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Mary Dorothy S.

GEC 105, W23


A society is often distinguished as a group of people that have

consistent and constant interactions with one another. It can also be a
group of individuals that share the same geographic territory, political
upperhand and the culture and traditions dominating the population. It is
inevitable for a society to change and develop as a result of the cycle of
time and the consequences it brings. Like many other countries, our very
own nation, the Philippines have been known to have undergone quite the
series of social transformations. These changes have been recorded even
from the first humans that set foot on our island, down to the colonial era
of the different countries, and to our present and modern day society.
Indeed, the things that we enjoy today are all thanks to all the
dramas,wars, disputes and everything that happened before our times.

The journey of Philippine society has become like a rollercoaster

ride throughout its history. From the pre-colonial era to the spanish period
and down to the liberation of the country. The Philippines is the only
country in the southeast asian region that was not able to establish an
independent centralized government before the colonization of different
countries. This statement clearly shows how our ancestors have been
dependent on the culture and traditions of other countries. The first set of
foreigners that arrived in our country would mostly be the
Austro-Melanesian and the Malays that were believed to be from the
islands of Java, Borneo, Sumatra, and more. These first inhabitants were
solely focused on their day to day survival. Some suggested that if the
Philippines had not been discovered by Ferdinand Magellan, it would have
remained as uncivilized and uncultured as before. However, certain
studies have proven that this belief would be considered as false. The first
inhabitants of the Philippines were actually skilled when it came to
hunting and fishing. They weren’t completely uncivilized or the cave man

The Philippines in the past has always been vibrant with the
colors of ethnicity. Different dialects from unique tribes that rely on their
ethnicity and language to determine who is a friend and who is a
stranger. The beauty and diversity of the Philippines does not only
apply to its human communities, but to the wonders of the species
within its vicinity. Before the Philippines was even recognized as the
Philippines as we all know today, it was more described as an
archipelago, a cluster of islands. Filled with creatures with color, the
archipelago of what is named now as Philippines prospers with life,
unlike now, some of the species in the island have disappeared, not
only the animals, but these ethnic communities as well. Since
pre-Hispanic times there have been a number of tribes from across the

It was then, subsequently, the particularization of the Philippine

bona fide cycle inside an obvious geographic and organic structure that
gave what might be known as the beginning phase justification for a
paramount social fortitude in the Philippine archipelago. What displayed
as a transcendent viewpoint in the progression of organizations in the
Philippines until the establishment of the Spanish pioneer
superstructures all through the archipelago was the insurance and
advancement of strong ethnic traditions which have found undeniable
explanations in oral composition. As such, from Northern Luzon toward
the southernmost piece of the archipelago, we track down the different
instances of ethnic records, legends, tunes, questions, adages, and
pictures, similarly as customs and chips away at being kept in clever
and extensive affiliation and interrelationship by the fascinating
illustration of the Philippine chronicled measure.

This is avowed by the examinations of new similarly as

neighborhood analysts. This is the thing that in a way is being stressed
by the theory which sees the uniqueness of Philippine recorded
progression as embellishing the character of Philippine culture and
giving its own special rhythm. Thus, "assortment" is an undeniable
quality of social headway all through Philippine genuine reality which is
being clarified by a course of social recuperation in contemporary
events. In this sense, Philippine composition, which is one of the most
self-evident and incredible strategies for recuperation, must have
acquired a truly huge estimation not equivalent to the common design
and substance it has swallowed since Spanish events. Subsequently,
to appreciate the uniqueness of ethnic social orders and their
significance, one necessities to relate them to the greater grid of
Philippine culture which is a thing not of a singular ethnic practice yet
rather of an altogether more wide and huge bona fide cycle.
Regardless, over the range of progression, outside factors at different
events in history changed the ethnic lines of progress and have since
become instrumental and, believe it or not, conclusive in the
improvement of what has been lamentably insinuated as Filipino public
character and mentality.

Among the three long centuries of ruling the country, Spain’s

cultural legacy and religious beliefs were the most beneficial and
comprehensive to the Philippines rather than the political and economic
aspirations. Several aspects of Philippine culture have been altered or
completely changed and greatly influenced. Christianity originated from
Asia, being founded by Jesus Christ and Palestine, spread to Western
Europe and propagated across the Atlantic to the new world and across
the pacific and to the Philippines, this was the most outstanding
achievement of the Spanish Missionary that was done with the Spanish
conquistadores. During the Spanish era, families were simple and
wholesome. The father is the master of the household while the mother
is the first tutor. It was known that broken families were rare in the old
generation. Children kissing their parent’s hands became a sign of
respect. Filipino women are given elevated positions and respected by
men, although they have limited freedom for studies, engaging in
professions, and to mix freely with men. Those who have the means to
study often enter exclusive schools for women, while those who don’t
have interest in marrying often result in entering the convent to pursue
being a nun. The Spaniards also introduced their food and food plants
where the Filipinos started to learn how to eat bread, ham, and other
stereotypical European foods. Table manners were also taught by the
colonizers. In terms of clothing, men started to wear western clothes
such as trousers,hats, slippers, and shoes. Women used to incorporate
jewelry in their daily outfits. These women wore saya, camisa, slippers,
and stockings. Although through the years, all of these cultures may
have been dumped on and no longer being used. However, a lot of the
things and the characteristics of filipino citizens came from the spanish
colonization and up to this very moment, filipinos are living with it.

Societies will always change and that applies to each and every
existing society in this world, whether it’s a small or a big society. The
Philippines under those three long centuries of Spanish colonization
had its fair share of goodness and madness. Spain instilled the idea of
nationalism in our country that until now, it is still very evident in our

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