1 Recruitment Service Level Agreements
1 Recruitment Service Level Agreements
1 Recruitment Service Level Agreements
Recruitment supports all aspects of the recruitment process for Core Funded Posts (which includes
externally funded posts) from the point of approval through to acceptance of an offer by a candidate.
The timelines for the recruitment process begin once the following steps have been completed:
On receipt of the completed documentation, recruitment will engage with the customer and provide the
services described within the timelines detailed below.
A number of tasks in the recruitment process will be owned by the school or unit, some of which will
have a direct impact on the success of an SLA, for example, if a board of assessor’s form is not
completed prior to the closing date, this may cause the SLA for shortlisting to fail.
Activity Detail SLA Target
On receipt of a completed PAF, Job Description
Advertising* (graded if relevant) and BRC approval, the Maximum of
position should be advertised on the UCD web 3 Working Days
within 3 working days.
Once a post has been advertised on the UCD
web, BOA should be sent to the hiring manager
within 1 working day. Maximum of
Availability of BOA*
1 Working Day
NB: BOA needs to be returned by closing date
of the post.
Following closing date of a competition, the
shortlisting pack should be made available to a
Maximum of
Shortlisting * board within 3 working days (Note: this is
3 Working Days
contingent on BOA form being returned to HR
Recruitment before the closing date).
School / Unit must complete short listing and return results to HR
On receipt of the shortlisting results HR will
Candidates Contacted contact both successful and unsuccessful 1 Working Day
candidates within 1 working day.
Interview packs should be made available to a Minimum of
Interview *
board at least 3 days prior to interview. 3 Working Days
School / Unit must complete interviews and return results to HR
On receipt of the interview results HR will
Recommended contact the recommended candidate and
2 Working Days
Candidate Contacted request transcripts, medical and references for
the recommended candidate within 2 days.
Unsuccessful On receipt of the interview results HR will
Candidate (s) contact unsuccessful candidate(s) within 2 2 Working Days
Contacted days.
On receipt of the interview results HR will
consult with the Hiring Manager and agree the
Salary Agreed salary for the role. If a salary exception is 2 Working Days
required HR will provide details of the process
to the Hiring Manager.
Salary Exceptions must be approved by the College Principal prior to offer
Post Interview* Following recommendation, an update should
Maximum of
be given to the hiring manager within 7 days
7 working days
regarding the status of the successful applicant.
Once the transcripts, medical, references,
approved salary (and CAF if relevant) are
Verbal Offer / Start received, HR will make the verbal offer to the
7 Working Days
Date Agreed candidate. Candidates will be given the
opportunity to consider offer and verbally
accept/indicate start date.
Once terms of offer has been agreed, contract
Maximum of
Contract Issued* should be sent to successful applicant within 2
2 Working Days
working days.
* Indicates externally measured SLA
1.2. Reports
As part of this project a number of InfoHub Reports have been developed to support Hiring Managers,
Colleges and Schools/Units across the University. These reports have been developed in consultation
with the focus groups.
This report shows all current active competitions by category that has been advertised (i.e. aligned to
eRecrutiment advertising). This is a live report and is updated by the recruitment team as activities occur
in the recruitment process. These have been described as Events and a full list of Events and
descriptions are contained below. The Events will provide a real time analysis of where a competition is
within the recruitment process.
These reports are separated between Core Recruitment and Research Recruitment for ease of use. The
Recruitment KPI report is a break down which can be filtered by the College/ Management Unit on how
HR is performing against each of the six SLAs. Within the report, a percentage will display the success of
each SLA.
2. Competition Event Explanations
This page provides a full breakdown of the type of events shown and a brief explanation of each.
ID Item Explanation
5. Post Re-advertised A new competition reference will be set up if a post needs to be re-advertised (under
Internal Mobility Programme or if not filled after advertising). This event will signal if re-
advertised and previous competition reference.
6. Competition Open Date all completed documentation received in UCD HR Recruitment (i.e. signed
PAF/RAF, graded/final JD). Once all documentation has been agreed Recruitment will
advertise the post on the UCD Vacancies web page within 3 working days in line with
the Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
7. Date Advertised Date the competition will be open on the UCD vacancies web page.
8. B.O.A. Email Sent to Hiring Once a competition has been advertised on the UCD web page, UCD Recruitment will
Manager issue a B.O.A. (Board of Assessors form) to the Hiring Manager within 1 working day in
line with the KPI.
9. Completed B.O.A. Form A fully completed B.O.A. will be returned to Recruiter which will contain full detail of
Returned the panel, shortlisting/ Interview date and other specific arrangements in connection
with this competition. Recruitment will enter the date that the B.O.A. has been
11. Shortlisting Packs Live Following the closing date of the competition, Shortlisting packs will be made available
to Boards 3 days following closing date in line with the KPI.
12. Shortlisting Date This is the date that the Board will meet to shortlist applicants and will be taken from
the returned B.O.A. form.
13. Applicants Advised Of On receipt of the recommendation from the shortlisting panel. Recruitment will contact
Interview both successful and not successful applicants and advise them of the outcome of
shortlisting and update them on interview arrangements.
14. Interview Packs Live As part of the KPI, Recruitment will make interview packs available to all board
members at least 3 days prior to the interview date.
15. Interview Date As per the completed B.O.A. the interview date will be populated by Recruitment
16. Post Interview On receipt of completed post interview documentation (i.e. recommendation form &
Documentation Received signed definitive interview scoresheet), Recruitment will start the post interview checks
(i.e. medical / transcripts / references).
17. Interview Applicants Recruitment will contact both the successful and not successful applicants to notify
Contacted them of the outcome of the interview process. The successful applicant(s) post
interview checks (i.e. medical / transcripts / references) will now commence.
18. References Received The date that Recruitment receives written references for the candidate(s).
19. Transcripts Received The date that Recruitment receives original transcripts (if applicable) from the
20. Medical Received The date that Recruitment receives medical outcome (if applicable).
21. Status Update to Following receipt of the B.O.A. recommendation, an update will be provided to the
School/Unit Hiring Manager (Chair) within 7 days regarding the status of the successful candidate.
22. Verbal Offer Made to Date on which a formal verbal offer has been made to the applicant.
23. Terms of Offer Agreed and Date on which all terms and conditions have been agreed with the Candidate (note
Notified where multiple candidates the latest date will be displayed). The start date of the
candidate will be entered into the comments field.
24. Contract Issued Once terms of offer has been agreed, Recruitment will issue contract of employment
within 2 working days in line with KPI.
25. Contract Accepted Date that the contract has been signed and returned to Recruitment. Note where
multiple candidates the latest date will be displayed.
26. Post to be Re-advertised If a post is not filled following the recruitment & selection process, it will be re-
advertised (in agreement with Hiring Manager) and given a new competition number
which will be reflected against this event.