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Research Methodology

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Divine Word College of Bangued




MAEd Student Professor

TITLE: Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s): Its Mediating Role to the Academic
Performance of Pupil-Beneficiaries.

Research Design and Methodology

This study employed the quantitative and qualitative research method, wherein the

researchers utilized the survey with the use of checklist, rating scale and questionnaire

administered personally by the researcher. The said checklist, rating scale and questionnaire

helped the researchers find out the response of the pupil-beneficiaries as well as the parent-

grantees and teacher toward the assistance given by the 4Ps program. The responses of the

respondents have to be synthesized into one to come up with a very dominant answer.

Population and Locale of the Study

This study is conducted to evaluate the effects of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps) on the academic performance of the 370 active pupil-beneficiaries of the 9

complete elementary schools and 4 primary schools of Sal-lapadan district and the extent of the

involvement of their parent-grantees in some of the activities of the school as a support to the

assistance given by the government. Information will be derived from Social workers as well as

the teachers of the pupil-beneficiaries.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher sought permission to conduct the study from the school administrators.

They were assured that the data which will be collected from the respondents would be used for

academic purposes. This study employed mixed method of research. Survey-questionnaire will

be used as primary tool for data gathering. The respondents of the study were purposively

selected using the following criteria: 4Ps pupil-beneficiaries, currently enrolled in all the

Elementary Schools and Primary Schools of Sal-lapadan District who are willing to participate in

the study.

The instrument will be constructed by the researcher and will undergo validation by

experts in the field. Then, the researcher will seek assistance to the school heads for the

distribution of the survey and questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into three with the first

part gathering the profile of the respondents to outline their age, grade level, gender, family size,

number of household members who are 4Ps beneficiaries and the sources of income of parents

other than 4Ps. The second part providing details as to the perceived effects and benefits of the

program to the pupil-beneficiaries in terms of their academic performance and the third part will

focus on the level of performance of parent-grantees to the school activities mentioned as a

support to their child/children’s education. Interviews were conducted and secondary data such

as enrollment record, attendance sheets of parent-grantees to the school activities conducted and

other records intended for public viewing were also visited to verify the respondents’ answers.

Relevant literatures were also consulted to compare and contrast the findings.

The final stage of the data gathering procedure of this study is the retrieval and tallying of

the result of the questionnaires. The researcher after distributing and retrieving the questionnaire

have waited for the respondents to finish accomplishing the questionnaire so that a high retrieval
rate of the questionnaires can be attained. The gathered data is subjected to the application of

different statistical treatment to answer the hypothetical questions of the study.

Treatment of Data

Data gathered will be treated using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency and

percentage. After doing so, the data will be tallied, analyzed, and presented by figure, tabular, or

textual forms in order to draw conclusions and recommendations.


Dela Torre, B. O. (2016). Financing Education through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(5), 99-108.


Frufonga, R. F. (2015). The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in Iloilo, Philippines:

An Evaluation. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(5), 59-65.


Garcines, J. V. (2017). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Conditional Cash Transfer

Program): A Qualitative Investigation. The ASTR Research Journal, 1, 135-153.

Retrieved from http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3463-228x

Flores et al. (2019). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effect on the Academic

Performance of Student-Beneficiaries in Calaba National High School in the Philippines.

Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 9(2).

doi: /10.5296/jpag.v9i2.14762

Montilla et al. (2015). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Assistance to Pupil’s

Education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, 2(3), 1-5. Retrieved

from http://oaji.net/articles/2015/1710-1440094900.pdf
McKenzie, K. (2019). The Effects of Poverty on Academic Achievement. BU Journal of

Graduate Studies in Education, 11(2), 21-26. Retrieved from


Suazo et al. (2014). Pantawid Pamilya Program Towards Poverty Reduction. SDSSU

Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1), 48- 54. Retrieved from


Valena, L. D. (2015). Academic Performance of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

Beneficiaries in Public Secondary Schools in Laguna (Doctoral Dissertation, Polytechnic

