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1. All letters of the word ‘CEASE’ are arranged randomly in a row then the probability that two E
are found together is :
(1) 7 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1
5 5 5 5
2. Three numbers are selected randomly between 1 to 20. Then the probality that they are
consecutive numbers will be :
(1) 7 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 1
190 190 190 3
3. If the four positive integers are selected randomly from the set of positive stegers then the
probability that the number 1, 3 , 7, 9 are in the unit place in the product of 4 digitsosetected is :
(1) 7 (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 16
625 5 625 625
∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧
4. If the position vectors of the vertices A, B, C are 6i, 6j, k respectively w.r.t. origin O then the
volume of the tetranedron OABC is :
(1) 6 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) 1
6 3
∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧
5. If three vectors 2i – j - k, i + 2j – 3k, 3i + λj
λλ + 5 k are coplanar then the value of λλis :
(1) – 4 (2) – 2 (3) – 1 (4) 0
∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧
6. The vector perpendicular to the vectors 4i, - j + 3k and – 2i + j - 2k whose magnitude is 9 :
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
(1) 31 + 6j – 6k (2) 31 – 6j + 6k (3) – 3i + 6j + 6k (4) none of these
(2) log xn + 1 +c
(3) 1 log xn + 1
(4) log xn +c
xn + 1
14. Divide 10 into two parts such that the sum of double of the first and the square of the second
is minimum :
(1) 6,4 (2) 7,3 (3) 8, 2 (4) 9,1
x4 + x2 + 1
18. The value of x2 ( 1 – x2)3/2 dx is :
19. The value of xdx is :
0 ( 1 + x ) ( x2 + 1 )
20. y2 = 8x and y = x
(1) 64 (2) 32 (3) 16 (4) 8
3 3 3 3
21. If in a triangle ABC , O and O′′ are the incentre and orthocenter respectively then (OA + OB
+ OC) is equal to :
→ → → →
(1) 20′0 (2) O′0 (3) OO′ (4) 200′
→→ →→ →→ →→ →→ →→ →→ →→
22. If a + b + O = a and
çaçç = 5 çbçç = 3, çcçç = 7 then angle between a and b is :
(1) π (2) π (3) π (4) π
2 3 4 6
24. One card is drawn at random from a pack of playing cards the probability that it is an ace or
black king or the queen of the heart will be :
(1) 3 (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 1
52 52 52 52
25. 15 coins are tossed then the probability of getting 10 heads tails will be :
(1) 511 (2) 1001 (3) 3003 (4) 3005
32768 32768 32768 32768
27. The pole of the line ιx = my +n =0 w.r.t. the parabola y2=4ax will be :
→→R, f(x) = x x
30. f: R→ will be :
(1) many one onto (2) one one onto
(3) many are into (4) one one into
log(1+2ax)-log(1-bx) ,
32. If f(x) x ≠0
K , x=0
Is continuous at x = 0 then value of K is :
37. The length of normal at any point to the curve y = c cos h (x/c) is :
(1) fixed (2) y2 (3) y2 (4) y
c c c2
38. The weight of right circular cylinder of maximum volume inscribed in a sphere of diameter
2a is:
39. The intercept of the latus rectum to the parabola y2= 4ax b and k then k is equal to :
(1) ab (2) a (3) b ___ (4) ____ab___
a- b b- a b- a b- a
42. The period of çcos xçç will be :
(1) π (2) π (3) π (4) 2π
4 2
(1) differentiable (2) differentiable (3) continuous but not differentiable (4) none of these
49. The st. line x + y = 2 is tangent to the curve (x )n + (y )n = 2 at the point (a,b) then n is :
a b a b
(1) any real number (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1
50. If α,
αα ββare the roots of the equation x2 – 2x cos θθ+ 1 = 0 then equation whose roots are ααn/2 ,
ββn/2 will be :
(1) x2 – 2x cos (nθ) + 1 = 0
(2) x2 – 2nx cos(nθ) +1 = 0
(3) x2 – 2x cos(2nθ) +1 = 0
52. If sin αα+ sin ββ+ sin γγ = 0 cos αα+ cos ββ+ cos γγ then sin2 αα+ sin2 ββ+ sin2 γγ is equal to :
(1) 2_ (2) - 3_ (3) 3 (4) 0
3 2 2
(1) log (√3 ± √2) (2) log (√3 ± 1) (3) log (2 ± √3) (4) none of these
55. The image of the point (- 1, 2) in the st.From
line x –
2y = 3 is :
56. The locus of the middle point of the intercept made by x cos αα+ y sin αα= p on axes is :
(1) x2 + y2 = p2 (2) x2+y2=4p-2 (3) x2+y2= p2 (4) x2+y2=4p-2
57. The locus of the middle point of the chord of length 2ιι to the curve x2 + y2 = a2 will be:
