Reducing The Cytotoxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles by
Reducing The Cytotoxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles by
Reducing The Cytotoxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles by
The safety of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) remains a critical concern considering that they are a
common constituent in cosmetics and sunscreen formulation. In our study, the cytotoxicity of pristine
ZnO NPs in a human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line was found to be significantly reduced
when the NPs were pre-incubated in a supplemented cell culture medium for 24 h prior to actual cell
exposure. These pre-coated particles developed a stable protein layer on their surfaces, which facilitated
further protein adsorption during the cell culture process. The amount of proteins adsorbed on pre-
coated NPs was significantly larger and the affinity between the NPs and proteins was stronger, which
inhibited both ROS generation and ZnO dissolution and resulted in lower cytotoxicity compared to
Received 27th July 2015
Accepted 25th August 2015
pristine NPs. Our studies on the continued evolution of a hard protein corona on ZnO NPs in a
supplemented cell culture medium and its effects on cytotoxicity demonstrate an effective and
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra14870g
convenient way to achieve safe biomedical and environmental applications of ZnO NPs and may be extrapolated to other classes of engineered nanomaterials.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 73963–73973 | 73963
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NP surface (hard corona) due to the Vroman effect.12 The within the whole range of tested NP concentrations (up to
normal cell culture duration (i.e. 24 h used in most cytotoxicity 100 mg L1). This suggests that pre-incubation of ZnO NPs in
studies) is sufficiently long for the hard corona to develop.13,14 supplemented cell culture medium signicantly mediated the
The composition of the hard protein corona is very stable and as toxicity of pristine NPs. This observation is consistent with our
a result of its long residence time, the hard corona remains previous report that ZnO NPs coated with components from cell
adsorbed to the NPs during biophysical events such as endo- culture medium elicited low cytotoxicity to WIL2-NS cells.9 To
cytosis15 and is therefore more relevant for determining the understand the mechanisms leading to the reduced toxicity of
physiological response of cells to NP exposure. It has been pre-coated ZnO, NP dissolution, cellular uptake and ROS
reported that the rapid formation of the hard corona within the generation, that are three key determinants of the toxicity
cellular response time mitigates the toxicity of the original NP paradigms of ZnO NPs were measured for both pristine and pre-
core.16–18 However, in our previous study, pristine ZnO NPs with coated ZnO NPs.
in situ formed hard corona exhibited higher toxicity to WIL2-NS Fig. 1b presents the dissolution kinetics (release of ionic Zn
cells than NPs with a pre-coated protein layer.9 from ZnO particles) in supplemented RPMI 1640 cell culture
The composition of protein corona and its binding kinetics medium at 37 C. Both pristine and pre-coated ZnO NPs
Published on 27 August 2015. Downloaded on 10/22/2020 11:34:45 PM.
strongly depend on the physicochemical properties and exhibited similar dissolution proles, i.e. a fast dissolution rate
concentration of the NPs.19 Hence, the protein coating of NPs within the rst 6 h followed by an equilibrium plateau. The
plays a primary role in determining the effective size, surface equilibrium solubility of pre-coated ZnO NPs (0.9 mg L1,
charge, and aggregation state of the newly formed bio- 1.8 wt%) is signicantly lower than that of pristine ZnO NPs
nanomaterials, inuencing the biodistribution and triggering (1.7 mg L1, 3.4 wt%), suggesting that pre-coated particles had
benecial or adverse effects on the host system.20,21 The protein higher stability in supplemented RPMI 1640 cell culture
structure varies when the surface functionalization of the NP is medium and released less Zn ions to the solution. The low
different. For example, native, amine (–NH2) and carboxy weight percentage of dissolved species also implied that the
(–COO–) modied SiO2 NPs were examined following incuba- majority of ZnO was present in the form of NPs. Different
tion in mammalian growth media containing FBS. The reports have shown that NPs exposed to cells in serum-free
composition of the protein corona for each of the three types of conditions can enter cells with higher efficiency than when
NPs was unique, indicating a strong dependence of corona they are covered by a corona in biological uids.13,23 In our
development on NP surface chemistry.22 Such understanding study, we used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in an
hints the possibility that ZnO NPs with a pre-coated protein attempt to locate and quantify the numbers of particles in each
layer behave differently from pristine NPs in protein adsorption, cell. However, the contrast between ZnO particles and biological
thus rendering lower cytotoxicity. matrix is too low to enable identication. Recently, some new
In this paper, the cytotoxicity of pristine ZnO (uncoated) and strategies involving synchrotron radiation analytical techniques
ZnO NPs with pre-coated protein layer were investigated. The have been developed to directly probe and quantify particles
latter was prepared by incubating uncoated ZnO NPs in RPMI distributed throughout the cellular interior.24,25 The study on
1640 cell culture medium supplemented with 10% FBS at 37 C how to employ these new methods to our cellular system is on-
under a humidied atmosphere with 5% CO2 for 24 h, then going and beyond the scope of this paper.
