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2005-01 - 3.5E Adventure - L6 - Grasp of The Emerald Claw 3.5E

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A 6th-Level Adventure
Bruce R. Cordell Robert Raper
Bill Slavicsek Wayne Reynolds
Christopher Perkins Steve Prescott
Jesse Decker Lisa Hanson
Kim Mohan Dennis Kauth
Stacy Longstreet Carmen Cheung
Bill Slavicsek Travis Adams
Chas DeLong
Josh Fischer
Take advantage of the RPGA’s Player Rewards program by scoring Randall Crews
points with this adventure. Grasp of the Emerald Claw is worth 4
Player Rewards points. See www.rpga.com for more details, and
use the following adventure code: GROEC1EB

U.S., CANADA, ASIA, Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the
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620-17730-001-EN 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Printing: January 2005
This adventure pits a group of 6th-level characters
Of the key players, only Merrix understands the truth of
the creation pattern. He has studied the writings of his
ancestor, Kedran d’Cannith, and knows a lot about the
In Sharn, the City of Towers, the adventurers are
again called upon to help Lady Elaydren d’Cannith.
At the heart of the ruins, a giant-sized living
construct that predates modern warforged by several
millennia guards the last schema. The primitive war-
forged must be overcome, along with Garrow and the
against the forces of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Maker’s long-ago forays into the mysterious wilderness This time, in addition to appealing to their desire remnants of the Claw task force, as well as Scimitar,


The sinister organization’s hunt for the parts of an of Xen’drik. Kedran, who lived around the time of the for gold and adventure, Elaydren describes a desper- an agent for the Lord of Blades who has formed a
ancient creation pattern nears its conclusion, but other War of the Mark, constantly sought ways to improve his ate situation involving the schemas and the Order of temporary alliance with Garrow to make sure that the
groups also seek this powerful item. The search leads the techniques and the power of his dragonmark. During the Emerald Claw. The adventurers arrive to find that creation pattern is completed.
characters from Sharn to the mysterious continent of his explorations and experiments, Kedran discovered Lady Elaydren’s domicile has been trashed and the lady And what of the Xulo Pattern? Once all of the pieces
Xen’drik—where the fate of the creation pattern might one of the schemas that belonged to an ancient cre- herself left for dead. Agents of the Emerald Claw have come within close proximity of each other, the ancient
be decided once and for all. ation pattern that he dubbed “the Xulo Pattern.” He raided her sanctuary and stolen the two schemas and the intelligence awakens. Suddenly all parties have a new
To best utilize this adventure, you need copies of the spent years deciphering writings dating back to the creation pattern. and powerful enemy to contend with. . . .
following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Age of Giants and searching for the other pieces of the Fearful that her secret master, Baron Merrix, will
Guide, Monster Manual, and the Eberron Campaign Setting. This Xulo Pattern. By the time he had found three of the be angry with her for losing the items, Elaydren sends SHADOWS AND WHISPERS
adventure is designed as a continuation of the story four schemas and the creation pattern itself, Kedran the adventurers to recover the stolen materials. With Grasp of the Emerald Claw follows the events of the Eber-
presented in “The Forgotten Forge” (in the Campaign realized the truth about the Xulo Pattern—it was disas- the completed creation pattern, she explains, the Order ron adventures “The Forgotten Forge,” Shadows of the
Setting), Shadows of the Last War, and Whispers of the Vampire’s sembled and scattered across the Xen’drik wilderness of the Emerald Claw will gain power beyond anything Last War, and Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade. If you did not
Blade. It works best as the fourth part in this series, but on purpose. imaginable. The order can’t be allowed to succeed, run these adventures, don’t worry; Grasp of the Emerald
it can also be played as a stand-alone adventure. Creation patterns discovered in Xen’drik appear she warns, or the Five Nations and the dragonmarked Claw is a stand-alone adventure that can be run for
in two sizes: large patterns used by giant wizards and houses themselves could fall. characters without firsthand experience of the other
smaller patterns employed by their elf magehands, the She also reveals that the Emerald Claw has taken adventures. The previous events could have happened
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND elves who were taught enough magic to assist their giant notes recently uncovered in one of the House Cannith through the actions
This adventure provides a conclusion to the search-for- masters. The Xulo Pattern was one of the latter pat- libraries—notes made by Kedran d’Cannith around of another party
the-schemas storyline that began in “The Forgotten terns. It converted arcane energy into sentience, which the time of the War of the Mark that suggest where the of adventurers,
Forge.” There are four schemas that combine with an could then be imbued into items of all types—including last schema is hidden. The notes imply that the fourth and now Lady
ancient creation pattern to create an as yet unknown constructs similar to the modern warforged. Over time, schema lies in ruins on the mysterious con- Elaydren turns
item of great power. House Cannith, with the help of the Xulo Pattern developed sentience of its own. It was tinent of Xen’drik. “Hurry,” Elaydren to your group
the adventurers, has recovered the creation pattern a dark, malevolent sentience that caused some amount urges the characters. “You must to finish t he
and schemas A and B (if the adventurers successfully of trouble for the giants. It took control of a temple and follow the Order of the Emerald job that started
completed “The Forgotten Forge” and Shadows of the Last used its malign intelligence to sow discord and inflict Claw to Xen’drik and recover weeks ago with
War). The Order of the Emerald Claw, which also covets pain. After a dreadful period of conflict instigated by the schemas at all costs.” the murder of Pro-
the schemas, has acquired schema B (a copy from the the Xulo Pattern, the giants dismantled the pattern and Elaydren provides vost Bonal Geldem
facility at Whitehearth) and schema C. The last part, hid each part (four schemas and the creation pattern the adventurers with of Morgrave Univer-
schema D, is still unaccounted for. itself) in a different location. information, trav- sity. If this is your first
Lady Elaydren d’Cannith, working secretly for Over a number of years of dedicated study and eling papers, and foray into this series
Baron Merrix d’Cannith, has served as the adventurers’ exploration, Kedran recovered three of the schemas and passage on a new of adventures, you
patron and has provided them with the means to recover the creation pattern. He studied them in his enclave in vehicle developed should still work
two of the schemas and the creation pattern. She claims Sharn, piecing together purpose and history from the by Cannith for use by the out that Lady Elay-
to represent Baron Jorlanna d’Cannith of Aundair, fragments of documents and tablets he uncovered in intelligence agencies of the Five dren is one of your
and does belong to the Aundairian house, but has long Xen’drik. On his last trip to the mysterious continent, Nations—an undersea ship. During adventuring party’s
been secretly in the service of Merrix. Why the subter- Kedran not only located the fourth schema, he solved the trip to Stormreach, sahuagin patrons prior to
fuge? Because Merrix doesn’t want his competitors or the secret of the Xulo Pattern. Realizing that the com- raiders attack as the undersea running Grasp of the
opponents to know he is on the trail of ancient magic. pleted pattern would be dangerous, Kedran decided to ship wends its way through Emerald Claw.
Jorlanna wants the schemas? Fine. Merrix wants them? leave the fourth schema where it was and returned to Shargon’s Teeth.
Then they must be powerful indeed. (At least, that’s how Sharn to separate the pieces he had. In isolation, each In Stormreach, inves-
Merrix believes people interpret his actions.) piece was a valuable tool for unlocking arcane secrets of tigation produces results: A
Garrow, a changeling priest of the Blood of Vol the ancient giant civilization. By studying the individual group of armored soldiers Scimitar
in the service of the Emerald Claw, leads that group’s schemas and the pattern from Xen’drik, Kedran and his arrived in a privateer airship,
efforts to recover the schemas and has been successful descendants developed many creation patterns. Eventu- asked questions about the deep
enough to acquire two of them. He appeared as a vam- ally, the warforged were created using the centuries of jungle, and then went into the
pire in Shadows of the Last War and as a half-elf privateer research and development started by Kedran long ago. jungle following the Rachi River.
and airship captain in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade. Now, Baron Merrix d’Cannith wants to take the The adventurers’ best option
Finally, the Lord of Blades has also been searching experiments to a level that Kedran refused to attain. for following them is to hire
for the schemas since he became aware of Provost Bonal Merrix wants to observe and study the completed Xulo a riverboat. After a trip into
Geldem’s work at Morgrave University. He has sent a Pattern, despite warnings from Kedran and the ancient the wilderness of Xen’drik, the
number of agents to recover the schemas, but all have Xen’drik arcane master. He wants to meet and converse adventurers reach the ruin where the
thus far failed him. Scimitar, who led an attack against with the ancient sentience, to learn what it can tell him last schema waits. Dark elves and other dangers must be
the adventurers in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, continues about the Age of Giants, and to find new ways to improve dealt with before the adventurers enter the ruin for the
to hunt for them or for their patron, Lady Elaydren. his beloved creations—the warforged. final confrontation.

2 3
This adventure pits a group of 6th-level characters
Of the key players, only Merrix understands the truth of
the creation pattern. He has studied the writings of his
ancestor, Kedran d’Cannith, and knows a lot about the
In Sharn, the City of Towers, the adventurers are
again called upon to help Lady Elaydren d’Cannith.
At the heart of the ruins, a giant-sized living
construct that predates modern warforged by several
millennia guards the last schema. The primitive war-
forged must be overcome, along with Garrow and the
against the forces of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Maker’s long-ago forays into the mysterious wilderness This time, in addition to appealing to their desire remnants of the Claw task force, as well as Scimitar,


The sinister organization’s hunt for the parts of an of Xen’drik. Kedran, who lived around the time of the for gold and adventure, Elaydren describes a desper- an agent for the Lord of Blades who has formed a
ancient creation pattern nears its conclusion, but other War of the Mark, constantly sought ways to improve his ate situation involving the schemas and the Order of temporary alliance with Garrow to make sure that the
groups also seek this powerful item. The search leads the techniques and the power of his dragonmark. During the Emerald Claw. The adventurers arrive to find that creation pattern is completed.
characters from Sharn to the mysterious continent of his explorations and experiments, Kedran discovered Lady Elaydren’s domicile has been trashed and the lady And what of the Xulo Pattern? Once all of the pieces
Xen’drik—where the fate of the creation pattern might one of the schemas that belonged to an ancient cre- herself left for dead. Agents of the Emerald Claw have come within close proximity of each other, the ancient
be decided once and for all. ation pattern that he dubbed “the Xulo Pattern.” He raided her sanctuary and stolen the two schemas and the intelligence awakens. Suddenly all parties have a new
To best utilize this adventure, you need copies of the spent years deciphering writings dating back to the creation pattern. and powerful enemy to contend with. . . .
following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Age of Giants and searching for the other pieces of the Fearful that her secret master, Baron Merrix, will
Guide, Monster Manual, and the Eberron Campaign Setting. This Xulo Pattern. By the time he had found three of the be angry with her for losing the items, Elaydren sends SHADOWS AND WHISPERS
adventure is designed as a continuation of the story four schemas and the creation pattern itself, Kedran the adventurers to recover the stolen materials. With Grasp of the Emerald Claw follows the events of the Eber-
presented in “The Forgotten Forge” (in the Campaign realized the truth about the Xulo Pattern—it was disas- the completed creation pattern, she explains, the Order ron adventures “The Forgotten Forge,” Shadows of the
Setting), Shadows of the Last War, and Whispers of the Vampire’s sembled and scattered across the Xen’drik wilderness of the Emerald Claw will gain power beyond anything Last War, and Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade. If you did not
Blade. It works best as the fourth part in this series, but on purpose. imaginable. The order can’t be allowed to succeed, run these adventures, don’t worry; Grasp of the Emerald
it can also be played as a stand-alone adventure. Creation patterns discovered in Xen’drik appear she warns, or the Five Nations and the dragonmarked Claw is a stand-alone adventure that can be run for
in two sizes: large patterns used by giant wizards and houses themselves could fall. characters without firsthand experience of the other
smaller patterns employed by their elf magehands, the She also reveals that the Emerald Claw has taken adventures. The previous events could have happened
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND elves who were taught enough magic to assist their giant notes recently uncovered in one of the House Cannith through the actions
This adventure provides a conclusion to the search-for- masters. The Xulo Pattern was one of the latter pat- libraries—notes made by Kedran d’Cannith around of another party
the-schemas storyline that began in “The Forgotten terns. It converted arcane energy into sentience, which the time of the War of the Mark that suggest where the of adventurers,
Forge.” There are four schemas that combine with an could then be imbued into items of all types—including last schema is hidden. The notes imply that the fourth and now Lady
ancient creation pattern to create an as yet unknown constructs similar to the modern warforged. Over time, schema lies in ruins on the mysterious con- Elaydren turns
item of great power. House Cannith, with the help of the Xulo Pattern developed sentience of its own. It was tinent of Xen’drik. “Hurry,” Elaydren to your group
the adventurers, has recovered the creation pattern a dark, malevolent sentience that caused some amount urges the characters. “You must to finish t he
and schemas A and B (if the adventurers successfully of trouble for the giants. It took control of a temple and follow the Order of the Emerald job that started
completed “The Forgotten Forge” and Shadows of the Last used its malign intelligence to sow discord and inflict Claw to Xen’drik and recover weeks ago with
War). The Order of the Emerald Claw, which also covets pain. After a dreadful period of conflict instigated by the schemas at all costs.” the murder of Pro-
the schemas, has acquired schema B (a copy from the the Xulo Pattern, the giants dismantled the pattern and Elaydren provides vost Bonal Geldem
facility at Whitehearth) and schema C. The last part, hid each part (four schemas and the creation pattern the adventurers with of Morgrave Univer-
schema D, is still unaccounted for. itself) in a different location. information, trav- sity. If this is your first
Lady Elaydren d’Cannith, working secretly for Over a number of years of dedicated study and eling papers, and foray into this series
Baron Merrix d’Cannith, has served as the adventurers’ exploration, Kedran recovered three of the schemas and passage on a new of adventures, you
patron and has provided them with the means to recover the creation pattern. He studied them in his enclave in vehicle developed should still work
two of the schemas and the creation pattern. She claims Sharn, piecing together purpose and history from the by Cannith for use by the out that Lady Elay-
to represent Baron Jorlanna d’Cannith of Aundair, fragments of documents and tablets he uncovered in intelligence agencies of the Five dren is one of your
and does belong to the Aundairian house, but has long Xen’drik. On his last trip to the mysterious continent, Nations—an undersea ship. During adventuring party’s
been secretly in the service of Merrix. Why the subter- Kedran not only located the fourth schema, he solved the trip to Stormreach, sahuagin patrons prior to
fuge? Because Merrix doesn’t want his competitors or the secret of the Xulo Pattern. Realizing that the com- raiders attack as the undersea running Grasp of the
opponents to know he is on the trail of ancient magic. pleted pattern would be dangerous, Kedran decided to ship wends its way through Emerald Claw.
Jorlanna wants the schemas? Fine. Merrix wants them? leave the fourth schema where it was and returned to Shargon’s Teeth.
Then they must be powerful indeed. (At least, that’s how Sharn to separate the pieces he had. In isolation, each In Stormreach, inves-
Merrix believes people interpret his actions.) piece was a valuable tool for unlocking arcane secrets of tigation produces results: A
Garrow, a changeling priest of the Blood of Vol the ancient giant civilization. By studying the individual group of armored soldiers Scimitar
in the service of the Emerald Claw, leads that group’s schemas and the pattern from Xen’drik, Kedran and his arrived in a privateer airship,
efforts to recover the schemas and has been successful descendants developed many creation patterns. Eventu- asked questions about the deep
enough to acquire two of them. He appeared as a vam- ally, the warforged were created using the centuries of jungle, and then went into the
pire in Shadows of the Last War and as a half-elf privateer research and development started by Kedran long ago. jungle following the Rachi River.
and airship captain in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade. Now, Baron Merrix d’Cannith wants to take the The adventurers’ best option
Finally, the Lord of Blades has also been searching experiments to a level that Kedran refused to attain. for following them is to hire
for the schemas since he became aware of Provost Bonal Merrix wants to observe and study the completed Xulo a riverboat. After a trip into
Geldem’s work at Morgrave University. He has sent a Pattern, despite warnings from Kedran and the ancient the wilderness of Xen’drik, the
number of agents to recover the schemas, but all have Xen’drik arcane master. He wants to meet and converse adventurers reach the ruin where the
thus far failed him. Scimitar, who led an attack against with the ancient sentience, to learn what it can tell him last schema waits. Dark elves and other dangers must be
the adventurers in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, continues about the Age of Giants, and to find new ways to improve dealt with before the adventurers enter the ruin for the
to hunt for them or for their patron, Lady Elaydren. his beloved creations—the warforged. final confrontation.

2 3
TOWN HOUSE 19 (EL 6) of the larger force that attacked my guards and household staff. There quite determined what the pattern can be used to create,
PART O NE : After the PCs make their way to Parlan Tower in Middle
Central, they can easily locate Town House 19.
were armored warriors wearing the symbol of the Emerald Claw, and
a warforged fighter with a wickedly curved scimitar. The worst of these,
but the reputed power it possesses cannot be allowed
to fall into the grasp of the Emerald Claw. Neither the

LADY IN Something looks wrong as you approach Lady Elaydren’s town house.
however, was their leader. He appeared first as a smiling merchant,
rotund and jolly, who used so innocent a form to gain entry to my town
Five Nations nor the dragonmarked houses will be safe
should the order attain a powerful weapon. They have

The open door, the scattered papers, and the smashed windows indicate house. Then his form seemed to melt and flow, and he appeared as a tall, three of the four schemas. They can’t be allowed to
that something violent occurred recently. A shadow moves in the emaciated man with white skin, red eyes, and sharp fangs.” retrieve the fourth.”
doorway, and you hear a woman scream somewhere inside. Why Us and Not House Cannith Operatives? “I was given the
This adventure begins in the city of Sharn. If you ran Elaydren pauses to calm herself, accepting any healing schemas and the creation pattern to hold and keep safe,
Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, it takes place a couple of weeks The Situation: By the time the adventurers respond or other aid the PCs might offer. Then she continues: and I have failed. I must recover the items through the
after the adventurers return to Sharn to report to Viorr to Lady Elaydren’s summons, Garrow and his task force efforts of my own resources, or my standing in the house
Maelak of the King’s Citadel. If you are starting with have already come and gone, taking the two schemas, the “They killed my guards, my servants . . . they smashed my pre-Galifar will be in jeopardy. You have served me well in the past,
this adventure, the references to past events happened creation pattern, and Kedran’s notes with them. The memory urn . . . and they took the schemas,” Elaydren recounts with a and I turn to you again in this hour of need.”
to Lady Elaydren and a previous group of adventurers priest of Vol left three Karrnathi zombies to finish off heavy heart. “By the Great Forge, the Emerald Claw has the schemas and How Can We Find the Schemas? “Among the items stolen
under her employ. She serves as patron for a number of Elaydren, to further delay anyone seeking to aid her, the creation pattern!” She pauses again, and a new resolve sparkles in from me were recently uncovered notes made by my
groups, however, including the group participating in and perhaps to sow confusion by making it look like her sapphire eyes. “There is still time to retrieve the schemas and keep the ancestor, Kedran d’Cannith. It was in his ancient forge
this adventure. Karrnath has attacked House Cannith. Order of the Emerald Claw from gaining whatever power the completed far below Sharn that the first schema was discovered.
Part One gets the adventure rolling by providing the The door to the town house opens onto a 30-foot- creation pattern may possess. Time is of the essence, and there isn’t a His notes hint at the location of the fourth schema. I
group with a call to action from one of their patrons, by-30-foot foyer. House Cannith guards lie scattered moment to waste. Will you undertake this mission for me?” can provide you with those hints, and you can beat the
Lady Elaydren of House Cannith. At the Lady’s domicile around the room, cut down by weapons and magic. Emerald Claw to the location.”
in the Middle-City, the adventurers must overcome a The three Karrnathi zombies surround a wounded and Elaydren’s Offer: Lady Elaydren d’Cannith works Where Do You Think the Fourth Schema Is? “The fourth
trio of Karrnathi zombies to get to their patron’s side. nearly exhausted Elaydren. Lady Elaydren has used all hard to convince the adventurers to once again take schema can be found in Xen’drik, in ancient ruins once
her spells and other resources, and tries to hold off the up her cause. This time, in addition to monetary gain populated by giants and their elf slaves. Kedran’s notes
zombies with her dagger. and the continued support of House Cannith, she clearly identify the place, and I can replicate the clues
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY appeals to them to protect the Five Nations from the evil that were among his writings.”
While the adventurers are resting between missions, Karrnathi Zombies: hp 28, 27, 22; Eberron Campaign machinations of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Work What’s Next? “Prepare yourselves for a journey to
in their favorite inn or tavern or in whatever place they Setting, page 292. the answers to these questions into the adventurers’ the mysterious continent of Xen’drik. Here is a letter
use as a headquarters when they stay in Sharn, a message Tactics: Unless otherwise distracted, the Karrnathi conversation with Lady Elaydren. of credit for 5,000 gold pieces that you should use to
arrives. Read the following: zombies direct all their attacks at Elaydren until she Why Should We Help You? “For taking on this mission, outfit yourselves and procure potions and scrolls for
falls. If another character attacks the zombies, two of I will pay you 5,000 gold pieces each—half now, the the expedition. Return here in two hours, and I will
The rain has returned after a few welcome days of sun, and now the them turn to face the new challenger while the third rest when you return with the items. The schemas and have your advance payment ready. I will also make
steady beat of water falling on the roof and nearby suspended walkways continues to attack Elaydren unless it too is engaged. the creation pattern belong to House Cannith, but arrangements for your travel.”
fills the air with constant noise. A side door opens, and one of Sharn’s more importantly, we must not allow the Order of the When the adventurers have asked all the questions
gargoyle messengers enters the room. Rain runs in rivulets down the Lady Elaydren d’Cannith: Female human aristocrat Emerald Claw to use the completed pattern. I haven’t they can think of, go on to Part Two.
creature’s stony hide, reminiscent of the way it cascades down the stone 3/sorcerer 2; hp 12 (of 19); Atk +1 melee (1d4–1/19–20,
towers of the city. A House Vadalis signet hangs from the harness around masterwork dagger); all spells and disposable possessions
the gargoyle’s chest. used up.

The gargoyle asks for the player characters by name. Development: The Karrnathi zombies were ordered
When they identify themselves (or are otherwise pointed to make sure that Lady Elaydren and any of her minions Lady Elaydren doesn’t understand the dark game of danger sentience will be allowed to emerge. Once emerged,
out), the messenger approaches. are destroyed. The zombies fight with a malevolent intel- and deceit that she has been forced to play. Yesterday, Baron it would find its way back to him, either through the
ligence and work together to defeat their enemies. If the Merrix summoned her and entrusted the two schemas, actions of Elaydren’s hirelings or through the actions
“The Lady has need of you,” the gargoyle says in a raspy voice that sounds PCs try to reason or otherwise talk to the zombies, the the creation pattern, and some recently uncovered notes of other agents not yet in play.
like stones being scraped together. He reaches into the pouch slung over zombies display a disdain for nonwarriors and for those attributed to their ancestor, Kedran, into her care. Merrix Anyway, Elaydren examined Kedran’s notes and
his shoulder and drops a sealed envelope onto the table. With a nod, the not born of Karrnath. They won’t reveal whom they work explained that they would be safer with her than with him, realized that she had not only two schemas and the
gargoyle turns and disappears back into the rain-filled city. for, but often shout Karrnathi war slogans as they battle: and he would call for their return at a later date. creation pattern, but also the key to finding the final
“For Karrn and Karrnath!” “By the Blood-Sword’s Once Elaydren left with the items, Merrix had word schema. Knowing how hard others were looking for
The envelope, made of high-quality paper, features crimson blade!” and “You are no match for the blood concerning this development leaked to the Order of these objects, a nervous Elaydren doubled her personal
a wax seal with the House Cannith signet pressed and soil of Karrnath!” for example. the Emerald Claw through operatives not easily traced guard and sent for the adventurers who have been so
into it. It contains a brief letter from Lady Elaydren When the PCs defeat the zombies, they can talk to back to House Cannith. For Merrix to get to actually helpful and resourceful thus far. Unfortunately, the
d’Cannith: Lady Elaydren. see the result of completing the creation pattern, all the adventurers arrive too late to stop Garrow and his task
various schemas had to come together. By sacrificing his force from stealing the items entrusted to Elaydren,
hard-won schemas and the notes that lead to the location but they have an opportunity to save their patron from
Friends, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE of the final schema, Merrix believes that the ancient a horrible death at the hands of Karrnathi undead.
Another opportunity to earn gold and perform a service for House Can- Provided the adventurers defeat the Karrnathi zombies
nith presents itself. Please meet me at my town house at the sound of the before Elaydren dies, they can speak to their patron.
second evening chime. Come to the Parlan Tower in Middle Central, Read:
Town House 19.
Lady E. “Once again I am in your debt,” Lady Elaydren says as she tries to
compose herself after the brutal ordeal. “The zombies were only part

4 5
TOWN HOUSE 19 (EL 6) of the larger force that attacked my guards and household staff. There quite determined what the pattern can be used to create,
PART O NE : After the PCs make their way to Parlan Tower in Middle
Central, they can easily locate Town House 19.
were armored warriors wearing the symbol of the Emerald Claw, and
a warforged fighter with a wickedly curved scimitar. The worst of these,
but the reputed power it possesses cannot be allowed
to fall into the grasp of the Emerald Claw. Neither the

LADY IN Something looks wrong as you approach Lady Elaydren’s town house.
however, was their leader. He appeared first as a smiling merchant,
rotund and jolly, who used so innocent a form to gain entry to my town
Five Nations nor the dragonmarked houses will be safe
should the order attain a powerful weapon. They have

The open door, the scattered papers, and the smashed windows indicate house. Then his form seemed to melt and flow, and he appeared as a tall, three of the four schemas. They can’t be allowed to
that something violent occurred recently. A shadow moves in the emaciated man with white skin, red eyes, and sharp fangs.” retrieve the fourth.”
doorway, and you hear a woman scream somewhere inside. Why Us and Not House Cannith Operatives? “I was given the
This adventure begins in the city of Sharn. If you ran Elaydren pauses to calm herself, accepting any healing schemas and the creation pattern to hold and keep safe,
Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, it takes place a couple of weeks The Situation: By the time the adventurers respond or other aid the PCs might offer. Then she continues: and I have failed. I must recover the items through the
after the adventurers return to Sharn to report to Viorr to Lady Elaydren’s summons, Garrow and his task force efforts of my own resources, or my standing in the house
Maelak of the King’s Citadel. If you are starting with have already come and gone, taking the two schemas, the “They killed my guards, my servants . . . they smashed my pre-Galifar will be in jeopardy. You have served me well in the past,
this adventure, the references to past events happened creation pattern, and Kedran’s notes with them. The memory urn . . . and they took the schemas,” Elaydren recounts with a and I turn to you again in this hour of need.”
to Lady Elaydren and a previous group of adventurers priest of Vol left three Karrnathi zombies to finish off heavy heart. “By the Great Forge, the Emerald Claw has the schemas and How Can We Find the Schemas? “Among the items stolen
under her employ. She serves as patron for a number of Elaydren, to further delay anyone seeking to aid her, the creation pattern!” She pauses again, and a new resolve sparkles in from me were recently uncovered notes made by my
groups, however, including the group participating in and perhaps to sow confusion by making it look like her sapphire eyes. “There is still time to retrieve the schemas and keep the ancestor, Kedran d’Cannith. It was in his ancient forge
this adventure. Karrnath has attacked House Cannith. Order of the Emerald Claw from gaining whatever power the completed far below Sharn that the first schema was discovered.
Part One gets the adventure rolling by providing the The door to the town house opens onto a 30-foot- creation pattern may possess. Time is of the essence, and there isn’t a His notes hint at the location of the fourth schema. I
group with a call to action from one of their patrons, by-30-foot foyer. House Cannith guards lie scattered moment to waste. Will you undertake this mission for me?” can provide you with those hints, and you can beat the
Lady Elaydren of House Cannith. At the Lady’s domicile around the room, cut down by weapons and magic. Emerald Claw to the location.”
in the Middle-City, the adventurers must overcome a The three Karrnathi zombies surround a wounded and Elaydren’s Offer: Lady Elaydren d’Cannith works Where Do You Think the Fourth Schema Is? “The fourth
trio of Karrnathi zombies to get to their patron’s side. nearly exhausted Elaydren. Lady Elaydren has used all hard to convince the adventurers to once again take schema can be found in Xen’drik, in ancient ruins once
her spells and other resources, and tries to hold off the up her cause. This time, in addition to monetary gain populated by giants and their elf slaves. Kedran’s notes
zombies with her dagger. and the continued support of House Cannith, she clearly identify the place, and I can replicate the clues
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY appeals to them to protect the Five Nations from the evil that were among his writings.”
While the adventurers are resting between missions, Karrnathi Zombies: hp 28, 27, 22; Eberron Campaign machinations of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Work What’s Next? “Prepare yourselves for a journey to
in their favorite inn or tavern or in whatever place they Setting, page 292. the answers to these questions into the adventurers’ the mysterious continent of Xen’drik. Here is a letter
use as a headquarters when they stay in Sharn, a message Tactics: Unless otherwise distracted, the Karrnathi conversation with Lady Elaydren. of credit for 5,000 gold pieces that you should use to
arrives. Read the following: zombies direct all their attacks at Elaydren until she Why Should We Help You? “For taking on this mission, outfit yourselves and procure potions and scrolls for
falls. If another character attacks the zombies, two of I will pay you 5,000 gold pieces each—half now, the the expedition. Return here in two hours, and I will
The rain has returned after a few welcome days of sun, and now the them turn to face the new challenger while the third rest when you return with the items. The schemas and have your advance payment ready. I will also make
steady beat of water falling on the roof and nearby suspended walkways continues to attack Elaydren unless it too is engaged. the creation pattern belong to House Cannith, but arrangements for your travel.”
fills the air with constant noise. A side door opens, and one of Sharn’s more importantly, we must not allow the Order of the When the adventurers have asked all the questions
gargoyle messengers enters the room. Rain runs in rivulets down the Lady Elaydren d’Cannith: Female human aristocrat Emerald Claw to use the completed pattern. I haven’t they can think of, go on to Part Two.
creature’s stony hide, reminiscent of the way it cascades down the stone 3/sorcerer 2; hp 12 (of 19); Atk +1 melee (1d4–1/19–20,
towers of the city. A House Vadalis signet hangs from the harness around masterwork dagger); all spells and disposable possessions
the gargoyle’s chest. used up.

