Breast Disease Wuc
Breast Disease Wuc
Breast Disease Wuc
2. Periareolar incision
- made around the nipple.
- This incision allows the surgeons to easily access the internal breast tissues.
- Few visible scars
- Best to correct nipple inversion, to remove lumps nearer to areola around 5cm,
abscess near areola.
- Difficulty in breast feedings.
3. Transaxillary incisions
- incisions made in the folds of the armpit, and a channel is cut to the breast.
- Commonest incision for breast implant.
History taking
Case scenario
● a 40 years old Malay housewife with underlying right breast carcinoma post mastectomy
with axillary clearance, was electively admitted for 4th cycle of chemotherapy.
➔ History of present ilness ( HOPI)
● In mid Nov 2018, She started to notice lump over right breast, outer quadrant, about the
● size of a marble, mobile and sometimes causing discomfort/ painless.
● went to KK and was reffered to hospital. USG was done and showed abnormal/ atypical
● cells present with suspected of malignancy. USG was repeated five times.
● biopsy was done and confirmed carcinoma.
● Mammogram showed features of malignancy in right breast. otherwise left breast is
● normal.
● right mastectomy with axillary clearance was done on 8.9. 2019. CT TAP ( 28.1.2019)
● showed lungs metastasize and probable in thyroid.
● Further evaluation by USG of neck was done however patient could not recall the result.
Systemic Review
● General : NO Fever or chills, Poor appetite since Nov 2018, but no changes in
● weight, NO night sweats
● HEENT: NO Headache, NO changes in vision, hearing or smell and NO difficulty
● in swallowing.
● CVS: NO palpitation or chest pain
● Respiratory: NO shortness of breath or cough.
● Gastroenterology: NO constipation or diarrhoea, NO bleeding or change in color.
● Genitourinary: NO blood or foul smell or burning sensation.
● Dermatology ( breast): NO discoloration fo skin over right breast, no nipple
● discharge, no ulceration, no skin changes and nipple was normal as left breast.
● Musculoskeletal: NO pain / swelling/ stiffness in muscle / joint/back.
● CNS: NO numbness or weakness. NO nausea.
● Endocrine: No hot or cold intolerance. No loss or gain of weight.
Previous gynecological history
menarche at age of 16 and had menopause at 56 years old.
She denies taking any hormonal therapy and breast fed all her children up to 2 years.
Past Medical History
➔ Bronchial Asthma
➔ diagnosed at age of 9. Last attack was in March 2019 requiring one time nebulizer at A&E.
on Salbutamol PRN, seratide accuhaled 2 puffs BD.
➔ Diagnosed post partum 31 years ago, Currently on T. Felodipine. Patient is moderarely
compliant to
her medications.
➔ Cholecystitis
➔ On conservative treatment. Not keen for cholecystectomy.
➔ DM
➔ Dignosed post partum 31 years ago. only on diet control.
➔ Thyroid
➔ Inoperable due to attachement to trachea. Stridor and horseness of voice. sweating and
swings.No dysphagia or dyspnea. Not on medications.
Past surgical history
● undergone bilateral tubal ligation 31 years ago while she was diagnosed
with stillbirth.
Family History
● Father deceased at age of 72 years old ( due to stroke secondary to
● hypertension)
● Mother (86 years old) with no known medical illness and still alive.
● present of family history of malignancy associated with breast cancer
which was her late brother ( colon carcinoma that metastasize to his
● Her daughter has lumpectomy.
● One siblings has cardiac disease and was undegone pacemaker
● Other siblings have no known medical illness.
Physical examination
General examination
General appearance
⬡ alert
⬡ lying supine position
⬡ not in distress
⬡ obese
Vital signs
⬡ Tempt: 36.9 C
⬡ PR: 70 BPM
⬡ BP:146/72 mmHg
⬡ RR: 18 breaths per minute
⬡ O2: 98%
⬡ no clubbing
⬡ no peripheral cyanosis
⬡ no palmar erythema
⬡ normal sensation
Head and neck
● no swelling
● slightly pallor
● no jaundice
● no central cyanosis
● no mouth ulcers
● no pitting edema
● no swelling
● no redness
● normal sensation
Local examination
Upper breast examination
Right breast.
