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Ana Tankosić, MA
Eldin Milak, MA
© International Burch University, 2018
Faculty of Education and Humanities, International Burch University
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Abstract: Shakespeare’s universality places him beyond all ages. Keywords: Shakespeare’s
He is the only author, not born in our age but whose works guarantee universality, word imagery’s
on regular basis financial prospects. Shakespeare's success story as graphic texture, drama of
a writer is unprecedented in human history. Apart from the prophets diversity and resolve, King
of the Holy Scriptures and the philosophers of antiquity, no one else Lear, patriarchal system,
but Shakespeare can claim an impact on human mind and heart of a Najasa the faithless-faceless-
mega scale that goes beyond any age, any religion, any language
shameless, ‘we can do it
and any geography. Uncertainty of the political systems, ruthless
better, death of human
growth of violence, sexual anxiety, dismemberment of filial bond and
the essential spirit of improvisation in times chaotic, the very
hallmark of our culture as well as of his drama, force us to see him
in a post-colonial contemporary context to find a direction, a resolve Article History
and an asylum from the ‘neo-colonial’ disaster of the 21st century. Submitted: February 16, 2018
Shakespeare’s treatment of the word imagery, giving word a graphic Accepted: April 28, 2018
texture, does not allow his modern audience to approach his works
dealing with the concept of ‘conflict’ in the Greek classical sense of
the word. Conflict is not the soul of Shakespearean tragedy.
Shakespearean tragedy transforms it into the ‘illumnationist’
principle of ‘diversity’. Shakespeare’s art is the ‘quintessence’ of
mankind. Whenever justice is violated, his drama speaks for those
who stand bewildered, lost and wronged. KingLear, arguably, is the
greatest specimen of poetic art on earth. The play is gradual defining
of a new sensibility where life is regarded as culmination of a
process of transformation. A play where, ‘Najasa’ (a term to
describe the fallen women; from Arabic Najas: the impure,
unwholesome, filthy) the faithless-faceless-shameless ‘whore, the
bawd’, introduces in the name of progressive disciplines its filth and
corruption as normal walk of life. These fashionable the ‘gilded
butterflies’, the worldly wise ‘court rogues’, if remain the role
models, human civilizations stand no chance to grow intellectually
and spiritually. These people represent a mindset, the mind of the
outdated patriarchal system of cheap compromises, disloyalty, lack
of dignity, competition for power play and possession of wealth.
Shakespeare suggests a solution; matriarchal system.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
At the threshold of history, every culture of man has heard him knocking.
So often he has been granted not only the entry to these cultures but their
complete citizenship, it is sometimes difficult to claim that Shakespeare was an
English writer. It is a modest thing to say that ‘he is of all ages’, he is beyond all
ages. He goes beyond all that can be determined by any age, any religion, any
language or any geography. In terms of appreciation, for example, Shakespeare
had philosophically more responsive audience in Germany than in 18th century
England. When he was about to be banned by the mid-17th century Puritans,
Indians were about to incorporate his work within the galaxy of their infinite
world of literature. He remained the national poet of the USA until the birth of
its own literary tradition. By the end of the 19th century almost all the communist
revolutionary movements were promoting his heroes as king slayers. And in the
20th century every single artistic movement includes talks about particular
features of his art that brings it closer to the standard features of a particular
movement. He is the only author, not born in our age, whose works guarantee
on regular basis financial prospects for actors, directors, producers and even the
owners of the publishing houses. Shakespeare’s success story as a writer is
unprecedented in human history. Apart from the prophets of the Holy Scriptures
and the philosophers of antiquity, no one else but Shakespeare can claim an
impact on human mind and heart of a mega scale that goes beyond any age, any
religion, any language and any geography. Shakespeare, therefore, does not only
matter to us, he belongs to us. Uncertainty of the political systems, ruthless
growth of violence, sexual anxiety, dismemberment of filial bond and the
essential spirit of improvisation in times chaotic, the very hallmark of our culture
as well as of his drama, force us to see him in a post-colonial contemporary
context to find a direction, a resolve and an asylum from the ‘neo-colonial’
disaster of the 21st century. The radical capacity of his works, specially the works
like King Lear, allows Shakespeare to breathe the air that we inhale wherever we
are and whenever we are.
All the world’s a stage of William Shakespeare who has played over the
centuries on it many parts and has had his many exits and entrances.
Shakespeare, even in 21st century, all alone can be counted on to bring an
audience to the theater. Theaters, throughout the world, sometimes devote all
their seasons to his works. He is an author who has seen an eclipse.
‘By early 17th century Shakespeare had been eulogized in sonnets, alluded to in poetry,
praised in prose, referred to in plays, and anthologized in books of quotations. A totaling
of the figures cited in the Shakespeare Allusion Book (Oxford, 1932) indicates that there
were 481 allusions to Shakespeare before 1649 and another 664 to 1700- and these 1145
concern the plays and poems only, there were many other references to the man only….
