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Piezo Common Rail PCR 2.3 NGD 3.

»After Sales Documentation«


This manual is valid for:

System: Siemens VDO PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E

Engine: IESA NGD 3.0E

Vehicles: FORD 2005 1/2 MY SA Ranger

Display symbols

This manual uses the following display symbols:


This sign tells you that the accident prevention regula-

tions must be heeded. You could become seriously or
fatally injured.


This sign directs your attention to possible damage to

the system, the engine or other components.


This tip gives you advice on making work easier or gi-

ves you further information.
Version Table

Edition Revisions / Extent

12 / 2004 Erstausgabe

04 / 2005 Update:

A 3.1 Injector (A 3.1.5, A 3.1.6)

A 3.2 Diesel Common Rail Pump

A 3.3 Volume flow control valve (A 3.3.2, A 3.3.3)

A 3.4 High-pressure control valve (A 3.4.2, A 3.4.3)

A 3.5 High-pressure lines and rail (A 3.5.2)

A 3.6 High-pressure sensor (A 3.6.2, A 3.6.3)

A 3.7 Engine control unit (A 3.7.1)

B 1.1 Nominal system values and operating conditions (B 1.1.1, B 1.2.1)

B 2.0 Troubleshooting

B 3.0 Fault code list

B 4.2 Checking the low-pressure system (B 4.2.2)

B 4.3 Checking the high-pressure system (B 4.3.1, B 4.3.2, B 4.3.3)

B 4.4 Checking injectors (B 4.4.1, B 4.4.2)

B 4.5 Checking the engine control unit

06 / 2005 Update:

B 3.0 Fault code list

B 4.2 Checking the low-pressure system (B 4.2.2)

B 4.3 Checking the high-pressure system (B 4.3.1, B 4.3.2, B 4.3.3)

B 4.4 Checking injectors (B 4.4.1, B 4.4.2)

B 4.5 Checking the engine control unit

Table of Content

Table of Content

Overall PCR2 system ..........................................................................................................A - 1

General information on the PCR2 system .......................................................A - 1

System limits of the fuel supply system ..........................................................................A - 5

System components...........................................................................................................A - 9
Injector .............................................................................................................A - 9
Diesel Common Rail Pump (DCP) ....................................................................A - 21
Volume flow control valve (VCV) ......................................................................A - 27
Pressure control valve (PCV) ............................................................................A - 31
High-pressure lines and rail ..............................................................................A - 35
High-pressure sensor .......................................................................................A - 37
Engine control unit (ECU) .................................................................................A - 41
Sensors of the system .....................................................................................A - 51


Nominal system values and operating conditions ..........................................................B - 1

Typical values for various operating conditions ...............................................B - 1
Typical start performance ................................................................................B - 9

Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................B - 13
MIL control lamp does not light up with the ignition switched on ...................B - 13
MIL control lamp lights up when the engine is running ...................................B - 13
Engine does not start .......................................................................................B - 14
Engine starts poorly .........................................................................................B - 17
Poor cold start performance (occurs primarily at cold temperatures) ..............B - 19
Engine cannot be turned off ............................................................................B - 20
Engine stalls .....................................................................................................B - 20
Engine idle speed too high ..............................................................................B - 22
Engine idle speed too slow / rough .................................................................B - 22
No / low vehicle acceleration, engine speed does not increase / too low .......B - 24
Vehicle jerks at constant speed .......................................................................B - 26
Vehicle accelerates without actuation of the accelerator pedal .......................B - 28

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 5

Table of Content

Vehicle does not decelerate (no overrun condition) .........................................B - 29

Vehicle jerks while coasting with gear engaged ..............................................B - 29
Power too low ..................................................................................................B - 30
Power too high .................................................................................................B - 32
Load kick when accelerating or decelerating ...................................................B - 33
Vehicle accelerates fast while coasting after releasing the brake ....................B - 33
Engine smoking at start ...................................................................................B - 33
Engine smokes / blue smoke ...........................................................................B - 34
Engine smokes while climbing passes ............................................................B - 35
Engine develops white smoke (particularly after start) ....................................B - 35
High fuel consumption .....................................................................................B - 36
Engine knocks ..................................................................................................B - 37
Engine gets too hot ..........................................................................................B - 38

Fault code list ......................................................................................................................B - 39

Test instructions .................................................................................................................B - 53

Prerequisites of working on the diesel fuel system .........................................B - 53
Checking the low-pressure system .................................................................B - 59
Checking the high-pressure system ................................................................B - 61
Checking the injectors .....................................................................................B - 77
Checking the engine control unit (ECU) ...........................................................B - 85

Diagnostic tools ..................................................................................................................B - 91

6 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

A System

1 Overall PCR2 system

1.1 General information on the PCR2 system

The diesel fuel injection technology which is available at The diesel fuel is drawn from the fuel tank by an electrical
the present time is separated into helical groove cont- transfer pump and delivered to the volume flow control
rolled, time controlled and into decoupled systems. The valve (VCV).
only decoupled system in which there is no direct angular
dependence between the crankshaft and the high-pres- The volume flow control valve controls the fuel quantity
sure generating system is the common rail system. supplied to the high-pressure pump (HPP). The internal
transfer pump and the high-pressure pump are directly
The Siemens VDO Piezo Common Rail (PCR) diesel injec- driven by the engine. The high-pressure pump (HPP) de-

A System
tion system is a second generation common rail injection livers the fuel to the rail at a pressure of up to 1600 bar.
system in which piezo-controlled injectors are used.
The rail and the injectors are connected to each other th-
It consists of the Diesel Common Rail pump (DCP), the rough the high-pressure lines. The piezo injectors allow
rail (storage line), the high-pressure lines and the piezo- extremely short response times and enable a free selec-
controlled injectors. tion of the injection beginning and the fuel quantity accor-
ding to the demands of the engine control unit (ECU).
Integrated into the DCP are:
Independently of the engine speed, the system pressure
• the high-pressure pump (HPP) generated by the DCP will be optimally adjusted for every
operating condition. Due to the storage volume of the
• the internal transfer pump (ITP)
rail, the injection pressure will remain practically constant
• the volume flow control valve (VCV) over the entire duration of the injection process.
• and the pressure control valve (PCV)
The system is operated with pre-injection and main injec-
tion. This reduces the combustion noise, lowers the me-
The structure of the DCP allows the exact amount of fuel
chanical stress and, in many cases, the exhaust
required to be delivered to the engine, thus increasing
the efficiency of the diesel engine. The DCP is driven at
a ratio of transmission of 2:3, relative to the crankshaft.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A-1

A System

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E
Fig. A - 1 Schematic representation of the overall system

06 / 2005
1. Air filter 16. Rail
2. Turbocharger 17. Injector
3. Accelerator pedal 18. Camshaft sensor
4. Accelerator pedal sensor 19. T-MAP sensor

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E

5. Coolant temperature sensor 20. Intercooler
6. Crankshaft sensor
7. High-pressure sensor

06 / 2005
8. Fuel temperature sensor
9. Glow plug relay (optional) Cylinder Code
10. Engine control unit (ECU)
C1 cylinder 1 cyl 0
11. Fuel gauge sender
12. Fuel tank C2 cylinder 2 cyl 3

13. Electrical fuel transfer pump C3 cylinder 3 cyl 1

14. Fuel filter C4 cylinder 4 cyl 2
15. Diesel common rail (DCR) pump
a Pressure control valve (PCV)
b High-pressure pump (HPP) Firing order:
c Volume flow control valve (VCV)
d Internal transfer pump (ITP) C1 - C3 - C4 - C2

A System
A System

A-4 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2 System limits of the fuel supply system

Diesel Common Rail Pump (DCP) • Pressure control valve (PCV)

P Pressure
D Diesel
C Control
C Common Rail
V Valve
P Pump
The pressure control valve controls the exit pres-
The diesel common rail pump consists of the following
sure of the high-pressure pump (HPP).
components, which are all integrated into a single hou-

A System
• Internal transfer pump (ITP)
I Internal
T Transfer Components of the high-pressure system

P Pump • Rail

The internal transfer pump, which is constructed • High-pressure sensor

as a vane-type pump, has the task of drawing fuel • High-pressure line to the pump (DCP)
from the tank through the fuel filter and supplying
the high-pressure pump (HPP) with diesel fuel. In • Four high-pressure lines to the injectors
addition, it supplies the high-pressure pump (HPP)
with fuel for lubrication purposes.

• Volume flow control valve (VCV)

V Volume flow
C Control
V Valve Piezo injectors

The volume flow control valve controls the flow The piezo injectors allow an extremely quick and exact
rate of the fuel to the high-pressure pump, thereby dosage of the fuel quantity.
enabling an exact supply to the high-pressure
pump according to the demand of the high-pressu- • The response times of the piezo injectors at a
re pump (HPP). speed four times higher than that of the previous
systems allow short and variable intervals bet-
• High-pressure pump (HPP) ween the individual injections.

H High • The ability to recover energy considerably reduces

the amount of activation energy required.
P Pressure
• The simplified electrical control produces a greater
P Pump
electromagnetic compatibility and, thus, a sub-
stantial reduction in the susceptibility to failure.
The high-pressure pump is constructed as a three-
cylinder radial piston pump and supplies the rail
with the necessary system pressure.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A-5

A System

Fig. A - 2 Fuel supply

A-6 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

1. Diesel Common Rail Pump (DCP):
a High-pressure pump (HPP)
b Internal transfer pump (ITP)
c Volume-flow control valve (VCV)
d Pressure control valve (PCV)
2. Rail with high-pressure sensor
3. Injectors

A. Fuel feed
B. Fuel return

A System

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A-7

A System

A-8 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3 System components

3.1 Injector

The Piezo injectors, which are connected to the rail, inject

the necessary fuel quantity into the combustion chamber
for all operating conditions of the engine.
The injection quantity per stroke consists of a pre-injec-
tion quantity and a main injection quantity. This apporti-
onment brings about a "soft" combustion process of the
diesel engine.

A System
Due to the use of the piezo actuators, extremely short re-
sponse times are possible. This allows the injected fuel
quantity and the dosage to be controlled with extreme
accuracy. Furthermore, an excellent repeatability is ensu-

The injectors are activated by the engine control unit

(ECU). Due to the possible energy recovery of piezo in-
jectors, a substantially lower activation energy is required
compared with previous systems.


The connection cable connectors to the engine control

unit and the injectors must not be disconnected when
the engine is running.

Otherwise there is a danger of damaging the engine!

When repairs are required, the injectors must not be

taken apart.
No part may be loosened or unscrewed as this could
lead to the destruction of the injectors.

Fig. A - 3 Injector
When performing work at the engine control unit
(ECU) and the injectors, the accident prevention regu- 1. Piezo actuator
lations for high-voltage equipment must be observed. 2. Electrical connection
3. High-pressure connection
4. Fuel return
5. Injector head
6. Nozzle lock nut
7. Injection nozzle

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A-9

1. High-pressure connection
2. Fuel return
3. Connector the engine control unit (ECU)
4. Piezo actuator
5. Valve piston
6. Valve mushroom
7. Control piston
8. Nozzle needle
9. High-pressure chamber nozzle
10. Spray hole (6 each)
A System

Fig. A - 4 Cross-section view of the injector

A - 10 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.1.1 Function of the injector

Injector not activated Injector activated

Fuel coming from the rail under high pressure reaches The piezo actuator (7) presses on the valve piston (8), and
the control chamber (2) and the high-pressure chamber the valve mushroom (4) opens the borehole which con-
(3) of the jet through the high-pressure feed (1). nects the control chamber (2) to the fuel return.

The borehole to the fuel return (5) is closed via the valve In this manner, a reduction in pressure occurs in the con-
mushroom (4) which is actuated by a spring. The hydrau- trol chamber, and the hydraulic force that acts on the tip
lic force exerted (F1) by the high pressure of the fuel on of the nozzle (F2x) is greater than the force on the control
the nozzle needle (6) in the control chamber (2) is greater piston (F1x) in the control chamber. The nozzle needle (6)
than the hydraulic force exerted on the tip of the nozzle moves upwards, and the fuel reaches the combustion

A System
(F2), since the surface of the control piston in the control chamber via the six spray holes.
chamber is greater than the surface area of the tip of the
nozzle. When the engine is at a standstill, the valve connecting
the control chamber to the fuel return and the nozzles of
The nozzle of the injector is closed. the injectors are closed by the force of the springs. For
lubrication purposes, a small amount of fuel will be
passed directly into the return flow between the nozzle
needle and the guide from the high-pressure side.

Fig. A - 5 Injector not activated Fig. A - 6 Injector activated

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 11

Characteristic curve of the injector activation
A System

Fig. A - 7 Characteristic curve of the injector activation

A - 12 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.1.2 Piezo actuators 3.1.3 Piezo stack

The piezo actuator is a part of the injector that indirectly An actuator consists of a stack of about 350 ceramic
activates the nozzle needle, which in turn opens or closes sheets (a piezo stack). Each sheet is about 80 µm thick.
the spray holes of the nozzle. The control duration of Pi- After a control voltage is applied, the actuator expands by
ezo actuators is used to regulate the amount of fuel injec- up to 40 µm.
ted. Because this is such a small dimension, all surfaces must
be ground to a tolerance of 1µm. This represents a great
The charging time of the actuator is 0.15 ms. The actual challenge for manufacturing technology.
injection time during which the valve is open is between
0.15 ms and 4.50 ms. After the injection, the valve is This piezo stack is fitted with contacts and is cast into a
closed again by means of the discharge of the piezo ac- plastic element to protect the ceramic elements from
tuator within 0.15 ms. mechanical damage.

A System
During the time the valve is open, between 1 mm3 (du-
ring the pre-injection) and 80 mm3 (during the main injec-
tion under full load) of fuel is injected into the combustion

Fig. A - 8 Design of a piezo stack

1. Unprocessed ceramic sheet 3. Stacked ceramic sheets

2. Silver-coated ceramic sheets 4. Sintered ceramic sheet

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 13

Drive unit

The injector drive receives electrical signals from the con- The two end plates serve as counter-bearings.
trol unit and converts them as required by the hydraulic The piezo forces that control the hydraulic valve are also
control unit. dissipated through the plates.

