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Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software httpuwww.visionias.net! hitp:! www foxitsoftware. comtfor/ervaalisionily. not! HGR i and GoM of Numbers cy 48, Since 11C.P. i always a factor of lM, we cannot have three numbers with HLCP. Beaa8 i HLCE of two prime numbers is 4. Prodact of mamberm 35 amd LCM. 120, TEC of two numbers divides their LCM, exactly. Clearly, 8 ir not a factor of 60. 1. Clearly, the numbers are (t= 13) and (28 = 26). Larger number =(28 x La ~ 829. Sinee 10 ix nota fietor of 196, i follows that thore does not atist any pal of aurabere with HOF 18 and LOM 146, Product of ssumbers = 11 » 256 ~ #286. Lot the numbers be ta find 11h Then, Ve x 11b = 4238 1 ab= 35 Now, covprimios with product 35 are (1, 3) and (5, 7). ‘So, the sumbers are (LI x 1, 11 = 88) and (11 8, 11 59) ‘inte ona number lies between 75 and 128, the suitable pair ie (55, 77). Henco, required number = 77 Product of mambers = 2 4147 ‘Let the numbars be 29a and 29h. Then, 284% 20 = (O4 4147) = ab Now, caprimes with product 143 are (1, 143) and (L1, 19). So, the numbers ure (29 « 1, 29 » 143) and (29 % 11, 29 ¥ 13), Since both numbers are greater than 29, the suitable pair is (29% 11, 28 = 13) Le, G18, 379. Required sum = (19 4 377) = eB = 61) = 141 Let the mumbors bo «and & Then, ab = 161. Now; eo-primes with produet 161 ure (1, 161) and (7, 23), Since sand y are prime numbers and x > y, we have x= By x= (hx 7)-20=-% H.CF of 2494 and 1001 is 7. Also, HCE of 165 and 7 ie 7, = HCE of 105, 1001 and 2499 i 7. Roquirod longeh = ELCP. sf 700 cm, 385 cm and 1205 emi ~ 9 a. Roquired) measurement = {H.CF. of 496, 403, 713) litres = 31 litres, Required numbor of students = HCH of 1001 and 910 - 91. Largest size of the tile = FLCF, of 378 em and 625 ern = 21 ex. Required number = HCE. of (81 — 43), (183 — 91) and (183 ~ 43) = HOE of 48, 92 and 140 - 4 and y= 7 LN = HGH of (6665 — 1806), (6905 — 4605) and (6906 — 1905), = HOF of 2960, 2240 and 600 = 4120, Sum of digits in N= (+ 1+ 2+0) Required number » HCE of (1356 ~ 12), (1868 = 12) and (2764 = 12) = HCE, of 1344, 1856 and 2752 - 64, Required number ~ H.C. of (1657 - 6) and (2037 — 5) Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software httpuwww.visionias.net! hitp:! www foxitsoftware. comtfor/ervaalisionily. not! = 2 Rape a LOM. 06:12, 18, 21, 20 2x 3MERG TNS = 1260, Required number = 0960 +2) = 690, 6 5 10 _ LGM of 5,10 ‘Required fraction = Loa, of 8, &, 22 bak = OG ee . Least number of 5 digits is 10000. LOD. of 12, 15 and 18 is 180, ‘On dividing 10000 by 380, Une remainder is 100 Required. number = 10000 + (180 = 100) = 10080. Greatest number of $ digits ip 9996. LCD of 15, 28, 40 and 78 is 600. On dividing 9999 by 600, the remainder is $09. ‘Required number = (9980 ~ 208) = 9600, LGA of 5 6, 4 and 2 » 60, On dividing 2497 by 60, the remainder i 37 = Number to be added ~ (00 - 97) - 23. "The least. number divisible by 18, 20, 24 LOM, of 16, 20, 24 = 240= 25202" 2x 806, ‘To make it m perfect square, it murt be multiplied by 8 x 5. 