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Curriculum Integration in Chemical Engineering Education at The Université de Sherbrooke

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Curriculum Integration in Chemical Engineering Education

at the Université de Sherbrooke

Nicolas Abatzoglou and Maher Boulos

Department of Chemical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke
2500 Boul. Université, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, J1K 2R1

Abstract project of industrial production or resolution of a

problem, as close as possible to existing market
In this paper the authors present a short description of realities.
the first two levels of the Chemical Engineering The students of the two final sessions (S7+S8)
curriculum integration at the Université de participate, within the framework of their course in
Sherbrooke, followed by a more comprehensive Chemical Processes Design, in a design effort, lasting
presentation of the Final year Design project course, a approximately 12 months, during which they are
10 credits activity. This activity is already 12 years “teamed up” to form working groups with similar
old. Its main ambition and objectives were and are to structure to those found in companies operating in
integrate all knowledge acquired by the students Chemical Engineering fields. Each student group
through the “8 academic + 5 industry work training” studies a selected theme or topic, evaluates its
sessions. Such integration brings the Chemical feasibility, proposes a production facility that meets a
Engineering graduates closer to the market reality and particular need, and undertakes all of the tasks leading
needs by opening their minds “outside the box” and to the preliminary engineering of the project.
improving their creative skills and innovation desires. In the new program an intermediate level of
The echo received so far is very positive and the effort, integration in session four, end of 2nd year, (S4) was
qualified as successful by our industrial partners, added, during which the students, in possession of
provides us all with the necessary motivation to sufficient knowledge of the reaction systems and unit
continue in this direction and improve, by remaining operations, study a module of production and define
as creative as possible. The intermediate integration its details. The S4 integration is aimed at improving
level in years 2 and 3 is the fruit of this motivation. the efficiency of the overall educational effort by
preparing the students for their final integration within
the final two sessions (S7+S8).
1. Introduction One of the biggest challenges in the evolution of
chemical engineering education over the past few
Almost all reforms in engineering education decades has been in the passage from the teaching of
programs are based on knowledge integration and the well focused, and stand alone, courses, to the
development of tools allowing students to acquire a integration of knowledge into a coherent engineering
global picture of their professional fields. The discipline. Far more often we have observed that our
development of skills is pursued by means of students’ students can excell in the solution of individual
participation in projects designed to be as close as problems in unit operations, transport phenomena or
possible to the “real world” in professional practice. reactor design, only to be bogged down with the
The new program of Chemical Engineering at the handling of a problem that is ill-defined or that
Université de Sherbrooke includes three levels of requires an imaginative solution. The challenge is
integration. The first level is undertaken within the accentuated in the Chemical Engineering Process
introductory sessions. The students of the two initial Design course where the students are asked to develop
sessions (S1+S2) are launched from their classrooms their problem solving skills in a completely new
to “discover” a professional theme, accompanied by a environment where economics and engineering
work of definition, and sometimes a small-scale science goes hand in hand, and safety and hazard
analysis are of prime importance. In this paper we - The principle of the sustainable development;
describe a series of experiment and curriculum - The managerial skills required for the good
modifications that were conducted at the department organization and in-time achievement of the project;
of chemical engineering of the Université de - The team work;
Sherbrooke over the past ten years, where knowledge - The importance of collaboration and exchanging
integration has been of prime concern. Specifically, information with the non-academic sector
the work conducted was at three distinct levels in our (companies, organizations, institutions and
four and a half year chemical engineering curriculum; government/public services at all levels);
- First year engineering initiation courses (S1+S2); - The importance of the socio-economic and
- Second-Third years integration courses, and (S4); sometimes political aspects of the project.
- Final year process design courses (S7+S8).
In each of these three levels, curriculum 3. Second and third year integration
modification aimed at stimulating the interest of the
students for the integration of knowledge and making project
the link between their mathematics & thermodynamics
courses, reactor design, unit operations, materials and In this project, starting at Session 4 and finalized at
process control. The step was not easy but the the beginning of Session 5, the students, in possession