Acceleration forces of up to 1000 G occur in operation.

To prevent tensile stress from occurring within the cera-
mic elements under these loads, a tube spring is moun-
ted around the actuator to ensure a constant pretension.
A System

Fig. A - 9 Design of the drive unit

1. Piezo stack with contacts

2. Piezo stack, mounted
3. Piezo stack, mounted — cast with silicon
4. Piezo stack, mounted — head plate
5. Piezo stack, mounted — base plate

A - 14 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

A steel membrane (7) hermetically separates the actua- Together with the housing, this creates a drive module
tor unit (1) from the fuel. that is temperature-balanced and protected from mecha-
The tube spring with built-in piezo stack, together with nical effects.
the external housing (2), the contacts (3) and the connec-
tor (4) form the drive unit of the injector.

A System
Fig. A - 10 Injector head

1. Actuator unit 5. Spigot nut

2. Housing 6. O-ring
3. Electrical contact 7. Membrane
4. Connector

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 15

3.1.4 Injection nozzles

The injection nozzle is the part of the injector that is re-

sponsible for atomizing the fuel in the combustion cham-

The micro blind hole nozzles used in this system repre-

sent a further stage in the development of hole nozzles.
In contrast to conventional hole nozzles, the new techno-
logy guarantees more uniform injection behavior of indi-
vidual nozzle holes at a lower residual volume.

This is a particularly decisive advantage in low-quantity in-

A System

jection systems, such as are required for pre- and post-


Fig. A - 11 Micro blind hole nozzle

Fig. A - 12 Cross-section of injection nozzle

1. Nozzle body
2. High-pressure sealing surface
3. Needle guide
4. High-pressure borehole
5. High-pressure chamber
6. Nozzle shoulder
7. Nozzle shaft
8. Nozzle tip
9. Spray hole
10. Needle seat
11. Nozzle needle

A - 16 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Spray holes

The following general conditions apply to the design of The manufacturing process for spray holes produces a
the nozzle and the position, shape and number of the sharply angled entrance into the inside of the nozzle. This
nozzle holes: has a significant effect on the flow properties. Because
of this, nozzles are rounded off by hydro-erosion. This
• Combustion chamber volume method results in the following improvements:
• Shape of the piston
• It limits the hydraulic flow tolerance
• Required injection rate
• It increases the flow coefficient
• Required injection quantity
• It anticipates edge rounding in operation

A System
Modern passenger car engines have nozzles with up to • It reduces the roughness of the surface of the
six spray holes and diameters as small as about 120 µm. spray holes

Spray holes are manufactured using an electro-erosive

process that makes it possible to create conical holes.

Fig. A - 13 Conicity

Figure A shows a cylindrical spray hole with reduced


A conical spray hole having the same rounding as in Figu-

re A is shown in Figure B.
Here, a higher efficiency is already achieved by means of
the conicity alone.

Figure C shows a conical spray hole with larger rounding.

The larger rounding compared with Figure B increases
the efficiency even further.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 17

Jet curve as a function of time during an injection
A System

Fig. A - 14 Jet curve during injection

A - 18 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.1.5 Pinning of the injector 3.1.6 Labelling of the injector

A System
Fig. A - 15 Pinning of the injector Fig. A - 16 Injector labelling

1. Activation injector (+) a Customer part number

2. Activation injector (ground) b Year of construction
D = 2004 ...
E = 2005 ...
F = 2006 ...
c Month
d Day
1 - 31
e Part number
00001 - 99999

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 19

A System

A - 20 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.2 Diesel Common Rail Pump (DCP)

The Diesel Common Rail Pump (DCP) is a demand-cont-

rolled radial piston pump having three displacement units
each offset by 120°. Important

The DCP supplies the volume flow for the generation of When removing or mounting the diesel common rail
the high pressure of the fuel in the rail, and thus provides pump, do not carry the pump at the connectors, line
the necessary fuel quantity to the injectors for all opera- connections or casings of the volume flow control val-
ting conditions of the engine. ve and pressure control valve.

Otherwise there is a risk of damage!

A System

Fig. A - 17 Overview DCP

1. Internal transfer pump (ITP) 4. Pressure control valve (PCV)

2. Volume flow control valve (VCV)
a Fuel feed
3. High-pressure pump element
b High-pressure connection
(displacement unit)
c Fuel return

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 21

3.2.1 Functional diagram of the Diesel Common Rail Pump
A System

Fig. A - 18 Functional diagram DCP

A - 22 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

1. Internal transfer pump (ITP) 3.2.2 Fuel process in the DCP
2. Volume flow control valve (VCV)
An integrated internal transfer pump (1) is used to draw
3. High-pressure pump element
the diesel fuel from the tank through a fuel filter. The fuel
4. Pressure control valve (PCV) is then passed to the scavenging valve (6) and to the vo-
5. Pre-pressure control valve lume flow control valve (2).
6. Scavenging valve
The pre-pressure control valve (5), which is located paral-
7. Edge filter
lel to the internal transfer pump, opens when the volume
flow control valve is closed and directs the fuel again to
a Fuel feed
the suction side of the internal transfer pump. The fuel
b High-pressure connection
enters the inside of the pump through the scavenging
c Fuel return
valve (6), from where it is passed to the fuel return (c).

A System
The volume flow control valve, activated by the engine
control unit, determines the fuel quantity
which is delivered to the high-pressure pump element (3)
and thus to the high-pressure pump HPP.
The high-pressure outlets of the three pump elements
are combined and routed to the high-pressure outlet (b)
of the DCP.

The pressure control valve (4), which controls the fuel

quantity to the high-pressure outlet, and thus the fuel
pressure in the rail, is arranged between the high-pressu-
re channel and the return line.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 23

3.2.3 Function of the high-pressure elements
A System

Fig. A - 19 Functional diagram of the high-pressure pump

Fuel intake Fuel delivery

The downward movement of the piston (1) produces ne- The cam (4) presses the piston (1) upwards.
gative pressure in the pump cylinder, which opens the in- The inlet valve (2) is closed by spring force and the pres-
let valve (2) against the spring force. sure that builds up in the pump cylinder.

The fuel (a) coming from the volume flow control valve is The outlet valve (3) opens as soon as the pressure on the
drawn in. At the same time, the outlet valve (3) is closed inside of the pump cylinder becomes greater than the
by the difference in pressure between the pump cylinder fuel pressure in the circular pipeline (b).
and the fuel pressure in the circular pipeline.

A - 24 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.2.4 Labelling of the Diesel Common Rail Pump

A System
Fig. A - 20 Labelling of the DCP

a Manufacturer’s number
b Customer part number
c Consecutive number

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 25

A System

A - 26 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.3 Volume flow control valve (VCV)

The volume flow control valve (VCV) regulates the deli- The volume flow control valve (VCV) is directly screwed
very of fuel from the internal transfer pump, which is in- to the diesel common rail pump (DCP).
tegrated into the diesel common rail pump (DCP), to the
high-pressure pump elements.

Thus, the fuel quantity delivered by the high-pressure Important

pump (HPP) can be adjusted to the requirements of the
engine already on the low-pressure side of the system. When repairs are required, the volume flow control
The power consump-tion of the high-pressure pump is valve (VCV) must not be detached from the Diesel
reduced, thus improving the efficiency of the engine. Common Rail Pump (DCP).

A System

Fig. A - 21 Cross section of the VCV

1. Compression spring 4. Solenoid

2. Sleeve 5. Anchor
3. Piston

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 27

3.3.1 Function of the volume flow control valve (VCV)

Volume flow control valve (VCV) not activated Volume flow control valve (VCV) not activated:

The piston closes the link between the two connections The force exerted by the anchor is proportional to the
by means of the force generated by the spring, without electrical current and acts against the force of the com-
using electrical current. pression spring.

The fuel delivery to the high-pressure pump (HPP) is in- For this reason, the opening between the two connec-
terrupted. tions is proportional to the electrical current (proportional
directional control valve).
A System

Fig. A - 22 VCV not activated Fig. A - 23 VCV activated

a Fuel feed from the internal transfer pump (ITP) a Fuel feed from the internal transfer pump (ITP)
b Fuel quantity to the high-pressure pump (HPP)

A - 28 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.3.2 Characteristic curve 3.3.3 Pinning of the volume flow
of the volume flow control valve control valve

A System
Fig. A - 24 Characteristic curve of the VCV Fig. A - 25 Pinning of the VCV

Q Fuel volume flow 1. Ignition (Pin 15)

I Control current 2. PWM signal (ECU)


Measure the current at the volume flow control valve

using a diagnostic tool or a multimeter.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 29

A System

A - 30 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.4 Pressure control valve (PCV)

The high-pressure control valve (PCV) controls the fuel The pressure control valve (PCV) is directly flanged to the
pressure at the high-pressure outlet of the diesel com- diesel common rail pump (DCP).
mon rail pump (DCP) and thus the fuel pressure within
the rail.
In addition, the pressure control valve dampens the fluc-
tuations in pressure which occur during the delivery of Important
fuel through the diesel common rail pump (DCP) and th-
rough the injection process. When repairs are required, the pressure control valve
(PCV) must not be disconnected from the diesel com-
The pressure control valve (PCV) is activated by the engi- mon rail pump (DCP).

A System
ne control unit (ECU) in such a way that the optimal pres-
sure is produced in the rail for every operating condition
of the engine.

Fig. A - 26 Cross section of the PCV

1. Valve seat 4. Solenoid

2. Valve ball 5. Anchor
3. Pin 6. Spring

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 31

3.4.1 Function of the pressure control valve (PCV)

Pressure control valve (PCV) not activated: Pressure control valve (PCV) activated

The valve ball is operated by the spring force only. Thus, The current flowing through the solenoid attracts the an-
a lower fuel pressure is provided. chor, which in turn transfers the magnetic force via the
pin to the valve ball.

The pull of the anchor and thus the pressure on the valve
ball is proportional to the valve flow (proportional pressu-
re control valve).
A System

Fig. A - 27 PCV not activated Fig. A - 28 PCV activated

a Fuel pressure at the DCP high-pressure connection a Fuel pressure at the DCP high-pressure connection
(= fuel pressure in the rail) (= fuel pressure in the rail)
b to the fuel return b to the fuel return

A - 32 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.4.2 Characteristic curve 3.4.3 Pinning of the pressure control valve
of the pressure control valve

A System
Fig. A - 29 Characteristic curve of the PCV Fig. A - 30 Pinning of the PCV

p Fuel pressure 1. Ignition (Pin 15)

l Control current 2. PWM signal (ECU)


Measure the current at the high-pressure control valve

using a diagnostic tool or a multimeter.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 33

A System

A - 34 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.5 High-pressure lines and rail

3.5.1 High-pressure lines Labelling of the rail

The high-pressure lines connect the diesel common rail

pump (DCP) to the rail and the rail to the injectors.


The high-pressure lines always have to be replaced

A System
when repairs are required as the sealing cone will be
plastically deformed during tightening of the spigot

3.5.2 Rail

The rail is used as a high-pressure storage for fuel which

is delivered by the diesel common rail pump (DCP), and
supplies the injectors with the necessary fuel quantity for
every operating condition.
Fig. A - 31 Rail connections and labelling
The storage function dampens the pressure fluctuations
which occur during the injection process. 1. Connections of the high-pressure lines to the
The fuel pressure in the rail will be measured by means 2. Connection of the high-pressure line to the diesel
of a high-pressure sensor, which is screwed into the rail common rail pump (DCP)
at the connection (3). 3. Connection of the high-pressure sensor

a Siemens VDO part number

b Customer part number
Note c Consecutive number

When repairs are required (when replacing the lines

only once), the high-pressure sensor must not be un-
screwed from the rail.


When mounting or removing the rail, do not carry it or

pull it out at the high-pressure sensor.

Otherwise there is a risk of damage!

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 35

A System

A - 36 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.6 High-pressure sensor

The high-pressure sensor measures the pressure of the The high-pressure sensor is directly connected to the rail
fuel in the rail. The current pressure is converted into a and sealed with a soft iron washer.
voltage signal which is evaluated by the engine control
unit (ECU).

In accordance with the recorded characteristics in the en- Important

gine control unit (ECU), the pressure signal is used for
calculating the activation duration for the injectors and When repairs are required, the high-pressure sensor
the high-pressure regulation by the pressure control val- must not be screwed out of the rail.
ve (PCV).

A System
Fig. A - 32 Cross section of the high-pressure sensor

1. Membrane 6. Connector housing

2. EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) 7. Contact springs
3. EMA (Electronic Module Assembly) 8. Metal housing
4. Cover 9. Metal flange
5. Connection 10. Pressure connection

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 37

3.6.1 Function of the high-pressure sensor:

The membrane (1) is deformed in dependence of the fuel

pressure present in the rail. The deformation of the mem-
brane (1) alters the resistance value of the membrane re-
sistance bridge.
The EMA (3) evaluates the changes in the resistance va-
lue and converts them to voltage signals. Subsequently,
the voltage signal is passed on by the EMA (3) to the en-
gine control unit (ECU).

3.6.2 Characteristic curve 3.6.3 Pinning of the high-pressure sensor

of the high-pressure sensor
A System

Fig. A - 33 Characteristic curve of the high-pressure sensor Fig. A - 34 Pinning of the high-pressure sensor

V Voltage 1. Output (signal)

p Fuel pressure 2. Ground cable
3. Supply voltage

A - 38 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.6.4 Labelling of the high-pressure sensor

A System
Fig. A - 35 Labelling of the high-pressure sensor

a Type 55P02-01
b Data code and serial number:
1st and 2nd digits: 11 = Connector SICMA2
3rd and 4th digits: Year - e.g. 04
5th to 7th digits: Day of manufacture
8th to 12th digits: Current serial number
c Manufacturer’s logo
d Siemens VDO part number

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 39

A System

A - 40 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.7 Engine control unit (ECU)

The engine control unit ECU checks all processes which

are necessary for controlling the engine system.
It computes the necessary output data for the engine
(e.g. en-gine speed, vehicle speed, engine coolant tem-
perature, intake air mass, etc.) in accordance with the dri-
ver’s requirements and the engine and vehicle data
(e.g. amount of fuel injected, exhaust gas recirculation ra-
te, ...).

