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Water Sensitive Urban Design Planning Practitioners Guide

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A Practitioner’s Guide

Centre for Ministry of

Science and Housing and I
Environment Urban Affairs

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A Practitioner’s Guide

Centre for Ministry of

Science and Housing and
Environment Urban Affairs

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Research director and coordinator: Suresh Kumar Rohilla

Writers: Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer and Chhavi Sharda

Editor: Archana Shankar

Design and cover: Kirpal Singh

Production: Rakesh Shrivastava and Gundhar Das

We are grateful to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India, for
their support to CSE as a Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Management.

© 2017 Centre for Science and Environment

ISBN: 978-81-86906-17-0

Price: r220 (US $14)

Material from this publication can be used, but with acknowledgement.

Citation: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer and Chhavi Sharda 2017,
Water-Sensitive Urban Design and Planning: A Practitioner’s Guide, Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi

Published by
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062
Phones: 91-11-40616000
Fax: 91-11-29955879
E-mail: cse@cseindia.org
Website: www.cseindia.org

Printed at Bravo Printex, New Delhi

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Glossary 6
Executive summary 7
1. Introduction 8
1.1 Background 8
1.2 Need for a guide 11

2. Concept of WSUDP 15
2.1 Evolving knowledge of WSUDP 19
2.2 Scope of WSUDP intervention in Indian cities 20

3. WSUDP approach on different scales 33

3.1 Water-sensitive planning (city/zonal scale) 33
3.2 Water-sensitive designing (neighbourhood/institutional scale) 35
3.3 Water-sensitive designing (individual scale) 44

4. Implementation of WSUDP 53
4.1 Operation and maintenance 54
4.2 Stakeholders analysis 55
4.3 Economics of WSUDP 58
4.4 Social and ecological impact of WSUDP approach 64

5. Best management practices and case studies 66

6. The way forward 81

A: Review of regulatory framework dealing with urban water management in India 82
B: Recommended reading material 85
C.1: Checklist for sustainable drainage systems 87
C.2: Checklist for decentralized wastewater treatment for local reuse 89
D.1: Operation and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems 91
D.2: Operation and maintenance activities for decentralized wastewater
treatment for local reuse 92
E: List of worldwide case studies reviewed 92

References 97

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List of figures
Figure 1: Development challenges for water management in cities 8
Figure 2: Urbanization and increase in built-up area, India 9
Figure 3: Urban water management transition framework 10
Figure 4: Hydrologic patterns before and after development 15
Figure 5: Conceptual framework: Need for WSUDP approach 16
Figure 6: WSUDP: Integrating water-cycle management 17
Figure 7: Land-use pattern for different urban centres of India 21
Figure 8: Water-sensitive designing on neighbourhood/institutional scale 36
Figure 9: Overview of potential SUDS measures in urban areas 37
Figure 10: Ideal water cycle on an individual scale in an urban area 44
Figure 11: Measures for water-sensitive approach on an individual scale 45
Figure 12: Water consumption break up per person 45
Figure 13: Ratio of built-up to open area in different land uses 53
Figure 14: Benefits of engaging stakeholders in WSUDP projects 56
Figure 15: Stakeholder participation in the planning and implementation process 56
Figure 16: Conventional and integrated stakeholder approach 58
Figure 17: Profile of conceptual WSUDP expenditure 59
Figure 18: Benefits of WSUDP 62
Figure 19: Integrated impact of WSUDP 64
Poster 1: WSUDP approach on different scales 73
Poster 2: WSUDP in different densities 77

List of maps
Map 1: Decadal fluctuation in groundwater levels (2004–13) 10

List of tables
Table 1: Recommended target users 12
Table 2: Objectives of the guide 13
Table 3: Components of water-sensitive urban design and planning 18
Table 4: Comparison between conventional practice and WSUDP 18
Table 5: Knowledge of WSUDP in various countries 19
Table 6: Concept of WSUDP used worldwide 20
Table 7: Scope of WSUDP interventions as per existing provisions 21
Table 8: Different scales for implementing WSUDP 33
Table 9: List of water-sensitive planning principles and approaches 35
Table 10: Factors for designing effective sustainable urban drainage systems 37
Table 11: Factors for designing effective natural wastewater treatment systems 42
Table 12: Water saved by using water-efficient fixtures 46
Table 13: Rainwater harvesting techniques 47
Table 14: Decentralized wastewater treatment technologies 49
Table 15: Application of WSUDP measures on various scales 54
Table 16: Key stakeholders for WSUDP implementation 57
Table 17: Allocation of budget for WSUDP intervention 60
Table 18: Schedule rates for RWH and DWWT components 60

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BMP Best management practices

CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association
CN Curve number
CoE Centre of Excellence
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
DDA Delhi Development Authority
DPR Detailed project report
DWWTs Decentralized wastewater treatment system
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
GI Galvanized iron
LID Low impact development
MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
NGO Non-governmental organization
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
RCC Reinforced cement concrete
RWA Residents Welfare Association
RWH Rainwater harvesting
STP Sewage treatment plant
SUDS Sustainable urban drainage system
ULB Urban local bodies
URDPFI Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation & Implementation
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
WSUDP Water-sensitive urban design and planning

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Aerobic A state requiring or allowing the presence of free essential oxygen.

Anaerobic The absence of free elemental oxygen, the state of not requiring or
damage by the absence of free elemental oxygen.
Aquifer A porous, water-logged sub-surface geological formation. The
description is generally restricted to media capable of yielding a
substantial supply of water.
Bio-retention area A depressed landscape that collects storm-water runoff that
infiltrates into the soil below through the root zone, prompting
pollutant removal.
Buffer strip A vegetated area ordinarily situated on gently sloping ground
designed to filter out insoluble pollutants in runoff. It is also known
as filter strip.
Contamination The introduction of microorganisms, factory-produced chemicals or
wastewater in concentrations that render water unsuitable for most
Detention pond A pond that is normally dry except following large-storm events
when it temporarily stores storm water to attenuate flows. It may
also allow infiltration of storm water into the ground.
Filtration Also referred to as bio-filtration, the filtering out of storm-water
runoff pollutants conveyed with sediment by trapping them on
vegetative species in the soil matrix or on geo-textiles.
Flood A temporary rise in water level, including groundwater or overflow
of water, onto land not normally covered by water.
Green roof A roof on which plants and vegetation can grow. The vegetated
surface provides a degree of retention, attenuation, temperature
insulation and treatment of rainwater.
Infiltration The process of penetration of rainwater into the ground.
Rainwater harvesting The direct capture of storm-water runoff, typically from rooftops, for
supplementary water uses on-site.
Runoff The excess water that flows after precipitation.
Storm water Water resulting from natural precipitation and/or accumulation. It
includes rainwater, groundwater and spring water.
Watershed The upper boundary of a specified catchment area for rainfall that
contributes to a given drainage area.
Wetland Land inundated or saturated by surface- or groundwater at a
frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal
circumstances does support, vegetation (hydrophytes) typically
adapted for life in saturated soil conditions (hydric soils).

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Executive summary

Water-sensitive urban design and planning (WSUDP) integrates the urban water
cycle, water supply, wastewater, storm-water and groundwater management
with spatial and urban design. This approach contributes to sustainability and
livability, particularly when considered part of an overall urban strategy.

This guide to WSUDP aims to assist practitioners involved in sectors related to

water management as well as urban designing and planning. Its purpose is to
explore possible innovations spanning areas of alternative approach of water
management and show how it can be applied in cities while taking up existing
opportunities to use it for increasing cities’ amenities and quality of life. It also
describes how to develop a specific WSUDP strategy for a new development as
per site conditions.

For upcoming development, appropriate methods and strategies under

WSUDP are provided according to the scale of urban planning, i.e. city/zonal,
neighbourhood/institutional and individual scale. Water-sensitive planning
principles are showcased first according to different land uses and water-
intensive activities in cities/zones. The focus moves to water-sensitive urban
designs and then individual-level designs.

Overall social, economic and environmental impacts of WSUDP are also

discussed in this guide. The application of water-sensitive practices, with
economic analyses and feasibility according to the respective land uses,
are highlighted. The importance of operation and maintenance, along with
stakeholder involvement which provides the base for implementation of
WSUDP measures, is also discussed.

The approach of this guide is aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development
Goals, which include clean water, sanitation and sustainable cities, with
community involvement, as major priorities. It is supported by international
best management practices along with feasibility studies for WSUDP in India.

It intends to assist practitioners manage available local water resources in a

sustainable way by integrating it into the planning and designing of cities.

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Urban water systems are confronted with significantly changing conditions. The
impacts of climate change, rapid urbanization, and deteriorating and outdated
infrastructure aggravate current water challenges of causing flooding, water
scarcity and rehabilitation costs on a scale that will overwhelm the capacities of
cities (see Figure 1: Development challenges for water management in cities).1

Figure 1: Development challenges for water management in cities

Economic development Climate change

• Impacts of a growing/shrinking • Increased risk of flooding
economy on water services • Water scarcity
• Industrial pollution

Population growth
Energy use and urbanization
• Rising energy costs for water • Greater demand for water
distribution and treatment • Increased difficulty in
• The need for the water sector providing water services
to reduce CO2 emissions

Deterioration of
Emerging technologies infrastructure
• Increased wastewater recycling • Leaking pipes
• Desalination • High rehabilitation costs

Public behaviour and attitudes

• Changing life styles and consumption
• Increased environmental awareness

Source: SWITCH Training Kit (2011) Integrated Urban Water Management in the City of the Future. Module 1—Strategic Planning: Preparing for the Future.

The World Resource Institute global water-stress rankings (2013) indicate that
the ratio of withdrawal to supply in India is 40 to 80 per cent and the country
experiences high water stress.2 India has witnessed a rapid increase in the
urban population during the last few decades. All towns and cities currently
face the problem of increasing gap between water supply and demand, which
puts pressure on water resources and its supply requirements.

By 2030, India will have 68 cities with populations of over 1 million. Growing
urban centres, with the concurrent process of urbanization, have brought
several issues to the fore, from governance and management of these areas to

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Figure 2: Urbanization and increase in built-up area, India

Percentage change in population and built-up area for Percentage change in population and built-up area for
10 largest cities, 1990-2000 10 largest cities, 2000-2010

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Change (in per cent)

Change (in per cent)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Greater Delhi Kolkata Chennai Benga- Hyder- Ahmed- Pune Surat Jaipur Greater Delhi Kolkata Chennai Benga- Hyder- Ahmed- Pune Surat Jaipur
Mumbai lore abad abad Mumbai lore abad abad

Percentage change in population Percentage change in built-up area

Source: Indian Institute for Human Settlements. 2012. Urban India 2011: Evidence.

the provision of basic civic services. Consequently, there is heavy pressure on

water management.3

In the last two decades, built-up area has grown faster than population in nearly
all of India’s largest cities. A comparison shows that the spatial expansion has
accelerated between 2000 and 2010 (see Figure 2: Urbanization and increase in
built-up area, India).

Water supply in most Indian cities refers to the layout of infrastructure, i.e. piped
water-supply lines, sewage lines, sewage treatment plants (STPs) and layout of
drainage lines. If the piped water supply is inadequate, it is supplemented by
private uncontrolled groundwater extraction, which contributes to pollution of
urban aquifers and fall in groundwater levels. People either dig wells and tube
wells on their properties for their water needs or buy water from private tankers
that, in turn, extract groundwater for sale (see Map 1: Decadal fluctuation in
groundwater levels [2004–13]).4

Water sources are also highly polluted, limited and subsidized for domestic
consumption. No fixed or standard pricing exists for groundwater extraction.
According to a Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) study, the water
price charged to consumers in metro cities such as Delhi and Bengaluru is Rs
0.35 per 1,000 litres and Rs 5 per 1,000 litres respectively, which is fairly low as
compared to actual cost of water supply, i.e. Rs 72 per 1,000 litres and Rs 93 per
1,000 litres, respectively. This leads to increased consumption and wasteful
utilization of water in the country.4

Around 40–90 per cent of the total water consumption goes out as wastewater.5
A CSE survey indicates that there is a complete disconnect between water
supply and sewage management in India.6 Only 30 per cent of sewage from
Indian cities is treated at STPs. The remainder pollutes natural waterbodies.

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Map 1: Decadal fluctuation in groundwater levels (2004–13)

Water level fluctuation (m)

Rise Fall
<2 <2
2-4 2-4
>4 >4
Hilly area

Source: State of India’s Environment, 2016. Down To Earth, Centre for Science and Environment.

Figure 3: Urban water management transition framework

Cumulative Socio-Political Drivers

Water supply Public health Flood Social amenity, Limits on Intergenerational

access & protection protection environmental natural equity, resilience
security protection resources to climate

Water Supply Sewered Drained Waterways Water Cycle Water Sensitive

City City City City City City

Adaptive, multi-
Diverse, fit-for- functional
purpose sources infrastructure &
Point &
& conservation, urban design
Separate diffuse source
promoting reinforcing
Supply sewerage Drainage, pollution
waterway water sensitive
hydraulics schemes channelisation management
protection behaviours

Service Delivery Functions

Source: Brown, R., Keath, N. and Wong, T., 2008, August. Transitioning to Water Sensitive Cities: Historical, Current and Future
Transition States. In 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage (Vol. 10).


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The increasing demand–supply gap and deteriorating environmental conditions

are increasing the need for environmentally friendly alternatives. It is important
to take up the challenge in controlling and judiciously using natural resources
to reduce our ecological footprint. Sustainable water management requires
a holistic approach toward sustainability along with prudent use of water
resources.7 Figure 3: Urban water management transition framework shows
the transition in planning and designing of cities and their water management.

1.2 Need for a guide

It is clear from the existing situation that a re-focussing of priorities is required
by way of careful planning to have sustainable water management.9

Adopting water sensitivity at the stage of planning and designing new and
existing developments can maintain the water cycle by managing the supply
and demand for water, storm water, wastewater and groundwater as well
as bring benefits such as reduction in temperature with respect to climate
change and adaptation.9 The current policies, plans and guidelines in India
that address water and the status of potential WSUDP interventions in these
legislative frameworks to attain a sustainable water management is given in
detail (see Appendix A).

This guide provides a solution to overcome water management issues that arise
from increasing urbanization. It gives information to identify the potential
and implement WSUDP within the existing framework of policies, guidelines,
planning standards and building bylaws.

The objectives of the guide are to:

1. Sensitize practitioners about the need for and concept of WSUDP
2. Provide inputs on WSUDP with regard to planning and designing on
different scales
3. Present case studies in support of WSUDP principles and analyse relevant
tools and techniques

How to use the guide

This guide shows users and implementers the possibilities and benefits from
engaging with water issues in an integrated way through partnerships with
the agencies involved in water management. It signposts a wide range of other
guidance and useful sources and presents numerous examples of good practice
to show what is possible across the spectrum of water issues.

This practitioner’s guide provides an opportunity to incorporate water sensitivity into the
planning and design of new and existing developments at the city, neighbourhood and
individual levels.
It also integrates best management practices (BMPs) related to water management at
the strategic level of planning and design to achieve environmental, economic and social
balance. Thus the guide can integrate with the existing plans/guidelines so as to have an
affordable system of sustainable water management.

Target group
The target audience for this guide comprises city officials from urban local
bodies (ULBs) and development authorities from states, such as urban planners,
architects and landscape architects, town planning officers, engineers, and
others involved in preparing and enforcing regional and master plans, zonal
plans, city development plans and city sanitation plans and other local


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design standards. It can be incorporated in the course module of various

technical courses recognized by the Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(MoHUA). Further non-state actors such as decision makers and technical staff
from private organizations and resident welfare associations (RWAs) can also
benefit from these suggestions.

Table 1: Recommended target users, based on the involvement in the

formulation and evaluation of WSUDP strategies, provides an overview of the
major user groups. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the process of
land development, planning framework for land rezoning and development
approval processes in their local area.

(a) Primary users: Primary users have a direct influence on the process of
WSUDP, which includes mainly government officials. This guide will help
primary users identify issues that need to be addressed while formulating
a WSUDP project and help them to come up with the appropriate/potential
WSUDP approach at city/neighbourhood/individual level. Teachers and
students of Public Health Engineering/Environmental Engineering can also
benefit by adding WSUDP in their course curriculum.

(b) Secondary users: Secondary users may not directly have an impact on
WSUDP projects but can capacitate or influence decision makers. Examples
include NGOs and consultants.

Table 1: Recommended target users

Primary users
Government bodies Target group
• Development authorities • Urban planners: Chief town planner,
• State urban development agencies senior town planner, junior town assistant
• Town and country planning organization planner
• Municipal corporation • Engineers: Superintending engineer,
• Municipalities executive engineer, assistant engineer,
• Other urban local bodies environment engineer, project officer
• Public health engineering departments • Engineers
• Water supply and sewerage boards
• Urban shelter improvement boards
Engineering colleges and institutes under the • Students and teachers:
following courses BE, B. Tech (Civil)/Environmental, i.e. future
Post-graduate course in Public Health Engineering/ engineers in this sector
Environmental Engineering, short-term courses in Public
Health Engineering/Environmental Engineering and
refresher courses on various aspects of WSUDP
Private organizations Technical staff and decision makers
Consultants (EIA)
Private organizations
CBOs: RWA, residents
Secondary users
Non-governmental organizations and decision makers working in the water sector
Source: CSE, 2016


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Table 2: Objectives of the guide

Objectives Main chapters Content/sub-chapters
Introduction to guide • Water stress level of India 
• Need for practitioner’s guide
• Target group for this guide
Objective 1

• How to use the practitioner’s guide

 Concept of WSUDP • What is WSUDP?
• Evolving international knowledge 
• Evolving Indian knowledge
• Scope of WSUDP interventions in Indian cities
WSUDP approach at • Planning intervention and tools
different scales • Zonal/city level
• Neighbourhood/sub-city
Objective 2

• Individual level—campus/institutions
• Integration of different WSUDP measures

Implementation • Operation and maintenance

of WSUDP concept • Stakeholder analysis
• Economic analysis
• Social and ecological impacts

Best management • WSUDP examples

Objective 3

practices and case


Source: CSE, 2016

Overview of the guide

Table 2: Objectives of the guide indicates how each objective is detailed in the
chapters of this report. The objectives, along with the chapters that cover them,
are summarized in the following section.

Objective 1: To sensitize practitioners about the need for and concept of

Chapters 1 and 2 cover this objective. Chapter 1 defines the objectives of the
guide and methodology used to prepare it. It delineates relevant users and
the benefits of using this guide. It analyses existing policies, framework and
regulations as well as the current scenario of water management and demands
direct mention of water management, planning and design.