The gargoyle asks for the player characters by name. Development: The Karrnathi zombies were ordered
When they identify themselves (or are otherwise pointed to make sure that Lady Elaydren and any of her minions Lady Elaydren doesn’t understand the dark game of danger sentience will be allowed to emerge. Once emerged,
out), the messenger approaches. are destroyed. The zombies fight with a malevolent intel- and deceit that she has been forced to play. Yesterday, Baron it would find its way back to him, either through the
ligence and work together to defeat their enemies. If the Merrix summoned her and entrusted the two schemas, actions of Elaydren’s hirelings or through the actions
“The Lady has need of you,” the gargoyle says in a raspy voice that sounds PCs try to reason or otherwise talk to the zombies, the the creation pattern, and some recently uncovered notes of other agents not yet in play.
like stones being scraped together. He reaches into the pouch slung over zombies display a disdain for nonwarriors and for those attributed to their ancestor, Kedran, into her care. Merrix Anyway, Elaydren examined Kedran’s notes and
his shoulder and drops a sealed envelope onto the table. With a nod, the not born of Karrnath. They won’t reveal whom they work explained that they would be safer with her than with him, realized that she had not only two schemas and the
gargoyle turns and disappears back into the rain-filled city. for, but often shout Karrnathi war slogans as they battle: and he would call for their return at a later date. creation pattern, but also the key to finding the final
“For Karrn and Karrnath!” “By the Blood-Sword’s Once Elaydren left with the items, Merrix had word schema. Knowing how hard others were looking for
The envelope, made of high-quality paper, features crimson blade!” and “You are no match for the blood concerning this development leaked to the Order of these objects, a nervous Elaydren doubled her personal
a wax seal with the House Cannith signet pressed and soil of Karrnath!” for example. the Emerald Claw through operatives not easily traced guard and sent for the adventurers who have been so
into it. It contains a brief letter from Lady Elaydren When the PCs defeat the zombies, they can talk to back to House Cannith. For Merrix to get to actually helpful and resourceful thus far. Unfortunately, the
d’Cannith: Lady Elaydren. see the result of completing the creation pattern, all the adventurers arrive too late to stop Garrow and his task
various schemas had to come together. By sacrificing his force from stealing the items entrusted to Elaydren,
hard-won schemas and the notes that lead to the location but they have an opportunity to save their patron from
Friends, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE of the final schema, Merrix believes that the ancient a horrible death at the hands of Karrnathi undead.
Another opportunity to earn gold and perform a service for House Can- Provided the adventurers defeat the Karrnathi zombies
nith presents itself. Please meet me at my town house at the sound of the before Elaydren dies, they can speak to their patron.
second evening chime. Come to the Parlan Tower in Middle Central, Read:
Town House 19.
Lady E. “Once again I am in your debt,” Lady Elaydren says as she tries to
compose herself after the brutal ordeal. “The zombies were only part

4 5
PART TWO : an undersea ship, for it travels secretly beneath the waves. Three such
vehicles have been constructed. We built them for various intelligence
Byam knows that the characters need to reach Storm-
reach as quickly as possible, though he doesn’t know DANGER AT SEA (EL 9)
FROM HERE agencies, but only one such group has had the vision to purchase one
of the ships now that the Last War has ended. The other two remain in
why—nor does he want to know. As a loyal retainer of
House Cannith, he has agreed to work for Lady Elaydren
This deadly encounter pits the Sea Dart and its passengers
against a Huge dire shark as the undersea ship travels


Cannith hands. Take this letter of passage to Byam, in the Grayflood without asking questions. through the waters beneath Shargon’s Teeth.
district. He can be found in the vicinity of the Stone Docks. He will make Elaydren told Byam that the characters are experi- Light: Light spells at 20-foot intervals inside the
sure you get safely to Stormreach and back again.” enced hands and capable warriors. Byam plans to take undersea ship; phosphorescent sea life outside provides
a route through Shargon’s Teeth that will allow him to twilightlike lighting, or the ship’s exterior light spells can
This part of the adventure deals with the trip from Sharn Elaydren moves on to discussing how to find the Emer- cut more than a day off the trip. He hopes it won’t come be illuminated.
to Stormreach, on the northern coast of Xen’drik. The ald Claw task force. Read: to it, but Byam has decided to gamble on the PCs being Sound: Creaks and moans of a vessel under pressure;
adventurers must brave the Straits of Shargon and safely able to help put down any attempted sahuagin piracy. bubbling, faint intermittent whale calls and the sounds
pass through Shargon’s Teeth, the realm of the sahua- “The undersea ship will take you to Stormreach, the trading town Byam shows the characters to their berths. Because of other undersea life (automatic).
gin, to reach the mysterious continent. located on the northern coast of Xen’drik. You might be able to pick up of space constraints, four characters are packed into a Important Rules: Water Dangers, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
The PCs have two hours to purchase supplies and the Emerald Claw task force’s trail in or around Stormreach, but if that room that has two narrow sets of double bunk beds. page 304; Underwater Combat, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
make any other arrangements they like. Then, back at doesn’t seem to be working, head directly for the ruins. Kedran’s notes pages 92 and 93.
Elaydren’s town house, they receive the advance on their place the ancient site about four hundred miles up the Rachi River. Here Captain Byam: hp 29; see Appendix.
payment, last-minute instructions, and passage on a is the clue from Kedran’s notes to finding the site once you reach that Gliding along beneath the waves can be either extremely
strange new vehicle—an undersea ship. stretch of the river: At the turn in the Rachi River, where the land rises Gnome Crew (6): Gnome fighter 2; CR 2; Small boring or extremely interesting, depending on the ter-
and the hands of stone reach for the sky, look toward the giant’s left hand humanoid; HD 2d10+6; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC rain and undersea life. On the second day of the trip,
for guidance to the schema’s resting place.” 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp –2; Atk or Captain Byam calls the PCs to the observation blister to
LAST WORDS FROM ELAYDREN Full Atk +3 melee (1d6/×3, masterwork gnome hooked see an interesting sight. Read:
When the adventurers return to Lady Elaydren’s town Finally, Elaydren gives each of the adventurers a small hammer) or +2 melee (1d3/19–20, dagger); SA spell-like
house, they see that she has called for laborers to clean pouch of gems worth 2,500 gold pieces. abilities; SQ —; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; Str Beyond the clear dome of the observation blister, a breathtaking vista
up the mess. Attentive PCs can notice (DC 15 Spot 10, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8. reveals itself in startling hues of phosphorescent color. Thousands of
check) that these are common laborers, not affi liated “Collect the four schemas and the creation pattern, return them to Skills and Feats: Hide +7, Jump +1, Listen +3, Sense glowing fish, some in schools, some alone, flit through the dark water.
with House Cannith or any of the other dragonmarked me, and an equal amount will be yours on your return. Good luck, and Motive +1, Spot +2; Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Great columns of stone, painted in luminescent yellows and greens, punch
houses. Elaydren wants to keep the news of recent events may the fortunes of the Houses and the Nations smile upon you.” Two-Weapon Fighting. up from the darkness below and extend toward the surface, slowly nar-
from reaching Baron Merrix for as long as possible, Possessions: leather armor, masterwork gnome hooked rowing as they reach upward. Some of the columns are only tens of feet
unaware that the Baron has been watching events unfold hammer. across, but those farther away in the hazing distance could be far, far
at the town house all day through the use of magical SEA DART broader, perhaps supporting small islets of rock on the surface.
means. The waterfront area of the Grayflood district bustles Development: The top maintainable speed of the Captain Byam says, “The Teeth, as seen from a different perspective.
Elaydren seems relieved to see the adventurers, since with laborers and sailors. Arcane and mundane cranes Sea Dart is approximately 15 miles per hour. The bound Beautiful, don’t you think?”
many of her hopes for advancing in her house rest with abound to help with the lifting of crates and boxes, so water elemental that powers the vehicle never tires, so
them. She welcomes them and lays out the last details magical auras abound. assuming there is no trouble, and accounting for ter- The Situation: A dire shark streaks through the
before the adventurers can depart. Read: Light: Daylight. rain, the Sea Dart can make the trip around Shargon’s water and attacks the Sea Dart at the behest of its sahuagin
Sound: Ship horns, laborers’ calls, mundane dock- Teeth and on to Stormreach in about five days. However, keeper. If the PCs notice the approaching creature, they
“I have secured you passage on a new form of transportation yard noises (automatic). Byam’s desire to follow Elaydren’s orders and get the can prepare for the jarring impact. Otherwise, they
recently developed by House Cannith,” Lady Elaydren says. “It is called Assuming the characters accept Elaydren’s com- adventurers to the trade settlement as quickly as possible realize the danger when the dire shark crashes into the
mission, they eventually find themselves at the docks puts the undersea ship on a course through Shargon’s undersea ship.
of Grayflood. Questions about Byam quickly provide Teeth. Provided all goes well, this cuts the length of the Call for Spot checks by all the characters in the
Undersea directions to a gnome engaged in a game of dice with trip to approximately three and a half days. observation blister. On a result of 25 or higher, char-
Ship other sailors. He asks the adventurers to wait while Undersea Ship: The Sea Dart has a narrow bridge acters see something large streaking through the water
he finishes the game and collects his winnings. If the at the ship’s front, an observation blister (which serves toward the vessel. Read:
adventurers show Byam the letter of passage from Elay- as the all-hands area and cafeteria), a galley for food
dren, he nods and leads them to a warehouse set back preparation and storage, the captain’s quarters, crew An enormous dark shape moves through the water toward you. It comes
from the docks. Read: quarters, two small berths (each able to hold up to closer, and you see a streamlined body with a triangular fin atop its
four passengers), a cargo hold (a thin horizontal space back, a toothy maw set well under its long snout, and a tail shaped like
The gnome with the short, dark hair and colorful speech leads you into beneath the cargo hold contains a minor elemental a crescent moon.
the warehouse. Inside, hidden from view, a sunken pool contains a binding ring of air that keeps the atmosphere in the
strange-looking vessel. It looks superficially like an airship that has fallen undersea ship breathable, as well as the magic equip- A moment later, the dire shark smashes into the Sea Dart,
into the water, complete with an elemental binding ring. However, the ment that supports the main elemental binding ring), damaging the ring that binds the water elemental to the
binding ring contains violently spinning water instead of the airy or fiery and a small armory and airlock containing eight water vessel. Read:
torus normally seen on airships. The craft’s shape seems strangely thin crossbows (special projectile weapons that can be used
and elongated. Moreover, every compartment is sealed inside the underwater) and twelve potions of water breathing. The Sea Dart rocks violently as though something large and powerful
hull. Several gnome crew members are in the process of transferring The window in the observation blister can be magi- has crashed into it, or perhaps the vessel has hit one of the stone columns
cargo crates into an open hatchway on top of the craft. cally commanded to view any exterior quadrant of the that rise like rocky trees through the dark water all around you. From
“This is the Sea Dart, my friends, and I am its captain, Byam of the undersea ship, including to the rear. somewhere, you hear the sound of dripping water as the gnome crew
ocean depths!” See the map on the inside cover for a layout of the members begin to curse and shout.
undersea ship.

PART TWO : an undersea ship, for it travels secretly beneath the waves. Three such
vehicles have been constructed. We built them for various intelligence
Byam knows that the characters need to reach Storm-
reach as quickly as possible, though he doesn’t know DANGER AT SEA (EL 9)
FROM HERE agencies, but only one such group has had the vision to purchase one
of the ships now that the Last War has ended. The other two remain in
why—nor does he want to know. As a loyal retainer of
House Cannith, he has agreed to work for Lady Elaydren
This deadly encounter pits the Sea Dart and its passengers
against a Huge dire shark as the undersea ship travels


Cannith hands. Take this letter of passage to Byam, in the Grayflood without asking questions. through the waters beneath Shargon’s Teeth.
district. He can be found in the vicinity of the Stone Docks. He will make Elaydren told Byam that the characters are experi- Light: Light spells at 20-foot intervals inside the
sure you get safely to Stormreach and back again.” enced hands and capable warriors. Byam plans to take undersea ship; phosphorescent sea life outside provides
a route through Shargon’s Teeth that will allow him to twilightlike lighting, or the ship’s exterior light spells can
This part of the adventure deals with the trip from Sharn Elaydren moves on to discussing how to find the Emer- cut more than a day off the trip. He hopes it won’t come be illuminated.
to Stormreach, on the northern coast of Xen’drik. The ald Claw task force. Read: to it, but Byam has decided to gamble on the PCs being Sound: Creaks and moans of a vessel under pressure;
adventurers must brave the Straits of Shargon and safely able to help put down any attempted sahuagin piracy. bubbling, faint intermittent whale calls and the sounds
pass through Shargon’s Teeth, the realm of the sahua- “The undersea ship will take you to Stormreach, the trading town Byam shows the characters to their berths. Because of other undersea life (automatic).
gin, to reach the mysterious continent. located on the northern coast of Xen’drik. You might be able to pick up of space constraints, four characters are packed into a Important Rules: Water Dangers, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
The PCs have two hours to purchase supplies and the Emerald Claw task force’s trail in or around Stormreach, but if that room that has two narrow sets of double bunk beds. page 304; Underwater Combat, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
make any other arrangements they like. Then, back at doesn’t seem to be working, head directly for the ruins. Kedran’s notes pages 92 and 93.
Elaydren’s town house, they receive the advance on their place the ancient site about four hundred miles up the Rachi River. Here Captain Byam: hp 29; see Appendix.
payment, last-minute instructions, and passage on a is the clue from Kedran’s notes to finding the site once you reach that Gliding along beneath the waves can be either extremely
strange new vehicle—an undersea ship. stretch of the river: At the turn in the Rachi River, where the land rises Gnome Crew (6): Gnome fighter 2; CR 2; Small boring or extremely interesting, depending on the ter-
and the hands of stone reach for the sky, look toward the giant’s left hand humanoid; HD 2d10+6; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC rain and undersea life. On the second day of the trip,
for guidance to the schema’s resting place.” 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp –2; Atk or Captain Byam calls the PCs to the observation blister to
LAST WORDS FROM ELAYDREN Full Atk +3 melee (1d6/×3, masterwork gnome hooked see an interesting sight. Read:
When the adventurers return to Lady Elaydren’s town Finally, Elaydren gives each of the adventurers a small hammer) or +2 melee (1d3/19–20, dagger); SA spell-like
house, they see that she has called for laborers to clean pouch of gems worth 2,500 gold pieces. abilities; SQ —; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; Str Beyond the clear dome of the observation blister, a breathtaking vista
up the mess. Attentive PCs can notice (DC 15 Spot 10, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8. reveals itself in startling hues of phosphorescent color. Thousands of
check) that these are common laborers, not affi liated “Collect the four schemas and the creation pattern, return them to Skills and Feats: Hide +7, Jump +1, Listen +3, Sense glowing fish, some in schools, some alone, flit through the dark water.
with House Cannith or any of the other dragonmarked me, and an equal amount will be yours on your return. Good luck, and Motive +1, Spot +2; Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Great columns of stone, painted in luminescent yellows and greens, punch
houses. Elaydren wants to keep the news of recent events may the fortunes of the Houses and the Nations smile upon you.” Two-Weapon Fighting. up from the darkness below and extend toward the surface, slowly nar-
from reaching Baron Merrix for as long as possible, Possessions: leather armor, masterwork gnome hooked rowing as they reach upward. Some of the columns are only tens of feet
unaware that the Baron has been watching events unfold hammer. across, but those farther away in the hazing distance could be far, far
at the town house all day through the use of magical SEA DART broader, perhaps supporting small islets of rock on the surface.
means. The waterfront area of the Grayflood district bustles Development: The top maintainable speed of the Captain Byam says, “The Teeth, as seen from a different perspective.
Elaydren seems relieved to see the adventurers, since with laborers and sailors. Arcane and mundane cranes Sea Dart is approximately 15 miles per hour. The bound Beautiful, don’t you think?”
many of her hopes for advancing in her house rest with abound to help with the lifting of crates and boxes, so water elemental that powers the vehicle never tires, so
them. She welcomes them and lays out the last details magical auras abound. assuming there is no trouble, and accounting for ter- The Situation: A dire shark streaks through the
before the adventurers can depart. Read: Light: Daylight. rain, the Sea Dart can make the trip around Shargon’s water and attacks the Sea Dart at the behest of its sahuagin
Sound: Ship horns, laborers’ calls, mundane dock- Teeth and on to Stormreach in about five days. However, keeper. If the PCs notice the approaching creature, they
“I have secured you passage on a new form of transportation yard noises (automatic). Byam’s desire to follow Elaydren’s orders and get the can prepare for the jarring impact. Otherwise, they
recently developed by House Cannith,” Lady Elaydren says. “It is called Assuming the characters accept Elaydren’s com- adventurers to the trade settlement as quickly as possible realize the danger when the dire shark crashes into the
mission, they eventually find themselves at the docks puts the undersea ship on a course through Shargon’s undersea ship.
of Grayflood. Questions about Byam quickly provide Teeth. Provided all goes well, this cuts the length of the Call for Spot checks by all the characters in the
Undersea directions to a gnome engaged in a game of dice with trip to approximately three and a half days. observation blister. On a result of 25 or higher, char-
Ship other sailors. He asks the adventurers to wait while Undersea Ship: The Sea Dart has a narrow bridge acters see something large streaking through the water
he finishes the game and collects his winnings. If the at the ship’s front, an observation blister (which serves toward the vessel. Read:
adventurers show Byam the letter of passage from Elay- as the all-hands area and cafeteria), a galley for food
dren, he nods and leads them to a warehouse set back preparation and storage, the captain’s quarters, crew An enormous dark shape moves through the water toward you. It comes
from the docks. Read: quarters, two small berths (each able to hold up to closer, and you see a streamlined body with a triangular fin atop its
four passengers), a cargo hold (a thin horizontal space back, a toothy maw set well under its long snout, and a tail shaped like
The gnome with the short, dark hair and colorful speech leads you into beneath the cargo hold contains a minor elemental a crescent moon.
the warehouse. Inside, hidden from view, a sunken pool contains a binding ring of air that keeps the atmosphere in the
strange-looking vessel. It looks superficially like an airship that has fallen undersea ship breathable, as well as the magic equip- A moment later, the dire shark smashes into the Sea Dart,
into the water, complete with an elemental binding ring. However, the ment that supports the main elemental binding ring), damaging the ring that binds the water elemental to the
binding ring contains violently spinning water instead of the airy or fiery and a small armory and airlock containing eight water vessel. Read:
torus normally seen on airships. The craft’s shape seems strangely thin crossbows (special projectile weapons that can be used
and elongated. Moreover, every compartment is sealed inside the underwater) and twelve potions of water breathing. The Sea Dart rocks violently as though something large and powerful
hull. Several gnome crew members are in the process of transferring The window in the observation blister can be magi- has crashed into it, or perhaps the vessel has hit one of the stone columns
cargo crates into an open hatchway on top of the craft. cally commanded to view any exterior quadrant of the that rise like rocky trees through the dark water all around you. From
“This is the Sea Dart, my friends, and I am its captain, Byam of the undersea ship, including to the rear. somewhere, you hear the sound of dripping water as the gnome crew
ocean depths!” See the map on the inside cover for a layout of the members begin to curse and shout.
undersea ship.

Have each of the characters and the crew members make Once the PCs start making preparations to depart the If diplomacy fails, the adventurers must fight the
Balance checks to keep their footing and better weather ship, or after the four crew members enter the water, ISLAND ENCOUNTER (CR 7) sahuagin raiding party.
being tossed violently around the inside of the ship when whichever comes first, start keeping track of rounds. After escaping the nets, the Sea Dart rises to the sur-
the dire shark impacts the Sea Dart. Anyone who noticed Exiting the Vessel: The process of grabbing water face and comes to rest beside one of the craggy islands Sahuagin Shark Keeper: Male sahuagin ranger


its approach must make a DC 20 Balance check; those crossbows, using potions of water breathing (good for 10 formed by the stone columns jutting from beneath the 2; CR 4; Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD
who were caught by surprise must make a DC 25 Balance hours each and sufficient to keep the dangers of drown- waves. While Byam and his crew work to repair the dam- 2d8+2 plus 2d8+2; hp 22; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., swim 60
check. Those who succeed take 1d6 points of damage; ing and high pressure at bay), and exiting the airlock aged binding ring, the sahuagin shark keeper and his ft.; AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed
those who fail take 2d6 points of damage. requires 3 full rounds. Helpful crew members attach allies attack. The PCs must protect the gnomes until the 15; Base Atk +4; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4+2, talons)
a tether to each character (50 feet long) unless a given repairs can be completed. or +4 melee (1d8+3, trident); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3,
Huge Dire Shark: hp 147; Monster Manual page 64. character refuses the aid. (Exiting crew members never trident) and +4 melee (1d6+1, bite) and +4 melee (1d4+1,
refuse tethers.) The Sea Dart breaks the surface and gently comes to rest beside a rake, if in water); SA blood frenzy, favored enemy (elves
RISE, RISE! There are eight water crossbows in the ship’s armory, more or less flat-topped stone outcropping. Other such outcroppings jut +2); SQ blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., freshwater
The dire shark’s powerful crash into the Sea Dart has six Small (1d6/19–20/×2) and two Medium (1d8/19–20/ from the water, though most of the nearest ones are jagged or domed. sensitivity, light blindness, speak with sharks, water
damaged the undersea ship. The adventurers can hear ×2). These weapons have been designed to function “This is as good a place as any,” Byam declares. “Let’s disembark and dependent, wild empathy, combat style—Improved
the tension in the otherwise professional calls and underwater. The four gnome crew members each take a make repairs.” Natural Attack (bite); SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Str
shouted orders of the crew. Read: Small water crossbow and 10 bolts with them when they 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9.
exit the ship. The PCs have the option of using any of The Situation: Byam and his crew need 2 hours to Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6*, Hide +8, Listen
“Captain!” one gnome crew member calls. “The binding ring has been the remaining weapons if they so choose. complete repairs. The small sahuagin force sees them as +8*, Profession (hunter) +6*, Ride +5, Spot +8*, Survival
damaged!” Cutting the Net: Two move actions are required intruders and wants to capture the crew and the ship for +2*; Great Fortitude, Multiattack B, Track B.
“Blast that overgrown sardine’s misshapen fin!” Byam shouts, anger for a character to reach and properly position himself their tribal leader. The PCs might be able to negotiate Blood Frenzy: Once per day a sahuagin can fly into a frenzy
and tension fighting for dominance in his tone. “Get us to the surface at each section of the net that Byam directed the crew safe passage through the region with the sahuagin shark in the round after it is damaged, clawing and biting madly
before the elemental gets free and we’re stuck in these cursed waters! members to cut. The crew members work in pairs to cut keeper, provided they talk before making any hostile until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitu-
Rise, rise!” the net. Each section of the net that must be cut has AC actions and make a DC 25 Diplomacy check, accompa- tion and +2 Strength and takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
12 and 8 hit points. All four sections must be cut for the nied by some sort of treasure (the sahuagin shark keeper A sahuagin cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.
The Situation: Captain Byam must get his undersea Sea Dart to be freed. appreciates magic items, especially weapons, as well as Favored Enemy (Elf): +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
ship to the surface, where his crew can make repairs The PCs can decide to help cut the ship free if they gold, and requires a combination of the two totaling Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these
to the elemental binding ring that surrounds the ship so desire. 1,000 gp). The shark keeper can’t be reasoned with if skills against an elf; +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls
and contains the water elemental that powers it. As the The Dire Shark: The dire shark glides silently out the adventurers managed to kill the dire shark. against elves.
vessel rises through the water, Byam adjusts the view in of the darkness beyond the light spells 2 rounds after
the observation blister so that the crew can keep an eye the first passengers or crew members enter the water. It
on the dire shark. It seems to follow them for a while; starts out by trying to grab one of the crew members or a
then it disappears into the dark water beyond the range PC in its powerful jaws so that it can swallow him or her
of the Sea Dart’s exterior light spells. whole. Despite the fearful appearance of the dire shark, Dire Shark
“Once we reach the surface,” Byam explains, “the the well-trained crew members stay at their posts and
crew and I can examine the damage and make repairs. continue to try to free the Sea Dart. The PCs can either
Shouldn’t delay us more than a couple of hours, Wise work to keep the shark at bay or help to cut the net, or
Aureon willing.” both. The dire shark can’t be easily driven away due to
Development: As the Sea Dart rises toward the the telepathic instructions it receives from its sahuagin
surface, it becomes entangled in sahuagin traps. keeper; it stays and fights until it is reduced to 30 hit
The great nets stretched between the stone columns points or less. Thereafter, it attempts to escape with all
effectively catch the Sea Dart and hold it tight. The possible haste.
undersea ship won’t be able to go anywhere until the During the battle with the dire shark, have each
nets are removed. PC make a single DC 25 Spot check. Anyone who suc-
“All right, crew,” Byam shouts above the increasingly ceeds notices a humanoid-shaped creature swimming
louder sound of dripping water, “we’re going to have to just at the edge of the glow of the ship’s light spells. The
take a swim and cut the Sea Dart free.” He turns to the character(s) only get a momentary glimpse before the
adventurers. “Any help you can provide will be much creature slips into the deeper darkness. This is a sahua-
appreciated.” gin. If a character notices the creature and informs
Captain Byam, the crusty gnome curses and says, “Well,
A SWIM IN THE DARK making repairs will be a tad more interesting.”
Byam directs the undersea excursion from the observa- Getting Back aboard the Sea Dart: Characters can
tion blister, where he can use the magic of that chamber enter the airlock in pairs with a full-round action. It
to serve as the eyes for his crew. He orders two crew takes another full round for the airlock to cycle before
members to remain in the ship to provide assistance and another pair can enter.
offer help when the others exit and enter the vessel. Four Ending this Encounter: This encounter ends when
crew members quaff potions of water breathing and disembark the nets holding the Sea Dart are cut free. Then the dam-
to cut the Sea Dart free of the nets. The PCs can volunteer aged vessel can continue toward the surface, where the
to help with this chore, or they can serve as defenders crew members can make repairs.
when the dire shark once again appears and attacks.

Have each of the characters and the crew members make Once the PCs start making preparations to depart the If diplomacy fails, the adventurers must fight the
Balance checks to keep their footing and better weather ship, or after the four crew members enter the water, ISLAND ENCOUNTER (CR 7) sahuagin raiding party.
being tossed violently around the inside of the ship when whichever comes first, start keeping track of rounds. After escaping the nets, the Sea Dart rises to the sur-
the dire shark impacts the Sea Dart. Anyone who noticed Exiting the Vessel: The process of grabbing water face and comes to rest beside one of the craggy islands Sahuagin Shark Keeper: Male sahuagin ranger


its approach must make a DC 20 Balance check; those crossbows, using potions of water breathing (good for 10 formed by the stone columns jutting from beneath the 2; CR 4; Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD
who were caught by surprise must make a DC 25 Balance hours each and sufficient to keep the dangers of drown- waves. While Byam and his crew work to repair the dam- 2d8+2 plus 2d8+2; hp 22; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., swim 60
check. Those who succeed take 1d6 points of damage; ing and high pressure at bay), and exiting the airlock aged binding ring, the sahuagin shark keeper and his ft.; AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed
those who fail take 2d6 points of damage. requires 3 full rounds. Helpful crew members attach allies attack. The PCs must protect the gnomes until the 15; Base Atk +4; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4+2, talons)
a tether to each character (50 feet long) unless a given repairs can be completed. or +4 melee (1d8+3, trident); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3,
Huge Dire Shark: hp 147; Monster Manual page 64. character refuses the aid. (Exiting crew members never trident) and +4 melee (1d6+1, bite) and +4 melee (1d4+1,
refuse tethers.) The Sea Dart breaks the surface and gently comes to rest beside a rake, if in water); SA blood frenzy, favored enemy (elves
RISE, RISE! There are eight water crossbows in the ship’s armory, more or less flat-topped stone outcropping. Other such outcroppings jut +2); SQ blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., freshwater
The dire shark’s powerful crash into the Sea Dart has six Small (1d6/19–20/×2) and two Medium (1d8/19–20/ from the water, though most of the nearest ones are jagged or domed. sensitivity, light blindness, speak with sharks, water
damaged the undersea ship. The adventurers can hear ×2). These weapons have been designed to function “This is as good a place as any,” Byam declares. “Let’s disembark and dependent, wild empathy, combat style—Improved
the tension in the otherwise professional calls and underwater. The four gnome crew members each take a make repairs.” Natural Attack (bite); SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Str
shouted orders of the crew. Read: Small water crossbow and 10 bolts with them when they 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9.
exit the ship. The PCs have the option of using any of The Situation: Byam and his crew need 2 hours to Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6*, Hide +8, Listen
“Captain!” one gnome crew member calls. “The binding ring has been the remaining weapons if they so choose. complete repairs. The small sahuagin force sees them as +8*, Profession (hunter) +6*, Ride +5, Spot +8*, Survival
damaged!” Cutting the Net: Two move actions are required intruders and wants to capture the crew and the ship for +2*; Great Fortitude, Multiattack B, Track B.
“Blast that overgrown sardine’s misshapen fin!” Byam shouts, anger for a character to reach and properly position himself their tribal leader. The PCs might be able to negotiate Blood Frenzy: Once per day a sahuagin can fly into a frenzy
and tension fighting for dominance in his tone. “Get us to the surface at each section of the net that Byam directed the crew safe passage through the region with the sahuagin shark in the round after it is damaged, clawing and biting madly
before the elemental gets free and we’re stuck in these cursed waters! members to cut. The crew members work in pairs to cut keeper, provided they talk before making any hostile until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitu-
Rise, rise!” the net. Each section of the net that must be cut has AC actions and make a DC 25 Diplomacy check, accompa- tion and +2 Strength and takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
12 and 8 hit points. All four sections must be cut for the nied by some sort of treasure (the sahuagin shark keeper A sahuagin cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.
The Situation: Captain Byam must get his undersea Sea Dart to be freed. appreciates magic items, especially weapons, as well as Favored Enemy (Elf): +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
ship to the surface, where his crew can make repairs The PCs can decide to help cut the ship free if they gold, and requires a combination of the two totaling Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these
to the elemental binding ring that surrounds the ship so desire. 1,000 gp). The shark keeper can’t be reasoned with if skills against an elf; +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls
and contains the water elemental that powers it. As the The Dire Shark: The dire shark glides silently out the adventurers managed to kill the dire shark. against elves.
vessel rises through the water, Byam adjusts the view in of the darkness beyond the light spells 2 rounds after
the observation blister so that the crew can keep an eye the first passengers or crew members enter the water. It
on the dire shark. It seems to follow them for a while; starts out by trying to grab one of the crew members or a
then it disappears into the dark water beyond the range PC in its powerful jaws so that it can swallow him or her
of the Sea Dart’s exterior light spells. whole. Despite the fearful appearance of the dire shark, Dire Shark
“Once we reach the surface,” Byam explains, “the the well-trained crew members stay at their posts and
crew and I can examine the damage and make repairs. continue to try to free the Sea Dart. The PCs can either
Shouldn’t delay us more than a couple of hours, Wise work to keep the shark at bay or help to cut the net, or
Aureon willing.” both. The dire shark can’t be easily driven away due to
Development: As the Sea Dart rises toward the the telepathic instructions it receives from its sahuagin
surface, it becomes entangled in sahuagin traps. keeper; it stays and fights until it is reduced to 30 hit
The great nets stretched between the stone columns points or less. Thereafter, it attempts to escape with all
effectively catch the Sea Dart and hold it tight. The possible haste.
undersea ship won’t be able to go anywhere until the During the battle with the dire shark, have each
nets are removed. PC make a single DC 25 Spot check. Anyone who suc-
“All right, crew,” Byam shouts above the increasingly ceeds notices a humanoid-shaped creature swimming
louder sound of dripping water, “we’re going to have to just at the edge of the glow of the ship’s light spells. The
take a swim and cut the Sea Dart free.” He turns to the character(s) only get a momentary glimpse before the
adventurers. “Any help you can provide will be much creature slips into the deeper darkness. This is a sahua-
appreciated.” gin. If a character notices the creature and informs
Captain Byam, the crusty gnome curses and says, “Well,
A SWIM IN THE DARK making repairs will be a tad more interesting.”
Byam directs the undersea excursion from the observa- Getting Back aboard the Sea Dart: Characters can
tion blister, where he can use the magic of that chamber enter the airlock in pairs with a full-round action. It
to serve as the eyes for his crew. He orders two crew takes another full round for the airlock to cycle before
members to remain in the ship to provide assistance and another pair can enter.
offer help when the others exit and enter the vessel. Four Ending this Encounter: This encounter ends when
crew members quaff potions of water breathing and disembark the nets holding the Sea Dart are cut free. Then the dam-
to cut the Sea Dart free of the nets. The PCs can volunteer aged vessel can continue toward the surface, where the
to help with this chore, or they can serve as defenders crew members can make repairs.
when the dire shark once again appears and attacks.