For instance, by 1600 there were already almost three dozen references to the ‘honey
tongued’ Shakespeare by his contemporaries. Another quality was pointed out by the
historian William Camden, who in 1605 listed Shakespeare among the ‘most pregnant
wits of these our times, whom succeeding ages may justly admire’. William Cartwright
in 1647, gave ‘nature’ as the source of Shakespeare’s genius and from Milton’s line
‘sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy’s child’ began a series of comments on Shakespeare’s
‘fancy’. And with Ben Jonson’s refusal to give ‘Nature’ all the credit- ‘Thy art my gentle
Shakespeare – The Concept of ‘Najasa’ (The Bawd)
Shahab Yar Khan
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
‘Dervish’ in office. When the king lives the ideal what Socrates preached and the
prophets reflected upon, then only truth resurfaces, the truth of ‘the dignity of
poverty’. Poverty is dignified only when it is adopted by the role model; it
remains a curse if it is inflicted as social injustice. Shakespearean drama teaches
us how to succeed in times when evil of injustice is inflicted. It shows us the way
to defeat the evil, attain power and then live the life of the monk-king, of a
Dervish. Shakespearean drama encourages us to get rid of the only sin that has
destroyed the worlds’ civilizations throughout, the sin of self-glorification. I hope
that Shakespeare’s influence increases in its real sense beyond RSCs and ‘New
York National Theatres’; beyond Hollywood and universities academics. I pray
that Shakespearean drama speaks to people in this hour of desperation in its own
voice and helps us to regain what we lost long ago, dignity and humanity
In this regard King Lear is a good case study. King Lear perhaps the
greatest example of poetic art on earth, beyond all the scales of time and bounds
of geography, a living organism, breaths its evolution with every step taken
forward or backward by the mankind. Carefully designed linguistic decorum,
purposefully makes this play like many other of his works, a gradual defining of
a new sensibility where life is regarded as culmination of a process of
transformation. In the following speech Lear, transformed from a king to a shelter
less beggar, addresses poor naked wretches wherever they are. He transcends
the bounds of time and space. This speech will qualify as a contemporary work
of art as long as there are poor and naked wretches, the living examples of ancient
unjust systems of distribution of wealth, in our ‘modern-humanitarian’ societies.
As long as there are those twenty percent who exploit eighty percent resources
of this world to keep hunger and poverty alive, Lear's words will remain a
relevant criticism of all our new ‘world orders’:
This speech determines the psychological complexion of the later part of the play.
The play rises above the family feuds, feudal rivalries and wars of egos of the
earlier Acts. Right before this speech, King Lear was a simpler play to perform
and easier to comprehend. It dealt with the theme of the honest suffering at the
hands of the Machiavellian. It was a renaissance play about the power politics, a
brutal human invention where out of two combatants one ought to stand as
victimizer or else falling itself as a victim. In this game of power there are no
Shakespeare – The Concept of ‘Najasa’ (The Bawd)
Shahab Yar Khan
martyrs but only victims and survivors. It was a traditional play about collapse
of the values that nurture integrity and honour. It was a social tragedy where
death of human character lead to death of human society. A play where, to use
one of Shakespeare's favorite expressions for ‘Najasa’ (a term to describe the
fallen women; from Arabic Najas: the impure, unwholesome, rotten) the
faithless-faceless-shameless, ‘the whore, the bawd’, introduces in the name of
progressive disciplines its filth and corruption as normal walk of life. And thus
leaves the noble, the enlightened, the honorable stand in awe, reluctant to
participate in the filth of the ‘normal’ of Najasa, yet envious of the whore's success
and sorrowful of its own destruction. In King Lear, Shakespeare connects all
these strains of emotional, moral, social, institutional chaos with one
fundamental thread – the Political instability.
Collapse of our political set ups worldwide offers us many examples today
that would easily fit within the mold of political chaos of Albion of King Lear.
Bosnia Herzegovina, however, matches perfectly the DNA as true descendant of
it. Bosnian political organization is an exact copy of what we witness in political
disorganization of King Lear:
1. A country disputed over by three ‘inheritors’ of the land;
2. A country with two political entities within to mark a state within state;
3. A country where traditional set of human values crumbles in front of
growing social injustice and emotional disbalance.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Lear’s map of Albion if seen upside down, is almost a mirror image of B&H
King Lear’s map is similar. Parts of France and area all around Dover was
Cornwall’s dukedom. At the other end of the map appeared the boundaries of
Albany (Scotland) and Cordelia’s kingdom was supposed to be in the middle.
The connecting link between the other two kingdoms, her name is derived from
the French root ‘cord’, the connecting string. Around her there are the forces of
establishment who do not want her to succeed. The two sisters represent the
element of Najasa, the whore against whom entire Shakespearean drama is not
just the most vocal protest ever recorded in history but the also a means to learn
the method to survive against her evil and ultimately to defeat her.
In Shakespearean English the words ‘whore’ and ‘hour’ had identical
pronunciation and thus it gave poets opportunity to play pun on the word. ‘From
hour to hour we ripe and ripe and from hour to hour we rot and rot’, is a popular
line from As You Like it. It becomes even more valuable if pronounced, ‘from
whore to whore we ripe and ripe and from whore to whore we rot and rot’. It
then becomes an intended joke on the royalty where a ‘whore’ causes people to
rot. In the light of Shakespearean use of the word, I have come up with the
definition of the term ‘whore’. Whore is a person who is faithless-faceless-
shameless. Since this person loses all the faith in goodness within human
character and starts living in a moral vacuum, its own nature evolves to secure
its own narrow interests only at the cost of the life of emotional and social
balance. Since, love, honor, dignity and grace all are dispatched to pieces, its
shamelessness can make it do anything against literally any one, any time. This
whore exists all around us. It can be of any age, gender and social stature. The
range of the whore covers all walks of life from religious scholars to hardcore
criminals, from politicians to beggars, from literate to illiterate, drug addicts and
traffickers, ordinary men, women, girls and boys, a whore can be anywhere and
in any garb. We must be watchful of the whore and the moment we see the
faithless-faceless-shameless, it is our social-moral obligation to distance
ourselves from it, isolate it and declare it as an enemy of human civilization. This
Shakespeare – The Concept of ‘Najasa’ (The Bawd)
Shahab Yar Khan
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
offers far more revolutionary freedom, sensible liberty and deserves lot more
serious consideration from readers than any other modern cheap dating system
of the world can) to marriage and upbringing of children, from banking to
education and from political manipulations to religious shrewdness all is
doomed to collapse.