Chapter 2 explains the term and concept of WSUDP and how it is different
from conventional water-management solutions in cities. It highlights different
elements of WSUDP along with community development. It discusses the
various terminologies used for WSUDP in different countries and how the term
WSUDP is best suited to the Indian context.

Objective 2: To provide inputs on WSUDP with regard to planning and designing

on different scales.
Chapters 3 and 4 cover this objective. Chapter 3 includes an analysis of WSUDP
on different scales. Water-sensitive planning principles are first showcased
according to different land uses and water-intensive activities in cities/zones.
The focus then shifts to water-sensitive urban design (storm-water management)
and to site-level designs.


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Chapter 4 discusses the analyses of stakeholders and their importance in WSUDP

projects. Social, economic and environmental impacts are also discussed.
The application of different types of water-sensitive structures according to
respective land uses is detailed. Chapter 4 also includes the importance of
operation and maintenance (O&M) along with selected knowhow of a few
structures with stakeholder and community participation.

Objective 3: To present case studies in support of WSUDP principles and

analyse the relevant tools and techniques.
This guide is supported by case examples of WSUDP measures (Chapter 5).

The guide also lists recommended reading material related to WSUDP

(see Annexure B).


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2. Concept of WSUDP

The need for a paradigm shift and new approach

Impervious surfaces in urban areas include pavements, buildings, structures
and, in some cases, heavily compacted urban soils. With vegetation removed
and hard surfaces created, rainwater infiltration and natural groundwater
recharge decreases, resulting in increased runoff rates and volumes and reduced
infiltration, groundwater recharge and base flow to urban streams. The altered
hydrology causes environmental impacts, including downstream flooding,
stream-bank erosion and stream down cutting, deteriorating water quality due
to increase in sediment, nutrients and heavy metals, and a decline in aquatic
biota (see Figure 4: Hydrologic patterns before and after development).1

Figure 4: Hydrologic patterns before and after development

time to peak Pre-development


Shorter recession

Lower Larger baseflow


Source: Liu, J., Sample, D.J., Bell, C. and Guan, Y., 2014. Review and research needs of bioretention used for the treatment
of urban stormwater. Water, 6(4), pp. 1069–99.

Urban development can, however, be planned and executed so as to lower the

hydrological impact of urbanization by using current opportunities to increase
the carrying capacity of the area in terms of improved water management (see
Figure 5: Conceptual framework: Need for WSUDP approach). WSUDP, being
the integrated design of the urban water cycle, incorporating water supply,
wastewater, storm-water and groundwater management, urban design and
environmental protection, can contribute towards sustainability and livability,
particularly when considered as part of an overall urban strategy.2

WSUDP has been identified as a means to control flows and filter storm water
to remove pollutants. It offers the potential to reduce the costs, infrastructure
sizing and occupied land area associated with conventional drainage approaches
whilst treating runoff closer to its source.


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Figure 5: Conceptual framework: Need for WSUDP approach

Source: Dickie, S., McKay, G., Ions, L. and Shaffer, P., 2010. Planning for SuDS–making it happen. CIRIA Publication C,


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Figure 6: WSUDP: Integrating water-cycle management

Water demand RAINWATER: Managed to

and supply— meet water demand in local
water areas

WASTEWATER: Managed and

Wastewater Rainfall reused for non-potable purposes
recycle and and runoff—
reuse — Water- rainwater
pollution sensitive harvesting
reduction urban design STORM WATER: Managed
through surface waterbodies+
and planning
optimal storm-water channel

Flood water resource Urban development:
mitigation management Planned and executed in a manner so as
to lower the hydrological impact of
urbanization and present opportunities
for improved water management

Source: CSE, 2016

What is water-sensitive urban planning and designing?

WSUDP is an approach that integrates and optimizes the use of available
water sources and completes the water cycle by incorporating the following
in planning and designing 3 (see Figure 6: WSUDP: Integrating water-cycle
• Protecting local waterbodies (lakes, ponds and wetlands) for supplementary
water sources
• Storm-water management at public places, including open areas in cities
through elements of landscape design (e.g. vegetated swales and buffer
strips, bio-retention systems)
• Recycling and reusing wastewater naturally (low cost/low energy) and not
treating it as a liability
• Increasing water-conservation approaches at various scales (buildings/
campus)—i.e. by adopting water-efficient fixtures, xeriscaping landscape
(i.e. planting native species) and using water-efficient irrigation methods—
thereby minimizing load on the municipal supply system and groundwater
sources. On-site water conservation with rainwater harvesting (RWH) is
also important to reduce water scarcity.
• Adding value to the social and ecological aspects of areas by planning and
designing the built environment in accordance with community needs and
water issues
• Connecting the urban water cycle by collaborating with practitioners of
different disciplines to bring different perspectives and expertise
• Associating upcoming policies, regulations and approvals with WSUDP4

The sustainability approach needs to include elements of water quantity, water

quality and ecology, along with community involvement. Therefore, prime
potential sustainability factors to facilitate accreditation of water-management
options with regard to capital cost, resource use, performance and maintenance
are technical, environmental, social and economic elements related to WSUDP
(see Table 3: Components of water-sensitive urban design and planning).


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Table 3: Components of water-sensitive urban design and planning

Sustainable water management Urban planning Landscape design

Ensure Manage Treat/ Ensure/ Protect Consider Consider Consider Consider Provide Contribute to
water storm recycle improve surface ecological economical social cultural aesthetic cities amenity
supply water waste- waterway water- demands demands demands demands quality
water health bodies and
Engineers Environmental Environmental Urban and Administrative Architects/ Landscape Urban
scientists planners landscape officers engineers architects designers/
planners architects




Source: Hoyer, J., Dickhaut, W., Kronawitter, L., & Weber, B. (2011). Water sensitive urban design: principles and inspiration for sustainable stormwater
management in the city of the future. Hamburg, Germany: Jovis

Table 4: Comparison between conventional practice and WSUDP lists the currently practised and
WSUDP approaches for managing urban water resources.

Table 4: Comparison between conventional practice and WSUDP

Conventional approach WSUDP approach

Fragmented approach: Integration is by accident. Integrated approach: Physical and institutional integration is by design.
Water supply, wastewater and storm water may be Linkages are made between water supply, wastewater and storm water
managed by the same agency as a matter of historical as well as other areas of urban development through highly coordinated
coincidence but physically the three systems are management.

Linear urban water cycle: Water follows a one-way Closed urban water cycle: Reuse and reclamation. Water can be used
path from supply, to a single use, to treatment and multiple times, by cascading from higher to lower quality needs, and
disposal to the environment. reclamation treatment for return to the supply side of infrastructure.

Increased demand: Increased demand is met through Reduced demand: Options to reduce demand by conservation,
investments in resources and centralized infrastructure harvesting rainwater and reuse. The decentralized system also leads to
leading to leakage losses. Water of potable quality is leakage reduction. Water of potable quality is provided only for uses that
supplied for all uses. require it. Alternative sources are sought for non-potable demand.

Storm water as nuisance: Storm water is conveyed Storm water as a resource: Storm water is attenuated and retained
away from urban areas as rapidly as possible. at source allowing it to infiltrate into aquifers and flow gradually into
receipting water bodies. Storm-water infrastructure is designed to
enhance the urban landscape and provide recreational opportunities.

Bigger/centralized is better: To get water from distant Small/decentralized is possible: Make use of the local resource and
source and then to treat wastewater at far places, treat waste near the source with the aim of attaining sustainable and
thereby increasing the overall infrastructure. affordable approach.
Source: Adapted from Sen, D.S. 2008. ‘Water Management to Water Sensitive Planning—A contemporary approach for sustainable urban development’,
Presented at training programme on ‘Water Sensitive Design and Planning’, New Delhi, 2015.


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2.1 Evolving knowledge of WSUDP

Evolving international knowledge and experience about WSUDP

The Australia-based Water Sensitive Urban Design Research Group (1989)
was among the first to research WSUDP. In the 1970s, USA’s USEPA showed
the first concern for protection of water quality in streams and lakes from
storm-water runoff. In 2006, the British Construction Industry Research and
Information Association (CIRIA) subsequently widened the scope and turned
from sustainable drainage to sustainable water (and wastewater) management
in connection with land-use planning, taking into account social, economic
and environmental aspects.

It is evident that India’s research on WSUDP was also in line with other
countries, although its implementation was stagnant. For example, in 1989,
DDA planned Dwarka sub-city as a ‘zero run-off city’, but could not implement

Table 5: Knowledge of WSUDP in various countries summarizes the timeline

of the evolution and development of various WSUDP techniques in Australia,
USA, Japan, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa and India.

Table 5: Knowledge of WSUDP in various countries

Year Australia USA Japan UK Canada New Zealand Israel South Africa India
1970 ∏
1989 √ ß
1990 ∏

1993 ¥ Ǿ
1994 √
1996 ∏ ß
1997 ᴪ ß
1999 ∏ ß
2002 √ ß
2003 Ǿ
2004 √
2005 Ω Ǿ ß
2006 √ ᴪ ß
2007 ∏
2008 ᴥ
2012 ß
2013 ᴪ ↕ ß
2014 ↕

√ Bekele and Argue first connected urban planning with storm-water management. In 2002, Taylor and Wong published
technical reports on best management practices for treating storm water.
∏ Low-impact development was pioneered in Maryland in 1999.
¥ Herath et al. 1993 and Musiake et al. 1999 developed models aiming at flood protection and urban stream restoration.
ᴪ In 2006, CIRIA widened the scope from sustainable drainage to sustainable water (and wastewater) management.
ᴥ In 2008, British Columbia and Canada used a mathematical model that enables planners to assess and compare the
effectiveness of alternative development plans with regard to rainwater management and green infrastructure appeal.
Ω Van Roon et al. 2005 and van Roon 2007 did extensive research on an integrated urban and rural design and development


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Ǿ Developed models to simulate the differences in runoff volume and infiltration between impervious areas connected to
pervious ones.
↕ Developed framework and guidelines on water-sensitive urban design for South Africa.
ß In 2012, the first major step was taken when MoHUA suggested an index for waterbody rejuvenation, groundwater recharge/
RWH and flood moderation development, and issued an advisory to ULBs on ‘Protection, conservation and restoration of
waterbodies in urban areas’.
Source: CSE, 2016

The concept of WSUDP, which integrates the management of different water

resources, is being applied in several countries around the world (see Table 6:
Concept of WSUDP used worldwide).

Table 6: Concept of WSUDP used worldwide

Concept Country
Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) Australia
Low-impact development (LID), best management practices (BMP) USA
WSUD, sustainable drainage system (SUDS) UK
Decentralized rainwater/storm-water management (DRWM) Germany
Sound water cycle on national planning (SWCNP) Japan
Source: CSE, 2016

2.2 Scope of WSUDP intervention in Indian cities

There is growing realization at the Central/state level that the risk of not
addressing water management in the early stages of planning and design
causes constraints to new development or (re)development, missed
opportunities for cost saving, poor quality of urban environment and overall
unsustainable urban development. The need is for more integrated land and
water management from early stages to reduce the increasing water footprint of
urban centres. 

WSUDP strategies, after being planned and designed correctly, offer an

opportunity to intervene not only in private development but also in planning
development documents. WSUDP helps achieve a sustainable balance
between overall development and environment (see Table 7: Scope of WSUDP
interventions as per existing provisions).

Guidelines and data from Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation
& Implementation (URDPFI) have been taken to prepare the proposed land-use
breakup for different urban centres (see Figure 7: Land-use pattern for different
urban centres of India). According to guidelines, the maximum percentage
of land is allotted to residential areas in different sizes of urban centres—
metropolises to small towns. Residential clusters, which occupy the largest
share of land use in cities and towns, comprise building rooftops, sidewalks,
paved parking spaces, pervious areas that could be gardens or just open land
and accessible roads.


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Table 7: Scope of WSUDP interventions as per existing provisions

Scale Existing documents/provisions Opportunities
City level: Open • Master plans (20 years) • Waterbodies, parks, recreational areas, green areas,
spaces—parks and • City development plan (five years) public and transport
waterbodies, road • City sanitation plan • Future locations of storm-water management
infrastructure (planning • Environmental management plan facilities and proposed STPs
Zone level (planning • Zonal plan • Parking lots, roads, parks, open space blocks and
and designing stages) • Storm-water management including water bodies storm-water management facilities defined in
• ULB schemes and sanitation schemes planning documents
• Detailed project reports (DPRs) • DPRs for water supply, sewerage including STPs,
sanitation, storm-water drainage
Individual level • Site plan—guided by bylaws • Site-specific on-site water-sensitive facilities
(designing stage) • Water-efficient fittings, sustainable landscaping,
RWH and wastewater recycling and reuse.
Source: CSE, 2016

Figure 7: Land-use pattern for different urban centres of India

Metropolitan cities and megapolis Small towns Medium towns Large cities

9% 9%
15% 17%
12% 12%
10% 45% 40% 35%
18% 18%

14% 4%
12% 6% 10% 8% 3% 12% 10% 4%

Residential Commercial Industrial Public and semi public Recreational Transport and communication Agriculture and water bodies

Source: Urban and regional development plans formulation and implementation (URDPFI) guidelines (2014), Ministry of Urban Development

The following section showcases an overarching framework of potential

WSUDP systems that can be implemented in an urban area, depending on the
physical and land-use features. Extensive research that has been done identifies
the enabling environment and potential of WSUDP intervention in three cities
of India. Implementation of WSUDP systems in different cities of India can
contribute significantly to addressing the water demand–supply gap, dealing
with water logging/flooding and recharging depleting aquifers.

Some of the following case studies showcase the scope and potential of
WSUDP at the city/zonal scale. Cities can adopt these strategies that have been
implemented and practised successfully.


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CASE STUDY: Scope of RWH intervention, Chandigarh, India

Year of research: 2010

20 recharge wells or 18 recharge trenches

15 recharge wells or 14 recharge trenches

Distance between 2 structures = 50 m

Recharge trench with Recharge well with

desilting chamber desilting chamber

Storm-water drainage system in Chandigarh city Proposed recharge structures in Sector 20, Chandigarh

Features Description
How and where can RWH be Chandigarh has grown rapidly in the last decade (1991–2001). Its
undertaken in the city? population growth rate was 40 per cent. Its population density of 7,900/
• By recharging the deep, sq. km is one of the highest in the country and it is estimated that its
confined aquifers demand for water will grow steeply. By 2025, the city’s demand for
• By storing water in tanks or water is estimated to be 800 MLD, an increase of 58 per cent over the
ponds and waterbodies 2011 demand of 494.25 MLD.

Results/observations To ensure long-term sustainability of water sources for the city, RWH is
The RWH potential of a simple and effective solution. It can be done using roads, roundabouts,
Chandigarh, with an area parks, rooftops, paved areas in almost the entire city.
of 114 sq. km, assuming a
co-efficient of 50 per cent, and The storm-water network collects water from roads (15.89 sq. km),
the average annual rainfall of rooftops of residential areas, (30.19 sq. km), shopping areas (3.97 sq.
1059.3 mm is 60,380.1 million km), and public and institutional buildings (7.94 sq. km). This amounts
litres, or 13,241.25 million to over 70 per cent of the total land area. The total quantum of water
gallons or 36.28 MGD. This is that would be available for recharge annually would be 58 sq. km (area)
more than the water pumped x 1059.3 mm (rainfall) x 0.5 (rainfall coefficient) = 30,720 million litres
out of aquifers and, therefore, (18.46 million gallons per day [MGD]). This is equivalent to almost 90
harvesting and recharging per cent of the total groundwater supply and is available only from
rainwater will go a long tapping the storm-water-drain network. By careful planning of recharge
way in contributing towards in parks and green areas of the city, it would be possible to recharge the
sustainability of water supply. entire groundwater the city takes out.

Source: Water Management Team, 2010. Capturing Rainwater: A Way to Augment Chandigarh’s Water
Resources, CSE


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CASE STUDY: Scope of RWH intervention, Noida, India

Year of research: 2017

Zone 3

Zone 1

Zone 5

Zone 2

Zone 4

Zone 6

District boundary
State boundary

Recharge Recharge Recharge Park-type Filter strip Swale Bio-retention Filter drains Detention Infiltration Porous Recharge for Basin
through trench with shaft with recharge area and trenches basin basin pavement urban mega- spreading
injection injection bore well structure structures recharge
well well

Noida requires an unparalleled infrastructure of
The RWH potential of Noida is
sustainable water management. However, unregulated
about 27.73 million cubic metres
and increasingly unsustainable exploitation of aquifers
(MCM) (i.e. 27,730 ml), which can
has led to a decline in the water table and deterioration
meet 26.63 per cent of its annual
in the quality of groundwater in the area. The projected
water demand.
increase in the proportion of hard surface has further
increased runoff while decreasing percolation in the
If Noida implements RWH
• An additional 5 MCM (5,000 ml)
The overarching framework of RWH systems that can
unutilized Yamuna floodwater
be implemented in the area depends on its physical
could be harvested to augment
and land-use features. Implementing RWH systems in
water supply.
Noida can contribute significantly to addressing the
• A reduction in water demand by
water demand–supply gap, dealing with waterlogging,
26.6 per cent can be achieved if
flooding and recharging aquifers.
the full potential of rainwater is
Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Shivali Jainer and Mahreen Matto, 2017.
Mainstreaming Rainwater Harvesting in Noida, Centre for Science and used in Noida.
Environment, New Delhi.


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CASE STUDY: Scope of WSUDP intervention, Dwarka, New Delhi, India

Year of research: 2012

The objective of this case study is to provide sustainable solutions by showcasing
interventions with regard to planning current Indian urban areas.

To identify and analyse the issues and challenges of water management in the
India’s capital New Delhi, it is pertinent to note that the population of Delhi has
been projected to cross 20 million by 2021. Housing projects such as Dwarka
were envisaged in early 1990 to accommodate approximately one million
people. However, the master plan makes no distinction between semi-urban/
peri-urban areas and areas in transition, such as Dwarka sub-city. Hence, there
are no specific norms or recommendations for these areas, resulting in a wide
demand–supply gap.

An analysis of the area is conducted in terms of three main areas: storm-water

management, water-supply management and wastewater management. Dwarka
site was analysed with WSUDP approach leading to proposals and conclusions
for each of the water resource integrating with spatial planning.

