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Unit I Full Notes

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Software Engineering Unit-I



The Evolving role of Software – Software – The changing Nature of Software – Legacy software ––
A generic view of process– A layered Technology – A Process Framework – The Capability
maturity Model Integration (CMMI) – Process Assessment – Personal and Team Process Models –
Product and Process – Process Models – The Waterfall Model – Incremental Process Models –
Incremental Model – The RAD Model – Evolutionary Process Models – Prototyping – The Spiral
Model – The Concurrent Development Model – Specialized Process Models – the Unified Process.


Nowadays, software plays a major role with dual activity. It is a product like a vehicle. As a
product, it delivers the computing potential embodied by computer hardware or a network of
computers that are accessible by local hardware. Whether the product or software resides
within a mobile phone or operates inside a mainframe computer, software is an information
transformer likely to produce, manage, acquire, modify, display or transmit the information.
Dual role of Software
 A Product
- Information transformer- producing, managing and displaying
 A Vehicle for delivering a product
- Control of computer (operating system),the communication of information
(networks) and the creation of other programs
The software
 provides good product with useful information
 transforms the data so that it can be more useful in a local context
 manages business information to enhance competitiveness
 provides a gateway to worldwide networks like internet
The role of computer software has undergone significant change over a time span of little more
than 50 years.
The software has seen many changes since its inception. After all, it has evolved over the period
of time against all odds and adverse circumstances. Computer industry has also progressed at
a break-neck speed through the computer revolution, and recently, the network revolution

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triggered and/or accelerated by the explosive spread of the internet and most recently the web.
Computer industry has been delivering exponential improvement in price performance, but the
problems with software have not been decreasing. Software still come late, exceed budget and
are full of residual faults. As per the latest IBM report, “31% of the projects get cancelled before
they are completed, 53% over-run their cost estimates by an average of 189% and for every 100
projects, there are 94 restarts” .

Software is defined as
- Programs that when executed provide desired function
Data structures
-Enable the programs to adequately manipulate information
-Describe the operation and use of the programs.
Definition of Engineering
-Application of science, tools and methods to find cost effective solution to problems
- SE is defined as systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach for the development,
operation and maintenance of software
Software is the set of instructions encompasses programs that execute within a computer of
any size and architecture, documents that encompass hard-copy and virtual forms, and data
that combine numbers and text. It also includes representations of pictorial, video, and audio
information. Software engineers can build the software and virtually everyone in the
industrialized world uses it either directly or indirectly. It is so important because it affects
nearly every aspect of our lives and has become pervasive in our commerce, our culture, and
our everyday activities. The steps to build the computer software is as the user would like to
build any successful product, by applying a process that leads to a high-quality result that
meets the needs of the people who will use the product. From the software engineer’s view, the
product is may be the programs, documents, and data that are computer software. But from
the user’s viewpoint, the product is the resultant information that somehow makes the user’s
world better. Software’s impact on the society and culture continues to be profound. As its
importance grows, the software community continually attempts to develop technologies that
will make it easier, faster, and less expensive to build high-quality computer programs. Some of

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these technologies are targeted at a specific application domain like web-site design and
implementation; others focus on a technology domain such as object oriented systems and still
others are broad-based like operating systems such as LINUX. However, a software technology
has to develop useful information. The technology encompasses a process, a set of methods,
and an array of tools called as software engineering.


Seven Broad Categories of software are challenges for software engineers
 System software
 Application software
 Engineering and scientific software
 Embedded software
 Product-line software
 Web-applications
 Artificial intelligence software
System software is a collection of programs written to service other programs
 Embedded software
-- resides in read-only memory
--is used to control products and systems for the consumer and industrial markets.
 Artificial intelligence software. Artificial intelligence (AI) software makes use of
nonnumeric algorithms to solve complex problems that are not amenable to
computation or straightforward analysis
 Engineering and scientific software. Engineering and scientific software have been
characterized by "number crunching" algorithms

Legacy software are older programs that are developed decades ago. The quality of legacy
software is poor because it has inextensible design, convoluted code, poor and nonexistent
documentation, test cases and results that are not achieved.
• Support core business functions
• Have longevity and business criticality

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• Exhibit poor quality

– Convoluted code, poor documentation, poor testing, poor change management
As time passes legacy systems evolve due to following reasons:
 The software must be adapted to meet the needs of new computing environment or
 The software must be enhanced to implement new business requirements.
 The software must be extended to make it interoperable with more modern systems or
 The software must be re-architected to make it viable within a network environment.


