CV Lipan Ovidiu
CV Lipan Ovidiu
CV Lipan Ovidiu
PAPER SENT to PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY in March 2007: Experimental evidence for
a mathematical law describing the response to stress in mammalian cells. Accepted in August 2007.
Ovidiu Lipan, Wing H. Wong, Is the future biology Shakespearean or Newtonian?
Molecular BioSystems, 2006, 2, 411
O.Lipan, W.H.Wong, “The use of oscillatory signals in the study of genetic networks” submitted to Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci., 2005 May 17;102(20):7063-8.
O.Lipan, F.Storch, S.Zong, M.C. Kao, C.J. Weitz, W.H.Wong, “GoSurfer: A graphical interactive tool for
comparative analysis of large gene sets in Gene Ontology space.” Appl. Bioinformatics, 2005;3(4):261-4
C. Sauvageot ,P. Dahia, O. Lipan, , J.Alberta, C. Stiles “Distinct temporal genetic signatures of neurogenic
and gliogenic cues in cortical stem cell cultures” J. Neurobiology,2005, Jan;62(1):121-33
F. Storch, O. Lipan, I. Leykin, N. Viswanathan, F.C. Davis, W.H. Wong, C.J. Weitz, “Extensive and
Divergent Circadian Gene Expression in Liver and Heart”, Nature, May 2002
O. Lipan, C. Rasinariu, “Baxter T-Q Equation for Shape Invariant Potentials. The Finite-Gap Potentials
Case,” Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2002, Vol. 43, Issue 2, 847-865
O. Lipan, “Baxter Operator for the Hofstadter-Harper Hamiltonians,” Journal of Nuclear Physics B 604
[FS] (2001) 603-615.
O. Lipan, “Bandwidths Statistics from the Eigenvalue Moments for Harper-Hofstadter Problem,” Journal
of Physics A: Math. Gen. (2000) V.33, N.39, 6875-6888.
O. Lipan, P.B. Wiegmann, A. Zabrodin, “Higher Hirota Equations for Quantum Transfer Matrices” Mod.
Phys. Lett. A12, No 19, 1369-1378 (1997)
Krichever, O. Lipan, P.B. Wiegmann, A. Zabrodin, “Quantum Integrable Systems and Elliptic Solutions of
Classical Discrete Nonlinear Equations,” Communications in Mathematical Physics 188, (1997), 267-
Former graduate student and postdoctoral fellow: Mandy Green and Sever Achimescu