1. Storm-water management
Steps for analysis:
i. Delineation of catchment areas and sub-catchment areas according to trunk
ii. Calculation of additional runoff discharge in peak hours for storms over 25
years for the respective watersheds by the rational formula (Q = CIA). (In
the case of Delhi, the intensity of one-hour peak rainfall is of 90 mm/hr for
storms over 25 years.)
iii. Identifying potential sustainable strategies based on site characteristics
and pollution levels according to land-use characteristics in different
iv. Preparation of matrices for suitable strategies for sustainable urban drainage
systems at the watershed and neighbourhood levels (for different land uses)
and listing out other environmental benefits

Planning proposals are provided for:

i. Catchment area for reduction in overall runoff coefficient of Dwarka
ii. Increase in retention areas in Dwarka and formulation of matrix as a
guideline of different SUDS structures according to different public open
iii. At site level—Integrated approach for SUDS is proposed accordingly for
sites with area less than 1,000 sq. m and greater than 1,000 sq. m.
iv. Management proposals are given in the form of O&M requirement for SUDS


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Increase in discharge exceeding the designed drains in Dwarka






Delineation of catchment areas, Dwarka

Trunk drains Discharge capacity Area Required capacity Increase in
(cusecs) (cusecs) discharge (%)
TD5 27 485 67.80 151.10

TD4 14 324 48.58 247.03

TD3 86 1278 206.69 140.33

TD2 47 920 131.97 180.78

TD1 26 85 134.47 417.19


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2. Water-supply management
Steps for analysis:
i. Evaluating the current water supply scenario in Dwarka
ii. Accessing potential water quantity on-site, comprising runoff, groundwater,
wastewater and floodwater
iii. Calculating the sustainable quantity if all the sustainable drainage strategies
are applied and regional water collection in potential site area and present
MCD supply is taken into consideration
iv. Accessing water supply and demand projection by present and projected
water supply cost–benefit scenario

Policy proposals are provided for:

i. The use of potential sources of water rather than conventional water sources
in Dwarka
ii. Cost-efficient water use for residential purposes by installing water-
efficient fixtures, reusing wastewater and incorporating water-conserving
iii. Segregating water resources for bulk use to leverage the total potential of
low-lying area of the site

3. Wastewater management
Steps for analysis:
i. Calculating the potential grey water that can be reused, listing the currently
used conventional infrastructure and calculating the cost incurred by using
the same techniques
ii. Listing out the different natural decentralized techniques that can be used
for treatment along with the cost and the area required for them. This leads
us to propose the purposes for use of treated wastewater in Dwarka.

Proposal and conclusion:

i. Planning proposals are provided at the site level for provision of waste
management on site
ii. A matrix is used as a guideline to different natural systems with cost and
area required given along with management proposal for provision of safe
disposal of unused treated wastewater

Proposal for provisions of different natural wastewater systems,

Conventional Required Decentralized Other benefits with reference
infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure to Dwarka
Sewage treatment Present STP Reed bed • Group housing and institutions
plant (STP) capacity—20 MLD system, DWWTs can be incorporated in
accordance with the landscape
Infrastructure required
• No nuisance and odour
for 40 MLD
• Highly efficient method
reduces BOD up to 95 per cent.
• Area required (sq. m): 1/cum
to 8/cum
Underground Dwarka Phase-II Septic tank, • Small space required
sewage system development for four Biotoilets • Length of pipeline is reduced
neighbourhoods (0.8 x • Grey water can be reused for
0.9 km) non-potable purposes
• Area required (sq. m): 2/cum
to 7/cum


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SUDS Features

Ponds and wetland
1 Detention ponds
Infiltration and retention basins

Open spaces
Filter strips
2 Bio-retention areas

3 Rain gardens (bio-retention)

3 Gully and trench
Filter drains
Canals and rills
4 Check dam
Filter strips
5 Filter strips Swales

6 Rain gardens (bio-retention)

6 Grassed swales Filter drains

The strategies are applied at the following scales:

• Neighbourhood scale: For different plot areas, bylaws are proposed for
RWH and minimum green area provision.
• Catchment scale: Various natural drainage structures (such as swales, bio-
retention area, ponds and trenches) are designed according to identified
public open spaces of Palam drain catchment area.
• Regional scale: Potential areas for regional floodwater harnessing are
identified. A series of ponds are proposed to carry additional floodwater
(6 MCM annually). The harnessed water is used for horticulture and
construction purposes.

Rohilla, S.K., 2012. Water, City and Urban Planning: Assessing the Role of Groundwater in Urban Development and
Planning in Delhi, Centre de Sciences Humaines. No. 31-2012.
Jainer, S. 2012. Stormwater Drainage and Resource Management Case Study, Dwarka. New Delhi. (Master dissertation,
S.P.A. New Delhi. Unpublished).
Rohilla, S.K., 2007. Groundwater and city planning; Building a case for water sensitive urban planning in Delhi in Spatio-
Economic Development Record, vol. 14. no. 3 (May–June).


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CASE STUDY: Water-sensitive urban development planning provisions in

residential cluster level, Medinipur Town, West Bengal, India
Year of research: 2003

Kamarara Habibpur
Mitra Compound



Selected areas for detail investigation in Medinipur town

Medinipur Town lies in West Medinipur district of West Bengal with a
municipal area of 18.13 sq. km and total population (2001) of 149,768. The
current municipal water supply is 83 litres per capita per day (lpcd) and future
municipal water supply is projected to be 125 lpcd. Several micro-catchments
areas are selected within the town to study the existing water-management
scenario. The study relied heavily on primary survey data, published data and
existing mathematical models available in various literatures. The presumed
hydrological water year was taken to be from 1 January to 31 December of each
calendar year. It was assumed that the entire impervious surface comprising
roofs, paved surfaces and roads did not change significantly within the plotted
development during the period of study.

Degree of reliability for normal rain year in Medinipore

0.25 66.6% reliability 58.3% reliability 50% reliability





0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Monthly/demand/roof area in (kilolitres/month/sq m)

Cluster plan for one of the Reliability of rainwater tank for water substitution,
six study areas in Medinipur Medinipur
site: Kamarara


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Findings from household survey on hydrological front

Per capita water use for kitchen (average 15 lpcd), which includes drinking
water requirement (average 16 per cent of total water use), does not vary much
over the six study areas. Water use per capita for bathing (27–37 per cent of
total water use), washing (9–31 per cent) and toilets (20–36 per cent), on the
other hand, vary to a large extent over the study areas. Further, water use per
capita for washing and toilet purposes vary in the range of 31–35 lpcd to about
53–55 lpcd. Water for these uses need not be of potable quality and could be
substituted by stored rainwater in the premises.

It was observed that with the increase in urbanization, there is a general increase
in per capita water requirement by the inhabitants, irrespective of household

Findings from analysis on catchment front

Values of impervious/pervious area ratio of the clusters were considered to
represent various surface sealings (applicable to plots with buildings, pavings
and approach roads). Values of roof/pervious area ratio of the clusters were
considered to represent built coverage (applicable to large plots that have
buildings, with no approach road or paving).

In the case of annual rainfall versus annual runoff analysis, there is a linear
relationship between annual rainfall and runoff. As the amount of rainfall
gradually increases from a dry year to a wet year, annual runoff increases
extensively from a moderate 50 per cent to a high 80 per cent of the annual
rainfall for the same area. Again, for the same rainfall year, the annual runoff
varies appreciably from 65 per cent to 75 per cent to 85 per cent of the annual
rain with the change in the customized curve number (CN) value for different

Study inferences
• For every 20 per cent increase in annual rainfall, the average runoff
increases by about 30 per cent to its previous value. Observations
• For the same rainfall year, the annual runoff varies from 65 per cent to The analysis reveals that even
75 per cent to 85 per cent of annual rain as the customized CN value in a detached house with an
changes from 75.5 to 85.7 to 91.6, respectively. average roof area of 100 m2,
• A linear relationship has been found between annual runoff, six-kilolitre rainwater storage
impervious/pervious ratio and roof/pervious ratio among all the six tank capturing the roof runoff
residential clusters under the study area for all rain years. (24 per cent of annual rain)
It was derived from a multivariate linear regression that annual runoff could satisfy the monthly water
from a plotted urban residential cluster is very much a function of the demand (@ 40 lpcd) for five
following three key parameters: occupants with a reliability
i) Annual rainfall of 50 per cent (six months)
ii) Impervious/pervious ratio and in all rain years. Open lined
iii) Roof/pervious ratio rectangular drains could
The derived equation could be expressed as perform with known reliability
Run off = (-) 492.88 + 0.97* P + 70* R1 + 5.63* R2 (with approximately two hours
• The derived multivariate linear regression equation can be used disposal time) even during
elsewhere for making a sensitivity analysis at the residential cluster sudden cloudbursts, releasing
level by changing the parameter values to accommodate local as much as 1,200 litres per
variations. hectare per day with a cross-
section of 0.38 m width and
0.45 m depth with a slope of
Source: Sen, S., 2013. Presentation on Sustainable Water Management, CSE-COE, CBUD, May 14–17, 2013,
CSE, New Delhi 1:200 within the study area.


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CASE STUDY: Sustainable urban water supply, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Year of research: 2009

Reservoir Groundwater Basin

module module scale
Supply Pipeline
modules Reservoir diversions Tanker extraction
Water utility Utility Private Tanker markets scale
module supply supply module

Consumer module Self-supply

Demand Connected User
modules Unconnected scale
Well owner
Sump owner

This integrated model was constructed to simulate all the components of the Chennai
water system

This research proposes a framework to simulate water supply and demand
• The research presents an
in a simulation model of Chennai, India. Three very different policies,
integrative framework
supply augmentation, efficiency improvement and RWH were evaluated
uniquely suited to
using the model. The model results showed that none of the three policies
evaluating both centralized
perfectly satisfied the criteria of efficiency, reliability, equity, financial
and decentralized policy
viability and revenue generation. Instead, a combination of RWH and
efficiency improvement best meets these criteria.
• By applying this framework,
this research was able to
The following analysis evaluates the model:
come up with new policy
• Considering four dimensions of water supply relevant to consumers:
Modes of supply accessed by consumers; investments made by consumers
in acquisition, storage and treatment of water; quality of water and time
periods in which consumers make decisions
The results suggest that
• Distinguishing between short-run decisions (by solving the consumers’
having a reliable source of
cost-minimization problem assuming a fixed set of options in a given time
non-potable supply will boost
period) and long-run decisions (by accounting for consumers’ coping
consumers’ willingness to pay
mechanisms and thus the choice set available to them)
for high quality, reliable piped
• Establishing consumer surplus as a common measure of consumer
supply and make demand
well-being making, regardless of the type of consumer or modes of supply
more manageable. However,
a transitional solution that
Source: Srinivasan, V., Gorelick, S.M. and Goulder, L., 2010. Sustainable urban water supply in south India:
employs a combination of Desalination, efficiency improvement, or rainwater harvesting? Water Resources Research, 46 (10).
rooftop RWH and tariff
increases can provide the
necessary transition in a
manner that is cost effective.


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CASE STUDY: A metabolism perspective on alternative urban water servicing

options using water mass balance, South East Queensland, Australia
Year of research: 2016; Year of implementation: 2011

The objective of this case study of the Ripley Valley Development Area is to
test alternative water-servicing scenarios and provide a new perspective to
complement broader sustainability assessments of urban water. It proposed
new urban development on the fringe of the high-growth, sub-tropical region
of South East Queensland, Australia, designed to accommodate 120,000
people/50,000 dwellings by 2030. It was selected because:

i) Being a new urban area, both the pre- and post-development states are
ii) Prior hydrological modelling had been undertaken, providing some of the
required data
iii) Alternative water servicing options had been scoped. It presented an
opportunity to evaluate innovative solutions for securing water supply
in a region predicted to experience water stress with climate change but
which also improves its natural environment and enhances livability for its
residents. The urban system boundary was defined as the outer edge of the
built-up areas with an area of 3,002 ha.

Rainwater and storm-water scenarios

If rainwater or storm water is harvested and used to a conservative extent (in
garden irrigation and toilet flushing), a modest reduction in the storm-water
runoff ratio (post-development flows relative to pre-development flows) would
be expected, reducing it from 2.5-fold to 2–2.3-fold respectively.

In relation to resource efficiency, an internal harvesting ratio of up to 45 per

cent could be achieved through rainwater or storm-water use, although in
practice around 20 per cent is more likely based on conservative practices. For
storm-water use, there could be a small energy saving of 12 KWh/year if use is
maximized because pumping at this larger scale can be more energy-efficient,
whereas conservative use gives a similar overall energy use to the base case.

Alternative water Storm-water use: In urban areas Rainwater use: In households

servicing options
Conservative Storm-water runoff Storm water is treated by Rainwater is Volume harvested 100 per cent
implementation is harvested from all sand filtration and supplied harvested from is assumed to of harvested
hard surfaces (roofs, for irrigation within the the roofs of be limited by volume is used
roads, car parks) urban system boundary. residential and the maximum for some sub-
within the urban Ten per cent of maximum commercial harvestable volume potable demand
system boundary. harvestable volume is dwellings in and the volumetric (garden
Volume harvested used to irrigate 304.5 ha individual tanks reliability of the irrigation and
is assumed to be designated as open space in tanks toilet flushing)
limited by maximum the planning scheme (parks,
harvested volume sports fields, green corridors,
street landscaping etc.)

Wastewater recycling scenarios at different scales

Decentralized grey water recycling at the household scale also reduces demand
for external water supplies but comes at a considerable energy cost of 43–80
kWh/year. This is because the on-site treatment (sand filtration and UV
disinfection) and pumping are relatively energy inefficient.


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Alternative water Conservative implementation

servicing options
Wastewater recycling: Wastewater from all residential and commercial dwellings (80 per cent of
In urban area water supply) is treated at a local wastewater treatment plant to secondary
level with disinfection suitable for irrigation, stream discharge and sub-
potable use.

5 per cent of treated effluent is used for irrigation within the urban system
boundary in the same way as the conservative storm-water use scenario.
Wastewater recycling: Like wastewater recycling within the urban area, except that treated
Outside urban area wastewater is supplied to an adjacent agricultural area 4–8 km outside the
urban system boundary.

The recycled wastewater is used to irrigate vegetable crops.

Grey water recycling: Grey water from residential and commercial dwellings (approximately 70 per
In households cent of total wastewater) is collected in individual tanks.

It is treated using sand filtration and UV disinfection at the property and

supplied back to the same property.

Of the total 6.46GL/yr, 34 per cent of generated grey water is used for sub-
potable demand in residential and commercial dwellings within the urban
boundary (garden irrigation and toilet flushing).
Grey water recycling: Recirculating showers are installed in all residential dwelling to recycle shower
In appliances water. Water and electricity for water heating are assumed to be reduced by
70 per cent.

In this study area, several water-servicing scenarios are developed based on various modes of fit-for-
purpose water supply (rainwater/storm-water harvesting and wastewater/grey water recycling) at
different urban scales (whole urban area, household appliances).

The servicing scenarios are development-based on various modes of RWH and recycled wastewater
use fit-for-purpose at different urban scale.

An analysis of the scenario is used to show how it can be used to assess alternative urban water
servicing options. The new insights relate to the extent to which alternative water supplies can
influence water efficiency and hydrological performance of the urban area.

Source: Farooqui, T.A., Renouf, M.A. and Kenway, S.J., 2016. A metabolism perspective on alternative urban water
servicing options using water mass balance. Water Research, 106, pp. 415–28.


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3. WSUDP approach on different scales

This section includes the analysis, designing and planning for WSUDP
approach at different scales. The following three scales will be used to
analyse the applicability of WSUDP approach (see Table 8: Different scales for
implementing WSUDP).

Table 8: Different scales for implementing WSUDP

Scales City/zonal scale Neighbourhood / Individual scale
institutional scale
Areas (sq. m) 10,000–15,000 4,000–5,000 1,000–4,000

Users/population 5,000 (maximum) 200–5,000 5–200

Wastewater 500 (maximum) 20–500 0.5–20

generation capacity
(kilolitre per day—
Land uses/activities Medium density: 200– Institutional/ Residential
400 persons per hectare commercial buildings buildings
(pph), commercial (plotted/four–
areas, neighbourhoods, five storied)
institutional and
peri-urban areas
Source: CSE, 2016

The larger scale, i.e. the city/zonal scale, needs water-sensitive planning while
water-sensitive designing can be done at a smaller scale. For example, in
urban developed areas, large campuses and plot areas under land use, such as
institutional and commercial areas, water-sensitive design can be incorporated.
Other peri-urban or newly developed areas that have scope in public open
spaces can be approached through water-sensitive planning.

Water-intensive activities are part of day-to-day urban requirements. They are

part of the process of their economic development. Bulk water required for
public utilities does not always require high quality of water. The quality of
water required for maintaining public parks, gardens, public fountains and
cleaning public toilets will be different from that essential for potable purposes.

The following sections elaborate the planning and designing of water sensitivity
according to water usage pattern and spatial scales of urban areas.

3.1 Water-sensitive planning (city/zonal scale)

Water-sensitive planning can conserve water resources while offering

numerous benefits by way of improving the urban environment, reducing
the danger of flooding, increasing opportunities for recreation and leisure
activities, and reducing flooding damage and cost of drainage systems. Any
open space designed according to water-sensitive planning principles provides
recreational and visual amenities while filtering runoff that infiltrates to
replenish groundwater. It also acts as a detention reservoir designed to reduce
flood discharges and pollutant loadings.


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The water cycle in urban areas is lost due to excess construction and paved
areas, including in major recharge zones such as lake catchments, riverbanks
and wetlands. In addition, contamination of existing water resources with
sewage adds to the loss of usable water. The need is to maximize use of open
spaces to rejuvenate the lost water cycle. Planning for new areas requires
allocating land uses according to hydro-geographic layout. The placement of
open spaces—recreational areas, roads etc.—plays a major role in complying
with the water-sensitive principle.

Significance of open/buffer areas in water-sensitive planning

Open spaces provide the opportunity to combine the function of public open
space with habitat retention (trees and watercourses), pollution abatement and
storm-water management.

Wetlands/lakes: In densely populated urban areas, lakes and waterbodies are

highly contaminated by the inflow of untreated sewage from areas lacking
or having inefficient sanitation services. These waterbodies and lakes can be
planned with a green buffer area that can act as a treatment zone. Waterbodies
play a major role in the natural hydrological cycle and offer healthy recreational
spaces. Since the source of the pollution-degrading waterbody may be unknown,
these buffer areas act as protective layers.