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A sahuagin fully immersed in Ending the Encounter: After Byam and his crew A single canal bisects the market ward, and the wide bridge that crosses of the Gather Information skill (unless they have access
fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or complete repairs, and once the PCs have dealt with the it is crowded with permanent shop fronts and hastily erected stalls, with to spells or scrying effects that immediately provide
become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the sahuagin raiders, the Sea Dart continues its trip toward merchants proclaiming the quality and superiority of their wares. You the characters the information they seek; see result
save attempt every 20 minutes it remains immersed. Xen’drik without further incident. Depending on how see livestock, sweetmeats, timber, silver, pearls, furs, crystals, vellum and DC 30 below).


Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light the encounters played out, the adventurers should be pens, weaponry, and a host of additional goods. The adventurers can ask about a small party of
(such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds sahuagin for 1 less than half a day behind schedule. The street on either side of the canal is choked with carts, temporary armored humans, possibly wearing distinctive helmets
round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled while and permanent storefronts, and the conversation of hundreds of people with a half faceplate and the insignia of a green dragon
operating in bright light. buying and selling all manner of things. Dancers, jugglers, fire-eaters, claw. They can ask about a white-skinned vampire,
Speak with Sharks (Ex): Can communicate telepathi- STORMREACH puppeteers, and purported sorcerers peddle their talents to anyone with or about the warforged with the wicked scimitar that
cally with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communica- The Sea Dart completes the journey to the northern coin and a modicum of patience. accompanies them.
tion is limited to fairly simple concepts such as “food,” shores of Xen’drik and surfaces within sight of the trade Each use of the Gather Information skill for this
“danger,” and “enemy.” Can use the Handle Animal city of Stormreach. Because the Sea Dart is a secret that There are many distractions in the wild, thriving trade purpose requires 1d4+1 hours of tavern-hopping, alley-
skill to befriend and train sharks. House Cannith wishes to preserve, Byam sets the adven- city of Stormreach. The adventurers have one mission walking, and contact-making, as well as 1d6 gold pieces
Water Dependent (Ex): Can survive out of the water for turers on land about a half a mile down the coast. here: to find the Emerald Claw task force. If the task for bribes and drinks—only one PC makes the check, but
1 hour per 2 points of Constitution. Light: Daylight. force can’t be found in a timely fashion, the adventurers the others can help using the standard rules for aiding
Skills: +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform Sound: The sounds of a small city (automatic). must head into the jungle and attempt to locate the ruin another’s skill check.
some special action or avoid a hazard. A sahuagin can Reaction: None. of which Kedran’s notes speak. Sometimes, tenacity is better than outright skill,
always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if dis- Important Rules: Influencing NPC Attitudes, Player’s The adventurers can purchase any supplies and and the longer the characters keep trying to find out
tracted or endangered. It can use the run action while Handbook page 72; gathering information, Player’s Handbook magic items normally available in a small city. information regarding the task force’s arrival in the
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. page 74. Along the way, as the PCs ask questions and explore, city, the better their odds at discovering what they
*Underwater, a sahuagin has a +4 racial bonus on When the Sea Dart surfaces and the characters get they encounter a strange, mysterious, but ultimately seek: Modify the Gather Information check result in
Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. A sahuagin has a +4 their first view of the city, read the following and show helpful woman known only as Muroni (see below). regard to the task force by +1 for every prior check
racial bonus on Survival and Profession (hunter) checks the players the illustration of Stormreach. with a result of at least 15 or higher. However, if
within 50 miles of its home. Sahuagin have a +4 racial SEEKING THE EMERALD CLAW the characters make 3 or more Gather Information
bonus on Handle Animal checks when working with Stormreach rises over the harbor, the only apparent evidence of civili- The best chance the characters have of discovering news checks, they stir up trouble (see “Asking Too Many
sharks. A sahuagin can always determine where true zation along this otherwise jungle coastline. Great stone buildings form of the Emerald Claw task force is through judicious use Questions,” below).
north lies in relation to itself and has a +2 racial bonus the foundation of the trade city, though all manners of smaller wood
on Search checks to find or follow tracks. structures fill in the gaps between the large structures. A stout stone wall
surrounds the city, and a complex series of docks and wharfs connect the
Sahuagin Raiders (3): Male sahuagin rogue 2; CR city to the sea.
4; Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD 2d8+2 Stormreach
plus 2d6+2; hp 20 each; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., swim 60 ft.; The Situation: Once Byam secures the undersea
AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; ship and hides it down the coast, the adventurers are
Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (1d4+2, talon) or free to disembark. Byam indicates that he will wait
+5 melee (1d8+3, trident); Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+3, for 30 days before declaring the adventurers lost and
trident) and +3 melee (1d4+1, bite) and +3 melee returning across the Thunder Sea toward Sharn.
(1d4+1, rake, if in water); SA blood frenzy, sneak attack “Return before that time, and the Sea Dart will carry
+1d6, trapfinding; SQ blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 you home,” Byam says. “Take too long, and you’re on
ft., freshwater sensitivity, light blindness, speak with your own.”
sharks, water dependent, trapfinding, evasion; SV Fort “Slip into Stormreach by means of the docks,” Byam
+3, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis advises. “These travel papers indicate that you arrived
13, Cha 9. aboard the House Lyrandar galleon Strong Wind and that
Skills and Feats: Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +6, you are part of an expedition from Morgrave Univer-
Handle Animal +4*, Hide +8, Listen +8*, Move Silently sity. Just don’t reveal any of this where anyone from the
+5, Profession (hunter) +1*, Ride +3, Spot +8*, Survival expedition can hear you—they probably won’t go along
+1*; Great Fortitude, Multiattack. with your story, since they don’t know you from the King
Blood Frenzy: See sahuagin shark keeper for details. of Q’barra. Good luck.”
Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for Byam gives the adventurers the traveling papers
details. and a letter of credit with the House Cannith seal.
Light Blindness (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for “In case you need to acquire transportation into the
details. jungle,” Byam says. “You can use the credit at the House
Speak with Sharks (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for Cannith enclave, and only at the enclave, and only for
details. transport.”
Water Dependent (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for
Skills: See sahuagin shark keeper for details. The city docks lead immediately into the city markets.
When the adventurers make their way into Stormreach,
read or paraphrase the following:

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A sahuagin fully immersed in Ending the Encounter: After Byam and his crew A single canal bisects the market ward, and the wide bridge that crosses of the Gather Information skill (unless they have access
fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or complete repairs, and once the PCs have dealt with the it is crowded with permanent shop fronts and hastily erected stalls, with to spells or scrying effects that immediately provide
become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the sahuagin raiders, the Sea Dart continues its trip toward merchants proclaiming the quality and superiority of their wares. You the characters the information they seek; see result
save attempt every 20 minutes it remains immersed. Xen’drik without further incident. Depending on how see livestock, sweetmeats, timber, silver, pearls, furs, crystals, vellum and DC 30 below).


Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light the encounters played out, the adventurers should be pens, weaponry, and a host of additional goods. The adventurers can ask about a small party of
(such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds sahuagin for 1 less than half a day behind schedule. The street on either side of the canal is choked with carts, temporary armored humans, possibly wearing distinctive helmets
round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled while and permanent storefronts, and the conversation of hundreds of people with a half faceplate and the insignia of a green dragon
operating in bright light. buying and selling all manner of things. Dancers, jugglers, fire-eaters, claw. They can ask about a white-skinned vampire,
Speak with Sharks (Ex): Can communicate telepathi- STORMREACH puppeteers, and purported sorcerers peddle their talents to anyone with or about the warforged with the wicked scimitar that
cally with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communica- The Sea Dart completes the journey to the northern coin and a modicum of patience. accompanies them.
tion is limited to fairly simple concepts such as “food,” shores of Xen’drik and surfaces within sight of the trade Each use of the Gather Information skill for this
“danger,” and “enemy.” Can use the Handle Animal city of Stormreach. Because the Sea Dart is a secret that There are many distractions in the wild, thriving trade purpose requires 1d4+1 hours of tavern-hopping, alley-
skill to befriend and train sharks. House Cannith wishes to preserve, Byam sets the adven- city of Stormreach. The adventurers have one mission walking, and contact-making, as well as 1d6 gold pieces
Water Dependent (Ex): Can survive out of the water for turers on land about a half a mile down the coast. here: to find the Emerald Claw task force. If the task for bribes and drinks—only one PC makes the check, but
1 hour per 2 points of Constitution. Light: Daylight. force can’t be found in a timely fashion, the adventurers the others can help using the standard rules for aiding
Skills: +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform Sound: The sounds of a small city (automatic). must head into the jungle and attempt to locate the ruin another’s skill check.
some special action or avoid a hazard. A sahuagin can Reaction: None. of which Kedran’s notes speak. Sometimes, tenacity is better than outright skill,
always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if dis- Important Rules: Influencing NPC Attitudes, Player’s The adventurers can purchase any supplies and and the longer the characters keep trying to find out
tracted or endangered. It can use the run action while Handbook page 72; gathering information, Player’s Handbook magic items normally available in a small city. information regarding the task force’s arrival in the
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. page 74. Along the way, as the PCs ask questions and explore, city, the better their odds at discovering what they
*Underwater, a sahuagin has a +4 racial bonus on When the Sea Dart surfaces and the characters get they encounter a strange, mysterious, but ultimately seek: Modify the Gather Information check result in
Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. A sahuagin has a +4 their first view of the city, read the following and show helpful woman known only as Muroni (see below). regard to the task force by +1 for every prior check
racial bonus on Survival and Profession (hunter) checks the players the illustration of Stormreach. with a result of at least 15 or higher. However, if
within 50 miles of its home. Sahuagin have a +4 racial SEEKING THE EMERALD CLAW the characters make 3 or more Gather Information
bonus on Handle Animal checks when working with Stormreach rises over the harbor, the only apparent evidence of civili- The best chance the characters have of discovering news checks, they stir up trouble (see “Asking Too Many
sharks. A sahuagin can always determine where true zation along this otherwise jungle coastline. Great stone buildings form of the Emerald Claw task force is through judicious use Questions,” below).
north lies in relation to itself and has a +2 racial bonus the foundation of the trade city, though all manners of smaller wood
on Search checks to find or follow tracks. structures fill in the gaps between the large structures. A stout stone wall
surrounds the city, and a complex series of docks and wharfs connect the
Sahuagin Raiders (3): Male sahuagin rogue 2; CR city to the sea.
4; Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic); HD 2d8+2 Stormreach
plus 2d6+2; hp 20 each; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., swim 60 ft.; The Situation: Once Byam secures the undersea
AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15; ship and hides it down the coast, the adventurers are
Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (1d4+2, talon) or free to disembark. Byam indicates that he will wait
+5 melee (1d8+3, trident); Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+3, for 30 days before declaring the adventurers lost and
trident) and +3 melee (1d4+1, bite) and +3 melee returning across the Thunder Sea toward Sharn.
(1d4+1, rake, if in water); SA blood frenzy, sneak attack “Return before that time, and the Sea Dart will carry
+1d6, trapfinding; SQ blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 you home,” Byam says. “Take too long, and you’re on
ft., freshwater sensitivity, light blindness, speak with your own.”
sharks, water dependent, trapfinding, evasion; SV Fort “Slip into Stormreach by means of the docks,” Byam
+3, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis advises. “These travel papers indicate that you arrived
13, Cha 9. aboard the House Lyrandar galleon Strong Wind and that
Skills and Feats: Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +6, you are part of an expedition from Morgrave Univer-
Handle Animal +4*, Hide +8, Listen +8*, Move Silently sity. Just don’t reveal any of this where anyone from the
+5, Profession (hunter) +1*, Ride +3, Spot +8*, Survival expedition can hear you—they probably won’t go along
+1*; Great Fortitude, Multiattack. with your story, since they don’t know you from the King
Blood Frenzy: See sahuagin shark keeper for details. of Q’barra. Good luck.”
Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for Byam gives the adventurers the traveling papers
details. and a letter of credit with the House Cannith seal.
Light Blindness (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for “In case you need to acquire transportation into the
details. jungle,” Byam says. “You can use the credit at the House
Speak with Sharks (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for Cannith enclave, and only at the enclave, and only for
details. transport.”
Water Dependent (Ex): See sahuagin shark keeper for
Skills: See sahuagin shark keeper for details. The city docks lead immediately into the city markets.
When the adventurers make their way into Stormreach,
read or paraphrase the following:

DC Gather Information Result four hundred miles inland. I told them that if they follow they need to go, the ranking agent provides them with witness these events, and I will aid you in any way I can.”
10 “I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” the river, they’d be safer than trying to cut through the a document that secures the services of the riverboat Muroni is introspective but not given to vocal
11–14 “Lots of strange people come to Stormreach. Unless jungle. The warforged called itself Scimitar, and the captain, Chinxero. “You can find Chinxero and his speculation, though she may make cryptic remarks
you’re seeking an army, I doubt you’ll find who half-elf introduced himself as Captain Rarwog.” riverboat at the docks on the Rachi River,” the House now and again in response to certain events or ques-


you’re looking for.” Cannith agent explains. tions, such as “And thus do the lines of Fate and Desire
15–19 “You know, I have seen some of those uniforms you House Lyrandar Docking Tower When the PCs are ready to leave Stormreach, go to intertwine,” “As the Prophecy decrees,” and similar
describe. Yeah, day before yesterday. No, I don’t The half-elf House of Storm maintains a vast shipping “The Riverboat,” below. pronouncements.
recall anything else.” enclave in Stormreach, complete with waterside docks, Experience: If the PCs successfully find the informa-
20–29 “Yes, I remember a group like that, with a warforged. warehouses, and an airship docking tower. The half-elf tion they seek, award them experience points equivalent THE RIVERBOAT (EL 6)
I’d say about two days ago. They came by airship, a tower master, a battle-hardened woman with dark red to what they would receive for defeating a CR 6 monster. As anyone at the river dock can tell the characters, the
fast-looking thing, and asked questions about the hair, has no time to answer foolish questions. Some Rachi River is the largest waterway snaking into Storm-
deep jungle. They’re gone now.” gold will loosen her tongue, however, and she responds Muroni reach, and its headwaters are said to lie far south, in the
30+ “They headed up the Rachi River, maneuvering well to 20 gold pieces or more. If the adventurers pay Someone waits for the adventurers in Stormreach. dark interior of Xen’drik.
their airship between the trees. It was a sight to see! the bribe, she admits that a privateer airship docked at She has been here for more than one month, sent by The adventurers have no difficulty finding Chinxero
I doubt anyone’ll ever see them again. I hear they the tower two days ago and departed yesterday. It was her patron to await the ones spoken of in prophecy. and his riverboat, the Marlow. Even with the letter of pas-
were on the trail of some treasure, something they captained by a half-elf named Rarwog, but the crew She is Muroni, an elf who follows the teachings of the sage guaranteed by the House Cannith agent, Chinxero
wouldn’t name. Even talked for a while with the consisted of armored warriors, a warforged, and—this great silver dragon, Vuulaytherus of the Chamber. The balks when he hears how far up the river the adventurers
leader of the Morgrave expedition.” was strange—she was sure she saw an armored skeleton silver dragon studies the draconic Prophecy and uses a want to go.
moving around belowdecks when she helped secure the number of nondragon agents throughout the world to “Too far,” Chinxero says. “Too far and too danger-
Development: The DM is free to make up colorful airship to the tower. Only a few of the crew disembarked watch for specific signs and portents. ous. Besides, I have other runs to make, schedules to
characters from whom the PCs obtain their informa- during their short stay, and when it left, the vessel Vuulaytherus has been studying a particularly convo- keep. Find another charter. Leave me be.”
tion. On the other hand, you can describe the results headed inland along the Rachi River. luted passage of the Prophecy that was discovered inside Muroni shows her worth by offering to pay Chinxero
in general terms. If the PCs don’t offer a suitable bribe, the half- the Endworld Mountains. The dragonmarks, appearing to make the journey, gold to add to whatever the House
The adventurers might look for the leader of the elf tower master sends them on their way without any as veins of silver and gold inside a deep chamber within Cannith letter of passage provides. She can provide up
Morgrave University expedition. They might decide to information. the mountains, tell of great events surrounding a group to 4,000 gp. If Chinxero demands more, the PCs will
forego finding the Emerald Claw task force and head of adventurers connected to House Cannith—or at least have to make up the difference.
right for the ruins. They might check with the only air- Asking Too Many Questions (EL 8) that’s how Vuulaytherus has interpreted the verses. The If the PCs try to convince Chinxero to allow them
ship docking tower in Stormreach to ask about a recent The Order of the Emerald Claw, ever a secretive orga- signs and portents pointed toward Stormreach and the to charter passage on his ship, they can attempt to use
arrival. If they stir up trouble by making three or more nization, is also thorough. Before the task force headed interior of Xen’drik as the focal point for this portion of the Diplomacy skill on the captain. His initial attitude
Gather Information checks in pursuit of the knowledge inland, Garrow left behind an enforcer to deal with the Prophecy, and so Vuulaytherus sent Muroni to bear is unfriendly. The following circumstance modifiers
they seek (or if they’ve been having an easy time so far anyone who might show up asking questions about his witness to unfolding events. (Muroni’s statistics are in apply: Muroni offers the captain additional gold (+4);
and you want to send another challenge their way), use task force. (If the adventurers participated in the earlier the Appendix.) PCs explain that they may find lucrative trade items in
the “Asking Too Many Questions” encounter. Each of parts of this story, Garrow has the enforcer watch specifi- Muroni has no overt mission other than to witness the deep jungle, which Chinxero would be in an ideal
these possible encounters is covered briefly below. cally for them.) Thus, when the characters begin asking events in Xen’drik and report back to Vuulaytherus. position to act upon (+4); characters threaten violence
questions, they draw attention to themselves if they use The silver dragon has great interest in the mission that (–4). Let one PC make the Diplomacy check, and use
Morgrave Expedition their Gather Information skill three times or if you brought the adventurers to Xen’drik and the results of the results listed below.
The expedition from Morgrave University arrived on simply want to present them with another challenge. their actions. Thus, Muroni’s goal is to join up with Hostile (check result less than 5): “Get out, I care nothing
the Strong Wind a few days ago. Led by Provost Baris After you decide to use this encounter, the adventur- the adventurers and offer them her services, survive to for your crazy mission.” Chinxero calls for his crew to
Kaven (NG male human expert 4), the expedition ers receive a message by courier. The text, scrawled in the end of their mission in Xen’drik, aid them in small attack the characters if they do not leave immediately.
includes about a dozen students and two guides (LN blood, reads: “I answer asks for gold. I Surthain. Meet ways, and observe what happens. Then, with informa- Unfriendly (result 5–14): “I’ve got schedules to keep. A
male humans, ranger 4 and fighter 3). This is a teaching now, Xaponath Lane, Old Quarter.” tion in hand, she plans to return to Vuulaytherus and diversion into the deep jungle could get me killed, but will
expedition, meaning that the group won’t be exploring The address leads to a run-down section of the make her report. definitely cost me. Give me 6,000 gold and I’ll consider it.”
any new sites. Instead, it will work in a secured site near city. Here, in a dead-end alley fi lled with shadows and Muroni approaches the adventurers at the fi rst Chinxero won’t budge below the 6,000 gp amount.
Stormreach that is relatively safe. protected from the sun, the enforcer ambushes the opportunity, either while they are asking questions Indifferent (result 15–24): “For enough money, I’ll go
The expedition can be found at a boarding house adventurers. The enforcer, a bodak named Surthain, around the city or perhaps to step in and help them anywhere. Give me 4,000 gold, and we’re on our way.”
not far from where the Strong Wind is docked during the isn’t particularly bright, but it does enjoy its work and against the bodak. She knows nothing about the Emer- Chinxero won’t budge below the 4,000 gp amount.
evenings. During the day, if the PCs wish to question is loyal to Garrow and the Blood of Vol. Surthain wears ald Claw task force, but seems to know a lot about the Friendly (result 25–39): “This might be a good excuse to
the provost, they must walk an hour into the jungle and a body-covering black cloak and hood. adventurers thanks to Vuulaytherus’s interpretation of try to extend my trade farther south.” Chinxero agrees
find him at the ruins. the Prophecy. For example, she was told to locate the to make the trip for an extra 2,000 gp.
If the PCs can change the provost’s attitude from Surthain, Bodak: hp 58; Monster Manual page 28. adventurers connected to House Cannith who would Helpful (result 40 or more): “I’ve been wondering what
indifferent to friendly (DC 15 Diplomacy check), he come to Xen’drik from beneath the sea. She watched the the jungles hide!” Chinxero agrees to work for just the
remembers talking with a half-elf airship captain and Development: If the characters allow Surthain to escape arrival of the Sea Dart, waiting at the place the Prophecy payment promised by the letter of passage.
his warforged first mate yesterday. “They could be the and they remain in Stormreach for another day, the directed her to, and she knows that the PCs are the ones Development: Once passage is negotiated, Chinxero
ones you seek, but I don’t feel comfortable revealing what bodak attacks them again after it recovers. spoken of in the Endworld Mountains verses. can be ready to head upriver in 12 hours. This delay
we discussed.” The elf woman explains exactly who she is. “I am a gives the characters more time to roam Stormreach,
If they can change his attitude to helpful (DC 30 House Cannith Enclave simple scholar,” Muroni says, “who follows the draconic should they so desire.
Diplomacy check), he reveals that they wanted to know As Byam promised, the letter of credit can be used to Prophecy to find deeper meaning in the world. The Experience: If the PCs successfully negotiate pas-
what to expect along the Rachi River. “They wanted to acquire transportation at the House Cannith enclave. Prophecy speaks of great events about to occur here in sage on the Marlow, award them experience equivalent to
know the lay of the land between here and a spot some After the adventurers show the letter and explain where Xen’drik, events that will revolve around you. Allow me to defeating a CR 6 monster.

12 13
DC Gather Information Result four hundred miles inland. I told them that if they follow they need to go, the ranking agent provides them with witness these events, and I will aid you in any way I can.”
10 “I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” the river, they’d be safer than trying to cut through the a document that secures the services of the riverboat Muroni is introspective but not given to vocal
11–14 “Lots of strange people come to Stormreach. Unless jungle. The warforged called itself Scimitar, and the captain, Chinxero. “You can find Chinxero and his speculation, though she may make cryptic remarks
you’re seeking an army, I doubt you’ll find who half-elf introduced himself as Captain Rarwog.” riverboat at the docks on the Rachi River,” the House now and again in response to certain events or ques-


you’re looking for.” Cannith agent explains. tions, such as “And thus do the lines of Fate and Desire
15–19 “You know, I have seen some of those uniforms you House Lyrandar Docking Tower When the PCs are ready to leave Stormreach, go to intertwine,” “As the Prophecy decrees,” and similar
describe. Yeah, day before yesterday. No, I don’t The half-elf House of Storm maintains a vast shipping “The Riverboat,” below. pronouncements.
recall anything else.” enclave in Stormreach, complete with waterside docks, Experience: If the PCs successfully find the informa-
20–29 “Yes, I remember a group like that, with a warforged. warehouses, and an airship docking tower. The half-elf tion they seek, award them experience points equivalent THE RIVERBOAT (EL 6)
I’d say about two days ago. They came by airship, a tower master, a battle-hardened woman with dark red to what they would receive for defeating a CR 6 monster. As anyone at the river dock can tell the characters, the
fast-looking thing, and asked questions about the hair, has no time to answer foolish questions. Some Rachi River is the largest waterway snaking into Storm-
deep jungle. They’re gone now.” gold will loosen her tongue, however, and she responds Muroni reach, and its headwaters are said to lie far south, in the
30+ “They headed up the Rachi River, maneuvering well to 20 gold pieces or more. If the adventurers pay Someone waits for the adventurers in Stormreach. dark interior of Xen’drik.
their airship between the trees. It was a sight to see! the bribe, she admits that a privateer airship docked at She has been here for more than one month, sent by The adventurers have no difficulty finding Chinxero
I doubt anyone’ll ever see them again. I hear they the tower two days ago and departed yesterday. It was her patron to await the ones spoken of in prophecy. and his riverboat, the Marlow. Even with the letter of pas-
were on the trail of some treasure, something they captained by a half-elf named Rarwog, but the crew She is Muroni, an elf who follows the teachings of the sage guaranteed by the House Cannith agent, Chinxero
wouldn’t name. Even talked for a while with the consisted of armored warriors, a warforged, and—this great silver dragon, Vuulaytherus of the Chamber. The balks when he hears how far up the river the adventurers
leader of the Morgrave expedition.” was strange—she was sure she saw an armored skeleton silver dragon studies the draconic Prophecy and uses a want to go.
moving around belowdecks when she helped secure the number of nondragon agents throughout the world to “Too far,” Chinxero says. “Too far and too danger-
Development: The DM is free to make up colorful airship to the tower. Only a few of the crew disembarked watch for specific signs and portents. ous. Besides, I have other runs to make, schedules to
characters from whom the PCs obtain their informa- during their short stay, and when it left, the vessel Vuulaytherus has been studying a particularly convo- keep. Find another charter. Leave me be.”
tion. On the other hand, you can describe the results headed inland along the Rachi River. luted passage of the Prophecy that was discovered inside Muroni shows her worth by offering to pay Chinxero
in general terms. If the PCs don’t offer a suitable bribe, the half- the Endworld Mountains. The dragonmarks, appearing to make the journey, gold to add to whatever the House
The adventurers might look for the leader of the elf tower master sends them on their way without any as veins of silver and gold inside a deep chamber within Cannith letter of passage provides. She can provide up
Morgrave University expedition. They might decide to information. the mountains, tell of great events surrounding a group to 4,000 gp. If Chinxero demands more, the PCs will
forego finding the Emerald Claw task force and head of adventurers connected to House Cannith—or at least have to make up the difference.
right for the ruins. They might check with the only air- Asking Too Many Questions (EL 8) that’s how Vuulaytherus has interpreted the verses. The If the PCs try to convince Chinxero to allow them
ship docking tower in Stormreach to ask about a recent The Order of the Emerald Claw, ever a secretive orga- signs and portents pointed toward Stormreach and the to charter passage on his ship, they can attempt to use
arrival. If they stir up trouble by making three or more nization, is also thorough. Before the task force headed interior of Xen’drik as the focal point for this portion of the Diplomacy skill on the captain. His initial attitude
Gather Information checks in pursuit of the knowledge inland, Garrow left behind an enforcer to deal with the Prophecy, and so Vuulaytherus sent Muroni to bear is unfriendly. The following circumstance modifiers
they seek (or if they’ve been having an easy time so far anyone who might show up asking questions about his witness to unfolding events. (Muroni’s statistics are in apply: Muroni offers the captain additional gold (+4);
and you want to send another challenge their way), use task force. (If the adventurers participated in the earlier the Appendix.) PCs explain that they may find lucrative trade items in
the “Asking Too Many Questions” encounter. Each of parts of this story, Garrow has the enforcer watch specifi- Muroni has no overt mission other than to witness the deep jungle, which Chinxero would be in an ideal
these possible encounters is covered briefly below. cally for them.) Thus, when the characters begin asking events in Xen’drik and report back to Vuulaytherus. position to act upon (+4); characters threaten violence
questions, they draw attention to themselves if they use The silver dragon has great interest in the mission that (–4). Let one PC make the Diplomacy check, and use
Morgrave Expedition their Gather Information skill three times or if you brought the adventurers to Xen’drik and the results of the results listed below.
The expedition from Morgrave University arrived on simply want to present them with another challenge. their actions. Thus, Muroni’s goal is to join up with Hostile (check result less than 5): “Get out, I care nothing
the Strong Wind a few days ago. Led by Provost Baris After you decide to use this encounter, the adventur- the adventurers and offer them her services, survive to for your crazy mission.” Chinxero calls for his crew to
Kaven (NG male human expert 4), the expedition ers receive a message by courier. The text, scrawled in the end of their mission in Xen’drik, aid them in small attack the characters if they do not leave immediately.
includes about a dozen students and two guides (LN blood, reads: “I answer asks for gold. I Surthain. Meet ways, and observe what happens. Then, with informa- Unfriendly (result 5–14): “I’ve got schedules to keep. A
male humans, ranger 4 and fighter 3). This is a teaching now, Xaponath Lane, Old Quarter.” tion in hand, she plans to return to Vuulaytherus and diversion into the deep jungle could get me killed, but will
expedition, meaning that the group won’t be exploring The address leads to a run-down section of the make her report. definitely cost me. Give me 6,000 gold and I’ll consider it.”
any new sites. Instead, it will work in a secured site near city. Here, in a dead-end alley fi lled with shadows and Muroni approaches the adventurers at the fi rst Chinxero won’t budge below the 6,000 gp amount.
Stormreach that is relatively safe. protected from the sun, the enforcer ambushes the opportunity, either while they are asking questions Indifferent (result 15–24): “For enough money, I’ll go
The expedition can be found at a boarding house adventurers. The enforcer, a bodak named Surthain, around the city or perhaps to step in and help them anywhere. Give me 4,000 gold, and we’re on our way.”
not far from where the Strong Wind is docked during the isn’t particularly bright, but it does enjoy its work and against the bodak. She knows nothing about the Emer- Chinxero won’t budge below the 4,000 gp amount.
evenings. During the day, if the PCs wish to question is loyal to Garrow and the Blood of Vol. Surthain wears ald Claw task force, but seems to know a lot about the Friendly (result 25–39): “This might be a good excuse to
the provost, they must walk an hour into the jungle and a body-covering black cloak and hood. adventurers thanks to Vuulaytherus’s interpretation of try to extend my trade farther south.” Chinxero agrees
find him at the ruins. the Prophecy. For example, she was told to locate the to make the trip for an extra 2,000 gp.
If the PCs can change the provost’s attitude from Surthain, Bodak: hp 58; Monster Manual page 28. adventurers connected to House Cannith who would Helpful (result 40 or more): “I’ve been wondering what
indifferent to friendly (DC 15 Diplomacy check), he come to Xen’drik from beneath the sea. She watched the the jungles hide!” Chinxero agrees to work for just the
remembers talking with a half-elf airship captain and Development: If the characters allow Surthain to escape arrival of the Sea Dart, waiting at the place the Prophecy payment promised by the letter of passage.
his warforged first mate yesterday. “They could be the and they remain in Stormreach for another day, the directed her to, and she knows that the PCs are the ones Development: Once passage is negotiated, Chinxero
ones you seek, but I don’t feel comfortable revealing what bodak attacks them again after it recovers. spoken of in the Endworld Mountains verses. can be ready to head upriver in 12 hours. This delay
we discussed.” The elf woman explains exactly who she is. “I am a gives the characters more time to roam Stormreach,
If they can change his attitude to helpful (DC 30 House Cannith Enclave simple scholar,” Muroni says, “who follows the draconic should they so desire.
Diplomacy check), he reveals that they wanted to know As Byam promised, the letter of credit can be used to Prophecy to find deeper meaning in the world. The Experience: If the PCs successfully negotiate pas-
what to expect along the Rachi River. “They wanted to acquire transportation at the House Cannith enclave. Prophecy speaks of great events about to occur here in sage on the Marlow, award them experience equivalent to
know the lay of the land between here and a spot some After the adventurers show the letter and explain where Xen’drik, events that will revolve around you. Allow me to defeating a CR 6 monster.