objective certainly worth while since the curriculum of sufficient knowledge of the reaction systems and
modification aimed at preparing the students to the unit operations, study a given module of production
real life of the practicing chemical engineering who and define its details. This integration is aimed at
spends most of his or her time dealing with integrated improving the efficiency of the overall educational
problems which are not necessarily of purely technical effort by preparing the students for their final year
nature but often involve social, economic elements process design integration course. This project
and even political and ethical issues. requires an active involvement of all the professors in
Although this paper focuses on the final year charge of the teaching of the five courses of given in
process design course, a short description of the first session 4. Every year the professors choose an existing
two levels will be provided in order to better industrial unit and they analyze it with the students in
understand the context of the educational endeavor at the classroom. From this industrial unit, 6-7 modules
the department of Chemical Engineering at the are chosen for detailed study. These could be reactors
Université de Sherbrooke. or a wide range of unit operations. Every chosen
module represents an independent expanded
homework to be completed by a group of maximum
2. First year engineering initiation project four students. The deliverables include detailed design
calculation of the units, set-up of specifications, choice
Since their first year the students at the department of the most appropriate technologies and materials of
of Chemical Engineering are called to participate in a construction and cost evaluation.
knowledge integration project. This project brings This project is now three years old and benefited a
forward some elements which are basic in the small financial aid from the University authorities.
Chemical Engineer profession with the objective of The approach led so far to the creation of a platform
placing the junior students in a context of open detailing the different stages of chemical engineering
problems situation. The students understand rapidly process equipment design and a structured list of the
that it is not enough to master the content of a specific existing technologies in each operational module (see
course and be successful in solving the well defined an example in Appendix 2). Moreover, a data bank was
problems. In real-life situation, they face open- created providing useful information on available
solution problems, often requiring additional design methods per category and technology and
knowledge, both scientific and technical, and a great information sources, including books, manufacturers,
deal of creativity. The experience from this step is Internet links and reports. The user is able to better
very rich and can constitute a topic of another paper visualize the needs, find the necessary information
by itself. At this point it is worth mentioning that the sources and then perform the tasks.
basic elements worked out, and with whom the student
becomes familiar until the end of the first year project,
include: 4. Final year process design courses
- The basic concept of the process and its operational
modules; In the final year design course, knowledge
- The need of an open-minded approach leading to integration is achieved by asking the students to work
high level of innovation potential; as a team to solve a complex chemical engineering
problem of plant design. The students are required to units (physical, physicochemical, chemical,
submit by the end of a two-semester course a complete biochemical or biological process units or operations).
solution of a plant design problem involving either the This work follows the steps depicted in the actions-
modification of an existing facility or the development flow-diagram of Appendix 3.
of a completely new project. The work, which was
carried out in teams of nine up to twenty students or Over the past twelve years where this integrated
more, involves the following steps: approach has been adopted in the teaching of the
- Market study to identify the economic and technical design course, a wide range of process designs and
context of the projects and the principal challenges analysis was completed. These are listed below in
ahead; chronological order. A summary of the 2004 design
- Technology outreach identifying the alternate project is given in section 5.
technological solutions available and options to be
considered; 1993. Design of a Kraft pulp mill to be installed at
- Process flow diagram; three different sites in Québec. The work was
- Process simulation and dimensioning of the conducted in collaboration with an Engineering
principal equipments; consulting firm, KSH in Montreal, and was awarded
- Safety and hazard analysis (HAZOP); the first prize of the SNC Lavalin design competition
- Environmental impact study; of the CSChE in Calgary, Alberta, 1994.
- Site selection and a study of the associated social 1994. Design of a newspaper mill to be installed at
impact; three different sites in Québec. The work was also
- Contact with potential suppliers of the process conducted in collaboration with, KSH in Montreal,
equipments; and was finalist in the SNC Lavalin design
- Process economic study; competition of the CSChE held in Québec city,
- Evaluation of the capital required and the return on Québec, 1995.
investment; 1995. Design of a Kraft pulp mill using different