In addition, other functions will be checked, such as the

A System
coded engine immobiliser.

The engine control unit communicates with other control

devices (e.g. ABS, ASR, ESP) via the CAN bus.


When performing work at the engine control unit

(ECU) and the injectors, the accident prevention regu-
lations for high-voltage equipment must be observed.


When the engine is running, the connection cables to

the engine control unit (ECU) must not be disconnec- Fig. A - 36 Engine control unit
1. Power stage
Otherwise there is a danger of damaging the engine!
2. Output stage
3. ECU housing
4. ECU circuit board

The engine control unit may become very hot in ope-

ration. A high temperature at the housing does not in-
dicate that the engine control unit is damaged.

The engine control unit is checked by following the

test instructions (chapter B, section 4.5).

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 41

3.7.1 Input and output signals of the engine control unit (ECU)
A System

Fig. A - 37 Engine control unit signals

A - 42 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.7.2 Injector control

Circuit diagram

A System
Fig. A - 38 Circuit diagram — injector control

1. Microprocessor
2. DC / DC converter
3. Control IC
4. Discharge delay resistor

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 43

Piezo charging

While the piezo is charging, switch S1 is closed and

switch S2 is open. The piezo is being charged. The diode
connected in-between prevents current from flowing
from the piezo while being charged.
A System

Fig. A - 39 Piezo charging circuit

Fig. A - 40 Piezo charging — current over time Fig. A - 41 Piezo charging — voltage over time

A - 44 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Piezo discharging

While the piezo is being discharged, switch S1 is open

and switch S2 is closed. The piezo is being discharged.
The diode connected in-between prevents current from
flowing from the piezo while being discharged.

A System
Fig. A - 42 Piezo discharging circuit

Fig. A - 43 Piezo discharging — current over time Fig. A - 44 Piezo discharging — voltage over time

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 45

3.7.3 PIN assignment at the engine control unit (ECU):

Connector A
A System

Fig. A - 45 PIN assignment - connector A

A1 RX-PATS E1 Not occupied

A2 Not occupied E2 Not occupied
A3 CAN_LOW E3 Clutch switch
A4 CAN_HIGH E4 Brake light switch (redundant)
B1 Not occupied F1 Not occupied
B2 Not occupied F2 Accelerator sensor pedal, supply 1
B3 Air-conditioning system F3 Not occupied
B4 Not occupied F4 Accelerator pedal sensor, ground
C1 Not occupied G1 Not occupied
C2 Accelerator pedal sensor, signal 2 G2 Accelerator pedal sensor, supply 2
C3 Battery Pin 30 on ignition G3 Accelerator pedal sensor, signal 2
C4 Not occupied G4 Ground Pin 31
D1 Not occupied H1 Not occupied
D2 TX-PATS H2 Not occupied
D3 Not occupied H3 Accelerator pedal sensor, ground
D4 Not occupied H4 Ground Pin 31

A - 46 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Connector B

A System
Fig. A - 46 PIN assignment - connector B

A1 Air conditioning system signal G1 Not occupied

A2 T-MAP sensor input G2 Not occupied
A3 Not occupied G3 Not occupied
A4 Not occupied G4 Battery voltage (Pin 30)
B1 Water in fuel H1 Not occupied
B2 Not occupied H2 Not occupied
B3 Not occupied H3 Not occupied
B4 Not occupied H4 Not occupied
C1 Not occupied J1 Not occupied
C2 Not occupied J2 Fuel temperature sensor, ground
C3 T-MAP sensor, supply J3 Not occupied
C4 Not occupied J4 T-MAP sensor input, ground
D1 High-pressure sensor, supply K1 Coolant temperature sensor, ground
D2 Brake light switch K2 Ground Pin 31
D3 Not occupied K3 Not occupied
D4 Not occupied K4 Not occupied
E1 Not occupied L1 Not occupied
E2 Camshaft sensor, ground L2 Not occupied
E3 Crankshaft sensor, signal L3 Not occupied
E4 Crankshaft sensor, ground L4 Pressure control valve (PCV)
F1 Not occupied M1 Not occupied
F2 Water in fuel, ground M2 Not occupied
F3 Not occupied M3 Not occupied
F4 Not occupied M4 Volume flow control valve (VCV)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 47

Connector C
A System

Fig. A - 47 PIN assignment - connector C

A1 Not occupied E1 Not occupied

A2 Coolant temperature E2 Vehicle speed (output)
A3 Fuel temperature E3 Switched plus from main relay
A4 Fuel pump repeating E4 Not occupied
B1 Boost pressure F1 Not occupied
B2 High-pressure sensor signal F2 Switched plus from main relay
B3 High-pressure sensor, ground F3 Switched plus from main relay
B4 Not occupied F4 Air-conditioning coupling relay
C1 Camshaft sensor signal G1 Injector cylinder 2 (+)
C2 Vehicle speed signal G2 Injector cylinder 3 (+)
C3 Engine immobiliser G3 Injector cylinder 4 (+)
C4 Ground Pin 31 G4 Injector cylinder 1 (+)
D1 Not occupied H1 Injector cylinder 1 ground
D2 PCM relay signal H2 Injector cylinder 2 ground
D3 Not occupied H3 Injector cylinder 4 ground
D4 Fuel pump H4 Injector cylinder 3 ground

A - 48 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.7.4 Labelling of the engine control unit (ECU

A System
Fig. A - 48 Labelling of the engine control unit

a Ford part number

b Manufacturer’s number
c Serial number

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 49

A System

A - 50 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.8 Sensors of the system

3.8.1 T-MAP sensor

As a Temperature Manifold Absolute Pressure (T-MAP)

sensor, it measures pressure and temperature in the suc-
tion tube.
The suction tube pressure and temperature are conver-
ted to a voltage and a resistance signal, respectively,
which are evaluated by the engine control unit (ECU).

The T-MAP sensor is located in the intake area of the sys-

A System

Labelling of the T-MAP sensor

a International logo
b Ford part number
c Siemens VDO logo
d Siemens VDO part number
e Data code and serial number:
1st and 2nd digits: 17 = Type
3rd and 4th digits: Index
5th digit: Year of manufacture
6th and 7th digits: Week of manufacture
8th digit: Day of manufacture
f Serial number

Fig. A - 49 Labelling of the T-MAP sensor

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 51

Function of the T-MAP sensor

The air enters through the pressure connection (1) and

goes past the temperature sensor (7) to the pressure The ECU compares the measured voltage with the recor-
sensor (4). The pressure sensor converts the air pressure ded characteristics. This gives the data required by the
to a voltage signal and sends it to the ECU. system control unit.
The temperature sensor used is a thermistor (NTC). The
drop in voltage is measured by the ECU based on the re-
sistance of the NTC.
A System

Fig. A - 50 Cross section of the T-MAP sensor

1. Pressure connection 5. EMC shield

2. O-ring 6. Connector housing
3. Guide frame 7. Temperature sensor
4. Pressure sensor

A - 52 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

3.8.2 Camshaft sensor

The camshaft sensor samples a spur ring on the cams- engine control unit (ECU), the information will be used to
haft. The rotation of the spur ring changes the Hall volta- calculate the position of the camshaft.
ge of the Hall IC in the sensor head. This change in
voltage is evaluated by the engine control unit (ECU). The camshaft sensor is secured directly on the cylinder
Depending on what characteristics are recorded in the

Labelling of the camshaft sensor

A System

Fig. A - 51 Labelling of the camshaft sensor

a Data code: b Serial number

1st to 3rd digits: Day of manufacture c Housing number
d Ford part number
4th and 5th digits: Year of manufacture e Housing material index
6th and 7th digits: Index f Connector code according to specification

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 A - 53

3.8.3 Crankshaft sensor 3.8.4 Temperature sensors

The crankshaft sensor samples a spur ring on the engine The system is equipped with sensors for fuel temperatu-
flywheel. The rotation of the spur ring changes the Hall re and coolant temperature. Thermistors (NTC) are used
voltage of the Hall IC in the sensor head. This change in as the temperature sensors.
voltage is evaluated by the engine control unit (ECU). The drop in voltage is measured by the ECU based on the
resistance of the NTC.
Depending on what characteristics are recorded in the
engine control unit (ECU), the information will be used to The ECU compares the measured voltage with the recor-
calculate the position of the camshaft and of the speed. ded characteristics. This gives the data required by the
system control unit.
The crankshaft sensor is located close to the crankshaft
flywheel. The temperature sensors are connected to the engine’s
A System

fuel and cooling water circuits.

Labelling of the crankshaft sensor Labelling of the temperature sensors

Fig. A - 52 Labelling of the crankshaft sensor Fig. A - 53 Labelling of temperature sensor

a Ford part number a Siemens VDO part number

b Data code: b Data code:
1st to 3rd digits: Day of manufacture 1st to 3rd digits: Day of manufacture
4th and 5th digits: Year of manufacture 4th and 5th digits: Year of manufacture
6th and 7th digits: Index
c Housing number

A - 54 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

B Diagnostics

1 Nominal system values and operating conditions

1.1 Typical values for various operating conditions

1.1.1 Conditions:

• Vehicle is stopped
• Tank: at least half full
• Battery voltage: 12-14.7 V
• Ambient temperature: approx. 20 °C
• Engine operating temperature: 80-90 °C


All the electrical and mechanical consumers must be

switched off.

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B-1

Ignition on:

min max

Engine speed rpm 0 0

Coolant temperature °C 15 25

Air intake temperature °C 15 25

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 0 0

Battery voltage V 8 13

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 32 36

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 0 0

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 0 0

Activation duration of main injection ms 0 0

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0 0

Start of main injection °after TDC 0 0

Start of pre-injection °after TDC 0 0

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 0 0

B Diagnostics

Rail pressure - actual value MPa 0 0.5

PCV PWM % 0 0

Current PCV A 0 0.3

VCV PWM % 0 0

Current VCV A 0 0.33

Fuel temperature °C 15 25

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 240 270

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 0 0

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 0.9 1.1

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 0.9 1.1

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 0.9 1.1

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 0.9 1.1

B-2 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Idle cold:

min max

Engine speed rpm 790 860

Coolant temperature °C 18 25

Air intake temperature °C 15 25

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 0 0

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 12 17.5

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 2.5 3

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 9 14.5

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.7 1.1

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0.4 0.6

Start of main injection °after TDC -10.5 -6.6

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -25 -20

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21.5 23

B Diagnostics
Rail pressure - actual value MPa 19.5 25

PCV PWM % 11 14

Current PCV A 0.26 0.37

VCV PWM % 20 24

Current VCV A 0.7 0.85

Fuel temperature °C 20 25

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 35 39

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 700 750

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B-3

Idle warm:

min max

Engine speed rpm 775 825

Coolant temperature °C 82 95

Air intake temperature °C 15 40

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 0 0

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 4.5 7

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 1.5 2.5

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 3 4.5

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.4 0.6

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0.3 0.45

Start of main injection °after TDC -5 -3.5

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -17 -15.5

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21 23

B Diagnostics

Rail pressure - actual value MPa 20 24

PCV PWM % 12 13.5

Current PCV A 0.3 0.4

VCV PWM % 18 21

Current VCV A 0.5 0.7

Fuel temperature °C 38 50

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 34 40

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 675 710

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

B-4 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2000 rpm, without load:

min max

Engine speed rpm 1900 2100

Coolant temperature °C 89 92

Air intake temperature °C 15 45

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 9 14

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 4.2 8.5

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 1.5 1.9

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 2.7 6.7

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.4 0.6

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0.25 0.34

Start of main injection °after TDC -13.3 -11.7

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -34 -29.5

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21.5 27.1

B Diagnostics
Rail pressure - actual value MPa 21.5 27.1

PCV PWM % 12 14

Current PCV A 0.3 0.5

VCV PWM % 20 22

Current VCV A 0.6 0.75

Fuel temperature °C 40 50

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 40 43

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 700 750

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B-5

4000 rpm, without load:

min max

Engine speed rpm 3900 4100

Coolant temperature °C 85 100

Air intake temperature °C 15 50

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 11 15.5

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 10.5 15

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 0 0

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 10.5 15

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.5 0.7

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0 0

Start of main injection °after TDC -21 -22

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -21 -21.5

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21.5 27.1

B Diagnostics

Rail pressure - actual value MPa 21.5 27.1

PCV PWM % 12 14

Current PCV A 0.3 0.5

VCV PWM % 20 22

Current VCV A 0.6 0.75

Fuel temperature °C 40 50

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 40 43

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 700 750

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

B-6 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

1000 rpm, 1st gear:

min max

Engine speed rpm 900 1100

Coolant temperature °C 85 95

Air intake temperature °C 45 46

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 2.6 4.8

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 2.5 6.5

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 0 1.8

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 2 5

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.25 0.65

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0 0.4

Start of main injection °after TDC -12 -9

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -26 -9

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21 23

B Diagnostics
Rail pressure - actual value MPa 21 23

PCV PWM % 12 16

Current PCV A 0.3 0.5

VCV PWM % 19 22

Current VCV A 0.5 0.7

Fuel temperature °C 40 60

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 38 41

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 660 710

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B-7

2000 rpm, 1st gear:

min max

Engine speed rpm 1900 2100

Coolant temperature °C 80 95

Air intake temperature °C 15 45

Accelerator pedal sensor value % 10 17

Battery voltage V 12 15

Injection quantity complete injection mg/stroke 5 10.5

Injection quantity pre-injection mg/stroke 1.5 2

Injection quantity main injection mg/stroke 3.5 9

Activation duration of main injection ms 0.4 0.65

Activation duration of pre-injection ms 0.25 0.4

Start of main injection °after TDC -13 -11

Start of pre-injection °after TDC -34 -29

Rail pressure - nominal value MPa 21 31

B Diagnostics

Rail pressure - actual value MPa 21 31

PCV PWM % 12 15

Current PCV A 0.3 0.5

VCV PWM % 21 23

Current VCV A 0.6 0.8

Fuel temperature °C 40 60

Smoke limitation mg/stroke 40 43

Intake air mass actual value mg/stroke 700 740

Absolute pressure prior to the fuel filter (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the pump return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

Absolute pressure in the injector return flow (static) bar 1.8 2.4

Absolute pressure in the complete return flow (static) bar 1.3 1.7

B-8 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

1.2 Typical start performance

1.2.1 Tolerance bands

Speed n Start:

150 - 250 rpm (cold start)

200 - 300 rpm (warm start)

Idle: ± 30 rpm
Battery voltage UBatt. ± 10% (max. 14.7) V

Injection quantity MF ± 10%

Rail pressure PRail ± 20%

Pressure control valve PCV ± 10%

Pulse duty factor

Volume flow control valve VCV + 20%

Pulse duty factor

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B-9

Cold start

Coolant temperature: 20 °C
B Diagnostics

B - 10 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Warm start

Coolant temperature: 80 °C

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 11

B Diagnostics

B - 12 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2 Troubleshooting

Process for fault elimination:

Note A fault code may be caused by a number of factors. You

can find the possible causes in this chapter. To do this,
System faults may cause sequential faults which are use the Search feature in Acrobat Reader.
to be handled secondarily during fault elimination. At
the beginning of troubleshooting, all sensors and actu- For a detailed description of the individual faults, see
ators are to be checked and faults corrected. chapter “Fault code list”.