Shakespeare foresaw that the ancient patriarchal systems was exhausted
and soon had to be replaced by a revived-modified matriarchal system. King Lear
is not the death of a society but of the system that the society endorsed, rather
inflicted upon its citizens. Today, the havoc caused by the patriarchal system has
reached the level where the entire globe and every single soul living on it are on
the verge of extinction. Four centuries after Shakespeare’s forecast we are waiting
for those women to appear whose role models are not men; whose dream is not
‘we can do it’ but ‘we can do it better’. For this kind of woman to be born a
different set of values independent of patriarchal system is needed to be
introduced, a set of values where the nonsense of the ‘normal, traditional and
routine’ adopted by Najasas is dispatched for good. If it happens somehow,
somewhere on this earth, the mankind may still have a chance to avoid what is
the most obvious, the death of human civilizations.
Shakespeare – The Concept of ‘Najasa’ (The Bawd)
Shahab Yar Khan
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1 (1), pp. 12-20, Summer 2018.
© International Burch University
Classroom as a Microcosm:
Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Senad Bećirović, PhD Damir Bešlija
International Burch University
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract: The twenty-first century is the century of encounter of the Keywords: race, nation,
different races, nations, cultures, religions and customs. In the culture, religion,
twenty-first century, man is more and more exposed to various multicultural education,
influences that leave a trace on the entire sphere of his social life, strategies.
including education. Given that education systems play one of the
key roles in the formation of both physically and morally healthy
Article History
communities, it is of an enormous importance to analyze the
Submitted: June 18, 2018
phenomenon of a classroom composed of culturally diverse students. Accepted: July 10, 2018
Each individual is nowadays exposed to various influences that leave
a trace on the educational sphere of his social life. Taken into
consideration how educational institutions have become more and
more diverse in terms of cultures, views and perspectives it is of a
great importance to analyze the phenomenon of a multicultural
education. Moreover, it is of an utmost significance to study the
benefits of a diverse classroom in the manner that will provide
students with sufficient knowledge about the importance of
multiculturalism, but at the same time ease teacher’s time spent at
work. This paper examines the instances and benefits of diversity
through the use of different strategies and analyses the
multiculturalism of the 21st century merged in everyday classroom
Classroom as a Microcosm: Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Senad Bećirović & Damir Bešlija
Over the course of history, culture has been explained in many different
ways. It has been defined as “the whole set of signs by which the members of a
given society recognize…one another, while distinguishing them from people
not belonging to that society” (UNESCO, 1992). Many scholars views culture as
“the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a
society or social group… (encompassing) in addition to art and literature,
lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs”
(UNESCO, 2001).
Multicultural education refers to an idea that aims at promotion of
educational equality and social justice. It carries multiple benefits and positively
affects students moral and physical development. Diversity actively connects a
variety of cultural, ethnic or linguistic groups within a single society. Teachers
should be conscious of a fact that every student in their diverse classroom has a
great potential to be a useful member of society and an invaluable resource for
others. Furthermore, multicultural and multilingual classroom should be
regarded as an encouragement of development and success, rather than an issue
for students and educators.
Multicultural education refers to education and instructions which engage
students of different cultures and linguistic backgrounds in the same activities,
taking into consideration their views, beliefs and languages. It is designed to
serve culturally different students in an equal and just way. On the other hand,
intercultural education aims at promotion of understanding of differences
amongst people and their cultures. Furthermore, it refers to teachings that shows
a great respect and even promotes diversity in multiple areas of human life.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
However, the major challenge which teachers might have when trying to
promote the notion multiculturalism is dealing with rather natural and inherent
tensions that arise when two or more different (or even opposing) world views
meet. Those tensions, which reflect the diversity of co-existing values of
multicultural world, usually can’t be observed through an ‘either/or’ answer.
However, the dynamic interaction between opposing views and aspects is what
enriches education and multiculturalism.
This method of teaching and learning is based upon “consensus building,
respect, and fostering cultural pluralism within societies” (Bennett, 1995). In
conclusion, multicultural education intends to promote and incorporate positive
cultural features and dialogue into language classroom atmosphere through
creating a welcoming environment for everyone.
Classroom as a Microcosm: Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Senad Bećirović & Damir Bešlija
teaching them more effectively" (Gay, 2002 p. 106). She states that content and
skills that are planned to be taught through educational systems are learned more
easily when they belong to students' frames of reference and potential
experiences (Gay, 2002).
Strategies represent the ways through which a language teacher can make
classroom a place of joy and quality learning. It is this welcoming environment
that should push students to learn and behave in a good manner.
1. Set and maintain high expectations for everyone regardless of their ethnicity,
cutlre or language
It has been proven that students whose teachers demonstrated high
expectations for them learn better. Teachers who encourage students to identify
and solve problems, and involve them in collaborative activities make their
students aware of their ability to complete different tasks (Burris & Welner, 2005).
2. Demonstrate care by learning about your students’ needs, concerns and strengths
Students show greater interest to participate in classroom activities when
a teacher demonstrates care for them and their needs, hopes and dreams. Nel
Noddings (1995) claims that "we should care more genuinely for our children
and teach them to care" (p. 24).
3. Learn about students' cultures and languages to better understand how and why
they behave in certain ways in and out of the classroom.