University of the Philippines, 2015). Retrieved from



Sasaki et al. (2019). A Study on the Academic Performance of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program Recipients in a Selected Secondary School. International E-Journal of

Advances in Education,1(1), 242-246. doi:10.18768/ijaedu/ 531632

Rinen, F. C. (2011, November 10). 4Ps beneficaries have high compliance rate on school

attendance, health. Infobytes. Retrieved from
Data Gathering Tool


PART I: Profile of Pupil-Beneficiaries

Directions: Please check the data that will describe your profile in the following items:

a. Sex
( ) Male
( ) Female

b. Age
( ) 5-8 years old
( ) 9-11 years old
( ) 12-14 years old

c. Grade Level
( ) Kindergarten
( ) Grade 1
( ) Grade 2
( ) Grade 3
( ) Grade 4
( ) Grade 5
( ) Grade 6

d. Family Size
( ) Less than 3 members
( ) 3 – 5 members
( ) 6 – 8 members
( ) 9 and above members

e. Number of Household Members who are 4Ps Beneficiaries

( )1
( )2
( )3

f. Sources of Income of Parents other than the 4Ps

( ) Regular Job
( ) Small-scale Business
( ) Part-time Job
( ) by contract
PART II : Academic Profile of Pupil-Beneficiaries (to be filled by their advisers)
A. Directions: Please check the data that will describe the academic profile of the pupil-
beneficiary in the following items:

a. General Average in the previous School Year

( ) 80 and below
( ) 81 – 83
( ) 84 – 86
( ) 87 – 89
( ) 90 – 92
( ) 93 – 95
( ) 95 and above

b. Average Daily Attendance

( ) 75% and below
( ) 76% – 80%
( ) 81% - 85%
( ) 86% - 90%
( ) 91% - 95%
( ) 96% - 100%

B. Directions: Check your answer to the following statements.

5 – always
4 –Very Often
3 – Moderately Often
2 – Seldom
1 – Least Frequent

Educational Support 5 4 3 2 1
1. My parents/guardians are able to support
my school needs.
2. My parents/guardians are helping me in
my school assignments and projects.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide
my school requirements (projects, school
supplies, allowance, etc.
4. My parents/guardians are helping me
review my lessons every night.
5. My parents/guardians are supporting me
in every school activity that I will attend.
PART III: Level of Parent-Grantee Involvement
A. Directions: Please check the level of involvement of parent-grantee to the following
school activities. (Based on their attendance sheet on the specific activity)

5 – Highly Involved
4 – Very Satisfactorily Involved
3 – Satisfactorily Involved
2 – Fairly Involved
1 - Not Involved

School Activities 5 4 3 2 1
a. PTA Meetings
b. Brigada Eskwela
c. Quarterly Culmination Program
d.Nutrition Month Celebration
e. Indigenous People’s Day
f. School Intramurals

B. Directions: Please indicate your opinion about each of the statements by checking the
appropriate column that will describe your level of agreement in the following items.

A. 4Ps Implementation 4 3 2 1
1. The government may consider extending the age limit of
the beneficiaries to sustain their schooling until the time
they graduate.
2. Selection of beneficiaries be improved to make sure that
beneficiaries are entitled to the cash grants.
3. Appropriate coordination and proper linkages with the
school administrators and teachers.
4. Close monitoring of the cash grants received by the
B. School Support Mechanism
1. Meeting or conferences between teachers, pupil-
beneficiaries and parent-grantees should be held at
least every quarter to address issues and concerns.
2. Home visitation of teachers.
3. Strict monitoring of attendance and other school
related requirements.
C. Improvement of the Program
1. Monitoring of the fund disbursement by the
beneficiaries should be strictly addressed so that
health and education of children are not jeopardized.
2. Livelihood training programs for the parent-grantees
should be established to support the financial burden
of parents.
3. Collaboration between LGU’s, DSWD and DepEd
personnel must be strengthen for a better result of the
4. A certain grade should be set for the pupil-
beneficiaries to maintain.

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