Defective and unconnected sensors can impair trou-


If no fault codes are shown or no possibility to read them

out is available, all suitable tests must be carried out.

(S): Siemens test instructions

(C): Customer test instructions

B Diagnostics
2.1 MIL control lamp does not light up with the ignition switched on

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Control lamp defective Control lamp No entry Check vehicle electric system (P)

No voltage supply Fault in vehicle electric system No entry

2.2 MIL control lamp lights up when the engine is running

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Entry of a fault diagnosis Read out fault diagnosis No entry Correct relevant faults

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 13

2.3 Engine does not start

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Engine start speed too low Battery capacity too low P0562; P0563 Check battery capacity (P)

Faulty starter or relay P0615; Check starter and relay (P)

Engine control unit does not No voltage supply to the engine No entry Supply via the ignition switch /
work control unit check the continual voltage sup-
ply to the engine control unit (C)

Engine control unit has no func- Hardware or software in the P0602; P0606; Check engine control unit
tion engine control unit P0608; P0610; and replace it, if necessary
P0A09; P0A10; (see chapter 4.5)
B1600; B1602;
B1681; B2103;
B2139; B2141;
B2431; U2510;

ECU ground connection Check ECU ground connection

defective (P)

No main voltage supply to en- Main relay defective P0685; P0687; Check main relay and ignition
gine control unit and actuators switch (P)
Check pins 15 / 30 on the
B Diagnostics

engine control unit (ECU) (P)

Wiring harness or plug-in con- No entry Check electrical connections (P)

nections defective

No voltage supply to the sensors Faulty engine control unit P0642; P0643; Check the wire connection and
(5 V) P0652; P0653; power supply (+) on the sensors
B1600; B1602; (P)
B1681; B2103; Replace engine control unit if
B2139; B2141; necessary
B2431; U2510;

Defective wiring harness or plug- P0642; P0643;

in connections P0652; P0653;

Incorrect or no sensor signal Faulty sensors No entry Replace sensors

Engine immobiliser active Incorrect code communicated B1600; B1602; Not defined yet
B1681; B2103;
B2139; B2141;
B2431; U2510;

Limp home activated No entry

B - 14 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
No engine speed detected in the Incorrect or no camshaft signal P0340; P0341; Check camshaft sensor and elec-
engine control unit trical connections (P)

Incorrect or no crankshaft signal P0335; P0336 Check crankshaft sensor and

electrical connections (P)

Too little or no fuel intake Internal transfer pump faulty; P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
fuel filter blocked P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
P0091; P0092;
Air in low-pressure line; leaky P0001; P0191;
low-pressure line P0192; P0193;
Fuel filter blocked

Empty tank P0460; Top up fuel

Too little or no pressure at the rail Too little or no fuel intake P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system

B Diagnostics
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0091; P0092;

PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003;

P0004; P0087;
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High-pressure signal missing P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure sensor (S)

or incorrect P0193; Check high-pressure system (S)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Check engine control unit (S), re-
B1681; B2103; place it, if necessary (see chap-
B2139; B2141; ter 4.5)
B2431; U2510;

High injector leakage P0087; P0088; Check injectors

P0090; P0091; (see chapter 4.4.)
P0092; P0089;

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 15

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Free water or Fuel tank soiled P1140; Empty tank and clean it,
gasoline in the tank or incorrectly filled if necessary

Some or all cylinders are Injectors defective P0201; P0202; Check injectors
not working P0203; P0204; (see chapter 4.4)
P0200; P1201; Check wire connection (P)
P1202; P1203;

Defective wiring harness or plug- P0201; P0202; Check electrical connections (P)
in connections P0203; P0204;
P0200; P1201;
P1202; P1203;
P1204; P0603;
P0604; P0605;
P0606; P1601;

Faulty engine control unit P0603; P0604; Replace engine control unit if
P0605; P0606; necessary (see chap-ter 4.5)
P1601; P0A09;
P0A10; B1600;
B1602; B1681;
B Diagnostics

B2103; B2139;
B2141; B2431;

Compression too low No entry Check compression (P)

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or P0107; P0108; Check air intake system (P)
intake line is bent, P0012; P0113;

B - 16 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2.4 Engine starts poorly

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit if
B1681; B2103; necessary (see chap-ter 4.5)
B2139; B2141;

Sporadic loss of Defective wiring harness or plug- No entry Check electrical connections (P)
sensor or actuator signals in connections

Engine start speed too low Battery capacity too low P0562; P0563; Check battery capacity (P)

Faulty starter or relay P0615; Check starter and relay (P)

Voltage drop at the engine con- Poor ground connections P0562; Check ground connections (P)
trol unit during start
Faulty voltage supply Check voltage supply system (P)

Too little or no fuel intake Faulty internal transfer pump P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system (S)
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
Air in the low-pressure line P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
Leaky low-pressure line
P0001; P0191;
Fuel filter blocked P0192; P0193;

B Diagnostics
Empty tank Top up fuel

Rail pressure too low Too little or no fuel intake P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system (S)
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system (S)

P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003;

P0004; P0087;
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 17

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Rail pressure too low Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system (S)
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High-pressure signal missing or P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure system (S)

incorrect P0193; (see chapter 4.3)

High injector leakage P0087; P0088; Check injectors (S)

P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.4)
P0091; P0092;

Free water or Fuel tank soiled or incorrectly P1140; Empty tank and clean it, if neces-
gasoline in the tank filled sary

One or more cylinders are Injectors defective P1201; P1202; Check injectors (S)
not working P1203; P1204; (see chapter 4.4);
P0201; P0202;
P0203; P0204;
B Diagnostics

Defective wiring harness or plug- P1201; P1202; Check electrical connections (P)
in connections P1203; P1204;
P0200; P0603;
P0604; P0606;
P1601; P0605;

Faulty engine control unit P0A09; P0A10; If other measures have no ef-
P0603; P0604; fect, check the engine control
P0606; P1601; unit and replace it if necessary
P0605; B1600; (see chapter 4.5)
B1602; B1681;
B2103; B2139;
B2141; B2431;

Compression too low No entry Check compression (P)

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake line P0103; Check air intake system (P)
is bent

B - 18 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2.5 Poor cold start performance (occurs primarily at cold temperatures)

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Engine start speed too low Battery capacity too low P0562; P0563 Check battery capacity (P)

Incorrect engine oil viscosity No entry Carry out oil change

Faulty starter No entry Check starter (P)

Too little rail pressure as well as Air intake temperature signal too No entry Check air intake temperature
too little injection quantity during high sensor (P)
the start process
Coolant temperature signal too P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature
high P0118; sensor (P)

Fuel temperature signal too high P0181; P0183; Check fuel temperature
sensor (P)

Faulty glow plug system One or more glow plugs defec- No entry Check glow plug system (P)
(optional)* tive

Glow plug relay defective No entry

Glow plug control lamp defective No entry

Too little or no fuel intake Fuel filter soiled No entry Replace fuel filter (P)

B Diagnostics
Fuel filter iced up by free water No entry Replace the fuel filter and clean
the tank if necessary (P)

Fuel filter blocked by wax depos- No entry Replace the fuel filter and
its from the fuel change the fuel (P)

Air in low-pressure line No entry Check low-pressure system (S)

Low compression Heavy wear on the piston rings No entry Check compression
or leakage at the valves


*The glow plug system is an optional component of

the system provided by Siemens VDO.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 19

2.6 Engine cannot be turned off

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Engine control unit does not re- Ignition switch defective No entry Check pin 15 on the control unit
act (P)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Check engine control unit (S)
B1681; B2103;
B2139; B2141;
B2431; P1563;

Defective wiring harness No entry Check electrical connections

2.7 Engine stalls

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; If other measures have no ef-
B1681; B2103; fect, check the engine control
B2139; B2141; unit and replace it if
B2431; necessary (S)

Too little or no pressure at the rail Too little or no fuel intake P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
B Diagnostics

P0091; P0092;
P0191; P0192;

High-pressure pump defective P0263; P0266; Check high-pressure system

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.3)
P0087; P0088;
P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system

P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

B - 20 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Too little or no pressure at the rail High-pressure signal missing or P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure system
incorrect P0193; (see chapter 4.3)

High injector leakage P0263; P0266; Check injectors

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)
P0087; P0088;
P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Check engine control unit (S)
B1681; B2103;
B2139; B2141;

Sporadic voltage drop at the en- Poor ground connections: No entry Check ground connections (P)
gine control unit
Faulty voltage supply Check voltage supply system (P)

Sporadic loss of Defective wiring harness No entry Check electrical connections (P)
sensor or actuator signals

Too little or no fuel intake Faulty internal transfer pump P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system

B Diagnostics
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
Air in low-pressure line P0091; P0092;
P0191; P0192;
Leaky low-pressure line
Fuel filter heavily soiled

Empty tank

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0103; Check air intake system (P)
are bent

Leakage in the intake line down-

stream of the turbocharger

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated No entry

gear by the engine control unit
( -> no anti-jerk control) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- No entry
or faulty

Faulty CAN connection between PC001;

ABS control unit and engine con-
trol unit

Vehicle speed signal missing or P0608; P0500;

incorrect P0812;

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 21

2.8 Engine idle speed too high

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; If other measures have no ef-
B1681; B2103; fect, check the engine control
B2139; B2141; unit and replace it if
B2431; necessary (S)

On-board voltage too low On-board voltage controller No entry Check vehicle electric system (P)

Too many consumers No entry

turned on

Coolant temperature signal too Faulty coolant temperature sen- P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-
low sor P0118; sor and electrical connections (P)

Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal (P)

Defective wiring harness or plug- P0122; P0123; Check accelerator pedal sensor
in connections P0222; P0223; and electrical connections (P)
P2135; P2299;
Faulty accelerator pedal sensor

Limp home activated Read out fault memory No entry Correct relevant faults
B Diagnostics

2.9 Engine idle speed too slow / rough

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; If other measures have no ef-
B1681; B2103; fect, check the engine control
B2139; B2141; unit and replace it if
B2431; necessary (S)

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0263; P0266; Check air intake system (P)
are bent P0269; P0272;
Leakage in the intake line down-
stream of the turbocharger

Too little or no fuel intake Faulty internal transfer pump P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
Air in low-pressure line P0091; P0092;
P0263; P0266;
Leaky low-pressure line
P0269; P0272;
Fuel filter blocked P0191; P0192;

Empty tank No entry Top up fuel

B - 22 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Rail pressure fluctuations PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0263;
P0266; P0269;

Leaky high-pressure line / rail P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

B Diagnostics
High-pressure signal missing or P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure system
incorrect P0193; (see chapter 4.3)

Leaky low-pressure line No entry Check low-pressure system

(see chapter 4.2)

Injectors defective P0263; P0266; Check injectors

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Defective wiring harness or plug- No entry Check wire connections (P)

in connections

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

ECU is not responding to addi- Air conditioning system pressure P0532; P0533; Check air conditioning system
tional load on the air conditioning sensor defective pressure sensor (P)
system compressor

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 23

2.10 No / low vehicle acceleration, engine speed does not increase / too low

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects B1600; B1602; If other measures have no ef-
B1681; B2103; fect, check the engine control
B2139; B2141; unit and replace it if necessary
B2431; (see chapter 4.5)

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0263; P0266; Check air intake system (P)
are bent P0269; P0272;

Leakage in the intake line down-

stream of the turbocharger

Turbocharger defective Check boost pressure (P)

Too little or no fuel intake Faulty internal transfer pump P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
Air in low-pressure line P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0263;
Fuel filter blocked
P0266; P0269;
Leaky low-pressure line P0272; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

Empty tank Top up fuel

B Diagnostics

Accelerator pedal signal incor- Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal
rect or missing sensor and electrical connec-
Defective wiring harness or plug- P0122; P0123; tions (P)
in connections P0222; P0223;
P2135; P2299;
Faulty accelerator pedal sensor

Faulty brake light signal Faulty brake switch P0571; P0572; Check ABS (P)
(if a brake light signal and a con- P0573;
stant accelerator pedal signal ap- Defective wiring harness or plug-
pear at the same time, the in connections
accelerator pedal signal will be
reduced for reasons of safety)

Too little injection quantity or in- Faulty injectors, wiring harness P0101; P0104; Check injectors
correct injection timing or plug-in connection P0263; P0266; (see chapter 4.4)
P0269; P0272;

Too little injection quantity or in- Air-mass flow sensor signal too P0101; P0104; Check air-mass flow sensor (P)
correct injection timing low P0263; P0266; Check exhaust gas recirculation
(->reduction in injection quantity P0269; P0272; system
to prevent black smoke from de- Check air intake system (P)

