Utilization of Fish Processing Waste: A Waste To Wealth Approach
Utilization of Fish Processing Waste: A Waste To Wealth Approach
Utilization of Fish Processing Waste: A Waste To Wealth Approach
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Large portion of these by-products are underutilized or wasted or discarded (Sachindra and Mahendrakar,
2015). Dumping of these byproducts not only results in loss of large amount of bioactive rich materials but also leads
to pollution problems. Recycling of these by-products into marketable products can be a solid waste management
strategy. Treated fish waste can have multiple applications such as ingredient in animal feed, for the production of
biodiesel/biogas, cosmetics (collagen), enzyme isolation and soil fertilizer (Sachindra and Mahendrakar, 2015). Fish
waste (byproduct) can be utilized for human consumption (e.g. mince, roe, fish heads, nutraceuticals), agricultural or
allied uses (fish hydrolysate, fertilizer, compost) and non-nutritional uses (biodiesel and fuel, chitin and chitosan,
caroteniods pigments, leather and gelatin) (Marsh and Bechtel, 2012).
Fish Production
Total global fish production in 2016 was 171 million tonnes (MT) (marine capture fisheries: 79.3 MT + freshwater
capture fisheries: 11.6 MT + aquaculture: 80 MT). Out of which 151.2 MT was directly consumed by humans as
food. Amount of production lost to spoilage or thrown away after landing and prior to consumption was 46.17 MT (27
% of all landings). In 2016, 20 million tonnes (approx., 12 % of total fish production, 171 MT) was used for non-food
purposes globally. Out of which, 15 MT is reduced to fishmeal and fish oil and the rest 5 MT is largely utilized as
material for animal feed, as bait, in pharmaceutical uses and for ornamental purposes (SOFIA, 2018). Today, Norway
has developed modern processing facilities to manage over 0.65MT of seafood by-products each year and the
Norwegian Atlantic salmon industry utilizes around 90% of its byproducts. In Vietnam, Pangasius by-products are
well separated and directed to specific industries for value addition (Stevens, et.al. 2018). Stevens, et.al. (2018) also
advocated the strategic utilization of aquaculture by-products using Fish In: Fish Out (FI:FO) concept. A responsible
and sustainable use of fish resources, whether from capture fisheries or from aquaculture, foresees an efficient
utilization of the whole fish including the use of the various by-products generated throughout the processing stage”.
Fishery By-products
“By-product” indicates something that is not regarded as an ordinary saleable product but can be used after
treatment and the term “waste” refers to products that cannot be used for feed or food but have to be composted or
destroyed (Suresh and Prabhu, 2012).EC regulation on animal byproducts (EC No.1774/2002) defines animal byproducts
as whole or parts of animals or products that is not fit for and intended for human consumption. Though co-products,
co-streams, discrads or waste are synonymously used, the term waste seems to mean the material has no value
(Sachindra and Mahendrakar, 2015). There are different terms such as “by-product,” “co-product,” “fish waste,”
“fish offal,” “fish visceral mass,” “fish discards,” and so on that are applied to describe the non-edible parts of
seafood processing (Suresh and Prabhu, 2012). Stevens, et.al.(2018) defined the term by-products as all the materials,
edible or nonedible, left over following the preparation of main products. For finfishes, typical byproducts include
trimmings, skins, heads, frames (bones with attached flesh), viscera (guts) and blood. Stevens, et.al.(2018) reported
the fractions of byproduct as percentage of total wet weight of atlantic salmon: Viscera (12.5%), Heads (10%),
Frames (10%), Skins (3.5%), Blood (2%), Trimming (2%), Belly flap (1.5%). Moreover, table 1 shows the percentage
of finfish processing by-product fraction out of total weight of fish (Suresh and Prabhu, 2012).
Potential Use of Fish Waste or Byproducts
Very recently, biotechnological processes such as biocatalytic and fermentation processes have emerged as an
integral part of seafood processing; they serve not only as an attractive alternative to chemical, physical, and mechanical
methods in the processing of seafood by-products, but also as tools for recovering various valuable components
(Suresh and Prabhu, 2012). Biotechnological processes are well recognized as eco-friendly processes which provide
a possibility to recover additional useful components other than the target component from the raw materials (Suresh
and Prabhu, 2012). Various other valuable components extracted from fish waste and their application have tabulated
in Table 1. Table 3 shows Potential Bioactive/ Valuable Components from Processing By-Products of Finfish.
Shellfish Processing By-Products with their potential Valuable/Bioactive Components have been detailed in Table 4
and table 5.
128 Emerging Post-Harvest Engineering and Techological Interventions for Enhancing Farmer's Income
Utilization of Fish Processing Waste: A Waste to Wealth Approach
Table 1: Percentage of finfish processing by-product fraction out of total weight of fish
(Suresh and Prabhu, 2012)
Table 2: Valuable components and the utilization of fish by-products (Stevens, et.al. 2018)
Heads Proteins, peptides, lipids, collagen, gelatine, minerals Food, fish meal, fish oil, food grade hydrolysates, animal
including calcium, flavour grade hydrolysates, pet food, nutraceuticals, cosmetics
Frames (bones, Proteins, peptides, lipids, collagen, gelatine, minerals Food, fish meal, fish oil, food grade hydrolysates, animal
flesh, fins) including calcium, flavour grade hydrolysates, pet food, nutraceuticals, cosmetics
Trimmings Proteins, peptides, lipids Food, fish meal, fish oil, food grade hydrolysates, animal
grade hydrolysates, pet food
Viscera Proteins, peptides, lipids, enzymes such as lipases Food grade hydrolysates, animal grade hydrolysates, fish
meal, fish oil, fuel, fertilisers
Skin (with Collagen, gelatine, lipids, proteins, peptides, minerals, Fish meal, fish oil, cosmetics, food, fish meal, nutraceuticals,
belly flap) flavour cosmetics, leather, fuel,fertilisers
Blood Proteins, peptides, lipids, thrombin & fibrin Fuel, fertiliser, therapeutants
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Utilization of Fish Processing Waste: A Waste to Wealth Approach
There is an increased demand for complete utilization of the abundant fish processing by-products not only as
untapped sources of bioactive molecules but also to minimize the related environmental issues (Suresh and Prabhu,
2012) and thereby the future of fish processing waste for its utilization and bioconversion is promising with the right
state of mind and interest. The fish processing industry and related stakeholders can intervene and make progress in
future in terms of resource mobilization, value addition, product diversification and sustainable growth.
Fish processing waste or by-products have vast potential for their utilization. It is possible to recover the bioactive
components and molecules using appropriate technologies and recent technological advances. Presently, the utilization
of biomolecules have come a long way and have received an increased interest from many researchers across the
globe. Literatures are available for the process which can be applied for easier processing and recovery of bioactive
components and biomolecules from some of the prospective fish processing by-products or waste. However, the
technical feasibility does not necessarily translate into economical feasibility and therefore, a fish processor should
critically review by-product utilization options before committing to a specific process.
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Stevens, J. R., Newton, R. W., Tlusty, M., & Little, D. C. (2018). The rise of aquaculture by-products: Increasing food production,
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