isolated and dried. The production of reactive oxygen species Using antioxidant response element (ARE) reporter cells is
(ROS) and dissolution of the two types of NPs were measured to one of the reliable and sensitive in vitro methodologies to
understand their toxicological responses. The physicochemical measure the oxidative stress response in cell models based on
variations between pre-coated and pristine ZnO NPs were the mechanism of mRNA transcription regulation by Nuclear-
studied in both dry state and in supplemented cell culture factor-E2-related factor (NRF2).26,27 According to our previous
medium. The in situ protein corona and pre-coated protein layer report, transcriptional level usually had a quick response from
on the ZnO NPs were compared and their effects on cytotoxicity 4 h to 12 h and the signal peak was found at 8 h for NRF2
were discussed. To our knowledge, this is the rst study on the luciferase reporter test.28 Therefore HepG2-ARE cell line was
continued evolution of hard protein corona in the supple- used to assess the ability of ROS production aer exposure to
mented cell culture medium. NPs for 8 h. The correlation between luciferase activities (an
indicator of oxidative stress and ROS level) and NP concentra-
2. Results tion is shown in Fig. 1c. The oxidative stress induced by pristine
NPs increased with the increase of NP concentration and
2.1 Cytotoxicity, NP dissolution and oxidative stress reached a maximum when the NP concentration was 25 mg L1.
Fig. 1a shows the dependence of human hepatocellular carci- At higher NP concentrations (50 mg L1 and 100 mg L1),
noma (HepG2) cell viability on NP concentration (0–100 mg L1) detected luciferase activities decreased signicantly as a result
in the presence of pristine and pre-coated ZnO NPs. For pristine of dramatic cell death (shown in Fig. 1a). Comparatively, pre-
ZnO NPs, the cell viability reduced signicantly (from 90% to coated ZnO NPs triggered modest luciferase activities up to
20%) when particle concentration increased from 20 mg L1 100 mg L1, suggesting no accumulation of intracellular ROS
to 50 mg L1 and further dropped to 15% when the concen- level within the range of tested NP concentrations. In order to
tration increased to 100 mg L1. In contrast, the cell viability in reveal the possible reasons leading to variations in dissolution
the presence of pre-coated ZnO NPs remained high (85%–95%) and ROS generation between pristine and pre-coated NPs, the
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Zn 1.00 1.00
O 0.82 1.68
C 0.34 1.36
N ND 0.29
Na ND 0.01
Ca ND 0.03
P ND 0.10
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general, the average particle size was smaller than that in Fig. 2a
which is most likely due to limited ZnO dissolution. A close
observation of single particles suggests the presence of cloud-
like protein that adsorbed on the NP surfaces. The particle
size and shape of pre-coated ZnO NPs aer another 24 h incu-
bation (Fig. 5b) were very similar to those of pristine ZnO NPs
(Fig. 5a), but the outlines of the NPs were even more blurred. A
higher magnication image showed a similar cloud-like protein
corona on the NP surface. And overall, the NPs were covered by a
protein layer, which may include previous protein coating
during pre-incubation and newly formed protein corona.
73968 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 73963–73973 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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and C1s edge, respectively. No obvious differences were iden- 3.1 Protein adsorption and ROS generation
tied between the two survey spectra, i.e., except for Zn, O, and
In cellular mitochondria under normal conditions, ROS are
C, both spectra designate the presence of N, P, Na, and Ca
generated at low levels and are neutralized by antioxidant
components from the cell culture medium. In Fig. 6b, the
enzymes such as glutathione (GSH). When exposed to excessive
intensity ratio of the peaks (C–N: 286.5 eV, N–C]O: 287.9 eV,
levels of ROS resulting in depletion of GSH and accumulation of
C]O: 290.0 eV due to protein adsorption) to the hydrocarbon
oxidized glutathione (GSSG), e.g., under the conditions of
peak (C–H: 285.0 eV attributed to adventitious carbon)
oxidative stress, cells react by mounting further protective or
increased for the pre-coated NPs compared to the pristine NPs. injurious responses.32
This suggests that a large amount of proteins was detected in In this study, signicantly higher oxidative stress was
the pre-coated NPs.
