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Strike Eagle: Product Manual

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1-6x24 and 1-8x24 RIFLESCOPES



1-6x24 1-8x24 Strike Eagle® Riflescope

Speed and versatility—that’s what 1x variable optics offer
FOGPROOF Nitrogen Gas Purged Nitrogen Gas Purged AR shooters who need to engage targets from point-blank
LENGTH 10.5" (266.7mm) 10" (254mm) out to extended range, and that’s exactly what you get with
MOUNTING LENGTH 6.6" (167.6mm) 6.4" (162.6mm) the redesigned Strike Eagle®. Plus, with an updated reticle
WEIGHT 18.5 oz. (524.5 g) 17.6 oz. (499 g) and a screw-in throw lever, you’ll be on target even faster.
EYE RELIEF 3.5" (89mm) 3.5" (89mm)

1x mag: 116.6ft @ 100yds (22°) 1x mag: 109ft @ 100yds (20.6°)

6x mag: 19.2ft @ 100yds (3.76°) 8x mag: 14.4ft @ 100yds (2.75°)



Windage Turret
Throw Lever

1-6x24 Ocular Lens

Eyepiece Rear Mounting Length Front Mounting Length
3.9" / 99mm 2.1" / 53.3mm 2.9" / 73.7mm
Eyepiece Tube Illumination Dial
Diameter Diameter
1.7" / 1.18" /
43.2mm 30mm Magnification Adjustment Ring

10.5" / 266.7mm Fast Focus


Eyepiece Rear Mounting Length Front Mounting Length
3.5" / 89mm 1.8" / 45.7mm 2.8" / 71.1mm
Eyepiece Tube
Diameter Diameter
1.7" / 1.18" /
43.2mm 30mm

10" / 254mm

Images are for representation only. Product may vary slightly from what is shown.

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Ocular Focus—Reticle Focus Adjustment

Your riflescope uses a fast focus eyepiece designed to
Reticle Focal Plane quickly and easily adjust the focus on the riflescope’s
All riflescope reticles are either First Focal Plane (FFP) or reticle. To adjust the reticle focus:
Second Focal Plane (SFP), depending on the reticle’s location 1. Look through the riflescope
within the riflescope. This riflescope features a SFP reticle. at a blank white wall or up
at the sky.
Second Focal Plane Reticles 2. Turn focus knob
SFP reticles are located near the scope’s eyepiece behind fully outward
the image erecting and magnifying lenses. This style of (counterclockwise).
reticle does not visually change in size when you change
the magnification. The advantage of an SFP reticle is that it 3. Slowly turn the eyepiece focus knob inward until the
always maintains the same ideally-sized appearance when reticle image is as crisp as possible.
shooting. Be aware that the listed reticle subtensions used
for estimating range, holdover, and wind drift correction are TIP: Make this adjustment by taking short, quick glances
only accurate at the highest magnification. through the scope as your eye will try to compensate for
an out-of-focus reticle.

Ocular Focus WARNING: Looking directly at the sun through a

riflescope, or any optical instrument, can cause severe
The ocular focus is essentially a one-time adjustment
and permanent damage to your eyesight.
used to focus the reticle for maximum sharpness. This
adjustment is slightly different for every shooter. A clearly
focused reticle is a critical component for accurate shooting. Magnification
The magnification adjustment is
used to change the riflescope’s
magnification level, or “power,”
adjusting from low to high
magnification depending on the
shooter’s preference.

Magnification Adjustment
Rotate the magnification ring to the desired magnification.

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Throw Lever Installation Turrets

Thread in the included throw Use turrets to adjust the bullet’s point-of-impact. There are
lever as shown until the throw two turrets on your riflescope. The turret on the top of the
lever is secured. riflescope is the Elevation Turret and is used to adjust the
point-of-impact up and down. The turret on the right-hand
side of the riflescope is the Windage Turret and is used to
Arc Measurements adjust the point-of-impact left and right. Vortex® riflescopes
This scope uses Minute of Angle (MOA) arc measurements. incorporate precision, finger adjustable Elevation and
Windage Turrets with audible and tactile clicks.