B - 24 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Too little injection quantity or in- Leakage in the intake line up- P0101; P0104; Check air-mass flow sensor (P)
correct injection timing stream of the turbocharger P0263; P0266; Check exhaust gas recirculation
( ->reduction in injection quantity P0269; P0272; system
to prevent black smoke from de- Check air intake system (P)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Rail pressure too low Too little or no fuel intake P0087; P0088; Check low-pressure system
P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.2)
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system

P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0091; P0092;

B Diagnostics
PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0191;
P0192; P0193;

High injector leakage P0087; P0088; Check injectors

P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.4)
P0091; P0092;

Rail pressure too low High-pressure signal missing or P0263; P0266; Check high-pressure system
incorrect P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.3)
P0191; P0192;

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 25

2.11 Vehicle jerks at constant speed

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; If other measures have no ef-
B1681; B2103; fect, check the engine control
B2139; B2141; unit and replace it if necessary
B2431; (S)

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated P0704; Check clutch switch (P)
gear by the engine control unit
( -> no anti-jerk control) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust-
ed or faulty

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)

ABS control unit and engine con- U0415; U0416;
trol unit U1218;

Speed signal missing or incorrect P0500; P0503; Check speed signal (P)
P0502; P0503;

Faulty injection Faulty injectors P0263; P0266; Check injectors

B Diagnostics

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal (P)

Defective wiring harness or plug- P0122; P0123; Check accelerator pedal

in connections P0222; P0223; sensor and electrical connec-
P2135; P2299; tions (P)

Faulty accelerator pedal sensor Check accelerator pedal

sensor and electrical connec-
tions (P)

Signal fluctuations from the Water in the air intake system P0263; cyl. 1 Check air intake system (P)
T-MAP sensor P0266; cyl. 4
P0269; cyl. 2
P0272; cyl. 3

T-MAP sensor or electrical con- No entry Check T-MAP sensor (P)

nections defective Check electrical connections (P)

Sporadic loss of Defective wiring harness or plug- No entry Check wire connections (P)
sensor or actuator signals in connections

B - 26 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Rail pressure fluctuations PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system

P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0091; P0092;
P0001; P0263;
P0266; P0269;

Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0002; P0003;

P0004; P0087;
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

B Diagnostics
High-pressure signal missing or P0263; P0266; Check high-pressure system
incorrect P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.3)
P0191; P0192;

Leaky low-pressure line P0002; P0003; Check low-pressure system

P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.2)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

Faulty injectors P0263; P0266; Check injectors

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Defective wiring harness No entry Check wire connections (P)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 27

2.12 Vehicle accelerates without actuation of the accelerator pedal

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Too high or uncontrolled injec- Injector jammed open P0263; P0266; Check injectors
tion P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal (P)

Defective wiring harness or plug- P0122; P0123; Check accelerator pedal

in connections P0222; P0223; sensor and electrical connec-
P2135; P2299; tions (P)
Faulty accelerator pedal sensor

Sudden increase in rail pressure PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0089; (see chapter 4.3)
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;
B Diagnostics

P0087; P0088;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

Faulty high-pressure signal P0263; P0266; Check high-pressure system

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.3)
P0191; P0192;

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated P0704;

gear by the engine control unit
( -> faulty torque control) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- No entry Check clutch switch (P)
ed or faulty

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection

ABS control unit and engine con-
trol unit

Vehicle speed signal missing or P0500; P0608; Check speed signal (P)
incorrect P0812;

B - 28 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2.13 Vehicle does not decelerate (no overrun condition)

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal (P)

Faulty accelerator pedal sensor P0122; P0123; Check accelerator pedal

P0222; P0223; sensor and electrical connec-
Defective wiring harness or plug- P2135; P2299; tions (P)
in connections

Too high or uncontrolled injec- Injector jammed open P0263; P0266; Check injectors
tion quantity P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

2.14 Vehicle jerks while coasting with gear engaged

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

False or no recognition of the Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- P0704; Check clutch switch (P)

B Diagnostics
gear by the engine control unit ed or faulty
( -> no anti-jerk control)
Clutch pedal slightly activated No entry

Faulty engine control unit No entry Replace engine control unit, if

none of the previous tests have
achieved any improvement (see
chapter 4.5)

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)

ABS control unit and engine con- U0415; U0416;
trol unit U1113; U1218;

Speed signal missing or incorrect P0500; P0502; Check speed signal (P)

Gear engaged is too high No entry

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 29

2.15 Power too low

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Coolant temperature signal too Faulty cooling system No entry Check cooling system (P)
(-> max. rail pressure and injec- Faulty coolant temperature sen- P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-
tion quantity reduction) sor or connector P0118; sor and electrical connections (P)

Coolant temperature signal too Not enough fuel in the tank with No entry
high heavy engine load and
(-> max. rail pressure and injec- high temperature
tion quantity reduction to protect
plastic lines) Faulty fuel temperature sensor P0181; P0183; Check fuel temperature
sensor (P)

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated

gear by the engine control unit
( -> faulty torque control) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- P0704; Check clutch switch (P)
ed or faulty

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)

B Diagnostics

ABS control unit and engine con-

trol unit

Speed signal missing or incorrect P0500; Check speed signal (P)

Limp home Read out fault diagnosis No entry

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0490; P1461; Check air intake system (P)
are bent P2141; P2145;

Leakage in the intake line down- No entry

stream of the turbocharger

Air intake system blocked No entry Clean intake system (P)

Faulty turbocharger or vacuum No entry Check boost pressure (P)


Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal (P)

Faulty accelerator pedal sensor P0122; P0123; Check accelerator pedal

P0222; P0223; sensor and electrical connec-
Defective wiring harness or plug- P2135; P2299; tions (P)
in connections

B - 30 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Injection quantity too small Faulty or heavily soiled injectors P0263; P0266; Check injectors
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Air-mass flow sensor signal P0101; P0104; Check air-mass flow sensor (P)
missing or too low P0263; P0266; Check exhaust gas recirculation
( -> reduction in injection quanti- P0269; P0272; system (P)
ty to prevent black smoke from

Leakage in the intake line up- Check air-mass flow sensor (P)
stream of the turbocharger Check air intake system (P)
( -> reduction in injection quanti- Check exhaust gas recirculation
ty to prevent black smoke from system (P)

Faulty high-pressure signal P0263; P0266; Check high-pressure system

P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.3)
P0191; P0192;

Rail pressure too low Too little fuel intake P0263; P0266; Check low-pressure system
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.2)
P0087; P0088;

B Diagnostics
P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

High-pressure pump defective P0089; P0090: Check high-pressure system

P0002; (see chapter 4.3)

PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system

P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

Leaky high-pressure lines / rail P0002; P0003;

P0004; P0087;
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0263;
P0266; P0269;
P0272; P0001;

Faulty high-pressure signal P0191; P0192;

P0193; P0263;
P0266; P0269;

Incorrect air intake Intercooler clogged No entry Clean and if necessary replace it
Check air intake system (P)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 31

2.16 Power too high

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty or modified engine control B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
unit (chip tuning) B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Injection quantity too high Faulty injectors P0263; P0266; Check injectors
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Coolant temperature signal P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-

incorrect P0118; sor (P)

Rail pressure too high PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;
B Diagnostics

Faulty high-pressure signal P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure system

P0193; (see chapter 4.3)

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated No entry

gear by the engine control unit
( -> faulty torque control) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- P0704; Check clutch switch (P)
ed or faulty

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)

ABS control unit and engine con-
trol unit

Speed signal missing or incorrect P0500; Check speed signal (P)

Boost pressure too high Faulty boost pressure control No entry Check boost pressure (P)

B - 32 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2.17 Load kick when accelerating or decelerating

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

False or no recognition of the Clutch pedal slightly activated No entry
gear by the engine control unit
( -> no damping of the load kick) Clutch switch incorrectly adjust- P0704; Check clutch switch (P)
ed or faulty

Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)

ABS control unit and engine con-
trol unit

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Speed signal missing or incorrect P0500; Check speed signal (P)

2.18 Vehicle accelerates fast while coasting after releasing the brake

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

B Diagnostics
No brake detection in the Faulty CAN connection between PC001; Check CAN connection (P)
engine control unit ABS control unit and engine con-
( -> faulty idle controller) trol unit

Faulty brake switch in the ABS No entry Check ABS (P)


Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

2.19 Engine smoking at start

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Too high rail pressure and too Coolant temperature signal too P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-
high injection quantity during the low P0118; sor (P)
start process Check high-pressure system
(see chapter 4.3)

Fuel temperature signal too low P0181; P0182; Check fuel temperature
P0183; sensor (P)
Check high-pressure system
(see chapter 4.3)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 33

2.20 Engine smokes / blue smoke

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Engine oil level too high No entry Draw off excess oil quantity (P)

High oil consumption Engine wear No entry

Dripping injectors Faulty injectors No entry Check injectors (S)

Coolant temperature signal P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-

incorrect P0118; sor (P)

Injection quantity too high Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602;
B1681; B2103;
B2139; B2141;

Faulty injectors P0263; P0266;

P0269; P0272;

Poor mixture preparation Injectors heavily soiled P0263; P0266;

P0269; P0272;

Unsuitable fuel No entry Exchange fuel

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0263; P0266; Check air intake system (P);
B Diagnostics

are bent P0269; P0272;

Leakage in the intake line down-
stream of the turbocharger

Faulty turbocharger or vacuum Check boost pressure (P)


Air intake system No entry Clean intake system

heavily soiled

Rail pressure too high High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system
(-> resulting in a too high exhaust P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
gas recirculation rate) P0091; P0092;

PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003;

P0004; P0087;
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

Faulty high-pressure signal P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure sensor

P0193; and electrical connections (P)
Check high-pressure system
(see chapter 4.3)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

B - 34 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

2.21 Engine smokes while climbing passes

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Air pressure signal too high Faulty air pressure sensor No entry Check air pressure sensor.
If necessary replace engine con-
trol unit
(see chapter 4.5)

Air temperature sensor signal T-MAP sensor faulty P0112; P0113; Check T-MAP sensor (P)
too low

2.22 Engine develops white smoke (particularly after start)

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty glow plug system One or more glow plugs defec- P0263; P0266; Check glow plug system (P)
(optional)* tive P0269; P0272;

Glow plug relay or wiring har- P0263; P0266;

ness defective P0269; P0272;

Frequent cold starts without Unburned fuel in the exhaust gas No entry Run engine until hot
warm-up period system (observe oil level)

B Diagnostics
Faulty injection Injector jammed open P0263; P0266; Check injectors
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)


*The glow plug system is an optional component of

the system provided by Siemens VDO.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 35

2.23 High fuel consumption

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

Too little air intake Air filter is blocked or intake lines P0263; P0266; Check air intake system (P)
are bent P0269; P0272;
Faulty turbocharger or vacuum Check boost pressure (P)

Air intake system heavily soiled Clean intake system

Fuel - leakage Leakage in high-pressure / P0087; P0088; Check high-pressure system

low-pressure system P0089; P0090; (see chapter 4.3)
P0091; P0092; Check low-pressure system
P0001; (see chapter 4.2)

Rail pressure too high PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
B Diagnostics

P0092; P0001;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

Faulty high-pressure signal P0191; P0192; Check high-pressure system

P0193; (see chapter 4.3)

Injection quantity too high Coolant temperature signal P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-
incorrect P0118; sor (P)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; chapter 4.5)

B - 36 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination
Faulty accelerator pedal signal Faulty accelerator pedal position No entry Check accelerator pedal sensor
Faulty accelerator pedal sensor P0122; P0123;
P0222; P0223;
Defective wiring harness P2135; P2299;

Poor mixture preparation Faulty or heavily soiled injectors P0263; P0266; Check injectors
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Poor or no cooling Faulty radiator fan or radiator No entry Check cooling system (P)

Coolant temperature signal P0116; P0116; Check coolant temperature

incorrect P0117; P0118; sensor (P)

Thermostat defective No entry

Coolant level too low / leakage in No entry

the system

2.24 Engine knocks

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

B Diagnostics
Rail pressure too high PCV / VCV defective P0002; P0003; Check high-pressure system
P0004; P0087; (see chapter 4.3)
P0088; P0089;
P0090; P0091;
P0092; P0001;

High-pressure pump defective P0087; P0088;

P0089; P0090;
P0091; P0092;

Faulty high-pressure signal P0191; P0192; Check electrical connections (S)

P0193; Check high-pressure system
(see chapter 4.3)

Faulty engine control unit B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; U2510; chapter 4.5)

Poor mixture preparation Faulty injectors / jets P0263; P0266; Check injectors
P0269; P0272; (see chapter 4.4)

Bad fuel No entry

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 37

2.25 Engine gets too hot

Cause of fault Location of fault Code Fault elimination

Faulty engine control unit Various effects possible B1600; B1602; Replace engine control unit, if
B1681; B2103; none of the previous tests have
B2139; B2141; achieved any improvement (see
B2431; U2510; chapter 4.5)

Poor or no cooling Faulty radiator fan or radiator No entry Check cooling system

Coolant temperature signal P0116; P0117; Check coolant temperature sen-

incorrect P0118; sor (P)

Defective wiring harness No entry Check wire connections (P)

Defective degasification valve No entry

Thermostat defective No entry

Coolant level too low / leakage No entry

in the system

Incorrect air intake Intercooler clogged No entry Clean and if necessary replace it
Check air intake system (P)
B Diagnostics

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3 Fault code list

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for

DTC Substitute value limp home
B1213 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart
• Programmed key numbers are used

B1600 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• Ignition key transfer failed
• Transceiver signal not received
• Not enough positions for the key code

B1602 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• Invalid data

B1681 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• Transceiver signal not received

B2103 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• Antenna not connected

B2139 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• No suitable answer found to problem

B Diagnostics
B2141 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart
• PCM ID transfer failed

B2431 Engine immobiliser: No start At next restart

• Transponder (transfer) fault

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 39

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0001 VCV with reset spring not closed or has As far as the factors are in
no electrical signal the tolerances.

