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Equity Swaps 3

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The document discusses pricing and valuation of equity swaps. Equity swaps involve exchanging equity returns for fixed or floating rates. Key differences from interest rate swaps are discussed.

For equity swaps, either party can make or receive payments depending on the stock return. The stock return is also not known until the end of the period unlike interest rates. Equity swaps can have variable notional amounts.

The value is calculated using the current stock index level, bond prices for future dates, and the terms of the swap. The rate on a swap where one party pays fixed is the same as a vanilla interest rate swap.



Version date: August 20, 2008 C:\Classes\Teaching Notes\TN97-15.doc

An equity swap is a transaction in which one party agrees to make to the other a series of
payments that are determined by the return on a stock or stock index. The other party, in turn,
makes to the first party a series of payments that can be at a fixed rate, a floating rate or the
return on another stock or index. An equity swap is designed to replicate the returns that would
be earned from buying the stock, which could have been purchased by either selling other stock,
borrowing at a fixed rate or borrowing at a floating rate. Alternatively an equity swap can be
used to remove exposure to a stock or index from a portfolio, replacing it with some other type
of exposure. In recent years equity swaps have also been used to reduce the risk of an
executive’s large investment in the firm in the form of stock and/or options.
Equity swaps differ in several ways from interest rate swaps. Since a stock return can be
negative, the party receiving the return on the stock will have to pay the return on the stock when
the stock goes down. Thus, in contrast to an interest rate swap where party A makes an interest
payment to party B and party B makes an interest payment to party A, an equity swap can have
one party making and one party receiving both payments. For both equity and interest rate
swaps, however, the exchange of cash is usually done by netting the amounts owed, so there is
only one cash amount transferred from one party to the other. Another way in which an equity
swap differs from an interest rate swap is that, while the floating rate on an interest rate swap is
typically set at the beginning of the settlement period, the return on the stock is not known until
the end of the period, at which time settlement is made.
In spite of these differences, equity swaps are remarkably similar to interest rate swaps.
In fact as we shall see in this note, the rate on an equity swap where one party pays a fixed rate is
the same as that on a plain vanilla interest rate swap.
The following material borrows heavily from my co-authored paper, “The Pricing of
Equity Swaps and Swaptions,” listed in the references.
In the examples here, we shall assume a $1 notional principal. We shall also assume that
the equity return is either from a non-dividend paying stock or index of stocks or that the equity
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 1 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
payoff is based on a total return index, which reflects capital gains and dividends. Specifically
we define the equity factor as a total return index whose value at time j is I(j). We let B(j,k)
represent the value at j of a zero coupon bond with $1 face value that matures at k. Each swap
we examine is a transaction in which the upcoming payments will be made at times n+1, n+2, ...,
n + m. The beginning of the current settlement period is at time n, with the previous payment
made at time n. We are currently positioned at time j, n ≤ j < n+1. When we price the swap at
its initiation date, we let j = n and call it time 0. We require no assumptions about the stochastic
process associated with the index. Furthermore, we require no assumptions about the term
structure other than it being observable and arbitrage-free. Hence, stochastic interest rates are
permitted. When we price equity swaps with a variable notional principal, however, we shall
require a deterministic term structure. Finally, we assume no taxes, transaction costs or market
making. These factors can affect the pricing of equity swaps, but to include them here would not
be beneficial.
Pricing Equity Swaps with a Fixed Notional Principal
In equity swaps with a fixed notional principal, one counterparty pays the return on the
equity index applied to a constant notional principal. To the other counterparty this specification
is equivalent to a transaction in which it has invested in the equity index but withdraws the return
each period, a process that could be described as periodic rebalancing to a constant dollar
investment. With one party paying the equity return, the other party can pay either a fixed
return, a floating return or the return on another equity index. We examine each of these cases in
To the party paying the fixed rate and receiving the index return, the stream of payments
on this swap is as follows:
At time n+1: [I(n+1)/I(n)] - (1 + R)
At time n+2: [I(n+2)/I(n+1)] - (1 + R)
At time n+m: [I(n+m)/I(n+m-1)] - (1 + R)