12 13
Caimans, river otters, and fish of various sizes swim through the water Deinonychus (4): hp 34 each; Monster Manual page Garrow, Scimitar, and the rest of the Emerald Claw
PART THREE : ahead, beside, and behind the Marlow, while hundreds of different
species of birds are visible and audible in and around the surrounding
60. These aggressive dinosaurs leap onto the deck of
the riverboat when it moves near the shore of a narrow
operatives have entered the ruin, leaving just three
men to guard the air-skiff. The guards are loyal to the

RIDING THE jungle. Every so often, a crew member points out an exotic animal portion of the river and attack. order but know little of Garrow’s plans and purposes.



eyeing the passing boat from the safety of the jungle foliage. Only Dire Apes (3): hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. The They simply follow their orders. Two are in the air-

the path that the river cuts through the emerald trees and foliage monstrous apes swing from the trees onto the riverboat skiff, while the third has been exploring a short way up
is clear—all else is a riot of leaves, branches, and strange animals. using vines. the river. When the guards in the air-skiff notice the
Occasionally, the distant sound of drums can be heard, drifting over Giant, Hill: hp 102; Monster Manual page 123. The approaching riverboat and the well-armed adventurers,
The Marlow is an elemental-powered riverboat, one of the canopy of leaves. hill giant attacks from the rocky cliffs along the shore they decide to parley instead of fight, hoping to delay the
the only such ships in use at Stormreach. Chinxero is a of the river, hurling rocks and boulders. adventurers while the third guard gets word to Garrow
privateer, with no connection to any of the dragonmarked If asked about the drums, Chinxero shrugs and says, “It Hag, Green: hp 49; Monster Manual page 143. The and the others exploring the ruin.
houses, although he works for many of them from time to would be difficult to number the different savage tribes green hag attempts to lure victims off the boat, prefer-
time. The Marlow has a complement of ten sailors. and races that hunt through the jungle. We’d best stay ring to attack in the night. Air-Skiff Guards (3): Male human warrior 4; CR
clear of them, though—it is well known that most eat Lizardfolk (8): hp 11 each; Monster Manual page 169. 2; Medium humanoid; HD 4d8+4; hp 27; Init +0; Spd
Captain Chinxero: Male human fi ghter 5; CR 5; humans and halflings if they can catch them.” The lizardfolk savages hurl javelins from the cover of the 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +4; Grp
Medium humanoid; HD 5d10+15; hp 42; Init +6; Spd trees along the shore as the riverboat passes by. +6; Atk or Full Atk +6 melee (1d4+2/19-20, dagger) or
20 ft.; AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +5; Grp RIVER ENCOUNTERS (EL VARIES) Shambling Mound: hp 60; Monster Manual page 222. +4 ranged (1d8/19-20, crossbow); SA —; SQ —; AL N;
+7; Atk or Full Atk +10 melee (1d10+5/19–20, master- Most of the first day on the Rachi River is spent in a The shambling mound hides in a thick patch of vegeta- SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int
work bastard sword) or +8 ranged (1d8+3, masterwork cultivated region surrounding Stormreach. Small vil- tion near the bank of the river. It slides silently through 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.
composite longbow); SA —; SQ —; AL N; SV Fort +8, lages dot the riverside every few miles. But after the first the water to surprise the occupants of the boat and try Skills and Feats: Intimidate +5, Swim +8; Toughness,
Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, day, the Marlow passes into the deep jungle, and monster to snag one as a snack. Weapon Focus (dagger).
Cha 10. encounters are possible. Skum (4): hp 11 each; Monster Manual page 228. Language: Common.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +2, Intimidate +6, Profes- Use the table below to determine the chance of an This hunting party has wandered into the river from Possessions: leather armor, crossbow with 10 bolts,
sion (riverboat captain) +3, Sense Motive +4; Exotic encounter each day of the trip, and whether or not an underground waterway, intent on capturing surface dagger, 8 sp.
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Ini- the encounter takes place during the daylight hours dwellers to take below. They attempt to grab a crew
tiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), (while the boat is moving) or at night (while the boat member and then get the adventurers to battle them Development: The guards know they can’t stand
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword). is anchored). within the water. against the adventurers, so they decide to try to stall
Languages: Common, Giant. Tigers (2): hp 45 each; Monster Manual page 281. The them by talking to them. During the discussion, the PCs
Possessions: full plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork Day Encounter? (roll d%) Time (roll d6) tigers leap across the water from a narrow part of the can make a DC 20 Spot check to notice the third guard
bastard sword, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str One 01–10 1–2 day, 3–6 night river as the boat passes by. as he sneaks toward the entrance to the ruin.
bonus) with 10 arrows, 10 cold iron arrows, and 10 sil- Two 01–20 1–3 day, 4–6 night Trolls (2): hp 63 each; Monster Manual page 247. The Here are some of the questions the guards might
vered arrows. Three 01–30 1–4 day, 5–6 night trolls wade out of the shallow part of the river when the answer.
Four 01–40 1–3 day, 4–6 night boat is anchored for the night. Who Are You? “We are members of the Order of the
Sailors (10): Human warrior 1; CR 1/2; Medium Five 01–50 day Yuan-Ti Abomination: hp 67; Monster Manual page Emerald Claw. We work for the advancement of the
humanoid; HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, 264. The abomination encounters the boat while swim- nation of Karrnath, despite the current king’s lack of
touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk or If no encounter is indicated for a particular day, the ming in the river and, angered by its presence, attacks. vision and ambition.”
Full Atk +4 melee (1d4+2, dagger); SA —; SQ —; AL N; journey passes without incident. Very little of the jungle Who Is Your Leader? “The great and powerful Garrow
SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int can be seen from the river, and soon even the exotic leads us.”
10, Wis 11, Cha 8. locale becomes somewhat dull and monotonous. THE GIANT HANDS Is Your Leader a Vampire? (After a short pause) “Yes, a
Skills and Feats: Climb +4, Jump +3, Swim +3; Improved If an encounter is indicated for a particular day, roll On the fifth day of travel along the river, the adventurers powerful vampire.” (This is a lie.)
Initiative, Weapon Focus (dagger). on the table below and consult the notes that follow. spot the landmark they were told to watch for. Read: Does Garrow Have the Schemas? “He has some objects
Language: Common. in his pack, and he guards them fiercely, but we know
Possessions: dagger, 12 sp. Number Just as Kedran’s notes suggested, as you reach a turn in the Rachi River, nothing of detail.”
d% Monster Appearing EL at a place where the land rises up from the vegetation-strewn banks, How Many Men Are with Garrow? “Nearly fifty, all told,
Development: Once all preparations are made, 01–11 Constrictor snakes 4 6 you see giant hands of stone reaching out of the rocky soil toward the including a fierce warforged warrior.”
Captain Chinxero pushes off. The characters are 12–17 Deinonychus 4 7 sky. These ancient monoliths suggest that you are nearing the site of the How Long Have They Been in the Ruin? “Since yesterday
forced to share a small auxiliary cargo hold for their 18–27 Dire apes 3 6 fourth schema’s resting place. morning.”
quarters—space is at a premium. 28–34 Giant, hill 1 8 And, sure enough, on the bank of the river to the giant’s left hand,
The river is wide and broad, and the elemental- 35–40 Hag, green 1 5 you see a small air-skiff floating about 20 feet in the air, a rope ladder The characters may decide their best option is to damage
powered riverboat can cover about eighty miles a day. 41–52 Lizardfolk 8 6 hanging over the side and a line spiked into the ground. the Nellie and leave Garrow stranded, then ambush
Each night, Captain Chinxero drops anchor in the 53–61 Shambling mound 1 6 their opponents when they emerge from the ruin.
middle of the river and sets a watch (the PCs are free 62–73 Skum 4 6 The Situation: The air-skiff belongs to the Emerald However, the guard trying to warn Garrow might cause
to set their own watch, as well). The Marlow’s speed and 74–83 Tigers 2 6 Claw task force. Garrow secured a new airship after his the Emerald Claw minions to alter their plan, and so
the distance they must travel means that the characters 84–92 Trolls 2 7 was destroyed in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, and he is Muroni urges the adventurers to enter the ruin. “You
will spend approximately five days on the cramped riv- 93–100 Yuan-ti abomination 1 7 overly protective of the new vessel. Therefore, once he must reach this Garrow before he finds the object he
erboat. Read or paraphrase the following description found the location of the ruin, he hid the larger airship seeks,” she says, “for you must be there when the great
of the trip once the boat passes the lightly populated Constrictor Snakes (4): hp 19 each; Monster Manual in the jungle and took a smaller team in aboard the air- event unfolds.” She says nothing more, but she repeats
portion of the river and enters the deep jungle. page 279. The snakes drop from the branches hanging skiff, named Nellie. this directive frequently until the adventurers head
over the river. into the ruin.

14 15
Caimans, river otters, and fish of various sizes swim through the water Deinonychus (4): hp 34 each; Monster Manual page Garrow, Scimitar, and the rest of the Emerald Claw
PART THREE : ahead, beside, and behind the Marlow, while hundreds of different
species of birds are visible and audible in and around the surrounding
60. These aggressive dinosaurs leap onto the deck of
the riverboat when it moves near the shore of a narrow
operatives have entered the ruin, leaving just three
men to guard the air-skiff. The guards are loyal to the

RIDING THE jungle. Every so often, a crew member points out an exotic animal portion of the river and attack. order but know little of Garrow’s plans and purposes.



eyeing the passing boat from the safety of the jungle foliage. Only Dire Apes (3): hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. The They simply follow their orders. Two are in the air-

the path that the river cuts through the emerald trees and foliage monstrous apes swing from the trees onto the riverboat skiff, while the third has been exploring a short way up
is clear—all else is a riot of leaves, branches, and strange animals. using vines. the river. When the guards in the air-skiff notice the
Occasionally, the distant sound of drums can be heard, drifting over Giant, Hill: hp 102; Monster Manual page 123. The approaching riverboat and the well-armed adventurers,
The Marlow is an elemental-powered riverboat, one of the canopy of leaves. hill giant attacks from the rocky cliffs along the shore they decide to parley instead of fight, hoping to delay the
the only such ships in use at Stormreach. Chinxero is a of the river, hurling rocks and boulders. adventurers while the third guard gets word to Garrow
privateer, with no connection to any of the dragonmarked If asked about the drums, Chinxero shrugs and says, “It Hag, Green: hp 49; Monster Manual page 143. The and the others exploring the ruin.
houses, although he works for many of them from time to would be difficult to number the different savage tribes green hag attempts to lure victims off the boat, prefer-
time. The Marlow has a complement of ten sailors. and races that hunt through the jungle. We’d best stay ring to attack in the night. Air-Skiff Guards (3): Male human warrior 4; CR
clear of them, though—it is well known that most eat Lizardfolk (8): hp 11 each; Monster Manual page 169. 2; Medium humanoid; HD 4d8+4; hp 27; Init +0; Spd
Captain Chinxero: Male human fi ghter 5; CR 5; humans and halflings if they can catch them.” The lizardfolk savages hurl javelins from the cover of the 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +4; Grp
Medium humanoid; HD 5d10+15; hp 42; Init +6; Spd trees along the shore as the riverboat passes by. +6; Atk or Full Atk +6 melee (1d4+2/19-20, dagger) or
20 ft.; AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +5; Grp RIVER ENCOUNTERS (EL VARIES) Shambling Mound: hp 60; Monster Manual page 222. +4 ranged (1d8/19-20, crossbow); SA —; SQ —; AL N;
+7; Atk or Full Atk +10 melee (1d10+5/19–20, master- Most of the first day on the Rachi River is spent in a The shambling mound hides in a thick patch of vegeta- SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int
work bastard sword) or +8 ranged (1d8+3, masterwork cultivated region surrounding Stormreach. Small vil- tion near the bank of the river. It slides silently through 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.
composite longbow); SA —; SQ —; AL N; SV Fort +8, lages dot the riverside every few miles. But after the first the water to surprise the occupants of the boat and try Skills and Feats: Intimidate +5, Swim +8; Toughness,
Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, day, the Marlow passes into the deep jungle, and monster to snag one as a snack. Weapon Focus (dagger).
Cha 10. encounters are possible. Skum (4): hp 11 each; Monster Manual page 228. Language: Common.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +2, Intimidate +6, Profes- Use the table below to determine the chance of an This hunting party has wandered into the river from Possessions: leather armor, crossbow with 10 bolts,
sion (riverboat captain) +3, Sense Motive +4; Exotic encounter each day of the trip, and whether or not an underground waterway, intent on capturing surface dagger, 8 sp.
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Ini- the encounter takes place during the daylight hours dwellers to take below. They attempt to grab a crew
tiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), (while the boat is moving) or at night (while the boat member and then get the adventurers to battle them Development: The guards know they can’t stand
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword). is anchored). within the water. against the adventurers, so they decide to try to stall
Languages: Common, Giant. Tigers (2): hp 45 each; Monster Manual page 281. The them by talking to them. During the discussion, the PCs
Possessions: full plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork Day Encounter? (roll d%) Time (roll d6) tigers leap across the water from a narrow part of the can make a DC 20 Spot check to notice the third guard
bastard sword, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str One 01–10 1–2 day, 3–6 night river as the boat passes by. as he sneaks toward the entrance to the ruin.
bonus) with 10 arrows, 10 cold iron arrows, and 10 sil- Two 01–20 1–3 day, 4–6 night Trolls (2): hp 63 each; Monster Manual page 247. The Here are some of the questions the guards might
vered arrows. Three 01–30 1–4 day, 5–6 night trolls wade out of the shallow part of the river when the answer.
Four 01–40 1–3 day, 4–6 night boat is anchored for the night. Who Are You? “We are members of the Order of the
Sailors (10): Human warrior 1; CR 1/2; Medium Five 01–50 day Yuan-Ti Abomination: hp 67; Monster Manual page Emerald Claw. We work for the advancement of the
humanoid; HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, 264. The abomination encounters the boat while swim- nation of Karrnath, despite the current king’s lack of
touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk or If no encounter is indicated for a particular day, the ming in the river and, angered by its presence, attacks. vision and ambition.”
Full Atk +4 melee (1d4+2, dagger); SA —; SQ —; AL N; journey passes without incident. Very little of the jungle Who Is Your Leader? “The great and powerful Garrow
SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int can be seen from the river, and soon even the exotic leads us.”
10, Wis 11, Cha 8. locale becomes somewhat dull and monotonous. THE GIANT HANDS Is Your Leader a Vampire? (After a short pause) “Yes, a
Skills and Feats: Climb +4, Jump +3, Swim +3; Improved If an encounter is indicated for a particular day, roll On the fifth day of travel along the river, the adventurers powerful vampire.” (This is a lie.)
Initiative, Weapon Focus (dagger). on the table below and consult the notes that follow. spot the landmark they were told to watch for. Read: Does Garrow Have the Schemas? “He has some objects
Language: Common. in his pack, and he guards them fiercely, but we know
Possessions: dagger, 12 sp. Number Just as Kedran’s notes suggested, as you reach a turn in the Rachi River, nothing of detail.”
d% Monster Appearing EL at a place where the land rises up from the vegetation-strewn banks, How Many Men Are with Garrow? “Nearly fifty, all told,
Development: Once all preparations are made, 01–11 Constrictor snakes 4 6 you see giant hands of stone reaching out of the rocky soil toward the including a fierce warforged warrior.”
Captain Chinxero pushes off. The characters are 12–17 Deinonychus 4 7 sky. These ancient monoliths suggest that you are nearing the site of the How Long Have They Been in the Ruin? “Since yesterday
forced to share a small auxiliary cargo hold for their 18–27 Dire apes 3 6 fourth schema’s resting place. morning.”
quarters—space is at a premium. 28–34 Giant, hill 1 8 And, sure enough, on the bank of the river to the giant’s left hand,
The river is wide and broad, and the elemental- 35–40 Hag, green 1 5 you see a small air-skiff floating about 20 feet in the air, a rope ladder The characters may decide their best option is to damage
powered riverboat can cover about eighty miles a day. 41–52 Lizardfolk 8 6 hanging over the side and a line spiked into the ground. the Nellie and leave Garrow stranded, then ambush
Each night, Captain Chinxero drops anchor in the 53–61 Shambling mound 1 6 their opponents when they emerge from the ruin.
middle of the river and sets a watch (the PCs are free 62–73 Skum 4 6 The Situation: The air-skiff belongs to the Emerald However, the guard trying to warn Garrow might cause
to set their own watch, as well). The Marlow’s speed and 74–83 Tigers 2 6 Claw task force. Garrow secured a new airship after his the Emerald Claw minions to alter their plan, and so
the distance they must travel means that the characters 84–92 Trolls 2 7 was destroyed in Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade, and he is Muroni urges the adventurers to enter the ruin. “You
will spend approximately five days on the cramped riv- 93–100 Yuan-ti abomination 1 7 overly protective of the new vessel. Therefore, once he must reach this Garrow before he finds the object he
erboat. Read or paraphrase the following description found the location of the ruin, he hid the larger airship seeks,” she says, “for you must be there when the great
of the trip once the boat passes the lightly populated Constrictor Snakes (4): hp 19 each; Monster Manual in the jungle and took a smaller team in aboard the air- event unfolds.” She says nothing more, but she repeats
portion of the river and enters the deep jungle. page 279. The snakes drop from the branches hanging skiff, named Nellie. this directive frequently until the adventurers head
over the river. into the ruin.

14 15
Garrow, and adventurers might run into them anywhere
PART FOUR : within the structure.
For every 2 hours the PCs spend in a portion of the
Use the map of the gallery level, on the inside cover,

THE RUIN ruin other than the dark level or the vault level, roll
d% and consult the following table. On any result of
51 or higher, no encounter occurs. On a roll of 01–50,
to run the first series of encounters at the ruin. If the
PCs find another way into the ruin to begin, go to the
appropriate map and the encounter section later in this
This portion of Grasp of the Emerald Claw allows the characters read the result on the table and apply the suggested part of the adventure.

to explore one of the legendary ruins of the long-vanished encounter.

giant civilization of Xen’drik. 1. GIANT STEPS (EL 9)
The imposing structure of this cyclopean ruin is Number The most direct path into the ruins is by the steps that
composed of a ground “gallery” level, and three higher d% Monster Appearing EL lead to the Gallery Level.
levels (the dark level, the temple level, and the obser- 01–05 Cockatrices 2 5 Light: Sunlight.
vatory level). Hidden beneath the massive base of the 06–09 Dire apes 5 8 Sound: Surrounding jungle noises (automatic).
cyclopean ruin is a secure vault level. 10–15 Dire tiger 1 8 Reaction: The drow have a hostile reaction to the
See the Ruin Cutaway View on the inside cover 16–27 Drow warriors 4 6 approach of the adventurers.
for details. 28–40 Emerald Claw soldiers 6 5 Aura: Minor abjuration (spells linger in the stone of
41–45 Karrnathi skeletons 2 5 the ruin, aiding its preservation).
46–50 Yuan-ti abominations 2 9 When the adventurers approach the ruin, read:
DUNGEON FEATURES 51–100 No Encounter — —
The following features are accurate unless noted other- Five massive stone steps rise 50 feet to a colossal, open-air gallery
wise in a specific area description. Cockatrices (2): hp 27 each; Monster Manual page 37. capped by the oppressive weight of the ancient ruin. A series of 20-foot-
This mated pair wanders the ruin, seeking a place to wide, 50-foot-tall stone columns surrounds the gallery and supports the
THE RUIN establish a lair. upper levels of the ruin. A 10-foot-wide channel cut into the stone next
The ruin is 325 feet tall, and composed of solid stone Dire Apes (5): hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. A to the great stairs contains a far smaller staircase, providing a crumbling
with lingering spells of solidity and protection. The gang of monstrous apes has turned a portion of the ruin route for creatures more or less your own size.
gallery level is open to the elements, made of massive into their lair. The carnage of a great battle litters the smaller staircase. Dozens of
columns and blocks of stone that support the upper Dire Tiger: hp 120; Monster Manual page 65. The bodies are scattered across the steps. A few bear the distinctive milita-
three levels. The dark level has no exterior access, but monstrous tiger stalks the ruin, searching for prey. ristic uniform worn by soldiers of the Emerald Claw, but many more are
the temple and observatory levels have many windows Drow Warriors (4): hp 16 each; see the Appendix ebony-skinned elves wearing clothing made of carapaces and strange
and openings (DC 30 Climb check to reach, due to the for details. The drow party hunts for intruders in leather. Scavenger birds cover the bodies, feasting on the remains.
overhang and the crumbling nature of the rock face). the ruin.
The hidden vault level is secret even to the creatures Emerald Claw Soldiers (6): hp 14 each; see the The Situation: Garrow had a force of fifty soldiers
currently inhabiting the ruin. Appendix for details. The soldiers patrol the ruin, and ten Karrnathi skeletons deposited from his air-
watching for threats and looking for anything that ship into the field near the ruin. Then, keeping just
DOORS might interest their leader, Garrow. a single air-skiff, he ordered the airship’s captain
The doors that remain are sized for giants and show evi- Karrnathi Skeletons (2): hp 19 each; Eberron to hide the vessel in the jungle to await further
dence that the lingering spells of protection have faded Campaign Setting page 292. Garrow has set these undead directions. Garrow’s task force discovered that
over the centuries; eroding stone and rusting iron are warriors loose to patrol the ruin for any potential strange, dark-skinned elves called drow lived in
common. This defect makes the doors easier to break threats to the Emerald Claw task force. the gallery level of the ruin.
or force open than would otherwise be the case for such Yuan-ti Abominations (2): hp 67 each; Monster Confident in his troops, Garrow didn’t
formidable doors. Manual page 264. The yuan-ti have come to the ruin attempt to parley—he ordered his men to wipe
Giant doors are made of stone with iron hinges, 25 on a quest for the shaman of their tribe. They seek an out the drow. Garrow lost fourteen soldiers
feet high, 15 feet wide, and 3 feet thick. They have hard- ancient relic to show that they have braved the ruin and four skeletons in the conflict, but his
ness 8, 360 hit points, AC 5, and a break DC of 26. Even and survived. troops managed to kill five times as many of
pushing open these closed doors is a task, requiring a the drow; the rest fled from the ruin. With the
DC 25 Strength check. drow threat eliminated, the task force began

CEILING HEIGHT WHO LIVED IN THE RUIN? to explore the ruin, looking for the location
of the final schema.
Except when noted otherwise (as in the gallery level), This structure served as a temple and arcane labora- In the day since Garrow and his task force
ceiling height within the ruin is 30 feet. Everything tory for a variety of giants during the height of the Age entered the ruin, the drow have returned to
in the place is sized for giants, with a few exceptions of Giants. In addition to giants, elf and drow slaves reclaim their home. They have vowed to
that were made for the use of their elf slaves. The place and magehands also occupied the place, serving their destroy the intruders, and the adventurers
giant masters.
should make the adventurers feel small, weak, and lost are seen in the same light as the Emerald
Other than a few remaining hints, this information
by comparison. Claw in the wake of the terrible disaster
may be hard to impossible for the adventurers to learn,
and in any case such details aren’t important for the that has befallen the tribe.
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS purposes of this adventure. Studying the Scene: Characters who
Creatures of all types still inhabit the ruin, as well as spend time examining the upper
the forces of the Emerald Claw under the command of levels of the ruin eventually see
dark shapes on the level 150 feet

16 Ruin Steps
Garrow, and adventurers might run into them anywhere
PART FOUR : within the structure.
For every 2 hours the PCs spend in a portion of the
Use the map of the gallery level, on the inside cover,

THE RUIN ruin other than the dark level or the vault level, roll
d% and consult the following table. On any result of
51 or higher, no encounter occurs. On a roll of 01–50,
to run the first series of encounters at the ruin. If the
PCs find another way into the ruin to begin, go to the
appropriate map and the encounter section later in this
This portion of Grasp of the Emerald Claw allows the characters read the result on the table and apply the suggested part of the adventure.

to explore one of the legendary ruins of the long-vanished encounter.

giant civilization of Xen’drik. 1. GIANT STEPS (EL 9)
The imposing structure of this cyclopean ruin is Number The most direct path into the ruins is by the steps that
composed of a ground “gallery” level, and three higher d% Monster Appearing EL lead to the Gallery Level.
levels (the dark level, the temple level, and the obser- 01–05 Cockatrices 2 5 Light: Sunlight.
vatory level). Hidden beneath the massive base of the 06–09 Dire apes 5 8 Sound: Surrounding jungle noises (automatic).
cyclopean ruin is a secure vault level. 10–15 Dire tiger 1 8 Reaction: The drow have a hostile reaction to the
See the Ruin Cutaway View on the inside cover 16–27 Drow warriors 4 6 approach of the adventurers.
for details. 28–40 Emerald Claw soldiers 6 5 Aura: Minor abjuration (spells linger in the stone of
41–45 Karrnathi skeletons 2 5 the ruin, aiding its preservation).
46–50 Yuan-ti abominations 2 9 When the adventurers approach the ruin, read:
DUNGEON FEATURES 51–100 No Encounter — —
The following features are accurate unless noted other- Five massive stone steps rise 50 feet to a colossal, open-air gallery
wise in a specific area description. Cockatrices (2): hp 27 each; Monster Manual page 37. capped by the oppressive weight of the ancient ruin. A series of 20-foot-
This mated pair wanders the ruin, seeking a place to wide, 50-foot-tall stone columns surrounds the gallery and supports the
THE RUIN establish a lair. upper levels of the ruin. A 10-foot-wide channel cut into the stone next
The ruin is 325 feet tall, and composed of solid stone Dire Apes (5): hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. A to the great stairs contains a far smaller staircase, providing a crumbling
with lingering spells of solidity and protection. The gang of monstrous apes has turned a portion of the ruin route for creatures more or less your own size.
gallery level is open to the elements, made of massive into their lair. The carnage of a great battle litters the smaller staircase. Dozens of
columns and blocks of stone that support the upper Dire Tiger: hp 120; Monster Manual page 65. The bodies are scattered across the steps. A few bear the distinctive milita-
three levels. The dark level has no exterior access, but monstrous tiger stalks the ruin, searching for prey. ristic uniform worn by soldiers of the Emerald Claw, but many more are
the temple and observatory levels have many windows Drow Warriors (4): hp 16 each; see the Appendix ebony-skinned elves wearing clothing made of carapaces and strange
and openings (DC 30 Climb check to reach, due to the for details. The drow party hunts for intruders in leather. Scavenger birds cover the bodies, feasting on the remains.
overhang and the crumbling nature of the rock face). the ruin.
The hidden vault level is secret even to the creatures Emerald Claw Soldiers (6): hp 14 each; see the The Situation: Garrow had a force of fifty soldiers
currently inhabiting the ruin. Appendix for details. The soldiers patrol the ruin, and ten Karrnathi skeletons deposited from his air-
watching for threats and looking for anything that ship into the field near the ruin. Then, keeping just
DOORS might interest their leader, Garrow. a single air-skiff, he ordered the airship’s captain
The doors that remain are sized for giants and show evi- Karrnathi Skeletons (2): hp 19 each; Eberron to hide the vessel in the jungle to await further
dence that the lingering spells of protection have faded Campaign Setting page 292. Garrow has set these undead directions. Garrow’s task force discovered that
over the centuries; eroding stone and rusting iron are warriors loose to patrol the ruin for any potential strange, dark-skinned elves called drow lived in
common. This defect makes the doors easier to break threats to the Emerald Claw task force. the gallery level of the ruin.
or force open than would otherwise be the case for such Yuan-ti Abominations (2): hp 67 each; Monster Confident in his troops, Garrow didn’t
formidable doors. Manual page 264. The yuan-ti have come to the ruin attempt to parley—he ordered his men to wipe
Giant doors are made of stone with iron hinges, 25 on a quest for the shaman of their tribe. They seek an out the drow. Garrow lost fourteen soldiers
feet high, 15 feet wide, and 3 feet thick. They have hard- ancient relic to show that they have braved the ruin and four skeletons in the conflict, but his
ness 8, 360 hit points, AC 5, and a break DC of 26. Even and survived. troops managed to kill five times as many of
pushing open these closed doors is a task, requiring a the drow; the rest fled from the ruin. With the
DC 25 Strength check. drow threat eliminated, the task force began

