UTS Lesson 3 Perspective of Psychology
UTS Lesson 3 Perspective of Psychology
UTS Lesson 3 Perspective of Psychology
Perspective in Psychology
•All human thoughts are the property of some individual self.
•All thoughts are ever-changing, or never static.
•When the emphasis changes from one entity to another, there is a continuity of thought.
•Thoughts deal with things that vary from the consciousness itself and are separate.
•Consciousness can focus on a given object and not on others.
refers to what the person aims for
himself to be happy and satisfied
• Multiple Selves Theory- suggests that there exists in the individual different aspects of the self
• A unified being is essentially connected to consciousness, awareness, and agency
• Creative • Lacks spontaneity
• Spontaneously • Dead and empty
experiencing each day of • The mask that hides the True and false selves
their lives true person for fear of are present in all
• Appreciate being alive pain of rejection and individuals. They should
• High level of awareness in failure be functional for the
the person of who he is • At times, enable the advantage of both
• Recognizes his strengths person to form the person himself and
• Accepts his limitations superficial but his society.
• Enjoys winning and productive social
success relationships D.W. Winnicott
• Learns from mistakes
Person’s anticipation of likely outcomes of his behavior.
Person’s anticipation of likely outcomes of his behavior.
A person attempts to reactively
minimize the discrepancies between what he has
already achieved and what he still wants to
• The person who looks inward and considers his
motives, beliefs, goals for life and the impact on him
of other people.
Psychology is the empirical study of mental mechanisms and human behavior. It
is also a field of the social sciences dealing with behavior description,
explanation, prediction, and control.
Which of the selves discussed in the psychological perspective are true
for you? Offer life experiences which will help your response.
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