D. M. Chance, TN97-15 2 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps

This specification properly reflects the receipt of the percentage change in the index versus
payment of a fixed rate per period of R. 1 At time j we define the value of a swap in which the
current settlement period began at time n and the swap matures at time n+m as V(j;n,n+m),
which is the present value of the above stream of payments.
We can replicate these payments as follows. Position ourselves at time j, n < j < n+1. To
reproduce the first cash flow, simply invest I(j)/I(n) dollars in the index and borrow (1 +
R)B(j,n+1). At time n+1, the cash flow will be (I(j)/I(n))(I(n+1)/I(j)) - (1 + R) = I(n+1)/I(n) - (1
+ R), which is the first cash flow on the swap. To reproduce the second cash flow, at time j
borrow (1 + R)B(j,n+2) and invest B(j,n+1) in the risk-free asset. At n+1, the risk-free asset will
be worth $1, which should then be invested in the index. The debt is not due until n+2. At time
n+2, we will have I(n+2)/I(n+1), the value of our investment in the equity index, with debt due
of 1 + R. This reproduces the second cash payment of the swap. To reproduce each remaining
cash payment, we follow a similar procedure. The value of these combined transactions at j is
the same as the value of the swap as derived above, which is
I( j) m
V ( j; n, n + m ) = − B( j, n + m ) − R ∑ B( j, n + i ) .
I (n ) i =1

Our formula can be used to determine the equilibrium swap rate at the start of the swap by
simply letting the start date of the swap be time j, which is set to time n, which we shall call time
0. Then setting (1) to zero and solving for the fixed rate gives
1 − B(0, m )
R= m
∑ B(0, i )
i =1

Note that the level of interest rates at the start of the swap, and not the level of stock prices,
completely determines the swap rate. During the life of the swap, however, Equation (1) shows
that its value is determined by a combination of interest rate and stock price movements.
It may be surprising to learn that the fixed rate on an equity swap is the same as the fixed
rate on a plain vanilla interest rate swap. To see this result, consider a plain vanilla swap where
the present value of a series of floating payments less the present value of a series of fixed
payments at the rate F is

In practice the rate R is usually stated as an annual rate so if the settlement period is not a year, then R is multiplied by
(days/360) where days is the number of days in the settlement period. Sometimes 30 day months are assumed. Also 365 is
sometimes used instead of 360.
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 3 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
1 − B(n, n + m ) − F∑ B(n, n + i ),
i =1

which, when set to zero and solved for F, gives the same formula as the one derived for R in
Equation (2).
Some equity swaps are structured so that instead of paying a fixed rate, the party pays a
floating rate such as LIBOR. Since we demonstrated that the fixed rate on an equity swap equals
the fixed rate on a plain vanilla swap, it follows that the pay-floating, receive-equity swap is an
equivalent exchange, meaning that it automatically has zero value at the start. It is not necessary
to build in any terms to the contract. It is important, however, to obtain a general valuation
formula that applies at any time during the life of this swap. A pay-floating, receive equity swap
can be decomposed into a pay-fixed, receive-equity swap plus a plain vanilla pay-floating,
receive-fixed interest rate swap. The value of the former is given by Equation (1). The value of
the latter at time j, using the notation chosen here, is well known to be
R ∑ B( j, n + i ) + B( j, n + m ) − [1 + r (n, n + 1)]B( j, n + 1),
i =1

where r(n,n+1) is the floating rate set at n that will be paid at n+1. Adding this result to Equation
(1) gives
I ( j)
V( j; n, n + m ) = − [1 + r (n, n + 1)]B( j, n + 1).
I(n )
Of course at the start or immediately after a payment is made at any settlement date, the above
expression will reduce to zero. 2
Now consider a two-way equity swap where each party pays the equity return on a
different stock or index. We assume that the returns are based on two domestic equity indices, I1
and I2. We assume $1 notional principals on both sides. From the perspective of the party
paying the second index and receiving the first index, the first payment is

I1 (n + 1) ⎛ I (n + 1) ⎞ I1 (n + 1) I 2 (n + 1)
− 1 − ⎜⎜ 2 − 1⎟⎟ = − .
I1 (n ) ⎝ I 2 (n ) ⎠ I1 (n ) I 2 (n )