Teachers need to understand many different ways in which parents or
care-givers might express concern about the education of their children in respect
to their culture and language. For example, Gibson (1983) reports that Punjabi
immigrant parents in California believe it is only the teacher's task to educate and
that they as parents should not be involved in school activities. Furthermore, they
showed that they care a lot about their native language, and that they are very
cautious with their children learning another foreign language. All of this is to be
taken into consideration when preparing a strategy for teaching (Gibson, 1983)
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Students certainly feel encouraged and motivated to study when they see
that a teacher knows about and admits the contributions that their own racial or
ethnic groups made to the community. This allows students to practice their
language and other skills in real-life situations. They also realize that teacher
values and appreciate each child's background, which creates more welcoming
environment in a classroom.
Classroom as a Microcosm: Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Senad Bećirović & Damir Bešlija
Acceptance of others
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Classroom as a Microcosm: Teaching Culturally Diverse Students
Senad Bećirović & Damir Bešlija
Buriel, R., Perez, W., De Ment, T., Chavez, D., & Moran, V. (1998). The
relationship of language brokering to academic performance, biculturalism, and
self-efficacy among Latino adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioural
Sciences, 20(3), 283- 297. doi:10.1177/07399863980203001
Burris, C. C., & Welner, K. G. (2005). Closing the achievement gap by detracking.
Phi Delta: Kappa.
Sam, D., & Berry, J. (2010). Acculturation: When individuals and groups of
different cultural backgrounds meet. Perspectives on Psychological Science,
5(4), 472-481. doi:10.1177/1745691610373075
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1 (1), pp. 21-29, Summer 2018.
© International Burch University
Abstract: This paper aims to offer a new understanding of the Keywords: Jane Eyre,
Byronic hero through the character of Jane Eyre. By definition, the Byronic, hero, female,
Byronic hero presents a potent individual who defiantly breaks the quaint.
social norms of his time as they oppose his own moral philosophy.
Ever since the archetype of the Byronic hero was created,
prevalently male characters in literature have been characterized as
Article History
such, from Byron’s Childe Harold, Emily Brontë’s Heathcliff, to
Submitted: June 10, 2018
Dumas’ Dantes. Even though she was a female, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Accepted: July 13, 2018
Brontë’s title character, displayed behavior resembling that of the
previously mentioned male characters. This indicates that Jane Eyre
did not only break the social norms of her time but also the mold of
the Byronic hero. On her journey from childhood to adulthood, many
tried to suppress her wayward behavior. However, she always
managed to rise above such plights and continued going off the
beaten track, just like other Byronic heroes. Relying on the close-
reading method, this paper follows Jane Eyre through different
stages of her life in which she reveals her Byronic nature.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Jane Eyre, often considered Charlotte Brontë’s most compelling novel, was
published in 1847. From the moment of the book’s publication up until the
present time, Jane Eyre has been a frequent subject of criticism. What makes the
novel so enthralling is its title character-Jane. Many critics of Brontë’s time
regarded Jane Eyre’s character as unconventional and immoral.
In The Quarterly Review from 1848, Elizabeth Rigby, also known as Lady
Eastlake, expressed her strong disapproval of Jane Eyre and lambasted her as:
the personification of an unregenerate and undisciplined spirit […] She has inherited in
fullest measure the worst sin of our fallen nature—the sin of pride. Jane Eyre is proud,
and therefore she is ungrateful, too. It pleased God to make her an orphan, friendless,
penniless—yet she thanks nobody, and least of all Him, for the food, and raiment, the
friends, companions, and instructors of her helpless youth […] On the contrary, she looks
upon all that has been done for her not only as her undoubted right, but as falling short
of it. […] Altogether the auto-biography of Jane Eyre is pre-eminently an anti-Christian
composition. (as cited in Mundhenk & Fletcher, 1999, p. 176)
Even though it can be said that Lady Eastlake was a little harsh on Jane
Eyre, one must admit that Jane Eyre is indeed a quaint character. Her intelligence,
rebellious nature, self-pride and –determination, as well as the peculiarity that
pervades these traits, are almost Byronic. While describing the reception of
Jane Eyre, more contemporary critics, such as Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan
Gubar, alluded to this understanding of Jane Eyre: “They (the audience) were
disturbed not so much by the proud Byronic sexual energy of Rochester as by the
Byronic pride and passion of Jane herself” (Gubar, 1977, p. 780).
However, this is not surprising if we bear in mind that the Brontë sisters
drew heavily from Lord Gordon Byron’s works and adopted some of the
recurrent patterns, themes, and character types (Bloom, 2007, p. 1). Their
fascination with Byron’s persona and with the archetype of the Byronic hero is
visible both in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre as well as in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering
Heights. Nonetheless, in their novels and in literature up to date mostly male
characters have been characterized as Byronic heroes.
It is unknown whether Charlotte Brontë purposely incorporated the traits
of the Byronic hero into the character of Jane Eyre. Be that as it may, if one
considers the features of Jane Eyre’s character and the features of the Byronic
hero that will be presented in the section that follows, it is evident that these two
greatly overlap. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to offer a new understanding
of Jane Eyre.
A growing body of literature has analyzed the notion of the Byronic hero.
The very name ‘the Byronic hero’ is itself highly suggestive as it was derived
from the name of its instigator-Lord Gordon Byron. Some preliminary work that
Jane Eyre as a Byronic Hero(ine)
Adisa Ahmetspahić & Rumejsa Ribo
elaborates on the Byronic hero was carried out by Colwyn Edward Vulliamy
(1948) who defines Byronic hero and Byronism as
In the same vein, more recently, Michael Jones (2017) suggests that the
Byronic hero is “defined by an internal classlessness that is deepened by his exile
from any recognizable domestic life” (p. 19). In other words, the Byronic hero
possesses intellectual giftedness, great self-pride as well as his own code of
conduct which is in stark contrast with that of the society. According to Misra
(1992), the Byronic hero is often lonely and ironical. However, as Misra further
explains, the Byronic hero is courageous and strong-willed. Interestingly, he
preserves all the above-mentioned traits even in suffering (p. 246). The
indefatigable energy that the Byronic hero shows makes him both enthralling
and repulsive to other people at the same time.