Recreational areas: Where open spaces are located in consideration with the
natural stream system, they can be also used to prevent and mitigate floods by
retaining and detaining storm water and to purify and infiltrate runoff, thus
recharging groundwater with clean water. Storm water that reaches open spaces
may be used for irrigation and as landscaping elements.1, 2

Roads and streets: Roads and streets constitute up to 70 per cent of the
impervious urban area and serve primarily to transport people and goods. But
they also act as important conveyors of storm water; in fact, they constitute the
major drainage system that serves as an important flow path when the drainage
pipes underneath go beyond their capacity.3, 4

Inclusion of storm-water streams in urban fabric: Storm-water streams/

watercourses represent natural drainage lines and therefore need to be
considered part of the storm-water management strategy for a development
site. The concept of storm-water streams in urban fabric recognizes that there
are benefits in considering maintenance of water quality, habitat retention and
restoration, water conservation and a wider choice of recreational opportunities
in an integrated fashion. Watercourses/streams are generally linear-shaped
spaces and therefore present a longer frontage to adjacent residential
development than square or circular plan forms. They provide accessible open
spaces to people. Their linear nature also offers opportunities to integrate off-
road pedestrian and cycle paths (see Table 9: List of water-sensitive planning
principles and approaches).


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Table 9: List of water-sensitive planning principles and approaches

Water- sensitive Water-sensitive planning Water-sensitive planning approach
concept principle
Minimizing runoff Protecting existing natural • Disturbance to soil and landscape minimized by maintenance of natural
volume features and ecological landforms. Waterways protected by provision of a buffer of natural
processes vegetation to urban development
• Natural channel design and landscaping used so that the drainage network
mimics natural ecosystem
Maintaining natural • Limiting increase in storm-water runoff volume by using natural drainage
hydrologic behaviour of paths and infiltration basins
catchments • Reducing impervious areas and increasing pervious areas
Minimizing runoff Integrating water into the • Minimizing use of hard engineered structures
discharge landscape to enhance visual, • Using native vegetation in storm-water management and all landscaping to
social, cultural and ecological maximize habitat values
value • Passing runoff through vegetated patches and/or through the ground, to
cleanse the water from pollutants, especially from suspended sediments
Minimizing sewage discharge • Wastewater treatment on-site or contribution to municipal wastewater
into natural environment treatment and reuse scheme
• Reducing flooding at the downstream end of catchment

Minimizing the Protecting water quality of • Control runoff from disturbed areas during the construction phase of the
pollutant load surface- and groundwater development
• All storm-water runoff from hard surfaces is treated through infiltration,
sedimentation, storage or biological treatment before leaving the site
Minimizing demand on the • Rainwater tanks collect roof runoff to supply toilet, laundry and outdoor
reticulated water supply uses. Houses connected to (or utilize) a grey-water or sewage recycling
system system to provide an alternative source of water for toilet flushing and
outdoor use.
• Houses incorporate water-efficient appliances and plants that need little
water (preferably of local provenance) grown extensively in gardens
Reusing treated Decentralized wastewater • Decentralization facilitates reuse within specified urban area
wastewater treatment for reuse • Preference for natural treatment systems that are not energy intensive and
don’t require highly skilled labour

Selection of reuse options • Treatment of wastewater according to purpose of use. Bulk use of treated
based on the quality of wastewater in urban areas for street washing, construction, horticulture,
treated wastewater firefighting etc.

Source: CSE, 2016 and Carmon, Naomi, and Uri Shamir. ’Water sensitive planning: integrating water considerations into
urban and regional planning’. Water and Environment Journal 24.3 (2010): 181–91.

3.2 Water-sensitive designing (neighbourhood/institutional scale)

Built-up areas need to be drained to remove surface water. The conventional

approach to draining surface water is through underground drainage systems
that convey water from built-up areas. These traditional urban drainage
systems focus on quantity as they aim to remove excess water from urban areas
as quickly as possible to avoid flooding. These drainage systems have not been
designed with sustainability in mind. The majority do not pay sufficient regard
for flood control, water quality, water resources or biodiversity requirements.
Urban drainage systems have caused an alteration in natural flow patterns, not
necessarily having an effect locally, but causing flooding problems elsewhere in
the catchment area. Water quality has also become an increasingly significant
issue as surface run-off from these urban areas results in contamination of the
watercourse. Resulting urban flooding is extremely difficult to resolve and is an
important issue that drainage systems must take into consideration. In urban


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areas, continued water management is a necessity and for this to be sustainable,

a broad approach to the issue of drainage must be adopted.

A similar situation is encountered with the conventional wastewater

management approach which involves centralized systems of sewerage
networks to provide treatment and disposal. The conventional technologies of
a centralized system of wastewater (sewage) collection and treatment are not
just resource-intensive (use of water first to flush, then to carry the waste), but
also capital- and energy- intensive. This further makes scope of recycle/reuse
bleak as the treated water would again be needed to be conveyed back for reuse
and would add to the capital and energy cost.

The alternative approach of decentralized wastewater management is based on

the principle of devolving application so that sewage can be treated affordably
and treated wastewater can be promoted for local reuse.

The new paradigm for urban design at the neighbourhood/institutional level

is to integrate storm water as well as wastewater into existing urban fabric for
efficient use of all the potential water resources (see Figure 8: Water-sensitive
designing on neighbourhood/institutional scale).

Figure 8: Water-sensitive designing on neighbourhood/institutional


Water-sensitive designing
institutional scale)

Decentralized wastewater
Sustainable urban drainage
management: Pollution
abatement in waterbodies

Source: CSE, 2016

Sustainable urban drainage system

The main objective of storm-water resource management in WSUDP is to
integrate storm-water management into the landscape, creating multiple-
use corridors that maximize the visual and recreational amenity of urban

The following factors govern the scope of implementation of WSUDP measures

(see Table 10: Factors for designing effective sustainable urban drainage


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Table 10: Factors for designing effective sustainable urban drainage

Approach for catchment Scope of development
Time of concentration—Increase Lengthening flow paths and conveyance systems. Diverting the
drainage flow to bigger areas and open swales
Runoff volume—Decrease Reducing or minimizing imperviousness, preserving more trees and
meadows. Tree plantation along channels as recreational areas
Peak discharge—Reduce Retention storage for volume and peak control, natural drainage
patterns, off channel storage by depressions and through SUDS
Water quality—Improve Catchment-land use, sand filters, retention areas, filter strips

Flooding—Controlled Use of additional runoff, use of floodwater in low-lying area

Source: CSE, 2016

Options and techniques of storm-water resource management in public open

WSUDP measures for a public open space are generally located outside the
envelope of individual developments, but in some instances public green space
can penetrate into the development and be part of accessible open spaces. Public
open space measures are characterized by being located within green space or
other clearly defined public areas that can manage the storage and conveyance
of surface water runoff. Depending on the design and characteristics of the site
there will be a convenient location where the intermediate source control area
becomes part of accessible public open space (see Figure 9: Overview of potential
SUDS measures in urban areas). For designing SUDS, a detail checklist on
sustainable drainage systems is provided (see Appendix C.1).

Figure 9: Overview of potential SUDS measures in urban areas

Source: http://www.hidrologiasostenible.com/sustainable-urban-drainage-systems-suds/


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The following are SUDS measures for public open spaces:

Filter strips: Filter strips are grassy or other densely vegetated strips of land that collect surface water runoff as sheet flow from
impermeable surfaces.

Minimum 900–1,200 mm filter strip width

Grass filter strip

Flow from Overflow to
impermeable swale or other
surface SUDS feature

Road/pavement Topsoil


Min.100 mm topsoil to
ensure grass growth

0 1m

Source: CSE, 2016

Swales: Swales are linear vegetated channels with a flat base that encourage sheet flow of water through grass or other robust
vegetation. They collect, convey and sometimes store surface water runoff allowing water to soak into the ground where soil conditions
are suitable.

100 mm ‘treatment depth’

100 mm storage depth

Gentle Flat bottom to 100 mm free board
slope encourage sheet
Flow Flow
flow of runoff
(150 mm)


0 1m

Source: CSE, 2016


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Bio-retention areas and rain gardens: Bio-retention areas and rain gardens are planted areas designed to provide a drainage
function as well as contribute to the soft landscape.

Car park


Grass filter strip

Inspection point Perforated under drain
and overflow

Silt trap

Point Erosion control Kerb

inlet areas

0 3m

Source: CSE, 2016

Filter drains and trenches: Filter drains and trenches are linear excavations filled with stone that ideally collect surface water runoff
laterally as sheet flow from impermeable surfaces. They filter surface water runoff as it passes through the stone allowing water to infiltrate
into soil or flow.

Level leading edge where necessary

Stone layer with geotextile

Grass filter strip

Overflow perforated pipe

Crushed stone

Outlet perforated pipe

Infiltration or lined trench if required 0 1m

Source: CSE, 2016


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Permeable pavements: Permeable pavements provide a surface that is suitable for pedestrian or vehicle traffic while allowing
surface water runoff to percolate directly through the surface into underlying open stone construction.

Permeable paver unit

Drainage cell

Bedding layer


Optional geo-textile

Native sub-grade


Source: CSE, 2016

Detention basins: Detention basins are vegetated depressions in the ground designed to store surface-water runoff and either allow
it to soak into the ground or flow out at a controlled rate. Within development, these basins are usually small grassed areas, sometimes with
a micro-pool or planted area at a low point where some standing water can accumulate.

Dry bench
Side slop 1 in 3 Overflow
Low-flow swale

Erosion control
if necessary

Inlet Controlled
space outlet

Biodiversity swale pool

Bund with
permeable section

0 3m

Source: CSE, 2016


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Infiltration basins: The basins collect surface-water runoff from small areas and are usually off-line to prevent siltation.

Level bench

Side slope
Infiltration surface 1 in 3

Flow diverter



0 3m

Source: CSE, 2016

Ponds: Ponds are depressions in the ground that contain a permanent or semi-permanent volume of water.

control if Controlled
Surface inlet
necessary outlet

150 mm Low flow

aquatic bench channel
300 mm
deep water


1 in 3 max Wet bench

Dry bench

600 mm deep
0 3m

Source: CSE, 2016


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Wetlands: Wetlands are shallow ponds with marshy areas, covered in aquatic vegetation. They retain sediments for an extended time
and remove contaminants by facilitating adhesion to aquatic vegetation and aerobic decomposition

Emergency spillway
Submerged berm
(if required)

Embankment or
wetland edge
Erosion control
(if required)

Erosion control
(if required)

Safety bench/ Outlet structure

maintenance access and flow control


Source: CSE, 2016

Wastewater treatment: Pollution abatement in waterbodies

Over-exploitation, discharge of industrial effluents and domestic sewage,
uncontrolled siltation and weed infestation are the main reasons of the
destruction of the waterbodies and eventually destruction of safe water resource.5
In urban areas, waterbodies like lakes and ponds often get contaminated because
of mixing of wastewater from its catchment area. Since 62.5 per cent of urban
areas in India get partial or no treatment of their wastewater, waterbodies and
groundwater can get contaminated by sewage.6

Waterbodies play an important role in maintaining the natural hydrological

cycle, offering numerous benefits to the ecology and healthy recreation. Thus,
it is essential to design for pollution abatement of such waterbodies. This can
be done by catchment treatment, protection of waterbodies by creating buffer
zones and in-situ treatment (see Table 11: Factors for designing effective natural
wastewater treatment systems). Some design options for pollution abatement
of waterbodies are listed (see Options and techniques to reduce pollution in

Table 11: Factors for designing effective natural wastewater

treatment systems
Approach for pollution Scope of development
abatement in waterbodies
Catchment treatment Catchment assessment and providing a natural treatment
system to cater contamination of the catchment area
Protection • Control the entry of water through inlets
• Creation of buffer zone/treatment zone
In-situ treatment Regular treatment of waterbodies as per the level of
Source: CSE, 2016


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Options and techniques to reduce pollution in waterbodies

Catchment treatment: Treatment of incoming contaminated water into a waterbody or treatment in stages in the catchment area using
decentralized wastewater treatment.

Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment

This approach is based on different natural treatment techniques put together in different combinations according to need. It
• Primary treatment, which includes pre-treatment and sedimentation in settlement tank or septic tank
• Secondary anaerobic treatment in baffled reactors which provide for 60-90 per cent treatment (as designed)
• Tertiary treatment in reed bed system; and/or polishing in lined ponds

Source: CSE, 2016 and adapted from Tilley, E., et al, 2014, Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, 2nd Revised Edition, Swiss Federal Institute
of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland

Floating wetlands (in-situ treatment): Creation of floating islands with wetland plants (rooted emergent macrophytes) that are
grown on floating rafts/mats. This facilitates root-zone treatment and maintains or improves the water quality in the waterbody. The plant
roots hang beneath the floating mat and provide a large surface area for bio-film growth which forms an important part of the treatment

of existing
pond mowed
or Native wetland plant
too steep for species
wetland plants
Floating island matrix

anchoring option

Subsurface anchoring
Plant root systems option

Source: CSE, 2016 and http://texaswetlands.org/, as accessed on 3 May, 2017


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Creation of buffer/treatment zone using constructed wetlands (floating/subsurface flow) on the periphery of the waterbody
(protection): A peripheral wetland can be designed either as sub-surface flow type or a floating type. Depending on the design, the use
of wetland plant species will vary and so will the capital and O&M cost

Peripheral constructed


Section for peripheral constructed wetland


Source: CSE, 2016

Nualgi (in-situ treatment): In-situ treatment using phyto-remediation (use of micro/macro algae) fixes CO2 for treatment, which removes
nutrients and increases DO in water.

Bio-remediation (in-situ treatment): In-situ decomposition of organic matter in a waterbody using biological products. Depending on
the type of product being used, the dosage, cost and frequency varies.

3.3 Water-sensitive designing (individual scale)

Water-sensitive aspects have conventionally received little or no attention in

site/building designs and operation. This fact combined with wasteful water
use patterns has resulted in water being used rather inefficiently in buildings.

Further, the available rainwater and wastewater at the site are not seen as
resource but as liability (see Figure 10: Ideal water cycle on an individual scale
of an urban area). The WSUDP approach includes guidelines on water-use
efficiency relevant to most types of buildings, including residences, institutes,
offices, hotels and restaurants.

Figure 10: Ideal water cycle on an individual scale of an urban area




Rainwater supply
Wastewater supply
Non-potable demand

Source: Abbott, J. Davies, P. Simpkins, P. Morgan, C. Levin, D. Robinson, P. (2013). Creating water sensitive places, scoping the potential for water sensitive
urban design in UK. London: CIRIA


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A range of water-sensitive measures can be taken at Figure 11: Measures for water-sensitive
a site to benefit the user. The use of water efficient approach on an individual scale
fixtures and sustainable landscaping can help in
conservation of water. The localized rainwater Water
harvesting as well as recycle-reuse of wastewater efficient
can help in further conserving and managing –Toilets
the water resource. Apart from convenience, the –Urinals
simple measures can help the user take greater –Showers
social and environmental responsibilities (see Xeriscape
Figure 11: Measures for water-sensitive approach –Native plants
on an individual scale).
Water audit (Individual and
Water audit is an on-site survey and assessment Zonal Level)
Rainwater Recycling of
of water-using hardware, fixtures, equipment, Harvesting wastewater
landscaping and management practices to (RWH) through natural
–Recharge treatment
determine water-use efficiency and develop –Storage for recycle and
recommendations for improving it. It can be SUDS reuse
–Rain garden
an effective on-site water-management tool. It –Green roof
identifies measures that can be taken to reduce –Porous
water consumption and estimates water-saving
potential. Comprehensive water audits give
detailed profiles of the distribution system and Source: CSE, 2016
water users, facilitating reliable and effective
management of resources.7

Water conservation methods at individual scale Figure 12: Water consumption break up per
Water can be conserved at the site level from two person
uses. The first is water used for landscaping or
irrigation, which does not demand high-quality
water. It can be strategized by maximum use of Drinking
native vegetation and trees. The second is in the Cooking
demand for water in buildings. Water-efficient
fixtures can reduce water consumption by 36 per Bathing

Additionally, nature and pattern of usage need to be

Washing clothes
considered. For example, for a building to promote
water-efficiency and conservation measures, it Washing utensils
is required to study water usage in buildings to
recommend areas of potential improvement. At Gardening
residential sites, toilets and bathrooms are seen to
be the biggest water consumers, with flushes, taps Source: CPHEEO, G. (1999). Manual on water supply and treatment.
and showers using over 60–70 per cent of total
water used (see Figure 12: Water consumption break up per person).

Water-efficient fixtures
Water-efficient fixtures are designed to use less water while maintaining
the same level of performance as conventional water fixtures. Reducing
water consumption by using water-efficient fixtures is a major step towards
sustainable water management. Use of efficient plumbing fixtures, sensors, auto
valves and pressure-reducing devices result in significant reduction in water
consumption9 (see Table 12: Water saved by using water-efficient fixtures).


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Table 12: Water saved by using water-efficient fixtures

Fixture Water use in standard Water-efficient fixtures Estimated water
fixtures savings
Toilet Single flush toilet users 10–13 Dual flush toilet in 3/6 and 4–11 litres/flush
litres/flush 2/4 litre models
Urinals 4 litres; 10–13 litres/flush Sensor operated adjustable 2.2–10 litres/flush
Taps 10–18 litres/minute depending Sensor taps 5.5–15.5 litres/minute
on pressure
Showers 10–15 litres/minute Flow restrictors 4-20 litres/minute
Source: Rohilla, S. Dasgupta, S. (2011). Roadmap for Rating System for Water Efficient Fixtures. New Delhi: CSE

Water-efficient landscapes
Water-efficient landscaping—i.e. growing native species, efficient irrigation
systems and limiting lawn areas—is practised to minimize water usage.
Appropriate planting and efficient irrigation systems can reduce water used
in irrigation by 50–70 per cent and overall water consumption by 25 per cent.
Further, green area of a site helps in reduction of storm-water runoff.10

A well-designed landscape is possible in two ways:

• Planting native vegetation/flora and xeriscaping
• Using efficient irrigation equipment

The term xeriscape, i.e. water-conserving garden, is derived from the Greek
xeros, meaning dry, and ‘landscape’. A xeriscape landscape grows native
species to minimize water use and enable water to be channelled to plants that
need more water. Xeriscape landscaping is an efficient way to reduce water
consumption through creative landscaping. It involves planting native plants
and those that can survive with little or no supplemental watering. Xeriscaping
uses natural features of the local environment, harnessing greater adaptability.
Native species and xeriscape vegetation give the twin advantages of water
efficiency and ease of maintenance.11

Water-efficient irrigation systems

Water-efficient irrigation systems help extend water availability. Conventional
irrigation systems can result in over-irrigating plants, leading to flooding and
high runoff that results in soil erosion. Efficient irrigation equipments reduce
the water requirements for plants.12

Efficient water and wastewater management: On-site techniques

With water-efficient management, the major part of annual water demand can
be met through RWH and recycling/reuse of treated wastewater.

