Synopsis Report BMI Calculator
Synopsis Report BMI Calculator
Synopsis Report BMI Calculator
Bachelors of Technology
Specialized in
Uttaranchal University
(Jan 2021)
List of figures & tables………………………….(ii)
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Project Modules
4. Methodology
5. Schedule of Activities
6. Experimental Results
7. Future Aspects
8. Conclusion
This is to certify that the project report entitled “BMI Calculator –
WEB Application” presented by Mansi Chaurasia, Hardeep Singh,
Chirag Mandyal& Arpit Parmar in the partial fulfilment for the award
of “Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering” is a record of work carried out by them under my
supervision and guidance at the department of Computer Science and
Engineering at Uttaranchal Institute of Technology, Dehradun.
It is also certified that this project has not been submitted at any other
Institute for the award of any other degrees to the best of my
As we can see in the above python program that we first import the required
modules from the PyWebIO library. Then we create a class calculation in
which we create BMIcalculator() method classifies a person based on the
BMI passed as parameters.
After that from the user we take two inputs as for calculation we need height,
mass, and then we calculate the result BMI by using the BMI formula and
pass them as parameters in BMIcalculator() which computes BMI and
classifies the weight category as per as result of BMI.
Methodology & Designs
This research adopts the steps of waterfall model which progress from one
phase to another linearly, as illustrated in Figure.
Waterfall model was chosen because parts of the application are generally well
understood. It can be observed from Figure 1 that the study commenced with
stage 1 - the requirements specification. User and application requirements need
to be gathered in order to obtain clear picture pertaining to the specific features
of the application. Table 1 shows the relationship between user and the
application requirements.
Schedule of Activities
The researchers developed meal suggestions on the application utilizing App
Inventor 2. The suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner are based on the
number of calories needed by the user, which also taking into account several
favourite Malaysian dishes. BMI Calc Android Application development using
App Inventor 2 is described below.
Then, the third stage of BMI Calc application development (Coding) was the
implementation stage. Testing was performed concurrently with the
programming of the web application. The overview of BMI Calc operation is
displayed. Two inputs are demanded from the users which are height and
weight. Once this information is inserted in the application, user’s BMI will be
calculated based on the aforementioned formula. As a result, the user’s BMI
category together with suitable meal suggestion for that particular category will
be displayed.
Afterwards, stage four involves integrating and testing BMI Calc Application
before it can be fully utilized by users. All of BMI Calc functions must be tested
to ensure that it is error free and the end result meets user requirements as
determined earlier in the study. Finally, stage five requires that the developers to
perform frequent operation and maintenance so that BMI Calc keeps on
functioning at its best ability.
Experimental Results