Elevation Turret
1 Degree
60 Minutes-of-Angle

MOA Models
1 Click = 0.5 MOA

Bullet Drop

Windage Turret

Minute of Angle (MOA) arc measurements are based on the Turret Adjustments
concept of degrees and minutes in a circle. There are 360° Your riflescope features adjustable elevation and windage
in a circle, and 60 minutes in a degree. One MOA will turret dials with audible and tactile clicks. Each click
always subtend 1.05” for each 100 yds. of distance. In moves the bullet’s point of impact 1/2 MOA.
other words, if a rifle and scope were zeroed at 100 yds.
and the target is moved out to 200 yds., the bullet’s impact
will be 1.05” (1 MOA) lower on the target at 200 yds. Most To make turret adjustments:
riflescopes using MOA turrets will adjust in 1/4-minute
1. Remove the turret caps.
increments. Adjustments can be felt by mechanical “clicks,”
which subtend .26” for each 100 yds. of distance. 2. Following the directional arrows, turn the dials in the
Note: These measurements are often rounded down to 1 direction you wish the bullet’s point of impact to go.
MOA equaling 1 inch at 100 yards, and each adjustment 3. When finished adjusting, replace the turret caps.
(each mechanical click) equaling 1/4 inch at 100 yards.

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Image Sharpness—Parallax
Your scope comes equipped with a fixed parallax setting.
The parallax is set for 100 yards. To get the best performance from your Vortex® riflescope,
proper mounting is essential. Although not difficult, you
must follow the correct steps. Please follow the instructions
Battery Installation/Replacement below for the proper scope mounting procedure, or go to
To install/change the battery, unscrew the illumination vortexoptics.com for a video tutorial.
dial’s outer cap. Install a new CR2032 battery with If you are unsure of your abilities, use the services of a
numbers facing out. qualified gunsmith.
A spare battery may be stored inside the
windage cap, if desired, as shown here.
Riflescope Mounting Checklist
; Gun vise or a solid platform/rest for your rifle
Replacing the Battery:
; Scope rings
1. Unscrew the outer
cap with a coin. ; Torque wrench

2. Remove the ; Reticle leveling tool, feeler gauges, or weight on a rope

CR2032 battery. Recommendation: Pick up the
3. Replace with a new Vortex Torque Wrench Mounting
Kit, which comes with the
CR2032 battery with
Battery Cap complete set of bits needed to
the + side facing out. install Vortex® scopes and rings!

Illumination – Side Illumination Control Rings and Bases

Your riflescope uses a variable intensity reticle Your Vortex® riflescope features a 30mm main tube. Be sure
illumination system to aid in low-light performance. to select a base, and matching rings appropriate for your rifle,
A rotary dial is mounted on the left-hand side of the and mount according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
riflescope for easy access.
To activate/adjust the illumination,
rotate the adjustment dial in
either direction. The illumination
dial allows for 11 levels of
illumination intensity.

Note: Vortex® Optics recommends not exceeding 18 in./lbs.

(inch/pounds) of torque on the ring screws.
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Eye Relief and Reticle Alignment To Visually Bore Sight a Rifle:

After installing the bottom ring halves on the mounting 1. Place the rifle solidly on a rest and remove the bolt.
base, place the riflescope on the bottom ring halves and
loosely install the upper ring halves. Before tightening the 2. Sight through the bore at a target approximately 100
scope ring screws, adjust for maximum eye relief to avoid yards away.
injury from recoil:
3. Move the rifle and rest until the target is visually
1. Set the riflescope to its highest magnification. centered inside the barrel.
2. Ensure the riflescope is centered in the rings. 4. With the target centered in the bore, make windage and
elevation adjustments until the reticle crosshair is also
3. While viewing through the riflescope in a normal shooting
centered over the target.
position, slowly slide the riflescope back toward your
face. Pay attention to the field of view. Stop sliding the
riflescope back as soon as you see the full field of view.
4. Without disturbing the front-back placement, rotate the
riflescope until the vertical crosshair exactly matches
the vertical axis of the rifle.
NOTE: Using a reticle leveling tool, a plumb bob, a
bubble level, or an adjustable set of feeler gauges placed
between a one-piece base and the flat bottom of the
riflescope’s center section will help with this procedure. Final Range Sight-In
5. After aligning the reticle, tighten and torque the ring After the riflescope has been bore-sighted, final sight-in
should be done at the range using the exact ammunition
screws down per the manufacturer’s instructions. Use
you expect to use while hunting or shooting competitively.
caution and do not overtighten. Sight-in and zero the riflescope at the preferred distance.
100 yards is the most common zero distance, although you
Bore Sighting may prefer a 200-yard zero for long-range applications.