detected when HepG2-ARE reporter cells were exposed to pris-
Detailed examination on adsorbed proteins was performed
tine ZnO NPs, which agrees well with our recent observation
using SDS-PAGE. Gels of proteins from pristine and pre-coated
using dichloro-dihydro-uorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA)
ZnO NPs (both incubated in supplemented cell culture medium
assay.33 ZnO NPs are able to induce ROS resulting from their
for 24 h) were shown in Fig. 7a. It is clear that some proteins
semiconductor properties. Unlike metals, which have a
Published on 27 August 2015. Downloaded on 10/22/2020 11:34:45 PM.
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largely the same, with BSA being the most abundant. However, equilibrium of this complex therefore was stalled as the local
the quantities of proteins on pre-coated NPs were signicantly zinc ion concentration within the corona was high and stable,
larger than those detected on the pristine NPs. The pre-coated unlike the situation when zinc ions are released by pristine NPs
ZnO NPs have an existing stable hard protein corona, and its and then diluted by the vast volume of solvent without the
presence increased further adsorption of proteins during the presence of the corona. In addition to this, as aforementioned,
cell culture process. While for the pristine ZnO NPs, some released zinc ions could also play an essential role in protein
adsorbed proteins were loosely bound to NP surface (so tertiary structure, such as zinc ngers.51 In other words zinc ions
corona) and were easily washed off. The elevated protein could integrate with serum albumin and other proteins to
adsorption in the form of strongly bound hard corona on pre- stabilize or alter their structures. With the presence of more
coated ZnO NPs is likely to be a cause for their lower ROS proteins on pre-coated NPs, the likelihood for released Zn ions
generation compared with the pristine NPs. to be involved in above Zn ions–protein interaction is also
The protein corona consists of proteins and other biomole- higher, thus reducing the level of detected Zn ions in solution
cules, which adsorb onto the NPs to reduce their surface energy, and further impacting cytotoxicity.
thereby rendering a new complex unit interacting with cells.
Published on 27 August 2015. Downloaded on 10/22/2020 11:34:45 PM.
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5.3 Cell culture, cell viability and oxidative stress tests Electron Microscope (TEM, JEOL, 100CX-II, Japan). The specic
surface areas of NPs were determined by the Brunauer–
HepG2 cells and their derivative ARE reporter cells (HepG2-ARE)
Emmett–Teller (BET) using a Micromeritics Tristar II 3020
were cultured at 37 C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere in RPMI 1640
instrument. Interactions between protein coatings and surfaces
medium supplemented with 10% FBS. HepG2-ARE was con-
of the ZnO NPs were investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared
structed from Cignal Lenti ARE reporter assay kit (SABio-
(FTIR) spectroscopy using a PerkinElmer FTIR 2000. The
sciences, Frederick, MD, USA) and maintained aer cellular
thermal stability of pre-coated ZnO NPs was studied using a
monoclonal process. This cell line was used to assess the ability
Setaram Setsys Evolution 1750 Thermal Analysis system. The
of ROS production induced by extrinsic toxicants as previously
surface chemistry of pristine and pre-coated ZnO NPs was
described.28 All cells were seeded at a density of 5 103 cells per
quantitatively determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
well in a 96-well plate supplemented medium and incubated for
(XPS). Specically, powdered ZnO samples were placed in
24 h. The medium was then replaced with 100 mL of medium
individual wells of a sample holder and were irradiated with
containing various equivalent concentrations of NPs. Aer
X-rays under ultra-high vacuum using a Kratos HS spectrom-
co-cultured with NPs for 24 h, cytotoxicity was measured using
eter, tted with a monochromated Al Ka source. Wide scan
CCK-8 Kits (Dojindo Molecular Technologies, Tokyo, Japan)
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The data were expressed as mean standard deviation (mean
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SD). All the statistical analyses were implemented using SPSS
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v19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). A one-way analysis of variance
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following a post hoc least-signicant difference multiple
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comparison test was used to compare the uncoated and pre-
Published on 27 August 2015. Downloaded on 10/22/2020 11:34:45 PM.
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