Likewise, the second payment is

This occurs because I(n)/I(n) = 1 and [r(n,n+1) + 1]B(n,n+1) = 1, the latter result due to the fact that it is equal to the value of a
$1 par floating rate bond at the upcoming coupon reset date.
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 4 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
I1 (n + 2 ) I 2 (n + 2 )
− .
I1 (n + 1) I 2 (n + 1)
Thus, the last payment would be
I1 (n + m ) I (n + m )
− 2 .
I1 (n + m − 1) I 2 (n + m − 1)
To price this swap we replicate its cash flows and set its value to the value of the
replicating portfolio. To accomplish this, at time j we invest I1(j)/I1(n) dollars in index 1 and sell
short I2(j)/I2(n) dollars of index 2. At time n+1 we liquidate these positions, which will produce
a cash flow of (I1(j)/I1(n))(I1(n+1)/I1(j)) - (I2(j)/I2(n))(I2(n+1)/I2(j)) = I1(n+1)/I1(n) - I2(n+1)/I2(n),
which is the first cash flow of the swap. To reproduce the second cash flow, we need do nothing
at time j. At time n+1 we sell short $1 of index 2 and use the proceeds to buy $1 of index 1. At
time n+2 we liquidate the position for a cash flow of I1(n+2)/I1(n+1) - I2(n+2)/I2(n+1), which is
the second cash flow of the swap. Likewise to reproduce the kth cash flow of the swap we need
do nothing at time j, but at time k-1 we sell short $1 of index 2 and use the proceeds to buy $1 of
index 1. Then at time k, we liquidate those positions. Consequently, at time j the value of the
swap is the value of the initial long and short positions necessary to reproduce the first cash flow
only, which is
I1 ( j) I 2 ( j)
V ( j; n, n + m ) = − .
I1 (n ) I 2 (n )
All remaining cash flows can be reproduced with a self-financing strategy of shorting the second
index and using the proceeds to buy the first index. At the start of the swap, we have time 0 = j =
n, which sets the value to zero. Obviously, no “pricing” is required as the series of futures cash
flows is an equivalent exchange. Unlike the fixed-for-floating equity swap, however, two-way
equity swaps have zero value immediately after payment at each reset date, as indicated by the
fact that the remaining cash flows are replicated by shorting $1 of index 2 and using the proceeds
to buy $1 of index 1.
Now consider a swap in which a party pays a domestic equity index return and receives a
currency-adjusted return on a foreign index. Letting the domestic index be I2 and the foreign
index be I1, we obtain the valuation formula in a straightforward manner.

D. M. Chance, TN97-15 5 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps

Let S(n) be the spot exchange rate at time n and S(n+1) be the spot exchange rate at time
n+1, both defined as units of the domestic currency per unit of the foreign currency. The value
of the next payment after conversion to the domestic currency will be
I1 (n + 1)S(n + 1) I 2 (n + 1)
− .
I1 (n )S(n ) I 2 (n )
Valuation of this type of swap is quite simple. We need only define the underlying index
in terms of its value times the exchange rate I1(j)S(j). With this in mind, pricing the cross-
currency two-way equity swap follows the same approach as the standard two-way equity swap.
All swap payments beyond the first have zero value. Thus,
I1 ( j)S( j) I 2 ( j)
V ( j; n, n + m ) = − .
I1 (n )S(n ) I 2 (n )
Again, we see that at initiation of the swap, time 0 = j = n, the value is by definition zero, and no
“pricing” is required. In fact, the standard two-way equity swap is just a special case of the
cross-currency equity swap, the case in which both indices are denominated in the same currency
and the exchange rate is always 1.0.
Pricing the Equity Swap with a Variable Notional Principal
Some equity swaps are structured with a variable notional principal. To see the reason
for this suppose we entered into a two-year equity swap to receive the return on a stock index
with annual payments on $1,000 notional principal. The first year the stock went up by 10%,
and the second year the stock went up by 15%. Under a fixed notional principal equity swap, we
would receive $100 the first year and $150 the second year. Had we actually invested in the
stock, however, the market value at the end of the first year would be $1,100. Consequently, the
second year our capital gain would be $1,100(0.15) = $165. A variable notional principal would
make the equity swap reproduce a transaction in which a given amount is initially invested in the
index, returns are paid out and shares are purchased with the returns. Note, however, that
adjusting the notional principal overcompensates, because we receive $150 at the end of the first
year and $165 at the end of the second year. Had we bought the actual stock we would have
earned $165 at the end of the second year only if we had left the $150 invested. In a sense this
swap is leveraged, since it implicitly allows the party to receive the returns and borrow an
equivalent amount to reinvest in the stock. Thus, this type of swap has greater upside potential
and, consequently, must require a higher fixed payment. To offset this effect would require that
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 6 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
we make no payments until the end of the life of the swap and then pay out the return over the
full life of the swap. Some swaps are structured this way, but they are easily accommodated by
the first model we examined under the assumption of but one settlement period.
In this section we initialize the notional principal at $1 and allow it to vary, as described
above, according to the return on the underlying equity index. 3 In this section we do only the
standard pay-fixed, receive equity swap. The remaining swaps can be obtained from these
results and those in the previous sections.
Letting the notional principal on payment n+1 be $1, the first payment is