 Software engineering encompasses a process, the management of activities, technical
methods, and use of tools to develop software products.
 Fritz Bauer defined Software engineering as the “establishment and use of sound
engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works
efficiently on real machines. “
 IEEE definition of software engineering (1) the application of a systematic, disciplined,
quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that
is, the application of engineering to software. (2) The study of approaches as in (1).
 We need discipline but we also need adaptability and agility.
 Software Engineering is a layered technology as shown below. Any engineering approach
must rest on an organizational commitment to quality.
 The bedrock that supports software engineering is a quality focus.

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The foundation for S/W eng is the process layer. It is the glue that holds the technology layers
together and enables rational and timely development of computer S/W.

 Process defines a framework that must be established for effective delivery of S/W eng

 The software process forms the basis for management control of software projects and
establishes the context in which technical methods are applied, work products (models,
documents, data, reports, etc.) are produced, milestones are established, quality is
ensured, and change is properly managed.

 S/W eng methods provide the technical “how to’s” for building S/W. Methods
encompass a broad array of tasks that include communication, req. analysis, design,
coding, testing and support.

 S/W eng tools provide automated or semi-automated support for the process and the
 When tools are integrated so that info. Created by one tool can be used by another, a
system for the support of S/W development called computer-aided software engineering
is established.

Software process models can be prescriptive or agile, complex or simple, all-encompassing or
targeted, but in every case, five key activities must occur. The framework activities are
applicable to all projects and all application domains, and they are a template for every process
 Software process
 Process framework
 Umbrella activities
 Framework activity #1
 Software Engineering action

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Each framework activity is populated by a set of S/W eng actions – a collection of related tasks
that produces a major S/W eng work product (design is a S/W eng action). Each action is
populated with individual work tasks that accomplish some part of the work implied by the

The following generic process framework is applicable to the vast majority of S/W projects.
 Communication: involves heavy communication with the customer (and other
stakeholders) and encompasses requirements gathering.
 Planning: Describes the technical tasks to be conducted, the risks that are likely,
resources that will be required, the work products to be produced and a work schedule.
 Modeling: encompasses the creation of models that allow the developer and customer to
better understand S/W req. and the design that will achieve those req.
 Construction: combines code generation and the testing required uncovering errors in
the code.
 Deployment: deliver the product to the customer who evaluates the delivered product
and provides feedback.

Each S/W eng action is represented by a number of different task sets – each a collection of
S/W eng work tasks, related work products, quality assurance points, and project milestones.
The task set that best accommodates the needs of the project and the characteristics of the
team is chosen.

The framework described in the generic view of S/W eng is complemented by a number of
umbrella activities. Typical activities include:
 S/W project tracking and control: allows the team to assess progress against the
project plan and take necessary action to maintain schedule.
 Risk Management: Assesses the risks that may affect the outcome of the project or the
 Software quality assurance: defines and conducts the activities required to ensure
software quality.
 Formal Technical Review: uncover and remove errors before they propagate to the next
 Measurement: defines and collects process, project, and product measures that assist
the team in delivering S/W that meets customers’ needs.

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 Software configuration management: Manages the effect of change throughout the

S/W process
 Reusability management: defines criteria for work product reuse.
 Work product preparation and production: encompasses the activities required to
create work products such as models, documents, etc.


 The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has developed a comprehensive process meta-
model that is predicated on a set of system and software eng capabilities that should be
present as organizations reach different levels of process capability and maturity.
 The CMMI defines each process area in terms of “specific goals” and the “specific
practices” required to achieve these goals.
 Specific goals establish the characteristics that must exist if the activities implied by a
process area are to be effective.
 Specific practices refine a goal into a set of process-related activities.