CEILING HEIGHT WHO LIVED IN THE RUIN? to explore the ruin, looking for the location
of the final schema.
Except when noted otherwise (as in the gallery level), This structure served as a temple and arcane labora- In the day since Garrow and his task force
ceiling height within the ruin is 30 feet. Everything tory for a variety of giants during the height of the Age entered the ruin, the drow have returned to
in the place is sized for giants, with a few exceptions of Giants. In addition to giants, elf and drow slaves reclaim their home. They have vowed to
that were made for the use of their elf slaves. The place and magehands also occupied the place, serving their destroy the intruders, and the adventurers
giant masters.
should make the adventurers feel small, weak, and lost are seen in the same light as the Emerald
Other than a few remaining hints, this information
by comparison. Claw in the wake of the terrible disaster
may be hard to impossible for the adventurers to learn,
and in any case such details aren’t important for the that has befallen the tribe.
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS purposes of this adventure. Studying the Scene: Characters who
Creatures of all types still inhabit the ruin, as well as spend time examining the upper
the forces of the Emerald Claw under the command of levels of the ruin eventually see
dark shapes on the level 150 feet

16 Ruin Steps
above the ground. These are dire apes that live on the do not know what the invaders seek, but they assume it the nest is like traversing a maze. The PCs could spend source to examine the entire chamber. If the PCs enter
temple level of the ruin. They congregate and attack is some ancient secret of the temple. The drow rarely hours cataloging every last winding tunnel and mud- this area, read:
anyone attempting to climb the ruin, or, through flight, enter the higher levels of the ruin, for it is best to leave daubed dead end. Failing that, for each 2 hours a character
to land on any upper portion of the ruin. See areas 20 the things of the ancient ones well and truly alone. spends exploring the burned-out nests, he or she can A wide track mars the ancient dust that covers the floor. The stone shows
and 21 for more information on the dire apes that live A fight on the steps that lasts longer than 10 rounds attempt a DC 18 Search check. A success yields a roll on actual ruts, revealing the passage of many human-sized feet over hun-
within the ruin. draws the attention of a few Emerald Claw soldiers in the Table 3–5: Treasure for 3rd-level treasures (page 52 of dreds of years. The track leads straight across the room.
Creatures: The vengeance-seeking drow hide temple level, who eventually hear the distant sounds of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Obviously the burned-out nests The track leads to another great door opposite the first. Sheaves of

among the gallery level. The first drow group the adven- battle. The soldiers stationed in area 15 are most likely are not a never-ending source of treasure—once a total of edible leaves, pottery, wine-filled vessels, and cuts of rotting meat are
turers encounter consists of six warriors led by the drow to respond, coming out to the open edge of the temple four rolls have been made on the table, all the remaining piled near that door, as if in offering. Several of the vessels are tipped
chief Amoxtli. level and looking down. If this occurs and the charac- valuables are cleaned out of the nest. and smashed.
ters are seen, the task force thereafter actively expects
Drow Chief, Amoxtli: Drow warrior 7; CR 8; Medium trouble and is on guard against the PCs. 3. TEMPLE LEVEL STAIRS The drow believe that an envoy of their god lives beyond
humanoid (elf); HD 7d8+7; hp 38; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; This staircase leads to area 14 on the temple level of the the door leading to area 8, and they brought daily offer-
AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 +2 leather armor), touch 11, flat-footed 2. DROW NESTS (EL 4) ruin. When the adventurers approach this staircase, ings to it prior to the arrival of the Emerald Claw task
14; Base Atk +7; Grp +10; Atk +12 melee (1d6+4, +1 The drow nests fi ll the space between the columns along read: force, piling them against and around the door.
shortspear) or +9 ranged (1d6+2, javelin); Full Atk +11/+7 the south end of the gallery level.
melee (1d6+4, +1 shortspear) or +9 ranged (1d6+2, javelin); Light: Sunlight. Slabs of stone form a giant-sized staircase that leads higher into the ruin, 8. SAVAGE DEITY (EL 10)
SA spell-like abilities; SQ darkvision 120 ft., spell resis- Sound: Surrounding jungle noises (automatic). but a narrow, humanoid-sized staircase is cut into one side. The door between areas 7 and 8 stands open just far
tance 18; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 16, Dex Reaction: The dire rats now scavenging in the nests enough for a Medium creature to squeeze through by
12, Con 12; Int 12; Wis 11, Cha 10. have a hostile reaction to intruders. 4. EAST GALLERY making a DC 20 Dexterity check. The effigy that the
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Handle Animal +5, Aura: Minor abjuration (spells linger in the stone of The open, pillared gallery on the east side of the ruin drow worship as a physical manifestation of their god
Intimidate +7, Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +2, Swim +10; the ruin, aiding its preservation). grants a wonderful view of the nearby jungle’s edge, as lives within the chamber—a Gargantuan monstrous
Weapon Focus (shortspear), Weapon Focus (javelin), Important Rules: Disease, Dungeon Master’s Guide page well as the hint of other cyclopean ruins far off across scorpion that the drow placed in the chamber as a hatch-
Iron Will. 292. the jungle landscape. ling and have raised to the point where it is too large to
Drow Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; When the adventurers approach this section of the exit the chamber.
+2 racial bonus on saves against enchantment spells or gallery level, read: 5. DARK LEVEL STAIRS If the PCs explore
effects; entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a This staircase leads to area 9 on the dark level of the the chamber, read:
secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Rounded, mud-brown structures infest this portion of the great gallery, ruin. When the adventurers approach this staircase,
+2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells or spell-like jumbled and stuck together. Formed of dirt, the multitude of mud tubes read:
abilities; spell-like abilities (1/day—dancing lights, darkness, appears to create a series of enclosed tunnels large enough to admit
and faerie fire as the spells, caster level 7th); drow here and human-sized creatures. The structures are piled one atop the other with Slabs of stone form a giant-sized staircase that leads higher into Ruin
around the cyclopean ruins have lost the light blindness seemingly no concern for order or ease of access. Many of the rounded the ruin, but a narrow, humanoid-sized staircase is cut into
of the standard drow race; +2 racial bonus on Listen, structures are scorched and broken open, spilling blackened bones and one side.
Spot, and Search checks. other less easily identifiable contents onto the gallery floor.
Languages: Common, Drow Sign Language. Development: Creatures at the top of the
Possessions: +2 leather armor, +1 shortspear, 5 javelins. The drow who inhabited this ruin created their mud stairs in area 9 may hear characters who ascend
tube dwellings using soil and water. Hardened, the mud these stairs, depending on how cautious the PCs
Drow Warriors (6): hp 16 each; see Appendix. walls and the overhanging ruin provided ample protec- decide to be. If the creatures hear the approaching
tion from the elements. PCs, they prepare an ambush.
Tactics: The task of Amoxtli’s team (one of four The Emerald Claw task force burned out the nests,
groups of drow who have secretly returned to the ruin) forcing the surviving drow to flee into the surrounding 6. EAST ANTECHAMBER
is to watch the front steps. He and his warriors hide jungle. Now scavengers occupy the ruined dwellings, The giant door leading from area 4 to this area
in the shadows of the columns between areas 1 and 3, and disease is rampant—for each hour a character spends is stuck fast and can only be broken open (break
watching for the approach of the adventurers. If they exploring the nests, he or she is exposed to fi lth fever as DC 35).
see the adventurers approach up the slave stairs, they if bitten by a dire rat. If this chamber is accessed, it is found to be
release their prepared trap—a massive boulder, large A typical mud tube is 6 feet in diameter, and rooms empty except for a layer of ancient dust. The door to
enough to fi ll the stairway. As soon as the boulder begins are dead ends of larger spaces where two or more mud area 8 is sealed and must be forced open or broken
its descent, the drow run in its wake, ready to deal with tubes meet. if the PCs want to access the next chamber.
anyone who survives the crushing rock. Creatures: In the hours that have passed since
Rolling Boulder on the Slave Stairs: All creatures on the the drow were burned out of the nest, scavengers have 7. WEST ANTECHAMBER
slave stairs are subject to the rolling boulder. It deals moved into the tunnels to feed on the dead. If PCs enter The giant door to this area can be pushed open
8d6 points of damage to anyone who fails a DC 16 the nests, they draw the attention of several territorial farther (DC 20 Strength check), but it is already
Reflex save. Those who make the save take half damage dire rats. open just far enough for a Medium creature to
(4d6 points). squeeze through with a DC 20 Dexterity check.
Development: The drow fight to the death. If any Dire Rats (12): hp 5 each; Monster Manual page 64. Smaller creatures can slip through without a
are captured, and if the language barrier can be over- problem, but larger creatures must open the
come (the drow speak their own tongue), they tell the Treasure: Characters could choose to explore the door wider. The chamber is dark, and the
tale of the hateful invaders, how they attacked without warren of enclosed tunnels, but the winding, chaotic light from the doorway only illuminates a
provocation and burned out the drow nests. The drow construction makes this a nonintuitive process—exploring small portion of it. The PCs must have a light

above the ground. These are dire apes that live on the do not know what the invaders seek, but they assume it the nest is like traversing a maze. The PCs could spend source to examine the entire chamber. If the PCs enter
temple level of the ruin. They congregate and attack is some ancient secret of the temple. The drow rarely hours cataloging every last winding tunnel and mud- this area, read:
anyone attempting to climb the ruin, or, through flight, enter the higher levels of the ruin, for it is best to leave daubed dead end. Failing that, for each 2 hours a character
to land on any upper portion of the ruin. See areas 20 the things of the ancient ones well and truly alone. spends exploring the burned-out nests, he or she can A wide track mars the ancient dust that covers the floor. The stone shows
and 21 for more information on the dire apes that live A fight on the steps that lasts longer than 10 rounds attempt a DC 18 Search check. A success yields a roll on actual ruts, revealing the passage of many human-sized feet over hun-
within the ruin. draws the attention of a few Emerald Claw soldiers in the Table 3–5: Treasure for 3rd-level treasures (page 52 of dreds of years. The track leads straight across the room.
Creatures: The vengeance-seeking drow hide temple level, who eventually hear the distant sounds of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Obviously the burned-out nests The track leads to another great door opposite the first. Sheaves of

among the gallery level. The first drow group the adven- battle. The soldiers stationed in area 15 are most likely are not a never-ending source of treasure—once a total of edible leaves, pottery, wine-filled vessels, and cuts of rotting meat are
turers encounter consists of six warriors led by the drow to respond, coming out to the open edge of the temple four rolls have been made on the table, all the remaining piled near that door, as if in offering. Several of the vessels are tipped
chief Amoxtli. level and looking down. If this occurs and the charac- valuables are cleaned out of the nest. and smashed.
ters are seen, the task force thereafter actively expects
Drow Chief, Amoxtli: Drow warrior 7; CR 8; Medium trouble and is on guard against the PCs. 3. TEMPLE LEVEL STAIRS The drow believe that an envoy of their god lives beyond
humanoid (elf); HD 7d8+7; hp 38; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; This staircase leads to area 14 on the temple level of the the door leading to area 8, and they brought daily offer-
AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 +2 leather armor), touch 11, flat-footed 2. DROW NESTS (EL 4) ruin. When the adventurers approach this staircase, ings to it prior to the arrival of the Emerald Claw task
14; Base Atk +7; Grp +10; Atk +12 melee (1d6+4, +1 The drow nests fi ll the space between the columns along read: force, piling them against and around the door.
shortspear) or +9 ranged (1d6+2, javelin); Full Atk +11/+7 the south end of the gallery level.
melee (1d6+4, +1 shortspear) or +9 ranged (1d6+2, javelin); Light: Sunlight. Slabs of stone form a giant-sized staircase that leads higher into the ruin, 8. SAVAGE DEITY (EL 10)
SA spell-like abilities; SQ darkvision 120 ft., spell resis- Sound: Surrounding jungle noises (automatic). but a narrow, humanoid-sized staircase is cut into one side. The door between areas 7 and 8 stands open just far
tance 18; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 16, Dex Reaction: The dire rats now scavenging in the nests enough for a Medium creature to squeeze through by
12, Con 12; Int 12; Wis 11, Cha 10. have a hostile reaction to intruders. 4. EAST GALLERY making a DC 20 Dexterity check. The effigy that the
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Handle Animal +5, Aura: Minor abjuration (spells linger in the stone of The open, pillared gallery on the east side of the ruin drow worship as a physical manifestation of their god
Intimidate +7, Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +2, Swim +10; the ruin, aiding its preservation). grants a wonderful view of the nearby jungle’s edge, as lives within the chamber—a Gargantuan monstrous
Weapon Focus (shortspear), Weapon Focus (javelin), Important Rules: Disease, Dungeon Master’s Guide page well as the hint of other cyclopean ruins far off across scorpion that the drow placed in the chamber as a hatch-
Iron Will. 292. the jungle landscape. ling and have raised to the point where it is too large to
Drow Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; When the adventurers approach this section of the exit the chamber.
+2 racial bonus on saves against enchantment spells or gallery level, read: 5. DARK LEVEL STAIRS If the PCs explore
effects; entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a This staircase leads to area 9 on the dark level of the the chamber, read:
secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Rounded, mud-brown structures infest this portion of the great gallery, ruin. When the adventurers approach this staircase,
+2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells or spell-like jumbled and stuck together. Formed of dirt, the multitude of mud tubes read:
abilities; spell-like abilities (1/day—dancing lights, darkness, appears to create a series of enclosed tunnels large enough to admit
and faerie fire as the spells, caster level 7th); drow here and human-sized creatures. The structures are piled one atop the other with Slabs of stone form a giant-sized staircase that leads higher into Ruin
around the cyclopean ruins have lost the light blindness seemingly no concern for order or ease of access. Many of the rounded the ruin, but a narrow, humanoid-sized staircase is cut into
of the standard drow race; +2 racial bonus on Listen, structures are scorched and broken open, spilling blackened bones and one side.
Spot, and Search checks. other less easily identifiable contents onto the gallery floor.
Languages: Common, Drow Sign Language. Development: Creatures at the top of the
Possessions: +2 leather armor, +1 shortspear, 5 javelins. The drow who inhabited this ruin created their mud stairs in area 9 may hear characters who ascend
tube dwellings using soil and water. Hardened, the mud these stairs, depending on how cautious the PCs
Drow Warriors (6): hp 16 each; see Appendix. walls and the overhanging ruin provided ample protec- decide to be. If the creatures hear the approaching
tion from the elements. PCs, they prepare an ambush.
Tactics: The task of Amoxtli’s team (one of four The Emerald Claw task force burned out the nests,
groups of drow who have secretly returned to the ruin) forcing the surviving drow to flee into the surrounding 6. EAST ANTECHAMBER
is to watch the front steps. He and his warriors hide jungle. Now scavengers occupy the ruined dwellings, The giant door leading from area 4 to this area
in the shadows of the columns between areas 1 and 3, and disease is rampant—for each hour a character spends is stuck fast and can only be broken open (break
watching for the approach of the adventurers. If they exploring the nests, he or she is exposed to fi lth fever as DC 35).
see the adventurers approach up the slave stairs, they if bitten by a dire rat. If this chamber is accessed, it is found to be
release their prepared trap—a massive boulder, large A typical mud tube is 6 feet in diameter, and rooms empty except for a layer of ancient dust. The door to
enough to fi ll the stairway. As soon as the boulder begins are dead ends of larger spaces where two or more mud area 8 is sealed and must be forced open or broken
its descent, the drow run in its wake, ready to deal with tubes meet. if the PCs want to access the next chamber.
anyone who survives the crushing rock. Creatures: In the hours that have passed since
Rolling Boulder on the Slave Stairs: All creatures on the the drow were burned out of the nest, scavengers have 7. WEST ANTECHAMBER
slave stairs are subject to the rolling boulder. It deals moved into the tunnels to feed on the dead. If PCs enter The giant door to this area can be pushed open
8d6 points of damage to anyone who fails a DC 16 the nests, they draw the attention of several territorial farther (DC 20 Strength check), but it is already
Reflex save. Those who make the save take half damage dire rats. open just far enough for a Medium creature to
(4d6 points). squeeze through with a DC 20 Dexterity check.
Development: The drow fight to the death. If any Dire Rats (12): hp 5 each; Monster Manual page 64. Smaller creatures can slip through without a
are captured, and if the language barrier can be over- problem, but larger creatures must open the
come (the drow speak their own tongue), they tell the Treasure: Characters could choose to explore the door wider. The chamber is dark, and the
tale of the hateful invaders, how they attacked without warren of enclosed tunnels, but the winding, chaotic light from the doorway only illuminates a
provocation and burned out the drow nests. The drow construction makes this a nonintuitive process—exploring small portion of it. The PCs must have a light

Half a human body lies tangled on the stone floor, empty of blood and horri- of 3,000 gp to a collector), 3 golden-yellow topaz gems The stairs from the gallery level have one switchback. The drowning aura accelerates the process of drowning.
bly mangled. It wears the remnants of an Emerald Claw soldier’s uniform. worth 500 gp each, and an intricately carved iron rod The force of the water tumbles all creatures and objects Within the drowning aura, a creature can only hold
Creature: The “god” survives on the offerings provided depicting a feathered serpent (a lesser maximize metamagic rod). past the switchback and into area 5 of the gallery level, its breath if it makes a DC 10 Constitution check every
by the drow. It has grown hungry of late, but one of the dealing 5d6 points of damage in the process (there is round. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When a
Emerald Claw soldiers, ordered to check out the room no chance to escape this initial flow). The flow of water character eventually fails the check, it begins to drown.
by Garrow, provided it with enough food so that it is DARK LEVEL continues, launching any creatures that fail to make a In the first round, it falls unconscious (0 hp). In the
merely famished. It waits in darkness in the center of Use the map of the dark level, on the inside cover, to run DC 17 Reflex save at this juncture off the edge of the following round, it drops to –1 hp and is dying. In the

the chamber for its next morsel, attacking any creature encounters in this section of the ruin. gallery level. Those who fall 50 feet to the hard ground third round, if it is still within the aura, it drowns and
that manages to squeeze through the door. below take 5d6 points of damage. Following the initial dies (–10 hp).
9. LANDING (EL 6) surge, a continual stream of water pours out of the door For additional information on the drowned, see
Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion: hp 150; Monster The entrance into the dark level of the ruin refuses at a rate slow enough to allow creatures to sidestep it. A Monster Manual III page 46.
Manual page 287. to budge, and so Emerald Claw soldiers continue to continuous waterfall appears off the back of the ruin Tactics: The drowned tries to stay out of the light
struggle to open it even as the adventurers draw near. unless the door to the dark level is sealed again, or the of any creatures that enter, slip behind them, and then
Tactics: The monstrous scorpion attacks creatures Light: Torchlight. inflow gate in area 11 is deactivated. block the exit when they try to leave. It trusts to its
that enter the chamber. If the door is pushed wide, Sound: People talking (automatic). drowning aura to aid it in defeating any living creatures.
it pursues potential meals into the gallery level and When the adventurers begin to climb the stairs at 10. DROWNED DARK LEVEL (EL 8) When the drowned draws close, read:
beyond. area 5, read: Once the doors to this area open, the level of water
Treasure: Over the years, a few choice offerings drops to a point where it covers the floor up to a depth Suddenly the air becomes thick and wet, and it becomes harder and
were brought to the drow “god.” These are scattered Flickering torch light dances at the top of the stairs, and the sound of of 2 feet. harder to breathe. It feels as though you’ve been plunged beneath the
haphazardly through- people conversing in Common drifts down from above. Several human- Light: None. This level is dark and bleak. murky water, even though it barely reaches your knees.
out this chamber. A oid figures stand around two massive doors, tending to a mechanism and Sound: The sound of flowing and dripping water
casual search of the trying to pry the doors open. (automatic). If the PCs spot the undead elf, read:
chamber reveals 120 When the adventurers pass through the doors in area
ancient gold coins The Situation: After discovering that these doors 9, read: The animated corpse of an elf emerges from the dark, drenched and
(worth a total would not budge, the Emerald Claw soldiers decided that dripping, glaring at you with malevolent eyes.
more force might do the trick. To that end, they have Water covers the expanse of this vast enclosed level. A continual stream
assembled the mechanism now before the double doors of water pours out the doors and down the stairs behind you, but ahead Treasure: The drowned wears a golden collar that
leading to area 10. The mechanism consists of a winch- there is only darkness. once gave it great status among the elf slaves. Now mean-
like wheel, a sturdy chain, and iron spikes embedded in ingless other than its worth as an ancient golden trinket,
the door. When the winch is turned, the chain tightens, If the characters somehow manage to enter this area it has a value of 500 gp.
and one of the doors is forced open. The mechanism is without opening the doors in area 9, the water level rises
almost complete, requiring only the final adjustments. to a depth of 10 feet instead of 2 feet. 11. INFLOW PORTAL
(If a PC wants to make the check, he or she must make a The Situation: An undead creature that lived in the This one-way portal open to the elemental waters of
DC 15 Knowledge [engineering] check or a DC 20 Intel- Age of Giants haunts this dark, water-fi lled level. Once Lamannia was once used for arcane experiments but
ligence check. The soldiers, familiar with the workings an elf slave, the creature died in an accident involving now allows water to flow freely into the chamber.
of the device, automatically succeed on the check.) If the portals that tap the elemental waters of the plane of Aura: Strong conjuration (teleportation) from the
the winch is employed while characters attempt to break Lamannia (see areas 11 and 12). Now it roams this dark portal.
down the doors, add 15 to the Strength check result. The level, drawn to the first living, intelligent creatures to When the adventurers approach this area, read:
winch mechanism can only be employed two times before enter the place in thousands of years.
it breaks and becomes useless. This massive stone support contains a 5-foot-diameter opening in its
The Doors: Unlike most of the giant doors in the Drowned: Male undead elf; CR 8; Medium undead; HD face, from which spurts a steady stream of water. The water is clear,
ruin, these are still in great shape and form a water- 20d12+20; hp 150; Init +5; Spd 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; AC pure, and cold. The lowest portion of the opening is seven feet above
tight seal. They are 21-foot-high stone doors, each 9 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +10; Grp +17; Atk the floor.
feet wide; 2 feet thick; hardness 10; 360 hit points; +12 melee (1d8+12, slam); Full Atk +12 melee (1d8+12,
AC 5; break DC 38. An iron bar secures the doors from slam) and +12 melee (1d8+12, slam); SA drowning aura; The Situation: This is the source of the water that
inside area 10, and the doors are too large to be subject SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, undead traits, fi lls this level. It is a one-way portal from the elemental
to knock spells. unholy toughness; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +12; pools of water that cover Lamannia; you can’t enter
Creatures: The soldiers attack anyone who is not Str 25, Dex 13, Con —, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 12. the plane through this portal. You can, however, enter
part of their task force. If the characters made noise Skills and Feats: Hide +20, Listen +14, Move Silently through the outflow portal (area 12).
while ascending the stairs, or if events prior to this +20, Spot +18, Swim +18; Alertness, Cleave, Great
encounter have alerted the task force to the PCs’ pres- Cleave, Improved Initiative, Natural Attack (slam), 12. OUTFLOW PORTAL (EL 7)
ence in the ruin, the soldiers here are immediately Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack. This one-way portal to the elemental waters of Laman-
suspicious and prepare an ambush. Languages: Ancient Elven, Giant. nia no longer functions as it was designed to do. Once,
Drowning Aura (Su): A drowned gives off a 30-foot- water flowed from the inflow portal to the outflow portal
Emerald Claw Soldiers (6): hp 14 each; see Appendix. radius emanation of suffocating drowning, imbuing its in a continuous tube, leaving the rest of the chamber
Development: Water fi lls the area beyond the door. surroundings with a watery glint that presents a deadly dry. It no longer works according to design, and so the
If the doors are finally opened, a portion of the water threat to creatures that breathe air. All air-breathing entire level has been flooded by the elemental waters.
that fi lls the dark level rushes out with exceptional creatures within the aura are treated as though they Aura: Strong conjuration (teleportation) from the
force, tumbling all creatures in area 9 down the stairs. were beneath the water in terms of being able to breathe. portal.

Half a human body lies tangled on the stone floor, empty of blood and horri- of 3,000 gp to a collector), 3 golden-yellow topaz gems The stairs from the gallery level have one switchback. The drowning aura accelerates the process of drowning.
bly mangled. It wears the remnants of an Emerald Claw soldier’s uniform. worth 500 gp each, and an intricately carved iron rod The force of the water tumbles all creatures and objects Within the drowning aura, a creature can only hold
Creature: The “god” survives on the offerings provided depicting a feathered serpent (a lesser maximize metamagic rod). past the switchback and into area 5 of the gallery level, its breath if it makes a DC 10 Constitution check every
by the drow. It has grown hungry of late, but one of the dealing 5d6 points of damage in the process (there is round. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When a
Emerald Claw soldiers, ordered to check out the room no chance to escape this initial flow). The flow of water character eventually fails the check, it begins to drown.
by Garrow, provided it with enough food so that it is DARK LEVEL continues, launching any creatures that fail to make a In the first round, it falls unconscious (0 hp). In the
merely famished. It waits in darkness in the center of Use the map of the dark level, on the inside cover, to run DC 17 Reflex save at this juncture off the edge of the following round, it drops to –1 hp and is dying. In the

the chamber for its next morsel, attacking any creature encounters in this section of the ruin. gallery level. Those who fall 50 feet to the hard ground third round, if it is still within the aura, it drowns and
that manages to squeeze through the door. below take 5d6 points of damage. Following the initial dies (–10 hp).
9. LANDING (EL 6) surge, a continual stream of water pours out of the door For additional information on the drowned, see
Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion: hp 150; Monster The entrance into the dark level of the ruin refuses at a rate slow enough to allow creatures to sidestep it. A Monster Manual III page 46.
Manual page 287. to budge, and so Emerald Claw soldiers continue to continuous waterfall appears off the back of the ruin Tactics: The drowned tries to stay out of the light
struggle to open it even as the adventurers draw near. unless the door to the dark level is sealed again, or the of any creatures that enter, slip behind them, and then
Tactics: The monstrous scorpion attacks creatures Light: Torchlight. inflow gate in area 11 is deactivated. block the exit when they try to leave. It trusts to its
that enter the chamber. If the door is pushed wide, Sound: People talking (automatic). drowning aura to aid it in defeating any living creatures.
it pursues potential meals into the gallery level and When the adventurers begin to climb the stairs at 10. DROWNED DARK LEVEL (EL 8) When the drowned draws close, read:
beyond. area 5, read: Once the doors to this area open, the level of water
Treasure: Over the years, a few choice offerings drops to a point where it covers the floor up to a depth Suddenly the air becomes thick and wet, and it becomes harder and
were brought to the drow “god.” These are scattered Flickering torch light dances at the top of the stairs, and the sound of of 2 feet. harder to breathe. It feels as though you’ve been plunged beneath the
haphazardly through- people conversing in Common drifts down from above. Several human- Light: None. This level is dark and bleak. murky water, even though it barely reaches your knees.
out this chamber. A oid figures stand around two massive doors, tending to a mechanism and Sound: The sound of flowing and dripping water
casual search of the trying to pry the doors open. (automatic). If the PCs spot the undead elf, read:
chamber reveals 120 When the adventurers pass through the doors in area
ancient gold coins The Situation: After discovering that these doors 9, read: The animated corpse of an elf emerges from the dark, drenched and
(worth a total would not budge, the Emerald Claw soldiers decided that dripping, glaring at you with malevolent eyes.
more force might do the trick. To that end, they have Water covers the expanse of this vast enclosed level. A continual stream
assembled the mechanism now before the double doors of water pours out the doors and down the stairs behind you, but ahead Treasure: The drowned wears a golden collar that
leading to area 10. The mechanism consists of a winch- there is only darkness. once gave it great status among the elf slaves. Now mean-
like wheel, a sturdy chain, and iron spikes embedded in ingless other than its worth as an ancient golden trinket,
the door. When the winch is turned, the chain tightens, If the characters somehow manage to enter this area it has a value of 500 gp.
and one of the doors is forced open. The mechanism is without opening the doors in area 9, the water level rises
almost complete, requiring only the final adjustments. to a depth of 10 feet instead of 2 feet. 11. INFLOW PORTAL
(If a PC wants to make the check, he or she must make a The Situation: An undead creature that lived in the This one-way portal open to the elemental waters of
DC 15 Knowledge [engineering] check or a DC 20 Intel- Age of Giants haunts this dark, water-fi lled level. Once Lamannia was once used for arcane experiments but
ligence check. The soldiers, familiar with the workings an elf slave, the creature died in an accident involving now allows water to flow freely into the chamber.
of the device, automatically succeed on the check.) If the portals that tap the elemental waters of the plane of Aura: Strong conjuration (teleportation) from the
the winch is employed while characters attempt to break Lamannia (see areas 11 and 12). Now it roams this dark portal.
down the doors, add 15 to the Strength check result. The level, drawn to the first living, intelligent creatures to When the adventurers approach this area, read:
winch mechanism can only be employed two times before enter the place in thousands of years.
it breaks and becomes useless. This massive stone support contains a 5-foot-diameter opening in its
The Doors: Unlike most of the giant doors in the Drowned: Male undead elf; CR 8; Medium undead; HD face, from which spurts a steady stream of water. The water is clear,
ruin, these are still in great shape and form a water- 20d12+20; hp 150; Init +5; Spd 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; AC pure, and cold. The lowest portion of the opening is seven feet above
tight seal. They are 21-foot-high stone doors, each 9 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +10; Grp +17; Atk the floor.
feet wide; 2 feet thick; hardness 10; 360 hit points; +12 melee (1d8+12, slam); Full Atk +12 melee (1d8+12,
AC 5; break DC 38. An iron bar secures the doors from slam) and +12 melee (1d8+12, slam); SA drowning aura; The Situation: This is the source of the water that
inside area 10, and the doors are too large to be subject SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, undead traits, fi lls this level. It is a one-way portal from the elemental
to knock spells. unholy toughness; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +12; pools of water that cover Lamannia; you can’t enter
Creatures: The soldiers attack anyone who is not Str 25, Dex 13, Con —, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 12. the plane through this portal. You can, however, enter
part of their task force. If the characters made noise Skills and Feats: Hide +20, Listen +14, Move Silently through the outflow portal (area 12).
while ascending the stairs, or if events prior to this +20, Spot +18, Swim +18; Alertness, Cleave, Great
encounter have alerted the task force to the PCs’ pres- Cleave, Improved Initiative, Natural Attack (slam), 12. OUTFLOW PORTAL (EL 7)
ence in the ruin, the soldiers here are immediately Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack. This one-way portal to the elemental waters of Laman-
suspicious and prepare an ambush. Languages: Ancient Elven, Giant. nia no longer functions as it was designed to do. Once,
Drowning Aura (Su): A drowned gives off a 30-foot- water flowed from the inflow portal to the outflow portal
Emerald Claw Soldiers (6): hp 14 each; see Appendix. radius emanation of suffocating drowning, imbuing its in a continuous tube, leaving the rest of the chamber
Development: Water fi lls the area beyond the door. surroundings with a watery glint that presents a deadly dry. It no longer works according to design, and so the
If the doors are finally opened, a portion of the water threat to creatures that breathe air. All air-breathing entire level has been flooded by the elemental waters.
that fi lls the dark level rushes out with exceptional creatures within the aura are treated as though they Aura: Strong conjuration (teleportation) from the
force, tumbling all creatures in area 9 down the stairs. were beneath the water in terms of being able to breathe. portal.

