Station 0 - Freestream (Compresser Inlet) Description
Station 0 - Freestream (Compresser Inlet) Description
Station 0 - Freestream (Compresser Inlet) Description
*1 mach number entering burner Mb 0.29400414908
1<ε<2 ε 2
stoichometric A/F ratio (A/F)s 15.605
fuel to air ratio f 0.04
heat of reaction QR 46476820 kJ/kg assume the same as that leaving compressor exit
burner efficiency ηb 0.8 from formula 4.26
reference burner velocity Uref 115.13 m/s2
*2 diffuser loss coefficient λ 0.3 stoichometric is 0.064 and with 70% excess air its 0.
*6 ms 0.2 ideal QR for hydrocarbons is around 42000 kJ/kg
*7 mg 0.6
*7a; Ad/Aa 0.35
*7b; df/ndj 1.2
*8a; Cd 0.83
*1 based on compressor exit
*2 ranges from 0.3 for simple diffuser to 0.5 for complex ones
*3 eqn 6.115
*4 ranges from 25 for aviation kerosine to 50 for gas oil
*5 ranges between 7% for aircraft systems and 2% for certain industrial units
*6 ratio of air entering snout/swirler to total chamber mass flow
*7 ratio of combustion products to total chamber mass flow; implies that df/ndj=1.2
*8 the value is used with fig 15.3 to obtain the ratio Ad/Aa = 0.35 (plunged holes) ; and a discharge coefficient; Cd of 0.83