Initial bore sighting will save time and money at the range. 1. Following all safe shooting practices, fire a three-shot
Do this by using a mechanical or laser bore sight according group as precisely as possible.
to the manufacturer’s instructions, or by removing the bolt and
2. Next, adjust the reticle to match the approximate center
sighting through the barrel on some rifles.
of the shot group. Be sure to read pages 12–13 prior to
making adjustments.
NOTE: If the rifle is very solidly mounted and cannot be
moved, simply look through the scope and adjust the
reticle until it is centered on the fired group.

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3. Carefully fire another three-shot group and see if the

bullet group is centered on the bullseye. This procedure MAINTENANCE
can be repeated as many times as necessary to achieve
a perfect zero.
The Strike Eagle® riflescope requires very little routine
maintenance other than periodically cleaning the exterior
Indexing the Elevation and Windage Turrets lenses. The scope’s exterior may be cleaned by wiping with
a soft, dry cloth. When cleaning the lenses, be sure to use
Strike Eagle® riflescopes feature Elevation and Windage products that are specifically designed for use on coated
Turrets that allow you to re-index the zero indicator after optical lenses.
sight-in without disturbing your zero setting. Though not
a required process, re-indexing the turrets allows you to • Be sure to blow away any dust or grit on the lenses prior
quickly return to your original zero setting if you dial to wiping the surfaces.
temporary corrections in the field.
• Using your breath, or a very small amount of water or
pure alcohol, can help remove stubborn things like dried
To Index the Turrets: water spots.
1. After completing the final sight-in, remove the
turret cap(s). Lubrication
2. Without rotating the turret, twist the dial to reposition it All Strike Eagle® components are permanently lubricated, so
with the “0” mark aligned with “Up” on no additional lubricant should be applied. If possible, avoid
the scope housing. exposing your riflescope to direct sunlight or any very hot
location for long periods of time.
3. Replace the turret cap(s).
Note: Other than to remove the turret caps and battery
cap, do not attempt to disassemble any components of the
riflescope. Disassembling of riflescope may void warranty.

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Common Problems
Point of Impact Changes Drastically After Turret Adjustment
Please check the following items prior to returning a
• Verify that the ring screws are not over torqued. Ring
riflescope for service.
screws should only be torqued to 18 in/lbs, and no
thread locking component applied. Over torqueing the
Sighting-In Problems ring screws will cause excess pressure on the tube,
Many times, problems thought to be with the scope are which will cause problems when adjusting the reticle.
actually mounting problems. Be sure the mounts are
properly torqued to the rifle and the scope is secured so it Point of Impact is Inconsistent
doesn’t twist or move in the rings. An insufficient windage
• Ensure the cantilever mount/rings are mounted only
or elevation adjustment range may indicate problems with
the base mount, base mount holes drilled in the rifle’s to the receiver. The cantilever mount/rings need to
receiver, or barrel/receiver alignment. be mounted to one, solid surface. Make sure that the
forward connection of the cantilever mount, or ring, is
not mounted to the fore end of the rifle.
Grouping Problems
• Verify that the ring screws are not over torqued. Ring
There are many issues that can cause poor bullet grouping.
screws should only be torqued to 18 in/lbs, and no
• Be sure that rings are correctly torqued to 15-18 in/lbs. thread locking component applied. Over torqueing the
• Be sure that all screws on rifle’s action are ring screws will cause excess pressure on the tube,
properly tightened. which will cause problems when adjusting the reticle.
Insufficient Adjustment Ranges
• Be sure rifle barrel and action are clean and free of
excessive oil or copper fouling. • Check that you have the proper base and rings for your rifle
and for your size. If you need assistance, contact a local
• Maintain a good shooting technique and use a solid rest.
gunsmith to be properly fitted to your rifle and scope.
• Some rifles and ammunition don’t work well together—
• Once you have verified that you have the correct base and
try different ammunition and see if accuracy improves.
mounts, and that you have been properly fitted to your gun,
make sure you followed the correct mounting procedure.
See Riflescope Mounting section for this procedure.

Reticle Appears to Come In and Out of Focus

• Check and reset the ocular focus of the reticle for the
shooter’s eye. See Riflescope Adjustments section,
Ocular Focus – Reticle Focus Adjustment.

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We promise to repair or replace
the product. Absolutely free.

Lifetime Warranty.
Learn more at VortexOptics.com
service@VortexOptics.com • 800-426-0048

NOTE: The VIP Warranty does not cover loss, theft, deliberate
damage, or cosmetic damage not affecting product performance.

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© 2020 Vortex Optics
® Registered Trademark and TM Trademark of Vortex Optics

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