BACnet System Specification ES-6-97
BACnet System Specification ES-6-97
BACnet System Specification ES-6-97
There are a number of issues that must be considered when specifying a BACnet-based system.
These issues focus on selecting BACnet options, which include system architectures. A very
important choice in the selection of system architecture is whether or not to allow a gateway to a
non-BACnet-based system, or system components, and how to specify this BACnet gateway. The
basics of any control system also must not be forgotten; that is, the sequence of operations of the
equipment, in addition to the look and feel of the control system.
Specifying a BACnet system cannot by done by simply stating "System shall use BACnet
communication protocols." This is a very ambiguous statement that can result in a system that has
a completely unexpected architecture. It is very important to give details regarding architecture and
system expectations when specifying a BACnet-based system.
BACnet defines, in detail, the communication standard for the control system. BACnet defines
specific LAN types and many details of the communication protocol. These details include—
message structure, communication services, objects, and properties of objects. These specifics
allow proprietary services and objects to be passed over the BACnet LANs without interfering
with standard BACnet items. Some optional items must be chosen for the system to interface with
the building and other building components. Specifying LAN types is very important and usually
straightforward. Specifying details within the communication protocol is also important, but the
resulting ramifications are not always apparent without some thought and consideration.
BACnet addresses all communication issues in a project, but it does not address a number of other
issues that are crucial. A complete specification must address the look and feel of the system,
which physical points are connected to the system, the sequence of operation for the controlled
equipment, and the system architecture. These issues are addressed in current specifications and
must still be included in a specification for a BACnet system.
Programming and setup tools are important parts of the specifications for a BACnet system and
must be included for components or systems from each vendor. System commissioning and future
additions will go smoothly if all tools are included for every vendor’s components or systems.
Specifying tools that are simple and easy to use in a graphical environment reduces commissioning
and set-up time. A common operating system like Windows , or Windows NT , allow operation
of all tools on one computer, with no lapse in system operation or performance.
All of the issues not addressed by the BACnet standard are already included in any complete
specification that is written for a legacy or proprietary system. These items will still need to be 1/02/2011
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included when specifying a BACnet system. However, there are other issues that BACnet does
specify as optional, and it is important to specify them completely.
There are many ways to lay out a system using BACnet components throughout. The entire system
can use components from a single vendor. This has the advantages of sole-source responsibility
and compatibility with future systems, and gives you the choice of adding equipment from other
vendors in the future. However, this approach does not necessarily take advantage of all of the
BACnet benefits.
A system from one vendor may be supplied with interfaces to a few other controllers, such as
chiller controllers or boiler controllers. This provides the advantage of sole-source responsibility,
without necessary custom translation hardware for interfaces to those crucial pieces of equipment.
A system architecture configured this way takes advantage of one of the biggest reasons to use
BACnet devices on a project: protocol compatibility between manufacturers without additional
hardware based on custom or seldom-used software.
BACnet may also be used to interface the HVAC control system to other building systems, such as
fire systems, access control systems, security systems, etc. This architecture allows a building
owner to choose the preferred systems of his/her choice, and BACnet allows integration of these
systems without developing or installing custom gateways. All information may be directly passed
between the different systems over the BACnet LAN interconnection.
A system can be comprised of components from multiple vendors. This has the advantage of the
best feature-to-cost ratio. However, the specification must clearly address who is responsible for
integrating each component into the system and who will provide all the necessary set-up and
programming tools for each component. If this is not defined, there can be holes in the startup and
commissioning phase that leave a system partially operating.
A system can also use an architecture that is BACnet-based at higher levels and non-BACnet-
based at lower levels. This lets a system interface to other BACnet equipment at the higher levels,
but requires a gateway device to translate data between the non-BACnet protocol and BACnet.
Generally, the gateway complicates the system design and increases costs because of the extra
hardware, set-up, and programming time involved with a gateway device.
This possible variety of system architectures is why it is so important to specify the type of
architecture that fits your particular project. The objectives of the system must be examined
carefully, like current systems, before defining the architecture. BACnet provides this flexibility.
The BACnet standard defines five LAN types for system communications: Ethernet, ARCNET,
Master Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP), Point-to-Point (PTP) and LonTalk. Ethernet and ARCNET
are used as backbones for the system. They are standard LANs—typically used in computer
networks—that can transfer large amounts of data quickly. MS/TP and LonTalk are typically used
as interfaces to field controllers because of the lower installation cost. PTP is used as a direct
connection point for computers and modems. Details of LAN types can be found in the BACnet
standard and in some of the many articles written on the subject.
The first decision regarding LAN types concerns the backbone of the system. This decision is
influenced by the existing network, or whether the owner wants to use the general computer
network as the automation system backbone. Items to consider include the reliability of the
computer network, and how critical its reliability is to control system performance. Installation 1/02/2011
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costs of the BACnet LAN types vary and the choice between coax installation or twisted-wire
connections must also be considered. In a campus-wide system, using an existing LAN
significantly reduces costs and is almost a necessity for quick and efficient system installation.