● horizontal scar over right chest extending from parasternum to
anterior axillary line. scar is well healed ( no keloid or hypertrophic
● no ulceration, no visible mass, no skin changes, no palpable mass in
both breast.
● Hyperpigmentation of skin over right chest ( probably due to
Left breast
● was normal
● No visible mass, No ulceration, no skin changes or discoloration.
● Nipple was normal, no discharge, no distended vein over both sides
of chest.
Lymph node examination -> No lymphadenopathy
Lungs and spine -> normal
Neck examination
● Midline swelling measuring 3cmX3cm, round shape, non
tender, no ulceration, moves with deglutition, can pinch,
surface is smooth, soft in consistency, no discoloration.
Abdominal examination
● No hepatosplenomegaly
● Abdomemen is soft non tender.
● Midline incisional scar infraumbilical to suprapubic
● measuring 20 cm. Scar is well healed and no keloid/
hypertrophic scar formation.
● No organomegaly
Provisional diagnosis
⬡ Right breast carcinoma post mastectomy
⬡ reasons:
⬡ painless lump in right breast.
⬡ age ( elderly +35)
⬡ loss of appetite ( distant recurrance)
⬡ had done USG previously and it showed atypical cells with suspected
⬡ family history of breast cancer.
⬡ obesity ( higher risk for recurrence)
Differential diagnosis
⬡ Cyst
- age 30-35 ⬡ Phyllodes Tumor
- painless/ painful
- smooth surface, well defined edges ⬡ Area of fibroadenosis
- soft,firm, fluctuant consistency
- mobile
⬡ Fibroadenoma
- below 30 years old
- Painless
- smooth surface, bosselated margins
- firm rubbery consistency
- very mobile
Investigations and Management
for Breast Carcinoma
⬡ Triple assessment
- clinical examination
- A radiological assessment (mammory / ultrasound)
- A histopathological assessment (cytology/ biopsy)
B. Systemic treatment
• chemotherapy
• hormonal therapy
• targeted therapy
2. Wide excision
• removal of tumor with clear margins, with good cosmetic result
• Criteria :
• <T2: tumor size <5cm in size, no skin or chest wall involvement
• only 1 tumor, not multicentric/ multiple DCIS/ LCIS unless same quadrant
• no metastatic disease
• appropriate tumor size-to-breast ratio
• patient must agree to post-operative radiotherapy
• result -> overall survival at 25 years, with slightly higher local reccurance
3. Simple Mastectomy
• removal of breast tissue, nipple-areolar complex and
overlying skin
• lower rates of local recurrance
4. Axillary clearance
5. Palliative surgery
6. Breast Reconstruction
1. Adjuvant
2. Palliative
1. Neoadjuvant
• given in stage 3 to shrink tumor before surgical resection.
• 20% achieve complete clinical response and further 20% will achieve
pathological response.
2. Adjuvant
• typical regimen : 6-8 cycle of FEC ( all 3 drugs injected on first day of
each 3 week cycle)
• preferred for premenopausal patients.
3. Palliative
• Anthracycline and Taxanes are the mainstay.
• help reduce load of disease to alleviate symptoms, increase surviva
Hormonal Therapy
- solid, non cancerous.
- most common benign breast in young women.
- Painless
- Firm or rubbery
- lump of dead or damaged breast tissue that appears after breast surgery, radiation
or another trauma.
- Harmless and doesn’t increase risk of cancer.
- older women with large breast are at increased risk.
- Firm lump or mass on the breast.
- Usually painless, but can be tender
- Redness, can feel the same as breast cancer ; to differentiate?
- smalL benign tumour that forms a milk duct in the breast.
- Present of breast enlargement, lumps & niple discharge, some might have pain or
discomfort in breast.