Anarga Fernando: Personal Statement
Anarga Fernando: Personal Statement
Anarga Fernando: Personal Statement
Nikini Automation Systems (Pvt) Ltd, Colombo, Sri University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2016)
Lanka (2020)
Department of Computer Science Engineering
Introduction to Industrial Automation Data Entry Operator for Translation Software
Utilized FLUIDSIM software in modelling Development Project in collaboration with the
pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and hydraulic Department of Official Languages, Sri Lanka.
Executed basic wiring of a PLC series
Programmed and controlled a simple PLC
system remotely (interfacing of Motor drivers KEY PROJECTS
and HMI devices)
Tech-Advancement for the Visually Impaired
ALCM in Piano Performance (2019) Designed and developed an Arduino controlled
wearable system -equipped with a buzzer and
London College of Music, University of West vibrating motor along with ultrasonic sensors – in
London order to assist the visually impaired to navigate with
Diploma In Piano Performance (2017) speed and confidence with the
help of ultrasonic waves.
London College of Music, University of West
Mechatronic Design Project: Automated Vehicle
Height Adjustment System
Designed an effective vehicle height adjustment
EXTRA-CURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR system and successfully developed a 3D model of
ACTIVITIES the system integrated to controllers, sensors and
actuators that continuously monitors and identifies
School road obstacles in such a way that the suspension
Chess Club (2007 - 2014) system can vary the height accordingly
District level tournaments - 2011-2013
Western Orchestra (2007 - 2015)
Mechatronic Design Project: Semi-Automated
Sinhala Orchestra (2008 - 2015) Drain Cleaner
Leader - 2014 Designed a mechanism to automate the separation
Music Circle (2012 - 2015) and disposal of large solids from effluent in existing
Mathematics Society (2014 - 2016) drainage systems where use of manual effort may be
English Literary Society (2010-2011) hazardous or impractical.
General Excellence Certificate for Academics
(2009 - 2013, 2015)
Rotaract Club of KDU - General Member
Electronics, Robotics and Innovation Club KDU-
General Member
I hereby certify that the above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
MD Anarga Fernando