Important Rules: Water Dangers, Dungeon Master’s Guide page The glyphs read as: The Scorpion’s Tail, the River’s Aura: Moderate abjuration (lesser globe of invulnerability +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis
304; Underwater Combat, Dungeon Master’s Guide page 92. End, and Garyx’s Eye. A successful DC 25 Knowledge on top of the ziggurat). 12, Cha 8.
When the adventurers approach this area, read: (arcana) check allows a character to recognize these as When the adventurers pass (or look) through the Skills and Feats: Jump +8, Listen +4, Spot +4; Cleave,
versions of the names of stars in the sky. opening between the massive doors, read: Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon
This massive stone support contains a 5-foot-diameter opening in its Focus (longsword).
face, which offers a view of a great watery expanse. The lowest portion The corners of this cyclopean chamber are lost in shadow, but the stone Language: Common.
of the opening is seven feet above the floor. TEMPLE LEVEL ziggurat set in the center of the 40-foot-tall chamber rises to within 10 feet Possessions: +1 chainmail, heavy steel shield, light cross-

Use the map of the Temple Level, on the inside cover, to of that height. A great globe of light, almost like daylight, illuminates the bow with 6 +1 adamantine bolts and 20 normal bolts, +1
On this plane, the span between the two portals is 260 run encounters in this section of the ruin. top of the ziggurat. The ziggurat has three steps, each rising 10 feet higher longsword, sunrod, tabard, pouch with 3d6 silver pieces
feet. Within the elemental waters of Lamannia, how- than the previous level. Convoluted designs in carved relief cover every foot and 2d8 gold pieces, potion of cure moderate wounds.
ever, the distance between the corresponding portals is 14. GALLERY LEVEL STAIRS of the structure, except for the uppermost step. There, the strange designs
only 20 feet. A character can enter this portal and find This staircase connects down to area 3 in the gallery appear on three on the four sides, each showing a single glyph. The fourth Emerald Claw Soldiers (2): hp 14 each; see Appen-
himself submerged in the waters of Lamannia, facing level. A human-sized staircase is carved into one side side is completely devoid of all markings. Several human-sized figures dix. The two soldiers from area 15 may have retreated
away from the inflow portal and separated from it by 20 of the otherwise giant-sized stairs. If the adventurers move about the ziggurat, their shadows thrown as huge silhouettes across to this location if they noticed the approach of the
feet of cold, pure water. make noise or otherwise make their presence known, the walls. Tents, temporary tables, and other camp gear occupy the floor adventurers.
The Situation: Water mephits frolic in Laman- the Emerald Claw soldiers in area 15 sound the alarm. between the base of the ziggurat and the south wall.
nia, around the outflow portal. They used to enjoy Tactics: If the group isn’t aware of the approaching
tasting the changes to the water as it flowed from the 15. SANCTUARY ANTEROOM (EL 2) The Situation: This sanctuary was important to the adventurers, Arkaban works at the very top of the ziggu-
Material Plane. Now that the level is no longer entirely Two Emerald Claw soldiers guard the doors that lead giants, and many wondrous secrets of a lost age are rat, attempting to puzzle out the meanings of the glyphs
flooded, the water no longer flows from Eberron, and into the temple sanctuary. Unless the adventurers take encoded upon the stone. A portion of the Emerald Claw that decorate three of the four sides of the uppermost
the mephits are disturbed by the change in the familiar precautions, the soldiers hear or see their approach and task force is assigned here to decipher the glyphs. step. Gunfarr wanders around the base of the ziggurat,
pattern. The mephits delight in attacking any character raise the alarm. If the adventurers specifically attempt Creatures: Garrow has placed Arkaban, a mummy occasionally glancing at the glyphs, but mostly appear-
that comes through the portal. to move quietly, not use a light source, or take some sorcerer, in charge of deciphering the glyphs in this ing bored as he carries out his duty to protect Arkaban.
similar precaution, then have the soldiers make Spot chamber. Arkaban is a devoted follower of the Blood of The soldiers wait on the middle step of the ziggurat,
Water Mephits (4): hp 19; Monster Manual page 185. or Listen checks. Vol and was brought on this expedition because of his ready to perform whatever task Arkaban assigns them.
When the PCs reach the top of the stairs, they see expertise in life as an historian of Xen’drik and the Age The occupants take up defensive positions the
13. DARK ZIGGURAT the following. Alter the description if the soldiers are of Giants. The mummy sorcerer labors here, with the moment they realize that intruders have entered the
A three-stepped ziggurat rises out of the water across aware of their approach. Read: help of Gunfarr Lok and his squad of four soldiers (two sanctuary. Gunfarr prefers to wade into melee. His sol-
from the doors to this level. If the PCs have a light source start out guarding the door at area 15, while the other diers start out using their crossbows before resorting to
and approach this area, read: Massive double doors of stone and rusted iron stand partially open to the two work in this chamber, dealing with any physical melee combat. Arkaban enjoys the protection provided
north. Two uniformed men stand guard to either side. Light spills from labor that Arkaban requires). Arkaban, Gunfarr, and by the permanent lesser globe of invulnerability that covers the
A stone ziggurat set in the floor rises toward the dark ceiling overhead the between the open doors. the soldiers attack any intruders. top level of the ziggurat. (The effect is equivalent to that
in three steps. The ziggurat has three steps, each rising 10 feet higher of a 10th-level caster; if dispelled, it returns 1d4 minutes
than the previous level. Convoluted designs in carved relief cover every This place served as an anteroom, a purification cham- Arkaban: Male human mummy sorcerer 2; CR 6; later.) He uses his acid splash and magic missile spells to attack
foot of the structure, except for the uppermost step. There, the strange ber prior to entering the main sanctuary to the north. Medium undead; HD 8d12 plus 2d4; hp 62; Init +6; Spd from range for as long as he can.
designs appear on three on the four sides, each showing a single glyph. Creatures: A portion of the Emerald Claw task force 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +5; Grp If the soldiers from area 15 have alerted those in the
The fourth side is completely devoid of all markings. explores area 16, looking for clues on how to activate +12; Atk or Full Atk +11 melee (1d6+9 plus mummy rot, sanctuary, then the situation starts out a bit differently.
the Throne Gate on the observatory level. Two soldiers slam); SA despair, mummy rot; SQ DR 5/—, darkvision The four soldiers take up defensive positions on the
The Situation: The designs on the ziggurat prove guard the anteroom, watching for drow warriors or 60 ft., displacement 20% miss chance, undead traits, second tier of the ziggurat and pepper intruders with
resistant to interpretation. Not only do they represent wandering creatures. vulnerability to fire; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will crossbow bolts for as long as possible. Gunfarr unloads
a long-dead language, they are entirely encrypted. +11; Str 22, Dex 15, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17. with his adamantine bolts first, targeting warforged
If someone casts comprehend languages, the translated Emerald Claw Soldiers (2): hp 14 each; see Appendix. Skills and Feats: Concentration +13, Decipher Script characters if any are present, before drawing his long-
glyphs read as gibberish. A successful DC 20 Knowl- +13, Diplomacy +16, Hide +15, Intimidate +16, Knowl- sword and engaging in melee. Arkaban’s tactics remain
edge (arcana) check suggests the possibility of magical Tactics: These soldiers have only one task—to note edge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge the same, though he has already gulped the potion of bull’s
encryptions that belie standard translation procedures. intruders and give warning to those in the sanctuary (religion) +13, Listen +15, Search +13, Sense Motive +13, strength he carries before the PCs enter the chamber. If
A special cryptographic key must be found to translate (area 16). After shouting their warning, the soldiers fall Spellcraft +13, Spot +15; Alertness, Combat Casting, things begin to go badly, Arkaban quaffs his potion of
the glyphs. This device, called the codebreaker, can be back to join their associates in the larger chamber. Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative. invisibility and tries to escape to rejoin Garrow.
found in area 24. Languages: Common, Elven, Giant. Development: Arkaban knows that information
Developments: Without the codebreaker, the glyphs 16. SANCTUARY (EL 9) Spells Known (6/5 per day; caster level 2nd): 0—acid Garrow seeks is imbedded in the ziggurat. According to
cannot be read. With the codebreaker in hand, the After prying open the massive doors, a small contingent splash, detect magic, flare, read magic, touch of fatigue; 1st—magic Garrow’s ongoing divinations, three coordinates of the
designs on the lower two levels of the ziggurat can be of the Emerald Claw task force entered this sanctuary missile, shocking grasp. six needed to properly orient the Throne Gate on the
deciphered. They describe a myth of the creation of a in search of clues as to how to operate the Throne Gate Possessions: minor cloak of displacement, potion of invisibility, observatory level can be found encoded on this ziggurat.
place called Xulenzen and a parable of a carver and a in area 33. potion of bull’s strength. However, Arkaban has just come to the conclusion that a
creek-lizard, both mostly inscrutable due to cultural Light: Daylight spell cast on a 5-foot-tall rod atop the key for reading the glyphs must exist, and he just finished
differences. The glyphs that decorate three of the four ziggurat. Gunfarr Lok: Male human fighter 3; CR 3; issuing the order to search the rest of the temple level
sides of the uppermost step describe three coordinates Sound: Sounds of many people working (automatic) Medium humanoid; HD 3d10+9; hp 26; Init +1; Spd 20 when the adventurers arrive.
for the Throne Gate (see area 33). These are three of the unless the guards gave warning. If the warning was ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; While Arkaban won’t explain this to the PCs, the
six needed to use the Throne Gate to access the resting sounded, then the room is almost completely quiet as Atk or Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/19–20, +1 longsword) or common soldiers can be intimidated into revealing
place of the fourth schema. the task force prepares to deal with the intruders. +4 ranged (1d8/19–20, light crossbow); AL LE; SV Fort their orders (DC 20 Intimidate check), and Gunfarr

22 23
Important Rules: Water Dangers, Dungeon Master’s Guide page The glyphs read as: The Scorpion’s Tail, the River’s Aura: Moderate abjuration (lesser globe of invulnerability +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis
304; Underwater Combat, Dungeon Master’s Guide page 92. End, and Garyx’s Eye. A successful DC 25 Knowledge on top of the ziggurat). 12, Cha 8.
When the adventurers approach this area, read: (arcana) check allows a character to recognize these as When the adventurers pass (or look) through the Skills and Feats: Jump +8, Listen +4, Spot +4; Cleave,
versions of the names of stars in the sky. opening between the massive doors, read: Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon
This massive stone support contains a 5-foot-diameter opening in its Focus (longsword).
face, which offers a view of a great watery expanse. The lowest portion The corners of this cyclopean chamber are lost in shadow, but the stone Language: Common.
of the opening is seven feet above the floor. TEMPLE LEVEL ziggurat set in the center of the 40-foot-tall chamber rises to within 10 feet Possessions: +1 chainmail, heavy steel shield, light cross-

Use the map of the Temple Level, on the inside cover, to of that height. A great globe of light, almost like daylight, illuminates the bow with 6 +1 adamantine bolts and 20 normal bolts, +1
On this plane, the span between the two portals is 260 run encounters in this section of the ruin. top of the ziggurat. The ziggurat has three steps, each rising 10 feet higher longsword, sunrod, tabard, pouch with 3d6 silver pieces
feet. Within the elemental waters of Lamannia, how- than the previous level. Convoluted designs in carved relief cover every foot and 2d8 gold pieces, potion of cure moderate wounds.
ever, the distance between the corresponding portals is 14. GALLERY LEVEL STAIRS of the structure, except for the uppermost step. There, the strange designs
only 20 feet. A character can enter this portal and find This staircase connects down to area 3 in the gallery appear on three on the four sides, each showing a single glyph. The fourth Emerald Claw Soldiers (2): hp 14 each; see Appen-
himself submerged in the waters of Lamannia, facing level. A human-sized staircase is carved into one side side is completely devoid of all markings. Several human-sized figures dix. The two soldiers from area 15 may have retreated
away from the inflow portal and separated from it by 20 of the otherwise giant-sized stairs. If the adventurers move about the ziggurat, their shadows thrown as huge silhouettes across to this location if they noticed the approach of the
feet of cold, pure water. make noise or otherwise make their presence known, the walls. Tents, temporary tables, and other camp gear occupy the floor adventurers.
The Situation: Water mephits frolic in Laman- the Emerald Claw soldiers in area 15 sound the alarm. between the base of the ziggurat and the south wall.
nia, around the outflow portal. They used to enjoy Tactics: If the group isn’t aware of the approaching
tasting the changes to the water as it flowed from the 15. SANCTUARY ANTEROOM (EL 2) The Situation: This sanctuary was important to the adventurers, Arkaban works at the very top of the ziggu-
Material Plane. Now that the level is no longer entirely Two Emerald Claw soldiers guard the doors that lead giants, and many wondrous secrets of a lost age are rat, attempting to puzzle out the meanings of the glyphs
flooded, the water no longer flows from Eberron, and into the temple sanctuary. Unless the adventurers take encoded upon the stone. A portion of the Emerald Claw that decorate three of the four sides of the uppermost
the mephits are disturbed by the change in the familiar precautions, the soldiers hear or see their approach and task force is assigned here to decipher the glyphs. step. Gunfarr wanders around the base of the ziggurat,
pattern. The mephits delight in attacking any character raise the alarm. If the adventurers specifically attempt Creatures: Garrow has placed Arkaban, a mummy occasionally glancing at the glyphs, but mostly appear-
that comes through the portal. to move quietly, not use a light source, or take some sorcerer, in charge of deciphering the glyphs in this ing bored as he carries out his duty to protect Arkaban.
similar precaution, then have the soldiers make Spot chamber. Arkaban is a devoted follower of the Blood of The soldiers wait on the middle step of the ziggurat,
Water Mephits (4): hp 19; Monster Manual page 185. or Listen checks. Vol and was brought on this expedition because of his ready to perform whatever task Arkaban assigns them.
When the PCs reach the top of the stairs, they see expertise in life as an historian of Xen’drik and the Age The occupants take up defensive positions the
13. DARK ZIGGURAT the following. Alter the description if the soldiers are of Giants. The mummy sorcerer labors here, with the moment they realize that intruders have entered the
A three-stepped ziggurat rises out of the water across aware of their approach. Read: help of Gunfarr Lok and his squad of four soldiers (two sanctuary. Gunfarr prefers to wade into melee. His sol-
from the doors to this level. If the PCs have a light source start out guarding the door at area 15, while the other diers start out using their crossbows before resorting to
and approach this area, read: Massive double doors of stone and rusted iron stand partially open to the two work in this chamber, dealing with any physical melee combat. Arkaban enjoys the protection provided
north. Two uniformed men stand guard to either side. Light spills from labor that Arkaban requires). Arkaban, Gunfarr, and by the permanent lesser globe of invulnerability that covers the
A stone ziggurat set in the floor rises toward the dark ceiling overhead the between the open doors. the soldiers attack any intruders. top level of the ziggurat. (The effect is equivalent to that
in three steps. The ziggurat has three steps, each rising 10 feet higher of a 10th-level caster; if dispelled, it returns 1d4 minutes
than the previous level. Convoluted designs in carved relief cover every This place served as an anteroom, a purification cham- Arkaban: Male human mummy sorcerer 2; CR 6; later.) He uses his acid splash and magic missile spells to attack
foot of the structure, except for the uppermost step. There, the strange ber prior to entering the main sanctuary to the north. Medium undead; HD 8d12 plus 2d4; hp 62; Init +6; Spd from range for as long as he can.
designs appear on three on the four sides, each showing a single glyph. Creatures: A portion of the Emerald Claw task force 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +5; Grp If the soldiers from area 15 have alerted those in the
The fourth side is completely devoid of all markings. explores area 16, looking for clues on how to activate +12; Atk or Full Atk +11 melee (1d6+9 plus mummy rot, sanctuary, then the situation starts out a bit differently.
the Throne Gate on the observatory level. Two soldiers slam); SA despair, mummy rot; SQ DR 5/—, darkvision The four soldiers take up defensive positions on the
The Situation: The designs on the ziggurat prove guard the anteroom, watching for drow warriors or 60 ft., displacement 20% miss chance, undead traits, second tier of the ziggurat and pepper intruders with
resistant to interpretation. Not only do they represent wandering creatures. vulnerability to fire; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will crossbow bolts for as long as possible. Gunfarr unloads
a long-dead language, they are entirely encrypted. +11; Str 22, Dex 15, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17. with his adamantine bolts first, targeting warforged
If someone casts comprehend languages, the translated Emerald Claw Soldiers (2): hp 14 each; see Appendix. Skills and Feats: Concentration +13, Decipher Script characters if any are present, before drawing his long-
glyphs read as gibberish. A successful DC 20 Knowl- +13, Diplomacy +16, Hide +15, Intimidate +16, Knowl- sword and engaging in melee. Arkaban’s tactics remain
edge (arcana) check suggests the possibility of magical Tactics: These soldiers have only one task—to note edge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge the same, though he has already gulped the potion of bull’s
encryptions that belie standard translation procedures. intruders and give warning to those in the sanctuary (religion) +13, Listen +15, Search +13, Sense Motive +13, strength he carries before the PCs enter the chamber. If
A special cryptographic key must be found to translate (area 16). After shouting their warning, the soldiers fall Spellcraft +13, Spot +15; Alertness, Combat Casting, things begin to go badly, Arkaban quaffs his potion of
the glyphs. This device, called the codebreaker, can be back to join their associates in the larger chamber. Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative. invisibility and tries to escape to rejoin Garrow.
found in area 24. Languages: Common, Elven, Giant. Development: Arkaban knows that information
Developments: Without the codebreaker, the glyphs 16. SANCTUARY (EL 9) Spells Known (6/5 per day; caster level 2nd): 0—acid Garrow seeks is imbedded in the ziggurat. According to
cannot be read. With the codebreaker in hand, the After prying open the massive doors, a small contingent splash, detect magic, flare, read magic, touch of fatigue; 1st—magic Garrow’s ongoing divinations, three coordinates of the
designs on the lower two levels of the ziggurat can be of the Emerald Claw task force entered this sanctuary missile, shocking grasp. six needed to properly orient the Throne Gate on the
deciphered. They describe a myth of the creation of a in search of clues as to how to operate the Throne Gate Possessions: minor cloak of displacement, potion of invisibility, observatory level can be found encoded on this ziggurat.
place called Xulenzen and a parable of a carver and a in area 33. potion of bull’s strength. However, Arkaban has just come to the conclusion that a
creek-lizard, both mostly inscrutable due to cultural Light: Daylight spell cast on a 5-foot-tall rod atop the key for reading the glyphs must exist, and he just finished
differences. The glyphs that decorate three of the four ziggurat. Gunfarr Lok: Male human fighter 3; CR 3; issuing the order to search the rest of the temple level
sides of the uppermost step describe three coordinates Sound: Sounds of many people working (automatic) Medium humanoid; HD 3d10+9; hp 26; Init +1; Spd 20 when the adventurers arrive.
for the Throne Gate (see area 33). These are three of the unless the guards gave warning. If the warning was ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; While Arkaban won’t explain this to the PCs, the
six needed to use the Throne Gate to access the resting sounded, then the room is almost completely quiet as Atk or Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/19–20, +1 longsword) or common soldiers can be intimidated into revealing
place of the fourth schema. the task force prepares to deal with the intruders. +4 ranged (1d8/19–20, light crossbow); AL LE; SV Fort their orders (DC 20 Intimidate check), and Gunfarr

22 23
can be bribed (DC 18 Diplomacy check, 250 gp, and Of all the disciplinary equipment that once existed in pairs start out at the corner of one side of the ledge upon search of this level of the ruin. Unfortunately for
his freedom). They have no idea exactly what they are this chamber (which the giants applied to their slaves), which the original battle began. them, a deadly trap protected the door. The trap is
searching for, other than Arkaban believes it can be only three sets of chains and manacles remain, each If possible, dire apes attempt to position themselves still in place when the PCs enter the chamber, but it
used to read the ancient glyphs. containing a minor enchantment to ward off the rav- to bull rush PCs off the ledge. If a dire ape succeeds in only has enough arcane power remaining to affect a
Without the codebreaker, the glyphs cannot be ages of time. this action, the PC falls 150 feet (15d6 damage). single target.
read. With the codebreaker in hand, the designs on Battles on the south ledge attract the troupe leader
the lower two levels of the ziggurat can be deciphered. 20. TEMPLE LEDGE (EL 8) from area 21 in 1d4+1 rounds. Wail of the Banshee Trap, Depleted: CR 10; magic

They describe a myth of the magician-gods of the The temple level is open to the elements, and a 20- device; proximity trigger (alarm) extending in a 20-
giants and a parable of the magehand and the giant’s foot-wide ledge runs around the outside of the ruin. A 21. KING OF THE APES (EL 6) foot-radius from door; manual reset; spell effect (wail
son, both mostly inscrutable due to cultural differ- group of dire apes has claimed the ledge as part of its At night, the dire apes lair in this chamber. The leader of of the banshee, CL 17th, Fort DC 23 negates); capable of
ences. The glyphs that decorate three of the four sides hunting territory. the troupe, a girallon, however, is always here. Read: affecting only a single additional target before the trap
of the uppermost step describe three coordinates for Light: Daylight (if day). runs completely out of arcane power; DC 34 Search
the Throne Gate (see area 33). These are three of the Sound: Padded animal feet and scrabble of claws on The giant-sized door to this chamber is stuck halfway open. Within, the check to discover.
six needed to use the Throne Gate to access the resting stone (Listen DC 25). stench of unwashed animals is overpowering. Piles of furs and wide leaves
place of the fourth schema. Important Rules: Bull rush, Player’s Handbook page 154. gathered from the surrounding jungle dot the chamber. Many animals Development: The trap, after thousands of years,
The glyphs read as: The Monkey’s Paw, the Unicorn’s When the adventurers approach this area, read: obviously use this place as a den. As you glance around, a nearby shadow has come to the end of its ability to recharge, though
Hoof, and Io’s Twinkle. A successful DC 25 Knowledge moves and a white gorilla with four arms emerges from the darkness with it can affect one additional creature before its necro-
(arcana) check allows a character to recognize these as A ledge provides a path around the outside of the ruin at this level. At a menacing roar. mantic power completely fades. The luminescence still
versions of the names of stars in the sky. a height of about 150 feet above the ground, the view is spectacular. A clinging to the Emerald Claw soldiers has no effect other
light wind blows, scented with jungle odors. The great concavities carved The Situation: A girallon leads the troupe of dire than to serve as a warning, and it fades over the course
17. SLAVE WARRENS into the side of the stone all along the ledge act like great ears, bringing apes that lair within this chamber. The dire apes that of a few hours. Besides being closed (with all the trouble
The elves that worked for the giants were housed in this faint sounds from the animals far below into sharper focus. wander the high faces of the ruin by day can be found needed to open a closed giant door), the door is locked
section. Little remains from those ancient days. Read: here at night. (Open Lock DC 23).
Green vines cover the ledge and hang from the stone Creatures: If the adventurers approach this cham- Treasure: Should the PCs bypass or deactivate the
These rooms are far smaller than the other chambers. The entryways above, and nearby jungle foliage grows close by. ber during the day, the girallon is present. Dire apes trap and open the door, they discover dust free cham-
between the rooms, too, seem built to accommodate smaller, more The Situation: The dire apes use area 21 as a lair. arrive in pairs, beginning 1d4+1 rounds after a battle ber. A pedestal in the center of the chamber serves as a
human-sized frames. All that remains are drifts of dust. They hunt in the jungle and along the ledge, but they begins, and 1d4+1 rounds after each new pair arrives. reliquary of one of the ancient giants that lived in the
also consider the ledge to be part of their lair and so If the adventurers approach this chamber at night, ruin. The reliquary holds a single giant-sized tooth: the
Treasure: Thirty minutes and a DC 30 Search check actively work to protect it from intruders. If the adven- four dire apes and the girallon are present, and the Tooth of At-Ta-Ir.
unearths a solid mass of silver coins (all stuck together) turers step onto the ledge, there is a chance every round remaining pair of dire apes arrive 1d4+1 rounds after a
worth 1,000 sp, a jade statue of a panther (worth 500 gp), that the nearest duo of dire apes notices them with either battle begins. 23. SUDDEN EXIT (EL 9)
and a silver amulet that is not corroded (an amulet of health a Listen or Spot check. In all cases, the girallon and dire apes attack intruders. Nothing in this apparently empty room suggests the
+2) from the dust. Creatures: A total of six dire apes roam the ledge, but lethal trap waiting in front of the door to area 24.
they wander in pairs. During the day, two dire apes can be Girallon: hp 58; Monster Manual page 126. As characters approach, a 10-foot-diameter area
18. EMPTY ROOMS found on three of the four sides of the temple, walking the of the floor directly in front of the door drops away,
None of these rooms contain anything of interest, just length of the ledge and then turning the corner to patrol Treasure: A search through the refuse reveals 160 revealing a razor-lined chute. Passage through the razor-
the dust and shadows of an ancient age. the next side. At night, a single pair wanders the ledge while ancient pp, 6 emerald gems worth 100 gp each, and one lined chute quickly sends the victim to the exterior
the rest of the troupe rests in area 21. dusty rose gemstone shaped like a prism (an ioun stone). of the ruin at a height of 150 feet above the
19. OVERSEER’S CHAMBER unforgiving ground. The chute’s
This was the chamber of the slaves’ overseer. Once, it Dire Apes: hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. 22. LINGERING DEATH (EL 10) opening to the exterior is a
was a place of pain and misery. Now only a handful of An ancient trap slaughtered a squad of Emerald Claw one-way flap difficult to find
memories remain from those ancient days. Read: Tactics: If the adventurers intrude on the ledge and soldiers in this chamber shortly before the adventur- from outside (Search DC
are noticed by a pair of dire apes, the dire apes roar and ers arrive. 36), and difficult to
Brownish red stains smear the south wall of this chamber, where a few move in to drive off or kill the invaders. After a conflict Light: Pale illumination from the lingering magical open from the out-
chains remain in perfect condition, trailing from hooks set high on the starts, the roars and the sounds of battle attract another effect of the trap. side (Open Lock
wall. Manacles small enough for a human wrist dangle from each end. pair of dire apes in 1d4+1 rounds. After the second pair Sound: None. DC 28).
appears, another arrives in 1d4+1 rounds. Arriving Aura: Strong necromancy (trap on door in southeast
corner of chamber).
When the adventurers approach this chamber, read:

TOOTH OF AT-TA-IR (MINOR ARTIFACT) A semicircle spray of bodies, body parts, and bits of Emerald Claw tab-
ards surrounds a closed iron door in the southeast corner of this large and
This giant-sized tooth radiates magic. In order to The tooth may not thereafter be removed without otherwise empty chamber. A gangrenous radiance illuminates the bodies,
function, the tooth must be placed in an empty resulting in the death of the host. It grants the host a rising like dissipating mist from the mutilated forms.
tooth socket—it shrinks to fit the mouth of smaller continuous tongues ability. Once per day, the host can
than giant-sized creatures, though the tooth always use the spells suggestion and shout. Once per week the The Situation: A squad of five
remains oversized and obvious (the user loses 2 points host can use the spell word of chaos. All these spell-like Emerald Claw soldiers attempted to
of Charisma, and these points may never be restored). abilities are caster level 20th, save DC 20. gain entry into the door in the corner
of the chamber as they went about their

can be bribed (DC 18 Diplomacy check, 250 gp, and Of all the disciplinary equipment that once existed in pairs start out at the corner of one side of the ledge upon search of this level of the ruin. Unfortunately for
his freedom). They have no idea exactly what they are this chamber (which the giants applied to their slaves), which the original battle began. them, a deadly trap protected the door. The trap is
searching for, other than Arkaban believes it can be only three sets of chains and manacles remain, each If possible, dire apes attempt to position themselves still in place when the PCs enter the chamber, but it
used to read the ancient glyphs. containing a minor enchantment to ward off the rav- to bull rush PCs off the ledge. If a dire ape succeeds in only has enough arcane power remaining to affect a
Without the codebreaker, the glyphs cannot be ages of time. this action, the PC falls 150 feet (15d6 damage). single target.
read. With the codebreaker in hand, the designs on Battles on the south ledge attract the troupe leader
the lower two levels of the ziggurat can be deciphered. 20. TEMPLE LEDGE (EL 8) from area 21 in 1d4+1 rounds. Wail of the Banshee Trap, Depleted: CR 10; magic