Designing a rainwater harvesting system

RWH systems use the principle of conserving rainwater ‘where it falls’. Rainwater
can be collected from the catchment areas (roofs, paved and unpaved) of a site.
The two ways of harvesting rainwater include:
(1) Storing it in receptacles and
(2) Recharging the aquifer (see Table 13: Rainwater harvesting techniques).


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Total volume of harvested water = Area x runoff coefficient x rainfall




Storage Recharge

Table 13: Rainwater harvesting techniques

Recharge structures Storage tanks

• Recharge pits • Polyethylene

• Recharge pits with bore • Polypropylene and similar synthetic material (PVC tanks)
• Recharge well • Brick masonry
• Recharge trenches • Reinforced cement concrete (RCC tank)
• Recharging through abandoned bore wells or tube wells • Ferro-cement
• Recharging: using bore wells and dug wells • Galvanized iron (GI tanks)

Source: CSE, 2016

Overflow Inlet pipe

pipe Manhole RCC slab

Brick wall PVC Aerated

(230 mm) pipe cover
RCC footing

Slotted casing
Recharge bore with coir
(150 mm dia) wraping

Typical cross section of recharge structure Typical storage structure

Source: Kavarana, G. Sengupta, S. (2013). Catch water where it falls. New Delhi: CSE.


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Other on-site storm-water management landscape feature

Green roofs: Green roofs are multi-layered systems comprising a vegetation cover or landscaping above
a structural slab of open terrace/roof. Their aim is to intercept and retain precipitation which then results
in fewer surface run-offs


Mulch layer

growing medium

Filter fabric
root barrier

Drainage system


concrete slab

Source: CSE, 2016

On-site wastewater management

The choice of technology for a specific site depends on several factors, such as
wastewater quantity generated, type of reuse or site for disposal of wastewater
(this determines the level of treatment required), land available, availability of
skilled operating manpower and budget.

For local reuse, type of use becomes the main criteria to decide on level of
treatment required. DWWT and local reuse at the community, institutional
and individual scales can help achieve the twin objectives of equity and
sustainability. At the site scale, systems that are least dependent on factors such
as electricity supply and skilled labour, and require least budgetary investment
for its capital as well as O&M are favourable.

The following are techniques that can be opted for treatment on a small scale
depending upon feasibility at the site (see Table 14: Decentralized wastewater
treatment technologies). To design DWWTs, a detailed checklist is appended
(see Appendix C.2).


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Table 14: Decentralized wastewater treatment technologies

Treatment method Treatment capacity (feasible) Reuse

Bio sanitizer/eco chip 100 mg of eco chip can treat 1 KLD In situ treatment of water bodies,

Soil biotechnology 5 KLD–3.3 MLD Horticulture, cooling systems

Soil-scape filter 1–250 KLD Horticulture

DWWTs Should be more than 1 KLD, but plants bigger Horticulture, mopping floors, cooling
than 1 MLD are not feasible as they would need towers and flushing
extensive land

Eco sanitation Individual and community toilets together Flushing, horticulture, composting
Zero-discharge toilets depending upon the number of users

Fixed film bio-filter technology 0.5 KLD–1 MLD Horticulture, car washing

Phytorid 0.5 KLD–1MLD Horticulture

Source: CSE, 2016

Designing a decentralized wastewater treatment system for local reuse

Deciding level
Objective of DWWTs Data collection Site feasibility of treatment

• Abatement of pollution • Volume of wastewater • Analysis of site plan • The required treated
in the catchment area (depends upon water quality depends
• Environmental
population, water on type of reuse/
• Water sensitive conditions
consumption pattern) discharge
planning—reducing (temperature,
water demand by • Quality of wastewater groundwater table)
reuse/recycle depends on type of
• Building codes and
water consumption
• Lake management and by-law—distance from
revival water well, building
foundation etc.

Source: CSE, 2016


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Area requirement


Surface area requirement:

0.5 sq. m/cum (generally can be constructed underground and incorporated into existing open paved areas)

Crucial design specification and rule of thumb:

• Provides primary treatment—removal of suspended solids
• Up to 20–30 per cent of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal
• Can be designed with two or three chambers where the first chamber has more length of flow than the others
• Length : Breadth ratio is maintained at 3:1
• Depth to be maintained at 1–2.5 m
• Surface loading rate should not exceed 0.6 cum/sq. m of wastewater peak hour flow
• Optimum retention time 2–3 hours with the peak hour flow
access covers

inlet inlet-T

sedimentation zone


Source: CSE, 2016 and Tilley, E., et al, 2014, Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, 2nd Revised Edition, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic
Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland


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Anaerobic baffled reactor

Surface area requirement:

1 sq. m/cum (generally can be constructed underground incorporated into existing open paved area)

Crucial design specification and rule of thumb:

• Provides secondary treatment—anaerobic bio-degradation, causing about 60–90 per cent removal of BOD and COD
• Depth to be maintained at 1–2 m
• Upflow velocity to be maintained between 1.2–1.5 m/hr
• Optimum retention time—21–24 hrs
• It is desirable to have surface organic load below 4 kg BOD/cum per day

Access covers

Inlet Inlet-T Baffle





Filter support

Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) Anaerobic filter units

Source: CSE, 2016 and adapted from Tilley, E., et al, 2014, Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, 2nd Revised Edition, Swiss Federal Institute
of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland


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Horizontal flow planted filter bed

Surface area requirement:

4 sq. m/ cum (generally open to air structure incorporated into green spaces at the site)


Crucial design ACE
specification and FLOW CW 95
rule of thumb:
• Provides both secondary and tertiary treatment depending upon the design—removes excess nitrates and phosphates and can
also be designed for further bio-degradation (BOD and COD removal)
• Organic loading: 10–30 g BOD/ sq. m/day; Hydraulic loading: 40–100 litre/sq. m/day
inlet pipe and gravel for effluent outlet
wastewater distribution
• Media: Crushed stone of 60–80 mm in diameter are preferred (height variable)
• Plants: Locally available wetland plants (emergent macrophytes), e.g. Typha, Scirpus

wetland plants (macrophytes)

wet well and cover


slope 1%

liner rhizome network small gravel

Polishing pond

Surface area requirement:

1.2 sq. m/cum (generally open to air structure incorporated into green spaces at the site)

Crucial design specification and rule of thumb:

• Provides tertiary treatment—removal of pathogens and odour
• Exposes treated wastewater to atmosphere and sunlight with retention time of 1–3 days
• Depth shouldn’t be more than 1–1.5 m
Inlet Outlet



Source: CSE, 2016 and adapted from Tilley, E., et al, 2014, Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, 2nd Revised Edition, Swiss Federal Institute
of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland


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4. Implementation of WSUDP

Several aspects are involved in implementing WSUDP, namely land-use type,

O&M, costing, stakeholder participation, social and ecological impact, and its
successful implementation requires careful consideration of what it means in
practice.1 Including all the aspects increases an understanding of issues and
challenges, generates more data, helps determine priorities, increases support
for remediation programmes and enhances the likelihood of success of any

Application of WSUDP measures on various land-use types

In the drive to optimize the use of land, little connection remains between the
land use dedicated in the master plans and the actual use of land. Many land
uses dedicated in the master plans address the supply side without actually
providing guidance on the mobilization of the land. Urban lands today are
largely seen as real estate cash flows and a reference to the opportunities for
creating social and physical infrastructure is rare.2

The URDPFI guidelines provides ground rules for the percentage of maximum
allowable ground coverage for each land-use activity in India. The same data is
used to find out potential open areas that can be used for implementing strategy
for WSUDP. According to the guidelines (see Figure 13: Ratio of built-up to
open area in different land uses), the average built-up area for an urban area
is 24 per cent while for an open space it is 76 per cent. The standards and
guidelines provide enough open areas to design the projects.

Integration of different WSUDP measures in different scales

Table 15: Application of WSUDP measures on various scales shows the
integration of different WSUDP measures that can be implemented on various

WSUDP interventions at various scale depends on following factors:

• Site conditions and catchment characteristics (e.g. location, geography)
• Land-use type (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial)
• Water use and demand
• Water sources available and local climate (e.g. rainfall seasonality)

Figure 13: Ratio of built-up to open area in different land uses

Public and Average ratio of built-up to

semi-public Commercial Residential open area

29% 29% 24%


71% 70% 71% 76%

Average built up area Average open area

Source: Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) guidelines (2014), Ministry of Urban Development.


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Table 15: Application of WSUDP measures on various scales

Medium- and



Public open




Water Water-efficient P P P
conservation fittings and
Sustainable P P P P P P
On-site water Rainwater P P P
management harvesting
Wastewater P P P P
recycle and reuse
Storm-water Filter strips P P P P P
management Swales P P P P P
Bio-retention areas P P P P P
and rain gardens
Filter drains and P P P P P
Permeable P P P P P
Detention basins P P P P
Infiltration basins P P P P
Ponds P P P P
Source: WBM, B. (2009). Evaluating options for water sensitive urban design–a national guide. Joint Steering Committee for Water Sensitive Cities (JSCWSC)

• On-site catchment area (e.g. roof and surface)

• Urban landscape design (e.g. architectural and landscape)

4.1 Operation and maintenance

Effective O&M of a project is a critical component of any WSUDP strategy. The

task of O&M has to be performed as a preventive approach in order to attain
sustainability of the design. The O&M of a system is the continuous process of
monitoring individual components of a system that are functioning properly to
the desired specifications. Routine maintenance and proper upkeep are directly
related to efficiency of the systems. Incorrect or deficient maintenance results
in lower water quality and increased health risks. Each system is unique and
has its own subtle variations in performance and functionality.3

WSUDP interventions require both proactive and reactive maintenance to

ensure long-term sustainability of the system. Proactive maintenance refers to
regular scheduled maintenance tasks, whereas reactive maintenance is required
occasionally to address unscheduled maintenance issues. If a system is not
functioning as intended, then rectification may be required to restore it to its
desired function.

Proactive maintenance is a set of scheduled tasks to ensure that the WSUDP

system is operating as designed. Proactive maintenance involves regular
inspections of the WSUDP systems, scheduled maintenance tasks for issues


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that are known to require regular attention (e.g. litter removal, weed control)
and responsive maintenance tasks following inspections for issues that require
irregular attention (e.g. sediment removal, mulching and scour management).
Proactive maintenance in the first two years after the establishment period
(construction and planting phases) are the most intensive and important to the
long-term success of the treatment system. Proactive maintenance is a cost-
effective means of reducing the long-term costs associated with operating the

Reactive maintenance is undertaken when a problem or fault is identified

that is beyond the scope of proactive maintenance. Reactive maintenance may
occur following a complaint about the WSUDP system (e.g. excessive odours or
litter). Reactive maintenance often requires a swift response, and may involve
specialist equipment or skills.4

Maintenance activities specific to each WSUDP systems type are detailed in the
inspection and maintenance schedules and checklists provided (Appendices
D.1 and D.2). The frequency of scheduled maintenance depends on the asset
type and issue being managed. The checklists provided should be used as a
minimum guide to schedule maintenance tasks and should be amended to
suit different system designs and maintenance requirements. WSUDP systems
should also be inspected at least twice a year during or immediately after a
significant rainfall event.

4.2 Stakeholders’ analysis

Stakeholder involvement is important for the success of any WSUDP

intervention. Water management occurs within a highly complex and multi-
constrained context (including social, ecological, political and economic
aspects) and requires a clear recognition of how the various stakeholders might
work collaboratively to address the range of water security concerns that the
respective country faces.5

Managing the urban water cycle in a holistic manner is not possible without
engaging all those who are either using the water or who are responsible for
taking care of its individual elements via policymaking, legislation, regulation,
construction, abstraction, water treatment, etc. The bigger the city, the wider
is the array of institutions, interest groups and user associations that are
linked to the urban water cycle. For the success of an integrated approach it is
important that all the key stakeholders are taken on board. Collaboration needs
to be planned, with support from relevant stakeholders, those who will make
decisions, those affected by them and those who can stop the process if they
disagree (see Figure 14: Benefits of engaging stakeholders in WSUDP projects).

To attain a sustainable water management system it is important that

the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders with different roles and
responsibilities starts at the planning stage. The step-by-step process of
planning and implementation of various WSUDP interventions in consultation
with stakeholders is as shown in Figure 15: Stakeholder participation in the
planning and implementation process.

In WSUDP approach, a stakeholder is a person (or group) responsible for

making or implementing a management action, who would be significantly
affected by the action, or who can aid or prevent its implementation. According
to the 74th Constitutional Amendment, ULBs are considered the responsible


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Figure 14: Benefits of engaging stakeholders in WSUDP projects

Shares the Builds trust Enhances

Creates Leads to better,
responsibility and support communication
feasible cost-effective
for decisions or for the process and coordination
solutions solutions
actions and outcome of resources

Source: Adapted from Tech, T. (2013). Engaging Stakeholders in your Watershed. Washington, DC: United States
Environmental Protection Agency.

Figure 15: Stakeholder participation in the planning and

implementation process

Programme Implement

*#Plan initiative
Plan and development plan
design schedule
*Community participation *Initiate planning stage and action plan
#Decision making *#Plan approval *#O&M

Source: Adapted from Municipality, N.M.B. (2007). Sustainable Community Planning Guide. Nelson Mandela Bay
Municipality: Port Elizabeth.

stakeholders for the implementation of WSUDP measures—these comprise

municipal corporations, municipal councils and nagar panchayat.

The public, as end-beneficiaries and consumers, create the demand for a high-
quality water supply, and it is for them that the environment is conserved both
now and in the future. Developers respond to the demand for new housing
and the development plans that drive the requirement for new water supply,
drainage and wastewater infrastructure. The water supply and sewerage
providers have the responsibility to provide the infrastructure via sustainable
and environmentally acceptable routes. Environmental agencies have a duty to
protect and improve the environment and the power to regulate abstractions
from and discharge to controlled waters. They also undertake consultation and
provide guidance on environmental aspects of the land-use planning process.

Thus the major stakeholder groups, based on their level of influence on WSUDP
adoption, can be classified as:
(a) Direct beneficiaries: Those who directly influence the decision-making
process or are directly impacted by it
(b) In-direct beneficiaries: Those who can influence the decision-making
process but may not directly be involved in it. They benefit from it, but
their influence on decision making is via indirect or complex influence

Table 16: Key stakeholders for WSUDP implementation gives a breakup of

the various key stakeholders that should be considered in the development/
implementation of WSUDP projects.


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Direct beneficiaries Table 16: Key stakeholders

WSUDP direct beneficiaries include local governments, state for WSUDP implementation
authorities, academicians, technical experts and residents. Within
this group the role and level of influence of residents will vary
Urban planner
with the type of WSUDP feature adopted. The implementation
Environmental planner
of some features such as storm-water intervention in public land
Transport planner
may occur with limited awareness of residents, whilst the retrofit Infrastructure planner
installation of a rain garden next to a private property may require
the cooperation of residents.
Landscape architect
Local government is perceived by other stakeholder groups to Building architect

Direct beneficiaries
have considerable influence in the decision-making process for Engineers
WSUDP implementation. Their influence is due to their control of Environmental engineer
the development approvals process and the DPRs. Civil engineer
The direct beneficiaries also include consultants and Residents/community
independent research organizations that directly influence
WSUDP implementation through contracts with developers and
local government to deliver concepts and engineering designs. Academician/researchers
However, their actual influence on successful WSUDP uptake is Other technical experts
dependent on their expertise and their ability to deliver a WSUDP Geographer
system that fulfils the development plan requirements.6 Hydrologist
Universities and professional organizations provide expertise Consultants
on all aspects of WSUDP. They can build capacity for WSUDP Environmental groups
approach among students and professionals, and advocate for beneficiaries

improved practices for WSUDP implementation. Research agencies
and universities also contribute by addressing WSUDP research Local residents
gaps and improving technical guidelines. These institutions are
Source: CSE, 2016
perceived as independent so they can act as trusted advisors to
other stakeholder groups.

Indirect beneficiaries
These stakeholders include practitioners that can influence WSUDP
implementation, but who may not be directly linked to the decision-making
process. For example, environmental groups may focus on the preservation
of local waterbodies, which places a greater emphasis on the need for source
control of storm-water quality. Local residents may object to the construction
of a rain garden if they dislike the feature aesthetics and exert pressure on their
local authorities to stop the implementation.

Collaborating with different stakeholder

Individual stakeholders such as planners, architects and engineers can
undertake several steps towards meeting the WSUDP objectives. However
the overall process of WSUDP, including management from different sectors
(water conservation, onsite water management and storm-water management),
is more effectively implemented in an interactive or cyclical way among
various stakeholders and not in the conventional linear manner that causes
lack of coordination among various stakeholders. Figure 16: Conventional and
integrated stakeholder approach shows that as the emphasis is on an integrated
approach, WSUDP can be implemented most effectively when it is supported
by an interdisciplinary team working together throughout the plan and design


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Figure 16: Conventional and integrated stakeholder approach

Engineers Other



Architects technical



Source: CSE, 2016

4.3 Economics of WSUDP

The cost of implementing a WSUDP measures can be weighed against the

various benefits that they provide—although many of these benefits are likely
to accrue to society rather than the developer or implementing body (see
Figure 17: Profile of conceptual WSUDP expenditure). In addition to capital
costs, WSUDP may require routine monitoring and maintenance. A long-term
operating finance stream would therefore be needed.

Factors affecting costs

The actual costs of WSUDP measures and therefore WSUDP schemes are
dependent upon several factors many of which are site specific. Generalization
about costs can therefore be problematic and includes a high level of uncertainty.
The following factors affect the costs of SUDS solutions:
• Soil type—Excavation costs are higher on rocky soils and the opportunity
to implement infiltration solutions varies


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Figure 17: Profile of conceptual WSUDP expenditure

Aquisition Disposal /
costs* Use and maintenance decommissioning

Elevated initial
maintenance costs
(eg. landscaping needs) Remedial maintenance


Scheme feasibility Disposal /

and appraisal Construction Regular maintenance decommissioning

Preliminary Site investigation

design and detailed design

Source: Ballard, B.W. et al. (2007): The SUDS manual, CIRIA C697, London

• Groundwater vulnerability—In vulnerable areas some WSUDP measures

will need impermeable liners to prevent infiltration which will increase
• Design criteria—More stringent requirements for run-off control will lead
to larger and more WSUDP measures in the system
• Design features—Extensive planting is more expensive than WSUDP
measures that are allowed to colonize naturally
• Access issues and space requirements—Some measures take up land that
would otherwise be used for development
• Location—Regional variations in labour and material costs, topography and
soil conditions, including permeability and local rainfall characteristics,
affect design criteria
• System size—Larger schemes offer the opportunity for economies of scale
to be realized
• New build or retrofit—The cost of installing a WSUDP solution in an
existing development is different from the cost of installing it as part of a
new development.

