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Industrial Employment Standing Orders Andhra Pradesh Rules, 1953

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THE ANDHRA PRADESH INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (STANDING ORDERS) RULES, 1953. 1. (1) These rules. may be called the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Rules, 1953 (2) They extend to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh 2. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context: (a) “Act” means the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1964; (b) “Form” meansa form set out in Schedule If appended to these rules; (c) “Words and expressions” used in these rules but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act 3. (1) The model standing orders for the purpose of the Act for application to the industrial establishments shall be those set out in Schedule I. (2) The model standing orders for the purpose of the Act for application of the Working Journalists, shall be those sct-out in Schedule LA. 4. Application for certification of Standing Orders shall be in Form 5. The draft standing orders submitted to the certifying officer shall purposes of sub-section (3) of Section 3'of the Act be accompanied by a statement in Form ‘B’ giving the following particulars in respect of the workman cmployed in the industrial establishment - (1) Name of the establishment. (2) Number of workman (classified into men, women and children) employed under the following categories:~ (a) Skilled (b) Unskitled (©) Clerical (d) Others, if any (e) Total (3) Number of workmen classified to (a) Permanent (b) Temporary (© Casual (4) Badli or substitute n R.9 THE A.P. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (S.0.) RULES, 1953. 2B 6. (a) Five copies of the Draft Standing Order which an employer Proposes to adopt for his industrial establishment shall be forwarded by registered post to the certifying officer (b) A group of employers in similar industrial establishment may submit a joint draft of standing orders, provided that five times as many copies of the drafts shall be made as the number of industrial establishments t0 which the joint draft is to apply (c) Such joint drafts shall be accompanied by statements prescribed by Rule 5 in respect of each of the industrial establishments 7. On receipt of the standing orders submitted by an employer the certifying officer, shall as soon as practicable- (i) cause copies thereof together with notice in Form °C” to be affixed on the notice board of the industrial establishment concerned for the information of the workmen of the said establishment, and ii) shall forward by registered post copies of the draft standing orders and of the notice in Form °C° together with notice in Form “D’ to the trade union or unions named by the employer in the statement submitted by him in Form ‘B’ and to any other trade union or unions which in the opinion of the Certifying Officer are concerned with the establishment 8. (1) Whete there is no trade union in an industrial establishment, the Certifying Officer shall cause a meeting of the workmen to be held on a date fixed by him for the purpose, for the clection of four Tepresentatives of the workmen conevrned from among themselves (2) The Certifying Officer may require the employer or an officer of the industrial establishment to display a notice of the date, time and place of the meeting in a prominent place at or near the main gate of the establishment (3) The meeting shall be convened, and presided over by the certifying officer or such person as the certifying officer may by special or general orders specify for the purpose. (4) The workmen declared elected at the meeting by the person presiding shall be the representatives of the workmen for the-purpose of the Act and these rules, to whom the certifying Officer shall forward a copy of the draft standing orders and of the notice in Form °C’ together with notice in Form ‘D” 9. The standing-orders certified by the certifying officer of the appellate authority shall be authenticated by affixing thereto the signature and the seal of office of the certifying officer or the appellate authority as the case may be. The standing orders shall be forwarded by registered letter post 4 INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (S.0.) ACT, 1946 R IZA 10. The register of standing orders required to be maintained under Section & shall be in Form ‘E” [11. A copy of the certified Standing Orders under Section 8 of the Act may be obtained by any person from the Certifying Officer by presenting an application affixing a Court fee stamp of Rupee one and furnishing copy stamped papers of forty paise for every hundred words or fraction thereof] 12, (1) Any person desiring to prefer an appeal against an order of the Certifying Officer shall draw up a Memorandum of Appeal setting out the grounds of appeal and forward it to the Appellate Authority in quadruplicate, accompanied by a certified copy of the standing orders. (2) The Appellate Authority’ shall after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard, unless it comes to the conclusion that the decision of Certifying Officer is contrary to law or otherwise erroneous, confirm the standing orders as certified by him. (3) Where the Appellate Authority does not confirm the standing, orders it shall fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and direct notice thereof to be given:- (a) where the appeal is filed by the employer of workman, to trade unions of the workmen of the industrial establishment and where there are no such trade unions to the representatives of workman elected in accordance with the provisions of Rule 8, or (b) where the appeal is filed by a trade union, to the employer and all other trade unions of the establishment, or (©) where the appeal is filed by the representatives of workmen to the employer: (4) the appellant shall furnish each of the respondent with a copy of the memorandum of appeal. (4) The Appellate Authority may at any stage call for any evidence it considers necessary of the appeal. (5) On the date fixed under Rule 3 for the hearing of the appeal the authority shall take such evidence as it may have called for and considers to be relevant. 