermediate
scenario format to generate low-level infrastructure artifacts.
10.5. Summary of the results Additionally, we conducted a case study to evaluate realism
and efficiency.
Both experts agreed that the developed tool was efficient in We developed a serious game that provides a drag-and-
deploying cyber-security exercise infrastructure when it came dropbased graphical user interface to configure the exercise
to time. For example, it took only five minutes to deploy a scenario based on the scenario language. This helped model
replica of the NCSC jeopardy scenario using the developed and test cybersecurity exercises scenario in a simulated en-
tools; in contrast, the two experts took more than 20 min for vironment before actual deployment in an emulated environ-
the same task using general purpose infrastructure orches- ment. The game provides a layer of abstraction to model cyber-
tration technologies like OpenStack HEAT. The attack/defense security exercise scenarios and test different attack and de-
scenario took the experts more than an hour to deploy, while fense strategies. In terms of cyber-security exercise scenario
with the developed tools, they were able to replicate it in modeling, we developed a DSL that enables modeling White
five minutes. However, in terms of usability, completeness, Team of the members’ role. The developed language allowed
and flexibility, there is a room for improvement because our for efficiently translating the cyber-security exercise scenario
method only provides a bare-bones infrastructure that only developed in the game’s simulated environment to an emu-
supports container-based challenges. These challenges are lated environment of an actual infrastructure.
suitable for application layer security exercises but do not pro- We conducted a case study in which we identified that the
vide much of an attack surface for network layer attacks. The game achieved its desired objectives for strategizing cyber at-
summarized results are presented in Table 1. tack and defense. The results from the case study indicate that
the game realistically represents the cyber-security exercises
10.6. Threats to validity scenario. The toolset developed during the present research
produced an emulation for a cloud-native environment, which
We used only two experts for the assessment of the proposed is OpenStack based. The emulation supports most of the ap-
system. This is because of the lack of such experts in the field. plication and network layer protocols, making it useful in con-
In the future, we will try to get the feedback of as many experts ducting cybersecurity exercises in a university setting. We
as possible to obtain more feedback of the system. Moreover, suggest that such a toolset is also useful for cyber-security ed-
20 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

ucation, which is key because practicing cybersecurity strate-

gies in a simulated environment can result in skill improve-
We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions
Currently, the scenarios developed by our toolset offer low
of the three undergrad students Christian Bråthen Tverberg,
fidelity and are not suitable for use in a military cyber oper-
Maarten Dijkstra, and Nataniel Gåsøy, and one master’s stu-
ations center and for exercises conducted to train cyber mis-
dent, Mihkal Dunfjeld, all of whom took part in ongoing re-
sion planners. For such scenarios, complex, multi-sector, and
search activities at the Norwegian Cyber Range and assisted
evolving organizational infrastructures are needed, for which
us in developing the necessary artifacts for this research.
the developed game is not yet flexible enough. Moreover, in
terms of devising cyber defense strategies, the results are not
positive. This could be because of the participants’ profiles
with experience in attacking techniques. The game’s target Appendix A. Interview questioner
audience played the game from the attacker’s perspective,
which, according to our assessment, did not give them full in- 1. How much time did it take to deploy a specific cyber-
sights into a defender’s actions and strategies. security exercise scenario manually?
Serious games can be a viable tool to model new and 2. How much time did it take to deploy a specific cyber-
unique scenarios for cyber-security exercises. The modeled security exercise scenario with the developed tool?
scenarios can be realistic and can be used to realistically de- 3. Is the deployed scenario usable for cyber-security exercise?
vise cyber-attack strategies. In terms of cyber defense strate- 4. Does the deployed scenario provide the required function-
gies, the research results are inconclusive and require further ality?
research. The developed game has been identified as a use- 5. Is the deployed scenario flexible for changes?
ful tool for conducting cyber-security exercises in an efficient 6. What do you think can be improved in the developed tool?
manner, which helps in operational cyber-security skill set im-
provement. The target audience for the game was individuals
between the ages of 16 and 25, and the game can be useful Supplementary material
for their skill improvement. However, the developed toolset
is not suitable for complex military-grade cybersecurity exer- Supplementary material associated with this article can be
cises yet. found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cose.2021.102450.
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22 computers & security 110 (2021) 102450

Muhammad Mudassar Yamin is currently doing his Ph.D. at the ability analysis Model driven software development and model
Department of Information and Communication Technology at driven security Access control, usage control and privacy protec-
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is the tion Security monitoring, policies, languages, models and enforce-
member of the system security research group and the focus of his ment
research is system security, penetration testing, security assess-
ment, intrusion detection. Before joining NTNU, Mudassar was an Mariusz Nowostawski is an Associate Professor at Norwegian Uni-
Information Security consultant and served multiple government versity of Science and Technology. Previously, an academic lec-
and private clients. He holds multiple cyber security certifications turer at University of Otago, New Zealand. His MSc studies were
like OSCE, OSCP, LPT-MASTER, CEH, CHFI, CPTE, CISSO, CBP. focused on AI and machine learning, and his Ph.D. on autonomous
systems and computational modelling of the biological process of
Basel Katt is currently working as an Associate Professor at the De- life. Mariusz has worked on high-end networking applications on
partment of Information and Communication Technology at the GPUs and multicore systems with Sun Microsystems and Oracle.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is the techni- He is currently involved in forensics research with Europol. Bitcoin
cal project leader of Norwegian cyber range. Focus of his research anonymity. Cryptocurrencies.
areas are: Software security and security testing Software vulner-

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