0771. > om Bs Psd YE Recsrvig Dial: inl tn iu wt gress repned croton naar ted artag sei tren inal gl een tm epee yice Chiara Poneetiqins aged sete ee eee Thos, are Pure Recurring Decimal : A docimal fraction in which all the figures alter the decimal point are repeated, is called « pure recurring decimal Convertioga Pure Recurring Decimal into Velgar Fraction Write the rpeud Sgurse only unto in the mumerator and take as many mines in tho eenominater a8 ig the number af repeating figures, 209 0B sneacrcst sa 0.087 ~ 2 ote. oo ‘Thus, 0.8 = 2; 05F- y i ‘Mixed Recurring Decimal : A deeimal fraction in which some figures do nat repeat tind some of them are repeated, Ia called « mixed recurring dovimal. ef OIE... = 0.178, Converting « Mixed Recurring Decimal Into Vulgar Fraction :1a the numerator, lake the difference between the number formed by all the digits wfter decimal paint (taking repeated digits cmly once and that formed by the digits which are not repeated. {n the denominator, take the cumber formed bys many nines as there are ropeatins digits followed by as many zeros ws Is the huraber of non-fepesting digits M1 4 Thos, 016 = HT a Fd Vil. Seme Basic Formulas ; La bye b= (a 8, Qla- BP = (a+ 20h, a da bree HMR ey Babs be Hee) 5. (8 = Bw (ws By CaP aby BY 6.8 =D) a= bh ab + 2 7. (a8 9B wk Sabo) = a + BOL Rs eH ab be ad, When e+ b+ ¢= 0, them a « B= ol = abe Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software httpuwww.visionias.net! hitp:! www foxitsoftware. comtfor/ervaalisionily. not! a Svantative Aptitude Ex 1. Convert the fallowing into valgar fractions i) 0.78 «an 2004 cist) 0058. eit ad aoa 751 61 pa wars = 7% 23 cup 2004 = 4 BE ian 0056 = 2 9 07s = aay gO 8008 = Fogg ~ a0“? = anne. 350 Bx 2 Arrange the fractions 2, 1, 22, %6 ane $ ia ascending order of magnitude, ea! 16" 20 Bol. Converting each of the given Fractions into elcimal form, we get 17 03817 and = q Now 0.6517 < 05898 < 0.625 < 0°75 < 0.6125. 7 8.3.18 in their deecending order (BBA, 200) 3 ‘ 8 4 Sel Clearly, 2206, £= 0.571, 2 = 088, 4 - om iy, Fx 06, £ = 0571. 5 2 + ois Now 0.88 > 0.818 > 0:8 > OBT bow ts 8" B27 Bx. 4. Evaluate: (i) 62026 + 90.25 + 62.025+ 6.2025 + 0.69025 (L.1.C. 2003) GD 60644 2.98 + 70984 164.349 Bel. GIS iia 5.068 620.25, 3.98 2025 7036, e025 + __0.80095 ‘ao1.50775 + a. 6. Evaluate : (i) 81.00d ~ 17.2366 Sol 31.9040 “a = 17.2088 147654 Ex, 6, What value will replace the question mark én the following equations ? (a) GIT2AD + 378.862 +7 = 9318.75 (BS.RB. 1998) (Gd 7 ~ 7328.96» 5169.58 (BSRB. 2003) Sol. (i) Let 517249 + a78aing + a ~ 9918078, ‘Then, = 2918678 - (6172.49 + Y76.362)~ PUIRBTE — GOG0.842 « 3767.86, GD Let x — T32K96 = $169.98. Then, x » SIORI8 + TIZ8NG = 1284. ‘Bx 7. Bind the products : (i) 63204 160 (ip 068 » 10000 Sol. (9) 6.2208 x 100: = 682.04 lab, 88 » 19000 = 050 x 10000 = 680, Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software httpuwww.visionias.net! hitp:! www