HOA Organic Architecture
HOA Organic Architecture
HOA Organic Architecture
• Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture
• which promotes harmony between human habitation and the
natural world
• through design approaches
• so sympathetic and well integrated with its site
• that building, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a
unified, interrelated composition.
• The term organic
architecture was coined
by Frank Lloyd Wright
• An American architect,
interior designer, writer
and educator, who
designed more than 1000
• Believed in designing
structures which were in
harmony with humanity
and its environment
Architect and planner David Pearson proposed a list of rules towards the
design of organic architecture. These rules are known as the Gaia Charter for
organic architecture and design. It reads:
"Let the design:
• Be inspired by nature
• be sustainable, healthy, conserving, and
• Unfold, like an organism, from the seed
• Exist in the "continuous present" and
"begin again and again".
• Follow the flows and be flexible and
• Satisfy social, physical, and spiritual
• "Grow out of the site" and be unique.
• Celebrate the spirit of youth, play and • An architect and author based in the
United Kingdom
surprise. • Books- The New Natural House Book
• Express the rhythm of music and the and New Organic Architecture
power of dance." • Founder of the Ecological Design
• Eric Corey Freed takes a more seminal approach
in making his description:
• Using Nature as our basis for design, a
building or design must grow, as Nature grows,
from the inside out.
• Most architects design their buildings as a shell and
force their way inside.
• Nature grows from the idea of a seed and reaches
out to its surroundings.
• A building thus, is analogous to an organism and
mirrors the beauty and complexity of Nature." • Architect (California, New Mexico,
• A recognized pioneer in the
tradition of Organic Architecture
• Falling water is the name of a
very special house that is built
over a waterfall.
• Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s
most famous architect, designed
the house for his clients, the
Kaufmann family in rural
• Falling water was built between
1936 and 1939.
• It instantly became famous, and
today it is a National Historic