($1)⎡⎢ I(n + 1) − 1 − R ⎤⎥ .
⎣ I(n ) ⎦
The second payment is
⎛ I(n + 1) ⎞ ⎡ I (n + 2 ) ⎤ I (n + 2 ) ⎡ I(n + 1)⎤
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎢ − 1 − R⎥ = − (1 + R )⎢ ⎥.
⎝ I(n ) ⎠ ⎣ I(n + 1) ⎦ I(n ) ⎣ I(n ) ⎦
Note how the first term in parentheses reflects the changing notional principal. The last payment
⎛ I (n + m − 1) ⎞ ⎡ I (n + m ) ⎤ I (n + m ) ⎡ I (n + m − 1)⎤
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎢ − 1 − R⎥ = − (1 + R )⎢ ⎥.
⎝ I (n ) ⎠ ⎣ I(n + m − 1) ⎦ I (n ) ⎣ I(n ) ⎦
At time j to reproduce the first payment we must invest I(j)/I(n) dollars in the index and
borrow (1+R)B(j,n+1) dollars. Then at time n+1 we liquidate the index, which will create a cash
flow of (I(j)/I(n))I(n+1)/I(j) = I(n+1)/I(n), and pay off our loan, costing us (1+R). The net cash
flow is the same as that of the first swap payment.
Reproduction of the second cash flow is considerably more difficult. In fact indexation
of the notional principal will force us to drop one of our highly valued assumptions, which is that
interest rates are stochastic. We must now assume deterministic interest rates in order to know
how much to borrow to reproduce the swap cash flow. At time j to reproduce the second cash
flow we invest I(j)/I(n) dollars in the index and sell short (1+R)(I(j)/I(n))B(n+1,n+2) dollars of
the index. Note that B(n+1,n+2) is a forward discount bond price. At time n+1 our short
position is worth -(1+R)(I(j)/I(n))B(n+1,n+2)I(n+1)/I(j) = -(1+R)B(n+1,n+2)I(n+1)/I(n). We
cover our short position by borrowing that amount and using it to buy back the stock. Then at
In comparison to the example we use here, in some equity swaps the notional principal varies according to the net swap
payment, which is the equity return minus the fixed rate. This case is easy to derive following the approach used here.
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 7 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
time n+2 we liquidate the index position and receive cash of (I(j)/I(n))I(n+2)/I(j) = I(n+2)/I(n).
We then pay off the amount due on our loan, which is
-(1+R)B(n+1,n+2)(I(n+1)/I(n))/B(n+1,n+2) = -(1+R)I(n+1)/I(n). The overall cash flow matches
the second cash flow on the swap.
To reproduce the kth cash flow of the swap we follow the same procedure, investing
I(j)/I(n) dollars in the index and selling short (1+R)(I(j)/I(n))B(k-1,k). At time k-1, we borrow
(1+R)B(k-1,k)I(k-1)/I(n) dollars and use the proceeds to cover our short position. Then at time k
we liquidate both positions for a net cash flow of I(k)/I(n) -(1+R)I(k-1)/I(n), which is the cash
flow from the kth swap payment.
The overall value of the swap at time j is the sum of the values of all of the transactions
executed at time j, which is
I ( j) ⎡ m