Broadly, collection of all the existing data concerning site conditions, design,
implementation and O&M activities comprise the measure heads for costing
of an WSUDP system. The budget is divided into three major heads on the
previous successful projects implemented by CSE (see Table 17: Allocation of
budget for WSUDP intervention).

To get an idea about the major investment in the implementation of WSUDP

structures, the implementation cost of DWWT system and setting RWH system
is provided (see Table 18: Schedule rates for RWH and DWWT components).


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Table 17: Allocation of budget for WSUDP intervention

Activity Activity components Allocation of
Collection of data • Meteorological parameters 5%
and design (survey • Site plan and catchment area
and analysis) • Drainage pattern (natural/artificial)
• Catchment mapping (for big projects)
• Survey: location, geology/soil, slopes, drainage line and
sewage discharge arrangements
• Water demand assessment and storage potential
• Design of the structures
I m p l e m e n t a t i o n • Type of structure (readymade, constructed) 80%
(civil work) • Filter media
• Interconnecting pipes
• Gutter
O&M • Cleaning/replacing filter media (sand, gravels, pebbles, 15%
charcoal, jute choir etc.)
• Removing silt
• Repairing leaking tanks/cracks at catchment and tanks
• Conducting water quality tests (total dissolved solids,
total suspended solids, minerals, pathogens)
• Paying salary to caretaker/operator
Source: CSE, 2016

Table 18: Schedule rates for RWH and DWWT components

Part of rainwater harvesting system Per unit Cost (Rs) in 2016

Polyethylene water storage tank—circular and rectangular litre 7.25

Gravel 5 mm to 10 mm cum 800.00

Gravel 1.5 mm to 2 mm cum 800.00

Gravel 3 mm to 6 mm cum 800.00

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) slotted pipe 150 mm diameter metre 450.00

PVC slotted pipe 200 mm diameter metre 700.00

Painting (two or more coats) on (with black anti-corrosive metre 35.85

bitumastic paint) 100 mm diameter pipes
Painting (two or more coats) on (with black anti-corrosive metre 53.50
bitumastic paint) 150 mm diameter pipes
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe 100 mm inner metre 985.00
CPVC pipe 150 mm inner diameter metre 1462.00

PVC slotted pipe 100 mm diameter as per IS:12818 metre 380.00

Vent pipe (socketed soil, waste) 100 mm diameter 1.80 m long 1196.00

Carriage of stone aggregate below 40 mm nominal size cum 103.77

Source: Central Public Works Department, 2016. Delhi schedule of rates, Government of India


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The financial impact will be savings associated with a reduced need for
conventional water supply (may include the avoided cost of using municipal
water associated with water supply infrastructure). It will also cause changes
to annual property rates of nearby properties due to changes in their value
(including the impact on the rate of sales for houses on new estates). Further,
there are huge social and ecological impacts of WSUDP on surrounding areas,
covered in details in next section (see Section 4.4 Social and ecological impact
by WSUDP approach).

Economic benefits from RWH systems can be quantified in the following


• Construction cost of rainwater harvesting systems = Rs 300,000

• Annual expense for purchase of water from tankers = Rs 60,000
• Annual expense from municipal water supply = Rs 24,000
• Total annual water bill = Rs 84,000
• Sourcing water supply from water tanker is halted
• Annual savings in water bill = Rs 60,000
• Number of years to recover the cost = Rs 300,000–60,000 = 5 years
• Payback period to recover the investment = 5 years

Source: G. Kavarana and S. Sengupta 2013, ‘Catch water where it falls: Toolkit on urban rainwater harvesting’, CSE.

Benefits of WSUDP:
The nature and extent of benefits will depend on local conditions (see Figure
18: Benefits of WSUDP). Local benefits include:

1. Flood management: Extensive use of WSUDP will lessen the amount of

urban run-off into the drainage and sewer system and hence lessen run-off
load. In addition, by reducing run-off load, WSUDP will contribute to the
reduction of flooding risks.

2. Controlling pollution content: WSUDP provide a means of managing and

treating urban pollution before returning it to waterbodies.

3. Meeting water efficiency targets: Some systems, such as RWH, provide an

alternative source for non-potable water within domestic and commercial

4. Additional recharge of aquifers: WSUDP provides a route for recharge thus

helping to make savings on new water resource investment.

5. Reducing energy costs: Reducing or limiting volume of flow to the STP

will help to reduce cost. Reduced pumping from storage facilities and less
diluted sewage may result in more efficient treatment of wastewater.

6. Enhancement of biodiversity: WSUDP mimic the natural environment,

retaining water that will attract wildlife, creating stable habitats and
providing corridors along which wildlife can move.


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7. Effect of climate change: Some SUDS approaches can help reduce the urban
heat island effect. For example, adding 10 per cent green cover will keep
maximum surface temperatures in high-density residential areas and town
centres at or below the 1961–90 baseline up until the 2080s.

Figure 18: Benefits of WSUDP

Reduced flooding
and increase in
aquifer recharge


Improves the
With less flow aquifers
there will be recharge
reduced energy
use and
pumping costs

Less dilution in
flows can lead to
improved sewage Means for Reduced
treatment managing flooding risk
within SUDS
Storage tanks

Pumping station


Source: Gordon-Walker, S., Harle, T. and Naismith, I., 2008. Cost-benefit of SUDs Retrofit in Urban Areas. Environment Agency.


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The following case study investigates the strategic role of SUDS retrofit in
managing environmental risks to urban infrastructure at the catchment level
through an economic appraisal of benefits (flood reduction and wider benefits).

CASE STUDY: Economic analysis of benefits to facilitate SUDS in London, UK

Year of economic research: 2017; Year of implementation: 2007



Amount (£)





*Flood control, amenity, RWH, groundwater recharge

Catchment delineation from Google Earth Relevance of individual benefits relative to the total

The Decoy Brook, north of London in the borough of Barnet, was chosen
as a case study to simulate the impact of SUDS on the flood extension Features
within the critical drainage area. It was assumed that the volume of water The total cost of each SUDS
stored in the SUDS would reduce an equivalent volume of water on the scheme, the value of the flood
updated flood maps for surface water. benefits, total value of all benefits
(i.e. wider benefits + flood
The steps in the economic assessment of flood risk are as follows: benefits), net present value and
1. Identify properties and infrastructure at risk for a determined event. cost–benefit ratio for both classes
of benefits is quantified.
2. Use the information available in the MCM to define the expected
losses due to flooding of properties and infrastructure at risk. Results/observations
The analysis shows that WSUDP
3. Using at least three events with different return periods. measures have positive economic
returns when all benefits are
4. Define the effects of the selected SUDS scheme on flood maps examined. This confirms that
(reduction of water levels) and repeat Steps 1 to 3 in order to define basins are some of the most cost-
the average annual damage (AAD) with the scheme. effective SUDS available. It also
shows that infiltration structures
5. Find the difference between AADs determined in Steps 3 and 4 in are the most cost-efficient ways
order to define the average annual benefits of the intervention. of promoting SUDS and reducing
flood risks to properties and
Source: Ossa-Moreno, J., Smith, K.M. and Mijic, A., 2017. Economic analysis of wider benefits to facilitate SUDS
infrastructure in hot spots.
uptake in London, UK. Sustainable Cities and Society, 28, pp. 411–19.


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4.4 Social and ecological impact of WSUDP approach

Growing urbanization has disturbed the natural hydrological cycle. The

WSUDP approach is an attempt to restore and close the hydrological loop.
The implementation of WSUDP intervention helps increase infiltration and
groundwater recharge and improves runoff quality (see Figure 19: Integrated
impact of WSUDP).

Figure 19: Integrated impact of WSUDP

• Peak discharge-Reduce
• Runoff volume-Decrease
• Increase in time of concentration

Amenity / • Educational opportunities

• Sedimentation • Recreation opportunities
Quality Biodiversity
• Filtration • Wildlife habitats
• Land-values
• Aesthetic & Ecological quality
of the landscape

Source: CSE, 2016

Similarly, the decentralized approach of treatment of wastewater and its reuse

not only avoids drawing on natural resources but also enables a significant
reduction in the amount of wastewater discharged into the natural environment.
In fact, given the population explosion and ever-increasing water requirements,
these natural technologies aiming at reuse offer genuine solutions. Once
wastewater has been treated, it can also be used for various purposes, including
agricultural irrigation, horticulture, car washing, flushing, maintaining streets
and watering of green spaces etc.

Unlike conventional drainage, SUDS are likely to form part of public open
spaces. They help promote interaction between communities and managing
surface water that addresses pollutant reduction and flood control while
providing habitat and amenity benefits.7

The WSUDP approach is an effective solution that plays a major role in

returning clean, safe water to its source, leading to social and eventually
ecological impact:

Social impact
The WSUDP approach has the following social impacts:
• It increases the aesthetic value of the area
• It creates a positive impact on passive and active recreation around the
WSUDP asset (e.g. walking, jogging, cycling, bird-watching, etc.)
• It has a positive impact on individual and community well-being and
welfare (e.g. social cohesion and economic prosperity)
• It reduces inconvenience associated with nuisance flooding (e.g. through
temporary ponding in swales outside residential premises)
• It creates transport opportunities along and/or through the water/drainage
corridor (e.g. walkways, cycle paths and bridges)


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• Participation by local stakeholders leads to likelihood of associated

behavioural change
• Increases availability of shallow groundwater for local reuse
• Benefits micro climate by shading/cooling, improving air quality and carbon
sequestration from the use of vegetated storm-water treatment measures
(e.g. wetlands, street trees that filter road runoff)

Ecological impact
• The impact on the value of having healthy aquatic and riparian ecosystems
for potential use in the future (i.e. the impact on the ‘option value’ of these
• Improves the landscape with blue-green amenities thereby improving the
biodiversity of the area


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5. Best management practices and case studies

With the increasing need for sustainable urban water management, cities across
the world are demonstrating the implementation of innovative and affordable
practices focusing on a holistic and integrated approach to water management.
A review of select case studies was undertaken on a global scale to analyse the
applicability and feasibility of such best management practices on different
scales and agro-climatic conditions.

The following case studies consider aspects of the urban water cycle. Specific
details of the case examples are also provided (see Appendix E). The select
case studies show how coordinated spatial planning can be integrated with the
following water-efficient practices:
• Managing surface water and flood risk
• Providing natural water treatment and pollution control
• Enhancing local water resources
• Improving biodiversity
• Providing public amenity/recreation space

Recycled and reused treated wastewater is often integrated with local water
supply and water conservation as, for example, sewer mining projects in
Australia. SUDS is another component of WSUDP that is increasingly being
implemented globally. In numerous case studies, storm water is either
incorporated into aquifer recharge schemes, or is used through harvesting to
directly augment water supplies.1

It has been found, however, that at present there are not many cities that have
implemented all the components of WSUDP, i.e. water supply, wastewater
reuse and storm-water management. Currently, Australia and Singapore are the
main advocates of WSUDP and have implemented several projects that aim to
integrate the management of the whole water cycle.

WSUDP intervention provides environmental, social and economic benefits.

A significant benefit of this is the resilience that is developed for these cities.
Environmental benefits such as reducing artificially increased volumes of storm-
water runoff as a result of urban development and protection of groundwater
resources can be achieved with storm-water management and aquifer recharge
schemes. Social benefits are also seen as, for example, in the US where storm-
water management using SUDS has been shown to improve urban aesthetics.
Conversely, in some case studies it was found that social issues also have the
potential to limit the adoption of WSUDP. This was mainly attributed to need for
mindset change and lack of knowledge of the potential attempting to implement
wastewater reclamation schemes, even though the current technology has
proved that wastewater can be purified to safe, high-quality drinking water.
As a result it is important to have the support of local communities when
implementing WSUDP initiatives. It is evident from the various case studies
and supporting literature that the main challenges of implementing WSUDP are
not as much technological as social and institutional.2

The following section illustrates the WSUDP approach of integrating water

management at the strategic scale of planning and designing to achieve
environmental, economic and social balance.


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CASE STUDY: Local reuse of treated wastewater and rainwater harvesting at Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi, India
Year of implementation: 1999 for RWH system and 2005 for DWWT system



Pipe draining runoff

5 from terrace

ter Harvesting System Filter bed

Inverted pot

r harvesting
q. m. Brick check bunds prevent water from flowing
away rapidly, to promote recharge through soakaway 45 m (150 ft) deep dry
borewell modified for
hi- 611mm (24 inches) groundwater recharging

ble from rainfall- 611 m3 or 6,11,000 litres (1000 x 0.611)

itres (60% of total) can be harvested annually.

s to approximately 1000 litres/day bund
bore well 2 RCC jali
ng it to percolate into the ground for groundwater recharge. Some
ored in an underground tank for direct use.
Underground Inverted
water tank earthen
oakaways’ have been constructed around the building. Rooftop runoff pot
deep abandoned borewell. Apart from these structures, an underground covering
d to harvest water. 3 the

portion of the terrace is directed by vertical drain pipes to an abandoned
9 metres ( 30 feet)

ilding. Supporting filter
brick media
shaft drilled in the ground to a depth of 10 m, the mouth of which PVC bore pipe
150 mm (6”)
ted earthen pot with a small hole to prevent the entry of debris into diametre
lf is filled with broken brick pieces to act as a filter medium.

of the terrace falls into the pond in the front of the building, from
derground tank of 8,500 litres capacity.

flowing out of the campus through the gate, three soakaways have 6
recharge trough under the front gate. Mouths of stormwater drains
have been raised above
Ground level ground level to prevent
been built on the side of the building to ensure that the water does water from draining away
nstead percolates in the ground.

pal stormwater drains within the campus area have been raised slightly
, so that rainwater does not drain away.
Recharge trough
ng system, only in case of an extraordinary downpour does water flow under front gate Stormwater drains
e rainwater falling over the building area is recharged or reused.

Rainwater harvesting at Centre for Science Decentralized wastewater treatment system at Centre for
and Environment Science and Environment

The CSE office in New Delhi has taken initiatives to be a water-sensitive
institutional campus. Interventions include RWH and DWWT for local reuse.

Rainwater harvesting—The institutional-scale RWH system in CSE was

implemented in 1999. It caters to a total area of 1,000 sq. m. The campus is
located in south Delhi (Mehrauli block) where a groundwater decline of more
than 20 m has been observed. The ridge area in Mehrauli block comprises hard
rock at the surface and at shallow depths. The depth of groundwater is 50–100
mbgl. There are different RWH structures that ensure rainwater falling within
the campus is captured, harvested and diverted into the aquifer. The system
is designed according to average annual rainfall in Delhi, i.e. 611 mm in 1999.

Recharge trench Recharge well Recharge pits Defunct borewell

To arrest water from To recharge water To convey water to To recharge water

flowing away from roof areas permeable soil layer from roof areas

Local reuse of treated wastewater—DWWT system was implemented in 2005

to treat both black water (wastewater from toilets) and grey water (wastewater
from kitchen) on-site. The system is designed to treat about 8 KLD of wastewater
with various components that combine to make the treatment successful and
treated water reusable. The treated wastewater meets the desired water quality
norms set by Pollution Control Boards and is reused for horticultural purposes
(watering the lawn) on the CSE campus. Approximately 1,200 litres of treated
wastewater is used for watering the lawn once.

Because of the various measures taken at the institutional campus for RWH and
DWWT the following benefits are observed:


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Planted filter
Grease trap Settler baffled Vortex

Offers initial Primary Secondary Secondary Tertiary

screening of treatment— treatment— and tertiary treatment —
vegetable removal of bio- treatment— removal of
peels and suspended degradation removal of pathogens
removes solids of organic nitrates and and odour
lighter components phosphates
like oil

CSE campus showcases a good example of water-sensitive designing at site level since it takes into
account wastewater recycle and reuse as well as recharge of groundwater through rainwater.
RWH and DWWT system have been incorporated within permissible open spaces as per building

Adoption of WSUDP measures (RWH and DWWT for local reuse) has resulted in stagnation of depleting
groundwater levels and creation of alternative water resource through local reuse of treated water.

• At least 366,600 litres (60 per cent of total rainfall) can be harvested
annually. This harvested water amounts to approximately 1000 litres/day.

• For around 150 days* a year, treated wastewater is used to maintain greenery
and landscaping the campus (150 x 1,200 = 180,000 litres/year). This is
equivalent to ~35 water tankers of 5,000 litre capacity. Hence, a potential
saving of Rs 35,000 (assuming market rate of water supply tanker is Rs 1,000).

*(every alternate day except during the monsoon)

Source: G. Kavarana and S. Sengupta 2013, ‘Catch water where it falls: Toolkit on urban rainwater harvesting’, CSE;
Rohilla, S. and D. Dwivedi. 2013., Reinvent, Recycle, Reuse – Toolkit on Decentralised wastewater Management, CSE.


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CASE STUDY: Local reuse of treated wastewater at Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, India
Year of implementation: 2003

Planted filter bed

Polishing pond

Planted filter bed and polishing pond, part of the decentralized wastewater treatment system at Aravind Eye Hospital

• The DWWTs is based on a natural process. It uses no chemicals for treatment.
• The DWWTs consists of a grease trap, settler, anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR), planted filter bed (PGF) and polishing pond for
treatment. The system has been incorporated as part of landscape design at the site.

The hospital uses about 250,000 litres of water every day of which about 200,000 litres is treated and reused to water the gardens.