This archetype first appeared in Byron’s long narrative poem Childe
Harolde’s Pilgrimage (1812). Its title character is a young man who defies the social
norms and is haunted by his memories. The Byronic hero also appeared in other
Byron’s works such as: The Corsair (1814), a tale written in verse, and Manfred
(1817), a closet drama (The Norton Anthology of English literature, n. d.). Forina
(2014) lists several famous Byronic heroes in literature: Edmond Dantes from
Alexander Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo, Heathcliff from Emily Brontë’s The
Wuthering Heights, and Mr. Rochester from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (p. 85).
Even though the Byronic hero is a variation of the Romantic hero, a literary
period to which Lord Byron belongs, the archetype of the Byronic hero was born
out of Byron’s fascination by John Milton’s Paradise Lost’s (1667) main character-
Satan. In essence, Milton’s Satan is not inherently evil. Quite the contrary, his
Satan is a highly proud arch rebel. By presenting Satan as a larger-than-life figure,
Milton in a way debunked the myth of Satan as a repugnant and devilish anti-
Christian figure (The Norton Anthology of English literature, n. d.). By the same
token, Jane Eyre was regarded an “anti-Christian” who “has inherited in fullest
measure the worst sin of our fallen nature — the sin of pride”.
Research by literary experts, such as that of Atara Stein (2009), contends
the prevailing opinion that the Byronic hero is necessarily a male. In his The
Byronic Hero in Film, Fiction, and Television (2009), Stein draws out attention to
Charlotte Brontë’s Catherine Earnshaw and Thomas Hardy’s Eustacia Vye whom
he considers Byronic heroines. For Stein, the Byronic heroine is a woman who
resists taking the inferior role in a male-dominated society. In her battle with
societal restrains and conventions, the Byronic heroine displays a rebellious and
a sort of obtrusively self-assertive behavior. Evidently, her behavior is on par
with the behavior of her male equivalent (p. 171, 172).
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
“Unjust! unjust!” said my reason, forced by the agonizing stimulus into precocious
though transitory power; and Resolve, equally wrought up, instigated some strange
expedient to achieve escape from insupportable oppression – as running away, or, if that
could not be effected, never eating or drinking more, and letting myself die. (Brontë, 1864,
p. 12)
“No sight so sad as that of a naughty child,” he began, “especially a naughty little girl.
Do you know where the wicked go after death?” “They go to hell,” was my ready and
orthodox answer. “And what is hell? Can you tell me that?” “A pit full of fire.” “And
Jane Eyre as a Byronic Hero(ine)
Adisa Ahmetspahić & Rumejsa Ribo
should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there forever?” “No, sir.” “What
must you do to avoid it?” I deliberated a moment: my answer, when it did come was
objectionable: “I must keep in good health and not die.” (Brontë, 1864, p. 30).
Not only at Gateshead but even throughout her life at Lowood does Jane
show her strong will against injustice. In a scene when her friend Helen Burns is
mistreated by one of the employees at Loowod, Jane explains how she would
react if someone tried to subdue her: “And if I were in your place I should dislike
her; I should resist her.” (Brontë, 1864, p. 55). Like a typical Byronic hero, Jane
has old head on young shoulders and is ready to give a lesson to those who
oppress her. Equally, as seen from the aforementioned example, she is willing to
encourage others in doing so. Jane Eyre, just like “the contemporary Byronic hero
is much more likely to take on a successful leadership role in the battle against
oppression” (Stein, 2004, p. 10), especially if that oppression comes from the
authority. As Stein points out, “the defiance of institutional authority” (Stein,
2004, p. 2) is what a Byronic hero, just like Jane, passionately supports. In the
above-mentioned quote, it is visible that Jane wants others to be involved in that
fight against institutional oppression. She is not a passive observer, but rather an
active doer. Interestingly, in this scene Jane displays another trait of the Byronic
hero: kindness to those who are oppressed. As Misra (1992) explains, the Byronic
hero takes no “delight in the suffering of other people […]. The Byronic hero is
capable of tenderest feelings and kindest sympathy” (p. 210).
In addition, it cannot pass unnoticed that Jane is a type of a person who
takes matters into her own hands. She does not wait for anyone to tell her what
to do, but when push comes to shove, she rather does it herself, as we can see
from the next episode of her life. After residing for eight years at Lowood, Jane
decides she must change her surroundings and advertise for a new job, again
showing how courageous and acumen she is: “I then ordered my brain to find a
response and quickly […] for as I lay down it came quietly and naturally to my
mind: Those who want situation advertise: you must advertise in the shire
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Jane Eyre as a Byronic Hero(ine)
Adisa Ahmetspahić & Rumejsa Ribo
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Gilbert, S. (1977). Plain Jane’s Progress. Signs, 2(4), 779-804. Retrieved from
Jones, M. D. (2017). The Byronic Hero and the Rhetoric of Masculinity in the 19th
Century British Novel. Jefferson, North Carolina, USA: McFarland & The
Company. Available at:
Michie, E.B. (2006). Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: A Case Book. New York, USA:
Oxford University Press, Inc.
Misra, K. S. (1992). The Tragic Hero Through Ages. New Delhi, India:
Northernbook Centre. Available at:
Jane Eyre as a Byronic Hero(ine)
Adisa Ahmetspahić & Rumejsa Ribo
Stein, A. (2004). The Byronic Hero in Film, Fiction, and Television. Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1 (1), pp. 30-42, Summer 2018.