12-A, (1) Files relating to the appeals preferred under the Act shall be preserved for three years. (2) After the expiry of the said period of three years, the record: may be destroyed cither by treating or by burning in the presence of the Assistant Commissioner of Labour, provided, however, that records 0 seeret of confidential nature shall be destroyed only by burning, Th F-A THE A.P. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (S.0) RULES, 1953, 5 records destroyed by tearing may be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Certifying Officer thinks fit 13. The following additional matters shall be included in the Schedule to the Act after items | and 7 thereof respectively, namely:- “I-A. Workman's tickets and registers 7-A. Closing and re-opening of the entire industrial establishments or departments. thereof and liabilities of the employer and workmen arising departments thereof and liabilities of the employer and workmen arising therefrom” 14, The Madras Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Rules, 1947, are hereby revealed but such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said rules and anything done or any action taken thereunder shall be deemed to have been done or taken under these rules. [15, The Madras Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Rules, 1947 as in force in the State of Madras, in their application to the territories specified in the first Schedule to the “Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959 (Central Act 56 of 1959) are hereby repealed), FORM A (See Rute 4) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 SECTION 3 To Dated 19 The Certified Officer, Andhra Pradesh (Area) (Place) Sir, Under the provisions of Section 3 of the Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946, I enclose five copies of the draft standing orders proposed by me for adaption in Name (Place) (Postal address) and industrial establishment owned/controlled by me with the request that these orders may be certified under the terms of the Act. I also enclose a statement in Form “B" giving the particulars prescribed in Rule 5 of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Rules, 1953 Tam ete (Signature) Employer/Manager. 16 INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (8.0.) ACT, 1946 BB STATEMENT FORMB (See Rule 5) Particulars of Workmen, Name of the Industrial Establishment: Address: Number of the workmen Men Women Children “Total employed EEEEEEEEE EE @) @ @ & 1. (1) Skilled (2) Unskilled 3) Clerical (4) Others, if any Total IL. Classification and number of workmen: (1) Permanent (2) Temporary (3) Casual (4) Badli or substitutes (5) Probationers (6) Apprentice (7) Part-time Total IIL. Names of trade unions, if any, to which the workers belong with the number of workers in each such union IV. The date from which 100 and more persons were employed in the establishment, V, Date on which draft standing orders are sent for certification Employer's Signature FD ‘THE A.P, INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (8.0) RULES. 1953 7 FORM C (See Rule 7) Form of Notice Draft standing orders having becn submitted by the any objection of the workmen thereto should be submitted to me within fifteen days from the date of this notice Date: Commissioner of Labour (Certifving Officer) “Enter name of the industrial establishment. FORM D (See Rale 7) Notice To Trade Union Address A copy of the draft standing orders submitted by under Section 3 of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act. 1948 is enclosed. You are hereby required, within 15 days of this notice to intimate to the undersigned in writing your objections, if any. to the draft standing orders If no objections are received within the period mentioned above it will be assumed that you do not desire to submit any Date: Commissioner of Labour (Certifying Officer) To* Enter name of trade union, and where therg inno trade union, that of representatives of workers 78 INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (5.0.) ACT, 1946 Seh-l FORME (See Rule 10) Co a REGISTER OF STANDING ORDERS i452 , € Se $2.2 3 @ 3 88 bi apidy: 6 8 g a5 ge tf2;228 23 eye 23 g£22?55 3,82 82325 22 9255 e252 Soe 55s2. 2s ESeege259 FE peck ie yield; dgeabaidu: LePerereCereereceere E be 228233 38 228 3288 SBeG esse st sh ge EE SCES Sept argc ge ae ga F gs 25 | dig°a a° 2°32" 3 & 723 4 5 6 7 89 W it 12 [SCHEDULE 4 Model Standing Orders 1, In these Standing Orders, unless there ‘s anything repugnant in the subject or content- (a) “Habitual” means involving repetition of an act or omission, for a minimum of 4 of times within a period of 12 months (b) “Ticket” includes a card, pass or a token 2. Workman may be classified as (a) permanent workmen; (b) probationers; (c) “badlies” or substitutes: (d) temporary. workmen (©) casual workmen; (6 apprentices; and (g) seasonal workmen; “Permanent workman” means a workman appointed in a permanent vacancy and whose appointment has been confirmed in writing by the employer, and includes a workman who has completed a satisfactory probation of 6 months in the aggregate in the same or another occupation INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (8.0.) ACT, 1946 18 FORME (See Rule 10) REGISTER OF STANDING ORDERS spreuny, unos apeyjodde ‘yy 9 paytpou 40 pawzytio9 st “O'S {Jo saido pareanuaypme jo yaredsap yo area, qeadde ur poryrpow 30 pauuyuod azam szapi0 Suspureis s0yIOUA asurefe poyeadde ‘tans si9p4Q Suspuerg soyloUA 22o1O Surdguuay aip Fo aImeUs siapio Surpureys a4 nuoyane Jo yoredsap Jo 370 spoUgo Surdgns9, arp sq ‘Siapio Surpues atp Jo wonreayTIN9 Jo a1eq uaunions 40 worn au Aq ¢ uwo1}99g J9pun aati0U yp Jo 1dro9a1 40 a1eq uuounyiom 40 worun agp

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