They describe a myth of the magician-gods of the The temple level is open to the elements, and a 20- device; proximity trigger (alarm) extending in a 20-
giants and a parable of the magehand and the giant’s foot-wide ledge runs around the outside of the ruin. A 21. KING OF THE APES (EL 6) foot-radius from door; manual reset; spell effect (wail
son, both mostly inscrutable due to cultural differ- group of dire apes has claimed the ledge as part of its At night, the dire apes lair in this chamber. The leader of of the banshee, CL 17th, Fort DC 23 negates); capable of
ences. The glyphs that decorate three of the four sides hunting territory. the troupe, a girallon, however, is always here. Read: affecting only a single additional target before the trap
of the uppermost step describe three coordinates for Light: Daylight (if day). runs completely out of arcane power; DC 34 Search
the Throne Gate (see area 33). These are three of the Sound: Padded animal feet and scrabble of claws on The giant-sized door to this chamber is stuck halfway open. Within, the check to discover.
six needed to use the Throne Gate to access the resting stone (Listen DC 25). stench of unwashed animals is overpowering. Piles of furs and wide leaves
place of the fourth schema. Important Rules: Bull rush, Player’s Handbook page 154. gathered from the surrounding jungle dot the chamber. Many animals Development: The trap, after thousands of years,
The glyphs read as: The Monkey’s Paw, the Unicorn’s When the adventurers approach this area, read: obviously use this place as a den. As you glance around, a nearby shadow has come to the end of its ability to recharge, though
Hoof, and Io’s Twinkle. A successful DC 25 Knowledge moves and a white gorilla with four arms emerges from the darkness with it can affect one additional creature before its necro-
(arcana) check allows a character to recognize these as A ledge provides a path around the outside of the ruin at this level. At a menacing roar. mantic power completely fades. The luminescence still
versions of the names of stars in the sky. a height of about 150 feet above the ground, the view is spectacular. A clinging to the Emerald Claw soldiers has no effect other
light wind blows, scented with jungle odors. The great concavities carved The Situation: A girallon leads the troupe of dire than to serve as a warning, and it fades over the course
17. SLAVE WARRENS into the side of the stone all along the ledge act like great ears, bringing apes that lair within this chamber. The dire apes that of a few hours. Besides being closed (with all the trouble
The elves that worked for the giants were housed in this faint sounds from the animals far below into sharper focus. wander the high faces of the ruin by day can be found needed to open a closed giant door), the door is locked
section. Little remains from those ancient days. Read: here at night. (Open Lock DC 23).
Green vines cover the ledge and hang from the stone Creatures: If the adventurers approach this cham- Treasure: Should the PCs bypass or deactivate the
These rooms are far smaller than the other chambers. The entryways above, and nearby jungle foliage grows close by. ber during the day, the girallon is present. Dire apes trap and open the door, they discover dust free cham-
between the rooms, too, seem built to accommodate smaller, more The Situation: The dire apes use area 21 as a lair. arrive in pairs, beginning 1d4+1 rounds after a battle ber. A pedestal in the center of the chamber serves as a
human-sized frames. All that remains are drifts of dust. They hunt in the jungle and along the ledge, but they begins, and 1d4+1 rounds after each new pair arrives. reliquary of one of the ancient giants that lived in the
also consider the ledge to be part of their lair and so If the adventurers approach this chamber at night, ruin. The reliquary holds a single giant-sized tooth: the
Treasure: Thirty minutes and a DC 30 Search check actively work to protect it from intruders. If the adven- four dire apes and the girallon are present, and the Tooth of At-Ta-Ir.
unearths a solid mass of silver coins (all stuck together) turers step onto the ledge, there is a chance every round remaining pair of dire apes arrive 1d4+1 rounds after a
worth 1,000 sp, a jade statue of a panther (worth 500 gp), that the nearest duo of dire apes notices them with either battle begins. 23. SUDDEN EXIT (EL 9)
and a silver amulet that is not corroded (an amulet of health a Listen or Spot check. In all cases, the girallon and dire apes attack intruders. Nothing in this apparently empty room suggests the
+2) from the dust. Creatures: A total of six dire apes roam the ledge, but lethal trap waiting in front of the door to area 24.
they wander in pairs. During the day, two dire apes can be Girallon: hp 58; Monster Manual page 126. As characters approach, a 10-foot-diameter area
18. EMPTY ROOMS found on three of the four sides of the temple, walking the of the floor directly in front of the door drops away,
None of these rooms contain anything of interest, just length of the ledge and then turning the corner to patrol Treasure: A search through the refuse reveals 160 revealing a razor-lined chute. Passage through the razor-
the dust and shadows of an ancient age. the next side. At night, a single pair wanders the ledge while ancient pp, 6 emerald gems worth 100 gp each, and one lined chute quickly sends the victim to the exterior
the rest of the troupe rests in area 21. dusty rose gemstone shaped like a prism (an ioun stone). of the ruin at a height of 150 feet above the
19. OVERSEER’S CHAMBER unforgiving ground. The chute’s
This was the chamber of the slaves’ overseer. Once, it Dire Apes: hp 35 each; Monster Manual page 62. 22. LINGERING DEATH (EL 10) opening to the exterior is a
was a place of pain and misery. Now only a handful of An ancient trap slaughtered a squad of Emerald Claw one-way flap difficult to find
memories remain from those ancient days. Read: Tactics: If the adventurers intrude on the ledge and soldiers in this chamber shortly before the adventur- from outside (Search DC
are noticed by a pair of dire apes, the dire apes roar and ers arrive. 36), and difficult to
Brownish red stains smear the south wall of this chamber, where a few move in to drive off or kill the invaders. After a conflict Light: Pale illumination from the lingering magical open from the out-
chains remain in perfect condition, trailing from hooks set high on the starts, the roars and the sounds of battle attract another effect of the trap. side (Open Lock
wall. Manacles small enough for a human wrist dangle from each end. pair of dire apes in 1d4+1 rounds. After the second pair Sound: None. DC 28).
appears, another arrives in 1d4+1 rounds. Arriving Aura: Strong necromancy (trap on door in southeast
corner of chamber).
When the adventurers approach this chamber, read:

TOOTH OF AT-TA-IR (MINOR ARTIFACT) A semicircle spray of bodies, body parts, and bits of Emerald Claw tab-
ards surrounds a closed iron door in the southeast corner of this large and
This giant-sized tooth radiates magic. In order to The tooth may not thereafter be removed without otherwise empty chamber. A gangrenous radiance illuminates the bodies,
function, the tooth must be placed in an empty resulting in the death of the host. It grants the host a rising like dissipating mist from the mutilated forms.
tooth socket—it shrinks to fit the mouth of smaller continuous tongues ability. Once per day, the host can
than giant-sized creatures, though the tooth always use the spells suggestion and shout. Once per week the The Situation: A squad of five
remains oversized and obvious (the user loses 2 points host can use the spell word of chaos. All these spell-like Emerald Claw soldiers attempted to
of Charisma, and these points may never be restored). abilities are caster level 20th, save DC 20. gain entry into the door in the corner
of the chamber as they went about their

Wide-Mouth Razor-Lined Chute Trap: CR 9; Creature: Those who make the Spot check can 29. TEMPORARY STOREROOM (EL 6) 33. THRONE GATE (EL VARIABLE)
mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; hidden partake in the surprise round when one of the “drifts” The door to this chamber is closed and trapped with a This area contains the means for reaching the vault level
lock bypass (Search DC 25, Open Lock DC 30); Reflex shakes off its centuries of dust and attacks—it is a gray glyph set by Garrow from a scroll. where the fourth schema rests. It is also where the adven-
DC 20 avoids; 150 ft. to ground (15d6, fall); multiple render zombie, a remnant of an older time. turers encounter Garrow, perhaps for the last time. A lot
targets (all targets within a 10-ft.-diameter area); chute Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 6; spell; spell trigger; depends on how the PCs believe they can best accomplish
razors (Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for 1d4+5 Gray Render Zombie: hp 133; Monster Manual page no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast], 16th-level their mission—reclaim the three schemas and the creation
damage); Search DC 20 to find; Disable Device DC 20 267. cleric, 8d8 sonic, Reflex DC 14 half); multiple targets pattern, and locate the fourth and final schema.

to deactivate. (all targets within 5 ft.); Search DC 28 to locate; Disable Light: By day the walls to each side and the webs
Treasure: Mixed in with the debris in the chamber is Device DC 28 to disengage. hanging above keep the cleft in shadows despite the
24. THE CODEBREAKER (EL 6) a black, corroded mass of silver that has a value of 433 sp. brightness of the sun. By night, four torches ensor-
This chamber contains the codebreaker that can be used Development: Garrow ordered ale, wine, and other celled with continual light.
to decipher the glyphs that cover the ziggurats in areas 26. OBSERVATORY LEVEL STAIRS valuables brought on the expedition to be stored sepa- Sound: Sounds of people talking echo down the hall
13 and 16. When the adventurers open the door to this This staircase leads up to area 27 on the observatory level. rately in this chamber. If the adventurers get past the from area 38 (DC 18 Listen check).
chamber, read: When the adventurers approach this location, read: trap on the door, they see pallets of crates and barrels Aura: Strong transmutation (Throne Gate).
stored in the far corner of the chamber. When the adventurers approach this area, read:
A stone pedestal stands in the center of this dust-free chamber. Slabs of stone form a giant-sized circular staircase, but a narrow, Characters interested in liberating some of the sup-
human-sized staircase is cut like a ribbon into the stair’s exterior. plies for themselves find nothing more valuable than The constructed fissure in the cyclopean ruin throws the area into
The Situation: A final trap guards the codebreaker items costing 30 gp or less, though it is up to the DM shadow, despite being open to the elements on two sides. The walls rise
that rests upon the pedestal. The trap affects all crea- When the adventurers climb the stairs, go to the next to determine exactly what can be found on the sledges. up well over one hundred feet on the east and west, and the clifflike faces
tures that move to within 10 feet of the pedestal. section of the adventure. Should the characters claim all the supplies (and make are pocked with cavities and balconies opening on darkness. Great gauzy
the effort to transport this bulk of items), the value of webs hang above at a height of sixty or so feet, crossing and recrossing
Flame Strike Trap: CR 6; magic device; proxim- everything is 4,000 gp. the wide gap, which keeps the cleft in shadow even when the sun is high
ity trigger (alarm) 10-ft. radius; automatic reset; spell OBSERVATORY LEVEL above. At the center of the cleft sits a throne fit for a titan: a mammoth
effect (flame strike, 9th-level cleric, 9d6 fire, Reflex DC 17 Use the map of the Observatory Level, on the inside 30. EMPTY ROOMS chair of stone and metal sitting on an inscribed disk of unblemished iron.
half); Search DC 30 to discover; Disable Device DC 30 cover, to run encounters in this section of the ruin. These chambers are empty, though some show marks Around the periphery of the iron disk are wooden crates, a few barrels,
to disengage. in the dust from where the exploring Emerald Claw and a wooden table strewn with a clutter of papers, pens, measuring
27. TEMPLE LEVEL STAIRS soldiers marched. devices, and other items. A single figure works around the inscribed disk,
Treasure: The pedestal in the center of the chamber This staircase leads down to area 26 on the temple level. a rotund female in simple work clothes.
holds the codebreaker. When the adventurers reach this location, read: 31. GUARDIAN BONES (EL 7)
The closed giant door to this chamber is locked (Open The Situation: Garrow has come to the conclusion that
The circular stairs lead to a large chamber. Crates, barrels, and packages Lock DC 23). If the adventurers open the door, read: the path to the final schema is connected to the Throne
THE CODEBREAKER on sledgelike pallets are piled in all four corners and along the walls.
Everything looks new and recently packed, and no sign of dust can be The dust in this chamber is less prominent than in other portions of the
Gate. He believes that if he can figure out the function
of the Throne Gate, the final route to the schema will
The codebreaker is a 1-foot-diameter gold hoop that found on any of these items. temple. Vivid mosaic tiles cover the floor. Two doors hang partially become apparent. Garrow spends all of his time at this
frames a clear crystal pane. Through it, the glyphs on closed along the south wall. location, seeking to find a way to activate the Throne
the ziggurat in areas 13 and 16 are translated into signs The Situation: The crates, barrels, and other parcels Gate. He has ordered the rest of the task force to dis-
that the viewer can understand, assuming the viewer can The Situation: A giant skeleton hides behind the
contain dried meats, relatively clean water, dried fruit, cover whatever it can, but unless he can puzzle out the
read. It allows the encoded information on the ziggurats
flour, grains, linens, and other supplies required by a southwest door. It waits for the adventurers to get within workings of the device, he feels that Arkaban’s studies
to be read, but cannot translate any other languages.
large force on a long expedition. These supplies were 20 feet before it flings open the door and attacks. (area 16) will provide the answers he needs.
Faint divination; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item,
comprehend languages, read magic; Price 5,200 gp; Weight 3 lb. offloaded from Garrow’s airship, and much of it is stored Development: If the characters study the tiles A recent development, however, provides another
here. More valuable stores are kept in area 29. (Search DC 15) or if anyone makes a DC 25 Spot check way to solve the puzzle of the Throne Gate. About an
Characters interested in liberating some of the (DC 20 if they illuminate the entire room), they see that hour ago, frustrated and unsure of how to proceed,
supplies fi nd nothing more valuable than items nor- the tiles form a picture. The mosaic, best viewed from Garrow began assembling the creation pattern. He
mally costing 5 sp or less on Table 7–8: Goods and about 12 feet above the ground, depicts a stylized version placed the three schemas in his possession into the
25. UNQUIET HUSK (EL 6) Services in the Player’s Handbook, though it is up to the of the construct that slumbers on the vault level. creation pattern. One schema remains to be found to
This out-of-the-way chamber contains a desolate undead DM to determine exactly what can be found on the Creature: The southwest door on the far wall holds a complete the pattern, but the three-quarter-complete
creature waiting to sap the vitality of any living beings sledges. Should the characters take it upon themselves remnant of long ago, a priest or guardian of the temple device has begun to behave in an unexpected fashion.
that enter. When the adventurers open the door, read: to claim all the supplies, the value of everything is that continues its duties in undeath. It flings open the The creation pattern spoke to Garrow.
about 300 gp. door of its otherwise empty chamber and attacks any that It has said three things in the time since Garrow
This chamber seems empty like so many others on this level, except for tread upon the holy mosaic. placed the third schema. The first thing, a word in the
layers of debris and great drifts of dust that cover the floor. Cracks in 28. HALL GUARD (EL 4) ancient giant language, meant nothing to Garrow, but
the wall allow narrow beams of outside light into the chamber, as well Beyond the entry hall to this level of the ruin, four Cloud Giant Skeleton: hp 110; Monster Manual page 227. the voice in his head certainly startled the priest. The
as wind, rain, leaves, and other jungle debris. Emerald Claw soldiers stand guard. Garrow, so close to second thing was articulated 10 minutes later, and it was
his goal, doesn’t want to chance anything going wrong. 32. OBSERVATORY LEDGE another word that Garrow could not understand. The
The Situation: An undead creature lurks in the large The soldiers stand in torchlight, alert and on guard for This area is similar to area 20, and is patrolled by an third thing, articulated 10 minutes after the second, was
drifts of dust. A casual glance around the chamber drow warriors, wandering monsters, or the PCs—about equivalent number of dire apes. The differences are that a series of words that Garrow’s mind could understand:
reveals that some of the drifts seem especially large, and whom Garrow has warned all his troops. the dire apes won’t move deeper into the observatory “Near … need … complete …”
a DC 24 Spot check allows a character to notice that one level, and the girallon won’t leave the temple level to aid Fascinated, Garrow thought back at the intruding
of the drifts has begun to move. Emerald Claw Soldiers (4): hp 14 each; see Appendix. these members of his troupe. voice: “How can I aid you?”

26 27
Wide-Mouth Razor-Lined Chute Trap: CR 9; Creature: Those who make the Spot check can 29. TEMPORARY STOREROOM (EL 6) 33. THRONE GATE (EL VARIABLE)
mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; hidden partake in the surprise round when one of the “drifts” The door to this chamber is closed and trapped with a This area contains the means for reaching the vault level
lock bypass (Search DC 25, Open Lock DC 30); Reflex shakes off its centuries of dust and attacks—it is a gray glyph set by Garrow from a scroll. where the fourth schema rests. It is also where the adven-
DC 20 avoids; 150 ft. to ground (15d6, fall); multiple render zombie, a remnant of an older time. turers encounter Garrow, perhaps for the last time. A lot
targets (all targets within a 10-ft.-diameter area); chute Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 6; spell; spell trigger; depends on how the PCs believe they can best accomplish
razors (Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for 1d4+5 Gray Render Zombie: hp 133; Monster Manual page no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast], 16th-level their mission—reclaim the three schemas and the creation
damage); Search DC 20 to find; Disable Device DC 20 267. cleric, 8d8 sonic, Reflex DC 14 half); multiple targets pattern, and locate the fourth and final schema.

to deactivate. (all targets within 5 ft.); Search DC 28 to locate; Disable Light: By day the walls to each side and the webs
Treasure: Mixed in with the debris in the chamber is Device DC 28 to disengage. hanging above keep the cleft in shadows despite the
24. THE CODEBREAKER (EL 6) a black, corroded mass of silver that has a value of 433 sp. brightness of the sun. By night, four torches ensor-
This chamber contains the codebreaker that can be used Development: Garrow ordered ale, wine, and other celled with continual light.
to decipher the glyphs that cover the ziggurats in areas 26. OBSERVATORY LEVEL STAIRS valuables brought on the expedition to be stored sepa- Sound: Sounds of people talking echo down the hall
13 and 16. When the adventurers open the door to this This staircase leads up to area 27 on the observatory level. rately in this chamber. If the adventurers get past the from area 38 (DC 18 Listen check).
chamber, read: When the adventurers approach this location, read: trap on the door, they see pallets of crates and barrels Aura: Strong transmutation (Throne Gate).
stored in the far corner of the chamber. When the adventurers approach this area, read:
A stone pedestal stands in the center of this dust-free chamber. Slabs of stone form a giant-sized circular staircase, but a narrow, Characters interested in liberating some of the sup-
human-sized staircase is cut like a ribbon into the stair’s exterior. plies for themselves find nothing more valuable than The constructed fissure in the cyclopean ruin throws the area into
The Situation: A final trap guards the codebreaker items costing 30 gp or less, though it is up to the DM shadow, despite being open to the elements on two sides. The walls rise
that rests upon the pedestal. The trap affects all crea- When the adventurers climb the stairs, go to the next to determine exactly what can be found on the sledges. up well over one hundred feet on the east and west, and the clifflike faces
tures that move to within 10 feet of the pedestal. section of the adventure. Should the characters claim all the supplies (and make are pocked with cavities and balconies opening on darkness. Great gauzy
the effort to transport this bulk of items), the value of webs hang above at a height of sixty or so feet, crossing and recrossing
Flame Strike Trap: CR 6; magic device; proxim- everything is 4,000 gp. the wide gap, which keeps the cleft in shadow even when the sun is high
ity trigger (alarm) 10-ft. radius; automatic reset; spell OBSERVATORY LEVEL above. At the center of the cleft sits a throne fit for a titan: a mammoth
effect (flame strike, 9th-level cleric, 9d6 fire, Reflex DC 17 Use the map of the Observatory Level, on the inside 30. EMPTY ROOMS chair of stone and metal sitting on an inscribed disk of unblemished iron.
half); Search DC 30 to discover; Disable Device DC 30 cover, to run encounters in this section of the ruin. These chambers are empty, though some show marks Around the periphery of the iron disk are wooden crates, a few barrels,
to disengage. in the dust from where the exploring Emerald Claw and a wooden table strewn with a clutter of papers, pens, measuring
27. TEMPLE LEVEL STAIRS soldiers marched. devices, and other items. A single figure works around the inscribed disk,
Treasure: The pedestal in the center of the chamber This staircase leads down to area 26 on the temple level. a rotund female in simple work clothes.
holds the codebreaker. When the adventurers reach this location, read: 31. GUARDIAN BONES (EL 7)
The closed giant door to this chamber is locked (Open The Situation: Garrow has come to the conclusion that
The circular stairs lead to a large chamber. Crates, barrels, and packages Lock DC 23). If the adventurers open the door, read: the path to the final schema is connected to the Throne
THE CODEBREAKER on sledgelike pallets are piled in all four corners and along the walls.
Everything looks new and recently packed, and no sign of dust can be The dust in this chamber is less prominent than in other portions of the
Gate. He believes that if he can figure out the function
of the Throne Gate, the final route to the schema will
The codebreaker is a 1-foot-diameter gold hoop that found on any of these items. temple. Vivid mosaic tiles cover the floor. Two doors hang partially become apparent. Garrow spends all of his time at this
frames a clear crystal pane. Through it, the glyphs on closed along the south wall. location, seeking to find a way to activate the Throne
the ziggurat in areas 13 and 16 are translated into signs The Situation: The crates, barrels, and other parcels Gate. He has ordered the rest of the task force to dis-
that the viewer can understand, assuming the viewer can The Situation: A giant skeleton hides behind the
contain dried meats, relatively clean water, dried fruit, cover whatever it can, but unless he can puzzle out the
read. It allows the encoded information on the ziggurats
flour, grains, linens, and other supplies required by a southwest door. It waits for the adventurers to get within workings of the device, he feels that Arkaban’s studies
to be read, but cannot translate any other languages.
large force on a long expedition. These supplies were 20 feet before it flings open the door and attacks. (area 16) will provide the answers he needs.
Faint divination; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item,
comprehend languages, read magic; Price 5,200 gp; Weight 3 lb. offloaded from Garrow’s airship, and much of it is stored Development: If the characters study the tiles A recent development, however, provides another
here. More valuable stores are kept in area 29. (Search DC 15) or if anyone makes a DC 25 Spot check way to solve the puzzle of the Throne Gate. About an
Characters interested in liberating some of the (DC 20 if they illuminate the entire room), they see that hour ago, frustrated and unsure of how to proceed,
supplies fi nd nothing more valuable than items nor- the tiles form a picture. The mosaic, best viewed from Garrow began assembling the creation pattern. He
mally costing 5 sp or less on Table 7–8: Goods and about 12 feet above the ground, depicts a stylized version placed the three schemas in his possession into the
25. UNQUIET HUSK (EL 6) Services in the Player’s Handbook, though it is up to the of the construct that slumbers on the vault level. creation pattern. One schema remains to be found to
This out-of-the-way chamber contains a desolate undead DM to determine exactly what can be found on the Creature: The southwest door on the far wall holds a complete the pattern, but the three-quarter-complete
creature waiting to sap the vitality of any living beings sledges. Should the characters take it upon themselves remnant of long ago, a priest or guardian of the temple device has begun to behave in an unexpected fashion.
that enter. When the adventurers open the door, read: to claim all the supplies, the value of everything is that continues its duties in undeath. It flings open the The creation pattern spoke to Garrow.
about 300 gp. door of its otherwise empty chamber and attacks any that It has said three things in the time since Garrow
This chamber seems empty like so many others on this level, except for tread upon the holy mosaic. placed the third schema. The first thing, a word in the
layers of debris and great drifts of dust that cover the floor. Cracks in 28. HALL GUARD (EL 4) ancient giant language, meant nothing to Garrow, but
the wall allow narrow beams of outside light into the chamber, as well Beyond the entry hall to this level of the ruin, four Cloud Giant Skeleton: hp 110; Monster Manual page 227. the voice in his head certainly startled the priest. The
as wind, rain, leaves, and other jungle debris. Emerald Claw soldiers stand guard. Garrow, so close to second thing was articulated 10 minutes later, and it was
his goal, doesn’t want to chance anything going wrong. 32. OBSERVATORY LEDGE another word that Garrow could not understand. The
The Situation: An undead creature lurks in the large The soldiers stand in torchlight, alert and on guard for This area is similar to area 20, and is patrolled by an third thing, articulated 10 minutes after the second, was
drifts of dust. A casual glance around the chamber drow warriors, wandering monsters, or the PCs—about equivalent number of dire apes. The differences are that a series of words that Garrow’s mind could understand:
reveals that some of the drifts seem especially large, and whom Garrow has warned all his troops. the dire apes won’t move deeper into the observatory “Near … need … complete …”
a DC 24 Spot check allows a character to notice that one level, and the girallon won’t leave the temple level to aid Fascinated, Garrow thought back at the intruding
of the drifts has begun to move. Emerald Claw Soldiers (4): hp 14 each; see Appendix. these members of his troupe. voice: “How can I aid you?”

26 27
Now, in the shadows around the Throne Gate, he paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects 35. SECRET CHAMBER (EL 7)
awaits an answer. that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain. The drow deposited clay urns containing the ashes
The first form Garrow appears in is that of a rotund, of priests and wizards who went mad before they
fair-haired female provost from Morgrave University. Emerald Claw Soldiers (8): hp 14 each; see Appendix. died—something that happens a lot to those who explore
When he notices the approach of the adventurers, he Xen’drik’s ancient places. A few of these urns now con-
plays up the role to the hilt, claiming to be a prisoner The Throne Gate: This in-place dungeon device tain undead that the adventurers might release if they
of the Emerald Claw and being forced to work for them contains a potent magical charge. Anyone seated upon search the chamber. Read:

as they explore this ruin. He slips the creation pattern the giant-sized throne gains an unhindered view of the
into one of the large pockets on his work clothes as non- heavens, despite cloud cover, lighting conditions, or A collection of five-foot-tall clay urns decorated in strange mark-
chalantly as possible. obscuring webs. Indeed, it appears as if the night sky ings are carefully arranged in the southwest corner of this otherwise
has descended to surround the Throne Gate—or the empty chamber.
Garrow: hp 46; see Appendix. Throne Gate has ascended into the sky. Concentrating
makes a star come into focus and seem to move closer. The thirty urns contain the ashes of many drow. The
Tactics: Garrow starts out trying to stall the PCs The throne, obviously, is an incredible boon to mages markings are ceremonial and protective in nature.
as he waits for the almost-complete creation pattern to interested in the stars, though it can’t be removed. Creatures: Two of the urns contain the essence of
communicate with him again. If he manages to fool the The iron disk upon which the throne sits is inscribed wraiths, which silently emerge and attack any living
PCs, Garrow keeps up the charade while moving around with over one thousand names, written in the language creature that disturbs the urns.
the throne. He describes how he was forced to help the of the ancient giants (but not encrypted, as are the glyphs
Emerald Claw, what they’ve thus far discovered about in areas 13 and 16; these can be translated with a simple Wraiths (2): hp 32 each; Monster Manual page 257.
the ruin, how he thinks the Throne Gate operates—any- comprehend languages or similar contrivance). These are the
thing to keep the PCs interested and off their guard. names of stars (at least, the names the giants gave to them). 36. BARREN CELLS
When he moves as far from them as he can get, perhaps Anyone sitting upon the throne who utters the name of These chambers are empty except for an ancient layer
as far as the opposite side of the throne, he shouts for any of the inscribed stars is rewarded when a point in space of dust.
help and gulps his potion of invisibility. At this point, switch above the disk begins to glow a twinkling white. The next
to combat rounds. five named stars also create small points of light. Con- 37. DEAD BOOK ROOM (EL 6)
Garrow’s call brings the remainder of the Emerald tinuing to name stars creates yet more points, but the first The door to this room is trapped, affecting creatures in
Claw task force from area 38. Scimitar and eight Emer- named in the series wink out. Essentially, only six stars the room to the south.
ald Claw soldiers start moving toward the Throne Gate light up at any one time. The lights dim after 10 minutes,
in the first round. but naming them again reignites the glow. Lightning Bolt Trap: CR 6; magic device; prox-
While invisible, Garrow casts shield of faith and divine The only combination still working uses the names imity trigger (alarm); automatic reset; spell effect
favor to aid his combat prowess. Sometime during this of the stars from areas 13 and 16. When the names are (lightning bolt, 10th-level wizard, 10d6 electricity, Reflex
period, the creation pattern—its personality and sen- spoken aloud (the order doesn’t matter), a portal to the DC 14 half); Search DC 28 to locate; Disable Device
tience rekindled by the proximity of all the schemas vault level (area 40) opens. The names are: Scorpion’s DC 28 to disengage.
but its mind more like that of a child due to its incom- Tail, River’s End, Garyx’s Eye, Monkey’s Paw, Unicorn’s
pleteness—once again communicates with the priest of Hoof, and Io’s Twinkle. The remaining structure of this chamber reveals that
Vol. This time, it provides the names of the stars that Anyone on the wide throne is instantly teleported this was once a great library. However, time has ren-
will open the portal to the vault level. Garrow leaves the to area 40. While the stars stay bright for 10 minutes, dered most of the lore into piles of dust.
battle to Scimitar and his remaining troops as he moves any creature climbing onto the throne is teleported to Treasure: A single magical tome of giant size
to activate the Throne Gate. area 40. If the portal lapses, it can be opened again by remains, buried in the dust (DC 24 Search check to
speaking the proper combination of star names. find). If translated from ancient giant, the ungainly
Scimitar: Female personality warforged fighter 7; If Garrow can manage it, he gets onto the throne tome, bound between metal plates, functions as a manual
CR 7; Medium living construct; HD 7d10+7; hp 61; Init while still invisible, quietly speaks the words (Listen of bodily health +1.
+2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk DC 25 to hear the whispers) and teleports to area 40.
+7; Grp +11; Atk +14 melee (1d6+6/18–20, +2 scimitar) Noticing that something has changed (the brightly 38. REINFORCEMENTS (EL 8)
or +11 ranged (1d8+2/19–20, light crossbow with +2 illuminated stars) while not on the throne and in the This space serves as camp for the Emerald Claw sol-
bolts); Full Atk +14/+9 melee (1d6+6/18–20, +2 scimitar) middle of a fight requires a DC 25 Spot check. diers. Scimitar and eight soldiers are here when the PCs
or +11/+6 ranged (1d8+2/19–20, light crossbow with +2 Treasure: The charcoal, inks, pens, and a volume explore this level of the ruin. More than likely, the PCs
bolts); SQ damage reduction 2/adamantine, warforged of low-grade paper are worth 20 gp. Other items, encounter this force at area 33.
traits; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 18, Dex including a magnifying glass, a small scale, and several
14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 6. measuring rods, have a total value of 50 gp. 39. THE SLAVE ATTICS (EL VARIABLE)
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Intimidate +9, Jump +10; The two areas keyed to this entry represent the staircases
Adamantine Body, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull 34. ARKABAN’S QUARTERS that ascend up into the twin “slave attics” that occupy the
Rush, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus When Arkaban is not in area 16, he rests here. The very top of the ruin. A warren of elf-sized rooms and
(scimitar). adventurers can find crystal goblets, silver utensils, passages extend upward on either side of area 33. Webs
Language: Common. and other items of privilege, worth a total of 300 gp. In fi ll these areas, and monstrous spiders use the place as a
Possessions: +2 scimitar, 2 potions of repair serious damage, a locked chest (Open Lock DC 25) are four bottles of a lair. If the adventurers approach the stairs, read:
potion of cat’s grace, light crossbow with 10 +2 bolts, traveling crimson liqueur flavored with human blood. If sold at
cloak. the right market, these would fetch a total of 1,000 gp. Slabs of stone form a narrow staircase leading upward. The stairs are
Warforged Traits (Ex): Immunity to poison, sleep effects, It is a favorite of some Blood of Vol followers. not nearly large enough for giant feet.