The Aravind Eye Hospital in Thavalakuppam near Puducherry is a renowned
hospital. It treats its wastewater through a DWWTs and reuses the treated

The institutional-scale DWWTs at the hospital, operational since 2003, is

designed to treat 320 KLD of wastewater on a daily basis. Both grey and black
water is treated by the DWWTs technology and the treated water is reused for
maintenance of the 15 acres (6.07 hectares) of sprawling garden. Use of treated
wastewater of about 200,000 litres (except during monsoon) is used for green
landscape in the hospital campus with an estimated saving of about Rs 240,000

Source: youtubevedioweblink - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm5y_6iV1q0 (Source: BORDA & CDD), as access

on 3 May, 2017


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CASE STUDY: Local reuse of treated wastewater at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Year of implementation: 2002

Wastewater inlet
300–400 mm thick soil
containing native
microflora, geophagous
Collection tank 1 worms and minerals

5–10 mm thick layer

Bioreactor of fine river sand
100 mm thick layer of coarse
sand with particle size 5 mm

Pumped for 100 mm thick layer of stone

recycling particles of size 25 mm

250 mm thick layer of

stones of size 100 mm

Collection tank 2
Discharge/reuse Underdrain

Trickling of wastewater through pipes on the SBT reactor Schematics of SBT and the bio-reactor showing different
bed for its treatment layers of filter materials

• Natural wastewater treatment with a capacity to treat 50KLD (50,000 litres per day)
• Minimal energy consumption (40-50 KWh per MLD) to pump the wastewater for distribution over reactor bed
• Capital cost (2002)—Rs 0.7 million
• O&M cost (annual)—Rs 0.1 million

The DWWT creates an alternative water resource used to maintain the green area inside the residential premises.

The Naval Civilian Housing Colony is a residential neighbourhood for officers
and their families in Kanjurmarg, Mumbai. It has 20 blocks of buildings
with residential facilities, mess, hospital, sports complex, market area and
administrative offices. The DWWT system implemented treats the wastewater
generated in the neighbourhood from seven residential building blocks;
each building has 24 apartments. The DWWTs at the site is based on soil
biotechnology (SBT). SBT is a green technology for water purification using
natural, novel high-efficiency oxidation process at competitive costs.

Raw water collection tank: Raw sewage after screening is

collected in the tank from where it is directed towards the
trench filled with gravels

Constructed soil filter bio-reactor: Sewage is then pumped

and distributed over the reactor bed

Effluent collection tank: The treated sewage gets collected in

this tank and is (re)circulated in order to achieve the desired
quality of treated wastewater

Source: Rohilla, S.K. et al. (2014) Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: Case Studies of Implementation on
Different Scale – Community, Institutional and Individual Building. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi


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CASE STUDY: Rainwater harvesting at community scale, Jodhpur, India

Year of implementation: 2010

Series of storage tanks similar to bawari Vaulted walls for tank construction

The water table in Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur, is low, 20–40 metres
• Total catchment area—110
below ground level (mbgl). Birkha Bawari is a monumental RWH
acres (44.51 hectares)
structure in Umaid Heritage, based on kunds and baoli that are
• Green area irrigated using
traditionally used for RWH in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
harvested rainwater—15 acres
(6.07 hectares)
An RWH system to collect rainwater falling on the entire site has been
• Capacity of RWH structure
developed. Rain is collected in an open storage designed similar to
(bawari storage tank)—17.5
a bawari and integrated with the housing complex as a recreational
million litres
area. The RWH system collects around 30 per cent of the rainwater on
• Volume of rainwater
the site which is used for horticultural purposes.
harvested—approx 21.1 million
litres per annum
The rainwater is collected from rooftops and road channels through
• Cost of the system—Rs 80
storm-water drains, open channels and slots. The runoff from
apartments is collected from the storm drains and connected to the
drains sloping towards the Birkha Bawari.
The RWH system captures around
The Birkha Bawari comprises longitudinal open rainwater storage
21.1 million litres of rainwater
structures in series, making it a linear 135-metre-long structure.
reducing the dependence on
Water enters from both sides of the underground longitudinal storage
municipal water supply or
structures (bawari), which hold 17.5 million litres of harvested
groundwater extraction. The
rainwater annually that serves as a rich source of water for landscaping
average cost of water tanker
water requirements of green area in an otherwise water-scarce region.
(10,000 litres per tanker) in
The bawari structure acts as a recreational space for inhabitants as
Jodhpur is Rs 800–10,000.
well as storage structure of rainwater.
Thus by using the rainwater as
alternative source of water about
Source: Rohilla, S.K. et al. (2014): URWH, case studies from different agro climatic regions. CSE.
Rs 2.36 million is saved annually.


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CASE STUDY: Bridget Joyce Square (Australia Road), White City, London
Year of implementation: 2013

Rooftop RWH

Use of trees: Evapo-



Rainwater flows
into raingarden Use of native

The project is located between a school and two playgrounds in the
• SUDS components used—
heart of White City district. The pervious road and parking formed a
permeable paving, planted
flood hazard for children crossing the road and made school drop-off
basins, rain gardens, tree
and pick-up difficult.
planting and downpipe
• Total site area—2,700m2
The scheme creates an urban public park through the use of traffic
• Length of carriageway—
restrictions, new surfacing, new elements of green infrastructure and
street furniture that forms a valuable community resource whilst helping
• Permeable paving—1,320m2
to reduce the area’s contribution to flooding. The objective is to create a
• Planted basins—335m2
space where landscape serves a vital drainage function providing flood
• Raingardens—120m2
resilience against known surface water and sewer flooding issues in the
• Number of trees—49
area and provides local climate change adaptation benefits.
The scheme also provides connectivity and a safer pedestrian
• Reduction in local and wider
passageway between Wormholt Park and Hammersmith Park. Post-
flood risk. 
implementation carriageways adaptations have made the area and its
• Annual flow volumes
community assets safer.
into the combined sewer
overflow have been reduced
Source: CIRIA weblink: http://www.susdrain.org/case-studies/case_studies/bridget_joyce_square_london.html
by 50 per cent.


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6. The way forward

This practitioner’s guide shows how to manage water in a sustainable way

by looking into gaps in existing policies, plans and guidelines of India and
suggesting the most suitable ways forward.

WSUDP strategies have been observed to bring multiple benefits such as

recreational opportunities, amenities and biodiversity. This guide is intended
to provide an opportunity for ULB officials to integrate sustainable water
management with multiple benefits.

With the WSUDP approach as a multi-disciplinary process, a city’s transition

from a water-wasteful to a water-sensitive environment within a range of
social-economic and environmental context can be facilitated. This guide
develops a critical mass of knowledge around the integration of planning and
designing activities for the adoption of water sensitivity in urban areas of India
(see Posters: WSUDP approach at different scales and WSUDP in different


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A. Review of regulatory framework dealing with urban water management in

Policy Existing key focus Status of potential WSUDP
National Water Policy, Drinking water supply and No mention about sustainable water
2012 management management or water sensitive practices
at different scales
National Land Utilisation Improvement of livelihood, No focus on the use of conserved land for
Policy, 2013 food and water security, SUDS structures and implementation of
and best possible realization WSUDP projects
to ensure sustainable
development of India
National Housing Policy of ’Affordable Housing for All’ No mention of integration of various
India, 2015 with special emphasis on the environmental factors towards sustainable
urban poor water management
Plan Existing key focus Status of potential WSUDP
12th Five Year Plan Restoring traditional Provision and platform to implement
water bodies and natural WSUDP structures
drainage systems. Encourage
Integrated Watershed
Management Programme
Master Plan, 2021 Guides the process of Vision statement and the demand
planned development of an assessment don’t keep pace with each
urban area other
Doesn’t talk about the use of open spaces
for implementation of WSUDP projects
Guidelines Existing key focus Status of potential WSUDP
Urban and Regional Prepares the proposed land Provides enough open area to design the
Development Plans use bifurcation for different SUDS structures
Formulation & urban centres
Implementation (URDPFI)
Guidelines, 2014
Guidelines and Developing a ‘green campus/ Need to be upgraded to the next level i.e.
Benchmarks for Green townships’ city level and add its input in the existing
Large Area Development, master plans
2011 Perception of three level of scales needs
to be included
Environmental Assess of the present and Needs to be scaled to city level and also
building guidelines for future environmental issues cover rest of the aspects/components of
Hyderabad Metropolitan in the building industry WSUDP
Development Authority,
Environment Impact Obtaining clearance for Crucial environment factors are not
Assessment scheduled development conspired e.g. consumption of water,
projects that are likely increase runoff
to result in significant
environmental effects
Bureau of Indian Specifies the acceptable Storm water and wastewater outputs
Standards (BIS)—Drinking limits and permissible limits should not affect the drinking water
Water Quality in the absence of alternative standards


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Storm water Index— Assess and monitor Rainwater Harvesting/Artificial

National Mission on the implementation of Groundwater Recharge Index
Sustainable Habitat, 2015 sustainable storm-water Benchmark: (1.0) the ratio of the
management measured value of Total Suspended Solids
(TSS)/Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Helps to quantify the of the storm drain water to the prescribed
sustainability of drainage limits of TSS/BOD
system as well as urban
drainage Rainfall Intensity Index
Benchmark: (Variable) the ratio of the
observed rainfall intensity to the rainfall
intensity which causes flooding in that
particular area.
Storm-water discharge quality Index
Benchmark: (0.3) the ratio of the
rainwater volume stored/harvested to the
ratio of the measured rainfall volume.
Model Building Bye-Laws, Provisions for rainwater Emphasis is given on consumption
2016 harvesting, green buildings, of up to 30 per cent potable water
segregated toilets, and generate approximately 40 per
wastewater reuse and recycle cent of total waste with provisions for
etc. water conservation and management
by rainwater harvesting, low water
consumption plumbing fixtures,
wastewater recycle and reuse, and
reduction of hardscape
Source: CSE, 2016

In urban areas, developmental works are carried out on construction of different

types of buildings and infrastructure works such as road, water supply,
sewage and rainwater (storm-water) drainage networks. These developmental
works can be associated with high or low environmental impact depending
on how significant the impact is. Submission of the EIA report is a statutory
requirement for obtaining prior environmental clearance under the EIA
Notification 2006 for scheduled development projects that are likely to result in
significant environmental effects. Water-related considerations such as water
supply and demand management, storm-water management and wastewater
management are vital in an EIA report. Crucial environmental aspects such
as consumption of water for the project, sewage generation from the project,
sewage treatment plant for the township and increase in run-off from the site
due to buildings, roads, paver blocks and other hard surfaces need to be taken
as serious considerations. Table: Environmental aspect and their associated
impact developments highlights the already existing provisions supporting
WSUDP that can have an positive impact on the environmental.

Table: Environmental aspect and their associated impact developments

High-impact development Low-impact development

Environmental aspect: Water supply and demand

Tapping from the already overloaded header Provision of large rainwater storage ponds to store the
pipe line of the service provider and have roof run-off or surface run-off and use it with minimal
significant impact to the competing users treatment (filtration and disinfection)
Abstraction of groundwater and will lead to
depletion of groundwater reserve.


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Use of water intensive sanitary fixtures and Use of water efficient sanitary fixtures:
thereby no control of water consumption a. Low flow, high pressure water taps, showers etc.
and have significant impact to the competing
users. b. Double button cistern for flushing
No recycling of treated sewage and all water Recycling of treated sewage by installation of dual
requirements are met by fresh water and have plumbing and using the treated sewage to meet the
significant impact to the competing users. non-potable requirements.
Environmental aspect: Wastewater

Discharge to the already overloaded sewerage Treatment of sewage through STP and recycling the
system of the service provider treated water from STP.
Discharge to surface water, open land and
these activities will lead to the contamination
of surface water and groundwater.
Centralized STP with cross-country sewer Decentralized treatment plants adjoining the source of
lines will have less efficiency, more transfer generation with less sewer lines.
cost, more leakages and will have significant
More ingress and inflow during rainy days
from the laid underground sewer lines and will
increase the sewage load many folds.
Environmental aspect: Storm water

No RWH structure or percolation pits. RWH percolation pits and thereby to achieve zero
or discharge of storm water from the site.
Three time increase in the runoff from the site
overloads the laid storm-water pipes/drains
of the service provider and lead to flooding
or stagnation of large quantity of runoff near
the site if there is no storm-water drain and all
these leads to flooding.
Environmental aspect: Groundwater

Deterioration in groundwater quality and Infiltration and recharge helps to maintain water table
decrease in groundwater table
Source: Thomas, P. Z., (2013) Presentation on Water Neutral in Low Impact Urban Developments in Regional Workshop
on ‘Energy and Resource Efficiency in Urban Water Management’ in Puducherry on 12 August 2013


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B: Recommended reading material

Morgan, C., Bevington, C., Levin, D., Robinson, P., Davis, P., Abbott,
J. and Simkins, P., 2013. Water sensitive urban design in the
UK. Ideas for built environment practitioners. CIRIA report C, 723.

France, R.L. ed., 2002. Handbook of water sensitive planning and

design. CRC Press.

Butler, D., Memon, A., Makropoulos, C., Southall, A. and

Clarke, L., Guidance on Water Cycle Management for New
Developments. CIRIA Report C, 690.

Wong, T.H., 2006. Water sensitive urban design-the journey thus

far. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 10(3), pp.213-222.

Ballard, B.W., Kellagher, R., Martin, P., Jefferies, C., Bray, R. and
Shaffer, P., 2007. The SUDS manual. Construction Industry Research
& Information Association (CIRIA).

Dhalla, S. and Zimmer, C., 2010. Low Impact Development

Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide. Stormwater
Guide. Toronto: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 77 26/02/18 3:37 PM


Hoyer, J., Dickhaut, W., Kronawitter, L. and Weber, B., 2011. Water

sensitive urban design: principles and inspiration for sustainable
stormwater management in the city of the future. Hamburg,
Germany: Jovis.

Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo,

V., Spiegel, A., Mauck, B. and Coulson, D., 2014.Framework and
Guidelines (WRC).


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C.1: Checklist for sustainable urban drainage systems


NAME OF THE BUILDING/PROJECT:_______________________________________________________________________________

NAME OF THE IMPLEMENTING AGENCY:__________________________________________________________________________










DATE OF SURVEY: _________________________________


Catchment area

Type of catchment Dimensions (length x width) Area Remarks












*Photographs of each catchment surface


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Conveyance of storm water

Longitudinal slope Inlet Outlet/overflow Any other feature for

handling the flow

*Photographs of each conveyance mechanism

Type of SUDS structure

Structure is similar to? (Photograph)


Bio-retention area/rain garden

Detention basin



Cross section conceptual drawing (with side slope)

Attributes Value

Surface area and dimensions


Total capacity

Other feature/remarks

Surrounding buffer area

Attributes Value

Surface area and dimensions

Land cover

Other feature/remarks


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C.2: Checklist for decentralized wastewater treatment for local reuse

The following questions will provide basic information for a feasibility assessment of DWWTs:


I. Land use:

II. Municipal sewage connection: Available/Not available

If available, information on sewage drains in campus

• Underground drainage (covered within campus):

• Open drainage (covered within campus):

III. Septic tank or other on-site sanitation system (e.g. soak pit): _________/capacity___________(litres)

IV. Describe any pre-treatment facilities or practices used to remove chemical/hazardous pollutants to protect the sewer if any:

V. Storm water discharge from campus: In the drainage/overland flow

VI. Open area available in campus: Yes/No (Appox. area: ___________sq. m)

VII. Green area in campus: _________ (sq. m)

VIII. Any forest clearance issue for trees in campus: Yes/No


I. Source of water supply : Municipal bore well/municipal supply/tanker

II. Number of storage tanks in campus: Yes/No

Tank1:____________ (litres), Tank 2 :__________ (litres), Tank 3 :__________(litres)

III. Estimated daily water consumption: _____________ (litres)

· Number of users: Permanent ______________; Visitors _________________.

· Capacity of the overhead tank; number of times the overheard tank is emptied per day:

· Water usage in garden/ landscaping: ___________________


I. Water table depth: ___________ (metres below ground level)

II. Bore well log available: Yes/No—Location of bore well on the site plan

III. What is the nature of soil in the area?



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I. Number of users:

• Buildings: Yes/No

(No. of buildings in institution:___________; Building type : Single/multistory; Number of floors__________

(write separately for each building)

• Kitchen/canteen: Yes/No

If yes, number of users/day:___________

I. No. of toilets in the building/s: ___________; location on site plan: _________

II. Any use of phenyl, detergents or other chemical substances mixed with wastewater for cleaning

III. Are there separate pipelines for grey water (which comes from kitchens, washbasins and bathrooms) and black water
(which comes from toilets)? Yes No

5. Please attach the following:

a. Architectural drawings (site plan with dimensions) indicating:

• Location of wastewater generation sources

• Open area and built up area
• Sewer drains with flow directions
• Services layout (water supply, fire fighting storage, electric cables etc.)
• Slope direction
• Location of the storage tanks
• Rooftop/terrace floor plan showing the location of rainwater pipes/outlets
• Location of abandoned/defunct bore or tube wells (if any)

b. Any data on wastewater quality analysis (BOD, COD, total phosphate, TKN, total coliform etc.).

c. Any relevant information you would like to provide


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D.1: Operation and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems


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D.2: Operation and maintenance activities for decentralized wastewater

treatment for local reuse
Components Method of maintenance Time frame for monitoring
and maintenance (short
term—S, long term—L,
when required—R)
Grease trap • Skim upper scum layer (oil layer) S
• Hydrant-flushing, in case of clogging R
• Cleaning of the unit to achieve required free flow of wastewater and avoid R
Settler • Non-degradable substances such as plastic, glass, metals etc should be checked S
• Desludging the unit once in 2-3 years L
• While emptying/desludging some active sludge should be left to enable L
continuous decomposition of fresh influent
Anaerobic • Surrounding of the units should be kept free of plants in order to prevent roots S
baffled from growing and crack/ crevices in the structure.
reactor • Filters materials should be removed, washed cleaned and then put it back in five L/R
to ten years
• Desludging the unit once in two to three years L
• While emptying/desludging some active sludge should be left in system to enable L
continuous decomposition of fresh influent R
• Dead leaf litter should be removed
Planted filter • Harvesting of plants R
bed • Prevent runoff from surrounding L
• Optimal water distribution R
Oxidation • Prevent algal boom S
pond • To prevent stagnancy, wastewater should be reused for horticulture after 24–48-
hour detention
*Short term: less than one year; long term: once in two to five years

E. List of worldwide case studies reviewed

S. no. Country Site and city Scale Outcomes Sources and references

1 USA Tanner Springs Public park Re-establishment of natural wetland, www.plannersweb.eu, www.drainforlife.eu,
Park, Portland creation of a functional, beautiful Case Studies Sustainable Water Management
public park in a dense urban area in the City of the Future (pdf)
2 10th @ Hoyt Courtyard Reduces the excess runoff rate, Case Studies Sustainable Water Management
Apartments, suspend solids and pollutants by in the City of the Future (pdf)
Portland using rainwater harvesting system Water Sensitive Urban Design for a Sustainable
Stormwater Management in the city of the
Future - SWITCH Research Results (pdf)
3 Fig Tree Place, Residential Demands on water supply reduced www.researchgate.net
Hamilton by 60% through stormwater Water Management to water sensitive urban
management planning—A contemporary approach to
sustainable planning (pdf),
Water Sensitive Urban Redevelopment: The
‘Figtree Place’ Experiment (pdf)
4 Portland, City Grey to green initiative—Use of Water Sensitive Urban Design Principles
Oregon, green roofs, infiltration areas, and Inspiration for Sustainable Stormwater
pervious surface materials, and other Management in the City of the Future—
such measures demonstrates that Manual
decentralized approach can function
on their own and be linked together
to manage storm water on district or
even potentially at an urban scale