foxitsoftware. comtfor/ervaalisionily. not! Decimal Fractions ro Bx. 6. Find the products: (261x198 (GD 21009 % 1A Ui) 4 04x 004 40. Bol, () 261» 13 = 9999. Sum of decimal places of given numbers = (2+ 1) - 9 * Be x 13 ~ 9.988, (i) 21800 4 14 = 300702. Su of doctenal places 21098 «14 = aos702. (ID) 4 4 x 4 40 = 2860. Sum of decimal places - (1+ 2 + 3) = 6, 4x04 006 > a0 = onsen, Ex 8. Given that 268 > 74 ~ 19634, Gad the valu of 268° 74 Sol. Sum of decimal places = (2+ 2) —-4. & BGR x 74» 19832 ‘Ex 10. Find the qvotieat Wea s. @ 08349 (9 00nd 17 Hi) 8.2608 + 10: Sol.) €3 + 9 ~ 7. Dividend eantains 2 places of decimal 2 0.69. 9-07 (i 204» 17 = 12. Dividend contains 4 places of decimal o.na04 = a7 = 90N2, Gio) 31603-41321. Dividend containe 4 places of decimal: 3.1603 « 13 = 2481, Bx 1 Evaluate (85+ .07 Gi 28+ @.9008 MBA. 1998) Gin 13609 + 42.9 (Hotel Management, 2000) ga o 38% OF” orwiog "7 25 25.1000 _ ax0a0 Tooos ~ Thanx toes” og” OO 12609%10 _ 19609 83-1)” a Ex 12. What walue will come in place of quostion mark in the following equations? (000+? = 08 Gi? + 028 = 80 0006 _ o.006%10 _ 006 08” OéxI0 ~ oo =a Bol. i) Let 298 5 Then, = = 001. i) Let GE = 80. Then, © = Ws 095 = 2 1 etn ur hig «SE the Mad the rave of glare 2 wx 5 Sol. agg ~ MIP (000 1) «recon ate = 80 ‘Ex. 14. Express as vulgar fractions : (i) 0.37 (ii) 0.083 ii) 9. T48887. = a7 —_ 63 oom - 2 ua = aba Bot, a in 005 (Hi) 3 TERRE = 24 0 T4IRBT = 9¢ TASES, g 2887 ace * Spa Bx, 1S, Express av vulgar fractions: (() 017 (i) 0.125% i) 3.838 sa. wot. 8 A H=1 wa 6 m0” 45 (i O43 = 600” 9000 ” 380 Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software hitp:/Avww.visionias.net/ hitp:!twww foxitsoftware, comtfpotevaluaioinnals.net/ * $89. pgla > 2-500 - a0 Ee 1, Sapa MERCER OOEs AOA naos xO0r. ‘GNU, 2009) Sol, nen oxpenan = [52 LE) wher «= 6 = oe Directions : Mark (/) aguinst the correct answer : n The faction 101552755 dean form (as 01027 (by 10127 (a 101.0027 «ah 101.000027 2. When 30 is written in simplest factional farm, the sum of the numerator and the Sesteinaior We ia 18 co 4s (aus (oss 3. What decimal of an hour isu second ? (a) 0098 (0258 (a 0027 (av 000126 4 wearasce ane Zy20-3 +00, ten ihe vate 8A © 3B 680 6 Ds (88.c. 2000) cay 53.6000 (0) 53.603 (e153,0008 ca a1 8, Which of the following has fraction: in ascending ardor (Banke PO. 2003) oy = = Ea & Sie Ain aint ei tt an eg 32 ie $a te cea. i 5 6 r ad ws 1 2 Om (oe Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software hitp:/Avww.visionias.net/ hitp:!twww foxitsoftware, comtfpotevaluaioinnals.net/ Decimal Fractions By Which part contains the fractions ix ascending order ? us wow i 9 wy at 6 Ton Own Oman Maas 1D, Which of the following faetins (x the smallest ? (88.0. 