(1) x2+y2=a2ι2
(2) 2x2+2y2=ι+a2
(3) x2+y2 = ι2+a2
(4) 2x2+2y2 = a2-ι2
58. The equation of the circle whose diameter is common chord to the circles x2+y2+2ax +c= 0
and x2+y2+2by+c= 0 is:
(1) x2+y2- 2ab2 x + 2a2by +c=0
a2+b2 a2+b2
59. If (3, λ)
λλ and 5,6) are the conjugate points to the curve x2+y2= 3 then λλis :
(1) -1 (2) 1
(3) -2 (4) 2
60. The equation of the pair of tangents at (0,1) to the circle x2+ y2 – 2x -6y +6 = 0 is:
(1) 3(x2-y2)+4xy-4x-6y+3=0
(2) 3y2+4xy-4x-6y+3=0
(3) 3x2+4xy-4x-6y+3=0
(4) 3(x2+y2)+4xy-4x-6y+3=0
65. The two vertices of triangle are (2, - 1), (3, 2) and the third vertex lies on x + y = 5. The area
of the triangle is 4 units then the third vertex is :
(1) (0,5) or (1,4) (2) (5, 0) or (4, 1) (3) (5, 0) or (1, 4) (4) (0, 5) or (4, 1)
66. If 2 a+ b + 3c = 0 than the line ax + by + c = 0 passes through the fixed point that is:
68. The equation of the circle passing through (2a, 0) and whose radical axis w.r.t. the circle x2 +
y2 = a2 is x = a will be :
(1) x2+y2+2ay=0
(2) x2+y2+2ax=0
(3) x2+y2-2ay=0
(4) x2+y2-2ax=0
69. The circles x2+y2+2ax+c=0 and x2+y2+2by+c=0 touches each other then:
(1) a2+b2=c2 (2) 1 + 1 = 1 (3) 1 + a = 1 (4) 1 - 1 = 1
2 2 2 2 2
a b c a b c a2 b2 c
70. The pole of the polar w.r.t. the circle x2+y2 = c2 lies on x2+y2 = 9c2 then this polar is tangent to
concentric circle whose equation will be :
(1) x2+y2= 4c2 (2) x2+y2= c2 (3) x2+y2 = 9c2 (4) none of these
9 4
71. In a G.P. (m + n)th the term is a and (m-n)th term is 4 then mth term will be :
(1) -6 (2) 1/6 (3) 6 (4) none of these
73. If 10 points lie on a plane out of which 5 are on a st-line, then total number of triangles
formed by them are :
(1) 120 (2) 110 (3) 150 (4) 100
77. 2 ac - b2 a2
ac 2 ab - c2 b2
c2 b2 2 b c - a2
78. If for any two square materscies A and B, AB= A, BA= B than A2 :
(1) B2 (2) adj A (3) B (4) A
79. 1 3 6
If A 3 5 1 then adj. A is :
5 1 3
(2) 14 4 - 22
4 -22 14
-22 14 4
(3) - 14 4 22
4 22 -14
22 - 14 4
(4) 14 -4 - 22
-4 -2 2 14
-22 14 -4
80. The A.M. of any two numbers is 16 and their H.M. = 63 then their G.M. will be :
(1) √3 (2) 6 √3 (3) √7 (4) 6 √7
(2) 2n ( n + 1 ) ( n + 2 ) ( n + 3 )
(3) ( n + ) ( n + 2 ) ( n + 3 )
(4) n ( n – 1 ) ( n – 2 ) ( n – 3 )
82.Out of 14 players there are 5 bowlers. Then the total number of ways of selecting a team of 11
players of which at least 4 are bowlers are :
(1) 275 (2) 264 (3) 263 (4) 265
83. If ( 1 + x) n = C0 + c1x + C2x2 + ….+ C n x n then the value of C1 + 2C2 + 3C3 + 4C4 + ….+ nC n
will be :
(1) 2 n-1 (2) n . 2 n-1 (3) 2 n (4) 0
84. If the coefficients of the second third and fourth terms in the expansion of ( 1 + x)2n are in
A.P. then 2n2 – 9n is :
86. If A = 2 3 and B= 1 2
1 2 3 3 then :
2 4
87. If A = 1 k then A n =
0 1
(1) n nk (2) n kn
0 n 0 n
(3) 1 nk (4) 1 kn
0 1 0 1
88. ç ( 1 – i ) ( 1 + 2i ) ( 2 – 3i ) ç=
ωω+ bω
89. (a + b ) (aω ωω2) (aω
ωω2 + bω
ωω =
91. If α,
αα ββare the roots of the equation x2 – 5x – 3 = 0 then the equation whose roots are
1 , 1 will be :
2 θθ - 3 2 ββ - 3
93. The sun of numbers divisible by 7 and lies between 100 to 300 will be :
(1) 5486 (2) 8588 (3) 5086 (4) 5586
97. If one root of the equation 2x2 – bx + c = 0 is square of the other then :
(1) b2 – 4ac = θ (2) ac (a + c + 3b) = b3
(3) ac = b 3
(4) none of
99. If the first term of an infinite G.P. scries is 1 and its every term is the sum of the next
successive terms then fourth term will be :
(1) 1_ (2) 1 (3) 1 (4) 1
16 8 4 2
1.(3) 2.(2) 3.(4) 4.(1) 5.(1) 6.(3) 7.(3) 8.(2) 9.(2) 10.(1) 11.(2)
12.(2) 13.(3) 14.(4) 15.(4) 16.(4) 17.(1) 18.(4) 19.(4) 20.(2) 21.(3) 22.(2)
23.(1) 24.(2) 25.(3) 26.(1) 27.(1) 28.(1) 29.(3) 30.(4) 31.(4) 32.(4) 33.(4)
34.(1) 35.(4) 36.(3) 37.(3) 38.(3) 39.(4) 40.(3) 41.(2) 42.(3) 43.(3) 44.(2)
45.(2) 46.(1) 47.(4) 48.(3) 49.(1) 50.(1) 51.(4) 52.(3) 53.(3) 54.(4) 55.(2)
56.(4) 57.(1) 58.(3) 59.(3) 60.(2) 61.(4) 62.(4) 63.(4) 64.(4) 65.(3) 66.(1)
67.(1) 68.(3) 69.(4) 70.(2) 71.(3) 72.(4) 73.(3) 74.(4) 75.(1) 76.(3) 77.(1)
78.(4) 79.(4) 80.(4) 81.(3) 82.(2) 83.(2) 84.(3) 85.(3) 86.(1) 87.(3) 88.(1)
89.(3) 90.(1) 91.(4) 92.(2) 93.(4) 94.(3) 95.(4) 96.(3) 97.(2) 98.(1) 99.(2)