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Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)

Hints and Solutions MathonGo

Q1 (3)

So, R

= f

F = + R

Q2 (15)

1 1 1
− =
v u f

m =

from (1) and (2) we get m = f +u

given conditions

m1 = −m2

f −f
f −10 f −20

f − 20 = −f + 10

2f = 30

f = 15 cm

Q3 (2)

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)
Hints and Solutions MathonGo

Same orientation so image is virtual. It is combination of real object and virtual image using height it is
possible only from convex mirror.

Q4 (4)

→ along →b
We see from the diagram that because of the law of reflection, the component of the unit vector a
−→ −

changes sign on reflection while the component parallel to the mirror remain unchanges. a 11 + a⊥

and a ⊥
→ → →
= c (a ⋅ c )

we see that the reflected unit vector is →b = a − a ⇒ a

−→ −

11 ⊥ → ⋅ c→)c→
→ − 2(a

Q5 (2)

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)
Hints and Solutions MathonGo

Both obtain same angle, since image can be at a distance greater than 25 cm, object can be moved closer to

Q6 (150)

from similar triangle IMP and IQR

QR 180
= ⇒ QR = 7
25 60

F. O. V. = 2 × 75 ⇒ 150 cm

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q1: 24 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

The focal length f is related to the radius of curvature r of the spherical convex mirror by -

(1) f = r

(2) f = −


(3) f = +


(4) f = −r

Q2: 25 Feb (Shift 1) - Numerical

The same size images are formed by a convex lens when the object is placed at 20 cm or at 10 cm from the
lens. The focal length of convex lens is ____ cm.

Q3: 26 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

A short straight object of height 100 cm lies before the central axis of a spherical mirror whose focal length

has absolute value |f | = 40 cm. The image of object produced by the mirror is of height 25 cm and has the
same orientation of the object. One may conclude from the information :

(1) Image is real, same side of concave mirror.

(2) Image is virtual, opposite side of convex mirror.

(3) Image is virtual, opposite side of concave mirror.

(4) Image is real, same side of convex mirror.

Q4: 26 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

→, →b and c→
The incident ray, reflected ray and the outward drawn normal are denoted by the unit vectors a
respectively. Then choose the correct relation for these vectors.

(1) →b = 2a
→ + c→
(2) →b = a
→ − c→
(3) →b = a
→ + 2c→
(4) →b = a → ⋅ c→)c→
→ − 2(a

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q5: 26 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion A and the other is labeled as Reason R. Assertion

A : For a simple microscope, the angular size of the object equals the angular size of the image. Reason R :
Magnification is achieved as the small object can be kept much closer to the eye than 25 cm and hence it
subtends a large angle. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:

(1) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanationof A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false

(4) A is false but R is true

Q6: 26 Feb (Shift 2) - Numerical

A point source of light S, placed at a distance 60 cm infront of the centre of plane mirror of width 50 cm,
hangs vertically on a wall. A man walks infront of the mirror along a line parallel to the mirror at a distance
1.2 m from it (see in the figure). The distance between the extreme points where he can see the image of the
light source in the mirror is cm

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Answer Key

Q1 (3) Q2 (15) Q3 (2) Q4 (4)

Q5 (2) Q6 (150)

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Hints and Solutions MathonGo

Q1 (1)

Deviation is minimum in a prism when :

i = e, r1 = r2 and ray (2) is parallel to base of prism.

Q2 (2)

1 μL 1 1
= [ − 1] [ − ]
 F μs R1 R2

If μ L = μS ⇒

= 0 ⇒ F = ∞

Q3 (12)

ω1 = 0.02; μ1 = 1.5; ω2 = 0.03; μ2 = 1.6

Achromatic combination

∴ θnet  = 0

θ1 − θ2 = 0

θ1 = θ2

ω1 δ1 = ω2 δ2

&δnet  = δ1 − δ2 = 2

ω1 δ1 ∘
δ1 − = 2

ω1 ∘
δ1 (1 − ) = 2

2 ∘
δ1 (1 − ) = 2

δ1 = 6

δ1 = (μ1 − 1) A1

6 = (1.5 − 1)A1

 A1 = 12

Q4 (4)

2 2 2
R = r + (R − t)

2 2 2 2
R = r + R + t − 2Rt

Neglecting t , we get 2

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Hints and Solutions MathonGo
R =

1 1 1 μ−1
∴ = (μ − 1) ( − ) =
f R ∞ R

2 (3×10 )
R r
f = = =
μ−1 2t(μ−1) −3 3
2×3×10 ×( −1)

= −3
× 2
6×10 ×1

f = 0.3 m = 30 cm

Q5 (30)
λa 3
λm = ⇒ μ =
μ 2

μ 1 μ−1
− =
v u R
3 1 2
+ =
2×10 15 R

R =

= 30

Q6 (2)

If distant objects are blurry then problem is Myopia.