- Economic sensitivity analysis. levels of recycled pulp content to be installed at three
different sites in Québec. The work was also
Each of these tasks was carried out by a separate conducted in collaboration with, KSH in Montreal.
subgroup within the overall design team. Often each 1996. Design of a new process for the treatment of
individual student was asked to participate in the crushed electrolysis cell liners (brasques) according to
activity of more than one subgroup. The role of the Alcan LCL&L technology to be installed in
individual student also evolved through out the session Jonquière Québec. The work was completed in close
depending on the needs of the individual subgroups collaboration with Alcan International and was finalist
and tasks to be completed. in the SNC Lavalin design competition of the CSChE
The method begins with the definition of the generic held in Edmonton Alberta in 1997.
stages of “Process Design” in Chemical Engineering 1997. Design of two different processes in
(see Appendix 1). Thereafter, each stage is detailed and collaboration with industrial partners:
programming of the actions is schematized through the - JAROFIX completed in collaboration with CEZinc
use of commercial software. This schematization is Beauharnois, Québec.
accompanied by data-gathering links allowing the user - CYCLOHEXANE in collaboration with Ultramar,
to be aware of the information sources for this stage. in Québec.
When students arrive at the preliminary engineering 1998. Design of a Kraft pulp mills to be installed at
stage, they define the technological solution to be used two different sites in Québec with three different
in every process step. The choice of the best-fitted production capacities. The work was conducted in
technology for a given operational module is an collaboration with KSH, a consulting Engineering firm
important step. In this endeavor the students utilize all in Montreal, Québec.
available sources of information but they have also 1999. Design of a newspaper mill using different
available a schematized data bank in which the ratios (between 20 and 40%) of recycled paper to be
modules are categorized according to the desired installation at two different sites in Québec with three
action (i.e. mixing) and the various technological different production capacities. The work was
options available in this category are detailed. An conducted in collaboration with KSH, Montreal,
example of such a data sheet is provided with in Québec.
Appendix 2. Once the technology chosen the students 2000. Study of the feasibility and economic impact of
proceed to the next step which consists in then design modification of two existing plants in
modeling, optimizing and finally dimensioning the collaboration with industrial partners.
- Aluminum metal casting rig in collaboration with includes a summary of the market research, the
Alcan International. technological survey, the strategy of control of the
- Cyclohexane production from benzene in process, the HAZOP analysis, an environmental
collaboration with Ultramar, Québec. impact study, unit start-up procedures and protocols,
2001. Preliminary engineering process design of a maintenance operations and schedules and a detailed
wide range of different chemical processes by smaller economic evaluation of the project including a
design groups (five to nine students). comprehensive sensitivity analysis.
- Ethanol production plant The market research examined, namely, the
- Submarine air treatment system for the removal of prospects of PET chemical recycling in order to
CO2 from breathing air. The “Neptune project” produce BHET by glycolysis. The market trends
- Sugar production from sugar cane in Jamaica confirm the interest of major PET producing
- Kraft pulp beaching using the “Xylanase” enzyme companies to purchase BHET. To minimize costs and
- Oxygen delignification of Kraft pulp be able to sell the product competitively, it was
- Gaseous emission cleaning from a metallurgical determined that the eventual industrial unit should
industry have a nominal capacity of 25000tnPET/year, and that
- Plasma Assisted Oxidation of waste mud it should be built at the state of South Carolina/USA.
- Hydrotreatment of gasoline The technological survey takes into account the
- Vinyl acetate production plant available processes for chemical recycling of PET
2002. Hydrogen peroxide production plant. Project (methanolysis; glycolysis; a combination of the
carried out in collaboration with Atofina in Bécancour previous two; neutral, acid and alkaline hydrolysis),
Québec. The project was awarded the first prize of the their levels of development, the respective reaction
SNC Lavalin design competition of the CSChE in mechanisms and conditions of operation. The gathered
Hamilton, Ontario, 2003. data have shown that glycolysis is the technological
2003. Study of the Kyoto accord and immerging option which offers the best advantages combination
business opportunities for the Canadian Chemical from the technical, economic and environmental
industry. Three possible options were studied: standpoints.
- Biodiesel production plant; The designed manufacturing unit is made up of
- Ethanol Production plant; seven sections: Pre-treatment and conditioning of the
- Methanol production plant. raw material, depolymerization, separation and
The Biodiesel design project was awarded the second purification, finished products management, main
prize of the SNC Lavalin design competition of the utilities (raw material conditioning water loop, cooling
