Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar (BCSA)
Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar (BCSA)
Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar (BCSA)
- For in vitro use only - Catalogue No. PB95
Our Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar good bactericidal activity against enterococci and
(BSCA) is used for the selective isolation of a range of other gram-positive organisms.
Burkholderia cepacia from clinical specimens Polymyxin and gentamicin work synergistically
and from environmental samples. to inhibit and kill numerous aerobic, gram-
Burkholderia cepacia is an opportunistic negative bacilli including Pseudomonas.
pathogen that has been associated with
nosocomial infections caused by contaminated
equipment, medications, and disinfectants,
although the most at risk group are CF patients. Formula per Litre of Medium
Patients with cystic fibrosis have a predisposition
for infection and infected patients, if untreated, Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................ 10.0 g
show a rapid decline in lung function, frequent Yeast Extract ................................................. 1.5 g
bacteremia, and death due to lung failure. Sodium Chloride ........................................... 5.0 g
Henry, Campbell, LiPuma and Speert devised Sucrose ........................................................ 10.0 g
a new selective medium in 1996 that Lactose ........................................................ 10.0 g
demonstrated better selectivity and quicker Phenol Red .................................................. 0.08 g
growth of Burkholderia cepacia when compared Crystal Violet ............................................ 0.002 g
to PC (Pseudomonas cepacia) Agar and OFPBL Agar ............................................................. 14.0 g
(oxidative-fermentative, polymyxin, bacitracin, Polymyxin B ....................................... 600 000 IU
lactose) Agar. Henry et al. showed that using Gentamicin ............................................... 10.0 mg
BCSA resulted in fewer false positives, and Vancomycin ............................................... 2.5 mg
quicker and better isolation of Burkholderia
colonies. pH 7.2 ± 0.2
BCSA contains numerous nutritional
components that include pancreatic digest of
casein and yeast extract, as well as two Recommended Procedure
carbohydrate sources, lactose and sucrose. The
majority of Burkholderia cepacia isolates ferment 1. Allow plates to adjust to room temperature
both lactose and sucrose and the acid end- prior to inoculation.
products result in the medium changing from 2. Appropriate patient samples for testing include
orange to yellow due to the presence of the pH sputum, bronchial washings, and pharyngeal
indicator, phenol red. The increased selectivity swabs. Environmental samples, disinfectants,
of the medium owes itself to four main and other suspect solutions can also be tested.
components: crystal violet, vancomycin, 3. Using a direct or diluted inoculum from the
polymyxin, and gentamicin. Like MacConkey sample, perform a four-quadrant streak to
Agar, crystal violet is added to inhibit gram- obtain well-isolated colonies. If the sample is
positive organisms especially staphylococci. The contained on a swab, roll the swab over a
limitations of crystal violet activity on small area near the edge of the plate and
enterococci necessitates the inclusion of proceed to streak for isolation using a sterile
vancomycin, a potent glycopeptide that possesses loop.
4. Incubate plates aerobically at 35°C. Storage and Shelf Life
5. Examine plates daily for up to 48 hours.
Our Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar
Interpretation of Results should be stored away from direct light at 4°C to
8°C. The medium side should be uppermost to
Typically, Burkholderia cepacia colonies prevent excessive accumulation of moisture on
appear as greenish-brown colonies with yellow the agar surface. Under these conditions this
halos. The yellowing of the medium signifies medium has a shelf life of 8 weeks from the date
carbohydrate fermentation and may not occur of manufacture.
with all Burkholderia cepacia isolates.
Any growth is considered a positive result
and additional biochemical and/or serological References
tests should be performed on isolated colonies
from pure culture in order to complete 1. Tablan OC, Carson LA, Cusick LB, Bland
identification. LA, Martone WJ, Jarvis WR. Laboratory
proficiency test results on use of selective
• Other organisms such as Enterococcus media for isolating Pseudomonas cepacia
faecalis and Burkholderia pickettii may from simulated sputum specimens of patients
grow on BCSA with cystic fibrosis. J Clin Micro 1987;
• The high selectivity of this medium may 2. Burdge DR, Noble MA, Campbell ME, Krell
warrant parallel plating of specimens onto a VL, Spreet DP. Xanthomonas maltophilia
less selective medium to characterize other misidentified as Pseudomonas cepacia in
potential pathogens (Stenotrophomonas cultures of sputum from patients with cystic
maltophilia, a nosocomil pathogen prevalent fibrosis: a diagnostic pitfall with major
in CF patients, is inhibited on BCSA) clinical implications. Clin Infect Dis 1994;
• The high concentration of polymyxin in the 3. Henry DA, Campbell ME, LiPuma JJ, Speert
medium will inhibit many yeasts and molds DP. Identification of Burkholderia cepacia
isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis and
use of a simple new selective medium. J Clin
Micro 1997; 35:614-9.
Quality Control 4. Murray P R, Baron E, Pfaller M, Tenover F,
Yolken R. Manual of Clinical Microbiology,
After checking for correct pH, colour, depth, 7th ed. Washington: ASM, 1999.
and sterility, the following organisms are used to
determine the growth performance of the Original: July 2001
completed medium. Revised / Reviewed: October 2014