If objects are distorted then problem is Astigmatism

Q7 (2)

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Hints and Solutions MathonGo

Assuming that the right angled prism is an isoceles prism, so the other angles will be 45 ∘

⇒ Each incident ray will make an angle of 45 with the normal at face PR.

⇒ The wavelength corresponding to which the incidence angle is less than the critical angle, will pass through
PR. ⇒ θ C
= critical angle
−1 1
⇒ θC = sin ( )

⇒ If θ C
≥ 45

the light ray will pass

−1 1 ∘
⇒ (θC ) = sin ( ) = 51.94
Red 1.27

Red will pass.

−1 1 ∘
⇒ (θC ) = sin ( ) = 44.76
Green 1.42

Green will not pass

−1 1 ∘
⇒ (θC ) = sin ( ) = 42.15
Bluc 1.49

Blue will not pass

⇒ So only red will pass through PR.

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q1: 16 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

The angle of deviation through a prism is minimum when

(A) Incident ray and emergent ray are symmetric to the prism

(B) The refracted ray inside the prism becomes parallel to its base
(C) Angle of incidence is equal to that of the angle of emergence

(D) When angle of emergence is double the angle of incidence Choose the correct answer from the options
given below :

(1) Statements (A), (B) and (C) are true

(2) Only statement (D) is true

(3) Only statements (A) and (B) are true

(4) Statements (B) and (C) are true

Q2: 16 March (Shift 2) - Single Correct

The refractive index of a converging lens is 1.4. What will be the focal length of this lens if it is placed in a
medium of same refractive index ? (Assume the radii of curvature of the faces of lens are R and R
1 2


(1) 1
(2) Infinite
R1 R2
(3) R1 −R2

(4) Zero

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q3: 16 March (Shift 2) - Numerical

A deviation of 2 is produced in the yellow ray when prism of crown and flint glass are achromatically

combined. Taking dispersive powers of crown and flint glass are 0.02 and 0.03 respectively and refractive
index for yellow light for these glasses are 1.5 and 1.6 respectively. The refracting angles for crown glass
prism will be ___(in degree)
(Round off to the Nearest Integer)

Q4: 17 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

The thickness at the centre of a plano convex lens is 3 mm and the diameter is 6 cm. If the speed of light in
the material of the lens is 2 × 10 8
. The focal length of the lens is

(1) 0.30 cm
(2) 15 cm

(3) 1.5 cm
(4) 30 cm

Q5: 17 March (Shift 2) - Numerical

The image of an object placed in air formed by a convex refracting surface is at a distance of 10 m behind the

surface. The image is real and is at 2

of the distance of the object from the surface .The wavelength of light
inside the
surface is 2

times the wavelength in air. The
radius of the curved surface is x

 m. the value of ' x is _______

Q6: 18 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

Your friend is having eye sight problem. She is not able lo see clearly a distant uniform window mesh and it
appears to her as nonuniform and distorted. The doctor diagnosed the problem as:

(1) Astigmatism
(2) Myopia with Astigmatism

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

(3) Presbyopia with Astigmatism

(4) Myopia and hypermetropia

Q7: 18 March (Shift 2) - Single Correct

Three rays of light, namely red (R), green (G) and blue (B) are incident on the face PQ of a right angled prism
PQR as shown in figure.

The refractive indices of the material of the prism for red, green and blue wavelength are 1.27, 1.42 and 1.49
respectively. The colour of the ray(s) emerging out of the face PR is :

(1) green
(2) red

(3) blue and green

(4) blue

Ray Optics JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Answer Key

Q1 (1) Q2 (2) Q3 (12) Q4 (4)

Q5 (30) Q6 (2) Q7 (2)


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