Rail pressure function:

• VCV adaptation exceeds a
specified threshold
• Leakage amount of injectors too high
• Check injectors and high-pressure

P0002 Wire connection to the VCV: As far as the factors are in

• Short circuit to ground the tolerances.
(VCV closed)
• VCV electric power consumption ex-
• Short circuit to ground or wire
interruption in the current
measurement feedback

P0003 Wire connection to the VCV: Engine stalls. Not possible to restart: As far as the factors are in
• Wire interruption (VCV open) • FUP limitation the tolerances.
B Diagnostics

• Torque limitation
Engine runs:
• FUP limitation
• Torque limitation

P0004 Wire connection to the VCV: Engine stalls. Not possible to restart: As far as the factors are in
(VCV closed) • FUP limitation the tolerances.
• Short circuit to + or in the winding • Torque limitation
• Short circuit to + in the current Engine runs:
measurement feedback • Torque reduction
• Limitation of VCV

P0089 Rail pressure control: • Torque limitation As far as the controllers are in
• Fault in rail pressure control the tolerances.

P0090 Wire connection to the PCV As far as the factors are in

(PCV open): the tolerances.
• Short circuit to + or in the winding
• Short circuit to + in the current
measurement feedback
• Short circuit to ground
• Wire interruption

B - 40 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0091 Rail pressure control: Engine stalls. Not possible to restart: As far as the factors are in
• Nominal rail pressure was not rea- • FUP limitation the tolerances.
ched • Torque limitation
• Rail pressure controller (PI) is at the
lower stop / end position (MIN)

P0092 Rail pressure control: Engine stalls. Not possible to restart: As far as the factors are in
• Nominal rail pressure was not rea- • FUP and Torque limitation the tolerances.
ched • Torque reduction / Limitation of PCV
• Rail pressure controller (PI) is at the
upper stop / end position (MAX)

P0105 Ambient pressure sensor:

• Fault in control loop

P0107 Ambient pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1000 mbar As far as the factors are in
Ambient pressure falls below a spcified the tolerances.
threshold: (MIN)
• Short circuit to +
• Ambient pressure too low
• Ambient pressure in idle/at start is too

B Diagnostics
low compared to suction tube pressu-

P0108 Ambient pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1000 mbar As far as the factors are in
Ambient pressure exceeds a specified the tolerances.
threshold: (MAX)
• Short circuit to ground
• Wire interruption
• Ambient pressure too high
• Ambient pressure in idle/at start is too
low compared to suction tube pressu-

P0109 Ambient pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1000 mbar As far as the factors are in
• Ambient pressure gradient (increase) the tolerances.
too high

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Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0110 Air intake temperature sensor: Problem to start. No start possible As far as no error is detected.
• Fault in control loop due to FUP building problem

P0112 Air intake temperature sensor: Substitute value: 100 °C As far as no error is detected.
Air intake temperature is too low com-
pared to boost air temperature (MIN)

P0113 Air intake temperature sensor: Substitute value: 100°C As far as no error is detected.
Air intake temperature is too high com-
pared to boost air temperature (MAX)

P0114 Air intake temperature sensor: Substitute value: 100 °C As far as no error is detected.
• Gradient (increase) too high

P0115 Coolant temperature sensor: As far as the factors are in

• Fault in control loop the tolerances.

P0116 Coolant temperature sensor: Substitute value: 10 °C As far as the factors are in
• Coolant temperature implausible the tolerances.
B Diagnostics

P0117 Coolant temperature sensor: Substitute value: 10 °C As far as the factors are in
Coolant temperature drops below a the tolerances.
specified threshold: (MIN)
• Short circuit to ground

P0118 Coolant temperature sensor:

Coolant temperature exceeds a speci-
fied threshold: (MAX)
• Short circuit to +
• Wire interruption

P0119 Coolant temperature sensor: Substitute value: 10 °C As far as the factors are in
• Gradient (increase) too high the tolerances.

P0122 Pedal value sensor: • Torque limitation Return in the tolerances and
Accelerator pedal signal from channel 1 • Engine speed limitation after key off / key on.
is below a specified threshold (MIN)
• Short circuit to ground
• Wire interruption

B - 42 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0123 Pedal value sensor: • Torque limitation Return in the tolerances and
Accelerator pedal signal from channel 1 • Engine speed limitation after key off / key on
exceeds a specified threshold (MAX)
• Short circuit to +

P0180 Fuel temperature sensor: As far as the factors are in

• Fault in control loop the tolerances.

P0182 Fuel temperature sensor: Substitute value: 115 °C As far as the factors are in
Fuel temperature falls below a speci- the tolerances.
fied threshold: (MIN)
• Short circuit to +
• Wire interruption

P0183 Fuel temperature sensor: Substitute value: 115 °C As far as the factors are in
Fuel temperature exceeds a specified the tolerances.
threshold: (MAX)
• Short circuit to ground

P0184 Fuel temperature sensor: Substitute value: 115 °C As far as the factors are in

B Diagnostics
• Fuel air temperature gradient (increa- the tolerances.
se) too high

P0190 Rail pressure sensor: • FUP limitation As far as the factors are in
• Fault in control loop • Torque limitation the tolerances.
• Fuel pressure limitation

P0191 Rail pressure sensor: • FUP limitation As far as the factors are in
• Rail pressure offset • Torque limitation the tolerances.
• Rail pressure> threshold value • Fuel pressure limitation
• Rail pressure between current value
and open loop is implausible

P0192 Rail pressure sensor: • FUP limitation As far as the factors are in
Voltage of the rail pressure sensor ex- • Torque limitation the tolerances.
ceeds a specified threshold: (MAX) • Fuel pressure limitation
• Short circuit to +
• Wire interruption

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 43

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0193 Rail pressure sensor: • FUP limitation As far as the factors are in
Voltage of the rail pressure sensor • Torque limitation the tolerances.
drops below a specified threshold: • Fuel pressure limitation
• Short circuit to ground

P0194 Rail pressure sensor: • FUP limitation As far as the factors are in
• Rail pressure offset • Torque limitation the tolerances.
• Rail pressure> threshold value • Fuel pressure limitation
• Differential pressure test: (between
current pressure – old pressure) <
threshold value
• Gradient (increase) too high

P0200 Piezo power stage: Engine stalls and no start possible After key off / key on if failure
• Initialisation of power stage faulty is not present anymore.
• Fault, driver ATIC20
Voltage check:
• Injector or wiring harness fault

P0201 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
B Diagnostics

• Faulty injector cylinder 1 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.

• Faulty boost or discharge operation Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off. Cylin-
der-balancing and anti-jerk are shut off.

P0202 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 2 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty boost or discharge operation Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off. Cylin-
der-balancing and anti-jerk are shut off.

P0203 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 3 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty boost or discharge operation Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off. Cylin-
der-balancing and anti-jerk are shut off.

P0204 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 4 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty boost or discharge operation Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off. Cylin-
der-balancing and anti-jerk are shut off.

B - 44 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0222 Pedal value sensor: • TQ limitation Return in the tolerances and
Accelerator pedal signal from channel 2 • Engine speed limitation after key off / key on.
is below a specified threshold (MIN)
• Short circuit to ground

P0223 Pedal value sensor: • TQ limitation Return in the tolerances and

Accelerator pedal signal from channel 2 • Engine speed limitation after key off / key on.
exceeds a specified threshold (MAX)
• Short circuit to +
• Wire interruption

P0235 Boost pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1500 mbar As far as the factors are in
• Fault in control loop the tolerances.

P0236 Boost pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1500 mbar As far as the factors are in
• Boost pressure offset the tolerances.
• Boost pressure >threshold value
• Differential pressure test: (between
current pressure – old pressure) <
threshold value

B Diagnostics
• Gradient (increase) too high

P0237 Boost pressure sensor: Substitute value: 1500 mbar As far as the factors are in
Boost pressure falls below a specified the tolerances.
threshold: (MIN)
• Short circuit to +
• Suction tube pressure too low
• Suction tube pressure in idle/at start
is too low compared to ambient pres-

P0238 Boost pressure sensor (EURO 4-specif- Substitute value: 1500 mbar As far as the factors are in
ic): the tolerances.
Boost pressure exceeds a specified
threshold: (MAX)
• Short circuit to ground
• Wire interruption
• Suction tube pressure too high
• Suction tube pressure in idle/at start
is too low compared to ambient pres-

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 45

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0263 Cylinder balancing control: As far as the factors are in
• Cylinder balancing factor of cylinder 1 the tolerances.
is exceeding or falling below a speci-
fied threshold.
• Excessive dispersion of the injection
quantity from the injectors among
each other.
➩ Check injectors

P0266 Cylinder balancing control: As far as the factors are in

• Cylinder balancing factor of cylinder 2 the tolerances.
is exceeding or falling below a speci-
fied threshold.
• Excessive dispersion of the injection
quantity from the injectors among
each other.
➩ Check injectors

P0269 Cylinder balancing control: As far as the factors are in

• Cylinder balancing factor of cylinder 3 the tolerances.
B Diagnostics

is exceeding or falling below a speci-

fied threshold.
• Excessive dispersion of the injection
quantity from the injectors among
each other.
➩ Check injectors

P0272 Cylinder balancing control: As far as the factors are in

• Cylinder balancing factor of cylinder 4 the tolerances.
is exceeding or falling below a speci-
fied threshold.
• Excessive dispersion of the injection
quantity from the injectors among
each other.
➩ Check injectors

P0335 Crankshaft sensor: System reaction: Engine stalls After reconnection.

• Crankshaft signal outside range of to-

P0336 Crankshaft sensor: System reaction: Engine stalls After reconnection.

• Line to crankshaft sensor interrupted
• No crankshaft signal present

B - 46 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0340 Camshaft sensor: During engine running no reaction, After reconnection.
• Camshaft signal outside range of tole- but no restart possible

P0341 Camshaft sensor: During engine running no reaction, After reconnection.

• No camshaft signal present but no restart possible

P0501 Speed sensor: As far as no error is detected.

• Speed signal exceeds a specified
threshold (MAX)
• Speed signal implausible during cold
start (plausibility test with V = 0)

P0562 Battery voltage too low As far as the factors are in

the tolerances.

P0563 Battery voltage too high As far as the factors are in

the tolerances.

P0571 Brake test switch sensor: As far as no error is active.

B Diagnostics
• Brake light signal via CAN faulty

Brake test switch sensor:

• Brake light signal implausible during
brake test

Brake test switch sensor:

• Brake light signal with brake test sig-
nal implausible

P0602 Powertrain module:

• Programming error

P0606 Piezo power stage: Engine stalls and no start possible After key off / key on if failure
• Initialisation of power stage faulty is not present anymore.
• Fault, driver ATIC20
• SPI / PR /ID / T55 fault

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 47

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0606 Internal monitoring fault in the engine Engine stalls. No restart possible. Irreversible.
control unit: • Cruise off
• Microunit • Reset. Engine stalls.
• Injection (fuel) cut off implausible • Disablement of CAN.
• CAN monitoring faulty • Engine speed limitation.
• Control of maximum engine speed li-
miting implausible
• Accelerator pedal monitoring implau-
➩ Comparison of signal and value cal-
culated from torque
• Engine speed implausible
• Service tool monitoring
• A/D converter (conversion) implausib-
• MSR monitoring
• Tempomat monitoring

FIFO Engine stalls. No restart possible. Irreversible.

B Diagnostics

P0608 Speed signal output (hardware) As far as no error is detected.

• Short circuit to +
• Short circuit to ground

P0610 Variant coding: As far as no error is detected.

• Coding faulty
• Coding not completed

P0615 Wire connection to starter relay: As far as no error is detected.

• Short circuit to +

P0627 Fuel pump: As far as no error is detected.

• Control loop interrupted

P0629 Fuel pump: As far as no error is detected.

• Power supply for the fuel pump ex-
ceeds a specified threshold

B - 48 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0642 5V voltage supply (VCC_1) for rail pres- • TQ limitation Return in the tolerances and
sure sensor falls below a specified • FUP limitation after key off / key on.
threshold (MIN) • Engine speed limitation
If VCC_1 and VCC_2 also engine speed
in IS t0 1200 rpm and no pedal reaction

P0643 5V voltage supply (VCC_1) for rail pres- • TQ limitation Return in the tolerances and
sure sensor exceeds a specified thresh- • FUP limitation after key off / key on.
old (MAX) • Engine speed limitation
If VCC_1 and VCC_2 also engine speed
in IS t0 1200 rpm and no pedal reaction

P0652 5V voltage supply (VCC_2) for accelera- • Engine speed limitation Return in the tolerances and
tor pedal sensor falls below a specified If VCC_1 and VCC_2 also engine speed after key off / key on.
threshold (MIN) in IS t0 1200 rpm and no pedal reaction

P0653 5V voltage supply (VCC_2) for accelera- • Engine speed limitation Return in the tolerances and
tor pedal sensor exceeds a specified If VCC_1 and VCC_2 also engine speed after key off / key on.
threshold (MAX) in IS t0 1200 rpm and no pedal reaction

P0654 Signal "Engine running": Return in the tolerances and

B Diagnostics
• Short circuit to + after key off / key on.

P0685 Wire connection to main relay: Engine stalls. No restart possible. As far as the factors are in
• Short circuit to ground the tolerances.
• Wire interruption

P0687 Wire connection to main relay: Engine stalls. No restart possible. As far as the factors are in
• Short circuit to + the tolerances.

P0704 Clutch switch sensor: (not used if the ACC off. As far as no error is detected.
clutch switch is not via CAN)
• Clutch switch signal via CAN faulty
• Change in speed signal if clutch
switch signal does not change
• Clutch switch signal implausible in
comparison with speed signal

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 49

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P0A09 Piezo power stage: As far as the factors are in
• Voltage of the power stage for the in- the tolerances.
jectors in the engine control unit too
low (MIN)

P0A10 Piezo power stage: As far as the factors are in

• Voltage of the power stage for the in- the tolerances.
jectors in the engine control unit too
high (MAX)

PE051 Internal self-test 1 in engine control Irreversible.

• CRC boot software error
• CRC ECU software error
• CRC calibration data error

P1140 Fuel warning:

• Water in tank

P1201 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 1 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
B Diagnostics

• Faulty injector voltage Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.

