The financial transactions are to be ____________ Collected and Sampled and Grouped and
AC2 leading to different steps in Accounts Compilation. computed stratified summarized Assets and liability C
____________ is/are used to set relationships
AC3 between tables. Primary key Candidate key Both A and B Neither A nor B C
The methods LIFO, FIFO, Moving Average are used Value clearing
AC4 to ____________ Value closing stock stock Value expense stock Value income stock A
The crosstab query displays values in a spreadsheet Categories with Relation groups Summary total of Record types and
AC17 as ____________ summary totals and totals columns totals A
The first step in Tally before any transaction is
AC18 entered or saved is creating a ____________ File Company Project Application B
The append query copies into the target table only
those fields that are found in the source tables'
AC19 ____________ QDB grid Data grid Select grid QBE grid D
To configure country specific details use the function
AC20 key ____________ F10 F2 F12 F11 C
This action query helps in creating a backup copy, Make-Table
AC21 editable copy, subset data of a table. Make-Update query query Make-data query Make-view query B
AC22 Identify the security mechanism used in Tally. Tally Secure Tally Pack Tally Group Tally Vault D
The extension of a new database file in MS Access is
AC23 ____________ .dbm .dbs .mdb .ddm C
The basic document where transactions are entered
AC24 chronologically is ____________ Ledger Journal Voucher Trial Balance B
This join is created when one field within a table refers
AC25 to another within the same table. Cross-join Table-join Self-join Inner-join C
After selecting a company in Tally, you will be in the Gateway of
AC26 ____________ Accounts of Tally Tally Entry of Tally Groups of Tally B
The inner joins in MS Access are created on the Field names and data Field types and Table types and field Record types and
AC27 basis of ____________ types data values names column values A
Tally software is based on ____________ accounting
AC28 system. Sales Production Mercantile Manufacture C
The count, Avg, Max, Var functions are called
AC29 ____________ functions. Formatting Aggregate Compute Access B
Identify the correct expression to find the average Avg([stud].[sub1]+[stu Avg(sub1+sub2 [Stud].[sub1]+[stud].[s Avg([stud].[sub1]+[sub
AC31 value for each students' two subject scores. d].[sub2]) ) ub2] =avg 2]) A
All financial entries in Tally are done using
AC32 ____________ Vouchers Groups Journal Ledgers D
Choose the data type that can store a student's email
AC33 id in the database. OLE object Lookup Hyperlink Memo D
The Direct expenses, Purchase account, Direct
AC34 income are primary groups of ____________ Capital nature Expense nature Revenue nature Income nature C
The action query that changes the data in a field at
AC35 one go is ____________ Append query Update query Insert query Select query B
The option to delete a sub-group is admissible
AC36 through the menu ____________ Alter Delete Display Shift A
The credit note voucher can hold account types: Sales account, Sales Ledger account, Suppliers account, Buyer's account, Cash
AC62 ____________ tax account Bank account Purchases account account A
Name the control that uses an expression as its
source of data, and the expression in turn uses the
AC63 fields of a table. Bound control Field control Data control Calculated control D
The suffix and prefix details for the voucher type can
AC64 be made applicable only from the ____________ End of a month First of a year First of a month End of a month C
This button is used to add, modify, delete or navigate
AC65 through records. Command button Combo button Content button Calculate button A
The voucher used to record all bank and cash
AC66 payments is ____________ Credit Note Contra Sales Note Payment D
This data type can store a picture, sound or a word
AC67 document. OLE object HTML object Hyperlink object OLM object A
The accounts that the business owns is called
AC68 ____________ Liability Income Sales Asset D
This view helps to test the working of a text box
AC69 control. Form view Datasheet view Both A and B None of the above C
Tally's age-wise analysis considers the voucher's
AC70 ____________ Previous date Effective date Current year Configured date B
This is an Access object used to pull off data from a
AC71 table, query or a form in a printed format. Report Form Sheet List A
Arrange the steps in generating the books of
1. Create Trial balance
2. Create new ledgers
3. Generate Day Books
AC72 4. Update journals for financial transactions 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4, 2 2, 4, 3, 1 3, 4, 2, 1 C
Identify the report section which is present for each
AC73 record in the report. Group Footer Detail Header C
For day-to-day transactions the voucher types used
AC74 are Credit purchase Cash purchase Both A and B Contra purchase C