© International Burch University
Abstract: This study is mainly concerned with the presence of Keywords: Anglicisms,
Anglicisms in and their influence on the Bosnian language, with a adaptation, Bosnian
greater focus on Anglicisms in the media and web portals. The study language, media, portals.
investigates several local web portals in an attempt to determine
which sections of the portals and are adapting English words the
most, and in what way the adaptation occurs. The study also explores
Article History
the way in which journalists use Anglicisms in their work. The main
Submitted: June 26, 2018
goal of this research was to determine at what level Anglicisms are Accepted: July 13, 2018
adapted into the Bosnian language the most, and what aspects of
language contain most Anglicisms in use. This research helps us
understand the importance of the English language in general, and
particularly its impact on the Bosnian language.
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
It is believed that today we have around 6800 languages across the world.
Some of them went extinct, either because the people who spoke the language
died, or because the language was assimilated into another language group.
Around 880 million people currently speak the Mandarin language, which makes
it the first language in the world taking into consideration the number of native
speakers. In that sense, English is the second language in the list, counting
around 380 million native speakers around the world. An interesting fact about
English is that, in China, it is more frequently spoken than the Mandarin
language, which has a greater number of native speakers. This tells of the
importance of English today throughout the whole world. Even though linguists
say that by year 2050 around 90% of languages we have today will go extinct, the
English language had considerably changed through the past, but it is still widely
spoken nowadays. English never went extinct; it only changed from Old, to
Middle, to Modern English, nevertheless staying English. It has never died and it
will never die based on how much influence English has on other languages
Studies indicate that there is no language that has not been affected by
another language, and that did not, at some point, get in touch with another
language. Some of the ways in which languages affect each other are colonization
and military campaigns. When it comes to the Bosnian language, the main way
through which English entered Bosnian is media and education. By media we
mean social media, newspapers, television, and similar ‘sources’ of language,
which proved to be the most influential sources of English among people who
speak the Bosnian language (or Serbian and Croatian). As we already mentioned,
English language has never died and it will never die based on the fact that it
influences other languages in many different ways, particularly when it comes to
borrowing. Anglicisms are words borrowed from the English language to other
languages, making them the most frequent borrowed words among all of the
world languages. This research paper will examine Anglicisms in the Bosnian
language, with a focus on the usage of Anglicisms in media, and mainly
newspapers and web portals.
In this research, we consider that there are three main reasons why English words
are borrowed and adapted at different levels into the Bosnian language. The first
reason is that people are nowadays exposed to television containing mainly
English TV content. Furthermore, given that individuals translating English to
Bosnian sometimes cannot or choose not to find a lexical equivalent in Bosnian,
the translation often contains a number of borrowings. The words left in their
original form are most frequently interpreted from the context if the original
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
meaning is not immediately clear. This process represents a slow but safe way in
which English words enter into Bosnian. The inability to find an equivalent in the
Bosnian language is the second reason for the borrowing of new words, and that
mainly happens when a concept from the English language simply cannot be
fully explained in Bosnian, so the borrowing process occurs. However, we
consider prestige as the greatest reason nowadays for borrowing and adaptation
of English words into Bosnian, primarily because young people want to be more
eloquent, and so they consider that knowing foreign words and using them as
Anglicisms in Bosnian will make them sound and look smarter. This is
increasingly the case with todays’ population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, given
the fact that everyone, especially young people, is exposed to social media,
printing press, and similar sources that present and serve English words adapted
into Bosnian.
The transition of Anglicisms into any receiving European language is
analyzed at the following levels:
a) the phonological level (in order to determine the phonological changes in
the transition model of Anglicisms),
b) the morphological level (to register changes in the morphology of
c) the semantic level (in order to analyze changes in meaning that occur in
the process of adaptation models of Anglicisms),
d) the orthographic level (in order to determine ways of forming the
topography of Anglicisms influenced by the model),
e) the stylistic level (to detect stylistic features of Anglicisms in the recipient
language) (Filipović, 1986, pp. 47-48)
Newspapers serve as the main source where people could find a lot of Anglicisms
and borrowed words from other languages. We could find many words from the
English language that are not officially accepted and introduced into Bosnian
dictionaries, but that people nevertheless frequently use when writing news.
People who read news slowly integrate foreign words written in newspapers into
their idiolect, which in time is adapted into their own language on all levels. This
then means that the words are not considered foreign anymore, but are adapted
and considered Anglicisms in this case.
According to Senka Simeunović (2008), the adaptation of English words
into the Bosnian language on the morphological level could be done in one of
four ways:
1. In the original way as is written in the English language. (e.g. websajt)
2. Adapting English sounds and letters to the Bosnian Latin script which
means transferring y to u, w to v, x to iks (e.g. show – šou)
3. The closest transcription to the Bosnian language which includes
transferring voice variations of letters into the Bosnian language (e.g.
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
The corpus for this research was taken from samples of usage of Anglicisms in
the Bosnian press. Different web portals were followed and examined, but the
most frequent ones were “Dnevni avaz” and “”, as well as
“”. Words examined in the research are listed below:
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
potencijalni filmski
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
Complete Transphonemization
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Free Transphonemization
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
that indicate agency, in this case a person who is a musician and specializes in
jazz music, making the suffix-ist in the Bosnian language which indicates a
person of a certain profession a logical corresponding choice. As such, we have
pianist, gitarist, džezist, and many other similar examples. Additionally, the word
dribbler is also adapted to Bosnian as dribler, keeping the English suffix –er
indicating a doer of a certain action: “Messi postao najbolji dribler u historiji SP-
a i dokazao da je on glavni, a ne Sampaoli.” One more example would be boxer
adapted to Bosnian as boksač (example in a news article: “Južnokorejski boksač
Choi Yo-sam, kojije pao u komu prošli tjedan dok je branio naslov prvaka u muha
kategoriji po WBO-u, službeno je proglašen mrtvim, izjavili su u srijedu bolnički
dužnosnici.”) Boxer is adapted according to the formula free morpheme +
Bosnian bound morpheme, much likedžezist and gitarist.