The CMMI is from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

• Level 0: Incomplete (process is not performed or does not achieve all goals defined for
• Level 1: Performed (work tasks required to produce required work products are being
• Level 2: Managed (people doing work have access to adequate resources to get job done,
stakeholders are actively involved, work tasks and products are monitored, reviewed, and
evaluated for conformance to process description)
• Level 3: Defined (management and engineering processes documented, standardized, and
integrated into organization-wide software process)
• Level 4: Quantitatively Managed (software process and products are quantitatively understood
and controlled using detailed measures)
• Level 5: Optimizing (continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback
from the process and testing innovative ideas)

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The process should be assessed to ensure that it meets a set of basic process criteria that have
been shown to be essential for a successful software engineering. This is used by industry
The PSP model is good from the perspective that an individual software engineer can use it to
improve his or her personal productivity and work product quality. Both models are largely
iterative or evolutionary in their approach to software development. PSP and TSP are
interesting, but are not pivotal to an understanding of process issues. A key point of this
section is that individuals and teams should measure their work and the errors they make and
act to improve their approach so that the causes of errors are eliminated.


The Personal Software Process (PSP) model is good from the perspective that an individual
software engineer can use it to improve his or her personal productivity and work product
PSP process model defines five framework activities: planning, high-level design, high-level
design review, development, and postmortem. It stresses the need to identify errors early and
to understand the types of errors.
Planning: it isolates reqs. And a project schedule is created.
High-level design: Prototypes are built when uncertainty exists.
High-level design review: Formal verification methods are applied to uncover errors in the
Development: Code is generated, reviewed, compiled, and tested.
Postmortem: using the measures and metrics collected, the effectiveness of the process is


The goal of TSP is to build a “self-directed” project team that organizes itself to produce high-
quality s/w.
Each project is “launched” using a “script” that defines the tasks to be accomplished.
Teams are self-directed.
Measurement is encouraged.
Measures are analyzed with the intent of improving the team process.

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 The Waterfall Model

The classical waterfall model is intuitively the most obvious way to develop
software. Though the classical waterfall model is elegant and intuitively obvious,
it is not a practical model in the sense that it can not be used in actual software
development projects. Thus, this model can be considered to be a theoretical way
of developing software. But all other life cycle models are essentially derived from
the classical waterfall model. So, in order to be able to appreciate other life cycle
models it is necessary to learn the classical waterfall model.
Classical waterfall model divides the life cycle into the following phases as shown
in fig.

Feasibility Study
The main aim of feasibility study is to determine whether it would be financially
and technically feasible to develop the product.
� At first project managers or team leaders try to have a rough
understanding of what is required to be done by visiting the client side. They
study different input data to the system and output data to be produced by the
system. They study what kind of processing is needed to be done on these data
and they look at the various constraints on the behavior of the system.

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� After they have an overall understanding of the problem they investigate

the different solutions that are possible. Then they examine each of the solutions
in terms of what kind of resources required, what would be the cost of
development and what would be the development time for each solution.
� Based on this analysis they pick the best solution and determine whether
the solution is feasible financially and technically. They check whether the
customer budget would meet the cost of the product and whether they have
sufficient technical expertise in the area of development.

Requirements Analysis and Specification

The aim of the requirements analysis and specification phase is to
understand the exact requirements of the customer and to document them
properly. This phase consists of two distinct activities, namely
� Requirements gathering and analysis, and
� Requirements specification
The goal of the requirements gathering activity is to collect all relevant
information from the customer regarding the product to be developed. This is
done to clearly understand the customer requirements so that incompleteness
and inconsistencies are removed.
The requirements analysis activity is begun by collecting all relevant data
regarding the product to be developed from the users of the product and from
the customer through interviews and discussions. After all ambiguities,
inconsistencies, and incompleteness have been resolved and all the requirements
properly understood, the requirements specification activity can start. During
this activity, the user requirements are systematically organized into a Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) document.
The customer requirements identified during the requirements gathering
and analysis activity are organized into a SRS document. The important

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components of this document are functional requirements, the nonfunctional

requirements, and the goals of implementation.

The goal of the design phase is to transform the requirements specified in
the SRS document into a structure that is suitable for implementation in some
programming language. In technical terms, during the design phase the software
architecture is derived from the SRS document. Two distinctly different
approaches are available: the traditional design approach and the object-oriented
design approach.
� Traditional design approach
Traditional design consists of two different activities; first a structured
analysis of the requirements specification is carried out where the detailed
structure of the problem is examined. This is followed by a structured design
activity. During structured design, the results of structured analysis are
transformed into the software design.
� Object-oriented design approach
In this technique, various objects that occur in the problem domain and the
solution domain are first identified, and the different relationships that exist
among these objects are identified. The object structure is further refined to
obtain the detailed design.