This section appears only once at the beginning of the
AC75 report only. Group Footer Page Header Page Footer Report Header D
Say for example a payment is made to a creditor ABC
- Rs.10000 by cash, it can be entered into the
AC76 voucher type….. Loan Payment Receipt Sales B
The field list of a table can be added into the report
AC77 from the ____________ Table menu View menu Format menu Data menu B
AC89 The tables of a database are created from this view. Tool view Menu view Table view Design view D
The expenditure for running the business for a period
AC90 is ____________ Expense Example Taxes Income A
AC91 A macro in Access is a set of ____________ Calls Actions Tables Values B
This displays the balance daywise for a selected
AC92 voucher type. Record book Ledger book Journal book Day book D
We can create macros with complex conditions using
AC93 the ____________ Expression builder Form builder Macro builder Data builder A
The feature in Tally to analyze accounts of a company Account
AC94 is ____________ Ratio analysis analysis Data analysis Transaction analysis A
This Access page has a connection to database, with
Web interface to view, edit and manipulate data Data Access
AC95 stored in a database. Field Access Page Page Web Access Page Form Access Page B
The age-wise statement is displayed based on
AC96 ____________ Income Payables Expenses Loans B
To access macros of a report or form with a single
AC97 name, you create a ____________ Macro set Macro links Macro group Macro list C
The ratio analysis of receivables can be done based
AC98 on ____________ Bill date Effective date Voucher date Previous date A
Identify the accounting feature in tally that facilitates Month-less Yearly-entry Period-less Transaction-number
AC110 splitting financial years for a company data. accounting accounting accounting accounting C
A field that can uniquely identify a record and also
AC111 allows records to be sorted by its entries. Candidate key Data key Primary key Entity key C
Identify the account type by the rule: "Debit the Personal
AC112 receiver and credit the giver". Real accounts accounts Nominal accounts Expense accounts B
Result set
The INTO clause of the select query specifies Result set creates a appends to a Result set removes
AC113 ____________ new table table from a table Result set list of a table A
The tracking of changes in vouchers and ledger
AC114 masters is done by ____________ Tally Vault Tally Audit Tally Report Tally Group B
BC35 Identify the disk which has an access time of 30ms. Zip disk Floppy disk Winchester disk Jaz disk C
A set of tracks across a set of platters in a hard disk
BC36 is called a________________________ Disk Cylinder Spiral Block B
The bus used to connect a CD-ROM to your
BC37 computer is____________.. SCSI PCI MCA DAT A
The________________________..is an auxiliary
BC43 sequential access non-volatile storage device. Winchester disk Zip disk Magnetic tape Magneto-optical drive C
The portable device that optimizes the features of the
BC44 floppy and the CD-ROM is____________. Hard disk Jaz disk DAT drives MO drives D
The important central module of an operating system
BC45 is the____________.. Memory module Data module Kernel module I/O module C
Identify the function of the operating system that I/O
BC46 manages the tasks waiting to be processed. Job management management Batch management Data management A
This function of the OS manages allocation of a Virtual memory
BC47 minimum main memory to tasks. Disk storage Memory storage storage Extended storage C
Identify the multitasking type that slices CPU time to
BC48 each program. Paralleling Cooperative Dividing Preemptive D
The OS which allows different parts of a single
BC49 program to run concurrently is____________.. Multithreading Multiprocessing Multitasking Multiprogramming A
A super computer uses a bus width
BC5 of________________________ 16 bits 256 bita 64 bits 8 bits C
The OS that monitors external activities with timing
BC50 constraints is____________. Multi-user Real-time Multitasking Multithreading B
The 32bit operating system for desktop version that Win 2000 Win 2000 advanced
BC51 replaces Win 9x is____________.. Win 2000 server datacenter Win 2000 professional server C
The high-level logical disk structure which defines the File allotted
BC52 way the entire disk is organised is ____________.. Frame allocation table table Format allocation type File allocation table D
BC53 A collection of sectors on a hard disk is a Block sector Cluster Block Table B
DB12 The data object in the system is called____________. Attribute Relationship Entity Application C
DB13 Identify an object which can qualify as an entity. Name Date Title Employee D
____________ is represented by a diamond in the ER
DB14 diagram. Attribute Entity Occurance Relationship D
The process of minimizing duplication and
inconsistencies in structuring data is
DB15 called____________.. Association Relationship Normalization Conceptualization C