Thus, one way in which morphological adaptation could be done is by
borrowing English words and cutting all the English suffixes and affixes from the
stem, then borrowing the English stem word and simply adding the recipient (in
this case Bosnian) suffixes and affixes to the borrowed English stem word (boxer
– boksač; jazzer – džezist). One more way is to leave English suffixes in the
borrowed words (E: dribbler – B: dribler). Finally, we have the case of borrowing
on a morphological level with zero affixes, for which we already provided
examples (cup – kup, hit – hit).
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
could see that the authors of the texts are sometimes behaving towards the word
as if it is a Bosnian word by just adding the suffix a to put the noun in an
accusative case, while on the other hand we could see that they are, actually,
using this noun as an English word and putting it in the genitive case with a
hyphen so the readers know that the word is borrowed. Many other similar
examples could be found, for instance a word crossover was used in the form of
crossovera: “Mercedes-Benza GLA pa samim tim spade i u crossover.”; speed (Hapšenje
u Srednjoj Bosni zbog speeda i kanabisa). So there are many English words that are
treated as Bosnian words which leads to the confusion regarding the real
sourceword, and even its meaning.
Experts have different opinions when it comes to the usage of English
words in web portals in the Bosnian language. The main point of argument, most
frequently, is the spelling of English words in Bosnian web portals. Many experts
claim that English words must be written in their original shape because we do
not have the right to just ‘steal’ the word from other languages and use is as if it
is our own word. On the other hand, we have experts who consider that if we are
using English words in articles that Bosnian people are reading, we should spell
them in the way they are pronounced. They consider that the most important
thing is to put the word in the right context, so the people would be able to guess
the meaning from it. One of the examples for this problem among expertsis, for
instance, the word interface used as interfejs:“Novi interfejs za programiranje će se
pojaviti kasnije ove godine”.Here it would be important to mention that these kinds
of ‘adaptations’ are most frequent in sports sections of web portals and
newspapers. Words such as offside, corner, score, match, and other words in the
world of sports are mainly, and almost on every web portal, written as ofsajd,
korner, skor, meč. This would be the spelling of English words in Bosnian in the
way it is pronounced, contrasted with the example of other usages of English
words, in their original shape: Flashback scena: “…a flashback scena prikazuje kako
dječak…”; Screening process: “Screening proces: Screening i odabir kompanija za
ulazak u program.”For some reason, authors avoid writing this word as skrining
process, and we believe it is because of the fact that the expression itself would
lose its original ‘importance’ and ‘sense’. Here we also have adaptation on a
phonological level; double ee in English is i in Bosnian, so it is adapted
phonologically to the Bosnian language.
It is very noticeable that the most frequently borrowed words are nouns.
Nouns are adapted to the Bosnian language on different levels: adapting the
English word as an actual Bosnian word, adding Bosnian suffixes and
characteristics to it, or using it as an English word in Bosnian by adding proper
symbols such as hyphens in using the word in different contexts in order to
acknowledge the origin of the word. Reading web portals in Bosnian language
becomes an adventure full of Anglicisms, especially in sections related to culture,
science, and business. Anglicisms in these sections are so frequent that readers
The Impact of English on Bosnian: Anglicisms in Bosnian Press
Berina Šijerkić & Eldin Milak
have to use dictionaries and web browsers to fully get the message that is being
sent to them. English language has a very strong impact on many languages
nowadays, Bosnian language included. We are exposed to many words from the
English language through media, web portals, advertisements, and newspapers,
and that could be a problem for somebody who is not familiar with English
language because it would be hard for them to get the message and the meaning
of what is being said. We could conclude that it is important to know the English
language in order to know how to read the language of media today in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. English words are used liberally in Bosnian texts and
discourse, and who knows, maybe that will lead to disappearance of actual
Bosnian words.
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Bojčić, I., & Braović Plavša, M. (2012). Language Borrowing. Zbornik radova
Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu, 3 (2), 714-0. Retrieved from
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1 (1), pp. 43-52, Summer 2018.
© International Burch University
Abstract: In the modern technology era it is necessary to find the Keywords: modern
best ways of utilizing its results and products for educational technology, teaching aids,
purposes, i.e. for enhancing teaching and learning processes. The learning, effectiveness,
paper presents a research conducted in the secondary schools of the motivation.
Zenica-Doboj Canton. The aim of the research was to identify the
extent to which these B&H schools use modern teaching aids in their Article History
foreign language classroom. Submitted: June 26, 2018
Accepted: July 13, 2018
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Modern Technology in a Language Classroom: An Exploratory Study
Senaid Fejzić & Aida Tarabar
The situation with modern technologies, i.e. with modern teaching aids,
in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not favorable for many reasons. One of them is the
fact that the country is still recovering from the war when many school buildings
and educational facilities were damaged or destroyed. Another reason is the lack
of funds. Therefore, most of the schools are still not well equipped. In this respect,
the International Community has made a significant contribution and over the
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
last two decades many schools have been supplied with TVs, CD players,
computers, video projectors and Smart Boards. However, some of the listed aids
are still not in a wider use.