Coding and Unit Testing

The purpose of the coding and unit testing phase (sometimes called the
implementation phase) of software development is to translate the software
design into source code. Each component of the design is implemented as a
program module. The end-product of this phase is a set of program modules that
have been individually tested.

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During this phase, each module is unit tested to determine the correct
working of all the individual modules. It involves testing each module in isolation
as this is the most efficient way to debug the errors identified at this stage.

Integration and system testing: -

Integration of different modules is undertaken once they have been coded
and unit tested. During the integration and system testing phase, the modules
are integrated in a planned manner. The different modules making up a software
product are almost never integrated in one shot. Integration is normally carried
out incrementally over a number of steps. During each integration step, the
partially integrated system is tested and a set of previously planned modules are
added to it. Finally, when all the modules have been successfully integrated and
tested, system testing is carried out. The goal of system testing is to ensure that
the developed system conforms to its requirements laid out in the SRS
document. System testing usually consists of three different kinds of testing
� α – testing: It is the system testing performed by the development team.
� β – testing: It is the system testing performed by a friendly set of
� acceptance testing: It is the system testing performed by the customer
himself after the product delivery to determine whether to accept or reject the
delivered product.

Maintenance of a typical software product requires much more than the
effort necessary to develop the product itself. Many studies carried out in the
past confirm this and indicate that the relative effort of development of a typical
software product to its maintenance effort is roughly in the 40:60 ratio.

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Maintenance involves performing any one or more of the following three kinds of
� Correcting errors that were not discovered during the product
development phase. This is called corrective maintenance.
� Improving the implementation of the system, and enhancing the
functionalities of the system according to the customer’s requirements. This is
called perfective maintenance.
� Porting the software to work in a new environment. For example, porting
may be required to get the software to work on a new computer platform or with
a new operating system. This is called adaptive maintenance.

Incremental Process Models

The process models in this category tend to be among the most widely used (and
effective) in the industry.

a. The Incremental Model

increment # n
Co m m u n i c a t i o n
Pla nning

M ode ling
analy s is Co n s t ru c t i o n
des ign
c ode De p l o y m e n t
t es t d e l i v e ry
fe e dba c k

deliv ery of
nt h increment
increment # 2

Co m m u n i c a t i o n
Pla nning

M ode ling
analy s is Co n s t ru c t i o n
des ign c ode De p l o y m e n t
t es t d e l i v e ry
fe e dba c k
deliv ery of
increment # 1 2nd increment

Co m m u n i c a t i o n
Pla nning
M ode ling
analy s is Co n s t ru c t i o n
des ign c ode De p l o y m e n t
t es t d e l i v e ry deliv ery of
fe e dba c k

1st increment

project calendar t ime

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 The incremental model combines elements of the waterfall model applied in an

iterative fashion. The model applies linear sequences in a staggered fashion as
calendar time progresses.

 Each linear sequence produces deliverable “increments” of the software. (Ex: a

Word Processor delivers basic file mgmt., editing, in the first increment; more
sophisticated editing, document production capabilities in the 2nd increment;
spelling and grammar checking in the 3rd increment.

 When an increment model is used, the 1st increment is often a core product. The
core product is used by the customer.

 As a result of use and / or evaluation, a plan is developed for the next increment.

 The plan addresses the modification of the core product to better meet the needs of
the customer and the delivery of additional features and functionality.

 The process is repeated following the delivery of each increment, until the complete
product is produced.

 If the customer demands delivery by a date that is impossible to meet, suggest

delivering one or more increments by that date and the rest of the Software later.

b. The RAD Model

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an incremental software process model that

emphasizes a short development cycle.

RAD is a “high-speed” adaptation of the waterfall model, in which rapid development is

achieved by using a component based construction approach.

If requirements are well understood and project scope is constrained, the RAD process
enables a development team to create a fully functional system within a short period of
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What are the drawbacks of the RAD model?

1. For large, but scalable projects, RAD requires sufficient human resources to
create the right number of RAD teams.

2. If developers and customers are not committed to the rapid-fire activities

necessary to complete the system in a much abbreviated time frame, RAD project
will fail.