Identify the cardinality of this relationship: A club has
DB16 many members. 1:1 1 :N N : 100 M :1 B
Identify the cardinality of this relationship: One
DB17 purchase order is raised by an order requisition. 2:1 1:1 1 :N 2 :N B
This normal form checks if each field contains unique
DB18 and non-repeating information. 3NF 2NF 1NF BCNF C
This is an attribute whose value determines other
DB19 values within a row in a relational table. Determinant Datamain Mainfield Prime attribute A
DB2 The database system comprises of ____________.. Software People Data All of the above D
The database model which shows relationships as
links between records, is
DB20 called________________________ Network model BCNF model Relational model Hierarchical model D
This model can be broken down into two or more
DB21 hierarchical models. Relational model Super model Network model Associate model C
The relational model organizes data into
DB22 a____________.. Matrix Modules Entities Tree link A
The specific range of values of a field within a table is
DB23 called____________.. Attribute domain Attribute limit Attribute values Attribute data A
This represents a single entity occurrence within the
DB24 entity set. Table Tuple Attribute Field B
Missing, inapplicable and unknown values in the
DB25 database are represented by ____________. Zero Blank No Null D
The number of Codd's rules that an accepted
DB26 Relational DBMS has to satisfy. 12 10 6 4 C
These are devices that control computer input and
DB3 output ____________. Computer peripherals Softwares Computer Ports A
The software that manages all the hardware
components and interfaces with other softwares on Operating Daatabase system
DB4 the computer____________.. Application software system software software Utility software B
____________.. decides the content, internal
DB5 structure and access strategy for a database. DBA DBMS DB DML A
The digital signature is a Digitally signed hash Key generation Algorithm for the Hash value of the
DS10 ________________________. result of the message of the message message image algorithm A
A trusted third party to associate a signer with a
specific public key is called the
DS11 ________________________ Key Authority Crypto Authority Certification Authority Signer's Authority C
Web browsers
Personal digital certificate can be used with Data bases and and S/MIME Websites and photo Communication media
DS15 ____________. softwares applications share softwares B
While downloading software from Internet, Developer Microsoft
Certificate is used in conjunction with Microsoft Authentication Microsoft
DS16 ________________________. Microsoft authority TM software key message AuthenticodeTM D
The Certifying Authority provides the following Issuing, revocation storage and Issuing, costing and Retrieval, storage and
DS17 services: and status period storing informing A
The dialog box that displays the format and help for
EX21 function is called the________________________ Formula list Formula palette Formula bar Formula dialog B
Identify the function that calculates "what a loan or
investment will be worth at a later time when all
EX22 payments have been made". PV FV Nper Pmt B
Identify the error message when the formula contains
EX23 a blank cell (0 value). ### #REF Div 0! C
The formula contains
The column is not The formula has unknown text or
The error code : #NAME? tells us wide enough to the wrong type unknown named The formula attempts
EX24 that____________.. display the value of argument range to divide by zero C
A technique to identify the source of formula errors Trace
EX25 is____________.. Formula tool dependents Trace data Formula list B
Identify the formula to multiply the corresponding
components in the given arrays and return the sum of
EX26 those products. Sumif() Fact() Summary() Sumproduct() D
Display cells Number of cells that
Number of cells with with the value Number of cells with does not have value
EX27 Interpret the formula =countif(B2:B5,">55"). the value <55 >55 the value >55 55 C
The tool used to view the results and the formula Formula
EX28 applied is ____________.. Formula listing auditing Formula link Formula function B
The output of the formula =ROUND(21.5,-1)
EX29 is____________.. 21 22 23 20 D
The last column name in a worksheet
EX3 is____________.. AZ ZA IY IV D
EX40 Identify the chart object that represents the x axis. Value axis Series axis Category axis Data axis C
The chart object where the data values are
EX41 represented is ____________. Data range Chart area Plot area Data area C
The Automatic, Category, Time-scale are options of
EX42 the chart object ________________________ Value Axis Category Axis Gridlines Legend B
The Strikethrough, Superscript and Subscript effects
of the Format Cells dialog box are part of
EX43 the________________________. Number tab Alignment tab Patterns tab Font tab D