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 84 26/02/18 3:37 PM


5 Portland, Public park Using sustainable storm-water Water Sensitive Urban Design Principles
Oregon, management to re‐establish natural and Inspiration for Sustainable Stormwater
wetlands and create a functional, Management in the City of the Future—
beautiful public park in a dense Manual
urban area.
6 Germany Trabrennbahn Residential Aesthetic benefit, Groundwater Case Studies Sustainable Water Management
Farmsen, Recharge through vegetated swales in the City of the Future (pdf),
Hamburg and retention basins Water Sensitive Urban Design for a Sustainable
Stormwater Management in the city of the
Future—SWITCH Research Results (pdf)
7 Hohlgrabenäck- Residential Preservation of natural hydrological Case Studies Sustainable Water Management
er, Stuttgart cycle through stormwater in the City of the Future (pdf),
management and water conservation Sustainable Urbanism with Green Roofs—
Natural Stormwater Management (pdf)
8 Potsdamer Platz, Residential Maintains ecological balance, Case Studies Sustainable Water Management
Berlin contributes to environmental in the City of the Future (pdf),
conditioning, focal point for outdoor How can Urban Stormwater Design contribute
recreation to a successful site design - Jack Radar (pdf)
9 Trabrennbahn Residential Application of an open drainage 018530 - SWITCH
Farmsen system as a key design element for a Sustainable Water Management in the City of
(Hamburg) newly built residential estate; design the Future
reflects the former function of the
site as a harness racetrack.
10 South Korea Juyeop Institution Recycled water used for toilet Water Resource Management: Policy
Elementary flushing, irrigation, gardening and Recommendations for the Development of
School spaying for playground Eco-efficient infrastructure (pdf)
11 Star City, Seoul Commercial Flood mitigation, water conservation, www.iwawaterwiki.org
47% water captured Water Resource Management: Policy
Recommendations for the Development of
Eco-efficient infrastructure (pdf)
12 Gangneung Recreational Treated water used in gardening, Water Resource Management: Policy
sports comple, spraying, toilet, flushing, fire fighting Recommendations for the Development of
Gangneung Eco-efficient infrastructure (pdf)
13 Asan New City City Restoration of water cycle, Security Water Resource Management: Policy
of alternative water resources by Recommendations for the Development of
rainwater use, Eco-Efficient Infrastructure (pdf),
education of water-related Choi, Hanna (2011) New city planning with
disasters, Promotion of Green new decentralized rainwater management based
technologies on LID, Symposium on decentralized rainwater
14 Juyeop Residential Rainwater management system is Kim et al., (2012) Low Carbon Green Growth
Elementary installed and rainwater is used for Roadmap for Asia and the Pacific
School toilet flushing, irrigation, gardening
and spaying for playground.
15 Netherlands Het Funen, Residential Groundwater recharge through Comparative Case Studies towards
Amsterdam storm-water management mainstreaming Water Sensitive Urban Design
in Australia and the Netherlands (pdf)
Mainstreaming Innovations in Urban Water
Management (pdf)
16 Duyfrak, Residential Rise in the water table through Comparative Case Studies towards
Valkenburg Zh storm-water infiltration and mainstreaming Water Sensitive Urban Design
permeable pavement in Australia and the Netherlands (pdf)
Mainstreaming Innovations in Urban Water
Management (pdf)
17 Rotterdam, City Using water as an opportunity Water Sensitive Urban Design Principles
to make a city more attractive by and Inspiration for Sustainable Stormwater
creating and implementing new Management in the City of the Future—
solutions for storm-water storage Manual
in densely built urban areas and by
following an integrative approach


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 85 26/02/18 3:37 PM


18 India IIM Kozhikode, Institution Self-sufficient (no external water www.indiawaterportal.org,

Kerala supply), Zero runoff Water Management to water sensitive urban
planning- a contemporary approach to
sustainable planning (pdf)
19 Philippines DOST 7 Office Commercial 75% of the water need is fulfilled Water Resource Management: Policy
Building, Cedbu - Reuse for toilet flushing and Recommendations for the Development of
City Gardening Eco-efficient Infrastructure (pdf),
Recycled wastewater released to the Reeho Kim, The integrated rainwater and
river for ecosystem greywater management project in Cebu,
Philippines, Low impact development
symposium, Pennsylvania. 2011
20 Malaysia Kuching City Groundwater recharge Water Resource Management: Policy
and reduction in potable water use Recommendations for the Development of
by treating grey water Eco-efficient Infrastructure (pdf),
Greywater Management in Low and Middle-
Income Countries, Sandec (Water and
Sanitation in Developing Countries) at Eawag
(Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and
Technology), 2006
21 Mali Djenne City Grey water treatment system Water Resource Management: Policy
Recommendations for the Development of
Eco-efficient Infrastructure (pdf),
Greywater Management in Low and Middle-
Income Countries, Sandec (Water and
Sanitation in Developing Countries) at Eawag
(Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and
Technology), 2006
22 Jordan The Dead Sea Commercial 17% of the water consumed in the Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry:
Spa Hotel hotel is recycled Principles of Sustainable Operations,
23 The Aqaba Residential 300 cum of water is saved per year. AREE - Aqaba Residence Energy Efficiency
Residence Recycled water is used in irrigation www.afedonline.org/water%20efficiency%20
and Landscaping manual/PDF/7Appendix%20A_Case%20
24 England Hastoe Housing Residential Reduction in per capita water Water Efficiency in New Developments: A best
Association consumption practice guide (pdf)
development, Waterwise East: 2007-2010
Upcher Close,
25 Stamford Brook Residential A good example of how holistic Delivering Sustainable Housing—Learning from
development water management, can be Stamford Brook
incorporated into a development
scheme to ameliorate flood risk and
improve environmental quality and a
series of connected greenways and
wildlife corridors.
26 Upton, Community A mid-density residential Planning advice for integrate water
Northampton neighbourhood with integrated management—Cambridge Natural Capital
SUDS, providing significant additional Leaders Platform
housing without increasing flood risk
while retaining effective greenfield
runoff rates, and reducing flood risk
to the wider community
27 Australia Evermore Zone 68% reduction in water use scheme Evermore Heights NWW case study VI pdf
Heights, by using WSDP structures UDIA Sustainable Urban Development Matrix
Rockingham (pdf)


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 86 26/02/18 3:37 PM


28 Carindale Residential All homes constructed on the site Evaluating Options for Water Sensitive Urban
Pines, Brisbane, include a 25 kL rainwater tank, Design—A National Guide
Queensland collecting rainwater after filtering Appendices
through a first-flush system.
Tank water is used for all household
uses, including drinking water.
Additionally, homes are fitted with
AAA-rated water-saving appliances.
On a larger scale, roads in the
development were designed to
conform with natural landforms
where possible, and catchment
runoff is directed through a series of
vegetated swales.
29 Mawson Lakes City An integrated water management Water Sensitive Urban Design Impediments
Boulevard approach was adopted in Mawson and Potential: Contributions to the SA Urban
Lakes with different WSUD elements Water Blueprint
(storm water, recycled water) and
landscape features (lakes and open Post-implementation assessment and
spaces). The local runoff from the impediments to WSUD
development is diverted to the
wetlands (railway wetlands) on the
south west of the development by
storm-water infrastructure further via
a culvert to the Greenfields wetlands
to the west (City of Salisbury n.d. b).
30 The Grove: Commercial Groundwater recharge- Reduction Case 2 186 The Grove: Leading, Learning,
Leading in the demand on the mains water Living May 2012 (pdf)
Learning, Living, supply by 730,000 L each year. Case2 186 The Grove: Leading, Learning,
Peppermint Meeting 100% of the internal water Living: Final Report for the Green Precints Fund
Grove demand. Water-efficient fixtures save
175,000 L each year. Reduction in
groundwater withdrawal by 700,000
L per year
31 CERES, Local With integrated approach of storm SEWaC, 2012. Ceres Zero Emissions by 2012.
Brunswick, (community water, water conservation and Green Precincts Final Report. Australia:
Victoria and wastewater treatment and reuse is SEWaC (Department of Sustainability,
educational able save water to 1 ML/yr Environment, Water, Population, and
facility) Communities). http://www.environment.gov.
ceres/index.html [accessed Nov 2012].
32 Capricorn, Perth Zone Storm-water management and Case 4 132 Capricorn Final Oct 2011 (pdf)
water conservation through swales,
raingardens, living streams and
retention of native vegetation
33 The Green at Zone 50% reduction in household Case 5 123 The Green at Brighton Final sept
Brighton, Perth use water through stormwater 2011 (pdf)
management and water conservation community responses towards a communal
groundwater irrigation system in Perth (pdf)
Demonstration Projects: Case studies from
Perth, Australia (pdf)
34 Bellair Street, Residential Decrease in pollution by using Case 8 Bellair Street Raingardens—Sample
Kensington raingardens Case Study (pdf)
35 Lynbrook Estate, Residential Significant pollution reductions, Water Management to water sensitive urban
Melbourne groundwater recharge through planning—A contemporary approach to
vegetated swales, bio-retention and sustainable planning (pdf)
integrated wetlands A case study in WSUD: Lynbrook Estate,
Melbourne, Australia (pdf)
36 Victoria Park, Zone SUDS approach for Groundwater Concept Design Guidelines for Water Sensitive
Sydney recharge Urban Design (pdf)
Developing Sustainable Places—-Land.com


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 87 26/02/18 3:37 PM


37 Kogarah town Zone 85% storm water captured, 42% http://www.architectsajc.com/projects/

square, Sydney reduction in potable water through kogarah-town-square/
water efficient fixtures and storm- Water Management to water sensitive urban
water collection and reuse planning- a contemporary approach to
sustainable planning (pdf)
38 Healthy home, Residential Significant reduction in potable water Water Management to water sensitive urban
Gold Coast, use and the wastewater generated, planning- a contemporary approach to
Queensland rainwater collection and treatment sustainable planning (pdf)
39 60L Green Commercial Involves integrated approach— Water Management to water sensitive urban
Building, Carlton, storm-water management, water planning- a contemporary approach to
Melbourne efficient fixtures and wastewater sustainable planning (pdf)
40 South Africa Anglican Parking lot Runoff flows across an impermeable Report to the
Cathedral, area onto permeable pavers. The Water Research Commission
Central Business runoff is filtered through the By Neil Armitage, Michael Vice, Lloyd Fisher-
District, permeable paving structure. The Jeffes, Kevin Winter,
Pietermaritzburg filtered runoff is discharged into the Andrew Spiegel & Jessica Dunstan (2012)
municipal storm-water system
41 eThekwini Residential Roof collects and effectively Report to the Water Research Commission
Municipal, attenuates By Neil Armitage, Michael Vice, Lloyd Fisher-
Central Business Storm water over its surface area Jeffes, Kevin Winter, Andrew Spiegel & Jessica
District; Durban Dunstan (2012)
42 Hawaan Residential The development maintains upstream Report to the Water Research Commission
Forest Estate, conditions using SUDS treatment By Neil Armitage, Michael Vice, Lloyd Fisher-
Umhlanga Rocks, trains prior to the discharge of Jeffes, Kevin Winter,
eThekwini storm water into the Hawaan Forest Andrew Spiegel & Jessica Dunstan (2012)
43 China Chinese City Existing grey infrastructure in China http://www.planetizen.com/node/79484/
'Sponge Cities' cannot cope with rapid urban chinese-sponge-cities-will-capture-rainwater
Will Capture expansion and frequent droughts
Rainwater and floods. Several cities, with
Beijing's approval, are experimenting
with rainwater capture methods as
an alternative.
44 Scotland Dunfermline, Residential Agricultural land was developed to http://www.susdrain.org/case-studies/
Perth and SUDS case study site to resolve issues case_studies/dunfermline_eastern_expansion_
commercial related to flooding and pollution in scotland.html
water courses
45 Ardler Village, Residential Multi-storey building were https://repository.abertay.ac.uk/jspui/bitstream/
Dundee demolished to reduce flooding at handle/10373/1992/Wade_SmartSUDS_
town centre and new storm-water Author_2015.pdf?sequence=2
management systems were installed
by considering green space and
amenity factors


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 88 26/02/18 3:37 PM



1. Introduction
1. European Environment Agency (2010). General support to framing the forward-
looking assessment component of the SOER, Part A.
2. De Leo, G.A., and Levin, S. (1997). The multifaceted aspects of ecosystem
integrity. Conservation Ecology [online]1(1): 3. Available from: http://www.
3. Sankhe, S., Vittal, I., Dobbs, R., Mohan, A., Gulati, A., Ablett, J., Gupta, S., Kim,
A., Paul, S., Sanghvi, A., and Sethy, G., (2010). India’s Urban Awakening: Building
Inclusive Cities, Sustaining Economic Growth. McKinsey Global Institute.
4. Narain, S., (2012) Excreta Matters: How Urban India Is Soaking Up Water, Polluting
Rivers and Drowning in Its Own Waste. Centre for Science and Environment. Vol. 1.
5. Anon. (2013) Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems. Central Public
Health Environmental Engineering Organisation. Part A: Engineering.
6. Anon. (2015). Inventorization of Sewage Treatment Plants. Central Pollution
Control Board.
7. Thomas, P.Z., (2013). Presentation on Water Neutral in Low Impact Urban
Developments in Regional Workshop on ‘Energy and Resource Efficiency in Urban
Water Management’ in Puducherry on 12 August 2013.
8. Narain, S., (2012). Excreta Matters: How Urban India Is Soaking Up Water, Polluting
Rivers and Drowning in Its Own Waste. Centre for Science and Environment. Vol. 1.
9. Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo, V., Spiegel, A.,
Mauck, B., & Coulson, D., (2014). Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) for South
Africa: Framework and Guidelines. Water Research Commission (WRC) Report No.
TT 588/14. Gezina.

2. Concept of WSUDP
1. World Resources Institute. (2013). Retrieved 10 June 2014 from World Resources
Institute website: http://www.wri.org/
2. Anon. (2013). Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines: South Eastern Councils.
Melbourne Water Corporation.
3. Wong, T.H.F., (2007) Water Sensitive Urban Design—The Journey Thus Far.
Environment Design Guide.
4. WBM, B., 2009. Evaluating Options for Water Sensitive Urban Design – A National
Guide. Joint Steering Committee for Water Sensitive Cities (JSCWSC).

3. WSUDP Approach at different scale

1. Naomi, C., Shamir, U., (2010) ‘Water‐sensitive planning: integrating water
considerations into urban and regional planning’. Water and Environment
Journal 24.3: 181–91.
2. Hadad C. (2007). Runoff as a resource for urban landscape development. MSc Thesis,
faculty of architecture and town planning, Technion—Israel Insitute of Technology.
3. Naomi, C., Shamir, U., (2010) ‘Water‐sensitive planning: integrating water
considerations into urban and regional planning’. Water and Environment
Journal 24.3: 181–91.
4. Hadad C. (2007). Runoff as a resource for urban landscape development. MSc Thesis,
faculty of architecture and town planning, Technion—Israel Insitute of Technology.
5. Rohilla, S.K. (2012). Churning Still Water: A Briefing Paper on the State of Urban
Waterbodies, Conservation and Management in India. Centre for Science and
6. National policy on faecal sludge and septage management (FSSM), February 2017,
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.


WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING-Practitioners Guide.indd 89 26/02/18 3:37 PM


7. Water Audit for Centre for Science and Environment India. Centre for Science and
8. Jainer, S., (2012). Storm Water Drainage and Resource Management Case Study,
Dwarka. New Delhi.
9. Rohilla, S. K., Dasgupta, S., (2011). Roadmap for Rating System for Water Efficient
Fixtures. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment.
10. (2011). Guidelines and benchmarks for Green Large Area Developments Draft Final
report. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
11. Weinstein, Gayle. ‘Xeriscape Handbook: A How-To Guide to Natural Resource-Wise
Gardening’, Golden CO: Fulcrum Publishing (1999), ISBN 1555913466.
12. Guidelines and Benchmarks for Green Large Area Developments Draft Final Report
(2011). Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

4. Implementation of WSUDP
1. Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo, V., Spiegel, A.,
Mauck, B., & Coulson, D., (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) for South
Africa: Framework and Guidelines. Water research Commission (WRC) Report No.
TT 588/14. Gezina
2. Toutain, O., Gopiprasad, S., (2006) Planning for urban infrastructure, India
Infrastructure Report
3. Mechell, J., B. Kniffen, B. Lesikar, D. Kingman, F. Jaber, R. Alexander, and
B. Clayton., (2009). Rainwater Harvesting: System Planning. Texas AgriLife
Extension Service. College Station, TX. Draft version.
4. WSUD maintenance guidelines A guide for asset managers (2013). Melbourne
5. Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo, V., Spiegel, A.,
Mauck, B., & Coulson, D., (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) for South
Africa: Framework and Guidelines. Water Research Commission (WRC) Report No.
TT 588/14. Gezina
6. Alluvium and Kate Black Consulting, 2012. A Business Case for a Water Sensitive
Urban Design Capacity‐Building Program for South Australia. Report for the
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board.
7. CIRIA (2000). Sustainable Urban Drainage System – Design Manual for Scotland
and Northern Ireland (C521). Construction industry research and information
association, London.
8. WBM, B. (2009). Evaluating options for water sensitive urban design–a national
guide. Joint Steering Committee for Water Sensitive Cities (JSCWSC).
9. WBM, B. (2009). Evaluating options for water sensitive urban design–a national
guide. Joint Steering Committee for Water Sensitive Cities (JSCWSC).

5. Best management practices and case studies

1. Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo, V., Spiegel, A.,
Mauck, B., & Coulson, D., (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) for South
Africa: Framework and Guidelines. Water research Commission (WRC) Report No.
TT 588/14. Gezina
2. Armitage, N., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Carden, K., Winter, K., Naidoo, V., Spiegel, A.,
Mauck, B., & Coulson, D., (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) for South
Africa: Framework and Guidelines. Water research Commission (WRC) Report No.
TT 588/14. Gezina


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