CSChE in Calgary, Alberta, 2004. water circuit and compressed air). The unit is almost
2004. Chemical process design of four industrial entirely automated.
approaches to the problem of solid waste recycling The risks analysis (HAZOP) of the process, the
and/or treatment: equipment and the various products was carried out in
- Paper recycling plant; details. For this purpose, a list of operational modules
- Urban waste incineration plant; and solutions were drawn up aiming at ensuring a safe
- Plastic waste sorting, recycling and/or gasification; and efficient, environmentally friendly operation of
- Chemical recycling of PET. this manufacturing unit. A thorough evaluation of the
The PET design project was submitted for this year environmental impacts associated the operations of
SNC Lavalin design competition of the CSChE to be this factory was carried out. The main covered points
held in Toronto, Ontario 2005. are: the forecast of the impacts generated by this type
of project; the evaluation of the importance of these
5. An example: A summary of last year’s impacts; means allowing avoiding or attenuating the
expected impacts; emissions, effluents and solid
design project residues generated by the factory; measures necessary
to be taken in order to respect the environmental
The project was the Chemical Recycling of PET standards related to the exploitation of the factory. The
(Polyethylene Terephthalate) from the waste PET to factory because of its geographical position must
the BHET (Bis-Hydroxy-Ethylene-Phthalate) which is respect the standards included in Organic Chemicals
the raw material for the final polymerization step to and Plastics and Synthetic Fibers effluent category
obtain virgin PET. U.S. EPA guidelines. The respect of these standards is
The output of the project is the preliminary controlled by the Department of Health and
engineering of an industrial unit able to treat up to Environmental Control of the State of South Carolina.
25000tn of waste PET per year. The final report
The general start-up procedures were defined, and References
the equipment having to be connected to the generator
in order to minimize the impacts at the time of a shut [1] Peters, M.S., K.D. Timmerhaus and R.W. West, Plant
down of electricity, was defined. The operations of Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, Editor
maintenance of all equipments were established McGraw Hill, 2003, 5th Edition, ISBN 0-07-239266-5.
according to the type of products, of the constraints of [2] Sinnott, R.K., Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical
the process and of the operating conditions. These Engineering, Editor Butterworth-Heinemann, Vol.6, 3rd
operations would take place according to the Edition, 2003, ISBN 0 7506 4142 8.
specifications related to each operational unit, [3] Seider, W.D., J.D. Seader and R.L. Lewin, Product &
preventively and in accordance with the established Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and
Evaluation, Editor Wiley, 2004, ISBN 0-471-21663-1.
calendar. [4] Ulrich, G.D. and P.T. Vasudevan, Chemical
The economic analysis was done after dimensioning Engineering Process Design and Economics: A
and choosing all equipments. The costs of the Practical Guide, Editor Process (Ulrich) Publishing, 2nd
equipments have been calculated either directly Edition, 2004, ISBN 0-9708768-2-3.
through requesting quotations from the manufacturers [5] Ray, M.S. and M.G. Sneesby, Chemical Engineering
or best estimates using recent books and other Design Project: A Case Study Approach, Gordon and
literature data. The economic evaluation shows that Breach Science Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1998, ISBN 90-
the designed unit has an IRR of 11.4%. The sensitivity 5699-137-X.
analysis shows that the parameters influencing more
the profitability of the unit are: the selling price of the
BHET product as well as the purchase price of the
residual PET. A program allowing the economic
analysis as function of all influential parameters was
conceived; it allowed establishing realistic scenarios
according to fluctuations of the market of polymers.

6. Summary and conclusions

Based on our experience with the teaching of the

final design course at the Université de Sherbrooke
over the past twelve years, it is safe to conclude that
this course offers a great opportunity to stimulate the
creativity of the students and embark them in a
knowledge integration effort that is hard to match by
any other classical form of teaching. The course has
also been an excellent vehicle to promote their
awareness to important socio-economic issues such as
the Kyoto accord and solid waste recycling problems
and the role the chemical engineer can play to help the
society cope with such formidable problems. Through
the regular meetings undertaken through out this
course, the students learned also much about team
effort and COMMUNICATION in all its forms; oral,
written, formal and informal. The course is without
doubt very demanding for the faculty members in
charge; this is especially true if they set as objective to
avoid going over the same terrain more than once and
capture the interest and enthusiasm of the students
with relevant, exciting projects that are realistic in the
allowed time frame and with still limited resources.
Appendix 1

Generic steps of a design process in chemical engineering

Appendix 2

Example of the categorization of technologies in a field

Appendix 3

Actions-flow-diagram for an equipment design

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