2002) 3 5 n 1 ‘35 1% On oy 11, Which of the following habtions la grentor than 2 and lat than © (8.8.0, 1989) 1 2 4 9 fag wy ag Bay i 12. Which ofthe following factens is less than Zand greater than 7 u n w 4 oF ot 19, Which of the following mumbers does not lie between gua tr - 2 3 3 yt iw «3 woe : = 1A. The arrangeenne ¢ rationa! nesters 52 in avout onder So 25 5-12 “Pe yy hk (a 3" T3" 0 (yo"=e=3 | ap’ os! =e 6 sev62 + 8501 «388 (G80, 1995) (970.6 (9) 90.511 (o a80001 aon 16. The value wf (1 +L +03 + 902) is (a) 1.001 (y ao (2 1008 atin 17, 9495 + 240016 + 2298 «7 (Bank PO. 2002) (a) 296.0946 (2) 298.101 co 298906 a 298.08 18, G17 + 6017 « 0617 + 60017 =? ‘QLB.A. 1998) a) 62962 «b 62.965 (0 629.6987 (2) Nonw of se 19, 4895 - 92.008 = 7 (LB.PS. 2002) (a) 16.089 (or 1635 co 1889 (a) 18.984 a0, 792.02 + 11s? - 908.76 ~ > (VABARD, 2002) (a) 586.58 (895.34 cower (@) 120010 21. 121212 + 170009 ~ 9.2402 = 7 (B.SRB, 2008) Ga} 29.0018 (by 20.0108, (o .08 (a 20.1018 ‘2, 8927 - sra07 - S507 =? (a) 924.628 yaar to 3.523 (a 14.007, 23, 3569 + 12.952 ~ 7 = aa64.008 (Beak FO, 2002) ta) 47.095 (8) 47988 to arase (a 4786 24. 128009 + 241.981 — R305 = 1996 + 2 (Bank 20. 1999) ) 120.088 (8) 120.85 (0 220.085 (dh None o these 35, nas8 — uaa = Tm - 7 (BRA 1008) (a) 199.87 (b) 100.87 4g 208.08 (4) Nona of tess. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software httpuwww.visionias.net! hitp:! www foxitsoftware. comtfor/ervaalisionily. not! 82 Cuantitative Acttade 26. What will come in place af question mask is the fllowing equation ? SAS BH 9 4 ~ 02S (Hote! Management, 2001) (a) ey 6 ta 8 (a) None ofthese 1, Which of the following is equal to 3.14 ¥ 10? (Hotel Management, 2008) (a) 31a (H) 3140 (@ a140000 4d) None ofthese 28, The number 518,000,000 when exprescod t= ecientific notetion, equals (a B18» 20" (h) 818% 107 (a) 6.18 » 108 a) 818 108 ‘29, 0,000008728 when expressed in scientific notation, is (a) 6720 10-2 (8) 67.28 10-7 (oh GTB» 10-* —(@) Nonefthene 0. IF 1125 » 10 = 0.001125, then the vale of kis (a ~4 D-3 ‘- nd SA 0.002 « 05 (Bank RO, 2008) (a) 0.0008 (b) 0.001 fo 00 ia) 4 38. 16.02 x 0.001 = 7 (Bank PO. 2002) {w),0.001002 (® a.01602 (0.1608 ie 1.6021 39. 0.014 x 0.014 =? (Hotel Management, 2002) (a) 0.000886 «eh 0.00196 (owe (a) 196 34, 40.83 x 10a x 13? KSB.LBO, 2003) (a) 41-6486 (a) 42.479692 (o 49.9750 (a) 58.7952 95. 104 0.0162 1s equal to (LBA. 1998) (ay 6abc1-? (G48 x IOS (OAR WF Leh BAD PS 86, 49 « 0,09 x 0.008 % 80 = 7 (otal Management, 2002) ta) 0.0900248 (8) 0.000243 (e 00m24a (a) one ‘97. How many digits will be there tothe Fight ofthe decimal point in te pred of 85.75 sand 02554 7 (At 2002) ws we (or (4) Bone of ese sm, (.000s of 2) when exposed as a vulgar (actin, cpus 2 2, 2 198 oe oar a Oop (Which is the eosest apprimimation to Uhe product 0.889 « 0:25 x 0490 O.125 «24 7 L 3 3 2 wy oT © w= 40. Conuider the following quotieats 11 968.39 divided by 17 2 170.60 divided by 62 875.65 divided by 89 ‘Their correct sequence in decreasing order bs (D8. 2008) fa) 14352 22s 281 (31,2 41. 0.213 + 0.00018 ~ 7 (a1 10 fo) 109 (d) Nowe ofthe 42 (036 divided by 0.04 gives = (Hotel Management, 2009) (a) 1.909 (b) 1008 fe) 100.9 (@) None ofthese 1 8 ip equal to (8:8.C, 2000) 1 2 (a) oF (28 (eh 28

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