Synopsis ON: Wellness and Recreation Center
Synopsis ON: Wellness and Recreation Center
Synopsis ON: Wellness and Recreation Center
A Place to Develop Physical, Mental and Social wellness.
Submitted by
Debashree Mahanto
Regd. no-1701010005
9 th Sem, B.Arch.
Guided by
Ar. Abhilash Padhi
Wellness and recreation center.
The development of a healthy society depends on the development of each human being. A
wellness center is a building that offers health services for mind and body as it provides
fitness services, personal training, nutrition counselling and skin care services like spa, gym,
naturopathy, cosmetic parlour, ayurvedic massage, herbal medicines, magneto therapy,
colour therapy, acupuncture, healing garden and pet parks.
It serves as a vital aspect for medical tourism. This project will serve as a wellness
commercial hub that will consist of spaces designed to provide all wellness related facility
where city people as well as tourists can enjoy various types of wellness and recreational
activities in a same place.
Due to the surge of covid-19 urban life style is correlated with severe stress, inadequate
physical activity and environmental related hazards. Hence creating wellness and recreation
center for the betterment of a city within an urban area is necessary to promote mental and
physical health, in urban residents by providing relaxation space that will stimulate social
cohesion, physical activity.
Nowadays due to busy schedule and lack of time people desire to have all required
commodity to be present in one place. In present scenario there are facilities but they are all
segregated and people are unaware due to their location or they may not be aware of its
existence. Thus, keeping in mind this project will serve as a large-scale wellness commercial
hub that will accommodate all wellness amenity at center of the city to provide easy
The aim of the project is to design a wellness center that would cater to all aspects of
wellness in a same place, for all age group that will lead to overall physical, mental and
social wellness.
To formulate design solution to achieve social development goals and at the same
time become a center of exploration for the people of the community.
To properly design and segregate spaces for each age group.
To meet the needs of the city people and tourists.
Center will accommodate all wellness amenity in one place.
Keeping in view the growth of wellness business in India, design should be created
which will be able accommodate future facilities to make it sustainable.
To include biophilic design to produce a higher level of environmental awareness and
nature connectedness for higher quality health and wellbeing.
o This project has a wide scope of applicability within a city as it will act as a space
where a user will be able to get wellness aid.
o This project will promote wellbeing and encourage people to look after their health.
o In the center people would find refuge and would be stress-free during their visits.
o The center will also boost economic growth of the city.
o It would not cater to severe cases of psychiatric patients.
o It would not accommodate each and every amenity for recreational activity.
o Studying the requirements of the project.
o Literature study for the best understanding of the subject.
o Visiting sites for reference and case study.
o Detailed analysis of the site.
o Evolution of concept for designing.
o Finalizing the structures and requirements.
o Creating an eco-friendly design for the project.