Impacted injectors are shut off.
Cylinder-balancing and anti-jerk are
shut off.

P1202 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 2 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty injector voltage Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off.
Cylinder-balancing and anti-jerk are
shut off.

P1203 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 3 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty injector voltage Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off.
Cylinder-balancing and anti-jerk are
shut off.

P1204 Piezo power stage: • Torque limitation After key off / key on if failure
• Faulty injector cylinder 4 • Engine speed limitation is not present anymore.
• Faulty injector voltage Engine runs on 2 cylinders min.
Impacted injectors are shut off.
Cylinder-balancing and anti-jerk are
shut off.

B - 50 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Specific Type of fault Limp home strategy Reset conditions for
DTC Substitute value limp home
P1563 Engine switch-off: • Engine stops via injektion off As far as no error is detected.
• Engine switch-off via injectors (electri- • Engine stops via hydraulic path
cal) faulty
• Engine switch-off via pump faulty

P1577 Pedal value sensor:

• Value of accelerator pedal sensor im-

P1639 Variant coding: • No start possible Irreversible.

• Coding faulty
• Coding not completed

P1933 Fuel: As far as no error is detected.

• Fuel reserve signal implausible
• CAN fault, fuel reserve signal

• Fuel level too low

P2135 Pedal value sensor: • TQ limitation Return in the tolerances and

• Value of accelerator pedal sensor bet- • Engine speed limitation after key off key on.
ween channel 1 and channel 2 implau-

B Diagnostics

P2299 Pedal value sensor: Return in the tolerances and

• Trigger signal from brake switch reta- after key off key on.
• Gradient of accelerator pedal sensor
between channel 1 and channel 2 im-

U0001 CAN communication: As far as no error is detected.

• CAN connection faulty

U0155 CAN communication: As far as no error is detected.

• Engine control unit unable to send
data via CAN
• CAN-ISU fault

U2510 • Engine immobiliser: As far as no error is detected.

Data problem with data connection

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 51

B Diagnostics

B - 52 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4 Test instructions

4.1 Prerequisites of working on the diesel fuel system

4.1.1 Recommendations


The use of agents containing additives such as fuel

line cleaners / metal coatings is prohibited.

4.1.2 Work safety instructions


Any work on the injection system is subject to the rele- Note

vant regulations and provisions:
This waiting time is required to allow ambient
• of accident prevention pressure to be restored in the high-pressure fuel sys-
• of environmental protection

B Diagnostics
• of the competent health authorities
When the engine is running
Any work must be carried out by skilled personnel that is
familiar with the safety instructions and the special • do not let your hands come near a leak in the high-
safety precautions. pressure fuel system
• always remain out of reach of a possible jet of fuel,
Safety instructions which could result in serious injury
Owing to the extremely high pressures (1600 bar) that • do not pull the plugs from the injectors and the en-
may occur in the fuel system, the following instructions gine control unit (ECU), this could result in damage
must be heeded: to the engine

• do not work in the proximity of flames or sparks

• do not carry out any work on the high-pressure fuel Danger
system with the engine running
When performing work at the engine control unit
• wait for 30 seconds after turning off the engine (ECU) and the injectors, the accident prevention regu-
before carrying out any work lations for high-voltage equipment must be observed.
• it is absolutely prohibited to smoke in the immedi-
ate proximity of the high-pressure system while
work is being carried out

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 53

Working area

The working area must be clean (floor, etc.) and Note

without any obstacles; parts that are being repaired must
be stored dustproof. The engine control unit may become very hot in ope-
ration. A high temperature at the housing does not in-
Preparatory work dicate that the engine control unit is damaged.

Prior to working on the system, it may be necessary to The engine control unit is checked by following the
clean the components of this sensitive system (see rele- test instructions (chapter B, section 4.5).
vant instructions).

Components of the sensitive system:

• Injectors
• High-pressure fuel pump
• Cleanliness regulations:
• Injection distributing tube (rail) All staff must wear clean clothing.
• High-pressure fuel lines • Directly after being disassembled, all connections
of the high-pressure system must be sealed with
plugs to prevent pollutants from entering the high-
Important pressure system.
B Diagnostics

When removing or mounting the diesel common rail • Safety torques: The tightening torques for the high-
pump, do not carry the pump at the connectors, line pressure system (lines, injector
connections or casings of the volume flow control val- flanges, rail) must always be observed.
ve and pressure con-trol valve.
• Use regularly checked torque wrenches.
When mounting or removing the rail, do not carry it or
pull it out at the high-pressure sensor.

Otherwise there is a risk of damage!

B - 54 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.1.3 Information regarding the exchange of parts and the procedures

B Diagnostics
Fig. B - 1 Overview of the main components

Do not disconnect the following parts from the Do not disconnect the high-pressure sensor (8) from the
high-pressure pump (1): rail (7).

• High-pressure control valve (PCV) (2)

• Volume flow control valve (VCV) (3)
• High-pressure outlet port (4)
• Ring nipple banjo bolt of the pump supply (5) In case of damage, the rail, the high-pressure lines or
• Ring nipple banjo bolt of the pump return (6) the high-pressure sensor must always be sent back to
Siemens VDO for analysis.


Should one of these parts become damaged, the

pump must always be sent to Siemens VDO for ana-

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 55

B Diagnostics

Fig. B - 2 Overview of the main components

Do not disassemble the injector (9).

• Do not disconnect the high-pressure connection
In case of damage, the injector must be sent back to
• Do not unscrew the nut (11). Siemens VDO for analysis.

It is prohibited to clean the injection nozzle of the

Note injector by ultrasound!

Any work carried out at the high-pressure lines (12) al-

When reusing an injector, the nozzle shaft must be
ways requires their replacement.
cleaned using a soft cloth (if required, by means of a
brake cleaner) to remove all loose impurities.
The high-pressure lines are not part of the system de-
To prevent impurities from entering the nozzle holes,
livered by Siemens VDO.
the nozzle cap must not be cleaned mechanically (e.g.
wiping off with a cloth, using a steel wire brush).

B - 56 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Do not open the engine control unit (13).


In case of damage, the engine control unit (ECU) must

always be sent back to Siemens VDO for analysis.

The engine control unit (ECU) must not be


Fig. B - 3 Engine control unit

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 57

B Diagnostics

B - 58 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.2 Checking the low-pressure system

4.2.1 Checking the internal fuel transfer system


Air bubbles in the supply line to the DCP. Engine does Important
not start.
The fuel line between the fuel filter and the diesel
Prerequisite common rail pump (DCP) must not be opened in the
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate
checks. It is recommended that the fuel lines to the fuel filter
not be opened, since otherwise the system must be
Check steps
evacuated of air (bled).
• Bleed the internal fuel transfer system according
In the event of the following fault code entries, the engi-
to the manufacturer’s specifications.
ne control unit must be reprogrammed or replaced:
• Check the electrical internal transfer pump and
check for sufficient pumping output.
Possible fault code Possible sequential
If no or too little fuel is being delivered, then check the entries faults
following components:
P0001 P0191

B Diagnostics
• Check fuel filter for dirt accumulation.
• Check contents of the tank (gazoline instead of
diesel, soiled fuel).
• Check supply and return lines for leakage, dama-
ge, as well as for a proper installation of the lines.
• Dismantle surge chamber and check for leaks (acc.
to the manufacturer’s specifications).
Check strainer in surge chamber for blockage.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 59

4.2.2 Checking the internal transfer pump (ITP)

Symptom Check steps

Fuel is present in the supply line to the DCP, however the • Switch the ignition off
fuel column does not move during the start.
• Pull the connector off the VCV (colour: orange)
Prerequisite • Disconnect the fuel supply line prior to the
fuel filter
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate
• Put the tank-side end of the fuel supply line
in a suitable container
• Internal fuel transfer system is found to be in a pro-
• Use an additional line to connect the container to
per condition.
the fuel filer
See section "4.2.1 Checking the internal fuel trans-
fer system" for information concerning this pro- • Disconnect the bypass fuel line and close both
cess. ends of the bypass line (see Page A-2, bypass
is the red line in the picture)

The fuel is pumped to the DCP by the electrical fuel
pump (EFP) in the tank. Then the IPT leads the fuel to • The opening of the additional line must be im-
the high-pressure pump (HPP) via the VCV. For the lu- mersed in the fuel. The additional line must be
B Diagnostics

brication of the pump elements, the fuel is also fed to filled with bubble-free fuel.
the inside of the pump via the scavenger valve from
where it is passed to the fuel return. • Open the fuel return line of the DCP
During the start phase, the EFP pumps more fuel than
can be taken in by the ITP. • Start the engine for at least 15 s at an
Because of this, the EFP must be disconnected from engine start speed of 250 rpm
the DCP! • Measure the amount of fuel delivered (VITP) on the
return flow connection of the DCP
• Compare the amount of fuel delivered (VITP) with
the minimum amount of fuel delivered (VITP,min)

Minimum amount of fuel delivered VITP,min = 130 ml/min

(engine start speed of 250 rpm).

If VITP < VITP,min, then exchange the DCP.

Possible fault code Possible sequential

entries faults

P0001 P0191

B - 60 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.3 Checking the high-pressure system

4.3.1 Checking the PCV

Possible fault code Possible sequential
Rail pressure approx. 50 bar during the start phase entries faults
(holding pressure PCV). P0002 P0001
Prerequisite P0090
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate
• The entire low-pressure system is found to be in a
proper condition. See section Important
"4.2 Checking the low-pressure system" for infor-
mation concerning this process.
Measure the current at the pressure control valve
• High-pressure lines and high-pressure connec- using a diagnostic tool or a multimeter.
tions have been checked for leaks.


B Diagnostics
In the case of a faulty PCV (e.g. without power), a
rail pressure of only 50 bar will be reached during the
start phase. This holding pressure develops
by the closing pressure of a spring in the PCV.
Nominal rail pressure during the start phase: min. 150

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 61

Check steps

Withdraw the PCV connector (colour: white)

and measure the resistance at the PCV.
Nominal resistance: 1,5Ω − 15Ω

Resistance OK? NO Replace DCP.


Measure the voltage at the PCV connector

(PIN 1 and ground) when the ignition is on.
(Ignition switched on)
B Diagnostics

Nominal voltage: battery voltage

Voltage OK? Check main /

NO power relais.


Measure the drive current at the connected PCV

connector during the start phase.

Nominal current: 0,6 – 1,0 A (start phase)

(See rail pressure current diagram)

B - 62 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Check wire connection
Drive current OK? NO
and connector of the ECU

Carry out the Wire connection and

necessary repair work connector of the ECU OK?


B Diagnostics
Check main / YES Drive current > 0 A?
power relais.


PCV OK Replace ECU.

Check HPP

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 63

Rail pressure current diagram
B Diagnostics

B - 64 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.3.2 Checking the high-pressure pump (HPP) and VCV

Possible fault code Possible sequential
Too little or no rail pressure during the start phase. entries faults

P0002 P0001
Prerequisite P0004 P0191
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate P0092
• High-pressure lines and high-pressure connec-
tions have been checked for leaks.
• PCV was checked. Important
See also section "4.3.1 Checking the PCV" for infor-
mation concerning this process. Measure the current at the volume flow control valve
using a diagnostic tool or a multimeter.
• The entire low-pressure system is found to be in a
proper condition.
See section "4.2 Checking the low-pressure sys-
tem" for information concerning this process.


B Diagnostics
Nominal rail pressure during the start phase: min. 150

During the test, the EFP (electrical fuel transfer pump)

must be disconnected.
See section "4.2.2 Checking the internal transfer
pump (ITP)" for information concerning this process.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 65

Check steps

Pull the VCV connector (colour: orange) off

and measure the resistance at the VCV.
Nominal resistance: 1,5Ω − 15Ω

Resistance OK? NO Replace DCP.


Measure the voltage at the VCV connector

B Diagnostics

(PIN 1 or 2) when the ignition is switched on.

Nominal voltage: battery voltage

Check main /
Voltage OK? NO power relais.


Measure the drive current at the connected VCV

connector during the start phase.

Nominal current: 0,8 – 1,0 A (start phase)

B - 66 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Check wire connection
Drive current OK? NO
and connector of the ECU

Carry out the Wire connection and

necessary repair work connector of the ECU OK?


B Diagnostics
Check main / YES Drive current > 0 A?
power relais.

Open the high-pressure line (to avoid Attention! - You must observe
rail pressure from building up) as well chapter "4.2.2 Checking the
as the return flow connection of the DCP. internal transfer pump (ITP)" in
Connect PCV and VCV - Disconnect EFP order to disconnect the EFP! Replace ECU.
Carry out the check steps as

- Start the engine for at least 15 s. Escaping fuel must be

- Engine start speed 250 rpm collected in suitable containers!
- Measure the fuel quantity during
the start phase at the return flow

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 67

Measured fuel quantity Replace DCP
exceeding 440 ml/min? (The scavenger valve in the
(During a start time of at least YES DCP is open or the VCV is
15 s and at 250 rpm engine mechanically jammed while
start speed) it is closed)



B Diagnostics

If the nominal rail pressure is not reached

during the start phase, the injector leakage is
possibly too high or the pressure signal is not

B - 68 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Characteristic flow rate graph of the VCV depending on the pump speed (np)

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 69

4.3.3 Checking the rail pressure control loop


• Unstable idling Important

• Rail pressure fluctuations
If the DCP is blocked, i.e. if the pump shaft cannot
• Nominal rail pressure was not reached be turned by hand even with the impeller mounted, or
if heavy soiling (filings) in the transparent fuel return
• Loud or untypical combustion noises
line can be discerned, then the complete injection sys-
Prerequisite (injectors, DCP, rail, high-pressure lines and all fuel re-
turn lines) has to be replaced.
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate
• Air-conditioning is switched off. Possible fault code Possible sequential
entries faults
• The tank is at least half full.
P0002 P0001
• Coolant temperature 80 - 90°C.
P0004 P0263
• All electrical consumers must be switched off. P0089 P0266
P0090 P0269
• Hydraulic lines have been checked and there are
P0092 P0272
no leaks.
B Diagnostics

• Connectors and wire connections have been che- P0193


If more than one cylinder balancing DTC is shown, you

must proceed as follows:

Note • Warm up the engine up to min. 60°C.

