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Manual: Limba Moderna Engleza, Clasa A III-a, Editura Litera

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Unitate: Scoala Gimnaziala, Grup Scolar Agricol ‘’Iordache Zossima’’, Armasesti Avizat,

Profesor : Anca Oana Hayat

Clasa a III-a , 2h/sapt

An scolar: 2021-2022

Manual: Limba moderna engleza, clasa a III-a, Editura Litera

Planificare calendaristică
an şcolar 2021-2022

Nr. Unităţi de Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. Săpt. Obs.

crt. învăţare Ore
1 Revision Revising previously 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages. 8 S1, S2, S3,
learned materials 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics. S4
(numbers,colors, 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from friends,peers,
animals teacher.
2 Unit 1 1a Daily routine 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known 8 S5, S6, S7,
1b My family contexts. S8
A day of my life 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of
Vocabulary: daily simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
routines, clock, 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address,
telling the time, people, hobbies, habits.
family members, 2.3 Describe objects or houses.
abilities 3.1 Identify information in simple texts
Structures: the verb
‘to be’, the verb
‘have got’,
adjectives, the verb

3 Unit 2 2a Food we like 8 S9, S10, S11,

2b Happy birthday ! S12
Let`s party !
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known
• food
1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of
• party items
simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
• buy things
2.2 Identify and present everyday activities.
• like / don`t like
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
• at the market
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
4.1 Fill in a form with personal information
 present
 prepositions
of movement
Project: Write a
description of a
4 Revision (Units 1 - 2) 4 S13, S14
5 Unit 3 3a Animal World 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known 8 S15, S16,
3b At the Theatre contexts. S17, S18
Adventure 1.2 Follow simple guided instructions to achieve an objective.
time !
Vocabulary: 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of
• animals simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
• theatre 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address,
• books people, hobbies, habits.
• describing different 2.3 Describe objects or houses.
animals 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.

prepositions of
place, plurals,
Project: Write about
your neighborhood
6 Unit revision All 4 S19-S20
7 Unit 4 4a 8 S21, S22,
4b S23, S24
Around the year Vocabulary: jobs,
! 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known
daily routine, free
- time activities,
1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of
school subjects
simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
Structures: present
2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address,
simple, adverbs of
people, hobbies, habits.
2.2 Identify and present everyday activities.
prepositions of
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1Identify information in simple texts.
Project: Write about
your daily routine and
favourite subject
8 Holidays Christmas 8 S25, S26,
Easter 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of S27, S28
Halloween simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
Other celebrations 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.

9 Unit revision 6 S29, S30,

10 Revision 6 S32, S33,

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