3. If a system cannot properly be modularized, building the components necessary

for RAD will be problematic.
Team # n
M o d e lin g
business m odeling
data m odeling
process m odeling

Co n st ru ct io n
com ponent reuse
Team # 2 autom atic code
Communicat ion generation
business m odeling
dat a m odeling
process m odeling

Const ruct ion Deployment
Team # 1 com ponent reuse int egrat ion
aut om at ic code
generat ion
Modeling t est ing feedback
business modeling
dat a modeling
process modeling

Const ruct ion

component reuse
aut omat ic code
generat ion
t est ing

60 - 90 days

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Software evolves over a period of time; business and product requirements often change
as development proceeds, making a straight-line path to an end product unrealistic.
Software Engineering needs a process model that has been explicitly designed to
accommodate a product that evolves over time. Evolutionary process models are
iterative. They produce increasingly more complete versions of the Software with each

a. Prototyping

Customers often define a set of general objectives for Software, but doesn’t identify
detailed input, processing, or input requirements. Prototyping paradigm assists the
Software engineering and the customer to better understand what is to be built when
requirements are fuzzy.

Q u i ck p l an

Co m m u n icat io n

Mo d e l i n g
Q u i ck d e si g n

De live r y
& Fe e d b ack Co n st r u ct io n
p r o t o t yp e

The prototyping paradigm begins with communication where requirements and goals of
Software are defined. Prototyping iteration is planned quickly and modeling in the form
of quick design occurs. The quick design focuses on a representation of those aspects of
the Software that will be visible to the customer “Human interface”. The quick design
leads to the Construction of the Prototype.

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The prototype is deployed and then evaluated by the customer. Feedback is used to
refine requirements for the Software. Iteration occurs as the prototype is tuned to
satisfy the needs of the customer, while enabling the developer to better understand
what needs to be done. The prototype can serve as the “first system”. Both customers
and developers like the prototyping paradigm as users get a feel for the actual system,
and developers get to build Software immediately. Yet, prototyping can be problematic:

1. The customer sees what appears to be a working version of the Software,

unaware that the prototype is held together “with chewing gum. “Quality, long-
term maintainability.” When informed that the product is a prototype, the
customer cries foul and demands that few fixes be applied to make it a working
product. Too often, Software development management relents.

2. The developer makes implementation compromises in order to get a prototype

working quickly. An inappropriate O/S or programming language used simply
b/c it’s available and known. After a time, the developer may become comfortable
with these choices and forget all the reasons why they were inappropriate.

The key is to define the rules of the game at the beginning. The customer and the
developer must both agree that the prototype is built to serve as a mechanism for
defining requirements.

b. The Spiral Model

The spiral model is an evolutionary Software process model that couples the iterative
nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the waterfall model.

It has two distinguishing features:

a. A cyclic approach for incrementally growing a system’s degree of definition and

implementation while decreasing its degree of risk.

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b. A set of anchor point milestones for ensuring stakeholder commitment to feasible

and mutually satisfactory solutions.

Using the spiral model, Software is developed in a series of evolutionary releases.

During early stages, the release might be a paper model or prototype. During later
iterations, increasingly more complete versions of the engineered system are produced.
A spiral model is divided into a set of framework activities divided by the Software
engineering team. As this evolutionary process begins, the Software team performs
activities that are implied by a circuit around the spiral in a clockwise direction,
beginning at the center. Risk is considered as each revolution is made.

Anchor-point milestones – a combination of work products and conditions that are

attained along the path of the spiral- are noted for each evolutionary pass.

The first circuit around the spiral might result in the development of a product
specification; subsequent passes around the spiral might be used to develop a
prototype and then progressively more sophisticated versions of the Software. Each
pass through the planning region results in adjustments to the project plan. Cost and
schedule are adjusted based on feedback derived from the customer after delivery.
Unlike other process models that end when Software is delivered, the spiral model can
be adapted to apply throughout the life of the Software.

es tim ation
s cheduling
ris k analys is


analys is
des ign

feedback tes t

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The concurrent development model, sometimes called concurrent engineering, can be

represented schematically as a series of framework activities, Software engineering
actions of tasks, and their associated states. The concurrent model is often more
appropriate for system engineering projects where different engineering teams are


Modeling act ivit y

represent s t he st at e
Under of a sof t ware eng ineering
act ivit y or t ask

A wait ing

Under review




Figure above provides a schematic representation of one Software engineering task

within the modeling activity for the concurrent process model. The activity – modeling-
may be in any one of the states noted at any given time. All activities exist concurrently
but reside in different states. For example, early in the project the communication
activity has completed its first iteration and exists in the awaiting changes state. The
modeling activity which existed in the none state while initial communication was
completed now makes a transition into underdevelopment state. If, however, the
customer indicates the changes in requirements must be made, the modeling activity
moves from the under development state into the awaiting changes state. The
concurrent process model defines a series of events that will trigger transitions from
state to state for each of the Software engineering activities, actions, or tasks.