• Delete all DTCs in the fault memory.
The appropriate rail pressure will be set for every en-
gine operating condition. The engine control unit mo- • Start the engine and and wait until the follow-up
nitors continually the momentary rail pressure via the time has expired.
high-pressure sensor, adjusts this to the nominal value
• Run the engine at idle speed, do not move
stored in the characteristics and regulates the pressu-
the vehicle.
re control valve PCV and the volume flow control valve
VCV. • Wait until the first cylinder balancing DTC
This results in a closed rail pressure control loop. is shown.
• Then replace the injector shown (see also
The VCV serves the purpose of customising the deli-
chapter C - "Mounting/Dismounting the injectors").
vered amount of fuel from the high-pressure pump ac-
cording to the needs of the engine.
For the final test, you must erase the fault memory again
This will reduce the power requirement of the high-
and restart the engine (observe again the follow-up time
pressure pump.
of the control unit).

B - 70 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Check steps

Start the engine and

run it while idling.

Are there larger air bubbles

in the transparent supply line YES Check low-pressure system
to the DCP?


Pull the VCV connector

(colour: orange) off.

B Diagnostics
Replace DCP
Does the engine stop? NO (VCV remains mechanically open)


Connect the VCV connector, Note:

restart the engine and run it Before restarting the engine,
while idling. switch the ignition off and
wait for approx. 20 seconds
(follow-up time of the ECU).

Pull the PCV connector

(colour: white) off.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 71

Replace DCP
Does the engine stop? NO (VCV remains mechanically
jammed while it is closed)


Connect the PCV connector,

restart the engine and run it
while idling.

Read out Cylinder balancing

factors online.
B Diagnostics

Cylinder balancing fault?

Nominal value: 1 YES Check the injectors.
Admissible deviation: ±0,4


Read out the fuel temperature Note Technical Background:

and cooling water temperature - at high fuel temperatures, the
online. maximum rail pressure is
Nominal value for coolant reduced to protect the plastic
temperature: 80-90°C lines.
Nominal value for fuel - at high coolant temperatures,
temperature while idling: 20-65°C the maximum rail pressure is
reduced to protect the engine.

B - 72 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Are the fuel and engine coolant Check the corres-
temperature within the nominal ponding sensors.


Turn the engine off.

Measure the resistances at the PCV

and vCV, check the wire connections.
Nominal resistance PCV: 1,5Ω − 15Ω
Nominal resistance VCV: 1,5Ω − 15Ω

B Diagnostics
Resistances OK? NO Replace DCP


Ignition ON
Connector connected to
the high-pressure sensor.

1.) Measure the power supply at the high- Attentation:

pressure sensor between PIN 3 and 2. Do not carry out any resistance
Nominal power supply: 5V or capacitance measuring at the
2.) Measure the sensor voltage at the high- high-pressure sensor!
pressure sensor between PIN 1 and 2.
Nominal sensor voltage: 0,5V Risk of destruction!
(See high-pressure sensor voltage-rail
pressure diagram)

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 73

B Diagnostics

Power supply and 1.) In case of incorrect supply

sensor voltage OK? NO voltage, check the wire
connection and replace the
YES engine control unit, if necessary.
2.) In case of incorrect sensor
voltage, check the contacts of
Start the engine and the high-pressure sensor and
run it while idling. replace them, if necessary.
If the contacts are OK, then re-
place the high-pressure sensor.

Measure the parameters

indicated in table A at
different speed rates.

B - 74 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Do the measurements Rail pressure
correspond to the nominal YES control loop OK.
values indicated in table A?


Are there any loud or un-

typical combustioen noises?


Replace the high-pressure

sensor and carry out the
measurement again.

B Diagnostics
Do the measurements now Replace DCP.
correspond to the nominal
values indicated in table A?


Rail pressure Technical Background:

control loop OK. Nominal value deviations in the rail pressure
control loop can be caused by abrasive wear,
contamination or defective sensors or actuators.
These deviations can only be compensated
within certain limits by the pressure regulator.
As a consequence, the rail pressure may be too
high, too low or oscillating.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 75

Table A

Speed Rail Voltage at high-pressure PWM signal at PCV Current at PCV

pressure sensor between
(no load) PIN 1 and PIN 2
[rpm] [MPa] [V] [%] [A]

1000 21 - 23 0.8 - 1.1 12 - 14 0.3 - 0.4

2000 21 - 28 0.8 - 1.2 12 - 14 0.3 - 0.5

3000 24 - 35 0.9 - 1.4 12 - 15 0.3 - 0.5

4000 29 - 39 1.1 - 1.5 14 - 16 0.3 - 0.5

B Diagnostics

B - 76 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.4 Checking the injectors

4.4.1 High injector leakage / injectors staying open

Possible fault code Possible sequential
Too low or no rail pressure during the start phase. entries faults
Engine does not start. P0001


• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate

checks. Danger
• High-pressure lines and high-pressure connec-
When performing work at the engine control unit
tions have been checked for leaks.
(ECU) and the injectors, the accident prevention regu-
• PCV was checked. lations for high-voltage equipment must be observed.
See also section "4.3.1 Checking the PCV" for infor-
mation concerning this process.
• Pressure sensor has been checked. See also sec-
"4.3.3 Checking the rail pressure control loop" for
information concerning this process.

B Diagnostics
• The entire low-pressure system is found to be in a
proper condition. See
section "4.2 Checking the low-pressure system"
for information concerning this process.
• The high-pressure pump (HPP) and VCV were che-
cked. See section "4.3.2 Checking the high-pressu-
pump (HPP) and VCV" for information concerning
this process.


Abrasive wear or dirt particles in the injector may cau-

se the amount of return flow in the injectors to rise
permissible levels or may cause the injector to be
open to the cylinder.
This has the result that the amount of fuel delivered by
the high-pressure pump (HPP) is no longer sufficient
to build up an adequate pressure in the rail.

The injectors will not be triggered at a rail pressure

which lies below 150 bar.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 77

Characteristic curve of the injector activation
B Diagnostics

B - 78 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Check steps:

Check the capacitances and resistances

of the injector connections.
Nominal capacitance: > 3,0 µF
Nominal resistance: 150 – 250kΩ
(Measure at room temperature (about 20°C),
allow the engine to cool down for at least 30 min.!)

Capacitances and Replace the cor-

resistances OK? responding injector.


Disconnect the return flow connections

of the injectors and seal the open lines.

B Diagnostics
Start the engine and chech the return
flow in the injector.

Is the return flow during the Replace the cor-

start phase and idling at NO responding injector.
maximum in the drop range?


Dismantle the glow plugs and check Note:

them for humidity. If the glow plugs The glow plugs are an
are moistened with fuel, this could optional component of
indicate that an injector is open to- the system.
wards the cylinder or is leaking.

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 79

Are the glow plugs YES Replace the cor-
moistened with fuel? responding injector.


- Remove all high-pressure lines Note:

between the injector and rail. Check each injector one after
- Seal the high-pressure connections another.
at the rail. In comparison to the other
Note: Seal the rail at the sealing cone injectors you are able to detect
in the high-pressure connection. a defective injector.
- Pull the connector off the injector and
start the engine.
- Check the rail pressure that develops

Nominal rail pressure: min. 150 bar

B Diagnostics

Is the nominal rail pressure Install the high-pressure lines of

reached during the start phase? YES cylinders 1-4 in succession until
the rail pressure decreases.


Replace the high- Replace the cor-

pressure sensor. responding injector.

Is the nominal rail

pressure reached?


System OK.

B - 80 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.4.2 Incorrect injection quantities

Possible fault code Possible sequential
Engine idle runs rough, possibly produces white smoke. entries faults

Prerequisite P0266
• Read the fault codes and carry out the appropriate P0272
• Air-conditioning is switched off. P1201
• Engine temperature minimum 80°C. P1203
• All electrical consumers must be switched off. P1204

• High-pressure lines and high-pressure connec-

tions have been checked for leaks.
• PCV was checked.
If more than one cylinder balancing DTC is shown, you
See also section "4.3.1 Checking the PCV" for infor-
must proceed as follows:
mation concerning this process.
• The entire low-pressure system is found to be in a • Warm up the engine up to min. 60°C.
proper condition. See
• Delete all DTCs in the fault memory.
section "4.2 Checking the low-pressure system"

B Diagnostics
for information concerning this process. • Start the engine and and wait until the follow-up
time has expired.
• The high-pressure pump (HPP) and VCV were che-
cked. See section "4.3.2 Checking the high-pressu- • Run the engine at idle speed, do not move
re the vehicle.
pump (HPP) and VCV" for information concerning
• Wait until the first cylinder balancing DTC
this process.
is shown.
• Then replace the injector shown (see also
Note chapter C - "Mounting/Dismounting the injectors").

For the final test, you must erase the fault memory again
Abrasive wear or dirt particles in the injectors may
and restart the engine (observe again the follow-up time
lead to the injection quantities passed through the in-
of the control unit).
jectors deviating from one another, or may cause the
sealing of the injectors to the cylinder to no longer be
Different injection quantities between the individual
cylinders lead to power variations, which causes the
crankshaft to be accelerated with differing forces.
The allocation of injection quantities to the individual
cylinders can be compensated by the cylinder balan-
cing factors. This results in an engine that runs

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 81

Check steps

Turn off the engine.

Measure the capacitances and resistances

of the injector connections and check the
wire connections.
Nominal capacitance: > 3,0 µF
Nominal resistance: 150 – 250kΩ
(Measure at room temperature (about 20°C),
allow the engine to cool down for at least 30 min.!)

Capacitances, resistances Carry out the necessary

B Diagnostics

and wire connections OK? repair work.


Start the engine and run it while idling.

Then read out the cylinder balancing
factors online.

Cylinder balancing fault? NO Disconnect the return flow

Nominal value: 1 connections of the injectors
Admissible deviation: and seal the open lines.
± 0,4 Check the return flow in the
injector while idling.


B - 82 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

Identify the corresponding Is the return flow in the injectors
injector and replace it by an at maximum in the drop range?
injector without deviation.

Does the cylinder balancing Replace the cor- Injectors OK.

deviation follow the injector? responding injector.

Check wire connection and engine

compression, if necessary.
Replace the engine control unit,
if necessary.

B Diagnostics

PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005 B - 83

B Diagnostics

B - 84 PCR 2.3 NGD 3.0E 06 / 2005

4.5 Checking the engine control unit (ECU)

Danger Note

In case work has to be carried out on the engine cont- System errors may cause sequential faults which are
rol unit, the rules and regulations for accident preven- to be handled secondarily during fault elimination. At
tion when using high-voltage equipment must be the beginning of troubleshooting, all sensors and actu-
observed. ators as well as the wiring harness and the hydraulic
system are to be checked and faults corrected.

Prior to the replacement of the engine control unit

(ECU), all other possible fault sources should be exclu-

The engine control unit may become very hot in ope-

ration. A high temperature at the housing does not in-
dicate that the engine control unit is damaged.

In the event of the following fault code entries, the engine control unit has to be replaced:

B Diagnostics
Fault code Cause
P0200 Injector power stage fault in the engine control unit.
Note: The fault may also be entered in the case of a faulty wire connection.
- If so, check the wire connections (see below)!
- Otherwise, if the wire connections are checked and OK, replace the ECU.

PE051 Internal software error.

P0606 Monitoring fault

Injector power stage fault in the engine control unit.

P0642 5V voltage supply 1 too low.

Note: The fault may also be entered in the case of a faulty wire connection.

P0643 5V voltage supply 1 too high.

Note: The fault may also be entered in the case of a faulty wire connection.

P0652 5V voltage supply 2 too low.

Note: The fault may also be entered in the case of a faulty wire connection.

P0653 5V voltage supply 2 too high.

Note: The fault may also be entered in the case of a faulty wire connection.

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Fault code Cause
P0A10 Voltage of the power stage too high.

P0A09 Voltage of the power stage too low.

P1639 Faulty or incorrect variant coding.

P0107 Defective atmospheric pressure sensor: Short circuit to -

P0108 Defective atmospheric pressure sensor: Short circuit to -

P0109 Defective atmospheric pressure sensor: Gradient fault

B Diagnostics

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Check steps to the event of the code P0200:

Turn off the engine.

Check the capacitances and resistances

of the injector connections.
Nominal capacitance: > 3,0 µF
Nominal resistance: 150 – 250kΩ
(Measure at room temperature (about 20°C),
allow the engine to cool down for at least 30 min.!)

Capacitances and Replace the

resistances OK? relevant injector.

B Diagnostics

Disconnect injectors 1 ... 4

Measure the resistance between NO Injector damaged.

PIN 1 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground
> 10MΩ


Measure the resistance between Injector damaged.

PIN 2 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground
> 10MΩ


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Check wiring harness

Disconnect the c-connector on the

ECU side and the eletrical connectors
of the injectors

Measure the resistance between Check the

PIN 1 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground wiring harness.
on the wiring harness of the
injector side > 10MΩ

B Diagnostics

Measure the resistance between Check the

PIN 2 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground wiring harness.
on the wiring harness of the
injector side > 10MΩ


Reconnect the c-connector on the

ECU side and the eletrical connectors
of the injectors


Turn on ignition - Do not start engine!


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Disconnect the injectors 1 ... 4


Measure the voltage between Check the

PIN 1 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground wiring harness.
on the wiring harness of the
injector side / Voltage (DC) < 3V


Measure the resistance between Check the

PIN 2 of injector 1 ... 4 and ground wiring harness.
on the wiring harness of the
injector side / Voltage (DC) < 3V

B Diagnostics

Reconnect the c-connector on the

ECU side and the eletrical connectors
of the injectors


Check again if error occours NO Check connectors.


Internal ECU failure. Replace ECU!

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B Diagnostics

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5 Diagnostic tools

B Diagnostics

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B Diagnostics

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© Siemens VDO Automotive 06.2005

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