Choosing the LAN type for other parts of the control system is generally not as critical or
complicated; in many architecture scenarios, it can be left to the supplier of the system. MS/TP is a
low-cost LAN installed using a twisted pair of wires from unit to unit. LonTalk supports a number
of different transport media—twisted pair and coax, for example—that the supplier or specifier can
select. However, do not confuse LonTalk with LonWorks. LonWorks is a complete protocol
specification, while LonTalk is only the transport medium for the system. LonTalk is part of the
BACnet standard, while LonWorks is not.
Direct connection points using a computer are made through the point-to-point LAN. The specifier
should detail locations of these PTP connections and also whether modem connections are desired.
Typically one modem connection is necessary for each system. Laptop computer connections are
provided at each global panel.
The last consideration when specifying LAN types involves interfaces between different
manufacturers'systems. One manufacturer may use MS/TP for its controller interface, while
another may use ARCnet. It is simple to add a router for integration between these two LAN types.
Most important in a BACnet-based specification is to define who is responsible for providing
systems components, such as, routers, set-up tools, and start-up/job commissioning.
"Services are the means by which one BACnet device acquires information from another device,
commands another device to perform certain actions, or announces to one or more devices that
some event has taken place." In other words, services control the activity throughout the BACnet
LANs to assure that messages and commands arrive at the intended destination. One service may
read a single piece of information from a controller, while another may tell a device to shut down
and then start up again.
The important thing to remember in specifying a BACnet system is that if one BACnet device
supports a given service and another device does not, the two devices cannot use that particular
service to communicate with each other. This may or may not be important, depending on what
service is not supported. If both devices support another service that will serve a similar role, then
this common service can be used.
For example, one device might support the ReadPropertyMultiple service and another device might
not. (The ReadPropertyMultiple service reads multiple BACnet objects and properties from a
device using one command.) Using multiple ReadProperty services that return the value of one
property of one object can duplicate the function of ReadPropertyMultiple service. However, both
devices need to support the ReadProperty service or there will be more activity over the LAN
because the ReadProperty service must be sent multiple times.
It is tempting to specify that every BACnet device in a system should support every BACnet
service. The BACnet standard addresses all system components from the operator workstation to
unitary controllers and even smart sensors, so there are many services that need to be implemented
at the higher level but are unnecessary at the unitary controller level. Implementing services at the
lower levels has a direct effect on processing power and memory, which directly affects the cost of
these products.
Most specifications need a general way to specify the services required at each system level. To do
this, the BACnet standard defines six general conformance classes. Each conformance class has a 1/02/2011
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minimum number of services that must be implemented for the device to be in its specific class. A
specification should define the desired conformance class of each BACnet device in the system.
This will assure that devices from two different vendors will be able to communicate with each
BACnet defines each physical point, or software value, in a system as an object. The most
commonly used objects are analog input, analog output, analog value, binary input, binary output,
and binary value objects. All objects have properties associated with them including, present value,
description, status, units, and so on.iv Each object has required and optional properties. These are
detailed in Appendix C of the BACnet standard for every object type.
The specification, or drawing set, should list each physical connection that will be made to the
system, just like the point list in specifications today. Ideally, this list would also include any
software parameters associated with each connection point such as, alarms, alarm limits, setpoints,
etc. Each of the items listed is treated as an object, with its associated properties within the BACnet
system. Again, all required properties for a given object type must be supported by the BACnet
A vital aspect of specifying objects emerges when interfacing controllers from two or more
different manufacturers. If the building control system is to communicate with a BACnet-based
controller on the chiller, the objects to be passed between the chiller controller and the building
control system must be defined. Specifying all objects that are to be passed to and from the
controllers assures that the BACnet objects needed for system implementation will be provided by
the manufacturers at their respective interfaces. The same philosophy should be adhered to when
systems are being integrated.
A specification might ignore support of optional properties; in many cases this is appropriate,
because the optional properties are not needed. However, if optional properties are necessary for
control or if optional properties are desired because of function, the specification must include
those properties in the definition of each object type. If optional properties are not needed on a
project, but are supported by a BACnet device, they do not degrade system performance.
BACnet lets manufacturers define proprietary services and objects as an extension to the BACnet
standard. This BACnet feature allows manufacturers to add special functions to their systems
without impacting any of the standard BACnet communication that occurs on the BACnet LAN.
However, implementing and relying on a proprietary service or object means that other
manufacturers cannot access functions that use the proprietary service or object. If the vendor
utilizing proprietary BACnet objects, services, and so on, provides detailed descriptions in
BACnet-standard format, then other vendors can also implement these extensions. This should be
carefully specified.