V( j; n, n + m ) = ⎢ m − (1 + R )∑ B(n + i − 1, n + i )⎥ − (1 + R )B( j, n + 1) .
I(n ) ⎣ i=2 ⎦
At the start of the swap, time 0 = j = n, we simply set the above to zero and solve for R.
There are numerous other variations of equity swaps, including some that have caps and
barriers. We refer the reader to Chance and Rich (1998) for material on the pricing of these
exotic swaps.
The appendix contains numerical examples for each of the above types of swaps.

Consider the following information, which defines the U. S. term structure and will be
used to price and value equity swaps maturing in three periods. The notation r(0,a) is the spot
rate of interest for the period from time 0 to time a. B(0,a) is the price of a zero coupon bond for
the period 0 to a. The information used here is the same as that used in TN97-06: Pricing
Interest Rate and Currency Swaps.
r(0,1) = 0.08, r(0,2) = 0.09, r(0,3) = 0.10
B(0,1) = 1/[1 + 0.08(360/360)] = 0.9259
B(0,2) = 1/[1 + 0.09(720/360)] = 0.8475
B(0,3) = 1/[1 + 0.10(1080/360)] = 0.7692
The forward prices will also be required. They are
B(1,2) = 0.8475/0.9259 = 0.9153
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 8 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
B(2,3) = 0.7692/0.8475 = 0.9076.
For purposes of analyzing swaps that involve stock indices of two countries, we shall require a
second country, which we choose to be Switzerland. Let the spot exchange rate for Swiss francs
be $S(0) = $0.70. The total return index representing the U. S. stock market, I2(0) is worth
1,200.00, and the index representing the Swiss market is worth I1(0) = 7,700.00.
For a receive-equity, pay-fixed swap based on the U. S. total return index with a fixed
notional principal, the fixed rate is easily found from Equation (2):
1 − 0.7692
R= = 0.0908.
0.9259 + 0.8475 + 0.7692
Recall that this is the same rate as that on the plain vanilla interest rate swap, which we found in
the appendix to TN97-06.
For a receive-equity, pay-floating swap, both sides are variable, and there is no need to
derive pricing terms because the swap automatically has zero present value at the start.
Suppose that the swap involves the payment of the total return on another U. S. stock
index, which we shall assume is at 580.00. As in the receive-equity, pay-floating swap, there is
no need to solve for pricing terms at the start, since both streams of cash flows have equivalent
Now consider the swap in which we agree to pay based on the U. S. total return index and
receive payment based on the Swiss total return index. Once again, with both sides of these
payments being variable, there is no need to solve for pricing terms at the start.
Now let us go back to the receive-equity, pay-fixed swap but make the notional principal
be variable. At the start of the swap, using Equation (6), we have
1, 200.00
V ( 0;0,3) = ⎡3 − (1 + R )( 0.9153 + 0.9076 ) ⎤⎦ − (1 + R ) 0.9259 = 0.0
1, 200.00 ⎣
Solving for R gives 0.0901.
Valuation of Equity Swaps
Now let us move six months into the swap’s life and determine the values of these equity
swaps given that we now have new information. We have a new term structure in the U. S. and
Switzerland as shown below:
r(0.5,1) = 0.082, r(0.5,2) = 0.094, r(0.5, 3) = 0.105
B(0.5,1) = 1/[1 + 0.082(180/360)] = 0.9606
D. M. Chance, TN97-15 9 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps
B(0.5,2) = 1/[1 + 0.094(540/360)] = 0.8764
B(0.5,3) = 1/[1 + 0.105(900/360)] = 0.7921
The forward prices are
B(1,2) = 0.8764/0.9606 = 0.9123
B(2,3) = 0.7921/0.8764 = 0.9038
The forward rates are
r(0.5,1,2) = {([1 + 0.094(540/360)]/[1 + 0.082(180/360)]) - 1}(360/360) = 0.0961
r(0.5,2,3) = {([1 + 0.105(900/360)]/[1 + 0.094(540/360)]) - 1}(360/360) = 0.1065
These rates imply forward prices of 1/1.0961 = 0.9123 and 1/1.1065 = 0.9038, which we shall
Let the new exchange rate be $0.725. The U. S. stock index has now gone to 1207.25
and the Swiss index has gone to 7810.50. The other U. S. stock index is now 591.15.
The receive-equity, pay-fixed swap with fixed notional principal has a value given by
Equation (1) of
1, 207.25
V ( 0.5;0,3) = − 0.7921 − 0.0908 ( 0.9606 + 0.8764 + 0.7921) = −0.0248.
1, 200.00
The receive-equity, pay-floating swap with fixed notional principal has a value given by
Equation (3) of
1, 207.25
V ( 0.5;0,3) = − (1.08 )( 0.9606 ) = −0.0314 .
1, 200.00
The relationship between these two equity swaps and a plain vanilla swap is easily seen in these
values. If we also entered into the first swap (receiving equity and paying fixed), we would have
a value of -0.0248. If also we entered into the opposite version of the second swap (receiving
floating and paying equity), it would have a value of 0.0314. We would then have the equity
payments cancel, leaving us with receiving floating and paying fixed, a plain vanilla swap. The
difference in these two swap values, -0.0248 + 0.0314 = 0.0066, is the value of a plain vanilla
swap, which we determined in the appendix to TN97-06.
Now consider the two-way equity swap in which we are paying the return on the index
originally at 1200.00 and receiving the return on the index originally at 580.00. With the two
indices now at 591.15 and 1,207.25, the value of the swap from Equation (4) is