Throne Gate
Now, in the shadows around the Throne Gate, he paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects 35. SECRET CHAMBER (EL 7)
awaits an answer. that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain. The drow deposited clay urns containing the ashes
The first form Garrow appears in is that of a rotund, of priests and wizards who went mad before they
fair-haired female provost from Morgrave University. Emerald Claw Soldiers (8): hp 14 each; see Appendix. died—something that happens a lot to those who explore
When he notices the approach of the adventurers, he Xen’drik’s ancient places. A few of these urns now con-
plays up the role to the hilt, claiming to be a prisoner The Throne Gate: This in-place dungeon device tain undead that the adventurers might release if they
of the Emerald Claw and being forced to work for them contains a potent magical charge. Anyone seated upon search the chamber. Read:

as they explore this ruin. He slips the creation pattern the giant-sized throne gains an unhindered view of the
into one of the large pockets on his work clothes as non- heavens, despite cloud cover, lighting conditions, or A collection of five-foot-tall clay urns decorated in strange mark-
chalantly as possible. obscuring webs. Indeed, it appears as if the night sky ings are carefully arranged in the southwest corner of this otherwise
has descended to surround the Throne Gate—or the empty chamber.
Garrow: hp 46; see Appendix. Throne Gate has ascended into the sky. Concentrating
makes a star come into focus and seem to move closer. The thirty urns contain the ashes of many drow. The
Tactics: Garrow starts out trying to stall the PCs The throne, obviously, is an incredible boon to mages markings are ceremonial and protective in nature.
as he waits for the almost-complete creation pattern to interested in the stars, though it can’t be removed. Creatures: Two of the urns contain the essence of
communicate with him again. If he manages to fool the The iron disk upon which the throne sits is inscribed wraiths, which silently emerge and attack any living
PCs, Garrow keeps up the charade while moving around with over one thousand names, written in the language creature that disturbs the urns.
the throne. He describes how he was forced to help the of the ancient giants (but not encrypted, as are the glyphs
Emerald Claw, what they’ve thus far discovered about in areas 13 and 16; these can be translated with a simple Wraiths (2): hp 32 each; Monster Manual page 257.
the ruin, how he thinks the Throne Gate operates—any- comprehend languages or similar contrivance). These are the
thing to keep the PCs interested and off their guard. names of stars (at least, the names the giants gave to them). 36. BARREN CELLS
When he moves as far from them as he can get, perhaps Anyone sitting upon the throne who utters the name of These chambers are empty except for an ancient layer
as far as the opposite side of the throne, he shouts for any of the inscribed stars is rewarded when a point in space of dust.
help and gulps his potion of invisibility. At this point, switch above the disk begins to glow a twinkling white. The next
to combat rounds. five named stars also create small points of light. Con- 37. DEAD BOOK ROOM (EL 6)
Garrow’s call brings the remainder of the Emerald tinuing to name stars creates yet more points, but the first The door to this room is trapped, affecting creatures in
Claw task force from area 38. Scimitar and eight Emer- named in the series wink out. Essentially, only six stars the room to the south.
ald Claw soldiers start moving toward the Throne Gate light up at any one time. The lights dim after 10 minutes,
in the first round. but naming them again reignites the glow. Lightning Bolt Trap: CR 6; magic device; prox-
While invisible, Garrow casts shield of faith and divine The only combination still working uses the names imity trigger (alarm); automatic reset; spell effect
favor to aid his combat prowess. Sometime during this of the stars from areas 13 and 16. When the names are (lightning bolt, 10th-level wizard, 10d6 electricity, Reflex
period, the creation pattern—its personality and sen- spoken aloud (the order doesn’t matter), a portal to the DC 14 half); Search DC 28 to locate; Disable Device
tience rekindled by the proximity of all the schemas vault level (area 40) opens. The names are: Scorpion’s DC 28 to disengage.
but its mind more like that of a child due to its incom- Tail, River’s End, Garyx’s Eye, Monkey’s Paw, Unicorn’s
pleteness—once again communicates with the priest of Hoof, and Io’s Twinkle. The remaining structure of this chamber reveals that
Vol. This time, it provides the names of the stars that Anyone on the wide throne is instantly teleported this was once a great library. However, time has ren-
will open the portal to the vault level. Garrow leaves the to area 40. While the stars stay bright for 10 minutes, dered most of the lore into piles of dust.
battle to Scimitar and his remaining troops as he moves any creature climbing onto the throne is teleported to Treasure: A single magical tome of giant size
to activate the Throne Gate. area 40. If the portal lapses, it can be opened again by remains, buried in the dust (DC 24 Search check to
speaking the proper combination of star names. find). If translated from ancient giant, the ungainly
Scimitar: Female personality warforged fighter 7; If Garrow can manage it, he gets onto the throne tome, bound between metal plates, functions as a manual
CR 7; Medium living construct; HD 7d10+7; hp 61; Init while still invisible, quietly speaks the words (Listen of bodily health +1.
+2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk DC 25 to hear the whispers) and teleports to area 40.
+7; Grp +11; Atk +14 melee (1d6+6/18–20, +2 scimitar) Noticing that something has changed (the brightly 38. REINFORCEMENTS (EL 8)
or +11 ranged (1d8+2/19–20, light crossbow with +2 illuminated stars) while not on the throne and in the This space serves as camp for the Emerald Claw sol-
bolts); Full Atk +14/+9 melee (1d6+6/18–20, +2 scimitar) middle of a fight requires a DC 25 Spot check. diers. Scimitar and eight soldiers are here when the PCs
or +11/+6 ranged (1d8+2/19–20, light crossbow with +2 Treasure: The charcoal, inks, pens, and a volume explore this level of the ruin. More than likely, the PCs
bolts); SQ damage reduction 2/adamantine, warforged of low-grade paper are worth 20 gp. Other items, encounter this force at area 33.
traits; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 18, Dex including a magnifying glass, a small scale, and several
14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 6. measuring rods, have a total value of 50 gp. 39. THE SLAVE ATTICS (EL VARIABLE)
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Intimidate +9, Jump +10; The two areas keyed to this entry represent the staircases
Adamantine Body, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull 34. ARKABAN’S QUARTERS that ascend up into the twin “slave attics” that occupy the
Rush, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus When Arkaban is not in area 16, he rests here. The very top of the ruin. A warren of elf-sized rooms and
(scimitar). adventurers can find crystal goblets, silver utensils, passages extend upward on either side of area 33. Webs
Language: Common. and other items of privilege, worth a total of 300 gp. In fi ll these areas, and monstrous spiders use the place as a
Possessions: +2 scimitar, 2 potions of repair serious damage, a locked chest (Open Lock DC 25) are four bottles of a lair. If the adventurers approach the stairs, read:
potion of cat’s grace, light crossbow with 10 +2 bolts, traveling crimson liqueur flavored with human blood. If sold at
cloak. the right market, these would fetch a total of 1,000 gp. Slabs of stone form a narrow staircase leading upward. The stairs are
Warforged Traits (Ex): Immunity to poison, sleep effects, It is a favorite of some Blood of Vol followers. not nearly large enough for giant feet.

Throne Gate
No map exists for the confusing floor plan of the slave among the cords that snake across the chamber floor. floor, while the fourth schema floats from its perch to Creation Forge: Characters can try to destroy the
attics. Characters who push their way past the webs find If the adventurers attack, Garrow is surprised by fit itself in place. When this occurs, Xulo becomes whole pillars and cords that provide continued animation to
empty rooms, but many spiders. their arrival. If they wait until Garrow notices them, the (see below). the primitive warforged. Each pillar has hardness 10
Creatures: For each 10 minutes the characters priest shrieks his anger and frustration at them, curses Creature: The “primitive” warforged was never and 300 hit points. The cords attempt to avoid being
spend exploring here, there is a 30% chance of running House Cannith and its pathetic minions, and attacks. completed. It was not imbued with sentience. The PCs severed, twisting away from any attack. Each of the fifty
afoul of 1d4 monstrous spiders. This is where Garrow, if he still lives, plans to meet can examine it, talk to it, whatever. It makes no response metallic cords has AC 13, hardness 10, and 30 hit points.
his end or destroy the adventurers. He uses everything until after Xulo becomes whole (see below). Then the Each of the fifty organic cords has AC 20, 18 hit points,

Large Monstrous Spiders (1d4): hp 22 each; Monster in his arsenal to accomplish this, calling on “Beloved, creation pattern can do what it was crafted to do—make and fast healing 3. For every ten cords the PCs sever, the
Manual page 289. brutal Vol” often during the final exchange. the warforged sentient. warforged loses 1 Constitution point. If all the cords are
Primitive Warforged: CR 9; Huge living construct; severed, the warforged dies.
41. CREATION FORGE (EL 9) HD 14d10+20+40; hp 142; Init +4; Spd 50 ft.; AC 26
THE VAULT LEVEL This hidden chamber reveals that the techniques used by (–2 size, +18 armor), touch 8, flat-footed 26; Base Atk Xulo: Arcane creation pattern (unique); AC 16; hard-
Use the Vault Level Map, on the inside cover, when run- House Cannith have an equivalent in ancient Xen’drik, + 10; Grp +24; Atk +16 melee (2d10+7, slam); Full Atk ness 10; hp 60; AL CE; Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18; Telepathy,
ning encounters on this level of the ruin. and perhaps the knowledge of the ancient giants served +16/+11/+6 melee (2d10+7, slam); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 120 ft. vision and hearing, blindsense; Ego score 29.
to inspire the first Makers of Cannith. ft.; SA —; SQ damage reduction 5/—, low-light vision, Lesser Powers: Detect magic at will, 10 ranks in Intimidate
40. VAULT DAIS ENTRY Light: Dim light suffuses most of the room, emanat- resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, and sonic (+14), 10 ranks in Knowledge (history) (+15).
Anyone who activates the Throne Gate (area 33) is tele- ing from the strange stone pillars. 5, warforged traits; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +9; Greater Powers: Detect thoughts and cause fear at will.
ported instantly to the top of the dais. Anyone who climbs Sound: Murmuring, humming, whirring (from the Str 25, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12. Special Purpose: Add sentience to magic items (original),
onto the top step is instantly returned to area 33. stone pillars spread across the chamber) (automatic). Skills and Feats: Climb +15, Listen +11, Spot +11, sow discord and inflict pain (adopted).
Light: Dim light suffuses most of the room, emanating Aura: Strong in all schools (from the stone pillars Survival +6; Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Focus, Dedicated Powers: Bestow sentience, confusion, crushing despair.
from myriad sources. spread across the chamber). Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Personality: Xulo is a malevolent entity that revels in
Sound: Murmuring, humming, whirring (from the When the adventurers reach this area, but before Weapon Focus. promoting chaos as much as in creating intelligence in
stone pillars spread across the chamber) (automatic). they try to retrieve the creation pattern, read: magic items. Now that it is once again whole, it plans to
Aura: Strong in all schools (from the stone pillars Xulo learn all about this new world and decide what mark it
spread across the chamber). Past the strange stone pillars that hum with arcane energ y, the draperies When the fourth schema is placed into the creation can make upon it. Once whole, Xulo must be reduced
When the adventurers reach this area, read: of cord snake toward their nexus: A giant humanoid shape standing in pattern, read: to 0 hit points for the schemas to be removed.
darkness. The cords connect to the shape on every side, as if catching
Five massive stone steps, each 10 feet high, descend 50 feet into a great the great figure in a massive web. Standing nearly 30 feet tall, the The creation pattern begins to hum with power and glow with a ghostly
vault filled with hulking, dimly glowing pillars of stone. Buildinglike in shape is imposing, appearing to be made of stone and metal and other, arcane radiance. A terrible voice fills your mind, speaking in no language CONCLUSION
size, the strange stone shapes rise from the floor, protrude through the unidentifiable components. One pillar in the southeast portion of the and every language. You can easily understand the words. “I . . . am . . . If the Xulo creation pattern defeats the PCs, it finishes
walls, and burrow into the ceiling. Cords extend from each pillar, which chamber has a slightly different appearance from the others in the room. complete!” the voice shouts. “Xulo is . . . whole!” Then, the voice leaves the process of creating the primitive warforged and then
in their multitude create great draperies, all of which lead toward some- An assortment of oddly shaped items covers one face of the pillar—items your thoughts and emerges from the great figure in the center of the chamber uses the giant form as its body. When it shows up again,
thing hidden on the far side of the chamber. Some of the cords appear that look like the schemas. as the creation pattern adheres itself to the figure’s chest. “And now, Xulo and for what purpose, is left for DMs to determine.
metallic, but many consist of a more organic material. At the bottom of has a body!” With that, the giant construct that looks like some ancient If the PCs defeat the Xulo creation pattern, they can
the steps, a human-sized figure stares into the larger chamber beyond. The Situation: The ancient giants and their elf version of a warforged begins to move. once again disassemble it and decide what to do with it.
magehands built this arcane creation forge and the If the PCs decide to return it to Elaydren, they must
The Situation: The stone pillars and great cords “primitive” warforged still housed within it. The crea- The Situation: The malevolent sentience contained take precautions, because the pattern wants to be whole
are described in area 41. Garrow got as far as the bottom ture was almost ready to emerge from the forge when within the Xulo pattern wants to be free. A new world and will mentally urge the PCs to put it back together
step when Xulo’s mental commands became too much the cataclysm that ended the Age of Giants struck. It exists wherein it can plan, plot, and work its terrible throughout the entire trip back to Sharn. Returning
for him to withstand. As the PCs get closer, they see that has waited since then for the commands that would set will. It takes control of the primitive warforged, using the pattern and the schemas to Elaydren gains the PCs
Garrow is spasmodically shifting through forms they it free. This chamber also served as the hiding place it to deal with any lingering threats and to provide it the rest of their reward. Merrix makes Xulo whole once
may recognize from previous adventures. Read: for the fourth schema. Dozens of schemas of different with a method of locomotion. The warforged, however, more shortly thereafter. What happens next is left for
shapes and sizes adhere to one of the pillars. Among was never completed. Many of its weapons and special DMs to determine.
The figure of the rotund provost twists and bends as if in pain, then the these is the fourth schema. qualities still need to be added. Xulo plans to get the If the PCs decide to scatter the schemas, they don’t
features flow like water and you see a thin, disheveled half-elf. He holds Xulo wants to be whole again. This can happen in a creation forge running at full power to finish the job. get any further reward from Elaydren. In addition,
the creation pattern in both hands and seems to be conversing with it number of ways. Two suggestions are described below. Muroni proclaims that a great and terrible event has House Cannith now becomes hostile toward the PCs,
between spasms. Another spasm overtakes him, and his features reset PCs: The PCs can locate the creation pattern among occurred. “The pattern of the Prophecy forever unfolds and both Elaydren and Merrix will seek revenge at some
themselves. Now he appears as a tall, emaciated man with dead-white the crisscrossing mass of cords by making a DC 25 in profound ways,” Muroni says. “This day, we have future opportunity.
skin and a thick scar between his eye and ear. “Fine!” the figure screams, Search check. The schema can be found with a DC 20 witnessed the culmination of one verse of the Prophecy, The riverboat, the air-skiff, and the undersea ship
“Take it and be gone from my mind!” With that, he flings the creation Search check of the storage pillar. If the PCs collect both and the beginning of another.” Then she falls quiet, remain to get the adventurers back to Stormreach and,
pattern away from him, into the larger chamber beyond. and add the fourth schema to the creation pattern, Xulo saying nothing else on the subject. eventually, to Sharn.
becomes whole (see below). If they don’t connect them, Tactics: Xulo uses the body of the primitive warforged When the PCs return to Stormreach, Muroni gives
Development: The sentient creation pattern Xulo Xulo attempts to compel the PC carrying it to complete according to the statistics listed above. In addition to the her final words of wisdom before leaving the party. “I
gets stronger the closer it gets to the fourth schema. the pattern (as the suggestion spell, Will DC 25 to resist). physical move and attack actions it can make through the serve the dragon Vuulaytherus,” Muroni says. “I study
Since reaching this level, Garrow has been struggling Xulo: At this close proximity, the almost complete warforged, Xulo can use one of its powers every round. the Prophecy. You have allowed me to watch a particu-
to retain control of his own mind. To that end, he creation pattern has its own method for attaining the It seeks to destroy the adventurers and finish the work larly important verse unfold. I thank you, and Vuulay-
fi nally hurls the creation pattern away, toward where fourth schema. The pieces want to be together, and on the warforged. Until that work is done, the warforged therus thanks you. The dragons have marked you, so
Xulo was forcing him to take it. For the moment, the they are drawn toward each other if no other option can’t leave the chamber and is vulnerable to attacks on perhaps we shall meet again when the next verse reveals
creation pattern and its three schemas is lost from view presents itself. The creation pattern slides across the the cords connecting it to the forge. itself. Fare you well, my friends.”

30 31
No map exists for the confusing floor plan of the slave among the cords that snake across the chamber floor. floor, while the fourth schema floats from its perch to Creation Forge: Characters can try to destroy the
attics. Characters who push their way past the webs find If the adventurers attack, Garrow is surprised by fit itself in place. When this occurs, Xulo becomes whole pillars and cords that provide continued animation to
empty rooms, but many spiders. their arrival. If they wait until Garrow notices them, the (see below). the primitive warforged. Each pillar has hardness 10
Creatures: For each 10 minutes the characters priest shrieks his anger and frustration at them, curses Creature: The “primitive” warforged was never and 300 hit points. The cords attempt to avoid being
spend exploring here, there is a 30% chance of running House Cannith and its pathetic minions, and attacks. completed. It was not imbued with sentience. The PCs severed, twisting away from any attack. Each of the fifty
afoul of 1d4 monstrous spiders. This is where Garrow, if he still lives, plans to meet can examine it, talk to it, whatever. It makes no response metallic cords has AC 13, hardness 10, and 30 hit points.
his end or destroy the adventurers. He uses everything until after Xulo becomes whole (see below). Then the Each of the fifty organic cords has AC 20, 18 hit points,

Large Monstrous Spiders (1d4): hp 22 each; Monster in his arsenal to accomplish this, calling on “Beloved, creation pattern can do what it was crafted to do—make and fast healing 3. For every ten cords the PCs sever, the
Manual page 289. brutal Vol” often during the final exchange. the warforged sentient. warforged loses 1 Constitution point. If all the cords are
Primitive Warforged: CR 9; Huge living construct; severed, the warforged dies.
41. CREATION FORGE (EL 9) HD 14d10+20+40; hp 142; Init +4; Spd 50 ft.; AC 26
THE VAULT LEVEL This hidden chamber reveals that the techniques used by (–2 size, +18 armor), touch 8, flat-footed 26; Base Atk Xulo: Arcane creation pattern (unique); AC 16; hard-
Use the Vault Level Map, on the inside cover, when run- House Cannith have an equivalent in ancient Xen’drik, + 10; Grp +24; Atk +16 melee (2d10+7, slam); Full Atk ness 10; hp 60; AL CE; Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18; Telepathy,
ning encounters on this level of the ruin. and perhaps the knowledge of the ancient giants served +16/+11/+6 melee (2d10+7, slam); Space/Reach 15 ft./15 120 ft. vision and hearing, blindsense; Ego score 29.
to inspire the first Makers of Cannith. ft.; SA —; SQ damage reduction 5/—, low-light vision, Lesser Powers: Detect magic at will, 10 ranks in Intimidate
40. VAULT DAIS ENTRY Light: Dim light suffuses most of the room, emanat- resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, and sonic (+14), 10 ranks in Knowledge (history) (+15).
Anyone who activates the Throne Gate (area 33) is tele- ing from the strange stone pillars. 5, warforged traits; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +9; Greater Powers: Detect thoughts and cause fear at will.
ported instantly to the top of the dais. Anyone who climbs Sound: Murmuring, humming, whirring (from the Str 25, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12. Special Purpose: Add sentience to magic items (original),
onto the top step is instantly returned to area 33. stone pillars spread across the chamber) (automatic). Skills and Feats: Climb +15, Listen +11, Spot +11, sow discord and inflict pain (adopted).
Light: Dim light suffuses most of the room, emanating Aura: Strong in all schools (from the stone pillars Survival +6; Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Focus, Dedicated Powers: Bestow sentience, confusion, crushing despair.
from myriad sources. spread across the chamber). Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Personality: Xulo is a malevolent entity that revels in
Sound: Murmuring, humming, whirring (from the When the adventurers reach this area, but before Weapon Focus. promoting chaos as much as in creating intelligence in
stone pillars spread across the chamber) (automatic). they try to retrieve the creation pattern, read: magic items. Now that it is once again whole, it plans to
Aura: Strong in all schools (from the stone pillars Xulo learn all about this new world and decide what mark it
spread across the chamber). Past the strange stone pillars that hum with arcane energ y, the draperies When the fourth schema is placed into the creation can make upon it. Once whole, Xulo must be reduced
When the adventurers reach this area, read: of cord snake toward their nexus: A giant humanoid shape standing in pattern, read: to 0 hit points for the schemas to be removed.
darkness. The cords connect to the shape on every side, as if catching
Five massive stone steps, each 10 feet high, descend 50 feet into a great the great figure in a massive web. Standing nearly 30 feet tall, the The creation pattern begins to hum with power and glow with a ghostly
vault filled with hulking, dimly glowing pillars of stone. Buildinglike in shape is imposing, appearing to be made of stone and metal and other, arcane radiance. A terrible voice fills your mind, speaking in no language CONCLUSION
size, the strange stone shapes rise from the floor, protrude through the unidentifiable components. One pillar in the southeast portion of the and every language. You can easily understand the words. “I . . . am . . . If the Xulo creation pattern defeats the PCs, it finishes
walls, and burrow into the ceiling. Cords extend from each pillar, which chamber has a slightly different appearance from the others in the room. complete!” the voice shouts. “Xulo is . . . whole!” Then, the voice leaves the process of creating the primitive warforged and then
in their multitude create great draperies, all of which lead toward some- An assortment of oddly shaped items covers one face of the pillar—items your thoughts and emerges from the great figure in the center of the chamber uses the giant form as its body. When it shows up again,
thing hidden on the far side of the chamber. Some of the cords appear that look like the schemas. as the creation pattern adheres itself to the figure’s chest. “And now, Xulo and for what purpose, is left for DMs to determine.
metallic, but many consist of a more organic material. At the bottom of has a body!” With that, the giant construct that looks like some ancient If the PCs defeat the Xulo creation pattern, they can
the steps, a human-sized figure stares into the larger chamber beyond. The Situation: The ancient giants and their elf version of a warforged begins to move. once again disassemble it and decide what to do with it.
magehands built this arcane creation forge and the If the PCs decide to return it to Elaydren, they must
The Situation: The stone pillars and great cords “primitive” warforged still housed within it. The crea- The Situation: The malevolent sentience contained take precautions, because the pattern wants to be whole
are described in area 41. Garrow got as far as the bottom ture was almost ready to emerge from the forge when within the Xulo pattern wants to be free. A new world and will mentally urge the PCs to put it back together
step when Xulo’s mental commands became too much the cataclysm that ended the Age of Giants struck. It exists wherein it can plan, plot, and work its terrible throughout the entire trip back to Sharn. Returning
for him to withstand. As the PCs get closer, they see that has waited since then for the commands that would set will. It takes control of the primitive warforged, using the pattern and the schemas to Elaydren gains the PCs
Garrow is spasmodically shifting through forms they it free. This chamber also served as the hiding place it to deal with any lingering threats and to provide it the rest of their reward. Merrix makes Xulo whole once
may recognize from previous adventures. Read: for the fourth schema. Dozens of schemas of different with a method of locomotion. The warforged, however, more shortly thereafter. What happens next is left for
shapes and sizes adhere to one of the pillars. Among was never completed. Many of its weapons and special DMs to determine.
The figure of the rotund provost twists and bends as if in pain, then the these is the fourth schema. qualities still need to be added. Xulo plans to get the If the PCs decide to scatter the schemas, they don’t
features flow like water and you see a thin, disheveled half-elf. He holds Xulo wants to be whole again. This can happen in a creation forge running at full power to finish the job. get any further reward from Elaydren. In addition,
the creation pattern in both hands and seems to be conversing with it number of ways. Two suggestions are described below. Muroni proclaims that a great and terrible event has House Cannith now becomes hostile toward the PCs,
between spasms. Another spasm overtakes him, and his features reset PCs: The PCs can locate the creation pattern among occurred. “The pattern of the Prophecy forever unfolds and both Elaydren and Merrix will seek revenge at some
themselves. Now he appears as a tall, emaciated man with dead-white the crisscrossing mass of cords by making a DC 25 in profound ways,” Muroni says. “This day, we have future opportunity.
skin and a thick scar between his eye and ear. “Fine!” the figure screams, Search check. The schema can be found with a DC 20 witnessed the culmination of one verse of the Prophecy, The riverboat, the air-skiff, and the undersea ship
“Take it and be gone from my mind!” With that, he flings the creation Search check of the storage pillar. If the PCs collect both and the beginning of another.” Then she falls quiet, remain to get the adventurers back to Stormreach and,
pattern away from him, into the larger chamber beyond. and add the fourth schema to the creation pattern, Xulo saying nothing else on the subject. eventually, to Sharn.
becomes whole (see below). If they don’t connect them, Tactics: Xulo uses the body of the primitive warforged When the PCs return to Stormreach, Muroni gives
Development: The sentient creation pattern Xulo Xulo attempts to compel the PC carrying it to complete according to the statistics listed above. In addition to the her final words of wisdom before leaving the party. “I
gets stronger the closer it gets to the fourth schema. the pattern (as the suggestion spell, Will DC 25 to resist). physical move and attack actions it can make through the serve the dragon Vuulaytherus,” Muroni says. “I study
Since reaching this level, Garrow has been struggling Xulo: At this close proximity, the almost complete warforged, Xulo can use one of its powers every round. the Prophecy. You have allowed me to watch a particu-
to retain control of his own mind. To that end, he creation pattern has its own method for attaining the It seeks to destroy the adventurers and finish the work larly important verse unfold. I thank you, and Vuulay-
fi nally hurls the creation pattern away, toward where fourth schema. The pieces want to be together, and on the warforged. Until that work is done, the warforged therus thanks you. The dragons have marked you, so
Xulo was forcing him to take it. For the moment, the they are drawn toward each other if no other option can’t leave the chamber and is vulnerable to attacks on perhaps we shall meet again when the next verse reveals
creation pattern and its three schemas is lost from view presents itself. The creation pattern slides across the the cords connecting it to the forge. itself. Fare you well, my friends.”

30 31
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +3, Knowledge (religion) +0,
Ride +4; Power Attack, Toughness.
Language: Common.
Possessions: chainmail, dagger, heavy wooden shield, light
The following characters might appear in more than one crossbow with 20 bolts, flail, sunrod, tabard, pouch with 2d6
encounter, so they’re presented here for easy reference. silver pieces and 1d8 gold pieces, identification papers (two
sets, one false).

This gnome is captain of the experimental undersea ship MURONI

Sea Dart. He works for House Cannith. Muroni serves the silver dragon Vuulaytherus and the
Byam: Gnome expert 5; CR 4; Small humanoid; HD Chamber. She observes the draconic Prophecy and travels to
5d6+6+6; hp 29; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 13, touch 11, flat- wherever it unfolds to act as Vuulaytherus’s witness to events.
footed 13; Base Atk +3; Grp –1; Atk +5 melee (1d4+2/×3, Muroni: Female elf cleric 4; CR 4; Medium humanoid;
masterwork gnome hooked hammer); Full Atk +3 melee HD 4d8+4; hp 23; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat-
(1d4+2/ ×3, masterwork gnome hooked hammer) and +3 footed 22; Base Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk +4 melee
melee (1d4+2/×3, masterwork gnome hooked hammer); SA (1d8, masterwork heavy mace with dragonhead); SA turn
spell-like abilities; SQ gnome traits; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref undead; SQ elf traits; AL LN; AP 3; SV Fort +5, Ref +2,
+1, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12; Wis 10, Cha 12. Will +6; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 15.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +8, Craft (submersible making) +8, Skills and Feats: Knowledge (nature), +7, Knowledge (his-
Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (geog- tory) +7, Knowledge (arcana) +4; Dodge, Heroic Spirit,
raphy) +8, Profession (submariner) +8, Sense Motive +8, Improved Initiative.
Speak Language (Sahuagin); Toughness (2). Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 4th): 0—detect magic V,
Spell-Like Abilities: Intelligence not high enough. guidanceV (3), light; 1st—cure light wounds, detect secret doorsDV, divine
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sahuagin. favor, magic weapon, shield of faith; 2nd—bear’s endurance, cure moderate
Possessions: masterwork gnome hooked hammer, potion of wounds, detect thoughtsDV, lesser restoration.
cure light wounds, compass, key to ship vault (where 300 pp are D: Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (all Knowledge
kept in reserve), identification and travel papers. skills are class skills, cast divination spells [V] at +1 caster
level); Law (cast lawful spells at +1 caster level). Deity:
Aureon, God of Law and Knowledge.
DROW WARRIORS Languages: Common, Draconic.
The drow that live in the ancient ruin are angry about Possession: +1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield, wand of cure light
the Emerald Claw invasion and attack any other intruders wounds (25 charges), scroll of protection from energ y.
they encounter.
Drow: Drow warrior 3; CR 4; Medium humanoid (elf);
HD 3d8+3; hp 16; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex, +2
A priest of the Blood of Vol in service to the Order of the
leather armor), touch 11, flat-footed 12; Base +3; Grp +5; Emerald Claw, Garrow is a changeling who never appears in
Atk or Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+2, shortspear) or +5 ranged the same guise twice. He hopes to one day prove his worth to
(1d6+2, javelin); SA spell-like abilities; SQ darkvision 120 Vol and receive the reward of undeath.
ft., spell resistance 13; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; Garrow: Male changeling cleric 8; CR 8; Medium
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12; Int 12; Wis 11, Cha 10. humanoid (shapechanger); HD 8d8; hp 46; Init +6; Spd 30
Skills and Feats: Climb +7, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate ft.; AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +6; Grp +6; Atk
+5, Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +2, Swim +7; Weapon Focus +8 melee (1d8+2, +2 flail) or +9 ranged (1d8+1/19–20, light
(shortspear), Weapon Focus (javelin). crossbow); Full Atk +8/+3 melee (1d8+2, +2 flail) or +9/+4
Drow Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 ranged (1d8+1/19–20, light crossbow); SA death touch,
racial bonus on saves against enchantment spells or effects; rebuke undead 5/day (+4, 2d6+10, 8th); SQ changeling
entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or traits, minor change shape; AL LE; AP 3; SV Fort +6, Ref
concealed door as though actively looking for it; +2 racial +4, Will +9; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14.
bonus on Will saves against spells or spell-like abilities; Skills and Feats: Bluff +6, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +9,
spell-like abilities (1/day—dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire as Disguise +6 (+16 when using minor change shape), Hide +4,
the spells, caster level 3rd); drow here and around the cyclo- Knowledge (religion) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +9; Heroic
pean ruins have lost the light blindness of the standard drow Spirit, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (necromancy).
race; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin.
Languages: Drow, Drow Sign Language. Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 8th): 0—cure minor wounds
Possessions: leather armor, shortspear, 5 javelins. (2), detect magic, guidance, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds, divine favor,
obscuring mist, protection from good, ray of enfeeblementDN, shield of faith;
EMERALD CLAW SOLDIERS 2nd—command undeadDN (DC 17), cure moderate wounds, hold person
These agents of the Emerald Claw work for Brother Garrow, (DC 15), inflict moderate woundsN (DC 17), silence; 3rd—animate
a priest of Vol. deadDN, bestow curseN (DC 18), dispel magic, prayer, searing light; 4th—cure
Emerald Claw Soldier: Human warrior 2; CR 1; critical wounds, divine power, greater magic weapon.
Medium humanoid; HD 2d8+5; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; D: Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch once per
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk or day, damage 5d6), Necromancer (cast necromancy spells [N]
Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1, flail) or +2 ranged (1d8/19–20, at +1 caster level). Deity: The Blood of Vol.
light crossbow); AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 13, Possessions: +3 glamered breastplate, masterwork dagger (holy
Dex 11, Con 12 , Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8. symbol), +2 flail, light crossbow with 10 +1 adamantine bolts,
potion of invisibility, potion of cure moderate wounds.


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