The specifier must decide whether proprietary services and objects are allowed for a project. This
should be clearly defined in the specification. If proprietary services or objects are allowed, the
specification should call for submittal of these proprietary items. This will allow another
manufacturer to implement the proprietary services and objects in its system for complete system
Gateways are devices that translate information from a non-BACnet protocol to one that is 1/02/2011
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BACnet-compatible. Each gateway must interface with a BACnet LAN and also with the LAN
used by the non-BACnet system. A gateway converts the information from the non-BACnet
system into properties of BACnet objects. This conversion process must be programmed for the
application; typically, each object is defined on a project by project basis. The gateway, when
properly connected and configured, integrates non-BACnet systems or components into a BACnet-
based system.
Specifications must address a number of issues when dealing with gateways. One such issue is the
throughput of the gateway. The translation process takes some time to perform and will vary
depending on the number of objects moving through the gateway. The LAN types attached to each
side of the gateway may also influence throughput. If the non-BACnet system is passing large
amounts of data, a high speed BACnet LAN—like Ethernet or ARCNET—should be used on the
BACnet side. Slower LANs will not have the capacity to pass large amounts of data effectively.
It is critical to completely define the objects and properties that are to be passed to the BACnet
system. Gateways are typically configured to fit a particular project. If a piece of information is not
specified as a BACnet object with its associated properties, it will likely not be present on the
BACnet side.
As discussed above, specifying correctly ensures that the proper product and system are defined for
a given project. The second part of ensuring that system installation goes smoothly is the review of
product submittal data to verify that each product meets the specification. Commissioning the
system is the final step in ensuring that a complete, high-performance system is installed.
Any product submittal for a BACnet based system should include the BACnet-defined Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). The PICS defines each product’s capability. It
begins with a product description, and details the LAN type (Data Link Layer Option) and
conformance class of the device. PICS’ also include the services supported, object types, and, if
required in the specification, descriptions of any proprietary services or objects.
The PICS also includes a section on the functional groups supported. Functional groups are
groupings of specific services needed to perform certain functions and can be used to specify
general requirements for a device. Finally, the PICS includes character sets supported, special
functionality, router capabilities, and property range restrictions. These items may or may not be
important for a specific project.
A device’s PICS defines for the specifier how that device implements BACnet. It is as important as
standard data specification sheets when reviewing a submittal for BACnet-based components or
Unitary Controller
BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Vendor Name: 1/02/2011
How to Specify BACnet Based Systems Page 6 of 10
1. Product Description
The BACnet-UC is a versatile BACnet Unitary Controller designed for heat pump, air
conditioning and fan coil applications. It operates either as a stand-alone controller or as part
of a building-wide integrated system. Binary and analog outputs are available to control
heating and cooling stages, economizers, modulating valves, and other devices. The control
logic is fully programmable, thus the controller can be easily adapted to a wide variety of
Class 1 Class 4
Class 2 Class 5
Class 3 Class 6
Clock Files
HHWS Reinitialize
PCWS Virtual Operator Interface
Event Initiation Virtual Terminal
Event Response Device Communications
COV Event Initiation Time Master
COV Event Response 1/02/2011
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Request Key
Optional Properties
Dynamically Dynamically Supported Writable
Object- Supported Creatable Deletable Properties
Analog Description
Analog Description
Analog Description Present_Value
Binary Description
Binary Description
Output 1/02/2011
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ISO 8802-3, 10BASE5 ARCNET, coax star MS/TP master, baud rate(s):
ISO 8802-3, 10BASE2 ARCNET, coax bus MS/TP slave: 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 76.8k bps
ISO 8802-3, 10BASET ARCNET, twisted pair star Point-To-Point, EIA 232, baud rate(s):
ISO 8802-3, Fiber ARCNET, twisted pair bus Point-To-Point, modem, baud rate(s):
ARCNET, fiber star LonTalk, medium:
Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported
ANSI X3.4 IBM/Microsoft DBCS JIS C 6226 ISO 10646 (ICS-4) ISO 10646 (UCS2)
ISO 8859-1
8. Special Functionality 1/02/2011
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9. Router
BACnet is a communication protocol for building automation systems that is an industry standard
developed by ASHRAE and adopted by ANSI. It addresses all aspects of the various systems that
are applied in buildings today and looks forward into the future. This includes the operator
workstations all the way down to the unitary controllers and smart sensors. BACnet provides
flexibility in system design and seamless integration and interfacing to building components from
multiple manufacturers. Finally, it gives a user options when procuring systems and system
components now and into the future.
This flexibility requires that a system is carefully and thoroughly specified to ensure a properly
operating system.
4. Optional step: Specify LAN types to Decision to use computer network for LAN
be used. backbone or existing BACnet LANs
installed. 1/02/2011
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8. Optional step: Specify objects that If interfaces between different vendors are
are to be passed between devices. used or if gateways are specified. 1/02/2011