IN11 A mail server robot can automatically____________. Check mails Read mails Respond to mails Delete mails C
This protocol is used to check reliability, sequencing Communication Transmission Communication
IN12 and flow control. Protocol Control Protocol Telnet Control Port Control Protocol B
IN16 This file is transferred verbatim with FTP service. ASCII file BIT file Binary File TEXT file C
We can access the Archie server
IN17 by________________________ Tunnel WWW Telnet Message C
IN18 The types of Archie servers are ____________.. Straight Archie Windows Archie Both A and B Neither A nor B C
% telnet archie.ans.net is the command used by the Program the Request the Archie Protocol the Archie
IN19 Archie client to____________. Login to Archie server Archie Server server server A
When a computer is connected to the internet through Dedicated
IN2 a LAN Dial-up access access Deployed access Service access B
This tool helps us to locate a file anywhere on the
IN20 Internet. FTP Remote Archie Archives C
The computer that maps the Internet domain name to Network translator Address
IN21 the Internet numeric address is the ____________.. server Naming server Domain name server Domain relation server C
IN22 ____________ is the format of Internet Address. Aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd d Aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd Aaa*bbb*ccc*ddd B
The email address has two parts one is the username
IN23 while the other is the ____________. Domain Net Web Mail A
The resources on the World Wide Web are linked Universal Resource Resource Uniform Resource
IN24 with the naming format ____________.. Location Locator Locator Uniform Reserved Link C
This Net tool provides a stimulating on-line discussion Relay packet
IN25 environment. Internet Relay Chat transmission Chat messaging Information chatting A
The IRC II client program command begins with a
IN26 ____________. Percent Slash Line Dot B
The IRC conversations are organized
IN27 into____________. Chats Packets Lines Channels D
Display chats
with the
Identify the output of the IRC command " /list -min 10" Display channels with maximum 10 Display channels with Display line with 10
IN28 . at least four users users at least ten users removed channels C
Lynx text browser is a web client in which users can
IN29 login with ____________.. Self accounts Terminal ping Shell accounts Shell programs C
Protocol to Protocol Point to Point Pin to Pin
IN3 PPP stands for: Points Protocol communication Port to Port Protocol B
IN30 A web browser provides this hotlist for a user. Book-keeping Bookmarking Menu Bookmarks D
This system involves electronic transfer of funds Electronic Financial Efficient Format Electronic Format Electronic Fund
IN63 between financial institutions. Transmission Transactions Transfer Transfer D
IN69 This layer is responsible for encoding of data. Link Layer Network Layer Presentation Layer Physical Layer C
Computer cost, Connection company
The costs of Internet implementation Connection cost, cost network card IC board cost, cable cost, connection data
IN7 are____________.. of telephone line cost cost cost A
This layer of the TCP/IP suite includes the device
IN70 driver and network interface card. Application Layer Link Layer Transport Layer Network Layer B
Internet Control
This protocol is used for flow control, echo and flow Simple Mail Transfer Message Internet Control Data Single Control
IN71 redirection. Protocol Protocol Protocol Message Protocol B
The software components that integrates different
hardware devices with the operating
IN72 system____________.. Device drivers Device modules Device programs Software devices A
This is the basic component that connects the Netlink Interface
IN73 computer to the network. Cable Interface Card Card Device Interface Card Network Interface Card D
The dumb terminal/node in a network depends on this
IN74 computer for their basic functioning. Personal computer Client computer Server computer Data computer C
This has an embedded microchip which can both
IN75 manipulate data and execute applications. Data card Security card Combi card Meta card C
To ensure a reliable communication between the Session Socket Layer Secure Sockets Electronic Socket Cyber Socket Layer
IN76 buyer and seller, the protocol used is____________. Protocol Layer Protocol Layer Protocol Protocol B
This software enables a host to work as a terminal on Terminal
IN8 the network. Terminal embedded emulator Indirect software Terminal communicator B
The Windows Internet application functions were
developed based on the UNIX programs
IN9 called____________.. Sockets Package Protocol Simulators A
For analysing, summarizing, sequencing data, an Statistical Query Query Summary Quote Stratified Query
OT1 auditor can use____________.. Language Language Language Language B
Outlook provides these buttons for the reponse mail
OT10 from a meeting attendee. Tentative Decline Both A and B Neither A nor B C
