Literature is like… a tree
Literature is like a tree, full of life and tells stories from its roots to its branches and
fruits. The older a tree is the more stories it tells, the more marks it gains, and the more
people it encounters. It continues to grow and serve its purpose, letting everybody enjoy
its shade and legacy.
Bookish Throwbacks
1. Winnie the Pooh books by A. A. Milne
2. Bananas in pajamas
3. Three little pigs by David Wiesner
4. Cinderella
5. Rapunzel
6. Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
7. Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans
8. Peter Pan
9. Three little kittens by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
10. Diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney
11. The day at the zoo by Aaron Adams
12. Wattpad books (to many to mention)
1. Describe your first encounter with the books in your list. Who introduced the books to
you? How did it become a memorable part of your literary experience?
Most of the books I’ve encountered as a child were from my favorite cartoons and
shows. My mom would notice how much I love the characters from those
cartoons and would often buys things with their faces on it, one of the things she
bought were books. I remember bringing them to school and showing my
classmates the different pictures and stickers that came with the book. I also
remember my mom reading to me Madeline and Little Prince. When I got older
and got my first phone, I encountered Wattpad. It was a world so beautiful I
2. Besides books, what other materials aided you in learning to love literature?
Cartoons were the biggest influence in me learning to love literature. I was only
allowed to watch TV for a certain amount of time, unable to watch my favorite
cartoons, I would often just read about them.
3. Describe yourself as a child reader. Did you find reading and books pleasurable?
Why or why not?
I loved picture books as a child, although I would only read one if it was from a
cartoon I liked. I also remember loving interactive books where you have to press
something or do something.
4. What factors do you think contributed largely to the literary experience you had as a
child reader?
The fact that the book was related to a cartoon and that the sentences were easy
to read and understand. It would also often rhyme which made the experience fun
and not boring.
Comprehension Check
Create a personalized infographic that will encapsulate the meaning and the qualities of
children and adolescent literature discussed in the module above.
Writing Task
As a future Filipino teacher, I’d like you to add or improvise the list of qualities of
children and adolescent literature which we have discussed above. Think of at least five
qualities of children and adolescent literature which should be considered by Filipino
teachers, librarians, and parents in choosing books for young Filipino children.
Furthermore, please add an explanation as to why you have chosen to add the qualities
you’ve listed in three five brief and comprehensive sentences.
In addition to the qualities listed in the module, I believe that children and adolescent
literature should contain the following:
Interactive content - Interactive book reading significantly affects children's
literacy experiences and attitudes. These books are meant to encourage
kids to interact with the story and get them excited for reading. As a
teacher, these books can provide me with an opportunity to work on the
pre-reading skills of my young learners.
Colorful and fun looking visual images - Visual colors are an especially
important part of learning for small children. It acts as stimulation for their
developing minds. In addition, I believe that colors provide a way of
learning about the world.
Contains figures or representations of the real world - Books are a good way to
gain knowledge about the world. With images or situations modeled from
the real word, children can learn concepts like pollution, life and death,
economy, and etc. I would like to teach my students concepts like these on
the surface level so that they will become familiar.
Draw a smiley face ☺ on the space provided if you think the statement below is true. If
you believe it is false, put a sad face instead.
_________ 1. Readers know more than non-readers do about literature and history.
_________ 2. Reading helps lessen the possibility of one having dementia.
_________ 3. Readers or bookworms are nerds who don’t get out much and do much
and are simply boring and dull people.
_________ 4. Reading does not have any direct impact on the cognitive development
of an individual.
_________ 5. One’s reading ability will improve even if one does not read regularly.
2. If your parent/ teacher/ librarian has done any program which you have participated in
to learn how to love reading/ literature, kindly share it down below. Which program did
you like best? Why?
In elementary, outreach programs were frequently held by the school. We would
often do a cleaning or a donation drive. When I was in sixth grade our class
decided to donate all our used books to children who need them. As part of the
SSG officers I was one of the students who were tasked to help in packing and
giving the donations to the children. I could see the excitement they had when
they interacted with the books, some books made sounds, some had stickers,
and others required you to color them. As the day was coming to an end, I had
the chance to interact with some of the children. They were still not very good
readers, and so I ended up reading them one of the picture books. It was about
sharks I believe; having experience with young children as the eldest in our
family, I read the book enthusiastically with sound effects and actions. The
children’s reactions made me very happy as I was able to convey the story of the
book to them. I realized them how much I loved teaching and interacting with
people through literature. I knew I love literature then+ but at that time I saw the
wonderful effect it had to young children; then I came to love it even more.
Upon completing the module above and learning the personal and academic value of
literature, I’d like you to choose one particular value which you think should be
emphasized more above all the other values. In choosing among the values discussed,
I’d like you to consider the current situation and reality of the Filipino children. Briefly
explain your choice in five-eight sentences.
What aspects of the lesson did you find important? How does learning about the
lessons above contribute to your life in general as a student, daughter/ son, sibling,
citizen and future professional?
This lesson taught me the values children gain through literature. With this
knowledge I can better understand the concepts involved in this course. I can
also make use of the information gained to pick out better reading materials for
my siblings and students. In teaching literature to my students, I will be mindful
of my approach as to instill all the values present in this lesson to my students.
Below are statements about children and adolescent literature. Read each
statement and write A if you agree with the statement and D if you disagree.
D 1. Children are naturally capable of taking pleasure in what they read.
A 2. Readers are made, not born.
A 3. Children should be able to feel free to read against a text.
D 4. Critical analysis of literature somehow destroys pleasure in it.
A 5. Literature is more experienced than taught.
Think about how you answered the short activity above. Explain why you agreed or
disagreed with the statement.
Statement 1: Reading for most children is a chore given to them by school. They
find it boring due to the lack of movement or play involved in the activity. That is
why it is the duty of educators to show them the beauty literature holds and
slowly build a habit of reading. How can they take pleasure in what they read
when the near act of read bores them?
Statement 2: A child is not born in this world already capable of reading. They do
not build healthy habits on their own such as reading. The ability to read is
taught, they need help, and we cannot assume that they will get it from home, but
we should be able to guarantee that they can acquire the skill through their
Statement 5: Enjoyment can only be attained when the person himself engage and
experience the activity. I find that the experiences I gain through the texts I read
without being physically present is the most enjoyable part of reading.
What realizations have you made from the activity in relation to how literature is
supposed to be introduced to children and adolescents? Try to relate the statements to
your previous relationship with literature as a child or adolescent in and out of the
Reading literature should be introduced as a fun and engaging activity to children
and adolescence. Teachers must first teach them how to enjoy and apricate a text
without finding it boring. Written works that contain experiences mirroring theirs
will help children relate to them more and will in turn pique their interest.
Literature is not just about reading; it is also about experience. Creating different
activities that will bring enjoyment and a habit of reading will not only create
good readers but also smart and critical human beings. Children should also be
allowed to express their own understanding and question written works, their
opinions should not be ignored rather, expanded.
Comprehension Check
Create a personalized infographic that will encapsulate the meaning of literary
appreciation and the stages of literary appreciation as discussed in the module above.
Writing Task
To further incorporate the stages of literary appreciation in the Filipino context, I’d like
you to complete the table below by explaining the role of the Filipino Literature Teacher/
Parent/ Librarian in each of the stages of the child’s growth towards literary