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a. Component Based Development

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Software components, developed by vendors who offer

them as products, can be used when Software is to be built. These components provide
targeted functionality with well-defined interfaces that enable the component to be
integrated into the Software. The component-based development model incorporates
many of the characteristics of the spiral model.

The component-based development model incorporates the following steps:

 Available component-based products are researched and evaluated for the

application domain in question.

 Component integration issues are considered.

 Software architecture is designed to accommodate the components.

 Components are integrated into the architecture.

 Comprehensive testing is conducted to ensure proper functionality.

The component-based development model leads to Software reuse, and reusability

provides Software engineers with a number of measurable benefits.

b. The Formal Methods Model

The Formal Methods Model encompasses a set of activities that leads to formal
mathematical specifications of Software. Formal methods enable a Software engineer to
specify, develop, and verify a computer-based system by applying a rigorous,
mathematical notation. A variation of this approach, called clean-room Software
engineering is currently applied by some software development organizations.

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Although not a mainstream approach, the formal methods model offers the promise of
defect-free Software. Yet, concern about its applicability in a business environment has
been voiced:

 The development of formal models is currently quite time-consuming and


 B/C few software developers have the necessary background to apply formal
methods, extensive training is required.

 It is difficult to use the methods as a communication mechanism for technically

unsophisticated customers.


A “use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and incremental” software process

closely aligned with the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The UP is an attempt to
draw on the best features and characteristics of conventional software process models,
but characterize them in a way that implements many of the best principles of agile
software development. The UP recognizes the importance of customer communication
and streamlined methods for describing the customer’s view of a system. It emphasizes
the important role of software architecture and “helps the architect focus on the right
goals, such as understandability, reliance to future changes, and reuse.” UML provides
the necessary technology to support Object Oriented Software Engineering practice, but
it doesn’t provide the process framework to guide project teams in their application of
the technology. The UML developers developed the Unified Process, a framework Object
Oriented Software Engineering using UML.

Phases of the Unified Process

The figure below depicts the phases of the UP and relates them to the generic activities.

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The Inception phase of the UP encompasses both customer communication and

planning activities. By collaborating with the customer and end-users, business
requirements for the software are identified, a rough architecture for the system is
proposed, and a plan for the iterative, incremental nature of the ensuing project is

Ela b o r a t io n

Inc e p t io n

c o nst r uc t io n
t r a nsit io n
soft ware increment

p r o d uc t io n

A use-case describes a sequence of actions that are performed by an actor (person,

machine, another system) as the actor interacts with the Software. The elaboration
phase encompasses the customer communication and modeling activities of the generic
process model. Elaboration refines and expands the preliminary use-cases that were
developed as part of the inception phase and expands the architectural representation
to include five different views of the software - the use-case model, the analysis model,
the design model, the implementation model, and the deployment model.

The construction phase of the UP is identical to the construction activity defined for the
generic software process. Using the architectural model as input, the construction
phase develops or acquires the software components that will make each use-case
operational for end-users.

Mr. John Blesswin Page 22

Software Engineering Unit-I

The transition phase of the UP encompasses the latter stages of the generic construction
activity and the first part of the generic deployment activity. Software is given to end-
users for beta testing, and user feedback reports both defects and necessary changes.
At the conclusion of the transition phase, the software increment becomes a usable
software release “user manuals, trouble-shooting guides, and installation procedures.)
The production phase of the UP coincides with the development activity of the generic
process. The on-going use of the software is monitored, support for the operating
environment is provided and defect reports and requests for changes are submitted and

A Software Engineering workflow is distributed across all UP phases.

UP Phases
Incept ion Elaborat ion Const ruct ion Transit ion Product ion








Iterations #1 #2 #n-1 #n

Mr. John Blesswin Page 23

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