This "Calendar Properties" tab helps in sharing the
OT11 calendar with other people. General tab Permissions tab Synchronization tab Data tab B
Choose the option that saves a file containing the Merge To New Merge To
OT33 standard letter along with the addresses merged. document Printer Merge To Email Merge To Fax A
Sends the
message to Sends the same
Identify the correct interpretation of the forward Replies to all only one Replies to specific message to a new
OT34 message button. recipients recipient recipient recipient D
This feature in Outlook favours correction of mistakes
OT35 in a sent mail. Resend Recall Correct Remail B
This section of the Print dialog box contains option for Print
OT36 printing messages along with their attachments. Print setup attachment Print options Print file C
Along with the inbox, outbox, sent folders you also
OT37 display your own folder in this toolbar. Outlook Shortcuts New Shortcuts My Shortcuts Personal Shortcuts C
Say suppose you were asked to mail the monthly
newsletter of your organisation to all your
clients/customers, you can organize this in your
OT38 address book with a ____________.. Block List Contacts Group D
The AddItem method is used to add items into these List Box and Combo Option Box and Item Box and Listing Combo Box and Form
VB14 controls. Box Check Box Box Box A
The index of the first item in the List Box control
VB15 is____________. 1 0 2 None of the above B
The code Check.Value=0 in a checkbox control Marking the check Clicking the Checking the check Unmarking the check
VB16 results in____________. box check box box box D
VB2 This contains controls that can be used on a form. Standard box Format box Tool box Control window C
The statement A=123.45@ stores which literal value
VB20 in A. Long literal Currency literal Double literal Amount literal B
The recommended control statement for multiple
VB21 options is____________. If...Else If...Then…Else If...Then Select Case D
The block "Do VB statement ____________.. Loop
VB22 Until condition" is executed : Until condition is false Atleast once Loop infinitely Execute once B
To display Ok and Cancel buttons in a pop-up, use
VB23 the function: DisplayBox() MessageBox() PopBox() MsgBox() D
Default_text, Prompt, title,
VB24 Identify the arguments of the InputBox() function. Input, title, position input, size default_text Display, size, position C
Identify the correct format to store 50 integers from Dim A(35 to 85) as Dim A(35 to 50) Dim(85 to 30) as
VB25 the 35th position. Integer as Integer Integer Dim A(0-50) as Integer A
The Visual Basic environment is made up of Form Designer Properties
VB3 ____________. Window Window Form Layout Window All of the above D
Selecting Selecting Insert Selecting Selecting Add
We can add controls to the tool box by Components from from Project Components from Components from
VB4 ____________.. Project menu menu Tools menu Project menu A
The characteristics of a control or form can be set in Properties
VB5 the ____________.. Form Window Window Project Window Control Window B
This window is a collection of forms and codes that Properties
VB6 make up an application. Application Explorer Explorer Window Explorer Project Explorer D
Objects and their
The source code window of the form consists of the Objects and Controls and associated events or Objects and their
VB7 following lists. procedure codes characteristics procedures properties C
Private Sub
Private Sub Form() Form_Load() Form Sub _Load() Form_Load() …….
VB8 Choose the correct subroutine code format. ……. End ……. End Sub ……. End Sub End Sub B
The code used to display the program output
VB9 ____________.. Form.show Form.display Form.print Form.load A
The feature of Word that allows you to type
continuously without inhibitions of line ending and the
beginning of next line is
WO1 ________________________. Type over Word align Word wrap Word justify C
The options single, exactly, At least, multiple are part
WO10 of paragraph formatting for____________. Line preview Line before Line after Line spacing D
WO16 Lists in word can be created with____________.. Bullets Line Paragraphs Bar line A
This is taken from the data source and added into the
main document to identify the related data to be
WO49 extracted from the records in the Data Source. Data field Get data Data source Merge field D
The font size in Word is commonly measured
WO5 in____________. Points Pixels Inches Lines A
You can generate labels, envelopes, letters using this
WO50 feature of Word. Mail Merge Macro Record Envelope printing Office Assistant A
We can de-establish the link to the original Data Restore to
Source used during Mail Merge with the option De-establish Paste Normal Word Data de-link Data Restore the Main
WO51 ____________. special Link Document Source Document B
A table or query from an MS-Access database can be
used to provide data in Mail Merge via
WO52 ____________.. DBMS MSQL DDE OLE C