It is difficult to say which are the most commonly used teaching aids in
our schools and to determine to what extent they are being used because no real
study or research in that respect has been conducted so far. In order to identify
types of modern teaching aids in Bosnian schools and the extent of their use in
foreign language classroom, a small exploratory study was conducted in the form
of a questionnaire.1
The participants in the study were students and teachers from five
secondary schools in the Zenica-Doboj Canton: Muhsin Rizvic Grammar School
in Kakanj, Technical School in Zenica, KSC Sveti Pavao Grammar School in
Zenica, Vocational School in Visoko and Osman ef. Redzovic Madrasah in Visoko.
The questionnaire involved 121 students and their teachers of English. The
students and the teachers were given two different questionnaires and they were
instructed how to fill them in.
We cannot claim that the questionnaire provides results representative for
the whole country. However, the range of different schools, towns and a number
of participants provides a sample that can be considered relevant for the study.
Teachers’ questionnaire
The study was a part of a wider research project designed to determine the effectiveness of English classes
using modern teaching aids in comparison to the traditionally delivered ones.
Modern Technology in a Language Classroom: An Exploratory Study
Senaid Fejzić & Aida Tarabar
10% 18%
completely satisfied partially satisfied dissatisfied
Figure 1. Are you satisfied with the selection of modern teaching aids in your school?
In the second question the teachers were asked if they were happy to use
modern teaching aids in their teaching. 90 percent of the teachers agreed that they
were happy to use modern teaching aids in their classes (Figure 2).
80% 90%
10% 9% 0%
yes sometimes no
Figure 2. Are you happy to use modern teaching aids in your teaching?
The third question was related to the frequency of use of modern teaching
aids when teaching. The results showed that 9 percent of the teachers almost
never used modern teaching in their teaching, 36 percent of the teachers used
them only occasionally and 54 percent of the teachers relied on modern teaching
aids in most lessons. However, none of the teachers used them in every lesson
(Figure 3).
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
50% 54%
30% 36%
9% 0%
almost never occassionally in most lessons in every lesson
Figure 3. How often do you use modern teaching aids in your teaching?
In the fourth question the teachers were asked about the effectiveness of
modern teaching aids. 91 percent of the teachers agreed that modern teaching
aids are very effective as a way of teaching and only 9 percent of them considered
them to be moderately effective (Figure 4).
80% 91%
10% 9% 0
very effective moderately effective ineffective
Figure 4. How effective is the use of modern teaching aids as a way of teaching?
Modern Technology in a Language Classroom: An Exploratory Study
Senaid Fejzić & Aida Tarabar
10% 18%
0% 9% 0%
extremely very somewhat not very not
interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
Figure 5. How interesting/motivating is the use of modern teaching aids for the
Students’ questionnaire
almost never occassionally in most lessons in every lesson
Figure 6. How often does your English teacher use modern teaching aids when
In the second question the students were asked if modern teaching aids
made their classes more interesting. 92 percent of the students responded that
their classes were more interesting with modern teaching aids. Only 5 percent of
them believed that the modern teaching aids made no difference in their classes,
whereas 3 percent of the students thought that the classes where modern
teaching aids were used were less interesting than traditionally delivered ones
(Figure 7).
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
10% 5% 3%
more interesting no difference less interesting
In the third part of the questionnaire the students were asked to mark the
most frequently used teaching aids in their English classroom. Their responses
revealed that the most frequently used modern teaching aids in their classes were
computers and projectors2 (Figure 8).
10% 14%
5% 7% 8%
Language Projector Smart board Computer Overhead
laboratory projector
The responses from the teachers’ questionnaire revealed that the teachers
consider modern teaching aids to be very effective for their language teaching
and very interesting/motivating for their students. Consequently, they are
happy to use such aids in most of their classes. However, they are only partially
satisfied with the selection of modern teaching aids in their schools. The reason
The computer and the projector were listed separately in the questionnaire because of the fact that many
schools use computers without projectors as a replacement for the CD player. Projectors cannot be used
without computers so whenever students selected the projector in the questionnaire that also involved the
Modern Technology in a Language Classroom: An Exploratory Study
Senaid Fejzić & Aida Tarabar
for this can be found in already mentioned fact that the B&H budgetary funds
allocated for the development of modern technology aided instruction in
language classes are still insufficient. In addition, the random comments that
teachers made during the study showed that teachers are usually not even
consulted by school management in terms of their preferences as to which
teaching aids they find the most useful.
The comparison of results proved that students’ responses are completely
in line with the ones provided by their teachers. They confirmed that teachers use
modern teaching aids in most lessons. Students also encourage the use of modern
teaching aids (not only computers, which they find the most frequently used
teaching aid) in their language classroom and they do believe (92 percent of
students) that modern teaching aids make their classes more interesting and
Therefore, it can be concluded that equal attitudes on both sides send a
clear message that modern teaching aids should be more extensively used in the
B&H language classroom, a wider range of such aids should be introduced in
language instruction and more funds should be allocated not only for the
procurement of such aids but also for raising teachers techno literacy (seminars,
workshops, webinars).
Journal of Education and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, Summer 2018
Gray, L., Thomas, N., & Lewis, L. (2010). Teachers’ Use of Educational
Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 (NCES 2010-040). Washington DC:
National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
Department of Education.
Ren, Y., Warschauer, M., Lind, S. & Jennewwine, L. (2009). Technology and
English language teaching in Brazil. Letras & Letras, Uberlândia 25 (2) 235-254.
Retrieved from
Tella, A., Toyobo, O.M. , Adika, L.O., & Adeyinka, A.A. (2007). An assessment of
secondary school teachers uses of ICT: implications for further development of
ICT use in Nigerian secondary schools. Retrieved from
Trucano, M. (2011). What Happens When All Textbooks are (Only) Digital? Ask
the Koreans! Retrieved from