D. M. Chance, TN97-15 10 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps

591.15 1, 207.25
V ( 0.5;0,3) = − = 0.0132.
580.00 1, 200.00
Now consider the swap in which we pay the return on the U. S. index and receive the
return in Swiss francs on the Swiss index. From Equation (5) this swap has a value of
7,810.50 ( 0.725 ) 1, 207.25
V ( 0.5;1,3) = − = 0.0445.
7, 700.00 ( 0.70 ) 1, 200.00

Note how value changes arise from changes in both the stock indices and the exchange rate.
Recall that when pricing the swap with variable notional principal, we were forced to
assume deterministic interest rates. Now we have allowed interest rates to change along with the
stock index. We can find the new value based on the formula, which will be
1, 207.25
V ( 0.5;0,3) = ⎡3 − (1.0901)( 0.9123 + 0.9038 ) ⎤⎦ − (1.0901)( 0.9606 ) = −0.0207.
1, 200.00 ⎣
There would also appear to be an inconsistency in pricing the swap this way. As we have
seen, the no-arbitrage argument does not hold if interest rates are stochastic. Note, however, that
this type of problem is the same as assuming constant interest rates and volatility in the Black-
Scholes model or constant interest rates and yield in the cost of carry model for forwards. It is
not the ideal way to do it, but it is probably better than a more complex model.


There is very little literature on equity swaps. Listed below are the primary sources.

Chance, D. M. and R. Brooks. An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 7th ed.
Mason, OH: South-Western (2007), Ch. 15.

Chance, D. M. and D. Rich. “The Pricing of Equity Swaps and Swaptions.” The Journal of
Derivatives 5 (Summer, 1998), 19-31.

Bolster, P., D. Chance and D. Rich. “Executive Equity Swaps and Corporate Insider Holdings.”
Financial Management 25 (Summer, 1996), 14-24.

Jarrow, R. and S. Turnbull. Derivative Securities, 2nd ed. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing
(2000), Ch. 14.

Marshall, J., E. Sorensen, and A. Tucker. “Equity Derivatives: The Plain Vanilla Equity Swap
and Its Variants.” The Journal of Financial Engineering 1 (1992), 219-241.

D. M. Chance, TN97-15 11 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps

Rich, D. R. “A Note on the Valuation and Hedging of Equity Swaps.” The Journal of Financial
Engineering 1 (1995), 323-334.

D. M. Chance, TN97-15 12 Pricing and Valuation of Equity Swaps

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